Dave Palumbo and Chris Aceto look at the Spring Mayhem that is ready to start on the MENS OPEN BODYBUILDING CIRCUIT! Who will be Nick Walker’s biggest challenger at the 2024 New York Pro? Will it be the 2024 Detroit Pro champion Martin Fitzwater? Defending New York Pro champion Tonio Burton? How about upstarts Stu Sutherland and Quentin Eriya?

    A week before the New York Pro, we will see some of the biggest names in bodybuilding posedown in Pittsburgh. Will Big Ramy steal the show? If the former 2 x Mr. Olympia shows improvements, is he back on track for another Olympia title push come October?

    It’s Heavy Muscle Radio – with Dave Palumbo and Chris Aceto (and a cameo by Sid), on RXMuscle.com.

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    [Music] I created species nutrition with one mission in mind to provide bodybuilders and serious athletes with No Nonsense supplements that work I put my name and reputation on every bottle of species nutrition products if you want to be your absolute best join the evolution [Music] [Music] [Music] and we’re back and we’re live for another edition of Heavy Muscle radio I am directly off a flight from St Louis and chriso is in his beach house so that means he’s very relaxed he’s on vacation what’s going on Chris I am uh yeah I’m relaxed I was too tired to drive home I my wife and kids went went home about oh they oh you are alone then oh okay all right no no they were here for a couple days alone now you got yeah it’s 10:40 now and so uh you pull the black but I got so much work I got I do have so much work so your wife’s like stay stay I don’t I I was too tired to we came in two cars and I was too tired to drive so I said I’ll come back at like six in the morning or something you were stalling you really wanted you wanted some vacation time I will sleep I did this I will sleep like like a dream tonight recognized on the beach huh did you get recognized on the beach I told Dave you just can’t believe this two two coincidences I got a better story but you tell your story first because it’s good one okay so so I’m on the on the beach with the 5-year-old and I put the beach chair out and a girl comes up to me this was two days ago and she comes up to me and she said are you cisto I said yeah so she said uh from bodybuilding right and I said yeah so she said my my boyfriend’s like too too shy or too embarrassed he’s he’s over there he didn’t D dare to come up and say anything so I said well tell him to come on over so he he comes over and we chitchat for a little bit and he says oh I’ve you know listen to Heavy Muscle radio and I said where you staying and he’s he’s staying in the same building where I own a unit oh that’s funny I I own a unit anyways and so he’s staying at at the same building so that was I think two days ago this morning I’m back out on the beach with the five-year-old and this guy comes up so the guy listens to Heavy Muscle radio big bodybuilding fan yeah another guy comes up from so the first guy was couple was from Michigan and the next couple was from Idaho and they came up today and they said uh are you Chris and I said yeah y Heavy Muscle radio I just feeling sure enough yeah they started yapping about bodybuilding Heavy Muscle radio and they were staying in the building so I asked them if they were friends with I didn’t even know the people’s name from two days but the idea that two people you know just the coincidence but the Evan Centon is even crazier what happened with Evan senton Evan knows that I love historical architecture and I’ll send him pictures of like houses that I see in Instagram and he’ll send be pictures of houses from like you know 1910 or something right so he sends me pictures of this mailbox he says it’s one of a kind it’s one of a kind okay and I said hold on a second I run down to the lobby of this building where I’m at now and I take a picture and it’s the same exact exact mailbox are you serious he just bought it at like an antique store or something or it was it was that mailbox and self it was the same exact mailbox but made by the same company so he told me if you flip it he flipped his over and in giant like marks into the uh it must be made out of I don’t know what iron cast iron iron it’s a it’s an outgoing mail mailbox like a commercial mailbox yeah his is marked 1948 and big letters so if you look under it uh you’ll see that it was made 19 you know you’ll see the that it was manufactured so I went down and the mailbox in the lobby was manufactured 1931 [ __ ] wow but the coincidence he said it was one of a kind I said not really all the old stuff lasts Chris because it’s made so well you buy a mailbox like today in two years it’ll it’ll just fall apart on its own you don’t even have to even like try to like hit it you know mess it up right well the mailboxes were better Dave and the real trend from France was better yeah that’s right so if you’re contest prepping I’m main the Cycles Dave and using 760 milligrams a week yeah dude the Cycles we would I was talking to Dave about that before the show started the cyes they’re just beyond pass it’s either there it’s either people are lying okay about like saying they use a thousand milligrams of trend a week or the trend is just not the right strength and they’re not using a th why why can’t they why can’t they both be true that they’re using 700 I don’t think you could function look I’m telling you I couldn’t sleep on like 200 milligrams of tremone a week and and these to take a thousand you would be like you’d have to like take propo to go to sleep like Michael Jackson if you or you could have kids and you could fall asleep on a DME most body BS don’t have kids although I saw a very a very cute picture of Wesley vissers with his uh son you see this kid this kid is gonna be a freaking movie star look at well he he can he can sleep obviously on a thousand masteron you know what did he put out a cycle that he was doing someone sent me a clip of a thousand masteron a week right was an English translation issue yeah and well masteron is not that I mean it still sounds ridiculous in the amounts but it’s not an androgen in the sense like that tremone would like get give you the crazy crazy side effects it’s just unnecessary probably you know yeah I don’t know anyone who’s ever used that 200 a week and go to my Instagram you know how many people I’ve coached 200 yeah well most people most people use like two 300 of of Master on a week by the way Lee Priest is technically right I had a tattoo removal done because um I had a tattoo on my face Chris I was trying to be like Lee and the guy said to me who was putting the tattoos on he’s like these tattoos um you can’t put them on your face I said why not he said because it’s not face paint safe I said said but what does that mean he goes mean you won’t be able to get it off I said I am the greasiest Italian you’ve ever met slide right off I will take a tissue and wipe the thing off he goes I’m telling you it’s not gonna come off you’re gonna have to use rubbing alcohol and rub it so I had it on and I went back to the room and I I washed my face with like and it came right off like you would think that the guy was like like there was something wrong with the guy to tell me that because this guy was did tattoos you know I said so I I now I have to go Lee I have get the I need your stencil of your tattoo so I could be just like you like a a mini mini leak speaking Dave of things just sliding right off did you get that that did I send you that uh Instagram you should put it up of the the guy on the roller coaster with the girl oh yeah I a lot of people saw the one where the the wig goes flowing up flying up turns out it’s a guy yeah yeah it was funny I was I was watching that I watched that and I started to cry and scream and laugh and my 10-year-old and 5-year-old came flying into the room to find out what’s going on what’s the matter because I don’t I was laughing on control yeah Lee I didn’t I didn’t have the balls to to make it as permanent yours that’s why twice he did it Lee actually was the only human being I know to actually get a tattoo have it actually removed and get it where it was it you couldn’t see it anymore and then he got it again no he missed it he I think he no I think he missed the pain of of of doing it so he wanted to go do it again so but um anyway so so I was in the airport so I had a connect from St Louis I’ll talk about that in a minute I was in the St Louis Pro show with Jack to Tony show I had a connect in Atlanta on the way home and then and then I kept saying you know the connection is very close I was afraid I was gonna miss it because you know you know that Atlanta airport you’ve been there it’s very big and you got to get on like trains and [ __ ] like that and I’m like I said why I booked these things I booked it to close together the connection is going to be too so I get off the plane Chris and as I’m getting off they’re like all right anyone from Fort my this is this plane’s going to Fort Meers next so the plane where I actually was getting off of was the plane that was going to Fort Meers so I was actually at the gate it was the it was the same plane it was the miracle so as I get off this this guy comes up to me and he’s like T Palumbo he he had the like a captain’s you know uniform on he was a pilot you know Pilot’s uniform on and I said what’s up he’s like yeah and he tell the guy works out he goes yeah I’m getting ready for my first show he goes I watch you you know you and Chris all the time on Heavy Muscle radio love the stuff I said oh great he let me get a picture so he actually was catching a flight on the way back to Fort Meers here he’s in the he’s in the area and uh he’s a pilot so and he flies a lot on um flights to what was he telling me he flew to like oh he goes to White Plains which is where my sister lives you know in New York so you never know I might have him as my pilot in the future flight you got pull you got to pull a Jay yeah yeah maybe he let you think he’ll let me sit next to him in the cockpit on the cockit No No but but they used to be able to there was uh Jay used to have a connection at one of I told that story before right one of thees and like wherever I was like if da Dave he was so in with the guy like let’s say Dave you were flying like Fort Meyers to Idaho you just call up Jay and say hey Jay can you get me upgraded and like oh yeah okay goodbye oh really that that was that’s a good yeah yeah Jay had this crazy connection that um like whenever I’d fly somewhere or meura yeah that’s great uh I Jay I you know I’m flying out of Portland and I’m gonna you know fly to Texas can you get me upgraded like yeah that’s awesome Mike palazzo’s um Dad used to work at for Virgin uh Virgin American Airlines there and um whenever I would fly out of like I think it was JFK he worked out of he would get me upgraded to like the business class which was nice and and Jim Manion had some woman in in Pittsburgh airport that he was every time I when I used to fly there in the 90s they this woman loved them um and any every time she saw me she’d upgrade me also because she always upgraded JY and uh so that was a good connection too but I did get I did get a free wine on the plane because the woman the flight attendants are like oh we’ve seen that’s two times in one day we got you get a free drink for us I’ll take some Veno Viagra I eat some Veno Viagra so I had a had a red wine uh toasted gave a little toast to Steve Blackman anyway so I went to St Louis and I you know it’s funny because I haven’t really gone to a lot of shows so this was like the first like non Olympia Arnold show that I went to and it was really good first of all I I I realized how much I miss Jack I used to go to Jack’s show all the time and worked for me at species nutrition she was an athlete for years and they they threw a great show they sold that place out man like couldn’t believe how many tickets they sold it was really really good it was a pro am show and uh I ran to a lot of good people and that’s what I wanted to talk about you know we got the the the guest posing coming up in Pittsburgh in two weeks and or is it yeah it’s two weeks right yeah yeah two weeks two weeks and we have the New York Pro the week after that and I ran into uh well first I ran to Martin Fitzwater who won the Detroit show you know controversially obviously we thought you know we said big veto looked you know I we thought you and I both thought big veto should won and I you know he came up to me yeah I’m doing New York I said oh you are why he’s like well you know I could have been better he knew he could have been better in Detroit so he wants to BR he was showing me pictures he’s already like [ __ ] shrink wrapped like crazy looking and I think he wants to show everyone that he could be his best you know on stage which I thought was that was you know it was look it wasn’t his fault that he picked that he won the show you know the judges picked him but it’s cool that he doesn’t he doesn’t have to do another show he’s qualified for the Olympia but he wants to go up against Nick Walker to see how he does obviously and to show everyone hey I can be better than I was in Detroit which I thought was pretty cool you know yeah yeah not how many guys would do that you know risk it lay it on the line like that you know no they did did do the opposite they’d say that um I look like Andreas mon you just have to be there to see it yeah yeah right he didn’t make any right he made no excuses for I I thought you know I I was not there and I thought veto had the edge but I thought he looked great yeah I mean I think he looks I think he’s a great uh you know he’s he’s he’s really put together good he’s got he doesn’t have weaknesses so that’s bodybuilding that moves you up a lot a lot of show yeah and his condition was um you know good I just you know it was very good actually it you know it was good and he’s young he’s young too Chris which is helpful he’s got that young skin yes without a doubt well you you know when you’re young your muscle just looks Blas and full even when it’s not full yeah yeah and I um you know I I saw um Tonio Burton was there too oh yeah really so he went up he was up he was up on stage there and he was um he was talking on the mic and I said I pulled the Blackman god let’s see what you look like I said let’s see take it off take it off woo I pul I I I’m I’ve become that like old like weirdo guy in the audience now so I wanted to I want to see what he looks like combination of Blackman and Lonnie terer yeah I’ll tell you something he’s doing New York Pro and he looks dangerous and you know what I saw him up close and he’s he’s way more impressive up close I think than he is like in pictures and videos he’s he’s got that freaky round like bonac muscle that I think he can give Nick Walker you know some some problems on that stage he’s not as big but he’s he’s really round Chris this guy yeah well you know he’s really good also those are two two I mean that’s those are three people who are yeah probably all very young uh fit Fitzwater Burton and Walker who all for sure under 30 years old and all are at this point you know really impressive all in their unique ways you know all their own little special ways you know Nick’s freaky of course and yeah tonio’s freaky in terms of roundness and in terms of completeness and lack of weaknesses and density you know Fitzwater is really good yeah it’s believable show because there’s three guys right yeah I think that is isn’t that Quinton Aria doing it too I didn’t know that I think so John scary just texted me I don’t I think he’s doing it also that’s a lot of like good talent there I I don’t think this is gonna be a walk in the park for Nick Walker I really don’t I I was very impressed with um Tonio Burton in person like I said he’s he’s round you know you can’t it’s incredible how round he is you know it’s not and it’s not fake muscle it’s not pumped up muscle it’s it’s real dense muscle you know it’s Jimmy he’s been training you could tell That’s Heavy hardcore training right there you know so I think the New York Pro is gonna be very exciting I’m I’m I’m booking my flight tomorrow so I’m going yeah I’m booking my flight down 90 into State 95 you pick you can pick me up at the airport I I’ll be we’ll get a picture with the pilot yeah yeah yeah I’ll fly into white Plaines you can grab me on the way down but no you know what I I don’t I think this is going to be one of the best New York Pros in a while weinberg’s got that money up to like 30 grand you know yeah at stake there so a lot of these guys you know yeah it’s great title but freaking money and then Steve gives that ring away too that New York Pro ring yeah which is always cool it’s always nice to have to have a ring on your finger you know yeah like who’s got the most New York Pro Rings um um who’s W I don’t know who’s won it Nick Walker won it right I’m trying to think who’s won a bunch of those probably ramy’s got ramy’s got two right did he win it twice yeah I think he won it two years in a row didn’t he yeah that’s right you’re right ramy’s got two who else has got the I’m sure daxter’s got a couple of those things yeah a lot of good people won that show now Dexter only won it once because Dexter wanted the year that that show was pretty stacked roelly was in it Dexter was in it you were with me yep uh FL was in it Max in it it’s gonna be a good show for sure and like I said you know Nick everyone seems to think Nick is a foregone conclusion here and you know you know you’d be crazy not to like bet if you’re if you’re GNA bet on the show you know Nick Walker’s a very good bet because he’s he’s going to be the biggest guy in the lineup for sure but there’s some guys with some freaky proportion and sometimes freaky proportion beats you know size so don’t be surprised if uh if we we see an upset the thing is with Nick is he’s never out of shape so he’s already I’m sure he’s ready now so I can’t unless he miscalculates and doesn’t fill up enough or comes into depleted or you know you know it’s GNA be hard to beat him but you know it’s what the judges are looking at on that particular day if someone like Antonio Burton comes in ridiculously shredded it could be you know like a Dexter verse Jay type of thing Jay’s you know Jay doesn’t always win on those battles you know so it depends on who’s whose physique looks the best on that day why do you think Nick Walker has picked New York Pro is it the money the title um let’s see what were what were the options I Forum well he could do any he has to qualify obviously but he can do any show to qualify I mean he wasn’t ready for the Arnold so he had to pick something so New York Pro he could have done tamper he could have done you know there’s a lot of show May maybe get the maybe his thought process was get the qualification get it out of the way you know early and then that way you know I have time to like put the body in neutral or whatever you know he wants to do and maybe allow his weight to go up a little bit and then get ready for the Olympia as opposed to like you know another 12 15 weeks from now you know what I mean lot A lot can happen yeah with the short or long you know I think the the the wisdom in it is get it over get it out of the way get qualified and then reset everything for the Olympia yeah I agree another big guy I ran into Chris at the um St Louis show let me pull it up Brett wilin guest POS there and I was walking in as he was guess posing you know how these guys jump in the crowd and he just like was walking right towards me so I just pulled my camera out and took a picture of him he’s he’s enormous looking I mean he’s he’s has to have put on 10 15 pounds from last year I mean and this is not even a good picture of him he actually has some better pictures on his own Instagram but I just thought this was funny cuz he literally walked right into me he was like I just just just walked into the uh Auditorium people are saying uh Quinton a couple people in the comments think Quinton will beat Nick Walker what do you think he’s really good too he’s really good but he not ready I mean he’s he don’t have this just he don’t have he has great shape great shape but he’s not ready to beat nck yeah he kind of looks like an Andrew Jack in these pictures look at this yeah does look very Andrew right yeah he’s like a young Andrew Jack he’s put a lot of muscle on over the last couple years yeah I where the cat came from [Music] but that’s that’s impressive you know you know what Chris I mean you’re you’re a big shape guy I mean can this can this beat Nick Walker and and if not if not in your mind why not how many times have I say no because I want to know what your analysis of why front double will neutralize that down to nothingness okay Nick is too big right now for you know what I mean it’s like saying you know can a can Andrew Jack beat Nick Walker yeah now why is that because he’s bigger wait bigger way taller way way there’s I think they’re about the same height don’t you think they’re not in the same Stratosphere in terms of size yeah and and Andrew has to be at his all-time best to beat Nick that’s that’s a that’s doctored up picture but you’ll see it the Pittsburgh because you’re gonna see Nick Walker standing next Andrew Jack right that’s true yeah but Andrew that’s not really fair Andrew is not getting ready for a show yet is he yeah he started his prep for a show for Texas right but Nick Walker’s goingon to be you know a week out from New York I’m sure he’s going to look better oh yeah he’ll look better but um you know Andrew Andrew’s gonna be carrying his weight in a way in a couple weeks I think where Quinton loses is not from the front and the sides it’s from the back because Nick Walker is just yeah beatable from behind you know he’s very good Nick’s just thicker on the from the just there’s just more mass to them you know yeah but you see but you see a lot of Instagram pictures of people from the front and stuff like that it’s like when we see the uh you know and then you know you you don’t really see a lot of back pictures and not many guys are as good from the front as they are from the back when you when you see a picture like this it’s hold look at this picture Chris this is like like that’s like the that’s the picture you want like if like if I have to pick a physique I want I want to look like that you know that coming out of the shower that that’s [ __ ] pretty impressive but you know bodybuilding shows are one from you know every angle on stage but that is pretty impressive you know [ __ ] there that’s some pretty good genetics I gotta tell you Chris no he’s got he’s he’s got a great physique just you know it’s it’s we just mentioned three young guys th there’s a fourth yeah he doesn’t have Antonio Barton’s density and roundness no he’s got better he’s got better flow in shape that’s not to say Antonio doesn’t have but he’s got Prime Time flow in shape and that’s the attraction look at look at this look at this um Chris um I don’t know I don’t know how how much time is between those pictures but it’s a pretty big transformation right there yeah that’s like 16 months I think that’s 16 months on the thousand Mone which is the average cycle I guess these days yeah yeah he he I I think he turned Pro naturally Chris from I remember interviewing him but I don’t think he had taken any drugs to turn that Pro so he’s he’s like another like uh Ronnie Coleman you know type guy on the way up we’ll we’ll be talking about him in the next couple years he’s going to definitely be a dangerous dangerous character obviously because he’s making improvements he’s like a Samson da like a Broan guy you know yeah it’s funny we mentioned this before that all these guys that we’ve been Andrew Samson Quinton all from Nigeria right All Nigerian yeah I believe so I mean I know I believe uh they’re all from Nigeria I believe that’s what we had pulled up and talked about that so that’s uh very impressive what else is going on let’s see so I think we’re sending Sid to Pittsburgh in two weeks I told you da do the the live play byplay you know what I Chris I can’t go away every weekend it’s too much I I went from like nothing to like everything I can’t do it I can’t even get 50 miles away from my house Dave here in Old buchard I’m much TR I don’t the energy to travel home unless there’s a flight it’s only a one hour drive maybe I can call someone to see if there’s a [Laughter] flight here let’s let’s take a look at Beef stew beef stew was guest posing this weekend love beef stew he’s he wins haircut of the year for sure no one’s got a better haircut than him that’s at the emerald cup did you know that the Brad and elae Craig you know sold that that show they don’t do that anymore no who they sell it to I don’t for I don’t know for sure but I know they saw it because they they live in they retired in Idaho you know Brad was a cop and they’re running shows in Idaho now they you know what they they told me Brad because I talked to Brad on the phone he’s like it was between Idaho and and Naples I said how did you pick Idaho it doesn’t even seem like it should it’s like a should even be uh contest he’s like well we thought that Naples would be too hot in the summer I said you’re out of your mind he said yeah he looks he still looks a little Bruno Mars in this shot yeah he always looks Bruno Mars in that haircut yeah but he put a lot of size on too so I don’t know what show he’s planning on doing though I haven’t oh he’s doing uh he’s doing New York Pro I didn’t know that did you know that yeah no of course he is it’s gonna be like David B guest MC that show the emerald cup he just said all right so beef still it’s going to be a good lineup Steve’s got a really good lineup over there I wish I wish they God forbid they released the lineup like a couple weeks before so we can talk about it what do you think about beay Rus Tani though I mean this poor guy can’t get a freaking Visa how come hotti shup can get a visa and beay Rus can’t get a Visa can he get a Visa anywhere or just can’t get a Visa he can’t get to the United States this guy well he can do like someone I know and sneak over the Border yeah but he they’ll let like the terrorist sleep sneak over the Border he him who’s a legitimate athlete you know and and and legitimately want they’ll arrest him you know because he’s he looks like he’s you know uh like a troublemaker because he’s so big you know God forbid a bodybuilder wants to come over here and compete athletes should be exempt from any kind of political pressures I I’m sorry you know I saw Jesse the B ventur on on a on a talk show and he was saying I don’t he doesn’t fly commercial anymore and the guy was asking why I heard you don’t fly commercial why don’t you is is it because you know you like private he goes no he goes because I’m sick of being accosted in in the airport every time I fly he’s like it’s violating my fourth amendment rights he said I I’m a well-known person I’ve been traveling for 30 years I was governor of of you know Minnesota whatever it was you know I I think people know who I am now I don’t think they they think that I’m a risk so if they’re gonna harass me at the airport and and Pat me down every single time I go through there that to me is harassment you know that they’re and he goes I I don’t I can’t do it anymore I can’t take it anymore so I don’t well they they they they they they kept the other governor and took the other Governor’s watch that cost 300K AR was going to Germany and they right whatever had to watch and didn’t declare it we keep yeah but um you know it’s just it’s a shame this guy’s a he’s an athlete he should be able to he should be immune from all the you know whatever’s going on politically and he should be able to get a visa to compete at a bodybuilding show in the United States especially if he qualifies for the Olympia I mean that’s at this point I know I know it’s well you know what who knows I was gonna say maybe he can get to the shows in Europe but maybe the Europeans don’t well he can get to those shows yeah but then once he qualifies to the Olympia he can’t get to the Olympia and I mean that’s that’s the goal right guys are free he he can yeah well we you can work on it Dave we can get him to Mexico and then have maybe meos could go pick him up in Mexico driv across yes I heard it I Perry I know yes Mike zeltzer told me it’s Passover this whole week so happy Passover for everyone celebrating I’m I’m I’m not a good Jew I don’t know what the holidays all right let me see what else I wanted to talk about let’s see talk about him um what else who else we talk who who’ you sent me a picture of the other day who looked really good uh you sent me a really good picture of someone who was it not Andrew Jack no no now I gotta go back and look not not uh you gotta help me out here I can’t can’t remember everything CH I’m trying to think I’m oh by the way you know while I’m thinking about who sent me um you know uh did you follow that whole Ryan Garcia fight you know no he fought that guy Haney and and he beat him he was acting like a lunatic like leading up to the fight very little I called it a little bit because it was everywhere you you know you couldn’t really miss it so I’m there’s there’s a punch line to this whole thing I’m gonna get in trouble for saying it but I’m gonna say it anyway because so Ryan Garcia you know goodlooking guy you know he fights this guy Haney you know he’s acting like a lunatic leading up Shone thought he was going to get killed he actually bet on himself he bet two million bucks on himself made 12 million on the BET and before the fight he was having trouble making weight and he if you can get down to three pound if you’re if you’re three within three pounds of your weight class they’ll still let you the fight go on but they they fine you I think 500 Grand per per pound that you’re over so you had to pay $ 1.5 million fine for being over and he’s like he purposely did it he didn’t car you didn’t want to go down that low that was the that was the story but he did make it down there you know who helped him get down to wait Milos better think about what George no no who do you know that works with Fighters oh scooter scooter scooter was in there in the corner scooter had to come in at the last minute and save the day I can not allowed to talk about it but but scooter saved the day for for Ryan Garcia on the show and and and and you know have spill if you heard this story scooter told it took him about an hour to tell me the story was it and it was worth it you know some people tell you like a big convoluted story and it’s like oh my God it was such a good story that I wish he wouldn’t stop talking you know yeah and then of course scooter at the at the end of telling the story what do you think he asked me don’t tell anyone well no no other than that can you can you take a look at some blood work yeah yeah yeah of course I’m surprised da you didn’t give me a chance I’m gonna send you my test levels of my thyroid 28 pages of work later you know what about anavar for woman you you got the whole thing the whole thing he probably texted you before he text him Pap no no no so the Ryan Garcia story is the best but yeah so scooter helped him you know because if if he missed the weight they would have lost to 30 million you know he made 30 million on the fight so yeah I said scooter did you get paid I’m GNA get paid I’m gonna get paid that’s that’s he was up all all night Chris all night like nonstop you know and you know what a hypochondria act he is about how you know of course it’s probably one of the best stories I’ve ever heard from scooter it’s a classic story but yeah so Ryan Garcia look the guy is talented you know I I even asked him I said this guy’s unbelievable huh he goes he’s a genetic freak the kid he’s he’s got a knockout punch you know it’s amazing when people could do all all stuff wrong and still be that good you know it’s amazing genetics is a wonderful thing yeah you know and uh it’s in bodybuilding in all sports you know but when you get that rare person like you know oh by the way I want I want to recommend did I recommend for you to watch the documentary on the making of how Nike signed Michael Jordan did you see that but you told me like three shows in a row about Hugh Hefner so no yeah you got to watch it’s called air or high air or something like air it’s on it’s on Amazon it’s a great it’s how Nike wound up because Jordan had no desire to sign with Nike he wanted to sign with Adidas yeah I know that and N the guy who worked for Nike who was Matt Damon played him it was brilliant you know they had hired him they thought he was wasn’t doing a job they were gonna they were gon to close their their basketball Division of Nike because Nike was mostly a running shoe company at that time excuse me and they didn’t know what to do they they didus had all the athletes Converse they’re like this gu we got to get Jordan they’re like how you get we gonna get Jordan like we gotta get Jordan because he was in Brookie you know and it’s the story of how they got Jordan it’s it’s a great story I’m not want a Runa for anyone watch it it’s on Amazon I’m telling you it’s a good worth watching all right let me see what else I want to bring go don’t know who I sent you a picture of now I want to know date no I don’t I don’t remember now you’re always sending me pictures of people though no only when they look nuts right so is is is good veto done with his vacation now has he picked the show uh he’s he’s shutting it down for the a he’s not gonna compete anymore oh man why um were you upset no no you know me I could kill us um you think it was a bad move on his part um I think it was a you know it’s hard to Define what a bad move is well I mean the guy was knocking on the door to the go to the Olympia I mean yeah well I think he wants to be Mr Olympia so I think so he made the decision I think with the expectation of I think he knows this um I think he knows I can be really really good and uh I think he could be really really good good at this year as Olympia actually um and I I’m sure he could get a qualification but you know I think that he wants to take a year and make improvements that he made in the last like 18 months because if you look at his Physique in the last 18 months he’s not the same guy and I I think that those showings gave him the confidence to be able to move forward with the aspiration to make those same improvements you know so and they’ll take a little bit of time so you know you’ll see another young guy God this is like the young guy show that’s what you can I know it’s like the fifth guy we talked about who were all young I know I know well let’s talk about an older guy George Farah had his the red carpet you know roll out of his movie The Guru I wasn’t there of course I I was in St Louis I would have gone because it was in St Pete it would it was it wasn’t really it would have been a two-hour drive for me but I would have gone but he did invite me um I couldn’t go but I heard it was a big turnout Kai was there Dexter was there and whole bunch of guys were there Danny yunan was there so I don’t know if George put up pictures yet of it but he was uh he was you know he was in all his glory there so I hear it was good I I I didn’t see it yet I’m sure I’ll I’ll catch it at some point when it goes online so congratulations George on that documentary oh there’s Sid what’s up Sid uh I’m catching up now so who have you apologized to so far and who you plan on apologizing to over the course of the next 6 I didn’t apologize to anyone actually we’ve been talking about all all the uh the Young Guns in our industry that we’ve run into the last did you apologize to Nick Walker what do we owe him an apology for and did you apologize to company and to energy because that that’s what everyone’s going to want to know what’s company and energy yesterday when you did that video on OIC you saw the comments were that you you should apologize to the hotel for stealing all the hotel shampoo bottles oh yeah I only I only steal towels from the hotel I don’t take shampoo bottles actually to be honest with you but yeah you know a lot of people have been asking me about OIC Chris have you had any competitors ask you about using something that like had asked you about it Dave and um you I think you might I can’t remember what you said um but I did tell you that it cost 90 cents to make it for the company 90 cents is you’re probably you’re probably right actually no what what a lot of people are asking is it it will it cause muscle loss and the answer to that is no OIC bonaro all those glp2 agonists don’t cause muscle loss what happens is these these celebrities and these they take it and they don’t eat and you know if you don’t eat Chris you’ll lose weight but you lose muscle as well as as fat because you’re not you’re not you know you’re not giving your body what it needs and because of that you get that gaun you know look to the face you get those hollowed out cheeks because your body is is is actually starving itself it’s not a healthy thing it’s not healthy for your organs it’s not healthy for your body your body needs protein bodybuilders however are good because what they’ll do is they use the OIC or mjara just so they don’t cheat in between meals because it makes you feel full longer and so that’s why you don’t see that in body I know a lot of actually bodybuilders who are using it now especially people who are cheaters people who have bad blood sugar control because it does help with blood sugar control so I think it has an application I think you have to just know how to use it I think when anytime people use a drug like you remember when they used to have those diet pills back in the 50s 60s 70s you know women would take them and they just wouldn’t eat and they would just starve off the weight and then as soon as they stopped taking them they would gain all the weight back because they they were just suppressing their appetite they weren’t reteaching themselves how to eat properly I have to hold my head up because I just can’t I know people gonna start sending me messages about I’m taking a thousand Master on a thousand turn thousand zic yeah well you take a thousand of zic you’ll you’ll be in the hospital because it makes you very very um nauseous if you take too much of it it’s that’s the other great thing it take it’s a Once a shot once a week shot you start with a quarter of a milligram a week for like a month and you can go up to a half a milligram most bodybuilders don’t need to go over half a milligram per week and like I said it works really effectively I mean if you look if you’re just lazy then it’s probably not a good drug but if you have some people have like blood sugar control issues some people have severe like you know binging like problems it definitely takes off the edge um if you don’t need it I wouldn’t use it but one thing you have to do and this is not a plug for myself but it is kind of a plug in a way you got to take a fiber supplement with like fiber because it slows your Transit of your food through your intestinal there he goes again you’ll get constipated yes so I got to throw I had there he goes again Palumbo pluging his own said oh my God unbelievable before the fiber Dave now everyone’s gonna use it yeah yeah use it well it works you know who do we know that’s a cheater in in you know in the industry people who don’t get lean yeah I’m saying but who do we know like that that are known cheaters they are known cheaters you you don’t want to say any names though no i’ say off the air someone I flex Flex wheeler was a self- admitted cheater on his diely said he he would have done great on OIC probably when he was competing he probably would have beat Ronnie if there was OIC around Ronnie didn’t need OIC he had Masterpiece barbecue sauce in two and a half hours of cardio a day but Flex would have done great on lmic [Laughter] Sid where were you this Sid travels more than all of us combined no no so I wasn’t traveling my brother was traveling so this time I was actually going to the airport to pick somebody up as opposed to me being at the airport to be picked up so did you check on flights for Pittsburgh you know what I I was I’m weighing either flying to Pittsburgh or driving to Pittsburgh Drive is only 7even hours but um yeah I don’t know I’m thinking think it was the best option only because said it’ll take you seven hours to leave your house the traffic he’ll he’ll do two games along the way Chris he’ll stop at at two places and do games you know you know you know I’ve actually never been to Pittsburgh I was I was uh last week was in Utah uh JM Manu was there and like he was telling me all these stories about Pittsburg about the show obviously the history that it carries and I just looked at him I’m like I’ve never been to Pittsburgh so I I’ve literally like no concept of any of this or whatever it’s Pittsburgh great with all the no Pittsburgh’s no I mean look because you go over one bridge and you’re like where the freak are we you know right like whenever like I’m watching like a Mets Pirates game right like you know uh they always show the stadium with the stadium is kind of like on the intersection of that bridge and just River Stadium can you name all Riv exactly right so no I mean um let’s put Chris on the spot three rippers name him I wouldn’t know but I can name you the the the you can do it you you went to school no come on Dave I didn’t learn learn geography you did you didn’t you didn’t geography in school no but I’ll tell you I and I the alany the Ohio and the mon H Dave was going Lewis last week and I told him the nisco Mansion nisco crackers Mansion was for sale and I sent him the link he didn’t I think I passed a Chris by the way today driving around there he may have I’m pretty sure I went I was in this area where all these Mansions were it’s like a very wealthy as my father would say old money old money part of town and I bet it was there I said Chris and I were gonna go Partners on that the nisco Mansion no me and Jose are we going Partners on a house uh porn nuble light drive Wells v you can Google it what’s what’s there Jose showed me this house it’s it’s it’s like it’s probably it’s a 40 minute drive from where I am and it’s probably an hour drive from his house oh really just a crazy crazy crazy house on the rocks and you’re buying it with it you’re going in on him with it we kid about it all the time yeah by the way um I I ran it to George Brown you know probably one of the most outspoken guys in men’s physique yeah with the St Louis Pro he by the way he’s the one that almost started that whole thing with him in Bunda back in 201 yes at the Olympia press confence yeah I remember that like Jeremy you look a little scared right then then that whole thing that whole back and forth and then they’re all yelling and screaming at one another the funny thing is I think George has been around men’s physique longer than anyone at the at the top level he’s going back to the Olympia again I mean this this guy might have qualified for more olympias in men’s physique than any other guy I have to believe he might even have more wins than anyone I know he’s got goad go ahead Dave call compare him to someone in men’s open bodybuilding I know I was gonna say I what I was gonna say is think no what I was gonna say Chris is why do you think there aren’t more consistency in men’s physique like George Brown guys that can continue to come back year after year win shows and qualify for the Olympia whereas in other divisions we seem to be able to see that happening more more often well George’s only be able to do it at this age because of the OIC Dave I don’t know what’s the answer I I don’t know I’m just saying I don’t know why there’s not that is it is it is it a young man’s sport men’s physique these guys will move on to other divisions or just I mean George is not young so the reigning Champion is not like I guess young in terms of men’s physique yeah I mean he’s been around Ryan Terry who was he competing for God 11 12 years or something like that finally you know wins the that that the men’s physique Olympia that that title has been such a revolving door as of late right I mean y who are we looking at we’re looking at Brandon we’re looking at obviously when Dia had his run Raymond Edmonds uh who am I missing there was somebody else in between as well but uh obviously you know the at the Arnold Classic level Brandon HRI of course right right Brandon yeah I mentioned uh on a classic level I mean it was the Andre Ferguson show for like straight years of one period of time and then that title started to flip its way around or whatever but you know who’s great for men’s physique Dave I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this guy he’s uh he’s he has his own YouTube channel I mean he is fun he’s phenomenal his name is Hart McGrath you ever heard of him no Hart McGrath is like he’s the guy when it comes to men’s physique I mean his whole channel is it’s like predominantly about men’s physique I mean he knows these guys inside and out I mean to the point where like you know how if somebody were to just randomly ask you like hey Dave uh who do you like at this upcoming blah blah blah north Southwest Oklahoma in the open whatever you’ll be able to handicap it like boom boom boom this guy that this guy he’s that but for men’s physique I mean this guy knows men but anyway um yeah if you haven’t checked out his channel go check it out if you ever need to be caught up as far as the world of men’s physique go check his channel I mean he’s literally up to dat he’s he’s literally in everybody’s like inbox text message I mean he got knows all the dirt or whatever like that so all the see the guy with the dreadlocks he’s got the dreadlocks yeah yeah yeah I found it I found yeah very entertaining personality too so I mean he’s a good dude like we gone we’ve gone back and forth whatever he’ll share a couple things with me whatever but yeah he looks like your son Chris a little bit Chris sent me a oh you know who I know who I want to see Chris sent me a picture of his son D who is it who is it who is it who is it yeah Chris can’t think of who he sent me a picture of his son the picture’s unbelievable I am I allowed to put it up H you put it up all right I’ll pull it up his son’s what T Nationals in how many weeks now yeah thousand Master on Dave wait is he really doing the T Nationals he is real wow that’s legit so he’s Andrew Jack Nigerian blood going through them is sobody Chris are you gonna be in Pittsburgh in two weeks or no I’m not going to be there no you’ll be there for Te Nationals soon right yeah wherever it is I don’t even know where is it’s in Pittsburgh is it yeah of course it is I’ll have to learn the name of those you bet you better book a flight I’m gonna have to brush up on my geography and get the Three Rivers by name rather than by yeah they won’t let you into Pittsburgh if you don’t know the Three Rivers names yeah so I’ll drive like Sid you probably knowing you you probably will that’s exactly is that awful Sid he’s like oh who’ you send me pictures of who looks really good I’m like couldn’t think of it I’m like I don’t know Andrew Jack I saido hold on I’m gonna pull the pictures up here hold on Chris you’re funny have any confirmation as far as where uh Andrew is competing next Texas oh confirmed Texas going for the three Pat then look at this yeah that’s uh how old is your son 19 or 18 18 he can do it unless I PP him into the Texas Pro I don’t know he can do it he could do it twice and go for the Cody Montgomery R how about the front left R how about the front I’m gonna pull that up next let’s say s uh handicap that front lapos wouldn’t like that um wouldn’t like the the VAC vum it’s a bone pose it’s a bone pose he says I don’t believe the the vacuum it’s not the the even on know he’s wrong dying for me to do a response video to to Milo’s vacuum video a month ago I was I was dying now now I think I’ve died like now I’m bringing it up again I’m get trying to get people uh all Juiced up about there you go J everybody up again so so it should yeah should bodybuilders have to hit is that is a vacuum pose a real pose or is it is it is it not posing your abs it’s just hiding your abs that’s that’s I’m gonna translate for everybody in the comment section okay should Dave a apologize to the vacuum or should he apologize to the ABS as far as the open class is concerned oh how what does he weigh here Chris uh 203 how tall is he how tall yeah how tall is he’s he’s my height 5’9 okay wow you’re you’re taller than 5’9 Chris no I’m not taller than five I’m five 5’9 and a half I think he’s like 59 and a half and you’re defitely taller no I just lift my shoulders like Arnold so so he’s obvious gonna be a light heavyweight right with the the same inserts that Stallone and DeSantis wear oh you wear lifson isues is what he’s saying oh my God so yeah he’ll be a light heavyweight at the teen Nationals I I think he’s gonna do well how much more weight think he’s got to lose uh 12 all right well he gets he gets free uh free Aver in here on AR muscles yeah you want to laugh Dave what we’re in Miami and it was like December I don’t know maybe it was like 235 or something and he said what do you think I’ll wait for the show and I said you know hope AA yeah uh I don’t know he said come on what do you think I weigh I said this one he decided he want to do it I said push me yeah come on just tell me what do you think I said 188 I I swear I was gonna say that I swear I was gonna say that Chris and and this we went to all you can eat gigantic sushi place he ate everything no no no the no it wasn’t all you could eat it was this place that I I go to and I had my n my 20-year-old and I had the 10-year-old who can eat more Sushi than than than kai green and and the sushi comes and I know his mentality is just like me he’s like this is exactly me 188 I’m 236 now was it he wouldn’t eat any food oh no you know right I’m starting the diet now it’s the mentality of like snowstorm how wa snowstorm I have to get out and be able to do legs today right right right right walk to the gym you know what here’s my prediction given what he weighs now and what you’re saying 188 would make sense but I think he’s gonna grow into the show Dave he’s been growing like crazy I bet you he’s like 190 191 or something like that on stage yeah I bet he gains another two three pounds of muscle well he’s gained he’s he gains weight on he gets bigger on on a hard diet which is yeah because he’s probably eating better when he’s dieting yeah I would diet and I I would think my body do the opposite it would it would I don’t know why but it would like the harder I diet the bigger I would I mean yeah because you probably ate more protein when you dieted than when you were off season because you’re a terrible eater that’s why yeah that could be so I think the guys that are like that who are terrible eaters in the offseason do much better when they’re dieting they’re so hungry they don’t miss meals yeah and I see guys like that put on muscle you know like that’s why Keem Williams grows I’m pretty sure when he’s dieting AE AE is AE is getting ready for something and he’s gonna demolish whatever he’s doing I don’t know what it is Toronto Toronto Toronto oh okay that’s gonna be his coming out I’m here I think that’s what Brett wilin is doing he told me I think he said I think he announced that isn’t Quinton Ria gonna be in that show too I I think we were talking about quitting being in New York Pro someone said right right he is going to be yeah that that’s on record right yeah yeah because he told me but when he told me at the arold classic was off the Record at them at that time and that was only because there was so many like you know loose Parts as far as who was going to be in the show who was gonna be in the show so all right so if he has it on the record yeah yeah so you have him you have Martin Nick obviously yeah ton is Tonio ton doing I saw him in he was in St Louis yeah he he he looks that I was telling Chris he’s very impressive person no yeah so it’s gonna be a great GNA be that’s gonna be an insane show yeah so we’ll all be out there so we’ll actually be able to do a wrap up together and uh do a real time uh you know prejudging and oh you’re gonna only be at the night show right Sid at the night show yeah the in the daytime uh the NCAA lacrosse quarterfinals so I’m going to be announcing that uh so I’m going to get done around five as soon as it’s done yeah book it for tck New Jersey so I’ll see you guys for the nice Show excellent excellent excellent who else is gonna be there any uh oh you know what by the way John Hansen sent me pictures he was at the George Farah Guru opening the of the guru documentary so he sent pictures I should probably pull him up over his his Instagram but he uh he went there he said it was good no I heard I heard it was a great event I heard it was like really like nicely put together it was lavish I guess yeah L did it so yeah no they they pull he’s he’s highend all the way yeah and he’s a big he’s as you know big fan of bodybuilding in general he has an appreciation for you know for for the greats or whatever so he really was invested in this documentary I mean you saw he had big big names he had a lot of different names you know for the George V documentary yeah he produced big names and lot of names lot of big names lot of big names who were there who was there Dex was there Kai was there yeah John Hansen was there look at that that’s a pretty big post George must have been in all his glory at that thing that’s like winning an Academy Award for George red carpet you should have went down Dave and done the red carpet with I would have but I I was in St Louis I told you I’m telling you it’s it’s who’s that on the panel there is that the George’s who’s that I don’t know who’s on the panel there for for you got were these these were probably the people who made the the movie that’s why do you recognize any of them Dave remember the whole that fitness challenge whatever that they did like a year and a half ago on on the channel remember you know what I’m talking about yeah you remember any of those faces from that no CU obviously There Was You Know Anthony his wife was involved as well oh so that’s that’s the first two Poss I’m just you know again someone had a lot of pictures up I don’t remember who put up a lot of pictures I I saw it someplace I don’t I gotta go look and see who else put it up but I know I know I remember seeing Ken and I think Shawn Ray was there too yeah Shawn Ray was there Shawn Ray’s uh on of another media Outlet let’s put it that way oh who is he working with now Mi what’s Mi Muscle Insider oh oh that’s right they relaunched themselves did because our friend Scott sold it right yeah he sold it right um I don’t know their names but I mean we see them in all the shows whatever so yeah um good for them I mean you know the H telling me Dexter was there let’s see what he said Kai was there we we saw that oh that’s George’s wife and the producers on that on the I thought that was George wife in the red because I was eating breakfast with them at the Arnolds yeah so that’s that’s George’s wife or I don’t know if it’s his wife has his girlfriend for a long time I don’t know if they’re actually married and um that’s Loi at the end and then his wife so he did a good job you know I wish he I hope he does more of those with more bodybuilders because you know what we don’t get any credit for anything you know I mean the rock no I mean look I I think come is this you got to have like look you got to have a passion for this kind of a thing right because um I know you guys were talking about this last week right like as far as all right if this document what you talking about the Phil Heath documentary that will this translate over to other bodybuilders right like are there going to be other bodybuilders that going to have like a a documentary made for them about them or whatever and my question is you know what is the criteria for that kind of a thing right like I mean who else fits that bill to me Jay would be an obvious I think it’s something they have to do have done something inspirational in the industry don’t you think right something something big something notable something Kai should have one for sure right who I’m sorry Kai Kai’s got a great story oh he’s got a great story I would like you remember Chris do you remember when Muhammad Ali played himself in the biography of that they of himself years ago yeah that’s they should make a docu they should make a movie about Kai fic but Kai should play himself though in the movie well he could play himself on different stages and they could make him look younger like in his 20s yeah that’s what I’m saying he should play himself because I don’t think anyone can play Kai can they maybe the boogeyman can play Kai maybe if they wanted to get him he pull up Phil to me his accomplishments were Landmark enough to the point where he had an indelible you know footprint on bodybuilding a bodybuilding history I would say the same for Jay right like Kai is an interesting story but again if the if the criteria is they did something truly Transcendent right I mean look you’re Phil you win seven Olympia titles obviously that in and in and of itself you know is worthy of a documentary but then obviously suffering you know the uh the hernia injury attempting a comeback I mean again that’s a great story in and of itself I mean you talking about inspirational or whatever I just George be cancer I mean so that doesn’t get much better than that yeah but but Dave I’m just being I’m being very real when I ask this question and and I’d be interested to know what the what the you know audience thinks as well beyond what we’ve already seen obviously look George is an inspiration and everything that he fought Phil is an inspiration in terms of what he’s won what he had to overcome to come back to the Olympia stage Jay for what he did but beyond that he didn’t win how much interest is there in a documentary on what I’m saying beyond that class of bodybuilder right like we start to go down the list in terms of like or who else gets a documentary how much interest really is there Lee Haney Lee Haney won eight olympias when he was by the time he was 33 that’s a pretty good story think he a great is trying to trying to point out is that when he says correct me if I’m wrong Sid is how much interest how much interest is there outside the bodybuilding Community because the bodybuilding community yes right which doesn’t matter you know it’s what is the interest outside of bodybuilding and Arnold people were interested with Arnold even I know he’s in the movies and stuff like that but still I mean yeah well what Arnold has done nobody has or in all likelihood will ever do again as far as the bodybuilding circle is concerned I I’m just again I’m being very blunt when I say that Arnold is as of one as it gets coming from the bodybuilding industry Phil again very inspirational so I’m just wondering beyond beyond this class Dorian has got a very interesting story he was in you know he was in essentially in in a boy jail you know uh for juvenile delinquents and he said the the the test go ahead Dave yeah no no I’m just saying I think dorian’s got a great story they all have great stories I’m just wondering what the appetite is for documentaries necessarily going forward you know what I mean yeah docents because you know do mentaries it’s not much because there’s a documentary on everything in anyone at anyone’s fingertips whether it be YouTube or Netflix so it’s not 15 years ago when document lied amount of documentaries well they’re hot because you like them Dave in other words no but they’re hot because everyone wants them is everyone watches them obviously it’s not just because I I watch them every watching they’re they’re hot because they the the document are on that you’re watching are on Monumental figures whether it be Hugh Hefner right right his impact on everything Society everything exactly isn’t there Michael Jordan right these are World these are world because I’m talking to Sid because interrupted everyone you what is the I mean what the appetite is not there it’s the bottom line said no what I wasna say I don’t think there is I don’t think there is two category hold on there’s two categories of documentaries ones that have broad appeal okay right then that ones that are Niche ones that people who follow that Niche want to see that documentary so while Kai green might not be interesting to the rest of the world like like a Michael Jordan would to the bodybuilding industry and there’s enough bodybuilders that would watch it that it would still warrant doing a documentary on them so it doesn’t have to be have broad appeal it could have a niche appeal as long as it has a lot of Niche appeal and I think there are a lot of bodybuilders that if someone like the rock or L did High Generation Iron high-end documentaries on there’s enough people that would watch it okay because there is Broad appeal if it was on Netflix if it was on Amazon Prime that type of thing so here here’s here’s how I would answer that okay like Kai specifically right me personally yeah I would only because you know obviously we’ve known kaier as as many years as we have we’ve seen the different chapters of his career in and out of bodybuilding but beyond that with Kai if this was years ago during the precipice of maybe the peak of his bodybuilding career slash maybe the tail end right maybe you give that that Arnold Classic Championship was in 2016 2017 now I don’t know now I don’t know if you have quite the appetite for a documentary on Kai and I’m say within the bodybuilding fan base I don’t know I would do a documentary on K what he’s doing now and then do flashbacks I would follow him around now because no one knows what he’s doing right now I want to see what he’s doing now and then talk about let him talk about his past and go back and forth you know from the but Dave I think what I think then we need to make a separation between okay like a like a documentary versus just a catching up with look because there are a lot of different there’s a lot of content on YouTube and Netflix or whatever like all right where are they now or like what are they up to or just some feature as did you see the Nolan Ryan documentary I did not no but but like just go back to the point of like KY Green again and I’m not saying this like isn’t any disparaging obviously like you know kai and I I don’t want to say we’re friends or whatever we do have you know working relationship and everything like that but what I’m saying is when you say documentary right like the George Farah documentary right documentaries you have all these different people lined up giving their testimonials based off different aspects of different chapters of George’s life you could do the same to replicate that for Kai again I just wonder wonder what again now maybe not five six years ago but now right is there enough of an appetite within the bodybuilding Circle and I’m not saying just for Kai I don’t want to make this about Kai I would say most right of the names you would mention I’d I’d question is there an appetite for is there something like where people are like holy crap I need to see the story you know what I mean I need to see has to say about I think has an interesting enough story that would be very popular yeah I do that’s my opinion but yeah no from where he came from his story is is amazing you know so I think we need more inspiring stories of bodybuilders that are going to inspire future generations of bodybuilders to want to go into bodybuilding and if there’s nothing to Aspire to because no one gets no one’s career gets memorialized in a sense or or you know celebrated by having a documentary made about and then then you know what’s the inspiration to want to you know you know continue achieving greatness in bodybuilding I think that has that’s why there’s two things that I I think need to be done there needs to be a bodybuilding Hall of Fame which I hopefully at some point in the future I can help facilitate but and there also needs to be more documentaries more story life stories of of these bodybuilders and what they’ve gone through and the sacrifices they’ve made and it doesn’t matter if it appeals to broadstream America there’s enough people in our fit industry ask Jim Manion how many you know NPC cards he sells a year to watch these documentaries and make them successful see I I’ll tell you this like okay if you were to say Jay Cutler right like me personally and I can’t speak for everyone but what I am interested in I’m interested in how Jak Cutler went from obviously one of the most decorated bodybuilders of all time now to one of the most successful businessmen one of the most successful entrepreneurs because J Cutler has I don’t want to say reinvented but he has built off the U that he had in bodybuilding to now look when I’m in the gym right aside from our Channel you know who am I watching I’m watching Jay I’m watching jay walking right because Jay when he talks you want to listen because you want to hear from the mind of somebody that has not only accomplished obviously so much in bodybuilding but just you see what he has going on in his life with the suan company with obviously the real estate obviously Chris would know about that and so many other aspects of his life that it’s just been success success success me personally that inspired me do you see what I’m saying so for me personally I would find that kind of a thing interesting but I can’t say that for everybody within this space some yes have interesting stories some have inspirational stories but again I look at Jay and I’m saying to myself like holy crap I’m a 43 year old man and when I grow up I want to be like Jay you see what I’m saying well you you have to find who you who you resonate with you know what I mean do you resonate with more of a Kai green do you resonate with a Jay cutley do you resonate with a chriso do you resonate with you know a George and I think that there are there are different niches niches to the bodybuilding World maybe even people might you know relate to me hey Dave never turned Pro but you know what he made it he he made a business out of bodybuilding and he’s still doing it at a high level so inspiration is what documentaries are all about it’s not about who the greatest bodybuilder of all time there’s only one Ronnie Coleman documentary you know but there could be a lot of documentaries based on different characters in our industry and people have achieved greatness you know in terms of whether they had a great supplement company look at Jack the Jack ohok story is a great freaking Story I mean the guy lived in his store and then became the biggest energy drink in the world and then you know gave up four billion dollars you know just selling the Pepsi and then and then you know he still made money but he wind up having to sell and he got lawsuits against him so that’s gonna be like a you know Netflix documentary for sure when I don’t know who could play Jack except for Jack but and that’s a great story right there you know so I I think that this there’s enough and I think if got The Rock and sees that he’s getting good response from the from the Phil Heath documentary if L is getting good response from George and his own document you maybe we’ll see more of those made that that’s that’s my I think that’s the money point right there what you just mentioned look um The Rock right seven bucks uh Productions the universal documentaries that’s a huge factor in all this right I mean look we you and I talked about how Phil goes on um Pierce Morgan he goes on true Jordy before know he’s obviously look he has a uh long he has a pre-existing relationship with Patrick but David has been on that podcast he’s been on some of the biggest podcasts you don’t get on that without the backing of something you know someone like you know the Rock and that production company whatever so you’re right in that sense look if they decide all right we’re going to wave our magic Wan this is the next documentary we’re g to make um that’s a horse that I would back right because if they say all right you know what screw it we’re going to do our next on Kai green you believe Kai green is gonna be on every major podcast he’s going to be on a lot of different major networks get out there once you retire from body building what else you got where I mean what other acknowledgement there’s nothing else I mean that that if you get a documentary made about your life I mean that’s that put you in you know that’s forever you know and so I think that’s that’s something every bodybuilder wants to be acknowledged in such a way that people find that their life is interesting enough that they can document it and and put it into you know a format that people can watch for the rest of day their days you know and I think that’s that’s is good is it’s gonna get I mean that’s better than getting you’re never gonna no one cares about magazine covers anymore there’s no magazines left right but you can have a documentary made about you then that’s something that you’ll you know you can show your grandkids so we’ll see what happens I I I only wish George the best on it Phil the best on his documentary I got we gotta wrap this up thank you Sid for joining us I know you you had a busy day and Chris uh don’t vacation too hard at the beach house there wait wait Chris I had a question for you where is uh good veto what’s what’s what’s next for him we had a few people asking us during missed ask missed I missed it all right he shot him down Chris okay I asked Chris if he thought that was a bad move and Chris said it’s a move you’re gonna see Andrew Jack at the Pittsburgh so you’ll be there right yeah yeah and you said he’s uh he’s big right I mean that’s sort of the he’s very big he’s bigger than my son so Chris did send me pictures of a video of him too he’s very big yeah so it’ll be it’ll be an interesting Pittsburgh guest posing let me let me put it that way there’s going to be a lot of talk after that that that guest posing is over no there’s gonna be a lot of talk and I mean Dave really when you think about it obviously we’re going to see them on stage but the story lines that are going to come come out of that uh the New York Pro a week later and I mean look we already talked about we got to look at Martin Fitzwater the fact that they announced that what was it this past Monday that’s a that’s a very very sneaky big addition of the that lineup because you’re gonna get somebody who’s obviously coming off a win and look I think when you consider the New York Pro right let’s just be very real about it everyone has had Nick Walker pegged as I mean that’s it I mean he’s going to come in he’s going to collect his second New York Pro ring or whatever right that picture where he showed the ring to the camera and then you see Martin Fitzwater and obviously the day and night that he showed at the Detroit Pro that could be a huge huge storyline coming out and I mean the fact whatever he shows you in Pittsburgh fast forward you’re gonna see something like that a week later you’re gonna see that kind of a Prelude to the matchup in New York that’s a huge huge storyline and then you know we mentioned earlier I saw him in St Louis I ran into him and I also ran into he give you a preview or yeah I I told you I ran to Martin there’s a picture on my Instagram of Martin and no yeah no but that was more like hey bro like that was I saw he looks like he showed me pictures of himself oh he did okay yeah he looks really good and but Tonio Burton is the most impressive I’m telling you he’s gonna be he’s gonna be the most dangerous guy in New York proo that Nick has got to watch out for I think super dangerous I so I don’t think it’s super dangerous he’s another William B telling you he’s bonac or Dexter cuz I know we bed about that whole Bon like roundness yeah I think he’s you know he’s got but he’s got Dexter like conditioning so I think I think we’re GNA he’s going to be I think you’re going to be everyone’s going to be very impressed with him you know assuming he he Peaks properly for the show so look I am I already I’m on record about this that if Ramy comes I know Chris kind of you know alluded to this a couple of weeks ago if big Ramy I forget about anything else if big Ramy looks quote unquote repaired in two weeks in Pittsburgh that might be your biggest storyline coming out of that weekend because now he shuts it down and he is highb brating for the next six months and now all of a sudden now you’re not saying to yourself all right the broken down Ramy that we saw what was a couple of olympias ago now you’re saying all right maybe the fresh maybe the regenerated maybe the stem celled up Ramy is six months away from Dave I know what you’re thinking I’m telling you see repair I wouldn’t bet five on it but I’m the point is I hope you’re right I love ramy’s physique I love the big freak I just don’t see it happening and you know what I’m gonna say you know what I’m gonna say you know I’m gonna say what the rest of the comment section is gonna say they’re gonna say apologize to Ramy I hope I do I hope I have to I hope I have to what do you think Chris I already went on the record I said he you know I’ve already said you think he could get better you didn’t say whether he would be better no I I said that he’s not done I’ve said that okay let’s see we’ll see I mean like you we can get into what that means but we’ll talk about it next week for now we have to wrap up thank you guys for joining us live thank you Sid thank you Chris we’ll be back again next week and as we say with Heavy Muscle radio the max hurt the truth hurts Chris we’ve been doing this for 15 freaking years ruin let’s do can we get this smooth for once we’re shutting this down and then Chris acts like we never do this every week the Mets broadcast we’ll see you next week guys [Music]


    1. Dont Lundsforth have a doc? It came up in my feed few weeks ago. Wich one could understand as he acually did something really insaine, winning both classes. Think we are to sedated from all the dopamin highs that we dont really realize how impressive thats is

    2. I’ve been a bodybuilding fan since my dad got his workouts out of magazines in the late 70’s and early 80’s but these dudes are sending each other WAY too many pics of flexing men. lol. WAY!!!

    3. PS, if sid would have made a channel on his own he would ruin the other channels like foad/ivan/nick strength n power/australian guy regarding coverage/interviews/reviews. Why not have a sid program on the show were he interviews bodybuilders? I mean how can a entire industry on the entire globe only have ONE good show with BB interviews? Dont count in the smaller podcast channels. But its only dennis James that do bb interviews nowdays, foad barley do it either anymore … why not have sid on and using him for something the industry needs? As you dont like doing interviews anymore dave

    4. YAY Sid coming to pittsburgh!!! Pittsburgh pro is going to be very cool. preview for NY with Martin and Nick next to each other. Plus Urs is posing, Cbum is not. wish he kinda would with this year having a classic pro with the open guys,

    5. New York Pro Winners

      Darrem Charles – 2005
      Phil Heath – 2006
      Branch Warren – 2007
      Kai Greene – 2008 & 2011
      Evan Centopani – 2009
      Roelly Winklaar – 2010
      Cedric McMillan – 2012
      Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay – 2013 & 2014
      Juan Morel – 2015 & 2019
      Dexter Jackson – 2016
      Sergio Oliva Jr. – 2017
      Nathan De Asha – 2018
      Iain Valliere – 2020
      Nick Walker – 2021
      Blessing Awodibu – 2022
      Tonio Burton – 2023

    6. When is the real episode coming out where Rx has broken up?
      Greg is not a happy camper.
      Can we please get the video update on this situation… nobody is interested in boring peedo Aceto. Please stop making these videos

    7. You know you're old school when RXmuscle keeps Lee, The Tattooed Midget, on the roster despite him putting Dave under the bus on other channels re: his D. This is oldschool.

    8. How is niche pronounced??? In Europe, we say ' neesh' as it's from the French origin….can't get used to Dave's Nitch…. is that an American thing?

    9. Toughest challenge is himself. Your trying to compare only 1 O guy that placed 8 th. in a week line up and guys that ain't won nothing. Please no comp at the NY Pro Dave.

    10. I think it’s really cool that Chris is helping his son for bodybuilding. When I first learned about Aceto he was married to one of the best lady bodybuilders and he did her prep. Laura Crevelle was her name.

    11. Kai has a documentary that came out only last year 1:06:18. I feel like Dave lives in this fantasy world where bodybuilding is mainstream. It will NEVER be mainstream because there are ILLEGAL drugs involved. Whether or not you agree peds should be legal with is irrelevant, it just won't be accepted in the mainstream for this reason alone.

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