Riding BMX in the streets of Tallinn, Estonia equipped with a GoPro Hero 7 and a chest mount. Tailwhips, turndowns, drops, manuals, wallrides, grinds and much more.

    Been sitting mostly at home for weeks and needed to get a bit of fresh air, so hopped on my bike and went for a cruise around the city for a couple of hours. Was a fun solo cruise and got me thinking about doing a POV series. With a wider angle the next time though, what do you think, would you be interested?

    Follow me on social media:
    williamkassbmx on Tiktok!

    BMX Akadeemia:

    Yo what’s up? How are You doing? How’s it going in quarantine? I got a new job and been busy with other stuff which you’ll be seeing soon but yeah, I’ve spent most of my time staring at the computer so my eyes are really tired and now I decided to at least go cruise around on my bike during the weekend So, I’ll strap the cam on me now and you’ll see what it’s like to cruise the streets of Tallinn from my point of view


    1. Nice ride bro!!! Ma realselt olen sind kuskil aasta aega jälginud ja nüüd lõpuks otsustasin, et võtaks trikiratta uueks hobiks. Oled mu iidol!🙌😄

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