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    The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast: 

    when he told me he was 17 I said it here’s Tony he had a dress try him you often see these questions being asked put a visitor from out space about such and such a thing or what would a visitor from outer space think about Ireland I society today for example or whatever during week there had a consultation with a gentleman who is a newcomer to Ireland and he intends living here buying a house setting down starting a business employing people and so on and he wanted a discussion consultation a high level cons a or high level view of a number of issues and it was very useful to have the conversation not just for him but for me because it forced me to think about certain uh aspects of Irish Society Irish life and so on he was inquiring for example about taxation system and I explained my view about it and that was despite the significant amount of complaining and winging and whining you’ll see online and elsewhere about arish tax system being unfair or anti- work anti- labor anti- business anti taker pick despite that International bodies recognized and respected International bodies when looking at taxation systems in the EU in the oecd and worldwide will place Ireland very high up in tax systems which are progressive and fair that’s an external body or bodies taking a view the Ireland’s tax system is Progressive and not Draconian not unfair and that there were reliefs and exemptions and so on that you could Avail of as well depending on your circumstances another thing he was asking me about was the police from Gish shakana and he said with some degree of suspicion that he felt the guarde that he had met were very friendly and I said yeah that’s that’s really a big deal I said and that’s not really put on or false either Irish guards Irish people are generally welcoming and friendly especially to strangers and especially to people looking for help assistance so I also explained about the legal system because he was inquiring about the legal system and I was explaining that it’s a common law legal system based on a similar common law there a system in Great Britain Canada Australia and elsewhere but despite the fact that the roots of the legal system in Ireland are similar to the UK the approach of the courts and the approach in respect of prosecution of crime and sentencing for crime is different because I explained you will find a far more strict rigid application of the law in the United Kingdom than you will in Ireland that we have plenty of laws on the statute books and similar laws for UK but our approach or attitude to the law is slightly different and sometimes I describe it as aspirational in other words the written word and the written statute written law in the books isn’t often consistently applied across the board that’s just the way it is it probably reflects a different personality a different culture a different Society now Society is certainly different from UK Society in many respects and certainly in relation to the application of the law we discussed property and other stuff as well but that’s some of the things that I would tell a newcomer to Ireland and uh it might be useful for other people who are thinking about coming to Ireland other the newcomers I also met a young man who came here from abroad and has a very good education and had a job in a professional office environment and basically was terminated shortly after passing probation and unfortunately because he or she doesn’t have 12 month service can’t bring a claim for unfair dismissal but I did explain that he really should have appealed the decision because if he goes to the workplace relations commission not having appealed then I think an adjudicator will take the view that well they’ll take an adverse view if you want Justice if you want your job you want to be reinstated or re-engaged you really should appeal internally for wor even if you think it’s a futile exercise and is bound to fail I believe you have to go through the motions and finally then I had a call or an email from a lad again from outside Ireland not an arish person outside the jurisdiction he’s a follower of mine fan of mine on YouTube and he was asking me to get him a a warehouse job a letter for a warehouse job and he obviously had some basic understanding that if he wanted to come to Ireland then one of the best ways would be with or pursu to a work permit and so he wanted me to try to help him get a work permit now obviously I’m a solicitor and I do law stuff I’m not a recruitment agency and I couldn’t really help him but I said look I can’t really help you you need to get the offer yourself Etc and then he came back to me and he told me he was 17 years of age and he was from Bangladesh and when he did I talk of a friend of mine Tony and I give him Tony’s email address and I said here this fell might be able to do something for you and if he can’t then he might know somebody who can now I know there’s a lot of talk and strong emotions in our society in the last while about International protection applicant Refugee applicant and then so them being accused of being economic migrants that may be fair comment to a certain extent but it can’t be fair comment for all of them because some of them are genuine refugees and some of them are genuinely fleeing persecution this fell that contacted me didn’t say he was fleeing persecution didn’t say he was a looking for international protection this lad was looking for a job and I have no apology to make quite frankly about trying to help him because it could be my son or my daughter if I was unlucky enough unfortunate enough to be born in a society that is unable or unwilling to provide jobs for his people and so on and I can imagine many Irish people down through the years trying to get a break trying to get a start in London in Kilburn in cricklewood in New York in Boston Etc so even though this lad was not a refugee didn’t claim he W he wasn’t seeking International protection he wanted a bloody job to advance himself when he told me he was 17 I said here’s Tony’s email address try him I hope he catches a break [Music] h [Music] I [Music] [Music] this this journey that I do it’s about 30 kilm like over to kindergart out the Dair Road swing left backround up to clink coming up to clink church now but the great thing about this particular spin is the climes there are some massive climes on it really really good this is one because it’s Steep and it’s long and to another one now in about 3 minutes so this is clink clink church is just up here the left hand side H now school here that Primary School there CH in there the other great climb now on this route is here this is the second one it’s at Clear Mount I think it’s Claremont or Claremont not sure the name of the Hill maybe it’s just Claremont Hill J the tough on them as well very difficult very very steep not as long as the other one but very steep really takes it out of the legs to get home Walk The Bunny and you be I’m up in the saddle or standing out the saddle now I’ll be standing out of it practically until I get to the top of this this is the only way to get up see right put here though Going Down The Far Side here it’s a great Trill but je is if you came out came off you give yourself some fall [Music] come on did this yesterday I did it Saturday today is this hard day in a row it’s a long weekend June I call weekend get to the to [Music] Dam all don’t don’t clear mon this house here that’s five minut views oh here we go don’t H now be interested to see what speed I get up to going down here I don’t have a speedometer on my bicycle but might play one this will fun it’s real coming down there now serious bu it’s real [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] this down here now is Tander V Crossroads also known as the mil Pond down here is cross what [Music]


    1. Is it legal for an employer to draw up a contract of employment using the name of a solicitor on the front page without the solicitor knowing?

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