This lively loudmouth is loved by many and loathed by lots of others who suffer from TDS. When he’s perched upon the pulpit preaching his populism, he polarizes people all over the place, from Alabama to Almansa. But one thing is for sure, the mainstream media mentions him almost daily due to his sassy sound bites and his often controversial takes. You are fake news! He’s a boisterous businessman, pesky politician, and a raucous reality TV star to boot. We’ll take a look at Donald Trump on this week’s episode of FYI.

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    [Music] uh the Democrat said please don’t call them animals they’re humans I said no they’re not humans they’re not humans they’re animals Nancy Pelosi told me that she said please don’t use the word animal sir when you’re talking about these people I said I’ll use the word animal cuz that’s what they are this Lively loud mouth is loved by many and loathed by lots of others who suffer from TDS when he’s perched upon the pulpit preaching his populism he polarizes people all over the place from Alabama to almana but one thing is for sure the mainstream media mentions him almost daily due to his sassy sound bites and his often controversial takes you are fake new he’s a boisterous businessman pesky politician and and a rockus reality TV star to boot we’ll take a look at Donald Trump on this week’s episode of [Music] FYI welcome to for your info engl you got it you got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello hello and welcome to this another exciting edition of FYI for your English it’s a topic based show where you can learn about a different topic every week while you learn loads of English Expressions vocabulary and all that jazz and remember folks if you like what you hear there’s more you can join us over on Alberto Alonso where you can get access to a bonus episode every week you can also get PDF documents with all the vocabulary so you can review it and go over it and familiarize yourself with it you can also get classes weekly group classes with me and monthly private classes so all that information is over on Alberto Alonso I urge you to go over and join our curious Community again it’s Alberto Alonso you can find the link in the show notes and I’d like to send a shout out to everybody in my Curious Community everybody on patreon especially my super duper students Mara Havier and Paco and don’t forget about my Interstellar students the students who get get a private class with me every month plus a weekly review class give it up for Garmin lenina Issa Paco David Jose Maria Patricio and Edgard and as I say each and every one of your names guys I just think of all the progress you’ve made and just how driven you are driven is another way of saying motivated so keep it up and if you want to join in on the action go to Alberto Alonso all right so I’m going to ask you before we even get started what was the first thing that popped into your head when you realized that we were going to take a look at Donald Trump were you excited were you angry were you indifferent well either way you can love this guy or loathe this guy and it’s usually one way or the other this guy polarizes people he’s like a Mourinho like a Jose Mourinho you either love them or you hate them there’s no gray area there’s no middle ground but I think there’s one thing we can all agree on he is an interesting guy he gives us tons of gems and we’re going to take a look at some of his best gems I think you say HOAs oras later on some of the greatest sound bites ever let’s take a look at the intro which is chalk full of awesome vocabulary I said this Lively loud mouth and Lively means he’s got a lot of energy he’s the life of the party and a loud mouth is exactly how it sounds a loud mouth I think you say bathas well as I just said he’s loved by many and loathed this is another way of saying hated by lots of others who suffer from TDS now I don’t know about you guys but TDS was not something when I was a kid this is something that’s pretty new and what does it stand for good question Trump derangement syndrome now what does this mean this is usually people who hate Trump just the mere mention of his name listen I’ll read the definition Trump derangement syndrome is a slang term usually for criticism or negative reactions to former US president Donald Trump and they are perceived to be irrational and have little regard towards Trump’s actual policy positions or actions undertaken by his administration translation it means you hate Trump so much that you don’t even care if you agree on the same positions just every time you you hear his name you go nuts you get deranged it’s called Trump derangement syndrome and Trump didn’t invent this or Trump supporters didn’t invent this term this went back to George W bush and his presidency the term was coined in 2003 and it was called Bush derangement syndrome and it was defined by a guy named Charles crammer and the syndrome was defined as the and I quote the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies the presidency nay the very existence of George W bush so again Trump derangement syndrome or TDS means you can’t even hear the guy’s name you might even agree on some of the issues but you can’t stand the guy you’re in the loathe category then this next sentence is just full full of peas when he’s perched upon the pulpit and perched means like a bird posing when he’s perched upon the pulpit preaching predicando his populism and it’s true he is a populist he tells people what they want to hear more jobs better economy America First of course who isn’t going to agree with those things but I want you to be really careful with the pronunciation of the word populism populism there are two difficult Parts the U populism and the ism remember nationalism Catholicism communism that’s a tough one to pronounce they’re called isms then I said he polarizes people all over the place from Alabama to almana but one thing is for sure the mainstream media mentions him almost daily due to his sassy sound bites and I think that’s one of my favorite things about this guy the things he says I remember I would wake up every morning when he was using Twitter and see what he said next and the word sassy that I mentioned is Frisco picato I mean he knows what he’s saying he’s trying to get people’s attention and his takes are very often controversial then we heard one of his sound bites you are fake news and that’s a term he didn’t really coin but he definitely popularized and then I said he’s a boisterous businessman and boisterous means he makes a lot of noise and that’s a perfect word for him also a pesky politician pesky is annoying let’s be honest all politicians are annoying it doesn’t matter if you’re a republican a Democrat or in the Tea Party and don’t forget he’s also a rockus reality TV star rockus means also noisy and to boot means as well also so are you ready to take a look at Donald Trump well before we begin I guess I should give you a little disclaimer here I’m not going to give you guys my political views because that doesn’t matter you want my honest opinion I think we have better people in the United States than a reality TV show star and a geriatric old man who can’t say two sentences are these our best choices so before you try and tell me I’m a Democrat or I’m a republican I’ll just let you know I’m not happy with either choice but if you want to know I’m going to be voting for Trump in the next election there I said it I said it and again this is not about his personality this is just about facts as I always tell people I don’t want my daughter to be in the same room As Trump no way but do I think he would do a better job than the current Administration well yeah uh anything is better than what’s going on now in the United States I hate to say it but the country is in shambles so anybody who’s going to vote for what is now you must be blind or maybe you suffer from TDS but also that doesn’t mean I love Trump especially not as a person why well there’s not very much to love he’s cocky he has said many sexist things but I still think I’m not voting for a person here I’m voting for ideas I’m voting for somebody who’s going to go in a different direction than where we’re going now and even a lot of people who voted for the current Administration you’re seeing a lot of people flip and it’s not because they love Trump as a person I doubt it a perfect example is the black vote in the United States now there are a lot of black people in the United States so naturally it’s a very important vote and normally they vote Democrat however and I’m lumping everybody into one group and obviously it’s it’s not that simple but in general they vote Democrat but also the blacks are going to vote for the people where they live better so if they were living better under the former Administration and they’re living worse under the current one well they will flip on a dime and change to Republican they’re not as loyal as the old school Republicans anyway it’s a different thing in my country anyway the left is very different than the left here the right is very different than the right here so it’s a different scale but I think it’s sad when these are our choices so before anybody accuses me of being a Trumper or a Maga guy Maga is make America great again my answer is if these are my options I’m going to go with the lesser of two evils I do hope in the future we get some younger more inspired leaders in my country but for now this is what we’ve got old and older that’s a play on words for the movie Dumb and Dumber dos tontos mu tontos because Biden is in his 80s and again I have got I’ve got nothing against Biden the guy poor guy in fact I feel sorry for him I think he should be playing bridge in a nursing home I don’t think he should be running the Free World do I think Trump should be running it I can think of people who I think would do it better but that’s the only option I’ve got right now and one of the things that really angers me is when when people ask me at the playground you know people like to talk politics even though it’s taboo and they say so do you like Joe Biden and I’m like absolutely not what is there to like they’re like oh so you’re a trump supporter I’m like see I didn’t say that you said that I’m forced to be that so it’s a weird situation I’m in I’m just explaining this because I don’t want anybody to say you do this you’re left you’re right I’m for the the candidate who makes more sense and sadly in this case that’s Donald J Trump so there you go we got that out of the way but the interesting thing about Trump is I don’t talk about him a lot the people I notice who talk about Trump the most are his detractors as we said in the intro the mainstream media I mean they are dying to get his sound bites I know a show here in Spain it was a radio show or it was really a section on a radio show where the whole section was based on what Trump said and laughing at him and making fun of him and hey that’s great but what happens when Trump isn’t President anymore well the section was over so the circus is over that means you have to find somebody else to talk about so there were many programs that just spent four years or more even in the the runup to the elections and the debates and Trump was their only content it’s all they could talk about I felt for a while like he was being forced down our throat and again I don’t like the guy do I think he’ll do a better job well he’s already done a better job all you have to do is look at the numbers obviously but it’s easy to manipulate numbers on either side right now as we said in our episode on propaganda it’s an information War anyway that was a pretty long disclaimer let’s take a look at Trump or as I should say drump drump was the original German last name and it was changed to Trump by his grandfather now Trump is a really good word that was not an accident because a trump card is a card that wins any card it trumps any card to outdo to surpass to excel that’s a great last name if you’re going to change it so so they changed the D to a T and then they got rid of the F to come up with Trump and that was a German name because his grandfather was born and raised in cdat it’s what was then the kingdom of Bavaria then he immigrated to the United States in 1885 in 1891 Grandpa Trump started speculating in real estate in Seattle on the west Coast this was during the Klondike Gold Rush he then moved to the Yukon area and he made a fortune operating a restaurant and a brothel a brothel is a house of ill repute a place where prostitution goes on and this was a brothel and restaurant for miners in a town called White Horse and when I say miners I don’t mean menes that would be weird I mean miners well hey they’re pronounced exactly the same so that’s the story of Grandpa Trump let’s take a look at the story of his dad Frederick Christ Trump Christ gisto wow that’s a a strong middle name well he was an American Real Estate developer and businessman he was born in the Bronx to German immigrants we just talked about his father and he began working in home construction and sales in the 192 20s and this company Rose to success building single family homes in Queens and they also built apartments for war workers on the East Coast this was during World War II so his grandfather and father were both successful so I guess you could say he was bound for Success let’s take a look at who Trump is Donald J Trump he is an American politician media person personality businessman he served as the 45th president of the United States he received a Bachelor of Science in economics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 and in 1971 is when he entered the family real estate business his father’s thriving business Trump renamed the company the Trump organization and he reoriented the company and he decided it was time to start building and renovating skyscrapers hotels casinos and of course his favorite hobby golf courses and right now the Trump organization owns I think over 20 golf courses now he’s had his share of ups and downs he’s had many business failures just to give you an idea he and his businesses have been a plaintiff or a defendant in more than 4,000 state and federal legal actions including six business bankruptcies but there he is as our friend Elton John says I’m still standing taller than I ever been it’s crazy the guy has gotten knocked down many times but it seems like he just keeps getting up the Trump organization is an American privately owned conglomerate it is the holding company for all of Trump’s business ventures and Investments there are around 250 Affiliates and subsidiaries using the Trump name and as I said he came on board when he was a Youngster in 2017 he handed off the leadership to his children when he won the 2016 presidential election and he’s had many Partnerships as well he deals with investing brokerage sales and marketing Property Management con instruction Hospitality entertainment publishing as I said he was on the show The Apprentice but he was also one of the producers of the program the very successful program where his catchphrase was you’re fired crooked Joe Biden you’re fired get out of here get the hell you’re you’re destroying our country you’re fired Biden get the hell out of here he’s even gotten into the retail business fashion apparel jewelry accessories books which his famous book The Art of the deal I’ve never read it I should read it or at least listen to the audio book either way I think he probably had a ghost writer well the list goes on home furnishings textiles accessories home fragrance vodka wine steaks chocolate bars bottled spring water and so much more as of 20 24 or 2024 you can say it either way Trump’s net worth was estimated to be 2.3 billion remember a billion mil millionis you call it let’s take a look at some milestones in Trump’s life as I said he’s 77 years old but Donald J Trump was born on June 14th 1946 at Jamaica Hospital no no not Jamaica the island Jamaica Hospital Queens in New York he was the fourth child of Fred Trump we already talked about him his mother is Mary an mle Trump it’s of Scottish descent and he grew up with older siblings Maryanne Fred Junior and Elizabeth oh and his younger brother Robert they grew up in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of queens and he attended a private school from kindergarten to 7 grade when he was 13 years old he started misbehaving he started getting out of line so his father sent him to boarding school boarding school or military school so he attended the New York Military Academy he claimed this is where he learned his discipline in 1964 he enrolled at forom University a shout out to my mother who went to forom University 2 years later he transferred to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania this is one of the most famous business schools in the United States perhaps in the world and he graduated in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in economics then he started working for his father’s company as we said and he restructured the company and its objectives he took the company in a different direction and I think his biggest claim to fame with that was he cross cross the river no not the Rubicon I mean the East River he said Dad we’ve got to think big we’ve got to leave Queens well we’ll keep our stuff in Queens but we’ve got to start investing in Manhattan that’s the big time and he attracted a lot of public attention in 1978 with the launch of his family’s first Manhattan Venture it was the renovation of the derelict Commodore Hotel right by Grand Central terminal the hotel reopened in 1980 as the Grand Hyatt Hotel that same year was a big year for Trump because he obtained the rights to develop the now famous Trump Tower a mixed use skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan this is the headquarters of the Trump Corporation it’s also got condos retail shops galleries restaurants and offices other businesses he’s been involved with in 1983 he purchased the New Jersey generals this was a football league not the NFL but the United States football league but that only lasted two years because the league folded he also got into boxing I remember when I was a kid his name was synonymous with boxing he organized events at his different casinos and hotels I remember staying at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City that was awesome it was op ENT he also tried his hand at cycling in 1989 and 1990 he lent his name to the tour D Trump a cycling race That was supposed to be the American equivalent of theour de France Oro in 1988 he purchased the Eastern Airline shuttle and he renamed the airline Trump shuttle and that operated until 1992 and it’s interesting cuz if you look at it it seems like he’s had more failures than wins but that hasn’t stopped the guy you’ve got to applaud that like him or not then from 1996 to 2015 he owned all or part of the Miss Universe pageants but in June 2015 he dropped that in 2004 he co-founded Trump University that’s crazy imagine that I got my degree from Trump University well in 2013 the state of New York filed a civil lawsuit against him for $40 million which alleged that the company made false statement and defrauded customers we already mentioned books he’s got many but the most famous one is the art of the deal also he was involved with wrestling he appeared at Wrestlemania 23 and in the bonus episode we’re going to take a look at all his pop culture appearances don’t forget he was in Home Alone too excuse me where’s the lobby down the hall and to the left thanks we’ll also take a look at some fun facts we’ll look at the dark side and of course we’re going to hear all his Gems we’ll hear a lot of sound bites in the second part so he was in wrestling we already mentioned the Celebrity Apprentice that earned him more than $400 million so that was pretty successful and finally his biggest Milestone I would say was when he announced announced his candidacy in June 2015 at first his campaign wasn’t taken seriously even up until the end everybody said Hillary was going to kill him all the opinion polls said that all the newspapers were saying that but in March 2016 he became the front runner and in may he was declared the presumptive Republican nominee here’s Trump announcing that he’s running for president ladies and gentlemen [Applause] I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again and who would have th it Amigos he won if you read the papers I swear to God you would say Hillary was going to win and my wife and I we knew it when we were in the United States on our honeymoon it was during the debates between Trump and Hillary and we knew it it was in the air we saw many more Trump signs than Hillary signs and my wife and I looked at each other we’ll never forget and we said this guy’s going to win and I remember we woke up one morning at our old home where we lived uh near pla Castilla in Madrid and I checked my phone and says Trump is the 45th president of the United States I was shocked to say the least so I guess you shouldn’t believe everything you see and you to read in the media we’ve got to get going right now but I sure hope you guys will join us in the bonus part we’re going to take a look at a lot of fun facts including Trump’s first source of income as a kid and many other fun facts but love him or hate him this guy’s a piece of work but he has definitely LED an interesting life so far and he shows no signs of stopping it doesn’t seem like the guy sleeps very much and I think like many of us we’re just waiting to see what he’s going to do or say next and we’re going to take a look at some of his funniest gems in the bonus episode so I hope you’ll join us there thanks so much for tuning in to this week’s episode of FYI [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Music]

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