Danny has been taking your recommendations of where to find the best fish and chips and you’ve all been telling him to get down to Hornsea in the East Coast of Yorkshire to try their offerings!

    nothing then guys how you doing back on the road again so today me and CER with the T have a drive out and try Nettles we’re going to make some nettle soap I am only kidding we are in that beautiful Seaside Town Village little place called Hy and in onet is located the UK’s number one best rated fish and chip shop it’s one Awards apparently this place is the number one place I want to try it because you know me fish and chippies with a little Dippy it’s going to go a long way white EDS that’s the name I’m coming for you we’re going to try it Seaside let’s go baby so when we are looking on our uh you know notifications and emails and recommendations that are coming in this place has been on and we’ve just not come this side you know of uh to get to it’s been recommended I don’t know how many times fishing chip shops you always go to a fishing chip shop at any CI place and it’ll always have been nomin for an award or one but some of the highest accolades that you can get from fish and chip shops this place gets them consistently all right look at that Pad but that’s cameraman is it that yours cameraman so we’re here in ay what a very nice place it is let me tell you I’m looking forward to trying white heads because like I said I’ve seen the comments I’m thinking when we down that neck at Woods we’ve definitely got to try out I love fishing chip as you know you know is it going to be in beef dripping are they going to have pies are they going to sell GP that’s an issue these days the fishing chip sh do they have gravy hopefully you never know but it’s a nice place around here nice place to live in it hay hay do Club we’re not far off we’re not4 mile away 1 minute I’m hoping that there’s not much of a queue because apparently on some days they can be queuing all way around Street all way around block I couldn’t mind up what to put on to be honest I’m like should I put t-shirt on jump on should i b coat on it’s one of those days right here we go tur it turn it turn out as my dad would say turn out I thought it to be uh safe don’t J little counselor stay around here look telling me to go up here is it over here that is oh look at that big sign will put up you can see it white head’s National fishing she might go here actually backk up here just how can we get down here try and get down here okay this oh we can’t get there can we I love it job I’m not excited about trying white I don’t know what’s going on oh I can see some I don’t know if it’s a pie or what oh he’s just Chu me spot that lad all right we’ll go go around here we go around the mberry bush the mberry bush the mberry bush there we go we’ll go here we’re going to pull up here we’ll walk across grass right then we go look BOS the way look go [Music] guys so it looks placey though chip shop looks like it’s got a bit of a restaurant as well if you want to sit in I’m looking forward to this cameraman let’s go see what’s happening look see what I mean it’s sunny but there’s a little little bit of a breeze as well little bit of a chill hey it’s a fair old place that is it cameraman can you cut across grass some places you can’t go on grass now can you well do you know what we take it short cu we’re going straight across greenage it’s been freshly cut for us hope there’s no dog poo right here we go right cameraman let’s have it what do you mean oh he’s got his white tea ends on again guys so he doesn’t want to be walking across the green grass that just been cook cuz they’ll get grass stains we’ll have to go back to Turkey and watch them drop Rush on floor again and clean them I proper got fleece there didn’t I see saw me coming that bloke oh oh I’m going to start doing that dropping me table on me chair I don’t know whether I need to take this jumper off get what backs up there backman careful he trainers we don’t be getting no grein on him as bad as me with green and salad a you’re going to get R another now right fish and chip shop of the Year award 2023 National winner I’m sure they’ve won it 2024 as well thought he were coming up behind me fast then thought I’m laughing at you getting knocked over it’s nearly do me SL bat oh right at this hey was that decking outside it’s t thought somebody put Decking at wall oh it smells nice oh this smells good this mate smells really good right let’s go on in and see what’s happening all right guys at this hey guys you all right very well thank you so what we got here then come out and try is that is that the fish there yeah anden mushroom lovely lovely oh filling it up today what’s that that’s in there now is that just your regular right so I put regular regular small any of the fish we do in the there yeah I’ll just have a regular hadic then please regular yeah yeah just the one just the one please mate yeah right I’ll take clear y so I’ll have a regular Haden Chips please yeah can I have one of the uh is it sage and onion did you say the patties yes I’ll have one of them and then let’s try a a chicken and mushroom pie please uh and then here we go I can I have a a peas please yeah a curry Y and a gravy please yeah and that’s it uh just a water please if you’ve got some oh I’m not beer today I wish I I know I know one please love yeah can I get salt and vinegar on it all as well pleas to bring it out for you that’ll be nice thank you very much that for you are you all right with those books or you the bigger ones whatever whatever I’ll be dipping in with my hands on a Forks or whatever one you want that’s 1920 then all together thank you no worries love there you go can I get a receipt as well please all right we don’t do receipts you don’t no this SE oh well I’ll just remember it can there we are want thank you very much thank you br vegar to you if you want yeah that’s brilliant thank you thank you right C let’s go all right Paul how you doing right Cameran yeah that smells good sun’s out sun’s out buns out yeah your fishy Chi is right let’s get set up here so we’re not inway so we’re quite lucky today at the moment there is people in and out there’s quite a few people in restaurant usually it’s packed out this place so right so we bought what’s that like some kind of buzzer going on I think it means that fish and chips is ready right here we go guys Bosch oh oh might be all right might just get shadowed May don’t fish but we’re all right so that blowing is it right so we’ve got fish and chips $ 1095 it’s not too bad that you know sage and onion Patty 2 quid chicken and mushroom pie 185 that’s all right a it 185 peas Curry gravy 1 10 each bottle of water 1 10 19 20 pricewise I don’t think that’s too bad to be honest with you I think we’ve got decent bit of food there decent bit of money like I say I think the the cost of fishing chips these days can can push up to 15 quid all right guys how you doing good man I’m waiting for me there looking forward to this yeah did you come here regular it’s ready did you come regular yeah I live the yeah nice yeah yeah about the best one in yeah yeah so I’ve heard okay roll me sleeves up get ready to dig in all right mate cheers Paul thank you thank you so it’s a like I say it’s a decent Siz place you’ve got decent size you know takeaway part there F’s going on and then next door you’ve got the the sit down restaurant they’ve got all their accolades on the on the on the walls and the things that’s going on like I said they’ve won last year best fishing ship Shop restaurant this year I think it was uh sustainability that’s really good yes mate picture course you can Paul course you can you all right yeah than you yeah not bad mate not bad what are you up to today ay skate park yes the old school when it was first go have you seen the clown bike the what clown bike I’m going to have to have a look at this I wonder why car will give him me eyeball Oh my days mate you you like that yeah yeah there’s a few more down here let’s have a photo and then I want to see you b along here on this bike oh God I’m checking a bit check mate you want me to take it for you well we’re all right there come on and show us how you ride this what the heck strawberry fruit lollies I’m standing out Road Fab I slly oh wow man I couldn’t even climb up on that no that’s so scary for me that oh my days so what is it like sound tricks and stuff yeah it’s painted as a Fab ice three BMX FR on top of each other who made that you wow cleck windows up top with that well that we don’t go handle B you’ll get nose blade it’s good that mate [Music] I’d have a sponge in me me washing top of this for these guys to get five quid it’s a pleasure to meet you yeah nice to meet you mate that’s class is that if I wasn’t so heavy I’d have had to go but I might I might think not a chance mate not a chance cameraman’s like get on it you too mate you too what’s that van [Music] back huh I can’t oh can’t remember last time I rode a bike I think I’ve told story before when I were riding a bike and I campsite and I went over a speed bump I think I about 12 something like that and this woman went running to her mom and dad and said Your son’s gone over handlebars on his bike cuz I gone flying over and they said I think he smashed all his teeth in so Mom and Dad comes running down my dad just comes walking up and go was is the E I got Burger in mouth I’ve gone over moned Burger boom it thing gone over she’s thought I’ve got a mouth full of teeth with a mouth full of burger and ketchup what’s that beep I’m glad that sun’s out to be honest cameraman I can’t see you enjoy cheers guys look at that oh Big Fish g box Big Fish Little Fish cboard Box it is it’s get so we’re on we’ve got it it’s just just going to past 12 people are in and out I think is it gluten free see thing on there that’s little just oh here we go here we are gentlemen there she is look service with a smile oh look at that beautiful right so i’ brought you some proper knives and FKS otherwise you’ve got those ones the little ones underneath all your meals and I brought you an extra bottle of water it is hot have you got me a peas me c they’re in your boxes are they they in here yeah in you’re a good are you all right thank you very much some lemon there as wellem some lemon thank you very much thank you oh there you are B you a bottle of water look I’m going to give you that just so that people know you get some and you might get a bit of lemon if you’re if you if you’re a good boy oh so we have got the sage and onion Patty in there with the curry sauce we have got the pie with gravy you should I tell me some here then oh I tell you something that’s an heavy box that you know that is an heavy box let’s just pop this treay on here well I think they’ve got all in the exhaust camera man need to get that sorted out got it no man I thought you got all in your exhaust then yeah is that just how it is take it back may make get a bit of that right who now that is so this is a regular hadock that looks beautiful that looks like it is fried wow to Perfection we have got some nice chunky chips there so I’m just going to tap it before I oh yes that is crispy I’m going to put some salt and vinegar on bit of vinegar and then I do a little bit more salt that’s how I do manine let’s get a bit on here yeah that soaking in there while cameraman’s in he’s like Johnny the sun’s out I can’t do it right he’s more bit chip spice right at this I’m going to put it all together in a big line woo so PE gravy w what oh that’s a nice onion gravy that you know oh that could be the winner that’s it job done we’ve got onion gravy we are on all right bit of lemon what what you going for cameraman he’s like yeah looks good like w looks good let’s wet the whistle wetting the whistle I’m dribbling down my chin he having a look at fish look oh soaking in that vinegar soaking in that vinegar right I’m going to start I’m going to go bump bump bump like that so let’s start off we have got what’s known as the whole patties this is the o s and onion one look at that oh guys oh it just smells like it’s like my Sund dinner stuffing how we go with this nice and crispy batter oh my God wow that wow bit fish crunchy crunchy butter you’ve then got M onion that is absolutely gorgeous let’s dip it in this onion gravy Travis I’m ding to Travis gravy oh my de that guys is absolutely fabulous crunchy crunchy crispy but just what you want and then that soft potato in there with so much flavor in there that is just absolutely gorgeous that in a bread cake with a bit of gravy on that that that’s my meal right let’s move on I said I wanted to try more pies got a nice beauty pie I like to turn the pies upside down can get straight into filling then let’s go for this see what we’ve got oh I’ve gone for chicken and mushroom big bits look at that so you’ve got a nice that is a nice thick pastry there beautiful bit of chicken let’s try this wow nice and soft it’s the pastry decent texture to it the top of it I’ll pull it off nice and crispy flaky just how you want the pie to be this filling look at that that’s not like some chicken pies they don’t have big lumps of chicken in like that it’s usually smaller it reminds me very much of chicken soup this is a meaty meaty pie a beautiful creamy sauce got a nice bit of a peppery taste you can taste the mushroom look at that how creamy that is wow I think like 180 F pie let try some mushy Peas on my pie pie and peas proper y meal oh they’re good onion gravy I’m only giving you a little drizzle cuz you know where that’s going in a minute don’t you mixed in there WHMI peas let get a bit of it’s buzzing again I reckon it’s F restaurant that to tell him it’s ready beautiful pie wow guys that is amazing as you can see I’ve turned it let’s turn it the right way up so you’ve got a beautiful crunchy crispy top nice bit of filling in there nice nice big thick P pastry going around the outside in the bottom combine that with the peas and the gravy that’s amazing why are we not having more pies at fish shops CU some of them now they don’t even do them here we go this is what we’re com for so this has been classed as the UK’s number one fish and chips looking at it all right I’ve got a piece of hadock today looking at it visually it looks amazing we have got some beautiful beautiful chunky chips here let’s get into them let’s get rid of that oh look at that you open them up look at all that fluffy potato inside that there oh wow red up that is absolutely gorgeous these chips they’ve got a crispy crunch on the edge of them look at that you open them up just proper Fluffy t oh my good right the only thing we haven’t tried sauce Wise It’s the curry sauce I’m going to dip a chip in just find a fat one look at that so I put a bit of Chip spice on these as well look at it wow get that in there oh my days looks a nice color this you know oh that is beautiful a nice fruity curry sauce a little bit of spice right I want to try that again cameraman yeah it’s good H right so I’ve gone for hadock today just because they look nice in there Cod usually a little bit thicker but I’ve gone for the heck I’ve had it soaking in vinegar oh look at that pull back that batter Oh my days look at that it just pulls back oh my god wow it’s nice beautiful crispy light fluffy batter it’s got a beautiful crunch to it you pull it back on the fish look at that all right Paul you have got just the most beautiful white piece of adct there there Wow Let’s have a go with this oh my IDE cameraman look at that white flaky pieces of adct cook to Perfection you’ve got still a nice wetness to the hadock it’s soft full of flavor but the batter that’s on there is so crispy delicate it’s absolutely amazing wow right you know what time it is let’s get some peas on we’ll get some Curry on we then we’re going to get this beautiful beautiful onion gravy mix it up mix it up baby it’s that a go oh look at it just a fish is just wow oh my days guys it’s beautiful there’s a little fly that’s just jumped in he wants a piece there’s just I don’t know what else I can say the chips I love the chips because they’re so chunky the beautiful bits of hadock flake off the condiments that go with it are amazing wow right let’s go through it so I started off with the old Patty the T the SED onion beautiful beautiful crispy crispy bit of skin there well skin should I say batter bit of batter right you’ve then got the potato the SV the onion in there absolutely beautiful it’s crunchy it’s fluffy it’s an absolute Delight to bite into and the cheapest chips cheapest chips of them things absolutely bang on I then moved on to the pie chicken and mushroom pie right the pastry around the edge and the bottom beautiful beautiful thickness got a nice crispy crusty top which is what you want but the chicken filling nice lump a chicken a beautiful creamy sauce nice bit of flavor to it as well bit peppery which I like that tried it with the peas beautiful peas lovely onion gravy bang it with that pie we need more pies we need more pies absolutely gorgeous that is really you know I think it’s 180 so excuse me 180 190 for the pie wow what a meal get pie and chips for two and a half quid you laughing aren’t you well like that then these chips look at them chunky little bits of TIY soft and fluffy tastes absolutely great melt in your mouth bang on but the fish you know I’ve like this one I’ve beautiful beautiful lightly battered nice crispiness to it hadock hadock fill it itself look at that still got a nice wetness to it it’s nice and juicy an absolute piece of fish is that for me guys you know the cie the peas the gravy bang on this has been voted the UK’s number one fishing chip shop I’ve done quite a few usually I like it when it’s I’ve got that really strong beef dripping taste nah this is just fish and chips cooked at its best absolutely bang on so if you’ve been here to wh heads let me know what you think if you’ve not been definitely come down and try it out it’s worth the trip for me guys it’s a nice solid 10 right but I’m going to put this out there people ask me what’s my favorite fish and chip shop there one that I did in York that’s always stuck in my mind I think this has just pipped it if I’m honest with you it’s clean it’s fresh it’s tasty it’s just what I want out of traditional British Fish and Chips well done to these guys I’ll see you next time cameraman I’m going to Chuck you a few quid you can get your send some dinner today you get that’s brilliant no way can you like yeah that’s brilliant five five five out of I do out of 10 maybe you have to wait and see yeah yeah it’s good what did you get we I got the uh regular adic with chips I got the SED onion Patty I got a chicken and mushroom pie and then a peas uh C and gravy yeah yeah yeah that regular adct nice


    1. You seem like a lovely chap mate, and I wish you all the success in life but if you keep eating all the processed food you will have a heart attack. Hate to be doom and gloom but felt the need to say it.

    2. Absolutely the right way to apply salt n vinegar Danny. And great work by the cameraman with the old couple, had me in tears here 🙂

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