We pushed on and got to Achill Island . Amazing just zipping by all the beautiful scenery. The people in Mayo are so beautiful in every way , the Wild Atlantic Way #ebikecamping #achillisland #electricbikestore #wildatlanticway #wildcamping


    Checkout our Wild camping Ireland patches

    e e hi everybody so we’re all packed up Betsy’s there ready to rock and roll how was Winston and um we’re going to head off now and we’re going to get a breakfast and then we’re heading for Ackle so akle is where we’re going to get to today we don’t even know exactly where but we get there we’re just we’ll get there exactly and wherever o’l or uh it’s wherever o’clock when we’re camping so it doesn’t matter time doesn’t matter time stays still so back soon thanks for tuning in [Music] o [Music] right so myself and Winston here uh we’re we’re we’re heading for akle now we’re we’re 18 km away from AAL oil so that’s where we’re going now we’re going to the greenway so we film some of it under way and we show you where we are we got a Fed here and we charge up the batteries another a as well so yeah we’re all good to go good to go back soon back soon [Music] oh [Music] h [Music] [Music] we made it tle Island there we are that’s the DAV Bridge that’s the DAV Bridge there so we’re on the island now we are uh tremendous tremendous is that a little bar around the corner there we’re going to just uh uh just pop into a bar maybe it have a beer will we to celebrate getting here we we’ve checked we’ve only about another 8 km to go yeah so um yeah we keep it poos and and I’m I’m going to be showing you on the map where we cycle to and from and that you know so um map I wanted to say this greetings from mland right back soon [Music] [Music] be [Music] me [Music] so we made it to Ted’s pop and we’re having a PK and uh charging up the batteries it’s 5:00 somewh it’s 5:00 somewh yeah and um and then oh God and then we’re going to what is the beach kale kale Beach which is about 9 or 10 km away from here so uh two SK we’re just keeping this posted i’ be putting all this together like with with maps and so on but yeah amazing time I was I was coming in here down that Boardwalk it was down hill all the way with a big smile on my face you know and it just brilliant you seen the Pu yeah well we seen the Pu from about 4 km away the colors on the back so we knew we were close but anyways back soon everybody say hello hi okay bye-bye he amazing we’re heading into to kale there that was a bit of a hill with myself and Betsy got up therea back soon [Music] yeah so we made a tackle uh look this here [Music] right oh and part of that land over there is private we we needed to charge battery so we didn’t there’s no plugs on the pro or sorry the um it’s wild camping that’s what they’re doing there’s hundreds of them over there Camper vans they have no or there is one toilet here but they have no electrics we we booked into a place we need the electrics and then in loer that’s a lot of people at time isn’t it and so I’m [Music] here got burger and then I’m going into the shop T to get something to cook on Campsite in the morning for breakfast just fridge is over there so have to wor it we’re going off but yeah look back [Music] hey I’m out for a spin [Music] [Music] sheep are a big part of this um land they have right away they’re walking all over the streets and the roads and um they’re pretty like U they’re not as frider as the sheep and wicko as I found out but yeah brilliant brilliant place we went off he’s enough Factory to go off up there wondering so I said right if I’m not there I’ll be there and so I had my own little chill out that looks like my that looks like my direction back soon [Music] [Music] hi everybody good morning um okay so I’m in we woke up here in kale Beach we booked into kale Beach I think I told you this yesterday um into a campsite here because I needed power I needed full power we stopped off just as well we stopped off in Ted’s Bar before we came on to here because um um I would wouldn’t have made it it was a long long hill like that so I had it in um I had it in the lowest cure and it was a bit of a slug bit of a slug even though the uh the the motor was kicking in and all but it was still still it’s going up like this you know there gotot of drag on the big wheels but um yeah Betsy got me over that mountain she did she got me into kale here and uh we just we we we set up we charged our batteries for a while we went for SP and it was vital it was vital if are biking yeah we were we were charging it an hour here and an hour there you know but to give her a big full up charge now I’ve five bars now leaving today to head back to Mor rany we heading back towards Westport where we arrived and so yeah it’s being brilliant I didn’t want to film around here at the campsite lots of public and kids and everything around so I didn’t want to fill them um I’ll give you a quick look at where we where we we set up I’ll take a photograph of it and um yeah there’s a kitchen just there having me Force C of tea in the morning oh yeah we put an extra bit of honey in mommy holidays you know so um yeah we’re going to chill out here for like well we’re not going to live here till about 2: maybe 1:00 we go up to shops get some food come down cook her off then H steak or something and um yeah get some protein into us for the climb it’s we’re doing an average of like 30 km a day which um I suppose is is all right on an E Bike I know some of you guys out there do hundreds of miles and actually Winnie here he’s a fanatic Fitness fanatic he’s gone for a jog there yeah and then he went off for a cycle off some big hill there I I decided to take the P of leash resistance and sit down and um uh take some viewers so look um yeah we’ve back on to keep the posted on this adventure it’s being brilliant it’s been absolutely amazing and I’m already planning me next o Atlantic way one I’ll have akle done planning another one okay so look back soon bye-bye so people this is where we are and that’s where we camped in there that little spot there is a camp so we charge up all our batteries so k Beach so hang on I for this around yeah so uh that’s where we are and now we’re heading the 29 km back to Mor R yeah and there a tough Hill here so uh got a bit of work to do yeah let’s go gu so heavy we need Super F on back we get a toe bar anyway um back soon this place is wonderful absolutely amazing and I still didn’t get down there but I’ll be back for sure and we’re basically do on two days by back now 30 km each day and can’t over from me so uh we’re on our way back to Westport so we’ll see us along the way I’ll stop off at some nice spots for some Vios okay back soon byebye yes so guys we’re back at D Bridge uh this is M the mainland and this is akle Island there and we’re going to say goodbye to akle it’s been wonderful having an akle I’ll be back yeah isn’t it great Beau it’s more exploring to do but H the two nights ofle yeah brilliant wasn’t it beauti I’d recommend it to anybody 100% yeah yeah and I’d recommend an e boy cuz as bar be what he says agle up here a lot of heels in it that you want to be super fit yeah you want to be really fit which I am and winie is he’s super fit so look we’re going to say is in M our next up is M that’s in 14 16 km okay say [Music] let it show cuz I need [Music] know I want to know [Music] what only if it feels right I want to know if it feels right when it’s flowing through your mind let me know when it feels right I want to know if you mine only if it’s feeling right put your troubles on the line Y I want oh it’s F cuz I’m here tonight going be [Music] sal sal salvation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cuz I need to know I want to know what up mind [Music] only right and I want to know if it feels right when the strong three your M let me know when it feels right and I want to know if you are mine only if it’s feeling right but your troubles on the line I want to know it’s [Music] right cuz I’m here tonight I’m going to be your salv [Music] Sal to be Sal and to be [Music] Sal just let me know just let me know just let me know shells shells yeah so it’s getting windy so we put up the bikes and we covered the uh the penny our bags and that in case it rains it’s not meant to rain that’s the view outside he tent best view so far this week yeah all right Winnie we’ll see you tomorrow brother yeah see tomorrow what did you forget what do you like there bar chocolate in here all right okay right I’ll see you tomorrow buddy on there we go yeah it’s getting very windy look at my face got burn my nose my cheeks put wearing my sunglasses I can see a white yeah it’s like a [ __ ] um yeah whatever it’s like anyway look um I’ll see us uh in the morning um this was just an amazing journey this was uh one of my favorites so far anyways see you in the morning C for now night night byebye yeah so good morning everybody uh um fourth night on there uh we’re in M ran show just there last night so I’ve been um sitting here thinking it’s very bright I did be say it no I’ve been sitting here thinking I I I way over overpacked like uh this tripod here it’s a Kil away and um it’s a I’ve only used it once brought this as well um me chair the chair that I have and a lot of places there benches around and so on I didn’t need that that’s 2 kilos straight off I bought three locks I only needed one down here uh I could really knock 5 kilos off I’m going to try just go out with about 7 kilos just just me basic sleep kit I brought extra cook kits or pans and pots and that either again I haven’t even used um so I’m going to chip a lot off before my next uh Long Haul uh like these bags here basically um I didn’t really have to open them last night one or two things I had to take out just close and that some things is light but it’s it’s extra gear I’m looking around um so I want to keep the optimal weight down the lighter that bike is with me and all me gear um the the better it’s going to perform so if I’m overweighing and I’m dragging around trailers or wherever I know I didn’t have a trailer but yeah um I’m going to go lightwe on it so uh yeah so we’re going to pack up now and we’re going to head off off we were going to wait around for Dar to open and get a full hours breakfast but we’d be waiting around an hour plus we’d be in new part in an hour so um yeah so we’re going back up here get our stuff um together and um hit the road then head for Westport head for the train head back to Dublin I sad I missed this place this has been amazing amazing adventure okay look back soon beautiful out here man what they beautiful that’s Lovely isn’t it yeah this is what you doing you know thought about for moments like this you don’t get to sitting on a couch at home [Music] fantastic good Lely yeah she this morning 5:00 this morning Qui the T you must have be lonely one them nearly dragged into it I’m record I’m going to leave that [Music] have she done ourselves up with a bit of makeup and a bit of lipstick next time I bring a little bit in new sting bag oh it’s probably the Marino will L we that was ATT TR I think you know they think it’s some lost relations just [Music] [Music] [Music] there’s a bit of mist coming in over the mountain boy [ __ ] going to get me rain GE out just in case [Music] be [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yeah so I made it back to the very beautiful and picturesque town of Westport uh win he was parked up there and as he lives around the corner from me he’s taking on me bags except for um uh me video stuff and everything I recorded everything on this this was a a beautiful amazing County I’ve loved being here I’ve loved the people met loads of Dubs who actually upped R and moved down here um yeah and you can see why there’s nothing woke down here or there’s nothing like that going on down here so uh it’s just beautiful it really is so I’m going back to the train station now um I have in my head God I have tons of work to do and this it’s going to take me longer to transfer all this over onto my computer than it is actually to edit it so um I’m looking forward to getting home and putting this one together I want to thank everybody for watching and tuning in yeah and I want to thank bet here for getting me all through every Hill that we needed um I’ve learned a lot about overloading and I’m going to be going super light late the next time so I shouldn’t have any problem with any Hill down with so um yeah so look thanks everybody for tuning in I’ll see you on the next adventure oh and Winnie you’re a legend mate one of the best traveling buddies I’ve had there wasn’t there wasn’t any hassle us was it we just rolled with the flow so anyway thanks weie for making it even more special and we see you all on the next one thank you bye right


    1. Yeah its great you figured out what stuff and gear you can get away with not bringing. Even a first trip like that is informative. I couldn't believe some of the weight of the gear as you were calling it out. Surely even a lighter load will give you more distance on Betsy.

    2. All the way there and didn't drop into Keem bay … Or see the deserted village! I was out at Westport today and onwards to Croagh Patrick. Long car spin .. Day visit. Back in the Big Smoke at 10pm 🙂

    3. Fabulous trip! Glad Betsy was up for the trek, she still looks brand new so good going. I camped in Keel a few years ago. It's a stunning place. The chipper was only open on a Friday evening – island living. Glad it went so well. I received my chair today btw so thanks so much for that!!

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