    Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center – Schaumburg, IL

    Bracket: https://www.start.gg/tournament/combo-breaker-2024/event/vampire-savior/brackets/1663596/2479409

    Commentary by Yetighettoslang and Hagure

    [Music] this is L don’t you know this is hey what an answer put my biography on a samp spit the kind of color you got to shake in the camper swap me on the needle and scatching my hands Hur I do all the [ __ ] everybody told you they can’t work and it does always catching my bugs take the city offline in the corner I was Dan before I saw the doar in my cup I was him before you even [ __ ] knew who he was back on top the way lost myself to F something’s never change and another’s cross the line I’m on come up baby I’mma do it just the way I want it nobody can tell me how to keep y on it hit that pocket just dring no Co got it let go [Applause] fight yo what is good y’all welcome to top eight of vampire area combo breaker 2024 we are here we made it to the end of the rainbow road and we are ready to explode right so everybody I am glad you’re still here with us and if you’re not you’re just tuning in this is vampire savier top eight ain’t nobody no slouch in this thing at combo break one of the biggest vampire savior tournaments in the world one of the most prestigious and I am here with my friend Hager I’m Yeti GTO SL and we are bringing the rest of this to you we did the top 24 we’re rolling on top eight we are finishing this whole thing tonight Saturday we usually finish it Sunday butly we are doing it live right now holy crap do we have a lineup for you do we so here we go so we have my boy BMP action Hank Ohio boy living in Arizona right now Ohio werewolf in Arizona no he’s a fish player then we have Carl key all the way from France holding it down making it the top eight winners I know they are so proud of him over there with the France team and then winners also at Aeris a main stay you already know what it is a multiple time combo breaker champion and then we have Mighty the hometown hero the KOC the king of Chicago the Pharaoh everybody knows who that is going to be cheering for him here in the audience cuz yes he is the hometown hero making it in winners again this time trying to recapture his 2017 win with the worst character in the game out of my backyard for sure and then we have losers my brother my blood brother mini Maul wolf so proud of him the moment slice crew we’re all here the leader of the pack leader of the pack and then also leader of another pack of ours vampire Arcadia Z Servo making it into the losers top eight very proud of Abby those two team kill uh going to be harder to root for but it’s going to be really really damn good and the last match in losers bracket we have Vicky Viper and a stranger to me but as no stranger to writing prescriptions for as wolins Dr doctor man and yeah it’s just going to be crazy so we’re going to go right to right here on the screen you see action Hank versus yeah you’re going to get a lot of TR for these yeah you’re going to get France on side I’m telling you vampire savy Community every single one of these players individually there a lot of people that love each of these people I’m telling you I love everybody but like everybody has their own little group of friends little group of fans but we all come together yep yep for this here but right now oh boy we’re going to see this fish let’s see let’s see if I don’t have a heart attack let’s see if I let’s see if I make it through one step at a time one match at a time okay we’ll be okay we got this we got this we’re professionals here me and hog we got this all right let’s go action Hank versus Carl key we are in there already and the poison gas off with the gas already right into it Morgan trying to get over the Sonic Spears trying to get over the poison gases all B sniping for those things though but can also o oh can also get hit with a Darkness illusion I guess so oh rolling out of the corner almost oh yeah Buble Time Boom Boom Boom boom boom there we go bubble time again throw it in there poison gas what do you want there’s the black heart just gets hit at the end of there Adam has been doing this combo video stuff today I’m telling you it’s really really odd but it’s really cool when it works Dash back in D DP oh other side and that game that was huge that’s game oh no the poison misses it misses to late but so it’s not over yet but still oh my God that’s a big drop from Adam it’s okay he still got a pretty good SN with the soulist you can’t count car ke out not at all jumps over gets the big Damage Big damage it’s not over yet we got one more one more sequence here from action Hank to take this match but Carl key likes to slow these games down mhm mhm going to have to play Precision though doesn’t have a lot of life to live with nice DP reversal oh gets on the horseshoe crab and then swims back in for another game to try to get into the winners uh winners finals winner of this match after every match car key just em showing it through the body shaking that hair keeping it physical right scratching that beard holding his face I mean I’m telling you the I love the emotion in these players all the emotions yeah it’s beautiful beautiful beautiful VAB all right nice blocks from Carl key he knows uh you know he won’t be out even if he loses this but that you don’t want to get knocked in this losers oh no yo talking about swimming with sharks right yo it’s an absolute nightmare it’s a piranhas the water hyenas we said water hyenas nice for HK for an gets over though all right knock down chases it oh goes back okay okay okay good uhoh here we go good block oh nice good throw command grab jump HP jump HK oh my God what is happening here sfist okay throw the bubble out and that nice kick boom boom takes the bat action Hank throwing the Sonic spear black heart oh my God keeping it up he wants that so bad he he he hit it one time this weekend it was it’s really really do the combo stuff in top eight huh yep he is stying and far yeah this is car ke’s chance yeah got to regain that white life Carl key needs to keep this pressure on and keep this fish in the pressure cooker make some ljs okay here we go here’s some of that shimmy that we were seeing earlier oh my gosh that would have been crazy uses two Darkness Illusions all right but yeah gets the bat off though so yeah NE jump a little bit of wiggle room in the life but oh not anymore yeah it’s going to be tough and what are you going to do but pops him with the guard cancell trades with the guard cancel Good Tech hit on the es go that was almost a big combo oh you got to get out oh it’s over should do it he it get out okay F gets out this time it’s not over yet oh my God this the second time that’s happened big bubble drop oh big guard councel right there oh big ooey gooey gum drops oh my gosh the DP again Carl not do it oh my God everyone’s roaring the crowd is roaring Nal jump action Han too far away close HP action Han this is this is this is this is the furthest action Han has made it on the grand stage like this in many many years I remember one of the ufgs was me and him Grand finals so he is rekindling the essence action is all about I’m so proud of him Carl key proud of them too but they have to go into the losers bracket the the water hyenas are going to attack them that wasi was perhaps one micro step away from taking that round you know he got the far HP instead of the close HP with have anti-air fish and possibly have won that match oh no for sure and Tiny micro slips that could be the difference between life and death and that’s what we’re seeing here at this Grand stage those that you cannot miss those confirms you cannot let that Crouch light kick hit and not have a confirm or knock down after that yeah that time oh we got the double overhead oh yes yes yes yes that was a that was very intense I’m so I’m so glad I still have not had a heart attack but my guy this is the first match of top eight I know I know this is how I was with the first match of top 24 yes yes yeah exactly everybody breathe take that going to be all right breathe with me so wow wow wow wow okay so and then here we go this is an old back it an old timey classic yep Mighty Mar versus Aeris and I will have to say two combo breaker Champions right here yep Aeris a multi-time combo breaker champ I think he is going for his fifth combo breaker Champion Championship this year Mighty Mar trying to get his second from that 201 devastating r that he did um but these two are the tippy top of this community um and they’re you know the best representatives of the characters for sure by far so many years into this thing and here they are meeting at the Grand of stage once again uh to see who faces action tank in winners finals I’m so proud of him oh my God yeah woo VMP Eris versus the man himself the red Felicia versus the Lakers money Cobra Bryant let’s go beautiful stuff all right just the floats Alis has had toris knows the mighty Mar Tech you know what I mean he knows how to do it but Mighty Mar can beat anybody look that that optimal punish not just a sweep but a walk up medium punch sweep yep it matters every one of those hits you don’t want to leave that on the table for that little left nice good knock down look at the white life that was tricky just like that Mighty Mar looking good but Zach fighting back all right good canel we go same side this is is he going to teleport no he’s like he’s going to fight it out yeah he knows Zach is ready with the rainbow roll to Chase he would wait and then hit him with the super yep ah good all right and then yeah we’re even oo nice oh here we go [Music] oh all right just go swe yeah keeping it safe right oh wow no you thought hamburger no kitty helper came back to haunt him um good [ __ ] to Zach right there yeah and I mean it was looking really good for Mah but yeah it’s just so tough once Felicia gets started What’s mar going to do te hit you out yeah I mean out of all the characters to deal with that dark force got to be the hardest with the knockers all right but here we go yeah it’s still not over yet no cat scratch fever jump HP ooh CH got him low that’s exactly every time anacis gets that sweep that’s oh okay using the UFO okay look how fast he is Zach trying to chase him down check check those legs check those bandaged legs those knees are hurting B punish for Mighty overhead good stuff from Zach walk through that was so trick walk through and yeah now it’s like my turn this is what I’m going to do to seal the deal this this could be it I think no and the reset well the reset is why woo we Zach taking that clean 20 my man vmz Sports AIS making it I’m coming back for that Crown year after year after year after year after year try to go for his fifth win5 foot long does not exist anymore not in this vampire economy congratulations to my man Eris making it to Winners finals to fight his friend VMP VMP winners finals once again ladies talking about VMP we got another another VMP match right now with mini ma versus Servo these are two friends two buddies two uh training buddies these two did a on the vampire K Channel which you are watching right now if you want to go back and watch the vids did a first do 100 to train for this and look where they are now 1091 matches lasted 7 freaking hours I got home at 4 in the morning it was like 191 91 yeah yeah mini M 100 Servo 991 so yeah they trained here they are they’re here so in the losers bracket to heat this up yeah team kill baby team kill but yeah I whatever loses this goes back to production exactly no more fun for you back to work cracking the whip back to work yep yep yep this is awesome oh man this is going to be amazing so of course mini ma with the signature wolf and Servo with the zombies wow this is a big deal see that’s the thing we’re we’re all like good friends best friends but like when it comes to competition stuff oh no let me tell you it’s like you got a gun to your head you better perform well or boom you got to go back to work give wolf a gun when gun he does when wolf has one meter he’s got a bullet in that chamber he’s got five of them yep yep so but yeah oh man we were talking about this match up earlier where both of these characters are just yeah they’re they bleed they bleed but they also dish it out uh yeah that’s the that’s this type of character these glass Cannon type Deals they uh yeah they can put you through it yeah glass past Cannon oh okay jumps over the ribs nice walk through switches yeah goes for the same side but a little bit too late big a that was one hell of a pickup big a great pick up right there holy Christ nice Tech needed that Tech to get the out of here and Min M’s got one hell of a lead though but nothing that zombie can’t do to come back yeah zombies got a meter n it don’t matter one little air reset can mean death and that’s I said now it’s even it’s Ethan there we go get over yeah yeah no teleport with wolf to get out of there oh stay safe well kind of safe um oh my God this is terrifying all right yeah resetting it resetting it kick but yeah wolf wants to get in yeah you can’t let zombie get started watch out now everybody bigal the be the electric copter oh the heavy kick and then regular electri copter Servo takes game one Tech hit into anti-air jab into unblockable that’s what won the match right there one Tech hit yeah just one little one little and then that means you fall into where zombie wants you and you can’t you get to get the anti-air jab and you can’t do anything about it n you just eat it oh my gosh good stuff from Servo those little things one little re air reset and uh and you’re going to get killed it’s going to happen that’s why car crashes are dangerous we need airbags it’s one thing a wolf does not have he’s running his head at you at the Beast can no yeah yeah not a bueta player no bags in hand nope all right so here we go yeah downward Beast Cannon forward medium punch trying to stop that approach down medium again up ribs all right gets the throw off all right there oh wow they’re they’re both yeah down HPS to just stop these uh dashin from both characters oh that was oh doesn’t get the full pi up but still great punish right there Rockman Dash DXE nice throw nice all right one more hit could do it oh that double and there’s a wild circular taking the bat but we saw how fast this came back last time oh another yes up down up down up down the Mortal Kombat code the Konami Code right there we go nice ooh doesn’t get it he falls that and that could leave the death yeah you know she wanted uh zombie with three meters that could be it read the roll a couple times not well not yet not yet not yet the pursuit wouldn’t have done it either so that was smart walk up gets the full combo not yet not the walk through that Beast Hop was hot he was the move right there to cross over the dead body noticing that earlier that down HP was doing work it has and uh didn’t quite take the game last time but right there that was an incredible mixup aming I I would got hit I I I I couldn’t I I had no idea what’s going to happen after that and that’s why I said you got to pull deep we were saying you know every bag all the bags yep all the bags to get this bag like for sure except the bags under my eyes right here we go nice knock down oh oh no punish on the ribs that down HP is doing work like both on both sides the ribs are doing itou on both sides that’s what you do put your mouth on the ribs mouth and ribs are doing work they lick them bones clean I don’t want to see any waste again on the cross up oh that neutral jump that that cross up so good neutral jump like he has not missed a pickup his pickups have been nasty they are they have not the F-150 he has not missed a pickup I’ll tell you what truck nuts neutral jump good Tech hit but yeah in the corner now very dangerous neutral jump again oh that could have been okay but still yeah I’ll take that getting out though yeah exactly I have to De oh I’ll really take that Beast Cannon Min ma gets the normal grab the mix up oh God but he’s got to chase him down got normal he didn’t get ESO but no big punches yeah four medium punch missant didn’t happen trades any little bit of damage is going to matter Big Time W going oh no oh oh clipped the overhead ah that didn’t get the H the techs here we go elri this get in so quickly a zombie with four meters this is ah oh has the life lead but get the throw off nice TCH zombie has your life encapsulated in those those meters though nice get one downward Beast Cannon there this is a 98 slug Fest mini just going in with those escs oh get the hit hug oh my gosh oh down HP is was the de facto there that was the thing that won it each match the down heavy punch and look at this hugging it out yep slugging it out end of the match friends to the end servo’s got to go back to work um but God damn congratulations to Abby but my brother I’m so happy for them the next match they’re going to have is a a mini mini Mar and mighty Maul so it’s uh yeah so mighty mighty mighty Mar and mini M bust out your M&M’s cuz you’re going to have a match as I said this is the top Eight Mile right Vicky Viper and Dr doctor is next yeah and Dr doctor wanting to make a name for himself though coming to big events I mean May top eight wanting to make it all the way and uh yeah wi know this place Carl key so uh Vicky Viper and Dr doctor this is a Jesus yeah this is going to be something I uh both players you know are very emotive players very emotional in their play you know going for that momentum believing in what they do you have you have to you got to para of this you got to believe all you have to do like you know you you got to know how to play the game you got to you know grind grind grind but like you got to have the heart heart of a champion if you want to be a champion got to have the heart surgery of a champion so I really Hopefully Dr doctor can the open heart surgery on the zombie right the zombie right what do you do with the dead dead person tick not ticking yeah yeah yeah you can’t do it but we’ll see um I mean but Vicki you know Vicki’s hungry I know um when it comes to a game you know multi-game player of course but vampire savior is the heart right oh that’s that is her like holding the most deer I’d have to say I mean what’s in the name Vicky Viper right so so here we go yeah do doctor slowly pushing the corner right away but oh shiny blade we have a Lili in top eight I just literally like thought it’s not dire and it’s not dire oh and that’s going y telling them not to practice these allies don’t listen to him oh and this could be the bat it is all right get a throw in the corner electric copter misses and then we have a oh and this is uh this could be big damage Dr does love the actual the dark force combos too which is really interesting okay good good I’m glad discovered some new tech actually too really yeah uhhuh here we go Vicki’s in it going to try to get this back but misses oh still get Chaw HK hit those a soul flash out flash to the face wow big damage HP still alive oh the Luminous illusion lingered out there and caught him that damage man he not even the damage it’s the time it takes and the white hype will recover right that’s true that cuts into it mhm oh nice oh my God o didn’t have the meter anymore did not have a meter oh my gosh messed up in it’s all good did not mean to teleport in place that’s for sure DP the for DPS the doam limbs and Vicky takes that gets over but that jumping heavy punch into the L I wanted it but was just not deep enough just soord right over the head yeah couldn’t get it it’s all good you had no P now you have no future well if you lose this you have no future in the bracket so Able’s right yep yep y this is the losers bracket ladies and gentlemen so all right Dr doctor let’s see if they can put one on the board one of their appointments that they have going to cancel Sable’s going to cancel those appointments for the day I think but uh yeah my you know what’s my top 8:00 that’s my first one in going to punch the ticket here oh the corner and then we saw this earlier again you know so many times where Dr Docker gets the early lead M but sometimes just loses it and oh okay not going to use the meter just going to switch it up all right I respect that damn gets a knock down yo that should do it confirm Vicky takes first bat blood oh my God here we go this is scary you got to read the roll that’s this character read the roll die read the roll bye-bye nice down h no oh Reading Rainbow roll nice getting hit viy yeah turning it up in classic fashion oh gets hit by the last one this is trouble for Dr doctor but manages to La out once again setting that momentum here we go are we going to see it the Reading Rainbow that’s the reading no confirm is it Tim or Lavar Burton we don’t know oh my go trade Vicky needed that one oh okay no confirm oh my God this is insane get it Dr doctor took the match one stole that match away oh my God yo I can’t believe this this is amazing here we go and again serious time on Dr doctor’s face nodding like I got this i got this that’s you have to play with your heart you got to do it you have to believe in yourself you have to um Jammer Lamy you got to do it all right um Jammer Lenny krabit here we go just want to fly away oh again that cross up me and kick Bam Bam Bam nice knock down what’s it going to be nice Chase oh gets hit by the soul flash flash the knock down oh no guess dies for it great execution oh no shiny again uhoh the bad habits are coming out baiting it you want to get that reversal but like you wait the damage comes out punishing the punishing the DP and that did Vicky Viper punching her ticket into the next match losal broke there at the end and this is something that anybody on the Discord tell you hey J stop dping on I I mean they were they’ve been doing it the whole time but like that time Vicki was ready to punish punish it big time that blood smelt that fear it was like I know what you’re going to do punish it big time with the whole exra copter and takes it so congrats to Vicky and yo I’m going to tell you right now really really really good run from the doctor doctor himself um and you know they made it into the the top eight and that’s that for combo breaker that’s uh Dr doctor that’s amazing amazing good amazing amazing for Dr do yeah good good good good for them like really yeah speaking of amazing we our amazing as our next sponsors who will take a quick break to give some shout outs to before we get out to this Mighty Mar versus mini m match boy so please stay tuned do not go [Music] anywhere what still not satisfied well you’re in luck cuz there’s more calmer breaker coming your way after this break red giv you wings if you guys haven’t done so already be sure to check out all of the new fighting game event merch coming out to celebrate combo breaker we got new hoodies bomber jackets and plenty more if you guys check it out over at comble breaker. org shop let’s address this mess there will be no more wishes and no more skull girls [Music] Marie you handle it [Music] until we can rest in peace I will fight we did it thank you everyone Sheldon we here at wonderful pistachios take your concerns about our no shells ads very seriously uh-huh then what’s that don’t look away is that how people eat those you too get in here I’m going in the combo button from hitbox arcade designed for customization change actuation distance total travel distance silent or hard press and the colors of each piece coming this summer check out hitbox arcade.com cb224e launching a host of brand new designs inspired by your favorite fighting game titles this week during combo breaker the Akuma Heaven premium capsule includes both a windbreaker and sweatshirt which sport the famous kanji on the back so you can strike that pose wherever you go or Channel your psychopath in this new edition of our iconic burning Sprite hoodie kick off a new era of good ass techim with the first appearances of jun Kazama and Raina alongside this fist meets fate long sleeve t-shirt design everyone wants the block how can you say no to this you make it fresh every day absolutely we keep it fresh you can’t have Chipotle without block how you doing ladies and gentlemen and we are getting back to the wonderful story of vampire savior but first we got a little announcement here so for Evo you can register for Evo it’s coming up you know you don’t want to miss it use the discount code CB 2024 to get 10% off of your admission to the tournament or you know going into the brackets if you’re going to play um so yeah check that out get in there save a couple bucks have a couple drinks what are you going to do you’re in Vegas you know when you’re in Rome go to Vegas so yeah everybody hope you’re enjoying this though register for Evo today but we are back at combo breaker so here we go the &m an M&M there we go so mighty Maul and mini hang on Mini Mighty Maul and mini M or or Mighty M and mini ma Mighty Ma say that 10 times fast everybody so a tongue twister of a match here but these two definitely have met many many many many M and many many times oh okay I’m about that okay so we got it we got it Mighty M and mini M I’m like gotta I gotta actually read that um there we go pounding the fist sensei’s finest Chicago’s Finest we are meeting in the losers quarterfinal of combo breaker 2024 and this is going to be an amazing oh it going to be a barn burner go get the green one we get the Snake Man from Mega Man 3 right okay okay of Cobra Bryant yes s man all right here we go down HD for the anti-air and uh yeah Mar slowly pushing e in the corner but Ethan knows this he he knows it oh yeah no UFO for and here it is yep y he knows it you got to slowly get those anti-air jab cross cross up cross up anti-air jab oh get the hit and gets the rest of the confirm beautiful yeah nice frame Advantage off that get thep and start tossing them around hand tossed Mighty Mar pizza here oh my God okay does it get the last one but still lots of white wife and a huge lead good text from E text Avery show he not going to draw Blanc nice knock down byy Mar the hand but gets punished big time for it with the five cannon there it is ah yeah okay nice Mar’s out Mar does escape that infinite right the infinite block string so nice down HP stopping all approaches Mars on the board taking the bat getting that bat is exactly what Mar needed to get back into this game but reversal oh my God that’s so tricky the Beast toop has been doing work in this top eight so far saving him oh wow oh you don’t you know how to punish it oh no no no no a little too early what is this marver Capcom too oh my God and this is what Mar needs to get back oh no uh-oh huge yeah mini M bleeding and takes you can hear Chicago roaring in the crowd yes yes yes look at look at that look at that crowd yeah just going off look at him taking his time he knows he knows know how hard worked to get for that win man Ethan’s smiling because he loves he loves the ambience of the hype of the crowd he’s just anytime there’s some energy in there that channels him too yeah me and me and the brothers love that man we love that that powers the Bellamy boys up I’m telling you so let’s go Ethan let’s get it let’s put it let’s put some on the board baby boy yeah let’s go yeah one oh from Mar though for real that crowd is crazy I love it and yeah we’re seeing more of a meter build style coming from mini mall yeah making sure you know I had that Beast Cannon to close out the deal here we go ooh jab out yeah walk jab squee going yeah went a little too far from it yeah yeah yeah yeah all right oh again yeah not blocking follow and then the jab and the grab I mean the ticks are going to do it man like that’s it’s what you have to to do what he can’t do yep but the one thing he can do is keep some pressure on but nice pick up again from Minar and looking very similar to the last game where Ethan had a huge lead in the beginning but okay he’s in the corner though yeah here comes myar big punish ni chop karate Cho even it up B huge right here nice the frame Advantage no he gets out pushing the corner again Mighty Mar floing scheming the pyramid scheme MLM is he going to break it nice grab nice throw oh it’s the CH the bandage okay no roll for overhead stopping the approach mini M’s got to pull something out here he’s got to get out this cor to the my gosh oh that’s oh no he misses it’s not over yet oh he h the other way and Mar takes it Mar takes it from mini ma the and the hugs where esbc Dro from mini mall it’s like the only one he dropped today congrats Mar takes full advantage Staying Alive in his hometown yeah you hear that crowd man Mighty Mark congratulations Ethan I’m very proud of you uh but back to work for you too um but congratulations man I’m very proud of my brother dude that’s my that’s my brother my blood brother mini M we’ve been playing gam for 20 something years I love him so much and I’m just makes me proud every time I see but Mighty the home hero you hear that crowd roaring for the want him why you lose to me Cur Mighty Mar taking that moving along in the losers bracket oh my go but it ain’t over yet we still got more stories to tell this is the histal you know what I’m saying this is the histal combo breaker 2024 vampire Savor top eight it has been nothing but amazing so far worldwide caliber battles right here we got Carl key coming all the way from France across the ocean yep versus Vicky Viper yeah and the winner of this has to fight Mighty Mar uh mighty Mar’s looking hot today but Carl key and Vicky Viper also looking pretty damn hot today they have made it this far in the losers quarters um let’s see if Carl has the key to success when he drives this dodge Vicky Viper around you know let’s let’s see if we can do this you got to dodge Vicky Viper that’s what I’m saying you want to get popped by those lks Vicky Viper got these options yeah to use to you know close out the Morgan right yeah those payment plans too here we go so Carl key and Vicky Viper I love the okay so this is going to be this is the emotional match you both of these win or lose like these faces these faces yeah yeah definitely yeah keep an eye on you know at the end of the round you we’re going to cut to the cameras and see what these players do the Faces of Death the zombie faces of meth but these are some beautiful beautiful vsab faces love to see it and gosh once again look at that Crow yeah yes wish I kind of wish they could hear me yeah they could hear us right we could yell but yeah oh my gosh yeah I mean and both of these players have been doing work and man blowing all the negative energy out of his mouth yeah yeah let’s focus meditate take the shirt off taking it off yo here we go Carl key all the way from France versus America own Vicky Viper and we right into it the best of the best here playing around those got Fireballs right over it you know Vicky Viper thinking about those DPS there it is all right and Nar he is in but backs out it’s like yeah no I didn’t get I didn’t get my turn I’m out yeah I can’t give up that turn not to Z nope that round car ke a rocket booster gets DP though C cancel all right and here he comes oh no misses the confirm yeah so yeah the life lead is not too bad because cross up oh oh no teleports out just inut right there making full use of that OS right there chainsaw dashing through dashing through the dark for no hopping around yeah respect here just the neutal right here you know yeah just respecting each other you know I don’t care if you’re Morgan like yeah you’re player Oh but huge hit right here is too far along this bracket that be taking guaranteed risk nice punish evil Scream After evil scream there it is oh man you look we’re they say you know we did the Evo ad you know they’re in a casino they like the gamble look Carl key got 21 Vicky viers got 22 right so taking those uh three uh backto back uh gravity squeezes there and just shocking her all the way back to hell um back to the deserted chateau but Vicky viker taking taking that first game so see if Carl key can hang on for dear life representing France that last battle it was just a battle of neutral right there into the end yeah it was and it was like basically who got their turn and could you know extend it yeah they’re trying to just like grab each other sit still for one second let me kill you why yeah why oh man oh but here we go this could be cary’s turn oh but this is a confirmed vipers like not mine uh-uh nice knock down okay throw to the che that double medium medium punch Med kick cross up yeah trading bat for bat the old David Cross up forward light punch nice Shadow Blade e Shadow Blade big damage with Chas all Charlie’s coming out oh it’s not over yeah you got to deactivate you got to deactivate no punish yet gets the hit Vicky Vicki deactivates safely yep good stuff to her selling around for medium punch good Tech hit nice Tech mhm walking around oh my God good blocks so air just air walks right over maneuvering around those Fireballs yep airw walk bans whatever skate Sho you like nice tags into it doesn’t get to confirm that could have been it right there but VI Viper you never know zel still got doesn’t have a meter yet but okay we’re almost there okay yep now now yeah now we’re in the danger zone gets away try SN there Sniper Wolf fighting their way out gets a t look at this building Meer why go in there’s too much on the line needs to hit to get that meter and it gets Vicky makes it Carl key awesome performance to our French Friends making it all the way here for this tournament combo breaker and breaking in to the top eight and getting what do we got fifth place I incredible like amazing amazing shout out to them uh I I love the international scene of vampire there we go cheer get some cheers going car key coming all the way from France for sure yeah definitely making that r that long plane ride worth it right if you’re going to go you’re going to go hard bring a metal back okay show I got to bring something home absolutely took put the bacon home but holy crap good stuff to Vicky Viper Carl key but oh my God the contestants we have left side these are all people that have won game shows before let me tell you they’re going to spin that wheel and play some Plinko because this is going to be a banger and mash of a tournament shout outs to the UK um action Hank VMP action Hank and VMP Aeris um two of the ogs of the vampire Arcadia and uh two of my greatest friends as well uh yeah I got that VMP street battle right now yeah this is VMP Street shout out to France right this is that VMP street battle um I I don’t I don’t know really what to say about I’m just very excited for both of them really um obviously we know aoris you know four time Champion trying to make it five trying to make five time but action Hanks run this tournament has been insane he’s beat only the best to make it here he is in winners he’s coming in winners whoever wins this makes it into Grand finals punching that second place no matter what so here we go ladies and gentlemen action Hank vers give it up for winners finals let’s go okay what a move to start with all right yeah and this is where you’re going to see a lot of player vers player knowledge right here you know these players play each other all the time and they are going fast and furious right now not stopping here we go ation get the bubble out but now aoris is out gets the corner we’re in there okay yeah tried to Okie doie but Adam gets out mhm yeah we’re out we’re still alive yep oh oh oh nice beats the start up of that oh no I think that was a deactivate oh he deactivated right there okay okay that was really fast though try to use it inv to get out but yeah goes over the gas and right there takes that first FL in overhead but good punish right there uhhuh it’s the Hellcat okay doesn’t get the full combo yeah oh to get out not wanting to sit in there Corner when Zach has any kind of meter buta two meters oh just stopping the momentum here oh my turn now got to get up oh the dash back Z takes that so this is winter finals so they got to win three yep yep and how fast was that that just never stopped you know in the other other earlier games we saw you know some resets to neutral you know fill each other out they were like nah push and P we want to make it ho we want to make it to the grandpa we’re just going to go in this is the pull and pay at the junk lot it’s all up to you no one it’s ain’t no Team game it’s all up to you boom boom boom boom all right yeah oh and action H knew the wall was coming it jumped up it was like yeah keep you locked in there it is a low to the ground drill throwing the Sonic spear out don’t approach me but get the cat scratch there we go get to confirm in the super right no super to finish switch side for the corner though but back the neutral all right we’re back wondering how he’s going to deal with these jumpings from Felicia I mean a jump back from fish is probably his best option yeah and that’s what’s so hard about a fish right you know you don’t really have that antiair that you want standing antiair yeah great again Zach so good getting out of those bubbles you know oh as we speak of the devil the Devil comes for everybody Dash yeah had to guard cancel out and use the es to make dang sure right all right gets the job just Tit for Tat here kit for cat right trying to get out just neutral jumping stop her approach and and just not letting her run away with it but nice block there from Felicia there oh man just just pushing not to over themselves but trades the Stagger waiting it all down HP beats whatever button that action Hank was trying to throw out there uhhuh is just trying to get down and finally does it so we’re oh hit him with that with that jelly roll like oh you want a bubble for screen I got you I got you Zach takes second game yeah it’s not over yet though Winner’s finals it’s not over yet Adam can pull it together um cracking Zach is is rough like it’s it’s really really hard to do his defense is not only is his offense insane def defense oh that’s what really frustrates you right like I’m doing all this [ __ ] and I cannot I cannot get a hit open them up you can’t open him up yeah he’s trying his cycling of defensive options is strong as if not stronger his offensive yeah and that’s that’s what that’s what makes players get into top eight I’m telling you now that’s what gives you win yep four combo breaker Champions that’s what does it that is the difference the is trying to show that he can be Champion too yeah fighting his way okay can you make it out of this dark force no it’s too hard yeah oh wow that went the other way all right oh what is going on with the read from Zach Hamburger Helper right now hamburger shellfish is what this is mid screen bubble Dam full super punish right there I I I don’t even want to go to say about that Jesus a little wiy now okay yeah he’s feeling himself a little too hard like Garfield is like we go back to normal right ain’t Monday no God he hates those Mondays gets thrown Jim Davis the lead singer aorn good stuff congratulations aoris punching his ticket to the Grand finals trying to go for that fifth Championship but I’m so proud of my man action Hank for making it this far into the tournament he is still still in the damn tournament oh for sure yeah I know yeah Adam almost DED himself yeah so here I am on commentary you know because this is where astion Hank was supposed to be he was supposed to be commentating top 204p doing but you know he wanted to beq for this but look where he is now I know don’t give up on yourself that’s the moral of the story ladies and gentlemen never give up on yourself always keep going always keep pushing cuz you ain’t done until you’re dead and dark stalkers are not dead they are not neither is action Hank in the bracket but we move on yeah and we have the person who loses this match now that person is dead yes so we have Mighty Mar and Vicky Viper oh man I love watching these two play it is so wild this is the highest of the high and the lowest of the low tiers we have zable versus and then but their play Styles couldn’t be more different either Mighty marsal just you know I’m do I know exact every option I’ve labbed this a billion times you know with my hands with my feet I know every situation and Vicky Viper is just you know playing by ear playing by heart yep playing by feet playing by Feld well you know the feet is the feat is what’s going to the feat is what’s going to cause defeat uhhuh the misery of defeat yeah that infected toenail as I said so mighty marver stinky Viper this is it right here losers semis and uh can fight action in The Losers finals but nice coffin pyram drop double vertical coffin okay I don’t know if they wanted the coffin right there but here we go we’re back at it they both great today yes nice uh get the low but this a full chain oh okay no combo right there but still oh it is summer you better mow the lawn chainy when you get back from combo breaker nice keep that pressure on just take that quick quick jabb going in and gets the read it gets the bat oh my God the overheads oh here we go yeah just waiting for that teleport out right yeah no yeah that’s the scary thing you know that he knows that he knows or you know or Kano here we go Kino from Ninja Turtles too ooh good good knockdown all right yeah boom and that’s the Trap right yeah oh my God he’s bleeding I’ve never seen a zombie bleed Is that real blood no it’s an infection that’s called Mighty Mar dancing around the screen the curse the Chicago handshake as the Chicago C hit him with the malort bottle yeah the god of the god of Chicago hits you with the malort bottle the dirtiest player in the game is that what he’s hiding under raps over there a whole bunch of malort you I think I think he’s it’s I think it’s a cooler his his sarcophagus is just a cooler full of malort Carly R jsons there we go all right oh and the Guitar Hero the guitar man immediately oh there it is J nice patience right there reading the roll waiting for it oo get out of man okay Tech hits but and we’re seeing more usage of neutral jump coming from Vicki yeah to you know just yeah make sure that the the coffin drops don’t come around stop that approach yeah you can’t get dunked on man you yep you can’t let that overhead happen but here we go we’re getting started we’re getting the party started well we’re getting the party started Party Crasher right over here yeah you know person forces you to drink malort that’s not very nice that’s the Trap right there um you know against that knockdown against an araras you want to roll forward to avoid the pursuit right sometimes that’s not the right move because then anacis gets that high low 50/50 dude that’s a trap like that’s all I got like you’re falling you just get hit by a Pursuit whatever white here we go to Yo river dancing yep all right yo I’m living this is great this is great scream in harmony with the Devil’s Choir mhm M the Vicky Viper looks like she’s possessed by the devil like focus focus look at that intensity I am out for blood those bloody tears are coming out [Music] mm okay here we go oh and this is the pressure she she’s doing she’s doing it now it hasn’t happened yet but now it’s happen mix up with the command grab for good measure right jab jab scoot jab jab scoot yep hey dog job job scoot scooter sker I mean not scooter there we go okay very expensive yeah oh god oh over not down oh Stargate sg1 Bop Star gatekeeper That’s mighty Mar you must de beat defeat him this stand a chance there we go turn on that Les Paul my gosh that’s Strater stealing it from Trent Reser’s Studio oh man yeah a little too late to get that confirmed o that should do it yeah right over to crushing MP oh here we go I want to H that was awesome chain oh my go CH big damage keep you locked up oh all right takes the bat get that white life back oh this is so intense D oh that was sick crowd going wild all right this crowd is not mild I’ll tell you that much this is Chicago yeah they are not mild circular the movement everybody got it right out of that one holy sh oh wow okay nice that that could have been that could have been a UB it yeah that could have been a Ubi Universal basic or ubz there we go oh everybody gets money oh who loses this that’s it oh my god oh mighty Bo wow wow wow wow wow look at look at this look at this yeah what happened dad’s about to tell you you’re grounded I was I was right there why did I lose to him that’s beautiful look look at her yeah ah look at this just waiting yeah these two the bird manad hands the humbleness and the respect of Mighty Mar and Vicky Viper I love it this is I’m telling you we’re talking about the community and everything it’s beautiful we have a couple more left and it is getting down to the Mountain Dew Live Wire ladies and gentlemen but we have to run some ads pay some bills so these players can get paid and your commentator get paid and your production get paid but we’ll be right back ladies and Gentlemen please stick with us [Music] top combo breaker is just getting underway but before we can continue let’s take a quick commercial break Red Bull gives you wings Sheldon we understand that our no shells pistachio adds upset you and to show you how much we understand we had these made and you’re going to stop selling no shells right no they’re wildly popular what do we look like idiots [Music] [Music] get ready to rumble at combo breaker with the yeti we’re setting up our booth with our official Street Fighter merch that’ll knock your socks off plus don’t miss out on our event exclusive releases meet us there for some epic gear that celebrates your fighting Spirit or shop the collection online at the yeti.com combobreaker [Music] there’s a new Challenger in skull girls play as Marie in skull girls second Encore with the season pass on Steam PlayStation Nintendo switch or Xbox as well as skull girls mobile download it today to get Marie for for free on the App Store and Google play Celebrate combo breaker and fighting games with all new event merch we got new hoodies bomber jackets and plenty more over at comer. org shop at combo breaker 2024 vampire savior top eight let’s go top three now we have finally whittel it down this far action Hank who said he was going to DQ himself to do commentary and thank you Terry for being here with me cuz this is a position he was going to be here I want to see this but we have Mighty Marv ver action hang two longtime players two longtime veterans and uh this is going to be a slobber knocker and uh yeah we have to go through this match and losers finals first the three here and it will be in Grand finals as well to fight the final boss and almost five-time Champion Eris But Mighty Mah trying to rekindle that 2017 win action Hank punching his ticket to at least third place but let’s not get content with that and let’s have this fish try to run go let’s go losers finals who’s going to do it both of these characters you know spin out all the gas that think can get nice all right and then the blocks coming oh Bo you’re back in it but not over yet not over yet misses it walk through all right yeah yeah good block oh nice stall beautiful star that was like my car yesterday just stalling out Jesus all right all right and then yeah using that UFO to keep that pressure on that was awesome neutral jump HK and the drill is a little too high I think but it’s all good all right and yeah action Hanks usually a little too high but nice again jump medium he’s looking good right now all right and then this is the assignment right now for ation Han build that meter get that knockdown get that bubble he’s willing to play the game and the match up I’m telling you right now woo oh my God textbook text book man the Stalls from Mar though yeah that was so sick he was the triple jump throwing a curse in each one n I’ll Outlast the bubble that’s fine uhhuh crazy what are you going to do I need more sheer to keep me alive well I think that’s beer for uh after the yeah yeah I think beer is what’s keeping me alive uh keeping him alive but uh yeah yeah yeah teate trying to do the thing beat Mighty Mar here one game on the board for Action Hank and yeah got win three and this set and the grand finals so losers finals action Hank Mighty Mar one on the board for Action Hank but you know what Mar is doing right now he’s going through that Rolodex that dictionary.com that the sorus that everything that you know the Wikipedia of his mind that he has to say okay let me analyze what you know what did I do wrong you know what can I do to turn this around How can I break this fish it’s that tablet that anras gets turned into when he gets cursed yeah so yeah amazing play already here in the losers finals yep so yeah look at this yeah taking a breath got to reset the controls but man it’s like he switch to Mars switch to control he can play on anything is he is he playing on something he’s just playing with his mind eventually we’re going to have a oh yeah when the tech is there when you can play for M Mars like finally yep eventually in future the AI and vampire savior yeah they don’t have that in there for no reason um all right let’s go oh it button still okay all right yeah but man I mean yeah I wonder look Mar’s like AC Han did in that last match he played the textbook textbook yeah you know gets the corner push builds the meter for the bubble gets the knockdown all right my turn and then I love his awareness that one that was it the or third bubble where he knew I have just enough meter I can send out another one you know I don’t need a back off or anything I can do this get the damage and as long as you’re equipped with uh bubble lead as they just debunked it’s not bubble red uh as long as you’re equipped with bubble lead you can always be in the lead that’s how you beat you’re damn right it is how you the boss you got to dump them bubbles on his head it’s the only thing that does any damage to him damn I love Mega Man Too you do too obviously but yes and I love this as well um here we go yes I hope it’s I hope everything’s okay cuz I want to see the rest of this ohar all right woo okay we oh the color is it the color I have no idea reeling back though this is a okay okay all good you know but man yeah the T as if anything could have get more Ts right yeah they’re leaving me hanging I’m usually not a person that’s at a loss for words but I’m just like come on this is the Cliffhanger right here and Adam had the momentum too you know this is a little mind mind F here but I I don’t mind freak is what I mean I don’t think so Adam Adam does as I said he does know this matchup and you could tell from that that first win uh that fish oh man he can really anerous locker lock his ass walkus all over andus yes there we go um yeah fish just pushing just bullying him with the dash medium punches uh jab jab and then you can throw the bubble and it’s like what do you do yeah yeah there’s literally nothing anas can do like in the corner the only thing he can do anas can do is back back teleport no pray that they mess up because if he Mees you mey you can’t do anything about it you’re right well even if he did well if there’s any instance where the the string wasn’t that tight he could get the backback teleport but fish can also wave a mutilation and catch that so it’s just bad all what we’re trying to say here everybody is this just bad all around it’s not good it’s not good for an ocis so um surprise yeah yeah happy birthday andas has bad matchups I don’t know what’s happening oh man no one knows what’s happening of course it’s going to happen Z was the final boss yeah it’s the apparently the game itself it’s the hardware uh but oh someone has a dual shock hooked up a wireless controller but yeah but yeah uh here we go I mean you know we’re here for those of you who are just joining in you know tune in a little bit late we are here at losers finals of combo breaker 2024 and here we got the bracket yeah let’s let’s recap the story over yeah we okay so we started off in the winter side of top eight with action Hank who we have here up on the stage right now versus Carl key coming from France and man that was crazy that was a close one you know Carl key you know with a beautiful Morgan play as Kyle was Kyle I’m sure at whole or you know watching the like tears in his eyes right there was also debu we had two we had two Morgans in top 24 Morgan Representatives yo another thing I want to go through is is like the character diversity here in this top eight it’s pretty wild yeah okay so we got fish we got Morgan we got cat we got mummy we got wolf we got zabel got another zabel and then a l so only one double dou yeah with L with a zombie zombie you know that’s that’s not crazy and that’s the thing about this game right I’m I I said it yesterday on commentary is like if you want to get into this like and you like one of the characters just aesthetically or for whatever reason or you know they’re broken or whatever like just pick it and play it yep yep I mean that’s why yeah there was a vict player at uh real vampire hours yesterday and then you know they were like oh you know I’m getting into the game you know but I play Victor and you know they felt kind of sad about it and I was like yeah you know Victor’s hard but like you said just play who you like and I was like you know what just for that I’m going to play Victor next you know no matter what happens you know you know vampire the rotations going on this Tak are lining up and then who would I see first right you know two matches before me I see it’s Zach and then it’s Abby oh wow and I’m just like oh my God this is who I got to play Victory against one of these two and you know Servo takes it we get the zombie but I think we are going into yeah story time is later you’re going into real time we got plenty of stories but mhm I hope you enjoyed that but action Hank and mighty Mar we are back at it technical difficulties ladies and gentlemen thank you for sticking with us but it is totally worth it I’m telling you right now yeah we are resetting right here yeah again the gas from both players oh my gosh look look at the way this is been played oh my gosh just spacing yep nice air grab put him where you want him jumps the Sonic spear uhoh good knock down here we go gets hit with the first oh is this the time to go in you got a lot of white oh there we go oh black heart yeah oh look at the pressure this is the Stu we’re talking about the tech you know mixing it up as fish you know that that load of the ground yes yes yes yes oh my goodness gu it oh my gosh that was so dope all right hor you crab he’s floating y they both fly yo if you don’t want to go in the water you float above the water I heard y’all want to float above the water nice I can’t swim I’m a money uh-oh this could one more okay big Tech gets the tiit oh nice yo charge character expert action Han nice all right woo chicken guards the HP great yeah that was a great punish on that one good knock down all right gets to roll back that time to reset neutral jump oh yo nice avoiding the unblockable right there drop jab them out oh this is horrible oh the iron clad bubble traps and it’s over not oh no this is bad okay no no no it’s not over yet no it’s not over yet but you let Mighty out uh-oh yeah yeah you let him out of the sarcophagus the curse is going to happen those frozen malorts in there you know nice cold uhoh okay that was it holy [ __ ] he came back on a pixel how would he how would he manage that it’s like could you get the chip with the The Wave Super like what would it have been what would W yeah I think I actually didn’t pay attention to see if he even had a meter right there yeah no he did because he did the es Pursuit but he did it too late SL Too Close oh my God that was so close yeah but it’s not over yet there still one one we’re tied up now yeah now wear a regular set you know two first to two or what a wild ass oh my God yeah but here we go all right and then already yeah 50% going from mighty Mar but yeah Mars like I am willing to play this long game if I have too late and there he go oh the tail in he gets out just misses it okay and not going to kill but that will do it and again empty coffin to low this is what’s been hit hitting action Hank multiple times now nice air grab action Hank’s trying to get get rushed down no the C all right okay unidentified okay action Hank is in oh sarcophagus dropped he’ll cop and drop jump medium he’s in he’s locking him down now there it is this could be the B yes it is might there it is there’s the teleport that’s the first one the first one finally I’m going to do it not going to do it all Wily willy-nilly Nelson there we go go okay keeps it safe oh oh misses it this is a confirm but Mighty Mar on set point here two to one that that drop in in the one game with the pixel got to hurt that hurts so much deeper than just what you’re seeing on the screen but it’s time to get over yeah it’s time this when it happen and Adam even has this mentality he’s told me once it happens it’s done move on he’s got the right mentality for it he can still do this let’s go let’s put another on the board action hang first knock down there we go we get the block this time all right oh okay I like that yeah trying to mix it up trying to hit catch that well not the tech hit yeah maybe you some know something we don’t know oh yeah I mean you know oh get out oh there it is there’s the first teleport Escape for the bubble oh wow okay oh gets Dr popped on again and then marah has just got action Hank number right now no matter the approach neutral jump yeah being able to just pyramid into it and get that into damage into knockdown and here comes Mighty Mar dashing around not letting this life lead up and Mar’s looking pretty damn good right the hor he’s going to sandwich him in between he tried it just appreciate that I appreciate that really cool he just racing around his RC pram how he do that yeah but with that failed attempt that loses him two me he can build it really quickly um but yeah yeah he’s got to he’s got to serly about how he uses it from now on oh no get shot good block good take oh my gosh oh he chops him out of the string in there all right all right what’s it going to be old string cheese ni gets the nice block needs attack Mighty Mar has the advantage right now Adam is life house hanging by a moment right now hanging by a Moment slice with you Misses the confirm again yeah the nerves are so real on this stage right now multiple Miss kill combo and that’s a trible he turnes in the guppy the Bubble Guppy and mighty Mar takes it punches his way into the grand finals holy holy moly top three has been decided action hanking out almost Eed himself coming out third place in combo breaker wow what a story7 entrance he gets third place cuz I didn’t want to play mhm but he’s here ladies and gentlemen but we want to talk about stories we’re going to have literally a battle of the Champions y’all it is going to be wild it is time to Dawn your gear make this stuff count cuz it’s Grand finals y’all and give us one moment right here we we got some things to do here in the house we got to pump them up the crowd you’re about to see what we’re doing here with the vaap Community let’s go everybody out there yo let me see your VMP emojis in the chat y’all yo I want to see them dance put your aoos out put your zombie dances out I want to see it all let’s go BMP Alis coming from brackets let’s go and in this corner the KOC the big giant [ __ ] the king of Chicago Grand [ __ ] finals let’s go woo here we go y’all Grand finals of combo breaker 2024 we got VMP Aeris versus curse Mighty Mar and we are going to get right into yo riding the coffin yo Zach saying yo I’m the one in winners I’m up here on top yeah it’s up to you to try to bring it back for two sets to try to make this Crown from me but if anybody can do it it can be Chicago’s own Mighty Mar we are here welcome back good stuff hyping up the crowd let’s go but first bat goes to Aeris this is beautiful I’m out of breath oh yeah yeah that is hype out there I got you I got you you’re going to carry me I I love you man here we go though this is very exciting all right but yeah Zach has had full control under control all right yeah reads a crossover all right and there we go Mar is out right now good guard cancel to key the pressure on them that’s what’s so cool about Delta kick you know it’s not like a DP or anything but it continues to pressure if you do not punish it nice just taking his time oh but here okay does not get the bat down still alive oh and there we go down HP will do it it’s not over yet full combo now it’s mighty Mar’s turn all right yeah half the bat is down now Mighty Mar is in the lead down HP all right stopping oh my gosh and that close knee and that’s what we were talking about that hard confirm right there off of the dash Jesus Christ man needed it when it was count cuz it was looking kind of scary right there it was it was it was a little Spooby I’m telling you right now this is um M always plays great but like this is uh this is a standout performance the people he has beat to get here to fight Zach once again and the adversity he has to overcome pixel comebacks that was I got that yeah that action Hank match oh my gosh but here we are nice knock down combo trying to go back ni yeah and this is what’s so scary about mummy is the offense over the all right yeah here yo I want to bring my homie yo we not fighting fair I’m BR the squad good knockdown pyramid drops he’s looking so gooda is bleeding barely on the bat takes the bat Mighty Mark takes it down HP all right stand medium kick woo there we go yeah God the just the methodical play here the methods of Methods of Mayhem here all right over Corner good standing medium kick hey hey hey all right yeah and Mar’s ready for those walk acrosses all right there it is nice Tech and that should do turn into a punish right there oh gets the jumping heavy HP yeah okay yeah uh-huh good lock down oh my God oh my gosh yeah enough time to deactivate sa safe safe guard cancel yeah can that’s pressure gets started oh my God the OS and takes it adaptation right there oh turning around that steam train locomotive of momentum the Iron Horse iron yeah exactly oh my gosh man these players at the top of the game there’s too much yeah at the top of the game is is damn right Zach on set point one match away Mighty Mar a mountain to climb but if anyone could do it if anyone can do it he’s been here he’s been here all day long he has been to the top you cannot count him out yet he has a whole city on his back oh nice lyns Jesus Jimmy Dean what are you doing here horl good knockdown all right nice HK poor Mel Gibson oh nice yeah putting in work those cat claws oh I think that was I think that might have been a missed one but we’ll see is not going to let it go yo using the es pursuit to keep the pressure on let’s go okay gets the full combo oh star you’re not no I’m not going in that hard oh he can punish okay okay doesn’t get double dropped on though oh no crosses him up and puts himself into the corner but Mar backs off tries to regain some of that life and here we go oh oh my gosh what was going on there t for d e as command grab not dead yet but one more mix will do it nice grab okay doesn’t ATT the throw L okay nice this is huge this is huge for Mar this is what he needs if he get one more knock down this is the momentum he needs oh es guard canceled but only gets one hit this is crazy oh my go can’t believe it SAS HPP over toy touch and the five time Champion a five times BMP Al five times for the fifth time in a row five time combo breaker Champion Terry this is absolutely Crown protects the crown protects Cincinnati protects BMP wow I I I I couldn’t ask for a better grind Grand Final show the world from two of the best why he is the best here in na he’s the best I mean he’s the most consistent he’s the most consistent North American player he has W now five combo breakers I have even won one you know like he’s won five of them he you can just give one to me but he’s he’s won five combo breakers and uh I’m so proud of him that’s one of my best friends right there a lot of our best friends and uh he’s just one of the best there is the best there was and the best there over week from winers side you know coming from winners no one no one TR no he made it he made it all the way the kitty cat did not bleed he stayed in the litter box no one got mad yeah you’re you’re in my litter box right so it might be your town but this is my litter box right right yeah yeah yeah he made a litter box with that crowd that was on Mighty Mar’s side but what an incredible tournament man like this has been a wild ride I saved my voice specifically for this day and it’s going out now so we made it we did it we did it we did it we did it we did it I love you dude um likewise I mean love this community love the energy love everything the vampire Sai community and man yeah it’s what a ride we had this is this has been the wildest coaster I’ve ever been on and uh I I hope everyone enjoyed that because like if you want to play this game you’re were saying before you know pick whoever the hell you want it goes to show you know second place at the biggest tournament vampire savior mighty Mah the worst character in the game one of the worst characters like relatively you know like I don’t have you know system mechanics I don’t have system mechanics I’m I’m losing system mechanics like but still yeah taking it all the way to the Grand finals right oh amazing amazing ladies and gentlemen we’re about to do a reward ceremony um and uh yeah thank you for tuning in to this tournament um but I’m about to go we got to we got to put some respect on our top eight here yeah but uh give me another big old hug Terry I love you man love you too we’ll uh I’ll see you guys soon I’m going to see you out there but we’re going to hang out this weekend drink some beers with some people I can finally party I’ve been a good boy the past couple days so I could do this and not lose my voice have some fun over here I love you guys I’ll see you soon yeah and shout outs to everybody there at home watching along I know I saw a lot of y’all out there in chat I know you wish could be here in person we’ll see you around you know maybe an event that’s coming up I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see what the future has in store for us but yeah let me just recap the top eight real quick so you know coming in eighth place we got Dr doctor and Servo or eighth place uh Ninth Place I guess wait what no seven yo I can’t do math my brain is just thinking about all these mixups like yeah Dr doctor Servo just amazing amazing job um you know Servo obviously you know one of the top zbl and a you know not only just working in the game but working behind the game you know I over there Abby’s you know just pushing buttons right now making this stream work uh yeah so definitely a big shout out to and then Dr doctor oh my gosh yeah you know what a story what a story you know coming over from you know the fight Kade Halls you know just M you know he said he was going to do it he said he was going to go to a major you know and make some results and he did so yeah definitely some good shout outs but then we got Carl key coming all the way from France man just you know said I’m not coming home without some metal without some bling around my neck and sure enough he did so yeah so cool man beautiful Morgan play I definitely man so many cool mixups just the reads on the DP what and of course mini mall Ethan another production slor in the game yo good good stuff and then we got Vicky Viper we got action Han and of course we got Mighty Martin and AIS so [Music] man I need to take a breath cuz that was amazing y’all it’s I mean what can I tell y’all uh VAB at combo breaker always delivers is one of our Marquee events and we’ve just so good but yeah we’re going to take it over to the top eight ceremonies so please enjoy and Tak in the energy basking the glow hello can we get the uh top eight vampire savior to the stage we’re going to do a award ceremony hopefully uh we do award ceremony and not alimony from my ex-wife um my ex-husband I guess I’m an ex-husband but uh I’ve never been married the only thing I’m married to is vampire savior get your asses on stage top eight get your asses on stage get off the stage get on the stage what are all these rules for there we go how’s everybody feeling [Music] tonight was everybody like uh how you doing what do we got to say what’s that one thing we do that chant we do what do we say weed weed weed weed weed weededed buy Black Market keep people have money in their pockets screw the dispensaries how you doing grow your own uh we’re just a ston throw way you know here at shamberg Illinois doing our top eight uh I finally lost my voice I’ve been good boy I usually lose my voice day one at these events for the past like a thousand years but uh this year I was good and uh I didn’t party for like multiple days so tonight’s T night wo all right God damn it we deserve it um Everybody did great I love vampire savior community and I love you Adam byee you did great I love you too thank you that’s all I really needed to know but uh yeah I’m overwhelmed like I’m almost 40 years old and I think only one of my lungs Works um so I definitely smoke that thing charcole black that thing woo that thing’s gone now that shit’s legal what a stupid idea that was you know so dumb what oh sorry don’t give me a [ __ ] microphone like what’s your problem you got start it oh oh so everybody uh we’re doing the war ceremony I guess boring [ __ ] like that so um let’s go uh everybody uh vampire savior top eight let’s let’s get it going I don’t have the medals and stuff so what are you yelling at me for um I’ll do stand up what do you want me to do like stand up I’ll do a sit down what kind of Comedy you want Jerry Seinfeld [ __ ] him okay what a bad person so all right I’ll do this I guess I guess all right what are we doing over here okay so uh who’s on first what are we doing seventh place for super turbo uh all [Music] right I don’t I know who’s Seventh Place Seventh Place uh Abby uh Servo I love you come here come here congratulations she does so much for the scene does production and still gets top eight just like some of these other people here so and then next up we have uh I actually didn’t know this player but uh everybody else did cuz I’m never online but Dr doctor that’s right congratulations man did a great job today proud of you Lilith in top eight that’s absolutely crazy so everybody there’re still yelling everyone’s yelling at each other that’s what we do at vampire s yell at each other and then you know hug and kiss at the yeah we have fun at the end but uh coming up next uh you know her you love her and we have Vicky Viper let’s go [Applause] so stepping up you have P minimore that’s my brother I love him vmz Sports mini mall I’m losing my sponsorship that’s for sure lose a door Dash sponsorship I’m glad I lost it congratulations that’s my that’s my brother if no one knows know we’re actually related we have the same parents so and then straight up all the way from France we have the one the only Carl key hell weed weed weed weed weed we we proud of them it’s awesome International presence is freaking awesome and vampire savior Japan France Brazil Neco Punchy team everywhere but the next person we have and I’m might get it right this time Vicky Viper there you go come here give me give me a hug first did good you did good you did great zombie zombie unblockable flying like kick Vicky Vicky and it’s easy now there’s only three people left so uh third place this is my guy VMP action Hank give me a hug I love you man he was going to DQ himself and then look at him now he’s working for Dairy Queen congratulations I love you okay so uh the next person I don’t know you might know him uh you might love him the hometown hero the Pharaoh the king of Chicago Mighty Mo I love you man you’re the best woo the best there is the best there was the best there ever will be speaking of that the five time five time five time combo breaker vampire savior Champion VMP [Applause] alers I love you brother I love you too buddy this is my guy this is my guy right here the king of Cincinnati the king of Chicago the king of France the are there have Kings in France what do you have okay I don’t know let’s go top eight vampire savior congratulations to everybody uh yeah I love all you guys time the party take a p are we taking pictures well do this I guess we take a group picture afterwards right is that we’re going to do so stick around hold that up look at that beautiful thing I’ll get it congratulations five time Champion weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed oh you ID for our French friends woo everybody uh you stick around group photo and then we’re doing real vampire hours later on tonight oh after photo we have something special that we’re going to do um we have an we have an announcement I guess I’m announcing an announcement that’s popular in fighting game community so uh yeah we’re doing that but it’s going to be awesome and I hope you stick around and uh check that out so here we go everybody let’s get it yeah don’t [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s my old friend Keats ladies and gentlemen yeah uh I don’t I don’t know if you uh I didn’t come over here be embarrassed Luke I don’t embarrass you I love you if you don’t know the reason we’re here at combo breakers cuz UF GT was a thing you know you remember that one there he is good to see you man [Music] sorry about that uh if you play this game and you want to get in this group photo get on the stage or in front of the stage right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right everybody if I can uh have your attention if you could just turn around and take a look maai 2024 September 6 through the I’m inviting everybody that plays vampire to come come win our tournament please take it away but anyway that’s all but uh thank you everybody September 6th through the 8th it’s like 101 days you can register right now registration is open thank you everybody how you doing oh my [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] he [Music] B [Music] [Music] beh [Music]


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