The future is becoming more Orwellian every day.

    I’m on tenter Street in Sheffield and I worked around here for 15 years for HSBC on the right hand side in their it headquarters it was a fully functioning two lane road were absolutely brilliant now what they’ve done is they put in a cycle Lane on either side you can see the cycle Lane is actually wiing the foot PA then there’s a bit of green then you’ll have one lane of traffic in either direction then you’ll have another cycle Lane and another foot path on the other side it’s costing them 16 and 1 half million to do this then up here we had another fully functioning roundabout and what they’re doing is they’re making that into a junction I think there may be traffic lights there when they talk about reducing pollution with the crazy ideas on oneway systems they actually create more pollution this whole area if people I work with 20 years ago came around here they wonder where they were here you can see the new CER Tower going up I think there’s three towers all together this one’s certainly going up I think it’s going to be somewh like 27 stories so saying about 16 at the moment 17 so it’s still got a long way to go I think another one of the towers will be here be one tall tower and then I think a tower either side it don’t quite look like the artist in impression that road fully closed off but this was all our industry on this side and it’s crazy to just focus on the service sector we need to generate some real productivity and profits and I think that’s only be going to be done by rebalancing the industry back to a modern competitive industry and reducing some of the health and safety and getting a cheaper energy Supply so we can produce cheaper in the UK but to me this in the future that some people claim I think we’re going back into the Dark Ages with all of this it’s just more student Flats rabbit ERS Etc but that’s just a quick update from C Tower and tenter Street in Sheffield


    1. what a waste of money how many cyclists do you see in sheffield especially going to work,that area now is mainly students and alot of Chinese and like you said single lane traffic causes more pollution,they haven't got a clue and many years ago used to go to croft house to the gym and do work on weston tower which is now run down.

    2. Crikey moses. I don't recognise that as Tenter street at all Tim. Why so many hi-rise buildings? I looks awful and as you say a huge waste of money. There are other areas of Sheffield that need investment more than this monstrosity. Is this to do with the Chinese again?

    3. I long ago gave up road bikes in Sheffield.Its deadly.Brook Hill roundabout,Shalesmoor Langset Road,Halifax Road,Crookes Road,you name it.Bits here,bits there.Most cycle lanes simply run out of advise you to dismount etc etc.Usual joke like the empty green buses and the tram which leaves out the serious jams because of the paucity of the tracks.

    4. is that just the lift shafts, which they usually build first, then the apartments will be built around them?

    5. As a resident who lives on the roundabout (was roundabout now junction) who drives and cycles…. what a waste of money. Stupid and if it isn't broken don't fix it

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