Watch as the toughest Hard Enduro riders blast their way over boulder gardens and forestry climbs on the merciless ‘Iron Giant’ at Red Bull Erzbergrodeo 2024. Only the bravest few will reach the finish line.


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    e e e e e e e e w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] s say hello to the Iron Giant for 51 weeks of the Year this gigantic open pit mine is closed to the public while it produces more than 3 million tons of iron ore but for one week operations cease and it opens its doors to the biggest the most prestigious the most punishing and the most intense hard uro race in the world welcome to the 28th edition of the the Red Bull sburg Rodeo well it’s an absolute honor to stand here next to two bonified Induro Legends over here we’ve got unquestionably the best Privateer ever to throw his leg over an uro bike and he’s got a mullet that would make Chuck Norris Green With Envy it’s Paul Bolton and then this gigantic slab next to me has six Induro World titles to his name four super in Juro two hard in Juro Billy Bol gentleman is it’s a pleasure how you feeling Mega mate I mean the atmosphere down here is just so electric the temperatur changing all the time it’s a look around us look up on those Hills look at the the hills are just stack with people helicopters flying around yeah it’s chaos Billy bit to sweep for you you don’t get to ride but you still get to come down here and feel the adrenaline yeah it’s a tough one you know of of all the races this is the one which is uh it’s really starting to sting that I’m not on the start line but you know I’m here I’m experiencing it from another point of view you and uh as Paul’s just said there I’ve just had a look around and it I’m starting to take in a lot more than I normally would so I’m trying to find the positives but this one is really really stinging to be stood here okay uh zbur is a race but it’s important to say at this stage that it’s so much more as well Paul like it’s it’s a festival yeah absolutely there’s so much going on in these few days and it’s like like you say it’s electric all the time there’s so much going on with the prologue the Raiden eisers the Rocket Ride everything but it all boils down to where we are now now okay Billy for you I mean how important is zburg in the world of uro uh it is the one it’s the one everyone wants to win it’s it’s the race that made our sport what it is today you know it just brings so many people together you know whe there’s whether you’re here just for the party for the festival there’s thousands of people turn up and just enjoy their weekend and then for the handful of pro guys that’s here this really is the race that can change your life you know we’ve seen it happen time and time again a good result here can literally change your life okay well the zburg rodeo is part of the hard uro World Championships it is a seven stop tour and it kicked off last month in Wales with the valleys hard injo it moves here to Austria steria for zburg and then it’s onto the xros rally in Serbia in June the legendary romaniacs in July and then the TKO ten Tennessee knockout over in the states in August then we’ve got the SE to Sky in turkey and it finishes up with the hixpania at the end of October it is a packed schedule a lot of pressure on the Riders absolutely and a lot of mileage under the belts by the end of the season that’s for sure especially with the rally format ones as well like you said yeah yeah it covers such a different you know variation of terrains different race formats there’s uh there really is a test of everything and uh it’s he who can be the best I would say allrounder in terms of that so many different disciplines of hard injur is going to be victorious at the end of the year okay both of you went to The Valleys last month B what did you make of it yeah it was a tracking race the people down there in the South Wales valleys are so they’re such nice people massive fans you know of hard uro and Enduro and motorbikes in general but yeah the track was more more fitted to like rocky rivers like really just breaks you down knocks you about and uh yeah it was a brutal race to be fair but results wise it was business as usual out front Manny let mler leading the wi doing what he does best a little bit interesting coming around in the paim we had tach yeah that was a mega result for him first on the shko getting on the PO gim um but yeah I would say a pretty good start of the championship okay well we can take a look at the standings now and no surprises there really when you take a Manny leton bitler on 25th KAC have that great result him in second Mario Roman the two Shero Riders there almost teaming up to try and catch up with Manny Wade young willor some great results for the young Brits as well in there as well absolutely the bright mes are doing Mega at the moment and they’re training a lot together everything it’s really good okay well we’ve talked about the the hard injo World Championships but coming back here to sburg and this is a working mind like so much of it changes every year they’re moving rocks around but there is a big headline about a change in the course isn’t there this year absolutely they’re going like pretty much they’ve got the start they’ve got over to vas liong and things like that and all the other ones so yeah it’s then inter calls din earlier in the race than it normally is which again I think nobody really knows what to expect no one really knows what kind of strategy to play out it’s it’s going to be an interested one if I was R I wouldn’t know how to play put it that way okay in terms of what it does we’ve got all of the pros going in there but it means we’re going to see a lot of the amateur in there pole absolutely I think it’s going to be a bit of a bike park but they’ve still got a lot of wet Forest to get through before there I think a lot of amate will get in but I don’t know how many are going to get out and The Crossings change this year as well listen we got a Bara machine that’s just pulled up around the corner if you can hear that sounds like about 15500 horsepower that’s about to light up and scream off with KL Kato so if that makes noise you can hear that uh before it does though we’re going to throw you down these two boys took Carson Brown the AMA Super Cross Rider into Carl’s dinner to see well to give him a couple of pointers on how an zburg virgin might deal with Carl’s dinner thanks guys for that one but we’re here on the Iron Giant in this lovely weather and I’ve got two really good guests this year we’ve got Billy bolt a season professional at urg Rodeo and we’ve got a new guy here caraston Brown yeah we’re here checking out car’s dinner obviously it’s much earlier in the race this year so how would you prepare more for that I think it’s about surviving Rock by Rock and just making it through and out of here alive yeah definitely we’re going to give you a few little tips about how to ride the dinner one of my key tips was uh actually just using two fingers on the clutch rather than one just to save it for some other sections later on in the track obviously riding the higher lines trying not to get in the big holes there’s some huge ones down there as well trust me so yeah any other words of wisdom bill it’s difficult to say it’s so hot cuz everyone rides it so differently one thing I’ve noticed from uh previous years of bean here is when it’s wet I feel like it actually gets worse with more people the kind of top layer of the rock almost to be there first you just jump from Big Rock to Big Rock all your way through P that simple you to about here somewhere yeah I mean you don’t see this every day it’s a lot gar I in person than I ever could imagine like how do you prepare for this now looking at it going into it for you know years after this what can I do to get ready uh about 10 or 15 years of Trials experience is probably the best thing you can do to prepare your so that would definitely help that fits in your schedule before next year’s race I think you could be a Podium Contender for next year all right what gear are you guys typically in are you in first or second I was always in first cuz I used to run a taller gear in for the other climbs on the Mountain first gear I think works quite well get in and just a feel for it and and little sections as well drink have a breather keep working your way through it another question I had is uh you know if you have a bunch of riders in front of you uh do you try and pick a different line around them or if there’s one solid Main Line you kind of have to play Follow the Leader it’s a lot I think about just assessing the situation while you’re in here and and making good decisions when you’re in here certain point youve just got to get on with it and get through it so should we go have a quick look around it yeah let’s go uh check it out [Music] I’m never really letting go of the clutch yeah so try to get your back wheel there you don’t want to lose it in that hole Yeah well done try recover that and get on that one if you can yeah good job the back wheel’s good there once it comes up all right try to think about your shoulders being even further behind the foot pegs lifting the front wheel yeah incredibly technical it’s true though well man bit more more bit more bit more bit more steady steady yes he’s in he’s locked in that back look down at your back wheel he’s locked in there now yeah perfect see this one this is grippier than some of the other ones so whenever you see them crumbling away they’re always pretty grippy them boogers yeah yeah brilliant mager all right that was we’re making progress don’t let it run away from you down there yeah good yeah nice one yeah under the tip that’s a good line all right three learns for me body positioning shoulders forwards or backward me to be honest i’ have to employ you for some lessons yeah and then uh definitely line selection yeah yeah sound keep your head up looking ahead one rock at a time one rock at a time well the good news is there’s only two million rocks in Carl’s dinner that he’s got to take care of he did pretty well in his defense though didn’t he absolutely you know from his background he’s like he say his first time at even a hard uro never mind the Red Bull urg Rodeo is like yeah fair play to him how do you think he’s going to change the race Billy having Carl’s dinner that early I think it means the Riders are going to enter Call’s dinner a lot more together than they usually would be you know caring is typically in around the hour mark and um it’s often quite spread out so there’s not a lot of overtakes yeah you can make up a lot of ground quite easily but everyone’s going to enter together and I think it gives someone a chance that doesn’t quite get the best of start and early opportunity to make up a lot of time and I mean do you think it’s a case of be careful what you wish for for some of the Riders further down the field absolutely yeah they might they might have always wanted to get there but some of them might regret getting there once the there for sure there’s also a forest section that uphill in the forest between the two levels and I think that’s going to be a sticking point for a lot of the Riders okay let’s take a quick look now the boiks are all lining up you know we’re close when you hear this but we can take a look at some of the other things that have gone on throughout the weekend let’s kick it off Friday night Myas rocket meas Rocket Ride that one’s an absolute scorcher isn’t it yeah I think it’s a fitting start to the race you know um not all the Riders take but I think it’s just everyone’s all right on the Mind by now there’s so many people watching it’s pretty much chaos from start to finish a mega to hear them big bikes roaring up that up the hills and yeah it’s a really entertaining thing and gets things kicked off well here okay and then we got the raid on Ice Anders I mean how do you describe this to someone who’s never seen it before I don’t I don’t think you can you just got to watch the videos and see what it’s like I think if you went down there and behave like that this afternoon you’re going to get in trouble but I think it just shows what a big event this is to the area that that’s allowed to happen for one day but then we get into the big this end of things the IR Road prologue this is where the racing starts so important this is what they’re here for to get on this front row the fastest times are on the first 50 yeah and you need that you need to be the first round that corner okay well it was Joseph Garcia put almost 30 seconds into everyone else Billy yeah it was job done for Joseph you know he only came this week really for the pr he is an nurg finisher in the past but obviously his focus is on N GP and I guess he did show everyone way is one of the fastest Ury Riders on the planet okay there you can see Joseph Garcia Chris gunderman Dominic Koslowski interestingly though keep your eyes out Wade young taking the fim Hard Enduro World Championship points just ahead of Manny Letona so Tor kacf just back there in six and Matias vogner the Austrian home favorite getting a couple of points in seventh as well so really good news for him but the question on everyone’s lips at the moment is how on Earth anyone can beat man Manny ller nine wins on the bounds now yeah he’s just he’s just got that rolling momentum he’s like he’s super prepared he’s got a really good structure around him with his friends he’s obviously his dad’s his mentor yeah he knows his PL really well and yeah what do you reckon bill yeah like roll of momentum is such a key roll I think on the bike off the bike when it’s when it’s happening it’s happening and you know he prepares well he makes good decisions and he very very very rarely makes mistakes when he’s out on track okay well we can take a look now at a little clip that tells us how on Earth you beat Manuel leton be Club a of six baby a what a crazy Journey guys in 2023 Manuel leton dickler rewrote the record books he won every race on the calendar and posted the first ever perfect season in hardend duro’s history with a streak of nine consecutive fim Harden Duro World Championship wins to his name an aura of invincibility seems to surround the 26-year-old German if I would describe rep um for one guy who has never been here it’s just a crazy unreal unique motorik R leton dickler is focused on making it three Red Bull zburg Rodeo wins in a row everyone else is focused on beating leton Bigler the man of be is definitely Manny he’s been riding really good he’s on fire he’s riding so well he’s definitely going to be the man to be it’s like his home race they have accomplished the reach a form with his father a style that is uh technical uses not a lot of energy he’s a smooth Rider he’s a smooth operator and a smooth talker off the track so he’s kind of got a full package going at the moment he’s just waiting for somebody to beat him actually with the bullseye on let michler’s back his opponents Ponder strategies to Dethrone the reigning world champion at one of his favorite races I think he he’s definitely beatable and anything can go wrong you know anything can happen in these races especially um at urg you’ve got K’s Diner that’s earlier on in the race now so if you to bend a lever or something like that you’re going to lose a lot of time and you could be out the race so anything can go wrong and anyone can win this one at least hang with him in the first bit you know he’s just so explosive and uh gets out gets a good rhythm going gaps everyone in the beginning and then just maintains it so I think you just need to hang with him in that initial beginning bit and then you potentially have a chance in the end he is a human being everyone has his weak places and strong places if let dickler wins another Red Bull zburg Rodeo his third in its many years he joined Legend legendary Tatty BC as the only other rider in history to take the top of the earth birg Podium 3 years in a row and by doing so add another chapter to harden duro’s record book I think to beat me at repb is just go flat out and uh just trying trying to give you all you know I put all my heart in as well so I’m definitely trying to keep the boys behind me but it’s never going to be easy okay A little bit of insight there from some of the top Riders as to how he beat Manny leton be but Billy you’ve come closer than anyone in the space the last year what is it going to take to get past him I think first he need to get out the Quarry as close to him as possible you know he rides the early part of this we so well he’s so fast so explosive you need to follow him for as long as possible stick to his back wheel I think pressure him pressure him pressure him and just try and get some kind of mistake from him when that mistake comes Run for the hills and try and stay ahead of him to the finish line fantastic advice if only the Riders were listening right it’s time to let our two BS go and find their nuts Paul’s going to go and jump on his bike that incredible job mobile field reporter riding round the course Billy is going to join Daryl Curtis and Pat Parnell in commentary gentlemen thank you so much for your Insight we’re going to take a quick break when we come back we are going to get it Red Bull sburg Rodeo 2024 underway [Music] [Applause] these Road Warriors skate every day their passport of freedom is four wheels and a wooden deck that’s what’s up the greatest locations the radist tricks skateboarding icons we skate streets all right skateboarding on Red Bull TV start your summer with a Twist the world’s toughest track puts Riders through the ringer at Red Bull Hardline Elite cliff divers turn heads as they plunge into the Boston Harbor France and Italy will see the world’s top paddle players spend the game on its head and the crankwalk world tour pivix to insbrook for another exciting and varied event series this June live on Red Bull TV [Music] what started in 1995 with only 120 Intrepid Moto masochist has since exploded into the Everest of one day hard Induro competition it is this hollow ground that has played host to harrowing Feats shocking upset and Earth shaking defeats amongst the world’s best with the 99% brave enough to accept his challenge never even cross the finish line a race that demands every fiber of resolve years of experience and a tenacity few possess welcome everyone to Eisen AR’s Austria for the 28th running of Red Bull sburg Rodeo Pap Parnell here honored as always to be joined by former eight-time airbear competitor and eternal Enduro Enthusiast Daryl Curtis the yearly pilgrimage back to this iron or Arena never disappoints Daryl does it not absolutely Pat this is a festival of Madness and I’m honored to be sitting here with you in the booth we really do have the best seats in the House what a Mota Mecca it has become it stands for so much and as the pre-show started to break down there’s so many riders to watch especially in this front row of 50 and the spectacle The Wing suits coming in to sburg just above Eisen A’s on schedule on point well Red Bull always do put on a spectacular show and I can tell you what what a tree to waits for everybody here it’s been raining cats and dogs for the last 2 days torrential rain it’s wet sloppy in the forest Yeah you mentioned spectacle and it’s all about the Riders putting on the show they are the stars and for more on what to watch we check back in with Ed Lee Ed thank you so much boys I’ve got goosebumps after that intro wow that was something okay let’s make our way across the line kicking off we got Mario Roman in here second place in 2022 a string of second places through 2023 he’s on that Sho and the boys were looking very very strong at the first race in The Valleys then we got Theodor kachev in here the Bulgarian second he chased down Manny leter came very very close at that first race he was looking pretty comfortable now so strong so fit Wade Young on that new gas gas looking very confident you know that in terms of his stamina his endurance he’s definitely going to be able to push we move along the man of the moment Manny leton bickler in here Manny how you feeling man I’m so nervous you can’t imagine it’s so nerve-wracking down here like the this start atmosphere just always unreal so excited when the finally the flag goes up and we’re finally out there and we can ride a pretty good race a lot of people talk about the fact that you’ve been so consistent we were discussing that there’s a lot of luck in Harding Duro but is it a case of the harder you work the luckier you get I try man I try it’s not easy you know one day that day comes where I’m not going to win anymore and I I will be still all right with it you know it’s still a cool sport and I absolutely love it so it’s Mega you know I love that so much passion we got the f bomb in Good Luck Manny okay Manny’s definitely got the power there then we got the boys Tristan Hart First lad in here the Canadian he had his honeymoon in 2022 he maybe lost his Mojo a little bit in 2023 but he’s back now and he’s got that desire to win then the first of our pairing from Austria Valentino huta with the number nine we got uh M Michael vogner a little bit further down then we got Johnny Walker thre time winner here if you haven’t already go and check out Johnny’s edit from Hardline the mountain bik race also running this weekend he rode that giant machine down the Hardline course he’s going to try and navigate it through sburg now pretty versatile Beast move a little bit further along one of the second Austrian favorites alongside Valentino huta it’s Michael wner very strong performance in the prologue he’s looking comfortable out here today who else we got through here Carson Brown you just saw him he was super fast in the prologue looking very very comfortable first bite of the zburg Cherry he looking pretty confident doesn’t look too nervous there at the moment he’s loving that Motocross speed though I think that’s going to help especially through some of those longer flatter sections take a oh Alfredo Gomez here as well Alfredo very very comfortable won by a 40-minute margin in 2017 incredibly powerful Rider he brings all of that experience little bit further along who have we got across here I think where is he number 36 Graham Jarvis good luck grimbo definitely Cole’s dinner earlier in the race is going to give grimbo that saying and he’s been an enigma this year we haven’t seen that much of him so he’s come out absolutely smashed the prologue definitely well always one to keep an eye on that’s the front row back to you boys in the commentary both thank you so much Ed uh great Insight from the front row uh you can feel it it is electric it is a palpable volatile atmosphere and let’s talk about the track a lot a lot of speculation Daryl about what to expect with Carl’s dinner being a little early on but there’s a lot of challenges throughout 27 check points in all the best thing is uh most important thing is to get off the start line fresh and get out and head off into the first slippery Woods in front because there’s a couple of nly sections there and the leader is going to be able to pull a little bit of time going into Carl’s dinner this is the forest that I’m talking about now they’re going to come up just after Centron bur into this Forest over here super tough section and of course Trier gap before you get into car’s Den anybody that gets in their first is going to manage their race they’re going to make the back way back around to machine and then into the second half of the forest it’s been raining so much here that I think it’s going to be really really treacherous then they’re going to head up to the back of the mountain and into M highway I think there’s going to be a lot of surprises there and I think we’re also going to see Killing leap is going to be really difficult into the Black laer Dynamite making their way to Lazy noon and from there it’s all over it’ll be a trenle to the finish it looks so easy to navigate this via the animation but it is anything but all bottled in that 4our time limit as we are honored to welcome Billy bolt into the announcing Booth Billy always a pleasure sir we’ve made it we’ made it I W to the taxi before the taxi driver was there so I was actually ahead of schedule but no I’m uh I’m pleased I get to watch the from from the best seat in the house you know we talk about the first row and it is such a pivotal position maybe Billy you can speak to the importance of being in that coveted first 50 yeah you know that is the if you’re on the first 50 on the front row that’s the first check tick off the checklist you know it’s the the start of this race is so intense a good start just can make such a big difference to how the rest of your day goes I mean it’d be hard pressed would you know who who started Beyond Graham Jarvis in the second row Beyond that’s done well it’s pretty almost possible to come back from that that deficit yeah I think there’s a couple I did from from the second on 2016 go back to fifth um and it’s not easy you know I was chewing so many rocks them in the early parts of the race it is possible I think with Call’s dinner being so early in the race I think that does make it a little bit easier should you have a bad St cuz it’s just such a big area where you can make up so much ground you know before the big uh race dat uh darl and I were have been talking throughout the week of just the unknown factor and that’s what makes this so electric they change it up every year you see Carl K talk there I know this is a gentleman you used to race the founder and we see as he starts to make his way we are seconds seconds away The Mastermind the sadist Carl kak giving the [Music] signal this is when the pressure really starts to rise it it’s been rising for the last hour and a half or so whilst they’ve been down there and now it’s it’s it’s such a pressure cooker and you mentioned maybe kind of keys keys to the prize stay on Manny leton bickler but at this point what what can you expect who do you who do you expect to be there right with them out out of the gate I think the usual Front Runners and they tend to go to the inside make it the shortest run to the first corner I think yeah Mario is going to be good we’s going to be good te will be somewhere near there I think Johnny Walker he’s had quite a few of the smaller British Championship races a couple of Italian Championship races so he’s not necessarily World Championship race already but he’s uh he been he’s had his thumb on the button and done a few dead engine starts of the last few months and then there’s the visibility factor it’s been raining torrential downpour all week a couple of guys doubling up on the goggles there when there’s puddles this much it makes such a big difference I mean you stick your head out of a car window doing 60 MPH when it’s raining and you can’t keep your eyes open for very long so vision is a key key part and I would say an often overlooked aspect to the early stages of this race you know we uh we spoke to Carl about what his dream race would be only if one finisher made it across that’s the kind of mindset that Carl K has how he approaches this race as you can see all of our finalist here lined up as we ready for the [Music] flag here we go flag is up and we are off looks like will Hall really tight on the inside on the reu there the dirt still supported Rider so the start of Row one is off here at the 2024 Red Bull AOSP Rodeo working their way out of the pit it’s definitely a KDM in second I think it might be money just got a shot of Anton Mayo there on the big ducatti oh no it’s uh did the the fastest qualified Chris Goodman sry is actually now leading 31-year-old Motocross rider from Germany started his hard Anda career a little bit late he started this way as well the question will how long you can hold on to the lead with the sports best in Hot Pursuit working their way out of the bottom of the pit here you see just how spread out it is that just the vision is such a big thing I mean there wasn’t actually so many much deep water down there but it was almost like a like a thin layer of slime which is just not the one to have on your goggles at this part and some great great visuals here as we watch that first row now the second row making their way up so 1 minute away for that second row to start working our way down and we do expect quite a few bottlenecks we mentioned Carl’s dinner a little earlier in the course this year but that speed approach paying dividends right now B how important is is it going to be to get into that uh forest in the top 10 yeah it gets pretty single file in the early stages of the forest I mean it is possible to make some overtaking Maneuvers it’s a it’s a fairly similar track most years so you do have a good idea those with experience can make some moves but um especially for anyone that’s here for the first time they want to be as close to the front as possible in them in that first Forest section cuz there’s a couple of lines that are really like well ridden and there’s some nice Bedrock but then there one or two that are like really Steep and I think with the rain that’s been falling I think as more and more rers go up it’ll get more difficult yeah the forest again I have been in there all week but it’s always it’s never really goes completely dry but I think at this stage it’s going to be a really a really muddy mess in there to be honest with [Music] you is this Ru two or are we on to Ru three no I think this is Ru three I’m surprised how big a gap here because he is man managing to pull here start of row two right there and getting some good distance surprisingly for someone like him with the Motocross experience this is what he needs to do just get out as far front and and make his race as easy as possible holding on to that whole shot out of that first row as we look at the second row making their way up out of the bottom of the Quarry [Music] here that’s o right I thought it was Aussie rising up [Music] and one his sixth lightest Rocket Ride this year showing his prowess I’m can you see where where Carson Brown got off the line you know he’s on his 2008 300 I don’t know how the stter motor is working on the the old stter motor on that girl I mean it’s thankfully has one otherwise I think he’s down little to no chance of being in the top 10 but I think by the time he gets a water pipe should have a better understanding of the run in order but pretty good I mean if he finished six in the inroad prologue yesterday on that 2008 I think that’s pretty impressive it just shows when we’re complaining about bike setup he can get on the 2008 and and stick it to the top boys it kind of shows that’s I think that’s the beauty of of of our sport especially in off for dir bik gron is it is such a heavy percentage of it is is Rider skill well you start I think you’re your first time to sburg you were you were a privateer right yeah I was getting some help at a lot of good people M corner I don’t get as wrong but it was uh it was on a a paid for bike and and I turned up not having a clue what to expect like I say I missed the second run to qualify up S up on the second row and just went out like a lunatic and I guess you can see the rest was history I remember clearly in 2016 your chain came off and got jammed you lost about 36 minutes yeah and you finished F that yet yeah no said a billy ball signature gloves on the second man in here that’s a nice little touch that’s made my day but yeah up to uh fifth or sixth on first year was and I know it was 36 minutes cuz I scared the checkpoint times and I I did see how much time I lost um but in some ways I know that the KDM te manager fabiio fari was actually there whilst machain was coming off and he’s seen how much of a fight I was putting and how much effort I was putting to keep going so I guess um it was a terrible thing to happen but the eyes that were onest weren’t the weren’t the worst place to be yeah still surprised how spread out these front guys are Chris is really pushing the pace so heavily you have to be uh impressed right now with gunderman still holding on to that lead this you know we talk about it being a full Sprint but usually you see a little bit more um less elastic we got a km in second i’ got a good feeling it’s going to be money he’s so good in them early yeah it is by the ride in style it’s money um it’s so good in this early Forest this is the 24 MX V section looks like we’ve got a bit of a a blockage of the there he goes and with that well judging by the states of many’s number board he definitely didn’t get away in the front he’s made it made some good moves in the early stages wow completely unfaced is that going to be it gentlemen well I don’t know I I think this year he’ll do well to start just with how slippy the forest sections are going to be um we know some of the sections later on MRE Highway and uh and stuff like that is going to be really tough you know you talked about it at the opening of the show though it’s like you you’ve been you’ve been privy to to you know be that that that Challenger to Manny but is it is it part inspiring but part you know also not not demoralizing but you’re just like does he does he fuel that fire oh yeah definitely you know I’m I’m pretty close to money um we spend a lot of time together train and I think that in itself has allowed us to really you know push the level to the to the point of the sport at now and I guess you know I obviously haven’t really been in touch this year in terms of hard andur but it’s almost reassuring in a way to me to see he’s still out in front in in the level that way were on granted he definitely beat me more than I beat him in recent months of hard Ur but it’s good to know that the level we on is still is still up there I think is that will Hall then Johnny Walker now making his way towards the front it looks like yeah Johnny Walker three-time winner of SSB rodeo and I caught up with Johnny yesterday uh you made reference to the him going down the Red Bull Hardline course incredible feat I encourage everyone to check it out but Johnny Walker seems extra relaxing look at look at the visual melee the chaos I’m surprised there hasn’t been more Carnage out of the starting lead all right so just going back to the guys in the front I can see that Wade young has also got away nicely teo’s Got Away Johnny’s Got Away Caron Brown is still up there Tristan h Michael wner and Valentino Hunter so the race all the all the usual suspects are all together in the front and they top 10 we’re going to start getting them into visual just now but they’re all there The Heavy Hitters are our [Music] foont that was class Bishoff from [Music] Austria so a definite change up in the course approach this year we’re already seeing some surpris is gunderman getting that pass and leton bickler trying to distance himself a very very hungry pack in close Pursuit so man’s goal now is going to get through the forest as cleanly as possible and make his way off to car dinner well he’s he’s having ster early yeah so this was the start and as predicted just trying to get that tight angle a little surprised at how little Carnage we saw yeah well we got a bunch up there have money that is stuck there against the Red Bull can so he’s done really well to get as Parts the front as he is [Music] now and weren’t seeing quite the the Boulder Field on the on the road out which we had last year that wasn’t that wasn’t your best moment they’ve all made it further than I did last year so hats off to all of them so nerve settled as we continue onward and forward 27 checkpoints 4 hours in total we talked about it uh only 99% never cross the finish line those lucky few a twisting it is down on the first corner there wow okay didn’t get eyes on that not the start he would have wanted being used for some traction there and that especially on a wet day like today you know he’s grips are going to be wet and dirty he’s going to have mud on his gloves and that’s just going to make this early Forest that much harder however he’s pretty strong in Call of dinner get that early that being early this year is going to give him a good chance to catch back up there’s always the mechanical Factor too uh ran into Cody Webb yesterday unfortunately all the people watching State Side Cody Webb out with an injury that he sustained in prologue hit the pipe went up and over um but there’s always that mechanical thing too you never know what’s going to work right for you exactly and there’s no outside assistance in this uh in this whether it be you know help getting up an obstacle or help with the bike or whatever the Riders are literally on their own now for the next 4 hours so eyes on row number five right now half the field out on course [Music] so ah just the sound of two-stroke it’s what we have for breakfast so just for the viewers we had more than 1,300 entries at this race and of course the iron Road prologue sorted them out and we’ve got the fastest 500 starting here on the main the mainburg radi up today it’s one of the coolest aspects that you can be a privateer you can be a weekend warrior and you can bump ours with the sports best should you have the ability to make it [Music] through but we’re seeing a comfort and a Poise here from Manuel leton bickler can he get the Flawless season again make history even more and become a back-to- back three Pat winner here at Red Bull sburg Rodeo he stands on that precipice I’ll be it very early on anything can happen as we’ve seen in previous competitions here at sburg [Music] sber cber steep uphill turns around and the Steep down you can get a bit of a Runway going down you got to really take care watch out for fallen rocks on this one I had a rock come down and hit hit and smash my for guard I think 2017 caused a bit of a nuisance for the rest of the race so after this they go into the driveway section the W and use some clown and we’ll be able to tell just how bad it is in the forest here nobody close to him at the moment looks like he’s pulling a little bit of a lead and this is where he likes to be you know he makes such few mistakes when he’s out on front by himself I think the best chance anyone had was to just be on his rear wheel Hound his rear wheel even hit his rear wheel as much as possible and you find that kind of messes with his mental even that you struggle but attend if it’s if it’s the other way around did it to me it tends to make me mess ups but Johnny now in second I think um he’s really in a strong position at the moment I think he’s riding really well we saw him there uh you know with the mountain bike clip and uh he’s really hungry for this yeah you know he’s he’s obviously got the experience he’s won here a handful of times he’s um he knows what it takes to win this race that’s for sure see the start of the Carnage now [Music] black lad Center Amberg starting to take down a couple victims that was one of the bright mes just going through there Michael walner kind of an exciting time for brothers Bitmore they’re definitely leading to charge both they we’ve got a lot of talent coming from the UK now will H is obviously rning the top five of the world championship at the moment yeah what’s up with that what’s a lot of British talent both Mitch and Ash first and second in the junior Championship Standings the uh the future is looking good talking about the Juniors we had 11 Juniors on the front row this morning there really is a new wave of young blood coming through and it’s so nice to see it’s I think it’s Testament to the strength of a sport that you just have all these Riders hungry biting at the heels of the Sport’s best and this is the place where they can make a name for himself I was speaking to Matthew green yesterday he looked so relaxed he had a glass of Ros in his hand that’s the barbecue and that sounds yeah no but he you know he was saying how you know it’s like coming here when he came to Red Bull Rodeo it was a game changer you can see that debris filled as these competitors come down I mean the camera really does flatten things out I’ve got uh some friends here and they’ve just in AED how steep these mountains are everybody that comes to this mountain for the first time are literally shocked by the steepness of the clowns they say this yeah the the sheer vastness and the steepness it doesn’t really translate nor do the the cavernous holes in Carl’s dinner they’re like a haunted house you can fall into and just this whole Mountain I think that’s one thing a lot of people you know it’s it’s not like we’re in a mine we are literally like the the face has being took off a a full Mountain you know it’s several hundred met from the top to the bottom if we’re going in vertical distance 24 MX V T KF looking like he’s just done that bit of forest after Cent bomberg and what do you makeup Tao’s like recent drive and Resurgence and his confidence where he feels like he’s got nothing to lose is it just that young hunger yeah he’s riding good you know or you can’t really take anything away from him he’s obviously had some solid results as a privateer I think he’s had two romaniacs podiums now um and right rightfully so got himself a factory ride for this year and he’s running strongly inside the top 10 in the early stages here just to be considered in the discussion uh complete on so we look at our current leader who can reel in Manuel leton [Music] hickler the body language oh so comfortable right now wow but it looks like man’s may have made a mistake there because I think te and will actually got through that section um is it wer Nelson before yeah so I’ve got you uh t kachev and wih are in fact first and second on the road at the moment they were first and second through checkpoint 3 which is the Wacker new clim so potential shake up I think we dive a little deeper into the woods here that’s a good opportunity for them guys cuz Manny is going to be hot on their heels I think a good strategy would be let him past and just like I say stick to his wheel for as long as possible that’s Johnny Walker screen at the moment Johnny running in fourth now then I am quite surprised how spread out the guys are at this stage though but I think it was just due to the poor visibility and and also we did have a pile up at the [Music] start back to water pipe are we going to see a mess at the top of here or the GU still making it pretty easily I keep thinking about Tristan H you know um you you had problems last year and hot up was a to get back to the front yeah to be honest I wish I had some kind of onboard footage because I was actually pretty amazed how soon I did get back to the front but I was you know I felt like I was in a motocross race for about the first 30 35 minutes of the race and how did it affect you later on I mean you I’m sure you had problems with your Pap but I mean you were you absolutely naked you must have been yeah I mean I I still felt good it was a a relieving sight to see Manny and in twist when I did I caught up to them and uh you know I was feeling good I I felt strong I was actually bent my front dist when I crashed I was struggling a little bit with that but I felt physically good that’s why I chose to to make the move on man and pull away and it was going all so well I think I had about a 2 minute 30 3 minute lead heading out to call dinner but just obviously all come all come crashing down as mrex Highway which I think we can uh we’ll dive more into that later on let’s yeah we we don’t want to really live the the past just yet just yet we’ve got a long long to go I’m looking out for Wade young at the moment I think he’s fifth on the road I think we’re going to see him pop up behind Johnny Walker just now a really really good strong start for Wade this year yeah I think for him it would be good to follow one of the either Johnny or money uh one of the more technical guys into car’s dinner to really try and save as much energy as he can as he rides through through car’s dinner because I’m pretty sure he’s going to be strong in with some of the leather sections especially if there’s any pushing has to be [Music] done so current standings TA kachev in that first place position followed by Will letting bickler surprisingly fell we didn’t see where that switch happened let bickler in third and Johnny Walker in fourth and Wade young the South African rounding out the top five for the [Music] moment gunderman who is so fast out of the start slipping to seven lner the Austrian in eighth and brightmore Ninth and hutter in 10th big race going on there because uh bmore that’s Mitch bmore he’s our first Junior on the road he won the first round of valleys and Valentino hat uh is in 10th place so there’s going to be a right royal battle between them [Music] two just uh looking back that was the first of 27 checkpoints this is what I’ve been talking about this is the far section this is through it yeah this is a a section that’s actually changed so much of over the years you know at one point this was you know physically impossible and there was a lot of ropes needing up here now the guys can ride it but it’s so wet and so slippy out there you see the the another factor is going to be that the dirt is sticking to everything their bikes are going to be heavy their helmets are going to be heavy and I think we do have Canadian Tristan har now coming into picture so that will put him into the top 10 I think and this is clearly how we can see how difficult it is to pass he’s losing seconds over here the guys in front are just clawing away ah I really feel he’s paying ATT moment oh but he’s done an excellent job to get this followup so soon on because he’s he’s into the top 10 heading into Carl’s dinner that’s you know that’s not the end of the world he can work with that that’s for sure still so early in the day after this they’re going to go to the repository section and then make the rout to the crossing well so many were predicting just melee inside the woods and I think we’re starting to see the visuals on that he’s backing the lead just how wet look at that te just behind within will on the green reu so heading towards repository I think definitely a slight wrong turn on mistake earlier on yeah I think like when the forest is is that wet I think anything could happen you know maybe he’s a lot of in that early Forest there’s multiple lines to choose from as well and there’s some really deep roots you can uh you can think you got a nice looking turn at the bottom of the hill and quickly find yourself on a road up to your handlebars in them early stages this is checkpoint 8 called repository so taking a look from above to give you a a good visual of these 27 checkpoints our virtual Mountain here in eyes Anders they still got a way to go before they make their way over the top of the hill into the crossing and then it’s going to be straight into car’s dinner yeah so it’s quite a flowy section but a lot of loose rocks on this downhill a few downhills and then you do a full Traverse across the front they’ll come back into view or at least out of the trees and uh get a bit of a breather on that section I think you do a little bit of the prologue backwards so it’s quite flat tend to sit down relax the arms breathe as much as possible get as much oxygen in um what would previously before the Crossing in machine but now we’re going from The Crossing straight into the infamous dinner and ly it’s this wet traverses which are normally you know like that kind of walk in the park uh Roots tend to get a little more greasy right it can be a little bit more uh challenging to say the least adds to the unpredictability you know you don’t know where a tree root might pop up or a wet patch or even a puddle you know a lot of the the track is blinding coming around the corner you might find yourself having to Anchor up because there’s quite a large puddle in front of you yeah they really do use every inch of this mountain I quite like the change they’ve made this year call Din beinging kind of like earlier on I think it definitely adds a new element to it I think strategy is is going to be key and and uh if I was racing I wouldn’t know how to play it put it that way there’s Wade young going through repository he’s looking really strong he’s in a great position at the moment exactly where he wants to be so that eighth checkpoint of 27 I think we just caught with Michael walner and Mario Roman just behind them too so a fairly fairly tight tight pack as we have eyes now on leton bickler in the lead followed by kachev Will rounding out the top three there’s actually a tricky downhill just around this corner which I guess the guys would get off and push it down with it being wet but shouldn’t be a big issue for the fun guys looks like Johnny Walker hanging on to fourth place and then now we come right back across the front of the mountain they want to try and take in as much oxygen as possible the guys will have a good idea that they’ve got uh some challenges is coming up pretty soon I mean it’s really crazy at this time of the day we already going to be going into Cole’s dinner I think we’re going to get a a ton of riders in there this year it’s going to be really really exciting yeah because we definitely have some of the the the TWY technical guys further back in the pack obviously you know you got Alfredo Gomez Graeme Jarvis there’s there’s some real technical riders that have all won this race in the past that um you know they’re not out front now but having calls in early just gives them such a good opportunity to get back in the race that’s the big unknown and I know you know Graham better than uh most you know that’s that unknown factor if there is that bottleneck that we expect Graham has been notorious for just slowly taking that tortoise approach and working his way through would you you can’t ride off Graham Jarvis at this point definitely not yet not until we’ve got a lot further into cols dinner I don’t think and from my recent memory this is definitely going to be the wetest calls dinner has been of recent times um which is going to be a new factor for everybody you know usually there’s ultimate traction you don’t really need to worry about where you’re putting your feet where you’re putting your wheels but you’re going to have to be extra extra cautious you guys are talking about when you you went out there with Carson Brown along with bolts uh you just maybe that might work against someone if they’re later in the field how they’ll just get that much more greas over yeah so it tends to be especially now the the bikes are going to be so dirty they’re going to pull mud up from the uh from from the bike that I also find here that when the rocks are wet the very top layer just becomes really greasy and the more Riders they go through the slippier it gets so um for someone like G who has the the trials knowledge to pick new lines and to to spot new that could be key so this is the crossing they’ve changed it completely this is the first time any bike has ridden up here it’s really really loose really steep at this bit [Music] wow got some battling going on Rob hungry he should be all right from there I think he’ll be able to push it out of the top but I think if you had any questions how bad he wants it I think we just witnessed it so great to see his energy what he’s bringing to the table this season well Manny knows he’s not going to have it his own way there’s a Target on his back and they’re not going to make it easy for him this year I guess we have new transponder system this year we’re not having to stop at each checkpoint yeah it’s pretty cool it’s a rest band that they have on and as they cross those boards that you see there’s a pick up inside the board and it immediately takes the time from a Rider’s perspective that’s nice because there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re getting out done by a slower person on the skun I mean realistically it’s it makes 2 seconds worth a difference but when you’re in the heat of the bottle there’s times when you just want to you know I’ll not say what I want to do to some of them checkpoint Pap doing a good and Tony Walker I think the bottom part of the crossing looks it looks like with the front two guys have made it look a bit easy to be honest now seeing how them two guys are battling oh between will and Johnny they can make those pivots look pretty easy 451 through 500 the last row these are what it’s all about this is the the heart the heart and soul of the sport right [Music] here the Weekend Warriors Here We Go including everything they have into the sport of hard and dururo it’s uh so great to see the work needed to get just to this point in that final row and bragging RS these guys are going to see how far they can get through the course yeah Blood Sweat tears these guys are long shoreman they’re working the docks you know during the week and then they’re heading out to uh their local local contest oh we got a little off there but yeah these guys are just they’re out for some fun they want to challenge themselves see how far they can get around this course and I guess there that addtive incentive is actually just experience in car’s dinner yeah and moments ago at Crossing and kach of trying to overtake at the top was thwarted but we expect more challenges from [Music] him a big part of this is to preserve your bike as well something like that easily you can bend a lever I mean you’ve had it no I was sat here I would say that was a little bit of impatience trying to get past but I know that I’ve done that maneuver new his time so I can uh I can sympathize you know he’s he’s seen Manny didn’t have the best he had a better run than Manny in the early stages of that hill and uh you know he sensed the opportunity but I think in in the long run being behind money head and heing to Carl’s dinner is the better option so this is Carl’s dinner light uh consider an appetizer if you will of the actual full Buffet of of torture of Carl’s dinner so leton bickler still leading that charge as he approaches Carl’s dinner light some slight adjustments to the course and uh so far definitely uh serving up some great challenges so far well we’re in for a tree tier because they’re going to do the layers multiple times this year uh in the middle they’re going to go and do George Avenue which normally leads out to the black lighter Dynamite climb but instead they’re going to turn back into car’s denner and they’re going to do the top row again before they turn out right and exit which is a really really tricky clim and I think not a lot of the guys actually well really know the format because I think just judging from what I was hearing down on the Star Line a lot of them think they they own a small part of col’s dinner heading out and coming back to do the the rest of it so I think a few of them might get a fry when they realize they’re going to be in there for the best part of an hour and of course this year none of the Riders have been able to to walk the course normally they do so 100% right I don’t think they’re going to realize just how long calls then is this year probably I wouldn’t say the length of normal but it’s definitely the point of the longest that it’s been oh it’s I mean historically just so Savage like you watch grown men cry and lose everything they basically it’s like a house of cards you can see the strongest Rider just I think uh it’s interest I’m going to be interested to see how long man keeps his goggles on for here that’s a good sign of of how he’s feeling how much Sweat There is inside of his helmet um and yeah good indicator of just how he’s feeling a really good place to manage a race as well cuz you can have a look over your and see who’s coming so many couldn’t be in a better position and I think with te behind him he knows that there uh there’s not too much pressure you know TI is uh is more of a physical Rider tend to be stronger in the faster sections I think Manny’s going to know that uh there’s not going to be an immediate pressure coming from T and if anything I would say it’s a little bit of a a cushion from I would say Johnny or some of the other more technical guys that he coming behind him and permission to put on your coach’s hat or yeah you in terms of just ta like you talk about this race it is a fullon Sprint within that four hours but how much does ta lay it just to reel him in at this point where where would he does he need to be specific about where he chooses to do that I think it has to be a Sprint for these frun guys you know the intensity is so high you can’t afford to lose ground but at the same time you know you don’t want to you don’t want to burn yourself out there’s a lot more to come there’s a lot more of the forest which is going to be wet which I think is going to result there somewhere these guys are going to get a have to push and shove and really really get physical um so I think he’s going to do his best to keep side of him and keep keep him as close as possible but that really is a difficult job you know man he’s he’s not headed into being a three time winner in a three times in a row winner for no reason at all who would you say like in a on this call intersection out of our Top Guns who would be the fastest in a piece like this I think Manny to be honest I think he’s uh in previous years Gres obviously being the man to beat around here I just don’t think he quite has that intensity they not saying you know it’s wet that anything could happen this year that’s that’s one thing I would say that the the ground conditions could play a big role but I think Manny now being out in front if he can pick good lines and not find himself in any holes you see he’s already pulled out quite a distance on T here so you saw with that shot great great shots from our production team as tail has eyes on Manny um so they’re about I’d say at this point about 7 70 yard away from each other I think Mitch bmore is in a promising spot he’s got uh he’s got a good level of Trials background behind him I know he twins extra extra hard and uh he’s hungry to make a name for himself here on the biggest ditch to walk in the park off about 10 ft off to the left here why keep about 10 ft over to the right I think that’s a track D used to race on isn’t not no settle down now we were in the B they’re big rocks don’t worry and just for those that are new to Red Bull AOSP Rodeo this is Carl’s dinner light it it gets that much more Savage bloodthirsty just a ruthless ruthless route through these rocks it’s humbled it’s humbled some of the best we love seeing you know the likes of Carson Brown over the years we were talking about Jeremy McGrath trapis Rana um it’s great to see when Riders from other disciplines come and just get humbled by this mountain and it’s usually in this Zone talking about graah Jaris I’ve seen he’s gone through repository in 13th all right he’s coming he’s coming and this is where gram Javis is going to pop up we are going to see him here in Call’s dinner at some point it’s hard hard for the silent ninja to be silent when he’s got a transponder we’re watching him I actually I actually spoke to a lady yesterday who said she’s Grim’s coach Fitness coach so he’s been and and that the penny drop there I was like oh he’s been working off the bike he’s he didn’t show up by round one he’s been uh I think he’s been putting the time in and he wants to show that he’s uh he’s the goat for a reason 49 years old it’s just unbelievable he doesn’t say much really but told me yesterday he said he’s been doing less coaching and a little bit of training he’s that means he’s he’s hungry you know I spent a lot of time with g a lot of time in high cars and and uh he’s very obscure with how he works but you can also see there’s a lot of a lot of methodology going on there and he’s a lot of thought going on can you remember the first trials when that Graham had oh the first I probably wasn’t even born back then no I know that’s what I’m saying but I know you’re I know you’re good with numbers I remember I was an aid watcher of um the2 2003 World trial Championship review DVD that just happened to be one that was lying around my house and I remember he won day two of Japan in the 2003 World trials Championship so that’s a little bit of G trivia that’s how long he’s been at it well the last time we won zburg was in 2019 you know five times winner he used a hard at tire that day as well a little bit of inside scoop for you so then I tried to use on in 2022 when we returned from Co and it was the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life what what would your setup be on today’s with today’s conditions as much as it’s been raining what would your approach be it has to be soft soft soft soft you mean you need toac and one thing I am going to say is that with call Din being so early that tire way might be more of a factor you know this this race typically there’s nothing left of your tire when you get to the finish line but you’ve done the forest sections earlier on and it’s not as big of a thing whereas um looking from here I don’t see any water lying on the rocks of Carl’s dinner so I think you know Tire preservation could become a factor and I think if we can uh yeah start getting some close-up shots as the the guys get towards MX Highway in some of the later sections that that could generally be a play a big part of this race super happy to see Wade young out uh very close to the front very early on in the race just had a little look back over his shoulder there yeah another read and super close behind uh Johnny Walker there so yeah Wade Wade is in a great great spot I think um just Johnny a little bit and how he approaches racing these days I think he will be pissing himself a little bit more than in his in his younger KTM years I know he knows it’s a long race um and he’s hungry to to get on the podium you know he was fourth last year so close to it I think almost surprised himself a little bit with the fourth last year but it’s definitely give him uh lit the fire and and he wants he’s hungry to get on the podium he was trying to convince me that he’s like takes it easy now and I’m like what do you mean take it easy I just watched what you did at Red Bull Hardline on that course it was anything but like doing the road gaps on a bike I mean just having to figure out uh the gearing but he definitely seems like he’s in a relaxed pace we’ve got great five riders in shot just left it Weirs in there now twisting leading will Hall followed by Mario by the looks of things so I think Mario will come on strong too you know he likes the longer races he likes it when it becomes endurance plays a factor um and I think he will slowly pick his way through who calls dinner at a pretty steady speed well that approach of one at a time when you have it this bottled up do you try to connect those sections maybe a little more to you’ve got to kind of play out who the rider is in front of you and if you trust that you know they’re going to pick good lines or if you think no they they’re holding me up here I need to get going and and get further through this rock section so um I think you know judging by the order um you know will I think Wills just dropped off the back of this group now he really does need to try and stick with those guys but if the paer is too high don’t blow yourself up and just just get get through there at your own pace I think there’s a lot of sections coming after this after Carl’s dinner this year so don’t be too worried if you’re not towards the front so those of you just checking in here at Carl’s dinner light leton bickler in the lead followed by ta kachev and Johnny Walker three-time winner of Red Bull airb rodeo in [Music] third definitely exciting to see it this tight this early and leton Pickler taking his time that meticulous methodical approach quite interesting with the tape there you know the guys haven’t walked this before how many PFS are there I mean Bly there’s literally I mean there only you know back in the day we used to walk our in a two three times and they know they used to be almost like a Roman Road pack through it whereas this year you know you really got to make those decisions on the Fly and and uh experience definitely helps in situations like that you know I found myself thinking know I’m going to go for the hero line here and leap from one rock to the next Rock and before I know it I’m having to clean and press my bik out of a hole see man his goggles are still on here so he’s feeling the floor I think he’s he’s going to push the P hard I like the goggle parameter I’m going there something to watch look at that it is because realistically you know the goggles aren’t are doing nothing but if anything making them more hot um at this stage but I think it’s a to me it’s a sign of confidence and that he’s he’s feeling good he’s not he’s not feeling remotely tired just yet for for those that are that are new to the sport how much of the fitness regimen is has it become how vital is that nowaday is you know riding at this level yeah I think Fitness is everything our sport is a little bit different in the fact you know some we’re here doing a 4our race two weeks time we go to a 5day race like it’s it’s very difficult to have too structured a plan but you know it rolling momentum is everything and you know Manny’s now on a nine win streak he’s had you know over more than a full season of momentum built up behind him and that just plays such a key role I think um and you can see look at the Gap he’s stretching out this is the distance from leton bickler who we just left and working our way back as we see now in Vision Center of your screen there’s teao so do you have a preference the one-day Sprint approach or the the accumulative like romaniacs what what’s more your Jammy I’m more of the terrain kind of guy I like the rocky races the they super steep long uphills I struggle with a little bit um Manny’s definitely got the edge on me there I’m slowly you know I’m happy with the progress I’ve made in recent times but um you know a race like this I think you know I can put it to man in as you’ve seen in recent years there’s been some epic battles in this qu unfortunately he’s won most of them but I’ll be back for all I think I speak for Daryl as much as we love having you in the booth we want you out there nipping his heels and really pushing him how he needs to be pushed yeah absolutely I mean Billy you’ve you’ve really raised the bar um look at what you’ve done in the super Euro uh championships and that you’re literally Untouchable and we really miss seeing you out there you’re super aggressive and uh we love the way that you attack some of these obstacles I’m pleased he brought that up actually we didn’t have to keep talking about the 300 second placees I got to him championship last year there is I have had a little bit of victory over him but uh you know realistically this race is the big one this is the one that you know makes careers it’s the one that made our sport what it is today and uh right now he’s uh he’s firmly in control of it but this year we got a long way to go I think it is pretty unknown what’s coming after this stage well if uh leton bickler gets the win here today it would be historic 10 wins in a row and a three Pat for Red Bull SSB Rodeo Tao he gets a win it would be his first and as you point out it’s this event that changes uh the course of your history as a rider well lying second in the world championship so far we’ve had one round at valy and you can see on the left hand side there so that Bunting and you’ll see an arrow turned around at the top there they have to come back this way once they’ve gone down and done a whole lot of other stuff that’s their way out TR now looks like he’s in third and making oh no Twist’s just actually passing Johnny who appears to have his camel back off so I don’t know if he’ve got mechanical it does look like he’s doing something on the right hand side of his bike there yeah it looks like something with the with a break maybe he put it down and maybe bent a lever or something maybe yeah SN break lever I mean often you can get away of running a SN one but if it’s super close to where the uh the master cylinder is I think it’s a better move stop and I rode through C with a bent disc and having to pump my break last year um but I think if it had have been completely gone I’d have been trying to do Mechanicals I was managing if had two or three pumps and my break would come back so I was just about surviving had a couple of hairy moments and and dropped into some holes and just prayed I didn’t go over the handlebars but if it’s completely gone it is a wise move to so Johnny Walker looks like off side doing a quick adjustment here it’s definitely on the the master cylinder cap that’s coming off there so from break problems for Johnny that’s a shame because that was such a good start yeah is he allowed to be given a yeah and this stuff you cannot ride without a without a front break on these downhills and things like that you’ll be able to survive and throw your back down but yeah beg the question though Ken I know he’d have to do the the the fixing himself does but would that tool need to come from his bike he will have a good amount of tools on the bike in the airbox and his backpack I mean he can receive verbal advice just looking at the crowd there that’s not anyone within his Circle anyway um I guess yeah everyone’s curious of what’s going on I mean so weird just passing there now okay so uh quick check in with Wade uh Johnny Walker looks like doing a little bit of an adjustment there I don’t know if that was could you get eyes on where what he was uh working on well the early days of zburg of course outside assistance was allowed you know there were people uh pulling you up and some of the difficult climbs and all of that has changed I mean this is a full-blown World Championship now and the sport has just gone to a completely different level I know a lot of the fans missed the point that that that the assist with their Hooks and they got a little too into it we’re just getting really used to Manny putting on this absolute masterclass yeah he’s set up so good you know I mean I I would say he probably admit you he’s not the best in any area but he’s just at such a high level in all of them that overall it just becomes such an Unstoppable force and he’s uh I’m very impressed with how he’s picking his way through here he’s trying to stay on the on the points of rocks and not not just looking for the gaps which seems the easier way but then that’s when you know bike problems happen he’s really staying on top of here on top of the bike here looking light on the bike not finding many holes whatsoever and the goggles have spun so he is more fancy and a little bit more oxygen but he’s not slowing down by the looks of things you see Mr Bolton there can see some Shimmer coming from the mullet on the left hand side and uh you can always count on bolts being right in the spot and the longest winning streak we talk about in other sports I mean look at look at Max for sto and on the formula one side 10 backto back wins so we compare the sport of hard and duro and what Manny sits a right right in that position to make serious history in the sport he definitely add his name uh to a a serious list and what a better time as we’re going through checkpoint 10 yeah is it is it meant to be yeah oh little numerology there I like that terl I I don’t think we can talk too soon just this year because you know if this had have been the previous course with calls didn’t been so late on and and he’s good in the late Forest sections that’s actually why I made such a break in Call’s dinner last year just you know and knew how strong he is in the closing Forest sections um but there’s a lot more unnown going on this year than there has been so I don’t think we can call it just yet okay what time are we on now 45 minutes so typically they wouldn’t even be into Carl’s dinner at this stage right well now that you’re coming out of Carl’s dinner or should say Carl’s dinner light into Carl’s dinner but yeah we would be I think about the na Mo we usually arrive right so maybe about 15 20 minutes later you can see our very own Paul Bolton rushing uh scooter uh I should say scoot McGavin in the field getting the story yeah what a great job B has been doing he’s brought us such amazing coverage over the last couple of events um and I’m sure we’re going to get some amazing images from him man and uh a few days after the event the recap you’ll see all of Paul Bolton’s footage uh just gives you that embedded approach such an incredible reporter and still knows I mean he could he could be out they still competing he he has so many skills and it’s just great seeing so many supporters out there um I mean the crowds this year are off the charts the mountain is full of people thousands and thousands of people have come out for this Festival so if you doing the numbers at this point now in the 28th running of Red Bull sburg Rodeo over a million people have visited this mountain competitor and as fans collectively it’s definitely U I think left an indelible Mark and changed the sport Forever This downhill is a complete new one so we could have some rolling rocks and he’s going to have to pick a line you see yeah he’s getting offensive wise move just there unknowns there we’ve never gone down that section of the hill before so you so he’s going to go left into the forest and then he’s going to come up to the double fault checkpoint double fault and then straight back down if uh that’s right remember good news for Walker as it looks like he’s up and moving again so you know the history of double faults grahe jvis missed the check two years he got disqualified at that very checkpoint and therefore to got his name double fault there we go that’s that’s why we have you here Daryl not for my good looks so uh lost a little uh little space on the leaderboard for Johnny Walker he’ll have uh some time here to try to get back into that top three contention Walker starting to get back into the flow of things this season was out with injury and then uh just slowly working his way back and that’s that’s something as as fans we we kind of take for granted you know all of our heroes here we’re watching they get hurt we’re like oh he’ll be back but maybe you could speak Billy like just mentally what it to have to work through an injury and come back not as good but people expect you to come back stronger yeah it’s tough there’s a lot of expectation I think a lot of people don’t understand um you know athletes and injuries and everyone’s different as well um but one thing is is hard injur does have a lot of unpredictabilities and it makes coming back from an injury a little bit harder you know we race the track blind you don’t know what’s coming around the corner if you don’t make it up a hill you’ve got to jump off and keep hold of your bike it just adds a lot more unknowns to other Motorsport so a good visual here as we see Tor kachev still in pursuit of leton bickler out front working our way through Carl’s dinner light then into the main Buffet of Carl’s dinner so the section that man is going on now he’s been through the double fault section where the Red Bull Arch is and he’s going to come around to the infamous George Avenue checkpoint that’s quite a steep climb it’s a steep climb it’ll be hooking third gear at the bottom of that and uh I’d imagine changing down I don’t know his body weight he might be able to keep third but I always have to do a gear change let’s talk about last year you flattened your pip I don’t think many people realized that you had no power you were in literally could only pull first gear uh last year was uh a miracle to be quite honest with this side uh smash my FR pipe at the bottom section of Call’s dinner which is this year the first section call inner lights and uh could only pull first gear and uh I generally thought I’m going to do very well to make it to the finish line here I knew Dynamite was coming I knew motrix Highway was coming but most importantly I knew George Avenue was coming which is usually a third gear Hill Climb which we’re Now setting off Ed in first which it took a few goes but uh we got there in the end that’s these Back stories of Red Bull ber Rodeo when you when you find out oh yeah I didn’t I didn’t have her a break or I didn’t have this and they and you still persevere you have that like this that that mental fortitude it’s got to survive you got to survive and for those of you that don’t know why you’re not riding um you’ve had more KN surgery and when are you going to be back yes I had had injury Midway through the super injur season I managed to survive till the end of that and took took some time got my ACL fixed a couple of other bits in my knee fixed all at once it’s uh it’s going well it’s a little bit ahead of schedule but you know these just take such a long time to heal you you can’t rush them really there’s there’s such a high chance of injuring it further or making further damage so I’m still probably 6 to 8 weeks until I’m back on a bike uh exactly race is unknown like I was just saying is quite difficult with hard inur there’s a lot of unknowns this we’re wasting the track blind and I think it just does make return from injury that little bit harder so I think I’ll be back on the bike for a little while and uh hoping to be back at a race a couple of races before the end of the year and uh put a challenge to this guy that’s another thing I’ve spent that much time racing in the last 2 years at like 70 80% I don’t really want to turn up unless I can unless I can win and uh I feel like I’m able to win that’s that’s kind of where I’m at these days we know you can win and I can’t wait to get you back on the back all right so Manny now’s done George Avenue and he’s going back into the last stretch of car’s dinner at the end they’re going to turn out right and and it’ll and it’ll be done so trying to get the hardest part behind him to bring everyone going up to speed Canadian uh Tristan Hart in third place for the moment ended up grabbing third at last year’s Red Bull sburg Rodeo kabach holding on to second place trying to stay in step with this gentleman right here leton bickler and it looks like Tristan little a shift in Tristan Hart now moving into second place kabach have slipping to third in that lower section interested to see how much progress G made the Gap at the moment between Manny and Tristan is a full 5 minutes but Tristan har has made his way back up into second place he’s past TI kachev 5 minutes seems like a long time but if we get to a a now and impossible climb and and Manny’s first there and the grand Solus has to start pushing his bike it it wouldn’t be the first time that a 5-minute lead has gone pretty fast at this race I want to bring up what you pointed out Graham Jarvis now in the top 10 conversation just whittling his way slowly but surely the silent assessin didn’t get his name for I think huge Danger Man maybe you could break down too just the the trials background I know a lot of people watch this type of training it’s not maybe as explosive as watching like an fmx you know demo or just even Supercross or more the the more kind of exciting visually components of hard uro but so much goes into navig this yeah it’s very it’s a very slow methodical process you know a lot of clutch control a lot of throttle control just using the bike trying to make the bike do the work I do see Manny making a couple more mistakes on this section than he has been um I don’t know if he’s if he’s trying to push the Ping at as big of a gap as possible or it’s just uh maybe she’s just taking a minute to get his breath back now but yeah a couple of mistakes there which is you haven’t seen so far yet today so Manny got his first trials bike at the age of five and he went on to win uh three three time uh Charles youth champion in Germany yeah so that it helps it gives you such a good base you know even if it’s just for a few years as a kid um you know I think Manny W to a decent level I think he did some German Championship while he was older um you know and then we have some riders in here griam jvis was many years you know on the podium of the elite level of the world trials Championship Alfredo Gomez was World Junior trials Champion we got Jack Price Another World Junior trials champion in the field here today I think it just gives you such a good base to go on and do whatever you want where did you fall in love where did you like spark so I was very similar level to Jack Price actually um we battled all through we kids years with been like best friends since we was six I got to did two years of World Junior 12 world junior Championship had a handful of podiums couple of second places in rounds there but just couldn’t quite put it together and didn’t see a future happening in the sport for me so I made the switch to um hard andur 2016 and had a a pretty rapid start and and uh very quick grow curve a lot of crushes a lot of mistakes I think we got a new section of track and Dina here oh and we’ve just gone off just gone off but it looked like a bit of a that’s definitely a pretty triy section of Carls dinner if we can get back and see how manyy was getting on in it and I see Wade young has also uh made some passes into fourth place he’s 2 and a half minutes behind Teo and te in turn is 5 minutes behind 5 minutes 46 behind many so it’s actually spreading out you know I was kind of expecting more of a gut but I think just it’s still spread out so much at the start really and there we can see the the massive Boulders the traps that you can fall into quite easily yeah you just that tire spit in so easy for your chain to get jammed and jump off yeah that’s one of the biggest dangers that I would see it is it is that’s Mark Fernandez sah one of our Juniors so he’s in top 15 top 13 I would [Music] say cuz he’s he’s under the top level here of dinosur is’s uh is’s well into it I mean this that aerial Shar gives you a good idea those glacial creases have up double fault [Music] yeah Jarvis into into seventh now wow he’s the danger man I counted I’ve got him on my Podium I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in the podium positions by there ni Call’s dinner cuz just judging by how much manone he’s slowed up the pace and he’s really starting to pick his line I’m guessing and it’s uh a lot of unknown a lot of new track we’ve never raced on this section of cars dinner before um so he’s really having to take his time and and gim can just he just sits down dangles them legs off the back of his bike and just gets to work one rock at a time with Johnny Walker with that mechanical yeah slipping to six but now he’s got Graham Jarvis to worry about uh coming in hot so times coming in for Carl’s dinner light look at these times just the separation I think man Manny knew that and that’s why he pushed so hard to get to the front as early as possible he’s he’s got so much experience out this race and he knows what’s needed to win steepest section of the course George Avenue twis him here oh looks from that level he should be able to make it yeah into the old rout for these guys it shouldn’t be too much of a problem George Avenue in some ways they’ll be taking a bit of a breather here getting in as much air as possible drinking and eating as much as possible as they go cuz they don’t know if they’re going to be out there for another another hour or another three and that’s that’s the impossible thing to predict how much to lay it on the line how much can you uh how much do you have left in your personal [Music] tank T giving it horns there I mean you really can’t see how steep it is there’s actually a level right near the top so if you don’t make it you can do a little it and then give it the last little piece of go showing an incredible Comfort right there tail no [Music] problem Tristan currently 6 minutes 54 behind many he’s pull it all the time I think uh if we’re going to look at checkpoint times I think it’s probably only going to be G that’s going to challenge Manny for the uh fastest time field calls dinner today well still under the 1H hour mark to remind everyone watching 4our limit so at the uh completion of 4 hours that is the end of Red Bull sburg rodeo and we’ve had years where it’s only been a handful of competitors we talked about of the 99% of riders that make it to the final round those 99% never finish Tristan’s going sorry Cap’s doing well to to keep up in the podium positions here I think naturally his uh his rid and style does use a lot more energy and uh but he’s he’s fighting hard and to be uh to be keeping Pace with with twiston it seems like is uh is doing really well would I be right in saying that ta’s riding sty would be more suited to a romaniacs you know coming from belg area than ansburg I think he’s used to the big mountains he knows when to uh he’s pretty smooth and and can can do them real steep climbs well and I think this this rock especially C inner kind of section that is you know made for the trials guys if Wade can clean the section awesome job yeah I don’t know how you got up there in first gear I really don’t honestly I didn’t think it was happening and after the first attempt I also didn’t think it was happening it was how many guys did have to give it I think two or three three [Music] mes well can imagine Wade no no stranger to dry craggy conditions back home in South Africa how much we talk about this event darl but I know you’ve got deep roots with roof of Africa it’s uh it’s it’s one of those events as well that kind of makes her break someone’s career yeah it does I mean w W has done so well in in South Africa winning the roof of Africa multiple times um he’s really really good on on the Rock So C I think he will be making up time here it suits him 100% And he definitely has the size as we hit the one hour mark a look back of how we got here lot of expectations of the man leading the charge coming in to today’s competition Manuel leton bickler and we started off with the first row of 50 not too much bottleneck were you guys surprised to see how clean it was twist still hit the deck but a guy I think everyone just used his bike for traction and got straight over it to be honest everybody knows how important it is to get to the front and uh this guy certainly did yeah leton bickler was able to find room to pass but the rest of the field trying to stay in step and uh kabach have facing some difficulties but ever so calm collected leton bickler putting on a veritable clinic in Carl’s dinner light as well as Carl’s [Music] dinner that the slow just suffering working their way through pretty good way to put it past I can’t think it much better slow suffering it’s a suffer f it was hot to be honest like even on the start line it was cold when we first got there and 5 10 minutes before the start the humidity really really ramped up so uh I see this this last section is definitely the hardest we’ we’ve seen in a good while I think Manny I wasn’t expecting Manny to still be in there so Tristan Hart in second for the moment but lenberg Beckler just trying to stay in that zone you mentioned he loves being out front where it’s nice and quiet and jumping above you can see the distance between him Canadian Tristan Hart and Theodore kachev in third right on the heels of Tristan [Music] Hart so the Gap right there about 7 to 8 minutes it seems like a lot but you you talk about just one mishap and you get caught in this just if everything goes smoothly it is a lot but if there’s a they come to one section and there’s a lot of problems and Manny has to startop pushing the that lead will be eaten up in seconds what minutes I suppose seven or eight minutes of them to be precise but uh it doesn’t go as long as you think when it starts getting difficult and people start getting stuck so meanwhile the 244 V yeah the The Weekend Warriors the privateers and this is the part that I love about Red Bull sburg Rodeo I remember the old days with the btub you know there were like 50 guys jammed in the bathtub trying to get out and and this is similar you know if they can get up velting they’re going to see how far they can get in the fire sections we’ll be checking back in 3 hours from now and the struggle is real still at that point yeah I think a lot of guys are going to get through the forest and I think we’re going to see like absolute Mayhem in Call’s dinner yeah I think that bottom section is going to see a lot of action Al so the forest even to get from the the bottom level of car dinner to this up to the second level that Forest is actually not to be messed with that’s uh that is a pretty tricky forest and there’s going to be a lot of guys stuck in there and good news for a three time SSB winner Johnny Walker now moving up to fifth you can see Graham Jarvis starting to stay in step and the block lad centr manber well as well another big challenge for these Riders many of these guys the best in their neighborhood their region just to make it try to hammer home how it is how difficult it is even to get to this point at this event I mean yeah I mean that clim is is ridiculous actually so for the me mortal I mean you guys make it look easy right but even going down once you’ve been to the the top that downhill you can get some serious runaways yeah and I mean just it’s it’s so natural to be riding up hills so big so steep so loose like it’s really there’s there’s no other place like it that you can even prepare for such a such a hill to be honest with you and and these that that’s number 240 that guy’s qualified like you know out of 1,300 people in the top 200 that these are no uh they’re no slouches get a good actual perception of how steep it is from this angle to be honest see how like how difficult it is to control the bike and the front wheel from diving every time he just thought about touching the front break the F wanted to dive there so there we can kind of like see the deepness [Music] yeah Red Bull Red Bull AOS SP Rodeo it’s one of those things that you have to witness with your eyes to see the scope the steepness the sheer vastness of this course and this a great illustration so zentra bomberg is actually a training and test facility for tunnels and uh I saw yesterday for the first time there’s 1,500 M of tunnels carved into the earthw we’ve even seen a few years the course actually running through the tunnel right I was going to say one year we raced into it yeah okay this is what I was what I was looking for this last final push out of Carl’s dinner and I saw earlier that trial Section that we saw many on I think the guys are going to get like super jammed up it’ll be an accomplishment just to get out of cars dinner this year yeah wow look at that up left and then that Forest piece you were talking about that last push out just looking so comfortable I want to see the time Gap now we’ll be able to measure now between many and uh and Tristan I think he took it a little bit easier than that I was actually just thinking as well that’s quite a narrow Target to go through that’s that that’s going to cause some B you see it’s really loose and uh as soon as the loose ones fire out it becomes a pretty big hole again if Manny’s off his bike and pushing there then he must know that it’s uh it’s really really a proper trial Section this try pivot left I think that’s just raw Rock there I mean when you walking that section you don’t really appreciate you know what it looks like unless you walk it so this was the old old entry to carner so there should be a bit of a line from to aim for here but it hasn’t been used in quite a few years so I can imagine it’s super loose [Music] ground and then some pretty nasty tree routs to navigate still before you can make it back up to the road where I believe is the tank point you just look at the size of that Valley like what we doing racing motorbikes in there why any common you know anyone with common sense and they’re like why why do you do it clearly it’s that Moto masochist mindset it’s and it’s those that get it get it to put it in perspect I mean how steep is that uh that’s a Dr tricky climb it’s actually a lot drier than I was expecting to be honest but that kind of heals when it’s a really slow set off is one real strong point of manies he doesn’t need much speed at the bottom of them Hills to really project himself forward it’s great to see the sun coming out here pulling into the tank point now I think the rider has to do everything in here himself not allowed to receive drinks goggles anything from the mechanics this year or Riders all have to do it themselves pick crew of one for leton bickler all right so from here he’s going to head up to machine machine’s not too difficult and then he’s got the second half of the forest to look forward to I just spotted a Mr Jarvis up one more place there into sixth now tick off Maran here we go 49 years young Graham Jarvis working his way Ste through that top 10 now just outside of the top five conversation Walker in fifth Wade young in fourth kachev in third Tristan Hart the Canadian in second and leton bickler eyes on screen flying out did Rudolph in ninth too we got a battle of the austrians in ninth and 10th did Rudolph Michael walkner and our first Junior in eighth can you imagine either Rudolph or wner can you imagine if making the podium here the eruption of sound and eyes and ears it would be I think equivalent to the 4-Hour time limit I going off it would be strug difficult to know which one was which yeah still waiting for an Austrian Victor here at Red Bull SBG rodeo and this is a nice feeling Manny’s got now going out to car dinner with such a lead he’d be stretching the legs out taking it he he’s probably had water through over him he’s W wet from the puddles so stretching the legs out getting some air through them and just trying to cool down and get the H rate down as much as possible uh before we head back into the forest I’m not sure how he does it I I caught up with Manny yesterday and I said man I’ve been seeing you all over social media all these all these things that he had to do and he’s like I’ve been so busy today is like this afternoon first time I’ve actually had a chance to breathe and doing all that and then doing it with the mindset always being willing to say yeah I’m here for you always there for the fans and then be able to tap into this and just that’s it’s I don’t know how he does it it’s what it’s what you have to do when you’re going to when you’re going in for your third win in a row there’s there’s people you the man and demand and uh he’s he does a very good job with that I think he’s a very good uh Ambassador for the sport that’s for sure want to encourage everyone go to Red Bull arburg News highlights everything we talked about uh Paul Bolton’s footage the recap you’re going to see a lot of behind the uh stuff behind the scenes uh footage that we are not quite getting to in today’s broadcast but nonetheless a great recap of a historic day here in Austria for the 28th running of Red Bull sburg Rodeo and machine used to be start of the no help Zone Manny out in front where he likes to be actually looks a bit trickier than normal the start of it this year they move that tape further and further up every year it actually used to start from the road about 15 ft further right and uh we got this new rock section to go up before we get there and it looks even more difficult this year than normal what’s the trick when you’re dealing with you know rocks of size when you’re doing double fall line you have to go across and you’ve got a double pitch being smooth putting a lot of pressure on that outside outside foot Peg so the it puts weight to the inside of the tire that’s where the the bike’s making contact with the ground and be smooth as possible on the throttle you don’t want to disturb any rocks which is one thing Manny does really really well is he not a lot of rocks fly out from his back wheel smooth I’ve seen you made some pretty sketchy moves he take he takes it in M approach he wants to leave things as they as they lay he’s very good at not disturbing the ground which is quite the opposite which is I mean really for the for the people that don’t know you don’t want to pick up any wheel spin you’ve got to make sure that every little bit of power gets to the ground so it’s throttle and clutch control and you literally don’t want any wheel spin it just adds to it you know was any wheel spin any Rock like that was such good there turning and and keeping it smooth um but any Rock flying out it’s just wasted energy you know using your core to keep the bike balance keeping the bike up right whether you’re dabbing and having to fight and push along with your legs it’s if you can keep smoo and just keep rolling at a steady face there’s so much energy Sav Manny just waxed that made short of that and there was in previous years there was quite a big step coming up just after machine I’m not sure if that’s going to be there this year that that uh two years ago that caused a great Manny got out in front and uh somehow managed to get up it by himself and everyone else had to team up and help each other and we we’ve been here in years where the weather is really hot how how how much worse does that make things like Carl’s dinner Carl’s dinner is bad in the heat because the heat actually reflects up off the Rocks you know literally becomes like an oven in there there there’s nowhere to hide there’s no Shelter From the Sun you try and Crouch down and and get some shelter and you feel the heat from the Rocks like you literally are in like a in a frying pan so I think today’s a bit nicer but like I said when I was down on the start line the humidity did really amplifi 5 10 minutes before the start South African Wade young just outside of the top three I know you know Wade really well where’s his mindset coming into this event feels like he’s on a good kind of staying in step and finding that flow that he wants to get back into yeah he’s so strong at the moment physically and mentally you our eight time roof of Africa winner he’s at home in the Rocks he doesn’t have the trials background that a lot of other guys have so being that all-rounded uh Rider I think he’s come a long way and learning that skill B where you guys came from a trial background some of you had to learn to go fast for example way had it the other way around you know he was we had lots of fast races at home and he had to learn that trial skill exactly it’s not easy in in you know having them skills from an early age is just ingrained into you and vice versa for the trials guys you know I think now f 10 years ago a trials guy could jump on an andur bike and he could be a poim guy but now the speeds of the nontechnical sections are so so high I mean you’ve got to be really really fast riding here to be on a on a dirt bike to be successful these days so when I rode I mean I was absolutely rubbish at the trial sections and I had to use so much energy literally pushing my way everywhere and I think it’s a key to to doing well in races like this is to really manage each section and like look at grahe for example he’s like 49 but he’s got such a high skill set that he can use that to preserve energy exactly no that that is one thing of GES is he’s just he just takes over he doesn’t waste any energy on the difficult sections and here we go techical master class on display I’m sure wow you see feet on the pegs threading the needle covered in dirt because he’s not he’s not known for getting off the start line particularly fast a most winningest Rider of all time and I’ve got to say it I mean Graham’s been riding since 10 years old and he’s won zburg five times H’s gate five times romaniac seven times C Sky six times the tan five times the roof four times five times British trials Champion five time British andura champion and seven gold medals at the ISD it’s incredible I mean the the resume it’s still going yeah it’s still going at 49 years old those of you that are new in watching this sport for the first time you can say yeah I watch Graham Jarvis he’s 49 he’s won the event 5 times and he was just slowly working his way I think it maybe when you’re at the water cooler on on Tuesday Morning back at work and you can talk about the silent ninja you’d be like yeah slow and steady that’s my Approach at work you watch him through that section there and he literally just had one speed and one speed and just ticked it off I think there yeah certain people will be faster for certain parts of it but when you average it out it’s just so so impressive how he ticks the Rocks off so when they get through checkpoint 13 then we’ll really be able to see the time gaps between the Riders I I by the way jumping back in here without Graham Jarvis I’d love to see the stats I’d love to see his pulse going through here his heart rate does it even like occasionally it gets 60 I think yeah he’s when he sleeps it’s 15 so Tristan har has been through already and he’s currently 7 Minutes 56 behind many let a it’s like a sneaky sloth so the Gap is still increasing but not quite at the rate it was early on but back in the forest is where Manny is going to do more damage I think he’s he’s so good at the uh the typical Forest sections Cuckoo’s Nest he went straight up in front of me last year I took the easy line and went round and I just thought wow you know when we’re here on the two we all like to play on Cuckoo’s Nest and see who can go straight but I don’t think anyone was quite expecting to do it in the race and man didn’t in font to me and I just thought yep that that was pretty good and I’m still waiting uh you know the track builders there’s lots of stuff we haven’t seen I’m waiting for the sting in the tail we always have one there something there’s something that even went not expecting un well I think thanks to Carl K talk for sure a little surprised is uh I think we were talking a Zone after maybe motorx there might be a little little little bump if you will a little surprise yeah potentially killing leap might kill a few few of them off are you trying to imply I think killing leap is going to be the one um M highway I think you could definitely yield some action and I think killing leap is really going to be the one to watch I think the exit of motx Highway um last year was very difficult and if it’s wet it’s kind of like a grassy off camber um where there just doesn’t the ground’s not really soft enough to dig in a rout so you really just have to slide lift your bike up slide lift your bike up slide so that exit of M Highway could also be a big factor if it’s like it was last year all right so te currently is 2 minutes 30 behind Tristan hot and 10 minutes behind Manny so te’s caught up to twist him because I think he was five or six minutes behind at the last checkpoint and you see Mr Jarvis now closing in on Johnny Walker and we young wow this fourth place and T has not long been through that checkpoint so I think we’re going to have a race on as we head into these next you’re looking at yeah six fth and fourth place right now on screen oh that’s going to cost some time you’ve got a full clean and a press to get that back up that’s the worst place to be is under your bike with your bike face on that way here yeah I know all about it I do that pretty often you see that’s just allowing Grim to eat into eat into their Le you actually made reference to it how tight that yeah how tight that section was even as a checkpoint what it could cause and look at this now forcing Jarvis Walker so John Johnny’s actually recovered pretty well from the uh the break he had in one thing I I think that’s understated is having to fix your bike and the Frantic Panic that goes through your mind you’re rumaging through your bag you’re picking tools out you’re pulling it’s uh you might think it’s a little breather and you get your H down but it’s definitely not it does quite the opposite in fact it’s a I would say it’s a pretty big spike having to fix your bike and you can see Jarvis in the bottom of your screen awfully patient waiting make sure that that’s I think he wants to do that all in one he’s observing let’s see how it goes it just doesn’t get better than this oh my goodness gracious what are you doing that’s ridiculous that was so good but that’s what comes with 325 years of experience is it that’s it I mean I mean you got to think about it right Graham’s 50 next year and he’s doing that so all you guys like your catch at home if you close to 50 I mean there’s no excuses that was so good that was just summed up Grim you know he was patient he used the bottleneck to to pull in on them and then he just stopped and analyzed the situation observed these surroundings and thought right they’ve done that I’m going to do this to avoid that happening to me see you later W the guys are just making it up to the point they needs to be and joh Johnny he’s seen that W stuck so he’s St so Johnny’s going to have to start with a little bit less momentum I think if I was Johnny I’d be trying to get in front of we cuz that’s two sections in a ro he’s kind of held him up now oh but we’ve got someone else coming straight in two for one for Mr jvis just like that no way he check he’s he’s the same speed in call dinner as he is going along the road but that’s just why we love him that is mad did that just happen I’m un believable Jarvis the podiums calling soon for Mr Jarvis in a way the the Tom Tom Brady of hard and duro for sure I think he’s going to be Ride On kabach By the time we’ve uh done the next forest and we into some orx Highway yeah and I should point out Tom Fred not competing anymore Charis is still in the mix we’ve actually got uh udo’s playground and another one of the rock sections up the top of the forest uh after the forest sorry which could also be a lot of speculation for udo’s playground right so we’ve got burping stones after ‘s playground I can’t remember that section so I think oh yeah no burp Stones is where there was snow quite a few years ago that’s right about the top of the mountain so in fact I’ve actually got it wrong the one before udo’s playground Chris’s Stone party that’s a super technical one that’s actually where I overtook money last year that’s going over the back over the top of the prologue section EXA top that’s where the hair pin of the the road is and the The Rock section straight on so that one I had a brief look when me and Paul went to call dinner the other day and that looks even tighter than normal they moved the tape in so there’s less of a less of a run up and it’s just all in the big rocks and then I and then I had a look at udo’s playground they they’ve moved the tape into a new virgin section to the left so I think that’s also going to make for some awesome awesome viewing that’s going to be super loose so this is uh just moments ago as Jarvis passed two Riders on the uphill the five time winner of Red Bull sburg Rodeo if he can make his way to the front and cement a six first place finisher he’d make history but look at the clinic he is putting on that slow patient Style just so we have a reference I’m going to put it out there gri is 13 minutes behind money wow speaking of reference this is where Manuel leton bickler is on the virtual mountain and you can see our other group on the other side he’s already worked his way all the way around and the chasing group right there in Hot Pursuit has to make their way up Graham Jarvis Wade young and Johnny [Music] Walker and kachev and Tristan Hart still in that second and third place back and forth trying to reel in leton [Music] bickler definitely gives you good this is yeah good Eyes On The Mountain hats off to our production team [Applause] so this is TE in machine oh here he is oh my goodness what look who look who showed up I think the the trigger is going to get pulled out another one off I’m telling you we need to keep an eye on this 13 minutes to man because I’m not putting anything past this uh this Old Gentleman all right so once he’s out at the top of machine we’ve got to check I’m going to look for the S I reckon it’s going to be closer to 11 10 10 or 11 minutes oh T was just put the move back on that might slow things down slightly and he’s he’s still not rushing too much G I think the guys are pro it’s hard to say but I would say they’re somewhere near the halfway stage so we’ve got a lot of racing left I mean you know you know Graham well is it intentional or he’s just naturally at this low heart resting rate how does he how does he stay so he just cruises I mean he’s uh there’s there’s no urgency he knows what he can do he knows what he’s capable of and he’s happy to just pick guys [Music] off wait in the bottom of the screen yeah a great back and forth with John also in there so we’ve got third fourth fifth and sixth all in shot all in one shot here this is [Music] incredible this is almost like Moto GP T really is making life difficult for Grim here I think it’s a bit of Grim’s going to be that’s the one if G had just pushed that a little bit to stop T getting back past him I think he could have uh he would have been out of this section by now so I mean I don’t feel like I’m in any position to be critiquing Mr Jarvis’s Ryden but I think that’s that’s one point you could see really he he let let it slip a little bit getting ta letting ta back past him there well no one has ever won ‘sb Rodeo six times there’s uh two five time winners you got taty bazak and along with graham Jarvis D’s frantically pressing the refresh button on the che see what the time is I can’t wait to see oh oh that was Michel buner going down there and that was one which could have definitely done some damage on the clutch the clutch lever side there he’s looking tired he’s not in a rush to pick that bike back up also falling like that you get your foot jammed in a rock and turn it around that’s your ACL off it’s so easy to do damage and uh I think it looks clutch leevers all right anyway uh fly whe cover looks all right gear looked so I think he’s got away with it but it’s he’s now off the main line as well so I think he’s either unless there’s a line straight ahead of him he should be doing the U-turn and going back to it but maybe he can see a way out from where he is when you when you guys walk the course you’re doing the pre the pre-walk how much of it can you remember when you go you jump back into Carl’s dinner okay we got the time thanks see I told you despite being held up by kach he’s actually closed by 7 Seconds he’s 7 Seconds closed to Manny which I think yeah he got held up by I would say a good 30 seconds to a minute by to so G is on the charge 12 minutes 53 behind Manny at the moment and uh we’ll keep a close eye on that for you guys and I tell you this I think Manny is not going to be expecting to G come up behind him at any point we’re still a long way from that happening I don’t want to get too ahead of ourselves but wow this is uh this is up nicely well the Riders don’t want the sting in the tail but of course we’re kind of hoping for it because it’s going to bring the action to all of us um you see I mean as a rider I mean you you want to I mean hit me right now right I’ve had this thing in my tail I’ve got to to G in 2018 me and Manny had a massive lead on uh on everybody else and it all come the wheels come fell off the bus that year you know me and Manny chose to help each other and uh which you know at the time I thought that was the right decision I thought if we help each other now it’s going to be first and second is between us who’s going to win this and I was confident I had that was when we could walk the track and I had a little line up my sleeve for Dynamite so that was my thought process at the time in the end it just took so much more time and energy to get us up there I pulled Manny up first and then he just about passed out by his bike for a few minutes and I had actually left my bike parked off the racing line so graem and Johnny I think it was managed to get past us and it was just a car crash from there onwards uh it was uh yeah that was that was actually I would say more difficult one to swallow than than last year when you know I was out front in in Manny pastes cuz last year was kind of my own do and I damaged the bike where 2018 me and Manny was so far out in front but it is what as you see here Michael that crash is still not back on the main line and this has cost him minutes now and that is just such a frustrating Point as a rider uh he’s still in the top 10 I think what few of the other guys will be catching him soon now after that much time lost though you touch on such an interesting point when you talk about hard and duro it is it’s like four-dimensional chest with a like a mechanical Oto Factor exactly it’s hard andur is a million tiny things that could go that could happen this oh we see looking back at lighting causing difficulty some of the later Riders here um but yeah like I say there’s just it’s just a million tiny battles which you need to try and win in a hard and D race and if you don’t they can make such a big difference they don’t have a big result in a positive way but in a negative they can literally cost you 5 10 minutes just like that I really missed the old B up because it was was like action like this all over the place it was absolute Carnage but we’re getting a good taste of it over here well everyone has their own goal their own feet they’re trying to overcome here and all the different levels Illustrated here looking at all of the privateers taking their approach albeit treacherous incredible and this will continue for a good solid what 2 and a half three more hours and no more rep being thrown down that’s uh it’s up to them M green finally we got M green in the house I think he’s just sitting outside the top 10 in 12th Place at the minute uh will H in front of him and 11 so I think those two guys will have provided they don’t make the same mistake Michael walkner has just made they’ve got a good chance to make up a good chunk of time on him so M currently 22 minutes behind Manny and 2 minutes 59 behind will Ash MO is coming up he’s in 13th and Mark Fernandez so we got a bunch of Junior Riders just on the outside of the top 10 and you may check price I see he’s in 16th at price and franches Moret is actually Another World level Charles Rider in 15th Spanish Ridder David CPR coming in uh up next in 17th Place so those guys I think it’s spread out now but as we get towards the The Sting in the tail that’s going to also Bunch back up again he D yeah I’m looking forward to it I think we’re going to get lots more action here today the part’s just getting started oh and there we can see that checkpoint 13 is proving to be a real challenge if the top guys are struggling there I mean everybody else is going to it’s it’s an AB see it’s it’s looking not quite as narrow as it was when we first got there I think with the more and more crushes it might just started widen itself but it’s uh it definitely isn’t an easy one that was did Rudolph and the Peaks off of his helmet so I think he’s really had a big one and I imagine too he’s got to make his way back around to to the mark he needs to get back inside the tape which again like just happened to Michael it often a crash that leads you off the racing line has way more of an effect than you would think oh he’s he’s I mean I don’t know where he’s left the track so that could actually be fine but it was a risky move because you get some of that orange stuff W around your rear wheel you’ve lost your rear break your Chain’s going to come off and he’s not oh it’s oh this is terrifying to watch yeah you know what what happens when that tape gets tied up that that fence can really make a big mess but it looks like did Rudolph now is back on track Michael walk CAU back up so his mistake is uh he’s have a chance to get back inside back at D now and get back into ninth I think they’re battling for yeah so did Rudolph 35y old from Austria and he’s a five time finisher here at durburg so no slouch at all yeah local L rides very well here um I’m interested to see if we have got will Hall and Matt Green coming soon cuz both these guys seem to have lost a lot of time some Spectators trying to pass him something here as his transponder came off or his fuel cap he field CER came off that that could he would have had a a warm gentleman’s area had that have been splashing out on the next fast section and uh we’ve got youth on the side of Michael V at just 26 years old and just watching that it just makes G jv’s moves ever more impressive Michael got a six here in 22 and a six here last year yeah vor’s I mean on on the steady rise you watch him in terms of uh his comfort top two austrians is trying to work their way through and back uh that’s not a nice position to be and just not far enough up to push it and not comfortable enough to jump on it and ride down we got some teamwork going on here lock laders Center mberg so would you say there’s an advantage going first up some of these CLS yeah I think these ones especially um you know these open ones you’re pretty confident you just need to hit them flat out obviously when you get halfway up them you need to have a good look and pick a good line for there but having no traffic in front of you and just being able to hit It Wide Open is a big Advantage I see now for these guys in this queue waiting to go for them to get a clear run at it there’s a very slim chance that uh and everybody’s just going like one after like it’s chaos out there it’s like rush hour in New Delhi at the minutes or something like that bikes see that oh bikes fly in every direction I see there on the right hand side the guys are trying to make another lineup there see how see no one appears oh but these guys are happy they they riding their bikes on a Sunday afternoon in this pretty magical Quarry they’re not complaining it’s it’s such a necessary component to see this to put it into contrast with the sports Elite and you see the difference and that’s the beauty of it that you have such a contrast of riders all on the same start line all competing in the same race and that is really what makes hard andur so special and you can read the body language just at checkpoint 4 of 27 you can see the the body language saying I’m so spent at this point and all those Riders yet to even get to Carl’s dinner [Music] light so next up we got Chris’s storm party which I’ve got a feeling the checkpoint might be actually before the difficult part I think the checkpoint last year was on the road so um it’s interesting to see the order going in there and and how long it’s going to take when by the time they come out out of there because last year that was a very very tricky [Music] section and you were dead on with your assessment of Manny feel like you’ve done this before here once or twice I might look stupid but I take in More Than People realize I think Tristan Hart holding on to Second for the moment and kachev was in third but that battle with Jarvis and kachev is still hot it’s quite a fast section get there um Baron apart from cuckoo nest which is a lot easier than it used to be back in the past I wouldn’t be surprised if kachef had stayed in front of g at this stage but if I was Grim I would really try and get in front of him before we actually enter Chris Stony party because I think uh he will be able to make up some time should he have a clear run into there so loving the virtual Peak at arburg man well into Chris Stony party this is well sections like this which um AR are relatively new I think this is only two or three years old into C into red bubur Rodeo sorry they they don’t have as much of a solid line so often arriving here first is a bit of a Minefield you know calls dinner despite the tape being in certain places you can see the old lines and you know okay the Rocks aren’t going to move in that section the rocks on going to move in this section so if I can get from there to there it’s good whereas this is a relatively new one so he’s really having to think on the and this first little horseshoe we’re doing here is completely new by the looks of it we’ve never been up this PO before you can see the old trail on the right hand side that was the old way up and uh I think too easy the track builder said and let’s just change it up a bit they always do this and uh the most of the Riders been by the time they get here they wouldn’t have seen it so see man he actually moving rocks with his hand there this is literally Virgin Territory for motorbike where he is now it’s it’s one thing to be the armchair quarterback to sit here with this aerial view how do you do it when you’re you’re sitting right in the mix of it how do you assess the Alliance it’s it’s something you got to do on the Fly and it is difficult and uh you know that’s why’re having that Tri Experience One Thing Tri experience gives you is the ability to read the terrain and that that little gate that the guys have got to get through is also a pretty narrow one so I think Manny’s going to try and go from here across these loose rocks he’s high enough he’s going to push it just because it’s going to be so loose he doesn’t want his back wheel to drop down that’s very well played there by Manny and he hasn’t Disturbed too many rocks as well so that’s going to be Twist’s also going to have to to figure out where money went he it doesn’t look like he’s left too much of a trail behind so it’s uh it’s going to be interesting sometimes an advantage following someone that likes a Manny or or gram Jarvis for that matter definitely but the gap’s so big now that Twist’s going to have you know just as much of a problem as Manny to spot the line I think you know if you look at the tape on the right hand side it does give you the option to go all the way up where the grass is but then you see you’ve still got to make it pretty far up the rock climb so that was actually say well navigated by I man need to know when to when to stop going forward and went to start going left and head up the rocks and this just in Graham Jarvis moves into third place so Graham Jarvis five-time winner of Red Bull airp Rodeo now in Podium position in third place moving in on Tristan Hart and also am I feel for Tristan you know by by the time he gets to the section he he would have lost eyes on many he’s not going to see him here and then it’s just what I mean b what is that du to you get to a section like this and you’re like he’s gone already you know exactly that’s one that’s actually a very good point in that darl it’s a bit depleting really because you’re looking up and you’re thinking i’ probably got five or 6 minutes so the checkpoint is actually at the top there so we are going to get a true reflection of how far behind G is but yeah looking up and thinking I’m going to spend a few minutes in here and Manny’s not even in sight it’s it is a bit depleting but you know he’s in the podium position right now he’s uh he’s in third one better than he was last year I think he’s he’s going to be hungry he’s going to keep fighting and and pushing as far forward as possible I think that’s Manny just working his way out of the top of Chris’s stun Chris is Stone party sorry so there’s I bet Chris is having a party watching this so he will be in a few minutes time when there’s five or six Riders all stuck there so he’s going to stay on the this is right at the Pinnacle of the mountain so he’s going to turn right here and he’s going to head down into Uno’s udo’s playground he’s going to drop left off the road quite a steep downhill and then there’s a really really Rocky CL going up but that’s where they’ve changed the tape at the top so also going to be very interesting yeah we had a bit of a battle at this stage of the race last year I think Manny actually got off his bike and walked into udo’s playground and I rode it down and overtook him so see if he’s uh remembers that or if he’s still going for the cautious approach well I had to look at it and I’m definitely not going to be riding my bike down there I mean but it just it begs the discussion to continue do you right here this is the entrance this is dropping into ‘s Playground now do you need leton bickler to falter these days if you look at the Gap of what what it’s becoming Common Place seeing this gap of that that lead that he gets the guy yeah the um the guys are managing the Gap pretty well though you know for Twist to when we seen how much of a gap when you when he dropped into car Dino and he’s lost I think like four five minutes straight away but he’s now holding the Gap at like the 7even eight minute Mark Tristan’s actually you know coming really really good in the SEC in the midstage of this race and you can see uh Graham Jarvis currently in third place and that distance between Tristan Hart the Canadian two third place finishes here at Red Bull sburg rodeo and then way on the other side of the ridge there is none other than Manuel leton bickler chasing a third consecutive win here at Red Bull airb rodeo and trying to go Flawless 10 wins in a row so once we get eyes back on leton bickler have to see how he navigates going into Udo well the only other person to have done three wins in a row is none other than Teddy BL zizak yeah so if many pulls off his third in a row win well that add to a list you know and I I think you know we’ve talked about this we’re witnessing history in with the likes of Lettin bickler you know he’s obviously only getting started how many more how many more uh I I I’d say you know success and successes and you know Podium finishes are in his future I think if you’re a betting man you’d say quite a few start of a new season I don’t know no he’s definitely got the upper hand right now see will Hall just exitting Carl’s dinner section he still in 11th oh oh that has got incredibly lucky as we see a little bit of cooling come out the Overflow at the same time he could not have done that any better yeah he’s definitely making the Highlight wheel for next year with that that is fair play almost got a 36 flat spin on the the bike and who we got following him number 70 that’s an epic ride from the second raar that’s Frances Moret okay so TS Rider yeah Frances Moret that makes sense he’s made up some big time in uh in col din he was a world junior level trials Rider one of the best from Spain Ro for a number of years in the world trials championship and he’s really on the charge from the second R think we got Jack Price coming next also on the shle oh no we got a Bitmore that’s Ashton Bitmore let’s see I want to talk about brothers Bitmore how much excitement is building about these guys and like just the The Sibling Rivalry is so cool to see it’s a little bit like Thor and Loki I don’t know which one’s which but I love I love how these guys how they get along and how they push each other yeah you know their guys work so well together they’re training really hard I know they spend a lot of time on their bikes and uh they really really are putting the effort in and it’s pain divident you know Mitch was supero Junior world champion and then hard andur world champion last year Mitch just started the year well being super indur junior world champion obviously he’s got to fight his older brother in the hard and round in Championship this year but uh solid second place in the junior ranking so far the uh the boys are on a good trajectory that’s for sure so great to see as we uh get eyes on Tristan Hart second place in that same Zone where Manny was no that’s actually The Rock The Rock section before he’s going to exit these rocks and do about 500 M up the dirt road and then he’ll end up in uh the uh Chris’s Rocky playground yeah yeah on mistake there as we get a great aerial look on so this is actually a little bit different than normal because usually here we go right and then onto the road but this one’s completely new I don’t think we’ve seen Manny do this at all so money’s got got straight through this section and that just shows you the the time Gap then will be should be I mean we’ve already 7 minutes has passed so I mean yeah so Manny’s really charged if he’s got through this section without the helicopter even catching up to him he’s uh he’s really on the [Music] charge really forcing himself to take his time just the demands of these sections trying to show just how adaptable looking back at n a nicely done wow so this G is not too far behind Tristan so Tristan is on the Rock Garden which is just on the exit of this Forest G’s got a couple more layers to go up and he will might not have him in sight on this section but I think he’ll have him in sight by the time he get to Chris’s Rock poy yeah so based on what you know about Graham and looking at the pace of Tristan Hart right now potential to for them to meet on the rocks at least at least visual I think in the next section yeah so Tristan just got through checkpoint 19 there I think by checkpoint 20 at Chris’s Stone party we could get some visuals of Tristan and gra in the same shot Mario Raman looks like he is sticking with gra a little bit Yeah Yeah and kabacha falling back to fifth in Nest actually Mario who seems to have made up some time Mario ran just behind y pass he was behind but he was behind Walker young an kach when we got to machine so Mario’s really put the charge on in the the last few minute well last few minutes of the race soting just taking his time he’s going to know man he’s got a comfortable lead now he’s not going to want to do anything stupid to ruin this uh this second place he’s he’s obviously going to want to still push on as hard as he can but he’s uh yeah he’s got he knows it’s a long way and there’s a lot of sections left I was actually talking to him about the exit of MRE Highway uh this morning in the High car on the way to the start he said you know uh I said the exit of motx Highway last day was super difficult he was actually just behind us and he said yeah I was pushing so much through there we both said if it’s wet it’s going to be super difficult all right so here he is coming into crystal stone party now and uh yeah there’s there’s quite a big gap huge gap actually between that many’s pulled now yeah I think we’re get in past the 10 minute stage now cuz Tristan’s still got to navigate this which like I said don’t think you’ll be able to see the line man went um and these are Big Rocks this helicopter is great as a helicopter is it’s really not giving just how steep this hill is cuz this one is one of the steepest parts and deceptive everyone there’s always the focus on Carl’s dinner but when you talk about this approach and this angle maybe you know doesn’t get the attention that maybe it needs I mean c din is just so unanimous it’s been there for so long but the guys are you know the organizers the track builders they’re saying it’s all too easy they’re throwing in surprises like this like this was a complete surprise 2 years ago I think um as udo’s playground was last year I think like that so they this part of the mountain specifically there seem to like th in some new bits but yeah see twiston really having a good look up there trying to work out at what point he needs to start heading up towards the the Horseshoe and get around that orange fencing to put into perspective right now if you go back and look at uh checkpoint 14 which is machine the only 11 riders that have been through machine wow and and Manny’s already through checkpoint 20 yeah like we said uh witnessing history watching leton bickers Flawless approach see Tristan needs to start heading left now if he’s going to go for the Manny line but Manny obviously has he’s done a very good job at leaving without a Twist Tristan that’s what I said Manny did such a good job at not disturbing the Rocks Tristan has got no idea where he’s went to get up here cuz he’s he’s looking like he’s staying a lot lower than Manny was at this stage and a look from above again Manuel leton bickler way out front all by Canadian Tristan Hart and Graham Jarvis looking for his six Victory here but with the likes of leton bickler as far out in the lead at this point but Jarvis still in Podium contention right now trying to reel in Tristan Hart we expect to get eyes on Graham Jarvis soon enough interestingly though 95 M separates the two of them that sounds like nothing but look at what Tim well look at where look at where Graham came from I’d like to see actually what can we do you think we can look at Grim’s second checkpoint time or one of the early checkpoint times just to see how far back he was because looking at the color of his how much mood he’s got in his helmet he’s on board here he is on that exit up to checkpoint 19 so charvis as we near the 2hour Mark here trying to pull in in heart I mean h plays a massive role here competing against 20 25 to 30 year olds I mean at 49 I just don’t know how he does it I mean well there’s the there’s the physical and then the just the mental acuity that Focus that sharp Focus that you need um but yeah then there’s the age Factor interf him at all yeah he’s got the riding ability and I don’t think you’re going to lose that but definitely a physical component of it’s the skill when you’re when you’re that comfortable and you your your skill is that much Superior you don’t exhaust nearly the amount of physical physical uh you know gas you% and the brain is saying go go go and the body is saying hold on a second but look at that wow and he he did come to this this year’s Aeros Rodeo Unapologetic saying he he wants a six he still wants it and you know if if Manny wasn’t in the way and Tristan uh for the moment I looked at this earlier on Billy we scrolling down looking at Graham’s uh position in the early stages and he’s actually went to 50 already and he wasn’t there so that’s what I’m just looking at whether he’s had problems I see franches Moret was into 40 first at the second checkpoint so that was a hell of a start I think Graham’s got a a story to tell us because um earlier on he was absolutely nowhere not even in the top 50 so he’s managed to pass everybody and get it to third I really can’t find him anywhere on the timing system so I think uh definitely a story to be told 14 Riders out of Call’s dinner Ash Bitmore being the latest one we got another trials that M Reber who’s in 50 so the tri guys are really taking over here Mario ran coming into our screen and Wade young interesting enough moved down to eighth place yeah we seen the uh the two mistakes as he was exit and Call’s dinner I don’t know how much energy that might have played and he’s had a little Spike and just needs to have a moment regroup but Mario is definitely catching G to be honest which appears to have come out of nowhere but that’s why I say Mario likes it when it becomes a matter of endurance we’re already are quite the the clock’s pretty high I think in previous years we’ve had definitely had the winner arri by this point that the hour 50 Mark I think last year Manny was about 155 I think I was just over 2 hours so close to that this is going to be a longer edburg than we’ve had in recent years 67 complete for leton bickler as Roman no stranger to the podium so I think I think if we could be getting close to the three-hour Mark for the winner yeah I agree and that’s when the stamina and the fitness is going to come in the less mistakes you make the stronger you’re going to be towards the end just looking now see Mitch bmore now our first Junior in sixth place overall all that’s a great ride really really good ride Grim just had to get off his bike there this is proven to be difficult like Manny must have really flew up this section cuz we didn’t even get a chance to catch him as everybody else’s is proven to have some level of difficulty and I mentioned Roman back in 2022 second place here one way train the name of this checkpoint which I mean that definitely wasn’t like that last year all right so look everyone’s showing up to dinner now and and even the good ones uh Matthew green Michael wner the we full we got the full view of it this time and and yeah that’s really cost him some time there and it’s funny that section of Call’s dinner is actually very close to where I passed him oh Matthew green and a similar that that checkpoint 13 is really to get through that gate has proven difficult but going back to Michael walkner I actually passed him in 2021 in a very very similar position of Call’s dinner obviously the whole layout to get there was different but he’s uh doesn’t have the best of memories with that section of car’s dinner I still don’t have uh Tristan har out of uh Chris Stone party yet so when we do go back there I think we’re going to see Tristan still stuck in that section which just shows you how well Manny did at King it and when you see the likes of vogner and green struggling like that like I said it just it it magnifies the when a when a clinic is put on yeah this gr’s made the loose climb now heading towards one last bit of rock before he’s at Chris’s Stone party and he may have twist in view I think this this bit of oneway train is definitely going to be a little surprise for everyone I don’t think anyone was expecting to have to do that you know that’s typical we get into that first part of that rock section and do a right onto the onto the roadway G is now you see he’s not wasting any he’s taking in as much oxygen he can he will recognize this section from previous years and know that this is a tough one so when you piece the whole root together in your head I mean most of us know this mountain really really well and they’re throwing an extra little surprise like that it’s um it’s quite what do you think of that line just so yes definitely St further right to start off with but is he going to be able to see twist and twist and looks like he’s got around that whole shoe there so not quite in view yet but you know the guys have a rough idea they’ll have known this is coming I think this has been in the last two years they’ll know udo’s playground’s coming but they’ll uh they’ll be desperate to CR the summit of this mountain and start heading down to the other side because they know when they get to M Highway it is the beginning of the end I’ve got confirmation now that Manny is now 15 minutes 32 seconds ahead of Tristan so that was a big checkpoint for money wow yeah that’s that’s a coming out of Chris Stone party so when Graham gets to the top then we’ll get a true picture of what our top three is going to look like so that means G’s also lost time because he was 12 minutes at the last at when we left machine so Manny in that Forest that around cuckoo nest Manny is so strong and usually that’s relatively early in the race which is why it is so important to down his back wheel um but yeah given the chance to have free reain in there he really really puts the hammer down and we we watched him pick his way through the Section over here he didn’t put a wheel wrong and when you look at at grahe Jarvis in the section now these guys are the best riders in the world and and and they make it look easy I walk this section and to the m mortal it looks pretty unridable so Grims seems to be following where Tristan went which was a lot lower than Manny and we didn’t see how Tristan went from here but going off where Manny went he the line is the other direction I don’t know if he’s just spotted it there but interesting this is what when it it comes down to Split Second decision when the guys can’t walk the track but it at the end of the day not walking the TRU does make it a lot fairer for everybody well if anyone can assess on the Fly it’s real time problem solving at its highest highest level um bring up an interesting point to of when you by just by staying on the likes of Manuel let mler not only do you you force him to maybe maybe Rush decisions but it also pulls you you know some exent it pulls you along and and he like he just makes good decisions and and if you’re following him you tend to make them too so a little adjustment on his line there got a great aerial approach to this be interesting to see let vler just continues to separate himself where we were saying 15 minutes plus give or take let bickler 70% complete heart 66% complete on the course M green making his way into the top 10 now and Johnny Walker in ninth Wade young in eighth still yeah it’s interesting you always you tend to speculate you had had Walker not had that mechanical um was definitely looking comfortable and in a really good flow kind of showing that that Johnny Walker fire we’ love to see I think there’s still going to be a lot of movement going on for these Podium positions here there’s there’s a lot of racing left and let’s let’s talk about the prize money oh yeah that’s a whole lot of prize money you got to go home with a rock which some might say ludicrous but that’s the situation we’re in we just going and smash ourselves up around here for fun that’s why I never won uh won this race I want to be honest me too it’s uh the ultimate bragging right to do well here at Red Bull airb Rodeo as we taking a look motorx Highway you’ve got some fond memories from there last year um but very technical section don’t know fond is a word I would use but I definitely have memories okay maybe too soon too soon this is going to the highest point of the route right up by the Freeway highway when we got over when we leave zburg and then coming down I think maybe the sting in the tail that we were talking about is right is going to be right here motorx Highway and then killing leap on the left side there I think it’s going to be insane if if we can yeah if we can reflect this happened last year I’m sorry Billy but maybe you can just take us into the mindset I was pretty depleted I like I said I knew I was only being able to pull first gear and I generally didn’t think I was going to make it to the finish by this point see man just did the move there he he he seen I tried to make the straight line I only kind of caught that line at the last minute and he just carried his momentum in and made it up and rather than trying it again with how little power I had it was uh I took the easy line and and he actually made a big mistake in Crash just after that and I did actually have a chance to pass him again but just with how little power I had it wasn’t there wasn’t AAS happening anymore at that point and as fans I I know darl you feel the same way it was you know the tables were return you had Manny chasing you we love we love to see that I mean youve you’ve given to him in so many ways in terms of like you’re keeping the keeping the fire alive I I love the fight you guys at gets and Rodeo right at the end that was like also stings a lot because you know after this after urg I actually injured my shoulder and and had quite a bit of time off the bike I didn’t miss any rounds but I came into romaniacs just so unprepared and uh the rest of the season was a struggle I really didn’t find any form I kind of got lost a little bit with the bike and and just struggled for quite a few races and then we made some changes actually after the qualifying race of getson and uh I rode to the start line just on the asphalt road and I was like okay now this is good I can compete with this I can challenge with this and I took it to him again I had a had a lead we battled for the whole race and then second last lap I think it was just that one section I knew the line I was taking was risky and was it it could easily go wrong on my line but I generally didn’t see another line on the track and uh yeah obious he didn’t make it up the hill I seen his line and and even after seeing where he went I still didn’t use that line I didn’t like his line so again as happy with that performance but that really stung it would have been really nice just to ruin his clean streak at his home race you want to be the spoiler and in that that Arena too a get and Rodeo it’s just so compact the fans how they come out in the woods there it’s it’s a really it’s a it’s a proper motocross race set on rocks like just getting is insane it’s it is such a spectacle and I think it’s doing wonders for the sport being able to to to follow the race that closely being that close to the action and uh yeah just just being amongst it get seeing the whole race live I think that that’s is is the direction the sport really needs to head speaking of action let’s bring everyone up to speed of the first two hours right from the start let’s just see if we can see Grim’s middle of the picture there he gets around the first Corner not too bad in about 15th so something must have gone oh he’s just got filled in there with the title wave and from this point on leton bickler Not Looking Back [Music] a little bit of a challenge here and kachev loses the bike able to stay in step in that top three contending position but capache eventually faltering and leton bickler just continued onward and forward we talk about the clinic that he puts on he just looks so comfortable so calm so collected I’m excited to watch this again for getet to see it yeah oh this one’s good enough yeah two for the price of one c a bit R still I love this move aen gr Monta yeah and that’s that silent ninja approach waits to pull out the nunchucks Jarvis that slow steady approach but leton bickler [Applause] unfaltering you know getting to watch Let Live what are you seeing differently versus when you guys are neck and neck he hasn’t got someone right on his tail or someone in front of him no he’s been able to ride the way how he likes to do it you know that’s that is where when he’s out in front he said it in Romania time and time again when he gets in front he puts in 10 15 minute gaps and everyone thinks how has he done that but he just keeps moving forward doesn’t make mistakes doesn’t necessarily have ride the fastest everywhere but just doesn’t make mistakes see twisting now into udo’s playground definitely more difficult here than it has been the tape has moved quite considerably F the right than in previous years and uh up at the top there they’ve moved the bunting we’ll see it just now and made a new line on the left but this is still a good sh for Twist here he was down on the first corner to be now in second and as G’s gone through Chris Stony party was 7 minutes behind him so the the Gap really has going up now so lost W that was impressive yeah that was nice well held there he just knew he wasn’t quite going to make it on the pegs looked for a big rock which he could choose to put his feet onto and Manny is just dropping out of the forest and about to be into motorx highway there we go eyes on Manuel Le Pickler to the right of your screen pretty close to the old grun section which no longer exists anymore because they just that that is one thing you realize how much is changing and how much is moving around in this m like got filled in you couldn’t go through mean it was once it was a section which was physically impossible for guys to ride up and now it just doesn’t even exist anymore like it is crazy um but here we are into MRE Highway all right so man had a 15minute lead coming out of Chris Stone party so I mean he’s not going to know that he’s got a lead if he did he would possibly slow down and just manage himself a little bit better but it’s race mode all the way I think he’s going to manag probably at this point I’d imagine he’s is sensing that this is a longer asbg Rodeo to normal it’s harder and if he’s taking his time everyone else is going to be taking the time so he’s going to know I think he’s got a comfortable Gap but if he’s feeling good why slow down why change a win in Formula it’s working for him so far I mean look at that you can just see there that rocking his his back backwards and forwards just to try and get a little bit of traction that little wall there I mean that’s that’s you’re not going to be able to see it but super steep when do you when do you welcome those surprises on forus versus not not being so welcoming to them it’s got to be times you’re like oh this is oh wow I think he’s just getting a little bit tired he’s he’s you know he’s not rushing too much he knows he’s in the lead he’s he’d be frustrated with himself for that one you know he doesn’t he doesn’t like making mistakes he doesn’t often make them but that’s slippy you know it is a it’s a flowing and River mod Highway and you know some sections are super grippy and you can comfortably put your feet on them and other sections you put your feet on them and it just disappears from underneath you well the amount of water we’ve had down here in the last two days I’m going to be very interested to see what this looks like been raining the fairly consistent for 3 days so this river section is actually quite difficult last year they had the tip super narrow in places um and if he’s tur left it looks like we might have a new little uphill first just cleaning it out so there’s something coming [Music] up goler so that is a new one but o he’s on the limit I think he should get it from there but that’s going to be tough oh boy he needs to be so careful where he puts his feet here because if oh his but this is on the limit back has to stay where it is that was very well played like I say he needs to be so careful away put his feet I think that was pretty massive getting that first time just looking at it like that is I can tell you now that’s going to be race over for for so many of our guys these are the little things at the end that we were and it’s looking like there’s another switch back it’s a left here then another right so there’s more to this clim than we can see so far W yeah he’s really assessing this one you know typically on these kind of switch backs he he wouldn’t be wasting any time but he knows that this is a key part of the race and and dividing disaster here is a is a big one and back to udo’s playground some rock adjustment the the difference in terrain just like like that it’s a world of difference it just shows how fast it drives here you know we’ve had n we’ve had rain pretty much all day yesterday all through the night and and these sections are are Bor dry but that is the the contrast where then we’re now heading into after this MX Highway and it it really does get uh wet and slippy yeah so to put in perspective uh Manny went through here at 150 Mark so about a 16 16 minute plus deficit for Tristan Hart and G has pulled back out in front of Mario at front of at Chris’s rock party just for anyone invested in the third place battle he has a 5minute lead now um of a Mario for between third and fourth so we were talking about this where does it where do you get that final exhale in terms of where you know you arm pump everything’s kind of like okay I can you at the top of Laz noon to be honest like because we’ve seen in the past Laz noon being tricky I mean it did me a lot of favors in 2016 Laz noon um but yeah some years lazy noon is not too bad 2016 lazy noon was a nightmare and and it kind of saved my life I would say um but once you get to the top of there you know that’s relatively they like to throw a couple of death toy and drop offs on your way home which had you not be 500 M from the finish line of their B Rodeo you probably would take caution but when you’re so close you can smell the Finish Line you can take the beer waiting for you you’re you’re pinning it off just about anything can you hear can you hear the crowd as you approach you can and also you can see them at the top of La noon that’s the line that I was talking about theyed it into the the almost looks wet actually on that new bit if you look just just below where Tristan is there now over the 2hour mark aerial view of the Udo there Graham Jarvis as we just mentioned uh past Mario ran Jarvis currently in third place Tristan Hart in second and let mler way out front so giving you a good perspective on far how far Grim might just have being able to see twisting at the top of there it’s still it’s still not that close um but he can he man have at least be able to hear a bik as Tristan was pushing out the top bit there so the Gap there at the top of ‘s playground was 18 minutes 46 seconds between Manny and Tristan Tristan is still going at a good Pace then he’s not quite on man speed but he’s uh I think he’s doing a good job at keeping himself in second if you if you just guge enough money check F times to twist and that was that section where twisting in a really nice line that just had to get off his bike but just didn’t waste any time whatsoever so a little uh like making some assessment here a little what you recking Gram’s up to they’re just looking for a yeah placement of a rock or the way he had hold of a rock it was almost like he was maybe trying to bend something or bash something but maybe it is just placement he feels like he’s on a crucial part and he wants to make sure that there’s a solid ground for setting off on and letting the clutch out on he still seems like he’s his gear levers there I think that’s the only thing you could really be smashing if you were down there with a rock but I think again it’s not really doing just as just how steep it is and and there’s some really really big holes so you get off the tops of the big rocks in this you see how you see how much backed see how much his back wheel just dropped off there and it like literally rolled backwards an [Applause] inch just really taking his time it’s it’s it’s a much more you know briers out there by himself a lot more than he was in previous years you know there would be spotters out there screaming lines at him usually beneficial but often they could also be a little bit off with what they were doing whereas now it becomes much more of a test of just the rider picking his lines and and and the man and machine out there by themselves well and we’ve seen it too where it feel you feel like he’s just the minutes are ticking but it ends up paying dividends for him where he waits and then just completely no wasted energy just took his time made sure cuz you know I guess time will tell when we got a few more guys into that section how difficult it is and and I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone upside down where Grims just took his time there and you know the the the thing is although they’ve got no hop zones and everything else basically it’s the same for everyone exactly and the two talents like somebody said to me yesterday the cream always Rises to the top it does it does and like just shows Tristan down on the first Corner Manny leaving the Quarry not at the front but by the by was Iden they were and where they needed to be so the guys that need to make moves have made Moves now it’s just about managing position to the Finish okay and uh yeah I mean if if some I think that killing lip that we looked at just now you can waste your whole race there it that the video I seen while we were in the media office this morning it it had a little bit of a gella Vibe looking at it towards me so I’m very intrigued to see how the guys get on there so all the fans out there that love all things two- wield Sports just a big update due to Wi conditions in the Dy Valley uh and to ensure Rider safety the Red Bull Hardline live show will be delayed so stay tuned for updates imagine that Red Bull sburg rodeo and Red Bull Hardline on the same day and I made mention if you if you haven’t seen it you have to go to Red Bull Red Bull TV and check out uh Johnny Walker’s uh ride down the Red Bull Hardline cor is unbelievable so little little delay for uh Red Bull Hardline those of you waiting live show will be delayed and we’ll update you back to the action here at motx highway so man he’s just done the the uphill which he passed me on last year he’s made it safely into the stream this year which like I said he had a actually a massive Crush um then another Hill well last year there was another one off to the left here which um could get quite difficult and then about another 200 M further up he’s going to do a left and the exit of this Valley is very difficult well held well held it’s almost silent in there as well like the helicopter can’t get in there you can you can almost hear your own thoughts really you can tell the differ it’s the energy almost changes but it seems like there’s a lot of Spectators have have learned that MX highway is the one to watch every year there seems to be more and more people in there um but yeah it’s it’s it’s a different vibe compared to out in car when you got a helicopter above your head that’s for sure does it make it harder when you know that you’re that much closer to the Finish Line even though you I mean you’re does it does it play with your mind a little bit not really because you’re focused on that section and and getting your best through there like the Finish Line isn’t isn’t moving that’s always going to be there it’s you that has to get up there so um at least for me at least it’s you know one section at a time but you You’ worked pretty hard to get there and then you know people don’t realize how tired you are when you get to a section like that where many years mentally and physically tired as well like even decision making becomes difficult and it uh yeah we’ve got you know well over an hour left an hour an hour 45 left I think we’re going to see some very very tired people get some M Highway and this is what a 19-minute gap looks like on a virtual Mountain you can see you know that that Gap just growing Manuel leton bickler looking for his third consecutive win here at Red Bull sbar roeo uh just continuing to distance himself and doing it in decisive fashion there’s Tristan Hart back up and you can see way at the right of your screen Graham Jarvis trying to reel in Tristan Hart and remember Tristan has had two third place finishes here um he doesn’t want a third he wants a he wants a second he wants him improv steadily each year he’s hungry but you know you never know he’s doing what he can he’s maintaining the distance um you know 18 minutes it is a long time but if this if it’s it comes to the point where Manny can’t get up it might be that uh it might be the two of them helping each other up you know we’ve seen that in the past two years we’ve seen the unexpected always exactly expected exactly well many many made motor X Highway look really easy my thoughts are that it’s going to get churned up you seen one guy to make a mess of the hill and it’s going to change everything then they’ve still got killing leap after that more surprises in store and then the Black laer Dynamite section and then still lazy noon before the Finish Carl kak could have his dream of just one Rider finishing [Music] byly so the struggle continues as you just see the rest of the field still trying to make their way up and out I mean there’s just no way for anybody else to get up there like that jamack and back to udo’s [Music] playground interesting to see if Mario is in sight yet yep wow that’s going to boost Mario’s moral being able to get eyes on on Graham and further back we got brim up into sixth now so Mar ran 27 seconds behind Graham and Tao is another 30 seconds 36 seconds behind yeah I’m really uh surprised with what Tao was uh just had the fire early on uh couple of mishaps and uh kind of slippy but nice to see him in that top five discussion I think with Mario the hotter it gets the happier is definitely the longer this resarch goes on for the happier it will be I know he was most than impressed that the Valley’s round one was only 2 hours long so got m is this money so leton Beckler that’s a new downhill looks like really taking his oh Tristan heart as we get closer here well when you hop up in the helicopter it’s a little hard no this this was actually in last year I remember it’s just down from where the snow used to be it’s after burping Stones is it um but I’m not surprised he’s gu if I just followed the rout down last year then realized just how deep this rout gets and just CL on for dear life but I uh I know exactly what was going through Tristan’s man when dropped into the info I’ll get off the bike so some of the stuff you do is not always on purpose that one was close my eyes and up for the best h so yeah fast section here a little bit of uh on the actual to Road just again getting a breather as much as possible taking in a drink out of that camel back out that use three hydration pack and just just regroup you’ll know that motorx highway is coming up next as well so just doing what he can to to stick in there so that’s the road on top of car’s denner where the tank point was so you can if you look to the left you would have seen all the guys still puzzling there exactly so the km boys cheering him on one two at the minute it’s looking good for them well as expected uh Manuel ller proving himself Invincible at this point still so the top of M highway is possible man’s through it and uh here at the start of killing Le okay so this is this thing in the tail that I’ve been waiting for I’ve heard a lot of things about the section I haven’t seen it uh big big boulders going in and I’ve got no idea what’s waiting for us they have to go up to the checkpoint and turn around and come back down again got a lot of lot of speculation a lot of discussion about what to expect at this section and you can see just how slow and intentional he’s going through this really taking his time and when you have the type of lead let go nice that he’s got that padding of time to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with he looks like he’s got pretty far up though I mean again we really know what’s coming [Applause] but well that was a long look up though I think there’s yeah there’s something coming now our camera crew taking the brunt of that one looks like they made a bit of a line for them there and he’s taking his time he knows he’s got a big lead 18 over 18 minutes now on Tristan night that g growing great to see let mler take this approach thinking it out in real time TR did it’s a long day for them 2 hours 20 in The Settle already this is this is a long one and I mean that’s not long in comparison to some other rounds of the hard Ander World Championship but for sburg and the level of intensity that the guys start with and the early stages of the race it’s this is a long time to be still going for [Applause] [Music] again we can’t see the steepness but uh judging from his body language there’s something coming yeah I’m very [Music] intrigued take note take note and does that benefit the big question does that benefit now Tristan Hart yeah they should move the be the ground be so soft I think you’ll see a line he’ll he’ll uh you know I guess yeah it’s it’s been done first time I mean I think the guys might not be happy it’s been done first time I mean man Manny might have made it look incredibly easy we’ll see how Tristan gets on here as a as a course as a course Builder you have to be just completely vexed every time you have some of the likes of Manny and yourself they come in and make it look way too easy I mean it’s a race truck it’s not a matter of survival in my opinion like I don’t think they got too much to be upset about like in some ways I think like a track which promotes good racing is would be as useful but um you want the sport to shine exactly that’s I mean and and you know we’ve I think here they do a good job and and in the past they’ve definitely found the limits I think was a 2014 or 2015 we had the uh that Unforgettable year um but at the end of the day two 2015 in green hell when everybody was uh could go no more so I think they they’ found the limit in the past and and in recent years they’ve done really good job I would say last year was a difficult one if it being the first year no one could walk the truck no one really knew what to expect but they really did do a good job at building the truck and and this year so far seems to be going pretty smoothly it’s definitely longer but it’s going smoothly out of respect they they buried Kun they literally have if you look at that the bottom ground there that was where gr was it’s absolutely insane working mine uh it’s this one week out of the year uh they open it up to the most most brutal Savage hard and duro one day event as leton bickler continuing to widen his Gap Tristan Hart uh in second and Graham Jarvis will jump back in uh and bring you up to speed on the battle there when we last checked in Roman and Jarvis were fairly close to one another yeah we’ve got we had a few minutes at the top of udo’s playground between Mario and GM and then t and a little bit in no man’s land and then sixth seventh eighth and Ninth is all very in touch and distance from each other so I think we’re going to have some battles towards the end of this race and I believe we’re going to see if you know we start kind of focusing on the clock as we near that 4-Hour Mark um be interesting to see how many how many people are going to fin how many finishes yeah we did the radio station interview how yesterday was running the competition to see what people thought and my guess was 4 14 think you’re going to be bang on the I’m I’m quite happy with my uh my bet this far yeah and Carl Matias Motorsport royalty as they await the winner and uh we talk about that rockus Roar it just Echoes out of this iron ore Arena so we got Dynamite up next for money this should be a relatively chilled ride to get there I would have thought um so this year Dynamite they’ve got to they’re going up and then turning around and coming back down again a little bit different to last year I think the Dynamite’s a funny one because it’s a very intimidating section to look at and uh you don’t you’re definely not straightforward you don’t just wide up it but the way the rock is and and it’s quite a used in path if you just kind of sit there and burn through it and Hold It Wide Open you do tend to make it up there I mean uh ground can definitely be made up especially in the first one the first uphill there if they do have a bit of a run up and you can make it first time I think it is uh it could be a big a bit of a place to pull some time I mean we’re just getting used to this now I mean that’s that’s an absolute master class from many again I’ve said it before but and it’s important too to not take it for granted like when you’re you’re living through a period in a whether whether doesn’t matter what sport you’re talking about but when you know you’re witnessing a very magical Little slice of time um it’s it’s it’s it’s great to be present and see it firsthand I think they’ll be talking about kind of this this flawless flawless season it is to be honest I actually even said to someone yesterday that I wouldn’t be surprised to see a 30 minute plus win by money here again I didn’t know how some of these unknown factor sections were going to go um but just with with CA then been so early and I generally didn’t feel like anyone could challenge him in there and then back into the middle part of the mountain The cucko Nest section which he’s so strong at um it’s so can good so far and that’s at the same time when the depth of talent has never been deeper obviously it’s Sans Billy bolt you’re not out there today I know if you were we be might be talking about a different different different race but it’s that there is no shortage of talent right now in the sport it’s not like it’s a runaway where he’s but it’s there’s so much talent trying to you know stay in Step he’s had to fight for it and look he’s it’s sure that he didn’t he hasn’t he didn’t win the prologue he was beaten there um you know the championship points so he’s not out maximum weekend it is shown that the level is high but just when you need to put it all together on race day and race conditions he just makes such good decisions and and so few mistakes and the podium hasn’t been decided yet because I’m just looking now that Graham jvis is under threat in his third place Mario Roman at the moment is only 3 minutes behind him I’m also thinking that very first uphill of motx Highway Man with the one where he had to push up could become very interesting because uh yeah had he not made it up up I think that’s one of the hills it has a bit of a ledge there now but the more and more people like get stuck in there it’s going to make the hole even deeper and that that little log which held man in place could well become in the way get in the way of a lot of people so let’s see how Tran gets on up the that first Hill in the M highway I I agree 100% I think that’s going to be the the biggest challenge to get through from what I’ve seen till the end who’s got the advantage though between hard Raman or Jarvis with anything vertical and wet versus dry and Rocky it’s diff I think gra obviously coming from the UK we spent a lot of time in in mod in slippy conditions but so Tristan has actually done that first Hill because this is the second one so Tristan’s made it up there too so Tristan’s coming on strong he’s he’s looking solid I think in this second place spot Tristan Hart looking ever so strong the North American Heart uro Superstar it’s super soft on this Hillside this year like it’s just going to take one person to really mess the lineup and we could have a whole world of problems you can just look how greasy those roots are it’s just everywhere not inviting so this line is this this R’s about a head up now that wasn’t even there last year that that was fresh ground that just shows how much uh how many people got stuck there last year money in the middle of dynamite sorry [Applause] and I know you’ve known Manny for quite some time how much is his dad Andreas in in his corner and there kind of as a guiding is that a big part of it a very useful guy to have around on a race you know he’s his preparation so on point you know they spend a lot of time testing bikes and having the tires and their moose set up good and they’ve uh they’ve just about got every stone covered to be honestly do a very good job that looked like a new little line there that piece that hasn’t been in before did earlier yeah so this is it’s slightly more left of the old the old first Hill see we used to go this one back down and in the middle so this is definitely a longer Dynamite section than we used to in the past and obviously still have to go around the tree at the top I think really that loose Shale stuff yeah so see this is a funny one kind of all technique goes out the window on Dynamite and it’s just keep the thr wide open for as long as possible I mean that’s just ridiculous was that was that throwing form out the window I don’t know I mean as I said it I guess there’s still some technique into being able to do that but yeah even by for money I’m sure he’s going to let himself get a little bit loose and let the wheel spin a little bit okay so this is one I was talking about for the tree at the top it’s just uncanny his ability to get quiet between the ears and focus on what needs to be done interesting angle there looks like they made it really really tough yeah the narrower it is the more difficult this section is because it’s the the straight you have to ride it you can’t really flatten the hill out flatten the the steepness of the Hill out you’ve really just got to try and go straight when look just look how loose them rocks on uncharacteristic for him to be spitting wheels up rocks up off his back wheel but in this situation he’s just got to burn through [Music] it the tape super dangerous so on Dynamite checkpoint 20 5 of 27 2 and 1/2 hours so far and Graham Jarvis still holding on to that third place position trying to reel in Tristan Hart Roman rounding out the top four [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] says sa almost starting to have fun what’s no it looks like he’s pretty safe there yeah and this is a section which has changed so much not from not from the actual working of the Quarry but just of the amount of bikes and rocks that have moved over time like this was it’s the same course Direction like I remember 2016 we went up around this tree but it’s almost unrecognizable so how it is [Applause] today you know many would argue that you know this has become a local course for Le Pickler he’s that familiar with all the zones te kachev now is out of P’s playground and he’s 9 Minutes 46 off uh Mario Roman at the moment yeah I’d like to see when we talk we bring in the the youth discussion and bringing kachev in to those last three sections how it’s going to unfold if he is going to be able to catch up to Raman really taking his time with this just illustrating it’s way more difficult got a little bit of rock on the front pip there but not too much of a dent I think it’s not going to it’s not going to worry him too much and tire is still looking pretty good which is uh a little little bit surprising now it what do you make of the body language at this point I think he’s tired but he knows he’s close to home I think he’ll know he’s got a good lead you know he’s he’s just done modu Highway killing leap first time which is a massive massive Advantage um he’ll know he’s in a comfortable position but he definitely does look tired she just TI it over mistakes yeah but not big ones like I say even when he lies it down he loses 20 30 seconds not a lot when he’s got a 18 minute lead to play with for 17 minutes 25 actually twiston made up a little bit of time in M Highway not a lot I think we uh unless we’ve got something amazing coming up up at Lazy noon I don’t think we need to worry too much W’s holding up to six playground Mario just entering motorx highway so it’s a little bit spread out he the gaps as we take a look at the virtual Mountain as it stands right now three guys in motorx Highway they’re not actually together yet but there’s every chance this could Bunch up as we get towards the end of the race so very contentious for second and third as uh Manel leton bickler is looking ever so confident to solidify a three repat here at the 2024 Red Bull sburg Rodeo yeah so you see it’s this is often quite difficult this this last little bit up to towards the uh the Red Bull Arch here we’ve seen a lot of actually epic pictures from from previous years from the early years of this section used to be one of the hardest I believe it’s just astounding how the rest course has changed over the last uh 28 years [Music] just uh yeah attacking his way this is it’s starting to become a good feeling now he will know more lazy n is still to come but from there you can see the Finish Line put it that way he’ll have a little short trip across a down a few levels and over Fire Road and uh yeah sense in the finish I didn’t Incredible Journey it has been for manuell leton bickler was Flawless last season getting the overall title came into this season grabbing the win at the first stop of seven in Wales and uh getting that much closer to further cementing his name into the history books right here for a three Pat at Red Bull airbear Rodeo as well as [Music] stay invincible ball just taking his time there a little bit cautious through the water which is what I think he has to be I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a little 10t hall or something which have us just thrw in there for good measure but no just easing his way through towards lazzy noon and uh as leton bickler is 86 complete we go back to killing leap at 24 checkpoint of 27 [Applause] really going to be watching that clock too darl the challenges on uh probably say the last second to last three and four zones here are really going to start to elongate the gaps I think we’re going to see some huge gaps forming now um once I think Billy is going to be pretty much spot on with around 14 finishes I mean we still have an hour 20 left but uh these sections are really going to take time to get you for for most go we take it for granted too we just watched Manny kind of work his way through but you’re watching someone that you know obviously is having quite a moment Tristan uh 17 minutes 25 behind many at the moment yeah and definitely respectable staying with that distance slight elasticity there it was great to see kind of moving back and forth but this is going to be really interesting to watch all the different approaches here so this is the first op MotoX Highway the one where money had to push and the guys seem to be getting that pretty good now the next one doesn’t look as greasy as we thought yeah wow the guys I think I think with it the being a little bit of a ledge from the previous years that’s really making a difference to be honest it’s it’s given them a little bit of a starting point I think G’s going to take it super cautiously across here now I just can’t believe how dry it is like you were saying earlier I mean the amount of rain that’s come down um I expected a lot worse but just shows the the weather can change so much in the mountains it’s so unpredictable be honest Carl as a as a hard and dur fan you were hoping that it would be worse kind of but sitting next to me and I want to get I’m sat here watching I was wanted to see a real suff Fest oh great a little bit uncharacteristic you could see there just not quite having his back wheel and in the perfect uh perfect position looked like he’s almost set off with it on a tree route which is so easily done you know the ground’s So Soft it’s changing literally every every tire mark over it the ground is changing more tree roots are getting exposed and it’s uh it’s a work thing he’s got to be careful now see his back wheel’s just going to go the same side of the tree as him if the if his back wheel had been slightly further down there that would have been a big big problem so Bly where you going to be at uh at 49 am I going to see it or uh what what’s it going to be edburg I don’t know like I don’t I’ve got a feeling I’m not going to be uh a racing edburg still if it if if all goes well I’ll be I’ll be here watching I’ll be part of the sport for sure but I think the chances of me being a Grim’s level at 49 are pretty slim you have no ligaments left my body body’s probably going to be the the main thing I I think with graham there’s something in the wiring it’s such a it’s a it’s a mental and obviously skill set but this incredible component he is something else and like I said I spend a lot of time with grim in my early years at husana and uh I I learned a lot from him I learned a lot of things of what I didn’t like doing but I also learned a lot of things of what were very useful to me so I it’s nice to see him doing so well but he’s got a little bit of a battle on to see the podum here we go here we go I think this is going to be really tight now to the Finish but they it’s going to take them a while I think Manny was here like well over 20 minutes ago so these guys it’s going to be long past the three-hour Mark for the for the podium guys to be finishing this race which is uh it’s not been the case in recent years I mean it by in terms of like distance it’s close but you can see just with Mario just even to get that five 5 ft higher up and Teo was 9 minutes behind but I mean you know you can see their burning time here so we might have uh Teo popping up on the screens just now and then Wade was a minute behind te I think and Johnny a minute behind Wade I think money actually turned right there and went to the next level up so this is exactly where money passed me last year I tried the line Grims just done and then didn’t like it so did a right and went one level further up which is what I think Manny actually did this year so Manny took the easy option which now Grim now is having his third run up at it seems to have been the the clever move lazy noon by looks at things so so that’s four goes for G I don’t know if he hasn’t seen the right line or maybe twist and took the right line and it really uh I think we’re going to have some teamwork going on here so maybe Tristan took the right line and it’s kind of destroyed it the ledge might have gone and it just doesn’t because I can’t imagine that Grim hasn’t seen it yeah uh I would imagine that exactly what you say that line is pretty chewed up this is what I love about our sport you know kamarad you guys you’ve done it before not always played in your favor no so and lazy noon doesn’t seem to be any difficulty for Manny and here he goes lazy noon there now you can exhale yeah they say that he’s put the goggles on he wants to look cool in the Finish Line that’s a little bit of a flex I’m seeing I’m calling it and this little obstacle right here one of the little partying gifts from the old course Builder Chief hansworth you know you know Hans yeah hansworth retired a couple of years ago no I don’t know no I know so Mario might actually when Manny overtook me last year he started from H he hasn’t took it Manny actually started when he overtook me from a little bit further back and just carried a bit more momentum but now now looking at both guys neither of them choosing that right line I think it must it must have changed that must have got more difficult it’s super slippy wow yeah I think now ethically at this point if Graham just took off that’d be bad for him right I’m kidding yeah that that won’t happen in our Sports not going to happen no so much mutual respect between the Riders and all the top guys you know they go to every round together and uh such good mates so I was well played especially for Mario who’s saved and it sounds like we got someone else just entering picture which would that be teodor that’s going to be te or Wade um but yeah like I said that’s saved Mario a lot of energy cuz G had four goals so where he had to reposition his bike and keep hold of his bike no I don’t see another bike yet so I think two of them maybe it was Mario clean in his bik out we might see a similar picture unfolding with too and Wade but the looks of things they’re going to end up there at the same time as well oh G’s just fancying one of their lines that maybe’s got him in trouble a few times but that was nicely done we see Manny come on there and have to have another go that was well played by the the old dog all for a battle for third place just 15 minutes away hitting the third three-hour Mark [Music] Jarvis yeah nicely done then this is a good feeling well I’ve never actually been in first place hitting upis but even second he’s sking through the puddles he’s having fun a well is on his way to a welld deserved third victory in a row this makes all the pressure that he had leading up to this event worthwhile I mean I saw him there was a camera in his face every single time I I saw him he was busy with so many different activities Pat like you said says yes to everything and always there for the fans and to make history 10 consecutive wins and three backto back wins at rad bull airb rode that’s just nobody’s ever cleaned a full season before and let alone uh 10 races on the truck well now all the focus he’s going to be now focusing on two k he go Flawless two years in a row who’s going to be the spoiler and he still got enough energy for a wheelie oh it’s amazing how much energy comes back to you once you get to the top of lazy no Manny Manny with a little Manny time right there yeah yeah I’m stuck for him I think he’s it’s well deserved yeah he’s showing he’s on top of the world right now and the rest of the guys myself included have got a way to go to catch him back up so what do you need to do B I need to get healthy that’s my main thing cuz that’s something that I haven’t managed to do in an outdoor season since 2021 get the body parts all focusly we got get healthy and uh hopefully bring the challenge but I I still confident I can get back on that level I can get there I think um we we know you can my my skill set and the certain aspects of my rid and style are a lot of other people don’t have and um we’ll get back there it’s I’m happy that he’s winning though like I say it was cuz we have pushed the level we do train a lot together I know that my level is is close to his level and to know that that’s still at the top of the sport is uh is a little bit reassuring yeah I’ve got definitely got some catching up to do I’ve had too much time off the bike in the last few years but uh no I still I’ve got unfinished business at this race and a couple of other ones well we are seconds away as you can see loves the back wheel Bron Beckler visibly elated you can start to hear the rockus roar here in the bottom of the Quarry eyes on the Finish area as he wraps his way around this Ridge we talk about the historic impact of 10 consistent wins in a row and making further history with a three Pat here at Red Bull sburg Rodeo such dominance such Mastery the Adept approach Manuel leton bickler seconds away for making it official and it’s been a long one he’s had to work for that 2 hours 47 or 2 hours close to 2 hours 50 it’s going to be I think it’s a while since the win has the win has beat open that time 231 last year and it is official Manuel Le bickler 2024 red sburg Champion gets the checkered flag from Carl katak doesn’t not look like a similar side to what we’ve seen before yeah he’s making a habit of it yeah the emotions are coming out visibly elated and justifiably so leton bickler continuing a historic run girlriend Eva in there I’m sure the far Andy is going to be not too far away part of his [Applause] boy unbelievable just his demeanor yesterday how relaxed he was when we ran into him just you wouldn’t think for a second he would come with that that that eye of the tiger that hunger and just that calm collected approach and the Father and Son it doesn’t get any better than this what a team wow yeah he actually looks like he’s had to work for it a little bit which is nice that’s good to see I don’t want to get ahead of myself too but you know there could be a a hard uro Dynasty here you know when When papa mode might R run around well it’s going to be a while I think yeah just going you [Applause] know it’s great to see the family approach here though it’s it takes such a team too and hats off you you know Billy too all the people that are working with you in Step yeah it’s a it’s a big effort uh you know there’s a lot of testing goes on behind the scenes it doesn’t just it doesn’t just happen and and that’s one thing that you know Manny and Andy and his team put a lot of effort in the very meticulous of how they like the bike set up and the uh the turn up prepared that’s for sure yeah all right so Tristan is going to more than likely come in second place but it’s going to take us over the 3-hour mark they’re only at about 18 minutes behind many which means that leaves us only an hour to get your top 14 in Bell and at the minute if we look at an hour gone we I think it might even to get the top 10 as as M Harry gets even harder it’s it’s going to be I want to go back to udo’s playground and I’m going to factor in the hour and let’s take a guess and see how many finishes we’re going to get Let’s uh before we do that let’s kind of recap what we’ve seen so far and feel free to talk about leton bickler and just his approach I knew I think he didn’t get the best of starts but he knew he needed to be at the front as soon as possible and uh he did he made Moves early on got himself out front and and I mean there was one or two changes to the lead I think he actually went the wrong way didn’t he but realistically once he was in the front that was it um but yeah clinical as ever some celebration wees toward end change on the back wheel it’s when you on when you’re in that mode you’re in that mode and I think like I say not much was going wrong he uh I don’t think he’s going to say it was an easy race but he was he looked comfortable out in front I would say all right wasting no more time let’s check in with Ed Le who’s with an elated champion Manny leton bickler congratulations you made that look deceptively easy did it feel like that on the bike man oh I’m tired I’m really really tired was such a crazy race like I’m so stoked to like still roll more less everything even the new sections I came in and was like guys are you guys kidding me that looks really Nory but at the end I had to like build some lines and um I think maybe for the other guys was bit better to have like a little bit of a line but yeah just stoked stoked to have another win third in a row 10th win in a row which is even more crazier and absolutely blessed yeah do you feel like the pressure is building with each of those victories though because there’s more and more expectation more and more pressure sure H um I’m trying to take it easy as possible have some fun but at the end one day is coming you know where I’m not going to be at the top anymore and um I’m going to say myself I’m not going to be I’m not going to be bummed because at the end the other guy who’s in front of me he’s going to win and he’s definitely going to deserve it but today was another day for me and uh I’m pretty stoked on this one I I think we listened to Billy bolt in the commentary Daryl Daryl Curtis called it a master class but that was as close to a perfect ride as I’ve ever seen at zburg there were no double takes at any of those new sections nah um I was pretty surprised actually the one off the motorx highway motorx high was struggling quite a bit it was like man the forest is really really slippery and like really really difficult but um the new section they made a pretty good job build a little bit of a run and and I think I went like off the mainline which was pretty good and um could kept like a good speed and yeah just unbelievable I’m still like so speechless like if I’m thinking now um to be another win at rep is unreal well it puts you in a very elite club it’s just you and Teddy blazusiak who won three in a row that is amazing that sounds pretty good I would say next year we’re trying to go for fourth in a row but I know it’s not going to be easy the boys are coming and everybody’s trying hard to to be back and I’m trying to to battle myself but yeah I’m I’m just Spees I’m stoked and um I think it’s time for maybe a beer I’d agree with that heartily I think on behalf of everyone I say congratulations a phenomenal race today Manny let and bickler thank you Ed and uh thank you Manny I mean so well said I it’s just an innate ability mixed with humility mixed with all the components needed to ride at this level um it’s it’s a little it’s a little mind-numbing to consider how much more can it continue at this at this [Music] pace so well so well earned as we leave the finish line up to Dynamite high above we check in we see Tristan Hart working his way closer to the Finish Line jump it a little closer now nearing the 3our [Music] mark men it’s loose it’s loose this is the last little bit though I think Tristan looks like he’s going to round it out the top of it pretty nicely and that’s a it’s still an impressive riding know he’s down on the first corner and that it must have been well I know’s I know how it feels he’s not a nice position to be in um but he’s he came through the pack well I think just he gave himself too much ground to make up on our money I think if we look at some of the checkpoint times I think he’s definitely put time on manone but just that Forest section in the middle of the race leaving calls dinner um lazy noon all around there I’ve said it multiple times already Manny is so strong in that part of the woods and I think that is going to be when we look at the uh the overall forecast of the race where Tristan lost it all and barring that that first mishap of man’s that happened out of vision in the in the wood section there wasn’t really a mishap to capitalize on right that’s that’s the problem that’s why you need to be on his tail and even try and make advantage of one of them small 10 15 second uh problems he has because Manny just doesn’t have them big problem so if you give him that 5minute Head Start which Tristan seemed to give him in the early check puns it’s just it’s just so so difficult to get back but I’m very impressed really to to ride a pretty lonely race but to keep the pace high enough to stop the guys who have been able to feed off each other you know Grim gri Mario T was there for a while they’ve been able to Pace off each other use each other for lines and and Tristan’s really had to do it all by himself so you know hats off to to a solid well he’s not over the line yet we’ve still got lazy noon but on his way to a solid place and uh also a little looks like a little movement there Roman now moving into third place with Jarvis slipping back to for I think we might have a bit more movement on that before the end of the race that’s going to be an interesting watch I think we really need to keep an an eye on that one I don’t think gra is going to let that go and as promised if we look back the last hour if I go back to uh crystal stone party then we had Ash bmore in 15th Place with an hour hour and 57 so he’s yes put some a little bit of time out the bu and I think the boys are going to struggle on those last sections as they get more and more chewed up so I’m thinking I’m going to go for 12 finishes I’m going to go 10 I’m going to go I’m going to go Matt Green in a 10 from the buer although I see Mark Weber and Frances morett two trials boys both from Spain and 11th and 12th and and and when it gets really difficult they’re going to have some some good knowledge to pull from Pat what’s your number at I I was going to say eight eight but uh I was coming in I don’t I don’t think it’s a bad bad guess either what we on now we’ve got just over the hour mark yeah are we allowed to are we allowed to p no uh nonetheless I mean it’s just what a show uh these Riders have well we put on so far we do have a little wager on the top three pet so how’s yours looking uh not not so not so I think mine’s looking a bit better but here we go this going on and it’s going to be interesting to see if there’s any teamwork going on obviously te is effectively in W seat from last year um I guess you know I don’t I don’t know how much that comes into play or if they both feel like they’re so close to the Finish Line it’s every man from they they’ll they’ll know one thing I would say is they’re going to know that four guys have already got through this section um they don’t know that they’ve teamed up looks like T’s lining up for this right line which we haven’t seen anyone do for a good few gos now that’s more or less where Manny went up and not to be no he went more direct what about being Captain Obvious how how conscious are you of the time the overall time limit to be honest these guys would never normally be like it’s never been I would say for these guys a worry um but they’ll know that they’ve been out there a long time you know the their hydration packs will be very low and fluid I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them had even drank all them all I’d imagine the start with 2 and a half three lit and then uh getting past the 3-hour mark you’re not going to have much water left or much much drink left so um this is going to be interesting to see if T is actually going to pull an overt although we just got really good drive there but T showing that right line is possible I’m just wondering if he’s going to slip down into where way is no done that was well done so clutch and if way doesn’t make it up from this position and has to go back to it looks like he’s going back and that is going to be a demoralizing the demoralizing position yeah he’s going back and going the right line so still plenty left though we’ve got obviously Killingly Dynamite’s proving that it’s a lot longer than normal so it’s not over but that is that is a bit of a kick in the [Applause] [Music] teeth see a missing headlight there from T so and a loose rad shroud on the left side so I think that in a couple of cartwheels had a interesting [Applause] day oh it’s slippy in that water really slippy see that tire just breaking traction as soon as it hit the mid part of the creek so as we uh hit the thre minute Mark three I’m sorry three hour mark 3 hours of four it’s gone by that fast that’s how enjoyable it is time FES when you having f yeah so we take a little recap of what has gone down so far at Red Bull sburg Rodeo 2024 and an explosive start as always gunderman was able to take the lead a little bit of a pile up and putting Jarvis way back he had to work his way back but after the bottleneck no surprise leton bickler was able to finally get the pass [Music] lost it albe it only for a moment but some good challenges from the likes of Johnny Walker and Tao trying to stay in Step but early on getting bucked and then as Daryl put it the masterclass ensued leton bickler just looking comfortable from the get-go rest of the pack starting to catch up there was a point of reeling in and then Jarvis found his form two for the price of one two for the price of one why not pass two instead of passing one and then another one just for good measure yeah tting in Dynamite here on no top top of machine sorry Tristan Hart showing his tenacity this is nice clip this open and put that on the Highlight wheel I’m enjoying seeing that one yeah send me that so even superheroes have their moments quick moment for let bickler but leton mler definitely having to dig deep working to those last last sections very team I’m very intrigued to see where this battle’s led to now I think they’re both going to be in D probably um little teamwork with Raman and Jarvis little where you little marriage off there off to the sides Tristan Hart tried to reel in leton bickler but all too little too late as leton bickler continued his way to solidify his dominance staying flawless for the year and his 10th consecutive win Kristen Hart yet to make his way to the Finish Line he’s done it twice before three actually say two third place finishes here before he’s already pass lazy noon this is the final stages a little bit of confusion with where the trucks going it kind of crosses a little bit of prologue that looks like he’s out of it but that could have went really wrong just how B deep that mud hole was um but yeah there’s often some actually some pretty gnly downhills here but just the smell of the Finish Line usually sends you off them no problem whatsoever but it is easy to make a wrong mistake well we’ve seen it happen just literally at the last you know I don’t know the last I’d say 2 minutes yeah where you’re coming in and the and especially when the guys when the when we get towards the top of this hour and the guys are really ch ch chasing to get to the Finish Line it’s uh it is a little bit tricky I mean compared to what you’ve just rode it’s it’s not but it requires a little bit of thought that’s for sure but here he is Tristan now heading towards the finish so third place man obviously two3 here and third in the world championship last J pads yeah so he’ll be super stoked for the second yeah Tristan har is uh like I said you know in terms of a really fueling the fire too on the the North American front for hard and duro I mean he’s a superstar um always been a fan of his riding along with Cody web uh when we’re talking know kind of North American leaning but yeah t really Paving the way I think he was AMA hard and Je champion of last year and actually AMA and Je cross champion last year I think so he’s uh he’s having a lot of success over that side and uh yeah getting some solid Podium finishes when he comes year I think he always surprises everyone he he has his beast mode that he can tap into he’s got a like a rotweiler kind of death grip he doesn’t he doesn’t give up too easily he’s a three- time winner of the am hard uro Championship that’s right so over the 3our Mark what’s the deficit there between him and Manny we’ll know here shortly just when when it’s official official 247 with man believe so coming out of dynamite uh TR with 19 minutes 25 it’s going to be pretty similar to the 20-minute Mark looking at what he’s got left it’s pretty much just the prologue backwards he’s happy with second yeah he knows he’s [Music] finished you know we we’ve had this discussion about uh leton bickler three consecutive wins but having three consecutive podiums in AOSP Rodeo is a feat in itself too so to to go have two you know two third place finishes and then to improve upon that hats off to Tristan heart uh a massive feat definitely and I think the 20 minutes will be actually a similar deficit to lasts so um he’s he’s close Manny’s obviously set pushing the bar but Tristan’s Tristan’s right there also elevating his level so and as soon as uh pron gets the flag so the finish time from last year was 2 hours 31 B you were 2 hours 42 it’s actually a lot longer than I was was only 9 minutes behind you were busy you were busy in the thing I was busy in first gear thinking how the hell am I ever going to get out of this mind exactly well considering all the problems you had 9 minutes is not a lot really yeah no it was well once we passed in Moto X Highway for me the race was done it was just get me to the finish line but so we had 17 finishes that yeah I think we’re definitely going to have less this year but judging looking at these results there was a frantic flurry the last 30 minutes we got 1 2 3 4 five eight finishes all in the last 30 minutes last year so Anything Could Happen yet yeah so we’ll go back and look at the Times um of like motor x i killing Le that’ll give us a good idea of what our finish rate is going to look like still only four guys to killing leap and Mario had pulled a minute over GM Jarvis in killing leap so Mario looking like he’s sneaking in to get one of the that was hard on the bricks into there um Mario looking like he has slipped in and what going to get one of the the finishing closing the closing Podium position sorry and I’m starting to fatigue now past the 3 hour off I need a Red Bull you need some wings for sure it’s a it’s a it’s a long one we out of the time here in the booth uh we have loved having you in the booth Billy it’s been uh it’s been priceless yeah better on screen but ni in the booth yeah no it’s been cool I think I’m pleased I’ve kept myself occupied cuz this would have been eating me alive s in the 10 watching it and there it is one better than last year the Canadian with such command of the course Tristan Hart his third sburg Rodeo podium in a row Caro katak with the checkered [Music] flag steadily inching closer trying to work his way to the top spot but have to go through this guy hand Manny ller discussing the first turn crash by the looks of things there was smart of many to put a new shirt on that the professional and maybe Billy you could too you can speak to just the respect you guys have for each other when you go through something like that it’s this obstacle immunity to reverence and respect we’re out there together we’re battling the course together you know and it’s uh we have a lot of respect for each other just for making it through and not so much in this race but dly in some others this the situations we’re in where it’s really dangerous to should things go wrong so you have to have that level of respect for each other and uh and that understanding on the out there on the racetrack you know it’s good to see trist har Smiles so 20 minutes 17 seconds we have the gap between Manny and Tristan HS so and it kep fairly there was only one or two checkpoints I think where there was big big differences there for man and just looking here from machine until we got to Chris’s rock party it went from a 7 minute Gap to 15minute Gap so that was the big the big killer that that second wood section where you know Manny just showed his two colors and really put the hammer down but one two for KDM I’m sure they’re going to be happy who’s going to round out the podium dynamite Mario looks like he’s done Dynamite so not much of a battle going on unfortunately I think grah is maybe just a little bit space yeah and if it’s it’s to be honest from here it’s pretty much fast riding with the of lazy noon and and uh if it was a straight up Battle of speed from here to the Finish I would definitely put my money on Mario unfortunately yeah so the top of killing leap the gap between the two of them was 39 seconds and obviously Dynamite can you see Graham there in the in the screen I can’t see him anywhere no but there’s a good chance he’s in that top corner behind the tree but yeah Mario’s already long on just start in the last climb now for G all right so Mario’s Podium uh pretty much at those points you never know the chain still come off us we don’t want to put the comment curse on him let’s let the playoffs it’s not too far you know but judging of what we’ve seen so far there’s been no Stoppers the guys haven’t really got stuck anywhere so lazy as a breeze so looking back at Tristan Hart’s command of this course it’s incredible approach trying to stay in step with the likes Manuel ller and doing a great job securing a notch higher on the podium his third consecutive Podium here at Red Bull ssbg Rodeo very steady very sturdy that unwavering yeah I solid second place I think yeah not the best of starts but got himself towards the front and just not a much for money but definitely a mat for everybody else out there today well it’s a big day for the Canadian as he finds himself on the podium again he’s with our own at [Applause] Le Tristan congratulations on a phenomenal ride but it definitely didn’t start the way you wanted it to no I didn’t a bunch of people jumped the start they just they just went and uh I’m like okay I guess it’s time to go and then I was maybe fourth or fifth on that first corner and I was turning and someone just hit my back tire and took me out and everyone was hitting me running over my bike I started pushing people cuz I’m like you’re going to hit me I’m going to hit you right back so it was like a war zone for a bit and then my goggles were just completely screwed for like the first 30 minutes I was wiping mud on mud how did you recover there was a couple bottlenecks early on so I got like five here seven there five there and then I got into like eighth and then they started getting a little bit harder cuz obviously those guys are good and we got to Carl’s diner and I quickly got into second after one level I think and then kind of just rode really good through Carl I was feeling super good uh I didn’t get fatigued or nothing and then there was a hill right after Carl’s and I got there and I saw one line I’m like holy cow I didn’t think if it was going to be possible it took me three tries and eventually I got it was like Wow and then Jarvis and Tio showed up cuz I lost so much time there but from there I pretty much rode pretty good there was maybe one or two or three more sections I wish I could have done better but pretty happy with my ride and I mean from your perspective you’ve got to be ecstatic about the fact that you’ve got three consecutive podiums at öberg Rodeo yeah ever since I’ve been here this place has always kind of felt like home to me uh I got 14th my first year 2/3 now is second so got some work to do you know got to clean up all aspects of my uh run here but it’s possible to go for the win and uh that’s what we’ll strive for well one fact that uh might not have sunk in quite yet but you are the most successful North American rider ever to compete at zburg yeah I mean that’s uh that’s pretty cool it’s not easy coming here everything is different especially this year uh me and Co had a massive race last weekend and we got in late dealt with jet leg we were super fatigued but I knew once it came down Sunday it was going to be go time and I was going to be ready thank you so much Tristan Hart thank you Ed yeah you can definitely hear uh the desire there he’s willing to put in the work and really get after it I think we can expect to see Tristan Hart for many many many more years to come great to hear that determination in his voice too so a big day for the Canadian as we check back in with the battle for third last time we looked up at Lazy noon it was all about Mario Roman and uh just about 3 hours 15 minutes on the clock of that 4 hours of a lot of time just just over and meanwhile at the same time so many competitors still giving it everything they have left in the tank oh here they are this doesn’t say Red Bull airb Rodeo nothing does the just the the agony what section even is this that’s machine that’s getting pretty chewed up I recognize it a mile away that’s crossing crossing well looks pretty similar to be fair well you only one level away in terms of geographical location thank you for the the sediment of the rock is very similar clearly a dirt scientist you knew the the pinpoint of Where The Rock was coming from the rock came from the same place a geologist yeah but they’re here they’ve just come to take part you know they’re just trying to get us far and looking at the time them guys are probably going to make it into car’s dinner at least and just get to experience the brutality of of where by the looks of it these guys are now hey and let’s let’s just let this marinate and soak in as you you’re just happy to make it into Carl’s dinner the 4-Hour Mark hits and you’re like now I got to get out of here yeah that’s one thing I would say I think when it gets to like 4 Hour 3 hours 40 I think they start asking the checkpoint people how long’s left am I going to make it but I just caught wind of our Silver Fox up on the top of the lazy noon there um um guessing Mario is going to appear out the trees so the Spaniard he’s struggling a little bit uh he’s on the fresh ground though he’s going to make it coming out of dynamite Graham was only 1 minute behind Mario so if he hadn’t have cleaned that then we might have seen Graham pop pop into the scene it’s but also we did see a little bit of confusion in the track from from Tristan anything’s possible it’s not over till it’s over gri still not in sight yet though little bit of tape in Mario as whe maybe he just took a wrong turn or got caught somewhere from here to Dynamite cuz I don’t recall seeing that Dynamite well Roman having a good season so far this will be his second third place finish when it becomes official and there’s that Quagmire a little little quickstand added for good measure yeah Tristan also stuck his wheel in there somewhere um if you get stuck in there proper you’ll be in a bit of trouble luckily I think it’s a pretty sketchy downhill so the speed is is as slow as you possibly can go when you get to it back in 2022 Mario Raman found the podium second place finish there and uh Mario Roman will be super happy with his finish because if you remember last year he hit a deer nobody know knew what happened to him but he actually hit a de at zburg that’s what I heard but there was no you had no visual on yeah pretty big crash you know he was uh he was almost knocked out and and he had to had to stop obviously so was a great back and forth for a little bit and it was that really I think it were that that moment where they shared the assist with Raman and Jarvis together kind of even the scales but what a ride just is he going to spot the [Music] M you kind of you kind of waiting waiting and wanting a little bit be yeah but no what a ride from the old dinosaur I I don’t think you’ll appreciate that he he’s going to play this back and he’s going to if you had he’d be asleep at this point of watching it but there’s no stand up for 3 hours and 19 minutes yeah but you have to say with with Jarvis at at 50 at a half a century he could still he could still compete and we want him to compete we hope he comes back absolutely I can tell you now he’s going to make a point of coming back at 50 yeah I mean he’s minutes away from a pum why wouldn’t he come back yeah that’s off to Mario Roman definitely raced a great race dealt with a lot of bottlenecks a lot of traffic and was able to capitalize on some moments it’s really it’s having that skill set to capitalize on opportunities and mishaps that happen in front of [Music] you and so uh behind Jarvis rounding the top five we got Tio kachev and Wade young in six Johnny Walker in seventh rmore there holding on to eighth and the big question uh will we see the Austrian vogner in 10th Matty Green in ninth we got looking at the L times you got quite a gap from uh from Jarvis to TA it’s look at like 15 minutes and then we got we and Johnny in h pursuit of him so let it’s really going to be tight for these other it’s from fifth onwards I think it’s going to be it’s going to be tight providing the because obviously that’s going off Manning’s Pace also you got to remember so they they really can’t afford too many mistakes to make it in in for this 4our Mark yeah I think we’ll be lucky with 10 finishes so um it’s been a hard one I think Billy you’re going to be a little bit closer to the mark [Music] yeah so seven Riders through killing leap or through Dynamite just to put it into context it’s it’s quite astounding actually you know looking at Johnny in seventh place 56 minutes behind Manny that really paints a picture yeah yeah and if we for talking numbers 26 minutes for Manny to go from killing leap to the finish line and that’s Manny [Music] um all right with eyes on the prize the Spaniard Mario [Music] Roman grabs his second Podium at Red Bull sburg Rodeo a third place finish Rob yeah well deserved after his map last year he’s going to be super stoked with that some serious [Applause] validation we were talking about gruna back in 2015 reminded that only one that went through on his own they made it up by himself yeah so but I’m actually find it a little bit hard to believe that that’s Mario’s only second pum here but yeah second place in 2022 I mean he’s always he’s always in the conversation and here is this I’m very I’m I don’t want to say I’m astounded because nothing from this guy surprises me but um gam Jaris about to come in in fourth place in just a few minutes off the podium just just checking back Mario has actually got it’s his it’s his third Podium 2019 you’re third in uh 2019 he was second in 2022 he hit a Jer in 23 that’s Aster on the deer yeah and back back with another Podium remember haard they they had venison that [Applause] night wow and here the te for GR JIS I think we can see first Privateer across the line also G JIS now one in his own program these days so massive effort from uh from greme and his his team that’s a what ride five Time Red Bull sburg Champion Grant Jarvis just misses the podium fourth place [Music] finish he’s not sleeping he’s awake he’s unbelievable insane wow those eyes I mean the story of Jarvis just really illustrates the uh the essence of hard and dururo when you you watch him battle the way he can climb we got three guys in the shot now at dynamite oh bit of contact there between T and we and then Johnny not too far behind this is I’ve made a few of taks in dynamite and if you’re now in Johnny’s position if I was in Johnny’s position I would be gritting my teeth so hard now I feel like there’s there’s prey on the horizon there’s uh yeah there’s blood in the water coming here there’s a chance to get um you know he needs to to bookle up Hook second or even try and hook third and just keep it wide open for as long as possible with these loose climbs okay so behind Johnny Walker we’ve got Mitch bmore and judging by the times it looks like they’re the only eight they going to make it to the finish line from what I could see so far so this is it big battle on for the fifth for the last of the top five places that’s a good spot where in though cuz where he is now no one can really pass him Johnny’s made it up to T but Tor just can’t yet set off because he can’t stop at any point until he reaches where Wade is now so would have been nice if Johnny could have just tried to get a fun wheel in front of T there but changes the whole experience too when you see multiple Riders exactly in the space at the same time so if Wade holds his position it’ll be his fourth fourth he was fourth in 17 18 and last year so the Tails making his way in but again back a few years ago there used to actually be two lines here there was a left line and a right line but I think it just with erosion it has it’s too much so back onto Mario third place finisher yeah Roman like I said that I think that might be ta this one’s also ta but verman also real great yeah well kabach is you know the Miss here we go Mario and Grim pretty key point of the race really but again it seems strange to me that neither of them spotted that right hand line as we go of killing leap we didn’t actually get to see this in L of time but the guys were still together there at that point and that’s a great ride of dynamite keeping it moving you see how important it is his legs are everywhere but he just wants to keep that wheel turning well the Spaniard finds the podium yet again here at the Red Bull sburg rodeo and uh building on that momentum looking like an awfully good season for Mar Roman he’s with her own at Le Mario a valiant ride up there a brilliant race and actually a very very difficult year for the rodeo yeah yeah I am surprised with the level of of the race uh when you are here you expect a very hard race but this year is definitely 10 times harder for me I find that they they had many more section many Rock sections and also some hill climbs very wet sleeper in the forest so yeah I suffer a lot for the first 45 minutes let’s say after car Diner I started to take my Pace I was able to pass four riders in one uphill and then I was battling with graham I have to say I I am super happy to help each other in motores Highway he’s an amazing Rider and I was thinking to wait him at the end even because it’s amazing to to be in the top top three position with Graham and two podiums to start the year you must be really really excited about that yeah I would say I was expecting myself fighting more in the top but uh when you are not winning top three is always a very good result I have to say thank you to all the people who help me to to achieve this even my my factory team Ciro and yeah congratulation for the top two they wrote amazing thank you so much and congratulations Mario thanks Ed and congrats Mario Roman yeah he mentioned you know that third place finish at The Valleys hard uro so a great season and trying to maintain that flow and it’s uh and interestingly passed four guys on the one uphill which is kind of explaining where he come from but it also I think it’s suggest where man Manny pulled his chunk of time on twiston if twiston said he’s seen one line which he didn’t know how anyone had done and it’s uh suggesting that Mario managed to find that line and that’s where he made all the moves and back checking in on car that fence on the left looks like it’s had a bit more Hummer as the the more guys have come for it yeah I think it’s had a good couple of guys uh falling over us wow checkpoint 13 of 2 7 about 3 hours 29 minutes on the clock about 30 minutes to go before we call it a day we got here we got Diego Vieira Dy Rudolph and Mickey walner all at motorx highway now did looking a little bit second hand just ping behind that tree though we we’ve all been in that position at some point in time and Micki walking in looking like he’s having a bit of a fight on his hands the left line seems the right line Sorry seems to be the more predominant one now so close but yet so far they they’re no way the guys are going to get to the Finish Line you know wner uh always been that Austrian you know that consideration been in the conversation steadily over the years he’s improved his standing here at [Music] airp wow he’s just slid back into the low line and this is looking really chewed up now I think Teamworks yeah looking like it’s one of the only options but I think at this point as well they probably don’t know that they’re not going to make it to the Finish like this is possibly one of the worst positions to be on the mountain right now because if you had that in your head that I’m not going to finish yeah I mean most of us are are Fighters I think everyone would dig deep to get as far through as they can but often what happens is because it goes back to the last checkpoint at the far Mark so somebody might have a really good three qus of the mon Highway past five or six guys but on the result they’ve gone from 14th back to 19 you know so it’s uh it’s a bit of a shame obviously that’s just the way it works I don’t think there’s there’s much of a way to to kind of fix that in in checkpoints or checkpoints I’m not saying I disagree with it but it could definitely be uh could definitely be disheartening if you just come short of a checkpoint and you’ve made some some moves in the previous checkpoint but in the old days they used to close the checkpoint off a tape when you didn’t make it and I think all they have to do these days is just switch off the timing yeah chip [Music] [Applause] we got Charlie Frost here exit in car’s dinner I think it looks like he’s had Privateer here from the UK out here just trying to see how far through the course he can get him by the look of he’s going all the way through well let’s take this opportunity to learn a little bit more about the the Privateer experience as we say just on that I chatted to Charlie yesterday um he uh is withdrawing from romaniacs he had some that fell throughout the last minutes and well let’s uh let’s check in uh with like I said with the Privateer experience and uh Charlie Frost my name is Charlie Frost and I come from the United Kingdom urg is a place that you have to come experience once in your life to say you’ve been here and done it this is my fifth I think um I still haven’t finished it that is on the bucket list to finish öberg last year I had a bit of a a crash at checkpoint 15 and a dnf cuz I ripped the exhaust out of the manifold so this year we will see um and they’ve brought Carl’s diner forward obviously to like the first part of the race so hopefully if I can get through Diner and have like an hour to spare or hour and a half I might finish but we’ll see luck is on obviously on the side as well you need a lot of luck in this race but yeah maybe my fifth attempt I might finish it so we’ll [Music] see so a great little snapshot into the insight and the passion that drives these Riders and uh I tell you what it’s a it’s it’s it’s amazing to see that just the the sheer determination it’s been a tough one you know uh call dinner anyone get through it obviously um but I think it’s just been a tough one for those guys yeah they’re non they’re nonpr guys anyone outside of the top 10’s really have going to had a hard time this year well they clearly uh they clearly come from the same genetic strain as you Billy they they love the they love the struggle they love to suffer and uh if it’s if it’s not challenging why do it so uh three and a half pass on the clock uh taking a look at Lazy noon uh waiting for Wade young uh Tio and Johnny Walker to approach checkpoint 26 of 27 so just uh 30 minutes left in regulation competition time at Red Bull sburg Rodeo all the change ups with the course a lot of speculation going into today’s competition and you know Manny just silencing any critic that thought okay there’s going to be a bit of more of a challenge there definitely some exciting moments and it’s great to see out let bickler staying in form and yeah we take a look the battle for fifth place see how in the front in front of that battle for fifth at the exit of lazy noon you see this there’s a lot more Panic going on of of w than we have from the previous four he knows he’s still locked in a battle Yeah Yeah and this mud hole a couple of levels down had also P roll right now you know when you they Panic they’re going to be coming down the hill a little bit more momentum but it does have deeper into the it does have a bit of a cushion though there wasn’t anyone at the top of Le yet but I remember like last year the year before there was a couple senders too through some of the step Downs yeah there ta so Johnny hasn’t managed to make a move on to which I don’t know if he’s tried and and not quite made it or if he just just hasn’t had been able to get a r now T’s a big lad to try and ride drive around he’s got some long legs as well especially when he’s he’s uh he’s on out on the stretch Johnny not quite got the speed is he going to try and build some momentum I’m sure he’s stamped on the gear lever and knocked it down a gear and he’s made it yeah well held there great balance from Johnny well he’s going to try and catch t on the way down to the finish that that’s for sure we might have a block pass as we go over the road before the Finish Arena wouldn’t that be good yeah Johnny’s not going to let it go he’s going to fight all the way to the Finish [Music] [Music] Walker such a such a talented Rider and I I just want to remind all the viewers I mentioned it probably to ad naazia but you you really do have to check out him riding the Red Bull Hardline course uh one of the most impressive things I I I wanted to actually try to get him out to Red Bull rampage now see if he can do a maybe a cam synchron well I’m super impressed by the speed of the bicycles and was a 13 seconds there that was put into Johnny yeah um but those gaps is just massive that they’re taking on the m box so looks like for sure we’ll have uh Kabachi have young and Walker through the Finish Line the the question is will we see those 10 Riders get through the the four hour mark it’s looking like Mitch is actually through on Dynamite and Matthew green through killer Le I remember was it two years ago three years ago that Matt actually L made it through with the seconds to go I think it was 2021 in fact I think he made it into the finish time seconds to go so it’s going to be tight again for M I hope he can make it to the finish and also only about 8 to n finishes that yeah yes that’s correct Wade was actually just finished just before uh before Matt but it’s looking like we going to take fifth now I don’t think at this stage on this kind of going not many people are going to catch weade loose Rocky fast [Music] going but yeah it’s going to get tight on between these next two positions after the three guys that have got about across the finish line Mitch Bitmore and Matthew green and it’s looking I think we can probably say now that Mitch is the only Junior that’s got a chance of finishing today absolutely um and also winning the first round puts uh puts him in a much better position he would have won the first two rounds in of the junior world championship and of course taking the overall championship last year defending champ starting off much as man man’s doing in the PO in the what’s the word what do we call it the ad ranks top class Pro class yeah F World Championship standing overall overall world champion stand the big dogs [Music] yeah but safe to say we can soon count his name in on that list I think next year he will have to move up so he’s uh he’s in with the big boys good shot of Red Bull helicopter there and once again just hats off to our entire production team film film team out there just bringing us amazing amazing [Music] vision and this is where you can definitely feel the energy right Billy you can hear this yeah no it’s it’s a the biggest exhale of them all now here we’ve made it the bike’s made it we can uh enjoy it and and you know [Music] way yeah it’s the biggest one of the Year such a sense of completion congrats to Wade young yet again finds himself at the finish line now he’s anxious the podium neck and neck for six what do we have here this could get interesting I don’t think there’s enough unless he goes up the inside on the war ride and really wants to force the issue love it love it Walker wants it just got him that doesn’t get better that’s what I wanted I said that some point it might come down to a neck and neck finish but we got a bit of excitement in the Finish Line I guarantee you when you talk to Johnny later he’s going to be like I was thinking lower lower pocket on the put tail clean over the top of it no we don’t often get recent like that so nice bit of excitement to to round out the top six seven kach you know early on I think there was a lot of lot of discussion he was looking strong it’ll be good to know from Johnny what actually went wrong at this middle of car’s dinner there so respectable six and Seventh Place finishes for both kabach and Walker [Applause] and just under 20 minutes with regulation time Johnny obviously I think he’s win it three times in the past and three time winner he’s still you know he run the podium pace for a good while there I think he he’s there’s more podiums in it for him here I think there’s so much skill in in in the tank and I it’s just you know the desire and be staying healthy and seems like he’s on a really good mindset he had a rough run for injuries you know he had uh NE and the shoulder surgery last year so it was a really big rebuilding year for him I don’t know if it was last year or the year before but anyway I think it was the year before sorry but he’s uh he’s got some momentum going now and it’s it’s coming uh he’s he’s back challenging out these hot injury races which is so good to see so uh you just had Carl’s dinner this is the gravy uh I guess uh dessert following your dry Rock assault and uh Creek Rider [Music] TOA the struggle is real you nearly there mate there’s an there’s a toac road waiting for you just at the top of that Hill yeah this course is udo’s playground just bloodthirsty eating up one competitor after another I reckon we’re going to have Mitch bmore uh Matthew green and Mark Lazaro ring out our finish it looks like they’re Within Reach have you gotten out your South African advocus and you’ve on the mouth I’m I’m trying to well that’s there’s a good chance Matthew Might spot a bird or a nice piece of rock that he likes riding past it might slow him down a little bit we need to really if he’s locked in on the Finish Line let’s let’s hope he is locked in on the finish line and not a bird flying by you never know never know him you never know so looking at machine here these are the the shots that really leave an indelible Mark when you see everything that’s worn on the face of these competitors yeah and yes or no guys it’s all about bragging right saying how far you got I went you know I made it this far this year I came back the next year exactly that’s it for these guys I think they you know I mean they the dream is probably to finish but it’s just about how far they can get and and uh if they are going to claim that they made it to machine they need to specify that machine was actually after call dinner this year cuz uh it’s a big difference in machine last year to machine this year we have will Hall in motx highway I think it’s getting really chewed up now and uh yeah Will had a a really good start this morning and uh one or two sections must have caught him out we got Jack price and paulz in there now I think they’re sensing that the the the time is running out now that there’s not a lot of urgency amongst them I think they’re going to know the Finish land’s probably out of sight this year I think Will and Jack both got to the Finish Line last year but it’s been a tough one this year oh Ball’s done pretty well they started on the second row yeah pter is not really doing much hard enjoy these days we’re good to see him have a good goal I’ve been enjoying his Clips yeah he pled t for this one uh Mitch britmore here Jack at the minute ja a little bit upside down and not knowing what to do himself that should give you a good visual of just how vertical some of is I’m quite enjoying this clip to be honest I’m not going to lie oh look at the pain on his face oh bless go go look at the strength there but is this the first bit of motx highway I’m trying to work out so this is where the one Manny had to push up right being so far in um so yeah Jack I think was 2016 Will Junior 12 Champion been doing hard inur for a couple of years now but oh they put Pig Jam in there yeah you you’ve really done him dirty with this clip yeah well it’s just I think perseverance personified it’s all about surviving and we got Mitch brightmore on his way to the finish line now yeah rest of the junior Riders right for the TTR squad team I believe we were talking about it earlier too yeah just how cool it is him and his brother ashon the the brothers Bitmore such a force he’s got the helicopter chasing them now this is such a good feeling I mean it’s not many hard injurers you get this kind of this feeling and this coverage and this many eyes on the sport so yeah top eight finish and the race where there’s only looking like there’s only going to be I would say maximum 10 finishers that’s that’s what you need to do to get the right eyes on you kind of kind of makes it extra special when there is that limited amount of finish definitely definitely well Med Green’s another 7 minutes behind uh which will take us to yeah very very close to the to the so I would I would imagine Met’s going to be the the last finisher love how you calculate you crunch on the Fly crunching crunching PS okay yeah just under the 15 minute Mark yeah seven minutes at the top of dynamite so all being well should lazy new go well he’s he’s just going to make it and Mark GBA Lazaro is another 8 minutes behind Matt so it’ll be touch and go but I think Matt’s going to be the last one to make it to the checken flag today yeah you have to imagine too what’s it like as a competitor to be out there when that when the siren the Horn uh must be hard if you’re only kind of like a couple hundred meters away and then we’ve seen that before pretty much like they do with the comrades marathon back home meanwhile just Carnage continuing throughout the course I mean the competitors taking a beating along with the bikes [Music] may look innocuous but it’s it’s it’s anything but I think is that R foot yeah this guy actually uses a thumb foot really cuz he yeah a lot of ATVs when he was younger everyone tries to tell him it’s ridiculous but he likes it so each to their own working working in the dinner wow that was Kyle Flanagan also just exited yeah memories of Honda atc’s and Mitch brightmore first of the Juniors well first and only of the Juniors today I think yeah honorable honorable mention for that you can see what a run very psyched and a big top 10 for Mitch in amongst the big boys super super cool he’s going to be one to watch out for the future great effort I mean it’s just part of the new British Invasion of talent it’s so good to [Applause] [Music] see oh I think I just lip read where’s Ash or how’s Ash doing as well so that’s just so nice to see first thing he wants to know is how brother’s getting on so they they were close nit them L they work together very hard and they’re doing a very very good job great yeah great C approach kind of like a Eli M pton Manning Brotherhood to professional [Applause] sports so new guard to the Old Guard Graham Jarvis five wins here at Red Bull sburg rodeo and showing no signs of slowing down passing two at a time making such minc meat of sections of the course known for his textbook approach trials background paying multiple dividends incredible to see it 49 years young Graham Jarvis still in the hunt still in the mix just falling short of the podium as Graham Jarvis alive and kick in and great to see Graham Jarvis all smiles he’s with Ed young Ed well I’m here with Peter Pan himself Graeme Jarvis what a day of racing congratulations Graeme another finish yeah really happy the way I felt uh on the front row but uh you know I got a bit of a bad start got covered in mud and water I couldn’t see a thing but uh yeah once I got going I gained some places felt really good but uh just got tired towards the end little bit disappointed with that but uh I’m falling 9 years old so I can’t complain and I mean it’s easy a lot of people understand that there’s a battle that they relish the suffering in their 20s but where do you find the motivation to go through this in near nearly 50 years old it’s the only good thing I’m good at but uh just getting to the finish and then that’s a good feeling you get a result it’s even better so but just enjoy riding my bike stealing having fun okay take a broader look at the sport what do you make of the the health of Harding Juro at the moment yeah it’s crazy how the sports grown I obviously came here first year was 2006 so I’ve seen how the sports grown and uh it’s just incredible the level of riding more Riders more coverage and uh it’s really good and then you’ve got a dnasty developing with Andreas and Manny Letona and it it feel like the the level he’s riding at at the moment is unbelievable yeah exactly the level just goes up every year you know man set the bar really high and then everybody’s going try and follow so obviously never gets harder for me but I’ll be back for Big 5 next year that was that was going to be my final question so we’re definitely going to see you here for 2025 yeah I’ll try to get another rock I’ll be back I’ll be going to start training now for next year only 364 days until next year okay Graeme thank you so much ladies and gentlemen give it up Graeme Jaris thank you wow thank you old school and new school as we look Carl kak just giving the nod to Graham Jarvis there and then of course we talk about the young Canadian so great to see the the respect the reverence and uh great to hear that he’s going to be back you guys are Rec pyed I’m not I’m going to have to race against him next year oh that’s right good good point good point here Matthew it looks like he’s going to make it to the Finish which is so good to see I know he was a bit disappointed with his performance and valys for the first round of the championship so good Redemption for Matthew yeah 7 minutes ago so he should make it quite [Music] easily unless he get stuck in the mud PS if anyone was going to it’ll be medy is it the bottom of this hill I kind of lost track where no no I don’t know if he’s passed it already yeah is isn’t that there maybe different camera angle maybe I think it’s earlier than where we’re at cuz now we’re on to the pr back I believe yeah but yeah What a Feeling and just checking back if Mark reer is through Dynamite yet doesn’t oh no he’s too far back so he made it through minute ago so he’s 9 minutes behind uh mat which is going to count him out so this is our last finisher 9 minutes so the South African green last one thrill looks like I do I think it might actually be Mark Reba’s first visit here so to be 10th on your first time just made it on the front row by the looks of a qualifying 49 I think that’s not a bad first visit to The Iron Giant so darl you obviously can remember Matthew green when he was just getting his his teeth wet in the two strokes right you remember yeah yeah it’s been a it’s been a long journey and I’ve loved watching uh Matt grow um very close to you Billy and many you guys have done a ton of stuff together and um I think his riding has improved dramatically from riding with you guys yeah he’s uh he’s a good guy to have around you know he have a lot of admiration for his outlook on a lot of things you know he’s there’s never a dull moment when he’s around and obviously he’s he’s showing that he can he knows how to ride a dirt bike he’s got his second asbg finish and he’s you know inside the top 10 at this one of the hardest ones I mean I’m normally part of it so I’ve had a little bit of a different perspective but it’s the yeah one of the the toughest ones in my memory by the looks of [Music] it so under the five minute Mark of official time as Matthew green just flying his way in so yeah this is actually mty’s third finish eth and 22 9 and last year and uh so yeah obviously first year first year in with the big boys I think it’s been a little bit I don’t know it’s it’s hard to say because it isn’t necessarily you’re racing the same race so it’s not a big change but I think you know it’s nice to have that reassurance of maybe he’s not quite getting a good result amongst the big boys but knowing you were the fastest Junior and stuff like that so he doesn’t obviously have that backup of the junior results so I think he’s uh he’s felt the pressure a little bit at the first round but I know he’s going to be absolutely delighted to make it to the finish here he doesn’t necessarily have the trials background as some of the other guys um so to make it to the finish at there asberg is uh is a absolute credit to him he also had some surgery before the first round on his Mancus and that so he said his leg was a little bit weak and he dabed at the other day on the motorcross track that is true I was actually speaking to him a little bit before the first round trying to just reassure him a little bit of what exactly plan he should take and and what surgery should he get should he get it all done should he get some done so I know he is actually back and with some other knee injuries still um he’s had the miniscus fixed to just try and survive for now and uh it’s seems like it’s working he’s made it to the finish line of zburg 2024 doesn’t look like it’s hurting much at the moment well looking very in flow Matthew green just 3 minutes and a bit left on the clock second South African to finish and look at these Gladiators champions [Music] timed it to Perfection waiting for the big fog horn to go off just under 3 minutes to go not only do you you can get a rock but you can also get that that Checkered Flag which something that means so much potentially the last one that will be handed out we’re uh nearing the three minute Mark Applause for Mr it’s a long time to be the settle that intensity four hours it is it is I know a lot of races do go past the far Mark but this one is one which you don’t tend to expect to um it’s been that’s a tough day out there especially also Chances Are You soing When covered in mud from literally 50 m after the start line which is you know there’s a lot going on but credit where credits Je [Music] well with just two minutes to go uh for all of those battling for their own reasons taking a look at some moments and permission to wax and reflect a little bit you guys it’s uh every year it it never disappoints does it not it’s just incredible yeah the is delivered once again we had a mixed bag of of everything emotions and some incredibly difficult track just always in amazed to see there’s I was wondering where the bike was at well it’ll show you how steep these CLS are you know on top of the top tier riding these tend to make the clips a little more frequently but the I think this is what is the appeal you know that’s what so many people want to watch back home they they uh they want to see bikes cartwheeling and bikes and everyone bikes flying oh and it it always brings up the discussion of obstacle immunity if you can get through this and you can get through it together the human chain anything that you deal with on the other side seems surmountable 40 five seconds to go as the teamwork continues this looks like it’s at the top of udo’s playground come on are we going to get both guys to the checkpoint or is uh is it just the front one going to make it oh that was one of our Japanese Riders before that call Din the problem is once you’re in there you still going to get out Stuck in the Middle they probably they still got another hour until they get to the road I would have thought if you want a cheap motorbike you can go pick one up there tonight there’s no bike path on the side on to the right of your screen that is where the sirens will hit in about 2 seconds here wait for [Music] it and that signifies the official end of the 2024 Red Bull sburg Rodeo the 4H hour Mark has been hit respectable finish and respectable place on the course for all of these Helens yeah they’ve had a tough afternoon that’s for sure and just let it sink in boys they’ll be back next yeah yeah they will for the next week or two it’s like I’m never going back and then it’s kind of like yeah it was kind of cool you know there’s so much at stake for every single competitor they’re fighting for their own their own battle finally a chance to take off the helmet and relax I’m sure there’s been a few Spectators that have be dying to jump on and start helping these bikes and these Riders through now so once the sirens gone off there 100% they’re in there helping them out and and uh and getting the MS through and back to safety you see that that’s the old line F car on the just on the edge of the Hill Dogo Vieira it looks like he’s in Dynamite also got pretty close to finishing last year I think well I think the pictures are they say a thousand words uh on behalf of Daryl Curtis Billy bolt it’s been an honor having you in the booth uh Pap Parnell here saying thank you so much redel sburg Rodeo when we come back we’ll wrap things up in a nice bow for you stay with with us more to come right after this from [Music] [Applause] [Music] Austria one way big or small can change everything focus and dedication can make the difference between Pain and Gain follow the world’s best Surfers at the height of competition get an undiluted view of a pro surfer’s life and join Adventures around the globe surfing on Red Bull TV gear up for the new crank work season let’s go the world’s greatest downhill Riders chasing the clock and each other across three continents the ultimate Showcase of what’s possible on two wheels a gold medal taking it again crankworks World Tour 2024 live on Red Bull TV what a lovely little island we live on the scenery The Greenery some of the best trials outstanding in craftsmanship Four Seasons in a day it’s easy to overlook our beautiful little island and there’s nowhere I’d rather be glorious shes now available on Red Bull TV on these roads in this weather they should really take it slow drivers are advised to check road conditions no room for error no restraint all in Relentless rally action on the world’s toughest stages FIA World Rally Championship 2024 watch now on Red Bull [Music] TV welcome back to the zburg rodeo 2024 Manny leton mler has taken an emphatic Victory on The Iron Giant I’m joined here by Paul Boton bony in out on the course oh M it was unbelievable like the sections were so tough this year they had new entries into some original old sections The Killing leap section near the end I thought that there was no way these guys were going to make it up there and they just went oh God you saw it it was unbelievable well an absolutely vintage here for the zbur rodeo let’s take a look K katog up on the mound now giving out the prizes in third place mariio Roman a classic ride from him went Toe to Toe with greme Jarvis through motorx Highway yeah that was backwards and forwards and then Tristan har the Canadian out of British Columbia in second but it’s this man with his 10th win on the bounce in the Harden dururo World Championships Manuel leton B who takes first place his third win in three years folks it’s it is phenomenal because as we just said we’ve got single digit finishers this year and yet he made it look easy out there he did honestly he was so inch perfect everywhere the way he just puts the power on the ground and maintains it he’s literally just looking after that back tire keeping the power on getting it up there as efficiently as possible and that’s what he’s so good at and we saw it all today well Billy talked about it in the pre-show it was that idea that he’s so smart you he knows exactly when to turn it on and he knows exactly when to sit back and rest and we saw that in section after section yeah he just dominated you know he was so far ahead when we got into the early stages of Carl’s dinner he I looked back and I couldn’t see anyone anywhere and uh yeah he just kept putting the hammer down and then he did The Killing leap thing at the end clean as a whistle got through dynamite and then unreal yeah everyone is most definitely chasing at the moment and let’s take a look at the confirmation of the final results so Manny leton bickler there let’s look at that time a full 20 minutes ahead of the Canadian Tristan Hart Mario Roman after that classic battle with gram Jarvis took the third Podium spot grimbo at 49 though still in the top five Wade young the first of that next group and he really he had a battle on his hands there didn’t he yeah absolutely yeah they went they went Toe to Toe all the way through the latter stages of the race and it was uh yeah I thought they might have just fletched up again the end but no it didn’t happen it well for a moment we thought we were going to see the block pass from Johnny Walker on T Teo kach or knock him off the top of the wall Bill said in commentary he said he’s going to knock him out the top of the wall ride or something was that right and then a fantastic result for the first of our Juniors there Mitch Bitmore it’ll be ecstatic with that yeah I nearly had a little tear in my eyes with when mum come and just give him a big hug and a massive kiss on his on his cheek yeah them guys they’re still working as bricky back home they’re still like privateers really but they’ve got a good good support with the TTR team and yeah they’re making good inroads him and his brother train all the time together Mega well it has been a classic day here and important to know that we’ve had n on perfect conditions damp ground cool temperatures but dry at the same time if this had been wet it would have been an absolute nightmare the next event that you’ll be able to take on the Harden Juro World Championship calendar is the ex Ross Harden Euro rally in Serbia takes place 19th to the 22nd of June and it promises to be a very different race to zburg here but at the moment I think that you you expect see Manny let andler up at the top there what do you expect to see from X Roston well mate he just loves the rally formats as well he likes this kind of race as well with the more sprinty type thing but it wasn’t a Sprint today let me tell you but yeah Manny definitely likes the longer races more consistent he’s like so good on the uphills he just cleans them every time the the guys get a bit held up in some of the Tic Tacs at the he just go straight through the middle of him and that’s where he pulls all his time like we’ve seen today was it 20 minutes really 20 minutes full 20 minutes unbelievable okay all there left to say is thank you to you BS Valiant job out on the course I saw you sprinting through it thank you to the commentary team thank you to Carl Kat all of his crew the course Builders everyone who makes urg possible we have an extra treat for you as well right here on Red Bull TV there’s been a wind delay over at Hardline and it’s about to get underway now at 520 so SLE yourselves in you getb Rodeo straight into Hardline let’s go watch it let’s get out of here go thank you so much for joining us we’ll see you next year [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e


    1. Starts are a joke, you got guys jumping the start everytime and nothing is done about it. Put a 40 man motocross drop gate in there

    2. 2:21:52 look at where trystan came from bud. He was in 50th off the start. What an exceptional ride by hart. He was up from 50th to 2nd in 40 some mins and he never lost 2nd contrary to what the announcers made it sound like. Would have loved to see another epic trystan and mani battle. He definitely never gets the recognition he deserves. Also an amazing ride and amazing to watch Jarvis work his magic. Always one of the favorites and mario made a great ride as well. Mani is a beast. Can't wait to see Billy back and the 3 way battles with the robot and mani

    3. This sport looks quite silly and boring to watch. They walk more than riding their motorbike, obviously a sign the course is more they can chew.

    4. Jarvis overshadowed the first three finishers solely because of his age, well done mate. Its obvious this race has been "snowflaked up" compared to earlier years, just like the Dakar today.

    5. Outstanding!
      Manny is a smooth criminal, what a beast.
      Hope to see Billy back next year and in race ready form.
      Hats off to Red Bull, all the riders and all the people that made the race possible!

    6. Always an amazing race to watch. I wish RED BULL MOTORSPORTS knew how to cover a race better. Not having footage of the leader through challenging parts is inexcuseable. And how many times to I have to hear the stupid "Master class" or Clinic" phrases again and again. Every time the camera is focused on a section they should display the riders names. ESPN would do a much better job at broadcasting this race and its sad at how badly Red Bull drops the ball.

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