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    hey what’s up it’s your boy Paul Van wheel with his new high visibility shirts and we starting the day off with hot chocolate so I thought I’d be making a vlog about my biggest ride to date it’s going to be about 710 km I’ll keep you posted here are the tools I’m taking with on the ride we got a tube here two tie levers patch kit this is a chain tool and this tool holds the chain in place when you replace the quick link and I’ve got two quick links over here we’ve got a small squirt Lube um multi-tool and scissor for opening some packets and the trusty pump all right so fueling on the bike I’ve got these bags of brown sugar this is a 500 G so I’m taking four of these it works out to 2 kilos of brown sugar it’s about 8,000 calories and I like this brown sugar it’s more expensive obviously but uh it tastes really good it’s got some minerals vitamins electrolytes so it will help keep me topped up all the way to the end and the reason I’m taking it is because it’s just a lot quicker to drink than stopping at the supermarket and looking for food to buy when you’re going on these long trips always remember to take at least one cat with you going to start the ride with an overflowing glycogen tank so got the Bonas and Satan’s powder there bike is set up ready to go got the two penion bags on the back two bottles and the handle ball bag at the front for the battery pack and it is almost 8:00 in the morning that’s when I plan to leave and I am using kamut for navigation I had a couple of motives for doing this bike tour the first one was to see my mate who I haven’t seen for a couple of years me and him go way back to first grade actually so we’ve known each other for nearly 30 years coming up to 30 years now it’s it’s crazy how quick the time has gone by and you can see here I’m riding without a shirt and that’s so I can get some vitamin D on the skin and I usually cover up at about 10: a.m. you can see the hydration is looking strong over there when you aren’t living in fear you’ll be pissing clear and the other motive was to see if I could do a 710k ride from monster to Harlem I said in the video title from Colmar to Amsterdam it’s just because monster and Harlem are not as wellknown towns SL cities as Colmore and Amsterdam or but it’s pretty much the same distance and same location so quick stop to get the sun protection gear going and just plug the phone in so that it can charge a bit to be fair I didn’t really train for this so much I did a bike tour around France from the 1st of May to the 19th of May 2,200 km that was with pine but that was pretty low intensity compared to this so 92k is done just stopped here quick at the match Supermarket to light up on some water going to put these two in the pan bags and put this one in the empty bottles mix it with the sugar water so obviously it was a solo unsupported trip which means I had to load up on food and drink and it made the bike significantly heavier and I really felt it when the road pitched upwards I ended up abandoning the sugar water because it just wasn’t enough I felt really gassed after 6 hours I think mostly because the sugar water doesn’t have enough salt salt is really an important component especially for me on these longer rides or more intense rides if I don’t have salt I feel like something is missing and I feel quite drained but as soon as I loaded up on those salty crisps there was a resurrection that took place for those of you who’ve been checking out my channel for quite some time you would know that my previous Longest Ride was actually a 500K ride and that was a border run where I went from Chang ma to the Golden Triangle and back so that I could renew my Visa and keep staying in Thailand and that was a long ride but I didn’t quite ride all the way through the night I stopped at like 12:00 in the evening whereas this I just kept going all the way through the night and kept going all through the next day this ride was also a lot slower than the ride in Thailand that time was 30k an hour and this time was barely over 24 and I think there’s multiple reasons why this was slower firstly there was more elevation more twisky descents and uh riding at night on those twisty descents um means you have to slow down quite a bit because the visibility isn’t that great and here you can see I use a funnel to pour the sugar this uh sugar was quite um clumped up so it could mess everywhere if you didn’t have a funnel other things are the fitness wasn’t as good and definitely carrying more weight on the bike than that time so all these things added together costs about 6 km per hour and as a result I didn’t make it to my mate’s place at the time that I planned to and I ended up taking the train for the last 100 kilom but even then I still had to ride 16ks from where the train station was to his house so I didn’t give up quite yet for this trip I was in five countries France Germany Belgium Luxembourg and Holland and Germany is hands down the best for vegan products Holland is second and then Belgium and then Luxembourg and then France but even in France you can always get vegan products and you can see here I was drafting this guy he was like what the [ __ ] is this fun Rider doing sitting on my wheel with his [ __ ] fat paa bag and his Beach shorts I have to drop this [ __ ] here’s some goodies that I got packaged arabiata we just squeez that like a gel and U paprika chips and also those corn nibs they were actually cheese flavored which was quite interesting I was feeling so messed up that I actually ended up buying two bottles of sparkling water which I can’t drink at all I don’t know if you guys can drink Sparkling Water but for me my whole life I just hated that stuff as soon as I take a sip I just want to spit it out so I had no water at some point and that cost me quite a bit of time too but luckily when I stopped I actually heard a river nearby and then I went to that River and scooped up some river water and I was good to go throughout the night cuz if you don’t have any water at night you either have to stop at someone’s house or if you’re lucky you can find a convenience store somewhere but there were no convenience stores on this route so I needed to get some water and fast another thing that happened is the ferry was closed I was too late when I arrived in Luxembourg so I had to go around to a 12 km detour so that I could cross the river at the nearest bridge so that also ended up adding extra time and distance to the tour I didn’t take any drugs or stimulants for this trip to stay awake so I didn’t know when I was going to fall asleep or feel like falling asleep and then it hit me at 2:30 in the morning I felt like falling asleep it was no longer safe and I was actually lucky to find an outpost on the side of the the road there’s like this little Outpost it’s very small probably like 1 square meter but it had a gaming chair or not a gaming chair but like an office chair on the inside it was the most random thing but it was a blessing and here you can see the Outpost I showed in the video but uh you can’t actually see it so well but you climb up this ladder and then you just go inside and you can actually shut the door it was really cold at that time it was 6° in the morning so I was definitely freezing a bit I didn’t have the right attire to cope with the cold so I ended up just using my rain jacket and that sort of got me through for the totality of the ride I ended up taking 3 20 minute naps whenever I felt like falling asleep on the bike and that seemed to do the trick every time I took a nap I felt good to go again there he [Laughter] is the real deal van whe eh you can pull in there on the corner eh on the corner there yeah I can I’ll come open for you now here are the stats for going there and coming back on the way back I just slept over at a youth hostel so broke it up into 2 days 400k the one day 240 the next day and I just want to say that Kut is a fantastic app not sponsored you just pay 30 bucks and then you’ve got navigation for a lifetime I hope you found some value in this video chat soon


    1. I never had a problem with my chain : how often are you supposed to use a quick link on the road ?

      PS : try the Belgium Graeffe cassonade to replace your sugar ! Very addictive ! 🙂

    2. This reminds me of the border run ride you did when in you were Thailand. Good stuff. Edit: Ha! You actually mention that ride in the video.

    3. Maybe you check out "Komoot" for navigating and planning routes. Do you know it?
      Edith: I guess, you used it according to the last screenshot at the end of the video…

    4. Damn bro you’re fit as! I’m the same with sparking water- will never understand how people drink that shit 😂
      Also, what was the name of that navigation app you were using? Looked good!

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