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    skin suit Lucas Erikson and of course one of his final races for those who or not just Erikson but other Riders here in the pelaton for those who are national champions one of the last opportunities to show that Jersey before the national championships and they’ll battle it out to try and win the Jersey again in what a little over 10 days or so it’ll take particularly for the European season I know the Finish champ ships are are this weekend but the weekend after predominantly every every European nation hosting on the same day there we go yeah most of them says next weekend and you can catch an awful lot of them here at the home cycling as well on Eurosport Discovery plus and on Max as well I am deep in my Italian research at the moment looking slightly smaller should we say Italian right as Hannah because I’m doing coverage of the men’s and women’s Italian national champs next weekend which I’m looking forward to actually particularly on the women’s side where strength in depth in Italian women at the moment is so good particularly on the sprinty front too so they should be good um I love the national champs because they’re such odd races aren’t they they’re so weird they bring together this mishmash of quite often in lots of these nations amateurs and Pros racing together Riders who are desperately trying to beat the highest ranked Riders from their country and then those Riders desperately trying to get into that that that national champions Jersey as well it’s a tough Dynamic isn’t it it’s brilliant and I think as well for for some of those Riders who perhaps are on that cusp of making it into pro teams it’s a good opportunity for them to to show themselves show what they can do and have a good result a good showing but also good for for those going back home sometimes the the odds are against them aren’t they if you’re in a a whe tour team or a pro team if you’re a lone Rider and you’re up against some Continental teams where you’ve got maybe 8 10 12 Riders but nevertheless always an ENT any weekend also let’s not forget some of those nations may not have made their final selections for the road races at Paris Olympics as well I think for some of those Nations they might come down to national championships for those final selections um lots of Nations do it in different way some are done through panels and what have you can remember in Great Britain it used to be the in an olympic year the first place finisher from a National Road Race Championship would go to the Olympics in the road race regardless of who they were even if they were an amateur Rider who who maybe was like a first category Rider who’ got into the race if they won they were going to the Olympics and as you can imagine that made for quite interesting racing particularly in the in the in the ’90s um yeah I think a lot of nations would be like that as well where there’s a wonderful opportunity to show yourself off in an olympic year in national champs um have a look at the listings on Discovery plus folks and you’ll be able to see all the different national championships that we are bringing you here next weekend it’ll be another busy weekend of racing cycling that is for sure it looks an awful lot drier down there hang now doesn’t it I think the shots we were seeing earlier were from the helicopter from earlier on today thankfully it’s dry and for the Riders thankfully that it’s it’s Dy particularly into this running and it’s so fast that running to but poor old uh mat suumer is’s has been a really long day out in the breakway he’s the last survivor of that Breakaway and you can see just how much this is hurting the pain etched across his face he’s just putting everything into this 26 seconds now you know as I said before I think once the the teams behind in that pelaton and particularly those who are wanted to try and Sprint with their protected sprinters today once they really start to put the gas down you know I this Gap will come tumbling but he’s going to try and do something to to put a stop to that 23 seconds 8.7 km the shoulders rocking and rolling can feel his pain I’m just looking at his his stats on Pro cycling stats he didn’t appear to have race since the 19th of May where he rode uh Point 2 UCI national race the bromi gorena where he was 12 actually he’s raced very lightly this year too this is his um well it’s his first depends he did a year at libian Gusto santic according to proy 2020 this is his second uh year at that that level he spent two years in between at Club level racing at National level but he’s raced very very lightly this spring too I just wonder whether maybe he’s had a problem there um but appears to be going very well that’s why he’s making the most of his time because this is the highest level that he’s raced at this year being a point Pro Race all of his other UCI races have been 0.1 or02 and we do our caps to him Matty Zuma because he had a fantastic ride today remaining Rider from our Breakaway with 8.1 km to go and as Hannah mentioned now 2K to go to that third Sprint of the day you know Hanah I I I’m glad you Shar this on there I think that third Sprint of the day is actually missing from my road book print out from the from the road book I don’t think it’s on there but you’re right though um and uh yeah I’m presuming it carries I don’t know whether you’ve got this info that I haven’t got you might have does it carry the bonus seconds as well this one or is it a right it’s a prop one still it’s a proper Sprint it’s comes with the the Five Points towards the the jersey and then the the three bonus seconds too so it’s it actually can almost throw a bit of a disruption a bit of a curveball into the run into this finish because of course teams are clearly wanting to try and go for bonus seconds here we’ve seen that with Baron Victorious Matty mic and UA memores with doen Novak but of course those teams with sprinters they want to try and keep that control there to make sure that they can deliver their Sprinter for for a stage Victory and particularly when you go through the the finish at or Mar there’s a little bit of a a pinch Point uh after they they go through the the line you know it it could offer up a little bit of you know teams lose that organization so you go through the Finish Line you have that sweeping left turn then it’s that right hand turn and then that’ll take you on this sweeping left road which goes to 5 km to go and then you get to the roundabout take that left turn then it’s wide and you have that opportunity to get a little bit more control back but it can certainly add some disruption definitely um 700 M to go alongside the river dver this is the main finishing straight they’ll be finishing on in 6.7k time here we go this is interesting uh EF doing the lead out too and it looks like U also thinking about Doan Novak too na is in the middle na is thinking he’s going to sit second wheel might well take this one by the looks of it um we’ll see though waiting it’s a long run into the finish Ben Healey’s gone with it too as well so this is very much a general classification Focus Sprint uh nav is ready very Twitchy while they follow the UAE Rider in there Ben Healey’s gone early though just missed him out of shot there but I think Healey the Irish Champion just coming off the edge there he is Healey and naves I can’t see Healey beating Naes in a Sprint like this and he doesn’t Jonathan naves the Ecuadorian road race champion takes Max points ahead of the Irish road race champion so five four 53 and one points but crucially 32 and one bonus seconds nav getting the better of them there yeah up against Navas do Noak had to go early didn’t he there and trying to to do something to take some bonus seconds he had one more bonus second to his tally in the general classification nvz takes three but here’s this disruption I was talking about because now Jonathan nvz and Ben Healey they’ve gone clear they’ve got an advantage and they’re actually committing to this so nov despite having viviani with IND the inos grenadiers they’re committing to this move what meanwhile Novak had sat up thinking that it would all come back together he’s got some work to do if he wants to try and get back up towards the front but Healey the two national champions of their respective countries Healey and and NV they flown The Nest well um you pointed it out you hinted at this happening Hannah and and now you see it happened in front of our very eyes they can’t be surprised particularly the two Riders who went for it I mean if it had been say gran and bow house going for the Sprint you could guarantee they sit up and come back but those two no chance once they’ve got a bit of daylight they look back didn’t they to see whether it was worth it they’ve decided it definitely is and na must be licking his lips because to have Healey with you he’s such a strong time trialist and late attacker as well it’s probably the perfect two-up combination these two isn’t it it’s a great Duo it’s a brilliant Duo because I’m curious to see now will nov come through and give he yeah he does I’m curious because the inos grenadiers they’re still sitting very far towards the front it’s only unox Mobility with one Rider and that’s the the Norwegian champion who we we saw up towards the front but they’re fully committing to this move now the disruption and I have to say it’s smart from the organizers to put this so late on yeah yeah dead Sprint now definitely not definitely not because it does throw the cat amongst the pigeons so late on when we go back to the shots and we’ got stalks nesting it’s a good sign to have stalks nesting on your house Hannah there was something saw quite a lot of during the tour of Hungary this part of Europe you get a lot of stalks and people when they have new houses built have their chimney built in such a way that will actually attract the stalks I don’t what happens when you light a fire beneath them but maybe this time of year you just don’t light your fire but um yeah apparently it’s supposed to be apparently it goes back to the whole stalk imagery thing apparently it’s supposed to bring good fortune and fertility to a household by having stalks on your chimney the RS the rspb will be on to you if you like fire in the summer when the stalks are ning can you imagine can you imagine if you didn’t know they were there and oh she light a fire tonight it’s chilly anyway uh there’s confirmation of it Novak still getting that one second there so these could be important come Sunday’s finale in Nova Mesto of course well Riders getting dropped and the first of those sprinty types have noticed there Hannah getting dropped is Mark srow that Rider we were talking about earlier 31y old Frenchman for group armor fdg so if stays like this Soo will not be there to help Paul pen who’s had a rough run into this getting involved with that crash but look they’re being stingy with The Gap aren’t they Naz and Healey pressing on but you’re right there’s an awful lot of inos granades jerseys there near the front I don’t know whether they’re holding and trying to get in the way spoil it a bit perhaps I’m curious once we get through these trees here I mean they’re still wanting to make sure they’ve still got a good position up towards the front the anyos grad is one of the Riders there just pulled to the right hand side the still want to make sure that should it all come back together Vivan is still well placed they don’t want to completely lose that almost front row there we go the the oldest fully preserved panonian house over 300 years old look at that i’ be very careful if I was the fer working on that roof I want to put my full weight on it I put the full weight on their bikes and pedals right now NZ and Healey they’re not hanging around they’ve only got 2.8k to go it’s a tiny little anticlockwise Loop this one and they are struggling to bring them back as well these two they’re not making it easy for for the peleton behind as they just take the last sips of fluids they get rid of the bottles they discard they’re fully committed here and this is interesting when you you look down at EF education easy post quite like in the jodal where they didn’t take a pure out andout Sprinter but they said we’re going to to find stages and find other ways to be able to win stages we’re going to use different tactics we’re going to be aggressive and get ourselves into the breakaways and you know it it worked to their favor with that that Victory stage Victory they had on the on the the mountain top with with uh gorg here they don’t necessarily bring a Sprint to ja and they’ve taken this opportunity so this is the final two kilometers of the opening stage of the 30th edition of the tour lenia with me jez Cox and Hannah Walker we are watching two incredibly strong Riders trying to hold off that Pelon Jonathan Naz the Ecuadorian Champion Ben Healey the Irish national road race champion and it’s coming back together it’s come to the point now where it’s inos grenadiers who pick it up they did wait until the last moment until the very last moment where Naz was being absorb there Healey will also do his best to hang in there because they just won bonus seconds they don’t want to lose time coming into this finish needs to hang on to this group that’ll be a mission in itself as well so inos grenadiers hooking up with Uno X thinking about Alexander Kristoff Kristoff who we’ve not really mentioned so far by the sign on there’s a sweeping left-hander that takes them back in line with the Finish 1300 meters to go you could see the intent in making sure that they were the first team into that leftand corner that was a real crucial point to make sure that they they’re up towards the front they had that position they had that control it’s the former British champion uh in Swift who’s just on the front there his job’s done for the day his chuda starting to move themselves up and it’s unox Mobility who still have the strength in numbers they’ve got that Firepower but at the minute J and Lula are a little bit out of position but they’re coming up fast wow yeah here come jco Lula on the left Karan is the third of those Riders it’s so messy in there Hannah there’s Riders going backwards left right and Center all over the place we’ve done well to avoid a crash there as well look out for mosti as well in the colors of q36.5 who’s trying to move his way up Alexander Kristoff in good position sit second wheel of those two and0 x Riders but at the moment it’s looking like coronov vean is having the best right to the Finish he is third there I presume that Mees gets just in front of him not sure it is actually though Gillan Gran ready in the middle of the shot he switches onto the unox train unox have got an excellent run here at the finish for Alexander Kristoff here goes Gren on the right and where are we going to be down the middle we could do we’re looking back at the middle of the race here we go kovan is leading at the moment but here comes Kristoff the European Champion Kristoff former European Champion I say grenan on the line that’s going to be a photo between grenan and Kristoff what do you think Hannah having just seen it live what do you reckon photo finish it’s got to be between Christan and Gran Gren coming from a long way back there they were a little bit out of position they managed to salvage that very very quickly and put amends to the fact that they were out of position a great job done in that that lead out because of course men’s not able to be there with gronen I’m curious close on the line it seemed as though Kristoff had that almost short to run there’s a slight bearing to the left but it says on our screen Gran gets it there we go well should we wait until we see should we wait until we there oh how’s this going to help us ohly wow we need to see that again close yes yeah I think in the end it was Elma reers the Dutchman who was doing the final lead out I so used to seeing mesg get’s doing that job there he is um Kell Brien also involved in the running two I think o he Dylan coronan well he already has four wins in this race to his name stage wins that would put him clear in second the most stage wins of all time he’s not quite in on the sixth which is the leading one wellsford was there Roven gets the finger in the air it didn’t look like Kristoff was arguing with him either Hannah no not all and this was the this was the moment into the Finish where it was reers who who handed over to gran gran knew that that Kristoff and um KET would be you right up there but then this is where Kristoff goes Gran right onto the wheel he finds his way through that little Gap there bous is trying to get himself in the slipstream trying to challenge in the end there’s a couple of bike lengths and also there was Gomez the the Columbian rider for py coma so they put amends to the fact that they were out of position and well gr ofan knew straight away Kristoff immediately knew as well that disappointment he knew he’d missed out yeah I’d underestimated oh dear there is Luca mesat you can see how he has lost skin as well as kit hasn’t he finished in that group by the looks of it too look at his skin suit Hannah shredded isn’t it yeah it just shows the the speed also in in which Mees gets crashed and yeah perhaps they really miss mesg gets into that final yeah well they may have missed him but Dylan Kenan still gets his fifth win in this race now ahead of Alexander Kristoff so close B house just in behind him it was Giovanni lonardi in fourth for py Sam wellsford dipping in fifth ahead of Dai and dadan in seven Paul penway did get back in there for 10th as you can see from that Lu blower the Belgian Rider in ninth Mark stener Spaniard in eighth look at that for a multinational top 10 too uh notably though no slovenians in there amongst them despite the fact they’ve been so active in this race but some of the world’s very best sprinters too that was a cracker I just I had it down on paper as being a more of a straightforward running but it was a little bit of a sweep around that bend wasn’t it and it just showed whilst Alexander Kristoff had almost that the shorter line around this sweeping left hand Bend just the power and speed that gr aen was able to come to and the lunge for the line made all the difference well for those of you watching on Euros sport traditional until tomorrow see you then bye-bye and to those watching on our digital coverage on Discovery plus and on Max as well you’re going to get to see the ramifications of this stage and some of the Jersey presentation I’m not sure who the group armor rider was there but he had a speed wobble and nearly took out the Riders all around him Han yeah and you could see as well once Riders had done their lead outs and they were had peeled off to hand over to the next rider in the lead out the speed in which Riders are coming past and the difference in speed once you slow down some Riders having to find their way way through it becomes especially when you see it from the helicopter shot and see it from this this bird’s eye view of how chaotic you can be um Riders sort of missing each other and this was the moment there even where grov just gets through in time to start to power through to to beat Kristoff but when the rider from unox Mobility pulls off the difference in speed abani up there no sign of the inas jerseys no well it was longer in the end today than we expected at 206 kilm these were our five riders in the break including the teenager for Adria mobile there looking around to make sure the camera was going to get him in the breakway he actually did quite well in there but he was the first to be caught as well um then things started to break up as we came towards that measley one king of the mountains point because everyone wanted to try and get it uh first of those to go in the end to make that that make it stick coming towards it was thas koros for Pierre baguette and he would survive to the top behind they were desperate desperately trying to stay in the Breakaway knowing they hadn’t even got the one king of the mountains Point either he did survive to top that’s where it was I think I missed it in commentary just as he went through it uh toas koros will be our King of the mountains Indigo Jersey wear up for stage two tomorrow when they roll out zalet it did come back together but then sensing that things were falling apart Matty Zuma took off with a really powerful ride and he won um the first two sets of full 3C bonuses and points for the red jersey competition as well he will not be wearing a Jersey tomorrow but it can be delighted with how things went I don’t know if he’d have held on to that Hannah come honest he raises his hand just as he’s caught um but he had done well to hang on to that speeding C before coming to the finish and not lose time this was that Sprint that that came to the line where we saw that fantastic late Breakaway from Naes and Healey uh Doan Novak T Slovenian Rider hanging on for third but they’re not hanging on to those two in the end though he desperately tried to get with them um and then we had the run into the finish that long lead out from Uno X col set it was as Hannah mentioned leading Alexander Kristoff Kristoff not able to make the most of it by the time Gran started Kristoff with a fine second place but not getting the win haven’t yet seen I don’t know if we will see the actual camera shot there it is as I say it yeah it’s a rims depth at the most 50 mil I reckon by the looks of that 30 30 mil maybe there it is again Rovan gets his fifth win to take him into second place on the all time Tour lenia stage wins record since 1993 Kristoff in second pH bous third giavanni lonard fourth Wellford d d Brena BL and penay in 10th um I’ve written down on my expected my kind of overview of the stages Hanah that tomorrow is a likely Sprint’s finish as well but I don’t know what you think looking at the the profile they’ve got to go over the second category climb the chela I think it’s called but it comes from a fairway out from the finish I say that looking at my profile L yeah 82k to go it’s quite a long way out so um what do you reckon are we up for a Sprint again tomorrow or what it’s going to be interesting isn’t it I think looking at today’s finish the way in which the organizers designed this course and where they put each of the the Sprints and the the king of the mountains of course there’s money un offered on on several occasions tomorrow for the those blue intermediate Sprints but the the final Sprint coming with just a little under 40 km to go give or take so I think it’s going to be a lot more controlled it’s still quite technical into the to the finish I have to say it’s few twists and turns into roash gets laugh in there um but we know the Finish quite well from from previous years and a lot of riders who have done this race before will know this this finish well too so on paper Sprint finish but you never know um there is confirmed the overall classification no great surprise with the uh 10-c bonus on the line either D bran taking overas lead ahead of Kristoff bous

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