The DARK TRUTH Behind Farmed Salmon: What They Don’t Want You to Know!

    That pink-farmed salmon is a red alert—loaded with five times the toxins of any other food. That’s right, your ‘healthy’ dinner choice could be a health hazard in disguise. We’re about to blow the lid off the farmed salmon industry, and it’s a revelation you can’t afford to miss.

    In today’s video we look at The DARK TRUTH Behind Farmed Salmon: What They Don’t Want You to Know!

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    Inspired by Babble top, Weird History Food,The food theorist , Evil food supply.

    Inspired by Farmed Norwegian Salmon World’s Most Toxic Food

    Inspired by Farmed Salmon And 6 Other Toxic Foods That Are Destroying Your Health

    Inspired by Farm Raised Salmon EXPOSED…what you’re actually eating.

    On Dish you know we will go through world culinary arts, food history, international cuisines, national dish, international cuisines, historical recipes, food theory, traditional food, cooking channel, edible history, Food Culture, Food Exploration, Culinary Delights, Food Experience, FoodJourney, Food Discoveries, Food Heritage, World Cuisine, FoodTraditions, FoodDiversity, FoodAdventures, Gastronomy, Taste The World, Food Lovers, Foodie Community, Foodies of YouTube, Foodie Adventure, farmed salmon, salmon, wild salmon, salmon farming, atlantic salmon ,farmed salmon toxic, farmed salmon dangers, salmon dangerous to eat, farmed salmon unhealthy and unsustainable, salmon farms, what salmon to buy, salmon fishing, farmed salmon vs wild salmon, avoid farmed salmon, farmed salmon color, best salmon to eat, which salmon to buy, wild vs. farmed salmon

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    that pink farm salmon is a red alert loaded with five times the toxins of any other food that’s right your healthy dinner choice could be a health hazard in Disguise we’re about to blow the lid off the farm salmon industry and it’s a revelation you can’t afford to miss it’s a jungle out there in the fish and meat aisles where the true colors freshness and nutrient value of products can sometimes be a facade in this video we’re diving deep into the farm where salmon is raised cracking open the truth that might have you pausing before you snap the next piece of delicious looking salmon we have the superhero food the wild caught salmon a true epitome of Health vibrant with natural pinkness and Omega-3s contrasted starkly by its far less desirable counterpart the farmed salmon which unfortunately shares more traits with junk food than a hearty nutritious meal now I’m sure you’re thinking come on it can’t be that bad but it can and it is fish farms are killing off wild salmon what gives them the right to destroy livelihoods in countries far away the farm salmon industry is steeped in deceit and toxicity what’s going on with the salmon we find in our local markets you stroll down the fish aisle and your eyes are instantly drawn to that vibrant pink salmon it just stands out in a sea of gray and white fish doesn’t it it’s like it’s screaming pick me I’m the freshest but here’s the sad reality it’s all just a clever marketing ruse yes we been fooled salmon again it’s John West pink salmon to be more accurate family salmon economical and good for you pink salmon yes it’s pink salmon it’s healthy and it’s quick pink salmon yay now you might say all this fuss over a pink Hue well the industry figured out that we the consumers are more willing to pay an extra dollar or so per pound for that bright pink fish but let’s pull back the curtain a bit here because the truth is far less appetizing when you play place a farmed raised salmon fillet side by side with a wild one even a novice could Spot the Difference the farmed fish has an unnaturally bright Hue thanks to a diet designed to pump it full of fats and sadly a horrifying amount of toxins salmon is a wonderful wonderful source of omega-3 fatty acids but when it’s farm raised they’re given feed that is not what they would normally get with just phytoplank and out in the ocean so it’s much better to have wild salmon uh the omega-3 fatty acid content of those fish is much higher it’s not even the Salmon’s natural color it’s artificially induced through their diet primarily to lure us into buying it yes it seems we’ve been judging the book by its cover or in this case the fish by its color let’s remove another layer of the farmed salmon production farmed salmon are raised in cramped unsanitary conditions and fed a cocktail of unnatural genetically modified feed that essentially transforms them into living swimming hazardous material deposit it the testing does not lie farmed salmon have been caught red Finn harboring staggering levels of toxins that are known for wreaking havoc on the human body we’re talking about the presence of the notorious polychlorinated biphenols or pcbs here which are found in concentrations alarmingly higher in farm salmon than in wild salmon these nasty compounds are Infamous for their potential carcinogenic effects not to mention the adverse Health impacts like immunosuppression and reproductive toxicity they bring to the table the resarch and Relentless experiments have been screaming the truth at us for over a decade now the farm salmon gracing our plates is nothing but a toxic impostor masquerading is healthy food numerous Studies have ripped the mask off this fraudulent character revealing a horror story of organic pollutants that have no business being in our bodies you will find different kind of ever tea and you will find you will find the flu balancer own you know all kind of chemicals and that’s that’s disgusting you know it’s not for people to eat I mean you know norian salmon is the most toxic food you have in the whole world gone are the days when Salmon was regarded as a healthy food Choice over the past few years a plethora of Studies have consistently pointed out potential health risks tied to farmed salmon consumption it turns out that these fish might be harboring a significantly higher level of toxins compared to many other foods and when I say higher I mean alarmingly so one of the main culprits is something called polychlorinated by or pcbs these are substances you really don’t want in your system they come with a Litany of health risks including the Big C cancer and can cause some serious damage in our immune system but the story gets even murkier dioxins and a group of chemicals once used in flame retardants have also been detected in farm salmon yeah chemicals from flame retardants in the salmon we eat do you know the effect of these chemicals on Child Development is so concerning that they’ve even been banned in several countries yes because of their profound impact on young ones many places have said a big no to these substances the big question we need to ask is how are these toxins getting into the salmon the answer simply lies in the feed they consume and the environments they’re raised in honestly after knowing all this I’m seeing farm salmon in a new rather scary light I genuinely believe it’s time we delve deeper into the source of our salmon after all being informed can lead to healthier choices for us and our families so the fish feed crafted to be high in protein and fat isn’t as healthy as it seems it’s packed with toxins due to a nasty cycle of bioaccumulation that occurs in the fatty tissues of the fish used to create it alarmingly a significant chunk of this feed originates from the Baltic Sea a place notorious for its elevated levels of pollution and toxic waste dumping moving a tad closer to home Sweden is setting an example by ringing the alarm Bells loud and clear there fish fenders have to explicitly warn cust customers about the potential toxicity lurking in Baltic fish moreover there’s strong governmental advice steering people to limit their intake of fatty fish to just once a week and when it comes to pregnant women the advice is even more strict stay clear of fish from the Baltic region period so when it comes to choosing what goes on the dinner table let’s think twice before reaching for that farmed salmon it’s high time to be vocal to be informed and to make choices that Safeguard health and well-being let’s not allow a PL of farm salmon to become a ticking Time Bomb of health issues what do you say now let’s Point our guns at feed pellets these pellets essential in fish farming are made by cooking fatty fish to extract protein meal and oil this method instead of producing a nutritious blend ends up attracting scary levels of dioxins and pcbs it’s less of a wholesome meal for the fish and more of a toxic brew the very Foundation of what we’re feeding these fish is dangerous to this extent let’s see what’s next ethoxyquin a substance originally crafted as a pesticide in the 1950s by Monsanto is being sneakily added to the mix as an antioxidant this chemical faces strict controls when used on our fruits and veggies yet bafflingly it gets a hul pass when it comes to fish at levels that are skyrocketing reaching up to 20 times more than what’s allowed in other Foods this should have us all up in arms yet it seems the Uproar is being stifled there was this researcher Victoria bond out in Norway who ventured to expose the truth about a toxic Quin yet instead of being heralded for her efforts she found herself pushed out her critical research undermined and dismissed and you know what’s even more alarming this toxic story isn’t just a farm salmon problem our beloved wild salmon are also swimming in a sea of pollution absorbing a cocktail of contaminants that are frankly nothing short of a nightmare research has shown that these pollutants are meddling with their growth reproduction and even their behavior it’s a heartbreaking scene witnessing the decline of such a majestic species it’s seriously alarming to note that the water bodies in the US are hot beds for mercury contamination despite efforts such as the Clean Water Act implemented decades ago in some areas the mercury levels are so high that locals are strongly advised not to consume any fish caught locally Mercury can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease but it’s not just Mercury our oceans are facing an onslaught of microplastics as of 2016 around 13 metric tons of plastic were reported to be entering the waterways annually these microplastics are far from harmless they attach to toxins in the water and can enter the bodies of fish causing cell damage and inflammation and one of the fish which was only about 3 3 and 1/2 cm in size had 1 microplastics inside it’s it’s got contents a report by defra highlighted that a vast range of sea creatures from Z Plankton to whales are ingesting these microplastics it’s quite distra stressing to think that consuming six oysters might mean swallowing about 50 plastic micro beads creating a significant food safety issue now shifting Focus to our dinner plates we need to talk about the Stark nutritional differences between farmed and wild salmon the farmed variety not only has a higher fat content but also presents an imbalanced ratio of omega3 to Omega 6 fats compared to wild salmon and now it seems like we’re standing at a critical Crossroads when it comes to picking our salmon it certainly feels like a wakeup call urging us to rethink our choices and to vote with our wallets thanks for being with us till the end of this video catch you in the next one


    1. I'm sure it's not just salmon. Everything in the grocery store including the grocery store itself is a lie. A profit game. Growing your own food is looked down upon, unpopular and even discouraged.

    2. You make it sound like GMOs could play a part in making the salmon toxic. This is false to blatantly say to my knowledge and i would appreciate some references on how GMO plants are bad and toxic to ones health . if you could enlighten me i would appreciate it thank you.

    3. Women are the main reason why there is so much plastic garbage. Just walk into the bathroom. and all the drinking water bottles. Sunglasses, malls are filled with women constantly buying artificial products, never ending craziness that is doing nothing but polluting and producing Co2.

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