Scampia is a Notorious Suburb of Northern Naples which was the site of an extremely deadly war between factions of the Neopolitan Mafia in the early 2000s. And is the location and Story of the famous series “Gomorrah” on Netflix and SBS.

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    welcome to the hoodland welcome to scampia don’t tell me that’s houses that looks like an abandoned Factory of death I can’t even get my courage up to walk on that what the [ __ ] is happening there it’s like hes of empty Apartments mixed in with people living in them what the [ __ ] is this place bro this is the worst place I have ever been to date I’m spion I was raised in a housing area as a Sydney City spent most of my youth and adult life in prison now through a total of 13 years I’m free and living my best life and I’m out and about flying around susing out the hoods all over the world it’s [Music] O all right we’re in Naples Italy the city of Naples big bad Naples BR I am nervous the day is here we’re going to scampy love we’re going to scampia and we’re going alone I’m in the middle of the the city I’m pretty sure I’ll be straight out with you I’ve been here since yesterday the entire city looks like the hood so no I’m not in the hood already scampia if you don’t know is a place in the northern suburbs over 50% unemployment the area is controlled and is the recruiting grounds of the Gamora Mafia to recruit kids as young as 14 there heroin and cocaine selling and using openly in the streets and the entire place is as scary and as dangerous as you can imagine oh listen before we go any further 10 seconds we got let’s o merch we got white shirts hats as you can see there’s hoodies there’s black shirts if you don’t like white shirts if you support the journey like the channel grab a shirt grab a hat whatever you want lad laters yeah it it’s easily ranks in the top five most dangerous parts of Europe and it’s a very famous part a very very highly requested hood that I go to nearly every video you got to go to scampia you got to go to scampia where we are mate have a look at me look where I’m going mate look where I’m going this is just normal Naples look you think I walked to some dodgy area to do this intro for dramatic effect this is the whole city looks like this we’re walking to a train station near here Dante station or something like that we’re catching a train to scampia station it’s a 41 minute train ride look at this intersection bro what is this city soon as you jump off the station you know you’re in the hood you walk a few streets to the middle of the suburb and there’s very notorious Towers there they used to be seven three of them got knocked down they’re called the sails they’re about as bad as you can imagine and So the plan is we get this Camp here we walk through the streets and we reach the sails and we sneak our asses around the bottom of the sails and up and around the balconies without getting smashed and stabbed and ganked and we’ll be right we’ll be right you got my back ah you have got my back like this is a Mad City don’t get me wrong right and the food’s mad and this and that this city is like a massive ghetto it is such a shock look I’ve been to Rome and Rome was a bit dingy nothing compared to [Music] this every building seems like an abandoned building that has been sand blasted and then graffitied tell me that don’t look like an abandoned building and then underneath it is just the coolest stores it’s mad it’s a very unique contrast and listen if we get to scampia and we’re in the middle of all the traps and I’m being secretive with the camera Don’t Judge Me mate hey I’m doing my best mate he’s act like he’s just want me to walk up and like news reporter in people’s faces hey mate what are you doing here where do you live tell me a story it’s not that simple mate so the station’s through here [Music] apparently look at this map try to find where scampy here fanola scampia and we are I’m not even going to try to find where we are cuz be for 20 minutes but anyway that’s where we’re going pisola scampia and it’s on this yellow line one English is area one yes no there’s not really any clear indication which staircase goes where so we just got to remember line one Scamp here let’s see it all right it’s going down mate it’s going down we’re on our way lad we’re on our way to old scampos adlay old stomping grounds of the mafia we here so it’s 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 13 stops and a trains here like this is the hottest train I ever been on bro I’m dying cuz I think everyone’s dying here I swear it’s like like 37 38 CI in his train right now BR do you say that [ __ ] did you see that [ __ ] it was the last three train stations I don’t know what you could see at the window but that was the biggest widespread ghetto bunch of 1 million Flats did B I don’t know what to say about that bro I was looking at the window three stations ago like what the [ __ ] is that where the where are we bro oh scampy lad scampy L here we are bro good old scams me and scams if they come up to me and me and scams go away back L you ch old scampos that’s OE what’s that don’t tell me they’re into Wizardry and [ __ ] too bro far out that’s their art what’s that the Town Festival the kids dancing around some who even knows what that was greml Los full [Music] Gremlin the side we’re going to to get to the middle of scampia is on the other side of this station so going to cross find our way under this under this somehow and pop out on the other side see what we can find does anyone else find that these Flats here are unusually close to the train station they’re like in the train station they’re in [Music] it that’s cool as see that how cool is that these are just our baby standard Flats at the station [Music] Lads all right we’re going down this road here straight ahead of us down about 5 minutes there’s an underpass to get back under them train trucks I’m a bit confused why you couldn’t just exit on that side I like you probably could have um you know we make mistakes and we learn from it and we move on and move forward you pick yourself up and try again mate dust yourself off and try [Music] [Applause] again remember when we get in the sketch of it all if we ever get surrounded we take photos of graffiti that’s the verbal remember what are you doing what are you video what are you and I just go like you you know yeah I like I do F DOI [Music] DOI is it through this prison of a apartment [Music] complex bro come on don’t tell me that’s houses that looks like an abandoned Factory of death hey of death bro what what this looks like a postor War II City l [Music] [Applause] [Music] child that it’s on it’s on like Donkey Kong lad we’re not even on the right side of the trucks can you see where I am bro glad I can’t believe it gets worse than this so we are on the wrong side of the trucks here the bad side of the trucks is over there this is just the houses near the station complex in there look like in itself was a full-blown hoodo of [Music] [Applause] itself what the [ __ ] is this place bro this is the worst place I have ever been to date it is worse in real life when I I look up Google Maps and and watch videos and stuff it is worse in real life [Music] bro we’re going to walk through the start of middle of some Flats now we’re on the right side of the trucks we’re still heaps far away from where the bad part is the bad part we’re far away from the bad part yeah imagine the chicken just ganked me imagine it’s just a full gangster scampy a chicken and it just full gank me you know it’s the Chi they have the blades in the [ __ ] fights and they put blade imine it’s just pack and Blades lad I’m F scared RI me [Music] shreds even the roads here the roads just have this empty scary feel to [Music] him [Music] I keep seeing heaps of like sketchy Italian blocks on scooters with like Louis Vuitton man bags what is this [Applause] bro what the [ __ ] is happening there this BL just pulled up in the middle of a full CTO Sucka flats and just started yelling I want to see what’s happening here some bloke on the balcony just asked him something and he said something and he the bloke on the balcony goes okay wait I think he’s selling things they just rock up and yell out bro this BL selling Seafood it was Seafood brother this BL had like prawns and octopus and like stuff in the thing lad fish markets come to you in scampia lad now about that brother the Pinnacle of service anyway back to what we’re doing look at this little building by in the middle of this this in the section he is off its head [Music] [Music] I could hear people up those stairs using drugs clicking a jet lighter like and then a noise like that and then someone’s spitting again like that that’s what I heard all right someone might have been lighting a cigarette in the staircase with a jet lighter I can’t make that judgment but that’s what I heard make of that what you will all right look I’m probably just being paranoid or it’s a coincidence but I’ve looked back you know when I’ve been walking and there’s like beeps behind me like three or four times it’s been the same two Lads 30-year-old Italian Lads on scooters looking at me four times so like I hear it a he beeping I look back and there’s some bloke on a scooter looking at me like staring at me and he just scoots off into the lane two of them it’s happened four times it’s like they’re following me but I’m probably paranoid and they’re probably just cruising around doing their thing so let’s continue I’m just giving you update mate there’s a supermarket [Music] here all right there’s nothing wrong with that Supermarket was actually quite nice a mad Italian deli that’s a common thing I noticed about Naples in General even in the city like the place to be hood and geta AF but you go into the store and the store’s smak as in the food’s gr it’s really really unique like this pizzera probably the best pizza you ever have in your life each compound each block has very high secure fences they’re built in like juvenile detention centers almost you what I mean l maintenance Council maintenance around here is zero I feel like whatever is maintained to whatever extent is fully the doings of the the the the people living in these Flats like if they don’t come down and pick up the rubbish or mow the grass it does not get mowed like there is no council government participation here whatsoever like whatever this could have been or was or built with the intention to be in the middle of all these Tower like look at it it’s not even worthy of a kids game anymore like a tower like this Tower here we haven’t even got to the bad Towers yet by the way in case you think we’re here we haven’t even got here yet this is just a standard like one of the past 600 that we’ve walked past but let’s just take a closer look on this one because we’re walking [Music] past to be fair the inside of that one was not that bad could have been a lot worse goes along with what I was just saying like if the tenants maintain it which it seems like they do especially if it’s within their building but as soon as you’re outside that building chaos Mad [Music] Max oh my [ __ ] God I can see the the towers that we’ve come for you can see them up ahead what are those who built you what are those Towers bro they are the most ominous looking Towers I have ever seen bro look at the security on the cars what is that look what what are they that’s been uh Club loock isn’t good enough for your Deo ma what what are they bro they vaults safe it’s like a full Bank safe on your steering wheel brother what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that [Music] bro I’m sorry but how the how does that exist lad how how does that exist in a country that isn’t recognized as a third world [Music] nation we’re going in there bro we’re going in [Music] there Al a Crossings aren’t a thing here so you know bro how how is that not abandoned buildings every every single balcony has people living in it this is off its head bro we’re going between these [Music] two I’m going to start at the bottom floor of this first one all right almost broke my ankle I don’t know God are you telling me something God please Vis that a or is that just bad luck bro like what’s going on here legit almost broke my ankle entering the first one but let’s [Music] go to be honest considering what this place looks like is very surprised that that was locked there’s no way in the world I thought that would have been [Music] locked [Music] you know when I turn the camera this way like so you just can walk with me the whole time my head’s like this and I’m doing things like cuz I’m holding the camera and I got to be someone’s like scratching my beard and doing fake stretches and that to look natural there’s people up on their balconies and that like it’s like a thing like popping their heads out talking to each other across their balconies all right let’s get into these middle Flats to be honest those last ones that we walk past First Look the worst bro but let’s um how do we get through the middle [Music] here Welcome to the hoodland welcome to [Music] scampia the walkways are break you know when I come up those stairs there they were they were rusted and they were flexing down and cracking like the stairs are going to fall through from rth in the entrance this is the entrance so do you think I’m in some abandoned basement this is the entrance this is the front of the building though I can’t even get my courage up the walk on that there’s people living down there there’s people down there [Music] look bro you think I’m in an abandoned building there families up there they kids are playing on the balconies [Music] bro some lady just came back from the shop went upstairs to to her house [Music] I’m go upstairs see what’s going on up there I can hear heapes of people up [Music] there [Music] it’s like hips of empty Apartments mixed in with people living in them like look people are living in these [Music] on actually this side looks like it has a lot of people living in it [Music] so don’t get it twisted that there families all through that [Music] they car park what do they drive through [Music] here this this next building looks the worst [Music] bro this place is wastelands bro like what is this place bro it’s actually surreal like I’ve come to this back street there’s this like Plaza back over here [Music] [Music] like what was that whatever was this it’s surre [Music] bro this is a a used Street this is there’s another family with kids like walking down it going or coming from somewhere it’s a usuge street bro this ain’t this ain’t the end of the Earth this building looks the worst that building is the scariest and I have seen the so many people coming in and out you hear a car going in and out like that building is chalkers that fence there has is the kamora written on it the mafia noora don’t know what that means but I know that’s the mafia name I swear I’ve come at the worst time there is people everywhere every balcony every entrance 3:30 p.m. on a Friday bro getting into this one was so sketchy lad there’s main mug and Lads at least three or four in every story the entrance down there had about four of them this entrance was empty can hear a lot of people just behind me so I had to obviously sneak my way in without the camera pointing let’s [Music] go [Music] someone’s house but they’re in [Music] there the people here that I’m walking past that are all looking at me not not um aggressively but definitely checking me out like who is this Boke they all look Hood as [ __ ] I’m telling you they’re all covering in tattoos and wearing these clothes and looking suspicious and looking at me [Music] n I wanted to go in there but there’s theing sketchiest looking pit right there bro just staring at me like I wanted to end it by going in this worst part of the worst flats and there a big ass angriest biggest people there it’s ears are full pricked up like it had a surgery I’m not going past that there’s nothing way I’m going pass that fingland don’t get me wrong bro like I’ll get it but it’ll be a hard fight I have a couple broken bones I’m going go P that fing thing bro these places are too much lad that’s that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen that is like an abandoned power Factory SL haunted it’s like an abandoned on place that place is Ive bro a place is full of families this whole city is ridiculous Naples as a whole city is hood scampia and whatever the two suburbs were were before we got here are off their head this part of scampia is legitimately the worst place I’ve ever been it’s not even close is what are we deep episode 5 it’s not even close cuz if I gave you a picture of that out of context where would you say we were no context that’s it bro that’s scampia lad that’s Scamp Naples Italy it’s worse than I [Music] thought [Music] [Music]


    1. Naples, Scampia and all these places are painted in a bad way, and this video is totally overhyped. This guy is wayyyyy over playing for the camera. Saying the "entire place is scary as you can imagine" is ridiculous. It's not.
      Yes, there are many regions which are run down. But many are very beautiful. The "Mafia" don't associate with the public, and so first of all, you're safe . Secondly, this is Italy. The entire country is engulfed in the Mafias tentacles.

      If you want to show people dangerous places, grow some balls and go to Ukraine or Gaza and "report" from there. But you won't, because you know Italy is safe.



    3. How is it that, so many times you enter some ghetto area, no one single person is out and about😅 apparently the scampia streets are filled with hoes, druggies and dealers and you just walk around the area line it would be a ghost town 😮

    4. I’m an Aussie in DC. Come to SE DC and you’ll see some proper ghetto shit with guns, drugs and shit. Probably wouldn’t be able to look around.

    5. Brother the places you go make you a gangster as well congrats on the danger zone travel vids super cool you cure my bucket list for travel fo me 🎉😂🎉😂stay safe i want moe😊

    6. Brah, zero effort to understand or learn about the places you visit. You're playing this bullshit selective story with the sole purpose of gathering views. Great that you managed to get out and about from wherever you dodged the sun for a while but you should do yourself a service and try to learn a bit about the world you're so fortunate to see.

    7. Im in the middle of Naples, lol. 41 min train ride.





      All Camorra wants is to conduct business, like any corporations. Theyre just a little mire honest than the retail/banking corps

    8. La mafia è siciliana mentre dove sei stato c'era la camorra che ha origini partenopee, sono due organizzazioni criminali ben distinte e che hanno origini e "regole" totalmente distinte.

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