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    DM me here if you want to take this motorcycle off my hands and make it go faster!
    Max’s video:

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    I’m about to build a motorcycle for the very first time with hopes of riding it on the super famous Road in California here’s why I bought one a few years ago because we were moving from Atlanta to La I had always wanted one and the idea of riding in Southern California made me finally pull the trigger but there was one Road in particular that I was oddly excited to ride on mahand drive it’s this road that goes through the Hollywood Hills that’s become famous for motorcycling because of its twist turns and crazy views of the city I’ve lived in La 2 years now and somehow still haven’t done this on top of that my motorcycle’s broken so if I actually want to ride Mahal and drive I either have to get it fixed or build one yeah I think I’m going to build one he thinks he’s going to build one now my broken motorcycle has a 250cc engine which is pretty small so if I am going to build one it only seems appropriate to as the ancient saying goes put more engines so yeah we’re going to go with this Behemoth 420 CC’s and 13 horsepower engine weighing a whopping 75 lb I’m realizing now that this is actually like way too big and I should not buy it I bought it anyways now if you’re thinking I’m going to mount this to a bicycle you’re wrong I’m mounting it to a recumbent bicycle I don’t know what recumbent means but I know it’s this potentially the most elegant bike ever made the recumbent bicycle is loved by the elderly it’s built for comfort and for Speed due to its reclin position and low center of gravity these Beauties will run you anywhere from 1,000 to $8,000 and somehow I scored this sucker for $100 on Facebook Marketplace 100 bones 100 bones com back 100 [Music] bones jealous jealous if I’m going to put a 75lb engine on the back of this dinky boy it’s got to be right so if this engine’s going to go on the Caboose here I’m thinking One support straight up One support all the way back and then another support engine there gear here chain there sounds like a foolproof print sounds like a foolproof PL that’s a hard hard to say and even harder to execute I very quickly realized I didn’t really know where to begin if I’m being honest so I just kind of started cutting things hitting things drilling things but I did know that if I wanted this to be technically defined as a motorcycle I had to rip off the pedals this is the longest bike chain I have ever seen I started off day two with a ton of Welding which I’m still very new at but this may be my best welding I’ve ever done which put me in a great mood from there I put the engine supports together super fast pretty good my janky platform was surprisingly sturdy good I mean yeah yeah it was all going pretty well till day three when I had my major problem alert I realized that I need to get power from the left side of the bike to the right side sounds simple it’s not I’ve got to build two chain assemblies held together by an axle I guess which is way above my pig grade but I will figure it out as long as I stop thinking about tomor don’t stop it’ll soon be here it’ll be here than before yesterday’s gone goone after 9 days of building it was finally time to find out if this thing worked all I had to do now is use a masterlink to connect this chain but since I don’t really know what I’m doing I asked my artificial intelligence friend m chat gbt for help that sounds like a cool project how’s it going pretty good but is there a specific direction that I’m supposed to put on the fastener for the master link when you’re putting on the master link make sure the closed in faces the direction the chain moves that way it won’t catch on anything while you’re [Music] riding okay what I may not have understood it but I did exactly what she said because I need a fast bike to take you down my Holland Drive it’s finally time to find out if this work is finally going to pay off anything is better than this bike not moving I should hope this works works works so I remember it was running andine running good ring loud just like engine picked up the back check the spin sh exploded and just ra my skin hi hi had a feeling I was going to die I I should have never trusted my AI my AI if you like see learn from me learn from me and never trust chain guard [Music] if you wake up don’t smile if it takes just but yeah it still didn’t work and at this point I’m 11 days in and I need answers so naturally I flew to London to find them now I mostly flew there to hang out with my friend Max fos but he said he would help me figure out my whole motorcycle dilemma while I was there what I didn’t know was that he was going to surprise me with a game of paintball playing against the British Special Forces it was extremely painful a a and resulted in an Incredible video that you should watch right after this now we also went to a soccer game and right in the middle of it Max says now did I tell Max to say that yeah I did once I got back home to the states I did the old sprocket Switcheroo and put a bigger sprocket on the left side and a smaller sprocket on the right side The Hope was that this would lower the torque and allow the bike to actually move and just in case it decided to explode again I was prepared I started to barely throttle it when wait oh my gosh it just moved which means motorcycle test number one was about to begin let’s see if this works 3 2 [Music] 1 oh oh no way okay okay okay easy easy girl easy girl no no no way no way no no way drive chain definitely fell off but man I mean we were going it worked for a second there’s hope there’s hope there’s hope there’s hope there’s hope there’s hope and I needed it because I had no idea how I was going to get this thing going as fast as a real motorcycle when all of a sudden you like my motorcycle I made it I’m fast going to go on then uh 420 CC’s so how fast can you go this was test number one really yeah good luck man thank you thank you I want to show him I will get this thing riding on my Holland Drive if it’s the last thing I do first I’ve just got to figure out how to make it stop breaking down every 14 seconds also do you guys hear [Music] that what oh it’s just my monthly kiwi Co create perfect timing yes kiwo offers monthly crates delivered to your door inside these crates are these really fun DIY projects 9 different lines to choose from for literally every age from newborn to 100 years old I love that the supplies you need plus the instructions to guide the way that are easy enough for kids to follow so when I’m really stumped like this you know trying to build a motorcycle can’t figure it out kind of stumped I have found that if I give my brain a break and do a different cre creative activity like building headphones I almost always come to the solution afterward you can definitely tell that these projects are designed by experts plus I’ve Ed these headphones to make all the music that you’ve heard in this video if you wanted to buy the stereo headphone project by itself in the Kiwi Co store totally could but if you wanted the better deal monthly subscription is probably the way to go I didn’t know that me neither go to / Preston for 50% off your first crate of a monthly subscription using Code Preston all right if I want this bike to ride like a horse I think I know what I need to do if a chain isn’t tight it’ll fall off that’s why I made this unfortunately the force of the chain bent it it used to be straight because it wasn’t straight the chain kept falling off why so with my new stronger chain tensioner I just welded hypothetically this bike should fly and just to make sure I painted it because I’ve heard Orange has at least 8 horsepower so say goodbye to tailwind and hello to well I actually don’t have a name yet which is why I made this post asking you guys for name ideas and whichever one of these 1,00 names has the most lik will be the name given to my motorcycle tomorrow morning as we take on Mighty mahand drive and now a few things my bike is up against number one it’s important to note that cops love mahalan Drive There’s an actual YouTube video titled mahalan cops compilation they love one area specifically that’s titled the snake super sharp turns motorcyclist people with fast cars this is where they go so if you’re wondering wait pressing like how are you going to avoid the police I’m just not going to go there I’m going to go to a different part of mahand because I’m more here for the view anyway I just want to I want to see a beautiful sunrise so I will leave the house tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. be the only vehicle on the road would that would be cool uh and and see the sunrise and I hope the Bike Works so Mo and Ken arrive at dawn the next morning and ask them what they think she’s going to burn I did find out quickly that she doesn’t go [Music] backwards and that’s okay because life is about moving forward also mahall Drive is pretty far from me so we loaded up in a U-Haul pickup truck and I sat in the back and I didn’t really need any help holding the bike upright which felt kind of good help help help help help help Mo’s help felt better we got to mahand right as the day began and prepared for the first ride on my completed motorcycle also known as oh wait the name no name on it I am proud to say that out of 1100 names you guys chose the most creative yet thoughtful name for my bike vehicle vehicle vehicle face I can’t think of a better name myeh vehicle vehicle face I can’t think of a better name vehicle vehicle vehicle fing think of better in my shouldn’t vehicle vehicle vehicle face I can’t think of a better in my shouldn’t vehicle vehicle face I can’t think a better I fired up the engine it sounded [Music] good but then it kind of died and then it came back to life vehicle vehicle f I can’t but I will say watching the engine just die like that made me kind of Unsure how my most recent modifications on the bike would actually hold up on top of that there were like way more cars there than I thought there would be but we are here this street in front of me is mahand drive and the Beautiful scenic view that I’ve imagined driving my motorcycle down is just 5 minutes away I just don’t know if my motorcycle can function for 5 minutes yeah you’re good yes yes I couldn’t believe it I’m waving to strangers I’m so excited I kept it slow and steady just to make sure everything was functioning before I really throttled it and the best part was all I had to do was make it around this little turn here and we’d be there but then I heard this sound that my friends is the sound of a chain that has fallen off which means my strong new chain tensioner I built well so it broke immediately um can you so that laugh was definitely before I looked at anything that had happened it was worse than I thought I brought tools and stuff but quickly realized that there may just be some fundamental design issues here that may not allow me to go further than 15 ft without a breakdown I am also the type of person in moments like who quickly Begins reframing the situation to a glass half full perspective I think it’s mostly to avoid pain if I’m being honest because failure just sucks and it hurts but there’s also this other side of me that does believe in failure and how necessary it is when you’re trying to build something because it exposes your weak points and your odds of finding the solution actually go up and yeah hopefully the solution I just found will hold long enough to get me around the corner I started off flying I don’t know if I really was [Music] though all right it’s right around the corner we seeing the F coming up you got it baby make it make it make it [Music] stop stop soon be be yesterday gone Yesterday’s Gone don’t stop thinking about tomorrow don’t stop it soon be here it’ll be here better than before so yeah my motorcycle has a huge engine and is ironically slow it also breaks constantly but I built this and I’m proud of that and you know what they say adversity builds character it also builds vehicle M vehicle face who I think deserves to go faster I also think the four cars behind me would probably agree so if you think you can make this thing go at least 50 mph please DM me on Instagram I need your help thanks for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one vehicle M vehicle MC vehicle face I can’t think a better name my B should bre vehicle MC vehicle vehicle f


    1. If you want to ride better, not to shake like that, I suggest you to buy some wider wheels, get rid of those classic bicycle wheels

    2. scrap the complicated mechanical issues altogether and go electric! use the motor to make a generator to charge it! 😀

    3. It's football not soccer welcome to England the bike looks fast might as well rolled down the rd 😂😂😂

    4. Tip: Combustion engines usually have more power the faster they spin (to a point). More bangs = More fast
      Electric motors don't have that problem

    5. Spring load the chain tensioner and use bearings so the tensioner rolls with the chain.. this will resolve the issues youre having!

      You was very lucky when that chain snapped, stay away from moving chains and belts, the result is horrific if hit by them. New sub, keep making great content (safety)

    6. One suggestion, I am building a three-wheeler. Therefore, to make it go faster, use a Go-kart engine. With a mower engine, it has a clutch in the engine, A Go-kart engine has no clutch, that is where you get the speed. Plus, the Go-kart engine has a clutch mounted to the side of the engine to where u give it throttle, you GO. I am sorry I cannot spell the word. "T-force clutch". Good Luck! Steve

    7. The handling is going to be terrible with the engine so high up on the back of the bike (ask me how I know) . You'll want to add weight to the front of the bike, or move the engine/ rear wheel

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