RideLondon 2024 Stage 1 Finish.

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    as you can see now the gaps developing towards the back of the group it is indeed here come Canyon sham Tiff Cromwell on the front it’s amily dedrion for the Uno X team they’ve put Maria Julia confalonieri where they want to put her Mike Evander down moving up for Canyon Shram Lorena VIIs looking comfortable poised and ready in position the canyon Shram team talking into the radios just to see uh where they are there’s Sariah Paladin Lizzie dner now moving up with Leal track in formation here they come in those yellow red and blue colors and keki and everyone just getting squeezed here 2.7 kmet to go the world Champs rainbow jersey just gets shuffled back in the pack Here Comes sanguinetti it’s Flur Moos now that takes over on the front here for leadle Tre sanguinetti D caponi the French Rider here for the leel Trek team everyone just getting directed around the traffic Islands down the center Georgie has got Cole right on the wheel Ms putting in a big turn here looks like Lena Vias is just on the right hand side behind Barbara gishki So Barbara gishki signed into this team to be that real wing woman for Lena Vias but they are scattered throughout the front of this pelaton they’re not together as one unit as are the team of DSM and little Tre here and X now trying to bring Maria Julia conal oneri up to position they are indeed DSM firming it Posta now we know how patient that they are in these lead outs we got a a swinging big left hand turn and then it Bears around with 800 meters to go amily drion the former world champion keeping the pressure super high now on the front this is this big traffic Island that we were talking about everyone going that have to go the long way around they swing big sweeping right around here out of the saddle on the front drickson will get back on the gas here and keeping Maria Julia C con foner up towards the front but the big question is are they on the front too early yeah I would say so this is going to be a huge turn for amily drion now leading out Maria Julia conal oneri still over a kilometer to go that’s that left hand turn just over a kilometer to go they’ll go through the FR flam Rouge and then that final right hand turn comes with 800 M to go gishki keki fidaner is there in the red and blue colors for serat is it WT or is it duta they’re just talking into the radios just trying to find each other AG Insurance sudal moving up that flam Rouge Here Comes fight for Georgie gishki out of the saddle they’re trying to keep control here for Lena vus foner is going to surf this one oh a little bit of a coming together just at the bottom of your picture there Ali walliston getting brought up towards the front LTE keki is going to launch Lorena Eis towards the line here SD Works have got the front here comes shalot Cole Cole’s going to go left but keki still on the front Lorena Vias starts to Sprint pster is also there Lorena Vias Here Comes Patos about Vias is going to take the stage renov Evis pays back the team patosa caponi confalonieri and shalot Co the order across the line Lorena Vias what a Sprint wow absolutely incredible sprinting there by Lena Vias on her quest for that hatrick what a lead out you would say from that through the chaos and the Mayhem they Barbara gishki keki taking over at the end to to all the Rena had to do there was just put the letter in the letter box lot of keki looks like she’s been out on a Sunday stroll there what a lead out it was yeah Bara gki like you saying lot of keki as Lina Vias takes on a beetro Juice by the looks of things just trying to control that lactic acid a little bit of a lactic buffer I believe beat TR juices but yeah Barbara gki I mean you can just see the the power of teamwork in a finale like that it was pretty chaotic coming into that final uh turn with 800 met to go a traffic Island to contend with charot call had to go so early

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