    Welcome to my ultimate budget travel adventure! Join me as I embark on a 5-day journey, exploring four incredible cities on a shoestring budget to celebrate my 21st birthday!!

    From the charming and terrifying streets of Marseille to the historic wonders of Zagreb, the vibrant culture of MalmΓΆ which ill see for around 6 minutes, and the picturesque beauty of Copenhagen with my friends, I’ll show you how to travel smart, fly cheap, and stay in affordable accommodations without missing out on the fun!

    Throughout this journey, I’ll share my ‘tips and tricks’ for finding the best budget flights, affordable accommodations, and cost-effective ways to enjoy each destination. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first budget trip, this video will help you get a real flavour of what its actually like budget touring Europe!

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    #BudgetTravel #CheapFlights #TravelOnABudget #ScotlandToCopenhagen #TravelTips #Marseille #Zagreb #MalmΓΆ #Copenhagen #Backpacking #TravelVlog #travelguide

    00:00 – 02:11 – Edinburgh, Scotland

    02:12 – 16:14 – Marseille, France

    16:15 – 27:12 – Zagreb, Croatia

    27:13 – 39:55 – Malmo, Sweden/ Copenhagen, Denmark

    39:56 – 40:44 – Edinburgh/ Glasgow, Scotland

    so it is June 5th 2024 and I’m off to Mars France you we come hi there so our entire journey is mar then zra then M to and that takes us from Wednesday to Sunday for stop Mar as we 2hour 2our Journey Down south on this Ry air 737 Max see how it [Music] goes I never for it I’ve got like an extra leg seat uh because I’ve got the emergency door um I’ve got my little water myself these three seats just to myself Mar is really warm at the moment I think on a too the guy was say guy the pilot was saying it’ll be about 26Β° and it’s very clean I actually like these new aircraft they don’t have anything to put stuff on so I’m lucky that I’ve got space for like my phone and my headphones so yeah here we go so we’ve been in the air for about 45 minutes so far and it’s actually been a really good flight feeling good feeling way more awake than I was this morning this the little bathroom inside yeah 7378 Max that was such a St all fell on breaks all of a sudden so don’t know it is roasting so we’re at the airport we going to try and find a way to the hotel but problem is if I get there straight away I’m going to be too early I think that’s all right I think I could get to the main train station just sort of walk about that’s what I’ll do actually I’m going to get into the main area I think I have to get a bus I have to get an an l091 I’m sure I’ll find it but yeah I’ve got to find that I have to get to Gar St Charles it takes just over an hour to get there so let’s get there so I want to get to St Charles so I need to go sex sex is sex a where’s sex English yes okay my gold monzo oh I don’t know who’s getting bombed but someone’s getting bombed contactless yes yes yes yes yes and yes [Music] I’ve got the ticket L ticket literally L ticket we found six thank you thank you I don’t even have to go to the stadium now but that’s expensive that seems expensive doesn’t it €26 that seems expensive does it not do a price on that €28 €7 why is everything so expensive my goodness as you can see we’ve made it to um big train Center in the center of uh marsill um and I just have to kill some time before I go to my hotel but it’s really expensive actually like I don’t know if that’s good or not I mean I can come back here tomorrow or tonight ooh Marc stickers I love a sticker do you know I don’t have a use for it so if you see behind me all the stairs that’s the uh train station from earlier um but now I’m just out for a walk so I can try and find this hotel I’m trying to kill time as well so um on where we go hi there I’ve been walking for the last hour in 10 minutes in this 26Β° heat and oh my goodness it’s roasting I’ve got some groceries by groceries I’m going to have coconut sandwich an hour and 30 minutes later that corner building right in the middle that’s my hotel it has been a roasting walk it’s not been nice for some reason every road that I take is just uphill I cannot wait to just have a cold shower cuz it’s so warm this is seeing a room is €99 I paid Β£40 hello how are you so you want to buy I’m doing fine I hot yeah it’s really hot i’ I’ve just walked from the train oh thank you so much by look am I sweaty thank you I’m from Scotland so it’s getting better but it’s it’s still colder than here it’s so warm here are you from Philippines no I I everyone my mom’s from the Philippines you were there yeah so I’m here for one night and then I’m in Croatia for for one night and then I’m going to um Denmark and then back home so we’ve arrived arrived at the um B&B um but the room’s not ready yet so I’m going to wait a little bit but um it’s way nicer than I thought it would be especially for the price I mean I paid 40 something less than Β£50 on Advertising for Β£99 a night 99 tonight sorry that walk was brutal because of the heat um I think when I go to the stadium I’m going to try and get to um Olympic Mar Stadium I’m going to take my little my smaller bag just with my camera and like a water bottle and stuff are you quite busy I’m glad I booked early I booked a long time ago thank you I don’t know if it’s a good or bad side but the lady in reception told me to start being careful with my stuff so I think um the reputation of my S seeds and itself cheers right first thing we’re doing is getting the fan on and chilling this place out what do we think so this is what 40 gets you in marsel honestly it’s really nice I am used to much worse and then bathroom check bathroom check oh yes no I am a fan of this okay okay fancy enough for me fancy enough for me I think it’s time for me to take a break have a cold shower and then make a plan hello again I have just got outside the B&B it is still roasting I want to go and visit the stadium by that I mean I want to go to the shop time to get to the stadium so I’m getting a fancy car lucky me hello boss oh thank you there we go I have purchased something from uh Marc’s football team they’ve got a really nice store actually it’s incredibly nice store I don’t do Stadium tours at the moment because it’s a holiday but I’m going to have a look I’m going to have a walk up and have a look at the stadium up close so this here is the stadium of Olympic Mar it is some it’s huge on it’s huge I actually saw this from the plane okay so now now we’re on the way to the like Port the dock area when I was in Palmer the or car I got on this really cheap boat tour and it was great I loved it so I’m going to try and chance it online it says it’s fully booked until like Saturday and I’m not here so I really like to try it so we’re on the way to try and get a bus I was inside the shop again finding out if I’m able to just pay up my contact list and apparently I can so I’ll give that a shot as well so I was an idiot turns out I have to get the Metro not a bus run Point D PR I’ve got uh 24h hour 24hour all the tickets yes I believe I’m in the right place so I booked a ticket on this bat I don’t know if this this one but one of them and it cost right this is a deal see I got my boat I got my boat trip we’re going to go out to an island and then I’m not getting off at the first one I get off at the second one according to the lady in the shop and then I can stay on the island for like an hour just exploring and then I get another boat back and all of that cost € so I’ve got something to do tonight and it’s not just sit in my hotel room or fear of being pickpocket [Music] well we’re on the island the GoPros died oh GoPros died but um I we had purchase no food on the island everything’s shut down I’ve got some crisps got some crisps there and I’ve got a fan we Coke and I’ll just turn the camera around to show you my view it is incredible it’s actually really nice I’m going to enjoy my time on the Wii Island I say the wi Island it’s actually huge and then uh get the next next trip next boat home and then that’ll be it back to the hotel get some rest charge the GoPro battery replace it and then that’s it and get a phone uh charged as well because it’s on 60% which is great but I if it’s my only piece of like knowledge or information I don’t know how to feel so yeah time to show The View that’s a bit of all right is it that is decent and that’s the scran for the island I’m just sitting on the stairs [Music] B over now back in the Metro going to go back to B&B get something to eat and that’s that good evening I have finally got my GoPro back up and working I’ve just left it to charge whil else I had dinner and uh yeah uh back at the hotel I’ve had another cold shower got my bag ready for tomorrow as we can see as we can see um as much as I can do with uh the sort of available time and stuff that I’ve still got to do tomorrow but uh currently the FR will be happy so far they’re joined to Luxembourg but I would assume they will win this game H Scotland are indeed playing tonight we’re not playing tonight actually we’re playing in 2 days time that’s embarrassing Marc’s been really good actually I’ve really enjoyed it just the heat good morning the time is 8 5 in the morning and um I’ve been up for the last hour today we have this ham and cheese with mayonnaise and lettuce I think it’s like a fake baguette have a swear can of Coke just water so um Mar treated me well had a good sleep last night well all 3 and 1 half hours of it got to get to the airport to get to Zagreb so let’s uh let’s have breakfast let’s get checked out then let’s hit the airport time to check out and then head to the metro to get to the airport so out on the main streets of Mars little ticket little ticket feeling P this morning it’s half five got to try and keep this energy I enjoyed that stay at the B&B actually for 40 something lovely room nice bathroom Just sh I couldn’t stay longer um this next place in Zagreb um I wish I had a balcony but I just don’t think it well so we’re going from we’re here we want to go there I’m pretty sure to the airport hit bar Cod here we go as so right chartering this loud aircraft for this FL so I’m in the middle so hopefully no one sits here so I can get the window the FL looks quite busy I’m thinking should I go for it I’m going to do I’m cleaning the window clean the window seat result cuz I almost paid for the seat I almost paid you take care wow we made it to Zagreb look at the plane it’s actually really good flight time to find accommodation Z airport is nice look how fancy this airport is it’s like a modern proper fancy Airport Way too fancy for me so we’re in [Music] Zagreb do you know they never checked my passport I don’t a feel cuz I definitely went down the right one I I I went down the non-eu to UK and nothing to declare cuz I have nothing to declare what is that noise there’s a really loud player or something um bye Zagreb there we go apparently my bus is down here somewhere ah it must be that uh the bus stop over there we are off the bus uh and thank goodness because I couldn’t get a seat and it was really jaggedy now I can go crazy I have got a whole €20 do you know what that bank just charged me a Β£4 a475 fee because I’m from a UK bank like not even not even a conversion fee but they just have a fee because it’s a UK bank so the more you know thank you so much I don’t want to sound biased but I can’t lie I kind of like Croatia more than France already I think it’s nicer it’s less run down you know finally off the tra as well so the good news is I’m almost at my hotel I’m tired though this bag is so heavy I cannot wait to drop this bag it’s so heavy I bet you it is like 10 10 12 kilos but it’s really nice here at the moment the temperature is way nicer than in Mars Mars was crazy but apparently this meant to heat up today up to 29 so i’ L to look forward to so I found my very I must admit Soviet looking Hotel the Hotel Laguna okay so they still want me in there after two I’ve got an hour and 35 to kill oh but I’ve got to try this out this spray I bought this earlier apparently you you meant to use it to cool down I just feel wet now I will admit I could do it another cold shower right now should I eat first should I grab something to eat there’s something right there I don’t know is that a pizza place okay so I have waited in the reception for the last hour for this room so finally have my keys I feel knackered almost fell asleep um this just the heat but I’m in room 233 according to this 2 33 is this way yeah this is really is it okay yeah okay thank you that was the most odd interaction ever never have I entered a hotel with the door already open right well that’s what you get for the price so this is what we get yeah so this is the bathroom I wonder when this was built it it’s it’s giving like 80s isn’t it do you know what it’s giving it feels like it feels like a bald and bankrupt video it feels like a Soviet video look at this oh oh my goodness look at the T oh my goodness right let’s have a look at this view oh yes oh yes and it can open good that is the little little room wait does this work no that does not work great so there’s no AC wow what a place time to go to the stadium I look terrible I’m roasting feeling good so I am out of the tram which was incredibly awkward I got told earlier that the driver would take money and he wouldn’t talk to me I’m like I’m like right at his back holding out money and he doesn’t acknowledge me and then everyone’s just looking at me and it was just really awkward and then when we came to stop here he just wouldn’t open the doors for me and then he eventually did it was just really awkward but I’m here I took it after leaving the stadium going to head into the center and try and get some more key chains and stuff some souvenirs this is the 11 I can get this Dynamo Z grab’s ground was very interesting it looks really run down I don’t know why that was the street that has all of the like um the souvenir shops so I went a bit Overkill I got quite a bit right I might have an earlish night [Music] tonight okay so I’m almost back at the hotel hotel was just there I’ve really enjoyed Croatia actually zag grab has been nice when I come again I don’t know I’d probably go I’m more of a Seaside person I always thought was set on more Seaside hi guys so the hotel gets worse and worse so I was getting really tired having no AC cuz it was really warm called up reception as it says in their policy to do and they told me that the whole hotel doesn’t have AC I was like why is that and they’re like they just haven’t turned it on I like could you turn it on and they were like No And I was like but you did advertise your room with AC and they’re like me so I was like could you give me a fan cuz that’d be great that’d be fine I wouldn’t mind that and they like no great so that tell right doesn’t work now both components the TV works and the satellite thing works except drum roll there’s only one plug on that wall so you can either have the satellite box plugged in or you can have the TV you can’t even have both cuz that’s far too sensible you either have one or the other night do not worry too much folks I’ll be fine the windows open there’s an incredible no Breeze this evening which is great but time is 10 it’s time to go room 202 you’ve been terrible two sorry 233 it gets a solid out of 10 it’s terrible what’s not nice I know how you doing it’s just checking out okay sure perfect thank you very much he was the only Pleasant worker I met in that hotel okay so just over this fence some kind of Nicola Tesla Museum so I think we’ll go and try that out thank you cheers so I’m inside the Nicola Tesla Museum yeah technical Museum Nicola Tesla how cool is this thing like some huge planes here look at everything adreno I wonder if this Rena is just as unreliable as the ones they make now CCP means SSR USSR a Soviet least I think it looks pretty Soviet not that I would know what would look Soviet but that cly looks Soviet in my book and we’re back in the center that tra was good it was pretty quiet and I knew how to use my ticket this time so that was good [Music] it is roasting I need to get this bus cuz the next one’s in like an hour time to get Tom m 860 I asked if there was any showers and the lady that I asked actually laughed the time now is4 5 the flight was meant to take off 40 minutes ago we’re delayed we’re delayed a significant amount well done see you later so it’s not the end of the world I just have to get to another country tonight so I have to get the BS oh my goodness that just cost me1 wait it just cost me Β£12 Β£1 why is that so expensive everything Β£12 well I’m glad I picked the cheapest ticket what does that give me that gives me this ah okay okay so I have a ticket now the bus that was here as you can see in the paddle that’s now left so I hope there’s another bus coming I hate myself so much I even called catcher my friend she didn’t answer say I to Vlog say hi to the Vlog hello hi there um is it okay to ask for a quote how how much will it cost to get to Malmo Central Station 500 500 you can’t do any lower than that you can’t do any lower than 500 500 okay I’m not going to go with you sorry sorry are you sure 500 is the lowest yeah but this is the price normal price sorry this is normal price that’s your normal price noral price okay if you say so mate if you say so I think he’s lying thank you very much cheers wave okay so I have to go to one B you guys you guys look so funny can can you guys is do a number one H cat you do a b yeah Okay g wow I mean that’s Copenhagen airport copen Hamman H right we’ve made it to Copenhagen shout kcha and ATA um for helping me but oh my goodness so as I was um trying to get my ticket for the bus you know what happened the bus left literally in front of me you know this is way nicer than everywhere I’ve been so far okay Hotel Euro Globe oh after you sorry I was just cheers thank you 207 yes oh yeah I have no bathroom I have to go and find something like to beat we’re going to give a friend a call wait the camera D it feels like um America I’ve never been to America though but I’m just saying this is why I’m imagine America if it was like okay go to my right I’m driving the traffic let’s go yeah I know I’m just following other people this is so fun why don’t you guys do this all the time oh no I just my airport just died I can’t hear you my airpod just died on who I just I just fell into the bus lane I just fell into the bus lane I just came off I just came off the um the pavement I just came off wait I can’t I can’t hear you good morning it is my last full day on this trip and we are here in Copenhagen last night the last thing you saw was me on the bike and that’s inspired me to use that again today it’s quite fun walking gets kind of boring but the bike’s quite fun um first thing on the itinerary is to head to Copenhagen Stadium grab a scarf and then look around the city I’ve got to uh I’ve got church to attend later and I’m going to meet my friends there it’s a lot cooler here compared to Marci and Zagreb which is nice I’ve been dying for some like regular temperatures time to get going representing the Scotland top today this is way more my temperature it’s really windy though and look how cool this is it has a thing that you can put your phone in r a bike and it’s working someone just gave way to me I must look like a cyclist 3 m old cycle is almost done that’s copenhagen’s G [Applause] [Music] there so I tried to get into the stadium but they weren’t letting me I have to get to the mall but it looks like I’ll have to take the metro so we’ll see how it goes [Music] who it’s automatic hi guys so right now Thomas and I met in fields um the biggest mall in Denmark we met mom and dad and now we’re going to the church sorry hi guys again my name is Mr Monica s Copenhagen Denmark you edit this right yeah hi everyone again yeah wait hi everyone my name is sister I am a kadwa member and I’m available kadwa member and and Thomas’s toour guard in Copenhagen hello Monica didn’t ask permission for us to sleep over tonight so yeah that’s so boring you’re not in the picture why would I get oh should all be in it let’s all be in it I don’t like it took like do you do the from the ecclesiastical District thing from the ecclesiastical District of serious happy birthday we love you from the ecclesiastical District of Northern Europe hi oh wa that’s that’s how it’s framed by the way that’s yeah I’m aware I’m not that dumb T they’re so boring H and sisters smile can you stand beside at and smile the real sibling the real sibling the kuya and at the kuya buo you have to smile like Thomas yeah like that no Thomas close your eyes a bit more should look oh my God it’s creepy don’t say it’s creepy that’s mean I like your look what yeah they look really alike oh what what are we laughing about catch’s not in it oh I’m sorry it’s okay it’s green I’m color blind are you no how do I turn it around loosen your grip that was such a mon moment sorry man sorry mate sorry mate I have a confession I have a confession with a B screen between I don’t want I have a confession to make I have a confession to make I have a confession to make and Monica are the most they annoy me but don’t tell anyone okay I’ll update you what’s happening later bye this what it’s good try it not sponsor I wish how annoyed would C be if I maybe if there’s a yeah kcha oh my gosh still here katcha wait what the back from hey guys we’re at tiv hey guys there you go we’re at tiv Gardens [Music] [Music] [Music] how’s your day gone so far it’s been okay and what are we going to next there’s someone behind you that’s okay everyone welcome to my guys my name is Michelle Mr chest welcome to TI I’m Vlogging right now right now oh this is School lighting it’s good liting it’s good lightning it’s good lightning and we’re going to watch uh the illum what’s it called light show light show we should talk in Tagalog so he won’t understand magalog bab Thomas I’m just so dizzy oh no no okay bye Thomas I don’t know how many times you have seen my double chin but just edit that [Music] outow sorry sorry sorry wait do it again then sorry [Music] too everyone’s gone and it’s really sad I’m really upset oh I’m going to miss you guys we’ll see each other again in a bit soon in a bit we’ll see we’ll play C or something that sort of concludes the trip to be honest [Music] so I just went to the shop I’m really sad that everyone’s gone you know I actually I thought this trip has made me realize that everything’s good being like independent it’s good going doing things by yourself but I think it’s equally important to acknowledge how important it is to like interact with other people who you really like who you appreciate so yeah no I’m really I’m really sad so yeah me hotels right there time to go back to my jail cell as at Monica would call it everyone’s on the train now I know that’s nice so I hope everyone gets home safe guys happy P God I guess you could say happy tired good morning we are running a tad late so we are in a rush trying to get to the airport we’re going to make it in time it’s like let’s get going let’s end the holiday we are on the road I’d come back here this is the only place my travel so far on this trip that I’ve liked enough to come back again okay it’s in 3 minutes we made it we made it this train terminates here so my flight departs at uh 9:20 cuz the time now is 8:00 to oh we’re early yes we’re early thanks very much see you later see you guess just back in Scotland I’m back just saw a sight and say the plas bus was J H can s go into glass very much she watch see you L hi


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