Tour of Norway Stage 1 Race Finish.

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    you know you’ve got uh lead track you’ve got chud procycling you Hado X and they’re quite intent and making this asent as quick as possible Quick Glance behind there job done over to his teammates and this is a constant pressure all the way up and I think you you mentioned um August there U for inish graders if you’re too far um you know you can be as relaxed as you can hitting this climb if you’re too far back you’re going to have to make a huge effort to come up to the front one Rider that we’re missing is Axel laurance so we do know that he went back to the team cart to get um well presumably some uh paracetamol but look at the scramble there we also have a rider for a Bor Hans grower I’m thinking it’s either Hayek the Austrian Rider or benof but now it’s Lucas Ericson at the front Marco brener is is looking really really good Matias VK of course the deadly Duo there of little TR 2 km to go and this is that little sector where it’s flat and then the road starts to rise again that final kilometer that’s where we hit the big big gradient 12% average when we get to that final kilometer that’s where you have to make your move but of course the first selection has already been made because if you’re now in 10 15 20th position it’s going to be incredibly difficult to move up at this pace yeah but look at the splits in the peleton already um we just onto that flat part and you know we’re in a a very small group come around this corner and it Ki kicks up again and I’m pretty sure that Swedish Champion is going to can nail this one um and everybody’s just kind of trying to kind of hold on you look at this group I think um there’s only the one Raider I can see um down towards that’s Oscar Rodriguez it’s there for for team in and he’s in about 30th position we got four Riders at the front for unox as well so dnes is there halter is there court is there I think either are under yeah this is the end for valat he tried 57 days yeah it’s too hard 57 days after his crash but that’s what he’s here to do to test himself and to see if he can race without pain he already indicated that he’s not completely painfree especially from that sternum fracture and these ribs but he’s here to get better and to test himself and that’s what he did at the first half of the climb but now it’s uh over for vaad we go back to the front the two main contestants now are Tio nice and Marco brener um also dnes and halter are still there Axel Lance has moved to the front he is the rider there of uh the Alin the coing team Bart lemon also moving to the front I think with tat of the visma Lisa bike team but at the moment it’s Frederick DN fully confident there for the unox team they have been incredibly successful since the start of May with uh three professional wins with um good mustu in fadal Kristoff twice on Belgian so they won um they they they won a race in Norway as well with El Anderson who’s still in this train so uh yeah they have been flying high and of course they want to show themselves in their home race we’re now on the very sh steep gradients with the deadly Duo of vek and Divo look at that it’s going to be a tendem time trial Matias fek he he was incredibly strong already in the tour of Hungary this is what he did in Hungary as well for tibo na making sure he was there it looks to be Bart lemon there coming uh for visma Lisa bike but Matias fek this man is an MVP for tibo nce look at the Gap we’re on the steepest part now this is 10 12% and they’re just cruising to the top as if they are on a grocery ride they are at 500 M to go Matias vek with tibo nice tibo nice was of course the big favorite to pull it off today but they make it seem so so easy this is almost the end of the really steep bit and the only thing that TBO nice has to do right here is follow the wheel of Matias vek the national champion of the Czech Republic this Melisa bike they’re trying but they are already inide of the Finish camera Tio nice he said that he had some illness and he was struggling a little bit after the tour of Hungary but if you have a man like Matias vek by your side well what else can you do but win the race it flattens out in the final 200 M the Chasers they try to get a little bit closer but it’s going to be a little bit too late as well tibo nice with Matias vek he does what he came to do here the final 100 met he had his first professional win here in Norway that was in Stavanger Nest last year and this is win number seven for TBO nice and he makes it look so incredibly easy tibo nice and Mario vek what a team result by little Tre ton does it he wins stage one and is the first leader of the tour of Norway but Brian this was a collective team effort by little Trek because each and every one of these Riders contributed to this win


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