Fishing for smooth-hound from the shores of Minehead on the Bristol Channel. A very eventful day with my friend Kris targeting hounds. We lost a lot of fish and a lot of gear during the day but we will come back to this spot in a couple of weeks when we are more prepared to fish on snaggy bottoms.
    The bait used on this particular day was king prawns and squid.
    The first mark we fished was White mark which appeared to have an artificial reef of monofilament line which we believe is what was causing all of(if not most of) our snags. We then moved to gasworks which was slightly less snaggy and a more comfortable fish.
    #smoothhound #shorefishinguk #fishing #beachfishing #bristolchannelfishing #minehead #sharkfishing

    here we go then we got the king prawn ready to catch a gigantic smooth out that is the plan anyway we will see I mean find it hard to believe a smooth out return that down get that nicely wrapped up make sure it doesn’t come off the hook probably leave that out there for a good half an hour I would have thought that it’s pretty good I think all right first halfast of the day the king fra move that was a terrible terrible cast it’s gone about 50 yards oh well so here’s my second B um just hoping to catch pretty much anything on this I’ll literally take anything even in E uh so I got this one and then the prawn is the screw bounds so I’ll fire this one out there hope for the best see a lovely bending the rod from Chris over here looks a bit houndy to me start take yeah was that on the crab R oh the hounds are in let’s go what a mate you feel heavy yeah I think think she snacking oh no yeah she s no oh dear I uh I just got snagged myself on some rocks out uh and have to put a new shock leader on my line oh looks like he’s got out that’s a world class angling there getting out of that snake oh yes that’s a h oh it’s a nice one oh yes yes that’s a nice one matey oh right a lovely photo mate really nice what a mate lovely fish there boy I don’t believe this minutes threw his bait straight back out been out five minutes it’s absolute scene that was a hell of a bike then you feeling yeah man did you see it yeah the double I literally just cast that out I reckon 2 minutes that’s been out thr again yeah yeah I’m going to go double prawn I think double prawn both FRS yeah ah damn oh no that’s the issue with this spot it seems like lot of these rocks line just gets caught around them hope we can get out of there right that’s it so we’re about an hour and a half into fishing and Chris has got a beautiful smoo Hound chucked it out 5 minutes later it was hooked into another one but unfortunately it got snagged off in the Rocks uh I also add one on and got snagged as well but luckily I managed to save my Hooks and rig but get the feeling that the rods could scream off at any second there’s obviously a lot of smooth on out there all right we’re in bit of a weird B that didn’t take any line so I have a feeling it could be dog fish or something but just got to hope I don’t get snag up come on oh it could be a this has got some weight behind it oh no oh it just jumped yeah come on baby I don’t know if you can see that in the video but you had a proper jump on there feels like he wants to say line there no come on crey snag oh matey snag thank you no this way no that was a nice big fish I had on then he took me in the rocks and snagged me again so that’s two lots of gear I’ve lost today already absolutely gutad I think Chris has just been snagged by something as well it’s a real shame cuz there’s obviously fish around but hey we’re you lost it as well oh man there we go more gear lost all right here we are back at BAS Camp lost all our gear lost all of our gear lost our heads yeah so we’re just taking 5 minutes having a pint and making some more rigs up because we literally lost everything so yeah lost me mind lost me head head gone heads are gone heads are gone but there’s still hope we’ve got a new spot in mind so we’re going to have these points get some rigs and get back out there yeah on snags Galore so after our pint we’ve moved to another spot in mine head I think this is called Gas Works something like that but it’s basically just straight out the car park walk down the beach uh someone else who was fishing recommending a spot to us been fishing here for about half an hour and haven’t had anything yet I did have a slack flying bik which I think was a eel because my rig was all messed up when it came in but so far we haven’t had anything hook but feeling fairly optimistic we soon find out just have a complete slack line then [Music] there side come on baby yes yes yes come on oh what a releas come on yes come on baby we were just about to pack up and leave this spot as well that was on squid yeah yeah we’re in oh it feels like a good fish yeah just to make sure he doesn’t snag me like every other fish has today moved slightly up now TI’s coming in so think that should keep the weight off the uh away with my it feels like a good fish yeah yeah I think it helps us being higher up now for about 10 minutes I’ve had so much stuck come on come on right got some fighting him just right in front of me I’ll bring it in on the next wave I’ll bring it with the next wave oh it’s another smoothie come on what a spot that aome wow another beautiful fish man look at him on boy got a beautiful fish back boys there he goes come on Chris’s Rod just bent over double nearly pulled his whole Rod rest in got to be a smooth B again what a bite man oh what a day I L just about to come down I need wow I need that was a hell of a fight I just had a fight as [Applause] well oh oh God this one’s just going off as well you re him oh no oh God oh my God it’s AB chaos it’s been snapped off though yeah oh he he just stapped as well woo this is a crazy session is it God knows what’s going to happen next [Applause] just lost another rig and another weight I think we’ both decided to just fish one rod now I literally cannot physically make another rig tie another shock leer I think I’ve done it about six times a year it’s actually crazy oh man such a shame cuz reckon we could have definitely had a few more fish but you never know we might still have a few fish in one rod each no you out please God no [Applause] a oh oh hello got me get back mate get last cast of the days yeah I’m only got a w in his old gear that he lost I’m actually not that’s better than a fifth yeah M I’m not disappointed I might check mine out and try and get some of mine amazing well it’s been a very eventful day both had two smooth round each I’ve lost a ridiculous amount of Gears yeah and and smooth Downs I think I worked out I’ve lost seven leads and seven rigs Chris has only lost a couple he managed to get one of them back at the end there been a very fun and eventful day though yeah it definitely come back and we’ll be back very soon


    1. Hi guys, nice video. Just an insight for the future look up how to handle smuts/sharks on google. You will see that holding by the tail alone is very damaging to internal organs.Supporting the fish under the belly and tail gives a very good survival rate when returning. Cheers

    2. On the 1st mark u fished, walk past the spot u where fishing at and it’s much cleaner ground, lots of sand and u can fish it a lot longer, it’s literally just around the corner, also u get out in the tide more there. Good luck

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