Dealing with VUCA: The US Air Force Training Manual. Prof DDr habil Klaus Oestreicher will talk about a smiling comparison of what the US Air Force training teaches and what it means in economic organizations. Many lessons can find good use in project management.

    Klaus Oestreicher is the President of The Nyangani Virtual University, an international Keynote Speaker, and an author. His research is in systems and strategy. For several years, Prof Oestreicher taught Project Management at the German University in Eisenach.
    He is a fan of the development of innovative higher education, e.g., cross-disciplinary fields of knowledge and cooperative education (academic degree + ISO certification) and top-up studies. His numerous publications in Europe, the USA, Africa, and Asia are impressive.


    yes so Dr Klaus Striker is an internationally active academic with strong roots in multinational corporations he considers the present world as one huge new project which must do things very differently to before and reinvent itself so welcome and I’m stopping sharing the screen it’s Laura is all yours thank you thank you very much I hope that you can all hear me well and that everything is uh okay I start to share the screen and where is it from beginning so yes the short introduction which uh thank you for this has already shown a little bit of what I wanted to talk today but I do not want to express and start with my own thoughts I want to use the uh very famous researcher on the future Matthias horx who is from Switzerland and he has written shortly after the covid-19 crisis started that there are historical moments when the future changes direction we call them before occasions or deep crisis these times are now the world as we know it is dissolving but behind it comes a new world the formation of which we can at least imagine these thoughts are EX expressing perfectly the vuca framework if you like we are living in a highly volatile world where things are changing faster than we can often imagine and follow up we have a lot of uncertainties it is so fascinating to see I just yesterday got a message from a colleague who or former colleague who told me that they had prepared a transfer of from their Bank to an U.S Bank and uh the their own bank called them back and said uh excuse us would you really like to send the money to this bank because uh this U.S bank is in financial troubles and it might be that it uh that your money will never reach your customer so the question is 20089 we had a crisis in the financial system which was very dangerous and now again after all the rumors with the uh Silicon Valley bank then the UBS credit Swiss bank and now this American Bank again excuse me are we going back to where we are just coming out of it’s 15 years just so the uncertainties are extremely high then we have these many other crises which are going on kovid may be fading out for some time but there is the very very sad sad and unfortunate situation in Ukraine then we have this financial situation the complexity of the interacting services and interacting crisis which we face is very very high and to find any clear-cut line in all of this is extremely difficult so what we are embarking and this is my prognosis and not only mine is in a completely new uh chapter of our world history so when you read these uh perhaps a little bit uh funny lines in the first moment I’m grateful to a former student who was a pentagon member who made his master’s degree with me and I had the honor and pleasure to accompany his thesis then you have a real real big problem uh following up in the speed in the in doing the right things God in combat competitive combat we are having all this language and there are always some forms which we can consider and see in a project management form as well there is a very famous uh multinational food company which is called Lidl and little is a German company which is in very many countries and has also gone overseas and as so often in project management there are some problems what was this topic the high command of little in Germany had decided to take a 26 year old manager 26 year old and if this manager the opportunity to build up little operations in Australia very good a young person fresh ideas and all these things but what would we ask about how deep are the experiences how seasoned is the behavior is that a person really in the position to develop a strategy for a market which is on the other side of the world from a German perspective and a person which or who has never lived in the com in the uh area of Australia doesn’t know anything about the shopping attitudes in Australia and so on and all you are seasoned project managers you already certainly have all the bells ringing which you can imagine because the point is there are so many question marks for what makes a good and a serious project that it is nearly impossible to have the situation right and effectively prepared even worse the test shops which we used were not placed in Australia no they took up an Australian shop and placed it somewhere in the northern German area and tried how Northern German not a big city customers would accept such type of a job of a shop so the question is how can such information be valid and reliable for a shop which is 10 000 16 000 kilometers away impossible the end of the story is what had to be expected the project was so badly set up the strategy which was in this entire project was so undecisive so ambiguous and the uncertainties in it were beyond what such a project can bear total failure a complete loss of not only a quite some money but also the start in Australia failed entirely and this is something which we can observe and realize very very often and if you ask people and if you research a little bit what is the biggest problem I’m certainly not telling you anything new about it the problem is that there is ill preparation that the things are not thought through it is impossible to transfer so many variables into one constant continuity such as culture such as different language such as different Behavior beliefs which are the soft factors the heart factors I have and a purchasing price for products I have a selling price for products I need a shop size of so and so many square meters or square foot feed that is the easy part of the thing it is the other part which makes these projects very very volatile and very different I cannot transfer these experiences from one to the next place so competition is certainly no place for prayers but for Effective strategies and it is about sound tactical choices and effective deployment of operational forces whether you are in in project management whether you are in another function there is a rule of thumb the more an organization a company speaks about strategy you can bet on this the less they understand it they have no clue about I have totally ruined my own daughter I must say because I taught her very much during her studies not as her teacher but as her father simply about strategy that she was sitting in an organ in the company she worked with at the time when they had their big strategy meeting and she was always sitting there and saying that’s not strategy that’s tactics that’s not strategy that’s operations and in the entire uh presentation of strategy there was at in the end nearly nothing about strategy sir let me let me see about uh the thing which I said in the beginning what that we are starting to go into a new world I personally have been in the center of the hurricane if you like twice my industrial background is much in the music and in the Hollywood industry and the situation was I was in the center when there was the shift from vinyl records to compact discs in the early and mid 80s and the second pleasure of the same kind I had when this shift was from VHS cassettes and DVDs occurred so the big point is at the end of the DVD or at the end of the VHS cassettes or the manufacturers they were looking desperately for some solution because many of them had uh not realized that they have to adapt to the new world which is emerging just as Hearts is now predicting for all of us and the big big solution which was on the horizon was the digital vhsca said I am pretty sure that very many of you have never ever heard before that such a thing like the digital VHS cassette has ever existed yes it did no it never made it to the market because the problem is it was the end of the system the end of the system as we knew it it was a big vocation and non-linear continuation of the system there still was home entertainment people wanted to view videos people wanted to look at movies in a good quality even in a better quality and exactly here’s the problem the digital VHS cassette was a bit better than the VHS cassette but the problem was it was not good enough in comparison to the DVD so the problem was simply that this competitive situation was an inferior and inferior product which tried to go to the next higher level which was already preoccupied by a point like the DVD and this is something where we really need to understand that we cannot compete with inferior products and solutions against higher levels of products sir and here you have a very nice thing corporate strategies in the U.S corporations demonstrated that just 10 percent of them had a good strategy so my question I asked this question before as well in the times when I was lecturing project management is how often have you realized I’m asking you that there was a real strategy where you knew exactly what these people wanted what these people had in mind how often was it necessary to help that you can discover what you are expected to do especially when you are not a member of the organization and just coming in as an external I personally came to the to a company or I was in the company and came back from holidays and my manager called me the first day into his office and that to me listen our French representative is leaving the company she is retiring at the end of the years in four months and we need to find a solution can you set up a company in France that was the end of August I looked at him in the face and said yes there is no problem I can set up a company where’s the problem you go to a lawyer the lawyer types in some parameters a contract of constitution of a company comes out whether in French in English or something doesn’t matter but the problem is that it is not everything I will never forget to see a sweating manager who had to sign 25 or some uh 27 pages of a paper where he was not even able to read a single word because he did not speak French and the entire thing was in French of course I could explain it to him but whether I ex I explained everything or correctly translated what he what was standing there he didn’t know then the next point is it is not just about setting up a company it is about the offices it is about the staff it is about the entire infrastructure soft and hard and the strategy which was underlying there was simply not existing the point is they had to act they knew that this representative in France will retire they didn’t do it they reacted at a time when it was in the end already too late and asking themselves what has happened came three years later I had left the company when they had to close down this French subsidiary with a total loss of 7.5 million euros because there was nobody who ever understood how the French Market Works how the French Market has to be dealt with and so the entire project which was no project because it did not correspond to anything which makes a progress was a loss an entire loss for the company and this is something where we must understand what is going on so when you think what just what I could listen to the the speaker before she had a very wonderful approach by these many little tiny details these little tiny screws which you must consider which you must respect and here comes the point that too often too many of these screws are missed there is not the big picture there is just some small part of the picture and not considered is that you have the problem that you must understand what is going on in The Wider situation so when I for example take let me allow to speak about one example Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz it’s quite a while ago I had a very very lovely discussion with a senior manager from them and he told me the story of Mercedes-Benz the big big guys are being asked about cars needing upholders in their cars because in the United States on the market everybody wanted a car with cup holders okay Mercedes-Benz has no problems they made cupholders know they did not make just cupholders they made very fancy cupholders the fancy cup holders went with the cars of course to the United States on the first day of delivery and they just arrived and Mercedes-Benz United States gave a call and said are you serious and they asked why are you asking us and they said yeah your cup holders oh aren’t they fancy aren’t they great and they said yes they are very fancy but there’s a problem with them okay which one yeah you have these small cups in Europe but we in the United States states have the big cups you your cups may fit in our our stoned so the complete thing was failed and it has caused Mercedes-Benz Millions to repair the situation and the competitors had a very very good laugh and promoted especially the comparison between the tiny cup holder and the big cup holder so the competition went entirely wrong you had the real real problem that this project if you like of building cars with cupholders was not meeting so when we come about uh the uh situation of specific in comparison to complexity we have so many complexities and we are living in a fast-paced world when we are having today a situation then we cannot guarantee that this same situation still counts in the next six months the same we are living in a fast-paced world which is increasing its speed which is increasingly unpredictable where we cannot predict whether we have the opportunity to have the same circumstances very soon think in terms of immobility in the moment we have this big big Global project immobility running and this e-mobility project is so fanciful and so highly promoted there is only a big big problem with it a as a senior Audi manager as a told me in a seminar where he attended which I gave not too long ago and he said let’s also so funny because on the entire or in the entire world you cannot find enough raw materials to build all the batteries which e-mobility for our existing cars needed it is impossible to have all these batteries built whether you need these specific Earths or whether you need a cadmium and all these things there is not enough around the second thing is yes we must do something for climate against climate change but what we have as a terrible problem is we might reduce our CO2 emissions but the electricity must be produced as well and so far there is nowhere a place that we can provide enough green energy by wind and solar energy for that our cars can be loaded with batteries and when these cars come to the end of their lifetime then you have the big problem what to do with batteries one other student which I had he made his MBA just out of fun for uh because he always wanted to do it was a top manager from BMW was a British man and he told me at the time when he was my student that he just came back from the United States and was requested by the Omer Obama administration to research whether it is possible to set up a system in the United States comparable to petrol stations for the exchange of batteries and he came back and we discussed this a little bit and he said it is simply a clear no it is impossible too many types of batteries too many different types of cars too many uh little things here and there we cannot build a complete entire infrastructure by exchanging batteries we must build charging stations so these generic strategies which we probably know they are fine and they are nice they are a little starting point they always hit somewhere but when it comes to such specific things like different types of batteries like different types of dissemination distribution charging reloading and so on you must be precise you must set up something which is detailed and which allows to the uh to live with this on the long term because we speak about the uh entire situation which we have in our entire environment so when we speak about uh basic strategy strategic rules you must not go away from what you understand in the moment just sticking with the car manufacturing industry there is a big problem everybody probably knows the Volkswagen VW cars to which belong Audi to which belongs Porsche or the other way around if you liked which belongs skoda to which belongs sayard in Spain and the situation is simply that they are now facing a difficult thing they have developed they are a software system themselves for the many cars and they are suffering terribly because this software is not properly working there are problems here and there I recently spoke uh two three weeks ago with a manager from them and uh from a big car dealer and and he said we have given up we are getting new uh software Solutions every six months and with the big big promise everything is now solved and it works it is fantastic and there is no problem anymore and he said we built it in and it takes four weeks six weeks and we are in a mess again whether it is this brand or whether it is the other brand e every car in which this software is located and placed in it doesn’t work it does not work at all and the situation is that he also said the problem was instead of giving this software development to somebody who understands the job and who is able to do the job properly they made it themselves and they went out of their competence Zone their comfort zone they went into Uncharted Territory for them and they violated their core compare competencies and if you consider a today’s car I when I made my Master’s Degree many years ago meanwhile there was a nice article that uh nowadays at this time there is a car which is uh just a car with many chips but very soon there will be a chip on four wheels and we have now arrived at this situation of a chip on four wheels and the complexity in this entire situation is so high that everything is fitting together with something else and this is a systems question and the iron rule of systems and project management as well is part of the system everything is connected with everything you cannot dissolve something and expect that it will not have not any effects on something else even if you cannot see it if you if you cannot feel it in the in the first moment simply said it will be there and will come up somewhere at some time so the problem is when you speak about competencies and competencies you must make sure that you are navigating in an area which you understand because today’s volatility and fast-paced developments just take the keyword of artificial intelligence just reflect a moment on the fact that in the next 7 to 10 years 50 percent of the entire Workforce in the world will be forced to re-skill entirely you to artificial intelligence 50 percent Plus and here comes the next caveat the entry barriers for jobs are permanently increasing we are getting at a level of an entry level of jobs which are demanding higher and higher qualifications just to get the job so what do you do with all those people who are not in a position or who are not able to do such a job the German Federal agency of Labor with uh whom I.E consulted with and we had long long discussions and they told me we have a general unemployment rate presently of about 4.5 4.6 which will never go away not because they are all only people who do not want to work and do everything to avoid work they simply cannot match the entry requirements if you take Amazon if you take many of these other people who are running warehouses where you find many many jobs where people are just simply packing parcels and deliveries that will be done by computers by robots very soon you do not need anybody for that you even do not need them now but it is not yet reliable enough and that is something where some big big surprises are waiting for all of us for policy makers for governments and especially for people who will find it increasingly difficult to get a job despite that presently there is a scarcity of stuff all around so speaking with the same language that is something which is often one of the biggest problems in a company can we do this yes we can as I said to my boss can we get the company ready yes we can get the company ready by Christmas until the French salesman uh will uh will leave and the French company will work we can have the staff but there are more things to do when I had established this company and when everything was ready I was in the finance department and the first invoices for the French customers came out I took one looked at it and thought okay nice I took it went to my good colleague the CFO gave him the invoice and said have a look at it can you see something and he looked at the University yeah fine his prices are okay it’s all fine it’s all there what needs to be done and I said have another look what is wrong he looked again I cannot find anything which is wrong and I told him we are speaking about the French Market we are speaking about the proud French people and what you would do you want to send them an invoice in English language are you serious oh that was not planned that was not considered so the big point was it was not impossible to do it it was very possible to to implement the new system in French language it’s just a question of serious money and it was not budgeted so this is the thing yes we can do it yes there is a possibility to do the things as they are but if you consider the complexity of what I just said everything is connected with everything if you do something somewhere you must expect that there is somewhere another interface where these things are having often enough unwanted impacts sometimes even very good and positive impacts but thinking things through not just in your own nutshell in the own part of what one is responsible for that is something which is too often forgotten and which creates further uncertainties because the uncertainty for others are with who are depending on a decision which is made is increasing when these things are not well reflected and the point is and that counts as well for project management think in terms of four layers if I do and decide this then the next consequence will be this one and then the next level will be that one and it is opening because every time when you have such a situation you will see that there are more and more decision makers and effects of the decision which are or who are affected by these decisions and we are not just talking about if we think in this systems about humans we are speaking as well out about non-living beings and non-living being is for example the software to produce an invoice in French then instead of an English language so the Precision which we need to understand is that we have enough data and that we have enough information it is not just about learning what the market might expect like we have it in the moment with this immobility this immobility in not only my opinion is a very short-lived phenomenon because it is not sustainable it cannot be built on the right way the future the automotive industry will heavily contest it because they invest billions in it the future of the car and Mobility will be that we have hydrogen this is the real future of them our automotive industry the other thing is for example we must understand that things are possible but not doable I had a very nice study where former uh former era a former pilot from a commercial airline wanted to investigate because he he had heard that in the future there will be the planes without pilots and there were tests that the pilots are replaced by computers and the situation and the findings we had were very interesting it is absolutely easy going in of course not so easy in the technological side but it is absolutely doable to have the commercial and other airplanes airplanes without Pilots they can fly from from Paris to Sydney and you do not need any pilot in the cockpit it is safer it is more cost effective and it will have less crashes because everybody knows that Pilots are the main reason for every crash but and this is a very big bud passengers he had interviewed were terrified by the idea to sit in a plane where there is no pilot where there is simply just the opportunity of seeing a machine working even if it’s three three time backed up and and end and that is something where you must understand that not everything as well as we are changing now with artificial intelligence chat GPT and all these things which are coming up what is doable is one thing what is acceptable is often enough quite another thing and this is worth reflecting on it so when it comes to a situation where we have for example Multicultural influences when we speak about the situation of different languages and I do not speak about for example uh Bahasa in Malaysia and an African dialect and the European language I speak about the cultural differences that is where it makes very very difficult I’m personally right now involved in setting up high tech modern thing a drone School in Harare in Zimbabwe that is a very very interesting experience Africans technology is coming from India from a very very impressive cooperation and we are me and two colleagues in the middle bringing everything together and the biggest thing is not that we are setting up the opportunity that there is a flying field that there are computer working spaces there are there are things which simply are needed physically the problem and we have set it up really as a sound project because none of us has done it before in this way that is the cultural understanding bridging different cultural expectations starting with different time expectations starting with the difficulty of understanding uh when the Africans want to visit the Indians what how complicated it is to get a visa and these things so this is something that we still are struggling despite that we have a very very strong strategy and it is clearly set up and decided com and supported by everybody to make it happen however we pursue it we do not accept that this is impossible or that this is impossible it is about finding Solutions and the volatility and the uncertainty which is coming up here and there which starts with regulations from higher education authorities because we want to have a bachelor’s and master’s degree involved so we need the higher education regulations and they must also be parallel and adjusted with the civil aviation authorities who are requesting that because we are not speaking about a tiny living room drone we’re speaking about the big ones uh 20 kilo is the smallest that must be considered and this way we are having really much work additional work by finding the opportunity to stick to a strategy sir when you have too much stock is when your product strategy is wrong and it is not about only the the product strategy we are speaking about the situation that we must be very careful in our considerations take me to the uh situation that we have sometimes Domino effects at the end of technological systems when we are coming to the end of an era and this was a very very interesting project when the tubes for TV players were coming to an end and it is sometimes when you are coming to the problematic that you have a fully working Factory and the market is in Rapid decline because nobody needs any more your products it is about the time when it comes to the opportunity to find just a market for the rest of it and there is there it is very important to recognize when is the life cycle of a system of a product system coming to an end and find Solutions in which you can phase out and Fade Out your entire product and come to a smooth end and that is a very decisive strategic uh effort because when you are socially responsible and you try to bring this to a smooth end you must find Solutions and have a strategy in place which allows you who find place for the product plan place for the staff which you are losing or must lose and that is anything but an easy going how often do we learn and hear that something comes to an end the next day people are uh getting are made redundant and they are leaving for good and this is not the right way which we need and this is a failed strategy very often managements just turn around and find a new ways for themselves but not for the others and we have a responsibility in such times of volatility and uncertainty and also the complexity of interactions which we need to respect that it is not just about okay here is a shack for you here’s a check for you and now it was a good time thank you goodbye we are facing in Germany just a very interesting example again because the situation of cow for karsha the big warehouses the big shopping houses where everybody went shopping at 60 1780s and now they are bankrupt again nearly bankrupt and now they are revived for uh third fourth time and you can really bet that it will take two years three years and the entire situation will be the same because there are failed strategies and the market is going into a different direction and this makes the thing not easy and the CEO the CEOs what was that what was that I’m hearing now everything doubled double sorry the CEOs are sometimes uh very very careful in their decisions but most times it is about that they’ve that they have their parachutes but do not provide the parachutes for staff in a time when things are entirely changing and we just remind what I read to you in the moment we are in a beforecation we are non-linear our future world will be different that is nothing uh necessarily to be afraid of it is just seeing and looking for the opportunities and that is one thing which you need to do sir the question always is when you see think in terms of management top management and the others who dies first who dies last and we can prepare the future we can get a grip on all the four volatility uncertainty complexity and ambiguity but we must understand where is the noise and where is the fact based future and here too often and that is my biggest uh thing which I am always or too often challenging and management is that they as uh it is so nicely researched they create their own realities they do not rely on facts like we know these jokes about now there is no climate change and it is it is just a normal cycle but let me ask you one question even if you believe or if one believes that there is no climate change it is it is uh uh simple cycle what difference does it make none if you look to Italy in Europe the the there are lakes which are dry already now they have Rivers big big Rivers which are dry now France is suffering from water and so on whether it is man-made or whether it is a situation of a climate change does not make a difference there is no water simple so what do you do you need water and this is where we have the situation that things are non-linear that they can die and you must understand that continuing the same way as before is not possible we must change we must change our attitudes we must change our Behavior so and if we if one of our engines is failing we must have a plan B we must really consider and think about the opportunity to have an alternative which is giving us a better way if you consider the Bavarian Alps the French Alps the Austrian orbs hundreds of thousands of liters of water are daily pumped into snow cannons for just a small strip of artificial snow for that people can do some skiing holidays the problem is they are very serious accidents meanwhile because the strips are so small that there is not enough place and when the people are falling and falling into the Rocks they have very serious head and other injuries then you have the hotels and you have the the ski lifts and whatever you want to imagine it’s an entire industry a system one is going into the next one and it is not sustainable because the water as I just said in the big rivers and in the big lakes is going away you cannot sustain it and that is where we are uh in the need to have a plan B and we must set up a strategy and this is the big big point we are living in a time where we need a big big new project when we are defining our future when we are looking and seeing how we can bring these many Loose Ends which we have created ourselves together in a way which makes this place and we only have one a place of life and I do not want to be fried uh terrifying or frightened people but I started with Matthias Hawks and I’m ending and finishing with Stephen Hawking who some may know this uh poor man who also terribly sick but one of the best thinkers which we had in the world 250 years maximum if we do not change our waste to leave this planet and find a new one so best thing is we set up a big Global project all together because nobody can escape it and create a future which we can have so I have come to the end of my presentation I hope that it was a little bit of a different insight if there are any questions please feel free thank you Dr Striker I’m gonna share my screen and show our slide so that participants could join at with a mentioned number in the right lower corner or use the QR code in the left corner so that they could submit the questions um so far we have three questions I have seen there is the question about whether this presentation is available and I can answer yes I have given it to this lovely organizers and I thank you very much for your perfect organization and uh please you can have it they have the slides in PDF format and it is absolutely uh available for everybody who is interested in and if there are some other points I am available on LinkedIn as well and I will not be happy to to continue thank you okay so uh we have question uh what do you consider Management’s biggest dilemma Mega’s Management’s biggest dilemma is that they are in a terrible situation and I as a former manager myself I can always feel the pain because the problem is you often as a manager see what you must do but on the other hand you have the constraints that you are not able to do just your example I was working with a company who was at the end of the technological life cycle they wanted or we want it at this time to uh get rid of some staff for that the rest the main body can survive longer the problem was this company was owned by a government and this was not too long after the German reunification and the unemployment rate in the entire federal state of Germany was very high so they said we cannot afford to uh set people free because it will increase our unemployment rate so the problem was we were caught as a management in the fact that we had to make laws and money was not unlimited especially not in an Easter German company and we are not able to reduce our cost base because the government did not consent as the shareholder the only shareholder to do what we needed to do so you were squeezed into something where you cannot do what is necessary and cannot avoid what is coming on your shoulders great answer thank you so much um next question is which projects should managements prepare for a volatile future in which uncertainties seem to belong to the dominant forces I had the uh the biggest project which they must prepare is in the end a very simple one canning the future so this means they should consider and they have managements are not stupid management are receiving many information the problem is that too often they are just in the in their pressure of Daily Business and long-term strategy and so on uh not having enough time they must prepare the time I had a very good friend I loved him because he was an excellent manager and he told me once me as a CEO and it was a very big company I do not need to be the smartest I must be smart enough to find the very best for each of the disciplines which and functions which I have and this is something that you have Specialists who are collecting data who are really addressing what is coming what will be the possibilities for the future of your product your organization your markets and prepare well ahead not running be after or with the developments but ahead of these and that is a very tough project to set up and it needs a team a very very seasoned team of experienced people thank you so much and there is one more question but I think I can answer it oh no the here is one more so okay let’s leave organizational for for the last one uh it often happens that strategy mixed up with the tactic actions how do you recognize a good strategy hi how much time do you have the a good strategy must be very very specific I always uh when my students ask these things I always told them when you have a manager asking you uh or telling you our strategy is becoming the best company or uh having whatever the highest market share what does this mean it means nothing it’s wishful thinking the best the best company What in in which way the best product the the most beloved company the most uh recognized company the the most well-known brand what it needs is you must know exactly in a strategy reach and scope so what does the organization have what can it reach with it which resources does it own and can allocate these resources which markets will it serve and in the end which competitors it must confront and how does it create stakeholder not shareholder satisfaction this means that you have a complete picture where everybody feels in the end yes there is something good done and this is what makes it strategy strategy the tactics is then which means can I use to achieve this and the operations is selecting out of the available tactics the right operational uh forms and do it and the point is I love I have a second very nice lecture about medieval Japanese and Chinese strategics if you are a samurai then when you start your activities never stop if you stop then you will be nothing more than a merchant in the skin of a samurai so bring your forces into place and when they are all there not just a bit here a bit there no everybody is at the place they must be then start and when you are started then never stop until you have achieved what you wanted to achieve and that is the point but the strategy is I want to go from a and I want to reach B and the simplest form is the straight line which is mathematically but never expect that the straight line from A to B will happen will be realistic because there will be obstacles on the way and others will throw obstacles on it because they are not happy that you are doing this so you must find your ways around these obstacles and you must dig under them climb over them circumvent them swim through this that is the Tactical side but the still the point is from A to B thank you so much unfortunately we don’t have more time for more questions and I suggest those participants who have more questions reach out to Dr Striker directly to LinkedIn anyway time thank you so much and I am passing the microphone to the next moderator I’m gonna say hello everyone

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