A massive crash with Remco Evenepoel, Primoz Roglic and several other stars. Gregor Brown highlights Critérium du Dauphiné 2024 Stage 5 and the damage done with three weeks until the Tour de France 2024.

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    a disastrous day in the Criterium D doan8 2024 stage five here in s priest and it was a stage that was neutralized no winner was announced today we didn’t have a Sprint to the Finish instead we had a massive crash around about 22 km out that came after several other crashes and we’re going to get into all those details but I can tell you right now Primos rogl came down Remco Evol came down Juan a Uso came down and he looks worse out of those and Steven cwick and Dylan vanar both from Team visma Lisa bike went to the hospital in total there were 30 to 50 riders that all fell on this last Descent of the day slick roads coming here where it’s now Sunny unfortunately the Riders had this rainy condition everyone seemed to hit the brakes and like dominoes everyone came down let’s back it all the way back to the start I want to briefly talk about what happened in the race before this disastrous moment we had Escape of two riders that was joined by a third three Riders were free Leber was in there with the mountains Jersey berer from alaon and halter from Team Uno X those three would dominate the day up front and it seemed that the Sprinter team were happy to let that escape go behind we saw Leal Trek for mattz Pon and the team of the cathlon ag2r L mandal of Team Sam Bennett controlling the race things really started to get dicey we saw up front with halter having a crash having to chase back on he chased for like 10 km to join the other two got back on the road conditions were wet another crash 38 km to go that one involved American neelson Palace from EF education that crash was followed by another one and that was the disastrous one right around 212 km to go the Gap to the front two at that point halter was no longer there was at 26 seconds or so mark it on your clocks it was 2:10 p.m. yeah the race was early today because of the tennis tournament up in Paris Roland G also today we marking the 80th anniversary of dday President Joe Biden of course is here in France unfortunately for the race massive crash we never saw quite what happened the first Riders to come down but we saw the aftermath the shot from behind Riders racing on what looked like to be icy roads on The Descent of the final climb Rider after Rider must have been hitting the brakes everybody sliding out on the roads and then we saw the moment but we saw Primus rage up there on the side of the road with his teammates around him and then the camera flashed over to Remco EV a pool race leader in the yellow jerseys sitting on the side of the road and quite quickly the race was neutralized remember this is just over two months after the tour of the bass country crash that involved Remco Primos RIT and yonas vingo and here are Remco and Primos Rod making their race return in this race and they’re crashing again thankfully the early assessments are that they are okay but it took a long time for those guys to get up and I think also they were taking their time because they had heard that the race was neutralized the race was uh taking a moment to figure out what it was going to do the race organizer had stopped uh also the front two Riders everybody decided Well it was best just to call it there no Rider no Sprint they weren’t going to allow the sprinters to go on and maybe neutralized the GC and the official reasoning was is that well there simply wasn’t enough ambulances in in case there was another crash in those final kilometers we saw the images of cwick being loaded into the ambulance and later I spoke with the visma DS gisha nman who confirmed that also Dylan vanar went to the hospital as well we do know that up front Matel Jorgenson sep Kus and TSH bote from that team and also from Team Leal Trek Julio Chone and Carlos Verona they were okay because they were right up there in front and they were looking back to see what happened we saw the images of the two escapes and they were looking up back to see what happened everybody was getting the information through their radio and so the organizer decided Well there’s not enough ambulances we can’t go on and they called it also the Riders were getting cold there waiting on the side of the road it was still raining even though now it’s quite sunny here at the Finish Line race was calmed neutralized and the Riders ride the final 20 km back here to town we’re able to speak to the Riders get some images of the injuries spoke of Derek G he came down he looks okay and he said it was just one of those things everybody’s locking up the their breaks Primos RIT he fell on his shoulder not the one that he hurt in the tour of the bass country crash but he fell on his shoulder uh that was injured a couple years ago so he’s going to have to see how it is overnight Remco Evol I saw blood on his right leg also he said he fell on his right side on his hip there and he said that he did a somersault he thought he was going to save himself but he finally did crash did a somersault and landed on his head looked okay were able to speak with him and he was also did interviews bless him Remco evap did interviews in French English and then Dutch also spoke with some of the other Riders DS is DS from Team Bor hansgo Ralph alag who spoke about the crash he was right there in the moment with uh Primos Rog glitch to confirm everything was okay and thankfully so also with Vass off ji hinley did come down those Riders were able to continue a lot of writers were saying they hadn’t seen anything like this ever well we have to look back to the a bass country to see something similar but then even that day not as many riders came down even if that day early assessments here today on the ground but even if that day it seemed that the Riders were worse off with fewer riders coming down and then looking further back I can remember some massive crashes in cycling but it’s a shame that it’s happened here and speaking with ram cool I asked it everything’s just heightened with the tur FR 23 days away and he seem to say yes there’s more tension in the air and everything also that other crash is fresh in his mind and he said oh not again when he crashed and thinking back to his tour of bass country crash on April 4th but here he is on the ground having to recover get back up all the Riders going to be checked out tonight also Matt Pon came down it’s just a day to forget and also an unfortunate day for those sprinters hoping to get the second opportunity in the 2024 Criterion bu Dophin a to have a Sprint and those Escape Riders to get a chance to attack and escape again it just didn’t happen instead we turned the page after reviewing all those images and you’re seeing them now horrific images but we must show those images so everyone understands what happens so get a clear idea of what happened in the day we don’t like showing these images but it helps us all understand what happened so we can assess and also as fans of cycling know the struggle that these Riders have to go through to continue on racing day after day this is only an 8 day stage race but the tur of France they’re racing 21 days upcoming in this 2024 Criterium Dulan a everyone’s going to set tonight rest even on those uh crashes on those Road rashes they’re going to try to recover get some hopefully good night’s sleep because we have three Summit finishes in a row all three going up to around 1400 1600 M and all three those final climbs in each day are steep like juralia steep type it climbs but today here in s priest the race takes a calm deep breath and remembers those Riders who crashed today and sends our well wishes out to everyone who’s in the hospital getting checks in the 2024 Criterium D Doan [Music]


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