THE CIRCLE SEASON 1 (NEW MOVIE) – Ekene Umenwa,Stephen Odemgbe,King David,2023 Latest Nigerian Movie

    Greed,lies and karma is the other that plays in this intriguing movie .
    Stephen odemgbe out of his quest for wealth enouncouterd the priestess of the seven seas who’s mission is to empower the prophet of IDAN, He seeks for power for wealth and a ring of wealth is handed over to him which he was commanded to return the Ring the next day at 12pm bearing in mind that there will be consequences if not returned as instructed.
    Watch as the movie unfolds
    Directed by Goodnews Erico Isika
    Produced by Alex Ifeanyi Ogbodo
    Production company kleanson Concept

    Ekene Umenwa,Stephen Odemgbe,king Davies , Kennedy Samario,Doris Ugo,Prisma James,Queen Splendid

    [Music] [Music] body [Music] [Music] doctor d i I really am sorry I know how you feel I’ve instructed the accountant is to give you 200,000 nirra to bury your son [Music] yes I beg you for ordinary 30,000 na make you give me my youing [Music] my jum [Music] never be with [Music] again [Music] you fall wow [Music] please take Hur [Music] please stay gr no more hold your safe [Music] you find one [Music] [Applause] [Music] more [Music] haven’t you heard of first TV home of Nollywood movies subscribe now Fresh mly TV [Music] [Music] he [Music] ahahahahahahahahah [Music] a [Music] thank you very much Madam well you’ve not paid me now I have done it done it well you’ve not giving me any money what do you mean you’ve done it how much is the money 3,500 check your phone you receive an alert credit alert I didn’t give you my Account Details so how where did you send which credit Samuel son of O chuku grandson of Ero time is a valuable asset and I hate to waste it [Music] have a nice day Mis how did [Music] you welcome Ma thank you I need a room okay you can make your choice from this list man I’ll go for Kings all right please feel this [Music] form [Music] how many nights M two two nights are you paying cash or transfer I have made the transfer sorry ma I said I have made the transfer sorry Ma I don’t understand what you’re saying I can’t remember giving you any ban details besides I’ve been here with you I didn’t see you make any transfer can you stop embarrassing me and call whosoever you’re calling for confirmation hold [Music] on hello hello sir please did you receive any credit aler for a 50,000 n uh let me [Music] check what is the name um princess AUM sir princess yes yes I got it okay sir thank you sir all thank you I’ve received the alert I’m sorry for inconvenience key [Music] okay deporter will lead you to your room please take her to room [Music] 666 [Music] [Music] [Music] B [Music] hope you like it you may leave [Music] now and they said come onto me all ye dead labor in heaven lad for I will give you rest say apost can Dr Z your time of rest has come your time of peace has come Shak listen to me your worries are over says apost K I would like to see your in [Music] church bless you bless you daughter Z bless you I adore you great princess of the Red Sea the ritual shall be tonight midnight to be precise I have made a reservation for an Exquisite suit in a five star hotel the best in the city I have no Delight in your best be at Olive gate hotel tonight for the ritual okay great princess thank you very much great princess of the bir [Applause] [Music] sea what are you doing here not in Frank now I can’t see com in [Music] I told you to always call me if you want us to see no Frank I know but get better message I get to tell you to I just find out now I call you tell you for phone so what is it I go do test cuz I know since I find that now say I get Frank Junior Frank what you’re pregnant yes I get a for you why why do you always behave like a child why are you always careless huh I I don’t understand my love which one be say careless not be me and you do come bring the chicken corn which kind be that one me give you put why you come chat for me like this I take care let put now listen and listen good I do not know you you do not know me I am not responsible for that thing inside your womb so go and look for whatever wretched boy that got you pregnant I don’t understand you don’t understand who Beed boy picking with my w where you put the Cut Thing D leave my car okay oh wait Frank Frank so now you want tell me say because wait your class Frank but when you do me you tell me say now me be all and all say no matter My Level say you are with me I you love me now you don’t say I don’t be your class now you talk be frank you want talk I’m not down for this now you give me bense show me get get I’m down get I’m not down must come you see [Music] this don’t around there anymore [Music] don’t I know how you feel any woman in your shoes will feel the same way but you should also remember that we are humans and bound to make mistakes that is why they say to air is human but to forgive is divine find it in your heart to forgive us please I don’t hear everything you talk but sincerely speaking I ow nothing against you and your piing I know the for I don’t forgive before my I don’t forgive I know the for thank you so much my daughter you have a good heart God bless you [Music] amen um how is my grandchild doing my grandson who be your grandson wait now my Pi you refer to as your grandson I don’t understand which grandson my Pi not be your grandson you don’t get any grandson your pres your give me which call me grandson for I my be your grandon H calm down my child we all know the truth my son told me the truth before he died I’m not here I don’t know your don’t tell you but may I remind you in you don’t forget come for everybody don’t come how many so which I beg I beg I iesp I let’s put all that behind us [Music] now let by gon be by gon we have a whole lot waiting for us in the [Music] future let’s not be dwelling in the past please my child I know it has not been easy taking care of the boy all alone all these years that is why I am here to appreciate you in my own little way and take up the responsibility from here here here is a check of 3 million naira take it use it as you want look for another apartment this place is so dirty oh my god oh moving with me feel comfortable you have anything anything just name it you see one they like to make rich people my friend you see like to associate myself with rich people because insult person just they talk you never talk you come find you don’t they insult me your wellbe wellbe [Music] yes so you need for your eye I go cut my I don’t get clothes mind yourself mad I want insult you I want the best for you and the [Music] boy com [Music] [Music] in thank you you’re [Music] [Music] welcome I’m sorry ma for disturbing see here when we sell food collect money cuz our management forbids forbids and customers posting posting their bill so please I need money for the [Music] food I understand how much much is it it’s [Music] 3,850 including the room child how do you want it cash or transfer anyone anyone is fine but but I prefer cash cuz I didn’t come up with a PS machine you have it I said you have it it check your pocket my pocket m i he not giving me money now I just dropped [Music] the that will be all for [Music] now get [Music] out [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my co my [Music] [Music] Ma [Music] it is time come and have intercourse with the seven powers of the Red [Music] Sea [Music] [Music] who could she be how could someone possess such strange powers that she could command money at will no she can’t be human that lady is spiritual and that kind Spirit did change person life I I I won’t let her go like that to she must change my story she must make me Rich I I can’t encounter such it and remain poor this opportunity cannot pass me by h no no no I must have to do something how can the way she’s commanding things just like that no no this is spiritual I must meet [Music] out of the Red Sea the Red Sea the r SE [Music] prin the S powers of the Red Sea [Music] you have been endued with the seven powers of the Red Sea whatever your mind can conceive your words will create I welcome you into the real of Limitless possibilities PR this ritual shall be completed tomorrow night it shall be a night of blood you will offer a female Virgin of not more than S years of age to seal this Covenant [Music] [Applause] [Music] seven powers of the Red [Music] Sea [Music] Prin [Music] [Music] princess [Music] the seveners of the Red [Music] Sea haven’t you heard of first Mar TV home of Nollywood movies subscribe now fres Nolly TV what


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