I head back up on the Highway and drive to Marseille, On route I stop in McDonalds just see if I can buy A La big Mac and also get a bear with that also, As in the opening scene of Pulp Fiction.

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    [Music] good morning we Areo no one here cool place to stay good ey and welcome to me leaving Nims I’m I’ve enjoyed my two nights of stay here really cool people with Just €39 Right close to the shops or Littles it really good intern that not so good but I’m leaving no one here unless they still in bed so anyway I’ll cleaned cleaned up left the room left the keys there fridge is empty door better shut the door I man this door’s open I’d want to lock it I have left it a jar there’s no one here a I want to say goodbye I did oh anyway C still we all its belongings are still inside oh man right I am off to there it Al to an ampy theater first thing to an empy theater I believe and then to the Vincent Van go Museum if they’ll let me take some pictures of his artwork in there if if if if if if if and then from there on this is today’s agenda whoever I get there is Mars which does look epic and like I say the cloud is all gone wow it’s going he says that’s a bit gray out that way oh man but blue skies are coming in and that wind has dropped I say that wind we’ve been having the lady said that’s extraordinary weather it’s really cold for the time of year so hopefully all that weather’s gone and I’ll be a to get a bit of sunand bit of sunand on my skin so if you want a decent place to stay if in Nims which all right I really like it here then it’s in Grid Mary on booking.com cool place to stay comfy bed it’s all right I’ve enjoyed my two days there and then I’ve kind of recovered and I recharged my battery please got up this morning thinking all right let’s get back on the road man let’s see some more of this impeccable country right he’s getting in the O and car oh GPS is there sham the grand champ that’s around going 46 minutes dash cam is on board I’ve got my keys in the car water is good done a little Service as always every day just keeping on top of things so I don’t get in a massive model why is it taking me this way it is so oh man I shall see you man I’m looking back I left any bags on the street know just ch I always get nervous about leaving place it’s like a double check triple check and then check again right I thought that was going to do that send me the wrong way I got to turn around look it was sending me up there still looks like it’s sending me this way a man but no I know I got to turn around cuz I know where the main road is right I need me hands all righty I’m coming into ARS I just saw a sign she pretty good it says the coat do aor so I guess this is oh man the start of my coat to aors forgive the pronunciation oh man so I’ve got 15 minutes before I get to my first location today but man it was cool seeing the cat to his all sign really was really was landscape has changed and oh hang on oh no a nickel bit all right here we go get tight complicated little roads where one needs to pay attention to his little map before I turned right into there accidentally and then had to come all the way around one way system but we’re all right everything’s looking good I just crossed the river ran which is all right not quite as big as I thought it would be uh but here I am man on the coat theor wicked happy traffic not too B oh man there’s an epic oh mate I think I just passed the r was maybe a uh a oh mate a small River compared to the one that’s just appeared on the GPS I’m going around here and I am turning right right around here will I see the big old river that I can see on the GPS no not with chuff ar we have arrived RECenter oh man so I don’t know I’m going to cross it in a minute oh man I’m still bunged up people on I can’t I cannot sus out how come I’m still bunged up and I’ve still got a man of chesty I ain’t abanded is it in there I might look like abandoned Factory no no it’s a new one a so so these beautiful trees there’s no sun coming through where are I have been driving I have actually seen that I mean you got to watch these look these little speed ramps they they they’re not small they they you got to hit them at less than 10 mph man you got to really slowed down you get used to them you see the science you get used to everything after a while man what have you got an Intrepid is that me is that the C is that the camping Cowboy that might be on our right on walk about looks like someone in their motor home on the right also found somewhere at Camp last night rather them than me W man these lovely trees no sun here we go no freaking speed ramp they are designed to wreck your vehicle they are if you don’t slow down oh man so now I was hoping to see Sunshine what I’ve done the land that I’ve driven through today I’ve actually uh seen lots and lots of rain this looks like a deric village they all do they all look closed now it is I actually got on the road quite late it’s now quarter to midday it is 11:45 go around this Village I man doesn’t look roadents are good are they that doesn’t look as impeccable as most others right so I’m in Al I’m they going to cross that River in a little while I’m I’ll turn right oh excuse me so here I am going over a this River again the road the river ran oh man it’s a lot bigger it is it’s a lot wow is a lot bigger wow and now I can see the ancient city man they all look Wicked Man all these cities got such cool old oh man historic buildings in everywhere you go really do man more red lights the buildings man they look awesome when the sun come out obviously makes them look a lot better I’m hoping that sun do come out man no oh man no not another Market a second hand Market what kind of Market I need to turn right right I don’t know if it’s this right oh man man the turnning I want is where this Market is ah I needed to turn left right down there ah that ain’t going to happen ah mate cuz it’s Market day no that’s a no entry ah love love my job just all right okay let’s give us another option that’s cool and here we are it’s always good to see oh man a lump of rock I’ve got to go around this way f it is annoying is annoying I’ll get around it I’ll get around it Market there wow so it does look awesome it’s all right to my left it’s massive plake building so what I need to do is find somewhere to park up but man it’s just man it’s massive beautiful the mountain to my left or all the rock formation I’m going to keep going around but follow this road it does look awesome as always okay this could be it I love the roundabouts on every single roundabout three France there is a sculpture or something there is well here’s where I’m going I believe oh wow look at it’s like Castle man that’s not going to let me in is it no wow look at this city that’s wicked look what I found man uh you go B me go much that post to you right look what I just found right back shortly right let’s see if anyone’s got to let me out let’s see if these people will get out of the middle of the road we’ll have brains switch on as so all just dri up here well this guy stop or is he got to just carry on it’s all right man well I want get over you get over me how about you guys [Music] giveway [Music] yeah it’s a TW Lane traffic mate do you know what I mean right him right over is he going to get over get over let’s go have his hazards on a red light why you got your hazards on a red light mate now that building there that looks epic doesn’t it like it’s made out of Lego right I got to get me little GPS on the maps let these people cross see where I am I want to get on to one of the nroads well I’m going to KN I’m going to get out otherwise You’ be stuck there all day love to know what that building’s all about over there got another guy they all put the aards on I just love giving away you’d think some point the pedestrians might give way at the traffic because it’s like no you’re not going to let me in I’ll just drive slow Burger King McDonald’s this way what is that Majestic looking building to my left wow and now if you like me I’m listening to the tubes today I am I love the [Music] tubes that’s it love bomb well I’m going that way Ro blocked off that way right here we go I just got a nit knit one pearl one across town where am I going I’m going I’m heading the wrong way I want to get on to the I don’t know what the n road is it’s red and it’s n but I want to see what that weird building was I did am I getting closer or further away from it it’s there right over on my left now that’s a dead end up there so this Ed Railway line someone’s up the CH as per normal I’m trying to navigate and look where I’m going cuz I’m a tourist so top tip guy wherever you are in your country is if you see the foreign flag or whatever on the back of the motor do take note and give a bit of time get a bit of space whatever now is that a oneway street I’m on the right hand side I’m doing right is that a oneway street I know all the cars are pointing one way oh I’ve going up here and they’re all coming another way one way to me left go around [Music] here ah okay I was thinking I parking the car here but look you think it’s a good idea I knew I would find somewhere that was me trying to find my way to that procurious building and all I found look look look look yeah yeah I knew I’d find a load of rubbish dumped bags and stuff without doe care i’ that find it somewhere I think I have come to what I would call a very very cheap part of France it’s a bit too cheap for me I’m out of there mate I don’t like it now look little that rubbish there oh I can’t get in the bin it had to happen I found ah somewhere that isn’t Immaculate and it’s back street counsel estate I guess oh golf there man it look like it’s an abandoned area right I couldn’t find my way to the procurious looking building but oh it looks like I’m kind of heading the right way to the road I want to get on so there you go all righty in between stops McDonald’s is always good whenever I see one I just pull in and then I go on the internet there McDonald’s just that sign in I thought that that looked like 1970s abandonment but so 1970s building nonetheless so I do that’s what I do I just pull up my go the internet and now I’ve got my I’m actually a lot further from marel 93 km I think I thought I was about 40 so the day is going to get longer but as I’m actually at Burger King I haven’t eaten yet just coffees I wonder if someone asked me just got pop fiction do you get can you get a bear oh you got a order online a man can you get a beer with a burger I wonder hello hello you okay miss you can um not speaking they’re all looking at me I think they’re all on C camera’s pointing at me no no that’s pointing at me darling no you no me me look look look yeah you can see yeah okay so okay what what do you call a Big Mac this is bit awkward love Big Mac here no everybody another strange man is called love Big Mac is that right yeah Big Mac love Big Mac and can I get a bear with that what a bear a bear yeah what is this a bear a bear bear alcohol yeah okay you can yes you can no me no here I I I Can Drink a Beer yes you and have a burger in McDonald’s in France yes I I have to WR you know the film Pulp Fiction I don’t know you know okay he he he talks about if you have they call not Big Mac the Big Mac and you can have a bear so you can I don’t want a little Big Mac no I want do you do um double cheeseburger what double cheeseburger you want to uh yeah I don’t want a Big Mac I just just wanted to know but I want a double cheeseburger it’s with the my friend here yes yes uh go to here go to here yeah okay that’s that’s that’s all me darling it’s all right can I I want two double double cheeseburger men not no no no fries or drink just two two small Burgers two [Music] UMES yes not three and duh duh duh okay it’s okay yeah yeah yeah yeah how are you Budd you good he’s got a smile on his face it’s all right I don’t mind entertaining Mery Mery so there you go I’ve got a bit of flickering you can get a beer with Le Big M and McDonald’s in France there you can fact okay just for the record so you know you can you can go into McDonald’s in France and buy the Big Mac and you can get served a beer as well it’s pretty good I didn’t have a Big Mac I’m not a fan I like the little double cheeseburgers now that it’s a tasty burger almost as good there a Big Kahuna Burger that’s right welcome to the Pulp Fiction episode now that is a tasty burger I do like the little double cheeseburgers two at McDonald’s there cost €150 so what’s that 525 each I think they’re £2 something each back in in the UK 220 240 something don’t know can’t remember and they cook them to order as well uh it’s like elart it is it’s like uh McDonald’s elart burger M tasty so I now have 1 hour 44 minutes before Oh man abandon now someone’s else I just look abandoned end up going around the band and someone’s going to come out I’ve got 1 hour 44 minutes before I get to my next destination so I am journeying along with a tasty burger okay people I have coming to the coast right when I saw this bit of Road here I’m so glad I just got really really nervous right cuz when I saw this on this be the the route that I want to take I’ve thought that I’d be going over a massive massive bridge right now for about a mile or so wa so you can imagine the relief that I’m not high up I’m literally it’s um oh man it is pretty cool that I’m flat on the ground and not high up in the air I was really nervous about this part of the drive today I wanted to take this road rather than um the other way because the other way was more Inland and takes a bit longer so I have made it hey twoo the coat the res Wells the coast Mars is about 50 km away 1 hour I’m still an hour and 15 minutes massive cement factory right there to my left and I do mean massive a port back where I’ve just come was incredible massive power man I think there like two nuclear power stations I’ve just drive past but I wouldn’t been able to show you because I’m so far away from them um on this road oh oh hang on no the road stay now you can see it goes up a little bit I don’t mind a little bit but no please don’t turn into a massive Bridge no so this is now going to take me the next part of the Road by looking at the GPS literally uh alongside the coast right on the right hand side nice [Music] hey okay we pretty curious looking Road I guess that’s a Railway Bridge as I’m now driving along the side I’m man at this massive great Port oh I’m glad of have I oh that bridge there who I’ve avoided that one hopefully as well wow the amount of yacht parked over there oh man this is a camping spot if you want to camp up on this spot to my right I think you can there a camper there it is I can tell you one thing guys the wind ain’t half picked up it’s got really really windy again and so I’m going to have to be super selective where where I camp tonight I really am to get out of that wind again I’m already feel feeling a bit tired I am I’m just so glad well I say I am have I got to go over that bridge no I bypass it thankfully actually the bridge looks like it’s under construction but I tell you coming off these um D roads and Roads you just really don’t know what you’re going to see what it’s around the corner next you don’t there are hundreds of Yachts over there it’s another Boatyard right there loads of boats [Music] man so how long have I got I still got an hour to go man the boat stacked up three High stack them and rack them man look you see how high they’re all stacked right in there they all come out to be anti fouled I reckon by looking at the bottoms of them they need a bit of anti fing going on just the port right there and that’s the way in the entrance just didn’t be [Music] right and that bridge is under construction by the looks of it right back in a bit okay so that bridge is under construction ction but I have to cross this River luckily I’m not going over that bridge no I’m in this lovely little Port Village oh it’s lovely manate just icking me I got to go right here oh man prer we gone up there it’s nice where the road brings me though isn’t it seeing all these little ickle Port Towns man driving me around the bend massive se you can see how choppy the sea is to the left oh oh oh oh no it’s all good it is taking me around the houses I’ve got to admit because of that big bridge is not open oh it’s little one I can handle oh wow and yeah it’s going to take me right right turn right here through this town oh man so you get a tour of this port whatever this port is called don’t know but I say everywhere you go this is nice man nice little Port Village let’s see if I can see a name of what it’s called and I say to the left just another old Roman that’s a Roman statue Roman type building there and there is that bridge once again as I’ve come all the way up there I’m now going right back on myself I’m going to do a little bit of a yui by the looks of the GPS map and then come back on the S the other way so it’s a full uh tour of the little town knit one PE one loads of fisherman along there to my right I guess just on thisy so no I ain’t got to turn left just yet got to go down this next one wow W car wrecker and there’s no signpost for this one just got to keep your eyes open at all times oh man nice little Port Town no idea what it’s called border b r a 35 minutes to O Mars and I’m in the mountain range I am going through this Valley I am down the fourth gear laying off the power oh I have not been looking forward to the mountains it’s going to really put the a car to the test it really is and you can probably hear the amount of wind that’s going to put me of the test wow come on I’ll keep going up higher I’m down at just under 40 mph keeping it in fourth gear the wind is mad there are little labys for me to pull [Music] over there are as it looks we’re coming to the the crest of the wave or the crest of this hill that’s good I’m over 40 let put her in fifth gear ah man and then break down for the roundabout and then probably a free wheeel down the you oh man Tyrant today is I’m I’m having a very tirant day I am but I’m glad oh man everything’s going okay so far he says I’ll say the five the d568 is the road I am a p how the car sound it’s all right stereo’s packed up by the way has so there you go I’m now going downhill it’s all right ah petrol I’m just under half ah the day is okay we’re getting there 34 minutes away ickle by ickle by ickle all right you know a lot My Views as I come out of these archways or tunnels whe they’re in stadiums or whatever what’s this one going to give me about go right it’s a good job I’m going right oh no you’re not going to see it okay to my right I thought I would have seen it no this wall is protecting me to the right is the Sea by the way I thought I was going to have an epic view of the sea but no just back on this Rocky Road which is I man it’s a nice drive and I’m glad I’m going downhill I’ve been going down now for quite a some time which is good so car man that’s what I mean by an epic view I like to show you I like to do a doing something here you go look now as I swing swing around could could camp down there maybe that’s what I mean by coming out of these archways into epic views like that that’s what I mean that’s what I get buzzz off man awesome is it cool looking at that place over there I think it’s quite possibly Mars maybe maybe not why is that CW look at that all the cruise ships wow Wicked you see them one two three four five masses of cruise ships stuck in there as people have pulled over to the side to perhaps have a nice break with this amazing view man wicked wicked the cruise ship stuck all getting ready uh to go Cruise shipping I reckon massive great Port Wicked a man that’s really cool never know what you’re going to get who I can see all the Nets all over the side of this rock obviously there to stop rocks falling on the head all there to my left oh so metal it’s all metal mesh to stop all that little tumbling bits of stones coming onto this road wicked wicked Port ghost I think that said ghost it’s chicken farm there I reckon man you see see all the masts the Mast many Mast of many yacht wow I reckon that great big crane there is to lift them in and out of so water wow it’s wicked I’m looking left at all the old some buildings all carved out okay this is where this is going to get epic I believe this is what I come to France for try see it’s Sneaky up there no Centerville oh man Vick Port I think it said again with a V difficult to to say or pronounce I’m coming in a we head right like I say every little place I come into it’s difficult not to Vlog about them all they all got something of an interest something don’t know what w all right I’m back in a bit wow gusts of wind not me out side as we are on this Harbor Road Little B to me left oh a bear man I do I’m parched I am I’m up cold and I could do I’m thirsty I could do with a bear really could oh man I should keep going there about a bit more little places to park or pull over and have a beer just going to see if this road make gives us some better views of what’s to my right man Big Stuff the cruise ships are right in front of me but they’re um they’re blocked the vision is blocked obstructed right okay oh man I’ve totally forgot i’ been driving around there it’s all right guys I forgot to look at me map it’s all right I haven’t gone off PE just yet but I easily could have done cuz I was going to go down there to the right and um no I need to go this way back on target mate get back on course what I should be doing easily distracted very easily oh man the car is what’s up do you see the undergrowth of the car in front flapping away something not right on that car glad that’s that car and not this car okay McDonald’s ran the corner and pH I’m going up hill that’s why there’s two lanes that car is seriously flapping it’s under Carriage man wonder if he knows who there we go that’s what I wanted to see big ships yay look at them look at them man never ever fancied going on the cruise myself no it’s just stuck on a big Ferry it’s bad enough being on a ferry for hour or so that guy’s got a serious flapping engine on that little Merc don’t know what it is I can hear it he must know what’s going on you can hear it as I went past wow all right oh man I it keep going straight keep going straight man people I knew it won’t last look I know it’s windy but I I have made it to Mars and it looks where it’s just brought me through it’s like the projects mate it is it’s uh well it’s not very nice it really isn’t not much to be desired uh not at all well I just gone for a red light that’s all right I giveway that’s how it’s green light now guys look at all the litter in the street you see it all all yeah look it’s like Thailand all this lit I’ve never seen anything like this in France yet and on both sides of the road man so it tells me like I say I come of these big cities things will go gradually downhill I do believe I have seen the best of France obviously coming into Mars it is a big big city and coming in from the port um like I said it looked like the project um it probably looks a little bit downhill too to the rest of France that I’ve seen but no worries I shall wing it I shall play it by a but I don’t think I’ll be staying around my tonight I so I don’t think I don’t know it depends on what I find don’t you know got to feel safe and secure and I’m in a decent area so I might I don’t know what I’m going to do right now I’m just going to get to my first destination start making the Marcel Vlog Mars and then get back on the road I think to some point so guys I’ll probably see you oh man in quite some time there is a statue in front of me I saw all this graffiti all over the walls man this is poor graffiti I did see some good stuff coming through the bronks um the projects I did where am I going around here I’m going around here to the left I am okay right around here and then down there right whoa and I’m not far from my destination so keep the camera on it might be this great big building of some proportion to the left uh I think it is as I go down there there should be that is it right to my left I am at my first destination that’s a taxi rank wow oh man it’s incredible it is absolutely incredible what I just saw on my left hand side so much so to see if I can go and do a little parking cuz I don’t think I’m going to be out to park oh there’s a tram no let that Taxi Driver gu a bike up me ass now I don’t know what to do I want to maybe I will turn left see if I can take that motorbike out and see if I can just do what I do to give you an amazing view that’s a tram line there look so I can’t but look at that man whoa there you go that’s all I wanted to do guys is just give you that amazing view it’s all right there’s nothing about I am in control I’m not going going Park I am that is something to be seen it is so I going Park up here think I might be able to find a sneaky little spot just there on my left I right look 8:30 9:30 you can’t park here a man and over there this ah back in a second hang on right this is me Tic Tac Toe across Mars pick a road there’s so much of an interest here but it’s a horrible City to navigate it is it is is quite hard work and I’m kind of heading this way I’m actually kind of heading out of marsel not really it’s been one of them places where I was quite excited about coming but that’s what you do you get when you look on YouTube and places to see what it’s like it looks awesome and then when you you get here you find out it’s not quite yeah it looks awesome let’s spe that was a [ __ ] and me left ah there’s a great big Monument State uh thing to my left it does look awesome but the roads are bad it’s nowhere near as clean as the other cities that I’ve been that’s the thing with YouTube man like it don’t off give you a a false impression of what a place was like I mean there there’s rubbish everywhere I didn’t see none of this on YouTube when I I I had a quick look find out there’s another big Square here can I I want to turn left but I don’t it’s going to let me now it’s another Market there is a left turn there but now it’s going to take me somewhere else another great building um and so I have been uh a little bit let down haven’t enjoyed it where I thought I would well stitch up man so at least if you watch my channel you’ll see that m is not as clean as the rest of anywhere else it’s a huge City and it’s full of all these little one lane one lane roads so it is pretty hard to navigate people don’t use the indicators as such so you have literally got to push one shove one and there’s no left hand turn here either so that is that’s me just driving having a moan as per usual a man well hopefully I’ll be somewhere decent to Camp soon all right nothing to say here no just just the sky oh don’t look down Mr King Don’t Look Down I have left Mars hated it I really did didn’t like it one bit no oh man not quite so sure I’ve made the right decision doing this mountainous Coastal Road as opposed to going in L I thought how this will do me but I’m like oh man I didn’t realize I’ll be up this side this quick and I’m off to the pl I think my next stop is going to be Cassis it’s through this mountain range but may I really did not like wow Mars one bit the roads were horrible so bumpy was worse than going off road oh man well it’s easy to do these roads just don’t look down is it that’s it I’m in third gear already got a couple of cars up myff I’m oh man wow and there’s no barriers here look oh me wow it’s horrible I don’t think you guys will get the good the the best feel of it oh M it was a wicked view back looking at Monaco hold in view for wow man it’s all right for him I am on a go slow I really am yo proon man you let you let do some um all right this three hang on I’ll just pull over a bit go I I going to pull over a lot go on I don’t get the signal me W oh it’s going to get worse I’m checking me petrol I’ve got 70 I got 100 km oh in the tank W I don’t know if the best view is going forward for you guys or looking back at me pulling weird faces don’t know Mars was horrible horrible roads bumpy drains everywhere I was like oh I I really did not enjoy that’s the most disappointing I’ve been on this journey and it’s been a wicked Journey this is it still is just that Mars oh mate was a massive massive disappointment so if when you go on YouTube and you look at people saying a wonderful mares then they will be having loads of edited Clips because it it really really wasn’t man was far from it wow the view back to my right is colossal it is wow got a look wow whoa don’t care if we driving there look I’ll change that’s the view is picking up oh it is wow I hate heights driving on these Road oh man there a dust road down there so I literally when I get the casses or past casses I need to get Provisions for a cookout camping Cowboy session so hopefully I man now look like I’m going Inland oh man so I can get rid of these views hopefully wow W you can’t park up be have a camp a little bit too windy for me y all right hopefully that’s it I’m going over the top of the hill and they’re going to descent see at the bottom hope hopefully okay epic views look Casa Castle I believe that is to my left I say coming into these small town cities look how good the roads are man just compared to all right it’s a little speed I don’t mind cuz that’s smooth lots of the ones in Mars don’t even have any writing on them anything no warnings and these are smooth look they’re not car Wreckers man I think the suspension took Amar and coming through Mars I’m not going to run on out disappointed that castle look immense that massive great Rock there looks even more immense now I do need find a bit of Internet to release a video a vlog for tonight do need that be ending for my my say Vlog but look where I am cassets man wow got go out a vlog about that castle it’s getting on it’s now 4:30 so I need so about the ending before I go and make another Vlog I think I will go up that church but think I’ve come into the center where I needed to go around the roundabouts to find even McDonald’s or or a supermarket I can get bare and ice laort so that’s where I’m going I’ll go around there at laort and you can see man look it’s beautiful straight away in this e Old City you can just see oh man how cool it is it’s all paved beautiful massive difference Wicked I need that ATM right there can I pull up um I will I can park right on there get off a rad I can excuse me .m. that man that was a long day and to tell you how far I travel today I’m actually now about 30 m from santra pays and I’ve been struggling to find somewhere to park and best oh mate I’m just at the motorway is there 20 m I’ll put the tent up air plugs will be needed it is a bit windy but I’ve got a bit of protection so here is where I’m camping up I think I’m never certain I just sit here for a bit get my head around it t be all right should have some cover but oh man I just don’t like [Applause] being I think I’m just giving the car a break at the moment I don’t like being this close to the road no I don’t but like there’s feeling far places to pull in this looks all [Applause] right oh there’s a main roundabout there oh man what is on the round about I got to turn left to sanra pay there up or I can keep going straight on another B road to sental place don’t know what to do I never know what to do so I’m going to sit for a minute and chill before I have a cook up it’s coming up to 7:00 so it’s been a long long day and I’m at Sand TR so tomorrow I’ll go and Vlog about well sand trop I’ve been there before I actually broke down at Sand TR before and I actually that was the first disappointment I had a France with sand Tres heard so much about it I think a band had even done a song about it and I got there thought sh oh did didn’t think that was very good at all it’s a great big Park Park parkar parkar whatever that is s p is a parkar there you go there’s a new word in my dictionary for you oh and it’s cold back to that Old Chestnut I’m putting all me clothes back on now it was warm earlier when I went down on the beach I man I like casses I didn’t even get to do much more with that Vlog well guys I appreciate you watching right to The Bitter End until next time oh wow


    1. Did you ever try the quarter pounder with cheese?. Delicious.
      Double quarter pounder and cheese you'll only need one burger. And they are less on demand so you'll nearly always have them made fresh.

    2. Hi Sean. Great vlog. Marseille is the oldest City in France. It is and always has been a dump. I was wondering why you were looking forward to going there. I hope you are going along the whole Riviera. Looking forward to Nice, Cannes, Antibes and Monaco if you are going there. As you have a car, hope you get to St. Tropez. 👍

    3. That roundabout you passed with the Steel structure in the middle, before you reached that ancient city entrance of Arles is where Van Gough’s “The Yellow House” was situated. Before it was struck by the bombardment of Arles during the Second World War. The house is where he painted his Sunflower paintings. Arles is where he famously cut his ear off after an argument with Paul Gauguin. A fellow artist and former friend of Vincent van Gough. The river that you crossed is where he painted Starry Night. Le cafe nuit is also in Arles. Another super famous painting of his. And the hospital where he was instituted is situated there. Where you can visit. And Arles it’s where he finally met his demise. He also painted the amphitheater there. Many of his works were produced there in fact. A place full of historical sights that’s bursting with the life and works of Van Gogh. And you drove through to go to McDonald’s!? And went on to Marseilles. One of the biggest dumps in France 🤦🏻🤔🫠😂

    4. Think these vids are up there with best on Youtube as not manufactured and in the moment viewing which is what makes it good to watch…unlike the daddy doyle and the rest who script it all. Well done Sean!

    5. Sean, the roads leading up to Marseille are shit, like the roads in parts of Quebec and Winnipeg, Marseille is a dump my friend told me. Marseille was like the heroine port for Europe for it to be distributed to North America in the late 60s and early 70s, my bud said it was a rough place. Glad u made to ur camper my stop in one piece. Unfortunately big cities no matter where are almost the same, garbage, litter, sketchy areas

    6. Excellent as always. Enjoyed the interaction in Maccas. All part of the fun right. Trois nooo Deux – so reminds me of my attempts to speak Thai on my oversea visits. These Sean King videos are so real, so natural and very enjoyable. Great work just being yourself. When is the next Q & A buddy? Been a while. Maybe take over a Maccas somewhere and we could have one. 🤩

    7. My bro my bro I’m learning your slang ..!!!! Knit one , pearl two when you’re weaving through traffic 😂🤣😂🤣😂 whether pedestrian or vehicular 🤣😂..fucking love it I’m gona use that ..

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