Hello everyone, yet another local Derbyshire ride to get out & about on the bike. It is a lovely road/ bridleway loop for about 25 miles starting at Darley Abbey Park in Derby, following out along the Great Northern Greenway & passing through the following places & more; Locko Park, Hermits Wood, Brackley Gate & Dark Lane.
    Here is the link to my Komoot map of the route: https://www.komoot.com/tour/1637276348?share_token=aqFYOkMW0MHz0sn1rCA93wgXcVxb6knlPGr6ftx3Xc5FIcjO69&ref=wtd

    hello everybody Welcome to the channel uh today it’s just a quick 25 Mish local doshire out in the countryside uh ride bit urban road cycle ways a lot of bridal ways uh linking up all the various Villages and whatnot passing through starting in Dar Abby Park Great Northern Greenway um at to loo Park hermit wood um dark Lan uh Brackley gate um dark Lane uh mne Makey I don’t know how you pronounce it back through little Eaton back to darly Abby at the start about 25 miles nothing too crazy as you can see it’s raining it’s gone all dark and horrible um but hopefully I shouldn’t get too wet I’m hoping it’s just like spit in Mist fine rain Yes people will go yeah it’s the rain that makes you wet all rain makes you wet you just think you’re not going to get wet because it’s only very fine um but as always boys and girls there’ll be a link in the description below to my K map of the RO enjoyed I will see you in a bit fight whoop whoop it’s dark in [Music] here it’s a bit overclass and overclass cloudy and dark today with constant light spitting showers let’s just hope I don’t get too wet today boys and girls now just got on the uh top end of the Great Northern Greenway top of Derby by metus Center shopping area this is an Old Railway line as you can tell chocking it down it shouldn’t get too wet can’t be bothered to put me rain coat on it’s only light rain we’ll keep drying out let’s carry on stay in this treelined tunnel hopefully for the whole time that this rain is passing most disappointed oh [Music] yeah yes it’s enough just to cope without a waterproof coat just like a windproof jacket type of thing so have to be careful when you come out this corner cuz it’s a fast line corner no trusts come flying around it all right you probably see from the sign this is now Loco Park it’s a private estate but it’s got a public foot path bridleway straight through the middle from one end to the other gorgeous place when the Sun’s shining loads of foot paths that split off you just have to stay in all the fen off way marked areas there’s private there’s a big house over there I think is Flats houses whatever oh the house over l through here it’s caught and pedal near KN me off the bike like the other day some of these trucks are going to be a bit overgrown now with all the good weather rain Sunshine all the rest of it all right bumpy track all the way to ear its wood some sips B falling over a tree there boys and girls loal they made us on bit of road work now until we get to our next uh Bridal [Music] way br let’s see what this is like shall we a nice start oo is nice well at least it’s hard so far that’s got like a tarmac underneath this mud so it’s quite good or tarmac SLG gravel wow this is a nice bridal way normally all the ones around here is super duper swampy muddy this is very nice straight along this truck here this one up here well anyone that’s just along here cool all right here we go the next Bridal way oh there is a push could remember it’s push push with the lock if you know what I mean if I to go off and open it no oh it’s quite dry today splish splash splash all this area is normally all muddy and that bit leading up to it as you just seeing so this part can normally turn into an absolute Quagmire Shrek swamp not too bad weather is absolutely crackers great massive stick C the gat like kids up there on their mountain bikes making trails and Ms very good this whole area to the left here boys and girls all the local kids are making like trails and all this Woodland it’s absolutely brilliant even though it is private property this is just the only right way there you go come keeps him out of trouble right car on I’m down here and we’ll be turning uh right on another little uh Bridal way under the a38 now the last time I went down here a few months ago it was an absolute um swampy sorry turning right uh an absolute swampy bogmire see what it’s like today whoop whoop [Music] this is worse than what it was than now I’ve been washed away oh open head nice little stream just going down the uh Lane now that leads to dark Lane right this is a dark Lane it’s very dark in a cuz it’s a very dark day as well all right cheers it’s quite a popular name as well locals walking and dogs and whatnot so you have to be careful I’ve never had a free rapid run down here once yet there’s always loads of people even been down here a few times behind horses cuz it is a Broadway how they get through I really don’t know [Music] cheers thank you ah do Bast very nice so here we are coming back up to the start darly ABY Park go

    1 Comment

    1. I'm surprised Hermits Wood wasn't a quagmire after the rain we've had. I've avoided it like the plague for the last few months. Nice ride BTW

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