A Series of Short Videos of a Bike Tour in Spring 2023.

    In this film I travel along the Verlaine river and across country to the small town of Guémené-Penfao.

    Riding my Genesis Croix de Fer 10 2021 bike with flat pedals and a selection of the most inexpensive equipment money can buy, wearing tennis shorts, trainers and a £20 jacket I travel over 100km a day fully loaded to the camp spots and typically complaining about stuff.

    #bikeride #eurovelo #biketour

    Instagram : @TheGlennJobson

    [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right good morning uh day two of this trip I’ve just uh packed up bikes behind me uh packed up here in Ren this was probably one one of the campsites I was looking forward to staying in but actually it was really really rubbish um there was just noise General French nonsense noise until about 3 half three in the morning there was uh somebody sitting on this bench over here playing Phil Collins from their phone and singing along in broken English absolute nonsense utter nonsense so that went on to about half past 3 and then at halfast 5 the bin Lori arrived so yeah not a great night here anyway they’ll be getting a really nice Google review campsite is lovely but you know just general French behavior on French campsites is just something else so yeah right I’m going that way heading to uh Lair today uh probably I don’t know hopefully 80 kilm across country to a little town whose name I’m going to put on the screen when I get there but I’m not ever going to try and pronounce it I have no idea how you’d say [Music] that [Music] okay so I’m heading to the town Town Center uh through the Parklands here um the route I need to pick up is just in the Town Center on the uh waterway that I was following yesterday uh so this going to be a bit freestyle hopefully there’s some signs it’s kind of in general direction ahead so that should be quite handy um but yeah going and get a get a Street find my bearings and set off along the canal [Music] again all right that was a stroke of luck after yesterday’s uh getting lost and getting lost and getting lost the route to the SRA Ville brings me along the canal which is exactly where I need to be so that’s great so redon is 91 and I’m not going as far as redon so yeah let see what happens [Music] next all right so this is Central Ren or as close to Central Ren as I’m going to get today um I’m heading off over in that direction over there um where the canal follows the the way where all need to be going um um yeah just need to be going falling to Red on but turn off before we get there so that’s what I’m going to do now I’m not going into Central Ren I don’t need to uh a bit hectic in there for [Music] me okay I’ve left Ren now this uh river is the Vain and I’m following this I think for probably about 65 km but having said that I’ve done 10 so yeah I’m going a bit further but uh manageable distance but what a beautiful River really big nice and wide and some really nice [Music] boats okay just stopped there for a quick change of hat uh getting a bit hot in the uh in the Wooly hat um that way still on the villain very nice cycling I’m trying to find a little village now I think there’s one a few kilometers down there uh just have a little stop and a coffee perhaps uh to get me going for another couple of [Music] hours [Music] so I stopped back there at the uh Little Town had some coffee and uh b a bit of food for lunch just moving on not sure how far but it’s absolutely gorgeous really nice problem is it’s also very very cold um and I’m struggling to keep [Music] temperature all right I’m on some crazy detour the toe path is closed again it sent me up here onto this bit of High Ground just following this road along I think the river’s over that way I’ve decided to take a bit further detour um as I’m on The High Ground I thought I’d uh cut out one great big Meander of the river and just uh come over the top and down the other side and try and pick up the toe paath again I’m optimistic um but yeah this is a bit of a weird [Music] way the river along here is much much wider a much bigger River all the little tributaries joining it so I’m just heading along now for another 5K to my uh lunch spot it’s not anything other than the next place on the sign post so it might just be a bench but that’ll be fine but it’s along here about [Music] [Music] 5k okay that was my lunch stop uh just a little village uh Le Port by the side of the uh River very nice uh I just had to stop again a moment ago as I just uh went over some cobbles and a Spoke went pop in the back wheel so I’ve just tied that up stop it snagging on anything doesn’t feel too bad at the moment have to see what I need to do about that anyway this is the way [Music] [Music] all right so a few more kilometers to the campsite I met a couple just back there in that uh Little Village called Bley and they told me that this town was called gimy so I will call gimy until someone tells me otherwise so yeah about 5k to go I think looking at that on the computer so yep just need to find a supermarket now buy a bit of tea apparently he said this road was a fourer false flat and he’s right it’s about 2 and 1 [Music] half% [Music] now we’re talking this is the uh rout National riding along On The rout National makes a change from the off-road surfaces pretty smooth 25k an hour nice and [Music] easy so I just checked in to the little campsite here the offic is over there9 for the night everything included this is my pitch where I’m going to put my tent up um I’ll show you that when it’s [Music] done all right camp set up uh quite nice really quite a nice little spot got a tree which is great um think we have a bit of food in a minute and then I’ll probably have a look over that direction it looks like a little wooded area and I’ll probably take my drone and just have a look at the area of the Drone so that’s probably going to be it for today day three tomorrow I’m not sure how far that is this was supposed to be 70 and it ended up being 88 so so yeah could be anything really about 100 [Music] perhaps [Music]

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