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    #cycling #bikes #bicycles

    it’s Tech of the month time and we have a jam-packed episode for all of you this month we’re going to be taking a look at some of the weirdest bike videos Joe and I have seen online we’ve got some bikes which seem to be leaked ahead of the tour to France and we’re also going to be taking a look at some Wheels which claim to be made of recycled carbon fiber and we’re also going to be taking a look at mof’s battery operated pressure washer but first it’s time for Tech of the gram now every month Joe and I send each other videos on Instagram pretty much daily so we’ve scrolled back over the last few weeks and we have picked out some of the videos which have made us raise our eyebrows the most so Joe kick us off where are we siging so the first one we’ve got is actually posted by GP Llama Or Shane Miller um out from Australia and he’s posted a video of himself running zwift on the latest generation Hammerhead kuu that’s the third generation that was released alongside the recent Shram red it’s kind of strange isn’t it to see that software running on a tiny little GPS head unit um and there’s a couple of interesting reasons why this is actually possible so I was on the shra red launch and they pulled in together resources so Hamad launched their new product at the same time and on that launch they told us that the software actually runs off Android and that is why they can pretty much just like you can Sid load zift onto the app if the integration is there you can kind of run it without even jailbreaking the device wow that is that’s pretty mental I guess one the thing that surprises me is that the computing power of that head unit is enough to actually run zift but then it also makes you wonder what what other apps could you side load into the device for sure I don’t really know where this would stop I’m not exactly sure on the sort of integration you’d have to have from sort of the software developer side but yeah it made me think where are the limits of this for example some Creature Comforts could we have Spotify or could you just simply have Google Maps could you completely disregard the native mapping system on the Hammerhead which by the way is brilliant but you know Google Maps is to my mind still better so yeah it’s interesting to see where this could go I think yeah I think that’s the thing though is like it’s one is there actually a generic like an actual use case for this and what what is actually better than the software that comes pre-loaded on the device um but I think it was to be honest I just thought it was weird and it just looked funny it looked really weird seeing zift but on a head unit yeah for sure in in in in Shane’s hand as well like just in the palm of the hand it’s it’s quite funny and also I think as well like Sam said absolute Testament to the processing power of that device which they did say the processing power is three times faster and I think on the sort of native software you can’t you know those those sort of changes aren’t often tangible but there you go it can run zift yeah absolutely now another one that I saw was a pretty ridiculous handlebar setup now this one um it was done as a joke of course makes you cringe doesn’t it oh but when you look at it it just looks I mean it’s even though it’s a joke you kind of still put yourself in the position of like okay well if this was reality could I actually ride it and it’s those TT extensions one you’d have to be absolutely ginormous you’d have to be huge to be able to reach them but then also if you think about the leverage that’s on the ster tube there if you were to like Lean Forward I imagine they would just snap you are asking for trouble aren’t you I think personally I have too much I I have too much pride in my bike and too much love for my sternum to ever ride a setup like that it is obviously incredibly dangerous um and I’m very glad this was was it was it actually a joke well so one of the hashtags in the description says it’s a joke so uh surely please please CU that is I mean it to be honest it does just look hilarious actually Joe you sent me a pretty good one actually which wasn’t a video but it was a post and I think to be honest it just perfectly highlights the different ages of different cyclists out there it does indeed doesn’t it and actually it highlights um highlights quite how young I am as well I think it makes me wonder what’s next though and I think what we will see is we’ll see those hoods get straightened out again but then just super narrow bars super narrow bars you heard it first I I’ll I’ll I’ve said it before and I will say it again by the end of the year we will most certainly have people riding crazy narrow handlebar setups and there you go whoever the Next Generation ends up being that’s what it’s going to be 100% last weekend was the Monaco Grand Prix now don’t worry we’re not about to start talking about F1 but one of the drivers who these days tends to be more of a cyclist than they are an F1 driver turned up to the race on board a bike which looks to be an unreleased Canyon Air Road that’s right Valk bot was seen on a bike with some very new looking handlebars now the reason why we believe that this could be the new Air Road is because we actually saw an Instagram video and I think it was a story by vandero who had the same looking bars and that was it so Joe what do we know what do we think well we don’t know that much to tell you the truth I have done a lot of digging on this subject because I first spotted that story post by Matthew Vander Paul and I was very intrigued and I tried very hard to find any other images of him on that bike since then he seems to have been training on his current canyona a road the one with World Champ Stripes but yes the the main takeaway here is there seems to be a sort of integrated Mount that’s what gives away that this is the the new handlebar but the images we have don’t give too much away there was a couple of head-on images as well that were on gy Now I looked at those um last week they’ve since been deleted so clearly Canyon are not wanting to let this one out of the bag just yet and again that would inform me that really this is definitely a new and unreleased bike not just a handlebar necessarily but on First Impressions it looks like there might be a slightly redesigned head tube it looks a little bit narrower uh and as I say a new handlebar but really comparing photos where you know we’re zooming in a lot here it’s it’s hard to go off but very interesting I think that Canyon have chosen to put that bike beneath valter botas before you know other other bigname Canyon Riders yeah it’s a really valid point because I guess we just have to remember that one he does actually have quite a lot of marketing power but he’s also right right there in bed with Canyon isn’t he so um I guess guess maybe we shouldn’t be surprised but that wasn’t the only bike that um we think might be coming out ahead of the tour to France because on weight weenies there was a leaked picture of what could have been a catalog like a trek product catalog um showing what could potentially be a new amonda or Mone I mean this bike has been circulated around now for quite a lot um purely because it was spotted back in January of this year and again now that we’ve seen this picture I think it’s very clear what this bike is going to be and that’s a kind of a strip back lightweight Mone or a more Arrow Amanda I would put a lot of money on the fact that they’re creating one bite to rule them all much like the tarmac SLA yeah it’s very likely isn’t it they clearly the the photos that we’ve seen all Point towards this sort of taking the aerodynamic learnings from the Mone and kind of applying that to the sort of lighter weight tube tube shapes of the Amanda something’s definitely on the horizon isn’t it yeah I mean the timing couldn’t really be better because if you think about there’s I mean so many bikes always get released at the tour to France so if we don’t see anything at the Doan a then it will probably come at the tour I think so yeah I think there’s definitely a couple of interesting bikes on the way very soon now we’ve said it before we’re in may now 20124 has been the year of the wheel hasn’t it yeah everyone’s trying to reinvent the wheel with countless releases of different new wheels and another one now from hunt but slightly different you mentioned in the intro yeah sustainable carbon fiber yeah I mean the two terms don’t really tend to go together do they the very nature that carbon is cured at thousands of degrees it requires a lot of energy it’s it’s hard to make it a sustainable process really isn’t it well exactly what hun done so what they have done is they have launched a new Range called the sustain phase one range now the range itself is made up of three different Wheel sets you’ve got a road wheel set you’ve got a all road wheel set and then you’ve got a mountain bike wheel set we’re just going to focus on that road wheel set to start with now I’m going to read off some of the um literature that hunt sent us um just so you can hear in their own words what they are describing this new Range as so they have said that they’ve developed leveraging recycled materials less resource intensive manufacturing processes sustainability Focus specification choices and shorter Transportation distances to reduce the environmental impact of the Wheel sets while offering High specification components and performance that was a lot of words further sustainability focused product development updates will roll out over the coming months and they have also said that these wheels will be available from kind of that you can pre-order them now but deliveries will be happening later in August now the road wheel set that has been released is a 42 mil deep carbon wheel set now what Hunter is saying is that the rim is constructed using 10% recycled carbon fiber sourced from a specialist European recycled composite supplies which recycle much larger Aerospace and Automotive components as well as offcuts from carbon fiber Rim production now they also claim as far as the hunt team is aware this is the only manufacturer in the world that is currently creating rims with recycled carbon fiber content now this is technically true but what’s worth remembering is that Chris King does partner with a company out in Utah called CSS Composites and they utilize a material that they use called Fusion fiber now Fusion fiber is a material that can be downcycled and used to create other products so the Ard 44s that Chris King makes if when they reach the end of their life cycle um they can then be sent back to CSS and then be turned into a set of tie levers for example so while hunt might be the first people to be you know creating rims with an element and that’s it 90% of the rim is actually still brand new carbon fiber an element of recycled carbon there are other people out in the space trying to make carbon fiber a little bit more friendly to the environment now that’s all well and good but we need to go a little bit deeper still because these wheels actually match up really closely to the hunt 40 carbon Arrow disc wheels right now what we have to do is compare how these two Wheel sets actually stack up against each other because they are more expensive buy a few hundred quid and they are heavier as well and then they basically match every other metric so I think you’ve really got to start asking yourself why would you buy them It’s Tricky isn’t it yeah I do think it’s brilliant to see people making an effort in this space I think it’s really important I don’t actually think there is enough analysis and caretaking in the bike industry as as we mentioned carbon fiber just isn’t particularly great for the environment but yeah it’s it kind of needs to be incentivized and maybe this is the beginning of that obviously this is the first iteration of these wheels but I mean they need to be bought by lots of people for this to actually get some some traction yeah so as you say yeah it could leave them in a tricky situation that they’ve essentially got two very closely competing products that you know with such a difference in price yeah for the consumer will they care enough and that’s it it this I think this will set really relies on the consumer caring more about the environment than they do about their wallet or performance and if we know anything about people that go and buy a third party wheel upgrade it’s not because they care about the environment is it let’s be real so I think that we do have I think you’ve really got to take it with a pinch of salt and I really applaud hunt for creating this and you know being arguably being a Pioneer in the space but arguably if no one buys it and it doesn’t work then it’s probably not going to happen again so I think I’m going to be Keen to see what happens with the phase one wheel range and see how it kind of develops over time the other thing as well is Phase One cluing the name I think hunt probably have a bit of a strategy in place around sort of being better to the environment which I think is really really important yeah absolutely and that’s the thing like I said said at the start there’s two other Wheel sets and those are both alloy Wheel sets and those Wheel sets actually use a much higher percentage of recycled aluminium and things from like tin tin cans so it’s part of a wider picture so yeah like I say we’ll see what happens applaud HT for doing it but the cynic in me says that maybe it might not work out all that well recently we had a delivery come through from mof and they sent us their battery powered pressure washer and Joe you’ve been testing it tell us about it I have it’s pretty cool actually so it’s basically a box about y I’m sure will be flashing images up on screen um it’s fairly compact it’s got a number of different attachments it’s completely battery operated and has a water reservoir 20 l which mov says is about enough to wash four bikes in my limited testing so far I think that’s probably fair and I kind of don’t have that much to compare it to which some I think you’ve done some research on some other products but the big thing for me is I think it’s really useful for a lot of people if they live in Flats haven’t got necessarily access to a hose pipe to be able to wash your bike thoroughly I think makes you take more care of your bike and actually yeah as I say really easy to do and crucially all in quite a small form factor so when I saw this and when you told me that it landed in the office I wanted to know how much it cost now the starter bundle so just the washer itself comes in at 250 now I thought that was a fair old chunk of change and I wanted to see okay well actually is that price Justified are we paying cycling tax here could you get something that isn’t related to the cycling industry um and would actually cost a whole lot less now after a bit of digging actually there isn’t too much out there that kind of does exactly the same job as the maroff pressure washer that is actually tailored toward cyclist and brings original features that you can’t actually find on another product the only thing that I could get close to um seeing as a kind of a potential rival was the ca mobile clever oc3 now that one does cost nearly half the price of the mov unit but the water tank is less than half the size it’s not as powerful and the run time on the battery is 15 minutes compared to the mof’s 24 minutes how ever it does fold down to be really really small cuz it’s got a collapsible water tank so I think if you just need to kind of like rinse off bikes um or give something a kind of a light clean then I think that would actually work pretty well and if you can forgo you know snow foam functionality which can just be replicated by using a normal mof bottle then I think that could actually stand to be a better value option for for most people I think what’s really clear though after you know testing the moff washer out in the car park is that if you need to clean bikes really well if you’ve got a lot of bikes to clean or you just ride somewhere particularly dirty or say if you race cyclocross and you need to be able to clean bikes in the pits I think the markof option does make a lot of sense yeah exactly sampled it really well there we are paying some form of cycling tax but mck off have been clever and it is a sort of product Niche that doesn’t already exist and it’s Justified I think that’s the thing exactly right so I think yeah in in my experience I have to say I was very very impressed and sort of refreshed actually just how much easier it makes the experience of cleaning your body yeah I mean like I say that £250 is the entry level price for just the washer the prices then do go up to I think around £450 because they’ve created these different bundles I would be loathed to pay that much money to be honest yes it’s steep isn’t it and I think the other thing is as well it kind of if you do go for the sort of snow Pham functionality it kind of sucks you into maybe buying more of their products in the future obviously um but then as we said it is also really effective so yeah it’s a trade-off isn’t it I mean I’ve left links to both wases down in the description below if you want to check them out for yourself because I think what is clear is they Pro they both have their place for a whole range of cyclists so yeah go and check them out if you’re [Music] interested it is now time for bike of the month and Joe You’ have been testing bikes recently like an absolute mad man and we’re going to chat about this one behind us yeah you’re absolutely right I’ve had a I’ve had a few on test recently our race bike of the year is on the way but I pulled this one out in particular the mvy Mele as a bike that’s kind of struck me by surprise to be honest we were chatting um in the office earlier about how when we saw the Press shots of this bike we were fair to say slightly underwhelmed perhaps it didn’t photograph that well perhaps it’s because the satin paint job I don’t know but when this turned up in the office in person I was absolutely stunned I thought it looked absolutely brilliant super super clean one of my favorite things about this bike is there’s only two brands that you will find on this bike at all that is Shimano and mvy even the saddle is C Italia but it’s a collaboration with mvy so everything’s MV branded it’s just really satisfying it’s really nice and it looks absolutely great I think yeah I mean there’s one thing about something looking great though does the ride back it up it does yes this is honestly one of the most engaging and fun bikes I’ve ridden in really quite a while okay um very stable very confident for a number of reasons I think firstly the cockpit setup is absolutely spoton so mvy offer this bike when you buy a full build of this bike they do offer basically to customize the measurement so you can choose your handlebar choosy stem which in a world of One Piece Baron stems that often don’t quite fit was really really refreshing yeah that makes for as I said just handling that I’m really used to which just makes me feel really at home on the bike but also really comfortable ride feel um I’d say it didn’t necessarily climb quite as well as other bikes I’ve been testing recently compared to something like the the new giant TCR for example you know it feels not like a hgv that’s unfair but like you really notice the weight difference but get this thing up to speed and it just sits there it’s got that sort of Magic Carpet like ride feel and yeah really really fun bike to ride okay interesting so do you think then that this bike would be it because it when you look at it you do think of it as kind of being an all round race bike how do you think it compares to say kind of other Do-it all race bikes do you think that actually it can sit well amongst them or do you think that it is more for your kind of Sunday cyclist that’s a trick thing to say I think I think this bike sits closer to an AO bike than it does a climbing bike um and I think in that Niche it really Compares very well yeah um as I said really fast rolling bike of course Very subjective but you know when you’re back to- backing bikes you can actually get quite a good feel for for how bike rolls um that’s definitely down in no small parts of the mvy wheels we know they’re some of the fastest Wheels out there it’s a bike I very much enjoyed riding but if I was given this bike to race on I would potentially feel that I was a slight disadvantage compared to some of maybe the other bigger name race bikes that we sort of know and love in that category but yeah so I think it sits between maybe an aerrow bike and a bike that’s maybe more apt for you know real cycling enthusiasts but by all means I think there is more to cycling than just having the fastest bike based on a wind tunnel result especially if you are just somebody that rides three or four times a week even that makes a lot of sense well look we’ll leave it to all of you let us know would you want to buy and ride a bike that’s made by a component manufacturer


    1. I'd ride a bike by any manufacturer if it is well thought through, reasonably priced with adequate components and has an awesome paintjob.

    2. Dunno how Zwift on a lil thing is weird. Zwift has pretty 💩 graphics for what it is, which aint much more than video.

    3. Yeah sure. Van Rysel pulled it off and all they made were entry level bikes. They’re proof that just about anyone with the resources can make a decent aero/race bike. It also helps when you’re the top component manufacturer.

    4. I just have to call bs that you journalists still say things like "it feels like it climbs slower." The difference in weight between the melee and the TCR is less that the weight of a full water bottle. Unless you like to start and end your rides with full water bottles?

    5. SunJoe battery powered sprayer 5L and 10L tank versions. Tried and tested for 5 years now. Seriously get it. About $100

    6. For battery pressure washer, I use the Worx Hydroshot. Half the price of the Muc Off, full snow foam and awesome cleaning results. Can be connected to different water sources, I use a 3L pop bottle !!

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