This is a bit of a repeat for long-time viewers to the channel, but I wanted to share again the best part of pedestrian infrastructure in the Netherlands: continuous sidewalks.

    These sidewalks are much safer and more comfortable, as they do not require pedestrians to drop down to street level, and it ensures that drivers slow down before crossing paths with pedestrians.

    If there’s one piece of Dutch street design that your city should copy today, it’s continuous sidewalks.

    My original full-length video about continuous sidewalks is here:



    1. There is almost 0 foot traffic in my city so continuous sidewalks don’t make sense, they would just slow down traffic, I can only see this in cities with high foot traffic

    2. I would like this we have similar sidewalks in sweden but its a hard bump for cars so your always afraid of your car getting damage

    3. I'm sorry you're smaller than the vehicle it's the same thing with motorcyclists you're smaller than me you should be the one paying attention. I'm not saying the driver shouldn't pay attention either but I always hate it when I see those signs of work out for motorcyclists I'm bigger than you you should definitely be able to notice me. Same thing goes for car drivers in semis I'm sorry the semi is bigger than you he can't see you when you're in his blind spot.

    4. Here in my city in Brazil this is very common, they started doing this on school zones, now there is a bunch of them all around the city where people should have priority crossing the street, incredibly, everyone respect this, even the most idiotic person

    5. Yes, let’s imagine driving in America with a speed bump before every intersection so my commute to work would be even longer and my shocks would be shot after 2 months.

    6. Just gonna say that you should be cautious in an area that frequently has 2 or 3 ton steel boxes passing though at decent speed. While drivers are supposed to watch for pedestrians no matter what nation you live in there are some who don't care, simple human nature. Also this makes it so a person not paying attention may very well step into the path of a car with spectacularly painful results.

    7. Why the drivers like you can step down it won't hurt but imagine if anywhere it is abit bigger and somone slams the bottom of their car or just count how many extra usage of the suspension that is

    8. Cyclists are a nightmare for truckers, especially in Holland, as they sit in our blind spots all the time and then blame us for hitting them even though they were in a space they know is dangerous to be in

    9. Is it actually statistically safer? It makes sense. In Kentucky law at least, pedestrians have priority on an official sidewalk, and this design would match that.

    10. Might be safer but it hinders traffic slow. All those vehicles have to slow down a go across all those stupid sidewalk, which also acts as a speed bump, even when people aren’t walking across it. Every intersection they have to slow down and go across the crosswalk or risk damaging their suspension. The American way is better. We have crosswalks and people have to stop and make sure her car is not coming or wait for the walk / don’t walk sign to light up, before crossing.

    11. Great unless you have a drunk driver with a huge Toyota 4 runner going at high speed….
      Sidewalk would turn in a blood walk

      It's still an amazing system and that's one of the reasons why i wanna go visit the Netherlands it seems freaking awesome in term of ideas and creativity with good architecture 🙂

    12. Wow, I got to stop watching these videos. I am a bike nerd, sort of and love bikes and biking, walking. They are so far ahead of us …
      I will say my home town has walkable streets and lots of new bike lanes are adding. I will say there is no barrier , buy they are pretty wide and marked. Only problem I'd if you ride far enough then bike lane ends. The only problem , I don't see many bikers , nor walkers even though there are many bike lanes . If the old downtown area gets reactivated it would really be bikeable/walkable.

    13. Yes, the basic idea is great but somehow the people that are responsible for designing the public space are going out of their way to make sure that the difference between the sidewalk and road is not as clear as it should be…

    14. Almost got seriously injured on a sloped sidewalk coming from the street, it was sloped very agressively and I was riding with no hands as its more comfortable to sit straight up which bikes in north america are not designed for, it was dark and I didn’t see how sharply sloped it was and got thrown off going about 25mph. Somehow came away with just some scraped up knees.

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