This happens all the time at intersections around the world. Of course, this wasn’t the worst case ever but it DID happen right on camera… so you betcha I’m making a li’l PSA video out of it.

    Prohibiting right-turns-on-red-lights in the cores of cities and certain other protected intersections is key for tons of reasons.

    For even more info:

    Pedestrians don’t have to worry about “bumper creep” behind them or drivers flooring it before seeing that a pedestrian is here

    Keep in mind that during peak times, this effectively means it would be almost impossible to make a right turn as pedestrian traffic fills the crosswalk on the green light. And that’s okay because it was never going to happen anyway 😆 and we’re talking about city cores and major intersections.

    So, if it only takes drivers an extra block or two to make their right, it’s worth it for the safety of those outside of vehicles.

    Random side note: this almost looks like gameplay footage 🎮

    #ldnont #londonontario #bikecommuting #biking #bikelanes #bikelane #pedestriandignity #baddrivers #rightonred #norightonred #rightofway #nearmiss #wavellstreet #bendurham

    this is exactly why allowing drivers to turn right on red at intersections is dangerous see the driver innocently moves forward to see if there’s oncoming traffic the problem the driver is parked right on both the crosswalk and cross ride and in this case a person on a bicycle is making her way down the bike lane and has to Veer around the car but you know what would make things better not allowing rights on red this is right next to a school zone by the way so yes it makes it even more important


    1. It's illegal to roll to the stop, they need to stop like it's a stop sign first… it's not a moment to yield. They also didn't stop at the line where you're supposed to.

    2. Adding the bike lanes ruined this intersection completely. Turning right on the red from either direction is sketchy because the bike lanes and stop lines are so far back so there is 0 visibility for the driver. Not to mention where the black sedan is stopped, at night trying to make a left often times the light does not register the vehicle and if you want to make a legal left turn you have to hope someone presses the cross walk button. Otherwise the light will never change.

    3. Right turns, no problem. I stop behind the line. If all is clear, meaning no pestrians or bikes, I move up to make the turn. I f a bike shows up at this point, I get out of its way. No problem. That's called courtesy, something many drivers are lacking.

    4. there are so many people here that don’t stop at stop signs and follow me threw the intersection. Respectfully London has way bigger problems.

    5. Orrrrrr how about bikes follow the laws of the road and go with traffic get rid of waste of space bike lanes….. the cost to make bike lanes and the amount of people using them just does not add up to a worth while cost

    6. Let's not pretend that drivers wouldn't still stop on the crosswalk even if they couldn't turn on reds. We both live in London, we know what drivers are like here.

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