1. I seriously can't tell if this is serious or sarcastic.
      It can't be serious but it could have been made funnier, but it is American so it might be serious after all.

    2. (Just a Joke!)

      Gray Still Plays: Oh yes… ride near the edge of the road to kill people like a tyrant Gray does with his citizens which… you know that is a big fat lie to ruin my reputation and told by haters. Haters gotta hate

      _ Again Just A Joke! _

    3. That music was a bad decision. That circus font is terrible. __ How to ride on busy city streets in America: don't. Too many drivers are either oblivious fools or hostile assholes, and both can kill you. If your city has multi-use paths/trails that's great. Residential areas are next-best. Higher-traffic roads are just too dangerous.

    4. Tell me why it’s less safe to ride on the sidewalk. Why is it safer for a 7 year old but not a 17 year old? I don’t think anyone of any age wants to be hit by a car going 50 miles per hour. It’s also kinda funny how drivers have to leave 3 feet of space when some painted bicycle lanes are barely that wide. And cars leaving that space will cross over the line into traffic moving the opposite direction. There are so many more dangers that cyclists face every day and nothing is done to make cycling safer or inform/punish drivers for being idiots.

    5. The laws of the land are so ridiculously insultingly absurd. If people stopped driving cars and started riding bikes, new laws would be introduced that would take more money out of our pockets. ''Hello officer why did you..stop me?!…Let me see your riding license proof of ownership and insurance, I stopped you because your tags are expired, you didnt use a turn signal, your day time running lights aren't on, your not wearing a helmet or knee and elbow pads, you were riding against traffic on a side walk, and you were going 10 miles an hour in a 5 mile an hour zone…step of the bike sir and place your hands on the bicycle" Quick decision….. Kick the "officer" in the balls hop on the bike and ride like the wind. =)

    6. Me, from the Netherlands must laugh very much. Step into the 21st century please. Look how we Dutch designed our bicycle paths and road security.

    7. I am here because when I ride on the sidewalk and come to an intersection with stop signs I get nervous and don't know what to do. So I wait 10 feet from the corner until all cars are gone and then I cross.

    8. Here is the problem with bicycles on the road. They are not registered like cars, you do not need a license or insurance to ride them on the street and they rarely obey the laws, especially red lights. Sidewalks and bike paths are probably a safer place for them and everybody else. Of course, downtown NY City would disagree.

    9. This is video absolute lunacy! To expect the average person to ride their bike amongst cars without any physical barrier is absurd and extremely dangerous.

    10. Traffic laws, by and large, are designed to organize and prioritize motorized traffic. Following them on a bike often creates more danger than it avoids, and it absolutely negates efficiencies gained by riding a bike over driving. My rules are simple: Don't hit anyone or anything, avoid being a hazard to others, and avoid getting hit by a motorist. I'll do whatever works to achieve those three things.

    11. The video didn't say what to do when making a left turn without a left-turn lane: take control of the lane so that you don't cross paths with motorists.

      Also, watching this video made my knees hurt. The officer needs to raise his saddle.

    12. I just saw a cyclist hit by a car today in Tucson. I also just got my first mountain bike to ride to work so I think I need to check this out because I’m honestly kinda scared with the way people drive here in my area. Lots of pedestrians and cyclist get hit.

    13. I was driving around a corner and a man with his kid were coming straight at me! They weren’t going with the flow of traffic and the father flipped me off for a solid 10 seconds. I really hope people learn how to bike because I know for a fact that kid is going to get hurt, and learn poor manners.

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