In today’s video, I bought a box of used phones for SUPER cheap! We definitely saved sooo much money in this video. What did you think of the iPhones, galaxy phones, and z flips that we unboxed? Would you ever buy any of these in bulk? Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this video if you did, please give it a HUGE thumbs up! Thanks so much for watching and I’ll see you guys next time!

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    ▽Some Useless Info About Me▽
    Age: 20
    Birthday: 8/13/03
    Editing Software: Final Cut Pro
    Camera: Canon Canon R

    ▽Just So I Can Look Back▽
    Current Sub Count: 2,782,251


    Editor: Rebecca Munoz
    Filmer: Rebecca Munoz

    this is a box full of iPhones this is a box full of Galaxy Z flips and this is a box full of Galaxy Samsung phone the grand total of all these boxes was $3,000 if all of these actually work the worth is going to be over $10,000 do any of them work we’re about to find out okay so starting off with the Samsung Galaxy box these are really really new Samsung Galaxies that are like good condition okay so the overall quality of these so far look great there’s no cracks no damage on the front or the back but it’s just a matter if these turn on oh this one’s already on say less okay let’s see it’s not locked our first phone is a banger it’s a mega Banger it’s not connected to a Samsung account it works it turns on dude this is insane our very first phone is already a win okay so it looks like these refurbished are about $240 so not that expensive but I’m just glad that this works and we can probably make a little bit of money back for this although I do want to check to make sure like the camera and everything else is working fine though there’s not a reason that it’s like broken okay it looks like it is working really well this phone seems like a perfectly working conditioned phone this one goes in the working pile this is great we’re doing great so far all right so this one definitely looks more expensive and newer okay so this one’s not turning on it probably just needs to charge right it’s just it’s been in a box for who knows how long just needs some energy you know I would be tired too okay awesome after we charged it it is on and working if there’s a passcode on this I’m going to cry and I’m going to get a refund okay turned on so it is on moment of truth let’s swipe it up yes okay so this one is also unlock it looks like it works really well it’s oh this is a Galaxy S21 Ultra so these are actually more expensive so it looks like these are about $300 which is really really good add that up to our total and we’re get our money back love to see it love it love it love it just like looking at myself phone number two was a wi next up we have dude I wish I knew my Samsung phones better I don’t know what phone this is but it looks expensive perfectly good back perfectly good front screen so that’s a very good sign like we’ve been having really good luck this video for some reason everything’s been turning on if you guys have seen any of our previous videos we’ve had so many phones that just don’t turn on and we’ve gotten completely ripped off on these videos I do not like seeing Verizon on these that means that it’s probably lock okay so this one is turning on oh my gosh this looks great okay so this is what it looks like the screen looks incredible no cracks or damages on this one camera looks great dude this one is good like I’m seeing this one selling for like 340 bucks but since it is locked to like Verizon I would say this one probably only worth like $300 which is still pretty darn good oh no okay so our next Samsung phone is indeed shattered I’m a little disappointed because when I read like description for these phones it didn’t say anything about having like a lot of damage on the phone so this is not a good look right now at all like even if this thing turns on I don’t even know if this like is good to sell because it’s just so busted oh okay okay it turns on though I’ll take it it’s a Samsung Galaxy s20 FG so it’s not like super new but it’s still not like super old either dang this bottom part is like messed up a shoot it’s locked with T-Mobile it’s on the welcome screen which is uh-oh are you seeing what I’m seeing right now bro it’s what there’s no way right you’re going to listen to me right now you’re going to freaking work how dare you disobey me this is an L this is just just a straight L we can’t sell it for parts because of how busted it is and we can’t use it either this one is definitely a big loss so we’re going to have to put this on the lost fle I need my money back this is not a funny joke anymore okay so here’s our next phone this one is also very very shattered and busted on the back which is so so disappointing I don’t think that we can get like a ton of money from this with all this damage on it and the whole point of this video is I’m trying to get my money back and resell these for a profit okay so the front looks great no cracks maybe like a small minor scratch but that’s not a big deal this is my phone so it’s not that big of a oh and this one’s on already okay dude this one’s turning on it works really really good there’s nobody signed in green is very responsive camera check fabulous as ever oh God do you see this there okay so this phone gave me some peace it gave me a little bit of Hope in the world this is only worth $200 in a good condition and this one’s actually shattered this is probably only worth like $50 if that okay so this one is a win is a win I’m going to take it so this is bringing up our value because it actually works ooh this is a Google pixel I love me a good Google pixel so this is what it looks like on the back again no damage loving that screen in the front is looking fantastic minor scratch not a big deal so a battery symbol popped up which is very very good which means it’s most likely just dead and that it’s probably going to work okay so we charged the Google pixel it is amazing everything’s working super super well I’m starting to just wonder why I bought this box for so so cheap like all of these are working all of them have really good value like I would understand if like something was broken if like maybe like the camera is all sucked or something but the cameras look incredible like why would they sell it so cheap since this phone works really really well let’s see how much profit we can make on this and how much we can actually sell it for okay so like I thought this isn’t worth too too much money I’m seeing it for sale at a medium of like $120 which is not great but it’s not horrible either because it it is money we’re going to add that to our toour okay so the last one in this box is looks like another Samsung S21 thankfully no cracks or scratches so it’s looking pretty solid all right solid this is super super solid it’s working super super well and now I’m just starting to wonder like why did they sell them so cheap then the quality is good there’s no scratches or crack cameras are working well on both sides I don’t understand why they sold these for so cheap then this is another like 250 bucks right here I don’t know something’s not making sense they’re not stolen either none of them have passwords on them which is amazing so that concludes box number one and our grand total of value came out to $1,350 which is insane win just on the first box how well we’re going to sell them I have no idea we’re going to have to figure out where we can get that money from but out of the Box we got six working phones and only one that doesn’t really work so I think this was a steal and a deal the next box is the Apple iPhone box this one has to be the one I’m most nervous about because this one was the most expensive oh my gosh off the bat look one’s already on and what’s so exciting about this box is it’s newer phone iPhone 14’s iPhone 13 love the color and it is already on all right let’s check her out screen’s working everything’s good don’t get your hopes up because this could very easily be iCloud lock it’s not that serious and I need calm down down it is serious to me this is my money on the line [Music] here what the heck dude it’s on it’s work cameras work great let’s see the back camera back camera looks good hello hello hello hello hello hello okay mic’s working dude this is a perfectly brand new iPhone 14 online refurbished this is $500 and we’re going to have to put this in the W now we need $11,000 to make our money back on this box okay so the next one we have is another iPhone 14 but this is a plus so this is going to be even more expensive if it works this is the back of it again no crack no scratches the only thing I can think of is if they like refurbish these and they use cheaper product like a cheaper screen and stuff oh my goodness so our iPhone 14 plus is on and working normally in these videos we’ll get a big old lock on the screen which means that it’s iCloud lock oh my God I’m so happy it is on it is working it is functioning it is not locked it’s not crack this is legitimately a brand new phone what is going going on here dude something’s not right it doesn’t look like it’s locked at the carrier either I don’t know something’s just kind of sus with this brand new this iPhone is selling for $730 however refurbished which is what this is and it’s used it’s selling for $530 on back Market which is insane because that brings our total of this box up to $11,000 and we spent $1,500 on it things are looking incredible for us next in the Box this is a gorgeous blue iPhone 13 I love this color I don’t know why I don’t see this color very often no scratches no major crack I know you’re probably think I’m overreacting every time one of these phones work it’s like we’re getting $500 back we’re just catching dubs this whole video Honestly though I feel like we needed one of these and just like that we are in our iPhone 13 everything’s like downloading for some reason which is kind of weird but it’s working really really good nothing seems strange or off about it there’s no iCloud connected to it hope these aren’t all like stolen FBI open up we you stole a bunch of iPhones I not feel my bottom this one’s saying $464 on Amazon refurbished I’m going to say that this one’s probably going to get us like 450 bucks this one’s put us over how much we spent on this box wow we’re profiting right now let’s freaking go okay so this is another iPhone 13 it looks like it has some damage around the cameras a little bit of like scraping of the paint but nothing really serious minor like scratches on the bottom and the top but again nothing too crazy where like you wouldn’t be able to sell it because it’s just too damaged screen in the front is a little bit scratched up nothing crazy it is not turning on though which is a little bit strange so our iPhone 14 our fifth phone in the box is working which we’ve actually unboxed one just like this and this one was also worth about $500 so we’re going to have to put that in the working pile which brings us up we’re like $11,000 in profit on this box it sounds like money okay so we have another black iPhone 13 do you know how freaking amazing it is to be getting like great quality phones that aren’t completely shattered this is a blessing okay so this one is obviously just dead so let’s get it charge died I did C yay okay so our iPhone 14 black is on and working dude why is this one so much more expensive this doesn’t make any sense dude this is worth like $487 like we have to round that up to $500 this is worth $500 that goes in our working collection and this is the last phone in the iPhone box and it’s another iPhone 14 plus like well when I bought it it said that they were but you never know like people lie so just as expected our iPhone 14 plus is on and working everything looks amazing so it looks like this one on back Market refurbished unlocked is selling for $530 as well that goes in the working pile which brings our grand total of the iPhone box to $3,010 which is absolutely insane because we spent $1,500 on this box this has to be one of the most profitable videos we’ve ever done but when we actually try to sell these we don’t know if we’re actually going to get that amount but as of right now it looks like we’re profiting pretty well our next box is our Z flip I spent $800 on this box of Z flip so here is the first Z flip and these are Z flip 3 so they have like the more updated screen on the back oh oh I didn’t like that I was like oh wow this phone is so nice and then I opened it okay so minor cracks on the bottom not a big deal okay so first Z flip is not looking too good so let’s put this to charge okay so we charged it up and it actually oh my gosh there’s no freaking way right now oh it turned on oh my God this is horrible I think we might have spoken too soon on this video about us getting like lucky cuz this is not looking great okay so it is working like I can still press the screen however like this screen is busted up I’m wondering if people will give us anything for this phone at this point cuz this is not looking good it’s definitely working well and it’s being responsive other than this side of the screen that just won’t stop blinking like there’s a party going on in there or something and then also the back screen seems to be working really well as well no problems with that so refurbished it’s looking like these are selling for $230 which is great but in case you didn’t notice ours doesn’t exactly work that well but at least it works so it’s going to go in the working pile okay so the next one we have is this gorgeous purple Z flip this one doesn’t have any cracks on the back which is amazing love to see it the condition looks great this looks like a perfectly good Z flip let’s go okay so this one is on and working and this one doesn’t have a busted screen that’s so annoying that this is locked with T-Mobile that means the value of this immediately goes down because it’s locked to a carrier this one is perfect there’s no cracks no scratches no screen defect it genuinely is like a perfect condition Z flip 3 and after looking this up I found one on Amazon that is also locked to T-Mobile and that one is selling for $200 so not like too much but at the same time this is a win I’m just happy that we have a working phone so add 200 to the total oh so this next one is a all black matte black Z flip man I’m really happy that not all of these are broken so far all of the conditions of these look incredible I don’t think I think this one’s probably broken like it turns on it shows the logo and then it just stops see what a scam and we’ve charged this one for about 20 minutes so I think our best badest thing that this one probably doesn’t work this is going to go in the broken pot wo this one seems a little rougher around edges like it has a lot more like scratches and damage on this one but again nothing super super bad oh do you see that the screen on this one looks really really bad like it’s like bubbling up a little bit on the middle I don’t know why this one got damaged so much in the crease oh shoot so this one is turning on the back screen is lit up but unfortunately the front screen is not turning on right now dude this is not good at all are you seeing this right now it’s literally just blinking this yellow screen and it’s weird because the front is working mine like you can see the time to the date on this thing but then when you open it it’s just not functioning at all I think this one is definitely busted up like this one’s not going to work this is this is a loss on this box we go on the broken pile no it’s starting up as you can see from the bottom it says powered by Android and then it’s just completely shattered I think we’re going to have to put this one in the broken pile these phones are all starting to look the same to me they’re all broken okay so this one’s turning on on the bottom but I have a small feeling that this whole part is not going to work what did I say this one is definitely trash dude you can tell when the screen is just busted man this is not looking good so far right now we’re at $300 oh this is starting to look like a scam it says as far as for repair cost Samsung’s own website states that replacing the interior folding screen on the zflip 3 cost $349 that’s more than how much the phone cost like we couldn’t even get2 200 for this even if it work time to open up our phones it’s not a grapefruit looking at this one I thought this one had really good potential because it looks great condition however on the you can already tell that this is going to be not working well the back screens always work it’s just the front screens that are just dude we only have two working so far this is not a good ratio right now you’re good for nothing maybe that’s what happened people were like using their Z flips and instead of closing them like right they were [Music] like close yeah that’ll do it okay so this one’s not turning on and there’s no point of even charging this because as you can tell in the reflection it’s easy to tell as something’s just not going to work or not because you can see the outlines of where the screen just got completely messed up I think it’s pretty obvious that this is a loss this one is not looking good this has to be one of the worst ones that we’ve seen so far and look it’s like tilted it’s like bent it’s not turning on here we should probably just like fix [Music] it I’m just straightening it out do this I’m not strong enough I don’t know who I thought I was say it with me scam okay this one is also not going to work well and it’s like there’s like sticky residue on it too like a sticker like there was a sticker on it I don’t know this one’s not turning on either though I was going to see if this one turns on but screen’s busted anyways I mean honestly these are known for like messing up on the screen so it doesn’t really surprise me perfect look the back looks good nice and creamy come on baby don’t you mess up on me oh looks good in what world does this look good to you you want it here you can be your new phone you take it thank you oh oh yeah okay we have another black one I mean I guess you could just use the bottom part you know what I mean like what do you really need the top off of the screen for I’m not even going to try with this one he that you can see it’s nice and crusty in the middle if it’s crusty in the crack then it’s probably not going to work this was the cheapest of all of them it was actually or no it wasn’t the cheapest $800 okay so we have another black Z flip looks great looks awesome so this one the bottom half of the screen it’s all messed up oh this one’s literally you could see oh well now I have to right just okay I’m scared I’m going to get electrocuted that’s what’s going to happen oh it smells like it’s burning oh something’s burning something ain’t good happening there Sarah it’s on fire oh it’s on it’s on fire it’s just it smells bad something’s not right here smell something’s not right here it’s Clos it’s on fire again okay okay here’s our purple Z flip 27 also no buo wish one of these stop trying to feel the screen I’m sorry ooh this screen looks good hold on wait a minute that’s how it’s supposed to look right no I’m serious that’s a Creative Design right oh Creative Design who knows maybe T Mobile did branding you know what I mean like maybe they did a branding change Splatoon brand dude it does have a really cool vibe to it like if you like you know what I mean I it looks very artistic we’ll put this in the paint collection another Z flip oh you hear that crunch it was like oh Creative Design put that in the Creative Design section Ain’t No Way yay Ain’t No Way yay it could be more of like a futuristic design that choice that they were trying to make the transparency flip I don’t really know I really do want to turn it on again though turning on I felt it vibrate so fun that’s a good one someone’s lying to us we got completely scammed on this box we spent $800 on the Z flip and we have $300 of value we got scammed $500 our trash section [Music] is out of this box we have 23 that do not work well technically they work just well not very well and then we have two that actually do work pretty well although one of them has a really bad crack screen on the back overall we calculated it to about $300 for this box so that puts us at a $700 so out of the $3,000 that we spent on these phones we calculated an estimated $4,650 profit on how much these are actually worth but the problem is is someone actually going to pay us that much for these and what better place to go to then a pwn shop we have some products that we bought so we bought them like in a lot online so we’re just curious as to how much you could give us for them well we sell them as is so they have to be functioning so like the ones like that I can’t do you nothing okay so all the ones that like the screens don’t work and stuff like that like you can’t give us anything even for the part n not us these are worth absolutely nothing to the pawn shop plenty of different brands here samung and apple seems to be your majority here though huh for us we’d be and just to kind of give you the range we’d be more in the ball about four up to about $70 depending on which ones you got okay so for the S21 it’s like $40 to $70 just all the quality of them we thought that we were going to get at least like 200 for those so to get like 40 bucks is kind of like insane so it looks like all of the Samsungs are probably going to be in like the $40 to $70 range on the lower end of about 110 but they can be upwards of about 175 closer to two on that kind of deal depending on the quality of to me today just to purchase from right now I’d probably be in the ball by 175 175 okay and for the that’s for the plus right how much do you think for like the more like smaller ones so of course those one probably be a little bit less but you’re still going to be within that ballpark about the 150 for sure so for the pluses it’s looking like they would give us like1 175 for these and then for the smaller ones about like $150 so it looks like in total for the iPhones we would get about a $950 which which how much we spent on these is not very good we’re at a loss I’m sad we spent $ 3,000 and right now they’d be offering us about $1450 that’s like $1,500 loss and I knew I shouldn’t I’ve done this again


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