Professor James Small is a scholar activist, dynamic speaker, and organizational consultant.

    Prof. James Small has been an activist since his teenage years. His in-depth knowledge, thought-provoking and calm delivery are influential elements to break the programming of mis-education.

    00:03 Is littering a form of mental illness
    2:14 OJ Simpson trial and death
    5:37 Black women being greatest tools in America
    12:51 Black peoples epigenetic inheritances
    23:49 Africans relationship with Christianity is misunderstood
    34:21 Afterlife in African spirituality
    41:39 How the moon and solar eclipse impact us and the earth
    46:44 The word ‘diaspora’
    50:17 Why rate of depression in Africa is lower than the rate in America and Europe
    57:16 Famous Phil Donahue Show
    1:06:57 2024 Election
    1:15:00 Black police officers
    1:32:23 Myths about the Black family
    1:42:55 Haiti

    Please click link below to learn more about Prof. James Small and his work:

    ➡️ Tune into ‘I NEVER KNEW 📻’
    🇲🇱Roots, Rock, Reggae Music🇲🇱
    Hosted By : Jr of ‘I Never Knew Tv’
    Sunday 9 -11 AM EST
    Wednesday 8- 10 AM EST
    Thursday 10- Noon AM EST

    #profjamessmall #ineverknewtv

    [Music] want to say welcome Professor Smalls welcome back I never new TV thank you sir it’s good to be back serious I heard that we were well well received the last time around the world no serious thing the people actually number two so here it is you know um first question I have is a conversation I had with a Breen I wanted to hear from the master teacher your view on this is littering a form of mental illness ask that again is littering a form of mental illness oh is littering a form of mental illness one could say that depending on the environment that you’re working with right um because you must have a relationship with your environment that involves keeping that environment healthy that and that involves having a respect for that EnV environment that you’re living in but then that involve having respect for yourself living in that environment and so when you see people who litter indiscriminately it means they do not respect the environment they live in because they do not respect themselves living in that environment and they do not see the sense of healthiness that is necessary to live in an environment where you have Harmony and balance with that environment and so one can say when people especially you see lot of littering going on where people are under an enormous amount of stress um and that the stress there’s no mechanism in society to manage the stress for many people and so people who are under this extraordinary stress and then they’re abused by many of the institutions of the society because of the the actions that or reactions that come from the stress that their response is really almost a self-hatred and that is reflected in what we call the littering or the contamination of the environment they live in so I guess at the end of the day you could say yes it is a form of mental illness the OJ Simpson trial that took place in 1994 to 1995 which the Press called the trial of the century right uh do you believe it would have received a percentage of the media attention it received if the victim was a black woman if the victim was a black woman in the OJ Simpson trial I don’t think we would have seen one tenth of the attention that it received um it would have been a black man who happened to be a celebrity killing a black woman or being tried for killing a black woman because we accept the court system in America and its conclusions as being the valid ation of whether you did something or didn’t do something in this case no one accepted the court system all of a sudden the court system had no value because in this case it Vindicated a black man who was being tried for killing a white man and a white woman and in the history of America you rarely see celebrity or not a black individual walk free out of the court system for killing a white man especially a white woman but particularly a white man and woman and so it doesn’t matter to the society because of his racism and his history of anti-african racism whether Simpson was innocent or not the thing was he was in proximity of the killing and had probable motive and so the society decide the white society that he was guilty and when the court didn’t prove him guilty there was something wrong with with the court system there was something wrong with the prosecution’s office who put on the best trial anyone could put on even though Simpsons lawyer were extraordinary lawyers um I don’t believe until this day that he was guilty I think they wasted time trying to convict the black man and solve the problem that no one ever thought of really seriously trying to find out if something else happened in that house that day and how it happened and I believe uh all right so OJ Simpson died recently right yes and I I hear all this talk about progress and race relations specifically progress of black women right and I was reading something in 2022 I believe 97,000 uh black women were missing but also like what has changed in race relations from the 90s till now cuz with his death I see the same jargon that was being presented to the public in the 90s I don’t think anything has changed in terms of race racism in America something may have changed on how that gets managed in the public um Arena how you talk about racism and the abuse of racist how you talk about the consequences of negative racial Behavior towards African people by European and others especially Europe ran people um as far as the attitude towards Africans that hasn’t changed because the reason for the attitude is the same it’s white inferiority and as long as white inferiority is the dominant attitude especially in male white Consciousness the resentment of black male Consciousness and black male bodies will always be there it is that resentment that when carried out out as policy and attitude that we call racism right and it is able to be implemented because the people who are carrying out that negative attitude towards the African has the power to implement their behavior and that hasn’t changed we’ve seen black women who have been graduating from college at an extraordinary number that’s greater than white women or Asian women and they’re moving up in the system politically and corporate wise faster than any other group of women in the world and so there assumption because black women are making this rise that racism have been mitigated considerably but there no signs to show that because the glass ceilings are still there all over the places for those black women and at the same time they’re the best trained instrument in the corporate structure so who else are you going to put there except the best strain that your Society has produced and right now black women are the best trained in the largest number of white or black males or white females I’m glad you brought that up that’s why I mentioned the um the amount of missing women because there still I think people have this idea that black women are more valued than they are and they’re being used out of necessity but not out of the actual value of the person black women are still to White Society the negative stereotype that they’ve used with the nword to describe ourselves their value is as a tool not as a person okay they’re some of the best trained Tools in America maybe people won’t like the way I use that term tool but we got to deal with fundamental reality all of us are tools this system is run by 1% of 1% in terms who control the majority wealth who control the majority banking who control the majority corporate structures in the world 1% of 1% the rest of us are nothing but tools okay and so it’s just that right now the best trained group of tools or tooling instrument happens to be black women and if there’re and I don’t think that these black women are under any Illusions once they move into the structure about who they are cuz I have children I have three black African women who are in the corporate structure hi in the corporate strcture high in the corporate structure very high very high in the corporate structure and I was talking to one the other day and she said Daddy I’m at a place where I I’m as high as I can go here and I’m scheduled for the next level but they’re telling me there’s no opening at my next level so they’ve closed the ceiling because they don’t want her to move at that next level you have multiple of assistants doing multiple things that you’re now doing and allowing you to expand and do other things um I have two within the educational structure um at the top of their game in their areas of Education I’m not going to call name of specific task and they’re meeting with the same things um we watch our beautiful sister the district attorney down in Atlanta how they treated her in the media you would never see a white woman treated like that in the media um uh with the fact that this is her boyfriend and she he works on her staff one of the most capable attorneys in Atlanta this young man was but they wanted to destroy that black woman who had the skills the organizational tools to organize the kind of team that can bring a corrupt former president on trial for interfering in the election process and to dare to do it and then you had the same thing have you seen how the media have treated the Attorney General here in New York who happens to be a black woman at the top of her game all right her cases that she’s brought are all Extraordinary but the media Treat Her Like She’s just I don’t want to say Angie because Angie J M is very positive figure fortunately most people got angry and wanted her name taken off of the the syrup bottle right but it was originally put on there as a tribute to her skills not as a demeaning thing because just as we see the black women today being one of the most valued and trained instrument in the society in the 17 and 1800s she also was that you know when the Black woman was in the kitchen she was called a cook when the white woman was was in the kitchen she was a called a culinary scientist yeah the black woman was at the top of her culinary game most of the cuisines in America that make up the American Cuisine comes from the African women who were the chefs in most of the homes of the Millionaires and billionaires in America for much of the centuries when the wealth in America was being garnered and most of the restaurants the great restaurants of New York San Francisco Chicago the primary Cuisines of those communities were created by black women yet history don’t reflect that in terms they say though they were in the kitchen no they ran the kitchen the kitchen is the primary aspect of any restaurant it is if you have a major Hotel the restaurant is the significant aspect of that hotel in the kitchen kitchen is the most primary aspect of that restaurant and that black woman has always been and she wasn’t always and almost Cooks cooking was the least of what black women did even in the 1900 and the early 20th century she was a writer she was a singer she was a teacher she was an engineer she was a doctor she was a lawyer she was all of those things and excelled at all of those things but racism didn’t allow the media to tell her story on a weekly basis or monthly basis or yearly basis and when they set up their Awards to give people for having done well in these crafts racism left out the most brilliant of them all which was the black woman why do you believe collectively black people are so resilient and is resistance one of the epigenetic inherent ances from our ancestors it’s it’s like there’s a you know I practiced the eura spiritual or scientific sacred approach to understanding Divinity and cosmology and ecology and in there there’s one character who you also find in the voodo system and it’s called oon oon some people say is the god of iron the God of War but Aon in the system of African sacred science is the forces of transformation but transformation comes as a result of pressure being placed upon an object the way oun is Manifest in our culture is that it’s a piece of rock that’s full of impurities and probability ities that would not be useful for the future tasks that this rock has to face so the rock is put into the fire and the heat is raised to a level that you burn out these impurities and then you use a hammer to put pressure on that hot rock that the impurities have been burned out to mold it into a useful tool for society and African people is like that rock that makes except the concept called oon that goes through the transformation that eliminates the impurities of character based on the pressure that’s placed upon the rock itself and so we were under such pressure to survive in a world dominated by the uncivilized ignorance of the European personality especially here in the Western Hemisphere and I says the ignorant uncivilized personality because history will bear that out that they didn’t bring to the Americans any technology of any significance they brought Africans to America who had the Technologies of significance for the agriculture for the industry building for the timber industry and on and on this is the Africans being brought to the Western Hemisphere through the Caribbean United States Central South America we bring the technology from Africa and we build the corporate structure under pressure and dur rest the barrel of the gun and the sling of the sword for hundreds of years out of that kind of pressure where we’re not allowed to speak our language Now language is how you reinterpret yourself we’re not allowed to practice a culture a culture is how you give birth to yourself we’re not allowed to practice our family structure that is how you create your the unity that allowed for the safety and well-being of the self they took all of that away from us deliberately in order to create a nonfunctional social being and we had to create our new ways of being social beings without being destroyed and is that pressure that has produced this extraordinary black man and woman particularly in North America because North America is made up primarily of the North Americans and the black Caribbean we build North America going back to the 1500s really but particularly from the 1700s on and so we’ve shown the world that the more pressure you put on the black man and woman the greater product you’re going to get responding to the challenges they have to meet and and we’ve done that over and over over and over again because that is what being African is about we are the first manifestation of the human being when the Divine if you want to call it God the Divine the universe the all in all the one in one when it decided to manifest as a human being just as it decided to manifest as a butterfly or a mango tree it manifests as a black woman right and see it manifestation to the rest of us including the white man the Asian man and all the other men and women in the world starts with this black woman no science can prove anything different you know and so that’s not just a theory that has been the demonstrated practice of the way of life of African people particularly in this hemisphere because the particular kind of pressure we were put under especially in the Caribbean and in North America epigenetics right when people usually speak about it they speak about negative inheritance but we don’t speak about the positive inheritances right well people who talk about epigenetics and then they only base the themselves on on on on the negative that’s a choice you know to deal with defamation of character when especially from a dominant group that use defamation to control the other parties so if one look at the African who had been under the genocide of the transatlantic slaves trade the genocide of 500 years of shattle enslavement in the Americas when you look at that kind of abuse where you no longer had control of your body someone can rape you at will men or women uh you can be abused at will by people who were lesser beings than you physically but because you had chains on your ankles and a gun at your head and yet you can come out of that with a Humanity that makes their version of humanity pale and that’s throughout our history in this Hemisphere and yet in one generation we can produce writers and artists and Artisans and doctors and lawyers and Engineers that can compete with anyone they have one generation with opportunity and freedom to demonstrate our possibilities no one can compete with us and so the African and the Western World if you look at our literature if you look at our production capability in terms of helping to construct Society if you look at our role in government and producing laws that was good for Humanity if you look at the education system and look at our production and how to better train human beings to be better human beings no one can compete with the African-American despite the crisis they were forced into you know we are the universe everyone knows that you know if you just look at us in Sports no one can compete with us on a Level Playing Field where we don’t come out Victor ious equal to or better than anybody on that playing field in any art form that’s presented you know in the classroom let me into Harvard let me into Princeton I can compete with anybody you’ve leted into Harvard and prinston or Oxford or the Levant so the africanamerican and the African worldwide and I don’t like to even use the adjectives when we talk about World African we’re just talking about African peoples and when you look at colonialism and the genocidal damage it had on the continent of Africa and the populations of our people on the continent of Africa and the resilience of that population in responding against that type of human deprivation there’s nothing equal to it in the annals of history and even when we resp to throw off the Yoke of their genocidal tyranny we do not commit genocide against them in reprisals in any cases you know you can’t compete with that the African don’t have to be apologetic to anybody about their behavior the few that are so damaged and bruised and broken that they’re committing the petty crimes around the communities we lived in they’re doing that because they’ve been put in that position you know you break and you fractured and you destroy someone to such a point there’s no hope there’s no opportunity that can be dreamt up in their mind for themselves and then you blame them after depriva them to that level or that depth of De previty when they respond and what we call crime and yet the greatest crimes we see committed in the world genocide committing against other peoples we see that genocide being committed in Palestine right now no one calls it genocide we see that genocide committed in the Congo greater than the one in Palestine right now by the same Western corporate structure that supports what’s going in pantin no one calls it genocide we see it all over Africa where African governments were just trying to be free and exercise the Democratic Freedom that the Western World say is appropriate than their sanction for wanting to be free as long as they would continue into Colonial slavery and economic political and social genocide they’re welcome into the Western world as brothers and sisters to be subjugated by the Western World and so when Africans demonstrate this level of humanity despite the inhumanity done to them and still can be productive within the economic Arena the political Arena and the social Arena the world appears to be in a State of shock but yet never learned from it in terms of how they alter their own behavior but we the Africans of the world I think we are still it’s in our genes to understand that we are the universe manifesting itself as a human being I was in Africa recently right and I noticed a lot of advertisement for churches but um after speaking to numerous people I realized Africans are not necessarily practicing Christianity seems like majority of Africans are still practicing traditional uh as you refer to African sacred Sciences have you witnessed this during your many trips to Africa I’ve been going back and forth to the continent now for over 40 plus years and when I first went there my impression was everybody’s Christian over there’s a church on every corner mega church but then you have to factor in how the church got there you have to factor in colonialism and how it worked in terms of the socialization process of a population and when someone comes and take over with a gun and they’re controlling your environment with weapons and tyranny and then they give you certain Pathways to alleviating certain amount of the Tyranny and one of those Pathways would be you can go to school but your name can’t be kwami anymore or or Olu anymore your name got to be John or James now if you’re willing to give up Olu and kwami and become John and James we’ll let you into our school and we’ll teach you to read English or to read French or to write and to learn mathematics thus you can become a civil servant in the colonial substructures and low corporate structures and the next level is if you would abandon the traditional sacred signs of your ancestors that forces you to resist my tyranny and accept my methodology of worshiping God which is our religion then you will again be rewarded with status in the neocolonial OR Colonial structure of the society and so so people then had to turn to church as a sanctuary against the political and Military tyy of the colonizers but their heart may still be with the Shrine in the Grove or they would have to then turn Jesus into aatala but still call it Jesus you understand they may have to turn um St Michael into Aon but having to call him St Michael but we know the African understood clearly that God don’t care what name you use it care what the intentions of the call and the devotion is and so you can give me a name but my intent and my devotion is to the most high you may think it’s to that image you have me hanging on the wall but but I’ve gone past that image in terms of what I have declared to be the Divine and so I’m forced to follow your religious protocol but you can’t force me to change my psychospiritual understanding of sacred reality and that’s what you’re seeing and you’re seeing many of the churches now being abandoned by the younger generation who makes up something like 7 % of African society now those under 25 25 and younger and they’re looking to find their Pathways back to structurally dealing with African sacred science how does it look today what is since our Mo our Evolution as a spiritual Society was interrupted in terms of its own sociocultural Evolution and institutional design now how do we move on that pathway to create new institutional designs for the African Sac science to be expressed through and what the Europeans have done going as far back as the ancient kimet and ancient Nubia was to steal the African sacred science and call it Western science Western science is a large aspect of African sacred science can you speak more on that please yeah I think I told you before one of the ones that’s easiest to see in order to plant any crop in order to raise any animal and mate those animals so they can reproduce so I can increase my population so that I can increase the value of my herds I’ve got to know when is the appropriate time of year time of month to to do this I can only not it if I study cosmology the movements of the Stars the movement of the Sun the movement of the moons the movement of the planet in relationship the stars and the Suns the movement of the constellations we call that astronomy astronomy is something our ancestors studied well but then they realized that the man in the farm and the woman in the farm and the man or woman who are fishermen and the man or woman who are herdsman and the man or woman who makes the bud mud brick to make the buildings that people will live in they don’t have time to study the stars so how do I take this great science that I’ve studied and they’re paying me the West call me a priest today but in ancient days I was a scientist and they paid me to study this so I can tell them this is the best time to plant this crop this is the best time to plant this fruit tree this is the best time to harvest this crop this is the best time to catch this fish there’s a time when you shouldn’t eat that fish this is the best time to hunt this animal this is the best time to mate your sheep and so forth and so on that is determined by studying those movements in the upper body and see what the animal and plants do normally before I domesticate them when things are in a certain location and a certain orientation so how do I teach the science now to these people who have to do all this work I break it down into something called astrology astrology becomes the social explanation for the scientific phenomena we call astronomy and then that is put into ceremonial and ritualistic context in order to teach and retain it within the culture which is the primary educational system of the people you know the same thing with designing a house do I design a cube do I design a triangle what does that mean so I need to develop a ma methodology for looking at that that I need to decide how much land that um we will have to use for planting this crop or that crop how much land does this family get versus this family get because of the number of people in this family and the number of people in this family so I develop a science of measurements called geometry but that’s not what the farmer don’t have time to do that this is what we the scientists who you call the priesthood do for the society the society takes care of us we take care of this for them all of this compilation becomes the sacred science of a people the understanding of cosmology and ecology the relationship between cosmology the human being and the ecology that’s African sacred science and that’s why I said the European extract aspect of it a mathematics trigonometry our geometry our physics and even aspects of our medicine and call it science Western science yet the earliest books written on any of these topics is find in ancient Africa even the Greeks acknowledge it Herodotus in book two is all about Africa Plato in his book fedis he says Africa gave the world all of its sciences and he names it arithmetic geometry chemistry he says medicine this is Plato right and he said but the greatest science of all that he called us Ethiopian back then that the Ethiopians give to the world this is Plato INF fidra or fidis that’s the name of the book um he said the greatest science of all is writing itself so you can’t say Plato is wrong he the man right so when you begin to understand this and you read Herod or you go to Homer they say Homer wrote the Odyssey and The Iliad and this is considered to be the first book yet in the hesty and The Iliad Homer said all of the Gods of Greece must return to Ethiopia every season to renew themselves now Homer can’t be wrong you said Homer is wrote the first book you said Herodotus is the father of History you said Plato second only to a mixed race African Greek person you call Socrates was the greatest philosophy ever so they told the truth only when I repeat what they say you say it’s not the truth but when they’re telling the truth and they’re writing you say oh how great they are so let’s let’s rely on history and those who live those history and those who studied with the Africans and learned the science the sacred science which the West Now call its science do you hear me my people listen to me well I’m telling you something what the wests call Western science is a great aspect of African sacred science that they stole copied and plagarized when they started invading our lands going back to the early 3000 2000 BCS I’m not sure how I should word this question CU it’s such a uh diverse group of practices across the continent so I try my best right um is there a universal concept of the a afterlife in the African sacred Sciences absolutely there is a universal concept of the AF African life and African sacred science and the eurus call it a a wo in our language and the in AO the way they explain it that we’re born into a family or what they call an iby and when we were born into this iby in the first manifestation of that particular family line whether it goes back 5 million years two million years 500,000 years that you will eternally be evolving and rebirthing into that family line right um what what’s the word that they use um reincarnation all African systems talk about reincarnation right they may have variations in the methodology of how it takes place but everybody says that you’re born into this family in your first manifestation and you will constantly keep replicating that family in each manifestation they even have steps that you take in the yurba system they said you have to go and come eight times and in the going and coming eight times in each of those eight sequences of return you have 12 steps of quality attributes character development you must master and there was a period where you don’t have to come back anymore will you become a part of the great light energy that you were before you were Express as an aspect of the essence of that great energy that began your process but you always come back in the family that gave birth to you so my mother and father the best way to put it gave birth to me well the only thing they had to give birth to me was themselves right so when my mother and father gave birth to me they gave birth to themselves right and once I got on the earth the earth further my manifestation by feeding me the carrots the the greens the beans the mango the planton the banana the peach the pear they all come from bushes or trees that get a substance from the earth from the minerals of the Earth the rest of me is animated from the light that comes from the sun and the moon and the stars and the Milky Ways and all of the other things in the cosmos and so I am they and that is replicated when I give birth to my children me and my wife give birth to ourselves and we were the product of our parents who had given birth to themselves when they gave birth to us so we are Continuum as an unbroken string of living there is no dying in this process there’s transforming but no dying there is no after life there’s only this life I am my mother and father I am my grandparents I am my great-grandparents I am my great great grandparents I am my great great great grandparents and I am my great great great great great parents I’m a culmination of all of them and my children is a Continuum of all of that for eternity that is the African concept of life you know it is forever beginning and forever living life is forever living and forever giving beginning we constantly beginning means we are constantly restoring our beingness okay we are the universe we are microcosm of the macrocosm you know and just like we can look at my hands it’s five fingers right you see five fingers but what I see is billions of tiny little creatures called sells that have United to create the illusions of five fingers but even in the illusion they’ve created utility and a possibility of use but yet there’s not one this not one thing this is billions of little things working in unity to create the one thing that’s perpetual and as they die every day and we wash away the dead cells they’re renewed and give birth to themselves every day that you don’t even realize you’ve watched away millions of dead aspects of yourself that is being renewed in every few days you’re renewing your whole body every few weeks we are new body constantly renewing itself when the total organism collaps because of overuse it goes back to the mineral that it came from in the beginning the water evaporates and go to the sky it comes back down in rain we drink the water that comes from all those dead bodies without even thinking about it and the one that aspect of you that rot in the ground before they start putting us in metal boxes and steel boxes become the fertilizer for the very plant that you ingest and eat to continue your cycle of life eternal and forever that’s African culture African SA science in just one aspect looking at there um what’s the word I use against it getting old you forget things uh reincarnation process and every African culture explains it in a similar way you know and people say well what about God he there’s no African that call a God he Africans don’t even call one another he sometimes I may be called a she about somebody in the household I may be go the woman may be call he it depending on the role and function you you’re carrying out at the time that someone say something to you about something you know um there’s no God who is a he and there’s no God who is a she and the African concept God is every and all things at once including you you’re an aspect of that every and all things at once the space between you and ie that is perceived to be nothingness have billions of microorganisms living full lives right in front of our faces and we can’t even see them but we know they’re there because we can breathe them in and if our system is broken on every week when we breathe them in they’ll make us sick and we call us call that an infection you know but normally we are swimming in the sea of living creatures without being conscious of the living creatures that make up what we call the air that we breathe to Keep Us Alive because all of us are part of this one organism called The Divine according to African culture how does the moon and solar eclipse all right start for the time how does the moon and solar eclipses impact people’s spiritual experiences well the first thing I’m going tell you I’m not the master of everything I don’t think I’m the master of anything to tell you the truth but I I my little 5-year-old when she got off the busted then I went to granddaughter and she said Grandpa Grandpa take my glass and look at the solar eclipse we were watching the solar eclips and I did look at it for about 2 minutes it was an extraordinary phenomenon to see but the fact that the shifting of the amount of energy hitting us directly from the sun we saw the earthquake hit New York we saw the weather phenomena across the the world we saw even human behavior around the world some things got altered there does our scientists or are our scientists equipped to do a study of that or are they so misinform that they’re not allowed or not allowing themselves to do a study of what was the impact on the human being what was the impact on the ecology because of the eclipse that just took place the animals know it was an impact I remember when that earthquake hit that morning and I’m sitting in my office and I thought someone had picked my house up shook it and move it over and when I ran downstairs to my wife she was running for the front door she said you heard all of that and I go like yeah I think we just had an earthquake you know um but I said we just had the eclipse and then after that you had the extraordinary flood in Dubai totally unheard of no one could have imagined that could happen but it happened you know and we’ve seen all kinds of weather phenomena we’re going through one right now with the Deep Freeze Across America right now in the middle of spring but yet it’s not being discussed in terms of cosmology and Ecology of the fact that the cosmology is now having on the Ecology of the Earth but I believe that our ancestors saw understood the replication of this through many time and tried to explain it in their sacred science and all kinds of motifs you know I was just at one of my shrines my my parents Shrine which is in Trinidad um it’s called the Kenny Cyrus kiban IL and it’s in a place called Chaguanas just outside of portter Spain and it came to that place from carac some centuries ago and it came to Kaku well not quite a centuries but many many decades ago and it came to Kaku from Haiti after the death of desin when so many of the practitioners of voodo left Haiti because the Catholic church and the new um matat regime turned against them and so the masan is a place of worship where we go to interface and interact with the forces of nature that we call the powers of the go gods or the deities and to communicate with those elements in sacred ways and sacred spaces to cleanse ourselves and to protect ourselves and those kinds of things by having a closer relationship with that emanation of energy um and I can find that anywhere in the Caribbean I can go to Jamaica and tell you just where to go where we need to go today so we can get back on their plane and go home better you know I can do the same thing when I go to Ghana in a few weeks um because we our sacred science haven’t died we’ve been forced under duress to marginalize how we present ourselves publicly but in some places like I love Trinidad where you can present yourself publicly in the African tradition without being ridiculed and abused by the so Society they have a Shango day in Trinidad they have a day for the spiritual Baptist which is a another a manifestation they have a national holiday for the spiritual Baptist in Trinidad you see and so we know that when you fight to be who you who you are this the the social order would have to give way even though one of the things that they’ve done is to try and keep us from understanding how Africa is United we’re United with our understanding of the Sacred science that the sacred science is the same thing in Chad as it is in Ivy Coast it’s the same thing in Egypt as it is in South Africa you don’t have to speak the same language to practice the sacred science okay and we we are known by who we are not what we say please explain how our use of words assist in our mental bondage right for example should we be using the word diaspora to identify African people who do not live on the continent s we use the word diaspora to identify African people who do not live on the continent it depends on what you want to say the word diaspora simply means disperse those who have dispersed from the original space right originally we’re on the continent of Africa but there have been multiple dispersals we sometimes now think that word diaspora speaks only to those who were forcibly brought over here in the genocidal process called the transatlantic slave trade but that’s a that’s a very late dispersal there had been multiple other dis dispersals over hundreds of thousands of years about people migrating Out of Africa into Australia into New Guinea into India into Europe those two were dispersal and those personage and those remnants which are still found in many of those places of African people can still be referred to as diasporans meaning those who have dispersed from here so it’s not a contradictory term okay it’s it’s you’re trying to describe the relocation of some people you’re not even describing when they’re relocated or the process of relocation we are still Africans but many of us have been dispersed when we’re trying to talk about Africa as the foundation and the base and we’re no longer living there because there have been a dispersal for some reason voluntarily dispersal um what we call it immigration immigration is a dispersal a disperse thing um ancient immigration hundreds of thousands of years ago when we Mar into Asia Europe and South America and the Pacific that’s a dispor that’s a dispersal people only use the aspor to refer to the most recent dispersal that came as a result of the transatlantic slave trait but a dispersal means just that a dispersal of a population from one place to the other and we want to identify that population as belonging to the place from which they left you know so I don’t think it’s a negative word because we can always use the word African when we want to describe what diaspora are we talking about are we talking about Chinese diasporans or we talking about African diasporans because the African diasporans have certain rights but those rights are in Africa the Chinese the aspor have certain rights but those rights are in China long as we are clear on identity identity becomes the key Dr AA hilia told us that the greatest freedom is to be Shackled to your identity so if the greatest Freedom one can have is to be Shackled to your identity whether you’re referred to as that aspect that’s in the DS or that aspect that is still at home it is the identity that both of you are Shackled to the common identity that determines the unity you see and so that becomes important with identity become cultural practices sacred science behavior and beliefs why is the rate of depression in Africa right lower than the rates in Europe in America the the rate of depression in Africa is lower and that that’s really an easy one they’re not under the same socioeconomic and political pressures as we are they’re under different sets of pressures in economic political and social but one of the things they don’t have to how do you say respond to or explain to anyone that they are Africans if I live in Jamaica I say I’m a Jamaican but then I’ve got to somehow figure out a way to let that mean I’m an African too when I’m in America we used to call ourselves negro and colors and then we decide to start calling ourselves afro-americans and then African-Americans as a way of saying I’m not an American holy americ a geopolitical place I’m an African holy that’s a racial space that’s a culture space that’s a spiritual space and so but on the continent you don’t have to say that because you’re in your geopolitical space you’re in your culture space you’re in your racial space you don’t have to explain that to yourself here we’ve got to explain it to ourselves because there’s another culture space here there’s another political space here there’s another racial space here that’s not African so and we’re trying to function within that space with the other space being the dominant factor and so we’re constantly under duress stress and pressure to perform in a partnership that one of the partners won’t allow to be legitimate and yet we are fighting constantly for that legitimacy that human beingness legitimacy in the context of a social order and a social ecology that’s being determined not by the two parties but by one party and it’s putting us under a lot of stress because the other party who’s making a determination is then telling us why aren’t you self-determining while at the same time he’s got the power to make the decisions of the degree of your determinations that can be made you don’t have to do that on the continent you know you wake up in the morning you smell Africa you hear Africa you taste Africa you speak Africa you go and look at your door and you see Africa and you have a rhythm with nature that Africa has designed over here we have a rhythm with nature that an abusive oppressive backwards ignorance non- civilized person have designed and we are forced to try to be human within the context of that that’s very hard to do and it puts you under a lot of stress every day here the UK Germany France wherever we find our people and I know like that the older I get and the more I learned about my body I know people speak about eating a lot they speak about being active but I don’t think enough focus is put on being mentally healthy or how being mentally unhealthy can destroy your body I think that’s what a lot of brothers and sisters are suffering from is being mentally Mally very unhealthy because the body we’re not in a culture that emphasize mental health matter of fact we’re in a culture that ostracize those who they recognize to be mentally unhealthy instead of trying to create a process to heal those who are mentally unhealthy and nor do we have in place instruments to avoid the mental unhealthiness we’ve created a medicine a medical practice around mental health that has to do with medicating and not mitigating see to mitigate is to find methodology to to solve or to solve the problem or to remove the things that’s causing the mental distress but instead we give medicine that that how do you say covers um Mass the mental distress but not the cause of the mental distress and and it gets replicated replicated replicated in everyday activity in the society we’re in and so people in America most of us are mentally ill it’s a culture that allows for mental illness to be a dominant Factor because there’s so much easier to rule the masses that are mentally dysfunctional even at the level where you think your dysfunction is normal in America you may find mentally you’re very unhealthy we are so unhealthy we don’t even know how to eat good food go and look in the supermarket and read the package of what we eat every day it is Poison Poison Poison obvious poison toxins toxins toxins obvious toxins and yet we race it and buy it every day buy it every day ingest it every day without thinking about it just that in the African sacred science system the body is the temple in which God the Divine must live and reside so then it should be the foundational institution to be kept healthy one cannot say I’m spiritually healthy if the physical body is not healthy but we’re in a culture that says you can say I’m spiritual healthy even your physical body is is crippled and you’re going at the same time be constantly crippling it with alcohol with tobacco with bad food with toxins and you’ll still praise the spiritual being that’s you putting this into this contaminated toxic Temple and asking it to function so it must become a distortion of its own self in order to function out of side of that toxic distorted Temple that is hous in and when you articulate it when you try to use words to describe yourself or it we avoid using words that will identify the contaminant or identify the toxin or identify the negative action because the ruling Elite that’s imposing that is the cultural social order will not allow for you to go and punish if you Tred to do that I hope that made sense I I’m TR to make it as simple as as a did you and khed Muhammad ever speak about his legendary appearance on Phil Donahue in 1994 I don’t know if col and I spoke about his I think I was in the audience that day I mean we spent a lot of time together during that period of time um I don’t think we spoke specifically about that show um we spoke about those things all the time um you know the cane College event when he got into the conflict with his leader Minister farakhan for talking about lifting the Pope’s dress and I was with him that night um um later in Baltimore when he the night he found out he had been suspended I was with him that night uh the Friday night the Saturday night before his death on that Tuesday we were together that night um the night of the million youth March the security Brigade that protected him that they was trained in my basement I mean that’s how close we were um the question I have is like how did he prepare for speaking engagements where he had a lot of interaction with the audience CU I was I really observed like his uh ability to reply also also observed his breath control much like a musical artist in a sense well you have to be self-disciplined and you have to know your truth and you have to have faith in your truth you’ve got to know that it doesn’t matter where you are truth is truth who you up against your ability and your skills to tell the truth without losing the moral High Ground is determined by the manner in which you present you know your ideas Concepts and principles and he was a master he was a master at that because he understood that those who were anti- nature and the definition of a sin you know is or is is the act of being anti-natural okay and the definition of the doer of anti-natural Acts is deil is amazing if you study some of this stuff how it would just wake you up the simple little things that allow you to understand so I know when I sit down anywhere with my enemy I know who he’s come to destroy because I know what I am but I know who’s come to destroy me because I know who they are and then everything else is easy you can’t get past this okay College was a master he knew who he was he knew his role in nature he understood who he was up against Phil donu to others may have been a celebrity but the college he was just a white man with white ideas white Concepts and white principles based on European misinformation of reality he knew that going in that nothing else could come from Phil but that and I knew Mr Don I did his shows a couple of times myself he was a very nice amiable man but he was instructed and informed by eurocentric philosophical understanding of the most basic human realities and he couldn’t get beyond that how did uh you guys get on the show back then we were the light in the world and everybody was trying to okay that’s the these lights are out here we TR the white folks are starting to figure what is that the Leonard Jeff the minister farakhan the khed Muhammad I was the youngster in the group The James small we were saying things and speaking of truth that since Malcolm no one had heard and they thought they killed a certain truth in killing Dr King and killing Malcolm they thought they had silenced a Consciousness and yet that Consciousness manifested in multiple ways to black men and women and they wanted to try to find catch up with it where’s it coming from who are these people they didn’t bring us there to entertain them they brought us there to have an opportunity for their people to see this thing exists in your space be aware and to find out the other thing where did they come from who are they how are they getting informed what is the basis of this information in short take me to your leader kind of thing you know um they didn’t understand the leader is God you don’t have to take God’s everywhere you want to go to my leader introspect look inside of yourself and and when you went on the show did they prepare you with topics or you just went on there and started no they would tell you the topic but they would not do what you do uh in terms of giving you bullet points to let you know what they were going to ask they’ll tell you what the basic topic is most of the time they didn’t stay to it most of the time it was entrapment uh most of the time yeah most of the time they lied about the topic but the idea was can I get him here beat down their truth in front of White America so that that truth does not resonate to either Black or White America so when they jump and colge Muhammad it was a big mistake and it seemed like it backfired because especially by allowing uh I guess like yeah un uneducated people in the crowd to talk it wasn’t I remember Sister philis Stickney stood up and Phyllis just read the riot act it was so beautiful uh you know who sister sticky is he’s an actress extraordinary actress I spoke to her a few weeks ago um and she at that time was dating she and KH was dating when you watch the Don whoo show there’s a woman with an African hair wrap on that’s sister phis Stickney all right see she’s a heck of an act both in Broadway and in Hollywood but because of her African nature she doesn’t get the roles you know she should get um but philis that that black woman gets up from the audience and just reads the riot act to those people some white man said something silly and philis just wiped them out and she was in college she wasn’t a trained Minister she was just a citizen of the black community who was conscious and had the courage to express herself with a truth we went into those places with an African truth of Humanity’s beingness this is who we are you want to call me a slave that’s on you you want to call me the N word that’s on you I’m that to me I’m none of those things I never was any of those things all the years you called me those things I’ve laughed at you because you were a child not knowing who you were talking to you know and still don’t know who you’re talking to you know right now a lot of the shows that I’ve done there’s a beautiful platform called panafrican daily TV that was being broadcast out of Germany and for two years we lit up the world P La Mamba Joshua mango myself bino Bello but now Germany has Europe has said no no no no we can’t have this said he shut it down you know they said we cannot have this kind of truth about politics this kind of truth about economics this kind of Truth but culture this kind of truth about spirituality being a normal expression coming from Africans to even our people no no no no no no no and it’s it’s is is is putting our lives it’s exposing Our Lives it’s exposing the lives of Europeans even European people are so misinformed and negatively indoctrinated that the humanity is called to question by their own social order and when you and I come on the scene to talk about the truth that should Prevail between human beings no matter what race or culture you’re coming from uh the poers that be are afraid of that because you cannot exploit a United people you can only exploit a disunited humanity and so they do the best they can to keep Humanity disunited one of the key element to keeping humanity disunited is to have the trans Setter the model Setter quieted and that’s the African voice the African voice that refus to die under any circumstances you’ve placed it you know that refuse to betray the Divine Humanity that we’re part of and that’s what they want to sign that the truth of God uses us as a primary conduit to express itself in the human ecology and in the human environment and they want to silence that and what you saw that they would khed muhamad on Donahue was a mistake in trying to silence that with a prince of the Divine standing in front of them knowing well who he was as an African man you know how would uh Trump reelection impact America and specifically the black community well Trump’s reelection would America is not a good country even without Trump America is now overseeing with money and guns and missiles the genocide of a helpless harm less people in a con concentration camp called Gotham it’s like shooting fish in a bowl except in this case you’re shooting 50 million men and women and children mainly women and children and our government is overseeing that and every time our president open his mouth he says how much he supports the undying supports he had for those who are committing that genocide what is happening in Gaza right now is the greatest genocide since the Third Reich and Hitler in Germany in the 1940s and I want to say it again what is happening in the concentration camp called Gaza that’s maintained by the state of Israel the United States Britain and France it’s not just Israel it’s the United States Britain and France that maintains the Concentration Camp called Gaza and now they’ve gone to that concentration camp to commit genocide in the same way Hitler did in as Woods Daka buken and the other camps in Germany in the 1940s they didn’t just kill the Jews they killed millions of Afro Germans as well nobody talk about them they sterilized millions of afrer men even before they started in on the Jews you know and so and they they killed millions of gypsies also Nobody Cries for them that awful genocide that Hitler committed what going in Gaza today is the closest thing to that that has ever happened since the 1940s and our government under the current president and under the president before him and before him is fully participant in that process I wanted to get that out first because when we talk about Trump it’s like Trump’s going to come in and destabilize something America’s not run by the managers let’s get that clear presidents are managers with manag Styles Trump doesn’t have any power as the president if he steps out of line the managers will do to him what they did to John Kennedy Abraham Lincoln Garfield and Harrison and the other presidents America has assassinated more of his president than any other country in the Western Hemisphere were you aware of that most people aren’t Arthur Harrison Garfield Kennedy Kennedy’s brother who would have been President Abraham linking five to seven I think of them was assassinated No Other Nation in modern times in the western world have ever assassinated no two Nations and has ever assassinated that many of their presidents yet we don’t talk about it right and so anyone if the Biden step out of line his bosses will eliminate him as easily as those same bosses eliminated Kennedy it was the government of the United States that killed President Kennedy just like the government killed Malcolm Mex and the government killed Martin Luther King and multiple others that weren’t as famous as they were so these manages Trump problem isn’t what he will do with the government because who sits on his cabinet that won’t be decided by him that’ll be decided by some right-wing um Think Tank like under Obama you had everything that he did was a platform given to him by the Heritage Society see different ones of these right-wing think tanks they hire these managers we vote the managers in for them to give some false legitimacy of democracy but there’s no democracy here because the people who give them the agenda to be carried is the 1% of the 1% and if they do not carry the agenda they won’t be in any percent I just want to get that straight first so Trump’s childish back was buffoonish personality is irrelevant to how the country will run okay how he will use his buffoonery his back Wass ill-informed uneducated ignorant self and expressing social relationship between the population of America especially the P poor whites who they are bleeding and and and abusing worse in some case than they’re doing black people but they must convince the poor White that it’s not the ruling Elite that’s treating them this way that somehow you’re being treated this way because of black people brown people and yellow people that’s where he’s dangerous that then these poor white people most of them are not college educated most of them are not intellectually educated they marginalized subw workking class and it is that class that made up the CLA Clan and the the white Knights and the murder that carried out the terrorism for 100 years after the Civil War against the African-American population it is that class that danger will come to the average non-white person in this country even though the the state will stop it at some point but they will never totally eradicate it because they use that tyranny coming from their marginalized underemployed uneducated white to keep black educated people in check from trying to create a platform of government and social ecology that would be worthy to call itself a democracy so it sounds like uh you’re saying what this other gentleman we recently interviewed Daryl Davis he was mentioned I believe it’s 2042 he was saying at that point I guess uh white people in America officially be the minority and he they’re probably the minority already yeah but they just not seeing but they’re still the ruling Elite they’re the minority in terms of genetic construct um American whites have been at minus birth rate for some decades now all of Europe is at minus birth rate meaning they’re producing naturally less children than is dying naturally right Greece is in real trouble in that regards right now they’ve even put that in the newspapers because it’s so bad um but that’s the Greek illusion and thinking they’re whites the rest of the Germanic white world don’t think Greeks are white but just the Greeks think they’re whites um and that term Whit you know just started being used after 1619 emanating here from America to describe the European community and that’s the white is the same to Europeans as pan-africanism is Africans you understand say that again whites being white to Europeans is the same thing as pan-africanism is to Africans and if we get that we’ll understand how to deal with that as we confront it so Trump his policy he won’t make the foreign policy he can articulate a little stupid lines for people to laugh at and joke with but the actual foreign policy of this nation will be negotiated by those foundations and think tank and research groups that work for the 1% of the 1% and if you he gets in the way of that he won’t be any percent there there are two things I want to add with this police Vibe one is that uh one a lot of the brothers don’t identify as being a brother despite their skin tone and also too man it’s just like these police aren’t trained to be police a lot of these police officers have no business being police and I think that’s one of the reasons for their actions they’re just not trained I think training poor training is one of the reasons but most Police Department especially in the big cities they get really good training you’re dealing with cowards you’re dealing with cowards that have no respect for the the citizens in which they’re supposed to protect you’re dealing with and when I deal with the black men and women you’re dealing with cowards who would sit there and know that this other being from some other ethnic group is abusing a black man or woman and you try to and I watched them move I’ve seen so like you’re almost divorced from what’s going on right there instance when I lived on 148 in Amsterdam I was going to the store and there was a rockus there was a lady she was a bag lady a homeless lady and I turned to corner and they had her handcuff and she was on the ground they got her and a black man had his foot on this black woman’s head I walk over to this black man and I told him why you do oh she’s going to bite us how can she bite you is she handcuffed this is a black woman I don’t care if she’s homeless stinking or whatever you got your foot on her head so I went to the sergeant who was a white woman and I complained to the white woman sergeant that this black man has got his foot on the head of a woman a black woman in the gutter and she said well she’s ruy how she going she laying on the ground handcuff that putting the foot on the head was a statement of her nothingness and that black man wanted to identify with the white people’s making that statement he wanted to show them that I feel as you do about her nothingness I witnessed that on the for real real you know I remember once I had to take this is a long time ago I had to take the weapons of of a police and walk to his Precinct and put his weapons on the desk I don’t know why those but anyway I got away with it I got away with it what what was that situation since she brought it up it was an incident on5 Street and he was messing with a pregnant woman bullying her for some reason and me and a couple other brothers were coming and we disarmed him and I took his equipment to his Precinct and told him all I brought it that it was look at me like I was insane and I left you know later some people came and talked to me but I had friends too cuz my thing is very simple if you could put me to sleep I could put you to sleep you got family that love you I got family that loves me and you can’t scare them by harming me you know if those black men and women who wear the uniform of the police across the country would ask the question of how did I get this opportunity to wear this uniform and if they had the decency if they had the decency to show some appreciation to the poor people who March in the streets the working class don’t March they at work the working class don’t sit in they at work it is the underemployed and the unemployed the poor people the most impoverished whose B for change that demonstrate the change cause change even at a cost to themselves and then you with the little degrees take advantage of the chain and disdain the very people who caused the conditions that brought about the change that gave you an opportunity to be law enforcement in the black community and then my Latino brothers and sisters who paid no price at all for civil rights in America getting all of the opportunity afforded from our struggle as Africans in the streets of America and you’re one of the most brutal respondant when you come into the black community God bless the Black Liberation Army God bless the Black Panther Party God bless the H hudu Fighters BL bless the international Commandos in the 60s we tell you we didn’t tolerate you that way and the young people if you want to do anything do what I told you join their military is better than joining a gang killing your people in the streets and on the corner come back home and take these positions to run your community that’s what others are doing that is the pathway they’re using I was in the military didn’t make me anti-african my father was in the military he’s one of the best Union organizers in the city he was not anti- Africans two of my brothers were in the military they didn’t come back home anti- Africans my uncle and father fought in the second world war one in the Pacific and one in Germany they were the most African organizers in South Carolina that I know so don’t tell me that somehow going in the military is equated with being anti-african that’s stupid you live in America if you can’t serve in the in the military that should be the same reason why you got to pack your bag and leave America why won’t you leave it’s not Africa is only a plane ticket away you know it’s only a plane ticket so stop lying to yourselves stop playing stop being cowards I’m talking to black men now stop being cowards stop lying to yourself stop pretending that you don’t know what’s going on because you don’t have the courage to take the responsibility to save your people but you got the courage to go on the street and pull a knife you got the courage to go on the street and pull a gun and shoot your peer without even a logical reason for the argument that led to the gunshot you know join the Navy join the Army join the Marines learn how to fight learn how to be a soldier learn how to use a weapon then come back home and take over the apparatus like the police department the sheriff department the fire departments in the communities you live in then you won’t have to complain about nobody else but if you’re not doing that you’re just a lying little coward that’s afraid to be a man when the opportunity has been given to you to find a pathway to that kind of manhood so you can do what Malcolm X said stop calling Malcolm’s name if you’re not willing to do what he said Malcolm said black nationalism means taking control of the economic politics and culture where you live if you’re not doing that keep your mouth shut don’t put on no Black Beret don’t put on no red black and green flag cuz that’s meaningless unless you’re trying to take control of the economic the politics and the culture where you live and he says to do that you got to take control of the land labor and resources where you live okay and so that’s the only way you can guarantee food clothing shelter and safety for your family and your brothers family and sisters families and friends families and I’m telling you if you live in the United States of America one of the biggest Pathways to that is to join the military and spend two years of training and how to be a man cuz I tell you I was in the middle they’ll train you you going to get up in the morning at 4:00 and you going to be out there running and exercising and getting your body in physical shape you’re going to learn the Rules of Engagement how to defend yourself how to Def fight yourself you’re going to learn hand toand combat and you’re going to learn weapons all right but you also have an opportunity to pick a profession when you’re in there too you go to schools you can be an engineer scientist any profession you want you can be in radio television they teach all of this stuff in the in the military and you can come back home and make a living for yourself and it also puts you at the top of the food chain and civil servants it means you get at the top level of getting into the post office before someone who have not been in the military you get at the top level forgetting in the police department the fire department Etc okay and other civil service job why are you afraid to take this responsibility you’ve let this enemy beat you down we know he beat us down he beat you down he beat me down but you got to rise up out of that ashes of the beat down and whatever pathway is there for you to get to where you have to go you’ve got to use that pathway I’m telling you the pathway that’s there for you cuz the pathway you using ain’t working what what what what happened in your uh analysis like between you’re you’re I believe you’re my father’s age so like your generation right what what happened with the men with the militancy the fire the courage mean because the youth that came after us they were beat down psychologically that’s why I’m speaking about what I’m speaking about I know the beat down um they took control we had more of the curricula in the schools then than you have now all right so the the you didn’t have the T TV and the cell phone and all of these other socializing instruments burning out your brain that not burning out your brain but socializing with your socialization means how you get your values your interest and your principle pretty much the child wasin the control of two instrument the household and the school now you the school and the household are both outweighed by the telephone the television the computer and other instruments in terms of how you’re getting values into in principle and what other elements is is bombarding your brain and then you got the largest social ecology that has changed the value system on about what a male is what a female is um what responsibilities are look at who we have running for president here we are in the United States of America with some of the best colleges ever set up in the universe black or wh and all we’ve got to run for president is two nearly 80-year-old Cena white racist men where’s all the men black and white where’s the Youth of America where’s all the women the the MEO movement and the woman movement where are they running for the presidency of the United States you got two Cal racists one racist who’s being cool and quiet cuz he needs the black vote and the other is not giving a damn about the black boat that’s what we got that’s the reality nothing personal Mr Biden your history speaks for itself the dance you had to do and The Jig you had to do the last few years to get my bootes that’s not your history towards my people you know I’m a friend of Butch Lewis so if you hear this tape you know what I mean when I say I’m a friend of Butch Lewis right he was right there from Chester Pennsylvania live in your Delaware you know black businessman that knew who all of you were and Mr Trump I’m from New York I saw what you did w with with the young Brothers um from the Central Park uh murder the innocent young men and even when they were proven innocent you as the president didn’t have the dignity or the Integrity to apologize or even say you made a mistake see your backwards little being that have money that comes from the thievery of your kind and use that as a measure of your manhood you please give it everybody but those who value you and want to vote for you tells me what the value system of so many white males in America are they all want to be you you know they want to be the profane anti-woman anti my human being that you are and so look at what we’ve got to vote for that is so pathetic the world is laughing at America wait a minute you have nearly 200 million people and this is all you could produce for your leadership you have some of the finest universities in the world some of the greatest intellect in the world of all Races and this is all you can present to yourselves let alone to the world this is sad both of them say declined to run for office out of respect for the nation and the Constitution but neither one have that level of Integrity what do you view as the future of America the young people are waking up they’ll get off of the the drugs eventually they’ve been drugged by their own fathers for the sake of money no drug cartel can function without the the role of government I don’t care whether they selling heroin or oxycodon if the government wants it stop it’ll be stopped like that but as long as that allowed them to control the possible Pathways to leadership by the youth white black or Asian then they will allow it to happen so that their power and the handful that they want to keep coming to power to keep them in power would remain constant so all you can tell the people wake up unite yourself all politics is local all politics is local take control of your school board take control of your community area board take control of your city council take control of your maril if you take control of those you can control your police and your fire then take control of your state and then you know how to take control of your National all politics is local but you can’t leave it to those who are professional politicians who a bunch of money grubbing collaborators who think getting elected to office guarantees them a job for life and in the black community almost every black politician we know gets a job for life no matter how poor their performance are and we have to stop that you got two years to perform and if you don’t perform we will remove you two years to perform you do not have a job for life anymore we will remove the collaborators and the cowards who would sit and vote on antihuman and genocidal Behavior by other people for the sake of you getting a paycheck and privileges to sit with the robber barons of America and of the American people you know that’s the reality Professor small thank you for the master class you don’t we the word master class thank you again for the master class serious thing you know well I’m I’m always always happy you know I met you and I go this a beautiful young brother he got a good perspective he knows how to interview we discuss things leading up to here you never know where you’re going even when you ask the question in an interview um I saw how you present the other information that we put together was beautifully done everybody that saw it thought it was beautifully done um and so I’m I’m I’m happy with that and I’m happy to get an opportunity to tell people the truth on a medium that would get the truth to people I’m not anti anybody I love God and if I see God in you I’ll love you too whether you white Asian black latino I love the god in you so if you want me to love you come with the god in you and have the god in you fost the relationship with the god in me then love becomes real um but I don’t want to be attracted by you and attached to you and dependent on you and not Bel loved by you we were speaking earlier that um uh we were talking about the black household right and the the the information circulating that majority of black households are single parent households but then you brought up a great Point saying divorce rate is so high in the white community so they have a high rate of single parent households also and I was saying that despite that though the uh ability to earn that’s like the that’s the problem between the White household and the black household they’ll make it the ability to earn access opportunity to earn and access to earning because C ability we’ be ahead of the food chain access to earning right an income that allows you to run a household providing the food clothing shelter safety security that the household needs that’s where the black community is being hurt and a big part of what’s hurting the black community in that regards is the heavy immigrant population that’s rolling into the country now this is beyond any pale of immigration no one let milons of people across the border every month nowhere in the world ever in the history of the world so what is that about after the 60s when they couldn’t defeat us politically we won the Voting Rights we were voting they can’t say black people don’t vote cuz if we didn’t vote you wouldn’t get Obama twice if you didn’t vote you wouldn’t have Biden in the office all right if we didn’t vote you wouldn’t have had um Clinton in the office twice that that’s black votes that made all of that happen so the myth of the black person not voting even after getting the voting franchise is just a myth they may want us to vote more a larger percentage to vote but a larger percentage how much of the Latino Community vote but you ever hear anybody says Latinos don’t vote how many of the Asian Community vote but do you ever hear anybody say Asians don’t vote how much of the the the the German community don’t vote vote but you never hear nobody say the German community don’t vote why is this constant attack on the black community because you want to commit crimes against them and have them responsible for the crimes you commit against them and so after the 60s when you couldn’t defeat us with the vote we defeated you you couldn’t defeat us with a lot of the legalisms that came into labor laws that said you had to give us employment so the way you defeated us said we’re going to bring another employable population in the country that not going to ask for those labor laws to be enforced and put your butt on the sideline put you on the unemployment line and then we’re not going to give you unemployment that’s what happened in America big time Across America it hit me one day and I’m driving Highway 13 Going to Virginia to see my kids I had three of them in Hampton at the time and Carol and I and we just workingclass people who just got up first both of us in our family a first generation to go to college but all of our children have at least a master’s degree and some phds and two working on PHS because we understood what that mean and we’re not the only family that did that on from the Caribbean and the US almost all of us and my generation were first generation going to college and our kids went to college right you think the powers that beat it and see that and realize that one generation down the road that’s the ruling class the how do we stop that up upward growth you got to cut off the ability to get the income to send a child to school all right so that they can go to college and so they can move to the next level and put their children in college but one of the ways that did this was to flood the country with mo mo mainly the brothers and sisters came from Central South America um we call everybody that speaks Spanish Latino but the Spanish speaking Community is not homogeneous those who are Puerto Ricans not a part of that Community that’s coming at Honduras and and Nicaragua and those places and all of these countries the countries that America control economically politically and has overthrown every government down there and almost every government except the one in um I think um Nicaragua um is under American control to this day much of South America is under America control they couldn’t get Venezuela you know they have to some degree this government in Brazil even though with this new guy coming back in the government he’s still working as a part of that um group that’s controlling Haiti you know he still goes along with that program so they they they’ve brought in an alternative see you got to go back to the the Civil Rights Act of 65 all right because it’s dealing with a lot of the labor and employment issues in America for black people is removing all of the discrimination that’s blocking us from getting work and getting jobs in the different institutions and so they said okay we’ll bring in a population that’s not going to ask for Union they’re not going to ask for insurance because they’re in Jeopardy if they open their mouth I take the green card away if they open their mouth I will Deport them and they’re just poor people just like us who trying to make a living to feed their family cloth their family and have a better life for their family but they got something over their head they can’t put over the head of the black American but what they can do to you is make sure you’re not in the marketplace that the marketplace is still being filled with labor but it won’t be you and it worked because it happened so subtly and I remember one day I was going the Highway 13 to visit my children at Hampton for the weekend me and my wife and I saw one of the big farm trucks and all of a sudden I saw no blacks so going down I didn’t say nothing about it well coming back up 17 all the Farms along the Eastern Seaboard I see the same thing I see all the men on the back of the farm trucks but I don’t see no black folks and that happened within a 2-year period where those trucks were full of black laborers and then two years later not a single black laborer could be seen in those fields cuz have you ever drive driven 13 down south just Farms after Farms after farms for hundreds of miles right and the black labor was gone and then you saw the same thing in the city when I moved up to new relle out of Harlem New York all of the Yards were being done by black um what do you call it when you you do the lawn and huh landscap landscapers and and garden there’s not a single black company in new Rell any longer and all of the companies you see today are made up for younger brothers and sisters or even if the elder brother and sisters who are part of the new immigrant group that have come from Central South America now I’m not trying to put them down I’m trying to let’s be clear that I understand what the what this this immigration thing about because you change the category that anybody can cross your border I’m not talking about the people who come through the Border presents their paper you got corridors for that that’s not how most people are coming into America most people are coming to America by skirting that process you used to call them illegal immigrants now you refer to them as Asylum Seekers what Asylum what is going in their country that they’re seeking Asylum from that the Haitians isn’t seeking Asylum from but you turn the Haitian boat back and send them to drown at Sea you beat them with whips and riding on horses and you put them on a plane and fly them back to Haiti they have a worse Asylum situation than any place in Central South America so this isn’t about Asylum Seekers this is is about moving the black a black working class from the working underclass out of the marketplace cuz anytime you get trouble anytime you get demonstrations that’s the class that’s doing it it’s not the middle class it’s not the upper class it’s the working class and the underclass the lump and proletariat they’re clear on that in America we showed them that in the 60s and they said this will never happen again we will destroy the lump and proletarian class and put you under our feet and we’ll use drugs to keep you down and the police to enforce that and we replace you in the marketplace you’ll no longer be the restaurant workers you’ll no longer be the cooks in the restaurant you’ll no longer be the door man downtown Manhattan yes it all happen so suddenly subtly but look and see who’s there when I was there when my mom worked down with 77 Street I saw who the workers were now they’re sitting on corners hand getting jobs okay so their job is to sell the drugs that the intelligence apparatus allowed to come in this country to Haiti and other places which is a big conduit for that for the cartels drugs drugs is a multi-billion Dollar business okay it is we Pro Oliver North and and and general Secord and the flying the drugs into Arkansas um National Guard base while Clinton was the governor to buy guns from uh Iran to give to the cont to destroy the Nicaraguan Revolution if that didn’t tell us our government role in it that role never ended and it’s all tied into the inner city black community in terms of how you destroy a community especially the males in a community but you still need workers so what do you do when you destroy your working population at the bottom level you import another working population to do that and of course that population is a deprived people um hungry people starving people trying to become somebody people so you can’t blame the victim but at some point the victim got to realize I can’t sit by and continue to collaborate voluntarily or involuntarily with my enemy without my responding to your doing it because you have as much common sense as I do you see what’s going on what’s your thoughts on Haiti Haiti yeah Haiti is one of the greatest atrocities that black people from the Caribbean from CARICOM and the black caucus has ever allowed to be committed against black people in this hemosphere the crime of the US government against Haiti is being collaborated upon by the carom leadership and the black caucus in the United States Congress Hai is one of the wealthiest Islands in the Caribbean there’s not a single island in the Caribbean that has Hades wealth not one and yet it say impoverished as it is you ever heard of the core group you know who the core group is that’s running Haiti there a group called The Core group and listen to this well it’s made up of America France Britain Germany Israel and Canada and Brazil that Core Group their corporate structure is controling the gold mining in Haiti Haiti is estimated to have $30 billion worth of gold in the ground that’s an estimate the idium Haiti has the second largest deposit of idium in the world you know what that is South Africa right South Africa has the first and I think the third would be the Congo but Haiti is the second 50,000 an xks but the Haitians are not minding that the core group corporate structures mining that right Hades got copper major copper the core group is mining that hades’s gold the core group is mining that Hades has calcium deposit the core group is mining that hadia has natural gas and oil off of its Coast hades’s natural gas and oil deposits off the coast may be as big as Venezuela’s but America won’t allow them to to to drill and there’s more that’s not even touching this agriculture possibility Haiti has the greatest a greater agricultural capacity than any other island in the Caribbean that’s why the French didn’t want to let go of it in the in the haian revolution that’s what that was about with all of this why is there any poverty in Haiti now the countryes that just name as the core group America France Germany Britain Israel uh Canada and Brazil they’re called The Core Group they’re Gilbert an Israeli billionaire who’s the richest man in Haiti and one other um Israeli billionaire who is in charge of the goal he’s also the runner of the goal in the Congo and they all live right here in America and got homes in Haiti along with the group the other group is called the oligarchs the oligarchs are the Syrian and Lebanese collaborators who the Haitians brought in during the second world war to give them freedom from the ottoman Turk Empire those traitors turned on Haiti years ago and became the the the the collaborators that run the haian industry for the core group you know and these are the people who murdered president moish when he tried to get out from under them 3 years ago by going to Russia Mr Putin the Turkish government and the Venezuela government asking for help two months after he returned to Haiti they assassinated him you know and now they’ve put together they it’s these same groups that Finance all the guns that’s in the street of Haiti today cuz the people they call them barbecue and then the the CNN try to make sound like barbecue because they barbecu people in the street no his he was a police officer well trained by America right his mother used to sell barbecue on the sidewalk that’s how he gets the name barbecue like what happened to me and you if our mama was selling jerk chicken we would get to be the jerk boy you know H but the media makes it look like this because he barbecued human beings without saying it they implied it and he’s a policeman and many of the men that are supposed to be leading these gangs are ex policemen who are collaborators with that the the the the oligarch group on the ground the syrians the Lebanese and the Jews Israelis and they’re the ones that finan them because none of them have the money to buy guns and Haiti doesn’t make any guns so where’s all those modern high-tech weapons coming from that’s in their hands Hightech right so we got to be clear on what’s going on in Haiti the other thing with Haiti America have the largest Embassy in the western hemisphere in Haiti explain that what is the largest Embassy in the Western Hemisphere doing in this one of the smallest countries in the Western Hemisphere because that’s how America is running its intelligence operation to control the rest of the Western Hemisphere lastly the straight between Guantanamo Bay and Haiti where most of the world shipping gold to get to the Pacific they don’t go through the Panama Canal cuz the Panama Canal was in built for the Mega tankers and and and and um container ships that we have today so they passed between Cuba and and and Haiti America’s controlling most of those islands off of Haiti that borders onto Cuba as they still control Guan and Cuba to make sure that they control the flow of this commercial traffic of of um Maritime shipping that’s what’s going on down in Haiti and they could still do all of this without depriva and oppressing the Haitian people stop stealing their gold stop stealing their Diamond stop dealing the the the uranium stop stealing their copper let them drill for their oil if they did that every Haitian would be a millionaire tomorrow every single one but instead because the Skins are black and because of your hateful Vengeance for the defeat of Napoleon Napoleon bonapart French couldn’t defeat him the British couldn’t defeat him the Germans couldn’t defeat him the prussians couldn’t defeat him but a bunch of rag times Africans in Haiti defeated and broke the back of the best military that Napoleon could sent to the island including the killing of his brother-in-law Napoleon fell after the Haitian revolution because we broke their back and the Vengeance in their mind will never let them forget or forgive so that’s the situation with Haiti you know and we said I always remember our father desine he said Freedom or death there’s nothing in between those two choices Freedom or death and that’s what the Haitian people need to rise back to they need to rise back to desine standard of what freedom is you know but America Germany Britain France Israel um Brazil and Canada is who controlling everything on the ground in Haiti and they’re known to the UN and the world as the core group and the oligarch is the we see all these Lin people running around Haiti doing with guns in their hand doing the Earth quick nobody ever ask who they were that’s who they were and that’s who they are and they live in the Hills especially in the area called ponville with is 15 minutes drive down from bter Prince and they show you P the prince even after the rid cross raised all those billions of dollars they stole it and left Haiti the Clinton his wife stole 19 billion and left Haiti and none of that money was used to build Haiti and so when you see the rubble and pter Prince it goes back to the earthquake and they never fixed it you go right down the road to ponville and you think you in Broadway or Times Square where the rich light-skinned ones live and if you go the other way they were talking oh you can’t get any plane in there and CNM was was carrying out their job to do the setup for the American government yet planes was Landing every day in Cape Haitian where the white folks is walking around the beach like there’s nothing going on in in in Haiti you know so you put your gangs there you arm your gangs to keep this order while you try to reestablish control and now you’ve put together your Committee of seven and talking about bringing in policemen from Kenya what are you going to bring a thousand policemen from Kenya who don’t speak French who don’t speak Creo all right the Govern Haiti when you got 12,000 haian police you w train and you want arm you arm The Gangs better than you armed the 12,000 policemen that’s what’s going on in Haiti so wake up and be free Haitian people and black people African people in general study and learn the truth go to the free Haiti now foundation with dto and you will see what goes on in Haiti every day you know and the things I just told you that you didn’t know that these allegar and that runs Haiti these mixed race people that Haiti gave Refuge to in the second world war who now control that country and the people who they control it for the Nations that I name America France Germany Israel Brazil Canada and who I left that one France France that’s the core group that’s what they’re called The Core group and they’re the ones that have now put together under Biden’s Direction all right and and even when when when our little black president was in there he supported and control the same group of people he knew exactly um Obama what was going on in Haiti he collaborated with the killers and the murderers in Haiti the clintons collaborated with the killers and the murderers of Hast people in Haiti Biden is collaborating with the killer sorry and the murderous in Haiti let’s be free let’s tell the truth let’s stop the lying about the poor Andover people leave those people alone they can elect their own president they can choose their own government why you got to put together a committee of seven people to put together the government of Haiti for the Haitian people to put their together their own company then you got another group out here calling himself the Montana group you you heard of them never heard of they call them look it up look it up who’s this Montana group and you’ll see Ron Daniels involvement with him you’ll see Al chap involvement with them they’re sitting there as a part of this Core group of of this group of seven that is supposed to be now naming who’s going to be the leaders of Haiti who the hell are they the president I mean the mayor of New York you saw him standing with op having uh press conference but people didn’t pay to the press conference and what it was saying they was having a press conference tell these people to send Invaders In the Haiti to take over the Haitian government for the people the Haitian people are suffering they’re suffering because you oppressing them get the hell out of the country leave them alone take your guns back the UN passed an ordinance the law saying no guns should come into Haiti years ago where are these guns coming from the Haitian people don’t own the ports they don’t own the the airports you own it all you know so yeah that’s some of us happening in Haiti you know that people need to know [Music]


    1. I am going through some pressure right now from a racist medical establishment they basically refuse to treat my pain while they have me waiting for surgery. I try to inform the Caucasian doctors about my pain but they ignore me. That Iron God is definitely with me. These pain will definitely come to them or their family .


    3. 1. We cursed ourselves accepting the derogatory word ⚫️. We're beautiful shades of melanin brown. 2. I've NEVER seen a white or ⚫️ human in my 50 + years. 3. 98% of the so-called ⚫️ Americans will call themselves every other ethnicity or nationality EXCEPT who they really are, North American Indians….period. 4. Until the so-called ⚫️ American men call themselves who they really are & WHAT they represent, they ll stay on the bottom of the totem pole… period. wherever/ whenever I walk in a room midst others, I'm the Goddess, bow down! I'm too powerful for your European KJV Bible & all religions. Peace


    5. What he said about the military, I subconsciously understood when I was 21. I hate school was in college and joined the Army since I wasn't ready for school at the time. Now I'm in school with the Post 911 GI Bill and life is going well and looking to be better.

      Viv Jean-Jacques Dessalines the GREATEST man that ever lived ✊🏿❤️🖤💚🇭🇹 Liberté Ou La Mort

    6. Harp technology: That is how they F__k with the weather.

      They are "aacdentally" killing a lot of young black exmilitary personnel. They know what they train. There is no accident… it is deliberate… another way of using black people….

    7. Why is it that Black people in the Diaspora and in the African Continent in modern times, cannot uplift themselves, since Black people are the original people and built ancient civilizations?

    8. My conclusions also!Thank you Sir for your efforts to to wake society Up?I have one also in this B'S system that's going thru this right now?I tell Her just keep fighting and never forget who you are and what you stand for??A lot of our women don't care about them being used as log as them fund's keep coming?I always ask how much is enough??? You're a Modern Day tool for these Demon's!

    9. A Brilliant Elder he has been around a long time….and is wise in many things. Wish I could join his tribe. He has, facts from, experiences, teachings, research Knowledge he makes my hairs stand all the time like a true wisdom………love him. Many Blessings to him and to the interviewer thank you. Keep up the good works.

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