2023년 7월 26일 ~ 2023년 9월 25일(62일)
    핀란드 – 스웨덴 – 노르웨이 – 덴마크 – 독일 – 체코

    00:00:00 32번째 국가 핀란드 수도 헬싱키 입국(안나&펠릭스)
    00:35:53 33번째 국가 스웨덴의 수도 스톡홀름
    01:03:17 스웨덴 전역의 퍼져있는 셸터 캠핑 라이딩
    01:37:59 스웨덴 내륙 도시 칼스코가 현지인 집 초대(폰투스&마이,피터)
    02:53:02 34번째 국가 노르웨이의 수도 오슬로
    03:33:12 오슬로 남부 자연속으로
    04:13:28 폭우 협곡 라이딩 with 카이
    04:51:09 뤼세 피오르드 페리 투어 & 북해
    05:31:22 뤼세 피오르드, 프레이케스톨렌 하이킹 & 도시 스타방에르(울라쉬 아저씨)
    05:58:53 노르웨이 끝 35번째 국가 덴마크
    06:31:54 덴마크의 수도 코펜하겐(사이먼과의 재회)
    06:53:39 다시 돌아온 독일에서 히치하이킹(with 알렉스)
    07:40:47 나의 첫 번째 동행자 하네스와의 재회 그리고 내 유럽 마지막 동행
    08:21:22 독일 도시 드레스덴(폴) 그리고 36번째 국가, 나의 마지막 유럽 국가 체코 입국
    09:00:26 유럽 여정의 끝

    #세계여행 #자전거세계일주 #자전거여행


    Insta : @jinwcho
    Email : jo930131@gmail.com
    Camera : Gopro10
    Music : Epidemic Sound

    [Music] It rained all day yesterday, and the weather is amazing today. Hi. Today, we leave Estonia, the last Baltic country, and finally enter Finland, the 32nd country in Northern Europe. We stayed in Helsinki, the capital of Helland, for two more days and rested a little more this weekend. I think I’ll start riding from here . Arriving in Northern Europe means that my European journey is almost over. Ah, it tickles, because I’m getting sunlight again. [Music] Ah oh ah Okay, let’s go on a trip with my friends. I had a good ride on my way to Finland. From Tallinn to Finland. It takes a little more than an hour or two. I remember saying this after I had a really hard time getting on the ferry because I had just missed that ferry. I think I said that I would enjoy what I started doing because I liked it, but now I feel strange. Wouldn’t it be enough to just run 2,000km in 45 days? Let’s enjoy Eastern Europe. If you look at my hands, they are very dry. No matter how much lotion I put on them, they are very dry. Yes , yes, Finland is the 32nd country in the class. Can you believe it? I can’t believe I came to Northern Europe. In fact, hey, hey, I wish there was a Thank You Finland sign. It must be somewhere, but it’s hard to stop because I have to go out with the car now. Helsinki, the capital of Rand. I’ll go to the center. Yap, it’s a statue of the stigmata. It’s really pee. Ok second 30 second finally I ENT ​​European Ok I found some saa finish saa zpa sauna or Z Yeah free and okay okay ketos kos Thank you Thank you MO MO a good day Arrived in Helsinki There was at least one accommodation I bought, so I made a reservation there, but it’s about 3km away from the center. So, since I’m here at the center now, I’ll buy a SIM card and go straight to the accommodation and ride . The SIM card price must be expensive, Elisa. I think this is a telecommunication company, so ask here. Let’s see. It took me a little while to buy a SIM card. The price of unlimited is similar to gigabyte unlimited, so I bought unlimited. I think I paid about 40,000 won for a month. I think I’ll be able to ride comfortably while using data for about a month. I think the bike path is good. What are these people? This is my first time seeing them. Are these kids people ? I passed by the park like this on the way to the accommodation. The bike path is so well-paved that it’s okay to be away from the center. The name of the hostel I booked is Chip Hostel. There is Chip Sleep Hostel. Except for that hostel, the average price is 560,000 won. No matter how cheap they are, it’s almost half past the hour and the sun is still shining. There’s a place where you can take a free sauna, so I’m going to go there. I’ll finish the day with a sauna today. Helsinki The city is so big that I don’t think there will be enough time to see it all in one day. It’s completely under construction, but it’s a construction complex. There are a lot of people here. It’s a place called Sonpa Sauna, but I don’t think it’ll be possible to take pictures because it’s a place where you can go. I’ll enjoy the sauna. I enjoyed the sauna for about 1 hour and felt first-hand how different the culture was. It’s free here, but locals just come and enjoy the sauna naked. They also swim at the beach in front. [Music] Hey, everyone, regardless of gender or age, just naked. I came in and enjoyed a sauna. It was my first time. This was so amazing. Anyway, it was a culture shock. Even though it was past 10 o’clock in the evening, it was packed with people. There are three spaces where you can sauna , there is an ocean in front, and they even busk in front of the sauna . So, isn’t it the best place? For those who like saunas, I really recommend coming to this place outside of Helsinki, Sonpa Sauna. I couldn’t take any pictures, but I’m really satisfied . Look at the sky now. If I had to point out a drawback, wow, there are too many mosquitoes and the sauna is too hot. When you bring it out, you have to donate blood to the mosquitoes. I think this is done as a form of donation. I will wrap up the first day of Shinki today and take a closer look around the center when I have time. Musti Kama is a small walking park in the middle of Helsinki city center. [Music] It’s now been 3 days since the first one came in. Originally, I should have left today, but I extended it another day. Editing time is running out, but what I felt after spending 3 days was that the prices were crazy. I think you can just double the price in the Baltic countries. In the same way, the marriage price seems to be 15,000 won or 30,000 won. There is another small island right next to this, but I guess the island itself is frozen. There are bicycle paths everywhere, everywhere. It’s laid out so it’s very easy to get around by bicycle. That cool building you see right in front is called the Ouspensky Cathedral. Right next to the Ouspensky Cathedral is now the Helsinki Cathedral. It’s really something of a Helsinki landmark, but it’s a bit higher up. You’ll be able to see the view. If you want to take a look, that’s the Helsinki Cathedral. Oh wow, it’s a good idea. Wow , this is a long park in the main center of Helsinki. I think this park is the most famous in the city, so I looked for a restaurant to try Finnish food. But the reason I gave up right away was because I thought I had to consider 50 euros as a basic amount for a meal once a year. How much is a euro? It’s 70,000 won. It’s 75,000 won. So I gave up the idea right away. I don’t know if there will be a chance next time, but I will have a chance during my trip. If I get it, I’ll try it then. I don’t think there will be an answer in Shinki. I have to leave tomorrow and camp somewhere again. Oh, I see the Ukrainian flag is waving. I’ll start riding in Finland in earnest tomorrow. Yes, I’ll start riding in Finland. I came to leave the hostel, but I met Swiss friends at the entrance. I don’t know how much I’ll do, but the course I’m planning to take today is similar, so I’ll follow these friends. I’m heading along the ocean right now, so it’ll probably take a while to get out of Helsinki. Ah, my name is Felix Felix Felix Felix my name is Jinwoo Jinwoo just call me sister my is4 Now, the main center of Helsinki. I’m going to get out of there by taking this bridge. Oh, this place is amazing . After this we just the midle Yes the last Las Courses Scos Ah, what a golden course this is. There are a lot of mansions and really nice houses in front of the ocean . fin finish [Music] The amazing capital The sub-marine is now inland, and it was 35 km away, so it came back in a hurry. The course is almost the same with my friends, so I followed it together, and I think we might stop and camp together today. I don’t feel lonely. Today, I entered a small village here and was resting for a while. It started to rain. It might continue to rain until this evening. Let’s start riding in the rain here too. This is the Eurovelo course. It’s the 10th Eurovelo course. Hey, the course is fun. It’s more fun on camelbacks than on flat ground. Camels should come out like this. They can ride downhill and uphill, but if it’s on flat ground , it’s much better . Ugh OS thank you finish by [laughter] Hello. Oh, it’s pouring down . Suddenly, we’re entering a small village like the sun. I’m thinking of supplying supplies here and finding a camping spot together today to go camping. Ah, it’s really good riding. It’s over 100km a day. Oh hell Helsinki we are going to Helsinki Ah [Laughs] CH Ah PO Ok [Music] [Laughs] think l0 ifra and I came to see it. I bought some bread for breakfast tomorrow, and I left a bicycle for Park Hae, and someone took a water bottle and the US and China. But the funny thing is that they only took one water bottle. You here Yeah but it’s to close to the Road you you don’t matter I’ve never like next the i US ins some but If you guys want it I can try it Yeah I mean here really flat yeah [Laughs] yeah yeah yeah We can go inside little bit little Right now, I’m looking for a place to finish today. There’s no road on the main road, alling hiing. I took a seat on the side of the road where cars detour. I rode 102km. 102km. Let’s eat. [Music] I don’t us [Music] I’m going inside hiding in my good good F Good night anna by [laughter] by mo How many K do you wan R 12 120 Almost right Let’s guys are crazy Ah, the weather is nice, but for the past 3 months, I’ve been scared every time I start riding. Because of the itchy symptoms. [Music] At first glance, it looks like a lake or a river. It looks like it, but it’s the sea. If you go this way, there’s an opening. Baltic Sea. Oh, the village is quiet. The bike path is definitely much better. I understand why a lot of people come to ride their bikes. Really, Jeonmae seems to be more serious about riding than me. I don’t really hit the bike, so I don’t stop. I keep stepping on it. I feel like I don’t have brakes when I’m running. Felix’s physical strength is no joke. I’ve always traveled by bike with my parents since I was little. Maybe that’s why, but right now, I’m at True Crime [Applause] strong [Music] mean You Keep going more every me every cann do this some people can do But I mean really strong compare with normal person training month I guys if just follow you guys guys are so [Music] F hiing km per real course I lost. It’s funny. I saw you drag it in front of Anna. It’s crazy. Really How survive 4es last year nopt got sypt at one just happy when cycle canoy 100% may today I can you May some tell you if I can follow yesterday was wether is bad but for me It’s the best weather Yeah I see noal The temperature is only 21 degrees today But the sun is too strong, so I just took off my clothes, sprinkled water on my body, and took a long time to lower my body temperature. I think I might not be able to keep up all day today. My body can’t stand it. When the sun gets strong, it gets hot quickly. Since I can’t control my body temperature , I get tired too quickly. So, if I can’t do it, I may have to say goodbye and ride slowly alone. I don’t want Anna and Rex to waste too much time waiting for me, so when I can’t do it, I tell them and ride alone. I can’t help it. There are a lot of uphill climbs on camelback. When I ride uphill, my body temperature rises too quickly and I ca n’t recover . I wonder when this symptom will go away. I think this Swiss brother and sister will probably go further, so let’s see. Let’s see what happens. [Applause] I think have stop [Music] can Keep wor Thank you for like comp With You can do come can love When I finish and I suc about European TR I Absolutely send piure and goodb Tiger iger I’m driving down the main highway here right now and there’s no shade. No, no, ah , the fever won’t go away. If you run while hitting your bones, you’ll kill yourself. The feeling as if your body is burning continues. The fever continues. I think I rested for about 30 minutes because I didn’t fall, but now the temperature has gone down a bit. There’s about 25km left from here to the next city , Salot. Well, I think we’ll never be able to go to Juga where Felix Anna is today, so there’s a campsite on the road, so that’s our goal for now. I’ll keep running. There’s plenty of time. Wow, I didn’t know the sun would be this strong. Is n’t it easy? I’ll increase the number of breaks I take and go slowly. I actually thought I could keep playing if I didn’t sweat or feel itchy, but it’s a shame. I’ll run carefully. I can do it. Take one step at a time. You may hate the weather . It’s not easy for me to see such sunny weather in Northern Europe . Look at the weather today. It’s really nice. But I’m the only one who says the weather isn’t good. It ‘s true, the story is also bad. My body has reached 2000 km. It was only yesterday that I rode 20,000 km. It seems like it’s already 1,000km away [Music] I rode it, Toshi. I came into Salo. Ah, the sun is getting brighter, so my condition is deteriorating rapidly, and I’m so tired that I can’t pedal well. Today, I ‘ll go to the camping site on the outskirts of Salo and finish it up. I’ll look at some groceries and then go in. This is the center. Why are there so few people? It’s only 23km, but it took too long. It seems like it took too long. The downtown area of ​​the city is Plaza Oh. What’s interesting about the campsite we’re going to today is that if you go all the way this way, there’s a Baltic Bay, and there’s a huge bay in between the bays. There is a small island, but there is a camping site on that island. I expected the price to be expensive, but I am not in a good mood today, so I have to spend money. The reason I worked hard to save money is to save it for when I need it. Are those Swiss siblings crazy? How can they do that? Tanya, really, there are so many great people in the world. Oh, it’s an island. The camping site is on that island. This is a bay and it’s amazing. They built a road like this. It ‘s crossing the sea. I’m not in good condition. The place I brought in is so pretty. I’m not here today. If Felix and I had followed, we wouldn’t have come here, but we ended up in a nice place. I’m not sure what the name of this island is, but anyway, if you go a little further ahead, there’s a beach. There’s a swimming pool. This is the campsite, and there’s a bathroom, so you can do it here too. If you go down here, the Marines are there. Considering that I was worried about having to do it inside here, the price is still reasonable. I paid about 30,000 won. I paid about 2,000 won. Earlier today, when the sun was at its hottest, I was fighting the heat at around 1 o’clock, so I was hit by the sun. After that, my condition got so bad that I couldn’t go with Felix Anna, but I still ended up in a good place. I rode just 90km today. I’m heading into Truk, a big city located on the ocean side of western Finland, tomorrow , and I think there’s less than 70km left in Truk. So, tomorrow I will take a leisurely ride and if there is accommodation, I will try to reserve accommodation. That’s all for today . I want to take a dip in that radish over there, but I don’t have the energy to go for a dip . ] [Applause] [Music] Now, I’m going to Truk, a city on the Baltic coast in western Finland. There’s about 60km left to reach the city. My original plan was to go to Truk, and there are a lot of big and small islands on the Truk side, so I looked around to see if I could take a tour, but I found a small parry. I had to take it about eight times. But it’s not like I can set the exact time, and I don’t have a lot of time, so I’m going to finish my ride in Finland in Turku, and there’s a ferry that goes directly from Luke to Stock, Sweden. I’ll take the one to Sweden tomorrow. Right now. When I looked for accommodation in the city I was going to, there was only one hotel. But the price of the hostel was 60,000 won. It was the cheapest, so I had no choice, so I made a reservation. It’s very expensive. It’s too much for kids like that to come in on a scooter with a fishing rod in their bag. It’s cute, it’s okay, it’s okay Truk 53k [Music] think so I can im because trav months with bage and when I take This one can like this and I miss something Yeah You cannot balance it every time handle is shaking to much yeah yeah was very strange Yeah Feel like so Super easy yes yes yes and no because I biking with the Child It’s e and 10 year old so the day is long but never to Fast more K on the k the but here It’s very nice You did the is Yes it’s some all free just jump on and cross So you don’t have time now If you need to take this part is really really beautiful I want to take the at to the stock but don’t have just days I have to take 2000 k [Laughs ] Babai I really like this kind of small talk while traveling. I had to pass by very small islands and jump, but the biggest problem was time. Even if the parry ticket is free as you said, when you go to the next island and then another island, there is no ferry. If you don’t have one, it’s hard to set the time, so if you have to wait for a very long time and there are only one or two ferries a day, you’ll be stuck there, and if that happens, you’ll be wasting all of your precious time, so I had no choice but to put it down a bit. I was thinking of going to a place called the Åland Islands, but there will be another opportunity next time. I think I made a good decision to go to Stockholm at once. Oh, I think that’s the only way to save time and go to Manchuria. Murphy is falling little by little. I think I can go a little further, but it’s pouring out. La Spray mist from the sky It’s raining so thin right now I love it It’s the best weather It’s so cool I hope it rains [Music] It feels like a little soshi called hell ha tai There’s 10km left But the sun isn’t shining I’m so glad there’s sunshine today If you look at it, it makes you want to die. I have to avoid Dracula’s sunlight. Karina Karina has all come in. Trok. It feels like an institutional city. This Trok city is very big. As the roads grow, so do the bike paths. It’s right. This is the only ferry service in the morning. It looks like there is one for juniors, but surprisingly, there is a huge difference in the fare. It is only 30 euros in the morning, but if you stay in the afternoon, it costs more than the basic euro. So, originally , I was thinking about transferring right away if I had a junior when I arrived at Trok, but there is a difference in price. There’s a difference of 70 or 80 euros, so it feels like I’m stopping here for a day. Even if I stop for a day, it’s cheaper than the dinner price. Hey, the city feels completely different from Helsinki. Wow, what is this place? No, the city is completely hilly, and the city is designed on camelbacks. Ah, there’s a depression in the middle between the fireworks and the center. No, you can just look at it and the city is really big. What’s that cool building in front of me? It’s a museum. Oh, this is the main street. Hmm, what kind of restaurants are there? The only one is Pizzeria. Kebab. Pizza Story Today is the last day of riding in Finland. It’s been 61km. They ask me to ring the bell , but where is the bell ? This is mine. This is [Music]. It’s a very small hostel. There are only one, two, three, four beds, seven, eight, just eight. No. I came to this shopping mall for a while to buy groceries . The money is melting away. One look at the groceries costs 30,400 won. Hey, they say it’s more expensive if you go to Norway, but there’s no answer to this . I’ll go take the ferry right away . The ferry company I’m taking today is Viking Line. Ah I can’t sleep well these days. I can’t sleep well. I wonder why I can’t sleep. I’m tired. I need to check in at the vehicle check-in place too. But I can’t find the vehicle check-in place right now. The ship is already here. I guess I have to go back, but that’s why I have to come quickly. There are a lot of people going there. It’s really amazing that the 8:45 morning ferry I’m taking right now is incredibly cheap, and the other evening ferry is three to four times the price. It’s strange, like in the movie JoJo, so I can take the morning ferry cheaply, so I can take the morning ferry to Truk Stockholm. It’s an 11-hour ride, and surprisingly, it’s almost the same price as the ferry price when going from Tallinn, Estonia to Helsinki, Finland. Yes , I mean, it was cheap, but it went up surprisingly. It’s a long time, so I was thinking about at least 780, but there was a 29 euro ticket, and the weather was like that. It’s gloomy like the day I enter Scotland. How many languages ​​do you speak? Then, I think they said hello and told me to choose one of the four languages, but all I could hear was Finland. Probably the most popular country in Northern Europe is Sweden, which will arrive in a little while, but it’s very close to Norway. I think it will be a lot of riding. I have to ride about 5,600 km to Sweden, and if I have time, I’m thinking about about 4,500 km to Norway. I want to go across the inland a bit. I thought it was Loss, but I didn’t know that there were Chinese there. No, you have to ride uphill to take the ferry. It’s my first time and I’ve ridden a lot of paddles, but this is my first time riding a ferry while going uphill like this. I usually go through the main entrance, but this one is on the side . I boarded the ferry to Stockholm, Sweden without any problems. Ah, it’s a bit disappointing that I didn’t get to see the western islands of Finland. Okay, it’s an 11-hour ride, but it arrives around 6:45. Oh, it’s an hour earlier, so you gain an hour . You always have to remember the number when riding the Parrit. 5.1 Otherwise, you won’t know where to stand when you get off later, so you’ll have to find a space to edit, but first, it’s on the 10th floor. Let’s go. I said Land . Ah, the car is still burning. How to defrost Lee at 11 o’clock. The outlet is here. There’s nothing to do anyway. It’s set up well so you can see the outside through the full-length glass. I think it’s a good idea to go right inside the hole. I don’t think I’ll be able to get a seat. Ah, people like this. I didn’t know that . There really are a lot of islands. [Music] Wow, now that I’m leaving the Truk island area in Finland, look at the weather. Wow, it’s amazing. [Music] Scotland is completely changing. Now, this is Finland called the Åland Islands. I thought there were no people, but then I got on board. What’s interesting is that it’s transiting through Sweden. It’s close to Sweden, but it’s Finland. Land can still be called Aland for a short time . We’re now heading towards the main continent of Sweden where we docked. This is also an island. It’s a very small island, but when you look at it now, it looks really big. There are a lot of houses on the ferry. During the ride , there are a lot of people taking tours on yachts or just traveling on private yachts. Okay, honestly, I ‘m really looking forward to the next course rather than leaning on the capital Sui. I’m thinking of crossing the inland area, but something feels more like Finland. I’m expecting it to become more dynamic. I’m not sure, but anyway, the journey after Stockhol will continue across the country to Oslo, Norway. I’ll probably go inland. My guess is that my visa has 40 days left. I’ll pass through 5 countries to Prague in Sweden within 40 days. It works, but Germany is a country we have already passed through, so we only need to finish 4 countries. There are only 4 countries left. So, there is something really. I was surprised as I said this. Sweden, the 3rd country, must have had a lot of cars going to Åland. There were a lot of people missing nor nor Yeah from I’m from South Korea Oh where from yesterday I got 16 months trav I’m quite tired I got I hit 21000 K [Music] Now you What about you guys Where are you from I’m from copenhagen copenhagen cool bing from copenhagen to Helsinki and Now on the way back like you guys did the baltic country to the helsing we a little took the aha cool cool AW yeah yeah big Yeah so heavy I your bike like like cargo bike yeah yeah that is cool Yeah Germany Germany I’m the way back home Ah Way Back Home as i agree canm and sweden The dashed line in Sweden is very comfortable. There is also Sweden here. There won’t be any marks or anything like that. I just want to take a picture, but the air is good. So, I made a reservation for 3 days. From today until Thursday, starting from Friday, I will go to Sweden in earnest. I’m going to start riding. I’m going to rest a little more. Even if I don’t have time, I have to edit the video and take a break. The first day of the month. This is Stock, the capital of Sweden, the 33rd country. The weather is so nice. It feels like I’ve been here forever. Why is it strange that Northern Europe has no airspace? I mean, the smell of the sea. Oh, look at the wide bike lanes. This Sudo city is so big that it might take a long time to look around. Central Station It’s my first time seeing a 7-Eleven in Europe. There’s a 7-Eleven in Sweden. Here in the city. Backpackers It’s my accommodation, but there’s a sauna in the amazing Gud Hostel. It’s amazing . The moment I tell the receptionist that there’s a fight, I was really surprised. Daebak went to Stockhol Lobo to eat. This is the main restaurant. Meals are extremely expensive, but I found a restaurant. It’s an Asian restaurant, and you can eat as much as you want, so I’m going there first. In Europe, a meal costs about 30,000 won. Wow, the military battalion cafe here is 10 kroon, so you can get it for 1 dollar. The dinner buffet is 189 won, so it’s 2. It’s about 100 won . Oh, okay, there’s kimchi too. It’s all unlimited refills, and there’s something like bulgogi. Anyway, I’ll eat it today because it’s the right dish. It’s good value for money, but I’ll have to pay for it. Even the kimchi is delicious. I can just eat kimchi and rice. It’s really cheap compared to Swedish prices. Look at this. It’s like bulgogi. There are also similar bulgogi. Oh, there are three kinds of Korean food, Chinese food, and Japanese food . I really ate the last kimchi. Wassi’s stomach was full. I ate a lot. I’ll walk around and look around to help me digest it. This is Shinsi branch. Let’s go to the old town. Hey, if you come to the end of the main new town here, there is an island between the continents that you saw, and this island is connected by a bridge. If you go over to the island next, it looks like you have the old town, the old town area is called Methodist Stan. I think this is the huge building I saw while passing by yesterday. This is the Royal Palace of Sweden. It’s really pretty. This is not a river, it’s the sea. Let’s go inside. If you look at the buildings in the old town, the buildings in the new town are completely different from before. European-style buildings occupy the entire area. I’m holding it . It feels like Edinburgh, Scotland. The more I go in, the narrower the street becomes. Amazingly, I can see the sea from here. It’s so pretty and narrow. I wonder if this is Gamla Stan Square. It’s not that big. This is also a famous building. It ‘s narrow. Let’s look around like this for today and tomorrow. I think we can start the real riding after another day of sightseeing. It’s raining, so we’ll get out quickly. The Swedish airspace is huge. It seems to be located almost 4 minutes from the Gamla Stan area. Sweden doesn’t have a presidential system, but it looks like there is a king. Is this the king? I think 2023 marks the 50th anniversary. The terrain is unique. Now, Wang Gong Class is tired. They say the Stockhol City Hall building here is really cool. I thought about it yesterday and I didn’t stop by the city hall, but since it’s not high, there aren’t many places to see. Now here. If you go to the area beyond the old town of Gamla Stan where the city hall is, I think you can see a bit of the panoramic view of Stockholm. So, let’s go over there. I need to take a look behind the city hall here. Why is this place so pretty? It looks like a Harry Potter building. This is something about Sweden. This place is now Gamla Star, and it’s like a traditional restaurant. I think this place is a bit of a Viking concept restaurant. [Music] [Music] That’s awesome. I guess it’s because this place has a Viking concept. It’s hard to say. They said they’ve got so many reservations that they’re so busy. I’m alone. I’m crying. Let’s go over to the other side. I guess I’ll have to give up some Swedish food. Hey, I can see everything from here. It’s a good idea to come over to the other side and see the city hall. I don’t know about Skir Bisque, but it’s here. It’s uncomfortable. This costs 10,000 won. This costs 8,000 won . [Music] Just small part here course. [Music] [Music] As I’m about to leave, it looks like it’s going to rain. So I’m going to start riding inland in Sweden in earnest. On the first day, I start riding in the rain here in Scandinavia. Until I finish riding in Northern Europe, I think I’ll probably have to run in Scotland, saying that it rained on and off, but I guess I’ll have to ride in Scotland. As I always say, the rain is better. There is a website where you can find camping spots and pavilions like this. I found out about the website from my Dutch friend Stan, and today I’m going to go camping at one of the places listed there. I don’t know exactly how many kilometers it will be. The location isn’t displayed accurately, so I’ll go find it. Wow, it’s exactly the same as the weather in Scotland. Now, if you go to the left, there’s another castle. I grabbed my coat this way to see a little of the castle. I think it’s that one , but I want to come out later. You have to go back out the way you came in, or take the ferry on the other side. Go in a little further and go out to where the ferry is. Oh, it ‘s another castle. This is a garden-like park in front of the castle. It’s too big to be called a garden, so if you have to drag it, go there. I’ll take a look, because I might not be able to get on it. [Applause] Let’s take a look from the front of the palace garden. Wow, I was bored and went far away, so I guess it’s a good idea to take the time to come. There aren’t many customers. I’ll just walk all the way out and start riding again. Wow, okay. Now, I’ll go to the island. I’ll go all the way down and take the ferry. [Applause] I’ll go. This is another island. The distance between the islands is very narrow, but it’s separated. It ‘s not attached to it, so I can just hop on that one. I’ll just hop on it. Just uh [Music] It’s a very short boat. Let’s go over to the other side. This is a site where you can find a shelter camping site in the Swedish area. I think this is where Soden Man comes from, so I’ll have to ask about Norway one more time. There’s a group of lakes, so I’m going to go around here. I’m just a complete wife. You’re controlling it from up there. Except for the minutes , everything runs automatically. I think the brand called Max is also a franchise hamburger restaurant, but I don’t know where it’s flying. Should we eat there and go? It’s 12 o’clock, so I’m riding very leisurely today , but the sun sets late anyway, so I have a lot of time. I should eat something here. Should I eat chicken? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it , but this Max franchise hamburger house is a Swedish national brand, so 18,000 won isn’t that bad, but what is the price outside the country? Oh, I have all of this . It’s delicious. It’s delicious. Ah, it’s a little off the main road. The more I go in, the more I get it. The scenery will become more dynamic. Today is August 4th, 36 days left. In fact, you can think of it as a month left. I will have to work really hard to finish it as I drew. There is less left than I thought. Now, maybe I should give up on the video and keep running. You can finish the video and work hard to upload it. If you start something, you have to finish it somehow, right? There’s no one who doesn’t poop and wipe the poop. Once you start, you have to finish it. And the further inland you go, the more uphill you climb. Now come, look at the open sky. It was raining. Look at the sky next to here. I think I’ve entered the next city after Stockholm. Soderqvist [Music] I don’t think this is leaving, but there were a lot of departures in the morning, but I hit it. There are a lot of lakes around here. Wow, I’m in a small town right now next to the lake. There is a small town . It is a course that you follow along the markings, and there is a shelter here. There are four or five shelters here. But this place is also in good shape. [Music] It must be Osra. Is this the name of the lake? [Music] I guess. Ah, the packing starts from here. What is it? There are quite a lot of cars around here. I guess they are coming here for camping. They made the bathroom like this. There are trash cans. Hell Hell Far Play. This is the deck I looked for . This is the deck I looked for. But people have already taken their seats. There are people in the place I found. There may be a lot, but then I think we’ll have to do it somewhere soon. I think everyone will set up a tent and go fishing. Wow, I think it’s just nature itself , but since I see a trash can, I think it’s true. I’ll go in here. I think I can see a partridge in the distance, but there’s something about this place that ‘s completely similar to the feeling I had when I entered a Scottish hut back then. There were a lot of people, but I didn’t. t expect like lots of people in here we are h We are leaving Ah you guys leaving Okay we make space as you want yeah yeah It’s It’s space everywhere we hang our stuff away Oh That’s cool Yeah I think Yeah there just small party here yeah yeah Of course we just Put the stuff in Yeah Thank you Thank you Where did you start Ah Spain Spain Yeah when last March last March Yeah no no I just passing to the Oslo and denmark I’m trying to trav the European country so here isd country sweden What about finland I came from finland today I did 91 80 90 finish ber finish from South Korea [Laughs] Yeah this really good place Yeah It’s nice if Lucky you can hear the woles Ah ah Don’t be afraid Yeah If you start a fire just pick Woods from Somewhere Don’t Break in branches and start a fire it’s really good because The heat Will Go into this that will be warm and Nice and dry for and all stu Yeah amazing you have But I don’t get wet t Thank you than you SA riding a good trip Since the rain keeps coming intermittently, then there is no need to set up a tent. I will finish the riding here. Thank you Thank you for making for me where are you from Germany Germany I’m from South Korea okay you doing the backpacking Yes Walking oring no just Walking just Walking yes but on our first day everything got wet so yesterday was first Wow we came here yesterday evening and all our stuff was wet Yeah we thought we stayed here for a night and WE wanted to dry all the stuff today and dr so Now weing Tom morning Yeah I think Yeah every time going to be Um, this place is so nice. They’ve made it so that you can stay here and go camping like this. Wow, Daebak is going to take a shower and go for a swim over there. That’s it. They said it would last until August 14th. But it rained too much so I was worried. no smil and may ii was surprised like here to here part has a like hiking course Yes orange like I just found this place in website like someone told me is it possible to camping Somewhere near the cch so That’s why I came here Yes and I was surprised many people like crow Yes we I saw it on tikt and then How are you 18 high school graduate High School [Music] thought guys are 2 so Brave If I was 18 or It’s raining again The water is not as cold as I thought all gute laune danke sch gefl wirklich [Laughs] famouse Okay, bye bye SA [Music] Babae It ‘s 9:20 now. It’s been sunny since morning today. It seems like it stopped raining last night. I had a bit of trouble sleeping because of the mosquitoes, but I still spent the day comfortably without setting up the tent. Those young German friends, I look too old when they say they are young friends. The German friends woke up a little while ago and quietly packed up the items and brought them out. Today too, I’ll try to find another shelter listed on the website and go there. There are shelters along the way, so I think it’s best to find a shelter and stop while riding in Sweden. The data isn’t working right now, so I’ll just go out and take it with me and take it to a shelter on the way to the next course I take. I’ll look for it and run for over 90km toward the shelter. It’s going to take a while because we’re moving out of here one after another. But the good news is that they’ve sprinkled stones on this side to prevent cars from getting stuck in the mud. They’ve cut it down. This kind of pavement is much more fun. After riding it, it’s more like a dirt road than a paved road. It’s a lot more difficult and tiring, but when it comes to fun, the dirt road is ahead. It’s a landslide victory. I think I know why people who watch TV ride their bikes up the mountain. Now, I find this secretly pleasurable. Riding forward faster than I thought without feeling like I’m going to slip. It’s funny. I said this with five bags on my touring bike, and the house came out. Okay, look at the mailbox feeling here. What asphalt, where should I go? I guess there are a lot of hiking trails here. The name of the small town I passed by yesterday was Curls. There are a lot of lakes, so a lot of people come for hiking. Fishing ping, I think it’s something like this. What is this car? It’s completely burned down. Anyway, I came to the main road. I’ll ride here for a while and then go back inside. I’m not sure about this road, but it looks a little fast, so let’s ride it for a while and go back into the forest on the other side. Oh, my neck got bitten just looking at it. It’s dirt again. Let’s take a ride. The road here is too fast. I think the unpaved road will be more comfortable. It’s raining. Oh, it’s as comfortable as a comfortable Simmons bed. Of course, it’s not physically comfortable, but the psychological factor is, let’s take this, let’s ride that or this. There’s no difference in speed. There’s nothing wrong with going fast anyway. Take that one and go fast, or take this one and go slow. The destination will be the same, but if you go back slowly, it’s okay . [Applause] [Music] Oh, it’s fun. What’s this? There’s a house here, [Applause] Oh, there’s a lake over here, too. There are a lot of people who build a villa like this and use it when they come to visit. It doesn’t seem like they will live here every day, but if you look, there is no one there. There are so many houses, but they say go here, but there are no cars at all. Oh, hell, hell, oh. I was shocked . Ah, I heard some kind of meme sound from behind. What was this? I was really surprised. It wasn’t a meme sound, it was a lache sound. Oh, really, two people on MTV came running really fast and I was really scared. I thought something was flying from behind. Look at the road. That’s right, it’s this kid. Go go , what is this place? What on earth is this place? Is there a castle? There is a mansion. It’s an amazing place. Hello. Oh, this must be a village. There are five directions. It’s actually a village, but it’s just a residential area. Wow, let’s go on a bike path. Okay, now the off-road in the forest is over . It’s the same, and if you go up about 25km from here, there’s a big city. Eskilstuna It seems like a bicycle path runs all the way to that city from here. I’m not sure, but there’s a good road. This side, there are bicycle paths all the way to the real city. It was very comfortable. Centrum Let’s have lunch and leave. What are you eating? But the weather is starting to get bad. Wow, look at the city. I think this is the main center. Spicy King Fast Food Takeaway Is this an Asian fast food restaurant? What do you eat here ? 33 Way 34 Bangka gooden expensive right [Music] expensive today very very your name silv silv My name is many people work in Korea how you st here 20 20 SW How say what than you in english Hey hey, it’s expensive, but it’s cheap for something expensive. It’s 15,000 won, but I think it’s the main dish. Drinks and main dishes are cheap. It’s a cheap meal. It’s a bit confusing, but hello is hae and thank you is taiyo. In Poland, they say tak, but here, tak is thank you. And another funny thing is that good good is bro. So if you say hey bro, hello good is hello good. Anyway, I’ll go. If I find a shelter today, I don’t have to set up a tent. It seems like it’s like this. They’ve banned bicycles on the main street. This is the square. You’re sleeping. You ‘re drinking a lot . Hey, I can go to this. Okay, this is the beach and the lake. It’s really long. I’m coming to the end of this place. I’m weak. I think I rode 160km . I think I only have to go about 25km further to the Odma Shelter I found today . It seems to be the same as yesterday, but I don’t know if there will be anyone else because it’s the weekend. Let’s go and check. There are no high mountains on the Swedish side either. There are a lot of mountains on this side that are over 1,000 above sea level, so I think you should go into the inland part of Norway to get a more dynamic view. Finland and Sweden are similar, but I think Sweden is a little higher. The highlight in this southern part will definitely be Norway. I’m really looking forward to Norway. Okay, I get tired quickly, so let’s save time and invest a lot in Norway over a long period of time. Even though my eyes have become higher, they have become too high. That’s the downside. I’ve seen a lot of really cool scenery. It’s black, it’s black, it’s black, it’s black. How long will this scenery continue? It will work. I think I’ve seen this in Poland too, but there’s no end. There’s no end. In my opinion, scenes like this took up more than 70% of Cle Caro. Hey hey is hello. I felt like it was too much because people were saying hey hey. What on earth is this? Originally, people were saying hello, but hey is hello. The language is very simple. Hey, Tak, Bro, Arboa, Idoi. There is a shelter on the outskirts that we will stop at today. Okay, we are here, we are here. Ah, now it is difficult. This is the center. Why are there people at the center? No. It’s a much smaller city than the city where we stopped for lunch earlier , so maybe that’s why there’s no one on the streets . This is the home blog. If there’s a shelter on the lake here anyway, they’ve put up a sign for camping, so if someone gets there first, they can set up their tent anywhere. I think hey, hey, what is this? There’s a shopping cart here. Looking at the road condition, it’s not easy to get in. Where is this place? Wow, look at this. Hey, it’s awesome. I’ll go in that direction. Do I need to go in a little more? Wow, this place is completely muddy. I have to go in a lot more than yesterday. I’m alone today. I want to enjoy some time. It’s not easy. How far do I go in ? It looks like a hiking course has been made around the lake here. Oh, over there. Ah, I found it. Wow, this is Jin. Is this Northern Europe ? It’s a good thing I came in because there were no people. I’ll finish here at the cabin shelter. I rode it for 98km. It ‘s not that clean because there’s a lot of water in the water, but it’s still cool. The water temperature isn’t that cold, and I can’t check how deep the water is here, so I shouldn’t go in any further. It’s dangerous. It’s much deeper than the lake yesterday. It’s deep , and I went in a little, but it’s completely up to my chest. Oh, it’s so good. Oh, it’s refreshing. [Music] I’ll have dinner, but it’s easy to make a fire with a lot of dry branches. It won’t last long because I don’t have large logs, but this is enough to start the real riding in Sweden and make a fire for two days in a row. I didn’t know that, but it’s so well done. You can camp like this. It’s not actually camping. It’s the best because it provides a space where you can stay without a tent . Still, I’ve made quite a few fires while traveling so far. What I feel while making a fire is the movie and reality. It’s different. If you want to make a fire for a long time, you need a lot of firewood. If you want to start a fire for a day’s exercise, it doesn’t take much with such thin branches, so it burns in a little while. This doesn’t last even 30 minutes. [Music] [Music] me [Music] [ [Music] The mob is really [Music] [Music] It’s me than for me [Music] [Music] Norf What is this? [Music] Day 3 of riding in Sweden Daum Shelter is about 100km away. Destroying the shelter is fun. I’ll run hard to Daum Shelter today. I’m thinking about setting up a tent and sleeping. Oh, I can’t sleep because of the mosquitoes. I’m very nervous. If I drive about 35km from here, I’ll come across another big city. Let’s start. It’s the first city of the day. There’s 29km left. It’ll be 12 o’clock by the time we get there. Wow, the highway starts right from here. Hey, this is the first city of the day. I’ve already arrived through the lap. The course is there. It was better laid than expected and arrived very quickly. I only rode it for an hour and a half, but I have now ridden 35km. There are no dirt roads, so the speed is really steady. According to the map, when you leave the city, there is a big hill up and down, and it goes up and down as you get closer to the Norwegian border. It seems like the altitude is getting higher. And the reason I really focus on stepping in the beginning is because my body is still sore for the first 30 minutes or so, so I move my body very quickly to deal with it. When the symptoms of stinging and covering come up, I have to move more dynamically. That’s why I have to move my body more dynamically. As soon as I sweat on my teeth and back, the symptoms go away, so in the beginning, I concentrate so hard and don’t say anything, and it gets better after about 20 minutes, so of course I don’t sweat, so it’s dry every day , but it’s okay. Yes, I won today. I win every day. I’m on my way . Oslo has floated. Wow, what is this? It’s an observatory. Oh , should I go into the center? It’s quiet here too. Only Stock is bustling . There’s a big river flowing in the middle, and there’s a castle right in the middle of that river. I’m looking at the map, so I’ll take a look as I pass by. It’s pretty. I have to go out. I can’t find the restaurant I want to stop and eat. I ‘ll cross the main street here and start riding again. There’s a cathedral here. Sweden made their flag so long that they wave it with their arms . Oh, nice by nice bike, nice . How week weeks Yeah Where are you from Germany Germany I’m from South Korea South Korea Yeah you in Winter or noal in summer I did Switzerland in Winter and Turkey winter yeah yeah Hello hell so you heading to stockholm no no i’m going to Yeah Ah ok Yeah nice to meet you SA trav you Yeah Thank you Thank you so much and Have Fun Yeah Have a good day by oke trav cool Yeah watch it You Oh Wow cool something to do tonight you riding Here you ring here Yeah I’m gna go This Way I’m just out for the day get some exercise Ok let’s riding a little bit together Yeah and your plan is going to uh going to Oh I don’t know the City name but cars cars kuga caroga Yeah I wan go nearby The Lake near has a shelter like cottage to sleep oke so I want to stop there I have a very very good friend in koga If you m assist so during the two days I Yeah I slept outside Do you want help with things in kasuga I PH right now and you can Oh If I If I can like Thank You She Super friendly ok thank you sir your name any nice to meet you My name is pont the girl Ah name is pontos pontos nice meet you pontos yeah yeah take your time I thought you just passing and back I EX you never he hej hej vet DU vad jag jag har ute och cyklar och jag har mtt en en en frn sydkorea som cyklar runt hela europa I 16 mnad tror jag han VG till karlskoga jag SA jag kanske kan jag vet inte han kanske beh hjp I karlskoga och hitta RT eller hitta nogg camping eller noting OM DU vad kommer h ifrn prata engelska med mig Hello you I’m from South Korea Okay yeah onea yeah my plan was passing the caroga Yeah you want to you me Thank you so much wel I my HB here appreciate it appreciate it Thank you so much I was sitting here resting for a while and he said he had an acquaintance and connected me see see you [Laughs] later didn’t but cooks good food Super And also bik is from originally from Vietnam when was small from the war and lived in sweden Almost Around 40 km Yeah Yes also norway a lot of mosquito right high Yeah so I w to go inside exp is way more expensive here almost Oh my Oh my god doesn’t matter You can sleep I always just worrying about If I ping the T Somewhere but people s my tent see my tent and oke because I had one experience in italy I pch under the Bridge but someone saw my T and then he maybe he called the police oh really after five minutes later police came to me and he cann speak English but he really angry about meeting does so I ask I Ask Him Please Please I don’t have a place to S the police what I don’t so I had to pch out everything again and then that time was Almost n and then I I didn’t have a chance to to sleep so I was trying to there the PR was But I had to because I couldn’t find another place to sleep just only my opinion my experience was not friendly Yeah don’t like me people unf and think the one person making me bad stereotype Yeah I think most friendly country was north macedonia Yeah I don’t know why don’t reason but so much friendly even the supermarket gu smiling Yeah and so beautiful they have lot of lake mm aroga aroga oke I did Yeah 53 Now all the app and in sweden are getting apple Ah I got it same situation in korea small Island there has a lot of mandarine mandarine Ah nice so they throw in away so they just give me even the restaurant every year give the [laughter] mandarine yeah yeah no not really we cann see this kind of nature our apart building everything crowded really small country but our population is Almost 51 million yeah yeah soan tow We have a lot of Ocean and midle is mandar [laughter] Island Yeah know [music] may it’s really good to cycle around c0 km beau in korea the cap city population tonsan food just using first time when I didn’t know about I always using Google Map but Google Map isitt MS me I think European country TR can some sp Yeah my experience in sweden after got out of the stockholm every City is really quiet and peaceful not much crowded Yeah I couldn’t see the people on the RO Yeah does to house aha oh I don’t take with car first mon always focusing on destination and I’m trying F after howle m RO gravel RO to go small village Yeah that is way more better good Yeah Good luck with the travel I will look you up in the youtube soon as I come home Yeah Thank you so much have good Have a good trip and If you are in the area something happen Yes call We have a car So we can come out and you know you never know Okay thank you appreciate It yeah yeah Have a good day Hey, takla, tak, sit down, I was hungry because I didn’t have lunch earlier, so I forgot to eat snacks. I guess it was someone who lives in the middle of nowhere. He was exercising up and down, and I think he was curious and asked because I kept sitting. He said he knew an acquaintance in the city I was passing through, so he even contacted that acquaintance and arranged a place for me to stay. Originally, today’s plan was to go to a small lakeside shelter next to the invited city and finish up, but I got really lucky. I’ve been invited , so today I can take a shower and sleep in a warm place without mosquitoes . You gave me the address, so I’ll go there based on the address you gave me. I think the highway next to this is the main highway that runs through inland Sweden. I think I can ride this to Oslo. Maybe that’s why the roads are big and there are lots of traffic, but it’s cut off in the outskirts like this . I have to ride another 300km to Oslo. There’s still a lot left. Oh, I’m a little hungry, but I’m not hungry yet , so I’ll keep going. Let’s step on it. Wow, this looks really old , but it’s full of emotion. From here, the bypass road is all manager or ping. It’s a very tolerant country. Central Europe itself doesn’t seem to have much of an aversion to camping. You can see it even if you don’t have to find a shelter and use it. Can I unfold it ? Oh, I slipped. It says there are 305km left to Oslo. 17km to Casco Street. I’ll have to ride at least 20km. Because I’m heading back. Yeah, it looks like it’s raining, but there’s a lake here . Wow, all the lakes here are on private property. There’s no place. [Music] Jin, it’s amazing. How much would a house like this cost? Still, it’s cheaper than the price of a house in Seoul. [Music] Wouldn’t it be cheaper? Hey hey hey, it’s starting to blow. It looks like it’s going to keep raining today. I really like On. I was invited and was able to avoid the rain. The road here isn’t as good as I thought. It’s disconnected again. The map keeps telling me to take the main road. But the main road is too fast, so I’m told to take this , but no, you can’t take this. I was confused, so I ignored the bike sign on the road. What is this again ? I thought it was blocked. It’s not easy. The course is called a bicycle road, but it ‘s just a road with a few dead stones. Oh, I think I have to cross this place. No, it’s too much. It’s tough. Ah, it’s bloody. It’s bloody. From my perspective, you can ride a bicycle. This is a European road, so it’s just like a highway. There are too many cars and they’re fast, so I don’t like Thailand. I have to keep going back and forth. Riding on the unpaved taxiway. Oh, that hamburger sign. The sign is really intuitive. Why does hamburger and pizza look so delicious? [Music] I think it’s finally been unlocked. We’re almost there. They say it’s going to rain a lot tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday , so I’m a little worried. First of all, Scoo has entered the city. From here, we can get to Mai’s house, who invited us. I think it’s about 4km. Tomorrow, I wouldn’t ride more than 90km, so it might be better to ride a little bit and look for accommodation in the next city. I’ll have to wake up tomorrow, but the forecast says it’s going to rain a lot, so I’m not sure, but now I have a place where I can stay without getting caught in the rain. I’m really glad that I kept coming back on the dirt road because of the high speed right next to here. It was a little difficult. Let’s go quickly . There’s a pretty big lake here next to a city called Casco. It’s not that big, it’s really big. There are a lot of lakes here too. But the further you go, the more lakes you get. There are a lot of them. Uncle Pontus says that if you just pitch a tent, no one will care. It’s not just here, it extends all the way down there. It’s very big. I heard it’s a white house, but I think it’s like that. Yesterday, I rode 92km from the lake shelter to Casco city. I was really lucky, Hyunjin. I received an invitation from and I’m ending my day neatly. I’ll stop here today. I’m not sure if I can open it. I’ll try to contact you for like more Ah Hello nice to meet you Yeah come in come in name is Peter Peter We can go inside that Yeah Do I have to no you can go in go in So you can Put the shoes here so Yeah I think that Tonight You can sleep here Yeah Sure and Here is the how to say to Thank you Thank you perfect a boy SK name SK sky How Q thank you thank you Thank you Thank you Yeah I want to try Swedish first Swedish pancakes Yeah Okay I hope you like I must ask How many days weeks been in sweden i arrived sweden and 1 August Oh just a couple of days Yeah today and then I stayed in stockholm days so first day I did 91 second yesterday I did 98 today I did 92 K Yeah So it’s from stockholm and then you go straight West Yeah straight to the OS to Oslo There is one thing If you in norway mm I really wanna go here here part ii will show you this is World famous eh stavanger aha in this fjord up here this area here m is the most dramatically in Nature Ah really the more north you go m the flat It will be so Here is very Wow oke okej like Switzerland have you seen mission impossible movies Yeah one of the movies when He’s hanging From A Cliff they Record it from here here Oh my god cli Yeah It’s a CLiP Wow that will be an adventure Yeah you see the The Nature is very ching sck stick so you will have many UPS And downs You will be tired I’m really excited Yeah I want to see the beautiful Yeah and in norway i i love norway is so beautiful Fantastic you guys like Korean noodles I love it because I isn’t it hot I take a little bit of spices and nood prep to go to hiking hiking mountain next week will be left 10 days yes yes I you tried this before Swedish knbr KN I meat eas That’s cool [Music] You can show you you with the Butter och grd Ah okej you show you s [Music] I Yeah now i’m first time swat KN sweden Maybe [Music] swe Swedish this is either you like it or you hate it maybe put little bit What is it It’s fish fish the R Yeah II wanna Try try I wanna try typical things every time this is very special mhm This is fish fish things eh you can see like we are Swedish no no wait wait wait wait I must SH not wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it’s okay for you I want do because you can testa Yeah nu testar han C So you can [Music] test m good mm really you like it ja ja fish fish fish taste we really strong fish taste Yeah V strong You can Wow in stockholm il of like wa waffle only tt That’s not normal Peter can show you How to eat Swedish way more you more or You can eat and then take again and again whatever yeah yeah one more this is jam Strawberry ym just put it here and then eat together Yeah You just Yeah And this is cream ja DU S wh it cream wh it cream ja That’s cool Yeah easy You guys eating pancake a lot in swen Ah That’s different from family to family I like pancakes a lot Now pontus want to say hi to you when you eat pancake pancake Thank you so much you must say to pantos How you cav yeah yeah I tried it not very good Yeah is really strong and then is so I’ ve been watching some of your videos from marocco italien so Ah Yeah it an adventure be nice to follow you Yeah more than Thank you for subscribing me and then Thank you for uh like Yeah giving me the place to stay Yeah Thank you so much Ah Yeah You ‘re welcome ja men DU lycka till sen enjoy you f tack tack usually I drink water do we have coca cola If you want COC water water is [Music] good so How do you do this planning Do you take it day by day do you plan just Yeah day by day day by day That’s nice just picking some to sleep or some to camping just pick it and then go there and then check it That’s really cool but every time worrying about the place to spend night that is the hard things to find Somewhere at the same time It’s a Big adventure Yeah We can go out and camping and Almost everywhere like SH It’s very freee whatever so I used it yesterday like front the small Lake have a shelter and That was really Awesome like the View was great and then I can I could make a fire yeah yeah yeah I didn’t have to like pitching the T but because of the MOS I could you have more bisc as you must Feel like at home Okay your parents really worry first yeah yeah but Yeah like I Pro a lot in korea before TR show many times after that That’s why the reason why I start making Video I want I want to show them How do I travel nows my parents really enjoy not much worrying about it and always every week I call my mom and face Yeah Do you have brother and sisters Yeah I have an older brother Yeah my older brother age is 34 oke mhm no sister only brother Yeah my brother living the normal life just only me just unique But I think he envies You But I I love it Yeah I realized like I love bicycle and I love traveling so Yeah and bicycle is easy to see a world too because you see the count and the cities and easy to How to say to near the people Yeah like not to Fast not to slow Yeah good speed way more good chance to meeting the local people sometimes we we must tell you this eh normally in sweden Swedish people are very V sger man engelska we we are not Open m closed It’s difficult have the connection When you have the connection It’s very It’s very good Ok I It’s hard to get the connection first time is hard first time really because people not normally go to to you and say hi where from so pontus like you because He is interested bicycle he also did the trav he wonder about me Yeah what thean guy sitting what he doing That’s why I think Ask me about like where yeah yeah yeah normally Swedish people not go to you and and ask to de lite bly ock the opposite of American m the americans I love you and all to I think it’s not everyone but they are more too much I think I feel it a little bit because when I when i cycling and then If I see someone I always say hello Swedish people like ignore people I say h SM h the only place when Say Hello to stranger It’s When you’re walking in the in the Woods Because the same same hiking same people out You really similar with korean korean people Korean culture also Don’t say hello really so If you say hello in korea Korean people know about TR really ia lot of korean mov iore and chick chick food chick is really really I don’t se about Korea I se about Korean food Yeah Okay I want food Yeah Do you have How do you cook your food When you go bicycle Do you have a I have a cooking st you have Yeah so I usually cook the rice Yeah you do Yeah Me too for me Yeah I always bring my rice in my bag I think it’s easier for you for boy girl for us maybe more difficult even even for me even I did experience like even boy the guy is really hard But I respect about the girl who doing the solo cycling travel even the Africa Yeah in Africa in India I can imagine How did it I wonder Swedish car has a big light front of the car Why What What you say Swedish car have Ah Okay LS Yeah extra L why why they putting the EX L because Winter is very very Dark very very Dark in afternoon in Winter It’s only in summer Now you in summer very light so winter time you have sunlight or daylight just a couple of hours Oh my god So it’s Boring so winter in sweden is very Boring When you November November to January ja februari mars ock November to February OM februar mars like like 3 O to like 8 AM to ja then you have in the norther sweden you have this eh V PO polaric Circle around the world If You Go above that you will have total darkness 24 hours in Winter and in summer You will have total darkness total darkness and in summer You will have no darkness no darkness you will have light all 24 hours Yeah I mean no light also bad but every time light is so so bad yeah yeah When you have The snow It’s white then It will little bit brighter but if The snow is away in the winter sometimes It will be total black so Dark Yeah very very Dark so but snow L too yeah yeah It’s SN but sometimes the temperature can go Up And The snow will melt away then It will be black like how how temperature is it in the winter time sometimes It Go up to plus maybe Plus down to minus 20 kan So we are very Boring because I love sweden I have I born in Vietnam but my parents is from China so Chinese It’s but I love here because I was I told you I was only five years old When I come to sweden I been here for 44 years now Swedish Yeah Swedish I love SW when Corona Corona was I travel around sweden I saw a lot of place in sweden sweden is beautiful country country is so big and even the Europe country so you guys can go another go 200 km and then norway and then 300 km yeah yeah amazing im Korea We can cross b3d country always excited about crossing the border my food It’s surprising things for Korean people because I did the army Two years and then I protect really close to border so But I have I don’t know If you have seen the movie CR love CR on Landing It’s about the [Laughs] I’m going to eat the most famous pizza in the city right now fam Jaskoga I’ve never checked about this city I can little yeah yeah yeah Sure Here you have factor making weapons weapon Yeah we making weapons canons gun not handguns It’s bigger Guns Ah for me things y They are World famous Ah in making the bomb Ah missiles Wow And also If you heard about nobel prize nobel prize you know nobel prize yeah yeah oke the the old man alfred nobel m he lived in this city the man who created nobel prize created nobel prize Yeah this that old man he lived here Really his City know that today just day by day schedule found one sh to shelter and sleeping and escaping the rain So it’s quite fun because many people don’t know about that It was in this city they started the nobel price Yeah but it’s not here where it’s in stockholm they have the ceremony and give the price from the king King of sweden he gives the price Wow but it was here he worked here He was a very famous Inventor He was a very smart man Ah amazing I didn’t know that It’s very much History Ah we go for the Pizza first y people some of them Haven heard about nobel priz What that of educated you know about it Yeah ask [Music] Swedish MA got MA far Ah Oh Pizza’s name is Pizza T If it’s in our country it feels like Pradak but even the signboard feels like Pradak Hey wow make noel PR there exp factory I saw many factories during When I came here the cycle passed are long long times AG here mum big man Ah, I had no idea this was the city where the Nobel Prize was made. It was a place full of history. [Laughs] cool alf alf alf noel the name PR from sweden Even Know no PR from sweden every I heard noel PR broadcast think the noel PR made from suddenly I just st Swedish gu invited me world this pizza I heard about never heard [laughter] about cut so after my parents went sky my father and don’t my father if have a Yeah It’s impossible imposs bababy [ Laughs] for any BR It’s nice you close take it here you have one Okay I had a really good dinner now I’m full If you tell you take your time Yeah and take your time and you do something and Peter will here and up up SK go nej kven nej sky SK SK Let’s touch it just once Oh oh come come come ah I feel so affectionate I’m so happy to end today I’ll end it My bed is very cute Yeah I got I book hostel pr55 Yeah That’s good Yeah like sharing thead yeah yeah That’s very good mean good PR 50 100 100 Yeah but then you will have your own room yeah yeah impossible I hope the weather won’t be very Did you hear Tonight did you sleep All Night or did you wake up of rain No it rain very much really Yeah Tonight today also really bad weather right Yeah like every day you go biking S eight hours next place m not much time to see Yeah so it must be like take in European schengen country It’s quite hard to like look around take a time al for looking the City but usually in like big town when I get a big town I want Yeah I want to make a time for if I’m interested Yeah so I hope you will have the time to see PR maybe or not I just pick the PR and then go because I have to get out of the schengen country after PR Yeah so I have to take the train ors to jumping to the UK I would say what doing is very extrem crazy you will see a lot And You will miss A lot if If I finish this travel Absolutely I will miss about this like kind of lifestyle every time just frid not thinking just go and sleep look the The Nature so next will be Say in sweden sun sunny City sunny City because sun only here from here is men hana cygen 7 70 Wow You must be very very carefully When you go to KR here the car and the How do you say lastbil dr crazy the cars are the big trucks can When I go you can Feel the wind and I always I always like feeling that Wow I feel really afraid Don’t be afraid I can ii can Manage it You must back very very quick and then you can take it slower Yeah usually If I take the like really busy road ii cle really Fast just want to escape and after When I get like offroad i do really slow everything start ping just checking my body body condition is good I can do more or today not good I’m ching the how before Korea I thought Almost Almost year I was thinking Wow Now Almost finish shorter than years maybe 17 months I can finish means Almost one half year of Germany I have meets p April and I prom to him If I go back to part of the german Say Hello to you and Almost AR he still waiting about more than a [laughter] year so I have to say hello Yeah meet other and tell stories and Yeah experiences and even yesterday I met a german bicycle traveler really on the Road So we we talk about like sometimes like small talk and good things like we sharing the experience m sometimes companion with them Yes and it is really funny Yeah When you wi the time do you go to do not camping right You must ii do camping you do do you have good stuff freeing Yeah I have a good sleeping B for winter more than like min 10 It’s gna be hard to sleep Just keep standing standing the night and just go Wow or also I got a like snow blizard in Turkey also you have fingers Yeah every time freezing fingers and freezing feet that is the hardest part when cycling in Winter but it’s better to cycling in Winter in southern Europe than up here yeah yeah be cool I think I think it’s impossible if The snow snow When you you plan to United stat What do you think that you go this or you want to do you think South How long time That’s g be longer than this journey Wow years minimum [Music] years travel is like a tutorial use prer I can think my opinion Wow Here Is My first time so I got a experience and then I did many things So that makes me way more and you do right life you want to do that Do That Just and exp and everything I don’t know why Yeah my body saying to me I wanna do challenge Yeah I still ja men han gr you still young family children It’s good when you have like you do that and you say Wow You can tell your children or your wife and Yeah I do that and have been that And how you exper and is I want and that makes me so happy That’s why I still keep trying to try to try always everyone saying about everyone W travel around the we wait and wait you do it Yeah I mean not not everybody do like trav the world hard to forgive But I forgive everything for trav Yeah experien Life is much more worth than the material Yeah you’re strong guy You can do that What was it that make you interested in going biking why I choose the bicycle yeah yeah first time I also travel just with the backpacking in korea When I When I got 20 luggage with the backpack and after that I to go army after finish army I to try Another Way But I to go inside really small V m Trans doesn’t have it to go there uncomfortable so why searching about things be better tring car motyle F expensive iing is SL Search korean webs bicycle tring around my country [music] money ARM and I [music] finish That was My first bicycle around my country was 76 days 76 days 3000 km [Music] allore not inter after that bicycle Dreaming focus another country Why engish why made a schedule If I want to go outside what I have to do I dreamed next things and next next step and then now i’m here My dream is for it South old so I don’t know italy is not good I like ital I like it I don’ t know why I dream it even even many old gu also ia lot ia lot in Europe is so usual many people like bicycle travel a lot I wish you Good luck and I you take a picture Yeah Yes good luck so much wish you Good luck and be care here inad than Yeah And you can take you want to to lunch something more and take Banana Thank you in yesterday yeah yeah this is him Oh thank you we made this in Ah your company y Ah Thank you so much Peter I hope It’s not heavy for you because you cannot BR small I also have a sahara dessert When you’re in my B remember remember it still Now more than a year think never forg so Thank so a great [Music] Ba Babai I’m feeling so comfortable now After a good rest, we’re leaving. Today, I booked a hostel in Star, a slightly bigger city. It’s a 50,000 won hotel, but Peter says it’s really cheap because it costs 50,000 won. Anyway, it’s been raining a lot since this afternoon, so I’ll go in quickly. I think it would be okay to ride about 70km, but this city is Carls . You have to take the main road you see right now to the next city of Carlskoga. What is this? There is no road, so go here. I don’t think this is right, but in the end, it says you have to take the main fast road. Oh, it’s easy. I won’t, but if I don’t take the road today , I have to drive almost 90km. The road on this side is not good. Let’s go back. No matter how I look, it doesn’t seem to be right here . I have to take that European road. There is no way. There is no road to Christine’s ship. I have to take the main national road, but the car is too fast. I can’t help it. I have to get on it. I’ll concentrate and push hard to get out. This is a bit harsh [applause], but wow, it’s really scary. Why didn’t they make it a road? It was laid out well until then, and it’s been a while. It reminds me of , and I’m very angry. It’s the main road to , so hey, all you have to do is pass through the gate . This is the hardest to do. There’s no other way than to turn the bike completely. It’s this way. There’s a rest area here. I’ll take a break. The road is too fast. Ah, there’s a small soft tree here. It’s the same thing. Wow, if it rains a lot in a place like this, it will overflow. Ah, the heat won’t go away. Why is it so hot ? I can’t figure it out. The heat is building up all over my body, and it won’t go away. It wo n’t go away . Oh, the suspense is wrapping around my whole body. The wind generator is in the clouds. It’s surrounded. I can only see half of it. Hey, I don’t want to ride here. Ah, there’s no answer. This road. Ah, let’s go inside and turn around. From here, a bit of a rough road appears. Ah, hey, the road here isn’t easy. It’s an MTV riding course. I hope it’s not just intelligence. The ground is rough. It’s dangerous. My wheel is falling off right now, but I’m glad this place is okay. Okay, it’s so hard to get into the next city. Wow, this course is the worst. I hope there will be a bicycle path from here on. I wish there was a no-circuit road, but it’s amazing . I’ll eat well and keep riding right away. But the bike path is well paved from this side, it’s well marked, and it’s the beginning of an unpaved road for some reason. There’s about 30km left. I think I can ride just 30km more today and finish early. Let’s get to the hotel early and go for the rest of the day. I’m going to take a break in the evening. My legs are so tired that they hurt so much . What is this? Can this road be opened if the bike path is cut off again? [Applause] It says to take the main road. If you ride a little bit, you’ll come out on the detour again. It’s 400m, but there’s still a door. I thought I was hurt, but it ‘s open. I’m really glad. I’m heading back again . It seems like it’s the same road no matter what you look at, but why does it come across so differently here? That’s why traveling by bicycle is an amazing and good experience. Even though it looks the same every time and seems like a boring road, when I ride it, I feel different things depending on my mood or condition. I think it contains a lot. I don’t know, I can’t explain it clearly in words. I’m not good at running horses, so it’s beautiful. Yes, I’m happy. Star. Ah, 9km left. Why is today so difficult? There is a big lake in front of this city I know, Karlstad, and it is the largest lake in Sweden. The size of the lake is enormous. Before I entered Norway, this place in Karlstad felt like a huge city, like a base. I’m almost there. It’s my 4th day of riding since starting from Stockholm today, and I’m a little tired. Strangely, I only rode 70km today. It’s difficult. It seems like all these rivers are separate rivers from the lake. There are so many rivers. This is the hostel I booked. It’s right in front of Gilgai. Look at the hostel building. I don’t know if a hostel building can be this cool. I’ve been calling since midnight, but they don’t answer. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to come after lunch. There’s a Max Burger right here at the 2kg mark. Then, I’ll go use the coupon. I’ll use the coupon I got. I added the harding for the moat. 18,000 won is very cheap. It’s raining a lot today. I’m going to do it without this. Oslo, the capital of Norway. I think I’ll have to run for another 3 days. Wow, maybe the weather will get better. It’s raining a lot today. That’s why I found a place to stay, but I can’t trust the weather. Tomorrow, the Korea Meteorological Administration says precipitation is 100%. Oh, I have to run. I finally checked in. I’ll end here today. I didn’t know I would ride over 880km, but I rode 81km. There are five sleepers. Overpass road fees [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Everything was good Yeah good wish you Good luck Thank you so much so What’s the next I’m just gna heading to the border you have to Be careful because it’s rough rain on the way here Yeah Sure Che Yeah I’m gna Find some SH to stay Tonight Okay Where are you going to the border norway border to the norway border Oh my god you have a lot of things Yeah have you been biking from all the way from Where Ah I start Spain Spain whole European country that sounds but very heavy Yeah It’s your bicycle Yeah my bicycle ok you have tent to then Yeah tent camping stuff you so you will continue to norway Yeah so How far Will it be today maybe 0 85 80880 miles or kk Yeah That’s not too bad yeah yeah And this is you have like some Gear Anyway Yeah Oh this is only two in the front two three oke I Have A and then like eight or nine so 3 and a 10 m so L of Gear It’s 30 Yeah Where are you for eh I I’m from sweden But I live in stockholm Ah stockholm Yeah I came from stockholm to you Yeah you bik I took the bus but We are renting bikes and we will bike today We are small group of weather is not good Yeah It’s not good but you know when you book you never know Yeah we never know we have to go Yeah we have to go It’s not that bad Where are you from originally I’m from korea are you liv you live there Yeah I brought everything from Korea like this yeah than you so much jour bye bye let’s go let’s go In fact today too If you take the shortest route on the main road, there is a place where you can get to Wonjari Bay, 70 km away. I will go back. I want to go back. The car is going too fast, so I don’t think I can do it. The rain is getting thicker little by little. I will give you a picture in my head of finding a shelter and finishing it right away while listening to the sound of rain in the shelter. I’ll keep piercing my ears while picturing a happy evening. Luckily, this side is not paved, but asphalt is very well laid. Today, I’m going to overtake yesterday. Looking at the road, I thought, wow, the lake is really big here too. It’s not raining much. It’s blowing, but it’s still pouring. It’s at the level of not running and bringing it. At this level, you just have to run and solve it according to the situation each day. It really feels like Eastern Europe now. Wow, it really feels different, but it’s completely different . As Norway gets closer, it feels more like Scotland. Ah [Music] Let’s go, Norgairo, really. There isn’t much left. There really isn’t much left. Oh, I’ll take a quick rest. Wow, I found a place to sit after 54km. [Music] It’s a wooden car. If it’s going to rain, it’s going to pour a lot. What is this? It’s not raining. The scenery has definitely become more dynamic today. Why does riding feel so easy? I have one shelter each, and I have already ridden 60km. Yesterday, I don’t know why, but it was really hard, but today is strange again. It definitely depends on the road condition, so I think I can ride a little longer. But first of all, since there are 18km left to that city in Arca, I’ll go into that city and think about it. It feels like it’s been a while. Oh, it’s raining now. Ah, the truck is coming so close to me. First, I’ll enter Arca and go toward the center. It’s raining a lot again . I need to pour it out like this . It’s better to pour it out like this than to pour it out like it’s coming. Should I have a cup of coffee too? The nearest shelter is 6.6km. Let’s just supply supplies and go to the shelter today and finish. Don’t finish it and ride 80km to Oslo, the day after tomorrow, two days later. Even if I avoid this, I will do it. It’s delicious. [Music] Wow, there’s so much meat. I came here . I’ll finish here today. The shelter is a little small and there are a lot of mosquitoes here. Uh, I think we should spread out the tent inside here and sleep inside today. When I was invited to Mai’s house the day before yesterday, Ma said it was real. If you give me ramen and udon noodles, I will eat this and eat udon noodles once more. I also bought eggs earlier. I don’t want to boil them in the tent, but I can’t help it. There are a lot of mosquitoes, so I can’t go outside with them. Oh, that’s right, I gained 86 kg today. I’m now in the capital of Norway. I had to go to Oslo , so I was checking the cost of lodging. Wow, Norway is so empty. In Sweden, the price is about 60 to 70 euros in a hostel in Norway. The hostel costs 100,000 won per night. I originally used a warm shower in England and didn’t use it. But I need to look for a warm shower. When I looked at it, the cheapest hostel accommodation was 45 euros. 45 euros, how much is it? It’s about 70,000 won, and then it’s almost like 100,000 won, 110,000 won. The cheapest one for single rooms is 20 won. I think I need to get 10,000 won to stay in a single room. It’s 8:50 when I open my eyes, and it’s raining again today. I’ll just eat breakfast and then leave. It ‘s late. I bought one or four. The weather seems to have gotten worse since yesterday. Oh, it’s wet, but my shoes are too. It’s all wet. It’s better to wear wet things. Taking dry socks out of the bag and putting them on won’t change anything. Anyway, if you leave and ride for 30 minutes, you’ll have to wear socks. It’s all wet and won’t dry. The humidity has been high since yesterday and the rain hasn’t stopped, so I’m used to it. I experienced this in Scotland, and it was nice to sleep well without having to set up a tent, but it’s really small and better. Of all the places I’ve been to so far, the mosquitoes are the best. Yesterday, I was in the ischemic zone. I think I did that , but when I came in here, my whole body was itchy. I was already tickled to death, but now that I’ve lifted it up to my neck, I’ve become a complete wreck just one day after leaving the dorm. No, no, I have to go back up the way I came down here. Let’s get out of the forest first. My neck is a mess . You can see the rock here. Yesterday, I slipped on a rock and fell on it. Now, come here, Hyeonta. Okay, okay, there are too many weapons. Let’s go quickly. You can just ride this slowly and get closer. I’ll go out and brief you. I think I got a tear on my forehead, too. Oh, cool. [Music] Now. From my current location, there are about 40km left to the Norwegian border. Oh, there are 146km left to the capital Oslo, but I can’t go to Hana today because I started late and there are a lot of uphill climbs. And I don’t want to ride 146km. First of all, I couldn’t decide where I should stop today, but after crossing the national border, then Norway. I think I need to look for the side. [Music] I’ll run to the border . Okay, the lane is laid right next to the lake . Wow, the road is really neat and tidy. Wow, the road is fun. [Music] Now, take the 2nd road and go straight ahead to the border. It appears that the city with 14k remaining is probably a border city. The sky has cleared. After running under dark clouds for two days, I feel good again after three days. The rain seems to have almost all gone away to me, and it won’t rain from this evening. It looks like it, but I’m not sure. I can’t make predictions. The weather is really nice as it doesn’t rain here today. There are a lot of large supermarkets here. The prices in Norway are so high that people in Norway buy a lot of Swedish things like chocolate and snacks. It ‘s really funny. Sweden is also expensive, so it’s a bit suffocating, but Norwegians think Sweden is cheap, so how expensive is that? I don’t really have anything to buy. I always go to Rothenburg Kaler Temberg. I think this is the last province in Sweden now. It’s a village before the border for me. One more thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] You see, I don’t want to take the main road, so I’m riding on the hiking trail . There are a lot of cars on the foreign road near the border. Sud is definitely outside of Earth Column, and from the middle, there are a lot of forest roads and off-road dirt roads like this. Still, I’m glad. The thing is that the ground on this forest road is not mud, but hard ground, so there was no problem at all when riding. I’m the only one riding a bike here. Uh, there’s no one here. There’s only one reason why I chose this border, but I’ll show you in a little bit. [ Music] [Applause] It’s Sona. There’s 500 meters left on the border. Oh, this place is amazing. I’ve now entered Norway. There’s a campsite. I’ll go back right in front. I guess the border is right here. That’s right. Oh, this line here is the border. It’s on the other side of Weden Nord, but what else? It’s not marked. It’s right in the middle of Oijeon. I was looking at a map to see where I could cross the border, and found this place by chance. If you look there, there’s a Korean building. This is called the Peace Bell. So I was curious and wondered if there was any connection between Korea and Norway, so I came here. I looked to see if the Peace Bell was installed in Korea, and I heard that Norway also participated in the war as a UN force during the Korean War and helped a lot with medical care and medical facilities . It’s amazing. I didn’t know that this Peace Bell was installed in Korea’s bell tower on August 16, 2014. There are three bell towers. I guess this is installed. The second bell tower is in Oslo, and the third bell is the bell tower of the Hwacheon World Peace Park, located on the border of Korea’s demilitarized zone. I wanted to see this, so I forced myself to come here. But just after crossing the border and entering Noway, the weather has cleared up. In Norway, It’s the 34th country. There are only two countries left. The 35th country is Denmark. The 36th country is my final destination, the Czech Republic. Norway [Music] [Music] Let’s start riding in Norway, the 34th country . You can find that shelter while riding in Sweden. I found the place easily by using a website that exists, but in Norway, there is no website information to find a place like that shelter, so I think I will probably have to find a suitable place on my own and stop when I stop. Ah, here it is. I have sampled speeds in Norway before [Music]. When I entered Finland and when I entered Sweden, I took the ferry and took a picture at that milestone. It feels like it’s been a very long time. This is it. I finally came to Norway. How long did it take to ride in Norway? I think I sang a song that I wanted to do, but after 16 and a half months of splitting from what I did, I came to Norway. I don’t like it, but I have to stay and edit, clean up, and wash up because of my body, bicycle equipment, and bicycle master, but the restrictions are so expensive that I can’t bring myself to make a reservation. I didn’t do it yesterday. I should have done it. So I turned on the warm shower for the first time in almost a year and tried to contact them, but as expected, there was no response. One person contacted me and said I was available on Sunday. I’m going in tomorrow, Thursday , but I’ll probably go out to Oslo and stay there while riding in Norway. I don’t think I’ll ever enter Oslo, but you never know. You have to step on Bon as much as possible. You have to step on Oslo . The time to get into Oslo tomorrow will be shortened. I’ve already ridden 44 km, so I need to ride at least 880 km. Slow [Applause] 93 Ah, the weather has become so sunny. Hey, here’s a meeting. Wow, look at this . What is it? Suddenly, there’s a strip of pavement. If you go up here, there’s another small thing on top. Let’s take a look there. There’s definitely a lot of uphill. Since Noi came in, it rained a lot and the amount of water increased. This place is really good. There’s no car. Hey, Yeondeok was a bit long. The uphill was a little long. I think it was over 3km, but I don’t remember the last time I’ve ridden uphill this long. When I crossed the inland of Slovakia and crossed over to Poland, I rode a long uphill. I’ve never ridden a long uphill longer than 3km like this before, but it’s been a while since I rode it. Oh, there’s a lake right around here. There’s something here too. Should we go here? Is this some kind of trekking course? It snows like this in winter. Oh , it’s locked. I have to stop now, but it’s already 6 o’clock. It’s okay here. It’s okay here. The dirt road here is open, so let’s go inside a little bit. Isn’t this place blocked? If the sound comes just a little too much, it will overflow. I’m worried that the road here is long like this over here. It works ell ell ah ah OSS Oh oh than than you Oh, they say it’s inside there. Oh, I don’t know. Just dock it. Okay, I’m glad. Where did that person come from? Is this a very small lake on the uphill hill ? I took a picture of the lake because I thought there was something there, and this is the camping site. You said there was a good place to do it, so the money is good, but you have to go a little further in there. Wow, that’s good. If you just go up there, it would be good to set up a tent. Oh, there are chairs made. Wow, I found another good spot . That’s all I can do for today. I think I bought it for just 85km. My first ride in Norway ends here . Mirror of water and voila. Why does ramen proliferate infinitely? I ate this ramen at the Karlstad Hostel for a day. I cooked and ate Shin Ramyun in the kitchen there for dinner. After seeing Shin Ramyun, the Swede said he also had airline ramen. I got one of these , so today’s menu is buldak, rice, and spam. I’ve never had nuclear buldak before, but the smell is so spicy. [Music] Ah, the spam is good and tasty. Wow, it’s very spicy. Wow, Wow. [Music] [Music] These poisonous mushrooms. You see, the mushrooms are so gorgeous. Today is the 7th day since I ran Stockhol without resting. Today, I finally enter Oslo, the capital of Norway. The map shows that there are 63km left to Oslo. The accommodation is too expensive, but I need to rest. So, today is from Thursday to Saturday. I reserved accommodation for 3 days and paid 200,000 won. It’s 200,000 won for 3 days. I’ll go into the hostel dormitory, stay in the tower, and rest. I’ll look around Oslo during my 3 days. I’ll sleep really comfortably and leave a little late. It’s past 11 o’clock. It’s 11:05 . The water is gone here. After riding a lot of uphill yesterday, there are more downhills today. Since Oslo is near the ocean, the sea level will probably drop all the way down to below sea level, and then the next time you start riding, the sea level will rise significantly. I’m thinking about maybe going up to over 1,000m once, and the scenery will be incredible. I’m tired and not in a good state right now , but I’m really looking forward to the scenery in Norway. Uh, the story here is really good, and it’s very quiet. [Music] Oh, what are you doing? What is this? It’s been a while . Ah, I went up a lot yesterday, so I’m going straight down. Wow, there’s definitely a mountain. Wow, look at the road. There’s a 7-Eleven in Norway, too. I’m thirsty, uh, what ‘s up here? The sky is so pretty. There’s only about 30km left. I’m halfway there, half here. Sund It looks like it’s connected all the way from that city to Oslo. The bikes are in good condition. This way, I can finally see Oslo from the Oslo side. There’s still more than 10km left. Yes, it looks like it’s laid out all the way. It’s nice to the center. It’s really good. It looks like it’s here. There’s the sea again. It came out. Listen to it . It’s not a joke. Look at this place. It’s the Voslo Center. We ‘re in a complete bay. It’s connected to the sea. It’s cool. We left late today, so it ‘s already 4 o’clock. I thought it could be done around 3 o’clock, but it’s a bit much. It was late, but I sang Oslo, Oslo, Norway, and finally arrived. My accommodation is like an apartment hostel, about 2km away from the city , but the good thing is that there is a supermarket right below. The 34th country, Oslo, the capital of Norway . It’s 66km to here today. Okay, okay, thank you. Today is my second day in Oslo. I’ll just take a quick look around the city of Oslo and take a good rest tomorrow . Wow, the weather is the best it’s ever been, but today is just something. Kang Du-kyung. The wall of the building just sticks to the wall of the building and flows. It’s very modern. It’s modern. I guess this is the street from the main center. It doesn’t have much of a European old town feel. Let ‘s take a look at the city center here and go all the way down to the beach. Let’s go get it. Um, this is Oslo Cathedral. The roads in the city are very narrow. They’re all made of trams. It’s really modern. There’s a port . The huge building you see right in front of Hyanggui here is the Oslo Opera House . In fact, if you want to go to Denmark from here today, you can take a boat and go right away. Then you won’t be able to see Norway. Let’s make the light go up this hill. If you go up this way, you can go directly by boat. You can look down . It’s really amazing. It’s like a roof . It feels like you’re climbing up the roof. The mouth of the opera house building is made like an observatory. Wow, the building is white, so the sunlight is reflected. It’s so cool. Let’s do some riding along the ocean. Here. Come to the fortress. Let’s go into the fortress. Look at that ship. As expected, the country of the Vikings has more to see in the ocean area than in the downtown area. Is there a reason the prices are high? There are no entrances. Honestly, Oslo is just a big modern [music]. It’s okay. This is Oslo City Hall. It’s a building. Something about this place feels like City Hall Square. Wow, it looks like a museum . It’s not a museum, it’s universities. It’s cool to go to university. This is Oslo Royal Palace. Isn’t this the Oslo Royal Palace? It’s really hard to keep going back and forth for an hour or two. That’s not true. It’s endless. No, I stopped and was embarrassed. I’ll end this by looking around Oslo city. Ah, there was a terrace above Sokso. I had no idea. Ah, you can see it all from here. Hey, I’m Luca from Spain . yoga morning like a meditation like a meditation Yeah and the FA also like crazy expensive. yeah yeah more than 100 I think I have to doing yeah yeah You should try [Music] [Music] That’s warming up War [Music] warm So that will be the main exercise and It’s done two more times W so hch yeah namaste namaste back Oh to much It’s big yeahy not I think I think Yeah like 15 I think so 15 should But I wish the best in man Thank you Thank you enjoy journeying days hope [Music] h This is [Music] [Applause] Today This is my 4th day in Oslo. The weather is the worst on the day I leave out of the 4 days. Now I’m going to spend a week crossing the southern inland of Norway. I’m not sure where I’m going today. I need to camp somewhere, but I’ll stop when I see a good place. Wow, there’s so much rain . It’s going to be up all day. If I leave the Oslo area today, I’ll have to find out the way to the end. The Beeland part shown at the signpost here is also said to be one of the very famous parks. I stopped by there in Oslo for a while and I’m leaving. The rain has weakened again. It’ll stop somewhere. Laundry If I do this and calm down, I always write it all down as soon as I leave and it becomes a mess. I’m fooling myself. There’s a really big tower built in the middle of this. I’ll go over there. There are a lot of tourists. I don’t think I can go up there. I’ll just look at it like this and then leave again. It’s 39.7 to drying. I think it would be okay to just go 40km to the coast and take a break. I’ll go all the way to Ramen without paying. Oh, I’m back on the coast. There are already a lot of utes here. When I checked the map, there were almost no big cities as soon as I left the coast and ran a little further. I ‘m thinking that maybe some nice scenery will unfold after the city, but I have to ride it. The sun is rising. As soon as it rises, the weather will get better. I think I have to go over this peak to enter the valley. It goes up all the way. Even if I wipe the lens with energy. [Music] Even if I wipe it , it’s cloudy . The strange thing right now is that I’m sweating under my eyes, and I’m getting hives around here and on my face. That’s why I can’t get the heat out. I’m not sweating. Even my forehead is n’t sweating. So, while riding uphill, my body doesn’t sweat. When I open the wound, the heat builds up on the side of my head, on my neck and face, but why can’t it be discharged? It’s always like this even when the weather is not sunny. That’s why I’m not good at climbing hills. It’s okay. Hey, if Norway preserves Norway, there will be almost no uphill climbs. It’s okay. It’s 19km . Wow, the slope is so high here. Since I saw it right in front of McDonald’s, I have to eat and go. I came all the way for lunch. It’s not even about 7km. Wow, it seems like I rode uphill for about 10km to get here. It drops to US and then seems to go up again, but it keeps going up and down. What kind of Chicken Big Mac is this? I added a Cheeseburger to the Chicken Big Mac Large Set and it came out to 22,000 won. After stopping for a meal at McDonald’s , the weather is clearing up and it looks like it won’t rain anymore. Where should I sleep today ? From my perspective, I probably won’t be able to go to a lodging for 5 days while crossing the inland. There is almost no lodging in the inland to begin with, so I go all the way down. McDonald’s must have been on the rise. It’s amazing how the weather suddenly gets so good. Wow. What is this place ? Hey , it was a beautiful scenery here . Still, the weather has cleared up at just the right time for you to take a look. Wow, look at this. The scenery has definitely started to become more dynamic. The sun is shining. Wow , let’s finish it. I need to take a quick look around and then go. If this is now the next biggest city after Oslo. Yes, this is the sea too. Oh, this is a bay, but it is connected to the sea. Now, if you follow it all the way, you will have to cross another uphill ridge. Shouldn’t that be the end for today? There are a lot of mountains . No. I think this scenery is just the beginning. If you go inland, you will see it. It’s going to get more and more amazing. As much as I rode uphill, I’m going back to ancient times. The bike path is really good. Oh, the city is amazing. It’s formed like this on the side of the mountain right next to the sea. Even though I know the weather, I don’t know. It’s already 2 o’clock, but until dusk. There are still 7 hours left. The road leading to Oslo is very congested. This is the main household and that is the church. S No. 11 bike road is well marked, so I am following it while looking at the signs. Continue along the river and this is a residential area. It’s all formed. So it’s a flat road. When you get out of the dense residential area, it seems to start going uphill again. Today, you have to get out of the dense residential area so you can go camping. It lasts for almost 40km, so the good thing is that it’s flat, so you have to go this way. But the tunnel bridge is flooded. Oh, I saw you riding a bicycle, so I wondered if you could go, but the bridge is completely one-lane. You have to cross to the other side to [music], but wow, this place is completely flooded. Okay, you did a good job crossing the river . Oh, now the uphill begins. I think it works. I’ve gotten out of all the flat houses and single-family houses. I don’t know how many times I’ve climbed, but I haven’t counted them yet, but I think the number of lakes I’ve seen while traveling around Europe is at least 100. I’ll take a short rest in this village. Dalbu Here, after Dalbui village, I’ll go uphill. There are a lot of them. I’ll turn it on, go over one uphill, and look for a camping spot [music ]. Ah, I got hives all over my body [music]. It’s about 8km uphill. This is now a city called Kongsberg. I’ll go and resupply here. It’s 6 o’clock now, so they’re all closed. Look, today is Sunday and there is no one here. There is no supermarket open here. I need to find a supermarket. Wow, what is this? The water is strong. I have to go to the other side. Hey, I’m kidding, but this is the city of Kongs. Is the current like this capable of generating hydroelectric power ? Let’s find a supermarket here first. Let’s go to the market and get some supplies. We have to go further out of here. The city here is big again, so it might be difficult to find a place to camp here. The market is closed. There are only a few and it’s only 6 o’clock. It’s 6 o’clock now, so for now. First, I’ll go forward. Well, I keep going up again from here. If I go up about 10km, there are places where there are large lakes . I have to go there. I think I can find a camping spot easily. I ‘ll have to buy some water and, uh, snacks for tomorrow. Well, I don’t have to buy a lot, so I supply water at gas stations because the water is good. Normally, convenience stores at gas stations are a little more expensive, but I’m not scared when I buy water. There is no cheap brand of water, and there is one. I paid 6,000 won for 1.5L of water. 6,000 won is an unbelievable amount. It makes me laugh out loud. Every time I calculate it, uh-uh, that fatal blow has happened so many times that now I can see the magnificent scenery while riding. If you look at it, it doesn’t seem like it was a waste to pay again. Just like in Switzerland [Music] Every time I put in this card payment, my hands are shaking and I’m going crazy. Well, when I go in and out, the basic 230,000 won is broken, so there’s no answer . It’s starting to go up today. Let’s just get over this. It’s been a long time. The road keeps going up and down like this. Oh, I’m surprised. I thought there was no road. This road must be a highway. What is it? The highway turns into a national highway at this exact point. You can buy a bicycle. I’m confused about the road here. It turns into a European national road. At speed , it feels like it’s going into a canyon. It looks flat, but it’s still going up. I need to scout out the river next to the road here. I was thinking about going towards the lake, but there’s still a lot of lake left. Where should I go? What is this place here ? Isn’t it okay to be right next to the road? It’s not bad, but I’m worried. What’s here? The river here. There’s no road here. It’s a path in the mountains. I don’t think it’s bad. It’s right next to the road over there. I think it’ll be okay if I hide behind the tree. There probably won’t be much traffic in the evening. Everyone is busy passing by, and there are hardly any people coming in this way. It’s past 7 o’clock now, but it’s flat and the seats are good. Aside from the cars passing by, it’s the first day of full-scale riding in Norway, but it was a little difficult to get out of the city center. It’s 97km better. I’ll finish here today. Countries with high prices like Norway don’t have a moat like ramen. Even in Norway, ramen costs about 3,000 won. A bag of Silla costs 6,000 won. Now, but in Korea, a meal costs 6,000 won these days. Isn’t it hard to eat? The prices have all risen so much that in Oslo, there were a few beds in one room in a 70,000 won dormitory, and there were ten bunk beds. So, in a room that sleeps 20 people, only one bed was 70,000 won for 3 days. I’ve never slept well . I smell like sweat and I see four or five people with freshly snored noses. I hear some strange mechanical noise and I want to eat, but it’s annoying. [Music] Oh, except for the car being a little noisy, I slept very well and am leaving. I don’t have a destination in particular today either. I’ll run hard and finish before the sun goes down. Day 2 of riding in Nurway begins. After finishing the peak I’m currently climbing, I go straight down and then climb up significantly again. The weather is really good. Today, after leaving the city of Kongsberg yesterday, the scenery has changed like a public park. Oslo will soon be in the main area. Maybe it’s because we’ve moved out of the big cities , but the bike lanes have disappeared. Now, I think I’ll have to ride the narrow two-lane two-lane road forward. If I go a little further, there won’t be a lot of car traffic. There are a lot now, but now that I’m going inside, Norway is. There doesn’t seem to be a website that provides information about shelters like these in Sweden. When I searched for them , it seemed like it was easy to find real camping sites and shelters in Norway. Norway has a carbine cabin system like that, and although some of those are free, most of them are rented for money. I may not know this well, but it doesn’t come up when I look for it. Wow, look at the train bridge. It’s definitely different. The scenery is like eight in itself . There’s a house like that. How do I get there? I have to take a boat. Now, the next Doi is coming out. The Doi’s name is Notoden. I hope I finished there yesterday. Well done, it keeps going up. I can’t see any crowded places to do it. It ‘s single track here. How far do I have to climb ? It won’t be easy, but this place really reminds me of Scotland. It’s just that the lanes are opposite. This is a large bus, so there’s a cargo truck behind it, and the road is very narrow. I have to get over this no matter what. There is only one way. I don’t think I’ll have to go through it, but this is another uphill road. Okay , now. Let’s run. Run, run, run, run, run. Oh, I’m glad. It’s short. It’s short. Ah, this is the top of the Notoden. I guess I’ll keep going down now. I think this Bongui that I’ve been climbing since yesterday is over. It’s about 10km. It’s a 5.5km downhill, but I think it’s not close to 0m, and then it goes up to 500 again . Wow, yeah, I missed this road. It’s so much fun. Wow, there’s a restaurant right here. How long has it been since I last went down this cool? There is still snow up there. Wow , can you see the peak in the distance? Sammaek Peak is the mountain I have to climb. The rain is falling little by little. The city is formed between a mountain and a valley. I think it’s like Maido Run. This is Norway. There is a very long lake right in front of the city called Centrum Igunai Notoden. It’s very quiet. I think I’ll take a quick look at that lake . Wow , the next course here is about 2km uphill on the Gyeongsan Lake. If you get over that one, it’ll be a little easier. The next city is. I don’t know if it reads Bo, but we have to go to Bo. Why isn’t it raining at all today? Wow, do you remember the runway and halter? Wow, Bo 26km. Oh, you have to get over this. Let’s go. Okay, it goes up a steep slope. [Applause] I guess there’s a hiking course here too. This is the summit. I thought it wasn’t, it went up a little further. Oh, it was really a bit difficult. I always run on flat ground, so I’m not used to it yet. I climbed it all again. I’ve only climbed about 6km. My face seems to be swollen now , but it took an hour because the fever didn’t go away. For an hour, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. It sounds so loud. Oh, it’s raining. It’s nice. It’s empty. It’s so cool. Ah, the rain is falling. Thank you. Sky. Ah , thank you . Look at the mountains. I feel like I’m back in the Balkans. Wow, it’s cool. Oh, there’s a lake over there. This is Norway Google [Applause] It’s going to keep raining from now until tomorrow. I see, it’s backwards. Yesterday and yesterday, it rained a lot in the morning and was nice in the afternoon, but yesterday was a better case. I like it not to rain when I’m camping, so when I come right into the mountain range, the weather changes drastically. Oh, look at this, it’s 5km to a place called Ho. I’ll hit you and go. I was planning to do it here in Bo Village, but there’s another village next door. There’s a supermarket there until 11 o’clock. There’s something to do. Even if I buy it here, it’s just heavy and bad, so I’ll go next horse and just supply it. It’s a bogi car station, I guess it’s there for you to see, right? The next town is a village called Deokdae. 11km. I’ve ridden about 68km now, so let’s ride it a little more. Let’s supply it. There’s something here for 1.5L for 1,300 won. I bought it yesterday for 6,000 won, and now the next course is a place where there are extremely long lakes. So, I’ll ride the early part of the course today, find a place, and finish like yesterday. It looks like it’s going to rain in a little while, but you’ll find out as we go. I guess it’s rainy camping today, but just by looking at it, it looks like it’s going to rain. There’s a campsite here too. I’m not sure where I should go. Looking at it like this, I don’t know where I’m going. Anyway, go straight. Oh, the weather is getting worse quickly. Dark clouds again. Wow, look over there. Can you see the rain next to me? The rain is really pouring in. [Music] I’m going to get wet in about 5 minutes next to it. I need to wear a windbreaker. I need to wear a windbreaker and ride. It’s coming in. Rain clouds are coming in. The whole scenery is obscured by the rain . What is that? Oh my, just make a picnic spot. Hey, what is a wall of water? [Music] [Applause] Is there going to be a lot of applause? Will this pass as expected? Oh, it doesn’t matter because it’s already done. It seems like it’s gotten a little brighter. But you can’t see it clearly, but the roads are different. Wo n’t it rain every day while riding in Norway? It’s faster to count the days . I went towards Killam and saw the scenery. I got the right feeling. It felt like a gate where a spectacular view starts from this side, but I got it right. It’s a song, but the lens here can’t be seen clearly from the corner, but that ‘s my fault. I ride a lot of bikes. Wow. What is this ? Wow, they’ve made a hole through this place. Come to the tunnel. [Music] Oh, it’s so cool. They’ve made a hole in this big rock cliff here. It reminds me of Montenero as I make my way down the road. I have to save my time going uphill. Maybe I’ll stay in a hotel or something for a few days. You have to save electricity because it’s not going to happen . Omnes Tunnel 230m uphill. Oh, the cliff is so big. This rocky cliff is W. [Music] [Music] As expected, the scenery is beautiful, so I keep stopping. This is Killen. Oh, my friend is going to a camping site. This is a camping site. Yes, but when I looked here, I realized that I was going to camp right away. I’ll look further. Bye bye. I think this is actually a canyon, not a lake. It’s connected to the river. When I looked at the map, I thought it was a lake. It seems to be a canyon. I don’t know exactly, but it looks like Daum Village is here now. It says I’ve covered 12km, but I think I can finish today before entering that village. If you find this place and look, it’s connected. It looks like it’s going to rain all day this evening. The rain isn’t going to end. [Laughs] It’s really nice that it’s following Sobyeong-ga right here. Wow, that’s it. It’s surrounded by pus. It’s a rock wall over there too. I think I have to go over that bridge and go in the opposite direction. I’ll go to the next flower and then I’ll come out. It’s flat, but one of them has come in. Oh, but this place is a beautiful view. It ‘s a joke. It’s in front of me. There is also a complete canyon road here. Wow, I’m going to the right now. Let’s ride a little further. See the person fishing over there. Hey, this place is so cool. The steep cliffs are really driving. You can even go ahead. I ask what the people who live here feel like. I want to ask in an interview, "How do you feel about seeing this kind of scenery every day?" Of course, you’ll hear this. Oh, but I don’t think you’ll get tired of it. I think I’d be really happy if I did this in the morning. Look at this. Does this make sense? I’m losing weight. Really , now I have to stop and stop. It’s 7:20 now. I spent too much time looking at it. The course is so fun. The road is so well laid. It’s been a while since I felt this overwhelming feeling. Yes, I just crossed over to the left. You can see where it was. It’s even cooler because the rock cliff is surrounded by mica like this. Wow, I’m the only one [Music] My blood has weakened, but I did n’t do anything . [Music] Let’s take a look here . Wow , what is this? You’re a master. Oh, someone here is also bleeding. You can do it in the quarry or above here. I’ll finish it quickly. It’s 7:30 and I rode 105km today. The second Norway ride is. I’ll do nothing here. End. I’m going to take that road tomorrow and continue following it. I ‘m planning to see it. I’ll cook quickly and go to bed early. It’s raining a lot and I’m a little tired from the long distance ride. But the scenery in front of my house is really nice. It’s better. It’s been a while since I cooked. I really wanted to eat rice, so I had some ramen, so I cooked it. And I bought seaweed, bacon and vegetables. Oh, I should throw it away . It was so delicious, but I didn’t eat any of the seaweed. Well, if you take out the snacks or chocolate rice, I chewed it in the middle. I think I rode like crazy and didn’t feel the heat as much because it was raining. If I had, I wouldn’t have made a fuss because of the heat. [Music] There were a lot of uphill climbs. My strength was crazy. I went up [Music] Hello mao [Music] [Applause] [Music] ] [Music] First completed. It’s raining again today. It’s 10 o’clock. I’m all wet now, but there’s nothing I can do. I have to go. Let’s go. Hello, good morning, good morning, your name nice my’s mon. As soon as I start, I have company. [Laughs] [Music] How many people are coming. The dark clouds are all gone. Day 3 of riding in Norway. I think I’ll have to ride all day today. I really have to go up, but there will probably be a lot of uphill. It won’t be easy, but I think I’ll have to finish after getting over the uphill. Well, I’ll continue until 8pm today as well. I’m thinking of pedaling. It’s okay. I belong. It’s okay. If it rains a lot before I start writing, I’m afraid that my whole body and equipment will get wet. I’m scared, but what will I do after it’s already wet? I found everything. [Music] [Music] It doesn’t matter. Videos all day today. Even if I take a picture, it’s blurry because of the water behind it, so I don’t think I’ll be able to leave a good picture. It’s a shame. There’s just grass on top of the house. Now I have to get over this uphill hill. Then I’ll go to another canyon again. I’m going cl really slow You can go for first. My heart flutters. On the other hand, I guess I wanted to ride this difficult road. I see this climb. What should I do? I don’t know when to go up, but I’m happy, and then I go up again, and the weather seems to be okay. The rain has weakened, so I wonder if water is waiting again. [Music] Oh, but it seems like it hasn’t been long since the road was laid. This is very clean. The road condition is right here. My speed right now is at maximum output power. I have to keep driving this. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] This is not normal. It’s going higher. It’s like a rest area for a moment. Let’s take a quick rest. [Music] ] I came up. Ah, Kyle keeps waiting. I feel sorry for no reason, but I have to say it first. Looking at it, the course is exactly the same as mine. So I can accompany you, but I’m slow, so I ‘m going down with it. Is the village [music] coming out? Ah, this is the Bro Moon. I’m hungry. I want to eat something. Is there a supermarket? I had breakfast, but why am I so hungry? I think I burned all the calories while riding uphill. Oh, it looks delicious. It’s expensive . It’s 27 krong for a pastry. It’s 3,000 won . It’s a small thing. I bought bread and milk, and it cost almost 10,000 won. It’s killing me. Ah, the price of the lens is too expensive. Humanly speaking, the price of the supermarket can be this expensive. I will go back into the canyon. I think it is probably a bridge where the child’s legs go up and down. Now, this is a single track, so you can just keep going forward without any effort. There is no need to look at the giro . Wow, what is here? Kyle is waiting 21900 do it if riding 17 mons [Music] Look, today I ‘m leaving one more canyon and going uphill. I have to go through another mountain range to reach the next canyon. It’s a bit difficult to get to this point, but I can’t do anything because I’m surrounded by fog. I can see that this is another canyon. Wow. [Music] There is another canyon here. Third canyon. Wow, this place is incredibly pretty. This is Norway. This is Norddalen. The next village is the moon. I make this ep when When I make it I will send you You can see it companion in nor with the rainy rain maybe It’s g be takes mons later mons later So you can next year with take [Music] Oh, it’s like a saddle in a movie. Look at this now. This Scandinavian peninsula, on the Swedish and Norwegian side . There are a lot of houses of this type. They are supported with stones at the bottom, and I don’t know what kind of structure they are, but they are well built. Amazingly und [Music] Now, we have entered a town called Dalen. If we go there, we have to go uphill, but before going up, there is a place inside the city. I’ll go to the supermarket and get the plating done. Cain said he’s going to a camping site, so if we go together, the camping site may be cheaper, so I’ll take it with me. I’ll check the camping site cost. Here’s the Dalen camping site. Wouldn’t it be better to take a little rest today? We also rode a lot of uphill hills. It’s raining too much, so I’m going to go camping and block the rain today, but I’m a little tired. But it’s 4 o’clock and I have to climb 11 km up the hill in front of me. 11 km men. I have at least 2 and a half hours with my stamina, so if I just go up the hill, it’s 7 o’clock. 7 I don’t think it will be easy. I rode over 100k yesterday, so I think I should take a break today. Let ‘s go and charge it. The fire costs about 340 crong for camping, so it’s about 23,000 won per person. It’s cheaper than I thought, so I’ll just stay here today. I decided to stop, but the rain didn’t stop. I was so happy and happy throughout the ride. This is Kai’s tent. I rode 62km and 62km. Oh, I rode a little less, but I’ll have to ride a lot tomorrow. I won’t be able to dry the tent this far today . It’s really crazy today. I did well in finishing the uphill climb . I had a nice shower with warm water . It’s so nice to have a shower for the first time in two and a half days. This is heaven. If it’s this bad, we need to build a drainage system. There’s nothing we can do about the tent leaking . Wow, this is for you. Ah, it’s so delicious when I saw it in the vegetable garden. Good morning, it’s sunny today. Well, [Music] Now, as soon as we start today’s course, we have to go over an 11km uphill. There’s nothing there, but it’s going to take quite a long time. Let’s go. We have to go towards Lesca. Let’s go. Yes, the slope is displayed in a big sign, and the slope is 12% . It’s crazy 12% for 4km. The view will be amazing when you go up. I’m excited, but Kai is really quiet. He won’t talk unless you ask. I think it’s hiding things a little. This is the village called Dallen. Look at the water falling, the sunlight reflecting, and the texture. Ah, there’s no slope. See, the road somehow went to Koto, Montenegro. At first glance, ah , it has always risen by half. Yesterday, it rained too much, so it was a problem again, and today it was too sunny, so there was no middle ground. The temperature rose by almost 7 degrees at once. Today, it is 22 degrees. [Music] The ridge road is coming out. There’s a little bit of color left. It’s really amazing. This is the top of the house. I see Kai waiting for me. Let’s take a rest and go. It’s trash. The top is bar. This is about 800 meters above sea level. Keep your feet on the ground and keep going . I’m going up one more time. I passed the first crest of today’s course well. It’s like giving me a gift for my hard work yesterday. It’s not always cloudy. Why are you sitting here? It’s nature itself. Sheep are scattered all over the place and eating grass. This is the place. Look, there , wow, may Okay , wow, the scenery doesn’t make sense. Look at that. wow, there are a lot of houses here too. I ‘m running through a picture. I’m blessed today. The weather is so nice that I see this wonderful scenery really clearly. It’s so beautiful at 360 degrees, I don’t know where to focus my eyes. I don’t know, my eyes are busy, my eyes are busy. [Music] I’ve been running through this canyon for three days now. Now that I think about it, if you go in front of Vale, you’ll come to an area called Vale. It must be a village or something. [Music] 000 1000 There’s road construction going on here. If you can’t pass by here [Music] I think only bic can come inside here that is the limit sometimes close road but usually only bicycle can ride if we can cross I was I was little scary Hi Yeah Have a good trip yeah you was in Switzerland Yeah I did the camping in the alpus mountain just Alone just Alone nobody in there and I saw the beautiful sunset I cann forget forgot about that moment w i will take a picture you go first little bit yeah [Music] Oh [Music] Yeah wow wow what is this wait a minute it’s like crazy wow wow it’s so real ah As I was going down, I was so surprised that it overflowed. Hey, how is this happening? The current is flowing in the same direction as us. From now on, it seems to go all the way down and then go up again. It’s funny. The average instructor goes down by 7% during 6.5km. Wow, I’m alive in the water. What’s going on here ? Wow, I have no idea. It’s coming out. Wow, really. Wow, the river is opening up again. It’s right that I have to go over to Vale . For some reason, I’m in good condition today. My skin condition is good. Amazingly, you got fl. I admit that the flower of Northern Europe is Norway. Wow, that house. Ah, I was drunk with the scenery and forgot again. I’ve surpassed 22k. 2k 2000 km . Yes, I do a lot of water play in the valley here. The bathrooms are all set up like this . Look at this bicycle. What is this? Water is dripping from all over. Scottish drug dealers are supplying ballet to ballet and I will try to run more. Kai is here. We stop at the campsite. I have to go further. I really have to go today. Tom per per bar. I’ll run now at 4:30. I think I can run until 1 o’clock. The climb starts again from the moment we leave the village of Vale. This climb is a bit continuous. It continues to climb steadily, reaching close to 1,100m above sea level . It’s good to go up a certain amount today. If you can see it, we’ll finish there. You can see the cliff. It’s like water falling from the cliff. It’s like another dot. We’ll resupply here and then go into nature. Still, Just at the halfway point. Oh, today was a little long. I rode 62km to Dalen here and Valais, where I first started today . There were virtually no supermarkets or any infrastructure for 62km. You probably won’t be able to find any infrastructure here today if you go back into the great outdoors. We had a good supply of ramen, too. There’s still some left, all you have to do is climb up . Kai is really blunt. He can’t talk. Let’s go. I’m glad I still have to go a little further before the uphill starts. Then, won’t I be able to ride about 90km? My legs are really heavy right now, but it’s so much fun. Norway Really. I think it was a good thing I came to Norway at the end. If I had filmed Norway from the beginning, everything else would have seemed boring. It was a bit boring from the time I filmed Scotland until the real switch when crossing central Europe. That’s exactly the feeling I admit. Norway is uh top 5. It looks like I’m going to go inside. The scenery doesn’t make sense. Dandelion seeds are flying like this. These unidentifiable seeds are flying. Hi , hey, I’m in good condition today and I’m so happy. For some reason, I don’t think this is the first time I’ve ever been like this, but the sun is this strong and I’m so hot. I think today is the first time I haven’t done it. I don’t know why, but I don’t feel like the heat is trapped in my body, so it seems like it’s burning easily. Is it getting better? The trip is already over, but wow, the road has been built really well . Yes, 1,000m is actually good. The scenery will compensate for the climb. It ‘s a place to rest. This is Noland. It’s not going up from Vale, it’s going up from Noland. It’s going up. The average slope is 10%. Take as much energy as you can and go up as much as you can. Let’s see, Sunre Skard. I guess we are the next base village. Oh, the bike path is gone now. It would be better if there was a hairpin, but it keeps going straight up without a hairpin . The slope has finally lowered. This is a mental battle. A mental battle. If you think you can’t climb, you really can’t climb. I know, I ‘m going up. Ugh, Mr. Chimnawa . It took me 50 minutes to climb 3km. I just have to struggle a little more today. But the truth is, I’m really enjoying it today. Of course, the uphill is hard to beat, but the 3km slope was too steep. Wow, the beginning was really steep. It’s a tough climb. There’s a dam built here. Oh, there’s a dam [music]. Let’s see what I can do. I ‘ll just eat the grass. It’s 7:20 now. It’s just before 8 o’clock, but my legs are too heavy, so I think I’ll stop and ride tomorrow. Let’s quickly find a camping spot. Let’s finish, but we’ve come a long way. Ah, the road is getting narrower, and it’s chilly because the altitude is getting higher. It was hot, but it’s suddenly getting cold. The child should be there, but he can’t come out. The site isn’t large. We need to go up further , but everyone’s cars have already taken their seats. It looks a bit nice . I keep going up, but I can’t find a good place. Should I throw it up there ? I want to get off the main road I’m on and go camping, but there’s water blocking everything, so I ca n’t get away. So there’s no way. I have to keep going up. If I keep going, I’ll find a good place. Ah, the scenery behind is crazy. It’s nature itself. There’s nothing here except asphalt on the road. No, just a few cars got into that narrow space. Hey, all the perfect spots have been taken. Let’s go in here. This place has some potential. I found a good place, and here. The key is to get inside. Okay, this is it. Everything can be done somewhere here. I think the scenery is killer. I’ll set up a tent. I forced myself to pack it in and finish in one place. I rode 91km , and my cumulative ascent mode is about 2,000m. I rode a lot of climbs, but I can’t be this happy if I finish right in front of a spectacular view. Anyway. I’ll end the 4th day of riding in Norway here. You can go up the road that looks like that tomorrow. The scenery will be even more beautiful. I’ll eat quickly and go to sleep. [Music] It’s so pretty [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] Day 5 of riding in Norway begins. I ‘ll do it. Now, if you just cross this section of the mountain range, you’ll reach the long-awaited fjord. Today, unlike yesterday, it’s a little cloudy. The road has become a field of poop. It’s been covered in a thick layer of mud. [Music] I’m really curious about what I’ll see if I pass through that section. I wondered why it was going well, but the wind blew. It’s blowing from behind . The current time is 10 o’clock. Wow, it’s a picture. It’s really cool. The slope looks a little high here and there. But it’s okay. It was yesterday. My legs came back. I don’t think they came back. I don’t think my legs came back. As soon as I got on, it locked up. [ Music ] [Applause] As we climb uphill, the sky becomes clear. Uh, it’s 1,000 meters above sea level. It was really cold last night. I said it was cold. If the place where I finished yesterday was above sea level, it must have been about 8,900. Cain says he left, but will we be able to meet him? Is it today ? Hi hi ah, let’s finish it. While riding downhill, the poop on the outside splashed out and it hit me in the face. It’s the first time I’ve ever had poop hit my face again. Yeah, look at him running. What’s going on? Wow, he ‘s not afraid of people. Ma, no, no , they are not afraid of people. I guess people gave them food. Oh, they are cute. They are cute. No, no, no , no. Oh, they don’t even get out of the way when a car comes. Look at their ears fluttering. They are so cute. Ever, there’s no data at all right now, so there’s no need to look at the map. There’s only one road. As you head west, you see a lot of Danish cars. You can definitely take the ferry from the western city , so Danish cars come over to the west. Cross this side a lot Oh okay wow It spreads out endlessly Uh oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry This place is 1050m above sea level I don’t know what that means but it’s 150m above sea level Why is the traffic jam following me Oh brother I ‘m going I really like it Mr. No ah Look at this kid, it doesn’t make sense. If you look at this scenery in person, you can’t help but breathe. It ‘s unrealistic. There are a lot of sheep, so these guys fall to the side. Someone answered, but it doesn’t make sense. Oh, it’s falling all the way. There’s a dam built over there. It looks like they’ve blocked the water artificially. If you look at that wall, you should go up there. There’s a path . I think it’s a place for sightseeing. The stone wall has been erected straight up. I think it would have been done if you went to the right here. The places I stopped yesterday were all outside the uphill area. It wasn’t there so it was a little hard to find, but I have to take that road. I came here to see this. So that I can ride comfortably today, the strong wind pushes me from behind. [Music] [Music] Oh, there’s a restroom over here. It’s a shame , I looked at it from up there. Mom, jjoljjoljjol [Music] I’m following you. Yesterday, I was at the Valais community, but I came into the Syrda area. Here, I have to go over another ridge. [Music] Oh yeah , wow, I think the peak is almost over. Fair scenery, so I’ll keep going and probably go down a lot near the fjord. DA [Music] Wow, this is ridiculous . It feels like something is missing. I should eat something in the Benz, but I can’t because it would be a waste. [ Music] [Applause] Look , good job. Wow, your style is a bit different. [Music] There are a lot of shacks here too. Why this place? Was it really built? Is this the same place as Lescara? Oh, this was the next base village. Ah , I remember there was this Lescara next to Vale yesterday. Oh, are we already there ? Wow, it’s a mart. But I don’t think there’s a need to go to the mart. I’m all out of the fjord. I think I have to climb one more peak to get into it. After that, I ‘m almost done with Norway. Still, the weather was so nice yesterday and today that it was worth running in the rain for two days . It’s the main one located at the right end of Rice’s Botton Fjord. You can take a ferry . Let’s go see the fjords. If I get the chance, I definitely want to come back to Norway. I want to go up north and see the Northern Lights. Anyway, it has become one of the countries I want to come back to. The biggest drawback is that the prices are incredibly expensive. It’s okay, but next time I come, I’ll come as a rich person. [Music] Ah, the uphill is over. I’m sure not. What, it’s going up again . I want to sleep there for a day. It’s really good in that cabin. Wow, there are a lot of uphills in the inland. I have to keep going all the way up there. I’m going to burst. I’m pumping too much. It’s a high point. It’s a high point. [Music] okay okay [Music] It’s 9 above sea level. Oh, if you see water somewhere along the way, you have to get in. It’s so hot. It’s really uphill. Ah , ah, I can’t help but admire it. Now, come here. I have to get in the water. It’s really fast. The water is really cool. Oh, I’m going to take a refreshing shower. What is this ? The bunker is so cool. People here have just built a stone tower like this. Is this a stone tower area? Aren’t these all built by people? It’s cute. This is the top. It looks like a sign saying 932 M. There are too many stickers, so all I can see is the stickers. The course before that was completely full of fields and meadows. This is all quay walls. It looks like the course is about to start again. I’m more than halfway through the course. If I go just a little further , it will go down significantly. Ah, my body is much lighter after soaking in the cold water. I pulled a lot until almost o’clock last night, so I think I might not be able to meet Cain. They say it’s 20 km away. You never know. You can wait for the ferry and meet them . Hey, the scenery is consistently beautiful. You have to go up there again. Now, if you look at this, you can’t ride. The scenery has to keep stopping. This doesn’t make sense. Wow , this place is really steep. Climb up as much as you can. I have to go. This is one road. This is one road. I used up all my gears. The terrain is so amazing. There are more cars than I expected. This definitely seems to be a famous course. Peter told me before in Sweden that this road would be really pretty, and he was right. I think it’s like , wow, it doesn’t make sense to start with the road to the fjord. No matter how many uphills there are , I hope it never ends. It’s so pretty. I’ll go up again when I’m old, but then I’ll have to come with someone. Oh, I guess I’ll go down now. The average slope is 10%, and it goes down 88km. If I go down here, now. The fjord will come out. Wow, this is ridiculous. [Music] There must be a view over there. This will be the starting point of the fjord. You can ride down this. I think you need to go down slowly because the brakes are badly polished with the nice button . Tighten the brake pads to the maximum right now. It was ah, I don’t eat well, so I have to concentrate. [Music] Drift, wow. [Music] It’s really just . [Music] Hey, what is this rock? Ah, Norway was a place like this. Wow. [Music] Wow , there’s a tunnel. Wait a minute. [ Music] Music] Oh, but the light is on. What is it ? They drilled a turner between the rock cliffs like this, so they dug it very well. The tunnel is 1.1 km long. Oh, it’s cold, so send the car. It’s too big. Wait here. [Music] Come, wait , come right here. The front lifts up to the fjord. Oh, I guess I got there within half a hour. Hey, I arrived . I used the brakes. It’s so pretty. It’s beautiful. It’s as if I’m compensating for the harsh rain. Come see the fjord properly. How can the weather be like this? Even if it clears up, I take the ferry here at Lyce Button. I’m going to cross the fjord in front of me, but I think I’ll have to check first to see if there’s a ferry. I ‘m not sure if it’s 4:20, but it probably is. If not, I might have to stop here. I want to stop after crossing the fjord today, so I’ll check first. I’m hungry . I came down from the top because I came down all the way down. I don’t think it would be bad to stop here today . How expensive may may It’s not a ferry run by the government. If you hit 700, the ferry costs 90,000 won, but I heard it’s coming soon so I ‘ll take it . The ship has arrived now, but it’s much smaller than I thought, but it’s now the sea. It’s turned into the sea. It smells like the sea. It’s really a yuzu valley created by erosion by the glaciers of this fjord. They tell you to climb up the place where sea water enters this valley. If there’s an open lake, it’s called Bogok, but up to this point I’ve been there. It seems like all the places I’ve come to are canyons, and now the sea water is coming in, and a lot of it has formed, so it’s called blood. Another name for it is the bay. It’s not a gorge, it’s a bay. [Music] I’m really lucky. There’s a next ferry, but there’s a next ferry. They say it’s fully booked, but there aren’t any , so you can buy tickets on an online website or on the boat. So I just rode it. I was thinking about going to the campsite today, but when I arrived at Moanes, I had to ride a bit to get to the campsite. I have to do it. I think I need to check how many kilometers are left to get there. Wow [Music] There’s a rock stuck between the floors over there . That picture is following me. I’m stopping in the middle of the space, and there’s someone getting off. There’s someone getting on. Is there some kind of hiking course? Look, the bow goes up like this. Oh, I thought there was an electric line going to the transmission tower, and I connected the electric line to the other side. [Music] No, I’m getting off on this side, but there’s no supermarket on this side. There’s a supermarket on the other side . It’s not here. I have to go over there and come back. It’s already 7 o’clock. When I arrive at the campsite, I wake up after 8 o’clock, but I don’t know. First of all, the reason why I have to go into the campsite today is because I need to charge it and back up my data a little more. No, there are only two supermarkets, and both of them are on the opposite side until 8 o’clock. It’s 7:10 now. Is it possible? Or, I have a campsite here. I think I’ll go to the campsite first, drop off my tent and luggage, ride here, and resupply. That might take longer. That place closes at 8, so I think I might be able to buy groceries in a hurry. Oanes Oh, I’ll just go straight to the campsite. I think that would be better. It would be easier to go first and set up the tent and then go to resupply when I have time. The weight of the house is heavier, so it will be slower. It’s still right next to the fjord, but while I’m crossing the inside. The cliff was so pretty. Anyway, I’ll go to the campsite. If I go straight to the campsite, it’s only 12.5km away. Star Stavanger Starbanjeom 45km This is an observatory. Ah, it’s an observatory. I have to go over this. Bye bye for a moment, I’ll see you again tomorrow. Oh [Music] It’s the sea, it’s over the Baltic Sea, and now it’s a secondary character. Wow, it’s so pretty. Zollverein Wow , this has to stop. Wow, it’s really good for the eyes today. The campsite is also halfway uphill. You have to go up a little bit. The hiking spot I’m planning to go to tomorrow is Preis Frey Stoln. It’s 5.2km, probably to the parking lot. To get to that point, you have to hike more than 4km. I’ll go there tomorrow morning. I wish there was a restaurant at the campsite. If there is a restaurant, you do n’t have to go because it’s popular. Oh, there’s a restaurant. Actually, I don’t want to go because it’s hard. Why is there a supermarket? The only thing that isn’t there is camping in the middle of the hill [Laughs] Just cross the midle side 80 km There are a lot of people. Where is it? Let’s finish here today and go hiking tomorrow. I’ll go. 76km In front of the reception, the gods gave me some food to tell me not to go to Superma. They gave it to me. So, I ate this, but I ate the food. I was hungry. I ate this morning and didn’t eat anything. This is my menu for today. It looks like tomato panness. The mayor gave me a side dish. The mayor gave me a side dish and this. What what [Music] per [Music] [Music] [Music] my Oh, I guess there’s a problem with my S card. It keeps turning off. [Music] I need to take a picture of this. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] about [ Music] This is now the entrance to the Frey Castol hiking trail. I started pedaling around 5:33. Hey, it’s a little less than 5km and it takes just 30 minutes. I’ll tie my bike here and go up. I’m so tired right now, but I don’t have a chance to see it unless it’s today. [Applause] No. They say I have to hike for about two hours to the cliff spot I’m going to. The check-out time at my campsite is 11:00 and I have to return to the campsite at 10:30. That means I only have 4 hours left. Really. Maybe it’s because it’s a very famous attraction, but the road is good. I used the campsite yesterday, but there were no showers and toilets, so there were a lot of people at the campsite. I wonder if it took time to find a charging place and back up the video SD card yesterday , so I slept past 1 o’clock for about 3 hours. I slept about half of the time. I can see the original fjord. The only part of the fjord that I crossed yesterday on a ferret is filled with clouds. Oh, I see backpacking camping here. I guess it’s possible. I think I saw it as a no-camping area when I came up, but there’s a lot of camping. Ah, the terrain has suddenly changed. At this point, it’s even more interesting. I thought it was Lyce Fjord, but it wasn’t Rice, it was Se. It could all be covered in clouds. Am I lucky today? Hey, does this make sense? What is this? Wow, there’s a Upse Fjord at the end of it. It does n’t make sense . What is this? It’s the first time I’ve seen something like this in my life. Wow, it’s so pretty. How can people be so calm? I’m the only one who’s excited. Yes, no . Wow, I feel like I’ve ascended to heaven. Wow, this is the highlight. It took less time than I thought. I came up about an hour and a half. I also need to recruit someone. But I ca n’t take a picture by myself. Oh, this is crazy. I think I need to take a picture of this. Look at this . I think I need to ask someone. This doesn’t make sense. [Music] p [Music] [Music] There must be two people here. I took a picture. The man took the picture. It came out well and it didn’t come out well. [Music] It seems like clouds keep pouring out of this cliff. I definitely caught it yesterday. But it turned into a cloud . How can the scenery look like this in the heavenly world? Wow, this is such an amazing place. It’s a win. Ah, seeing this is so spectacular, that’s why I bothered to step on it yesterday and come to this campsite right away. I wanted to hike here, but I wanted to do it a little early. During the 5 days of riding in Norway, I got really caught in the rain, couldn’t sleep, was tired, and couldn’t shower. It was hard, but I’m not tired now. It’s 8:30 now, so I’ll go down. I think I’ll have to go diligently because I have to go down, pack up my luggage, and then withdraw. I just need to do it before 10:30. [Music] Let ‘s go. Joe. Everyone will come out. Ah, this is the place. It’s really amazing. There’s nothing. It’s a place where you can get into an accident if you make a mistake and let your guard down for a moment. If you walk without thinking, you’ll just fall off the cliff. It’s only 500m above sea level. So, are people who take the ferry here in Fjord County riding in the clouds ? It’s amazing. I had so much fun in Norway. Today is the 6th day. I was so happy for the entire 6 days. The last destination I planned was here, and today is actually the end of my cycling trip in Norway . There’s not much left to keep going. Wow, I’ll be lining up to go up by the end of the afternoon. There are a lot of people going up there. If you come here, it’s best to go up early in the morning. Okay, everyone came down. Ah, the bathroom. My legs hurt. For the first three days, I ran in the rain every day , but for the remaining three days, I spent every day in the sun. Dali Ah, now I’m going all the way down to the campsite . Wow, the parking lot inside is full, so I’m directing you this way. Look at this car. Good morning he How are you how perfect so a the Cloud cover the ocean after CR a nice day Have a nice day too Do you want some frat Thank you for Thank you for asking me Have a great travel I thought I would arrive around 10:30, but I came very early. I will quickly withdraw and go to the house of the Wormworm host who lived in Starbanger who invited me today. When I get back I was hoping the tent would dry , but I like that it was laid out well in a very sunny spot. Hi, let’s go. It’s just at 11 o’clock. I have to take another ferry to get into the star room. Wow, Tau, go over there and pick up the paddle. There’s only 9km left. Go over there and parry. I’ll look into some tickets and if I can eat something, I’ll eat it. The weather is really nice. I want to see more of Norway. I want to go north. It’s okay if I lose for a day. I think the same goes for my cycling up to this point. I think I traveled diligently and did my best every day. It’s already over. It feels like Spain was just yesterday, but I can’t believe I’m in Norway. I think the city in the distance is a stop. I have to take the bridge. My legs don’t listen. I guess my legs are gone. Oh, I try to get over the peak just a little bit, but my legs are stuck. It was really not easy for 6 days. The force was really hard. Oh, it ‘s okay. It’s connected to the star with a bridge, but I can’t ride a bicycle. I guess I have to take the ferry. There’s an undersea tunnel. Oh, that’s right, there’s Starbanger on the other side. This and this city called Cowra are connected by an undersea tunnel. There are a lot of islands starting from the top. So, if I had more time, I would have liked to go on an island trip, but as I go up, time runs out. I have to finish Norway here. Now , from the moment you leave Norway, the boss becomes incredibly easy. There are almost no big climbs, so I think the speed will be good in Denmark again. I’m swimming. I see the beach over there. I have to stop for a moment too. The water here is very clean. Yeah man Yeah hej S jvla humo Yes okej jag tror en flick och g dr jvla What did you My name is jvla homo jvla homo jvla homo nice okej his name is no this is not name I the That ferry is here. It said on the map that you can catch it here, but I guess the ferry service here disappeared after the undersea tunnel was opened. I think so, what should I do ? I have to go back, but how far do I have to go back? Then, they say it ‘s the fastest way to go by bus because they don’t have a boat, but can you put a bicycle on the bus? It’s a bit difficult. Well, if you can’t beat it here and want to go by bike, you have to go back to Osu where you got off yesterday. You have to go back to Ones and go back, so you have to ride about 70km. It’s already past 1 o’clock, so let’s take the bus to the undersea turn. Harry is gone, but he was there three and a half years ago. I got on the bus at the exit. I don’t know. I don’t have a ticket, but I asked the person and he said I wouldn’t have to pay for the ticket. The bus was free. Anyway, I rode it well. My face got on it too. Undersea tunnel 14.4km Wow, that’s awesome. I heard it pronounced as "Tabang". On our website, it says Stavan Le. This is now Stavan Erde, the 4th city in Norway. It’s the city at the beginning. Oil I guess there’s a lot of oil coming from this side. Did I leave something there? Oh , where did my town go? Oh, I guess I dropped it somewhere. I don’t have the goggles that are supposed to be on my jackpot. No, I don’t remember shivering on the bus I’m riding now. Then, when I was transferring, I guess I was shivering while getting off my bike and riding it. My goggles are gone. Oh, I liked it because it was free on the bus, but now it’s not free. There’s nothing I can do. I ‘ll look around the city for a little bit here, and then I’ll go to the host’s house. I thought it would be okay if I went in, so I paid a lot of money for it. Sometimes, even if I put it on my helmet, it falls off. Even though I forgot it a few times, I thought I would go back and die. But since I have to take the bus, I can’t even gamble without it. It’s a waste. But this is expensive. There are a lot of islands in the city of Stavanger. Big and small islands are in the background. It’s so pretty, it’s pretty in itself. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a big city like this. Why has it been so long? I have a view of a big city, but I can’t see the view these days. This is the street of colors. Wow, it’s very colorful. It’s just like the name. Look at the colors of this house. I did a good job. If I had started Norway with star obstruction, I wouldn’t have felt it when I went to Oslo. This slog is gradually becoming dynamic. Gradually, there is more to see. Oh, it’s so pretty. The buildings are so pretty. That Lee Rock says there’s a cathedral over there, but it’s under construction. The color street is amazing. It’s formed in a small way, but that part has really nice colors. Oh, it was perfect except for the missing piece, but you idiot, you’re putting on a lot of paint . There’s a lake right in the center and in the middle. It’s a park, it’s a lake, it’s a park. I think this is an Asian market. Let me take a look. Do you have some ramen ? Oh, here it is. I’ll give it to you as a gift. I gave the host two pieces of Chapagetti and some Silramen. Look how well the bike path is paved. It’s been a year since I used a warm shower in Scotland at the end of August. It’s been almost a year since I had a warm shower. I’m writing again. The host who invited me today has a German friend, Kai, who I rode with the other day. He also invited Kai. By coincidence, I think I’ll meet Kai again today. It’s funny at the host’s house. And the host is a phone on Trkie. How many kilometers did he have today? Did you ride? I rode about 36km. Oh, I also hiked about 9km, so my total ride was about 45km. But I’m tired. It feels like I rode about 7,880km. Anyway, I arrived at the host’s house safely, and I’ll finish here. velkommen till stanger engish are welcome come come I have a pres present pres ENT are you hck [Music] Ke from Norway [Music] Tirani made this for me he done done my house expect we again on this house when cont to him here yday inter [Music] Why are you here? [Music] What is here [Music] [Music] [Music] Korean noodle perf enjo travel by h [Music] [Music] remember instagramda ort AR gyor dedim abi musim [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Give this to me as a gift Because it was a fate, it’s amazing baba [Music] [Music] fag faming you you miss Dae Dae Nike I miss t US to t and chicken love I always you like Turkish frs Hey Bar Max I have to go to the restaurant where I got gold It’s a big deal It’s delicious cooking You’re doing a great job. Wow, pi , um, regulation, ah, Pizza Osro is good. May may be more than so time and Gilgilgil. Now I have to go catch the ferry to Denmark, but it’s raining. There’s only one ferry route from Stavanger to the village at the northern end of Denmark. There’s no other way. It’s 8 p.m. If you get on at 8 p.m. today, it leaves at 7:30 the next day. It’s a ferry that operates for about 11 and a half hours. Well, I left a little early. Since I have to drive 13km to get to Korea, I think I should allow about an hour. Let’s go to Denmark. But how fortunate I am. The weather was so sunny and nice while I was enjoying the beautiful scenery. It rained on the exact day I left. Goodbye. Goodbye Lane Noorway It was so good, I was happy, I flew. I will definitely come back next time. There is an airport over here. When will I get on the plane? Now is the time to get on the plane. I haven’t taken a plane in 17 months, but I did, and I’m going to the 35th country. This is also really funny. It’s funny to think about it . It seems like check-in is on the right here. If you go a little forward, you can get a good view. I don’t think check-in is open yet. From 7 o’clock, uh, there’s an island in front of here, but the bridge is low. Ah, the sky is pretty over there. uh, even if I said I was going in, I’ll see you again. [Music] The 130 Jeongi ferry departs from Bergen, the city above this starbang, and the starbang is in good condition. Hi, there are people on board. I think they are people who boarded it from Bergen. Here, I have to sit here. Oh, there are separate seats. The structure is a bit different from the ones I’ve ridden so far. Really. I am now leaving Sweden’s Norsvia and entering the Iranian Peninsula and Denmark. Denmark is called Iran, but in German it is called the Jutland Peninsula, so I will enter a small area called Hyges at the northern end of the peninsula and start riding right away. It falls at 7:30 tomorrow morning. I wonder if I can see 9:24 now, but I do n’t think I can because it’s cloudy . I went to sleep on a mattress, but I don’t know if I slept. The weather has improved. Yesterday, when I boarded from Norway, the Norwegian signpost said it was entering Denmark. I can’t see Denmark here. Oh, that’s a pity. Anyway, it’s the last country in Northern Europe. I’ve safely entered Denmark, the 35th country. The current time is 7:38. Today’s date is August 20, just 20 days away. I’ll start riding in Denmark right away. There’s something about my feet. It feels very similar to when I left the Netherlands after finishing Scotland. Looking at the bike path that I’m running on now and the road and the violent generators, it’s very similar to the Netherlands. Wow, it’s not the Netherlands. There are a lot of uphill hills here too . Why are you here? Why is the Highland cow here? What are you doing here? It’s cool. [Music] Holling Holling is a city. There’s a McDonald’s in this city, so I’ll have some breakfast and go. I’m so hungry. It looks like fall is coming. The leaves are starting to fall. We’re already out of here. One Big Mac set. I think I added 18,000 won and it came out to 22,000 won. The prices seem to be similar, but in Denmark, like Sweden, there are a lot of shelters where you can stay for a day. So I’m going to go to the shelter and sleep today, but I think I’ll just have to run about 90km from here around one evening. Since it is a peninsula, there are so many violent generators plugged in and the wind is very strong. The wind is strong and the sea breeze is strong. But Denmark has excellent bicycle paths. I have ridden a little over 40km now and the bicycle path has not been cut off even once. Alboro I mainly came here. I think the city of Aalboro is the biggest in the north of here. It’s not Bor, it’s Aalborn. Now that Germany and Denmark are next to each other, where do I come from? I came in. It’s exactly 60km away from Hangu. It’s a little difficult today with the strong wind. Why is it here? Traffic is blocked like this. This is not a river, but the sea. It flows through the North Sea. In fact, without this bridge, it’s an island. Look at this building. The building is curved. It’s curved like this. [Music] I’m not sure. I’m not in a good mood today. Strangely, I’ve been riding in Norway for three days. It wasn’t really itchy and it was fine, but maybe it’s because I couldn’t sleep well or because I’m tired, but the itchy symptoms haven’t gone away today . There’s a shelter right next to the bike path, so I came this way. There’s a restroom here as well. There’s a sign saying to pitch a tent . It’s done. You can close the door to the shelter here. Wow, look at this. Then you don’t have to set up a tent. Let me open it. What’s going on? Let’s see what it looks like here. Oh, you can just set it up here and sleep. It’s the best. You can lock it. You can make a fire. It’s really nice. Here. I can do it . I rode 16.6km on my first day in Denmark. In the beginning, there were a lot of ridge roads, but from the second half, the bike path opened and the flat land continued, so I arrived easier than I thought. I will eat well. There is water there, so I think I can do it a little more. Traveling in Denmark is good. Oh, it’s Denmark. Kai told me about an app that helps you find shelters like this. It’s this app. The name of the app is just ‘ shelter’ and ‘shelter’, but look at this. There are so many places like this all over Denmark where tents are spread out or shelters are built. There are a lot of places to stop wherever you go. It’s so convenient. It’s actually a place to stay. You don’t have to catch them . Of course, it would be nice to sleep, but it’s expensive, so originally, if there was no door, I would just pitch a tent here and sleep. Since there are bugs and mosquitoes, I can sleep comfortably without bugs. I went to the supermarket today and did some other things, but I think the prices are about the same as in Norway. Actually, I can’t feel the difference. It’s expensive. It’s very expensive. I paid 20 20 Danish kron for a coke. That’s 4,000 won. This one is 4,000 won. It’s very cozy. Wow, it’s so nice. I couldn’t sleep on the ferry yesterday so I have to go to bed early. Tomorrow is the second day of riding in Denmark . Let’s run. [Music] [Music] That’s all for today. [Music] [Music] Ugh, I think I slept before 10 o’clock yesterday, but I woke up after 8:30, so it’s now 9:30 . I’ll get some room and yogurt for breakfast, and [Music] I’ll run. Oh, that shelter over there is so dirty. I really like dogs [Music] Today’s intermediate destination is Aarhus, a city I know. Next to this, I have to go to the island where the capital Copenhagen is located, and there is a ferry to Osra city. But I don’t know what time I will arrive, so I haven’t booked the ticket yet, so Osra. I’ll try my best to step on it. This means Asun Aard. There is a fjord right in front of Aad Sund . I think we have to cross the bridge that connects these fjords. Let’s take a look while crossing the bridge . It feels a bit like Aard Norway Fjord until just before this bridge. It’s different. I’ll take a look here for a moment. I think this place is now called the Marie Understanding Fjord. If you go straight like this, there is the sea. At first glance, it looks like just a river, so I didn’t know the moon was open. This is the drawbridge. It’s the moon that can be opened upward to allow ships to pass. This part is. It ‘s just opening. Wow, there’s a lot of wind power there. I’m sure it’s because I slept a lot, but I’m in great condition. I wasn’t in a really good condition today. If you want to get to the center of Lander, a city at 40km today, you have to keep going down. It ‘s completely on the ground. You can go right out. I came in because there was a busy area for a while. That idyllic house has an architectural style. Idyllic houses of the type you see in Germany or Switzerland are starting to appear . Look at the building. I don’t know about this city, this city. This is the city. Just a short distance away, you’ll reach Piy Fjord. It’s about 29km away . It’s out. I checked the ferry time and the current time is 1:50, 2 o’clock ferry, 4 o’clock ferry, 5:40 ferry. I don’t think I can do 4 o’clock since there are 30 km left. I think I will have to buy a 5 o’clock ticket. The wind is against me today. Oh, it’s definitely not going well. The wind is really strong. It seems to be particularly strong in Denmark today. Biking teaches you about life. Various environmental conditions always make me humble . Ah, the sun is so hot. Wow, this is a big city. If you go over the hill in the distance, you’re out. I think I can just go to the ferry location right away. It’s 3 o’clock and it’s taking a long time. I’m not sure because I didn’t make a reservation, but I think I can take the eunuch ferry. No, I don’t know why the ferry is like this. The price on the internet is 120,000 won even though it doesn’t last even an hour and a half. Wow. I heard it . Ah, you have to ride 3km uphill to get into the city center. It’s all electric. Wow, I can see it from afar. It’s almost like I’m in the top 3. Mark The bike is in good condition, and it’s definitely big. I ride a lot of bikes. It’s like the Netherlands. Ors Cathedral is [music] the color. You can take the boat you see in front of you, but that boat is the 4:15 boat. But I haven’t bought a ticket yet, so I might not be able to do it. I have to go into the terminal first, but I don’t think there’s an offline warehouse. I’ll have to go to the bus stop first, but I don’t know how to get on it. It’s 4 o’clock right now . Oh, it’s difficult. How can I go somewhere and ask? I can buy a ticket right away and go in, but it’s all unmanned. Is this a ticket warehouse over there? Oh , OK, okay. If you make a reservation on the website, the price is 120,000 won. How much I paid now is 70,000 won because I paid 359 Danish krona. Yes, I got it for 50,000 won cheaper. But now what? There are 7 minutes left. No, it doesn’t open even if I scan the barcode. I was confused because I didn’t make a reservation. I just didn’t want to miss out. Hi , thank you. Oh, I really got on at the last minute. I’m riding this. [Music] Hey, I thought I couldn’t do this, but I got on it. Oh my, I’m so impatient . Let’s go. This is the complete end of the island. At the end, I ride a little more and stop in front of the Marine Corps. [Music] Oh, why do I feel sleepy when I sit on the ride for a while? Ah, that’s a lot of tea. It takes 11 hours to cross from Norway to Denmark, so it’s about 200,000 won. I accept it, I understand, but it was a bit too much for 20 minutes. And the ferry that only crosses that prefecture between the fjord and reset fjord is actually. The scenery is so good that if you think of it as a tour, it costs about 90,000 won. But this is just a means of transportation, but it cost more than 70,000 won. There are 107km left in Copenhagen. If you take the car today, you will only have to travel about 90km. There is a cemetery in the cemetery and the scenery of the beach at the northern end is amazing. It’s very peaceful. I’ll buy two of these instead of one discount here . I’ll spread out a tent somewhere here and sleep. I think I can roughly do it here too . That’s right. Hey, thank you. It says camping. I guess I’ll just do it out there. I think I just got more wheels. It’s so hidden here that I can camp anyway, so I don’t think there’s any need to hide. I’ll do it here. Ta-da all it gre Turn tury make some stor to I have L What did you think of France [Applause] [Music] Day 2 of riding in Denmark Excluding ferry distance If you do this , you rode about 103 km . Today, we will do it in front of the sea. You can see the oars. The water is really clear . Oh, today is really amazing . It’s the first day. Today I’m going to the capital, Copenhagen. I have an appointment in Copenhagen in the evening. It’s really interesting to me, too. I met Simon for the first time in Rome, and the second time I met him in Antalya and Lukia. Simon is currently in Denmark’s Copenhagen, so I think we can go and have a beer in the evening. We talked and talked about how such a thick tree was broken down, but we made a road with corn bars. What is this ? This is an assumption. Garbage trucks come all the way here. You just have to drive 90km. I was a little lazy today, so I thought I would arrive around 6 PM. Yes, I’ve booked an accommodation. The cheapest accommodation is 27 euros. That 40,000 won Hi. I can go all the way around Yongro without taking the ferry, but I want to follow this northern seaside a bit, so I have to take another ferry. This is a very short league. You can buy tickets here. It’s probably 90 Danish krona, so it’s almost 18,000 won. Okay , let’s see if there’s a group ride with a student and a teacher. [Music] I see the Mando Fjord right next to here. The fjord appears on the map. From what I see, these bikes together are the capital of Copenhagen. It seems to be connected all the way. It’s really good. The road is the same once you come inland. Oh, I ‘m really listening. I dozed off more than I thought, but it’s the same. It’s the same. The coast is nice, but if you want to get there comfortably, you have to cross the inland [applause], so there’s a really good road. It’s laid out. It’s very easy to get into the capital. It’s an easy 11 km. It’s right next to the highway, but the highway is all here. Wow, I ride a lot of bicycles. This is Copenhagen. I’ve arrived at the 35th national capital. It reminds me of Amsterdam in the Netherlands . The atmosphere is completely different. It’s amazing. It’s like the Netherlands. They can’t beat the Netherlands, but like the Netherlands, bicycles are spread all over the place. Do you ride them a lot on a daily basis? First of all, Copenhagen itself has very good bicycle paths. Oh, I’m sleepy. Are you there? Where are you? It’s behind the hostel. Oh, here. I guess I got bitten on my forehead too. Oh, I’m tired. I had a hard time sleeping yesterday. Actually [Music] Yes, today, I met my French friend Simon in the evening and decided to have dinner with him. I got to Copenhagen well and bought just 90km. Oh, as for Copenhagen, I ‘ll go around a little tomorrow. Let’s see, I’ll check in today, pack up my luggage, and then go meet Simon. Okay , there’s a canal in Copenhagen. I can’t help but think of the Netherlands. Oribe is floating around. You’s I’m really hungry. I didn’t eat much today. How long you stayed here days eating during days cooked here iel I really wanted to go there but expensive I think more than here so many bic Yes for me more than netherlands really I feel cool and [music] think forg be I met Simon again, it’s amazing, bye h next time come not you can stay in my house can more 2000 my kind long journey was about I never do that you think about giving up after so Trouble I thought many times struggle with my body and my mental hand so proud of me proud of myself you someone rep arve and No one to tell you congrat [Music] [Music] In Denmark, this is the sign that says you are wearing a bicycle. It is the first time, but it is different. What is this really? When you come to the capital, it has become a bicycle country. Obviously, there were a lot of bicycles before coming to the capital. I saw it riding, but I didn’t feel it to this extent. Conveniently, there is a bike navigation everywhere. There is a coffee shop. Simon is jumping on the bus at 3 o’clock today, so Simon looked around with me for a while, and then I explored the rest of Copenhagen by myself. I have to look at it and then go in and go to the fan house right away. I don’t have time. I was originally planning to stay another day tomorrow, but there are no seats. I think this is near Centrum Square. I’m not sure exactly, but I didn’t find anything, so I’ll just have to look around and see what I can see. Are are this area of ​​copenhagen ? Go let’s have right want Okay, this is it urch Ah, what is it? [Music] It’s a strange area. [ Laughs] People say not to take pictures or videos inside, but I think they sell marijuana or something like that. It’s amazing. It’s in the middle of nowhere. It’s a very dangerous place. It feels like a hideout, but if you go into the lawless area downtown, everyone is really doing that. Even the store employees are doing it, and the customers in front are also smoking jujube. No, there was a small area like this right in the center of Copenhagen. It’s amazing. It’s an area called Cristia. The area is very big. You really want to go to that factory tower. [Music] Oh, this is a place called Hill. If you go up here, you can see the view. Oh, fact I though fact, they built a ski slope on top of the factory. That valley. I did something . Ah, I guess it’s soil training. The bridge you see in the distance is the bridge that goes over to Sweden. There’s no need to go up another observatory. You can see it from here. You can see the entire city of Copenhagen from above the Cornyl factory. Like recycling don’t know of mat than you Thank you enjoy the rest of good I think about you enjoy your and take take body Oh yeah Don’t your Simon says he’s going to Iceland. He said he’s going to Iceland by bicycle. Hagen, I’ll look around a little more and then go in and rest. The bridge opens [Music] It’s awesome. This is so unique. I’m going to see Castelle’s castle. Now, if you look at the map, the castle is shaped like a star. It’s amazing. Oh, this place is pretty. This is the famous galaxy in Copenhagen. Nyhaun Unna is so pretty. I’ll give it to you here. What is this place? Amelie It’s Enveaux Castle. If you look, it’s marked. This is the Castelle Castle Fortress. Hey, there’s a lot of people here. What’s the statue like? It’s displayed in front of the statue like this. Looking at this, it reminds me of the Pissing Statue in Brussels, Belgium. Now, this is the Copeny Mermaid that Simon went to a little while ago. Let’s just take a look at the princess. I’ll go for a little ride to see if there’s a Castelle Castle castle and go all the way inside the city. The wall building you see here is Rosenborg Castle, so you have to go inside the castle to see it. Uh, can you go into Rosenborg Castle this way? By the way, I’ll end my 35th tour of Hagen, the capital of Denmark. I think I’ll probably ride from Copenhagen for two more days before heading back into Germany. It’s so cute today. I ‘m riding a bike with my dad. There’s a traffic jam on my bike. [Music] In the end, I make it through. I can’t do it. [Music] I can’t hold on. [Music] I can’t hold on, and now I have 160km left until I catch the ferry from Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark , to Germany. I’ll run for two days and enter Germany. I’ll run hard today, get out of the capital, and go camping somewhere. Today, I’ll find a shelter near the ocean. I placed that shelter. I think I only need to ride about 60km more. I don’t plan on riding much today, so I’ll finish about 880km. Well, the scenery is the same. It’s the same without any cutting. The ocean data is on the left here. [Music] It’s all done. The rear tire is so badly worn that it’s thinned out, and the inner tire inside has risen and become convex. And the front tire has one or three very large grooves, so I’m riding it right now and it’s surprising that it hasn’t exploded. My thoughts are, first of all, there is no advantage in Denmark. Denmark is expensive, so I think I should move on and look for tires that suit me when I have time in Germany. I am riding in a completely uneasy state right now. There is only a field. The manual is that big. When I got out of the capital, I had no choice but to stop as the city became very small. Ah, the color of the sea birds and water is amazing. If you go a little further from here, there is a city over there. So I’ll supply supplies there and finish riding as early as possible before 5 o’clock today so I can get some rest. Ah That’s good. There are so many people riding bicycles. Why are there so many here in the southern part of Denmark? Is it because the course is easy? 100% of the travelers I saw today are going up. I’m the only one going down. Wow, there are cyclists parked here too. Netto, buy one here. Let’s see. I’ve given up on this supermarket a lot, but I’ve never used it . Yes, they have fried chicken noodles. What is it? I was thinking about making pasta today. Wow, the beach here is nice. The place I’m going to stop today is also on the fjord map. It’s called a fjord in Denmark. The places that appear in the Norwegian fjords are clearly different. If you want to fully enjoy the fjords, Norway seems to be the right answer. There is a fantastic bicycle path on Jeju Island, and a lot of people come to travel this course by bike or motorcycle or something else. It’s amazing. This is a 3-wheeler. If you ride more than 100 km a day, it feels very tight, but about 880 km feels very leisurely. The biggest advantage of cycling in Denmark is that there are shelters everywhere you can stay, so you don’t have to worry about where to stay for the night. I think it’s really one of the biggest advantages. There are a lot of Swedenborgs, and that’s great. There are good rest areas, and they’ve made really good facilities for bicycle travel. The terrain here is like a place where the ground protrudes a little. I’m going to end this on this side. It’s right next to the fjord. What’s interesting about Europe is that even middle-aged people really like bicycles. It’s so nice to see people of all ages just riding bicycles and having fun, so the name of this area is Deda. I guess I have to pay an entrance fee to go in here. There’s actually a good campsite near the entrance. I’m not sure, but let’s go in. It says that the shelter I found is just over here, but this whole area just feels like a campsite. Oh, this place is so good. Wow, it’s so well done. Mark It’s easy to get into this shelter, and uh, there’s someone here. There’s no space here or there, so I think we can do it here. Okay, I’ll finish here today. I rode 880 km. I only have to ride for one more day tomorrow, and now I’m done with Denmark. This is the end of Bong Europe . The ceiling is high inside here, so I think I can set up a tent and sleep. If I pitch a tent, I don’t have to worry about bugs, so I’ll quickly set up the tent here, cook some food, and finish. I added a little red pepper paste and a few red pepper pancake casters than you are from german from South Korea took the flight I start How you trav with bicycle [Laughs] days mons I’m traveling whole European country so Almost finish I’m heading check PR that is my last destination German Hmm Ya Penha finish Indeed German friends travel I really like your name Ana Anajin your name one by one one by one okay my korean name is ya C soore Haya When I ask Where are you from german german german after Prague I have to go back to London because of theen Visa Why why why London Ah UK like Brexit and then I have a Visa in there yeah m for me I can [laughter] use here European country simple I love it I have to go over to Norsk, a city in the northeast of Germany. There is a ferry there at 3:45. If I can’t do that, I think I’ll arrive at 7 or 8, so I’m leaving a little early to catch the ferry at 3:45. There’s about 87km left. Yesterday was my last night in Denmark. It rained quite heavily since the evening, but luckily I was able to pitch a tent inside the shelter. I made it through the day without any rain , and I didn’t have a lot of hives, so it was great. So today, I stayed at a hostel right in front of Lost Korea. There’s a reason why I ride my bike a lot here. The bike path is good. Let’s see while watching the sun set. I don’t know, but I slept yesterday on that side that sticks out far away. Now I’m back like this. As I entered the inland, the weather started to get worse quickly, but the wind was strong. It felt like it was going to rain soon. But it ‘s nice because it’s cool. There’s a village or a castle here. Ah, I’m hungry. The village here is called Moldingborg. Now, cross the bridge here. After crossing the bridge, you will enter the next island. Go to this island and take a boat here to enter the sea and city in northeastern Germany called Rostock. Oh A lot came today. 1 came. 1 I’ll have a cup of coffee and go. A bug costs 20,000 won. I frch fri. It’s 10,000 won. They give you a lot. Oh, I think I’ll do it. Hey, it’s delicious. I think it’s my first time coming to a restaurant like this since I came to Northern Europe. Okay , if you cross the bridge, it’s an island. Another one. They’re really doing a lot of construction. Oh, they’re building another bridge. Come here. The kid’s legs are really long. Let’s build it together. What’s the purpose of that third bridge? But this bridge is a little old. I think it’s old. Hi, hi, hi, if it’s about that distance away, there’s a ferry service. It’s dry, but I made that bridge. Sorry hi. [Music] Hi kid , I’ve arrived at another island. Where I’ll take the ferry, Gaddis, 10km away. Current time : 9:00. I can arrive an hour early. Hyeon I stepped on it without stopping. Hey, why is it so rainy today? The sun is shining, but it’s not raining. It’s foggy as if it’s filled with some kind of smoke. The weather is strange. It smells like the sea. We’re almost there. Oh my . Oh my, the flat road spreads out endlessly. It’s like that in Norway, but I feel like I’ve been dreaming about Norway. That scenery is so amazing. It was pretty, but it felt too short. Okay, this city and village here is our destination today and the border between Germany and Denmark. The first time I entered Germany was in mid-October last year. I think to myself every day that if I enter Germany today, it will feel like the end. I ran, and that day is today. I’m a little excited. Before my goal of going to the final destination of my trip, Prada, Czech Republic, another goal was to go through the Baltic States and go around Northern Europe without jumping, but I was able to get up and ride around on a bicycle without a single jump. It was easy. I don’t think it’s been easy for the past 3 months. Wow, this place opened. A lot of Danish flags have been hung on the streets of the town and city. There are more flags than street lights. Are you buying tickets here? Oh, this is it. What is this? This is a museum. I don’t think there is an offline warehouse. Adults A bicycle per person is 230 kronor, but it doesn’t cost more than 50,000 won. It’s about 45,000 won. But I don’t know what time it is and 8, but I don’t know the ferry time. Please give me a lot of money. I think it would be good to know where to catch the ferry. 3 45 o’clock Copenhagen Copenhagen is the name of the ferry. It’s a good idea. Now, I thought if I took the ferry here, it would drop on this side, but it lands on the other side. My accommodation is right above here. So, if I get off the ferry, I have to ride about 23km more. I get off the ferry right away. I thought I was going into the accommodation, so I tried to take a rest as soon as I entered, but I couldn’t do it. If I go back like this, it’s about 20km, and if I go back like this, it’s 20km. There’s an undersea tunnel, and again, bicycles can’t pass through here. Since I can’t pass through here, I can’t take the shortest route and have to go back like this. Thank you. Well, today, I have to pass by downtown Rostock and go to my accommodation, so if there’s a bike room on the way, I’ll stop by. As for the current state of the tires, if you look at the front tire, there is a hole in it. If you look at one, two, three, or four tires, they are all empty , so I headed north. A ferry with a German flag is approaching as the tube tries to break through. I can’t really see anything. It’s foggy , so many people get on it. I think it’s safe to say that I’m sick of ferries now. I’ve taken it countless times. Find out about traveling in Eastern Europe here: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark. That’s it. The biggest appointment in Germany is to go see Harness. I’m going to meet him right away tomorrow, but the tires are in such bad condition right now that I want to change them before I go into the accommodation today. But I’m hoping that I won’t reach the bike room before I go to change it. I’ll get off and run to the bike room as soon as I get to Germany. I also have to edit today, but I’m running out of time. I have to ride over 20km, and my trip to the European continent is almost over. I have about 17 days left on my visa , but I think I can finish it before then. Let ‘s finish before that and quickly go back to the UK. Let’s go back to the UK, pack up our luggage, find a plane ticket, and go to Korea. I think we can go to Korea to refresh ourselves, take a break, get our body back to its original state, and then start our next journey. Anyway, goodbye to Denmark. I don’t see anything. The weather is strange, so I step on the German party ger [Laughs] [Laughs] My God, I had fun with Stephen talking and came back soon. But I don’t think I can go on the bike. It’s already 6:50 a.m. and it’s impossible. What should I do with these tires to last 100 km tomorrow? I’m worried about whether I can do it, but the noise keeps making noise. The tire keeps touching the frame because it’s inflated. There’s interference, but tomorrow is the weekend again. There’s no way for this. There’s no way right now. I have to go to the accommodation right away. And tomorrow, on the way to Haas’ house, I’ll go to the bike room. I think it’s best to stop by if you have it . There’s not enough time to fix it right now. But I’ve safely entered Dochiland, which was the 10th country. I left the peninsula and finally entered the main continent. Actually, I’m not sure if there’s anything comfortable. There’s not much, but I guess I should have gone. It’s cheaper than Europe, so it’s not that cheap. But actually, it’s raining. Oh, it’s cool. I just took a boat to Rostock and put a piece of land in it, but it feels so strange and proud. No, I have to do one full lap. Ah, tires. Please hold on until tomorrow. Harness. If you go to the city you live in, you can stay there, but please hold on for one more day. They say the accommodation is too far away. If you miss the 3:45 ferry and take the 6:00 ferry, I’ll find you at the hostel at 10 PM. I’m really dying today . It was a good thing I took the ferry, but the reason why I chose this hostel is always the same, but the price was the cheapest. There is a hostel that costs 29 euros and 45,000 won. All the accommodations in Rostock city center are over 40 euros . We’re there. Since we left Eastern Europe, the temperature has risen. Today it rose to 25 degrees here, but we have to fight the heat a little more. It’s all the way to Prague, but my hostel has some kind of bouldering in it. The accommodation is very good. It’s 111km from Denmark to here . I’ll finish here and go see the long-awaited harness tomorrow. That ‘s all for today. What’s really interesting is the container method. Turn [Music] on It didn’t go well. Antique, I’m so tired. Let’s go see Haas, which is exactly what I came for. I’m so hungry. Last ride before taking a proper rest. I only need to ride about 105 km to get home. I hope my tire doesn’t burst. I want to go to the bike room, but I have to ride 15 km to get back to the city. The distance today is too long, so I think it would be better to take the boat right here. Take the boat and go 300 meters across and then you can ride right away. Let ‘s get started . We’ve done a great job with Korea. Let’s ask how much it is for our cruise. Still, there’s a chance. It’s only 300 meters to the other side, but there are a lot of people. I think the coast that goes around the coast like this is the national park side. That’s why there are a lot of people. thing [music] It’s like , I can’t buy it right now, so I can’t buy it. The harness, please help me. I’m on the verge of completely running out of power. Even so, I’m really thankful and fortunate to have met the harness today. When I go to collect Haas, I’ll rest for a while and then go on the last journey. I think I can run all the way to Prague . Wait, Haas, I’m going now, so I’ve been riding since August 13th and now August 26th for 2 weeks without a break . Now I’ve been to Germany, there’s nothing. Denmark is no different. In the end, I couldn’t hold on and the tire was completely torn . What I was worried about has happened. There is no big city any time soon, and there are no bicycle rooms. What should I do with this? The tire is completely worn out, so there is no use in filling the tube. I think we can move forward only if we solve this problem. Timing It’s killing me. It’s raining. You’ve worked hard. Tires, it’ll work out somehow. The data here isn’t going out. Wow, it’s awesome. I’ll have to drag it to the main road over there and see. There aren’t many cars on the road between here, so I’ve gone 33km now, and I have to go 70km more. As for Jay’s situation, I’m losing today. It’s my mistake for not stopping by the talk bike room. Please, I prayed that I would be able to make it all the way to Harness’s house today, but in the end, I couldn’t make it all the way to Harness ‘s house, but in the end , I couldn’t make it with 70km left. The tires were my mistake. There are no bicycle rooms on the way from here to Greifswald. I guess going back to Stoke, fixing the wheel and jumping on the train is the way to go, but getting to Rostock is the problem. I’m just on the main road here. There’s a lot. Let’s look for a bus. Look at this, the tires are like this. I changed them in the Black Sea city of Burgas, Bulgaria. I rode it for about 10 km from there. But when I changed them there in the past, I changed them for cheap, so even though I used less than the tires, I only got them first. I want to park a bigger car, but there are only passenger cars. I’m not going around [Applause] OST [Music] Punch set me up and h my fin [Music] I succeeded ah [Applause] [Applause] may [Applause] may Yes name you from from South Korea meet you Thank you [Music] iain and now I go to the next [Music] stop something I had experience like someone tried to hit hide me but This Is My first time I TR to hiing someone you Yeah here nothing maybe two times the is coming and Miss hour also cycling a Yeah on this weekend str triathlon competition comp [music] comp all [music] in host host in van Yeah but i arrived ri had to turn all the way from have to go one side to the left side the [music] norm sleep in the something on the Camp usually I’m trying to do wild camping Yeah easier expensive Yeah especially in nor European country I Don’t use camping sweden [Music] denmark ger [Music] I’m really glad. If you drop me off here, I’ll find a bike room here, fix it, and ride all the way here. I think I can do it, but I got through it well. They ran into me like this twice on that road and thought, “Oh, my tire has exploded,” but then another person riding a bicycle saw me and stopped me. [Music] Completely How of You’re so kind. Godama than so They say you will never accept it. It’s a cheap tire. Kure tire. This is a tire that costs about 17 euros or 2 or 3,000 won, but it holds up well. Ok danke sch end you have to tell me youtube take Instagram me not but my girlfriend How many first half K swimming K bicycle 10 k w never tried sing cycling run if have chance II think pretty cool competitions at the same time like good motivation toing life But I don’t care about the really you have a lot of rain Yeah getting Ah is it Yeah so on your front enough not you last okay greck Arex is so kind. Thank you so much. Oh, can I go back on my bike ? Alex helped me and I jumped about 30km with the harness. From here, it’s 35km to the harness house. I don’t want this situation to happen again, so I’ll ride. When I get into Sbalt, I will change the front tire when I have time. I didn’t want to spend money before the end, but I have to change it. It wasn’t easy, but I got through it well. It ‘s fun, it’s fun, it’s fun. Even if a crisis arises, if you solve it, there’s nothing more fun than that. Still, I’m really glad if I did. If this situation had happened when Norway was running in the great outdoors, there would be no real answer, but I’m so glad that Germany came right in and changed it as expected . [Applause] Oh, it’s raining a lot. I changed it, and it’s going really well. I can see it at a glance in the distance. The place is the sea. It’s not easy to go to meet Hanes, but it’s the hardest to meet Hanes. I met Hanes in Portugal at the end of April last year, so I’m going to meet him on August 26, 2023, after 16 months. I never thought we’d meet again this late. I didn’t know. I was planning to meet up with all the friends I met while traveling, but this was my first and last time using a harness. In a way, it’s very special. My harness line friends are very special to me. This is my friend. It was my first European friend’s companion. So, it has a special meaning. The harness is with me from the beginning to the end. Thank you for inviting me. This is a stone road. Even if it didn’t explode on the country road earlier, it must have exploded somewhere today. It must have exploded early. I’m actually more grateful. No, this place is all made of stone. Oh , it’s not over. It’s not over. It’s already 20km on a stone road, and my arms are so full. Please, I hope this ends. It’s resolved now. The stones are so pretty to look at, but the practicality of riding them is the worst. I always feel this way, but Life’s Wald. I came in. This is the city where Greifswald Harness lives. It feels more like a small town than a small or medium-sized city. Yes, there were some milk bumps, but thanks to the milk bumps, I arrived a little early. Oh wow , the city is pretty. Oh, I’m hungry. [Music] Ah, [Music] Living alone. [Music] I prom you I give up finally you got hair too yeah yeah I didn’t C my hair oh You got aat got got that W [Laughs] Dam bro like denmark or denmark was 35th 3th I didn’t eat much today so h here Alone no my is here but tak my subscribers said he When are you gna meet h and [laughter] coming the first my yeah yeah yeah and I think the last before and my trou did first and Last You told me like you want to go like to America or something Yeah I’m Sure planning about next trip That’s why I want to recover whole my body before going another continent I learned English in Canada in can Yeah I lived in Canada one year Oh in can yeah yeah are you from gery No I’m from South Korea from we from United States studying no We not studying Yeah nice to meet you i’m just traveling Now it’s always when i’m going with you like you new people a gre night W Here is center [Laughs] [Music] How We just ate half together. I thought we could talk about it and end the day. Today, Alex jumped 30k and we are at 70%. Now we eat together with the harness. Non-alcoholic beer. I still don’t drink or drink anything alcoholic. Let’s see what kind of street festival is going on here. Everyone is sitting here on the Hangu side. ger ger you I have learn Korean Korean youtube [Music] channel Oh, the city itself is a university. Come here too. break seasonings might free time How many people How many people fucked up Wow quite a lot How many years you have to study more It depends F years more Yeah three three years University and one like working at arm pharmacy for experience Suna [Music] ii [Laughs] [ Music] [Music] r I think you have to get a commercial from the bulog for the foreign country bulog to comm to love it too much It’s not too spicy I got it in my lungs you want the last piece oh you do this really fucking good way you know how to live a good life I’ve never told about this way but you made the way it means you fucking good What is in the noodles some white white powder we ate like korean spicy have you tried I don’t know Do you want to like it’s really spicy he good at spic Yeah so you just little except every ger people when they tried my instant noodles I don’t did you put the on top yeah yeah That’s good for baby present S English [Music] speak think L skill think easier to learn I can hear When I speaking about like same with them and then I cann remember I can use exa [Music] langage every try to use before use pring about using kind of word different Yeah like but it’s quite hard ii already got a Habit of Speaking English So it’s really hard to Break it before Yeah But I think you really got better with your English like from compared to like when we met in like Now way way more better first and Sometimes I ask one more could more things speak List local toore Hello Gun people people really happy about [Music] really dann sagen sie do noch mal in der perz aber die Ken das Super Well I bought a really cheap tire. I think I need to change the front tire that costs 20,000 won, so this is the biggest problem. What is here? If I step on it incorrectly, it will explode right away, so I have less than 550 kilometers left, so I’ll change to these and hold on to them and finish the trip. [Music] These expensive tires are definitely worth the price, but I’ve been riding them without any problems for almost 15 months. The tubes also have a big patch. I added it twice. I guess I should have bought a stew too. dann S das [Laughs] [Music] oke nice babyy I sleep Yeah german be [ Laughs] [Laughs] Everything here is vegetarian food. I don’t sell it. I sell kimchi. [Music] Earth ss ss [Music] Today is the long-awaited day for me to go to Berlin, the capital of Germany. I will ride a bicycle with Harness for two days to Berlin. Ok bye sof I don’t I don’t give a shit I think don’t need to so I’m get the it’s okay you can grab it If You maybe rain is not strong today Just like dling mays bananas always on on your original sty Yeah origin style there no [Music] cer Yeah, it’s raining a little bit. It’s not that good, but it’s still good. I changed to cotton clothes. Speed ​​[Music] I’m going to eat lunch and resupply here for a while. Shooter and I are going crazy. I came out expecting to ride about 100km today. But I think I’ll arrive a little before the front, eat, and go at my leisure. I’m thinking of going wild camping today with my harness. [Music] [Music] people my the back [Laughs] 500 think so Yeah more than 500 yeah quite big ne neubrandenburg Yeah we Nature park the Video for me and lot of cow in there oh look at this yeah yeah yeah I think I’ve seen the Video and you got it like on Video As well [Music] Oh Oh yeah Scone Big Blanket Go over there and go to the supermarket We’re going to supply supplies. There aren’t any supermarkets next time. Le I think this is the starting point of the national park area now. Lol par I’m not sure, but we’ll stop somewhere in this area today. There are a lot of lakes right around here, so it’ll probably be easy to find a camping spot. It’s okay. Richie. The bikes are working well. Ha , I think I’m tired. Let’s go. There’s a small lake in the forest here that you can access by taking the dirt road, so I’m going to check it out. I think it’ll be okay. I think I can spread out what I bought here anywhere, but it’s a pretty place to spread this out. It’s good to unfold in Spider-Oh got oh good Yeah nobody here Hey [Music] What is it? It’s raining continuously right now. I pitched a tent here. I’m pitching 104 km today. I’ll definitely go to Berlin tomorrow. I’ll finish here today areed be [laughter] [Music] ] good much like the first time ever geil It’s cold here, but it’s warm here How to say beautiful in Germany wers [Music] W morning [Music] [Music] What should I do today, August 30th? The place was so nice and no one came. I slept really comfortably. The national park here is really nice. There aren’t many people. Today, I’m finally going to Berlin. It’s taking too long to get to Berlin. It’s taking 17 months . Oh, the weather is better today than yesterday. The symptoms are much better than yesterday. It was a bit severe. But days like that don’t happen every day, they happen once or twice a week while riding, but yesterday was a rather severe day. I don’t know how to put it, but today it was less itchy than yesterday, less stinging, and my skin was swollen. It’s okay even if it comes Berlin 87km left want sear Hey , look at this, you did it well sor sorry non alol right That’s nonic is quite ille even cycling with the be wow German ood ja danke reon actually tried may before TY ger I think also one of my parts traveling trying I give you experience When you come to korea I’m really glad you V V quite hard to find something vegan Even Now uss a good restaur will noce and like not take and I Maybe You Know There’s about 55km left to Berlin. It’s getting easier. Oh, the boat looks amazing. This screw that broke in England before has broken again. [Music] Berlin 32 km. We’re almost there, so there are too many cars. Germany has great bike paths, but I always go there. It’s cut off. Call guy someone who inside the car you anding too much looking at you like who that ger Gu Yes, it’s 100km. I’ll check in with the host and go out for dinner. I think we can go out for dinner and call the center of Berlin a little bit. This is Barry. It’s a burger. I came here to eat, but I was eating bulgogi woll mal probieren wei kommt aus Korea meat rore I don’t have time to look around Berlin completely, so I asked Hans to go to the most famous place in Berlin, so I’ll take pictures there and finish. This is the Berlin Castle, the cathedral , this alley, really. It’s pretty. I think it’s even prettier because it’s night. The night view is killer. Jour ger cycling [Music] Oh, Eve’s East is the last day. I’ll end my Berlin journey here. I’m not sure if it’s a mix of Arabic food and Leki food, but it looks delicious. You living Yeah Thank you foring you for coming all the way all the best you Yeah you too I hope meet again Yeah and you me when the Video see you take your body Yeah you too you do take care of your body Che ne Yeah Feeling so weird yeah yeah It’s a weird feeling but it was last time As well We were in Yeah but feeling is really different actually a good danke I feel a little hateful uh almost a little sadder than I thought It wasn’t easy to break up with each other so we hugged three times and almost said goodbye I think I’ve done it five times, but I’ll stay here in the Berlin hostel for one more day. Then, my Berlin itinerary will really end here. There’s less than a week left to reach Prague, Czech Republic. I’ll be there in 5 days. 5 days [Applause] [Music] You today The first day of September Now, let’s get out of Berlin and start riding my last journey in 1 year and 7 months all the way to Prague, Czech Republic. Let’s run hard to decorate Let’s go. Let’s go to Alexanderplatz. Let ‘s get out of Berlin. I expected Berlin to be more complicated, but it was more complicated than I thought. It’s a lot more dirty and complicated. I think it’s worse than Seoul or Berlin. It was very difficult to get out of Berlin. A lot of middle-aged people ride their bikes, so I’ll do the last resupply in a room called Cow today and go camping outside of that city. Originally, I wanted to go a little more comfortably, so I stayed at the accommodation. I looked for it, but there are no accommodations in this area right outside of Berlin. Now, the last big city in Germany is a city called Dresden. I think I’ll probably head towards Dresden tomorrow and stay for a day and rest. I think there are a lot of national parks around here as well, parks and forests. There are a lot of formations. If you follow it for about 10km, you will come across several lakes. I will scout out the side of the lake and stop there. I have already ridden almost 100km, so today’s quota is over . I was looking for a place to stay to go to Dresden tomorrow, and wow, the hostel room is only one. There isn’t a single one left. So I searched for the lowest price on Vokingcom and other apps, and the cheapest accommodation in Dresden is less than 190 euros and miles. I guess I’ll have to search today until tomorrow and catch a cancellation if it comes up. If not, I’ll have to go camping in Dresden. There are a few pings on the outside of the dress, but one or two or three are completely empty. There’s nothing. I’ll take the dirt road and go inside. I don’t know, but the road is very well paved. Here, Steve, it’s hard to pronounce it. There’s a bike path formed. Oh, I’m like this in Germany. It’s amazing that you can see the terrain. I think you can pitch somewhere on this side of the lake, but I’ll have to translate the sign a little. Stis Perse It says not to camp here, so I think I’ll have to go into the forest. Actually, this place is really nice. It’s a good spot, but it says not to camp, so the sign says there is a risk of death in the area. Looking at this, it looks like the houses around the lake here are very weak, so it seems to be sinking in, but it can be very dangerous because a sinkhole has formed, so don’t go inside the Gari Gate. It’s written down, but if you look at places like this, there are traces of people hiking. It’s really pretty now. But it’s not captured on camera. It’s amazing. Let’s go a little further here. It seems like it’s definitely a tourist attraction, but there’s no government on Google Maps. It’s a downhill slope and it looks like there won’t be many people coming in, but I have to do it here. This place is so wow, it’s famous. Oh, you can come further ahead. This is the perfect size for my tent. I rode quite a lot today. It was easy because it was 108km mostly flat. Tent pitching completed. The trip is really 999. % There are many moments when I feel like it’s a little difficult to get out of it, but there aren’t many days left to spend like this. I’m probably going to miss Korea a lot because I’m having a hard time right now , so I’ll try to enjoy camping as much as possible. I’ll end here today. The lake is really pretty and it’s really quiet. I really want to eat kimchi. I brought one with me. Why do I feel so craving for kimchi right now ? I guess it was time to go to Korea. I miss Korean food so much. Oh oh oh my heart is sinking. [Music] Ah, I guess I meant to buy rice. There was no rain forecast today, but it rained steadily yesterday. In the early morning, a group of wild animals were running, passing by my tent right away, and they were running around, but I don’t know what it was, but the footsteps were very loud, and I don’t know why it was a pig and a deer, but I really couldn’t sleep because of that. I was a little scared, really. Oh, I don’t have the strength, I don’t have the strength. Hey, why is it so hard to open the bottle cap? Oh, I was really scared. I was holding my breath and hiding in the tent. [Music] I’m going into the city of Dresden. I guess I’ll have to go camping again today. But I had a good day. Here and now, a little over 2,970 km. If there is 2,000km, I roughly expected it to be around 22,000, but the total distance would be around 23,200, to be exact. I didn’t count, so there might be 5, but today there are more uphill climbs than yesterday. Now we ‘re mostly up to the Czech border. To enter the Czech Republic , you have to cross a large mountain. Once you get over that, it’s practically done . There are actually Rhone cities in Germany, but there are several cities in between. The Bina Parks are so well formed that you actually have to look there. It seems like a good place to enjoy Germany to the fullest. As for northeastern Germany, the southern part of Germany seems to have a bit more of a European flavor. I’m currently driving in the eastern part, but the southwestern part is a bit more European. I don’t know, but this is happiness right now. I know that I will miss this moment tremendously when I return to my normal life, so I am enjoying it as much as I can, even in adverse conditions. 22 [Laughs] Ah [Laughs] Les suddenly came and asked me what I was doing on my bike, so I marked my star like this. When I showed it to him, he was surprised. He didn’t speak English, so we couldn’t have a conversation, but he was driving like this. He was trying to keep going in the car, but I guess he stopped because he was curious. I don’t know when he was going to take a picture. I achieved 2,3000 km while eating Halo-Halo Haribo. I actually took a picture . I’m feeling strange. I’ve ridden 2,3,000 km with this bike. I have to ride to finish the day well for the past 17 months. Now, let’s go to Korea. Shall we go on a bike ride? Actually, I’m thinking about riding a bike all the way back to Korea. Enter the trip again. I am thinking about a course that starts from Turki, stops by Central Asia, and returns to Korea , but it will probably be later. After this European continent, my goal is America. I want to go to conquer America until the end of South America. First, I will finish this tutorial around the European continent. Let’s go . Hell , I’ll take a break somewhere here and have lunch. Yesterday, I bought a small bowl of fried udon ramen at the Asian market in Berlin. I want to boil it and eat it. If you come to the bench, I’ll give you something . Even in rural villages like this, there are circuses. Are there a lot of people who come to see this? Look, I made it big. Oh, the pavilion table doesn’t come out. If it doesn’t come out, I keep running. I want to eat fried udon, but I don’t want to eat it while squatting on the ground. I found it. Wow, fried udon. It’s kimchi, so I ‘ll eat it. Oh, I’ll buy a big one . I’m tired after resting while eating. Still 50 km. What’s left? Why are there so many fire trucks here? What kind of festival is this ? Wow , there’s really nothing. It’s been a while. Corn Whenever I see corn, I think of France. I always drive on roads like this . Sometimes there are Highland cows like this in central Europe. The fire is cool. [Music] The city is now dressed up. There are now about 33km left, and my friend Gi’s friend, who I accompanied last time, bought it in Dresden. But his friend’s cute friend contacted me and said he would let me pitch a tent in the garden of the house where he lives. So, for today, for now. I’m going to go to the house of an acquaintance of that preference. I wish I could just take a shower. Still, I don’t have to go to the camping site. Today, I had to go out and go to the campsite on the outskirts, so I should have rode a little longer, but I still had to stop in the center and Geumdum. I think I can. Oh , there’s a big lake on this side . There’s a road that can cross the lake. Let’s see in the middle of the lake. What are you filming ? It looks like the road was artificially dug. What do you want to say here? Bede [Music] Utong The whole place. It’s a nature reserve, and there’s fishing [music], so there’s a canal here [music], and from here it’s a dress stay. I went all the way down to the mental dress, and when I did that, I saw my ear again in the distance. Arrived in Germany. It’s the last big city. How can there not be a single place to stay ? There seem to be a lot of events going on in early September. I think there’s a festival going on here too. It doesn’t have a German feel, but there’s a reason there are so many people. Hey, it feels very much like Bordeaux, France. I’m flying. Ah, what are you doing here? I think they’re trying to get me started. Ah, let’s finish it. There’s a reason there’s no accommodation today. Ah, the old town is really cool, right? Wow, what’s here? You took a picture of the location, but I can’t find it when I look at my face. I hope you find me. I don’t know what it is either. You have to like it. You have to say it’s bad. Because of me, I can’t say anything. [Music] [Music] m beau name an Paul an my name is call me Yeah we bulgaria [Music] bu conne It feels old. I’ve been coming for 17 months. But the Dress Old Town is pretty cool. It’s a big fact. Time forsing help me [Laughs] I guess a lot of the buildings in Dresden were destroyed during World War II. The black part you see now is what was left originally . It is said that all the white parts were newly built. Black and white are used to study. If there are a lot of new white colored bricks, you will have to dig a lot. It is so pretty. When the dress is done, there are events taking place all over the place. I think we can have dinner together and go camping. It is very nice. s by my best friend Yes best camping place five stars you ja ciao C [Music] ciao Oh best place Poha and Anna gave me permission to camp in the garden behind this apartment. It’s half past three and it’s almost 100km today. I’ll stop here. I need to set up the tent. Finish the tent quickly. There are a lot of festivals today. I took a shower. It’s a festival where I wear a dress, but I’m stuck on the streets. [Music] The third day of September. Now, I’m going to the Czech Republic, the last country in Europe. The original plan was to get to the Czech border as fast as possible. I was planning on going through the street, but Paul immediately recommended a national park near Dresden, so I’m thinking of taking a detour there. I have to ride another 20 or 30 km, but it doesn’t have much of an effect, so I’ll turn around there today and go in again in the Czech Republic. I don’t know where I’ll stay . I run today and run tomorrow and it’s over. The weather is nice. The name of the river that runs through Dresden is the Elbe River. Since I follow the river, there aren’t that many uphills. There aren’t many uphills other than going into the new nose and going over a large peak. It’s better than I thought, but I took a shower yesterday. Wow, this place is really big. I think it’s the biggest park in Gong Dress. It’s almost like a palace. There’s a really cool bridge in the back, and you have to hike to see it. But you can probably see it vaguely from the road along the riverside. Today, it’s time to go up there, hike, come down, and enter the Czech Republic. I don’t think it’s all that far. I’ll say it’s a bit nearby as I follow the road here , but I really like the bike rides here in Vega. It seems like the German feel is disappearing. There’s a lot of people riding bikes. Wow, there’s a festival here too. [Music] Let ‘s see the festival [Music] Uh, let’s get out. Uh, Czech Republic. I think I made a good decision to come this way. You can see it from here, but the bridge inside the cliff is called Bar-Stay Bridge. Oh, I can see it from here, but there are people up there. Oh, you can’t see it because it’s covered by the trees. It’s this and that over there, but go in there. I have to go. I can see it. If you look at the bridge over there, the quay wall is really cool . What is that? It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a bicycle in my life. If you go straight ahead along the road, you’ll reach the Czech border. I’ll take the route. Let’s just finish with Germany. I rode a lot of Germany. I guess there’s a ship crossing the Elbe River. Look at the rock cliff wall. I see a festival here too. I see people lining up over there. The road from this side is cut off and you have to go over there or ride inland. I ‘ll just ride inland. Oh, but the scenery over here is really spicy. You have to go over here . The slope is steep. Yes , the scenery you see from here is amazing, but there are more mountain peaks. Of course, it’s beautiful when there are mountains, so it’s back to the river. You can take a 1km boat to the border and go over to the other side, then ride a little more in Germany and then go over to the border. I think if you cross this way, well. It looks like the bike path is cut off. Oh, I’ll look for it on the boat, and I’m tired of waiting, so I’ll just move on here . Hi, I haven’t crossed the border yet. I thought the border was too long. They ride too, so I think I can ride here. A lot of people ride bicycles. Oh, I crossed it. Yes, chess. I’m in Ka Ceska Republica. It’s the last country on my trip around the European continent. The 36th country, the Czech Republic. I feel like I have to keep running, and there’s still so much more left until the end, but I can’t believe that tomorrow is the last day. But I have to finish well today. I’m going to keep moving forward and do some camping today. Since I’m in the Czech Republic, I’ll try camping in the Czech Republic. I think there’s about 120km left from here to Prague, so let ‘s ride another 40km today. When you get out of the Elbe River, you’ll come across a big peak. Once you get to the mountain range, you’ll have to finish it. I’m thinking that it might work. The right side of the river is Germany. The place I’m running right now is the Czech Republic. Oh, this place is nice. This course is truly amazing. You can run while taking in Germany and the Czech Republic at a glance. It was a good idea to come back a little. You can actually take a boat across from here as well. The people of the province are really great. There’s a lot. Oh, the terrain here, and what’s here? The German Elbe River, the Czech border, has become very touristy. It ‘s a border city here. Oh, it’s a big deal . If you cross the inland here, you have to go uphill a bit. If you follow this river, the uphill is a lot less, but the distance is longer. But I’m not sure whether to go this way or finish this way. I’ll just stop by the supermarket on the way to resupply and ride uphill. I want to ride a lot of flat roads and ride uphill, so there’s a bit of uphill. There’s a bike path along the Elbe River, and this is the Eurovelo course. Yes, let’s go nose. Oh, I was hungry. There was no nose at home, so I used four donuts to give me energy to climb up the hill. I tried burning it . It’s a mushroom village. There’s a mushroom on the mark. Oh, there’s a bike road sign here too. Oh, the unpaved road is open. It’s not bad. Okay, let’s go slowly . Tree It’s broken, but it’s blocking the road. I ‘ve ridden a lot of difficult roads, so I’m not even good at this. Now, okay, just go over. Oh, you can go there easily if you follow the river, but it’s so boring. I followed the river all day today, and I saw a lot of things to see. There are more courses like this. It’s funny. This road is a short distance. I’ve only climbed halfway. It’s 5 km. It takes just an hour . I think I’ve climbed all the way. The climb is over. I can see the plains in the distance. I’ve climbed all the way. This is about 620 degrees above sea level. Wow, Taktina. The next course seems to be almost entirely flat. Let’s go in here and look for a place. Oh, there’s a person making a fire. You can do it here . Let’s go up a little bit. I should have gone over there earlier , but there’s nothing here. I thought there would be a flat field, but the road continues on this side. Oh, flies, flies. Is there a lot? It’s a rabbit. I met a wild rabbit. There’s a hole. Should I put it on the side? Yes, it’s okay. It’s the 36th and final camping place in the Czech Republic, the last country in Europe. Actually, I thought I’d finish riding in 880km today, but I rode 93km. Tomorrow, the capital of the Czech Republic. Let’s go in and finish this journey around the world by bicycle on the European continent. Today, I poured it all out. It ‘s so pretty that it became fried noodles. I added a spoonful of red pepper paste, and I beat up everything I had. Don’t add red pepper paste. See you in the stir-fry. Sky asks for all the hard work. Look at this. The sky is on fire. Wow, it’s a big hit. Oh, it’s so pretty. I’ll give it to you as the best sky on the last camping day. Oh , I’ve never seen such a red sunset from Chinqui Terre, Italy, and it’s new red. Wow. [Applause] [Music] End I guess the feeling of dislike remains in a corner of my heart. In fact, for about 3 or 4 months, I’ve been running with today as the only moment in sight, hoping for the end. But when the day comes to end, I can’t stop moving. Today is the 5231st day since I started the trip. It’s different from usual. It’s the same day, but I still feel like I’m finishing my journey. I’ll just stop this and leave. Pra local late at 10:09 [Music] I’ll go to finish the long journey of 5231 days. Wow, the view here is killer. There aren’t that many mountains. [Music] It’s better than I thought. Of course, it has to have curves and it’s fun. If it’s flat, it ‘s not fun. If it’s curved, it’s hard, but it’s fun. Isn’t that the same in life? I don’t know because I haven’t lived that long, but from what I feel, even if it’s hard, it has to have curves. Wow, the view here is wide open and it’s awesome. I think I did a good job of doing the inner course. Itome Riche a Choeko Pra 64km Ah, I feel so good that I finished it exactly as I imagined. The name of the river I am currently running on is the Vltava River, and it continues all the way to Prague. If you just follow this river, you can enter Prague. Ah, but this is too much. It’s pretty. More and more people are coming here to visit Pisa. A lot of people ride bicycles. Oh, the road has gotten a lot better. 10 km left. 10 km. You’ve already entered Prada. My sari hurts so much. It’s too heavy . The reason I came to the Korean Embassy in Prada is because I need the Korean flag. I want to spend my last days with the Taegeukgi at the Old Town Square, but there is no place I can get the Taegeukgi, so the only thing I can think of is the embassy. I should go to that Korean restaurant or something and ask for a favor, but the embassy is the clearest, so someone made a small Taegeukgi like this for cheering purposes. I did it because I had it. Now I will ride my bike over the famous Charles Bridge in Prague and finish at the Old Town Square. Wow, that ‘s the Charles Bridge. Oh, it’s really good. Look here. You can do it anywhere. In fact, this famous tourist spot has a reason. There’s so much love for it all. I actually came. There’s something about it. I thought I would cry, but there is nothing like that at all . There may be 5 kilometers, but I think I rode about 2,200 km. I apologize. Yeah Thank you Thank you so much Yeah I’m done Yeah Where are you guys from netherlands co there Yeah Sure Amsterdam to the belgium luxemburg Germany like PR is 36 36 country ne was my sth country and Now You home No I have to go back to London schengen vis be I take with bic Why am I so satisfied? This means that I really enjoyed it without regret. Whenever I was having a hard time I used to imagine myself arriving at something like this , but I never expected it to be like this. No matter what, I would like to sincerely thank you for cycling through continental Europe with me for about 17 months . Actually, this is the end for me. I don’t think so. In a way, it’s the beginning. I have no intention of ending my bicycle trip here. Since I don’t have a pendulum, I’ll greet you again later on a new continent. So, thank you for today . I’m going back to the embassy to return the Korean flag. My bicycle trip is over, but not yet. It’s not over. It feels like it’s over when I get out of Europe, but my visa has only 4 days left. Now I have to get to London in 4 days. It’s going to be extremely difficult. I have to jump on a bus and a train, but the train is a bit difficult. I was originally thinking about taking a course from Paris to London , but they said I couldn’t load my bike unless I disassembled and packaged it. So now I think I’ll have to go to Brussels and Belgium. I’ll have to take a look. I’m not sure. Godna, it’s done. It’s about 3 miles away from London, England. I’m thinking about work. If a variable arises, this will be really difficult. What should I do? I have some time left today, so I’ll look around the Czech capital, Pula, and then go back to the hotel and get ready to leave tomorrow. It’s strange because I’m getting ready to leave . I’ll get ready to take public transportation tomorrow. I’m not going to use a bicycle. It’ll work. Ah, why is it so hot today? I’ve been traveling in Europe for over 17 months. But now, when I see European architecture like this, I still have exclamations of admiration and love it. I think it’s true that I never get tired of it . This is a cathedral, and the cathedral is really cool. How was it made? It’s true, if you say it in the Czech Republic. Also, beer is famous, right? Beer and some kind of pig’s trotter-like koleño dish looks so delicious that I’ll have to eat that for dinner tonight. I guess this is the astronomical clock tower . Enjoy it. My journey to the last country in Europe, the Czech Republic, will end here. End [Music] I’ll get on it. In Korea, Flix Bus is like a Korean express bus. For the first time in Europe, I rode an express bus and jumped with a bicycle. Still, I jumped successfully. Right now, this is Frankfurt, Germany. I’m going to the house of Michael, Germany, whom I met last time in Slovakia and Hungary. Bus time 20 I rode for a minute, honestly, I think the riding time is longer than riding the bus for 8 hours are you so for going from here tomorrow I have to BR BR and BR to lond take Okay Michael in Frankfurt danke danke danke sch bye ciao Hey wir gehen zum ner kennt ihr das restaur das ist der Hammer S nean danke sch mel ja means little water house people This is a lot of festivals in early to mid-September. No matter which city you go, the festivals are in full swing. This is the main downtown area. But thanks to Michael, I went to Frankfurt. I’m looking around a little is Europe new new brand administration frf acc The Old PL old pl [Laughs] It’s pretty. They say this is a bit of a dangerous area. They do a lot of medicine, but the atmosphere itself is completely different. It’s really heavy here. What I just saw is that of Frankfurt. This is the comedy side and this is the tragedy side after across the [laughter] bridge oke danke cheers [music] cheers Thank you home You are really very kind, Michael. Michael has to go to work now, so he gave me some time to stay at home for a while. I am at 11 o’clock today. I take a half bus and go to Bri, Belgium. I think I just need to get to Sel and look for a train, but my goal for today is to go to Brussels . Okay, the remaining European visa period is 2 days. I left Frankfurt at 11:30 today, and it’s the current time. It’s half I’m running out of time. I’m taking the train to London tomorrow, but I think I’ll have to go to the train station and check if I can load my bike before I go to my accommodation today. I never dreamed that I’d be coming back to Brussels, Belgium. As soon as it’s confirmed that I’m wearing my bike without packing it, I feel relieved. I think it would be really comfortable, but let’s go first. While I’m in Greece, I’ll go to the Grand Palace Square in the old town and then go to the main center station. Wow, I’m back here after almost a year. Is there a difference between how I looked a year ago and how I look now? I’ll compare the videos later. I have to take a look. This place was under construction a year ago and is still under construction bicycle emil could answer just wan make sure about possible to take the bicycle With Me Now for the do in onine No, I want to make a reservation online. But the funny thing is, Eurostar says you can do it online. There is no way to make a reservation. They sent me an email telling me to reserve a ticket for the bike, but they said they didn’t receive the email and I want to make a reservation here in advance, so they said they couldn’t do it and told me to come tomorrow. I don’t understand, but I can’t load it . They said there was, so for now, yes, I’ll come early tomorrow. The train is scheduled for 2:52 tomorrow, but they said to come at 1 o’clock . Oh, there are so many people. I’m here an hour early. If everything doesn’t work out, there’s no answer for this. I didn’t do it because I wasn’t sure. But here’s the guide. The woman who gave it to me said it would be possible. Actually, since I’m crossing over to another country, it’s almost similar to getting on a plane at the airport. ID cards are checked and procedures are going on, and there are a lot of people and all the baggage is checked. If you look for it, you have a bicycle like this. There seems to be very few people who have made it over, so there is very little information. I’ve been moving for three days now, but it looks like I’ll be able to get back to England just fine. I have to move one more time. As soon as I leave London, I’ll go to Glass House. I’m going to see Luke. Oh, it’s so hard, but it’s still a ride. What’s the deal? I have to get off the bike later and pick it up again. It’s very complicated . It’s better to ride it with a bike. [Music] There ‘s so much luggage that I had to walk all the way here. Wow , I thought I was going to die. Thank you for the bar. Now, here’s the train to Brisella London. If you want to make a bike reservation, you can only do so by email. But even if you contact me 3 days in advance, you can’t make a reservation by email. That means it’s cheaper to buy a ticket at least 3 weeks in advance, and you can easily make a bike reservation right away. It’s very difficult to get a ticket on the spot within 3 or 4 days. I went through all the trouble to get a train to London, England, but it came with a bicycle. Except for Brussels, all trains heading to London require packing. Pack the box. Whether you have to put it in a bag or pack it, you have to pack it and take a plane coming from Europe to London. Other than Brussels, Belgium, it’s London, England. I passed the import country inspection without any problems, and with just one day left to get my European Sengen visa, I went back to England. I’m back in London. My plane ticket is on the 25th, but there are some people I need to meet while I’m in the UK , so I think I’ll spend some time in the UK for about two weeks and then go to Korea. The main reason I’m going to Korea is to get my body in the hospital. I think I need to go and get tested. I’m not feeling well, so I’m going to be busy because I have to travel around the UK to meet friends during my two weeks, but I’m planning on being less busy than when I was riding my bike. I don’t know why, but the weather this week is amazing. It’s an abnormal climate right now in London. It’s early September and Dawn is number 2. I’m crazy. Where should I go? Wow, this doesn’t work. I feel like I’ve traveled through time. I feel like I’ve just woken up from a dream. I don’t know what happened. I’m so out of my mind. Hell, I have to go home for now. Wow, Laney. I changed and took this. I went through 3 countries, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium to jump to London, England. I came back to the Tower Bridge in London. Listation When I first came to the UK, I felt like I was really sleeping at home. Thanks to that, I have a place to stay every time I come . Thank you so much. I’m back to the place where I started my world bike tour of continental Europe . It’s like my second home. I came here. Thank you. Let’s open. Yes, I should congratulate you. Okay , oh, thank you for your hard work. Oh, I think you’re an eternal fan. I’ll follow you, okay. The first character is thank you, Korean style, Jean Chills [Music] Thank you for your hard work, I ‘m going to Clesco. It’s been a while since I saw Luke , Magat [Laughs] ni Nice to see you again I’m good I’m good our trad [Music] Thank you so much for inv Me One More Time You look after your Yeah Two years take you Thank you I’m at Su Ru’s house now. I have to rest for a while in Birmingham. There’s a big bull. Where should I go? Anyway, I’m wandering around England and all over the country before I go to Korea. Hash now. Why are you giving it away for free? I came back to London. Originally, I was going to go to Alexa Emily’s house, but something came up and I couldn’t do it, so I decided to meet him on the way in town. Even the Video can not explain everything in there like when you go back to Career and like everyone’s like Oh How was it yeah yeah You can Yeah I I just can’t say It’s good It was good like perfect yeah yeah yeah It’s unexplainable and everyone’s lives just carry on Yeah How are you good so good to see you remember he did more than US fin two weeks AG Yeah two weeks AG may mon [laughter] [music] every promise promise ok ok deal let’s let’s I’m so happy Thank you so much for making the time to see us hest really really lovely of you Yeah miss you guys yeah yeah See you next yeah yeah yeah and I see you everyone on yoube you know um Thank you so much everything so i’m so glad you made the effort to see us i even didn’t cry When I finish my journey but Keep doing Keep doing it Thank you so [Music] much SA take care I guess I’m finally getting the texture Here [Music] It’s over. I got one, but it seems to be a little bigger than the standard size. But I think it’ll be okay. I have to go to my house with this. Let’s go first. [Music] [Music] [Music] It’s the last day so I don’t know [Music] It’s strange, bye bye bye bye got this Fighting Today is the day I go back to Korea It’s September 25th and uh I ‘m back in the UK I arrived in September, but I stayed in the UK for about 17 days before going to Korea. I’m going to meet everyone I can. I’ll pack it up today, take my bike and carry-on baggage, go to the airport, and catch a plane. I’m 36. I’ve traveled all over the world, but I’ve never been on a plane , so I’m a little worried. Won [Music] h to the deser he fing Nuts [Music] [Music] PR vous PR [Music] [Music] [Music] Reds 4K [Music] Stone I succeeded, give me the good [Music] can’t [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] need [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] my mas guys do [Music] [Music] [Music] Bye bar, which way should I go? [Music] [Music] [Music] I don’t know how to do this [Music] 10,000 kilometers [ Applause ] [Music] I shot it [Music] [Music] [Applause] Bar it life not It’s the only chance we so why are we w we Ah


    1. 곧 이륙하시겠네요
      공항에서 업로드하셨나봐요
      다음 영상 목빠지게 기다리고있을께요
      안전하고 즐거운 라이딩 되시길 바랍니다^^

    2. 진우님은 대충은 없군요
      어제 라방하시고 오늘 마무리 확실하게 하시고
      지금쯤 비행기안에 계시겠죠
      건강히 잘 다녀오세요

    3. 하네스와 ,스웨덴의 부부, 독일형님 다들 좋으신분들 여행에 있어서 이런 인연은 정말 행운이 맞는거 같네요~이번여행도 좋은 친구들 만나길 ~ 터키인가 멕시코 커플 만나지 않았나요? 이번에 만나러 가는건지 궁금하네요~ㅎㅎ

    4. 출국전에 공항에서 올리신것 같네요~ 미대륙 라이딩중에도 항상 건강하시고 행복하시길 바랍니다 ❤

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