Join me as I ride with a special guest today, a local football celebrity, Delyth Morgan of ‘Welcome To Wrexham’ fame. Want to know more, click to watch.

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    [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning welcome back to the channel living track or cycling um got a guest appearance this morning look um unsurprisingly she’s not coming on the ride with us today but uh somebody else is today I’m doing a very ordinary local ride but something about today’s ride is out of the ordinary and that’s who I’m riding with so today I’m doing a short Cafe ride up the coast from where I live to a small Seaside town called roson sea and I’ll be joined on that ride by a local uh footballing celebrity uh a lady who plays for uh rexam AFC in fact they goalkeeper Dell Morgan or to give her her proper Title deith Morgan now Dell won’t be the only person that I’m riding with today uh one of her media people is joining us on the ride and I’ll introduce him uh to you later uh I think it’s her pa um her personal assistant more about that later but for the time being let’s crack on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay hopefully we’re rolling and the mic’s picking me up uh I’m just cycling up now to the meeting point to meet Dell and uh her PA maybe you’ll realize that why that’s funny later on this coffe ride coffee ride whatever you call it you can call it both it’s been about a month in the planning um I first contacted uh D and her people about a month ago and originally pitched the idea for this coffee ride and got a quick and positive reply back pretty quickly which I was pleased about there was a little bit of negotiation back in two where we were going the format of the ride and so and so forth um and that’s one of the reasons why D’s PA and you’ll probably hear me snigger to myself every time I use the term PA personal assistance Dell’s PA is joining us this morning the ride is just a short ride uh up from the town where uh I live as I explained in the earlier clip to a nice coffee stop uh in a nearby Seaside town and at some point during the ride possibly the coffee stop itself Dale has very kindly consented to me firing a few questions her way a total of 10 I think so in some way shape or form hopefully there’s going to be an interview uh in there somewhere now earlier on I described d as a local footballing celebrity and that’s because she is d just to explain to you viewers is the lead goalkeeper for the women’s team of reom football club and she’s a damn good goalkeeper but that’s not the only string to her bow but we’ll get into a little bit more of that later on I’m turning left to you time to shut up drop it into the granny ring to make sure I get around this corner without falling off camera’s rolling let’s hope we don’t fall off power oh no we didn’t do it that’s the first time I failed okay so here I am at the meeting point where are meeting D and uh uh her PA chuckle chuckle I’m probably going to get in trouble for that you might uh figure out why later on the reason why I describ D as a local footballing celebrity is because she is she’s the lead goalkeeper for as I was just saying uh Rex some ladies football team but she’s also uh I can’t use the term star of but she’s featured in the very very enjoyable uh TV series uh welcome to reom now regular viewers of the channel uh may have realized in previous videos that I posted little Snippets of rexam football club and that’s because rexam football club is a football team with which is very very close to my heart for reasons I won’t go into as is the town so uh for those that don’t know what re welcome to reom the TV documentary is all about do a Google search check it out watch it it is brilliant it’s very very well written it’s very emotional uh most episodes uh I watch with my wife I’m in tears uh uh watching them and the documentary itself is not only about football it’s about so much more than football it’s about life it’s about love it’s about loss it’s about it’s about tragedy it’s about hope you name me one emotion and that TV series captures it the TV series is now in its third season this wait for this car to go past and it’s had world worldwide Acclaim and worldwide uh Renown if I can use that term um and as a result of that documentary and the history behind it the Takeover by the Hollywood actors uh Ryan Reynolds and Rob Mel Henny um there are fans now from around the world for the club uh but a lot of fans unsurprisingly from the USA anyway it’s just before 10:30 the meeting time uh at this post box is 10:30 so uh D and the PA should be arriving shortly I’m going to get in so much trouble for [Music] that so ladies and gentlemen uh this is Dell Dell thank you very much for joining us this morning uh for those that don’t know uh I might refer to Dell throughout the video as super Dell Morgan because she’s famous enough that she’s actually got her own theme song super Dell Morgan and go Poss more about that later but for the time being the sun is shining uh let’s make a move make a [Music] move so the weather forecast for today uh the weather forecast improved as the week progressed and for my local area today uh the forecast is for unbroken Sun sun shine Clear Blue Skies uh there is quite a bit of cloud covered in the sky but uh temperature wise it’s not too bad it’s just smidge under 20Β° and the Sun is periodically poking its head out so it could be worse [Music] regular viewers of the channel would have seen this uh foot path before we’re currently cycling along a foot path uh to my left is a river I think it’s the river clu I might be wrong but it flows out uh into real uh to the Sea uh there’s a little bit of a headwind this morning or it’s a little bit Breezy um hopefully the uh audio isn’t too corrupted at the moment by the wind noise [Music] we’re about halfway through to our coffee stop now and we’re just coming through uh abagi or as the locals call it abele anyway just up ahead of me on the left is gri Castle um which is where the ITV series uh I’m a celebrity get me out of here was filmed when it wasn’t filmed in Australia when during the co years when they couldn’t travel there uh they came to Wales North Wales as it turned out and it was this location on the left the ruins of the castle are a quarter of a mile behind that Big Stone Gate House that we’ve just passed so we are just coming into cwin Bay northw Seaside town right on the coast Coen Bay the building behind me is uh quite a nice building I just sto to get some footage this is a local private school it’s local to colen Bay but it’s an impressive building okay we’ve now reached Ros on C we’re just dropping down towards the coastline the prominade just cycling through a housing State a residential area we’re a few minutes away from the coffee stop where we’re going to enjoy a nice slice of cake and a coffee and we’re going to get the uh interview with super Dell Morgan underway you just see the sea ahead okay as you can see we’ve arrived at the coffee stop uh in uh in roson SE and the sun shining on us uh so we’re quite lucky so ladies and gentlemen let me introduce properly to my left uh is uh dell Morgan or to give it a full title uh as I did in the intro this morning in my backyard deith Morgan D Morgan and I called her um local footballing celebrity and that’s because um she is Dell is the lead goalkeeper the most important goalkeeper for the reom football club ladies team um and she’s very kindly consented today um to not only coming out on this uh Cafe ride um but to me firing a few questions her way now we’ve got 10 in total and I’ve separated these five are football related questions because obviously um much of the um uh interesting facts uh uh that we’re going to talk about today is in relation to Dell’s footballing career and the other five obviously because we’re a cycling channel are all about cycling so thank you d right um are you ready for question number one I’m ready okay no peeking okay no peeking okay question number one how old were you when you started playing football um I think I couldn’t remember an adapt age but I’ve been playing football for as long as I can remember probably since I could first walk I imagine that’s quite early isn’t it yeah okay now um I know obviously you’ve got two brothers yeah two older brothers two older brothers is it the older brothers that got you into the game do you think um not both of them the eldest not the sportiest he but he got the brains he got a PhD he’s a he’s got the brains he’s clever um probably the Middle Brother the middle one out of the three of us um he’s more close to my age I guess only four years older um bit more sporty like me and then obviously Dad is around in the back Garden so me me and who and the and dad in the back Garden but you’ve been playing as long as you can remember yeah yeah okay okay so question number two we touched on some of the answer there possibly but uh I’ve expanded the question so I I’ll read it out what was it originally in your life maybe as a youngster which led to your interest in football and specifically goalkeeping because that’s what you do that’s where your expertise is so what was it that led you specifically to goalkeeping um I always have the same answer for this um who used to go down to the field at the bottom of the road Ali field and play with his mates I used to think they were cool so I I wanted to go and join in he would they would only let me join in if I went in goal neither one none of them wanted to go in goal I would me wanting to be involved just said okay um and I just stuck I just found a niche I guess and just stuck with it from there so it was Big Brother’s Direction which led you to uh the career that you’re now enjoying yeah yeah yeah and a successful career it is okay question question number three now as well as being the goalkeeper for rexam uh ladies team tell us about the other aspects of your footballing life I.E who and where you coach because rexam is not only is not the only string to your bow is it no okay so tell us a little bit about that please um I work for Liverpool Football Club with the women’s under 21s so a goalkeeper coach for them um it’s full-time um so we all train and work out of M training ground which is the men’s old training facility um and we are we share the facility with the women first teams so every day when I’m in work I get to see all the first team get to work with them and get to learn a lot from them as well and then a little bit added on to that work the under 16 girls as well so that’s sort of in the evening um to like like produ hopefully producing future goalkeepers for Liverpool women football club and and how long have you been coaching with Liverpool uh I just finished my third season with them so start about to start my fourth and and get back in July no Liverpool’s not the only uh uh place that you you coach for um am I right in thinking that you’ve also had a coaching involvement previously with Wales yeah tell us a little bit about that if you would um I spent a couple years with Wales women’s under the 19s as a goalkeeper coach as well so that entailed going away to training camps and match camps all over Europe so I’ve been to places you might not normally go like you would choose to go to um but also been some some some really nice places but I don’t do that anymore um cuz I have to when I commit to Liverpool fulltime I have to yeah of course I’m with you okay now as a player am I right in thinking that reom is not the only club that you’ve played for previously you’ve also played for uh other clubs is that right yeah um I’ve been at Liverpool uh sorry rexam been at rexam now for three three just finished my third season so going into fourth season um played for old reom women previously in that sort of old setup and establishment um but in the past I spent a good chunk of my childhood playing for Liverpool in the EAS groups um I’ve been at Everton um I’ve played for TNS when they were in the English system and then I played locally for real ladies when they were in the Welsh Premier League a few years ago as well what now one of your media people in the background was just was just waving to us both as you were answering that last question as well which was um did I hear the uh the term whales mentioned yeah um played for whales throughout all the youth age groups um from under 15s all the way to under 19 impressive 15 CS that is impressive so when people say correct me if I’m wrong if I get wrong when people say you know I’ve got a cap for playing for my national team they literally give you a cap don’t they it’s a end of the that’s it and you’ve got a 15 of those um you get you get one cap per year so in that one cap I could have played four or five games for that one cup um I don’t know what they used to do previously but it’s it’s like a Traditional School boys little little cat yes I’ve seen I’ve seen pictures of them I’ve probably got I reckon I’ve probably got five or six years worth oh I’m with you you got one for the year but within that you play four or five games and I should imagine they’re quite treasured possessions AR yeah they are put away in a special box okay question number five and we’re getting towards the end of the football relating question now um here we go as far as your career with reom is concerned what would you say is you’re playing highlight so far playing highlight or the thing or the thing which is in relation to reom yeah uh the and it could be anything the thing which you’re most proud of it’s it’s probably it’s hard I got three moments I guess tell us about them all but they all they all probably happen within a few weeks of each other at the end of last season so not the season just finished the season before so playing at the race course in front of 9,500 fans that was very cool cuz obviously we’ve um as family me dad who over the years have been going to watch rson play and then I was on the pitch of assault but almost uh sold out Stadium cuz this is before they had that stand behind the goal so it pretty much every seat was almost taken uh getting promoted so the playoff final um probably one of my better performances I’ve had in the vom shirt as well and then obviously that led to us getting promoted and then the third thing has to be the TR the parade oh the the trophy parade parade I I was I was there for that saw you there yeah yeah I I was there with my wife and my granddaughter standing on the corner yeah I saw you there um so yeah that was Unreal cuz every single Street we went along was just Juma and you see the pictures afterwards of the from from the height like especially when we were going on M Road outside Stadium the M people that were there cuz I remember we were trying to get over the little bridge that goes over the railway and the buses all had to stop because there was just people all over the road and the police had to separate them it strikes me that there can’t have been many people living in rexam that didn’t come out for that oh my God I think the whole of rexam came and more yeah it was a spectacular EV it was Unreal and I think my on our bus I was on the side of it as well so I wasn’t expecting that yeah um it’s a trophy LIF on the playoff final and it was um yeah and then obviously see the most pretty cool thing of all the buses Robin Ryan decided to be on our bus not the men’s bus not the coach’s bus our best I I remember I remember seeing um I can’t remember seeing Rob meleny but I certainly remember seeing um Ryan Reynolds and that was a pretty cool thing because you know even if people out there don’t know uh much or anything about reom football club people will have heard Ryan Reynolds about Ryan Reynolds although he’s a Canadian lots of people might think he’s in he’s not he’s a famous Hollywood actor isn’t he done many and to have seen him in the flesh uh you know I was a little bit and I was standing 40 or 50 yards the side of the road I was a little bit a struck at seeing him go past on the bus so I mean you must have felt similar when the very first time you met him in person yeah there’s um a picture one of the pictures we’ve sent you is I’m on the pitch which I’ll put up on screen and I’m talking to both of them that is the moment I first met R was it really that’s the moment we’ve met well before he’s come down to one of our games earlier in the season um and he’s just he’s just as brilliant um but yeah that moment is the moment I met ran Reynolds um and I I have to you know what those two a lot of people ask us what they’re like and they are exactly how they are on the documentary any interview you ever see of them um and they don’t make you feel like you’re any less than what they are they care they care about you they’re generally serious and love the club and everyone involved and every all the town nothing about it and you get that feel from them as well you you feel how much they care about the club and that’s really nice I mean I’ve got very strong ties with the uh Town um and you know as somebody with those close ties to the town or is as a city as it now is you know my view on what they’ve done for the club and an extension for the town is not insignificant and it’s not to be underestimated their takeover and what they’ve put into the club and the town in turn has been tremendous as massive massive it’s it’s been I think it’s one of the reason why the whole other documentary everything like that and the club has just grown because especially documentary they just show what yeah real life what people the real real people are what real rep’s about and I think that’s what’s attracted so many new fans we were talking viewers about the documentary uh on the ride up here and if you’ve not watched it uh watch it yeah if you’ve not watched it it’s not only about football it’s about so much more uh wax welcome to rexim it’s called I think it’s add on is it Disney plus yeah Disney plus we’re in the third season now and I think we’re waiting for episode four of season 3 to come out but I can’t recommend it enough uh I regularly watch each episode and I’ve got tears in my eyes it’s so well written check it out you won’t be disappointed the next question talking about Rob and Ryan leads nicely into my next question uh and this is the light-hearted question that you don’t know about are you ready for it okay here it comes who’s the better looking Rob moleni or Ryan Reynolds who are you picking you got to pick one to be fair it’s probably quite an easy one for me only it has to be Ryan reynards purely because even before he was attached in or related to reum in any sort of way he’s always been one of my favorite actors he’s a he’s a good I used to when I was younger I used to have a picture of him on my phone screen oh right so it’s when he first it was our first rumored that they get involved to re I no way like R re is my favorite i’ I probably watched every thing that he been in before he came to rexim as well as afterwards so not to say Rob’s not no he’s not yeah yeah yeah but thumbs up for Ryan Rob moleni I don’t okay we just had a little break within the question and answer session to finish our coffee and cake and very nice it was too we’re moving on to some cycling questions now so uh question number seven d the first one of the cycling uh questions how long have you been cycling for um we all well we learned to cycle from a very young age to be fair so again I’ve been cycling for as long as I can remember I think um I probably got into Road biking during Co so we were on lockdown I had an like an ordinary hybrid bike at my house um and I was cycling around rexon that’s where I living at the time um and then dad was going out at home in starting so um and I wanted to go get further and further so we ended up getting a road bike during that lockdown and then that’s sort of how started on the bikes the lockdown wasn’t good for much but one of the things it was good for is the cycling industry saw a massive Doom didn’t it a tremendous amount of Interest okay thank you how often do you cycle do you use it as part of your Fitness training at all um I cycle most during this time of year during the summer and the offseason nothing wrong with being a fair fair weather cyclist I am um it’s to be fair it’s not because it not necessarily just cu the fair weather just during the winter months with football and with like Liverpool between Liverpool and maam it’s just it’s hard to get out cuz it goes it’s dark it’s dark morning dark in shorter days yeah um and the football season like anyone if you ever meet anyone else who worked in the football industry it’s intense it’s long days it’s there’s a lot of work to do outside you’re working hours as well so it’s like I’ll be at home doing a lot of work as well ready for what I need to do in work um so in the winter I don’t really have the time but as soon as the season finishes I can got the days back again back into it I can understand that okay nearly there two more questions to go number nine just wait for that naughty car to go past oh and another one what do you enjoy most about getting out on your bike if you had to pick one thing what the best thing about getting out on your bike um it has to be the mental benefits when I’m on a bike I don’t think about anything else I’m just thinking about what I’m doing what’s up ahead like what gear I might have to go in to get up this next Hill um it might be I’m going up a hill and motivate motivating myself to keep going um for that two three 4 hours that you out you just there’s nothing else that matters it’s nice to escape that’s a good answer and that is very very true um um a big benefit for cycling for a lot of people and yourself included and I suppose you know I’ll include myself in that as well is how beneficial it is to a positive mindset uh and it’s good for your mental health that’s a cracking answer that um I remember a few months ago watching an interview on TV between um an old presenter on the gcn show a fell called Matt Stevens and he was interviewing t pagach a professional racer and I think Matt Stevens might have asked him the question um what do you enjoy about cycling or something like that they were talking about the benefits of cycling um and T pagach came out and said and this is a professional road bike racer it’s just good for the soul and can Rel to that it is isn’t it it really is okay last question uh and this is a biggie now I happen to know that um is off to America soon viewers with the club um so tell the viewers if you will Dell how long are you out there for what are you doing and what are you looking forward to tell us all about the trip yeah um so just on Sunday in a couple of days time um we’re off to our first of two trips to America um this first one is to North Carolina for the TST soft tournament um where teams from all over the world have got coming together to play seven as side basically um so the men went last year they did I remember yeah and it but it was just a men’s tournament but this year there’s a women’s tournament so the club are obviously entering a men’s team again and this time going to enter a women’s team so seven of us seven players we’ve been chosen to go um and then a couple members of Staff will come with us and then when we get over to America we’ll be joined by some external players who are all X pros from the national women Super League over there so they didn’t you they they haven’t played for USA Women but they’ve played professionally in that in the American League so you know they’re going to be a good standard cuz the American Football League women especially bigger than the men out there to be fair they get big better crowds and everything like that yeah um so Saka is bigger for women in am in America which is cool um so we’ll be joined by them and also there play an anx English International Cary talford retired just last year from uh football played England and Chelsea and amongst just some teams quite a big name so she’s a very big name uh she’s goalkeeper herself so there’s there’re basically two players for each position basically it going to be a very intense very hot as well um and then if you win the tournament you get a million dollar so you share that out between you all so be pretty cool if you win be hard um yeah that’s no that’s no small paycheck is it um but it will be tough one of the teams we’re going to play is the USA Women so they’re national team so they’re not current players are all EX players oh yeah but um a couple of names are Ali creger who’s got over 100 caps for USA woman only retired last year so she was still very good right to the end yeah if she’s only retired last year she’ll still have it won’t she she won her team won the League last year as well um so she’s a she’s a winner she knows how to win uh hea O’Reilly she got again over 100 caps USA Women she’s played for over here she played for Arsenal um a few years ago she been retired now about three or four years but she’s still going to be outstanding and then kyly Lloyd we’ve got over 200 caps I think for USA Women is is their head coach and she’s only not playing cuz she’s pregnant I you quite I think the USA team have got a combined over a thousand caps between them from so be in I’m just going to go out we’re just going to go out there compete as much as we can have fun enjoy it and get to meet some absolute Superstars what would you say you personally I’m most looking forward to about the USA trip anything in particular I’ve never been to America before um and I actually at North Carolina where we’re going this time is actually one of the places I want to go I’ve always wanted to go based on things a TV show or film that I might have seen you know like the scenery and stuff it just looks amazing so that’s just one and then obviously we’ve got La in in in the summer for the preseason tour where the whole Squad will go so and I and I have no doubt there will be footage uh of you out there which will feature in a fourth coming episode on the documentary w’t they yeah probably they start they they renewed for season 4 aren’t they so chances are they could be filming next week I don’t know and viewers um just um uh in case you don’t know uh dell has already featured in season 3 of the documentary um which I keep banging on about is brilliant so if you haven’t watched it yet uh it’s fantastic it’s it’s well written it’s well portrayed um do check it out you won’t be disappointed Dell thank you very much for your time I’m really grateful and uh we finished our cake and coffee I can see uh your p’s put his cap on and we’re ready to go so ready to go uh let’s make a move so we’ve just left the cafe in rosson SE and we’re now beginning the uh Homewood leg journey and uh one flat wide for me at the cafe and uh as for the D and I both had the same piece which was uh sticky toffee and Biscoff very nice it was too [Music] [Music] we’re coming towards uh the end of the ride now so I’m just taking the opportunity alongside Dell to uh thank Dell for her time today it was very considerate and kind of her to uh to humor me and to answer the questions that I asked thank you very much um obviously I won’t see you again before your USA trip so uh I hope you have a a great trip stay safe and uh I hope you have a very very enjoyable and successful trip out there thank you my pleasure thank you very much so we’re almost home less than a mile to go just up the road I’ll say TTI by I’ll say tatti by to uh Dallas and uh her PA who’s ahead of [Laughter] me uh okay here we are in the back Garden uh obviously um at the end of the ride and uh Old Faithful is next to me as you can see um I quite enjoyed that ride it was a nice easy flattish ride just up the coast and I’m really grateful today for the uh company um uh and the time that um D Morgan gave uh to answer the questions that I asked that was very kind of her as you can see the dog’s got fed up of me she’s abandoned me she’s sniffing in the garden if you enjoyed that video uh please give it a thumbs up thank you very much it helps out the channel and if you haven’t subscribed already hit that subscribe button doesn’t cost you a penny it’s completely free and it helps out the channel quite a bit and as you’ve heard me banging on uh in other videos I’m quite Keen to try and uh grow the channel um on the subject of growing the channel um I’ve got a a giveaway uh not a competition a giveaway that um I’m going to mention now um I’m currently on uh 459 subscribers and I’m trying to reach uh my next Milestone which is around 500 uh and with that in mind the giveaway relates to one of these which regular viewers uh of the channel will know that I’ve done a couple of rides um lost Lanes rides recently and the prize uh to the winner which will be chosen at random will be one of these books of their choice of the Winner’s Choice now all you have to do to enter this giveaway uh is subscribe to the channel uh that’s what I get out of it completely uh uh being honest um and as a subscriber to the channel your YouTube channel or your profile on YouTube so I can see it uh must be public that’s one of the conditions of a giveaway so to enter yourself uh into the giveaway uh to try and win uh this lost Lane’s book of you’re choosing um subscribe to the channel comment underneath this video let me know um which of these books if you turn out to be the winner you’d like and once I’ve reached or once the channel has reached 500 subscribers uh I will pick um somebody from the comment section uh at random uh I’ll check whether they’re a subscriber uh hence the need for the public profile and I will then contact that person um uh and ask what book you want and where you’d like me to send it to so uh thanks again for watching don’t forget to give the uh video today a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and I look forward to seeing you next time [Music]

    1 Comment

    1. Another great interview Pete. I'm not a football follower at all, so haven't watched the program you mention. Maybe I will look it up. I'm sure you will be at the 500 subs mark in no time at all.
      Pretty sure I have cycled along that bit of coastal cycle path you showed at the end after the cafe, recognised it from a ride years ago we did.

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