wow what a crazy night we spent the night with some friends of ours in Huntsville and we arrived at their house at 8:00 p.m. they said hey we’re under tornado watch and sure enough tornadoes came through this area all night did uproot one of their trees but everyone safe so we survived off for some Adventures days with Jordan the line and you all begins right now you survived the tornadoes didn’t you good job I just drove past this place we may have to stop and take a little bit of a look they have some wizard of os murals for some reason looks like it’s called Lee Acres was on our way they have the gate open and the science has come on in so just show you these murals real quick whole Barn painted in Ray Bulger how do you not love that it looks like it’s a uh live music venue cuz they have a stage over here and the front part that I showed you when we drove in was like a little thrift store yep they did the backside of the barn too look at that eye awesome got an astronaut coming out of the wall wall over here and as we come around this corner it’s the ruby slippers the Tin Man down there on the end Dorothy Gil really cool talk about back roads findes I wonder if this is the owner’s house there’s roses all over the fencing and then actually all over the house and roosters painted on the house now we’re going to hit the destination for the day which is the famous unclaimed baggage all right we made it to scotsboro Alabama look for the big luggage and you’ll know you’re here all right so what in the heck is this place what is unclaimed baggage well you can see we’re at the Museum SLS sales Center the only sales Center I know of but unclaimed baggage if you’ve ever taken a flight and they’ve lost your luggage and you were lucky enough to get it back good for you if you didn’t they pay you off and eventually when they find your luggage they separate it and they sell it here so we are going to check out what they have the unclaimed baggage center now I’ll preface this by saying I’ve been here once before I did not find the prices to be um very fair I thought they were a little high but what I love about this place is they have kind of a museum all over the walls of crazy things that they found in the luggage some from famous people just some with a crazy story so we’ll take a look around last time I was here he did buy two things that I’ve never been able to find anywhere else they were you know basically I think I paid what they would be new um so that’s kind of what the prices are here but this place is really cool to check out so I hope you guys enjoy it oh my gosh the people here are so nice in Alabama the lady who uh who’s like a manager here just saw me filming and she said I’m so sorry about the disarray we had a tornado come through here last night I said are you not open she said no no no we’re open I’m just sorry about kind of the disheveled mess out here I’m like oh my gosh no way all right it’s basically like laid out like a big thrift store and they have everything from Electronics to clothing sunglasses and you can get good stuff I mean this is like all see they even have’t separated by Gucci verace Prada might even find some rare shoes last time I was here like I said I bought a couple of things one of them being a really cool fancy shiny pair of uh shoes look like Jerry Lee Lewis would wear them see where else you going to find these flower covered Nikes probably find some shoes here that are out of print or I mean I guess what you call it out of stock who they have some Patrick yings that’s pretty cool I actually like the yings so this is the shoe section for My Size Feet those are kind of cool like those Air Jordans let’s see how much they are okay so this one has a price tag the price tag for these a used pair of Air Jordans is and $38 the last pair I bought of Air Jordans on the website for Nike were 125 these are also some interesting Air Jordans I don’t I don’t recognize those shoe heads are probably going oh those are super rare I don’t know what are those whatever they are they’re $146 Cafe they have a seating Center and then over there on the walls is some of that museum I was telling you about we’ll go check that out I don’t think I’m going to get any shoes so let’s move over and check out some of the cool stuff that’s that they found that’s on their display I remember some of them like over here last time was a was like an osman’s display so they do change stuff this is actually it says R Turner designer of the Stars was a designer that favored by many Hollywood stars like Lucille Paul Carol Bernett Billy Crystal Barry Manalo Neil Diamond jeene steton and a score of others he was also one of Marie osman’s favorite costume designer she even used him to design her wedding dress which she recycled 30 years later and when she and her ex-husband remarried says Rhett was nominated for 21 emys five wins um he worked on the Donnie and Marie the Jim neighbor show Andy William show sunny and share Comedy Hour Mama’s Family just to name a few he was in the wardrobe department for 20 years for NBC Studios so this is a uh pair of Marie Osman shoes and one of her dresses that they [Music] found interesting and then right over here that uh I’m not sure who that belonged to oh this is all her stuff looks like it’s all her stuff now I do remember in some cases they’ll have the story attached where they’ll say like that they uh they offered them back to whoever they belong to later on this says the labels inside the clothing read Rett Turner Rett was you know of course had that huge history we just talked about so this suitcase also included a pair of shoes which are those shoes now here we have a leatherbound copy of a French newspaper published in 1934 has 336 Pages includes news from April through December interesting and then I guess they found some really rare Louis the 13th says meet Louis the 13 conac by Remy Martin a true French Masterpiece of indulgence this iconic decanter is handcrafted from the finest European houses in the same design that encase their very first Louis the 13 cognac in 1874 huh I wish they told up here why they have it on display but they [Music] don’t over here they’re asking if you can spot whether these are real or fake those look like basat are they see uh Untitled oh yeah yeah it says uh shown in the print above says um painted by John Michelle basat sold for mind-blowing 110 and A5 million at sbe’s auction around that time several large canvases that appeared to be basat arrived at our warehouse amongst a load of unclaimed items which involve these forensic showed the compositions and details to be true to the artist so they believe that these are baskot wow all right let’s go put our grubby hands all over what do you say they know people come here for fun so they actually have all kinds of like little and they’re still creating more as you saw when we came in all kinds of little fun photo ops for you to uh enjoy yourself while you’re here now what I’m kind of curious about is if we look through enough of these books if we’d find any signed copies of books we’ll see if we can find like a autobiography section or something we do have an entire section of just Bibles entire section of just Christian stuff they have a new arrival see I love the way that they’ve sorted it all [Music] out the reason I say I wonder if uh if there are any signed books in here is because trying to remember who it was like Stephen King or somebody like that said that when whenever they fly they walk through the uh the like you know little like Travel Center and if they have his books he signs all the books I forget who it was that said they did that we were looking for Waldo I think we would have found him with this holy cow look at that wow oh I think we found Ric Flair’s wardrobe look at that look at that oh yeah oh yeah who these belong to that is iridescent that is iridescent well maybe we should start looking at tags now that we’ve seen the uh the stuff on R right holy moly that’s only $9.99 really oh boy I do have to attend a wedding I wonder if this will uh this would be appropriate that red velvet jacket’s only $5.99 maybe I take it back maybe some of the stuff in here is adequately priced how much is this $9.99 okay maybe I take it back all the kind of wild colors and stuff those were all super cheap but then I start looking at just all the regular size and they’re all like $99 $139 for a used sport coat I don’t know about that I don’t know about that oh look they do have a sale on summer hat season for men this entire section is all women’s jewelry bracelets earrings hats a little bit of everything found fragrances suitcases see what’s down here I think this is the women’s stuff so I might be going the wrong direction lots of [Applause] [Music] rings lots and lots of jewelry they find oh no they have a proper Museum in here now this was not in here last time I was here I guess I would have been here maybe 2 years ago that’s what makes it worth coming back for new stuff see what they found some old hair tools a rare 1800’s antique telephone full set of apostle spoons an original Barbie and Ken Trading Card kit never even seen that found treas Museum to preserve and Sh some of our most intriging objects never heard of this but this is kind of fascinating it says it’s called a Blair Hawk Eye detective box camera the Boston camera company manufactured this it was designed to compete with cameras by Eastman Kodak company it was marketed as an authentic detective camera and combined with features of a standard camera this camera was capable of creating images three times as large as its Kodak instruments from comp interesting a colle of weird and wonderful arct they found a New York Central Station conductor hat that’s kind of a crazy thing they found a an old uh Lionel passenger car and a bunch of railroad tickets that is a chofar that is a musical instrument made out of a Rams Horn used during ancient times during the observation of a new moon here they have a uh what’s that called a stramel a Jewish hat traditional Orthodox Judaism hat and handcarved manora they found oh somebody had to be missing that Victorian era Bonnet and shoes tother shoes and then a cowboy hat signed by Muhammad Ali right there it’s signed by somebody else over here I’m not sure who that is but right there you can see Muhammad Ali signed it that Western hat is signed by Gary sise Lieutenant van from forest gum he signed that right there and they got a little thing about him up here on the wall these are Tony dorsets cowboy boots and it actually says add embroidered right across the front of both of them it’s kind of hard to see here but to help research design display and install the it that is X Gam performer Travis Pastrana’s hat his life circuit hat this is a buddy camera aibo buddy camera that’s interesting then here they found a ton of like old Venetian masquerade masks weird and then a Russian gas mask Q code included in their display sign and a deep water diving helmet some of these things you find it probably present more questions and answers right here we’ve got a bunch of shrunken heads that they found that’s crazy says in the 1980s authentic shrunken head arrived at unclean baggage it satat top the shaman stick along with other talsman and trinkets wow a basketball signed by Michael Jordan well there there you go there’s an $8,000 basketball right there that is a dried frog purse I don’t know what the heck You’ need that for there they found a rattlesnake and a whalebone carving right there and a Hermes necklace and then in this weather Gucci bag in 1980 they found these Egyptian relics look at that painted and gilded wood horse Hawk sarcophagus found a wood painted mask some coins a dwarf named Hogle oh Labyrinth this is great there’s Hoggle [Music] wow says a deteriorating Hogle arrived to unclean baggage 1997 it was says because the products used to create the puppet for Labyrinth were not meant to hold up longterm he was in desperate need of restoration so we sent him to master doll Doctor Gary swatka he dismantled him and put them all back together cleaned them up there you can see what the hand and everything look like how much it deteriorated and look those are little like Thimbles that’s how they uh how they would have worked it to make the fingers move those are little Thimbles that they would have put on the actor’s hand that’s crazy one of the hats the idea boy if you were the collector of this stuff and it got lost I’d be more than pissed I think the key is you just don’t accept the money and tell them you’ll wait until they find it right that’s a really cool display though okay this was a little misleading it’s a uh a handmade HMS surprise but they had a photo of the Russell Crow movie Master and Commander so I thought that that was one of the models they used for but when you read it it says that uh that this is that same boat from that movie but that they used in the movie a 1970 model that was made so it wasn’t this one but it was the same boat okay here they have some musical instruments including a drum head signed by the Kings of Leon you’ve got a Yama xenot trumpet they have a 1770 violin prote of the Strat of areas and a uh antique Chinese two- string fiddle is what that thing is wow they also found Scottish killed in bag pipes they found the whole shebang here then these are other instruments Egyptian vagina different world instruments that they found and even some medieval armor wait a minute what’s this why is there a papier-mâché Tinker Bell floating through the ceiling I guess that question is as good as any right here’s the Mrs Roper section last time I was here it was laid out a little bit differently and I remember on the wall they had like a tour jacket signed by Paul McCartney yeah women if you’re looking for jumpers they got you covered here every wacky style and color and probably era there is this is the kids section so they have Toys if you’re bringing your kids they can find some ThunderCats toys but $10.99 see that’s a thing it’s $10.99 why GI Joe games never know what you’ll find so it’s kind of worth looking through there’s Leonard Balton I met him he was [Music] nice see found a road Trooper hat okay down here they have kind of a seating section but it’s also part of the museum cuz these are all vintage postcards it’s kind of a cool [Music] thing then these are all luggage that have been painted with art on them it’s pretty good art [Music] actually all right now we’ll go to the upstairs section we haven’t hit yet with’s his shirt you know never know what you’ll find tribal mask found in 1995 oh they sell their own shirts for their 50th Anniversary ooh this must be one of their prize possessions Henny headdress honey headdress that’s [Applause] [Music] interesting yeah last time I was here it seems like I found the electronics up here like the cell phones and things like that well we found paint [Music] in cool old Texas Rangers hat twins Antonio Brown celebrity slam oh man don’t even get me started on Antonio Brown Florida Marlins you have some cowboy hats fedoras any signed cowboy hats oh hey look at that one kind of like that one it’s the same company that makes my other one that I wear this shirt’s actually pretty cool look at that Skull Island Bomb Pop shirt like I said I do have a wedding to [Laughter] attend the Little Hippie company hey look I found uh Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s clothes from the [Music] 90s kind of have expecting to find like some jerseys and things like that too men shirts sporting equipment over here little bit of everything tennis rackets bicycle helmets uh hockey sticks baseball [Music] bats golf clubs that doesn’t surprise me I’m kind of surprised they don’t have a whole lot more cuz I’ve known several people that lost their clubs and got reimbursed for them skateboards oh here are the nicer hats and headphones we’ve got the baller headphones but these are like the nice fitted type hats odds Electronics keyboards protectors things like that got a jersey back there see what they got what’s that helmet that’s interesting what is that anybody know what that’s for that’s interesting oh that’s where they got the really good shoes the fashionable I’m seeing uh Louis Vuittons Dior I don’t see any of that I like though tablets they’ve got gaming systems you can buy all kinds of gaming systems hockey pads these are all iPads all kinds of different Generations you can pretty much get any generation that you would want imagine how many people lose those then these are cell phones but this is crazy check that out limit two per day the prices well I guess their prices aren’t too bad these are Boost phones and I’m seeing most of them $23.99 $47.99 $39.99 over here on the Verizon’s um that’s a Galaxy s22 Ultra right there that’s the phone that I use also they’re selling that for $419.99 so they’re basically what you can get on I feel like the same price as you used on Amazon for iPhones but like I said they have a lot of stuff and a lot of cool stuff but it’s just the prices to me are almost like retail store prices oh fishing reels a bike hey what’ you guys do with my tire we lost your tire what I wonder what happened to that display they had a display that was like they found some of the Osman Brothers they were like Elvis jumpsuit type costumes they had those on display last time I was here but I do not see them anymore that’s cool though that leather jackets all kinds of leather jackets even colored leather jackets all Tri and by experts to your success well nothing else we saw some multi-million dollar paintings saw a few things I liked but I don’t think I saw anything I couldn’t live without or that I thought was a really good value for me personally today but if you need uh you know sunglasses that are prescription they have all that stuff organized here everything is is really well displayed I’ll give them that this place is really amazing well my friends I hope you enjoyed our day here at unclaimed baggage we will see you next time have a great night and [Music] goodbye I was feeling when I now I amere why did you say it Ming that [Music] way was


    1. I live about two minutes from the Unclaimed Baggage and yes it's quite the place in fact one of the few things that this town is known for,Yes there prices are expensive but once in a while you can find a good deal. I really enjoyed your video and hope you enjoyed your visit here. Take care and be careful in traveling.

    2. Wow!! Incredible! It's absolutely unfathomable how much stuff is lost in baggage loss through the airlines. Those rare pieces are rather shocking to see. But like you said, once the insurance pays off the original owners, it's up for grabs after that. Very interesting! Another awesome vlog!!

    3. I was there at Unclaimed Baggage only 2 weeks ago!! There was a red Michael Jackson style jacket, zippers and all, on the rack for $34. I almost bought it!! 🙂 Greetings from Washington state!!

    4. This was great fun. You were having so much fun finding possible wedding attire. LOL. Love how the store was laid out & organized.
      Definitely a fun place to visit. I remember when you were there before. Thanks for stopping by again.

    5. I saw Ray Bolger dance/perform on stage in Vegas years ago…maybe 1954. When He sang “We’re Off to See the Wizard,” everyone “Sighed and clapped.”

    6. Hoggle belongs back with the Henson family it deserves to be in a proper museum I see they changed the restoration around as the toy doctor seriously botched his restoration

    7. Interesting place! I don't know who told them that about the shofar having been used in ancient times at the new moon, it is blown in the synagogue service at Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year) and Yom Kippur. (Day of Atonement).

    8. I just find it really hard to believe that the owner would have items worth hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars just on display in what is essentially a thrift store!!

    9. If I'm gonna pay that for used items… I'll just buy it new. That makes zero sense to price things equal or higher than what it would actually be. I've been to Goodwill a few times, and they price things higher than what the actual retail tag says. Like something that says $20 that was never worn would be like $40. It's ridiculous.

    10. I believe those flowers on the fence are supposed to be poppies as in the field of poppies that Dorothy and crew were running through that the witch put a spell on and made Dorothy, Lion and Toto fall asleep. 🤔

    11. I think ir should be with the rest of the costums from that movie u know together is like wih the crow i feel that all should been together not just them movies alot of movies i was born in the 8ps u know were i am coming from

    12. this was a cool video. every time we view one of your vlogs, we look for Jah! always so happy to see him seems like a sweet little guy <3 but Marie osmonds wardrobe, i would love the clothes !

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