The top 40 fittest women in Europe kicked off Semifinals with a run and 125-lb (57-kg) clean and jerks.

    Watch athletes like Laura Horvath, Gabi Migała, Karin Freyova, Aimee Cringle, and Jacqueline Dahlstrøm in action.

    Individual Event 1
    5 rounds for time:
    800-meter run
    10 clean and jerks (125 lb)
    Time cap: 30 minutes

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    and the 2024 CrossFit semifinal season is underway we are Leon France as the individuals are taking the stage for the first time we’ll start with that 800 meter run 10 clean and jerks as they come inside all looking at each other the barbs which I think that is a pretty cool thing so they’re out for their 800 meter run and you know Lauren a lot of these athletes have been working all year long to get to this position four semifinals they’ve been training they’ve got the the events a little earlier than normal we we’ll we’ll say that but when we look at you know we said a couple Partners have come on board with Crossfit obviously it’s like we’re we’re uh I’m rocking my my go Ruck Runners at the moment which I like cuz they you know they little little soft in the step which you know on your feet all day is kind of a nice thing but um when when you look at what we have here to start things off is that they’re out for that and run how we’re going to Pace that out with these athletes I mean you have a couple like Rebecca vid is in the first heat I mean all this is coming from quarterfinal seating so things will shake out it’s only one event today they’ll Reed tomorrow but knocking off the cobwebs getting the nerves out what I like about this one is this isn’t an event that you can have a small mistake and have a big consequence you can figure yourself out after round around versus say an event like the Rope climb or the handstand walk where a small misstep could be a massive problem so I actually like this as a starting event for these individuals yeah honestly I can agree more it feels like the perfect scenario for harnessing the emotional energy that undoubtedly you’re going to have stepping onto the floor for the first time um and not just that it’s a long time domain and it’s super it’s stuff that we do every single day in the affiliate we’re cleaning okay maybe we don’t run every single day if I programmed that people are going to get like leave the gym lost all my members we we all know how to run it’s a really nice gentle introduction into what’s going to be a great weekend of competition and it feels like real traditional CrossFit stuff like we’re back to the basics of everything you think about that it’s like okay what what is your abilities that you gain if you do CrossFit itself it’s like well I can wrong long distance or go short I can lift heavy or for high volume I can and I can look good naked I mean let’s honest that’s that’s really what got me in the door to start things off pure vanity is it and someone argue that has yet to change as I’m sitting here in front of a camera screen with a mic in front of my mouth as we talk so yeah the vanity has only gotten worse over the years uh for myself but what I like about this is like yeah we can run long distance at a pretty high intensity and we can cycle a barbell pretty good at moderate weight as the individuals make their way into the floor now how this is going to go is that you’re going to have to navigate around around the arena into your barbell you can’t just take the shortest path there which you know we know to be a straight line but the one’s coming in right you were in the door first but someone actually might get to the bar the same as youon and that is Ella Wilson Ella wison out of the UK she has been such a key Athlete on the local scene for a real period of time um she actually won an open workout a couple of years ago anything that is run lightweight high intensity that is her bag Al Wilkinson I said out of the UK high performance CrossFit which also has the longest team name I’ve ever seen in my life that you guys have for your teams it’s absolutely ridiculous 5441 24 years old like I said been on the scene still very young so young she took last year off to focus on her studies so this is the first time we’ve kind of seen her back on the competition floor She said I spoke to her in the buildup you know the UK we a small crew of people and um basically it feels to her like she’s a totally different athlete now to where she was competing a couple of years ago um and her training’s been very strength focused which good news on this barbell I mean it’s not a massively heavyweight right but cycling that over a period of time faue is going you’re going to need ele 50 cleaning JS at this weight in total will add up like I said I think this reads a lot more gentle on paper then it actually applies to the competition floor as all athletes are done with their first round of clean a jerk singles across the board as we saw the athletes take this on Ella was 350 there you go 350 for Ella Wilson and that’s with the run now it’s 800 Mish right there’s things we know on CrossFit distances always have an is behind it right 400 Mish swim 5K is run is that too soon who’s an is H only you can get away with us not for long right if you guys don’t see me ever again you’ll know why but it’s it’s going to be the same every tracker is slightly different and every um every course is going to have little inconsistencies because of stadiums and I mean we can see the ageia throw down doors you AG I I made a joke on a post it just look like a Mario Kart course out there at the the Far East Throwdown but they’re running the same race they’re all doing the same distance and we’re not competing from semi-final to semi-final so what each one does differently doesn’t really matter at the end of the day and what it is is that we’re testing that aerobic capacity endurance and stamina as well as barbell cycl at moderate weight one round done I said Ella Wilkinson is currently in the lead 24 years old and uh top 10 finishes she has two and this will be her second so first semi-final was last year and this is now her second or uh two two years ago I guess she had not made it the year before yeah so she took a step back to complete a being a university student um but interestingly back in the day she used to like compete under the jst compete kind of programming who now is slightly obviously they had a games team and they’ve got the high performance long name that you’re not particularly a fan of performance them as well um but I guess more importantly her coach at that time Jack H alongside Steve foret who now is the hard pays off coach for Victor H and we can see all of the success in the bill that Victor has made over all the I mean talk about the hype train pulling in for Victor Hofer this year I mean you think he’d be winning the CrossFit games based off how much people been talking about him I’m so excited for him because of all of the raw ingredients he has but I mean we have to be and also I feel like there hasn’t been a young man that has been hyped up in this way for such a period of time but we need to be so careful about this because of the undue pressure it puts on them as well I mean that’s the part about being an athlete right and I think that’s the that’s the part of wanting to professionalize the sport you can either professionalize the competition the payouts the the marketing but the athletes need to professionalize themselves as well as being able to handle the pressure the I mean that’s what it comes with the territory it’s true all right athletes in still holding on to that little bit of a lead coming in in fourth position there has made us some on that Ella Wilson top right part of your screen the moment and also a little closer about two reps ahead for this 800 Le R ladies and gent about two or three women that are trying to keep Pace with her yeah i’ I’d love to have a little chat about Lane number 11 Connie EBY she’s been doing CrossFit for three years but this is her debut she came in third behind Ella just then which is really incredible she juggles a little bit of coaching um but what’s really interesting is she’s transitioned from Triathlon so it’s a kind of a completely different skill set obviously the running comes into this particular workout but her backstory is unbelievable and she spoke to me and said she was willing to talk about it but she stopped Triathlon because she had an eating disorder that got so bad it put her in hospital wow on a psychiatric W and she spends a lot of her kind of social media presence now talking about that experience and hoping it help others but she puts down her entire recovery to CrossFit she found a new goal and she realized to be successful she needed to fuel and food and Crossfit I mean might be assuming words here saved her life I mean it’s good to have those stories out there and it’s good for for other people it’s like it’s not just a unique situation as we’ve seen the power of CrossFit manifested in so many different ways on the positive and it is a life-saving training methodology yes we’re talking about it on a CrossFit show but like that is truly what it is and and we’ve seen it manifested in so many different ways and to see that and then her on the big stage after this I think is very powerful now I love everything about the combination of the sports and what we see in these big shows versus how closely it translates to everything we see weekly in an affiliate it’s the the coolest thing in the world okay two rounds down going off into our third round and we talk about athletes prepping for the off seon and you know all the work that goes into this forum you know of course young athletes teen athletes coming into competition here the teams the the the individual the Elder Statesman gently gently as I can I I can put that but um with the training methodology itself it’s like that’s that binding tool that keeps us all together that’s why fans are so engaged with the sport because though I can’t move as fast as you in five rounds I still understand what that feels like and I think that is the the cool B bond that we have between competitors and Community do you want to know what this one feels like do I want to know and it’s like lot of myor our death is different right it might be death on the runs death on the barbell so we we die in two different ways is uh we are two rounds down already into our third round yeah they’re making it look pretty comfortable at this stage I would say it’s not but what is interesting it’s such a big field right this is half the field competing at once so we’ve got a real variety of skill set out there and we’ve got a lot of the debutants in this heat as well well if you guys are tired of our faces get your phones out because go Ruck has an amazing opportunity if you an affiliate owner scan the QR code now they are giving away an opportunity to get 53 pairs of rough Runners and wearing a right now there’s nothing rough about them they feel fantastic on my feet but win free shoes for your affiliate with goor Ruck enter to win scan the QR code 50 pairs of Ru runners or visit for SL CrossFit Ella Wilkinson back onto the competition right I got something for you Lauren M I was talking about this with Yumi earlier and when it comes to runs and the way this course is set up with a couple of switchbacks the fact that Ella Wilkinson is in the position she’s in is that though they’re all running the same she’s out the door first and may not be able to be seen by the other to want to even try to chase her down she might be primed in the best position possible for just athletes not even being able to see where she is to want to catch her and honestly that we speak a lot about it in in cycling and when there is a gap between the leading and the chasing the psychological ability to overcome the Gap plays into a huge part of what’s going to give you success a successful outcome and being able to exert what you need to clows and actually do that so you can still maintain once reaching the leader that’s alone in an athlete’s head is enough to put someone off you need to have so much confidence in your your running ability can maintain after running under fatigue and that capacity it’s really interesting and obviously adding in the switch backs is putting a slightly different strain on the body than if you were just doing a straight Loop which would inevitably be sub substantially faster and wilus is extending her lead round to round lane 11 as you said Connie e out of CrossFit highway looks like to be in second place as she just goes out the door so another great story out of the UK Georgina Davenport who just ran around the outside to come to her barbell she was on the CrossFit rodam team that went to the games last year but more interestingly she is a an international diving coach so going off she’s preparing team GB for the Olympics at the moment no way yeah wow and she’s just squeezing in CrossFit semi-final you know in my off time I’m just going to semi-finals yeah and then I can’t make the games this year cuz it clashes with the Olympics you know yeah so sorry and on the women’s side too is that I think we have 11 rookies here this weekend in in a smaller field than we had the previous year we took 60 last year now we only took 40 to semi-finals well everything’s Less in Europe this year less athletes competing less spot at across the games which I know is a point of contention for a lot of athletes here because look let’s face it Europe is one of the most jam-packed talented semi-finals regions in the world and they’re getting less spots this year yeah I know it’s definitely been a a subject of discussion amongst all the coaching teams in Europe um but going back to your earlier point about there being so many debutants this year I think the programming in the quarters and in the open has really aided that there was limited exceptionally High skill movements and it was much more geared towards your true CrossFit Fitness and I think that really helps especially younger Generations coming through they haven’t had the kind of time and capacity to work on some of this high level stuff that we’ve seen in the games over the years we’ve seen at previous semi-finals and previous quarterfinals um it’s opened the door for a lot of new talents and of course plenty of the slightly I’m not say older Talent that’s not what it is at all but some of the more established faces not year three rounds down athletes out on the course starting their fourth round every round starting with that run finishing with the bar and it’s going to be interesting to see Ella Wilson has led from the start has seemed to increase her lead round after round sitting in that corner spot once they come in I think it’s I’d be curious to see what the next Heat looks like if that’s really the sweet spot right can I get out ahead can I get away from everyone’s really viewing cuz once you run in even though everyone can see each other they’re not going to be looking at each other they’re looking at the bar bouncing and picking it up and so it just might be a great spot to be as wilon makes her way back into the stadium here at the ldlc arena and this arena is filling up more and more as the minutes go by we are just halfway through really day one of competition here at the 2024 French Throwdown it makes me so happy it’s Friday you know we’re in the middle of a working day and already people are coming in giving up that people with drums and flag which is really cool part honestly fandom in France is next level you know they bring the flares they bring the drums the only time I’ve ever been tear gassed at an event was in France wait like honestly Phantom in France is mental I don’t think we’re going to see that at a CrossFit competition but listen CrossFit fans Lauren has challenged you if you do not come in here can just save the tear gas for the podium ceremony you know we do we need to spice that up a little bit let’s let’s not make that joke it’s not it’s not a pleasant experience it’s just a fun story anybody that thought they needed an extra spot come in here no I’m just kidding don’t do that all right wilon top part of your screen is out this is going to be her Fifth and Final Round now here’s the thing there’s only two Heats here typically we’ve had with 40 you have four Heats of 10 two Heats of 20 yeah so e still in second I’m thinking third is currently Rebecca V in Lane number seven she’s had real change this year ven um a new coaching program she’s now with Matt Torres of Ru strength and it paid off with that incredible fifth awarded to loser but she has had a few switches recently trying to find what works for her maybe now this little bit of consistency that she’s finding is going to get the best out of her she got one of the last spots to the CrossFit games last year on the bubble and that was the first time she’d ever gone Indie now she kind of knows what to expect so I don’t expect to see her in that second piece come tomorrow left side of your screen making her way around the athletes she’s in the black shorts sitting in third overall behind EAS so your top three Ella Wilkinson Connie e and then Rebecca FS as you said coming off that fifth place finish at w paloa I don’t think anybody saw that coming I mean she took 25th at the games last year being her first season or first time making it individually but to have that and to come back and get fifth I think sets her up well this year at semi-finals but you think about again the number of athletes we have that have Games experiened Far outweigh the number of spots that these athletes will get to the CrossFit games and it is going to be hard fought all weekend long to get inside that top 10 isn’t it just it’s honestly terrifying I I’m so excited it came for into two Capac I’m so sad for those who are going to be so close yet not going to make it but at the same time if you want Jeopardy you want fight you want a sport that can harness everything exciting and of like a Layman like it it really sells the sport as something that’s very very tight and exciting to watch which actually is is nothing but about like it’s a very good thing we are approaching the 20 minute Mark here this is individual event number one for the women we’ve had two team events today already but as the individuals term we still have one more team event to go today so they’ll do their version of this event as it’ll be five rounds per time 800 meter run 15 worm thrusters as I try not to throw up on my shoes trying to say that event and how awful that’s going to be these teams that event won was it was a uh a potent test of teamwork and fitness for sure got a little bit of of I say a break with the lift but they’re coming right back this afternoon and just getting hammered again it’s a fullon schedule for the teams isn’t it down on the left hand side of your screen you’ve got Burg Ross beond daughter youngster out of Iceland with two reps to go she recently run the program Crown competition that team that Invitational team competition um out in meor what an outstanding performance she’s best described as a baby she’s she is 17 years I think she’s probably the youngest in this field her and Lucy mcgo But Here Comes Ella Wilkinson out of high performance CrossFit she is 10 cleaning jerks away to the heat from taking Heat number one now knowing full well there is a second heat of pretty formidable including your reigning cross games Champion Laura Horvat Ella Wilkinson 24 years old out of high performance CrossFit LED end to end so far five reps in and not a soul has stepped into the arena to match her ladies and gentlemen so it looks like Ella Wilson is going to set the time to beat just as e makes her way into the arena I mean I’m not biased but what a heat for UK CrossFit and for two young women to be setting the standard that’s that’s really exciting for the future of the sport as well Ella Wilson unofficial time 2141 as you said 24 years old out of the UK Connie EBY this is her first time here at semi-final she’s 20 years old cross it West Yorkshire and here comes Rebecca vids in the bottom part of your screen touch and go for vids Connie better look over to the right Connie has four reps to go but here comes Rebecca vidson oh vids we have VI hanging on to the barbell three reps to go V two reps left for easby But Here Comes Von one more for v neck and neck and it’s going to come down we’re going to have to see what the official time is because that is nothing but a photo finish between Rebecca vidson and Connie EBY and that’s what we’re trying to see the question was how do you manage the barbell do I do five touch and go in singles do I do singles all the way through and what Rebecca vids did is exactly what some athletes are going to have to do especially in the second heat it’s just hang on and try to get that done as quickly as you can and she caught up about 15 seconds on Eby hey Gip it and rip it baby so we’ve got a tie in second place for EAS and vness they’re saying it’s a tie on the floor so dead set wow well well part of that too is that you know we don’t have chips for a Finish Line in this particular event we do on the other ones but not here so when it comes to a hand timer depending on and again that’s unofficial we don’t know what exactly what the official clocks will be based off the hand clocks that they’re going to go by but I mean I couldn’t tell you who won between the two no done by final lock out now we know who won one in this heat and that is Ella Wilkinson time of 2141 as we are approaching the 24 minute mark3 off and in this event it is a 30 minute time cap and talking to Adrien Bosman this morning Lauren is that time caps can be used in a mult mude of different ways one of them could be in a way that allows everybody to experience the full bre of the event itself everybody should do the runs and the cleaning jks because if you don’t I don’t want to say there’s an advantage to say getting last but there is a physical advantage of like not being as beat up as everybody else and a Time cap extended is it’s 30 minutes here for this that nobody’s going to need on the flip side is a Time cap that’s much shorter it’s going to force the pace of the event completely and it has mental effects as well right like sometimes you see a really long like time cap and you go oh okay depending what the rest of the field can do maybe I can take the foot off a tiny bit there’s space here there’s time um whereas some people will force themselves to the Oblivion of a tight time cap regardless and it all plays into like the mental approach to workout which will come down to an individual believe it or not the shoes are off minutes to go oh yeah classic 30 minute 2453 unofficial just last couple of athletes coming in now to close out their clean and jerks Kara salandra onto her final R she GES 251 unofficial reps to go for clean wait for the women’s 125 10 reps each round for 50 reps total to go along with the 2 and2 miles of running is is of course in your experience having done this workout bit of a battering on the legs a lot of compromised running the kind of is there enough time to be fresh coming into tomorrow cuz they got quite a big gap it’s only been one event these guys are used to doing three to four training sessions a day but where do you think this kind of Ls I think this isn’t outside the skis of anything they’ve usually done in a typical trading J and the nice thing here is that if it were Bren a shorter run where the intensity needs to be higher versus just managing fatigue if it was a barbell weight that you had to cycle and especially if you had to squat for like if this was thrusters yeah well which it will be for the teams which it will be for the teams right we have a new score on the board and that’s 2141 from Ella Wilkinson and we’re off heat number two individual vent number one for the women taking on five rounds 800 me run and 10 clean and jerks at 125 the time to beat set in Heat number one 2141 by Ella Wilkinson as the athletes will make their way out on the course did you know where my eyes have gone immediately Lane number 19 T helot holding that spot T hel are holding down for the daughters in general I mean I think this is the first time since the Regionals era which was pushing 13 plus years that Annie Thor hasn’t been competing cat David’s daughter hasn’t been competing and Sarah sigman’s daughter who just recently told us that she will not be competing T Helga daughter in my opinion has been the Lost daughter for a long time competing in the 2012 Crossing games for the first time when I tried to say her full name which was just a disaster absolute disaster we’re no mad Jacob noad I know who but who is really noad jerson but T hod I think is one of the most underrated not just Daughters of the of the crew but just athletes in general her longevity her success but when you look at an event like this track and field background coming into the sport and all the Olympic weight lifs she does in the offseason this lines up very well for an athlete like T yeah so you heard that um Laura hver had been competing in the European weightlifting championships the only other cross that was there was T helter M no so the fact that she is in Lane 19 once again proves that there there’s no guarantee that that’s the faster Lane it could just be a fast athlete and and then alongside in lane 18 mu and vro who obviously took the open this year complete unknown that’s the big question mark for her right it’s like okay we know that she did well in the open and then managed those expectations a bit in quarterfinals and now here on the semi-final stage for the first time right a lot of a lot a lot of success in high rocks events that oddly enough doing cross it made her better out who knew who knew that but what it does very functional movements at high intensity makes you better at functional fitness but I’m s she has a huge running background right yes so this the the element for me on this for her will be the barbell work because that’s something that’s only really come into her training schedule in the last couple of years is she’s always done a bit of CrossFit than never to the capacity required a semi-finals level so this workout will be a great test of one extreme strength of hers versus something that she’s learned in the last couple of years well and this is a great event to put that to the test as you said is that with that bar belt not a heavy weight but it is for high volume and the weight definitely you start to feel it more as those those rounds and those runs come on so your athletes now making their way at a very very fast pace this is not slow at all just at the minute Mark to separate at stage don’t forget so Amy kingle was the first to the barbell another UK based athlete and she trains out of aod in Worcester so they also have a team here today it’s not dis similar to the jst high performance center group they’ve got a couple of very strong individuals surrounded by a lot of good individuals who come together as teams and can make impact now Jenny m is actually first to her barbell she’s in the top right corner in the purple shorts and black top she’s hting in Lane one where she has the longest to run inside the arena where you’re talking about earlier kingles off she’s got a good aerobic base background and then Here Comes Mir in the yellow and black so she’s sitting in second overall also out back mir’s in sorry mir’s in third in the lead as she heads out in fth position but it wasar that is sitting in second so Von Roar is sitting in second as she had that bright yellow top and she was one of those athletes screaming in the arena not literally screaming but screaming at speed in the arena because look if you want to have the reality of measuring this event versus something that Miriam Von Roar has experienced and a lot successes and we mention it rock where it’s multiple rounds of a thousand me run and then right and then an exercise so now this is yeah this is one that what a great way to basically set foot on the semi-final floor for the very first time in an event like this is good for her so and it could have been worse right it could have been the max lift or the high skill or something like this and for her success a lot and especially for rookie athletes is can I not get shaken by the first event whether it’s success or failure when it comes to that and I mean I don’t think she could have been set up better than this first event for a young athlete she’s probably one of the most impressive people I’ve come across in a really long time she is completely laser focused which at that age we know the kind of toll that can take on younger athletes and she went okay I’m the European champion of hiero I’m going to go and race the hiero world championship she dedicated her entire life to doing that and then unfortunately at World Championships had to withdraw due to a back issue that she couldn’t kind of keep hold of and like halfway through she just said I can’t do this anymore and um having spoken to her and her coach she actually took a huge step away to the point where she didn’t get on a rower she didn’t go for a run she didn’t touch a w ball or a kettlebar carry for over 7 months because mentally after everything she’d put into it and for it to blow up like that she just she just went no and so I you might even ask that wasn’t the best prep for them coming to a full CrossFit season but what it did is it shifted her Focus to the strength element doing strength cing somewhere in the middle there she went no I’m going to give CrossFit a good go this is now my focus so she did race one major out in Vienna but you know she finished mid pack it was you know a really admirable performance but clearly that wasn’t her Focus her Focus has been this and only this and when she’s focused on something we’re talking laser you know she’s not looking at anything else well then say okay she’s rookie here is like true but she’s not a rookie to experience you talking about her world champion success like that transfers over and it’s funny cuz usually we’ll see the opposite like I did cross it for a long time and then I found a new sport that I got good at because I did this functional training and I can just kind of adapt to other things and she’s almost going the opposite way but she’s been able to do all of this at such a young age Amy cringle Lane five first back in after the run oh kringle’s going touch and go in the bar 125 on the bar 10 reps to do so cringle has opened up a substantial lead on the other athletes around her and we saw Rebecca vids in the previous heat go touch and go on the last round only and it looks like kingle did a set of about six to start things off and it’s starting to cool off a little bit but AB cringle bottom right side of your screen by is your leader ladies and gentl as she will make her way around the arena and out the door the next two that were chasing her down was Mir and Von Roar Mir and Von Roar in the bright yellow and black at the top middle part of this Arena was much closer at the first round as Kringle has opened up a substantial lead what is in the water in the UK and There She Goes Ella Wilkinson and cringle two athletes that compete against each other on the national circuit know each other intimately well you got a pack of four athletes out the door to chase Amy Kringle yeah it looks like Claudia em in that group of four Jenny M who’s about to exit she’s in those pink shorts as she is getting outside for her third round of five as we are approaching the 9 Minute Mark time to beat 2141 by Ella Wilkinson in the first heat but Amy kingle one of those athletes that have been on the cusp or the up and cominging that could potentially be a games athlete in the future and it’s more of like can she put all the pieces together can she fill those holes that have been keeping her out of the games and I think her name has come up a few times that has an opportunity to make the cross games for the first time 100% she’s always had a huge hype coming in as one of Europe’s kind of next women and I think maybe to a certain extent there was always a little bit of a a doubt in in herself that she was capable of doing those things but she’s been working very closely with the group at aod out of blueprint again it just goes to show what a settled environment do I think she ended up moving down there this time last year but now a year in amongst that kind of environment every single day and having the same coach for a number of years and all of that thing feeds into your self-belief and your systems that what you’re doing is going to pay off you know plus she’s a demon on her run well Amy kingle this is her third semifinal two event wins in the semifinal era that was the first event in 2022 and event five last year in 2023 which oddly enough had some 800 met runs in it or one but you know no she’s been a very impressive athlete and probably one of the highest profile CrossFit figures I mean in the UK I say Europe she she for example went to the airport on her way over to France and she was on the front of a magazine oh wow Women’s Health okay you know that’ll do it she is probably having to deal with things that a lot of athletes don’t have to deal with when it comes to not like our press the inner CrossFit ecosystem press but actually the Press at large and I can’t imagine what that’s like as an athlete having that on the side as well not just Amy though like we spoke about Jen mure she last year came onto the scene debut on she was in Berlin we were like oh we wonder what Jen can do but you know it’s her first year and then she went and took an event win and we were the first like whoa Jen hold up which had a lot of machine work you had the bike you had the ski you had the runner yeah I mean for Jen it was all about gymnastics progression right she had a real hard time with the muscleups last year in Berlin Amy cringle back in and from what she’s told me it’s like those holes over the course of last year has really been fill Gabby Amy cringle still going with the touch and goal same thing she did allas in round two is Gabby mcgall has moved into second place Emma tall just behind her so Gabby M left side of your screen in the green Emma tall passing her in the blue Amy Kringle on the right side of your screen however just a handful of reps to go to close out round number three go for Amy I am loving Emma tall and how much of a fall she’s becoming or has always been but never really been celebrated in European CrossFit Emmy cringle at the 12 minute Mark is off to her fourth round as she is still maintaining her lead as she’s running past Gabby mwa and emal who are trying to keep Pace with her for first place in this heat this is event number one for the women Heat number two 2 2141 is the time to beat set by Ella Wilkinson and it looks like Gabby maaba is moved into second place as she’s trying to keep Pace with Amy Kringle on the move and she’s chasing mwa is now done so Amy cringle Gabby Mawa Emma tall third round on to their fourth 800 meter run and that chase pack of five has now moved down to two and they’re pretty spread apart themselves this could be an absolutely huge resolve for Amy kingle when you think about the company she’s keeping up there in the in the leading group Miriam Von Roar is just exiting in the yellow and black Jenny Mur on the left side of your screen in the is actually ahead of all of these ladies as far as pace is concerned because m is at the top in lane 18 Jenny’s in Lane one so she is having to run further inside not further overall further inside to get back outside so that is the one unique element about this since they’re all facing each other they’re all running the same distance some just run a little further outside while they actually run the same outside but how they get to their barbell or where they start is the Difference Maker it was the safest way to do it right to do and the way a couple of other athletes that a great see back out on the floor jacn dolom yes um after being on that bubble point and and dropping out in the final workout of Berlin last year not punching her ticket to the games despite being a perennial returner she’s back out and looking for or to make a big impact she’s changed her coaching team as well she was always with the program and her boyfriend John singles now she’s moved to the hard work pays off Camp still training out of a box in New York c23 with the same group around as she always has but with um programming and support from the hard as we move to our fourth round here for event number one for the women the field is getting stretched more and more as we had some breaks in the arena while everybody is running and depending on the pace we see we may see Amy kingle make her way in before the last athlete leads you can see Lucy mcal on the right side of your screen in the white top brown short 17 years old Three Time Crossing games athlete won the 14 15 division aged up to 16 17 wins that one and Lucy mcal I think is one of those athletes that we’ve seen we’ve seen a lot of young success for the the some American team females Luis mle could be that next one in Europe in Europe yeah and there was so much talk this time last year about what camp she was going to go with cuz she was still training out of Ireland and was kind of quite comfortable but we knew that people were approaching her she’s finally settled with the proven Camp um I was speaking to her the other day and she was saying like how mindblowing it is to be able to go up to and talk to and ask her advice from all of like her Idols in the sports in that camp um and she’s really enjoying that process at the moment you got to remember she’s still super coming back the out of irand 17 years old her worst finish place last year was actually event number one at the semifinal so not uncommon to really see that but Amy Kringle as we thought in the door but Gabby mwa has closed the distance onor in that fourth run aming cringle going touch and go the first few sets Gabby mwa left side of your screen in the green sticking with singles here comes emal emal in the blue bottom part of your screen sitting in third Amy Kringle four reps left to go right side of your screen white top blue shorts oh touch and go here comes the touch and go it’s back two more reps to go for Pringle five reps to go for Gabby mwa Gabby mwa Gabby mwa won the European semifinal last year and cringle is done right about 1635 Gabby mall with two reps left to go and has two Laura Horvath just getting to her barbell Laura Horvath is in the all black left bottom corner of your screen Gabby mwa is aome mwa is about 15 seconds behind Kringle and cringle’s Pace looking a little bit slower than she has the first four rounds this gabin mwa may be able to close that distance a little bit more like she did on the four fourth one I think this is exceptionally welled by mwa she she knows that she can take advantage of the last rounds due to her out and out fitness her ability to continue working until later into the the time domain emall sitting in third she just went out the door for her Fifth and final run em David shuni the couple that just seem to go through every roller ride physically possible and so Emma’s here with David who didn’t make semifinals which is madness given the skill of that man but he’s here as a course system and a back carrier this weekend for Emma SL coach alongside Philip bisgard who um is the coach of is back the floor approaching the 18-minute mark J L horv out the door J M 800 me run there you go Andrea Solberg out on the floor in Lane number two Andrea soberg right side of your screen in the blue pants white top one of those athletes that’s trying to get back to the CrossFit games so I am I was out in uh the UAE with her at the end of last year there was a small Oslo contingent the big Oslo massive call them that from now on # oow masses Oslo masses start the hashtag now she won I think it was all but one event at that competition we were at and it was it was a field that was pretty deep with her like her own country women um but she just when she does have a result just fees up gets better and better she’s not a leaderboard Watcher as I found out the hard way do not tell that you told her where he was yeah I did that with Valerie Bal once and I never did it again poly tan as well another youngster um Irish but training with Rob like the seminar staff from up abine where Rogue Invitational com now we just do word association I just say a word and Link it to someone hey that’s how we do it right all right we are slowly getting to that 20 minute Mark we’re at 1920 right now 2141 is the time to beat set by Ella Wilkinson in Heat number one but the question is is Amy cringle going to have the lead she had going out over Gabby mwa or is Gabby mwa going to close that distance on Amy cringle and what is that race on the last 10 reps going to look like we saw in heat One Rebecca vids was able to hold on for all 10 Amy Kringle has been going touch and go every round for about four to five reps and then going to maybe doubles and singles towards that Gabby mwa has only done singles this entire time could we see the same thing like we didn’t heat one where has Amy maxed her potential on the bar and is Gabby saving it Lucy mcle right side your screen coming in for her fourth round of clean Jer and we heard that they’re just oh there it is now here’s the thing pringle’s going to get to her bar first but Gabby mwa is going to get about at the same time this is going to be m is going to have to be touch and go from both ladies and they will a chance Gavin Mawa cycling the bar for the first time Kringle drops the bar here comes mwa kingle cycle rate is so fast hand in the air for mwa kingle drops the bar again can Gabby hold on Gabby mwa three reps to go Gabby drops the bar three reps to go for Kringle Gabby mwa two cring two here comes Gabby mwa go one more rep to go for Gabby and it’ll be Gabby MC at 2110 with Amy Kringle just behind her at 2113 aming that is why we love this sport Mings that was awesome has for all to come down to the barbell how Gabby played every single round just eating into the time now Laura horbett has been just lurking in the back for the last three rounds she’s in the bottom left corner but we have a race for third place against the clock and it looks like Ella Wilkinson’s time will stand so Ella Wilson will take third emal is done so emal third in the heat but labat is trying to get into that top five in this heat potentially top five in the event go you might remember last year with Laura semifinals Jen M we talked about it Lauren before it ever happened we knew Jen M would be last in but she is first to the bar Jen M top right side of your screen will actually take a top five finish in this event and straight after her was Laura horv and I don’t know if you remember last year Laura did just ease through the opening day she didn’t make any big statement she didn’t have to go and win anything she just kept it cool casual and did what she needed to do Laur hor I think one of her worst finishes was actually the first event last year at the 2023 European CrossFit Champion uh European semi-finals where she took 23rd in that event so a much better start for lur Horvath this year than last year but how about Gabby maawa said this was the first this was the one she was looking forward to the most we can see why yeah we can see why great Runner so good on the barbell she’ll have her Challenge on day three I believe it’s day two with those legless rope climbs so not out of the woods yet for Gabby mcalla those have posed an issue for in their past but I was talking to her coach about it yesterday and he says that is the thing of the past I’m I’m coming right back at you chase I had that same conversation with them in Berlin last year and last year she absolutely dominated the ROP SL workout because guess what she’s worked on it it’s not something that she’s let drag through the years I think there’s much less of a concern around that for her 2332 Claudia Gluck bottom part of your screen working through her last set of cleaner jerks Here Comes T Helga daughter she’s just coming in for the run so she’s going to run around to her bar her bar is all the way on the backs side as she’ll be in Lane 19 makes her yep Lane 19 at AC cross it sport she’s now currently working with Andre HUD in the um no shortcuts train so that’s alongside like y Hoster and of course but I think she’s found a bit of a family there that maybe she hasn’t had in previous years these ladies still well time C for this event is 30 minutes so all athletes have plenty of time to get through this and yeah you think about t over the years is that she’s never really been in a big training camp not a lot of Fan Fair with who’s coaching her or where she’s training and she’s always been yeah like you said kind of doing it on her own yeah and man on ages she is another of training Partners not quite opposite one each other one another on the grid but near enough impressive is done for francisa she has one rep to go hog out of cross rosenheim 5 minutes left to go and I believe it it be just could be Lucy mcgonagle which will be a tough start for she had a rough start last year of the 60 athletes that were competing last year in event number one that was Lucy’s worst finish as she took 55th out of those 60 so not unfamiliar territory for her still finished well overall at the semi-finals last year and with five events still remaining still a lot of time for her to shine as she there’s a couple of gymastics events that are coming up that she can make up ground on she took first in the European semifinal in quarterfinals in 24.3 which was all gymnastics based with the handstand pushup climb toes to it’s Lucy McGonigal 10 reps away to close out her first event of the weekend yeah be interesting to have a chat with her after this because I know coming into last year it was a bonus right she was still competing teen and it was just like a feeler this time I can imagine now she’s Elite level it’s still kind of a feeler but having done it once does that mentality change you want to go in for the big wins or is this still just like a learning experience for her her hand is up and she’s closing out three reps remaining three Reps for Luc McGonigal she’s almost there final rep for mcgonagal Lucy mcgonagal 2656 unofficial


    1. Who thought flicking back and forth between the athletes and the commentators was actually a good idea?

      The camera work ON the athletes was great!

    2. 90% of these comments are from people who definitely don't know how this was produced. The Podcast version commentary was great! Just needed more camera angles. I'm honestly in the middle. I'm nowhere near as upset as some of the media about the livestream and how it was done. I'm a little upset that this particular video is possible but I didn't see it until now. Good News … This means the coverage for the rest of the weekend will be solid. My milk toast take is why I don't have my own podcast … what can ya do …

    3. This is a highly edited version of what was shown live. It is much better than the live version. I was disappointed that Chase and the lady didn't say anything about where Laura Horvath was till the very end. She is after all the reigning Games Champ.

    4. Crossfit Games needs desperately to do something about their commentators. Year after year they are the weakest link in the whole production. I cannot believe that in the course of becoming a world-wide phenomenon, these two nitwits are the best Crossfit can come up with!

    5. I do not want to see the commentator, they should talk less about other athletes who are not competing, and actually talk about 
      the ones who are in the competition floor.

    6. It is a shame the commentators are not given easy access notes on the athletes and their histories.
      Come on crossfit help them out to look more polished.

    7. Incredible athletes, the performance is amazing. But could the commentators talk more specifically about CrossFit and what's happening rather than talking about their own lives? And is it really necessary to see them? We want to see the sport, not the commentators.

    8. This is infuriating. Why is Laura horvath competing here and I’m stuck looking at these random commentators who are talking about something completely different?! Production during games season is shocking again already!

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