On the fourth day of our bike tour between Prague and Vienna we get caught in a thunderstorm, and take shelter in an old abandoned WWII bunker. Once the rain clears we have some smooth cycling ahead of us. Finally we end up staying at a small Penzion (Bed & breakfast) in Vranov nad Dyji, with a marvellous view of the castle in the little town.

    good morning it’s time for day 4 of our by 2 between Prague and Vienna and we’re leaving this campsite just out of nova beast Richie this morning we got off to a later start than usual it’s already like 10 o’clock in the morning but we’re looking forward to a day with more downhill than uphill I think still a lot of like small hills but we should be having more like downhill it’s a beautiful day today the sun is shining and people are already out with canoes here on the lake just waiting for Darren and Cameron who are filling up their water balls and leanness putting our tent down getting everything back up so we’re off to hopefully great day today [Music] so we made our way to this castle called castle and Stein so we’re gonna take a short break here and the Gasman take a few photos or so so this is the castle right behind me right like over there we’re not gonna enter a charge substantial fee to enter the castle but the d’harans line is drawn around and where the rest of us are going around taking photos the castle so we soon hit the road again [Music] [Music] Karen’s comfort bake song [Music] [Music] we’ve timed town where [Music] according to my garment it should be like around 30 or $40 just sloping slightly downward except for a few shorter heels so that’s really nice in the town of Louisville nature trying to find a supermarket since it’s Sunday and it’s 12 o’clock we’re gonna shop a bit early today so we don’t run out of food later fortunately the supermarket was closed closed at 11:30 and it’s now 12 so we just missed it by slim margin so we’re heading into the center of this little town now see if we can find a restaurant or mini market that’s open or something nice old town low but we managed to find a mini market here in the nice square this town called Slavonic so we bought both lunch and dinner for tonight since we kind of guess that everything up ahead mavis closed as well as there are only like small villages coming along the Greenway from from from here so now we’ll head on to lunch take a look at this playground that they’ve built outside the school like a Sioux playground with a giraffe by the swings we’ve been hearing it for the last hour or so and seen the dark clouds but for Julia like the middle of nowhere I don’t like bus stop sorry nothing really close by see what happens like a minute later the rain started yes spotted a hunting tower over there and I think where’s that I aim for that one hopefully not locked can’t just take shelter there for a couple of minutes I think it’s gonna be like dumping on us really soon so while I was aiming for the hunting tower about there was actually a banker that Aaron found down near could probably fit like 20 people inside of this thing probably all German or World War 2 banker or something so the Reynes final stop so we’re gonna hit the road again no I think think it’s because we’re so close to the border to Austria but the Yarmuth during the world war without these bankers are the porters the Nazi countries meadow along the border from from Austria there are like bankers almost every 100 metres or so like an equal distance from each other and about like 400 metres off the road you get caught in the rain cycle touring air along the border of secret just pick the nearest bunker and you’ll be fine take a look in front of us and then take a look quite a difference hope there go the weather is following us so we stay out of the rain for the rest of the leg today [Music] heading towards town called the run of something something for the campsite for tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so we’re just entering the time of rod of Nod DG and were instantly met by this nice looking chairs over here and if we turn to this side the hill you see over there that’s Austria and in the other direction you have a nice view over the town [Music] we could have left our bikes right up in here now we have to go back the whole weight back down the town after climbed all the way up here the road up ahead is closed because there’s some construction going on and one of the guys worked with the construction site and offered to let us through if we gave him a beer each and since we like don’t usually carry bear in our panniers we decided to go back to town and try another campsite down there so Kevin found this kind of bed-and-breakfast / campsite instead so we’re staying here for the night kind of like camping out in someone’s backyard or something like well we’re the only tenants here so that’s good and we have this like little group of tables and benches underneath a roof for ourselves and it cost us about 8 years or so but the best thing is that we get a really nice view of the castle we just visited it’s the end of day 4 of our trip between Prague and Vienna nice day of cycling a lot of flats over farmland and so we got to see all Nazi bunker and a lot of nice houses like the one up here yeah I think we’re gonna call it tonight and see you again tomorrow for day 5 free and plentiful everything you got yep


    1. Another enjoyable video – thank you! I had to cancel my Greenways tour in April 2018 but hope to go in 2019. Was the Greenway route well marked or did you have gpx files to follow? If so, might I ask if you would share your route and/or gpx files?

    2. There is only two videos left in this series, since I'm sadly leaving Darren and Kevin after day 6 of this adventure. I'm planning on doing a video to summarize the trip, with some lessons learned from the road and so on.
      So if you have some questions about the trip, you're more than welcome to ask them here or in the comment section of the upcoming videos. And I will try my best to answer your questions in the epilogue video.

    3. It is not Nazi bunker…

      Those are Czech bunkers, they supposed to be use to defend ourselves, but Munich Agreement was about the Czech let pass germans in country without fight, or if they do so, it will mean the Czechs starts war. And the ally of the Czech refused to help .. So they throwed us to the Germans like meat for lion.
      You can look at film with Masaryk (english: A Prominent Patient) there is almost everything described.
      Czech wanted to fight…

    4. I really enjoyed your videos of the trip. I've been following the Bicycle Touring Pro for a couple of years and I liked seeing a trip from a different perspective. I hadn't realised how used i had become to his style. I had more of a sense of the landscape from your videos.

    5. I was wondering how you found your campsites. And it is fun to get another video of the same tour. I liked that "construction worker" offering to open the road for beer. I think he was just a random local guy with a good scam!

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