Periods is a totally natural process and is associated with multiple cultural beliefs and taboos. These myths and misbeliefs have been holding women back. To end the social stigma linked with menstruation or periods, it is important to set your facts straight.Here is a small attempt to normalize the menstrual cycle by debusting some of the common myths about periods in India:

    Myth: You shouldn’t wash your hair during your period.
    Fact: You don’t need to compromise with your personal hygiene habits due to your periods. There is no study that states one cannot wash your hair or take a shower on your period. In fact, a warm bath can help you with the painful cramps.

    Myth: Period blood is dirty & impure.
    Fact: This is an extremely common misconception that period blood is dirty or impure. However, what most people fail to understand is that the menstrual cycle is part of a woman’s reproductive system that prepares her body for a (possible) pregnancy. The menstrual blood is also the same blood that circulates throughout the body. The clumping and color of period blood have their scientific causes too. Women shed partly blood and partly tissue from the inside of the uterus. In addition, the color may range from light red to dark brown.

    Your menstrual cycle can tell you a lot about your health. Regular periods mean your body is working normally. So, stop believing in what you have heard until you get any scientific reasons to support it.
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    that’s just the last one not to get the no way one fck head ho no way

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