Today we take a look at Brand New Data Centre, Berkshire Ave, Slough SL1 4PL.

    We speak to security and the boss who show no objections. However, whilst flying the drone we hear radio communications about us which where not so nice.

    Google Maps Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    I would love the 124 right now I could eat very easily H that for me i’ probably a few people in the buildings behind it like but I definitely get this [Music] right so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in slau taking a look at this [Music] place it’s just being constructed loads of glass loads of insulation on view crane up in the air the main contractor seems to be weights and they’re doing a great job keeping the highway clean just a few panels of glass still to go in and you can see the Gap in the middle up what’s holding them in we can see some handrails temporary handrails inside some nice cladding up the top City lifting and a nice security checkpoint in there 485 Marsh Avenue it says let’s get a little bit closer and read some signs oh Asheville just leaving site now look I don’t recognize the driver as19 Muk we must visit your yard soon and see your new site so yes this is being built for the client named serro Jimmy McDonald is the project manager and weights are in charge are they we got some deliverers are just in here and a bit of a uh a security checkpoint with some CCTV cameras I just in there hello I no I’m okay I’ll stay outside I don’t want to come in un that’s can’t come in CU you have no hel nothing so the video that I’m making today for YouTube it will it will require some footage down there okay that’s well that’s fine is it well which were inside the building not inside but just further down the yard around the corner where I can’t see so how you going to record it then uh drone take the Drone in you you have to ask permission for that it’s only a little one you don’t need permission for this I’ll show you I’ll show you don’t make me busy just give me just working so yeah no problem don’t make me busy you’re making yourself busy but it’s just being helpful we can’t knock him for that but yeah what we got inside well we got some great health and safety information all right all about work where black is for supervisors got another vehicle coming out now and this one’s taking glass away what happened you get damaged or didn’t fit but I think there was about four there maybe five I look we got five slots coming on site now with more material what we got sort of clading or Roofing stacking instructions oh okay but yes in general health and safety seems to be taken seriously here and they are a part of the considerate Constructor scheme as well so once you enroll onto this you really are bothered about your image and you’ve got community engagement and stuff like that yeah look getting involved in the local schools work experience a student site [Music] visit giving newsletters to the local residents so they really are bothered about the image that they portray or even how they make the uh staircases and how they put the footings in foundations and soil stabilization steel erection installing the cladin sheets but just the fact that they’re doing this it speaks volumes so everything is so good so far and look the gate is closed at its earliest opportunity yes we can only see this area here we can’t see around the back so we will be getting the Drone up but we’ll just give them a few moments to get somebody out if they wish so we can have that [Music] conversation oh they go on this scissor lift and the crane is obviously going to lift something up on there for them I’ll watch this from over there where it’s a little bit [Music] safer um I’m not going to come on or inter feere that’s the main thing I’m just making a YouTube video for the next 20 minutes I’ll get some ground footage but I can’t see around the back and I know I’m not allowed on so I’ll just take the Drone around just to get the footage I need of the back right that’s what my plans are who who you from you do it what’s this a hobby or anybody can have a YouTube channel as you that’s I’m not from anywhere I’m not pretending that I’m official or anything if I make a video interesting enough yeah adverts that are watched during the video pay me to do it yeah simple as that yeah right so I presume it’s going to be a data center it is yeah yeah it’s just unusual with so much glass do see in the vehicle leave with some of those panels yeah going elsewhere yeah we got the ones off we wer needed um all right I’m going to have to let see know who only the estate and then yeah this this is a public road isn’t it uh yes yeah nothing to do with them really is it no that’s fine look I know but I’ll do I I’ll just have to report the line are you um project manager oh you’re Jimmy yeah right okay yeah so yeah is there R of you flying drones around not even segro have a choice on that these drones do you want to see the drones you know anything about drones not really man I’m not just to put your mind at rest it’s not a heavy thing if it falls we’re in what few few miles of the air P we’re not close enough no 249 G it weighs nothing so even if it did fall yeah it wouldn’t hurt anybody at all and it’s a a new one as well so fine I’ll just let you know I’m going to get all the um SE R and they Security in there they can they can do what I know you you’re on your public land you know what I mean so that’s fine but I’ll just up line yeah I just think you’re wasting your time that’s all yeah do what you got to do mate I just didn’t want you wasting your time okay the famous guy which one what did he say ask him if he wants the key ring so they are lifting up the uh glass now Jimmy McDonald is perfectly fine other than the uh the Drone who just wants to check with Ser security DJ audits DJ do you want the key ring cuz you’ll forget won’t you DJ DJ audits yeah I’m doing an audit doing an audit okay you Instagram as well yeah everywhere everywhere yeah why’ you like Instagram do you not really I don’t watch that much what do you like best Tik Tok YouTube Facebook or Instagram Facebook I you like Facebook yeah YouTube Facebook which ones do you like best out of YouTube and Facebook YouTube is better yeah I’ve got um quite a few subscribers on YouTube as well uh if you look at DJ audits there look oh view the channel look 174 okay now I’ll check your but when I go to places this is what they say to me I dialed the police you can’t fly a drone over you can’t put a drone up you have to have a license I’m arresting you I’ll take that drone off you and drive over it if it wasn’t for the police I would smash your head in so these videos that we um create here a big part is how people behave to me if it’s drama and it’s exciting you see I just told you I said look you very good you know me so I have to ask my manager if everybody was like you you know there’s nothing to you know worry it’s just for video sometime just don’t you don’t want to you know but if if you come out and say you are not doing it f off come on I’ll fight you right now then it makes exciting video you know but I like to video the place as well data centers this used to be a trading estate for business yeah now now it’s just lots of data centers where’s the trading gone every what happened to the little a lot a lot of people used to work in this place now it’s finished yeah well where’s all the little businesses where’s all the the affordable plots for the businesses to trade all the data centers big money are buying all the plots and they buy they rened well they’re putting servers in there I know it’s the future and we all want to buy things online and use online services they cut small people but some people are being moved off their land take your business elsewhere we’ve now sold this plot for 50 million you know but you can buy it if you want to pay 50 million little business and they’re like how can I afford that so it is interesting place to film as well anyway thank you for being professional what was your name Ali Ali thank you my friend so there we go rant over and we’ve just missed one of these panels going up the suction cups there look a lot of trust goes into them suction cups to LIF the glass which is probably what you reckon 5 10 grand a panel sh and you’ll notice these ones you can see straight through them but these ones are a little bit more difficult to see through I wonder why they’ve chosen glass but anyway enough rambling we’ve seen enough that we can from the ground time to get David up and see what this looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area at all Waits new data center for serro let’s go and have a look at you then shall we takeoff home Point updated so the highest thing in the area is the crane which we are well Above So safety is always Paramount when creating these videos we don’t want to put anybody in danger so that’s the security checkpoint and that’s the offices which are separated from the main site I presume this is the sub station down the back we’ll get a little bit lower so we can see that but it’s not very often you see the early stages of a sub station like this is it and then around the corner the area that you cannot see we’ve got the 360 leveling off the ground that’s the load that Asheville Aggregates have just delivered and then we go around the back it’s fenced off there so it’s not joined to the site next door although that will be a data center look that’s a big giveaway oh yes and what they’re doing on the roof it gives the impression that it’s a very tall building but it’s actually not I presume all the cooling is going to be on top of here and that’s the screen to hide it from The View yeah they’re just doing the roofing the flat roof with the gas the heat that they require lots of materials up here on the roof very very strong roof so what’s the finish the black or the gray I think the gray yeah all day long I’ve got all that to move out the way so they can continue look at all the empty pallets up there so just being lifted now we’ve got another pane of glass the suckers are on pushing it into place I can see them Clips I presume they go in the bottom and the side to hold it into place I’ve got an impact driver there just screw the clamps into place release the suction cups oh they’re doing more clamps before they release the suction cups so the 30th of April 2024 that was the current state of this data center here on the end another Asheville truck as14 mot this time [Music] just want to watch the Asheville L get tipped oh yeah Landing [Music] [Music] take a bit more okay head down hold home Point updated take off okay landed Dron back up put his ped batteries in it I would love the 124 right now I could eat so easily H that from here i’ probably a few people in the buildings behind you like but I definitely get the TR must be against the law though cuz he’s flying over someone else’s property yeah this is what he does on the YouTube thing what he does it for basically if everyone leaves him alone doesn’t do nothing he off in about 10 minutes the people go what you doing man you can’t be more people watching so he gets more views he gets more money he C his argument start threatening they start threatening them it’s like a big laughing match for people but really not yeah but anything like that he’s got to he’s got to ask for permission if it mind being recorded well yeah exactly how wrong are they eh problem is it’s like in mate if anyone else in the office is watching that and then they keep you with their glasses and all that they get done them yeah that’s the thing if if if he SE someone without that PP on you can send that to alha safety yeah that’s what they do it for take the weight off [Music] boys okay all [Music] yours it is getting very windy up here let’s get this last one in so it’s actually them on the scissor lift that are talking about us we’ve heard their opinion on the type of video that we’re creating and they’re concerned about people not wearing their PPE and their safety glasses safety goggles blaming it on the camera well just wear them just wear your PPE then it don’t matter if anyone’s looking or not does [Music] it there we go Asheville Aggregates that guy over there just walk underneath his finger we’ve seen you get tipped now and now we just need to see you get loaded at your new yard but that is within the herro frz but we may be able to get permission it’s definitely on the list so we’ll see you soon Daniel Asheville at your new site there we go nicely done but for these guys well what do you hear with the scanner hey what do you hear well you hear the truth of what they really think [Music] if You’ got nothing to hide Lads there shouldn’t be a problem but you want to shoot it down don’t you you want to shoot it down and if you watch my videos you know that I’ve got a scanner and I can hear what you’re saying so we get a great video goes closer [Music] anyone walk around a chest B on camera is a weirdo driver give us a little nod as14 mot anybody that walks around with a a chest harness and a GoPro or a weirdo okay take him up take him up take him up take him up okay head down blow him up so the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is going to be under this uh piece of traffic cone there so if you are one of the first people to watch a video and you do want a key ring good luck with that yeah I heard everything you said on the scanner so it’ll all be on the video on YouTube about shooting it down is a bell and all that lot so you don’t need to say anything I’m just letting you know everything that you said while you was on the lift um I I talk to the radio I know yeah of course you don’t know what I’m R about obviously you need to get a proper job it’s not working out very well I know yeah yeah I agree with you I’m not arguing because I’ve seen your YouTube vide it sounds like you’re not as well it sounds like you’re minding your own business it’s pretty low is it yeah sounds like you’re minding your own business flying a drone over a crane it’s actually illegal oh was I flying it over the crane was I oh right I went directly above it did I did yeah you’re you’re very intelligent anyway like I said you’re boring independent little person Gavin moris thank you very very much Gavin we’ve seen your true colors today have a nice day I’m off now good best best of luck to you yeah don’t need it don’t need it oh you swearing now are you and you’re I see what are you I see vac Jesus Christ vacuum cranes vacuum crane limited very oh is it VC I can see the logo now so I’ll find who you are Gavin why just keep your nose out of my business and let me do my video from the outside I won’t bothering you but instead you’re giving it all the big on the scanner on the radio I’m done no more communication required bye Gavin pleasure to meet you my friend [Music]


    1. I have worked for Wates in the past and as such know how strict they are about PPE but these clowns are beyond belief, wear the PPE and there's no issues, Stick to the site rules and get a little knowledge about photography and drones, I hope the directors of Wates get to see this video.

    2. What an absurd wish to have shotgun on a building site in order to shoot at a legally flow drone. Presumably the law is unimportant to this individual.
      Has Wates' Press Office been asked for comment?

    3. Nice one Gav!….Made yourself look a complete bell mate. Amazing how much crap people speak when they're trying to act like billy big bollox….fkn melt. Kudos to you DJ keeping schtum while they were talking tough.

    4. You do realise that although owning a scanner is legal, it is ILLEGAL to listen to conversations not intended for general reception without permission and worse still, then publish them online! You would be in trouble if the company wanted to make a fuss about it!

    5. Oh Gavin. What have you done ?
      You knew you had been caught out and then carried on. (His 12 bore will be an Xbox).
      I do hope Gavin's manager is not a viewer !

    6. How ironic that the absolute morons on the radios think your the β€œdickhead” while they make absolute twats of themselves πŸ˜‚

    7. Another great video dj. May I ask could you give me any advice for starting off auditing? Been watching trying to pick up a few things from your videos, you're definitely inspiring me to become an auditor!

    8. So they are upset that they might be found out if they are not doing their job properly… and who's fault would that be that exactly??? Idiots. Gavin, you are a moron.

    9. Forget about shooting the drone, he acknowledged that he would probable hit people in the building but would at least get the drone.
      Very responsible!!!

    10. What a bunch of total numb nuts not a brain cell between them and Gavin is the worst of them all…….great advert for the company!!!!!

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