Despite a big crash late, Project Echelon Racing overcame tough conditions to sweep the podium in the 2024 USA Cycling Pro Road Nationals Elite Men’s Criterium. Watch live and on-demand:


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    ERS that were willing to get out here see Tyler S standing out of the saddle getting back onto those gears he’s definitely trying to keep the pace high now you have to slow down and be safe through the corners get everyone through his job is now done he’s just pulled [Music] off slow that’s going to take two of the project Echelon Riders down that’s Borman and he’s got one with [Music] it back and take a look it’s going to be third wheel right there third and fourth wheel both going down I think that’s Caleb Clawson maybe the other Rider with him so minus two for project Echelon and then look what it’s done to the field here this is all the result of rers grabbing break after that crash you tempt fade enough eventually it’s going to come bite you oh man this just it just makes me nervous it looked like Sam Borman is okay and that that was Kate bmore right there I think I just saw number 69 but what that did was create a huge gap well Borman was third wheel into the corner he went down guys behind him caught on the wrong side of the split and now these guys are going to try and solo this this is a beautiful example of adapting to the situation here making the best of a team crash for project Das there now going to try and send two rers away up the road [Music] here this was certainly not in the playbook for project eong tonight but roll with what you got see if we can’t get a read on who is up the road right now I think this is Basset but who does he have behind it [Music] a 74 that’ll be Brandon Rim right behind him wow take him out of five up to six this is going to be very similar to our Elite women’s finish but the difference here is it’s two guys away Basset trying to lead rim to the line here and the rest of the field trying to figure out what to do about it then you also have project echon basically sitting second wheel on whoever is trying to bring this back see if we can get back to the [Music] front there’s your look at a turn five these guys heading towards the final turn into six this is about the Gap that Elizabeth Dixon had so it’s not over yet the difference is Elizabeth didn’t have a teammate dragging her to the line here Basset first around he’s going to drop off Brendan rim rim and Basset I wouldn’t going to make sure but they’ll cross the line together as project Deelan will go one and two tonight after the crash on the final lap they make the best of it [Music] wow wow it’s Scott McGill with a hand in the air as well they’re scoring Basset on the computer first with Brandon Rim second and Scott McGill third we’ll take that good enough for me unofficially Steven Basset your Criterium national champion that I 100% know that was definitely not the game plan tonight but you know what like you said Brad adap overcome and that’s what they did unofficially Basset rim and McGill project Echelon will sweep the podium tonight at the Criterium national championships in a finish that no one could have predicted out there as Sam bourman goes down from third position into the last lap and the team comes up with a new plan in the rain tonight Steven Basset going to be wearing stars and


    1. Holy cow Project Echelon 1,2,3!!! Letsgoooo

      When the rain changed the entire race dynamics !

      Wonder if anyone used rain tires to make a difference, but sucks how you can have grip at one moment and then zero at the next in a corner.

    2. A friend of mine used to race with John Frey, Kent Bostick, and that whole scene and he told me about a crit where Bostisaurus (Bostick) took off as it started raining and got ahead of the peleton, and he was sliding through corners until he would slide into a curb and would then use the curb to pop back up and continue riding straight. Remarkable bike handling skills for either the late 70s or early 80s (not exactly sure when). Those guys were beasts. John Frey held the 3rd fastest World Hour Record for many years. It was fascinating to listen to my friend’s stories.

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