Join me today as I show you a little bit of tallinn old town and some of the back road twisties of Estonia.
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    what is happening guys and girls welcome to my channel on this beautiful sunny day riding in this beautiful Street uh today I’m on the wife’s bike I’m running her bike in a little bit so the story with that is uh about a week after we bought our bikes uh she had to go in for knee surgery my knee and so she’s only ridden her bike once which sucks for her but anyway so today I thought I might just show you around Talon um in Estonia uh this is where I live at the moment so I thought why not show you around the city it’s uh quite a small City actually it’s got inhabitants of what 500,000 I think so it and it’s estonia’s Capital as well it’s their largest city so anyway let’s uh go and have a look around shall we Estonia is meant to have the uh what’s it called the most well preserved Old Town the best preserved Old Town in any City something like that maybe that’s just uh maybe that’s just a fact that they put upon themselves they say we’ve got the most preserved Old Town the best preserved best preserved not most [Music] preserved like a pickle preserve it like a pickle they’ve preserved Talon like a pickle what else do you preserve dates Jam do you preserve Jam you preserve something anyway we’re getting close to the old town now oh look big church that’s not old though preserved like a pickle so if uh you’ve been watching from my first videos you know what the runin is you know what you’re meant to be doing with this bike you got to go up and down through the gears up and down through the Rev range up to 5,000 RPM just to really wear in those uh all the mov Parts need to seat in the engine properly like they Pistons into the um piston housing BS into the BS we’re on the very edge of Oldtown old Town’s that way we’ll head in there soon got to get around to it so I decided to do this uh early as you can see there’s no traffic Estonia oh sorry Talon Talon is terrible for traffic at the moment because there is there is Road works everywhere and there’s Road works on all the main arterial roads and so everything just gets choked up right now so in order to go to Oldtown I must first go right all the greenery is just starting to come out maybe 3 weeks ago it started and right now is kind of the first time everything’s starting to look Lush got to catch that green Hy there we go let’s go and see the old town I think I might just ride through it a little bit we’ll have a look and then we might head out on another ride so all around Talon are the old city walls as well like this is a part of the city wall and there’s actually areas where you can do tours tours through the city wall this one’s not actually that great I’ll show you a better one you can see an old Defense Tower up top and there’s kind of two sections to Talon there’s a section that’s on top of a hill which was preserved for which was preserved for all the higher ups and then there’s this lower section which is for the peasants I suppose and we’ll go and see both of them that’s a big tower big church let me lift my visor up let’s go right yeah everything’s starting to look so green now it’s so nice oh you got this old Cobblestone which is uh nice to look at but it’s terrible to drive on I don’t think I should go into the square I might get in trouble so I might turn around w so this right here is the Russian Embassy and now I’m getting pulled up English yes uh the side traffic side no I didn’t sorry is forbidden to drive all oh is it yes oh okay I’m sorry I’ll uh what is your destination I was just having a look I didn’t realize you couldn’t drive in the old town okay I’ll I’ll okay you go back yeah okay fools [Laughter] Dr Evil yeah so turns out you cannot drive in here so where I was just then was actually the Russian Embassy and I don’t know if you saw you could see all the gates and whatnot the fences so I don’t know if they’ve closed it or there’s no diplomats there anymore or something like that but um um yeah obviously when the war broke out there was a lot of hatred towards the Russians the Russian Embassy for obvious reasons and uh now there’s a constant police guard there I mean that was a military police guard and obviously they thought I shouldn’t be riding so was a little bit nauy of me all right now there’s a tower here I’ll show you this there’s a tower just behind this building called fat Margaret it’s fat Margaret cuz it’s one of the largest uh circular defense Towers there she is big fat Margaret and now it’s a museum we’ll have a look from another angle one sec there you go there’s fat Margaret and so these these Mounds are also defense they’re actually they’ve got Stone underneath them all about defending the city there you go you can see some more walls there this is the lower City defense we’ll head around and we’ll see the upper was it best preserved medieval Old Town something locked up there’s some old city walls there you go there’s some City defense so like I said there’s an upper and a lower defense the upper defense obviously is harder to get into so that’s where the higher class individuals stay see if we can get you glimpse of it not really there’s too many trees can I squeeze through the Gap yes I can I’m a motorcycle just wanted to see if I could show you those buildings there you go that’s most of the upper Town’s defense yeah have a look at that there you go and that building there I think is Parliament maybe they’re all Parliament anyway that’s ton Oldtown so what I might do now is go and find me some twisty roads to run this bike in on I’ll meet up with you there okay so I’ve made my way out of Talon and onto some nicer twisty roads Let’s uh push this bike I’ve got it into sport mode and dynamic Pro just to see how much of a wuss I am with this lean angle let’s see if I can get that up a bit 30° I don’t know let’s see what we can get it to anyway I might just do a raw unfiltered sound check on this road I don’t know what you call it anyway I’m going to be quiet and just ride got it [Music] bloody hell [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] anyway guys and girls that’s where I’m going to leave you today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give us a big thumbs up leave your comments down below anything you want to know now if you want to see some more of my content don’t forget to subscribe and hit the Bell icon that way you get notified whenever I put out a new video I am trying to put out at least one video a week but I want to uh but sometimes work gets in the way uh and I’m currently moving houses so there might be a little lag but hopefully I’ll get pretty consistent anyway guys and girls enjoy the ride enjoy the day keep the bike the right way up and I’ll catch you in the next one

    1 Comment

    1. Thank you for the video! I’m currently waiting to get my own GS and your videos have been acting like my therapy sessions to help me cope with the wait 😂 Still like 60 days to go so please keep them coming!

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