A serial burglar who broke into an M&S store and stole £500 of steak and 20 bottles of prosecco has been jailed after a private police investigation.

    David Hanson, 44, had 105 previous convictions, including 33 burglaries.

    The M&S store manager in Streatham Hill called police, but despite having CCTV footage, the Metropolitan Police did not investigate.

    Hanson is the first to be jailed following prosecution by a private police force.

    Talk’s Mike Graham discusses the story with political columnist at The Sun Trevor Kavanagh.

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    #police #crime #uk

    I just wanted to draw your attention to a story we did just uh before the end of the last hour about a private prosecution uh which is fascinating to me um it’s a burglar a sort of a recidivist burglar who’s basically um committed hundreds and hundreds of burglary offenses he was caught Bank to right stealing 500 quids worth of stake and prco from Marks and Spencers a private security company or a private policing company presented a series of of CCTV footage various different bits of evidence that this guy had done what he did and the metart police refused to investigate it on the basis that they just didn’t have the time or the inclination they’ve now done the first proper private prosecution and he’s now going to jail I wonder if this is now going to be the future for policing in Britain well it’s both the future and the past I mean basically what you’re seeing there is what the police should be and were established a couple of centuries ago as the citizen in uniform right um we we’re back to the point where we’re having to police our own streets because there’s no one else to do it and I think that as far as the police are concerned they they’ve given up the ghost when it comes to the sort of everyday crime that really upsets voters and citizens that they’re supposed to be protecting well exactly right because it comes on the day that we discover there’s 600 burglaries every single day uh up and down the country that go on completely unsolved they don’t even bother investigating them no and I think that people have got to understand that if they’re burgled they’re not going to get anything done they certainly not going to see anyone uh arrested and even less likely to see them in court or sentenced to any sort of punishment and so we’ve got a position where all you do when you have a burglar which is incredibly upsetting when it’s your private property being invaded by some uh o greedy grasping o yes um is an insurance number and if you haven’t got an insurance that’s it forget it right there’s nothing worse and I mean we’re hearing all the time about car thefts on the up you know burglaries on the up we know that there’s Street crime uh of of a of a ridiculous kind of nature which doesn’t ever get investigated people don’t report an awful lot of crime as well so whenever I hear government Minister saying oh but actually crime’s going down you know when you hear sadique Khan saying oh actually in London crime is less bad knife crime is less bad than it is in other cities in the country well partly that is because people don’t report it anymore no I think that’s an example of Lies damned lies and statistics you can fiddle the statistics to prove anything and you’ve only got to walk down the street of London or probably any Capital any major city yeah and you will see it before your eyes laws being broken what used to be laws uh just traffic laws and Decent Behavior by ordinary citizens who have no nothing but contempt for the sort of social fabric that binds us all together and these are the things these are the cracked Windows sort of syndromes where if people can get away with this that or the other that is really offensive to law- abiding citizens then everybody else starts to follow suit in the the strangely copycat manner of the 21st century it’s true and I mean I know it’s a slightly off-the-cuff um example but there’s a story in the sun this morning Trevor I’m sure you’ve seen it of a guy cycling naked through Bolton um and when he was asked um to to sort of deist by various members of the public who called the police the police said well don’t worry he’s on his way home so it’s fine well it isn’t fine mean whatever happened to to decency in Sude you got to go around naked on a bike For Heaven’s Sake do as you like do as you please nobody’s going to complain and if they do it’ll only be on grounds that the police will act upon which would be sexism racism other forms of social demeanors this demeanors which nobody else cares about very much it’s not the crime itself it’s the appearance yes indeed and let’s talk about the appearance of the home office there’s another great story in the sun today page 17 um is PM turning the tide on boats he’s saying uh now that some bright spark in the government obviously said I know why don’t we tell people how many we’re stopping coming over rather other than actually telling them how many are making it and they’re saying for the first time almost a thousand people were stopped from entering Britain last week I mean my suspicion on this one is well they might have stopped them getting on one boat but they’ll probably get on another one and they’ll be here next week well that’s right and I think they must be almost 30 years since the labor Home Secretary John Reed said that the home office was not fit for purpose and you have to wonder sometimes when you see these sort of stories where the home office officials are actually complicit in in the uh way that we allow illegal immigrants a to arrive in the first place and B to settle or disappear or behave as they please so you know 21,000 is a hell of a lot of people but it is as you say only the tip of the iceberg there are probably tens of thousands uh who’ve arrived over the last 10 or 20 years who have just disappeared into the undergrowth yeah and the government sort of hid behind this idea that oh we don’t give them benefits they’re not allowed to get benefits they’re not allowed to work well they do benefits because they get a place to stay for free they get free food they get given £49 a week to spend pocket money um and they get free access to all sorts of Health Care Dental Care and indeed they get uh legal aid if they so require it and who knows they may be burgling houses and shoplifting and doing all the things that police turn a blind eye to right exactly right for


    1. That's a bit unfair. The police are very good at arresting Christian street preachers, why only the other day, three of them did just that at the request of a muslim complainant.😡😡😡

    2. The rozzers are now the "Thought Police', concerned only with someone who had their feelings hurt online or 'hate crime' – It's a cruel world.

    3. Funny how the prisons are full, and they aren't full of people like Alex Belfield who simply had the audacity to annoy a petty celebrity, so they must be arresting some criminals, just not enough of them.

    4. Apparently they asked the cardboard cops but they were too busy deterring shoplifters and playing in defence for Man U at Palace 😉

    5. Private Policing is nothing new – we still have private constables employed in the UK by port authorities who operate their own police forces.

      BTP was up until modern times a private police force operated by private railway companies.

      Many Parish Councils used to run their own prosecution groups who would put evidence before courts to summons law breakers.

      It's nothing new.

    6. What the hell are we paying the police for? Oh I know. If, as is my legal right, I were to walk down my high street wearing a T-shirt depicting Mohamed I'd have a whole squad of them on me in minutes. Of course if I were being knifed and robbed they would be nowhere to be seen.

    7. I am fortunate, in that I have not (yet) been burgled, but rest assured I have several "deterrents" at home, which would perhaps compel the intruder to carry out a risk assessment before he continues with his plan……..

    8. What is the deterant for a burglar? He has a 2% chance of being convicted and if you arm yourself to defend your property you will be arrested for using unreasonable force. You may as well put up a sign please come and take all my stuff I'll just sit and watch I may even get you a cup of tea.

    9. Can you believe numbers from the home office? It's easy to say they stopped something happening. I, personally stopped eight boats coming yesterday. Prove I didn't. If they can stop 1000 why can't they stop 1750?

    10. A lot of pensioners don't end up with £49 a week to spend on themselves after paying for rent, electricity, gas, water, council tax and food after paying tax and national insurance for all of their working life.
      Disgusting and getting their faces rubbed in it

    11. I should have taken out a private prosecution when a women stole my debit card, withdrew £470 then replaced it in my purse. I knew exactly who had done this. My bank told me exactly where the money was taken from, two different locations as it turns out. I went to these shops and asked the manager's to hold the CCTV footage until the police could see it and use it as evidence. Ironically there was a police station directly opposite one of the shops.
      A police officer came to my house the following day, he told me that as it happened just over the boarder in Cambs nothing will be done, as i had reported it to the police in Lincs, where i live. His reason was, "well if the arrest was made", (I had given them her name and address), Lincs would get the credit for it and so Cambs wasnt bothered as they wouldn't have been given the credit"
      Luckily for me my bank, Santander, were incredible, they remebursed me within 3 days.

    12. The migrants should be told they are not allowed to leave the hotel grounds. They should have ankle monitors like when criminals are on tag. I’m a busker and I had one who was staying in the redwings hotel in Wolverhampton come past and give me a bag of food (Says something when they receive better food than food banks provide to me in my experience ie branded Heinze soup and beans and real pot noodles, not the cheap knockoffs us English in need seem to get all the time) he walked off and I never seen him return. People need to open their eyes. Their coming here illegally taking full advantage then disappearing to work in local takeaways and car washes

    13. This is most bizarre, in my service ,1971 to 2001, we attended all calls, and shoplifters were bread and butter stuff , a simple arrest as the evidence was supplied by the store detective or owner. The issue is that the demands on police time has gone through the roof, our calls were numbered across London from midnight, and by 1159pm they never quite reached ten thousand ,however today it's way in excess of that ,so it's no surprise that some calls go unanswered , however the powers that be have ruined police forces , the for started with May and Cameron

    14. Policing must be enforced at the 'lower' end of criminality. If done so and with severity it will help arrest(no pun intended)the number of criminals progressing onto more serious crime.

    15. The police are useless and I have to think blm might have been right.

      If they were defunded would we actually notice a difference?

    16. The police are a pathetic embarrassment these days. Only interested in hurty words and the motorists.
      If i ever witnessed a burglary and phoned the police, i would say that they may have a gun, see how quickly they come then..

    17. The old adage " you can't get blood out of a stone", comes to mind. It's why motorists are persecuted, it's a piece of cake to extract fines from them or they simply can't drive their cars. It's a cash cow and everyone knows it.

    18. Can I just say that the Private Security firm have been incredibly lucky on this occasion and cannot hope to repeat this in the future. I am of course referring to the fact that for some reason the Police have chosen not to prosecuted them!

    19. Its like the council with PINETOPS NURSERIES LYMINGTON. I provided proof they are illegally polluting & council says oh well… we had a word with them, time & time again they keep polluting! Council is corrupt!

    20. Chief constables should be held to account for the failures of their respective forces. it should be enshrined in law that if the police do not protect the public then the public have the right to protect themselves and property. I hear Sunaks poster boy migrant who got paid £3000 cash to go to rwanda just to prove a political point has gone missing.

    21. These days the "system" does not care about you or I, car crime, home burglary, bicycle theft, street robbery, watch theft etc all covered by your insurance so you wont end up too much out of pocket the system thinks. Defraud or steal from the system, and the whole weight of that system will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

    22. I do not recognise my country anymore. How have they allowed this to happen to us and in such a short time and when will the breaking point happen? As there will be one. No society can sustain this wrecking of their country and values. Well done to M and S though.

    23. Blame Cameron, he killed the police service, BoJo wrecked them further; May insulted them.
      We’ve been left with junior police officers with no experience and little support.

    24. 100.000 Is more than 20,000 who can provide a closer to the more than figure
      easy to catch when they surface for a Doctors appointment etc
      use Tv detector vans where there is a will there is a way

    25. Since the Tories sacked 60,00 police officers and broke every promise to replace them it is not surprising that we have the frightening prospect of a "Private Police Force".

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