Bicycling through Southern Serbia to see the landscapes, learn the culture, food and
    cost of travel. Where you can find things to do in and things to see in Southern Serbia

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    [Applause] where are you taking me Maps me hey gang Xavier here for a hum of the earth signing in from just outside of Belgrad the punctuation to our lovely time in northern Serbia and today’s video will be journeying through southern Serbia eventually which is the more mountainous part of the country but I don’t think we’ll be making it to the mountains today it seems that we’re taking a scenic detour at least that’s what maps me has decided probably a muddy adventure here I’ve found a place 80 kilometers away that was ten euro online but I did not make you a reservation simply because in northern Serbia I received immense hospitality and ended up staying at different people’s houses and you know things change so I wanted to stay flexible have a plan but stay flexible and also with maps me seeming keen on me having a muddy adventure I don’t even know if we’ll make it but let’s see what happens [Music] reunited with the Danube for my next shot I was planning either the sunset or in the morning over the Danube River because I was planning to make it to a hostel slash guesthouse along the Danube but like I said this morning I didn’t make any reservations so when I arrived there was no one there and I sent a message and I didn’t get any response because I ran out of minutes on my Serbian phone plan so I bicycle back into town in to smear devolve I believe and I was able to contact my plan B here so and they were responsive so they got my business here so this is my apartment for 1,400 dinars which is 12 euro not too bad mr. BIA continues to be the cheapest country in Europe that I’ve traveled to so far modern Serbia there’s actually some of old Serbia here in the smell devil I saw a bagel castle last night when I was coming into the town fortunately I didn’t get any video of it because it was getting dark and I was in a hurry to get to my hostel where there was no one waiting for me and I don’t really have time to check it out today because the plan is to make it 92 kilometers the former capital of Serbia something like Kaguya vac which I’m pretty excited for and hopefully it’ll be a nice day get in there so yesterday we made it to crack ooh Emmet’s before it got dark settled into my nice private room is only ten euro per night and today I will be exploring the city that twice was the capital of Serbia which is now Belgrade and is the fourth largest city in the country although the city lost its capital status in 1841 the city was actually flourishing economically the largest employer at the time was as a stava arms who was operating in the city’s new foundry complex which was built in 1835 today is a notable one our return to the mountains it’s been since Eastern Slovakia I’ve been really looking forward to getting back in the mountains until maybe this morning when I woke up after not having slept that well not feeling super energetic and realized I would have a bit of a challenge and that I have eighty kilometers of mountain riding to do in six hours before it gets dark [Music] [Applause] starting to have some doubts about if I’m going the right way I kind of zoned out for a town or two there but I don’t know how many paved roads there are in Serbia so probably okay [Music] it is raining cats and dogs out here but at least I’ve made it to Crewe svet now I just got to figure out how to get to where I’m staying tonight do you know where to go buddy doesn’t look like it but before heading into town I had to make a bit of an outfit change [Music] don’t want to be making any bad impressions [Music] [Music] I don’t think I’ve stayed anywhere with a treadmill or a stationary bicycle in my travels so far or with this many paintings on the wall anyway so this is my room the most expensive I’ve had in Serbia so far a bit of an odd room like a family or maybe friends getaway type of situation here grand total for two nights is 38 euro but that includes what is a quote unquote very good breakfast according to booking calm shower looks decent as well so I guess we’ll see what that looks like in the morning so much for getting good rest from that long day it’s like there’s a party in my room even though it’s actually downstairs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they won’t even let me party with them some guy told me it was some important party there was some important people here so it won’t let me sleep and they won’t let me party it’s not typical Serbian hospitality oh well guess off to party alone in my room so was indeed a very good breakfast and I did manage to get some sleep eventually the music stopped at 2:00 a.m. so have the energy required to do some exploring of the city of inclusive us [Music] [Music] he started me on buggy my pepper so aside from a few minor hotel issues I had a good time in Khruschev ATS I’m excited for some more mountain time on our way to the alleged to beautiful city of nish let’s get going [Applause] [Applause] so after a day of freezing and wet feet and made it to niche which so far from what I’ve seen isn’t how I remember it being described to me but that being said although it’s not as pretty as I had heard from the research I did this morning it seems there is a lot of things to see with interesting history related to them so I think we’ll still have a good or at the very least interesting and informative time in niche this is the niche concentration camp one of the few remaining in Europe that has been preserved and is mostly intact so after the prisoners were sorted out downstairs where you saw the hey this is where they would be sent to these small dark prison like cells so this constant concentration camp was only a temporary residence for the prisoners here they were here while it was decided where they would be sent to next so they would get sent to larger concentration camps usually northern up either in like Poland or Germany [Applause] we really glad the Sun is coming out the last two days were the survey I had heard about for this time of the year which is just cold and rainy this morning actually melted like my best article of clothing I kind of breathable sweater thing putting on the heater trying to I forgot to dry it last night but Serbia is cheering me up with the landscapes and also just something about old abandoned buildings that I enjoy it not sure why but I’ve seen a lot of them today and yeah definitely feeling better looks like we’ll be treated to a little snow for our last day in Serbia which I guess is better than rain regardless of which is better the snow should make for some extra prettiness as we head to the grand finale as we climb in the highest Serbian mountains that we’ve seen yet so we just did a huge downhill I think even bigger than I am that we did to get up into those mountains which is making me a little bit nervous about this border crossing simply because my first attempt to get into Serbia was a fail it was a border crossing that was only for Hungarians and Serbians so I actually did look up this border crossing given that it’s a kind of more out-of-the-way one and I couldn’t really see a confirmation that it was open to all foreigners I didn’t see anything that said it wasn’t so hopefully this will be where I sign off in this video but let’s see if we get into Macedonia first as I was let out of the of Serbia and [Music] allowed into Macedonia but the border officers have offered me coffee and I’ve accepted him so maybe a sign of things to come in terms of hospitality in Macedonia so after a nice coffee they gave me some homemade honey and the guy told me that the honey was good for six so maybe I’ll try to meet some honey’s tonight in Macedonia to find out if I did you’ll have to watch upcoming video on the channel called journey north Macedonia it should be a good one because I hear that North Macedonia is a beautiful country great people and a lot of cool history and archaeological sites so to journey through the North Macedonia next up on the channel will be videos of the cities that we got to visit along the way or some of them those being ranked oh yeah that’s crucifix and niche which weren’t quite as textbook pretty as the cities in northern Serbia but they all had their unique charm in each ID interesting story so I think this is a pretty good video up on the channel and after that yeah like I said North Macedonia which we’re in right now and if you’d like to support the hum of the earth you can do so via my patreon which I’ll be putting a link to in the description below the video and this is all part of my journey currently bicycling through Central and Eastern Europe and before that a bicycle from Cape Town South Africa to Nairobi Kenya it’s a bicycling through half of Africa and before that I bicycles from Canada where I’m from all the way down to southern Patagonia in our kitchen in Argentina and Chile and all those videos from those adventures are all on this same youtube channel hum of the earth and if you’d like to see an interactive map everywhere that I went and everything that I got to see and do have that available from my website follow the hum of the earth calm where you can click on the different locations and see the various blog posts and videos that i’ve made of these places when you want to get and if you want to keep following my continuing adventures once again bicycling through Central and Eastern Europe you can do so by clicking on the red subscribe button below the video and click on the bell to be notified when new videos come out alright that’s good hope you guys enjoyed have a good one [Music]


    1. First video I've watched of yours. Found you through r/bicycletouring. It's really well made, felt like I was part of the adventure, and I hope to keep watching your other videos! Recently purchased a road bike for myself, hope to start doing some weekend trips soon.

    2. Shame the weather wasn't the best. A month later would have been great and the scenery would have looked a lot better. It was a private party, so don't take it personally that you got kicked out. Pubs and restaurants are usually more hospitable than a hotel/reception hall. Check out western Serbia (if you get a chance) alongside the border with Bosnia its even more scenic. I know I am from there. Greetings from Australia.

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