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    sitting in a quiet Illinois neighborhood sits an unsuspecting abandoned home built in 1921 but upon further inspection everything was left behind from the previous owners who lived there it was last lived in by the Ruth family who lived there for many years their children grew up and moved out leaving the home to their parents who lived there alone their love of history and musical instruments such as the violin can be seen littered throughout the house inside there documents from the 1950s all the way to the 1700s but what caused this home to go abandoned and to be completely forgotten well a couple years ago the couple both passed away due to covid-19 it seems around 2018 or 2019 this happened and the home was left abandoned without further Ado let’s take a trip back in time and see what’s been left behind so as you can see here the bricks have completely fallen for the stairs going up to the house pretty unique setup here I would say but actually it’s a lot bigger than it looks on the outside yard’s pretty overgrown the power’s been cut off you could see all the kind of the mold here Vines growing along the house we got a garage here too let’s see if we can look inside there real quick so he’s on the phone right now but uh I just wanted to State we are totally allowed to do this we are we’re pretty tight with the company that’s going to tear this house down it’ll be gone in uh about a couple weeks and uh we’re just we’re just taking an early look sometimes we get their on site right when they’re about to tear down sometimes we have a couple weeks in advance to uh check this out right now we have a couple weeks so we’re going to see what’s uh what’s over here well here we are everybody yeah that so bunch of garbage actually you useless stuff I mean we got a cool little chair here looks really old we have an old radiator so this is probably just junk when the uh when the old owners passed away and they shoved it all into the garage here but uh cool chair I would say what you oh he’s gone I going to say what year do you guys think that chair is we have an old uh political sign back there too but ultimately nothing looks like he’s trying to lock me in there no no I’m just kidding okay all right guys we’re about to head in I’m really uh curious on what kind of interesting things we can find we did take a sneak peek through here but uh it wasn’t very long I just got an idea that this was completely full of stuff so right here we have the sun room guys look at all this this is just the sunro there’s a lot of there’s some old looking stuff here I mean this this looks really old this this uh drawer looking thing just a whole bunch of stuff look at that that’s like um looks like snakes skin huh they’ve been back who really there’s more stuff done oh my gosh so guys when we came here people were clearing out the house yeah so they were salvaging this dude it’s only been a couple days that’s crazy so they were here either yesterday or today wow unbelievable well anyways uh let’s start the video look at this look at this detail no wonder they’re saving this guys look at this what kind of material is this you think probably Marble Marble yeah that’s what it’s called I think it sucks honestly it does suck I mean hey they’re saving it at least look how Hest that is I think it’s oh I think it’s cool who would want that on their fireplace well anyways guys right off the bat looks like there’s all this clothes uh still left here I mean where do we even begin but back there we saw I mean this is just full of stuff absolutely full there was even more when we uh came here a few weeks ago yeah him him and his buddy first found this and um he got in contact with the demo company um but yeah I mean look at all this whole lot of stuff you can see right here in the kitchen I mean I don’t know where the fridge went actually that’s kind of weird fridge was right here I think oh yeah I don’t know if it’s Al fits um I think the stove is right behind you oh yeah I believe that’s the gas connection yeah yeah you’re right so somebody uh came here a while ago and just cleaned it out might have been an attempt to clean it up cuz there’s this bucket here oh that’s different oh that all fell huh I wasn’t like that H oh this is really starting to fall apart and this is in a really nice neighborhood too oh my God nothing in here what do we have back here uh it’s like a kettle up there some old glasses a bunch of old Jewish cookbooks right here oh yeah looks like a [Music] bong is that I don’t know that’s some kind of tea thing or something bong sewing machine oil um candles lot of candles a lot of books cooking books Jewish cookery plates plates and more plates how to study that’s book I could use kind of pretty yeah right I was looking at that made in China NOP well anyways guys I was going to say look at all these uh shelves here they’re all stocked which means I mean they pretty much left everything like probably even food in the fridge before uh somebody started clearing stuff out of here I mean they got the A1 Sauce a bunch of stuff we just have to figure out what year this was abandoned there’s something that says 1902 I think this is from 2018 when I looked at the label oh really last time I was here okay that’s pretty recent well not anymore good old gini gross just bunch of food God it’ll take forever to go through all this yeah wait till you guys see the other rooms though so this is rare molding on the wall this is very expensive they would only do this on a very nice house so this was when it was built a very nice house yeah I mean it it it’s pretty big on the inside and even on the outside from some angles yeah I notice here dude there look it looks like they had like a security system implemented um when this house was abandoned H that’s kind of new yeah it didn’t work for us yeah well the power’s off this rug could be really nice oh yeah look at that Oriental dude you see what I see right here look at that wonder who that was 1934 anyways guys the main kind of living room here I mean we got some old old stuff here check out this book whatever these books were I mean they got a date from a long time ago I’m holding a flashlight my my one hand so I uh I can’t I don’t know if I can really move some stuff but uh I mean here was like a bed I mean I wonder if whoever lived here got old and they had to to move into the living room maybe back in their final days I mean there’s some kind of cord or something attached around the bed I don’t know but gosh I mean this place is littered with old photos guys look at this everywhere and old magazines nice but yeah I mean we got an old record player here bunch of just old books but yeah guys look at this piano this is crazy I mean up there that’s creepy all this stuff is like so old uh yeah we had we we had like piles of books with price tags on here and here’s one of the clues that they were Jewish you have a book about Israel God I can’t believe they Jesus what oh look at that will Met Life look at that I’ve never SE seen one of those let’s see what we got 1972 oh you would love that this be pretty cool give this to the Historical Society yeah dude and this is like this is like a local thing wa looks like a subdivision Glen View that’s C that is so cool dude this stuff wouldn’t even be available online this is some like 30 prior Road oh wow wonder if that’s still there yeah we could go by sometime I’m Shalom I think that’s still there Illinois Tollway that’s very funny 1970s WKA luxury home first time I wonder if we’ve explored any of these yet no they’re all too small oh I know this house I think I know this house really let’s see this is 576 Lincoln so this was torn down for a commercial 576 so that home right there is long gone and this is in its place so my friend found some photos of the old family that used to live here and you can actually see in front of the house let’s see if we can kind of put this down here in front of some light here we’ll uh bring them outside show them the angle yeah some before and after so this was the family that lived here it was an old couple look at that so that’s them in front of their house at uh at a really old age to the towards the end of their life and here’s it looks like the she looks younger in this photo so this might be an an older one and see the uh the couple sitting in front of the house here I wonder what year that was taken I mean there’s plenty of photos guys that’s them in front of uh one of the one of the buildings in WKA I believe here’s another photo in front of the old home oh look at that took my goddamn lamp oh they took the lamp yeah I had this nice ass lampstand uh picked out for auction they took it that’s unfortunate there’s a good photo of them I wonder if I can find a marker that might be their parents there’s a camera here oh there was a vintage camera oh my gosh the box and everything wait so you think someone’s illegally taking this yeah oh my gosh I wouldn’t be surprised well they took the copper so no way they took the copper the basement remember they took the Copper from the pipes what what I don’t remember that remember you pointed it out oh maybe some of it yeah I wish should put a camera in here huh see we can catch whoever’s stealing all this stuff so I’m just taking a look at all these books here this one says property of Howard clap 1927 and I’m just I’m really just like looking at how old this one look this just fell off the book this is how old these books are but I mean all these these books here I it’s like it’s like a travesty like these are all old like it’s like over hundred years old all these books I mean I I could you know I could look through all this stuff forever look at this old uh papers there another will Met Life book look that’s the baj temple back there there’s only seven of these in the entire world I believe and one’s right in the middle of Chicago so guys if anyone lives in will met or nearby check this out guys we found exclusive papers from the 1970s here this is pretty cool especially considering I live nearby here too I mean this stuff’s all super relevant we’re going to be donating to this to this to the historical society and another reason I say they’re Jewish because history of Chicago jewelry it’s interesting book I wonder how old this this one is I’ve never heard the term jewelry that’s interesting but yeah I mean the stuff goes on it’s like all this stuff okay maybe some of it’s from the ‘ 50s but it’s all so old like not old but like you know it’s from a time when before I was born so I suppose it’s old to me oh he’s writing something on the wall we know TN down so who cares right okay it says we know you were here this will be gone you know 2 weeks but who whoever stealing uh you’re ruining my video and also they had a lot of record I think they were musicians at least some of this is going to good use guys if anybody’s interested DM me on Instagram if you guys want anything I find in the videos assuming I’m allowed to take it sometimes um sometimes I’m not allowed to take stuff sometimes I am all right guys from the piano room we’re moving into this room right here so this was the dining room we have a table here and chair set up also an Israel thing again but um plenty of stuff here as well Israel consero violin so there are is so many violin stuff here I assume these people the family that lived here were musicians I mean there’s so much stuff concerning violins it’s that’s um that’s part of the story we’re starting to learn this was more organized yeah Somebody went trash this I think this is the Sonic temple on Central whoa and I want to say guys check out this drawer right here it’s got all the items on uh still in there for the most part it’s been a little bit ravaged through oh there was more there was more oh yeah it was packed oh man Somebody went and removed all this stuff jeez I mean this is so much stuff guys this is kind of garbage there was much more in there this was in this corner was packed with files had another thing on top of it um these were not here they were somewhere over there this was covered with stuff this table was covered with stuff all these were full jeez somebody got here before us that’s unfortunate well after us but yeah so through all the junk in the corner here I managed to find a couple interesting things these here are Postcards From New York um some of these are old or old looking this is a motel there’s some historical Mansion this is like a developing Town it looks like pretty cool this must have been Upstate New York he’s going to reverse image search it says on the back actually what it is oh does it yeah the breakers Vanderbilt Manion Vanderbilt Mansion oh actually that’s in Rhode Island look at that and it’s still there look at that what a house my buddy might want that anyways guys we’re back by the kitchen here just a quick little look at the bathroom but um before my flashlight dies if it does I want to show you guys the basement here’s another completely stocked bookshelf here there some more stuff in the corner but plenty of books I mean plenty of books so oh yeah this is what they racked to build the new one I think wow so this is nutrier high school guys if anybody went to New Trier we found a lot of historical stuff from here this is an old directory of names and addresses but it’s probably pretty old at this point and outdated but full of stuff hey maybe there’s some famous people that we can find on there huh yeah anyways guys we’re heading downstairs I already see a couple bicycles check out this old bicycle this a real this is probably from the 7s or 80s I mean my dad had one he’s not that old and then we have uh right here an old typewriter look at that it’s got some mold on it this ba basement’s pretty damp so we’re not going to be down here too long and um right here get my nice pink jacket but yeah I see an old bicycle tires are long flat this looks like 70s bicycle maybe it’s got cool handlebars I like the look I wonder how many people are going to jump to the comments see me wear this thing we got an old uh sewing machine here it’s actually in really good shape and there’s an old 1950s fan right there that’s pretty cool I used to have fun of these actually I still do this mhm good scrap oh this is a bow oh interest that might be real was this here last time I didn’t I don’t remember that H that’s weird oh there’s tools oh oh wait they’re dude they might be scrapping yeah so guys there’s all these shelves this coke might have been from the guy who was taking stuff I don’t [Music] know plenty of stuff get that t DNA tested yeah DNA tested Coke if I had the money i’ do it but I don’t so out of pettiness I won’t cuz I’m broke W guys look that’s uh JFK right there here’s an old uh 1965 Life Magazine right here probably plenty of other ones under here but as you can see there’s mold on there I don’t want to disturb that too much right here there’s I mean books look at these they’re yellow spores guys definitely definitely don’t want to breathe that in stuff oh it’s all over everything oh my goodness that’s gross you know part of me thinks look these guys might have been from Minnesota because there was a lot of stuff they were trying to figure out the history of Minnesota we also have stuff from Rochester which is upstate New York a bug there just a couple pieces of glass here nothing too interesting I wonder what this was though oh look at that we have an old bench that nice Lumber whoever lived here might have built this bench themselves for all we know so as we go further into the basement guys looks like an old golf golf club thing for carrying around golf clubs and plenty of other documents here look at these old books we have some more magazines here I don’t want to deal with any of that to be honest plenty of old magazines we have something for a pen right there and garbage bo uh bags right here couple other random things the husband must have been working on things there’s also this old thing what was that Zenith I think this is a speaker system yep Zenith St stereo phonic phonic phonic whatever that means so over here we have some uh what do you call those record players not record players uh tape players oh yeah so they listening to recordings this is the jack oh and look it’s falling around around it oh my goodness so guys here’s like the kind of the wine seller here let’s take a look there’s a lot of glasses here whole lot of stuff got North Northshore Community Bank I think I have the same cup wow plenty of old stuff in here so much mold yep here’s an old wine bottle so much glass old box a fish tank more glass maybe they’re canning their own stuff there’s some strange liquid in this one and that one um yeah let’s take a look at these old bottles here to get a photo of these so we have um I wonder what year these are is that 1818 I don’t know bardi seen that before in these houses yeah Croc that’s a cool bottle my goel dude I’ve heard of radioactive chemistry sets oh my dude see what kind of stuff see what kind of stuff this is whoa sodium so I see salt sodium chloride sodium phosphate ammonium phosphate ammonium fos yeah oh ammonium phosphate where is it oh this is sulfur doesn’t smell like anything they always say sulfur smells I don’t think it does when it’s a firework yeah that’s ammonium phosphate whatever that means I I think we can make explosives with this oh my gosh might that might be ammonium nitrate salt Petter oh yeah yeah tartar acid tartaric acid still want to try and blow this up during demo though let’s see what we got up here sodium carbonate I wonder how cool this set would have been like if there was explosions or something cool that you could you could do this is what I want to know what this is yeah why is it green it’s like it’s radium oh there’s an old like um instruction manual I think so here’s a look at the front door a better look looks pretty nice like I kind of like how it looks they really tried to block off the view whoever lived here or whoever is in charge of the property or was but anyways let’s head let’s head upstairs so right at the top of these stairs here we have some skis and some golf clubs these golf clubs might have been used in that golf thing in the basement we have some more books and uh other things well guys we took a quick look and there’s way too much stuff to film even today so we are going to come here tomorrow and maybe a couple days actually and film this whole thing because there’s so much historical stuff I cannot I cannot faom this you guys are going to see what we see what’s up guys so we’re back this is the second day here my buddy unfortunately was not able to come but uh as we continue upstairs I mean there is just an absurd amount of History here absurd there’s a lot of stuff that’s just still as it was when the home was abandoned I mean just take a look at this I I kind of assorted a couple things to uh kind of show you guys to start off you know what we’re dealing with here so let’s go take a look so guys we are back in this first room here and I mean all over the floor there’s just stuff from the 50s and much older letters from the from family member to family member right here I kind of assorted a couple interesting things I found right here for example is a letter which I’m not able to read but it appears it’s um from a family member if anybody wants to translate that in the comments that’s cursive sorry I didn’t grow up uh reading cursive at school but if anyone like to translate um feel free to but as you can see right here we have a a photo of the uh couple that lived here back when they got married and of course they look really young here I recognized this lady from the picture she looked a lot older from the more modern picture so these are um some very old photos and there’s just um scrapbook after scrapbook of stuff guys right here is the Great Chicago Fire this was probably an excerpt from newspaper I think a lot of these are for example right here we have an image of uh Poland during 1939 so this would have been when uh during World War II and uh right here we have a photo another photo of the wedding it appears and some younger girl that was there as well I mean there’s there’s a bunch there’s this whole book there’s PL there’s lots of these books which just the these historical documents I mean this one says Rochester and Minnesota I’m starting to believe the family here had connections to Rochester Minnesota and uh a couple other places so guys if you’re from Minnesota this might be interesting to you as well what do we have here a Lincoln statue that was destroyed it looks like this is an article from Minnesota as well and uh right here look at that sorry I just stopped the video guys it’s it’s kind of unnerving to know that someone’s coming here and removing stuff so anyways here’s a uh thing about this is from 1938 about President Roosevelt over here we have another old scrapbook more newspaper excerpts an old globe and here’s a picture of the lady that left here it looks like she’s uh pretty young in this photo same hairstyle another article and then this one’s kind of interesting check that out that’s Abraham Lincoln this is an article from 1937 75 years ago Lincoln reading the Emancipation Proclamation 75 years ago that’s around 200 years ago at this point which is crazy to imagine here we have a uh photo from 2002 I don’t know if I recognize any of the family members here could be a postcard and then here we have an image of Stalin right here just some more stuff from the Scrapbook I find interesting but anyways that’s kind of the stuff I laid out around here but I mean there’s just so much stuff guys wait till you guys see that the Next Room there’s um there’s more stuff about violins a lot of old postcards guys I mean there’s just boxes of these postcards from from like the 50 these you can tell these stamps are old they’re worth 3 cents each so much stuff here’s some copies of the wedding photos down there those are just the same pictures right here we have some old cloths it seems and um some more postcards this book says Grandma Grandma’s poetry I mean look at all these old books guys there is so many old books and right here you can see all this stuff on the floor that’s not what you think that’s from the radiator exploding a lot of these old houses especially on the NorthShore when the when it gets cold out guys the radiators just explode because the water freezes CU there’s no heat in the house but I mean there’s just bookshelves everywhere let’s take a look over here so we have more old America’s weekly 19 19 63 what’s in here whatever that was it’s no longer there plenty of books I mean look at look at how like worn these are you know these have to be some of these have to be from the 1800s a lot of these mostly from the ‘ 50s however there’s another Life Magazine about Greece more musical books and more books look at this boxes of postcards boxes of it here we have a poster and over here guys we found some more family photos here I’m not sure who this lady is here um this might be the lady who lived here’s mother these look like they’re dated maybe before the 1980s or around that time but I mean guys this room is very intact so we’re kind of on the side of the house now and there’s just all this stuff we have books stacked to the ceiling whoever lived here definitely read most of these books I mean that’s what people did in their pasttime now everyone looks at their phones but just more books I mean shoot maybe we could donate these there we have Agatha Christie apparently she’s a famous author just it’s weird how it’s stacked to the ceiling like that you know my my uh thought is that the people that used to the the the sons or Daughters of the people that lived here put all this stuff in kind of piles here as you can see but they have long abandoned the house and over there look looks like the house is kind of slanted down maybe that was how it was built I’m not sure but back there you can also see you know a desk with the chair still there kind of how everything was was before all this stuff kind of got moved around right here there’s another old photo and drawings back here more postcards here’s a diploma School of Smith college interesting not sure anything about that if that has to do with violin playing or not but I mean this is like overwhelming guys that mean the amount of stuff here here’s paintings but they’ve been ripped out strangely but I bet they were painted by the person that lived here have another old photo looks like a movie theater or a bowling alley as you can see guys more postcards and newspapers I mean I could be looking through this stuff for days not even hours but days as you can see more books plenty of that what’s up here looks like some dolls or something interesting oh there’s an old photo it might be the lady oh and there’s a coin back there too I’m going to take that coin out real quick so guys here’s a couple things I picked up here’s a picture of the lady there’s a speck of dirt on on the photo but this is a German coin Deutsch mark from 1963 it’s hard to focus my camera is uh not been properly set up anyways guys here’s a postcard from the bajai temple this is uh there’s only seven of these in the world and there’s one right in Chicago super close another thing I found fascinating for my people living nearby we have an old mathematics uh book from Will wilmat Jr High School very cool this would have been from the’ 60s I believe and that’s just a couple things guys just kind of nitpicking it’s weird look there’s another one that’s been ripped and this one here these paintings they were hand painted I mean there’s just all this stuff and this is like this desk is kind of attached to the house it seems or maybe not it’s placed pretty well but I mean what do I even so much stuff here’s some model there’s a model jacuzzi in there and some other stuff interesting more old books as well that one says please don’t hate me there’s some old clothes guys look at how old some of this stuff is I don’t see oh my goodness and these shoes W these shoes have got to be really old here’s two photos I found hidden this one is a boy and a girl they look polish interesting I believe the here’s U part polish too could be wrong lots of Polish people up here and then here’s a house looks familiar so it’s got to be around here I wonder what the uh why they took a photo of a random house and um here’s an interesting book I found as well readers write books it’s got to be old there’s just I’m just walking over this stuff guys this is all history here what is this something oldfashioned for [Music] sure I hate to walk all over this stuff but that’s what I have to do to get through this house so anyways here here’s a phone interesting and uh what is this oh that’s not real that scared me for a second but yeah here’s another one of the rooms guys there’s still clothes in that closet we’ll check out a bulletin board and uh a bed I don’t know if this I mean this bed isn’t is pretty nice compared to the rest of the house strangely here we have wow these are some big books guys suburban Chicago telephone directory that’s crazy that’s going to be from the 50s something something old here we have some more um postcards sent by air mail that flew on a plane and over here we have some old tapes but guys it looks like these tapes have nothing on them otherwise I would be able to play them cuz I have something that plays these and over here we have some drawings this might have been from the owner when she was younger or he a lot of older folks they keep everything all this stuff and hey good for them here we have a bulletin board let’s see that is uh it’s an old these are probably postcards here doubt I doubt yeah that’s got to be a postcard I don’t know what all this stuff is who is that who are these guys is that the Beetles I have no idea guys don’t make fun of me um but here we have one intact painting it’s funny because that’s what the house looks like now peeling paint and what’s interesting guys looks like during 1997 there were there is uh some medicine prescribed and um she still has it that’s crazy look we have Xanax in there that stuff’s highly illegal today times have changed we have some more old postcards here as well interesting this one says I’m at a bad angle here uh and then there’s an old stamp on the floor but guys look at all this medicine every time I see old medicine house I always wonder if it’s illegal today not that I would take anything and guys here we’re at the closet and actually look oh my gosh so in 1959 there was a let’s see if we can read that so this is June 1959 is when this height chart was made 1961 1963 New Trier 1964 age 19 1969 so we can find the age age 19 1969 okay I’ll uh use that to calculate the age here look at all this stuff though Mickey Mouse Club it’s an old logo they had there news re H look at all these clothes guys I mean some of this stuff looks really old here let’s take a look over here this is what I’m talking about old I mean this is stuff looks like traditional clothing there’s a shoe um a shoe thing here hanging shoes on it and um look at that two Pam from Gil so this is a um sorority here from from the college they went to that’s interesting we also have some old magazines here as well um I don’t see a year okay yeah I do june 1974 we have another room here completely full of stuff look at that that’s an old wheel I wonder if that’s just a decoration or not and uh some books as well and then look right there it looks like it looks like the lady but I’m not sure it’s a young lady there though we have some more stuff a lot of this is personal as you can see right here there’s a hat so this was kind of probably the husband’s work area it seems we have some nail clippers some old kind of knickknacks what does this say string o huh never heard of string oil more stuff here Harper’s magazine never heard of that I mean this just goes on and on guys I would be here forever if I had to look through all this stuff I can’t imagine what the family must have felt having to look at all this stuff and choose whether to take it or not I mean cuz cuz somebody clearly kind of set all this stuff up here uh for a later date there’s another old house before you guys say did you check in any of the drawers I assure you all these drawers are empty which is what makes me think that this house was looked through by the family after the previous owners passed away here we have something that says um 1890 okay admitted 1915 Daughters of the American Rehabilitation uh what does that say something shun I don’t know what this is guys let me know if you guys know plenty of other things here seems we have an old photo but that could just be from a magazine more violin stuff there we go it makes me sad dude these books are so old this is all getting wrecked anyways guys let’s head to the next room here so I mean this is um full of stuff as well this looks relatively more intact as well so right here we have some clothes some tennis stuff or bad mitt something like that more books I mean so much stuff what does this say 1775 whatever this is picture story map and narrative um oh that’s just that’s just a piece of a book from 1775 these people must have liked history too as much as me there’s a shoe and ton of other stuff does get exhausting after a while looking through everything what what is this I’m trying to figure out what that is okay here we go whirlpool bath from Sears whatever that means some more stuff looks like a telephone telephone and some other documents some clothes sorry it seems my camera doesn’t want to focus cuz um hopefully you guys saw a lot of what I was filming here’s a cool old um suitcase right here air conditioning unit I think this door leads to the other room hopefully hopefully I’m not missing anything this looks like the woman stuff here just kind of random things it’s funny women and guys have different kind of knickknacks they have I wonder if this stuff was hand sewn though sorry did that Focus hopefully this all focused we have a couple other things but guys we have a third floor third floor to look through look at all the scuffs on the floor it’s going to get a hot up here look like some kind of bug on the floor um um but yeah I mean right right off the bat we got books piled up here all this stuff Aurora around the world story here I think that’s that’s got to be a xylophone right or it’s one of those things that people use to clean clothes it’s got It’s probably a xylophone and here we have um look at that we have some candles for Hanukkah look at that guys I see a lot of those around here and this is um some kind of fan strangely enough I don’t think I think it’s I guess it’s connected to the house anyways whoa look at this this is an old look at this it’s got to be from the ‘ 80s an old can and it’s in good shape too never seen that taking a step back here just looking out all this stuff unreal so uh I thought this was money at first it’s not it’s a little bank there’s a sculpture right here too of a dog or something pretty strange here we have more knickknacks don’t see anything interesting though it’s just kind of weird stuff random stuff wow it’s hot up here guys let me tell you more books more files look at this furniture though you don’t make them like they used to it’s got to be old you have a painting here wonder if someone actually painted that with their hands I wonder if some of these paintings are valuable too you know I always wonder what I’m I walk by so much stuff and just let it let it go and I never save anything so guys let me know you know if you guys find anything worth saving shoot well if it’s still here I’ll uh try to figure that out and save it there’s nothing in there I mean look at this more musical books you’d have to be like music and be a historian to want this stuff I suppose here we have a holy bible now I posted a short video about this place and everyone’s like they’re not Jewish that’s the um they have the Bible well guess what you can have you can be Jewish and own a Bible right silly thing to say but here’s a cutting board for paper I have one of these this is old though I like it it’s got spring action too whatever this is I think this is a cane something for canes that’s um something they got from Goodwill those aren’t their photos though look at all this what do we got here New York Times 1973 there we come on 1973 and more [Applause] books I’d love to look through all this stuff I got a flashlight in my other hand I have we did look through this house though look at that that’s new that’s whoever was coming through this house guys all this stuff though oh jeez well guys I’ve just uncovered more photos um maybe I shouldn’t be looking at these but it doesn’t even look like it’s the house it looks like an office or something yeah weird interesting my goodness Oxford here we go for my locals again 1960 report 1966 report from nutrier if you guys want to read through that hopefully yall can see that okay I’m sweating up here here’s a drawing of a dog okay so by the stairs again this is an old radio bad shape of course now looks kind of T badly made see all that stuff peeling off cheap wood but it is old so I’m surprised it’s uh kind of cheaply made there I this is just so much stuff okay so all this stuff guys more vintage violin books I mean when was the last time they read this you know when do you start calling this stuff hoarding I don’t know whatever these are more violin books this thing I’m like what the hell is this looks like some sort of clipboard vintage clipboard I know you guys are like be slower when walking through this house is it’s not easy guys I’m not going to I’m not going to lie there’s there’s there’s ages of stuff to look through more books some old shoes some old leather shoes that’s pretty old too here’s um something from 1974 about Nixon in Watergate from the Chicago Tribune we have a uh another Newsweek 1975 and we’re getting towards the back of this house here it’s an old bed frame some old cushions too look at that that’s some probably 70 Styers something I mean all this these are all just documents when are you going to need some of these you know that’s my question you have a strange thing in here so this is a mini washing machine I wonder what for that is cool though whatever this is see there’s a little light bulb up there too really I’ve never seen a light bulb that small there some more newspapers here we go some Lincoln Logs a carpet wrapped up hopefully it’s not a body Dominics you guys remember Dominics that place went out of business when I was a kid looking through all that stuff um we had a couple newspapers some old um newsletters what have you and uh here’s another thing new Tri your news I me gosh I think we’re going to donate all this stuff to the Historical Society here I think we’ve already been talking with them about it it’s more of my buddy oh jeez yeah but yeah more more Children’s um drawings to think that you know the people that lived here were kids and then they already passed away you know this is probably their stuff that they drew when they were they were young here we have a pile of clothes whole bunch of all this clothes guys look at this it just looks old to me could be wrong Psychology today 1970 more newspapers oh I need to take a break but check it out guys so uh check it out so we’re uh we’re pretty high up here this is the second house this also looks abandoned but we are high up telling you so as we make our way back downstairs just you know just reminded of this was somebody’s life here all their memories it’s all gone now believe I missed the bathroom here but not much to see old style stuff though 50s stuff but anyways guys it’s getting really dark so leave a like comment and subscribe if you’re new to the channel and uh I’ll be doing more stuff like this if you guys have any criticisms of me let me know you know I’m always open to criticism I know I was told last time to really look through some stuff so here I am by the way this camera weighs like 15 lb 20 lb and I’m holding it up you know but uh hey thanks for watching guys I hope I uh I hope I really did a good walk through this place huh take care


    1. Starting with the photo you showed of Elayne Donenberg I easily found info on the family that lived there. Fred & Olga were the couple that owned the home. Fred was from Poland, born in 1900. Olga was born in 1908 in Illinois. Their daughter, Elayne (this is correct spelling, not Elaine as shown on the photo) was the violinist – quite accomplished. Here is her obituary –
      Elayne Donenberg Obituary

      Donenberg, Elayne age 69, died of cardiac arrest in Chicago on Tuesday, June 13, 2006. Devoted daughter of the late Fred and Olga Iris Donenberg. Elayne touched many people with her generosity of spirit and love of life. Her passions lead her to giving and serving others. Elayne attended The Juliard School and graduated from Northwestern University and became a concert violinist, including as a soloist with the Chicago, Dallas, Hollywood and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestras. She also was a skilled translator of Italian and French, and artist, a benefactor of the arts and a para-legal. Her writing and analytical abilities were superb. Elayne loved good food and good people. She frequently enjoyed the company of her friends for dinner or tea at the Four Seasons. A loyal and supportive friend, she was always willing to lend a helping hand or a sympathetic ear. Elayne is survived by a loving family of friends who will miss her greatly. A private burial has been held at Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie. A memorial service is planned for Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 8 p.m. at the Piser Chapel, 9200 N. Skokie Blvd. (at Church St.), Skokie, IL, 60077. In lieu of flowers, donations in her name to Fred, Olga and Elayne Donenberg Foundation, 120 N. LaSalle St., Suite #3800, Chicago, IL, 60602, would be appreciated. For information Piser Funeral Services, 847-679-4740.
      Published by Chicago Sun-Times on Jun. 25, 2006.

      Elayne never married and had no children. I'm guessing the house has been vacant since her death in 2006.

    2. @StringerMedia just finished and you did a great job!! You are very respectful of the peoples things and I appreciate that you take the time to go through the magazine/newspapers and photos! It’s almost like the last chance to honor the many lives of the people who once loved this beautiful home!

    3. Cannot read cursive?

      Whst a failure of the education system.

      37:07 "Pollyana" story about the adventures about a girl who was about positive attitude. Disney made a movie about it.

      42:40 Harpers Magazine- very wide publication on random topics. Politics, current events, hobbies.

      48:29 "wonder if someone actually painted that with their hands…"…?

      Wear long sleeves and a respirator.

    4. It’s so saddening to me that we in the west destroy these beautiful pieces of history to build shopping centers and apartment units that look like box’s. 😢

    5. You have to kidding me that you can not read the hand written letter! i Can you translate it oh my god your the next generation to lead this country.

    6. stringer media thankd for sharing this video with me about So Much History Left Behind!! – Exploring the Abandoned Home of a Violinist and this was a really interesting video and thanks again and God Bless.

    7. Stopped by. My Mom and Dad were in Chicago. My dad was Irish and my Mom was Polish. I was born in a suburb called Bridgeview. Stayed there until I joined the Navy 20 years later I'm stuck in California.

    8. That green thing that you had your foot on and wondered what it is 52.12 mark is called a teledex. It’s used for storing phone numbers, under each letter is a page that you would write a persons phone number under the persons surname. When you needed to find it you would push the button or in some of them a slider to the letter and the top would open up to reveal the list of people. Just a way to organise your favourite numbers like on your mobile phone. Awesome video by the way. 😊

    9. These folks kept EVERYTHING. Wow. Respectful walk through – great job! I did find it kind of funny that the cursive english may as well be a foreign language these days.

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