Facing the Alps in winter by bicycle (S1E3)
    The Alps are in sight! Join me on my adventure into the mountain area of Switzerland this week.

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    [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a bonjour it is week three and I navigated my way out of Kolmar beautiful Kolmar where I spend a couple of days first with my dad and afterwards he left he went back home and I stayed a couple more days just for some editing and administrational stuff um and I’m currently cycling outside the city already as you can see I’m somewhere in uh quite green and foresty area I’m not sure exactly where I am um but I’m navigating towards basil today Switzerland so I’m gonna do another border crossing um I’m gonna stay tonight at Matt Matthew he’s a warm showers host for now uh moving on until the next week and uh into the world with more Adventures [Music] so quick stop in the middle of the fields um the road hasn’t been that interesting all that much just a boring Gravel Road Straight Ahead alongside a river but what is interesting is what I’m standing in front of right now because can you look at this I’ve never seen so much corn in my life it’s an entire wall hundreds meters long full with cord [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right very quick updates I’ve been cycling through this forest for the past two hours um very nice it’s been going on for 30 kilometers very peaceful very quiet out here but it hasn’t been that interesting to show you the content isn’t that great it’s just a straight road through the forest um I have seen maybe one or two other cyclists and that’s about it and now I have to hurry because I have to go to the Swiss border I have to move on because there might be passport control at the border as well and maybe even a luggage check so I have to keep moving so quick travel update um yesterday I I crossed the border quite easily into Switzerland and there were no passport control there was no luggage check absolutely nothing at all there was not even there was no one at all so uh yeah I made it into Basel and I stayed the night with Matthew he gave me a place to sleep he gave me dinner breakfast so very comfortable everything I needed and he also helped me with planning my route a little bit into Switzerland because my original plan was to go to Lake of Geneva and then the main Wallace Valley but unfortunately the passes over there are closed the mountain passes so um yeah there’s no way getting through I have to take another route So eventually I decided to go to Zurich today and then from there continue my way to San Moritz I have to take two mountain passes which is going to be a huge challenge but eventually I should be able to get to Italy Italy let’s see how it’s all going to work out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] first Mountain climb well Steep Hill big big hill but nothing compared yet to the to the Alps oh let’s go so I almost arrived in Zurich but unfortunately luck isn’t on my side because look at this yeah that’s not great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] good morning and welcome to day 19 I believe it is I’m not entirely sure otherwise I’ll correct myself somewhere here um anyway yesterday I spent the night with Luca and his girlfriend in his apartment in the center of Zurich and this morning I went out to uh to get some stuff because well two days ago I sat down with Matthew and he showed me that it was getting more or less minus 10 degrees Celsius that is um if not more in the mountain passes I have to cross in two days I believe so I got myself and some new snow boots because honestly my biking shoes were sort of AC’s on the road there was just too much air coming in and the same goes for new mittens and I got myself new liners and also some proper mittens um but back to today I just left Zurich and look at where I am right now wow it’s gorgeous out here [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] major setback I had to go through the psychopath here alongside the lake but uh look it’s blocked they’re doing some Road works there so I can’t pass and I have to take a detour a huge detour I was already late I was already probably had to cycle in the dark for more than an hour it’s going to be more than two hours now I’m afraid well I think there’s no other option so double safety precautions because it is getting dark and it is slippery out here so uh I have to make myself visible I’m not gonna film that much anymore I just have to get my ass moved as much as possible and prepare myself for a long dark cold ride [Music] um and it’s daylight again it’s magic no I actually I haven’t filmed anything anymore yesterday after after the sunset because it was completely dark I had to take a huge detour which was not pleasant at all through the mountains it set me back two hours and I was already late two hours so yeah that was pretty horrible I ended up cycling four hours in the cold cold Darkness but eventually I made it I made it up to to Esther’s place my warm showers hose and she had a lovely cheese fondue ready which is the best thing ever I love cheese so that was amazing we had some wine we had good chats yeah it was incredible I just enjoyed the night afterwards it was completely broken it was a very long day but now it’s a new day and yeah I’m I’m cycling towards Liechtenstein actually and since it’s literally around the corner here half an hour bike ride and half an hour back though but still my navigation already made me do some weird weird routes underneath the the bridges but um all good I’m just going to continue my way to Liechtenstein and then I’ll see uh what the day’s gonna offer beautiful Building Museum mountain castle Church very clear water and mountains that’s about it really let’s go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is not only going through a flat flat country flat Valley Jesus I don’t know if you can sense how steep this is and how snowy it is that’s impossible I already had to stop biking three or four times and I’m I think halfway oh I should have taken another way I can’t go back anymore ah for sure as soon as I’m a setting so I’ll be backing in the darkness again I just hope I’m gonna be back in the road before but eventually I reached Deuces where I would stay with Lauren and his family the house was situated at the foot of the first Mountain climb better that ended is something for later [Music] that’s it for this week and I’ll see you in the next one [Music] thank you


    1. I’m enjoying your videos and journey. Quality is excellent 😊.
      You will need to replace those tyres as they are not designed for touring. The brand is good but the model should be their touring series. I’d recommend the Marathon tyre, it’s bulletproof and also fine on any surface.
      Also I don’t understand the headlight location as it’s hidden behind the handlebar bag…
      Keep going😊

    2. I’m really enjoining your videos and journey, superb video quality, great work!! Thanks for sharing, are you on the road a few weeks behind your videos. Keep on going!!

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