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    stage 12 of the Jed Italia promis to be an absolute cracker mark down as a day for the Breakaway long before this race started and with everything having been the way it’s been full gas non-stop highly entertaining more of the same was hoped for beginning in Martin curo first 50 odd kilm on the flat up the Adriatic Coast but once they reach chivit tanova Marque they’d go Inland and into the hills the usual MRI Mar Jani stage the walls T adriatico type country this always promises to be an exciting day when it comes to the jle 193 km 2,200 M to climb up and down for the last three quarters of the stage and it would not be up and down in terms of the entertainment it will be up go further up and finish on a high paleni F Martin Stak and trentin were the first three to try and they were have to hang out there for a long long time whilst all the racing rage behind them 40 km would pass and no breakway then the next move went with 150 K to go three Riders again they get around a minute but then the real attacks will begin in as the climb started alaf Philip going Picolo trying to follow and then 40 or 50 Riders trying to make it there with them alaf made it to the front in the end 38 Riders would get there poo Sanchez would be trying once again but the groups at the front weren’t that organized too many riders and with 126 km to go and the 38 Riders away still trying to understand each other’s Ambitions Al Philip and My3 went ala Philip’s team must have been wondering what he was doing they controled for the first 60 km or so they had 26 seconds on the rest of the Chasers and the peleton eventually were letting the break go but in the Breakaway coming up from behind in that large 38 Man Group a couple of dangerous riders in the general classification Domino poovo was won at over 7 Minutes the main threat though was ala filip’s teammate Yan H he was traveling at just over 5 minutes he was on his way in fact to the podium in the general classification so behind bohin started to ride they’d be assisted by UA Emirates holders of the pink jersey alaf Filip and my 3 would be ahead with a minute KN in 42 as he went into the final 50 km the big chasing group behind had long split up Bacha was all smiles as the threats on the GC faded away and a group of nine was now chasing the two up the road inside the final 15 km the wind blowing as well everybody was watching the pelan and the Mala group as a few splits appeared but everyone was also watching this group led by naris and Company to see if they come back on ala felipa myri 43 seconds with 11 K to go at alaf Filip on the final climb to Mont J dropping the man he’d ridden with so well My3 32 years of age never won a jeto stage at seven attempts it was the first attempt for alaf Philip on jro debut also in his 30s not having won a Grand Tour stage for a good 3 years but he was away he was alone he had 10 and 1 half kilm to go going over the final climb and with just over 40 seconds as the group behind broke up again narai is looking good and he’d go with Hermon as valgren followed on with scaroni on his wheel still not a done deal at this stage and NV we know in fine form Bor hanro were trying to put Danny Martinez in the right place to challenge T pachar we waited to see if there’d be any moves at the front there was no movement in the Gap and jul ARA Filip was on his way to a Chan at glory 37 seconds in the final 2 and A2 kilom finally alone half a minute to celebrate Junior ala Filip winning alag Grande at the jro Italia a message to Patrick Le favor after all of the winter criticism and joining The Grand Tour Grand Slam stage winners Club the tour and now jeto already a jeto stage winner a couple of times night of eyes was second third place would go to Hermon it was a day that had started absolutely rapidly the first half an hour at 55 kilm per hour and there would have been a sigh of relief in the pink jersey group as they all crossed the line without any major differences in the top 10 a stressful day to control behind a super combat wonderfully entertaining win to Julian ala Philip many reminded of Peter Sagan’s debut at the Jiro and his stage win which had been the record for the fastest stage win of all time way he came and battered away the competition it was similar for alaf Philip in this instance beating narv Hermon valren scaroni and the rest a top 102 for My3 who of course contributed so much Glory then to Ala falip who thought about his family and friends who supported him through the public criticism he’s back winning in the way only he knows how T poacha in the meantime continues to win the jeto Italia he is at 2 minutes 40 seconds in front of Danny Martinez gine Thomas in third still at 256 a superb day on the jeto a possible Sprint day coming up but a warning the wind is forecast to be howling right across the pelan from Ron to chanto this is the pan flat padina stage usually one for the sprinters interesting to see if anybody will be willing or even with the legs after a day like this one to go in the Breakaway it’s 179 km long the sprinters will be hoping to control but you just never say never we’ve had interesting finales here before not a bit of climbing in sight on paper it’s the easiest stage of the jit tal you can watch it on Eurosport Discovery Plus or you’re in the US on max [Music]


    1. I've only been watching the tours for the last few years so haven't seen Julian at his peak, but I've always admired what a fighter and courageous rider he is. What a win today, love him proving the pessimists wrong, fair fucking play

    2. getting really tired of UAE not controlling the race like they should for all of these stages, or is that old school tactics now?

    3. Alaphilippe should have won stage 6 too but he finished only 2nd because he did the most work among the 3 leading riders and Sanchez, the rider who did the least work, won the sprint between the 3 riders. Sanchez faked weakness and pulled the least while Alaphilippe exhibited strength and pulled the most. As a result, Sanchez still had the energy reserve to win the sprint and won the stage with Alaphilippe 2nd and Plapp 3rd (who did his fair share of pulling).

    4. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

      00:14 🚴 Stage 12 set the scene for an exciting day with breakaway attempts and challenging terrain.
      – Riders battled it out in the breakaway on a course full of climbs and descents.
      01:08 🏞️ The breakaway group faced challenges in organizing and understanding each other's ambitions.
      – Multiple riders attempted breakaways, but the front group was not well-organized.
      02:51 🚵 A tale of tactical cycling with threats on the general classification and solo breakaway success.
      – Strategies played out as threats to the general classification arose within the breakaway group.
      – Solo riders made strategic moves, leading to a successful breakaway victory.
      04:44 🥇 Julian Alaphilippe secures a spectacular solo victory in the challenging race.
      – Alaphilippe's solo breakaway led to a grand stage win at the Giro d'Italia.
      – The victory marked a significant achievement after facing public criticism in the past.
      – The solo win showcased Alaphilippe's skills and determination in the competition.

      Made with HARPA AI

      I remember in 2016 I got to watch LouLou win what I believe was the first stage race of his career. I got to see him win stage 3 (Gibraltar stage) at Tour of California and he took a pic with me in his yellow jersey after he won the stage which he carried all the way to the end winning the overall in Sacramento. I then followed the tour to every stage that year and got to see my favourite rider of all time Cav win the final stage in Sacramento. I have a room in my house that has many pics that I took standing next to many of the greats like
      Wiggo in Yellow
      Bernal in Yellow
      Alaphelippe in Yellow
      Pogi in Yellow
      Tejay Van Garderen in Yellow
      G. Bennett in Yellow
      Cav in Green
      Sagan in Green
      Gavaria in Green
      Oss in KOM
      and several others including almost every rider from Team SKY that appeared over the years
      I also have autographs from EVERY SINGLE one of them. Being an Englishman living in California it was a real treat to get to meet all these greats and get personal pics and autographs from all of them. I went to the TOC every year from '09 – '19 and only missed about 12 stages in total in all those years. I've never ridden a bike in competition but I guess you could call my spare room a shrine to all these greats. It's really a thing to see with all these guys in classification jerseys and me the Muppet standing next to them and all their autographs on different items such as my English flag, my British flag, team water bottles, pics from years previous and my Team Britain riders jersey. I also have a burger wrapper signed by Cav in '09 which was my first autograph and I wasn't prepared for it😂 From that point on I realised what incredibly easy access I had to all these riders and was always well prepared every single year!!
      Thanks for hearing me ramble on
      CHAPEAU TO LOULOU!!! INCREDIBLE WIN!!! That should silence Leferve!!

    6. I think this is the highlight of the Giro and possibly the highlight of the year so far!!!
      Chapeau loulou

    7. I'm sure many of us can clearly see how Pogi has a cold, alergies or something. His nostrils are red as Rudolph and every time we see him on the bike or after the race hes either wiping his nose with the backside of his gloves or hes trying to clear his throat. It seems pretty obvious the past 2 or 3 days!! I hope this is the "something will happen" that i felt would happen causing him to lose time but we'll have to see

    8. it's such a pitty that they closed down GCN+, it was so much better than Discovery+
      you had long and short Highlights of every day of racing, nothing at all on the new stupid Discovery+ Streamer

    9. Absolutely elated by this exhilarating stage result! Edge-of-my-seat live viewing of the last 100km (!!) of that impossibly brilliant breakaway, loved the classy cooperation between the two leaders, and the triumphant final climb to a beautiful, redemptive finish for my favorite champion. Surely now that a day has passed, it's no spoiler — Allez LouLou!!! 😀 😀 😀

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