I visit British Sugar – Hollow Rd, Bury Saint Edmunds IP32 7BB WOW what a visit…. the most informative video EVER.

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    [Music] welcome back everyone so today we’re here in Berry St Edmonds in Sussex looking at British Sugar Silver Spoon this one right here it is an IP 22 postcode I thought it’s 55 it’s not I think it’s 22 we double checked that the last place was 22 32 got it wrong both times IP 32 postcode and we’re just going to try and check out reception let them know we’re here but this is a really big site really really big um yeah there used to be one of these in kidster my old Hometown and it got closed down uh demolished got an R8 parked here not very well but that’s probably how I’d park because then you get less people hitting your car got some Workman over [Music] there now where’s reception oh I can see it it’s just there I’m not sure how this is going to go today not sure it’s either going to be no issues at all look at all the electronic charging they’ve got here loads of it eight on that row yeah it’s either going to be no issues at all or it’s going to be a complete no no drones allowed Etc so we’ll see but I can’t see reception being manned doesn’t look like there’s anybody here so we might as well just walk around the site right it’s gated on that bit it’s not a very good reception is it though like a little cabin and there’s no one in there so as there’s no one in there we’re just going to walk down here there’s the way Bridge down there look you got a weird building there looks like a house almost got some workers over there there’s the way Bridge go right down onto it look it looks like it almost scrapes every time where’s security mate again sorry where’s security gate house and that security gate house yeah normally you guys have like a um we don’t really have a security gate house all right and we’ve got a reception there there’s no one there yeah the reception yeah yeah it’s just a box but there’s no one in there look uh what is the time is it past 12 yeah yeah so they’ll be gone home by now cuz they work 12 or till 12 who would I talk to about putting a drone over the site now cuz I’ve got it in the bag I want to I want to get it over now well soon drone over um I’m want to fly the drone over and do a video of the the sugar plant um if you come with me I might be out someone might have a number can you not just man message through to like I don’t know security or management or something um I want to be calling any numbers sorry about um sign a drone I want to fly over and do a little video you just want permission or something do you don’t want permission I just who would I tell or they just crack on and get it up usually they like to know uh see you call Rob’s not in on Wednesdays is he security would normally deal with it or or management would come out usually CR fors yeah CR fors is this the main entrance to like deal with stuff is are the more gate houses further around um so normally before 12 it is at reception right cuz it’s in the summer this one’s not used yeah but it would be this one um but so there’s no official like Gate House where security guy sits all day and sort of does a little work no right it’s unusual surprising yeah um all right I’ll let you deal with it mate and then yeah I’ll wait a bit and see what see what happens yeah where abouts are you and then well just walked in here I’ve come over to here so I can can wait around or yeah if you just wait over there I’ll call someone for you all yeah thanks not very high security here is it not at all we got broken barrier here look everything looks very old h no security it’s unusual very unusual let’s take the opportunity to do a little bit of zooming there’s the big towers there’s a ladder for getting up more good stuff over there what are they going to say then are they going to say permission required or are they going to just say crack on can’t quite see through there can we oh we can we can see him that’s the way bridge that one L go in get W and go straight in he looks like a possible boss coming up hello you in charge I am that’s good right finally is it you they’ve called sorry is it you that they’ve called uh I got a call Craig sorry Craig no no no no just just could you just walk on the actually just come across actually I don’t want you crossing the being the walkways that’s all I’m Andy Sims you are hi mate DJ DJ hello D hello yeah I’m just got a oh what they doing over there no I’ve got a drone in the bag yeah so my attention come in to fly to fly over today and do a video of the site right that’s it okay um walked on there’s like no security no gate so I don’t know who to tell yeah yeah no sure sure that’s fine that’s fine okay so yeah our uh reception is here we’ve just in the process of knocking down uh I’ve been down there there was no one there but yeah sort little cabin temporary thing right sure uh yeah exactly cuz this this is a a construction site cuz we’re we’re knocking it what hav done uh we are our old uh reception building and changing area wasn’t very big all right so it couldn’t accommodate um everything that we need so we’ve we’ve knocked a 42y old portal cabin down and we put in a new building there that’s nice so quite an old site I’ve seen some very old almost 100 years is it almost wow yeah 100 100 years in uh in a year’s time so what what is it what is it that you want to do just so I can understand it and well what you going to let me do can I walk around you can walk around not dress like that you can’t uh can I come on sight and AV a t you can come on sight and avat but not dress like that your card so you need to be in High version need Sho um I could do that if if you’re willing to take me around but yeah I willing to take around but but what I would say is yeah uh not today I will take you around and show you how how a Sugar Factory not today yeah I’m a Long Way from Home me are you me too where’ you live from here Wilshire oh that is a long way from home it is isn’t it I’m I’m slightly closer than that um so I’m going to get what I can with the Drone then in that case but yeah okay it’s a shame cuz the tour would have been informative for the viewers it would it it would but there’s nothing running so we there’s absolutely I don’t know how much you know about a Sugar Factory not a lot oh no well in simple terms a sugar beat Factory yeah um will process sugar beat from around September so around February right so that’s where we are extracting the sugar from the sugar bee so see the white bag you can just see white bags you can see white something you probably can’t tell from here that they’re bags yeah yeah uh but on that on that Flat Pad is you know if we were in the September to right to to to February per or campaign as we call it there be thousands and thousands of tons of sugar beet on there right uh but uh so what you do in that time that you’re not doing anything like that we maintain so that’s what we’re doing now so what we’re doing right now is we open up the ma and we the tanks and the vessels and the pumps and the pipes and we inspect and we maintain really for the whole time the whole pretty much the whole time so it’s time off really you’re just doing what you can to make it it’s not quite time off I wish it was time off it doesn’t quite feel like time off so we’re we’re taking the sugar from the sugar beet in that time period about half of that sugar that we extract from the sugar beet goes directly into those silos that you can see right the big ones the big ones yeah so roughly half of the sugar that we extract from a sugar beak goes directly you know within within 24 36 hours it’s inside the silos the rest of that Sugar goes into thick ju storage tanks so uh you can’t quite see them from here but you see there’s some gray tanks yep see the top of them you see the top of them so you can see them from the rad right and so uh they they’ve got they’ve got one that hello R indust rord industri sorry my friend uh possibly um so yeah yeah so whilst um so we’re we’re selling sugar from those silos at the moment you’re selling it from there yeah so there two of the factories yeah that are on the other side of there that belong to British Sugar they’re put it in big tankers you know see the tankers with British Sugar WR on the side Loris lores yeah so big tankers with 28 tons of sugar in so uh that’s dispatched from there and also um there’s a a retail packing Factory right that packs the Silver Spoon brand right that is also on the other side of directly into the actual what we buy into and actually what you buy yeah so the ones the Silver Spoon package you see in tesos and you used to have one of these in kidster we had 19 at one point we’ve now got four my old Hometown so okay um so we’ve got four factories that uh process sugar beat right and we’ve got one dedicated retail customer Supply Factory uh here and we we do dispatch uh to all of our customers from all of our sites but only retail from here all right so just to finish the story or the other the um yeah sorry for from uh like February uh to to about now yeah we will stop everything and maintain contain everything that’s the period of which we are okay and then as of the 22nd of May the the the sucros that’s in the thick juice storage tanks that we’ve separated from the sugar be yeah but we’ve just got it in a liquid state over there over there yeah we will then crystallize that into the silos from May yeah one of us is ringing or he is um we’ll crystallize that uh for the for the rest of the summer Al to keep maintaining until yeah because those silos only hold 75 ,000 tons only only 75,000 tons so uh so at the moment nothing nothing is running right all that’s happening is we are getting ready to uh first thing we’ll turn on is this this building here with the tall chimney is our power station yeah so we’ll turn that on uh tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow we turn that on so it’s not quite ready to turn on today uh we’ll turn that on tomorrow we’ll get that generating electricity and then on the 22nd of May we’ll start bringing the juice back from the thick juice storage tank crystallizing it and then putting it into those silos cuz what’s happening every day is those silos are getting lower 75,000 tons that’s a lot is it maybe not for you cuz you used to hear that number but that’s a lot of uh it well they that’s some weight that’s that’s some weight um that’s about a 20,000 each no no no so so going from going four so the the front four yeah a 122,000 tons each wow the one that’s on the L at the back is twice the size it’s the same height but it’s twice a so it’s bigger I see that when I go up then yeah I can explain from above what youve just told me I can say right that’s what you were talking about going to the top of the silos it’s quite a restricted area I won’t go on it I’ll I’ll be here okay obviously I’ll be able to see it won’t I yeah yeah yeah that’s my point you’d be able to see it I won’t go over uh because as you imagine we’ve got an open food s so we we’ restrict oh is it open yeah well it’s not open but you can you can you can open a hatch and you look you can no I won’t go directly over mate for sure no no that’s interesting that so that’s uh that’s essentially uh how the site operates um there’s a lot going on in Prett at the moment it’s got big decarbonization project really yeah so um so we’ we’ve done one at our wington site which I think you’ve been to before have I I think you’ve been to withington last year wittington wittington where’s that what are not far from here so that’s uh towards Kings L 30 mil I think so that may have been uh somebody I was it was it somebody you know somebody I know all right that’s fine okay yeah yeah someone in your line of work yeah right uh I think did that uh uh last year so because he’s not as far away than me from there let’s say slightly closer okay may so what we do is with with our power station is we take natural gas from from the grid yeah right and we’ll uh we’ve got a jet engine in there wow so literally like a the kind of jet engine you get underneath the plane we’ve got a a maritime jet engine rather than an aeronautical jet engine so we we burn gas yeah uh which um in that jet engine it creates electromotive Force so it creates electricity yeah from out the back of a jet engine you’ve got hot air yes which normally gets wasted to Atmosphere um well we capture that and uh we create steam with it’s just like uh it’s it’s it’s waste heat heat water with it we heat water up with it we heat water to create steam we get um very high pressure steam we put that steam through a steam turbine to create more electricity yeah it’s very efficient it’s very efficient so that steam goes uh goes into the steam turbine at about 70 bar yeah and comes out about two bar 2 and a half bar okay so goes in very high pressure then very high very very high pressure uh so uh yeah we then use the electricity that we’ve generated through the gas turbine and the steam turbine uh on site to run our site operations and then we export the rest of that to the National Grid okay and then with the 2 and 1/2 bar steam we then put that 2 and 1 half bar steam into the factory and in essence we use it six times so we’ll use the steam yeah which will create we’re driving off water from the thick juice from the sugar be so we’ll capture the vapor that we’ve driven off we’ll then use that as Steam so we use steam six times and the decarbonization project that we’ve got uh we’re about a quart of the way through it at the moment it’ll be ready for September uh or campaign 2025 so September 2025 right will mean that we won’t use steam six times it allow us to use steam seven times which takes out a massive chunk of our carbon foot so yeah it’s a really really when you say used steam seven times what exactly is the steam used for so so the two bar so when we when we take a sugar beat and if you come in campaign you can see it when we take a sugar beat sugar beat is like a uh hello it’s like a very sweet large turnip or past right big thing yeah so in essence the first thing we do is we make it smaller so it’s almost like a grating so if you were to grate it yeah and created what looks like a shoest string fry right literally it looks like skinny chips yeah um and uh then we we soak we diffuse that in water we soak it in water and the sucrose comes out of the of the Sugar Bean yeah and goes into the water so through osmosis we are transferring sucros from the from the skinny fries from the sugar be chips into liquid Y into hot water and then once we’ve got that we need to purify it and we need to um thicken it up you know to evaporate liquid off right so we use steam to evaporate that so to you know because it’s you we we’re going to go from about 16 uh 16 or 177% uh solids in liquid up to uh 63 right so we we we want to make it a lot thicker so we use we use steam right uh to do that but know use that for that yeah we do so once we’ve but as we’re doing that as we’re driving uh water off we are creating steam of course so we capture that and then we reuse it so we use steam six times but with our new evaporators we use how you going to how are you going to lower it down to seven then did you take a process out or you no that’s a great question so in essence the technology of evaporator you know I’m not the most uh gifted scientific person to explain this but in essence we’re going to be using a different type of evaporate a different technology right which will allow us uh to you know to to to be much more efficient in our evaporation so more will be done in each one rather than yeah so uh we’ll have uh yeah it’s called a falling film evaporator as opposed to our current technology which essentially means that we can work with um you know a different grade of steam and a and and a lower pressure oh so it’s a great news uh story for uh for the site it is uh for the local area I mean it’s a it’s a best part of 20 million pound uh it is yeah it’s a uh it’s a it’s yeah it’s a it’s a big deal but you can’t quite uh see it from here but you know if you come around you can you can see the in the demolition uh we’re create the space for it to to to go in uh but it will be ready for September 25th I mean I travel all over doing stuff this is the second time I’ve come to this end of the country okay I came like a few weeks ago went down more brain tree sxe kind of Direction but I’m happy to come back over if you know if I could come around at some point yeah I’m happy to come back in the future and in campaign where you will you you’ll you’ll get I mean you’ll get a real sense of it you’ll get a sense of uh volume you’ll get a sense of the technology you’ll get a sense of yeah yeah of Agriculture you know the front end part of our process is lots and lots of sugar beats really agricultural through to um you know a very mechanical you know heavy industry uh uh type of type of process you know a hint of the chemical process uh in you know in uh in How uh how you know things are purified and evaporated into a very you know what looks like a and is a traditional food factory you know producing uh tankers or one ton bags for industrial customers or 1 kg packets that you might your tea sorry one ton one kg we do we do no before that for industri we said yeah one ton B one ton bags so customers some industrial customers will want a a one ton bag of sugar and that’s for them to obviously use for their probably they might put that in chocolate they might put that in sweets they might put that in cakes in in whatever um what big names just supp PL that’s quite a lot you supply to then so we we we Supply the big Brands uh big Brands uh so we Supply about 55 uh perent of British Sugar that is not Berry you know yeah of course that is a you know a British Sugar number but we Supply a lot in it yeah just over half the UK uh sugar consumption comes from wow British Sugar that’s amazing and it as I say it could be anything from a big chocolate brand to a big drinks brand to a 1 kg to me or somebody buying it you know yeah yeah yeah I sweetened my tea this morning from a silver spoon packet that i’ had extracted the sugar from in last campaign and we and we packed it that’s cool that is it’s interesting mate thank you and the the other thing that we’ll come across on the toour as well is with sugar beat there’s practically zero waste it’s like so even the soil when when the sugar be comes to uh to the to the factory he lifted out of the field right so you’ve perhaps seen them on the side of the road occasionally you know you see one on the side of or you see a pile of it on the in a field on the side of the road it’s never beautifully clean because it’s just lifted straight out of out of the ground in Winter or Autumn right so it’s there’s a good chance it’s got quite a bit of mud or stone stuck to it and so when that comes to our sight we we separate that out and then we will we will um we’ll filter that in our ponds we’ll dig our ponds out and then we’ll create top soil so we are one of the biggest suppliers of top soil to the building industry in the UK really um yeah I you know um just from your waist from your just just just from the waist the the fibrous matter once we’ve separated the sucros from the fibrous matter in the sugar bead we’ll take that and that will either become animal feed and we’ll dry it for animal feed or we’ll put it into uh one of the other technologies that Berry is lucky to have uh we’ve got an anerobic digestion plant so what that that is it’s a smaller version of a power station it produces less power than that power station but it’s taking uh it’s taking a source of green energy so only the only CO2 that’s released uh in that process is a CO2 that sugarbeat plant absorbed in its growing cycle does that makes sense we we’ll take uh we’ll take uh sugar beat pulp we’ll put it into uh into digesters those digesters will create methane we’ll capture that methane we’ll put that methane into two reciprocating piston engines yeah yeah which we’re swapping out right now at the moment uh and we’ll create green electricity uh from that which just gets exported into the grid so the the fibrous matter doesn’t get wasted um the soil uh you know gets turned into top soil the stones cuz sometimes stones are we we sell that back to the aggregate industry so there is yeah so when you see when we clean sugar beat there are various you know streams that create you know that make sure that that nothing is wor everything’s recycled back into the economy very good isn’t it it’s it’s very efficient it’s very efficient the the the zero or the practically zero waste isn’t something I appreciate before I joined so I’ve been here about four years all right and that’s one you know I one of the things that staggered me when I joined actually is how little waste there is in uh in making sugar four years you’re quite knowledgeable for that aren’t you well it’s a steep learning curve so when you work on a site like this you do have to learn pretty uh pretty swiftly and you’re a manager of coin you say I’m the site chel manager yeah the site did you come in as manager I did right so they got you in for all you went and applied and they like you for I I did and and not because of my technical expertise cuz you know most of the guys that work there are a much more technically knowledgeable uh do your job in in in like tail being technical or do you manage the guys that are I I I I try to lead the people that are technical um whil whilst learning it myself um but uh but there’s more to you there’s more to hello how you doing hello I’m all right good good I’m super there’s more to to to to run in a Sugar Factory than than than you know being technical you’ve got to be a safety leader you’ve got to be a leader of people you’ve got to help people um you know understand what the business is trying to do so right and you do all that I I I try I’m not say depth at it but you know that’s uh that’s good M that’s that’s part of what the the job is and it’s what makes a job enjoyable actually interesting as well it is it’s it’s a it’s a f genuinely it’s a really fascinating process it didn’t you just taught me a lot I know well um yeah uh so yeah you should come back in campaign and we’ll get you properly togged up yeah yeah and you you know you I’m happy to do that if I come back over for some other videos elsewhere I can tie it in with that yeah cuz I bet you’ve never seen a Sugar Factory in no no I haven’t yeah it would it would be it’s rare that I visit a site and people explain as much as you or even offer for a tour yeah I’m sure you’ve seen different videos of people they don’t like the camera or they don’t want you to to know anything I well we we try we try where we can to kind of demystify what you know what what sugar is exactly most people don’t a lot of people in the UK don’t realize that you know that that that that sugar is grown in the UK I know it was sugar beat yeah but that that’s all I knew yeah but you know a lot of people associate sugar with cane sugar and cane sugar you know which grows in tropical climbs absolutely is a is is a source of sugar but actually in the UK we’re quite good growing sugar be sugar sugar be you know sustains a good portion of uh the UK’s uh sugar consumption where where’s the main areas in the UK where where you grow it or is it all over so it’s a great point so you talked about they used to be Factory in kid right in the in the in the west of the country so uh previously British sugars had factories in York in ipswitch in kinster in Shropshire uh and others that you know that I um um I’ve forgotten but now we have four four sites all in East Anglia so one here so in suffk we’ve got two in Norfolk one at wington where your colleague was last year I think yeah so that’s about 30 Mi north of here yeah quite far uh we’ve got one in kley kley is a a small town Village um near Norwich right uh and I haven’t ventured over that far yet ever and we’ve got one um in nottingam at nework okay so East Anglia South East Midlands yeah East isn’t it yeah so you know the the east of the and that’s where it’s grown then locally so the average the average distance of a sugar beat uh Lorry to to to a sugar beat site is 28 miles right so it’s very very local yeah yeah so um yeah I mean in in in in campaign you know you you get to see an awful lot of fields around around the site that are just full of green canopi um is it important for it to be close well yeah because if so it other than traveling yeah so um from a from a a cost perspective from a carbon perspective so a sugar beat you know only about 17 to 18% of it is sucros sucros is the white table sugar the crystals that you and I right yeah yeah would would know our sugar yeah um so the rest of it is water or fibrous material okay so you know an about 70% of it is water so you transporting water long distances is not a very economic thing to do so sugar beat uh growing sugar beat factories are located in the heart of sugar be growing areas right which is why our factories are generally in East Anglia or the East Midland area that’s interesting though yeah because otherwise you just you transport an awful lot of water uh and also you know Growers you know the the the the our grower Partners the farmers that grow the sugar feet they don’t want their vehicles tied up with constantly moving you want to fill a vehicle deliver it quickly to a site deposit it take it back yeah right it’s much more rather waiting around W around spending you know time and carbon by being on the road so the quicker that uh the quicker we can do that turnaround safely uh the better it is for the grower and for us that’s great mate yeah yeah yeah all right thanks for that you’re very well my viewers will be very happy with watching you talk about that yeah thank you super job yeah all right so anything else I can help you with today all left all that’s left for me is to go up above and to talk about what you’ve spoke about and just show the areas okay so how would you how would you what are you thinking about cuz one thing I do need to be mindful of and I just need to check on is on the top of the silos we’ve got nesting Perrin right so traditionally we have Nest I just need to check with our environmental manager that they’re there now and we we might so it’s see where the the the Mast is yeah I into that earlier yeah it’s it’s uh they’re generally if they are here already they’re there I can stay away from the towers I mean even if I was to launch it vertically if it was if it was above us right now yeah I could see those from here I don’t need to go in that direction okay in terms of those I can go that way yeah curve around a bit where the road follows yeah and then the same that way and essentially do a do a shot from outside yeah looking into your site rather than going over it okay if that makes sense it’s only a very small drone so it’s not going to create there you go look not going to create much much noise or much hassle okay so yeah just yeah just if you can ster from that mate it’s a very large site I’ve got no intention of going all the way over it it is a large sight as long as I can see more or less all of it from where I am yeah I can zoom in I can talk about those storage tanks which you spoke about yeah so most of the THU storage tanks are over are over there behind there right you got your generator there your power station there yeah and obviously your 75,000 tons over there y what’s down there anything down there worth mentioning on when I go up down the far left no there’s a railway line all right uh no it’s PR so so that big gray building is not us oh right okay that’s that’s that that big that so where does your site sort of go along here and that way yeah so that building is US yeah yeah and then it just runs down there so it’s just it’s just like a grassy it doesn’t go that far very much no no no so literally that tree line that tree line there is the edge of our site all the way down and then all the way oh that’s fine yeah so he goes all the way down there there’s a train line on the other side of there yeah I heard it and yeah knowas then yeah I’ll go straight up and I’ll just stay out here I don’t have to go that way how long you think you’ll be we flying yeah no more than like 10 minutes okay okay say 10 to 15 okay no no more than that fire away thanks man all right thanks for your time mate really good to meet you sorry you’re you’re I know you said DJ but is that how you like to be know I what it is cuz when I’m recording yeah my channel yeah it’s got D my initials at DJ yeah so my Channel’s DJ e media right you thinking of DJ audits right I was thinking D him before yeah yeah I haven’t seen but I’ve heard of yeah yeah yeah yeah so he he does very similar videos yeah so that’s the guy I was I was thinking of probably yeah I think it was probably him he he does very similar stuff and to be fair if he had an interaction like you it would have been a really good video so he may well have had one like that cuz most of his videos and mine people just go oh get lost go away but when we have somebody who’s willing to talk and explain what you do yeah it’s far better right yeah people learn a little bit rather than just yeah nothing yeah absolutely I I get that but but you’re I I don’t want to turn this off is yeah I can go wherever you want mate you tell me where to be well you you can you can be in this this this car Park area ideally if I could launch it somewhere out the way of the cars yeah I could stay here and do it here I don’t have to move really okay could do it anywhere hello Matt yeah not bad yeah that’s fine is that okay yeah great all yeah yeah yeah we’ll get the Drone up in a minute if he sticks around we’ll uh we’ll show him the screen when we’re up there he can tell us anything [Music] yeah I can stick around here if you want yeah Hest should feel the walkway that that would that would make you feel better yeah yeah yeah on the walkway yeah so this is the construction site of our new um our new reception and changing area how long is it going to be before it’s ready you know I do I do it’s going to be uh February okay not too long not too long so we uh we demolished it in March considering there’s nothing there now well there wasn’t a lot there first it was um yeah quarter cabins that have been there for 42 years really a good good day for the site when uh when that project is approved so yeah so that’s what’s going on here Power Station goes on tomorrow do you have any other plans anything else going to be changed renovated yeah the decarbonization which you can’t quite see U from here okay but uh if you come around in campaign that there yeah right there so so so big chimney big tall one the black one the smaller one the black or no not the smaller one the black then you got a brick one yeah then you’ve got a tall metal one with black top so between that yeah and the ey line of that of those kills okay right so just right there basically just right there yeah yeah okay uh great all right yeah thank you mate all right well look I will um I I’ll hang around until you finish I’m not going to I won’t interfere but I’ll just yeah yeah yeah I’ll just make sure you’re that’s fine yeah I won’t belong okay you you go cheers take off home Point updated the Drone goes there’s their building work going on there ready for February let’s go over this way a little bit 75,000 tons in there and that’s where we’re talking about the white bugs I can see by the white bug bags mate there’s a a dump truck doing something there as well yeah is that hello by what sorry is that raw stuff is it there that is that’s a great question so they are um they bags of Pulp so the fibrous matter that should that um that having separated the sucros from it right we um we feed our anerobic digestion plant which operates so we we feed it with stored pulp um so we’ll put it in big bags but what about the part next to the bags there see that that’s top so top so we’re drying top soil so the mud that came in stuck to the sugar bead so that’s the mud we supposed to work so that what that is it’s so let imagine a mud like a like a mud pie having dug some ponds out y so we put that onto the Flat Pad we’ll let the sun dry out and then we’ll we’ll condition it we’ll SI it and sell it tops off wow and you can see the uh the CH the change in size of your uh yeah so the per will be here so that’s why yeah I’m not going to go um I’m going to come back around to where we are now it always looks a lot closer than it is as well cuz the camera zoomed out so even though it looks where that is it’s probably quite far over there you know I’m I’m here I’m going to check so let’s have a look at this rest of this site then there’s the power station right [Music] there so there’s the gate house the way Bridge right there what we’ll do we’ll go around this way pretty much directly below me now the Drone me they do have some green areas don’t they what a knowledgeable man very good I see you’ve got some quite quite a lot of green areas as well we do yeah is that on purpose yeah so um we’ve got a lot of ponds um where we you know we treat the water that we’ve used in campaign so those ponds there yeah yeah yeah you got a lot of greeny around the site I mean you’ve got like grass there grass there it’s unusual for a yeah we got a football pitch yeah see that yeah we got a Bowling Green we have an active sports and social club yeah all around the front you have a club yeah very good mate [Music] all right what’s that [Music] there so there’s the LI Towers [Music] so they’re the ones you were speaking about that we can’t see right yeah there just there those ones uh three smallish ones and then a bigger one no they’re further to the right oh are they yeah oh yeah look they’re different tanks you got some large ones over there there thick do storage tanks they’re the ones right yeah they’re the ones okay got you I’ve never had somebody with me before to explain while I’m flying what things are right really really helpful mate thank you usually I just fly over and try and work it out probably right sometimes I I’ll answer any question you’ve got yeah that’s great man to my level of confidence what would you say going on there sorry any idea seems to be right on the edge of your site that be fair on almost next to the road that I can’t quite tell if that is my sight no as in all right got you okay next to those tanks there [Music] it zoom in for me ah that might be um chippings of limestone that we didn’t uh right use in the in the campaign so we use limeston as part of our purification system okay okay it’s white so that Mak sense yeah it’s Li all right then let have a little look around it’s quite a large site isn’t it it is you’ve got your ponds and then you’ve got just some Greenery and Fields and then the the important stuff like all of that lot is that part of your site as well it is yeah yeah oh we got some some going on over there yeah we’ll be scooping out farming machines are they yeah we’ll be scooping out um right over there they are yeah we’ll be scooping out mud from ponds and then taking that to dry to convert into top cell because at the um at the start of a campaign yeah we want the ponds to be to be as mud free as possible and as empty of water okay as as as sensibly possible because in the campaign we’re going to put an awful lot of water and an awful lot of mud that came in with the um uh that came in with the sugar but it’s going to settle to the bottom okay so at the end of The Campaign we treat the water we put it into uh back into the river lock or back into the aquifer and then we dig out that mud dry it yeah and then sell it because as I say zero essentially zero waste and see they got a conveyor belt looks like a conveyor large conveyor yeah we’ve got a conveyor belt uh for well we’ve got several conveyor belts we’ve got conveyor belt for uh for pulp we’ve got conveyor belts uh for um for Limestone y um but that’s a that’s a pulp belt that I think you just show me was it you know everything about your side don’t you it’s good mate I can show you I don’t know everything well I haven’t asked you a question yet that you haven’t been able to answer me not that I know the answer to it myself but I can see you probably got a conveyor going over to your yeah we have long yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so that’s our that’s our sugar conveyor right well so the actual finished product essentially goes along there got yeah exactly exactly that very nice right then what I normally do at the end of my flight I take a little photo for Google Maps put it on there put it on your location so we get into a good good place for that have you had many drones go up here probably have I imagine uh yeah internally we’ve got we’ve got some of the sight team that do things like that have you ever had anybody turn up like myself and just come and do that no never not in not in my time that’s good try to go to places that I no one’s been before cuz yeah I I yeah um makes it interested doesn’t it it does is there anywhere else locally that you think is worth me going today you know that’s unique for the area interesting green King Brewery in Town Brewery yeah that’s that’s really um that’s literally in the center of town when to say town it’s not a big town bar is very small very pretty uh town so that’s got a green uh King Brewery that might be um worth uh worth seeing uh the Abby Gardens so the the the cathedral in town There’s a there was a company on the way here the road that goes I guess from here would be towards Cambridge way draw carriageway about a mile out there two big random companies on that road I that’s not I come from the north so I I don’t know I passed it and I thought what’s that but I didn’t stop king would be Brewery sounds good to me yeah but they’re generally quite high security as well aren’t they they’re going to be a little bit like probably find alcohol places are a little bit yeah don’t don’t it’s in a town is it big site is it uh it’s not massive it’s it’s it’s very it’s historic right it’s very pretty is it yeah I I I went on a a brewery tour last summer I really enjoyed it yeah yeah I I it was a lovely summmer day we we just started campaign and I could I could see this site from there yeah it was so uh think what else I’ve got a few of my list on Google Maps I’ve pinned to go is that what you do you literally go to an area and then try and see what pretty much I get Google Maps up on the satellite view yeah zoom into like industrial white big white areas zoom in find out what the places are check if I can fly there on the Drone up you can’t fly there’s not much Point going and then I go okay it’s amazing I went to bason the other week very negative reactions there like normally it’s a bit 50/50 very negative today’s been about 50/50 okay had a really bad one earlier there only a small place there that okay and then this one probably one of the most informative if not the most informative I’ve had good so well there you are right than drone is finished mate so I’m going to going to get the Drone down yeah so did you watch I guess if it would have been DJ audits video have you watched that and thought no if anybody ever comes no make sure I could lie to you say oh yeah I do that in my spare time or I could just you haven’t seen it no I haven’t right you just heard about it yeah I heard when it yeah I heard um I heard about when it happened right was it was it like controversial did it did did they kick off or did they proper explain what they do you know or I wasn’t there but no I don’t think it was a confrontational oh that’s good that’s [Music] good Landing [Music] it’s amazing that little thing’s been always amazes me me I mean I haven’t flown far today but when I do a flight where it’s gone over some really areas that you wouldn’t want to fall you know yeah and it comes back and I think wow that’s been up there sometimes in the wind stable as anything I know amazes me mate it it’s so small you know do you have a a card or anything so I haven’t got a card no all right I can give you the I’ll give you the do you want to watch the channel you want Channel yeah yeah it’s DJ e media why this keep on YouTube well it’s on Facebook it’s on everything but YouTube’s like the focus okay yeah I’ll show the thing my phone I was showing my screen on my camera so I’m trying and get off my camera there DJ e media um yeah it’ll be on there put on there in about a week good luck with the channel thanks for that mate all right really appreciate you talking on camera and you’re welcome you know being informative you’re welcome it makes a change for it to be positive good well I’m glad I was just be just be said where you parked I am opposite over at the furniture place okay so I’m just going to probably go back out that way just yeah just stick to the hly stick to the walkway so okay yeah yeah no R yeah see I’m I’m looking see I’m I’m looking at that that work there thinking I’ve got one person who’s not in high visibility that’s probably cuz they’re hot so any money it’s cuz they’ve took their bib off cuz it’s War yeah and you think I get that but I’m pretty sure their risk assessment will say would you go down there and I tell him that is my next that is as I walk down there I’m going to just inquire so even though they’re contractors and they’ve probably got their own site manager I’m still responsible you’re responsible for them right I’m still responsible and I feel responsible for them so I’m going to go look out for him or her and check that’s really good mate that you noticed that well they moving Ma machinery and stuff so yeah you got to be safe you got to be safe right so we’ll cross over here and you’ve got a lot of electronic charging here uh we do we’re going to need some more we are got eight there got more as well but we got eight there we I think we’ve got 14 but we’re going to right thank you very much good to meet you man all right thank you very much bye-bye wow what an experience very very nice chap very informative probably the most informative I’ve had so I’m not going to make the video any longer guys quite a long video I guessing already thanks for watching give it a thumbs up hope you enjoy watching it and I’ll see you on the next one


    1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ That is how you do it! I hope in time more managers respond like this. Fantastic πŸ’š

    2. A wonderful example of a company doing it right, and get that guy a pay raise, what a legend, great video that proves that good communication is as watchable as conflict. ❀ That one. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    3. wow makes a change for someone to have such knowledge and educate us on how sugar is produced, more to it than i even knew, and such a pleasant gent . congrats to this company all round

    4. Excellent! This is how it’s done! Friendly and seemed proud about their process and product and was happy to share. This is what we want to see!

    5. What a lovely site manager he was. Very very interesting how he explained the processes. I would love you to go back there in "campaign". How brilliant that would be 😊😊😊. What a lovely company πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β­β­β­β­ you asked some brilliant questions too πŸ‘πŸ‘

    6. Loved this guy Andy , what an interesting and informative video. I never knew we grew so much sugar beat in the UK. I can see why he is the General Manager, terrific, Very positive opinion on British Sugar now. And brilliant that they care so much about the nesting Falcons. 10/10

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