The Tribe – All Episodes from Series 1! To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Tribe, we’ve compiled ALL the episodes from The Tribe Season 1 into one mega video! Wherever you choose to binge-watch the series, use it to fall asleep or to watch your favourite Tribe moments, we hope you enjoy and it helps to satisfy your Tribal needs. As always, Keep the Dream Alive!

    The smash New Zealand cult hit from the turn of the millennium, The Tribe is a drama series set in a world where a mysterious virus has wiped out the world’s adults, leaving the remaining kids and teens to create a new world in their own image – whatever that image might be.

    © 1999-2024 Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.

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    🎬 Watch The Tribe 🎬
    All 5 seasons of The Tribe have been lovingly remastered for the digital era in High Definition and can now be watched (without any ads) on Cloud 9’s Vimeo channel, to stream and download. The series is also available on many video on demand & streaming platforms and broadcasters (availability varies country to country due to rights and licensing).

    The Tribe Series on Vimeo:

    🎧 The Tribe Audiobooks 📖

    Featuring many members of the original cast from the television series returning to reprise their characters and narrate the story, the audiobook dramatisations really bring the story to life in an immersive way with music, sound effects and guest roles.

    Apple Audiobooks:
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    📖 The Tribe Books & Novels 📖
    Several books have been released in recent years including the sequel novels that continue the official story after Season 5 (being the equivalent of The Tribe Series 6, 7 and 8). There is also a behind the scenes memoir, a novelisation of Season 1 and a collector’s edition screenplay book. Titles are available in English, German and Spanish and in eBook format on all major platforms, as well as physical paperback editions.

    Apple Books:
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    🎵 The Tribe Music 🎵
    The Tribe Soundtracks Vol 1 & Vol 2 (as well as The Spirit Symphony and music from other Cloud 9 series!) are now available.

    Apple Music:
    YouTube Music:
    Amazon Music:

    🎮The Tribe Video Game🕹

    Live and play the adventure in this story-driven RPG for Tribe fans and gamers alike. Customise your character and play your part in the story of the Mall Rats, in a beautifully crafted world. Available from Tribeworld and Steam for Windows PC and MacOS.

    The Tribe Game (Windows PC and MacOS)

    00:00:00 – Episode 1
    00:23:30 – Episode 2
    00:46:29 – Episode 3
    01:09:29 – Episode 4
    01:32:29 – Episode 5
    01:55:29 – Episode 6
    02:18:29 – Episode 7
    02:41:29 – Episode 8
    03:04:29 – Episode 9
    03:27:29 – Episode 10
    03:50:29 – Episode 11
    04:13:29 – Episode 12
    04:36:29 – Episode 13
    04:59:29 – Episode 14
    05:22:29 – Episode 15
    05:45:29 – Episode 16
    06:08:29 – Episode 17
    06:31:29 – Episode 18
    06:54:29 – Episode 19
    07:17:29 – Episode 20
    07:40:30 – Episode 21
    08:03:30 – Episode 22
    08:26:29 – Episode 23
    08:49:29 – Episode 24
    09:12:29 – Episode 25
    09:35:30 – Episode 26
    09:58:29 – Episode 27
    10:21:29 – Episode 28
    10:44:29 – Episode 29
    11:07:29 – Episode 30
    11:30:30 – Episode 31
    11:53:30 – Episode 32
    12:16:30 – Episode 33
    12:39:30 – Episode 34
    13:02:30 – Episode 35
    13:25:30 – Episode 36
    13:48:30 – Episode 37
    14:11:30 – Episode 38
    14:34:30 – Episode 39
    14:57:30 – Episode 40
    15:20:30 – Episode 41
    15:43:30 – Episode 42
    16:06:30 – Episode 43
    16:29:30 – Episode 44
    16:52:30 – Episode 45
    17:15:30 – Episode 46
    17:38:30 – Episode 47
    18:01:30 – Episode 48
    18:24:30 – Episode 49
    18:47:30 – Episode 50
    19:10:30 – Episode 51
    19:33:30 – Episode 52
    19:58:00 – End Screen

    ⭐ Thank you for watching! Keep the Dream Alive…⭐

    #TheTribe #tvseries #highlights

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    ("The Dream Must Stay Alive") ♪ Look into the future ♪ ♪ What do you see ♪ ♪ I really need to know now ♪ ♪ Is there a place for me ♪ ♪ If we’re gonna survive ♪ ♪ The dream must stay alive ♪ – Authorities are appealing for calm throughout the evacuation process. ♪ Alive ♪ – [Emergency Worker] Code one, civilian priority. Isolation now in effect. To avoid the risk of contamination, please stay indoors and await further instructions. Medical advice will be given. Code one, civilian priority. Isolation now in affect. To avoid risk of contamination, please stay indoors and await further instructions. – Authorities are appealing for calm throughout the evacuation process. All children under the age of 18 years should report to their local sector for transportation. – [Mom] You have to go. – But what about you and dad? – It’s too late for us, Trudy. You have to accept that. Save yourself, for your mother’s sake. And mine. – No. (sobs) – [Dad Voiceover] Save yourself. – [Trudy Voiceover] No! – Hey. What is it? – I had the dream again. Mom, Dad, they were there. Here in the house, like it was yesterday. – Priority will be given to those children exposed to adults already contaminated. – I didn’t wanna go. I didn’t wanna leave them, but there was nothing I could do. – Trudy, there was nothing anybody could do. Come on, we’d better go. The Roosters are moving in. You’re not safe here. – We’re not safe anywhere. – In sector 10, we may have a chance, Trudy. I heard there were only strays and nomads. We’ve gotta get through. – I don’t wanna go back there. Locos! – We’ve gotta at least try. There isn’t much time. (cow moos) (fire crackles) (wind blows) (solemn music) (siren blares) (cat meows) – They’re getting closer. What do we do? – We can’t outrun them. We just have to get out of sight. (birds chirp) (Roosters laughing) – Come on, hurry up. (siren blares) – Come on, Dal, through here. – What are the gangs doing here? – Sunday afternoon drive? – Is it Sunday? – Who knows. Get down! – Can’t have been chasing us after all. – Unless they’re toying with us. Locos do that, they love to catch you off guard. – Where is he? Lex? Maybe we got it wrong. Are you sure this is the meeting place? Or maybe we got the wrong time. These guys don’t wear watches, you know. – Quiet. I’m thinking. – Yeah Zandra, let the man think. If he can’t think, he can’t come up with one of his brilliant plans. – I don’t like it here out in the open. Anything could happen. – Shut up, the both of you. Zoot will keep his word. – Where is he then, legendary leader of the Locos? – You heard the siren. – Siren? That could’ve been anyone. It could’ve been the Demon Dogs, this is their patch, or the Roosters, any of the gangs, this sector’s a war zone. – The whole city is a war zone, in case you hadn’t noticed. – Porky, eat up. Then we’ll barbecue you. – Yeah, he’s got more meat on you. (laughs) – You want more? Good. – Tasty, tasty. – If we could steal their wheels, we’d be out of the city in an hour. – Forget it, they’ve got lookouts everywhere. We wouldn’t get more than a couple– Dal, look. They’re sure to pick her up. What’s she doing out there on her own? – She’s a stray. – Are we talking about the girl or the cat? – You know the rule, Amber. Look after number one. – Yeah well there’s always an exception to the rule. Here. Come here, come on. Hurry up, come on. – Here– (cat screeches) – It’s not far now. Come on, if we keep going, we could take shelter in the city by nightfall. (seagulls call) – They’re coming. – What’s the matter, Glen? Ain’t getting scared, are you? – I wanna know what you’ve agreed with Zoot. – What do you mean? – Don’t be stupid, Zandra. You really think we’re gonna be allowed to join the Locos just like that? Now I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen. Old Lex here, he’ll be in the tribe, you can bet your life. The rest of us might not be so lucky. – Anyone who doesn’t like the plan can leave. Now. – How far would I get before I was hunted down by the Locos, along with you and stupid here? (body slams) (grunts) – Stop it! Ryan, do something! – They’re here. – I thought you said they’d be alone. – Welcoming committee? – They don’t look very welcoming to me. – I’ll do the talking. – So it’s made. Not getting scared, are you, Lex? – Zoot! I was starting to think you weren’t coming. Guess timekeeping is not your thing, eh? Yeah, me neither. Time’s dead. It’s the old way. We’re making the rules now, right? – What’s in the bag? – Glad you asked for it. Glad you asked. Walkie talkies, CD players, batteries, you name it. – Food? – We’ve only got enough for us. – Give it to me. Why do you wanna be a Locust? – You guys are the best outfit around. You’re kattered. You’re really… – What? Really what? – You’re scandalous. – We’re what? (Locos laugh) – Damn it, we’re gonna run. (Locos shout) – It’s all right, we’re not gonna hurt you. What’s your name? I’m Amber and this is Dal. We’re friends. Do you have anyone? Any family, brother and sisters? – She doesn’t understand. Let’s just go. – She needs help. – We all need help. That’s the way things are. I’m sorry, Amber, but we decided that we were gonna leave the city by nightfall. Nothing was gonna change that, you said it. How are we gonna do that with this thing tagging along? – I bet I know his name. Teddy, right? And what about you? – Cloe. – What are you doing out here, Cloe? – Playing. – Can we play? – If you like, but there’s no room on the swings. Patsy and Paul are hogging them. There’s a slide, you could play on that. – Yeah. Yeah, maybe I will. You’ll have to go without me. I can’t leave her, Dal. – That’s okay. We’ve come this far together. (Locos shout) – Lex, what are you doing? – Just another one of my brilliant plans! Good luck, friend. – Where’s Glen? – They’ve got him. There’s nothing we can do. Zandra, we have to save ourselves. Glen would’ve wanted us to. – You really think it’s gonna be that different in the countryside? – Can’t be any worse, can it? – Fewer places to hide. – They’ll be no one to hide from. Look, all I wanna do is find a little place of my own which I can call home. A little piece of land where I can grow my own food. Not scratching leftovers like some animal. – It’s a nice dream. – It’s more than a dream. Amber, look around you. There’s no future here. The tribes have got the city. Let then live on tinned food. – And what happens when the tinned food runs out? Do you think they’re gonna leave you alone on your country estate? – I don’t believe this, you’ve changed your mind. You’re not coming with me. – No, Dal, I haven’t changed my mind. It’s just that–I don’t know, it feels like running away. I know there’s nothing we can do. We can’t stop the tribes taking over. I just hate to see them get away with it. This is where I grew up. It’s where you grew up, Dal. You might be able to walk away, but I can’t. It’s not that simple. Wait, where’s Cloe? Oh no, we’ve lost her already. – No, we haven’t. Look! – Good boy. Bring it here. Ready, Teddy? Whee! Did you like that? Come on, let’s do it again. Good boy. Good boy. (engine clicks) – Did you see that guy? What was his problem? Those tribe leaders, they get too much power. I’ll show him. I’ll get even with him, that’s a promise. (sighs) – What’s the matter with you? – Don’t touch me. – For the last time, Zan, I’m sorry about Glen. It couldn’t be helped. You had a thing about the guy, is that it? – No! – Then stop your sniveling. He wanted to be a Locust, now he’s got his wish. You know what I think? I think he sacrificed himself deliberately to save us. It had to be if you think about it. (sobs) – Lex. – What are you looking at? Is this thing gonna start or what? – It’s out of gas. I did find something, though. Gum. – Let’s get out of here. – Whee! – Who are you with? What tribe? – We’re not with any tribe. We found Cloe a couple of streets away. You obviously know her. I’m Amber, by the way. This is Dal. – Salene. – Did you know Cloe wandered off? – I can’t stop her. What difference does it make? We can’t run anymore. (dog barks) I wanna give us up, then I found this place. I thought they could have a play. One more time before… – I’ll scout around. See if I can find some shelter for tonight. – Okay. I’ll share the food out. – Yeah, you’d better, friend. You just better. See? I own this city now. And you’re trespassing. I’ll tell you what, I’m feeling generous today. Why don’t you just give me the bag and I’ll say no more about it? Oh, and don’t try running. You might get away. But they won’t. – Who are you? I don’t recognize your tribe. – Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of us. What? – Locos! (Locos yell) – Get them! – He’s gonna hurt you! – Demon Dogs! (synth pop music) (gang members shout) – I wonder where this carpark leads to. – Must be a shopping mall or something. There should be a way our over here. – I hope you’re right. – Come on. – I hope it’s safe. – Come on, let’s check it out. – Mm, maybe there’s some food here. – I’ll go have a look around. Looks like the place has been looted, but you never know. – Dal. Be careful. – Come on. In here. What’s up there? – Nothing. – We better get back to sector 12 while it’s still light. Come on. (junk clatters) – So you’re Patsy and your name is? – Paul. – And who’s this? – Bob. (Bob grumbles) – Did you have any luck? – No. – Well. – We don’t have much, so we have to share. – This is Patsy and Paul. Patsy does all the talking, I think her brother’s a bit shy. – He’s not shy. – I don’t think that true. – Doesn’t seem to have any trouble talking. – When he feels like it. – Oh, I see. Do you lip read, Paul? – He says he prefers to sign. (soft footsteps approach) – What does that mean? – It means we’re in trouble. – Now, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted? (machinery clanks) (gates slam shut) How the hell did you do that? We’ll find another way in. You’re not getting away that easy. – Looks like you’re the one not getting away. – What do you want with us? We’ve got no argument with the Locusts. – These aren’t Locusts. If they were, they would’ve done the job right. – Open it up. Open it up now or you’ll regret it. I’m gonna count to ten. One, two, three… – Four, five, six… seven, eight, nine, ten. So what happens now? I think you’ll find that was a fairly empty threat. You didn’t quite think it through, did you? Not to worry. Hi, I’m Jake. And I think you’ve got something to say to me? – Like what? – Well then, my idea was thanks, but times are changing. – Thanks. – Don’t mention it. These gates can only be lifted with a special wrench. I’ll lift the far one when you guys have had a chance to cool off. Come on, I’ll show you around. – Hey! Where are you going? – Stay here and don’t move. You’re safe here. – But what about you? – Well, I’ll scout the area and see what I can find. – Why are you doing this? – Doing what? – Helping us. You could be Demon Dogs for all you know. – You guys? – Maybe not. All the same, you didn’t have to let us in here. – Hey! – It’s simple, love. I’ve been living out of a crate of tinned beans for the last six weeks and even that’s running low. – Well we haven’t got much food either. – But you can help me find some. That’s the least you could do after I helped you with your little problem back there. – Look, thanks for your help, but we have to move on. First thing in the morning. Right, Amber? – You’ll see yourself. You won’t find a better place to crash than this. – It’s so big and empty. – I’m tired. – Me too. – It’s getting dark. What are we gonna do about sleeping? – I’ve got a blanket, the younger ones can have that. The rest of us will just have to make do. – Sounds good but I can go one better. – Look! Beds! – Hey! (children laugh) – What do you think? – It’s like heaven. – Clean sheets. Real feather pillows. – Of course, I sleep in the electrical shop so I can protect the place. – Hey! Open this gate. – What are we gonna do about those three locked in a cage? – Forget it. It’s what you do with animals. Lock ’em up. – Hey, look at this couch. You’re wasting your time. They’re not gonna let us out. Save your strength. – This place aint so bad. We’ve slept in worse places, Lex. – Who asked you? Give me that. – What’s wrong? – She can’t find her Teddy. – I wanna go home. (cries) – I know. It’s all right. This is your home. For now, at least. – Come on, Lex. There’s nothing you can do. – All right. Sounds like the Locos. What would that mean? – You’ll see. (sirens wail) I’m warning you! (owl hoots) (gentle tribal music) – You know what your problem is? Most of the stuff is useless. You’re not practical enough. I mean, what happens if you run out of batteries for your radio then? We have to start to get basic tools, basic skills. That’s what we need now. – Really? And who is it that tripped those animals out there, the ones chasing you. If you’re so smart can we fix this? (snoring) – Just shut it. I’m trying to think. – Ah, I feel terrible. – You look terrible. – It’s not my fault. You’re the one that got us into this mess. How are we gonna get out? – That’s what I’m trying to figure out. What do I do? – You were saying when you get out. – You’ll see. You can’t keep us in here forever. – Is that a fact? – You’re gonna wish you’ve never done this, only by then it’ll be too late for wishing. – It’s easy to make threats from behind bars. – It’s not a threat. It’s a promise. (clunking) I’m warning you. – I don’t get it. It should work out. I’ve got this special (mumbles) and everything. Maybe if we took it outside. – It wouldn’t matter. – Well thanks Einstein, but could you tell me how you reach that blank conclusion? – The radio’s fine. It’s everything else that’s wrong. – Very scientific. – There’s no one out there Jack. That’s why you can’t hear anything. – Don’t be stupid. This radio can pick up stations from all over the world. – That’s what I mean. You remember those last few days. The virus was everywhere. It spread too fast. Nowhere was safe. Nowhere. Think about it, Jack. If there were any adults in the world, what would they do? There’s no television, no internet. The radio would be the first thing they’d use, just like you’re doing. – They can’t have all gone. Not all of them. We’ve gotta keep trying. – Jack, we’re on our own. – Jack, Dal, the animals are awake. We need to decide what to do. – Power and chaos. – Power and chaos. – No. Yeah. (sirens blaring) (mumbles) – For the last time, let us out of here. – Well, it could be the last time if we just leave you there ’til you starve. – You, you couldn’t hurt anyone if your life depended on it nerd. – Lex. He doesn’t mean it, really. (dog whimpering) – So, what are we gonna do about them? – Well, the first question is what are we gonna do about us? Well, they can’t get in, but can we get out? – There’s another way out through the outside. – Come on Amber. Let’s just go. – Dal, we need somewhere to stay. I think it should be here. – But I thought we were heading out to the country to find an old farm. That was the plan. – Yeah, well plans change. You and me, maybe we could’ve done it, but now there’s all the others here. How do you think we’re gonna get them out of the city without running into the locals? – But why do we have to look after them? – Because they’d never survive without us, would they? This is the safest place for all of us for now if we stick together. (dog gnarling) – You mean, like start our own tribe. – Maybe. – But what do we do about them? – Easy, I just pull up the outside gate. They have to go out back on the street. Take their chances. – We can’t trust them. – Can we trust them outside? What if they go to the locals and lead them here? – So, do we let them in or kick them out? (gentle tribal music) – If we’re going to stick together we have to share what we have. Jack. – I haven’t got much. – Nothing much is better than nothing. Show us. – That’s it. That’s all I’ve got. – I don’t believe you. You have ketchup. I love ketchup. – Thanks Patsy. So, who’s for beans, tint meat and ketchup? – And we don’t have to have them cold. Not practical, huh. – I take it all back. This man has ketchup. – I smell food. – I’m starving, Lex. What are we gonna do? – Of course, you have a choice. – What? – We’ve been talking about what to do and we think the best thing would be to open the outside gate. Let you back out onto the streets. – No, please. Lex, say something. – What choice? – Ah, it can listen. – Are you in charge of these kids? – Maybe, for now. You sure you’re in charge of them? – Let’s hear this choice. – You can take your chances outside with the locals or you can join us but on our terms. We all share what we have. We all work together, and maybe we stay safe, maybe. – Amber, how do we know we can trust them? The locals may have seen them. – If that were true we’d be happy to go back outside, wouldn’t we? You’re not very smart for a nerd. – Yeah well, smart enough to trap you zero. – You’ll wish you’d never done that. – Sounds like you’ve made your choice. Open the outside gate, Jack. – No wait. I want to stay. (dog whimpering) – Paul says you can shut up, all of you. He heard something. Listen. (rat squealing) There it was again. – There was what? The kid’s deaf. – He feels things through the floor, vibrations, things you don’t hear. – What was that? – It could be the locals. You still don’t want to let us in. – How do you get to the sewers? – Just through the pass the boroughs middle door. – Can anyone get in? – They could though I haven’t had a chance to secure it. – Right. We’ve gotta find out what’s going on. Jack, you look after the others. Dal, you come with me. – You won’t last five minutes. – [Amber] Jack said it was around here. This must be it. – [Dal] Are you sure this is a good idea? – No, but we’re going in anyway. (rat squealing) – [Dal] It sounds like rats. (rat squealing) – I can’t see a thing down here. – You want me to go in there with you. Good thing I brought my torch then. (rat squealing) (gentle acoustic music) We can get lost down here. – Lost only matters when you got a home, Dal. – Thanks for reminding me. – Shh. Listen. – It sounds like there’s only one. – Come on. (gentle acoustic music) Let’s get back. – What if they don’t come back? The locals can be on their way in right now. I saw them catch someone once, really little kid, a bit like you Jack. They tied him to a tree. – Stop it. You’re frightening the little ones. – They should be frightened and so should you. – What are we gonna do Jack? – You have no choice. You open up and let us in and maybe we’ll help you, maybe. – And trust you. – Trust, we’re talking about survival here. This is your only chance. Do it. – Do it Jack. – [Amber] Jack, what’s going on? – I thought you weren’t coming back. – We offered to help. – I’ll bet. – You find anything? – Salene, take the kids to the cafe. Please, it’s okay. Really. There was someone down there, yeah. – We lost him. – Or her. – We need to post a 24 hour guard down there. Make sure it’s secure. (clunking) – Too late. They’re here. Now are you gonna let us in? – You accept our terms. – For now, yes. – For now wasn’t the deal. You’re heading for the streets. Jack. (dramatic music) – Okay, you win. Now let us in. (gentle acoustic music) – Amber. – Get on with it, you wimp. (clunking) – You accepted our terms. – Did I? Maybe I lied. You and me we’re not finished here. Ryan come on. – And me. Are you just gonna leave me here? – Just stop your whining. Look, you wanted to get out and now you’re out. Go fix up your makeup or something. – I wanted to give it back. – Thanks. She missed it. Hey, you’ll need this. (gentle tribal music) – Got you now. (gentle tribal music) Come on. (gentle tribal music) Hurry up. Lex, there. (gentle tribal music) (birds chirping) (gentle tribal music) (sirens blaring) – Work cars. – Burn the books, yeah. (murmuring) – [Crowd] Burn the books, burn the books, burn the books. – What do we do? – No more schools. – [Crowd] Burn the books. – No more teachers. – [Crowd] Yeah. – No more books. – [Crowd] Yeah. – Power and chaos. – [Crowd] Power and chaos. – Burn the books. – [Crowd] Burn the books, burn the books, burn the books. – [Lex] Let’s get out of here. – They’ve been gone a long time. – We should’ve secured the entrance. – Shh. Too late. Listen. – Do you think it’s them? (dramatic music) – One way to find out. (dramatic music) Who are you? – It’s all right. Put down your weapons. I’m a friend. (wind blowing) – Give me that. – Do it again Bray. Do it again. – Okay. Now you see it, and now you don’t. (giggles) That’s one each and don’t spend it all at once. (giggling) (applauding) – I thought I told you to put a guard in the sewer. Who’s this? – Bray, he does tricks. – I don’t like tricks, Bray. – Stop it, Lex. He just wants shelter. – Can he speak for himself? We’ve already one deaf one here. Bray, are you dumb? – I don’t shoot my mouth off. You call that dumb? – This guy’s been hanging around here spying on us. Did he tell you that? That’s his trick. Why have you been spying on us? – I told them. I had to be sure it was safe here. – Safe for what? So you and your tribe can muscle in. – I don’t have a tribe. – Unlucky for you ’cause we have. – That’s enough, Lex. – But I haven’t even started. – We told you when we let you out of the cage, our terms. – So, this guy just shows up, spies on us for a few days, and we welcome him with open arms. What if he’s checking it out for the locals? – I’m not. – Says who? – Bray does. – And we believe him. – We can’t be too sure. – Too right. We should put him in the cage until we know. – He hasn’t threatened us or tried to steal from us, Lex, unlike you. – I don’t want anything from you, just shelter for the night. You have noticed it’s dangerous outside. – Exactly, which is why we shouldn’t be taking in strays. – Does that mean you and friends are leaving too, Lex? We’re all strays now. – [Lex] I say he goes. – [Amber] Well, you’re in a minority of one. We’ve already decided. (gentle music) (birds chirping) – I told you. You’re weak, all of you. Pathetic. – [Amber] Why couldn’t you just stay awake, Jack? – There’s no point taking it out on Jack. We were wrong to believe the guy, that’s all. – I didn’t, remember. – It was my food he took, my food, after I trusted him. – It belonged to all of us, Amber. Remember. (rat squealing) – You were supposed to be in charge. Not anymore. The terms have changed. It’s my turn now. No more of your sweet face and do-gooding. And didn’t Bray look like such a nice boy. Got us a long way. Didn’t it Amber? You getting knickers in a twist about lover boy. (dog whimpering) – All right. Help me. Help me. She’s gonna tear me apart. I don’t know how you all have lasted this long. You’ve all had more luck than you deserve. My bet is that Mr.Wonderful will be back, only this time they’ll be others. (gentle tribal music) Now, if you want me to protect you, you do as I say. (door squeaking) Let ’em come. I’m ready. (gentle tribal music) – Everybody this is Trudy. – I know what that is. That’s a baby. – That’s right. We need a safe place to stay. (gentle tribal music) Been on the move for a week. She needs somewhere to have the baby. This is the safest place we’ve found. – No. – And you speak for the whole group, do you? – Of course, you can stay. There’s plenty of room. She can stay. Can’t she, Amber? – Does she want to stay? – I’ve got a name. – Sorry. Do you want to stay, Trudy? – Yes. Please. (gentle acoustic music) (cow mooing) – Did anyone see you come in? – Nobody sees me if I don’t want them to. – She can say can’t she, Amber? – Do you want to stay Trudy? – Yes. Please. – Polite, the answer’s still no. – Hang on a minute. I think I should have a say, this is my place after all. – Not anymore nerd. – You can’t chuck her out just like that. – Why not? – She’s going to have a baby, Lex. – Who rattled your cage? – I just thought– – That’s a novelty. You thinking, just shut it Zandra. – Ryan, you come with me! – Are you like thick or something? – We need people who are useful. I am. She’s not. – Yeah, you’re very good at shooting your mouth off. What else do you that makes you so special? – You want me to show you? – Try me. – Kids, go and play. – What with? – Find something, but stay in the mall. Go ahead guys, have a fight, make a lot of noise. Get the locos in here and have us all caught. – Don’t Bray. – You look half starved. When was the last time you had a hot meal. – I don’t remember. – Come with me, I’ll fix you something. – Hold on, we haven’t said she could stay yet. – It’s just one meal Lex. Go on sweetie. – Don’t worry, she’ll be alright with me. We won’t go far, we’ll be in the cafe. – Thanks. – Look what I found! Catch. – Catch. – You have to make sure that he’s looking at you before you can throw it. – Sorry. – Jack, we’re hungry. – Later okay, I’m busy. (laughing) – Lex, he treats us like muck and I’m not having it. I hate him. – I think he fancies you. – In his dreams. – What do you think then? – What about, you and Lex? – The baby. I think it’d be really nice to have a little baby around. All those little clothes, little booties and stuff. – Don’t know anything about babies. – You could be like it’s uncle, you could teach it things. – Like what? – Anything Ryan, babies don’t know anything when they’re born, even you could teach it something. – Lex wouldn’t like that. – Lex, he doesn’t own you Ryan and he certainly doesn’t own me! – Yeah – Actually, this place might not be too bad if it was done up a bit. (cow mooing) – So, when’s the baby due? – I don’t know, soon I think. Do you wanna feel it? – Can I? – Yeah, go on. Oh, it’s moving again, it must like it here. – That’s amazing. What do you want, a boy or a girl? – A boy, definitely a boy. – Like his dad, he seems really nice. He’s very good-looking isn’t he? – Yeah. – He’s really taking care of you, it’s lovely to see. There’s not many guys like that. – Bray’s been really good to me. I don’t know what I would have done without him. – I don’t expect you to take us in empty-handed. – Well, what have you got? – Whatever it is, we don’t want it. – And I can get more. – I’m sick of this, are you gonna let him buy his way in here with tins of peaches and chocolate? I can get us anything we want. We don’t need you and we certainly don’t need your girlfriend and your brat. Now get lost. – I’m talking to the organ grinder, not the monkey. – Wait a minute, I’m not in charge here anymore than Lex is. It’s for everyone to decide. Where are you going? – You don’t need me for this. – Well, you can’t just leave, you haven’t said anything. What do you think? What’s that supposed to mean? – It means I don’t care either way. – Well you can’t just not have an opinion. – We’ll take that as a no then. – You’ve been on the move long? – Seems like it. I feel safe here, it seems like a good place. Have you been living here long? – We’ve only been here a couple of days, except Jack, he’s been here the longest, thinks he owns the place. Here, it’s just hot dogs and beans, but it’s good food. – I’m sorry, I can’t eat that. – Why not, it’s good food? – I’m a vegetarian, I don’t eat meat. – Oh, well, just have the beans then. You don’t believe in making things easy for yourself do you? I eat anything I can get. Trudy? – Salene, I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do, I’ve never had a baby before. – Don’t worry, I’ll help you. I thought we might find a doctor somewhere, but there’s no one, just kids. – It’ll be fine. I mean, babies have been getting born for a long time now. It’s natural isn’t it? – Not in this world it isn’t. – Hello? (cow mooing) Are you lost? (cow mooing) Where’s your mommy? Wait there, don’t run away, I’m coming. Here, come here, come to Cloe. Don’t run away, come back. – Yay! Yay! – Patsy, Paul, I need to talk to you, it’s important. You know Trudy’s gonna have a baby? Well, she needs our help, people to look after her. We’re going to be her new family. You know I told you we had to share sometimes? Well, this is one of those times. – Have you given her our breakfast? – No, but we might all have to have a bit less for a while, you understand? – Still fiddling with that radio? I don’t know why you bother, there’s no one out there. – There must be, I can’t be the only one to get a radio to work. – And if you do make contact, will you like what you find? – What do you mean? – For a clever guy you can be pretty stupid. That signal is an advert for where we are. I mean, all I’ve seen are mad men and crazies. Just cause they’re crazy doesn’t mean they’re stupid. If they pick up that signal they’ll follow it straight here. Where are you going? – To get some peace. This used to be my place, I wish I’ve never let any of you guys in here. – Are you sure Trudy wouldn’t be better off somewhere else? – I’ll go tell her. – Shut up. – If there had been a better place, I’d have found it. The whole city is controlled by the tribes. – Well, some of them are well organized, they have their own food stores. Wouldn’t they be a better bet? – It’s a war for control going on and no one can be trusted and it’s no place for a baby. I thought you all looked different. – And that’s why you’ve been watching us? – Yeah, it’s safer here out of the war zone. Everywhere else there’s just locos and they’d use us as target practice. – Look harder. – We’re trying to make something work here. – We? Seems to me you’re on your own. – It’s not easy. – I can see that. Maybe I could help. – You, with a baby to look after? You’re gonna be a dad soon and you better go and see how Trudy is. – What’s all this? – I’m making the place look nice. – For me? – Ah, Zan baby, did Lexie upset you? Come here, let me kiss it better. – Lex! – Lighten up, didn’t mean anything by it. – What are you staring at, come on we’re not finished. – Trudy. – Let her sleep, she’s really tired. She said she’s been getting cramps, she’s scared. – I know. – Have they said she can stay yet? – No. – They will, I mean it’s the future isn’t it? This baby’s the future, they can’t turn their backs on that. – If any of us got a future. – You have, you’re gonna be a dad. – Yay! Yay! – Shut up! – He can’t hear you, he’s deaf. – Read my lips, shut up! You’ve got it? Thank you, thank you, thank you. – Come back, don’t run away. I won’t hurt you. I’m your friend. – Not sure about these blues, but we’ll try them. You know, I think I got a flair for this sort of thing. – What are these? – Scatter cushions. – What do I do with them? – Scatter them Ryan, scatter them. – Shh someone will hear you. Shh. – I’m not having it, this is my place and they follow my rules or they’re all out. Hello. What’s he saying? – It’s fantastic, all this food, here all the time. We can have a party, come on Paul. – Where you going? – To tell Salene and Amber. – Wait, this is mine. – Yours? – Yes mine. – But we’re supposed to share. – Who says that? – Salene – Well, Salene is welcome to share her stuff if she likes, but this stuff is mine, get it? I didn’t ask you all in here, I’m gonna sharing this. I can live for months on this and if I have share it’s not going to last more than five minutes. What’s he saying now? – L-E-X – No, I don’t want him up here. You’re not gonna tell the others about this are you? They don’t have to know. This could be our little secret or something couldn’t it? What’s he saying? – He says he’s deaf, he’s not stupid. – Oh good. – But it’ll cost you. – Yeah, can of peaches? – Thank you. – Macaroni and cheese? Chocolate. (cow mooing) – Where’s lover boy? – Checking on Trudy. – Pity he’s already spoken for isn’t it? – What do you mean? – You fancy the pants off him don’t you? – Don’t be a moron. – So why are you so keen on him staying? – Lex, this isn’t about if they go or stay, it’s about how we make decisions. I’m not letting you bully and blackmail the rest of them just to get your own way. This is going to be a democracy right? – And what you say goes doesn’t it? Some democracy. – Democracies need defending. – I’m not attacking you Amber, I think me and you could work together. A matter of fact, I think you and me could get on really well, if you know what I mean. – Back off. – Your loss. I’m just trying to defend what we’ve got. You don’t know anything about them. They just turn up out of nowhere and you just roll out the red carpet. They could be with the locos. You just don’t know. – No decisions been made yet. – You fancy him and that’s destroying your judgment. – Let’s get the others, this needs sorting. – There you are, come on. Blue Bell, shh! Come on. It’s okay, come on. – How is she? – Tired. – Well, can she stay? – We’re just going to have a vote. – I’ll go find the kids. – We better get you back, you luck girl. You could have been hamburgers. – Welcome to our humble abode. Make yourselves at home. We’ve given the servants the night off or it would have been cocktails in conservatory. Well, what do you think? – I know what’s missing, I know! – Ryan, we’re going to vote! Where has he gone now? – Start without him. – He gets a vote. – He agrees with me. – Cloe’s not here. – Too bad. – Blue Bell, come on, this way. This way, good girl. Come on, follow me. – Look, this is the problem, too many people, not enough to eat. More people there are, the more mouths we have to feed. And if we let Trudy stay that’s two more. – Three, don’t forget daddy. – There are still quite a few cans in the cafe. – Paul and I have some chocolate. – Thanks. – Oh great, that should just about do us for a mid-morning snack. Look, if we don’t eat we die. – We’ve managed so far. – There’s still food out there. – Oh yeah, there’s plenty of food out there. Some of its walking around the streets, but can you get it? You can’t just pop down to the supermarket with your shopping trolley you know. – You just have to stay here. I can’t take you inside, okay? Come on. I’ll bring you some food when I can. Now be a good girl, please? And don’t worry, I’ll look after you. – And it’s not just about the food, this is a baby we’re talking about. You know babies that cry at night and won’t shut up. Could put us all in danger. – Rubbish. – Yeah, well don’t come crying to me when the locos hear it and come after you. – Guys, guys, look what I found! I knew there was something missing. – Ryan, that’s a cardboard television. – Oh, there were real ones too, but I couldn’t carry them. – Ryan, there’s no electricity. The real ones wouldn’t even work – I know, I know. I just feel better with it there that’s all. – We need to vote. We’ll do it by a show of hands. One vote per person. – What, they get to vote too, kids? – They live here too. – Oh, and the dog, does he get to vote as well? – Well they’re letting you vote. – Wait a minute, wait a minute, he doesn’t get to vote and neither does she. – Agreed. – Why not? – You’re not part of the tribe yet. – And you might be a bit biased. – And you aren’t? – Well, I’m part of the tribe aren’t I? – Everyone gets a vote except Bray and Trudy. So, all those in favor of Trudy staying? – And Zandra what are you doing? Put down your hand. – No, I won’t, this is a democracy, I’ve got rights. And I like babies. – Dal, you must be on our side. – I just think it’s too risky. The more of us there are, the more chances of getting caught. – Okay four, all those against? – Wouldn’t you know it, all the guys. – Wait a minute, Amber, you haven’t voted. – I’m against. – Amber! – I don’t believe it. – Neither do I. – We’re talking about a baby here, not a dolly. We’re a bunch of kids, babies need looking after. They need feeding, we don’t even know if we can feed ourselves. There must be somewhere else Bray, somewhere better. Sorry Trudy. – Keep your sympathy, and you know where you can stick your democracy! What sort of people turn away a pregnant girl. What kind of world are you planing, one with no babies in it? Cause you won’t last long then will you? You people make me sick. You’re no better than the locos. At least they don’t try and pretend to be anything! Come on Trudy. And you can keep your food, I hope it chokes you. – Oh! – What’s happening now? – Trudy! – Bray, it’s coming, the baby’s coming! (groaning) – Bray, it’s coming, the baby’s coming! – Trudy! (groaning) – What’s wrong? – The pains have started. – [Amber] Are you sure? – What’s happening? – Trudy’s going into labor. – She’s having the baby? – Come on, it’s a trick. Where do you think you’re going? – Trudy’s not leaving here, not now. – We voted, you’re out. – Come on, Trudy. – I’m not having this. – You’ve no choice. – We can’t throw her out now. – Suppose it’s true, Lex. – True? First she was too hungry to go, then she was too tired, now she’s having labor pains? She must think we’re stupid. – Trudy, do you think it might be a false alarm? – We won’t know until she’s rested. – Listen to him! It’s a put up job, they’re in it together. – Get out of the way. – Stop it, both of you. Fighting won’t solve anything. What’s wrong? – My waters have broken. – It’s coming all right. – Come on. – You’re letting them in? – We’re not throwing her out now, Lex. – Is she having the baby then? – Having us on, more like it. – Shh, I’ve brought you some milk. Well it’s not milk really, it’s only coffee creamer, but it tastes just as good. Come on, drink up, there’s a good girl. They were all too busy shouting at each other as if one more person made any difference. – [Salene] We need plenty of hot water and towels. – All right, you lot, the cabaret’s over, everybody out. Come on, make yourselves useful. You too, Bray. – No, Bray, don’t go. – Don’t worry, Trudy, I’m here. – Come on place your bets. Two to one against a boy, you can’t do better than that. (Trudy groaning) – Chloe, you’ve missed everything. Where have you been? – Nowhere. What’s happening? – The baby’s coming, now. – [Amber] Do you know anything about delivering babies? – [Salene] Not really. – Zandra? – Me? You’re joking. – Never mind. Birth’s natural, isn’t it? All we’veve gotta do is follow our instincts, we’ll manage. – [Amber] Suppose something goes wrong. – How long have you been having these contractions, Trudy? – It feels like hours. I wasn’t sure what it was at first. – We may not have very long. – How do you know? – Her contractions are quite frequent and strong. We should get ready. – What do we do? – We’re gonna need scissors and rubber bands, lots of clean rags, and tissues. Oh, and soap. – What, you mean you? – Any objections? – You heard the man, who’s got some soap? – You’ve got some, Zandra. – That’s my special soap. – Zandra, go get the soap. (sighing) – I’m taking bets on weather it’s a boy or a girl. – Well, what do we use for money? – You must have something. A pair of sunglasses, a pen knife, food. – I’ve got a whistle. – [Ryan] That’ll do. – Wait, what will you give us if it’s a boy? Two whistles? – A couple of quid? – [Jack] Two quid? – [Ryan] That’s fair. – Where can I spend them? – Ryan, what are you doing? – Nothing. – Well in that case, go and find some rubber bands. – Rubber bands? – Yeah rubber bands, for tying things. – Hot water. – Well done, Dal. – [Jack] Hey, go easy with the water, it’s not gonna last forever. – Can you find these? It’s stuff for the baby. – I might have to go outside. – Well, be careful. Paul, Patsy, see if you can find some cloth, sheets, rags, anything so long as it’s clean. Where have you been, Chloe? – Nowhere. – Ask a silly question. – Never mind. Jack, more water. – Easy with the water. Once the tank’s empty that’s it. – Well in that case we better keep some back, hadn’t we? Two for little Trudy and one for me. (intense music) (screaming) – Shouldn’t she have pain killers or something? – Lex has got some paracetamol. Shall I go and get it? – Keep panting, Trudy. – I’ll get it, shall I? (crashing) Ryan, what are you doing? – Nothing. – What have you got in that rucksack? – Personal items. (shouting) – [Zoot] Power and chaos! – [Locos] Power and chaos! – Lex! – Oh, it’s you. – I need the paracetamol, can I have it? – What for? – Trudy. – : What are you gonna give me for it? – Don’t start that again. – Oh Zan, I’m getting desperate. Even Ryan’s starting to look appealing. – I’d go for him if I were you. – What’s wrong? Don’t you fancy me anymore? – I know guys like you. After they get what they want, they split. – Not me, Zan. – And leave the girl pregnant. I know where I’ve been. I can’t say the same for you – I’m clean, clean as a whistle. You better grab me, babe, before one of the others do. (distant sirens) – It’s no good. – You’re doing fine. Don’t tire yourself. Take a break and relax. – You could tear this up. – You little devils, that’s Zandra’s. Is this really all you could find? Get that dog out of here. – Where are the scissors, they need to be sterilized. – I’ll get on to it. How is she doing? – Gotcha. – Lex, it’s you. – Just as well, isn’t it? – The others are on to us. I thought I’d better hide it. – Good thinking, Ryan. We wouldn’t want the others getting their hands on it, would we? – No. We’ll be all right, Lex. – Yes Ryan, thanks to you, we’ll be all right. – [Zoot] There he is, get him! (shouting) – You don’t think there’s something wrong. do you? I mean, she’s not going to lose it, is she? – She’s just tired, that’s all. – Okay, Trudy, ready for another go? – He’s amazing, isn’t he? – Okay, push. (groaning) – I can’t, I can’t push any more. – You can, okay? Come on now, just one really big effort, then you can have another rest. Come on, push. (screaming) – I can’t bear to watch. – Boo. – Stupid kids. – Should be glad it was only us. We haven’t had any lunch. – Oh, what do you want? – What have you got? – Spaghetti. – Chocolate. Got any sweets? – No. – [Patsy] Are you sure? – Yes. – [Patsy] Well done, your secret food store is safe. – Greedy pigs. – It’s not for us, it’s for the baby. – [Bray] It’s okay Trudy, we’ll get there. – Well? – She’s exhausted. – You look pretty tired yourself. – Have you had a break? You’ve been great, really. (Trudy groaning) – What’s all that? – I’m making a present for the baby. – [Bray] Come on Trudy, push. – I saw some kittens being born once. It was magic. – [Bray] That’s a girl, come on, keep it up. [Trudy] I can’t, I can’t. – [Bray] Push! Yes, you can, push. – What’s taking so long? – [Bray] That’s it, you’re doing it. – Its head’s appeared. – [Bray] Keep going, keep going. You’re nearly there Trudy, just one more really big effort. – Is he actually delivering it? – [Trudy] I want my mum. – A girl, make it a girl. – Ryan do you remember in another lifetime me asking you to get some rubber bands? – Sorry Amber, I couldn’t find any. – [Bray] Amber, come quick! Come on, yes, this is it, push! – Go on Trudy, push! – Zandra] Maybe we should take over from Bray. (screaming) (baby crying) – It’s a girl. (cheering) – The bank wins! Come on, cough up one whistle. (gentle music) – Mother and baby seem fine, and, well, thanks, Amber. Thanks for letting us stay. – I didn’t do it for you. – Well Trudy, do you think you’re ready for the rabble? All right, you can come in now, but be quiet. – I made you a mobile. See, clangs and everything. – Oh, it’s lovely. Thank you, Chloe. – Have you got anything for the baby, Ryan? – I knew it was gonna be a girl. – [Patsy] A whistle? – Thanks, Ryan. – Can I hold her? – We brought you some sweets. – This is my present. Thanks, Jack. – What do you want scales for? – To weigh the baby. – [Patsy] Why? – So you know if it’s putting on weight. – [Chloe] What’s she going to eat? – Milk to start with. – What? Breastfeeding? – Yeah, then after a few months you wean it on to solid food. – I hope it likes beans. – Dal, is that a cot? – [Dal] Yeah. – [Patsy] Did you make it, Dal? – Yeah, Patsy. I’ve just finished weaving it. I’m sorry Amber, I couldn’t find what I went out for. – Oh Dal, thank you. – Put her in it, Zandra. – What are you going to call her, Trudy? – Don’t know yet. – I suppose if it was a boy she would have called it Bray. Bray was amazing, so cool and everything, and the baby– – I’m not listening, Zandra. – [Dal] It’s got hair and everything. – And it’s a great weight. – Sounds like it’ll have a good appetite then. – Here Chloe, you can have some of my food. I’m not hungry. – Thanks, Dal. – Hope you saved some for me. Where are you going now? – Nowhere. – She prefers takeaways. – Here Amber, have some of mine. – Share and share alike. – Thanks. – I’ll take some for Trudy and Salene. – Just leave them in peace. – [Zandra] Trudy needs food. – She needs sleep. (mooing) – Hello, did you miss me? Sorry I’ve been a long time. I’ve been busy. There was a little baby born, really sweet. Tell you what, after this shall I take you on a walk? – Having a private banquet there, Lex? You’ve got enough food on that plate to last most of us a week. (giggling) This can’t go on, you know. All of you, and it’s not just food. It’s water, batteries, everything. I mean look at you two, playing a computer game. – Jack said we could. – We’ve got to set up some system of rationing. – Rationing? – Yes, Ryan, we can’t afford to waste anything. – We can stop feeding that hound for a start, unless of course you’re fattening him up for later. (growling) – [Patsy] It’s all right Bob, come on. – Stop it, Lex. – Well who comes, first humans or animals? I’m serious, we can’t afford to feed animals unless we’re gonna eat them. – He’s horrible. – Come on, walk on, come on, come on, we’re going to look for some grass. There’s nobody out here, good girl. Come on, come on. – Can we get back to the rationing, please? – Yeah, it’s common sense. – Especially now there’s a mother and baby to feed. – What? – Here we go again. – Look, we voted to throw them out before the brat arrived. – Well, it’s here now. – [Lex] So? – It’s just, just different. – We all agreed. – You can’t throw out a helpless little baby, Lex. – We’ve just given it presents and everything. – Like it or not the baby’s changed things. – You’ve changed your tune. – Can you throw out a helpless child onto the street? – It’s not our responsibility. – It’s everyone’s responsibility, Lex. Bray’s right, what kind of world are we making if we throw out a newborn child and its mother out onto the street? – He has to sort it out. He’s gotta find them somewhere else to live. – Come on. Let’s go. (giggling) Come on! Hey! Uh-oh, Locos. We gotta get out of here. – Bray’s not gonna find another place overnight, is he? Not somewhere safe, anyway. – He does need a bit of time, Lex. – Yeah, time to get his feet under the table. – Where is he, anyway? – He’s in with Trudy. – No he’s not. – Where is he then? (chuckling) What are you laughing at? – He went out soon after the baby was born. – He’s probably having a sleep somewhere, poor thing. – You just don’t wanna see it, do you? – What? – Have you kids seen him? – No. – Course they haven’t. He’s done a runner, ya thickheads. – He can’t have, he loves his little baby. – He did go off without a word. – Dumping his girlfriend and brat on us. – What does he take us for? – He must think we’re a lot of mugs. – I don’t believe it. How could he? – Well, if he thinks he can treat us like that, he’s got another thing coming. – What about Trudy? Fancy going off and leaving her like that. – And who’s gonna be the one to tell her? (video gaming) – Gotcha. – He could’ve helped. – Hmm? – Me and Salene have moved Trudy next door to give her some privacy. – Look, 25,000. Top score. – I don’t believe it. – Neither do I. Battery just died. – I mean Bray. I can’t believe he’s just left her and his little daughter. – Get real, Zandra. He’s been conning us all along. I told you, but did anybody listen? Oh Bray, you’re so wonderful. You’re so handsome, so clever. – [Zandra] Any sign of him? – We’ve looked everywhere. – Not a sign. He’s gone alright. – The rat. – Poor Trudy. – Poor us. We’re the ones stuck with his girlfriend and the brat. – Does she know? – Manners, Ryan. – Yeah, we’ve gotta keep our standards up, don’t we? Remember to say please and thank you when the Locos come and do us over. – Are the Locos coming? – No, of course not. – Where is he then, your wonderful Bray? He’s gone to find the Locos and bring them here. The scummy traitor. – You don’t know that. – Well I’ll be waiting, with his precious girlfriend and the brat. – Lex, if you can’t say anything sensible, just keep your mouth shut. Bray’s not a traitor. – And you’ll defend him ’cause you fancy him. – Do you Amber? – Of course not. Don’t listen to that idiot. – Mind you, wouldn’t blame you. – You what? (baby crying) – What’s that? – It’s just the baby, Ryan. – What’s wrong with it? Sounds like it’s being murdered. – It must be hungry. – I’ll go an see. – What a racket, just ’cause it’s hungry. – Jack, we’re hungry too. – Not now. – Paul says– – I’m not interested. (Bob barking) – That’s right Bob. You tell him, the big meanie. – What? – You fancy Bray as well, don’t you? – That’d be telling, wouldn’t it? What do you think? I better go help Amber. She’s not the baby type. – Can’t you just try, Trudy? – No, please, I can’t, honestly. – Is she alright? What’s the matter? – Just hungry, poor thing. Trudy can’t feed her. – Where’s Bray, Amber? – Sleeping. He’s tired out after the birth. – He’s tired? I’m exhausted. And I feel terrible. – You’re very hot. – I feel cold. Amber, please get Bray. What? – Nothing. – I’m going to find something for it to eat. Here. – Me? Selene, wait! (pop music) There there. (skateboarding) – Jack. Jack. – Idiot. – Sorry. – You coulda been the Locos. – That’s why I came here. – Eh? – We oughta try to secure that store entrance. It’s the only way they can surprise us. – Have you got any ideas? Remember, it’s our only emergency exit too. – The best thing would be an electronic alarm system. – What would we use for power? – Some system of charging batteries? – That’s it, right? Well why don’t we just put them into the maze? – I was trying to be constructive. – And what do you think I’m doing reading this? If you’re finished scaring the life outta me. – Sorry. – Dal, have you still got that thermometer? – Yeah. – Good, come with me, I need your help. – Peace at last. (Bob whining) – Shh Bob, someone will hear you. If Jack’s going to be mean, we’ll just have to take some for ourselves (locker whirls, unlocks) Sweeties. You like sweeties, don’t you Bob? (baby crying) – Trudy, how do you get it to shut up? There you are, here. – No, you hold her, I’ll try to get her to drink this. – What is it? – It’s that creamer stuff you put in coffee. Milk substitute. – Will it be alright for her? – Well, it’s mostly water, and I added a bit of sugar. – I don’t think that’s a very good idea, Salene. – Well what else are we gonna give her? Listen to her, she’s starving. – Where’s Bray? – Hush a minute. Let Dal take your temperature. – Where’d you get that? – Around. Thought it’d be useful. – Oo, you look just like the real thing. Y’know, a doctor? I bet you used to watch all the hospital programs on telly didn’t you? I miss television. It’s boring now. – Boring? Which planet are you living on, Zandra? – What do you mean? – Well, you could call it scary or hard or dangerous. But boring isn’t a word I’d use. – Well I miss it anyway. I used to watch all the soaps, never missed. I could tell you everything about all the characters. – Fascinating. – Now they’re not there anymore. I don’t know what they’re doing. – They’re not doing anything, Zandra. They weren’t real. – Well? – It’s up a bit. – What do we do? – Give her some paramedical. Keep bathing her in cold water. – Did you steal a medical book or something? – My father was a doctor. So was my mum. Satisfied? – I just wish I could cut my tongue out sometimes. – Bray? Where’s Bray? – Yes Bray, where are you? (skateboarding) (door creaking open) – Good girl, drink up. You’re really good. – So am I. He’s full too. Okay, let’s take some for later. Serve’s Jack right for keeping secrets. We’ll make him see. – Tin cans, that’s the lot. – Not very much, but if people eat sensibly. I’ll draw up a daily ration. – You’ll try to make it as nutritionally balanced as possible. – Like I’ve got a lot of choice, Jack. – Yeah, well– – Nobody decides what I eat. I’m not a kid. – Lex, we have been through this. We have to ration the food. – And water. ‘Specially the water. – What about batteries? This ones dead. – There aren’t any more. – I bet. – We’ll all get an equal share of food each day. It doesn’t grow on trees, Lex. – That’s not fair. I need more than the little kids. I’m big. – I’m sorry Ryan, but they need just as much as you. They’re growing. – We just can’t let people keep getting water from the tap. – Why not? – The water comes from a tank in the roof. There’s only so much of it. – Well what do we do? – Well I can cut the tap off. Then we can ration what’s in the tank. So much a day. – How much? – We’ll have to see what’s in the tank. But we’ll have to go easy until we find some water somewhere else. – Can you go and check? – Yeah. – We’ll go with you. It’s not that we don’t trust ya. Just don’t want ya falling in and drowning. (knife clicking) – It’s down quite a bit since I last checked. – It’s that Trudy using it all for the baby. So how’s rationing work? – To find the volume, you multiply the tanks dimensions by the amount of water. – But how much do we get? – Well you divide the volume by the amount of people– – No, how much do we get? – Well I’m explaining. – Let me explain, brains. We, me and Ryan, get double. – Double? Why? – Because I say so! Ain’t it Ryan? – Eh? Oh yeah, yeah Lex. – Starting now. – Hiya. I need some hot chocolate, if we’ve got any. – Uh, how’s Trudy? – Rambling, talking about dying. – Poor thing. What a mess. – She’ll be alright when she gets better. – How do you figure that? – Well she’s got Bray hasn’t she? – Yeah, well where is he? – I don’t know, but I know he’ll be back. – He’s got a baby, and Trudy y’know. – I know. Just wish he was here. – Maybe it’d be better if he doesn’t come back. – Don’t say that. (door banging open) (chattering gang members) – Home sweet home. Guard duty, mate. (beer opening) – I had to call you. She’s wringing wet. Feel. – Dal? – We’ve gotta find out what’s wrong with her. Her temperature is sky high and she’s getting worse. – Well there’s some CDs and stuff in the magazine store. There could be something on medicine there. – Amber Amber! Petty and Paul have been sick. – What? – It’s all over everything. – They couldn’t be. (gang members chatting) – It’s alright Patsy. It’s alright, it’s not your fault. – [Jack] What’s all the… – Paul and Patsy have the virus. – Zandra. – Oh no we haven’t, have we? – Of course not. Don’t worry. – What’s all this? – Sweets. Chocolates. (Bob whimpering) – Where’d you get these? There aren’t any like this in the food store. Well? – I found them. – Where? – At the back of the sweet shop. – Are there any more? – No. – [Amber] Well if there are, I want them handed over. They can go in the food store. – There aren’t any more, Amber, honestly. – Go and get yourselves cleaned up. – And it serves you right for being greedy. Ryan, bring my mattress. – [Ryan] Where to? – Somewhere else. I’m not leaving my stuff anywhere near this mess. – [Ryan] But where, Zandra? – I’m thinking. Not downstairs, there’s rats in the sewers. Lingerie, that’s me. Can’t you see me in lingerie, Ryan? – You fancy her, dontcha? – Shut it. – You wouldn’t want Lex to know about it. He’s got his eye on her. (gang members snoring) (skateboarding) – Hey! – C’mon, c’mon you suckas! You can’t catch me. – Lex! – Not now. – What are you doing? You’re wasting batteries. – Get lost. – Lex, get off that machine, we need it. – Wait your turn. – It can’t wait, you moronic thug. We’re trying to save Trudy. – [Lex] What? – Know how to work this thing? – Of course. – Try pregnancy. (Lex laughing) Grow up. – I can tell you about pregnancy, Amber. You don’t need a laptop for that. Just a lap. You only have to say the word. – And have Zandra scratch my eyes out? – She fancies me, you reckon? – Doesn’t every girl? – I’ve got it! Right, symptoms? – High temperature. – Any pain? – Lots. – Delirium. Vivid thoughts about dying. – She’s rambling on about everything, yes. – [Dal] Well it but pueperal fever. Now rare due to improved hygiene. – Treatment? – Responds to antibiotics. Namely… Mega– (computer shutting down) Oh no. – What is it? – I don’t know. – Dal? – [Dal] Batteries dead. – Hmm. – Is there another? – No. – Lex! – What? It wasn’t my fault. – Of course it’s your fault. Playing stupid games. Get out of my sight Lex, before I smash this over your head. Come on. – Where to? – The pharmacy on level one. – It’s been looted Amber. You know that. – Got any better suggestions? – The whole place has been picked clean. – I know. This is hopeless, Dal. – If Trudy doesn’t get those antibiotics, she’ll die. – We’ve tried. There’s nowhere else. – There is. – Trudy, Trudy. – My father had surgery at the hospital. He kept stuff there. – That’s in Sector 15 Dal. The Locos rule that. – I know. – I’ll come with you. (Lex shouting) – And leave Lex in control of them all? I don’t think so. (cart crashing, Lex laughing) – Take Lex with you then. – No way. I wouldn’t trust him to not beat me up himself. Anyway, one’s a smaller target than two. – Dal, take care. (shopping cart rolling) – Where’s Dal? – Gone. – Ah, so it’s just the two of us then. You fancy ride back? On my lap? What’s the rush if there’s not medication to save her? – Takes you hands off me. – What if I don’t? (grunting) – Fallen for me, have ya Lex? – You’d be so lucky. Who’d fancy you, you stuck-up cow! – Trudy. Trudy, can you hear me? Bray! Bray, you’re back. We didn’t know what had happened to you. We were really worried. – What’s wrong with Trudy? – We don’t know. She’s very ill, Bray. – She’s ice cold. – She keeps going from fever to icy. – I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I’ve been getting some things for the baby. Got some nappies, a bottle, and formula. – I knew you hadn’t left. – Left? – Well, some of the other thought you’d, well– – Run out on Trudy? – I knew you hadn’t. You’re not like that. – Where’ve you been? – He’s found some things for the baby. Did you get the antibiotics? – No. – What’s wrong Amber? Where’s Dal? – He’s gone to his dad’s surgery. In Sector 15. – Sector 15? Why didn’t you stop him, that’s suicide. – Well where were you? She’s your responsibility. (rollerblading) (police sirens) (whispered chanting) – Happy?! (banging) (rhythmic instrumental music) (rat squeaking) (water dripping) – No, I want (mumbles), please! (mumbles) No, please. – She’s bad, isn’t she? – You’d better find Bray. – What about the baby? – She sleeping? (exhales) Then she’ll be fine with me. (moaning) – You need anything? – Food, water, my mom. She was brilliant when people were ill. (moaning) (somber string music) (wheels grinding) – Come on! (calf mooing) Good girl. – Cereal for lunch. This is revolting. Who eats cereal without milk, anyway? It’s like eating bird food. – My apologizes, Your Lordship. I didn’t have time to lay on fresh dairy produce. I did have about 10 liters of milk, but it turned into cheese. – Ugh. – Has anyone seen Bray? I can’t find him anywhere. – And we don’t want to. – [Zandra] How’s Trudy? – Delirious. Calling out all sorts of strange stuff. – And the fever? – Heavy. She soaked through the bedding. It’s dripping wet. – Do you mind? It’s hard enough keeping this muck down as it is. – I’ve looked for him everywhere. – Gone for good this time, I bet. Run off and left us to deal with this mess. – Don’t be so mean. If he’s gone outside, I’m sure he’s got a good enough reason. – Yeah, like he’s spying for another tribe, for instance? – There’s no proof of that, Lex. You’re just trying to stir up trouble. – He does keep vanishing without a word. – Exactly. – Don’t listen to him, Jack. He’s trying to brainwash you. You’ve been on Bray’s case ever since you first laid eyes on him. – And the only reason you’re defending him is ’cause you fancy him rotten. – Who? – Bray, of course. You fancy him. – No, I don’t. I just think it’s unfair to judge someone before having all the facts. – If my girlfriend was sick, I’d stay with her. – That’d make her more sick. – A girl likes a man who’s considerate, Lex. – That a fact? – It is, actually. – Face it. Bray couldn’t hack it. When the going got tough, he didn’t have the guts to stick around. – Well, I hope you’re wrong. – It doesn’t matter either way if Dal doesn’t get back soon with the antibiotics. – Do you think he will? – No way. He doesn’t stand a chance out there alone. If the locals don’t get him, another tribe will. (flames flickering) (dramatic string music) (crowd murmuring) – Come on! (feet stomping) (grunting) (yelling and cheering) (siren blaring) (rhythmic instrumental music) (sighs) (bottles clacking) (pills rattling) (moaning) – It’s alright, Trudy. It’ll be alright. I promise you. (dog barking) It’ll be– – Bob. Bob, come here, sit down. There’s a good boy. Oh, sit down. Stay still. He liked being groomed. – Could you kids please do that somewhere else? Trudy’s trying to sleep and the noise is driving me nuts. – Sorry, Amber. I guess we just weren’t thinking. – That’s okay. Just go and make Bob beautiful, huh? – [Ryan] Where are we going now? – Just follow me. I’ve got a surprise for you. – Zandra? I need to make Trudy some soup. Could you look after her while I’m gone? – I’m sorry, Amber, but sick people make me feel yuck. I can’t help it. Sorry. (bird chirping) (calf mooing) – This. This is a fridge. It keeps things cold. Things like food and drink. Like milk. Like what your mummy makes. One day, you’ll make milk as well. (calf mooing) (dramatic electronic music) Come on. (tranquil instrumental music) – Come on, Trudy. You can beat this. You’ve just got to want to fight it. Think of all you have to live for. Like your baby. You don’t wanna miss out on watching her grow up. And then there’s Bray. So much to live for. (sighs) Where are you, Bray? Where are you when she needs you? (rhythmic tribal music) (calf mooing) – Jack? (radio static buzzing) Am I disturbing you? (Jack swallows) You do that every day, don’t you? – You never know when you’re gonna strike it lucky, do you? – You really think someone’s out there, tuning in, some adult? – There has to be. The virus can’t have wiped out the whole planet. – I suppose it’s like being stranded on a desert island. Putting a message into a bottle and sending it out to sea. – Yeah, something like that. – I wanna give the baby a bath. She’s starting to smell. – What are you telling me for? – Because it’s gonna take more than one water ration, and as we’re sort of a group and share everything, I thought I’d better ask everybody first. – You’re not using my share to do that! – Why not? She needs to be clean. – I need not to die of thirst. – Don’t be so dramatic! – I’m not! I’m being pragmatic. You go ahead. Ask the others. Maybe they’ll be dumb enough to give you some of theirs. (tranquil piano music) – Woo-hoo. Ka-zam. You could have been a model, easy. – I still might be once things get sorted out. And what do you think, Ryan? How do I look? – You look great, Zandra. – Hi, listen, I need to give the baby a bath. It’s dirty. – And smelly. – We’ve gotta keep it clean or it’ll get a disease. – That’s the last thing we need. – But I need more than my water ration. – No need to use your ration, Sal. Take it out of mine. – What? – Really? – Lex, how wonderful of you. Sacrificing yourself for a little baby. – You’d never say I’m not considerate. (slow dramatic music) (chuckling) (murmuring) – See ya. (calf mooing) – Shh! – [Ryan] I don’t get why we’re doing this. – [Lex] Because I’m a wonderful human being, Ryan. Didn’t you hear her? – But you don’t even like babies. – It’s politics. Look, I know it’s a big word, but trust me. It don’t do any harm being popular. If I can make myself look like a hero, I will. – So, what are we doing up here again? – To take it out of the tank, you idiot. – The tank. But that’s everybody’s, Lex. – So? Who’s gonna know any difference? Well, go on, make me a hero. (somber string music) (water splashing) (calf mooing) (water splashing) – There you are. We warmed it up for you and everything. – Thanks, Lex, but where’d you get the water from? – I don’t use all my ration. Ryan’ll tell ya. I’ve been days without water. I’m like a camel. – That’s still very kind. I have to admit, I didn’t think you had it in you. I’m a bit surprised. – I’m full of surprises, Salene. (baby gurgles) So, do I get a little kiss for my trouble? – Oh, well. – No matter. I don’t need a reward, anyway. (rhythmic instrumental music) – [Bray] Cloe? Cloe! – Hi. – Have you seen the tin opener? – No. – Great, that’s marvelous. You turn your back for five minutes and this place (clanging dishes drown out speaker). – Here it is. – (sighs) Thanks. – How’s Trudy? – Not good. – I can’t make Bray out. I mean, does he love her or not? – Trudy? – I mean, where is he? I thought he was so nice at first. Didn’t you? – I didn’t give it a thought. – You’re a quiet one, aren’t you? I mean, you say a lot, but you hide stuff. – (scoffs) I don’t. Well, like what? – Was Lex right about you fancying him? – Me, fancy Lex? – No, Bray. You know what I mean. – Zandra, he’s Trudy’s boyfriend, for goodness sake. – Wouldn’t stop me. – Have you seen the little ones? – Paul and Patsy are playing in the toy shop, but I haven’t seen Cloe all day. – Great, that’s marvelous. Here we are trying to get something together and nobody’s ever here. I mean, they just keep going off and disappearing. What’s the point in that? – So, you do like him, then. – What do they look like? – Batteries, Ryan. They look like batteries (sighs). I know Jack has some hidden somewhere. (batteries clattering) That little sneak. (calm string music) – Hello, Cloe. Who’s your friend? Does she have a name? – Bluebell. – Bluebell? That’s a cool name. Cool name for a cool calf. – Stay away from me! – Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m your friend, remember? Hey, come on, let’s go back to the mall. It’s not safe here. – What were you doing with that bad man? – Well, that’s a secret. Our secret. – But that was Zit. – (laughs) His name is Zoot. – He’s bad. If he’s your friend, I should tell Amber. – Believe me, he’s no friend of mine. Now, listen, if you keep my secret, I’ll say nothing to the others about Bluebell. (calf moos) If they find her, do you know what they’ll wanna do to her? They’ll wanna eat her. That’s right. They’ll wanna kill her, cook her, and eat her. – No! – It’s your choice. If you say nothing about Zoot, I’ll say nothing about Bluebell. Well, our secret? (calf moos) (somber string music) (calf moos) (electronic beeping) – Come on! Yes! – What do you think you’re doing? Put that down! – [Ryan] Sorry. – Do you have any idea how important this radio is? This radio could be our only link to the outside world. – I was being careful! – Yeah, well, never touch it again. – Lay off ‘im. It’s only a useless piece of junk. – Junk? This radio could be our only lifeline! – And what do you expect to pick up? Static? The weather forecast? – Well, you’ll feel pretty stupid when I do make contact with somebody. – In your dreams. – And who gave you permission to use my batteries for that moronic game? – It’s not just a game. It’s training. It’s focusing my mind and sharpening my fighting skills. – It’s just a game. – It’s developing my hand coordination, my reflexes. – That still doesn’t give you the right to waste our energy resources. (button clicks) – You want me to stop playing? Okay. I was getting tired, anyway. – Hey! Gimme those! – Don’t even try. Hold onto him, Ryan. If he comes at me again, I might have to hurt him bad. – Let me go! – Sorry, it’s for your own good. – You guys! I’ve got them! (pills rattling) (calf mooing) (birds chirping) – I want to climb! Please, can I? – We haven’t got time. We need to get back. – But I want to. – Well, maybe tomorrow. – If you won’t let me climb, I’ll tell on you. I’ll tell about Zoot. – Now, that’s not very nice. – Please? It won’t take long. Five minutes, just five minutes. – Cloe, do you remember about Trudy? – She’s not very well. – Well, it’s worse than that, Cloe. She might even die. Do you know what that means? – That’s what happened to all the grown-ups. – And if we don’t hurry up and get back, we might be too late, and we might not see Trudy ever again, and we don’t want that, do we? (calf mooing) (moaning) (baby gurgling) – Her temperature’s sky high. I’m not too sure about the correct dosage. – It’s never much more than two. – Two sounds good. Dal? – Yeah, two’s a safe amount, and enough to have some effect. (pills rattling) Could you hold her head up? (grunting) (dog whining) – Try not to spill too much water. – Shut up, Jack. (Trudy moaning) (dog whining) – Come on. That’s enough. She needs some rest. She doesn’t need us gawking at her. Move it! She’s not a spectator sport. (dog whining) – I guess the same again in a few hours. – Okay. I’m exhausted. – I really hope you make it, Trudy. Honestly. (somber instrumental music) (door rattling) (mumbling) – Now, remember what I said. – No Zoot, no Bluebell. – Good girl. (moaning) – Bray! Cloe! Where have you been? – How is she? – Dal came through with the antibiotics. She had some a few hours ago. – It’s too early to tell. – Is Trudy going to be okay? – Yes, Cloe. She had some medicine and that’ll make her better. – Hang in there, Trudy. (whimpering) Hang in there. (dishes clattering) – You’re taking more than your share! – Lex, we do have a rationing system. – What system? I don’t see any system but first come, first served. – And I don’t like sweet corn. Does that mean I can have more baked beans? – No way. If you don’t like sweet corn, that’s your problem. – You can have my share. I’ve got enough already. – Anybody wanna give me their spaghetti? – You can have some of mine. I’m watching my figure. – You’re not the only one. (dishes clattering) – Where have you been? – Searching for medical supplies. Went through every chemist and drugstore I could find. – Get anything? – They were all stripped clean. Found her in the playground, brought her home. Thanks, Dal. What you did for Trudy was very brave. – I’m curious, Bray. Where exactly have you been? – I told you. – Well, why should we believe you? You could be lying! – It’s what I’ve been saying all along. (rhythmic instrumental music) – You claim you’ve been all over the city, but somehow, you managed to come back completely empty-handed. – It was all gone. – Everything? Every plaster, every tube of toothpaste, every single little Aspirin? – I was only looking for what Trudy needed. There wasn’t time for anything else. – Not even a split second to pick up something we might need? Something useful? (dog whines) – Give him a break. He was trying to save Trudy’s life. – So was Dal. He risked his neck. – And I’m very grateful to him. – Only him? Not the rest of us? You stand there stuffing down our food, but you don’t seem to think you owe us anything in return. What is it with you, Bray? The comings and goings, the air of mystery. Is it all a pose or is it for real? Come on, Bray. What’s the big secret? – None of your business. – Well, we’d better make it our business, hadn’t we? – Power and chaos! – [Bray] No violence. Peace. (siren wailing) – Yeah! – We go back to the earth. Grow our own food. Get strong and healthy. Live in communities. We care for one another. We’re gonna make it happen, Trudy. You’re gonna be a part of it. You and the baby. – You’re not being fair, Jack. – What? Bit of rudimentary science never did anyone any harm. – Giving her hope, making her believe. – Believe what? That there might be someone wiser and older than us still around? – Exactly. – Why not? – Because– – It’s like the planets. It’s a lot stupider to think that we’re the only ones left alive in the universe. – Well, then, call me stupid. But for me and the little one here, it’s better if we don’t believe. – I’m not that little. – You mean give up hope. – No. Just put the hope somewhere else. Like in ourselves. We’re the ones who’ve gotta make this work, Jack. Don’t waste your time looking for miracles. Come on, Cloe. – As Amber’s food deputy, I’m not authorized to give you any more. – Amber’s food deputy. Come on, Salene, I’m a growing boy. – Same’s true for Ryan. – Not as much brain to feed. – And Dal? – Not as much muscle. (dog groans) – You can have mine if you’re really starving. – You’d have the baby’s food if she was on solids. Ever heard of thank you? – Where’s the clean plates? – In the dishwasher. – We haven’t got a dishwasher. – We have now. – How about we all wash and dry together? Get the lot done in no time. – That’s girl stuff. – Oh, you’re so predictable. – Trudy’s lying out there, so sick she might not make it through the day. And all you lot can argue about is dirty dishes. You’re pathetic. (laughs) – Any change? – She’s moving more than she was, and she’s opened her eyelids a couple of times. – Sounds encouraging. Why don’t you take a break? You look exhausted. – She needs me here. – I’ll watch over her. And I’ll call you if there’s any change, I promise. – That’s my job. – Don’t you want to see your daughter? – I’m sure she’s being well looked after. Have Zandra and Salene come to blows over her yet? – She’s going to end up a very fat baby with both of them insisting on feeding her. But other than that, she’s fine. – I only hope her mother’s going to be. She’s had it rough. – Haven’t we all? – No, in different ways from the rest of us. – Why? What makes her so special? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. (groans) – Trudy? You’re gonna pull through, do you hear me? – She’s a lucky girl. – How’s that? – For having such a devoted nurse. – Who do you think she looks like, Bray or Trudy? – Pity the kid if it’s Bray. – Babies don’t look like anyone, if you ask me. They just look like, well, babies. – My mom said that Paul had his granddad’s face. How can a baby have an old man’s face? – That’s it, I’m on strike. My turn for nanny duty. – No chance. I’ve just settled her off. You might wake her. – Babies sleep through anything. Come on, Zandra, hand her over. – You had her earlier. It’s my turn. – She’s not just a toy to pass around. She’s a living, breathing thing. – Zandra, give Salene the baby. Be a good girl. – She only wants it so I’ll have to do the washing up. (baby poops) – Ugh, what’s the baby done? – Done? Ugh, I’m wet! (laughs) You want her, you can have her. – Couldn’t possibly, Zandra. I might wake her. – 900, 950, thousand. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. – Hey Jack, could you give me a hand? – Yeah, sure. – Thanks. Just hold that. – What is this, anyway? Looks like a box on wheels. – It’s a pram. Present for Trudy. – Why? The baby shops are full of ’em. It’s not as if they’re on the top of the Locos’ looting list. – It’s the thought that counts. – It’s not gonna be your fault, you know. – What’s not? – Well, if she dies. You did as much as anyone could. More than the rest of us. – Sometimes you just feel, I don’t know, responsible for another human’s life. – Goal! – Lex. Lex. Someone’s stolen our money. – Well, you’d better call the police then, quick! – Lex, don’t be soft. There aren’t any police. – Oh, sorry, I forgot our world just crashed. – This was our life savings. What are we gonna do? – You should set a trap. Catch the thief red handed. – Great idea! Like what? – That’s where you have to use your loaf. Shouldn’t be too hard. – Any ideas, Lex? Anything at all? – Surprise me, Sherlock. – You’re back! – Where did I go? – To a faraway place. And we were all scared you might stay there. – Stop talking in riddles, Bray. What happened to me? – You’ve been very ill, and you had a fever which new moms sometimes get. – And you thought I might die. – Yes. – How long have you been here? – I haven’t left your side. Didn’t you notice? – Thank you for taking such good care of me. – All’s I did was hold your hand. – Don’t let go, Bray. – It’s not me you’ve gotta thank. – What do you mean? – Dal was the one who risked going back to his father’s surgery to get your antibiotics. He saved your life, Trudy. – Really? I barely even know the guy. – Don’t worry about it. You and the baby are in good hands. – The baby. – I’ll get one of the girls to bring her over. – Not just yet. In a little while. – I’ll go and tell the others you’re back in the land of the living. – Bray. You might not have saved my life, but you did save me. I’ll always be grateful for that. – Hey, Ryan, what are you up to? – You’re brainy, aren’t you? – Yeah. – Can I have a word? – Go ahead. – In private? – I can take a hint. – What’s this private word about? – This isn’t for real. It’s just hi path… – Hypothetical? So hypothetically speaking… – If you had something that everyone else wanted. – Yeah. – And you hid it, and someone stole some of it. – With you so far. – How would you set a trap to find out who it was? – Well, it depends. – What on? – If you can mark it or not. – Say it was hypothetically money. Some notes. – That’s easy. You put your name on them, and then if you find someone else with a wad of cash, you can check to see if your signature’s on them. And then hey presto, you’ve got the thief. – Jack, that’s brilliant! I gotta go now. – Don’t mention it. – What are you looking at? – What do you think? It’s very nice too. – You’re disgusting, Lex. – Me? – The baby weed all over me. – Aw, did it? – As if you care. – Come here, I’ll show you how much I care. I’m not gonna wait around forever, Zandra. – You will unless you change your attitude. – I’ve stuck with you. I’ve looked after you. What more do you want? – For you to be more like Bray. – You’re on dangerous ground. – I mean the way he cares about Trudy. – Bray can take a running jump. I mean it, Zandra, I’m getting rid of him, his girl, and the brat. Whatever it takes. (knocking on door) – Sorry. Did I wake you? – No, I was just drifting. – Bray said you wanted to see me. These are for you. – What a sweet thought. – They sold out of roses at the florist. I’m glad you’re– – Thank you for– You go. – Ladies first. – Bray says you saved my life. – I went to get a few pills, that’s all. – At a huge risk. Lurking Locos and Demon Dogs. – That wasn’t a problem. – But something else was? – Going back to my father’s surgery, family photos and all that. – I’m sorry you had to go through all that for me. – Hey, I’m the one who’s meant to be comforting you. – All the same, I appreciate what you did for me more than ever. And I won’t forget it. (dog whining) – I remember this. This is my favorite. It has the warlords and the freedom troopers. They have sonic blasters. I was gonna get it for Christmas. I don’t know when next Christmas is either. Or where we’ll get a tree from. I’m hungry too. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Come on. – Now you can have your baby back. – She looks so peaceful. You hold onto her for a while longer. – Don’t you want to hold her? – Yes, but later. – I’ve had her most of the time, actually. – Only because she wouldn’t let go, actually. – I fed her and washed her, and– – Watch out, Trudy. She’ll be painting her toenails next. – I’m getting good at rocking her to sleep too. – In fact, there’s only one thing you didn’t do. – I did everything else. – Except change her nappy. Anyway, we’re going on about the baby. What about you? – Oh, I’ll be back to pump class in no time. – Hey, that’s a great idea. We should get one together as soon as you’re strong enough. That’s if… – If what? – If the boys go and raid a sports store. I look fab in lycra. – You scared us all, especially Bray. – You’ve all been great. Taking care of me and the baby, of course. – Look, she’s awake. Go to mummy, sweetheart. – Isn’t she just the cutest thing? You’re so lucky. – Aren’t I? (electronics beeping) – Think you can? Go for it, bro. Think of all those choccie bars. Maybe not. Crisps. – I’d expect you’d like the combination. Only you’re not getting it. This cupboard is now P and P proof. And it’s staying that way. – We were hungry. – We’re all hungry. – He says just one packet of crisps? Each? – One packet would turn into two. Before you know it, you’ve stuffed yourselves. And you’re sick again. Now, you wouldn’t want that, would you? – So. You on the mend? – Feeling stronger by the minute. – Good. – Glad you’re pleased. – I wouldn’t chuck out a mother and her baby on the streets. What do you take me for? – Fine. As long as we’ve got that sorted. Was there anything else you wanted? – It was only a friendly visit. I’ll leave you two lovebirds to snuggle in peace. – I don’t trust him an inch. – He gives me the creeps. – Speaking of your favorite people. – Do we have to? – He wants to see you. – You’ve seen him. – Yesterday. – No way, I can’t, Bray. – That’s what I told him you’d say. – Good. – So he asked me to ask you again. – The answer’s still the same. – Couldn’t you at least think about it? – All right. But that’s not saying I’ll change my mind. – I’m sorry. No washed dishes, no food. – Stop fooling around, Salene. Give us the keys. – How else am I gonna convince you this is a job we all need to do? – What’s the problem? You take a plate, you clean it, you eat. – Leaving this humongous dirty pile to fester, attracting rats. – Rats? – It’s a feast for them, Cloe. – I’ll help you. – Thanks. But I’m trying to convince you all this is a group chore. – Can we talk about it over dinner? I’m starving. – Then you’ll just ignore the problem till next time. – Haven’t you got the message? We’re not into washing dishes. – We’d still have to do them just the same. That’s the way life is now. – We can do without the preaching too. – Right. I’ve had enough. Hand over the keys. – No. (dog grunting) – Lex, leave the keys to me. – Stop it, Zandra, stop it! – Nice one, Zandra. That’ll teach you to mess with our stomachs. – Why won’t anyone listen to me? We’ve got a problem, but we can solve it together. It’s called teamwork. – It’s not a good idea, reading these things from before. – Don’t do it, then. – I was addicted to these magazines. Guess the habit’s hard to break. – So what are your plans? – How do you mean? – Now you don’t need all of us running after you. What are you gonna do? – I still don’t understand. Same as the rest of you. – I don’t think so. – Do you know something I don’t? – Yeah. You’re not welcome. – You’ve changed your tune. – Oh, that. Just sweet talk for the boyfriend. I want you out. You and the brat. – When? – As soon as you’re well enough to get up. – Hm, are you sure you don’t want me to go now? When I can barely crawl out of bed? – I wouldn’t be so mean. – What have I done to you? – Nothing personal, girl. We voted you out, and now you’re leaving. – Bray invited me to stay. – And who’s he to do that? Some of us didn’t want him either. – Do I have a choice? – Yeah. You can go tomorrow or the next day. – Gee, thanks. – Don’t mention it. Especially not to loverboy. You wouldn’t want to see him get his face messed up, would you? – What’s going on? – Talk of the devil. We were just missing you. Weren’t we, Trude? – I bet. Would you like to leave now, Lex? – My pleasure. – Has he been hassling you? – Nothing I can’t handle. – Because if he has… – I said it’s nothing. But I have had a chance to think. – And? – I’ll see him. – Good. – Only inside the mall. I’m not setting foot outside. Tell him those are my terms, take it or leave it. – Okay. – Serves you right, you stupid bully. – All right, firing blast! Your ship’s destroyed! – You can’t do that! – Why not? – You’re still in warp seven. You can’t attack from there. – Rubbish. – Anyway, you’ve counted the squares wrong. One, two, three, four. See? You can’t attack from there either. – Paul, your go. – I’ve seen the film of this. – Well, we had it out on video at home, didn’t we, Paul? We had a nice house. I miss it. – I miss my mum. And my dad. (cries) – Hey, there you are. You had us all… Hey, what’s up, chicken? – She misses her mom and dad. Me too. Why’d they have to die, Amber? – I’m afraid I don’t know, sweetheart. Wish I did. Anyway, it’s way past your curfew. Bed, all of you. (owl hooting) (snores) (suspenseful music) (rat squeaking) (dog whining) (rat squeaking) (upbeat, mysterious music) (groaning) (rats squeaking) – [Zoot] So, where’s Trudy? (upbeat tribal music) (dog is whining) This is a trap. – I told you, you’re safe with me. Stay close and keep quiet. (water dripping, quiet footsteps) – [Zoot] Where is she? – I’ll go get her, you stay here. – No way, I’m on my own, you don’t catch me that easy. – I’m not trying to catch you. – You swear? – I swear. Now stay put and stay out of sight. Some of the others might not understand, okay. – You got five minutes. You double cross me, you’re dead meat. (slow piano music) (water dripping) (slow piano music, dog whimpering) (water dripping, quiet footsteps) (gasping) (slow 90’s music) (baby cooing, shushing) (dog whining) – Quiet, go back, go on. (dog whining) (slow 90’s music) (sighing) (baby cooing) (groaning) (quiet footsteps, baby whining) – Zoot. – What is this? – Don’t you wanna say hello to your daughter? (baby cooing) (wrinkling of sheets) – What? – How do I know it’s mine? – You’re the only one. – Yeah? – I’ve never been with anybody else, not ever. – [Bray] She’s your daughter, Zoot, you know she is. – So? – So you’re responsible. You’ve got to take responsibility for Trudy and the baby. – You took her, you keep her. – I didn’t take her. – She was my woman and you took her just like you always took everything. – No, she ran away. She ran away from you and The Locos because she was scared. I found her, looked after her, that’s all. – Aw, yeah. – He’s telling the truth, Zoot. – Somebody had to look after her. – And that somebody had to be you. – There was nobody else. – That right, babe? You gonna come back with me then? (slow violin music) You and the kid will be safer with The Locos than him and a bunch of losers. – We’re not losers, Zoot, we’re survivors. – Get real, man, you’ve seen it out there. The only people that are gonna survive are the strong. – There’s different kinds of strengths, Zoot. – Sure and I’m gonna be the strongest. Me and my warriors, were gonna take over the world, this city’s just the start. (quiet footsteps) – What? What is it? – There’s somebody in the mall! – Who? Where? – I don’t know, Paul says– – Come on, Paul? He’s a deafo, can’t hear a thing. – He senses things, he feels vibrations. – No, he’s dreamin’. Go back to bed. (slow music) (dog barking) (growling) – That’s it, I’m out of here. You comin’, babe? (baby cooing) (dog barking) (jingling, footsteps approaching) – I can’t. – You’re my woman, Tru’, now let’s go, come on. – You heard her, Zoot. – That is my kid you’ve got there. – Right, you want her, you stay with me. – I can’t do that. – Yes you can, forget about all that warrior stuff. – Get lost, man. Power and chaos, it’s the only way. – No. Those who live by the sword should die by the sword. – What’s that supposed to mean? – It’s an old saying. – Trust you to know that. Man, you’re so old, I’m surprised the virus didn’t get you. – Stop it, please! – Listen, Zoot, The Locos and the Demon Dogs and all the other tribes are bad news. Don’t you think there’s been enough destruction? We’ve got to start putting things back together again. – Why? (baby cooing) – For her, that’s why. (baby cooing) – [Lex] What a pretty picture. Real cute. (upbeat flute music) The great, Zoot, the great Loco leader. – Back off, Lex. (dog growling) – Where’s the others? – There are no others, just Zoot, he’s unarmed. – He don’t look so tough now, does he? (baby whining) Now he ain’t got his tribe to back em’ up. (whipping) – Don’t. Listen to me. (grunting) – Stop it! (baby whining) – [Lex] After him! (baby crying) Get off of me! (grunting, baby crying) – What is it, what’s going on? – It’s The Locos, they’re in here! – What! We’re being attacked? – [Lex] It’s all right, it’s all right. There’s only one of em’. – Where is he? – [Lex] He’s hiding somewhere. Gotta get out, just leave him to me and Ryan, we’ll find em’ and when we do– – Hold it, hold everything. You don’t understand. – Oh yeah I understand, all right. It was him! He’s to blame, he’s the one that brought em’ in here. – Bray? – Yeah, that’s right. Your beloved Bray, it was him. – Listen to me, will you? – Why? So you can tell us more of your lies? Grab him, Ryan. (grunting) – We’ll deal with the lie of your lover first, then we’ll smoke the other one out and see to him as well. – You don’t understand, I wasn’t gonna betray anybody. – Liar! (grunting) Trader! (grunting) – Leave him be! You wanna fight, fight me! (grunting) (screaming, thumping) (baby whining) (rushed footsteps) – He’s dead. (slow, sad music) (crying) – Showed him, I showed him! Nobody messes with Lex. – Shut up, Lex. – What do you mean? I saved you all, didn’t I? – It was Paul, he heard him. – But Lex fixed him. – Yeah, if it hadn’t been for Lex. – And me. (crying, dog whining) – Salene, why don’t you take the kids to the cafe or something? – Patsy, Paul, come with me. You too, Cloe. – Why? – We’ve seen dead people before. – Yes, of course you have, but just go with Salene now, please. – [Salene] Come on. – Okay, why you all standing around? Let’s get him outta here and them. – No, we can’t throw them out. – I told you you couldn’t trust him. You wouldn’t listen to me. Well now you can see, he betrayed us to The Locos. He brought their chief right in here. – Stop it! All of you! – He was inside the mall. – He wasn’t going to hurt anybody. – What was he doing here then? – He came to see me. And his baby. – His baby? (dog whining) – Zoot’s her father. – But what about Bray? We all thought– – Bray found me after I’d found away from The Locos. He’s been taking care of me, that’s all. – Bray? – I suppose he could hardly keep Trudy and the baby out there, could he? – Why not? – Why not? Oh, Lex, grow up. – If he’s so friendly with The Locos– – I’m not, I keep telling you. – Yeah right, there could be more of them out there just waiting their time. – He came alone! – Well I’m gonna go check it out. Ryan, Jack, you come with me. – What about me? – Take care of the women and children. (sad music) – Okay. – Lex, be careful, don’t do anything stupid. (baby whining) (rats squeaking, water dripping) (slow 90’s music) – Well? – We’ve gotta do it. – Yeah. – Ryan, you first. – Okay. (slow 90’s music) (dog whining) – Come on, finish your drinks, lets get back to bed. – I don’t wanna go back to bed, I won’t be able to sleep. – Yes you will, it’s all over now. What’s he saying? – He’s worried, he says it’s all his fault. – No it wasn’t. You did good, Paul. You weren’t to know what was gonna happen. – You were very brave. – What if the rest of The Locos come back? – Don’t worry, we’ll see to them. – But they won’t come, anyway, you’re safe. And then best place now for you is bed. (dramatic music) – Well, you see anybody? (water dripping) – No, it’s all clear. Quiet as a grave. – Yeah, okay. – Looks like Bray was telling the truth. – For once. I don’t trust him, Jack, we have to get rid of him. (water dripping, dramatic music playing) (baby cooing) – [Bray] Perhaps she needs changing. – No, I think she’s hungry. (baby crying) – Here, try with this. – Thanks. – Poor little soul. – Yeah. – What sort of future she got? – That’s up to us, isn’t it? She is the future. (baby cooing) – Listen, Bray, we need to decide what to do about the body, it can’t stay here. – I know. – What are you two cookin’ up? Trying to figure out how to get together with the rest of The Locos? – Lex, you’re back. – Yeah. And not a minute too soon by the looks of it. – Leave it out, Lex. – Did you find anything? – No. – Not a sound of anybody. – He was on his own, I told you. – Yeah, you did, didn’t you? So come on, what’s the big secret? – We were trying to decide what to do about the body. – No problem, just dump it in the streets with the rest of the garbage. – No. – We’re not gonna dump it anywhere. – A warning for The Locos that we can look after ourselves. – They won’t know it’s us, they’ll think the Demon Dogs killed em. – Unless you plan to put a notice on his chest. – Yeah, we could do that, that would be good, wouldn’t it? – No, stop it! – Lex, that’s enough. – Your as bad as the rest of them. The Locos, and The Demon Dogs, and all the other tribes. All you want is violence and death. He wasn’t threatening anybody. – I didn’t know that, did I? That wasn’t my fault. It was him. – I was trying to persuade him to leave The Locos and look after Trudy and the baby. – He was, it’s true. (baby whining) – Anyway, I didn’t kill him, it was an accident. He killed himself. Do what you like with him, see if I care. – So what do you wanna do? – Well I think we should give him a proper funeral. For Trudy and the baby. – Trudy? – I’d like that. You loved him, didn’t you? (slow, sad music) Right, then that’s what we’ll do. But where? – I know where a cemetery is, I can take you there. – The graveyards are full. – One more body won’t make a difference. (slow sad music, birds chirping) (flames roaring) (slow, sad music) – Ready? It’ll be all right. – And he lives, never dies, and he lives, never dies. – So, you’ll take care of the little ones? – I’ll try. – They’re bound to be still upset. – I’ll try and keep their minds off it. – Hey, you look great. – Zandra. – Sorry. It would have been a great opportunity to get dolled up though. But I’ll stay here with Lex and Ryan. I’ll take care of the baby. – Thanks. (slow, sad music) (zapping) – Come on! Yes. – I’m sure Lex didn’t mean to hurt Zoot, even though he was a bad man, so please, forgive them and look after Trudy and the baby. And look after Bluebell. (dog whining) And Bob too. (dog whining) But most of all, look after Zoot. (wheels rattling) – How far? – [Jack] A kilometer? Maybe a bit more. – We better get a move on then. Who’s territory is this, anyway? I wouldn’t worry too much. None of the tribes get up very early. – All the same. – Jack and I will scout up ahead. – Good idea, we don’t wanna get caught out on the streets with this. – Let’s go then. Sure you’re up to this? (baby crying) – What are you doing? – What’s it look like? – Where’s it’s mother? – She’s gone with the others to the cemetery. – And left the baby? You stupid cow. – Lex, shoosh. – I’m not gonna get dumped with somebody else’s brat. Especially his. – Oh but she’s such a cute little thing. (baby whining) When she’s not crying. – I don’t care, keep it away from me and keep it quiet. I need my sleep if I’m gonna go protecting everybody. (baby whining) (dog panting) (strange mysterious music) – See ya. (echoing) (dog panting) – Are you all right? What’s the matter? – I was just thinking about everything. I said a prayer for Zoot, Trudy, and the baby. And well, I hope Bray is good too. – Hey, of course he is. – You hope? (birds chirping and squawking) – Looks like the Demon Dogs have found their natural home. – Yeah and now the place gives me twice the creeps. – Lets get out of here while we still can. (birds chirping) Demon Dogs camping in there. – Oh no, what are we gonna do? – [Jack] We have to dump the body and get out of here. – No, please! – We came here to give her a proper funeral and that’s I’m gonna do. – How? – I’ll figure something out. Why don’t all you lot go back and leave me to it? – No, Bray, I’ll stay with you. – You can’t stay here, not with a whole pack of Demon Dogs out there. – I’ll be okay, go. – I’ve got it, the beach. It’s only about five minutes away. How about a funeral at sea? (slow, dramatic music) (seagulls chirping) – [Bray] This should do. – We can put him in it, give him a push, and let him float out to sea. – That’s no good, the tide’s comin’ in. – We’re gonna have to row him out and tip him over the side. – I don’t know, that boat looks ready to fall apart. – You guys, look what I found. – And there’s petrol, too. – All we gotta do is put him in, start the motor and point out to sea. Yeah. – [Bray] I’ve got a better idea. – What? – Zoot thought he was a warrior chief, lets give him a proper send off. Set fire to the boat. – [Amber] Trudy? – Yeah, he’d like that. (waves crashing) – Okay guys, scavenge the beach, I want anything that’ll burn. (seagulls chirping) (fire roaring) – Zoot! – [Group] Power and chaos! Zoot! – [Group] Power and chaos! – Power and chaos! (cheering) Let’s find him, come on, he must be somewhere. (police siren whirling) (seagulls chirping) (flames roaring) – Somebody should say something. (sad, slow music) – Goodnight, Martin, God bless. Have a safe journey to the other side. Everyone will be there waiting for you. Mom, dad, everybody. (sad, dramatic music) – Power and chaos! (echoing) (sad music, seagulls chirping) (motor boat humming) – Martin? – Yes, that was his real name. He was my brother, my kid brother. (seagulls chirping) (owl hooting) (funky music) – Power and chaos! – Bray? – Salene. What are you doing up? – I couldn’t sleep. Do you mind if I join you? Amber told me about Zoot. I know he was evil and anything but– – He was my brother, Salene. – Your brother? – My kid brother, Martin. – But how? Why did he– – Become Zoot? Martin was the baby of the family. My parents loved him to pieces. Took him everywhere. They were always laughing, playing together. The three of them were inseparable. And then when the virus struck, and they died. – He changed? – He was so angry. So bitter. You wouldn’t believe this, but Martin was actually a very gentle boy. I had to protect him when he first started school. Some kids used to bully him. (light music) I didn’t protect him last night, did I? – Bray, it wasn’t your fault. – I brought him here. He’d still be alive if I hadn’t. – But you wanted to get him and Trudy together again. And for him to look after his baby. It wasn’t your fault, Bray, you were trying to help. – Maybe people should just leave things as they are and not get involved. – No! Oh, Bray, I didn’t know, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. (light music) You’re cold. I’ll go make us a hot drink, okay? – Thanks. (light music) (footsteps pattering) (rat squeaking) (screaming) Salene? – What’s going on, Bray? – Rats! All over the cafe! – Is that all? I thought somebody was getting murdered or something. – Rats aren’t a joke, Lex, they spread disease. – [Del] And fight you if they’re cornered. – We’ll bring them to Locos to kill them in their beds. – No, Bray. Zoot was his brother. – His brother? – Oh. Well, it all makes sense now. – What difference does it make? He’s still a traitor! We should kick him and his tart out. – You killed her baby’s father. She’s not going anywhere. – Would you shut that brat up? (baby screaming) – Alright, everybody, I think we’ve all had enough. But as soon as we get up, we clean this pigsty up. (baby wailing) (light music) – Do you want her? – No. You have her. – Can I help? – No. – I think she needs a feeding, do you mind, Salene? – Of course not, here. Come on, little no name. Let’s get you sorted. – Cheeky cow! – Trudy! – Little no name? What did she mean by that? – It’s the truth, you haven’t named her yet. – What business is it of hers? – Look, I know you’re upset, but don’t take it out on Salene. – What were you doing out there with her, anyway? – I wasn’t with her, I was on my own. I was thinking about Martin. – He wasn’t Martin anymore. He was Zoot. – I thought you loved him? – I did once. – Well, if you changed your mind, why’d you let me bring him in here? – I wanted to see what I felt. – And? – Don’t you know, Bray? Can’t you see? I love you. – Oh, Trudy. – No, it’s true, Bray. I want us to be together, to bring up the baby. That’s why I haven’t given her a name. I want us to choose. Together. – Trudy, so much has happened to us all. We’re all hurting, confused. I mean, I don’t know how I feel. All I know is Martin is dead. I need time. Give me time. Trudy, please. – Can’t sleep, huh? – It’s those rats. I’m sure one of them’s gotten to my place. – You can come lie down with me, babe. I’ll protect you. – I can do without your kind of protection, thanks. – Fine. I hope it’s nice and comfy out here for you. (light music) (birds chirping) (banging) (baby wailing) – [Lex] Well, that was great! Waking up the brat. – She’ll survive, but we won’t, if we don’t get out act together. There’s no point in surviving the virus, only to die of food poisoning, so I’ve drawn up this. – [Zandra] Well, what is it? – It’s a work router. I’ve divided all the chores amongst us, so we all do everything. – Sweeping floors? – Only in the mall. Everyone’s responsible for their own living spaces. – Cleaning windows? – Where’s Bray? – He’s down there with Del, food foraging. We need to get some fresh food and vegetables. We can’t live on this processed muck forever. – But where is he? He isn’t here, is he? – Typical. – It’s alright, Del, I’ll come with you. – Any questions? – When do we start? – Now, while we can still see through the dirt, come on. (funky music) (shouting) – [All] Locos! Locos! – Locos! (sirens blaring) (footsteps pattering) (dog panting) – What are you two doing, why aren’t you working? – We are, we’re exercising Bob. – You call that working? – Yes, and after, Amber said we can go play. – Play, what at? – I don’t know, do you know any good games? – Have you ever played poker? – You mean cards? Like snap? – Sort of. – Shall we? (dog barking) – You’ve got a cushy job, haven’t you? – The baby’s a bit bored. Poor thing, it was winging. They like movement. – Pretty thing. Hello, I’m Zandra. Yes, you’re Auntie Zandra. That’s my name. Has it got one yet? – No. – What’s she thinking up? We can’t keep calling it, "It." – To be honest, I don’t think she’s interested. Some people don’t deserve babies. – Well, I don’t suppose she planned it, did she? Not with that Zoot, anyway. – I think she’d rather it was Bray’s. – Do you think he’ll stick around? – Who knows. She seems to be doing alright, so far, lying around all day, playing the tragedy queen. – I bet that’s post-natal depression. I read all about that. I’ll go and see her, cheer her up. (dog whimpering) (light music) – Where are you going, Cloe? – I’m doing some cleaning. – Funny people. I wonder where your Uncle Bray’s gone to. – [Lex] Look at this place! It’s a disgrace. I’ll have to write to the council about it. – [Del] We’re not gonna find any food along here. – Plenty of time! Did you bring it? – Yeah. – Well, let’s see it then. You go over there, be catcher. – Lex, we’re meant to be looking for food. – Del, look around you. What do you see? – What do you mean? – Any Demon Dogz, any Locos? – No. – Well then, let’s have some fun. Come on. Catch! Strike one! (light music) – See you. Have we won? – Yeah, you’ve bluffed me again. You’ve picked this up quick, haven’t you? Another game? Tell you what, shall we make it more interesting? – How? – Let’s play for something real. – Okay. – Now. What could we play for? – Go on, you can do it! – I know, I’m going to. I’m just thinking about it, that’s all. – Chicken. Do I have to come over and show you how, you baby? – Wait! Nah, it’s too dangerous. – You’re pathetic. You’re just like a little girl, I ain’t scared. (intense music) – I am! Demon Dogz! – [Man] Hey, strays on our turf, Dogz! Get them! – Go, go! (shouting) Not that way, we don’t wanna lead them back to the mall. Split up! – [Man] You take this lot! We’ll look after the other one, come on! (shouting) (dog whimpering) – Oh. – Sorry. So that’s sweeping today, washing up tomorrow, cleaning the doors and windows the next day, and sweeping again the day after. Do you want another hand? Well, back to work then, I guess. Thanks. (dog barking) It’s alright, I’ll finish walking the dog for you. Come on, Bob. – Go on. (dog whimpering) – That’s nice, isn’t it? We ought to get you some real milk, though. It’ll make you into a big, strong girl. – Where is everyone? – Who? – Well, Ryan for a start. Here’s his broom, but no Ryan. And where’s Cloe? – Cleaning somewhere, apparently. – And what about Zandra? – She’s gone to cheer up Trudy. – She’s supposed to be washing up. – Come on, sunshine, should we try and find your Uncle Bray? He’s nice, isn’t he? Shall I let you in on a little secret? I think your Uncle Bray is very, very nice. (light music) (wind whooshing) (screaming) (light music) – Did your mummy used to wash you? I bet she did. Well, I’m your mummy now, aren’t I? (cow mooing) – Jack? – What now? – We’re hungry. – Not now, I’m busy. – But we’re really hungry! – Okay. Do my chores, clean the windows for me, and I might think about giving you some food. – We’re already doing Ryan’s. – Why, what’s he giving you? – Nothing, we lost at cards. – Well it serves you right, you stupid idiots. – Paul says if you don’t give us some, he’ll tell everybody– – Oh, I’m fed up with this. Go on, then, tell everybody. And then all the food will have to be shared, and you won’t get anymore treats. So what’s it gonna be? Clean the windows or no more treats? (light music) – Here we are. She’s been a little angel. – [Trudy] I thought you’d run off with her. – Would you care if I did? If you didn’t want a baby, why did you… With Zoot of all people? – You don’t know anything about him. – I know he was a vicious thug. – He wasn’t always. – How long did you know him? – None of your business. – You must’ve known Bray, then. If Zoot was his brother. – [Trudy] So? – I was just wondering. – W ell, you can keep wondering, and you can keep your hands off him, as well. Where have you been, Bray? I’ve been worried. – I’ve been trying to see what the Locos are up to. Now they’ve no leader. – Did you see them? – Yeah, down at the warehouses. – I wish you wouldn’t go out, Bray. I panic every time you do. Thanks, Salene, we’ll look after the baby now. We’re going to choose a name for her. – [Salene] That’s nice. (sighs) – What’s been going on? – Oh, she’s just stirring, as usual. – What about? – I don’t wanna talk about it. What should we call her? – Trudy? My brother died yesterday, the father of your child. Don’t you care? Haven’t you any feelings at all? – I do. I told you I love you. I always have. – You mean, even when you were with Martin? – Of course. – So you went with my brother out of what? Spite, jealousy? – I don’t know, I thought I liked him. He was nice at first. I’m sorry he’s dead, really, I am. Bray, I’ll be very good to you. We’ll be good together, all three of us. We can look after Martin’s baby together. That’s what we’ll call her, shall we? Martina, after him. – How about Zootina? (light music) – What are you two doing? Those aren’t your jobs. – We’re doing them for Ryan and Jack. – Why? Patsy? Del, what’s wrong? – Is Lex back? – No, I don’t know, I thought he was with you? – We got jumped by some Demon Dogz. We separated and tried to escape. – Has Lex been caught? – I don’t know. I was too busy getting away. – I’m sure Lex can look after himself. But did you manage to get some food? – Only this. – New type of vegetable? – [Lex] Could do with a cup of coffee. – Get real. If anyone goes outside, Amber the Hun will just grab them for something. – Come here, and I’ll grab you instead. – Get off, I’m gonna tidy myself up. I look like a mess. Hold that. Hold it. – Sorry, babe. – You know what I need? One of those big, round vanity mirrors. I used to have one at home, it was pink. – I’ll get you one next time I go out. – The Dogz might get you next time. – Never, I’m too quick for them. I was just toying around with them so Del could get away. – Oh, you did get back. – Don’t sound so pleased. – I suppose you didn’t get any food, either. – Del back then? – Complete with sweaty baseball mitt. (laughing) You’re supposed to be washing up, Zandra. – I’m having a rest. – From what, you haven’t even started! – That chick needs to chill out. – She’s just a bossy cow. – It’s just frustration, that’s what it is. She needs a fella to show her a good time. – And I suppose you’re just the guy for the job. Have you no taste at all? (scoffs) (light music) – It says here in black and white, "Cooking, Amber and Salene. "Dinner, 5:30." – So where are they? (dog whimpering) – [Amber] Here. – Where’s Salene? – I’ve given her the night off. – Where’s the grub then? – Sorry? – You’re supposed to be making us a meal. It says so on there. – Oh really? It also says, "Ryan, sweeping, "Zandra, washing up, Jack, cleaning windows." Shall I go on? – You mean? – If you don’t do your chores, why should I do mine? No chores, no food. – Who says? You’re not the leader. – Well someone’s got to take charge of this chaos. – We don’t need bossing about. We had all that with the adults. We can do as we like now. – Is that what you think? – Yeah. And who are you to tell us what to do? – Fine. Do as you like. Eat yourselves stupid, live like pigs. I’ve had enough. (dog whimpering) (light music) – Right. Spam and beans. Zandra? (scoffs) (light music) – I just wanted to say I’m sorry for getting you to bring him here. – Yeah, well, it’s done now. – Where are you going? – I’m tired, Trudy, I’m going to bed. – Oh. Bray? What if the Locos ever find out what happened to him? – I wouldn’t give much for our chances. Trudy. They’ve chosen Ebony as the new leader. – What? – Just pray she never finds out about the baby. (intense music) (fire crackling) – Pigs! Look at this place it’s disgusting! (Shattering glass) – Salene! – They’re all pigs, I hate them! – What’s the matter? – Who wrote this? Descent mother? I’m trying my best. – Salene, it’s not about you it’s about– – What was that crash? – You alright? – Hey, Zan, is it cozy? – What’s it to you? – Oh, just thought I might be able to tuck you in one night. – Get real. – We can settle down now, have a little place of our own. – Since when were you interested in a place of our own? The only reason you’d want one is so you’d have someone to clean up after you. Oh, and a bit of the other, of course. – Say no more. Ryan will have to leave. – I’m not going anywhere near your place. You can clean it up yourself. – Come on, babe, it’s woman’s work. – What do you mean by that? – Great warriors don’t do the washing up. – Great warriors don’t spend all day doing nothing sitting on there a– – Is this your idea of a joke? – I think you’ll find the rota was Amber’s idea Bray. – You know what I’m talking about. – I don’t actually. – Descent mother wanted. – I don’t know anything about it. I didn’t write it. – No, I don’t suppose you know how to. – What’s the matter, can’t take a little joke? Missing mummy to much are we? – I’ve had enough of this. (scuffling) – I shoulda killed you along with your brother! – Why don’t you come and try! – Not this way! – Don’t you dare mess up this room! – It seems no one’s paying much attention to that. – Have you got any better ideas? – Some discipline for starters. – Discipline, right. – Yeah, and with a strong leader to enforce it. – Anyone in mind? – There’s only one man, around here, for the job. – Shouldn’t we get a choice? It’s only fair. – Alright, we’ll fight for it. Is that good enough for you? – Go play your mind games on somebody else, Lex, I’m not interested. – I’m not gonna spend my life running after you. – Don’t then! – You just gonna walk away from this? – From what, Lex’s little mind games? – Call them what you like, you have to play them to win them. – Win what? I’m not trying to win anything. If Lex wants to be leader that’s fine, that’s no problem for me. – Go on then just walk away like always, give up on us! – Us, who you talking about, Amber? What us, there is no us. – There is, you just don’t like to see it. It gets in the way of thinking about yourself, doesn’t it? – That’s Rubbish. – You don’t even care about the baby. – Don’t give me that! – Well, it sure doesn’t look like it. What sort of future does she get? – A good one, that’s why I brought her here. – And now that she’s here, that’s your job done is it? And if Lex becomes leader your happy with that? You’re happy to leave her future in his hands? – Not especially, no. – Well do something about it then! – No, Amber, just stop and think for a minute. Who would be good for you all? – You could be. – Amber, I don’t have to spell it out for you do I? It should be you, you’re what they need. Have an election, a fair vote. You against Lex, let them decide. – Me? – I’ll see you later. – Raise, one beans. I’m sick of beans. (whining dog) Marbles? Nah, what do I want with them? Sorry, no can do. Chewing gum, that’s more like it. – See you. (whining dog) – I think I’ve found a way to solve our leader problem. – Is he chicken? – He’s not interested. I’m putting myself up for it. – I’m not fighting a girl. – There won’t be any fighting. We’ll have a democratic election. – An election, how exciting. – May the best man win. We’ll have a vote tonight then, at six. – I don’t believe this. – You alright? – Oh yeah, perfect. – Where’s the baby? – Don’t know. – Hey, Trud. – Salene’s got her. – Good, without her, I don’t know. – What? – – Just say it, Bray. – Don’t be ridiculous. – She’s the perfect little mother. A perfect little angel, isn’t she? – Don’t take it out on her. – Oh sorry, your precious Salene. – Thanks to her your baby’s still alive. I think she deserves a little respect, don’t you? – You thank her, I’m sure you’d enjoy that! And if she wants the baby she can keep it! – You don’t mean that! – The only reason you’re staying here is because of it. – It’s not an it. – Stop playing at being daddy! Why don’t you just go?! – I’m worried about both of you. – You’re not worried about me. You care about your niece that’s all, Oh, and Salene. – They’re gonna elect a proper leader, vote. At least for the baby’s sake, for her future. – What future? – Just vote for Amber! – Oh, of course! It’s her you really want isn’t it? – Oh, that’s enough, just shut up! – Why are you wasting your time with me anyway? – I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were there. – Are you okay? – Yeah. (gentle music) (cooing baby) – Who’s this Edison fella? – He invented the light bulb. – The book should be in a museum. Where’d you get it anyway? – Zandra gave it to me, she found it in the antique shop. – That explains it. What does she want you to make, a hairdryer? That election thing, everyone’s to get a secret vote, you know, like a private ballet. – What’s wrong with sticking your hands in the air? – Who’d vote against Lex? – Yeah, suppose. Hey, hey, check this out. (upbeat dramatic music) – It’s the simplest system, x marks the spot. – Won’t we need some kind of voting booth? – I don’t know. – Well, there’s gotta be a simpler way than that. – How about everyone writes a name on a piece of paper? – Yeah, but does everyone know how to write? – What are you talking about? – Voting of tonight. – Why can’t everybody just stick up there hands? – Well, it’s not democratic. – What? – Everybody will know who you voted for then. – What’s wrong with that? – Come on. – Look, whatever. But writing down’s a bad idea. Ryan can’t write. – No? – Yeah, and you don’t wanna make him embarrassed do you? He might get cross. Of course, what we need is a bit more adventure. Get out and about a bit more, a leader who can find you some milk. – Yes. – Well, I hope I can count on your vote, Trudy. – I don’t think I’ll bother. – Of course, you must. Where would we be without democracy? If you vote for me now you won’t have to vote again, I promise. – Why not ? – ‘Cause I’ll make the decisions for you. – Some democracy. – Vote Lex, the vote to end all votes. – What’s the matter? (whining dog) What does it mean? – Okay. – Okay, raise you. (squawking birds) (splashing waves) – I’m gonna be the strongest. Me and my warriors, we’re gonna take over the world. – Martin! (screaming) (somber music) – Ahhh, stupid thing. What do you want? – I need some food. – What, now? – Right now. – What for? – For a game, we’re playing poker with Ryan. – Forget it. – Please? – No, this is gone to far. – What’s gone to far? – Nothing, nothing. – Jack’s got a secret. – Come on then. – What secret? (barking dog) Got ya. You alright? – This election, we need to vote for Lex. We need him to win. – Lex, your kidding? – No, I think it’s for the best. – But he’s impossible, he’ll bully everyone. – Yeah, I know, but I don’t think anyone will put up with him for very long. He’ll give it a go and then hate it. – You can win tonight easy. – If I win Lex will never get of my back, not until he’s leader. If he wins, he’ll lose interest pretty quickly. – You know that? – Trust me. – But, why not just drop out now? – It’s better this way, if he thinks he’s won properly. – You’re the boss? – What is that thing? – Beginnings of a hairdryer. – A hairdryer? – Well, sort of. – I’m getting worried about you, Dal. – (laughing) I didn’t know you could sign swear words. Thought you said you’d no rations left? – We’ve got a secret store. – Forget about all that warrior stuff. – Get lost man. Power and chaos, it’s the only way. – We’ve gotta start putting things back together again. – Why? – For her, that’s why. For you, Martin. – Well, well, this is getting exciting. – Yeah. Lex, can you keep an eye on these for me? – Sure. (barking dog) So, what have we here then? (gentle music) So you bet all of this and you only had Jack high? That’s good bluffing, but I don’t think Ryan’s gonna fold with this. So what we need to do is spice up your hand a bit. (gentle music) Three jacks, plus your one jack make four jacks. Now, I expect you want these, but what can you do for me? You want these, you have to vote for me tonight, you understand? You want these, you have to vote for me tonight, okay? Good. You stick with me and everything will be sweet. – Do you see what’s happening? You’ve ruined yourselves and now your ruining me. – What the? – Ryan, listen I can explain. – Macaroni cheese, beef casserole, creamed rice all yours are they, Jack? – It’s not what you think. – Wait till Lex sees this lot. – Ryan, stop, I can explain! – When I’m leader I’ll take you to a real casino. Hows that? There’s one on sector two run by the Dogs. It gets pretty heavy down there, but hey we’re talking about Lex here. Ah, they got girls, drinks it’s wild. Have you ever played roulette? – Lex, look at this, I haven’t had creamed rice for ages. – You what? – Creamed rice. – And? – It’s Jack, he’s got a whole supermarket around there. – Oh, really? Now, listen to me, Jack. You’ve got this large food store, right? You’re gonna be in serious trouble when these good people hear about it. Now, I can probably keep these chumps quiet until we know what to do. You’re gonna vote for me tonight, huh? Good, it’s our little secret, yeah? You enjoying yourself? Look, stop stuffing your face. We got a game to finish, here. Whose call was it? – I’ll have to see you, it’s all I’ve got left. – Well, would you look at that. – This one? – Yeah, great. – I don’t know, it’s a bit, sparkly. – What’s it for? – It’s a big night, it’s our first election. You should show a sense of occasion. – You look class. – ‘Course, behind every great woman there’s a line of great idiots. – What are you on about? – Nothing, this colors very Amber. – Eh? – She’d look lovely in it. She could do with a bit of a makeover. – I hope your not thinking of voting for her. – Well look at all the male leaders, all trousers and no common sense. Take Zoot for example. – I’m no Zoot. – Of course you aren’t, Lex. Still, you know. – What do you think I should do with this, Ryan? – Electric rouge, it’s my favorite. – After the election, I think. – Okay, so the marbles go in this bag and it’s passed around and everyone takes one. – Without showing anyone else. – Yeah, right, so– – Get on with it. – Okay, so each voter, that’s all of us, secretly picks the colored marble for the person you wanna vote for as the bag comes around then, on the signal, we throw the marbles in to the center of the table, really fast so that no one else notices what color you picked. Any questions? – What if it’s a tie? – What’s a tie? – Ask Lex. (laughing) – So, the great wanderer returns. – Did you miss me? – Amber, Lex, step forward. – Everything alright? – Yeah, we were, I was anyway, getting a bit worried, you know. – Don’t worry about me. – Okay, black marble if you wanna elect Lex and a white one for Amber. Let’s start. Go on Patsy. – Thanks. – Paul Chloe. Ryan. – Where have you been? – Nowhere special. – Don’t lie to me. – I’ll tell you later. – I was beginning to wonder about you. – Yeah well, I had a bit of a think. – About time. – Dal. Jack. – Everyone ready? One, two, throw! – Yes! – It looks like Lex is the winner. – Anybody who voted for me there’s a party in order, my place. – Hey, Lex, now you’re leader, lets dish out the creamed rice. – Who’s got creamed rice? – Didn’t you know? Jack’s got loads of it in his food store. – Oh yeah, since when? – What food store, Jack? – He’s got a whole load of food he was keeping for himself, tinned meat, creamed rice, chocolate, everything. – Chocolate? – You greedy little pig, you had all that food and you didn’t tell us. – Is it true, Jack? Did you know about this? – Of course not. What do you take me for? – Well what are you gonna do about it? – I say we should sling him out. – Just shut it, Zandra, I decide that. – Well we should, here we are half starving when we could’ve had a decent meal. I say we go get it now. – Oy, nobody touches it ’til I say so. I’m the leader, you all just elected me. – Yeah, to sort this kind of thing out. – Zandra’s right, sling him out. – Let the Locusts Have him. – No, Lex. – We’ll have a trial and then we’ll decide what happens to him. – If you put me on trial I– – Look, You can either have a fair trial now or walk out with nothing. What’s it gonna be? (gentle music) (clanking) – [Girl] How come Lex and Bob get more than the rest of us? – Shut up. – Listen to them all, squabbling like animals over food. (baby cooing) That’s the future, isn’t it? That’s my daughter’s future. – It doesn’t have to be like that. – Yeah, well how’s it going to be then? – People will learn to look after each other, they have to. – But who is going to be there for me? Who’s going to want a single mother when there’s all that talent flaunting itself? – I told you, I’m not interested in Salene. – She’s interested in you, can’t keep away. – She wants to help me, she does help. You couldn’t manage without her. – Oh, so I’m a lousy mother now, is that it? – Please, don’t do this. – There. – I’m sorry, am I interrupting? – No, what is it? – The trial’s starting soon, aren’t you coming? – I don’t think so, we’ll stay here. – I’ll look after the baby. – It’s quite alright. – We’ll be fine, you go along. – Okay. (baby cooing) (rat squealing) – You promise you wouldn’t let anything happen to me. If I go on trial– – Nothing has happened yet. – So what am i doing in here? – Exactly, you’re in here and not out there on the streets. You got me to thank for that. How would it look if I just let you get away with it? I’ll try and get you off with just a bit more extra work. – No, this is my place and the food. If you don’t stop them, I’ll tell them about you ripping off the water. – Are you threatening me, because if you are I can start arrangin’ for you to leave now. – Yeah, well I haven’t got anything to lose, have I? – That’s called blackmail. – Yeah, I know just how it feels. (clinkering) – Hello. – Salene says you’re not coming to the trial. – Well Trudy’s not feeling too good. – We could do with you there. We need someone sensible in case it gets out of control. – Well that’s me is it, someone sensible? – Amongst other things. They’re talking about throwing Jack out. We can’t do that, he’s too valuable. – You insisted on something being done. Lex wanted to leave it. Well that wouldn’t be right either. I just don’t want it getting out of hand. – I’m sure you can handle it. – Tell me something, when are you going to decide whether you’re a part of us or not. (baby crying) – I’ve changed my mind, I’m going to this trial. – Suit yourself, you always do anyway. – Well maybe you should come too. You’re spending too much time on your own. – I’m sure Salene will be pleased. (banging) – Wait, I’m sorry. – But if you throw someone out for hoarding food, what do you do if someone does something really bad? – Like what? – Like seriously hurting someone. – Starve them, no food for a week. – I think we should make up our own set of rules, like a law, and then agree to it so that everyone knows where they stand. – Here, I saved you a seat. – We don’t want a law, we outta be able to do as we like. – What about flogging, that’d make people think. If you had a public flogging. One, two, three, four. (dog barking) – Ryan, let’s get this over with. You sit there. Shift. Now then, you know what you’re accused of? How do you plead, guilty or not guilty? – Not guilty. – Oh come on we even saw the– (banging) – Quiet, now we’ll hear the evidence against Jack. We’ll hear what he has to say, then I’ll decide what happens. – You’ll decide, I think we should all have a say. – I’m the leader, I’ll decide. – Why, don’t you trust us to make the right decision? – What’s that supposed to mean? – If someone’s going to be punished, it’s too important to be one person’s decision. Just because you’re the leader doesn’t give you the power to do whatever you like to us. – That’s right, it’s not a proper trial without a jury. – I think Lex should decide. – Do you, why is that Jack? – Yes, why Jack? – I don’t know. – Okay, you want a jury, we’ll have a jury. Let’s setup a proper courtroom or something. – Who’s gonna be the judge? – You can. – Thanks. – Cheer up Jack, there’s probably some vacancies with the locusts. I’ll need my special hat for this one. – Well, who’s going to begin then? – I will. – Thirsty weren’t you? What’s gonna happen to you? No dad and me for a mom. At least you’ve got your uncle Bray. He could be your dad. That’d be alright, wouldn’t it? We’d like that, wouldn’t we? Should we go and see him? Should we go and see your new dad? – So if someone is selfish and they steal– – I didn’t steal anything, it was my food. – Are you gonna make him be quiet? – Do you wanna go back into the lift shaft? – I’m not a thief. – You’re as good as a thief because you had food you knew we all needed. If we allow this to go on, you can forget about staying alive for very long, because everyone will be too busy looking after themselves. So we have to stamp it out now, or we’ll end up like the locusts. So I’m sorry Jack, but there has to be a penalty for this. If we let one person get away with it, everyone else will think they can too. It has to be a real punishment, but it shouldn’t be something we’ll regret later. Let’s remember that Jack is very intelligent and we need people like him in the tribe. (clapping) – Okay, all those in favor of slinging him out. – Hang on, we haven’t found him guilty yet. – Of course he’s guilty. – We have to hear what he has to say first. – Thank you. – Now then Jack. Do you deny hoarding the food? – No. – There you are. – Why’d you do it then? – Because I wanted to keep it to make it last longer. – (sighs) Oh come on. – Let him talk, what else? – I know that if I told everyone, it will go in a couple of days. The only reason we ration our food is because we don’t think we have very much. – Why are you only telling us this now? – You didn’t like it when he interrupted you, so don’t interrupt him, go on Jack. – The other thing I thought was that if the fighting stopped, we could trade with the other tribes, so I wanted us to keep something to trade with. (laughing) – Do you think this is funny? – I think it’s a good story. – I can tell you there are other people out there who wanna trade. The tribes are making peace. – How do you know? = I keep my ear to the ground. – I haven’t heard anything about a truce. – You’ve been too busy playing daddy, but it’s a fact. – Tell me something, why do you want to get Jack off so badly? – I’m interested in the truth, that’s all. And there’s another thing, if we find Jack guilty and punish him, it’s only fair to look at all the other crimes, like people gambling for rations, and all the other people who knew about the stash and kept quiet. Right, all those that think Jack is guilty put up their hands. – What are you looking at me like that for? – Not guilty? – Salene? – I don’t know, it’s difficult. – Cloe put up your hands. – I think I’ll abstain. – Do it. – Cloe? – Not guilty. (laughs) – Right then, five to four, Jack’s innocent. – [Dal] Innocent? (crosstalking) – [Lex] So how was I? – [Zan] You were alright. What is it with you and Jack anyway? – [Lex] Nothing, it was a fair vote. – [Zan] Yeah? – [Lex] Yeah, I’ve been thinking about what you said. About us getting our act together. – Gotta go Lex. – [Lex] I told you I’d take this place over. – Yeah and you’ve done it right. Lex no. – Come on Zan. – No way Lex, I haven’t changed my mind. – I’ve been waiting a long time Zandra. – Well you’ll have to wait a little bit longer, okay? (clapping) – Women. – Come on Jack, give us a hand. (mellow music) – Why couldn’t you have had one of the smaller ones? – The boss always gets the biggest desk, it was obvious. – No one else has a desk. – A bit more this way. (scraping) Very nice. – I found these, you can keep your papers in them. – That’d be useful. – I told you he’d like them. – Oh, and this. – Oh yeah, it says executive director. – Very good, so where were we Jack? – Week one floor cleaning. – Cloe and Patsy, even they should be able to do that. Oh, and put Paul down too. What’s next? – Cooking. – Amber and Salene. – And washin’ up? – It’ll have to be Zandra. – She won’t like it. – You don’t want her cooking, do you? – Defense training, put down the four of us here. – What exactly do we have to do? – Me and Ryan are gonna teach you the noble art of bearing arms. You’ll have to find some sticks Ryan. – What about Bray? – Yeah, Bray. Put him on guard duty. – I can’t believe you’re still on about this. I am not, repeat not interested in her. – You are lying, I saw you sitting next to her. – So what was I doing, holding her hand? – Oh, you probably were for all I know. They were probably all watching and saying, "Poor Trudy, poor girl hasn’t got a chance." – Listen to me, what do you want? – Lex sent me to tell you you’re on guard duty. – Tell him to forget it. – Why? – Tell him what you like, go on. Now look what you’ve done. (baby crying) – Look at this, who does he think he is, our leader. – Well, I didn’t vote for him. And I still don’t understand why you did. – I thought he’d make a good leader. Let’s hope I wasn’t wrong. – What are we gonna do? – Well, if you don’t like it, tell him. – Me? – Sure, why not, come on. – I’m no good at this sort of thing. Why don’t you tell him? – If I complain, he’ll think I’m plotting against him. – Are you sure you aren’t? – Of course not. (ethereal music) – Someone took the handles off the brooms, so we have to do like this. – (sighs) Have you told Lex? – We don’t want to, he might shout at us. – We have to go and see Lex about something. Why don’t you come along with us? – How am I supposed to do this lot without any rubber gloves? – You don’t need rubber gloves. – Of course I do. What do you think these are gonna look like after I’ve been through all that? – So do them again. – Are you saying I haven’t got anything better to do than paint my fingernails? Is that what you think of me? – Of course not. – Then get me some gloves. – What are you lot doing here? – Why have you given all the work to the girls, and none to the boys? – Because the boys couldn’t possibly get their precious little hands wet. – I think if you read the roster again you’ll see the men are doing weapon training, so if we’re attacked, we can protect you. – I thought all the tribes were about to kiss and make up? – They are, but a good commander has to keep his guard up. – How is a little shrimp like Jack going to protect me? – That’s the point, he needs to learn. – Well, wouldn’t it be better if we all learned, and then we could all protect each other? – Don’t you understand? We’re living in primitive times again. That means the men do the protecting, and the women look after the home. – (sighing) You’re not doing much to protect my hands. – So, that’s it, there is no way the boys are doing any of the cooking and cleaning? – No. – Right, I better get on with it then. – Well, go on, get back to work. – We can’t, someone’s taken the handles off the brooms. – Who’d do a thing like that? – Only somebody very stupid. (dog groaning) – You said to get sticks, so I did. – I didn’t say get broom handles. – You didn’t say not to. – You two watch us. (wooshing) (grunting) – I’m attacking. (clicking) – (moans) That hurt. (clicking) – Sorry Ryan. Alright, you two. Come on your wimps, let’s see what you can do. (mellow music) – Boys and sticks, it’s pathetic. – Girls would say that, until they’re threatened, begin. – It’s all I could bring, I have to get back. If I get caught, they’ll put me on trial, then there’ll be no one to look after you. (calf moaning) I know you want to go out, but I can’t. Don’t, you’ll hurt yourself. I’ll think of something, I promise I will. (baby crying) – Hey there, it’s alright. – There you are. – Put her down. – What? – You heard me. – Trudy. – Keep your hands off her. – But she was all alone. – I know what you want, you want her for yourself. – No. – And Bray too, you’ve been eyeing him up ever since we got here. – It’s not true. – Well you’re not getting him, so stay away from him. – What’s going on? – Your tart’s trying to take our baby, that’s what. – I am not his tart. – Trudy stop it. – How can you speak to me like this after everything I have done for you? – I don’t want you to do anything for me. Just leave the baby alone and leave him alone too. (dramatic music) – Have you completely lost it? You need all the help you can get, and you drive her away. – (crying) I hate this place, I don’t wanna be here anymore. (dramatic music) – How come you get more than anyone else? – Leaders get double ration, I have to keep up my strength. – You haven’t done anything. – I’ve been using my brain, something you’ll never experience. – She’s just going through another bad patch. You don’t want to take it too seriously. – But what about the baby? If she falls apart, what will happen to it? – It’s not your problem. – Oi, who cooked this? – I did, do you like it? – You’re supposed to be doing the washing up, not the cooking. – And the other girls help me, so I’m helping them. I did yours especially. – Well it’s burnt. – Only a tiny bit, and stop making such a fuss. – Mine’s not burned. – What are you doing here? – I’ve come to eat. – I don’t recall you doing any guard duty. – Weil, I had to stay with Trudy, she’s not well. – If you don’t do your bit for the tribe, you can’t expect the tribe to feed you. – Well, it doesn’t seem to be any shortages. – Sorry. – Alright, I’ll take Trudy’s share. – If she wants it, she can come and get it. – She won’t come, I’ve tried. – Starve then. – Don’t you understand, she’s not well. She doesn’t eat, she’ll get worse. – Think about the baby Lex. – I said no. – I’m not leaving here without her food. – Come on Lex, she’s gotta eat. – How can you be so mean? – Yours is getting cold. – Lex, if Bray was willing to do guard duty tonight, maybe we could give him Trudy’s share of the food. Would you be willing to do that right Bray? – Double guard duty. – Because if you were, the rest of us could get on with our dinner. – Double guard duty it is then. – Don’t let him see. – I’m really sorry about Trudy. – It’s okay, I was only trying to help, you do know that? – Yes, thank you. (dog whimpering) – I’m sorry, but it’s staring us right in the face. – No need to apologize, thinks I’m doing this for the rest of my life, he can forget it. – It wouldn’t it be like this if you were the leader. – We’ve got to give him some time to learn. – For how long, we could be washing, and scrubbing, and cooking until we are old women. – Maybe there is some way we could help Lex see reason. – What about the other boys, they’re no better. Them too. – I fixed it. It’s a bit wobbly so don’t push too hard on the broom. – And you’re telling us they can be made to see reason? – Believe it or not, yes. Look, we’ll meet later while they’re asleep, and I’ll tell you what I’ve got in mind. – Can’t be much worse than that. (wind gusting) – (shushing) Come on. – Are you sure no one saw you? – Yes. – Okay, now listen, we’re doing this for the sake of the tribe, right? The problem is we have a system that isn’t working, and sometimes you have to give a system a bit of a shock. – An electric shock? – Sort of, but stronger. – What are we gonna do? – Nothing. – Nothing? – Absolutely nothing, we don’t cook, we don’t clean, we don’t wash up, we don’t lift a finger. You saw how much the boys liked how we cleaned up the cafe? Well, we’ll give them a choice. If they want it this way, they can do their share of the work or do it all themselves. – I love it, Lex will go ballistic. – What will he do to us? – What can he do, the other boys won’t let him hurt us. – How long do we do it for? – As long as it takes. – I’m in. (clapping) – Who else is in? (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (giggling) – I can’t wait to see the look on his face. (giggling) (howling) – What was that? (shushing) Do you think it was the locusts? – I think it’s Zoot’s ghost. – There’s no such thing. – What is it then? (howling) – I don’t know, but I think we’re about to find out. (dramatic music) (animal moans) – [Jack] What’s going on? – [Ryan] What is it? – [Patsy] It’s Luke’s ghost! – [Salene] Rubbish Patsy. – [Amber] Ghosts don’t exist. – Whatever it is, it does exist alright. – Bray! – Don’t worry Trudy, there’s nothing to worry about. – What is it? – It’s nothing. Go back to bed. (animal moans) (dog growls) (dog barks) – [Ryan] Could be the wind. – No, it’s something alive. – Well it isn’t going to be alive for long. – Ryan, put the girls in the cage. – [Amber] What? – [Lex] You’ll be safer there! – [Amber] We’ll be trapped. We can fight Lex. – Get into the cafe then. Grab anything you can as a weapon. Me and the troops will investigate. – Troops? – I think he means us. – We’ve been training you, remember? – You too, Bray. – What? – You’re coming with us to investigate. – No, I’m staying with Trudy and the baby. – I’m your leader and I gave you an order. – And I’m refusing it. – Lex. – I’ll deal with you later. Come on. – Lex, sir. – What? – Paul wants to come with you. – No way. He’s deaf, he’ll be a liability. All the girls and cowards, can stay behind. (animal moans) – Amber, what are we going to do? – Set up a barricade at the top of the stairs. If anything gets through, we’ll have the advantage. (dramatic music) (animal moans) – [Dal] What is it? – Sounds like an animal, not one I’ve ever heard. – It must be a mutant or something, you know, one from the virus? – Hand me that torch. (dramatic music) – I need to bring up the rear in case there’s a counter attack, you go first Ryan. (dramatic music) (animal moans) – Alright. (door creaks open) – I can’t get over Bray, being a coward. – I’m sure he’s not. He must have his reasons. – For chickening out? Still, I might have known you’d defend him. – Meaning? – Oh, come on Salene. (dog cries) (baby cooing) (laughter) – What’s going on Bray? – What do you mean? – Why didn’t you go with the others? – I’m looking after Trudy and the baby. – It’s not just that. I mean you’re not even worried, there’s some sort of strange creature down there and you couldn’t care less. I mean, you’re actually laughing. (Bray scoffs) You know what it is, don’t you? You know what that noise is. Bray! – Amber! Chloe’s missing. (laughter) (animal moans) – [Jack] Sounds like it’s outside. – [Dal] Well let’s leave it there. – [Lex] And have it bring the Locos and the Demon Dogz? – [Ryan] Yeah, let them deal with it. – And what if they get wind of us up in here? So far they have no idea where we are, I want to keep it that way. – [Dal] Perhaps, it’ll go away. – Or perhaps it’ll come back. Or just lie up there and wait for the first person to go out there food foraging. (cow mooing) – Come on, come on Bluebell please, they can hear you! They’re coming! (cow mooing) Bluebell, please! They mustn’t find you. (cow mooing) (R&B music) – Sounds like a cow. – Cow? – Yeah it does. Just like a cow. (cow mooing) – [Lex] It is a cow. You know what that means? – [Ryan] Meat. – [Lex] And (inaudible) Spread out, there’ll be hamburger for breakfast. – [Jack] Careful, cows can still be dangerous. – [Lex] Not half as dangerous as Ryan when he wants a hamburger. (cow mooing) – Chloe! – No! No keep away! Shoo Bluebell, shoo! Run! Please don’t hurt her. She’s my friend. – Sorry, this little beauty will just about do us for a week. – No! You can’t eat her, you can’t eat Bluebell. – Hello Bluebell. – She’ll give you milk, lot’s of milk. – Milk? Ah yeah. – That’s an idea. – At last we’ll have something to put in our cornflakes. – You will, won’t you Bluebell? Lots of milk everyday. – But it will need to be taken out to graze. – There’s plenty of grass in the park. – Okay, we’ll keep her. – Thank you! – Get off! (cow mooing) (Trudy laughs) – It’s not that funny Trudy. – I can just see Lex playing the big hero, charging after a little baby calf. – There you are. I suppose you think this is very funny. – Not especially. – Letting everybody get into a blind panic, the kids terrified and all the time you knew. You knew what it was, didn’t you? – Yes. – Well, why didn’t you say something? What are you playing at Bray? – Well I promised Chloe I wouldn’t tell her secret. – Oh that’s absurd. – No Amber, I don’t break promises. – Ah Mr. High and mighty, Mr. Self righteous. You are a number one selfish jerk. – You’re upsetting the baby. – Oh why don’t you just take her away then. In fact why don’t you just all go, all of you? – What? (baby crying) – You are both so selfish. You do nothing to help. You take and never give. You use Salene like a slave. – She’s pushed her way in. She’s after Bray. – Trudy? – You. You think your so intelligent, so clever. Winding Lex up, trying to humiliate him. Well at least he had the guts to stand for leader. – Hey, I don’t believe in leaders. – Well what precisely do you believe in then, Bray? Anything? Nothing? Perhaps when you’ve figured it out you can come down off your pedestal and tell us poor little morons. – If you feel that strongly Amber, we can go. – Bray! – No, it’s not gonna work if Lex is leader anymore. – Don’t you think I know that? – I figured. (dramatic music) – I don’t care if it was only a cow. I thought you were very brave. – What are you gonna give me for protecting yah? Is that all? – Cheek. Some fellas would die for that. – Why don’t you come back to my place and I’ll tell you all about it? – Some other time. I’m exhausted. – I’ll give you a massage. – See ya tomorrow. – It’s tomorrow today because of that dumb cow. – Sweet though, isn’t it? (dramatic music) (fire crackling) – We need an extra water ration for the calf and a roader to take her out to graze each day. – That could be dangerous. – Well unless you can find a haystack, what else can we do? – What are you gonna do about Bray, he disobeyed an order? – I’m gonna let him think he got away with it and then when he drops his guard, get even. – How? – The trick to leadership Ryan is to never be predictable. Keep ’em guessing. Oh and I want you, Jack and Dal to fix up the pharmacy on the balcony. – What for? – For me. It’s gonna be my penthouse. – What about the boutique? – I’m sick of it. You keep it like a pigsty. I’m moving out. A leader needs some privacy. Then I can keep an eye on you lot as well. – What about Zandra? – Stick a double bed in there for when I’m ready to choose a first lady. – What, not Zandra you mean? – Of course Zandra, you idiot. I’m just not gonna rush it. Keep ’em guessing. What’s that smell? – Bread. – Lex. The girls are refusing to cook our breakfast. (Lex sighs) (eating noises) (dramatic music) – What’s going on? – We’re just sampling Salene’s homemade bread, Lex. – Mmm, delicious. – Where’s our breakfast, it’s supposed to be ready. – Sorry, no can do. – What do you mean? Why? It was on the rotar. – Rotar? – Yeah. – I haven’t seen it. Have you Amber? – No Salene. – It was there! Stuck up! Write out another one Jay. – Why bother, we’re not doing it. – Oh yes you are. – We’re not going to be used as domestic slaves. – Shut up Zan, you can’t even spell domestic! – We’re not standing for this sexist division of chores. – So we’re just looking after ourselves in future. – Zandra you are making me very angry! – Don’t you even think about it Lex! – You put them up to this, didn’t you? – No! You drove them to it. Great bread Salene. Zandra, weren’t you going to show me how to do my hair? (dramatic music) We’ll clean up our pots, later. – You won’t get away with this! (slurping noises) – That bread smells good. – Gorgeous. – I wonder if they left any. (dramatic music) – Lex! – What? – There’s a leak! (dripping) – There. – The floors all wet. – That’ll be the water, Ryan. – Is it raining? – I don’t think so. The solar-powered batteries would be going down, wouldn’t they Jack? – Not straight away, Dal. – Ah, look it stopped, it must have been the rain. – Or a leak, the water tank’s right above there. – Yeah, but it stopped. A leaking tank would just stop, would it? – Unless. – Oh no! – There you are. The new you. – Brilliant. I like it. – I wanted to be a hairdresser. I was gonna train and everything. – You still can. – How? There’s nobody to train me. – Well, there should be some books around. Or even some CDs. – There are no batteries for the computer. – Well I’m sure Jack and Dal will come up with something eventually. – You’re so positive, aren’t you? It’s what I like about you Amber. You always think things will get better. – Well, I’m sure they will. It just takes time. – You should have been the leader. Not stupid Lex. Sorry Zandra. – Hey, don’t look at me, I’m not Lex’s. – Yeah, but you’re still lucky to have someone who fancies you so much. – You could too. – Who? – Come on Salene. – What? – Amber? Tell her. – Leave it Zandra. – Why? Everybody knows. – What? – You’re after Bray. – I am not. – Go on, don’t say you don’t fancy him. – It’s not the same as being after him. – It is. You’re in there all the time, looking after the baby, taking it for walks. – Only because Trudy doesn’t care about it and I do. – Only because it’s Bray’s niece. – No! – Hey, come on you two. We’re supposed to be sticking together, remember? Against Lex and the boys? We’ve got a real fight on our hands, we don’t need to make up fights for ourselves. – Well. – Zandra! If we fall out amongst ourselves, we’ve had it. – Sorry Amber. – Yeah, sorry. (dramatic music) – It’s empty. – Empty! – And what’s the only thing we can’t live without? – So what now, boss? – Breakfast. Dal you can cook. – No I can’t! – Well, learn. – Looks like we have to use your private water stash. – Get lost! It’s for an emergency. – Well what do you call this? – Just a little hitch. – Lex, we die without water. – I’ll think of something. Come on. What’s this? – What do you think it is? It’s beans on crackers. – They’re burned. – Even the crackers are burned. – I tried toasting them. (dishes breaking) (dog whines) – Why can’t you make bread like Salene? – I never learned. I’m not a girl. – Start now! You got a brain, haven’t ya? – I thought we weren’t doing girl’s jobs. – Yeah. – We’re not. I’ll fix it. (dramatic music) (knock on door) – Hi Trudy. – Can I come in for a minute? – Of course, come in. – Oh wow, this looks great Amber. It’s important to have a place all your own, isn’t it? – Anything the matter Trudy? – It’s Bray. – Yeah? – He’s gone into a mood, he won’t talk. – He’s always in some sort of mood or another. – I think he’s going to leave, after what you said this morning. You don’t really want us to go, do you? I don’t want to go Amber. I’m scared outside, even with Bray. Now with the baby and everything. – Have you given her a name yet? – No. – Don’t you think you ought to? And start taking responsibility for her? She is your child Trudy. – I know. – And it would give Salene less opportunity to always be around. – Hmm, her. – She was only trying to help Trudy. She was brilliant when you were ill. She can’t help it if she’s falling for Bray. – Well she can just keep her hands off him. – You’re not listening Trudy. I said she can’t help the way she feels. But I don’t honestly think she’s trying to break the two of you up. You’re doing that yourself. – If I start to be a better mother and stop getting at Salene. – I don’t want you to go Trudy. I think you and Bray could be a great help to us, but that’s up to Bray. – Can you talk to him, Amber? I know he really respects you. – I’ll try. But Bray only does what he wants and if he’s made up his mind. Now, what about a baby’s name? (dramatic music) (dog whining) – But we’re hungry. – Sorry. – Will you move please Ryan? – What do you want? – We’ve come for our water ration. – It’s there. – Very funny, just move Ryan. – Yeah, shift Ryan. – That’s all there is, honest. The tanks empty, we’ve had to share out everybody’s ration between the lot of us. – What sort of game is this? – It’s not a game, go ask Lex. – We will. – Hi Amber, I’ve been expecting yah. – What’s all this about water Lex? – I told Ryan to tell you. – I did. – There’s no water left. Nix. You can go look for yourself if you don’t believe me. – There was a leak. – You’re serious? – Yeah. But don’t worry Zandra, I’ve come up with a plan. – Which is? – Well, Jack said there’s a stream not too far from here. So you and the girls can go get water from there and I’ll send Ryan and the rest of them to protect you. – Why don’t the boys just go and get the water? – Cause they’ll be guarding, won’t they? They can’t carry water and guard at the same time. – Forget it Lex. – What’s the problem? Women always use to fetch water. In Africa and that. – We said no sexist division of jobs. – Exactly. – Be reasonable, you couldn’t exactly protect us, could you? – We’ll go together and I’ll carry the water. – No way. I’m not putting my men at risk. – Then we’ll go on our own. – Zandra out there the Demon Dogz and Locos roaming around, getting caught by that lot, she’d be a real prize, wouldn’t she? They’d really like her. – I can do it on my own if I have to. – And I’ll come with you Amber. – And me. – I wouldn’t let you anyway. You get caught and you’ll give the rest of us away. – Then when the boys go, we’ll come with you and fetch our own. – This is your fault, you put them up to this. – No, it’s a group rebellion Lex. – We’ll see who can go without water the longest. (dramatic music) – Amber! – What do we do now? – We go in for the kill. (dramatic music) – They’re not going to die of thirst Ryan. They’ll give in before that. – But how will we get water? – We’ll use our own private water stash. – But Dal doesn’t know about that and if we tell him, he’s bound to tell Amber or their mates. – I’m sure you can persuade him to keep his trap shut. – What if they get to know. They’ll put you on trial like they did with Jack. – I’m the leader, they’re not going to put me on trial. – Why not? – Because I wouldn’t let them. – Those are the rules Lex. We made them up about stealing stuff. – They’re not going to know anyway. Not unless somebody tells them. You’re not thinking of telling them are yah? Ryan? – What if they don’t give in? I’m not going to let them die of thirst Lex. (dramatic music) – Leaders never got us anywhere. Look at the mess they’ve got us into. – But it can’t just be everyone for themselves Bray. – How about everyone for each other? (Amber laughs) – A nice idea, but it’s a dream. – Maybe for now. But if you don’t have dreams, where are you? (dramatic music) – So, when Lex cracks, how do you see it? – If he cracks. – He will, I know his type. – I bet you do. Do you know mine? – Not yet, but I’m working on it. (dramatic music) – I wish I could make pastry. – Didn’t you ever learn? – Well, yeah I tried. But it was always too messy, I kept getting flour in my hair and stuff. – What are you making? – It’s a special treat. – What? – Vegetable pie. – A pie. – With real stock gravy. – Gravy! – Well it would be if we had enough water for it. – It’s a sort of celebration. – What for? – Trudy’s giving the baby a name. – At last. – What is it? – It’s secret. – That’s a funny name. – No, it is a secret dummy. Sometimes Ryan I could kiss you for being so daft. – Why don’t you then? – Alright then I will. – I love. Pie. I haven’t had one since. If I get some water for the gravy, can I have a piece? (dramatic music) (kids celebrating) – I can’t wait! (clapping) – [Lex] What’s going on? – Oh, hi Lex. We’re having a banquet. – Trudy’s given the baby a name. – I thought you’d decided not to feed us men. – Well, Ryan did get some water for the gravy and we’re just showing Jack and Dal what they can get as a regular treat. – As long as they agree to share the chores properly. – Not that sexy rotar. – Sexist, Patsy. (laughter) – Ryan, Jack, Dal, I want to see you lot. Now! – But the pie will get cold Lex. – And the gravy. – We’re just trying it out, Lex. We haven’t decided on anything. – Would you care to join us, Lex? – In your dreams. – Salene it smells divine. – Shall I cut the pie? – Hang on, well Trudy? – Oh, yes. – I’ve decided to call her, Brady. – Brady! – Ah yeah, I see it. It’s a combination of Bray and Trudy. – That’s pretty cool. (dramatic music) (chatter) – Here Salene, you better grab. (chatter) – [Patsy] We better save some for Bob! (dog moans) – [Patsy] I’m so hungry! (chatter) – [Patsy] The best pie I’ve ever tasted! (laughter) (dramatic music) – You wait Amber, you just wait. (dramatic music) – Ryan you’re out. – Eh? – Get your own place. – Thought you were moving out. – No, I’m gonna stay here. – What am I gonna do? – It’s your problem. – You still mad about the pie thing? – Yeah, the pie thing, the rotor thing, the fact there’s a traitor in my own camp. – That was just a bit of gravy. – I’m sure the road is pretty clear in who makes the gravy around here. – They didn’t have any water. – Well they would have done if they bothered to go fetch it. – Hardly fair though, is it? We all need water. – Fair, where do you think we live, Ryan, Toytown? Look, there’s a bunch of crazies out there who’ll tear this lot apart unless they have a strong leader. – Isn’t it time you’re up? – Get lost. – We’ve no water, we’re filthy, and our wonderful leader lies in bed. Come on, Ryan, there’s still some bread left over from breakfast. – Right! – Get down all right? – Yeah, thanks. – Why are you so muddy? – I don’t think the water tanks in the cleaning rotor, Jack – No, I a suppose not. You’re gonna start, well you know doing a bit of the girl’s stuff, helping them? – I don’t know, suppose a little bit of this and that, nothing too much. – Yes, sir Long is a (mumbles). – For a bit of Salene’s bread. – Great breakfast, wasn’t it? – Spot on, course, Lexi’s gonna murder us. – Yeah, but do you really think the girls are gonna put up with it? – He doesn’t know Amber. – Hey if it’s that muddy up there, do you think we could grow stuff on it? – Let’s try and get some water fixed up first, eh Jack? – Haven’t you finished yet? – Just about, she slept so well last night, didn’t you? You like sleeping next to mommy. – Here. – Thanks Salene, you’ve been ever so sweet. Hi Amber, I’m just collecting some of little Brady’s toys. She likes having them around her, don’t you pet? (baby gurgles) – Salene, have you seen the little ones? What’s that? – That tramp, what’s she done now? She just walks all over everyone. – Yeah, well– – And she doesn’t care one bit about that baby – She is her mom. – She wasn’t her mom last week was she? Just when she feels like it. – Salene give her a break, she’s had it rough. – Haven’t we all? – Look, you’ll still get to see Brady. She’ll need plenty of help. – And Bray? – Salene, give them a chance. – Why should I? – Bray will see who he wants to see, just give him time. Let things work themselves out. Don’t stir things please, we’ve got enough problems. Look, that piano, why don’t you teach the kids some songs? They’d love that. – He’s brave, I’ll give him that, but totally bone idle, never done a day’s work in his life. I mean, you don’t mind doing a bit of sweeping every now and then, do you, for a nice bit of bread? – Me, oh no, course not. – Quite right too, equality of the sexes. Hey, you could teach us girls how to fight. – Ah, that hurt. – Sorry I didn’t mean, and where’s it hurt? Let me kiss it better. – Oh yeah, it’s like that is it? – It’s not what you think Lex, we’re just mucking around. – Get lost fat boy. – Sorry Ry, thanks for your help. What’s got into you? – What’s got into me? You wanna tell me what’s going on? – Nothing’s going on, I told you. – Doesn’t look like nothing to me. – Get off me, Lex. – Oh yeah, saving it for him, are you? – Don’t be daft, what’s got you so angry? – ‘Cause even you’ve turned against me. – Don’t be stupid, it’s just, you know you’ve got to start listening to other people’s points of view. – I’m the leader, they’ll do what they’re told. – It doesn’t work like that here. It’s about cooperation. – Cooperation, well when the locos come and get you pathetic lot, we’ll see how they like to cooperate. (intense music) (piano resonates) – Well? – [Paul] Hey. – Oh, lovely, well done Patsy. – It was me who played it. – Well done, Paul. – You’re not even listening! – Look, I’m sorry. Bray, any luck with the supplies? – I’m in a bit of a hurry Salene, I’ll catch you later. – [Woman] Doing all the dirty work? – (mumbles) – How’s the view up there? – Clear skies, no smoke, remember that. – Bad news for us. – Why? – No rain, what’s lunch? – Soup, nothing special just canned. – It smells great. – I thought I said no lunch ’til we have some water. – But we finished. – It’s not good enough. – Chill out. – What do you mean chill out? – We have to wait for rain, Lex. – Is that the best you can do? – You promised us milk, is that the best you can do? – You volunteering for cow duty? – Suits me. – Look, Dal is working on the water. – What’s the rush? Cow duty. – Can I take something over to Trudy? She’s having a rest. – Of course, how is little Brady? – We were just talking about getting a little Brady wady some milky wilky. – And how you gonna do that, Lex? – Well, we’ve got a cow now, haven’t we? – Problem is Lex, you’ve no bull. – Just full of it. – Bulls don’t make milk. – But not bull, no milk, get it, end of story. – Oh, it looks as if we’re gonna have steaks for dinner after all. – [Boy] You’re not gonna kill it. – Ryan, you’d fancy a quarter pounder, wouldn’t you? – What, the calf? – We could use the fat for burning lamps. – What are you, a caveman? – You can’t kill Bluebell. – Lex, stop upsetting them. – You can’t kill a sweet little calf, Lex. – What do you wanna do keep it as a pet eating all our food? – Let it go. – What if it comes straight back? – Yeah, with the Locos following it. – You gonna give it your rations? – I’ll give it mine. (dog whimpers) – Cloe, we can’t afford to feed it, not if it’s not gonna give anything back. – We’re not feeding anything, the calf dies. – Hey, shut it, Lex. (dog barks) – Get off me. – Hey, pick on someone a bit bigger, eh Lex? – You’re all weak, soft in the head. Anyone who wants to eat decent follow me. (sad music) – You’re as bad as him. – We’re sorry, Cloe. – I hate you, I hate you all. – I should have kept my mouth shut. – Come on Ryan, in the neck. – I can’t do it. – I don’t believe this, here. – I can’t, I can’t kill anything. – But you’ll eat it, won’t ya? You’re pathetic, the pair of you. – It’s the way it looks at you, Lex. – What are you looking at? This isn’t a bullfight, go on, get out of here. Don’t look at me like that. – It’s much better over here isn’t it? – Yeah. – Babies like to look at their moms. (baby whimpers) Well, what do you think so far, Bray? – Hey, oh yeah, great. – What’s wrong? – I’m just thinking about Cloe. – I don’t suppose there’s much you could have done about it. I mean, it couldn’t stay, could it? Well, now there’s room for your things. – My things? – Well, I thought that now I’m looking after the baby properly, you’re so good with her and I’d feel safer too. I don’t trust that Lex. – No, he wouldn’t touch you. – I’m not attractive enough? – Oh Trudy. – [Trudy] Where are you going? – I let Cloe down, gotta make it up to her. – She’ll get over it. – Trudy, it was her pet. (birds chirp) – Thank You, Bluebell. (Bluebell moos) This is my number one lucky coin. You only get one chance, okay? That’s it, once chance, heads you live, tails you die. All right, best out of three. – Why don’t you just let it go and hunt it down? That would have been fun, eh, just like the cavemen. – You don’t eat meat Dal, that’s your business. Don’t break my back about it. – It was a pet, Jack. – All right, all right I get you. It was a pet and a walking burger bar. – You! – Hey. – Sorry. – What’s the matter with you two? – Nothing. – I’ve got some sensitive vegetarians around here. – Well, I could do with a big fat steak myself, rare. – Let’s just finish this rubbish. – Hey, it’s not rubbish, I worked it out scientifically. It’ll work. – Not without wire, it won’t, got anymore? – That was the last of (mumbles). – Great, we’re stuck then. – Is that for the water? – Brilliant – Of course it’s for the water, you great lunk. – I’ll get you some wire. – Go on, get out of here, you grateful cow, quick. (Bluebell moos) Get out of here, shoo. Come on! – Lex, what happened? – The Locos, they got me. (dog whimpers) – It was all I could do to save myself. – What happened to Bluebell? – Well, last I saw there were 20 of them, easy, hunting her down. (dog whimpers) Probably sacrificed to some god or other, sliced open her throat and eat her alive most likely. – That’s real funny, Lex. (chuckles) – Cloe, he was joking! – Hey! – Sorry, I was after Cloe, I didn’t see you. – You want to watch your kiddies games. You could have hurt my baby. – It wasn’t a game, she was upset. – She is always upset. – Look I’m sorry, I didn’t mean, let’s just forget it, okay? – Are you following us? – What? – You’re everywhere I go, always creeping about. – I don’t believe this. – Just stay away from us. – Us? – You think Bray’s wrapped around your little finger, don’t you? Well he isn’t Salene, so forget it. He’s family, he’s with me now, isn’t he darling? (baby coos) – We’ll see. – Come anywhere near Bray or Brady and I will scratch your eyes out. – I think Bray make up his own mind, don’t you? – He’s just beaten off a horde of Locos. – Yeah, you want my opinion? He had a fight with the calf and the calf won easy. – I’ve had enough of this. You don’t believe me, I couldn’t care less. – Where is the calf Lex? – Hey, where’s the meat? – [Woman] Sorry Ryan, it’s off the menu. – What happened? – The locos attacked him and they took the calf. (dog whimpers) You’ve really got it in for him, haven’t you? – It isn’t him I care about, it’s us. He’s doing a pretty good job of stuffing up everything we’ve got going for us. – You’d do better I suppose? Yeah, I suppose you would, but Lex isn’t gonna give up being leader, no way. – Here we, all right, Dal, (mumbles). We did it! – This, this is it? This is mud. – It’ll be fine when it rains. – I knew you’d be all right Bluebell, come on. – They’re stupid, pathetic. I should let them fend for themselves, see how they get on. – [Cloe] Let’s get away from these bullies. (mumbles), come on Bluebell. We have to get away from here, come on, come on, hurry. Come on, Bluebell. – [Salene] Just copy my fingers. – I can’t. – It’s all right Patsy, we’ll try again. – I can’t do it. – You’ll break it. – It’s not making any noise. – Well, what’s wrong with it? (piano keys clang) – So how’s our great leader? – What do you want? – It’s not easy getting folks to follow, is it? – Thanks to your little rebellion. – It’s not my rebellion. – No? – If you force people to do stuff that they think is unfair, that’s what happens. – Helps to have a ringleader like you there, doesn’t it? – It just happened, Lex, it didn’t need a leader. The girls don’t want to be cooks, cleaners, and skivvies any more than you do. – Different people are better at doing different things. – I know that, like you. – What about me? – You’re the best person for defending the mall, protecting us, that’s what you should be concentrating on. – I would be if everybody else would stay out of my hair and do what they were told. – why don’t you leave all that hassle to me? I’ll sort out the chores, the day-to-day stuff, take that off your hands. – You make it sound so easy. – Let me try. – Anything else? – Food, water and stuff, Bray would be good for that. – No way, he’d starve us. – I’m just trying to free you up so you can do what you do best, head of security. (Bluebell moos) – It’s okay Bluebell, we’re safe now. I’ll come back and visit you, okay Bluebell? Stay. (Bluebell moos) – Have fun did you? – What? – Wrecking the piano. – Where’d you get those? – From your contraption up there. – Ah, Salene, you didn’t. – What have you done to it? – You uncultured pigs! – Anyone seen the rolling pin? – Why couldn’t you tell us where you got these wires from? – You didn’t ask. – But Ryan, the piano? – Yeah, good idea wasn’t it? – You ruined it. – You can still play half of it. – You’re putting these back. – We’re putting them straight back into the rain water chute. – No you’re not. (dog whimpers) Great oaf! – Hey, come on, we need water. – He’s right Salene, it’s much more important. – Than what, their education? – Never did me any good. – You stupid stupid– – Calm down Sal. (dog barks) I know you’re upset about the baby, but don’t take it out on Ryan. – Whoa, whoa, steady there! – How come that’s a TV? – Oh, it’s not a TV. They’re for Cloe to make up for the calf. – A chicken! – What’s that doing here? – (mumbles) – [Girl] Bray got them. – Where’d it come from? – Around. – Well, let’s kill him before it gets too friendly. – No way. – Well, we can still get eggs, can’t we? I mean we don’t need a rooster for that. – No just feed, and I can get that. – [Ryan] Omelets. – Meranguines. – Think we found our provisions man. I like the chickens. – Yeah, I felt bad about Cloe. – [Amber] That’ll cheer her up. Listen Bray, I’ve been talking to Lex. He’s had it with this leader business, so I cut him a deal. He can look after defense. I’ll look after the day to day stuff, and you can take care of the provisions. – You don’t give up, do you? – Well where would that get us? – Have I a choice? – Not really no, well is that a yes? – I’ll give it a try. – Good one, I think you have something to tell everyone Lex? – Listen up everyone, as leader I’ll be making a few routine appointments. Amber’s now in charge of chores and all the other day-to-day stuff and Bray’s looking after food and water. So, any problems go to them first, understood? But don’t bother me, I’m chief of security. – It’s rain. – Bluebell, Bluebell, Bluebell where are you? Come back, we’re safe now, Bluebell. (lightning crashes) – (My (mumbles) worked. – (mumbles), it’s gonna burst apart. – Stand back, here it goes. (cheers) (dog barks) – [Girl] Trudy, got water! – We don’t want water, do we Brady? We want Bray. (gags) – It’s disgusting. – It’s all mucky. – [Lex] Better get the shampoo out, babe. – [Woman] Forget it. – It’ll be all right. – You’re kidding, aren’t you? – We got you the water, didn’t we? – If you call it that. – Keep your hair on, we’ll fix it somehow. – We’ll let you drink it first. – Where’s Cloe? – I haven’t seen her since that business with the calf. – Three guesses like she’s run away. – Oh no, not again. (dog whimpers) (dramatic music) (thunder crackling) – Bluebell! Bluebell, where are you? (thunder crackling) – No sign of her? – She’s not in the mall. – Or the car park. – She’s got to stop this. – Right. She put us all in danger if one of the other tribes decide to follow her back here. – Aw, looks who’s back. It’s your Uncle Bray. – We have to look outside for her. – We ain’t. – You can’t leave Cloe out there just to get one up on me. That’s pathetic. – And you’re pathetic if you think I’d do that. There’s a storm out there. It’ll be pitch black in half an hour. You got x-ray eyes, Superman? – She’s only little, Lex. Out there on her own. – You don’t have to be big to be an idiot. – Lex is right. It’s too dangerous to go out now. – Thanks Amber. At least somebody realizes I ain’t head of security for nothing. Look, if she’s not back we’ll look in the morning. Tonight she’s on her own. – What am I gonna tell Patsy and Paul? They’re really upset about Cloe. – You’d never do anything as stupid as that, would you Brady? No. We look after you, don’t we? (baby fussing) – What are you trying to say, Trudy? – Tell them we’ll find her tonight. (melancholic music) – She’s dead! I know she is. – No, don’t say that. Don’t! – Hey, hey, what’s wrong? – Cloe’s not dead, is she? – Of course not. I’m sure she’s just sheltering from the rain. – Wish Bob was with her. (dog groaning) – She’s gonna be alright. I promise. – We were just off to bed. Who wants to say goodnight to Brady? Just a quick night night to Patsy and Paul. Then we have to go ’cause someone’s coming to see us. Yes they are. Your Uncle Bray. (thunder crackling) (water pouring) – It’s still yucky. – Maybe we should taste it. It might not be as horrible as it looks. – You first. – It was your invention. You should have the honor. – No way. No one else will want to either. (baby fussing) – Ah, sweet. (baby crying) Not again. – She’s just tired. She was never asleep. – She hardly ever sleeps, not unless you’re around. She’s really happy then. She really loves you, Bray. You can tell. She’ll be up again as soon as you go. I won’t get a wink of sleep. I never do. – Well, that’s what babies do. There’s not much you can do about it. – Well, perhaps if you stayed. – No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. – I do the best I can, you know. I do try. – I know you do, Trudy. – It’s so hard being on my own without a dad for her. – You’re tired, Trudy. You should get some rest. – How can I? She won’t let me. She’ll start again as soon as you go. – Okay, I’ll stay. – Thank you. – Now get some rest, okay. (melancholy music) Sweet dreams. – Come on, come on. Water moats, that’s no use. Ah, filtration. Ancient systems. – Is this what you looking for, Mr.Technology? – What? Gravel and sand filters. – And what’s in those bags at the back of the hardware store? – Gravel and sand. (baby crying) – Oh for God’s sake, not again. – It’s alright. It’s okay. Shh. – Bray, try bringing her in here with me maybe she’ll settle. (gentle romantic music) Don’t go. – Trudy, I’m tired. – Hold me Bray, please, just for a minute. (gentle romantic music) (baby fussing) (birds chirping) Bray, you forgot your. Oh, morning Salene. (dog panting) – Alright, all those volunteers for Operation Stupid Kid put up your hands. (dog whining) – Dal and I can’t go. – We’ve almost finished the water purification system. – Been up all night. – Three of us will be enough. – I could come. – Don’t be ridiculous. – What’s so ridiculous? Girls are as good as boys. – That’s true. – Patsy and Paul need you here, Salene. We don’t need them worrying about you as well. – What about Bob? He could track her. – Leave it out. – He knows her smell. (dog whining) – He’s a mutt, not a tracking dog. He’ll go chasing after some bunny rabbit and we’ll all be stuffed. Forget it. – I’ll look after the children, Salene. Cloe will be really happy to see you. – And what if they don’t find Cloe? You’re like a mother to Patsy and Paul. You can’t leave them here fretting on their own. – Okay, I’ll stay. You’re right, Amber. I am the best mother here. – Right, let’s hit it before the Locos get on the move. And remember, I do security around here. (acoustic music) – Let’s hope they don’t end up killing each other. – Hurry up. Oye, where you going? – To the woods. – [Lex] On who’s orders? – Cloe will be looking for the calf, you said so yourself. Calf will head for grass, not concrete. – Bet the Locos have her. Ain’t they, Bray? – So you said. – Right, I saw them. Now, correct me if I’m wrong. I mean, you do know the Locos a lot better than I do. But green trees, pretty grass, not exactly their choice of hang out. Look, we’re going for the city. Concrete and decay, that’s where she’ll be looking. Unless of course you wanna make something of it. (melancholy music) (birds tweeting) – Turn it on. Slowly. (water flowing) Amazing. It’s a bit simple. – Apparently the microbes attach themselves to the gravel and sand. – Well I know, but does it work? (water bubbling) – Okay, I’ll be Captain Dan. (gasping) What? – Cloe’s piece. – Oh, sorry. I’ll be the blue one then, Commander Stariff, okay. – Um, you don’t mind if I do this in here, do you? It’s miserable on my own, and Amber’s no fun at all. – I love the Freedom Troopers. The Warlord’s dumb. – I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I mean, all I said was, "Did you see where Bray slept last night?" And she snapped my head off. – Where did he sleep? – It’s your turn. – Looks like Mother Superior’s finally got her claws into him. I mean, he’s never slept there before, has he? (melancholy music) – Patsy, that’s five, and you moved six. – Cheat. – No, I’m not. It was a mistake. – Well, I suppose it had to happen eventually. The way she uses that baby to get his attention. Got more than his attention now, I expect. Where are you going? – You take over. – But Salene, my nails! What’s got into her? – Did Bray sleep with Trudy? – Oh, me and my big mouth. – Hey Salene, what’s the rush? Hey, what’s wrong? Is it Cloe? Are the others back? – No, it’s nothing. – It doesn’t look like nothing. – Just leave it, Amber. – Hey, come on. We’re all in this together. You can talk to me. – Not about this. – Try me. – I don’t want to. – Oh, I get it. This is about Trudy and the baby. – Congratulations, you can add psychic to your long list of skills. – Hey, don’t take it out on me. The baby belongs to Trudy, Salene. You always knew that. – No, she may have had her, and given her that stupid name, but it was me who fed her and got up with her at night until Trudy suddenly saw her as a way to get Bray into bed. – Oh, and you never thought of the baby in that way, did you? – Just keep your nose out of it, Amber. You’re not as important in everyone’s lives as you think. Some of us actually like to do things without checking with you first. – Spread out and cover the area. If Zoot’s alive, we’ll find him. Move! (mysterious music) (dog groaning) – Will you do my hair after, Zandra? – Sure. I can cut it if you like. (laughing) (mumbles) What’s he say? – He says if you cut it, I’ll look like a demon dog. – I won’t cut it that short, Paul. I’ll just style it for you then, shall I? How about a french plait? – Please. Can you do Salene’s after? – [Zandra] Yeah. What do you say, Salene? Fancy makeover? – I don’t think so, Zandra. – Come on, Salene. Zandra’s really good. – Not today. – Oh go on, you’ll feel better. – I feel fine. – You don’t look it, kid. – Just leave me alone, will you? (mumbles) – What? – I am not a grumpy pants. – At least it wasn’t my big mouth this time. (mysterious music) – Should’ve looked in the woods. – She ain’t there. – She could’ve been, Lex. – Yeah, and she could’ve been in one of the Locos’ cooking pots too. – You didn’t find her then? Well, where did you look? – The city. – Look, Uncle Bray is back. The children are looking for you, Salene. – Not now Trudy, I’m tired. – See you later then. I’m going back to bed. I’m worn out. (baby fussing) – Oh yeah. – [Bray] What are we gonna do about Cloe? – There’s only one thing for it. We’ll look in the woods. – Hey, wait a minute. – You don’t have to go. – I’m Chief of Security remember. Nobody’s going. – We can’t leave her out there on her own, Lex. – And we can’t keep on wandering around out there either. What if somebody sees us and follows us back? It’s too risky. Better one of us gets caught than all of us. And if it’s her, just pray she doesn’t blab. – [Bray] Well all the more reason to find her, surely. – And what if she doesn’t wanna be found? She doesn’t exactly stick around here much, does she? (melancholy music) – I thought I might find you in here. It’s a good place to be on your own, isn’t it? – I thought it was. – Oh it is. No one ever thinks of looking in here. – Except you. – Yeah, well, I’m a girl, aren’t I? We’re in tune, you and me. – Yeah, look Zandra — – It’s okay. You don’t have to explain. That Trudy’s a right cow. Don’t worry, Salene. I’m sure Bray fancies you, really. – I don’t think so, Zandra. – He does. I can read the signs. There’s a real chemistry between you two. – And there’s a baby between him and Trudy. – Oh, that’s just a responsibility. That’s all it is with her. Duty, hassle. He has a laugh with you. – And spends the night with her. – Yeah well, he’s a guy, isn’t he? They can’t help themselves. Don’t give up, girl. Just keep giving him them smoldering looks. He’ll come round. Listen to your Auntie Zandra. – I do not give him smoldering looks. – Well you should start. I’ll show you. – Uh, no thanks. Bray isn’t like Lex. – Sweetheart, they’re all the same. And we girls have gotta stick together, haven’t we? (tense music) – I can’t eat this. I want Cloe back. – I’ll have it then. – Try to eat, Patsy. What will Cloe say if she comes back and finds you’ve made yourself ill? – Tada! – [Dal] It’s ready. – Clean water, grab your glasses. – Is that really the same stuff? – Yep. – Yep. – How’d you do it? – Sand and gravel filter. – I can’t see any sand or gravel in it. – There isn’t any sand in it because it’s been filtered through it. – Probably still some germs in it though. You can’t see germs. – Well it hasn’t, it’s purified. – Who said? Taken it down to the lab, have you? Had it tested? – I’ve been doing this for years, Lex. – Centuries. – Look, why don’t we all just try it? – You first. To Jack and Dal, our technological wizards. – Lex. (dog whining) – This is great. – Give me some. (dog whining) It tastes like real water. – It is real water, dummy. – Hey, watch it. – It’s amazing though. Out of the clouds, onto our roof, to this. – It’s like a miracle. – Perhaps it is. – Oh, give me a break. Oye, what are you playing at? – It’s for Bob. – No, it’s for humans. I’m in charge of food around here. – Carry on, Patsy. (dog slurping) – Hey babe, what’s up? You missed supper. – You’re very observant. – I feel for you really. Zandra told me about Bray messing you around and it’s not right, not a classy babe like you. – What do you want, Lex? – I don’t like seeing good people treated bad. After all you’ve done for Trudy and that. – What is this, Lex the Agony Aunt? – Look, I’m tough, okay. But it’s a tough world out there, and I wanna survive. Doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings. – What exactly are you doing? – Best way to unwind, massage. Feel good? Look, relax. Let Lexie take care of you. – Just remember, I’ve got a great right hook. Lex. – Trust me, Sal. You’ve got very soft skin. – Salene, Patsy wants. What the? – It was nothing, Zandra. Lex was just– – I can see what Lex was just, thank you very much. You, out. Now. – It was you that told me she was upset, Zan. I was just– – Save it, Lex. – Another time. – She’s settled now. It’s lovely, isn’t it? – All babies are lovely. – Not just her. I’m so glad you decided to be with us, Bray. – She’s family. – We’re family almost, you, me, and Brady. (baby fussing) (melancholy music) (dog panting) (mumbles) – You mustn’t worry about Cloe now. Must they, Salene? (dog groaning) – Salene’s very upset, isn’t she? – She misses Cloe as well. – I think it’s about Bray and Trudy. – Shhh. Look, we all miss Cloe, Paul, but she’s gonna be fine. – Who’s gonna look after her while she’s in the woods? – Remember Hansel and Gretel? They lived for ages in the forest, didn’t they? With all the little animals covering them with leaves and stuff. – That’s Babes in the Wood. – Oh, nevermind. Anyway, the point is that Cloe’s at least as clever as them, and she doesn’t have a wicked witch to worry about. – They didn’t have the Locos to worry about. – Look, first thing in the morning we’ll look for her again, okay. – Bob would’ve found her by now. (dog groaning) – We don’t know that. – Lex is horrible. – Yeah, well we do know that. Sweet dreams. Night Salene. (gentle music) – Oh come on, Zan. How long are you gonna keep this up? Zan. Doll. This is all I was doing, just a neck rub. Hey Zan, you’re my girl. – Yeah. Then stay away from Salene. Just ’cause she can’t have Bray doesn’t mean she’s having you, Lex. No way. – So, you’re having me instead then. – Get off. – It’s all been so horrible. Zoot dying, and then my illness. – That’s all over now. – I’ve been so scared. She’s only a tiny baby but she needs so much. – I know, I know it’s been hard. – But it’s all gonna be okay now, isn’t it? I don’t know what we’d do without you, Bray. – Oh, you’d cope. – I don’t think so. – Don’t, Trudy. – It’s okay, I want this. – No, you’ve had a long day, okay. You’re tired. – No, I want you. I want us. – No. – Why? You know you want to. – Trudy. – You know I never loved Zoot. – This isn’t the time. – What’s the matter? – Cloe’s out there on her own, Trudy. Aren’t you just a little bit concerned for her? (baby crying) – Oh, shut up Brady. (upbeat music) (birds chirping) – We’ve searched everywhere for him. He’s not here. Hey, do you want a drink? – That thing credits for a stray. Hey you! – You okay, Salene? – [Salene] Fine, thanks. – I thought I told you to lay off. – What? I was only trying to console her. – Well, don’t. – When did you get so heartless, Zandra? You’ve never been dumped before? – And Bray didn’t dump her. – I thought you said he was sleeping with Trudy. – He’s confused, that’s all. – Oh, that’s the sort of confusion I could live with. – Drop it, Lex. Unless you wanna know what it feels like to be dumped. (mellow music) (groaning) – Look at that. Clear as a bell. I’m a genius. I am a genius. – What are you on about? – Pure rainwater, collected and filtered for drinking. Just looking at it makes me feel kind of– – Humble? – Yeah, that’s it, that’s the word. – Give me that. – What for? – Ryan needs it. He’s going to the stream with Bray. – Why take the risk when we’ve got our own supply? – Sorry to break it to you, Jack, but we need a lot more water than that thing can provide. Unless you’ve found a way to make it rain three times a day. Shouldn’t be too hard for a genius. – He’s a two-timing rat. All men are the same. You think Bray’s different just because he’s always rushing around being a superhero? – He is different. He has principles. – What principles? Leading you on like that, he’s no better than any of them. – Leave it, Zandra. – Tell me I’m wrong. – First of all, he isn’t two-timing anyone. He had a choice, and he chose Trudy, and that’s the end of it. – I know it may seem that way, but let’s not be hasty. – What do you mean? – Well, have it out with him at least. Don’t give up without a fight. – You’ve just been telling me he’s not worth it. – True. But at least he’s good-looking. I mean, all I’m saying is if you really want him, do something about it. – Dal, wait! I didn’t mean like that. Obviously you played your part too. – Thanks. – I was in the driving seat, but you were the best assistant I could have wished for. – It’s always a pleasure to serve Jack. – Which reminds me, I’ve got another project in mind. A new way of keeping out unwanted visitors. Interested? So touchy all of a sudden. – Here’s another one for you. – Careful with that, it’s got rainwater in it. – What am I supposed to do with that? – I don’t know, pour it out somewhere. – No! Oh, good call, Ryan. Have a good trip. Bring back lots of nice water. Geez. – What, you can’t just give up. – What? – What, are you deaf? – He says we can’t just give up. – I know. Look, finding Chloe is more important than finding water, I agree, but listen, Paul, we’re not giving up. When we’ve stocked up on supplies, we’ll be better able to search for Chloe, okay? – Poor kid. – Who, Paul? – Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Leading them on like that? – How do you mean? – Come off it, Amber. We’re never gonna see Chloe again, and you know it. My guess is she’s already left the sector, probably even the city. And that’s if she hasn’t been captured. – How can you be so sure? – We looked everywhere. All the places she used to sneak off to. She’s gone. – Listen, Lex, you’ve got your job to do, security. Leave missing persons to me. – You just don’t wanna face it. She never wanted to be part of this outfit in the first place. – Wonder why. – We’re leaving. – Good luck. – Get some food, while you’re out there. A spare rib or two wouldn’t go amiss. – Bray? I’m coming with you. – [Amber] Uh, Salene? – What? Those water bottles will be heavy. – I’m sure they can manage. – I can’t believe this. Do I need to get written permission now every time I want to go outside? – Look, let’s just talk about this. – Nothing to talk about. I volunteered to help get water. – Bray? – I guess. I mean, another pair of hands. – Thank you. – It’ll all end in tears. – [Chloe] Ow! – Forgive me. This will reduce the swelling. – Who are you? – My name is Tai San, but please, no more questions. We must be quiet. We’re not out of danger yet. (baby cooing) – It’s all genetic, that’s what they say. – It’s what who says? Grownup? – What they used to say. From the moment you’re born, you either take the lead, or you follow it. I mean, look at Ryan, carrying those water bottles for Bray. The sad part is he enjoys doing it. – So? – Well, one day, and probably pretty soon by the looks of things, you’re gonna want a baby of your own, and I’m just saying that’s where you should start looking. In my genes. – Have either of you seen Bray? – No, not for a while. He took Salene and went off into the woods for some reason. – He what? (somber music) – Now what? – Is it true? – Is what true? – Bray and Salene. – Trudy, they’re collecting water. – Sure. You’re in on it. You planned this, didn’t you? You and Salene. – I did what? – Don’t deny it. You’re all against me. You didn’t want me when I first arrived, and you still don’t want me now. – That is crazy. – Bray was mine before we ended up in this dump, but you couldn’t leave us alone, could you? You had to break us up. – Me? I’m the one who tried to stop her going. – Oh, so you admit she’s after him. – Well, that’s not exactly hard to spot. You’d have to be Ryan to miss that one. Look, why come to me, anyway? I’m admin, not marriage guidance. – You’re on her side! You always have been! – Look, just believe whatever you want, Trudy. It’s not my problem. – That’s about all we can carry. Thanks, Salene, it was a good idea, you coming. – Don’t mention it. – Are you okay? (sighing) – I didn’t really come here to help out. At least, that was one reason. – Huh? – I needed to talk to you about some things. But I guess I’ll never be like Zandra. I can never be angry with you, even if I try. – That’s nice to know. – Bray, why are you doing this? I thought we had something special between us. Why do you want to hurt me? – Well, if it’s not too much to ask, what exactly are you talking about? – You and Trudy, what else? Don’t lie to me. That’s what’s so hurtful, when you lie about it. You could’ve let me down gently. – Can we start over with this? If you must know, I’m not getting on with Trudy. She’s driving me nuts. As though it’s any of your business. – Well, that’s even worse. – What? – Sleeping with her when you don’t even care about her. (somber music) – Bray! Loco camp over there, they can’t be very far away! – Okay, we’re finished here. Let’s go. – It feels better already. What did you put on it? – Wild herbs, hanaka and comfrey. – Where to? – I was hoping you’d tell me. What are you doing here in the woods all alone, Chloe? – It’s a long story. I had this pet calf Bluebell. They wanted to eat her, so I brought her here. Then she ran off. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. What about you? – My story’s not important. Except that it brought me to you. – Thank you for saving me. – It was written, just as it is written that I must follow you. – Follow me? But I’m lost. – Often when people say they’re lost, they’re just not listening hard enough. – Listening to what? – Their heart. If you had to choose a path, which way would you go? No, don’t look, listen. You remember the way. You’ve just forgotten that you remember it. – I thought you said all the batteries were dead. – Uh, well, nearly all. I had a couple saved in case of a real emergency. Okay, suppose you’re a Loco, armed to the teeth, walking through the sewer, trying to break in. Now it’s dark, it’s quiet, but you’re not scared. You’re a Loco. But your pulse rate is up just a little bit, your palms are beginning to get a bit sweaty. – Get on with it. – The tripwire’s so fine you don’t feel a thing. Next thing you know… (howling) You’re surrounded by wolves. Pretty effective, huh? – As soon as you get it working, let me know. – Doesn’t that guy ever praise anybody? – True men of vision are never recognized in their own time, Jack. (baby cooing) – What’s that? – Water. What do you think? – Exactly what am I supposed to think? You’ve been off collecting water, you and your friend. – No. – Well, I hope you’re satisfied. Everyone’s laughing at me, stuck here holding the baby while you are off partying. How do you think that makes me feel? So. Was she good? Was it worth it? Where are you going? – I’m not even going to bother to explain. You wouldn’t understand anyway. – Bray. Don’t go. – I just want five minutes’ peace. We’ll talk later. – Chloe, Chloe, Chloe! – What’s he saying? – Chloe! Chloe, we were so worried. What happened? – Are you all right? – Hey, what happened to your foot? – I got chased by the Locos. I fell over and broke it. – It’s not broken, only sprained. She’ll be fine. – She rescued me. If it wasn’t for her, I’d be a prisoner of the Locos now. – Thank you. And welcome. – What’s going on here? And who’s she? – She brought Chloe back to us. – How’d you get in here? Jack, didn’t you get that alarm fixed up yet? What are you trying to do, get us all killed? – You must be starving, both of you. Welcome to the mall. – Tai San, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Tai San. – [Tai San] Thank you. – [Dal] Weren’t you scared when night fell? – At least I could hide from the Locos. But if I’d known the secret, I could’ve found my way home any time. – Secret? – Listening. Tai San showed me how. – [Amber] But why did you run away, Chloe? Were you upset about Bluebell? – Yeah, well, it’s all ancient history. Forget it. – I took her off to be safe, but then she ran off. – You? Lex? I thought you said the Locos had taken off with Bluebell. – That’s right. They must have let her go again. – Oh, that’ll be it. They’ll all have turned vegetarian. – Am I the only one that’s noticed we’re faced with a serious breach of security here? A total stranger walks into the mall and nobody bats an eyelid, nobody questions it. Well, I’ve got a couple of questions for you, Tai San, or whatever you call yourself. Who are you, where’d you come from, and what do you want? – That’s three questions. – Shut it. – If you’re finished, Tai San is our guest. Are you gonna show some manners? – Have it your way, Amber. You usually do. I’m gonna go see about making this place secure. Jack, Dal, with me. – I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble. – [Amber] You haven’t, don’t be silly. – We should have a party! To celebrate getting Chloe back. – So, how does the tripwire set off the laptop? – That’s Dal’s area. – Since when? Don’t tell me. Since you realized you didn’t know how to do it. – I’m the ideas man, technical advisor. You’re chief engineer. – Giving each other titles? – Oh, is something wrong with it, Mr. Chief of Security? – We’re gonna have a little party for Chloe. Could you organize some music, Jack? – Sure. Dal, can you finish off there, please? – A party? – [Amber] Oh, don’t start. – With music? Don’t you think this could be what she planned? This could be a signal for the rest of her tribe. Before you know it, we could be overrun. – Better fix that alarm, then. – You don’t know anything about her. – You’re right. We have to be careful. But I’m pretty sure about one thing. She’s not a Locos, or a Demon Dog. Anyway, we could do a lot worse than being overrun by a tribe of spaced-out hippies. – I’d like to know how. – [Salene] Trudy? – Get out. Leave me alone. – Listen. I did go with Bray to fetch the water. Well, to talk to him. I thought, I don’t know what I thought. – You thought you’d take him off me. – Yes, maybe I did. Well, I was wrong. And I just wanted to say I’m sorry. And that I won’t interfere any more, okay? – There’s something not right about that girl. Every time you look around, she’s staring at you. It’s spooky,. – Jack, remember what you were saying about you being in charge and me being the assistant? – You know I wasn’t being serious about that. – No, but I was. I think you should be the boss. Take responsibility for everything. – Really? Oh, okay. – Good. First thing you can do is go and tell Lex we’re not sure whether the alarm’s working. – It is a time of great loneliness. We all feel the need for love, that’s why it’s a good thing to be part of a tribe. – [Zandra] If you met the Demon Dogs, you wouldn’t think so. – But all this will pass, in time. Even a Demon Dog must grow older and wiser. – If the virus doesn’t get him first. – What about you, Tai San? Do you belong to a tribe? – Of sorts, but my path is different. I’ve elected to follow my heart, wherever it may lead me. I cannot stop until I find what I’m seeking. – And what is that? – Truth. – I think I’m gonna throw up. – So, what are you called? – Called? – Your tribe. – We don’t have a name. – We just sort of came together accidentally. – There are no accidents in this world. – I’ve got a name for us. The Rats. – No. – Why not? We live like them. Mall rats. Scratching for food. – I know! How about the Dolphins? (groaning) – Come on, let’s be the Rats. I can be the King Rat. I’ve got a battle cry that’ll strike fear into the hearts of all our enemies. (howling) (distant howling) – It’s the alarm, it’s working! (squeaking) – Go ahead. I’m with you. – I know you’re out there, and we’re not afraid. Come out and face us. (dog barking) (laughing) – Bob, it’s you! – Stupid animal. – Bob, what were you doing, frightening us like that? – [Chloe] We thought you were a Loco. – You see? – What? – The spirit of the tribe, spelling hope for the future. – What’s she on about now? – Lex, be quiet. Go on, Tai San. – We’ve come together for a purpose. We are a tribe, but we are still lacking something. That something is pride. – What’s this we are a tribe? Nobody’s invited you to join us. – And yet I am here. Perhaps that’s why I’ve come, to restore your pride in one another by giving you a name. Please. Let’s form a circle. Everyone join hands. (mellow New Age music) – What harm can it do? – All this for a name? – It’s more than a name. It’s a future. – Ryan? You’re kidding me. Not you too. – Lex, just grab someone’s hand. – I’ll join hands on one condition. We’re called the Mall Rats. Any objections? – Well, actually, rats are very intelligent creatures, with highly developed family units. – So we could do worse. – I can’t believe I’m doing this. – Let’s all close our eyes and focus for a moment. – Wait. – That’s it. We’re all here. – As of this day, all who join hands are bound together as one, brothers and sisters to the end. (upbeat dance music) – Bray. Can I talk to you? – How are you feeling? – Better, thanks. – Listen, I’m sorry about what I said. – No, you’re right. It isn’t your problem. I guess it’s just, I’ve always thought of you as leader. I suppose that’s why I thought you were in on it. – Well, that’s what I’ve been talking to Tai San about. Maybe we don’t need leaders any more. Maybe there’s hope for us yet. – I just wanted to apologize. – No, it’s me, not you. I oughta tell you, I know what it looks like, but I’m not sleeping with Trudy. – You’re not? – I don’t want that sort of complication in my life. Trying to play happy families in a looted shopping mall? I mean, it’s crazy. There’s too much to be done. – What about Brady? – I’ll do my best, for my brother’s sake. But the truth is, Salene, I’m glad Brady’s not mine. I don’t want the responsibility of trying to raise a baby in a world like this. – I’m sorry. – What’s the matter? – I don’t want a baby either. All I’ve ever wanted was to feel I belong somewhere. – It’s all right. – Bray? – Trudy. – Oh, what? It’s not how it looks? Please. – It’s not. – After everything you said to me, you little liar. You lied to me. – I don’t lie. – You said there was nothing going on between you and Salene. – There wasn’t, it just happened, a spontaneous, spur of the moment thing. – Don’t you dare say it meant nothing. – Look, I like Salene, and I care about her, but I care about you too. – That’s supposed to make me feel better, is it? Bray’s little harem, I’m lucky enough to be one of his girlies. – Look, I can’t live this fantasy you’re creating about us. – What is so difficult? We’ve got Brady, we care about each other, what do you want, Bray, tell me, I can be it, anything. – What I want is some space and peace. And I’m obviously never gonna get it around here. – Hey, you’re up early. – Things to organize, places to go. – You sound like a girl with plans. – Too right, man type plans. – I should’ve guessed. So what’s Lex in for now then? – Just a zap of romance, it’s what’s missing in our lives. – And the rest? – This survival business is all very well, but we women need a bit of love and attention at times. – So yorue gonna bombard him with champagne and roses? – I’m just planning a cozy, candlelit dinner for two. Whip up something amazing from the food store, wear my sexiest number. – I think I get the picture. – I’ll have him whispering sweet nothings in my ear by the end of the evening. – You’ll have him hot and bothered, more like. – Fine, I can handle Lex. – Me too. Which makes me wonder. – What? – Why do you bother? – We’re not all frigid, Amber. – Look what I found in the antique shop. – We had an atlas like that at school. – Yucky. – Ms. Jenkins used to make us point and say Paris is the capital of France and Austria is the capital of Holland. – That’s not right, it’s Amsterdam, Austria is a whole different country, stupid. – What’s Austria’s capital then, smarty pants? – It’s, it hasn’t got one. – Of course it has, all countries have got capitals. Amber? – What? – Haven’t all countries got capitals? – Yes, why do you ask? – Chloe said Austria doesn’t have one. – So what, it doesn’t matter. – Well, geography is important so we know where we are in the world. – I know exactly where we are, stuck in this stupid mall, and I suppose we’ll be here forever. – Hi, sexy. Fancy getting in? – Now, why would I wanna do that? – Warm this cold, cold bed. – Time you’re up anyway. – Says who? – Can’t have our chief of security lying around drooling over Ferraris. – It’s a weird world we live in now. Before, Ferraris were totally out of reach. You had to be a rockstar to own one. – Or grow up with one. – Now there’s all the Ferraris you can lay your hands on, but no juice. – Nevermind, you can still have the things that matter, like me. – Depends what you mean by have. – Let’s not get into that. – Where’s the fun in life? – I can answer that, tonight. Candlelit dinner for two. – Which two? – Your pick. – As invites go, I’ve had Better. – It’ll be great, your favorite grub, food rationing permitting. – Sounds more promising. – Just you and me, alone, together. – It’s getting better by the minute. – Do I take that as a yes? – Depends. – On what? – Whether you’re gonna wear your feathers and lace. – You’ll just have to wait and see. My place, 7:30, and don’t be late. (baby cooing) – Up, Bo, come on, lie down, Bo. Sometimes, do you hate it here? – Yes. – I do, and I hate everyone too. Except you and Brady. Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. – No, it’s not you, Chloe, it’s Bray. He’s gone. – You mean gone, gone, forever? – I don’t know. – Men aren’t good things, are they? They always upset you and make you cry. – The ones I meet do. – Did you love Bray? – Do, I do love Bray. – I’m never going to love boys. They’re too much trouble. – I wish I thought the same way as you. – You’ll get married very late in life, and have three children. – If it’s so late, when will I get the chance to have three kids. – Fate will arrange it for you. You have to trust, Amber. – You really believe all this? – Most definitely. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. – Shakespeare, Hamlet. – You remembered something from school, then. – Which is more than can be said for those kids. They didn’t know what the capital of Austria was. – Oops. – So I’ve been thinking we need to start some lessons. – Great idea. – Is that great as in boring or great as in you’ll help? – You’ve twisted my arm. – Cool, well I’m okay at maths and English, but I’m rubbish at physics and chemistry. – Forget them. – But they’re important. – Tell me why. – Well, physics for example, Jack is building all sorts of stuff for us to communicate with. – All we need to communicate is mouths, ears, eyes, hearts. – Well, fine for in here, but what about out there. – We’ve got to learn to deal with present reality, Amber. Right now, you and I are all that exist. – Sounds heavy. Tai-San? – Yes? – Do you think you could come down off the ether long enough to teach the kids their times tables. – I’ll try and fit it in between meditations. – You’re on. (baby crying) – [Bob] Trudy, do you think Brady needs changing? – I don’t know. – Or maybe she’s hungry. – Maybe. – Trudy, what’s happened? Is there anything we can do? – It’s just something Chloe said. – Something Chloe said upset you? – She asked if Bray had gone gone, like forever. – I didn’t know he’d gone at all. And if he has, it’s nothing new. – Shut up, Jake. He’s left you again? (baby crying) Did you argue? – I think I’ve really done it this time scared him off for good. – I’m sorry. – I couldn’t handle it, Dal, if he never came back. What would I do? – I think the baby is a bit pongy. – Trudy? – I think we better take sprocket away, don’t you? (baby crying) – She needs changing. – Oh, like it needs saying. – Why isn’t Trudy doing it? – She’s sleeping. – You mean she doesn’t want to. Why not? – She’s depressed about Bray. – What’s he gone and done now? – He’s just gone. – Why, they seemed to be getting on really well. – Relationships, who can tell. – Anyway, we better get going. Jack’s got a… – Fish to fry. – I am tired of being lumbered with her responsibilities. – It must be hard though. – Why? – Coping with a newborn baby. And a free spirited guy who doesn’t know what he wants. – Very sympathetic of you. What do you mean doesn’t know what he wants? – Okay, I mean who, doesn’t know who he wants. – You or Trudy, what have you done, Salene? – It was just one kiss, a quick snog, I don’t know why she’s making such a fuss about it. – You kissed Bray? – At Chloe’s party. We didn’t mean to. – That’s the most pathetic excuse I’ve ever heard. – It wasn’t an excuse. It’s a fact, and I don’t want any lectures, thank you. – You realize you could’ve just crashed the whole group, shaky as it is. – Don’t be so dramatic, Amber. Guys have dumped girls before and the world survived. – You think he might come back to you then. – If that kiss was anything to go by. – You said it was just one quick snog. – I lied. – It’s amazing what you can do with tuna, tin beans, and mashes, isn’t it? – And I thought I was eating pepperoni pizza. – Idiot. I am a woman of many talents, even if I do say so Myself. – Don’t I know it, babe. – Go on, list them then. – Well, you cook, you look drop dead sexy, and I bet you’d be great in bed. – Lex, don’t spoil things. – You know you don’t mean that. – Don’t, Lex. – I’ve had enough of this, you little tease. You know you want it. And babe, you’re gonna get it. – Don’t Lex, please, stop it, get off me. – What are you doing, Lex? – Who invited you. – Get off, get off. – It was her own fault, she asked for it. – Stop it, Ryan, you’re strangling him. – You all right? – No. How could he? – I don’t know, I suppose he got a bit carried away. – A bit, he almost raped me. He would’ve, if you hadn’t stopped him. You’re a hero. – Anyone would do the same. – You saved me, Ryan. And I’m really, truly grateful. (upbeat music) One minute, we were snogging. And the next, he jumped on me. – What did you expect him to do? Suggest a game of Ludo? – Cut it out, Salene, can’t you see she’s still freaked? – It was so awful, I was terrified. – Not half as terrified as Lex will be when I get ahold of him. – Why, what are you gonna do to him? – I haven’t figured out something horrible enough yet. Before, he would’ve been put on trial for assault. – That’s going a bit far, isn’t it? – He has to be punished. – No, no. Just forget it, please. Zandra, if we let him get away with it, what kind of message does that send to the others. You want to sleep safe in your bed at night, don’t you? – Well, yeah, but… – But? – What if it wasn’t all his fault? – What do you mean? – What if I might’ve been leading him on a tiny bit. – Hard to imagine. – Shut up, Salene. So you want him to get away with it? – I expect he’s feeling horribly guilty. I’m sure he won’t try it again. – Lex isn’t getting away with it, he’s really messed up his psychic energy. – Who cares? – It’s not good for the group, bad vibes. – What about Zandra’s psychic energy. He certainly gave that a bashing. – You’re right, Amber. They both need to do something to repair the damage. – Well I know what I’ll be doing, staying as far away from him as possible. – That’s not the answer. What you both need is healing communion. – Tai-San is getting weird again. What I need is a cup of tea. – Me too. – So what’s healing communion when it’s at home? – Like marriage. – You’ve got to be joking. – You won’t give him what he wants because you’re afraid he’ll dump you. – Too right, he would. – Meanwhile, he’s so frustrated, he’s jumping on you. – Don’t remind me. – Doesn’t marriage solve both problems. – If you put it like that. – I’ll even perform the ceremony. – You’re serious, aren’t you? (birds chirping) – [Kids] Priestess power, priestess power, priestess power. Priestess power, priestess power, priestess power, priestess power, priestess power, priestess power, priestess power, priestess power, priestess power. – Look, get him. (kids yelling) – You okay now? – Much better, thanks. – He shouldn’t have done it. – I expect he’s holed up somewhere feeling dead guilty. – Lex? – Maybe not. – I brought you this. – We don’t have baths, Ryan. But it’s a lovely thought. I’ll keep it for when we do. – So you’re single now. – I suppose so. – Me too. – That’s right. – We’re both single. – Yes, Ryan. – I’d take much better care of you than he ever did. Please, Zandra, give me a chance? – You mean us? Go out together? – I could make you happy, I know I could. – You’re so sweet. – I don’t wanna be sweet. I wanna be like Lex so you’ll fancy me. – No you don’t. You’re a far better man than Lex, only… – You don’t fancy me. – I’ve always gone for the bums, it’s in my nature. If only I could fall for a good guy like you. – So you’re saying no. – I’m saying find a girl that deserves you. And I’m really sorry it’s not me. – Okay, let’s try 11 into 176. Chloe, what do we do first? – 11 goes into 17 nearly twice. – You’re supposed to say once and six leftover. – Well done Patsy, come and write that up. – What do we do now Paul? (babbles) – Paul. – I know, 11 into 66 goes six, so the answer is 16. – Clever clogs. – Just because you can’t do maths. – I could if someone else wasn’t always butting in first. – Kids, this isn’t a competition. Anyway, we’ve all got different talents. – She’s best at sucking her thumb. – You promised you wouldn’t say. You promised. – What’s it matter anyway? – It does to her, that was unkind. – I told you we’d have been better off teaching them about caring and sharing. – I’m never sharing anything with her. – I think I’ve gone off this idea in a big way. Class dismissed. (game beeping) – I suppose you’ve come for an apology. – That would be nice, yes. – All right, I’m sorry. But a man can only take so much come-on. – I was only flirting. – Well, when it works and I get excited, what am I supposed to do. – Show some restraint, and respect. – You should try being a man, it’s not that easy. You all right. – Yeah, thanks for asking. – I suppose that’s it then. – Not exactly. – You wanna give it another go? – I want us to get married. – You’ve gotta be winding me up, right? – No. – How come? – Tai-San said we’d both be getting what we wanted, and it’d be spiritually uplifting. – Oh, in that case, yeah. – So what do you say? – I say you’re completely off your trolley. – Sorry. – No, you stay, Ryan, I’m out of here. – You were way out of order, you shouldn’t treat a woman like that. You– – she just asked me to marry her. – Not seriously. – Dead. – But there’s no one proper to marry you both, so it couldn’t be real. – Good point. Good point. (kids yelling) – Tie him up, then we’ll have some fun. – About this wedding. – What about it? – Shall we ask Ryan to be the best man? – You certainly got up on the right side of bed this morning? – It’s not every day you get– – Get what? – Nothing, I promised I wouldn’t say. – You are such a tease. Sorry, that wasn’t very tactful, not after what you’ve just been through. – That’s all history. – You certainly forgive and forget pretty quickly. – Neither, actually. I took a different approach. – You kneed him in the whatsits? – I asked him to marry me. Oh, I’ve told you now. – [Salene] You what? – I’m getting married, Salene. – What’s the catch? – I don’t know what you’re on about. – I’m on about, why? – Simple, Lex and I love each other and wanna tie the knot. Tai-San’s gonna do it. – We’re talking the same Lex here? The one who ignores you and puts you down and has been know to attack you. – But that was before we were committed. – You think just because Tai-San’s gonna perform some wacky ceremony, the guy is gonna change. – It won’t be wacky. And Lex wouldn’t be doing it if he wasn’t serious. – So when’s the big day? – As soon as I’ve got a dress sorted out. – I’m worried about her, she’s just lying there. – [Boy] You think she’s broken up for good with Bray. – Relationships, who needs them? – Bray shouldn’t keep going off like that anyway, he should be a good dad. – He’s not the dad. – Well, a good pretend dad, then. – You’ll never guess what I’ve just been told. – Give up, what? – Although, it was in confidence. – Well, keep it that way, then. – I can’t. – Zandra and Lex are getting hitched. – They’re what? – So she took my advice. – This was your idea? – If she gets a wedding ring, he gets his oats. – For a spiritual person, you can be amazingly coarse. – I prefer to call it being grounded. – She needs her head examined. I always thought she had a screw loose. – She does love him. – Yeah, but he doesn’t know the meaning of the word. – The scary thing is she thinks it’s gonna change Lex. – Only a knock on the head with a large hammer would change Lex. – And will it mean anything if you do the ceremony? – Thanks a bunch. – You know what I mean, you’re not qualified. – You’re looking to the past again, Amber. Things have changed. We are making New rules. We’re whatever we want to be. – Hi gang, you’ll never believe what I’m doing. (kids laughing) – [Boy] Who’s the tough guy now? – Stop. Go, I need to talk to him alone. I’ve seen you with Zoot, and I wanna know where he is. You will answer me, because if you don’t, I’ll let the boys have their fun. (upbeat music) – You think you’re all cool, huh? Always did think he was a real cool dude right, Bray? Come on, Bray, all you gotta do is tell me what I wanna know. And then, maybe you and me… – In your dreams, Ebony. – You wouldn’t say that if you knew my dreams. – I can imagine. – Can you? Such a nice, clean-living boy like you. What’s it feel like, Bray? What’s it feel like to know that I can do anything I want with you? I’ve got plans for you. ♪ Here comes the bride, da da da-da ♪ Look, everybody, look what I got. – Whoa, Zan. – It’s beautiful. – It’s nice. Did Lex give it to you? – Yeah. He found it in the antique shop. – [Salene] That’s generous of him. – Isn’t he great? – Yeah. – Oh look, Trude, what do you think? Trudy? – Leave me alone. – Oh come on, Trude, it’s my big day. Don’t be a wet blanket. – I said go away. – All right then. (somber music) – Don’t worry about her. She’s got other things on her mind. – I expect she’s jealous. – Yeah. I bet she wishes it was her that’s getting married. – I think it’s exciting. – Me too. I’ve never been a bridesmaid before. – I have, for my auntie. It was great. (groaning) – Well, you’ll both make lovely bridesmaids, won’t they, Sal? – You bet. – And Paul, we’ll dress him up like a real little pageboy. (groaning) – A pageboy? – I remember one in those glossy mags. There was this picture of a big wedding, and the pageboy was wearing little silk knickerbockers and buckle shoes. – Wait till I tell him. He’ll hate it. (chuckling) (pleasant music) ♪ Do do do-do, do do do-do ♪ ♪ Do do do-do ♪ – Yeah, yeah, very funny, guys. You’re supposed to be on guard duty, Dal. – I was helping Jack with this. – What is it? – I had an idea we might be able to rig up a battery charger. – So we don’t have to keep going outside and knicking them from cars. – That is getting seriously dangerous. – It’s dangerous if we don’t keep up our guard rota. – We’ve got the alarm, Lex, that’ll warn us. – If it works. – Relax. You’re getting nervous. – Nervous, me? About what? – You know, getting married. It’s a big step. – Yeah, a total surprise. I didn’t quite see you as a dutiful husband somehow. – Don’t mean nothing. – Oh really? Well, I thought– – Ryan said, it’s not a proper ceremony is it? Not the real thing? I can dump her any time I feel like it. – Does Zandra know that? – Nope. And you two aren’t gonna tell her either. (pleasant music) (sighing) – Look, isn’t it beautiful? – Yeah, beautiful. – It’s real crystal, you know. – Yeah? What are you doing? – Looking for stuff for the wedding ceremony. I want it to look, you know, special. – Why, so it can make you look good? – No, for Zandra. It is her special day. – Oh, I thought perhaps it was supposed to be your special day. – Hey, come on, Amber. – You come in here trying to take over, messing with people’s lives. – This marriage was meant to be. It’s what they want. – Is it? – Well, what Zandra wants. Have you seen her? She’s like a little kid. – Zandra is a little kid. She hasn’t thought about it. – Loosen up, will you? It doesn’t matter why she thinks she’s getting married. What counts is the spiritual dimension. – Spiritual? – The whole tribe. This marriage will help bond everybody together in greater harmony. – I don’t see how. – We can develop a group aura, like a cocoon, surrounding and protecting us from the perils of the world. – It’ll take a lot more than a cocoon to protect us from the Locos. – Not if we have faith. If we believe in ourselves strongly as a group. – Come on, Tai-San, get real. We’re talking about life and death here. – Right. And there’s more to life than just surviving. We need spiritual values. Love. You should try love, Amber. – And get hurt? Anyway, there’s not much choice around here is there? – No? I think perhaps you’ve already made your choice. But you won’t admit it. For one reason or another. (somber music) – Look at ’em, Bray, they can hardly wait. – Like vultures. – No, hyenas, they’re waiting for the lioness to finish. – So why don’t you? – You haven’t told me where Zoot is. Where is he, Bray? What’s happened to him? – I can’t tell you. – Where is he? Where’s Zoot? (somber music) – What’s the matter, Ebony? Scared if he comes back you might not be leader anymore? – No. – Forget it, Ebony, he’s not coming back. – How do you know that? Tell me. (somber music) – There. That looks great on you, Zan. – [Zandra] You reckon? – It’s beautiful. It makes you look like a princess. – And that’s what I’m gonna be. Or maybe a queen. Lex’s queen at the head of the tribe. – Will you have to wear a crown? – Only on special occasions eh? – Special occasions, a crown. (giggling) – Good grief. What’s going on in here? – Hi, Amber. Missing out on all the fun. – There, how do I look? – Lovely. You’re really going through with it then? – Of course I am. It’s what I want more than anything. – You don’t think that maybe Lex is trying to take advantage of you? – No. And it wouldn’t matter if he was. I’d do anything for him. – If I know Lex, he’ll want you to be his personal slave. – No he won’t, he loves me too much. He wants to take care of me. – He’ll want you to look after him, more like. He’ll have you running around after him, fetching and caring for him, bringing him tea in bed, and all that kind of stuff. – Lighten up will you, Amber? It’s just a bit of fun. – No, it isn’t. I love him. – I’m sure you think you do. – And what do you know? You’re just jealous ’cause you can’t get a man of your own. – Well, I wouldn’t marry Lex, that’s for sure. – And he wouldn’t marry you. You’re nothing but an old sourpuss, and I have a good mind not to invite you to the wedding. – Hold on. This is supposed to be a happy day. – I’m sorry, Zandra, I want you to be happy, really I do. (scoffing) I just don’t wanna see you get hurt. Because I care about you, okay? – All right then, you can come to the wedding. – Thanks. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. (groaning) (howling) What? – Oh no, we’re being attacked. It’ll spoil everything. (barking) – Amber, keep the women and children upstairs. Ryan, Jack, Dal, let’s go. – Salene, take care of the little ones. Go on. Zandra, hurry up, we need to build a barricade. – Is Lex still there. – [Amber] No, why? – He mustn’t see me before the wedding, it’s bad luck. (groaning) (howling and barking) – Okay. Ryan, you and me will go down. If there’s anybody there, we’ll deal with them, right? – Right. – Jack, Dal, you stay here just in case, okay? – Okay. (howling) – Zandra, keep it coming. – I’ve broken one of my nails. (scoffing) – You’ll get a lot more than that broken if the Locos get in. Hey, where’s Tai-San? – Tai-San. Tai-San. – [Tai-San] Here I am. – [Amber] Where have you been? Can’t you hear the alarm? – I’ve been meditating, preparing myself for the wedding ceremony. – If we get attacked, there won’t be any wedding. Now give us a hand. – There’s no need. – What do you mean? – I sense no danger. – What, so you saw it in your crystal ball? – I don’t need a crystal ball to alert me to the presence of evil. – Never mind all that, just get stuck in. – Well? – Nobody there. – No sign of any break in. – Hm, must be a fault somewhere in the system. – And you call yourself a techie? – Well, it’s not that easy when I’ve only got one kit. – Just fix it. (metal clicking) – Hey. Who’s there? (ominous music) – It’s okay, everybody, it was just a false alarm. – We’re not being attacked? – No. Jack and Dal’s famous early warning system fouled up yet again. – Great. So we did all this for nothing. – I told you there was no danger. – She did too. How’d you know, Tai-San? – I would’ve sensed it. – Yeah, sure you would. Come on, everybody, we might as well get this lot cleared up. I suppose you’ll be too busy preparing yourself to lend a hand? – The wedding, there’s still so much to be done. – Lex, are you still there? – Yeah, why? – Go away. – You mustn’t see her. – Suits me. I mean, what do I care if they want to do it all themselves? (somber music) (screeching) How’s it going down there? – [Dal] We found the fault. – [Jack] We think. – Can you fix it? – [Dal] Yeah, no problem. (howling) – For Pete’s sake, turn it off. – [Dal] Sorry. – Come on. We might as well go upstairs and put our feet up. – We can’t go back up there, you heard what they said. – Eh, it’s just stupid women stuff. – But if it’s what Zandra wants… – I’m not gonna stay down here all day. Look, you can go up first and make sure the coast is clear, okay? – Suppose so. Listen, Lex. – Yeah? – [Ryan] You do want this wedding don’t you? – Yeah. – And you do love her? – Yeah, of course I do. – I mean, really love her. Not just want to, you know… – Would I be marrying her if I didn’t love her? – I don’t know, that’s what I’m asking. ‘Cause if I thought you was gonna mess her about or anything… – Don’t worry, she’ll be safe with me. – You promise? – Would I lie to you? You’re my best mate, Ryan. – Yeah? – Honest. Look, I asked you to be best man at the wedding didn’t I? – Yeah, but… – So why aren’t you writing your speech instead of worrying about Zandra? – Speech? – Yeah. The best man always makes a speech. Didn’t you know? (groaning) – Oh, Sal, that’s really, really brill. I feel like the Queen of Sheba. – Who? – I don’t know who she was. But when my cousin got married, they played her music, Queen of Sheba. It was wild. – Pity you can’t have it today. – Yeah. Pity about a lot of things. Pity my mom can’t be here. – Yeah, still you got all of us. All your mates will be there. – Doesn’t look like Bray will make it. – That stupid Trudy, driving him away again. – I don’t know what he sees in her. – He doesn’t. It’s the baby he cares about, not her. – Yeah, of course it is. – I know he prefers me to her. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have kissed me. – Bray kissed you? – Yes. And that stupid little cow had a go at him about it. That’s why he took off. – Wow, Sal. What was it like, did he mean it? – He meant it, all right. – Is that all you did? I mean, did you, you know… – No, of course not. He didn’t get much chance. (pleasant music) (giggling) (groaning) – Psst, Ryan. – Well, what’s up? You got a problem? – Sort of. – Not really. – We’ve been thinking, we oughta do something for Lex. – I’m always doing things for Lex. – No, no, for the wedding. – I am, I’ve gotta make this speech. I’m gonna be his best man. – Great, the best man’s supposed to organize it. – What? – The stag party. – When a guy gets married, his mates throw a party for him. Men only. – Right. – They get him drunk and they play tricks on him. – They strip off his clothes and tie him to a lamppost. Naked. – Lex? – Yeah, well… – We haven’t got any booze. – No, but maybe we could get him a gift. – Like what? – I can’t think. I’ve gotta write this speech and I don’t know what to say. – Oh, I went to a wedding once and the best man made a lot of jokes about the bridegroom. – No. You should say how you hope they’ll be happy together and wish ’em the best of luck. – Wish Zandra the best of luck. She’s the one that’s gonna need it. – Yeah, I’ll say how pleased I am for her. – What? – Lex has promised me he’ll really look after her and be a good husband. – Yeah sure, Ryan, whatever you say. – There you go. You look a real picture, Zan. – Thanks, Sal. – All ready for your big moment? – Yeah. (sighing) – Zan, what’s up, you’re not getting cold feet are you? – Um, I’m a bit nervous. – Nervous, why? – Once I’m married, I’m gonna have to… – [Salene] What? – You know, I’ve never been the whole way. – Really? Oh, right. – I have to know, Sal. – I don’t know, Zandra. – Oh, I thought you… – No. You’re gonna have to ask someone else. – But who? What about Amber, do you think she? – I shouldn’t think so. She acts so high and mighty. I don’t reckon she’s had much romance in her life. – No. Wait a minute, Trudy. – No, not her. – Come on. – No, Zandra, you can’t. – I need to know, Trude, what’s it like? – Leave me alone. – Come on, Trude, don’t be a meany. – Just tell her. – I don’t wanna talk about it. – I’m getting married, I have to know. – Ask somebody else then. I don’t wanna know about weddings. – No, and you never will either. The next wedding around here will be me and Bray’s. – No. He wouldn’t, it’s me he cares about. – If he cares so much about you, why has he left you again? What did you do this time? – It wasn’t me, it was you. – Me, are you crazy? – Running after him and kissing him like a tart. – It was him that kissed me. I don’t have to run after any guy, they run after me. – Well, if you’re so wonderful, why do you have to ask me about– – Because we don’t go jumping into bed with anything in trousers. – I don’t, I never did. – No, just did it to get a baby, was that it? ‘Cause that was the only way you could get to Bray? – That is not true. – He only wants the baby, his brother’s baby. He doesn’t want you. – No! (glass shattering) – Stop it, get off her. Somebody do something. – Hey, hey, come on, stop it, stop it. Stop it. (ominous music) – Hey, hey. – You should have come to me. I’d have told you all about it. – You would? – Listen, this is no big deal, you know. – But I thought… Well, you know, I mean, everybody says– – Of course they do. Sure, it’s one of life’s pleasures. – But does it hurt? – You gotta stay in control. – How do you mean? – I mean, don’t let the man treat you like an object or a slave. That’s very important. – Right. – And don’t take risks. If the guy hasn’t got protection, say no. And anyway, you don’t want to end up with a baby do you? Like poor Trudy. (peaceful music) (gong ringing) Lex, stand next to Ryan. That’s it. Everyone else, form a half-circle. (gong ringing) – Wait a minute, where’s Patsy and Cloe? Where are my bridesmaids? – Patsy, Cloe, come on, now. – Sorry, I didn’t find Paul anywhere. – Never mind, we’ll have to do it without him. – Everything’s going wrong. – No, it isn’t. – Are you ready now? (sighing) – Yes. – Right. Let’s have calm. Lex, prepare to meet your bride. – What’s up? – Bray. Where have you been? We’ve been so worried. – Hey, hold on. – I told you he’d come back. I knew he would. – What’s going on here? – You’re interrupting the ceremony. – Lex and Zandra are getting married. – Married? Why? – Because they want to. Now will you be quiet, please, so we can get on? – Okay, fine. – Join the circle. Everyone, join hands. We need to combine our energies to create good vibrations and auspicious feng shui. Breathe and concentrate. We must balance the ying and yang in perfect harmony. Zandra, come to your husband. (howling) – I thought you said you fixed that. – I did. (screaming) – Locos! (screaming) – Get her. (barking) (groaning) Just shut it, Zandra. – Where are the rest of them? – I don’t know. – There may not be any. – Dal, switch that alarm off. – I’m not going down there. – I think she may be on her own. – Will someone just switch that alarm off before it brings the whole city in here? – You lot grab your weapons. Amber, you organize these guys. You stay here. If it’s an attack, I don’t want you behind me. Come on, you three. (tense music) (shouting) (howling) – Over there! (shouting) (howling) (rat squeaking) – [Boy] What’s that racket? – There’s no one… – Ryan, go check the chart. – Okay right, let’s go come on. – They’ve gone. – Good job they didn’t get in. You’re useless. – It was his alarm that warned us in the first place. – Yeah. Come on, let’s go deal with that hellcat. I’m looking forward to this. (crying) (whines) – Come on. She still up here? – She must be. We can’t let her get away, Lex. – Is that a fact? Look Ryan, go down and guard the sewers in case she tries to jump the balcony. – Okay. – I’ll help you look. – Stuff it. – She’s dangerous, Lex. I’ve seen her in action. You couldn’t handle her on your own. – You and El stay here. She gives us the slip, use anything you can to stop her. (whines) (emotional music) (dog barks, growls) Where is she boy? (whines) (groans) Go and get the others. We’ll put her in a cage. – Well done Bob, our hero. – Well done. (growling) – I’m so glad you’re safe, Bray. – I’d kill her. She ruined my wedding. – Can’t we still have it? – It’s not really the right time, Cloe. – Aw. – We wanted to be bridesmaids. – Another time. First we have to decide what to do about our unwelcome wedding guest. – Perhaps she could say the speech instead of Ryan. (banging) – What are you staring at? – Nothing! – Who are you? What are you all doing here? – We live here. – Dal? – I’m sorry Amber. – We’re having a meeting, come on. – What about her? – She’s not going anywhere. – Before we decide what we’re going to do with her, what I want to know is how did she get in here in the first place? (sighs) – She followed me. The Locos captured me. They had me tied up and blindfolded. Then, when somebody cut my ropes, I didn’t hang about to ask questions, I split. – Bringing her with you. – She’s good. I thought it might be a trap. But I didn’t spot her trailing me. – But what I don’t get is why didn’t she bring the rest with her? We were sitting ducks. – That’s what I’ve been wondering. – One way to find out, ask her. – Right. But I’ll ask the questions. – Not too close, Lex. – So Ebony, the big question. Why are you here? – I’d have thought that was obvious. – So tell me. – I want Zoot. I know you’ve got him. – He was here, but he’s gone now. That’s all we know. – You’re lying! – I don’t lie. – Why do you want Zoot? – Hey. I ask the questions. Why do you want him? – He’s my man, and our leader and we want him back. – So why didn’t you bring the rest of the tribe with you? – I didn’t know what we were walking into. – I don’t buy that. You let Bray go, then you followed the stupid git back here. If you thought we had Zoot, you’d have come all ganged up. – I made a mistake. – Yeah, well don’t make the mistake of underestimating me, babe. – Is that possible? (emotional music) – She’s lying. For some reason, she doesn’t want the others to find Zoot. – It’s not important why she came. The thing is, what do we do with her now? (baby coos) – I’d kill her. Ruining my wedding. – We can’t let her go, can we? – She’ll bring the rest of her mob back here. – So we keep her. She can’t escape. – For how long? Weeks, years? – Yeah well– – Eating our food. (growls) Drinking our precious water. – She’s not having any of my rations. – We could starve her to death. – That’s horrible! – Yeah. That’d have to be the worst way to die ever. – Maybe we could get through to her. You know, reform her. – Ebony? – Well… – Bray, you knew her before didn’t you? – A little. – Well, what do you think? Could Ebony change? Could we change her? – She could certainly convince you you can. – Then escape when we let her out. – The evil witch. – We’re wasting time. We can’t keep her, and we can’t let her go. (emotional music) It’s execution. What’s the problem? The adults used to do it. – Not all of them. – No, some countries didn’t have the death penalty. – But a lot did. – Yeah for murder. She hasn’t killed anyone. – How do we know that? Anyway, they used to have it for spying as well. – Lex is right. – Yeah, but who’s gonna do it? – And how? – Hang her. – Ugh, no! – We’ve got some pills. We could put her to sleep, humanely. – Humanely? This is ridiculous. What are we, barbarians? – Amber’s right of course. We cannot possibly kill another human being. It would create very destructive vibes within our group. – So? – We wait. We keep her until it becomes clear what we must do. – And how will that happen? – Through patience, thought, understanding. – Do we need to vote on this? Is anyone seriously suggesting we execute her? (emotional music) Good. I’ll draw up a rota to guard her. – Lex, what about the wedding? – Not now babe. I’ve got a prisoner to watch. (emotional music) – Figures. (crying) – That’s right Zandra, let it all out. – I hate her! She’s ruined everything! – No. – She has! I should be married by now. – And you will be, soon. – What if Lex changes his mind? – Why should he? – He’s like that. You never know with him. – But you believe he loves you? – Yes. – And he was going to marry you today? Then what reason is there for him to change? As long as you don’t change. – What do you mean? – You must wait until you’re calm again. Don’t do anything foolish. Your emotions are so hot, so confused. It’d be easy to make a mistake right now. (grunting) – Very good. – Better than that. Better than you. – No way. – You’re the warrior of your tribe yeah? Their champion? – I guess. – We should practice together sometime, as I’m going to be around for quite a while. – Sounds cool. – All right Lex, I’ll take over now. – It’s not a problem. – I’m not wasting my time drawing up a rota just for people to screw it around. – It should’ve been me doing the rota in the first place. – I didn’t see you jumping up to write it. And you and Ryan should look for Paul. I’m getting worried about him. – Ah that dummy. – Have you been on at him again? Lex? (emotional music) – Sorry, I didn’t know you were… – No that’s all right, come in. Water? – Are you okay? – Yeah, why? – The Locos didn’t hurt you? – No. Ebony stopped them. – Oh. – Well she wanted to grill me about Zoot. – Did you tell her? – No I didn’t think that was wise. – I feel so guilty. – Why? – Because if it hadn’t been for me, you wouldn’t have gone off and got captured. – I chose to go. – Because I was so stupid. So jealous. I couldn’t help it, Bray. Seeing you two together like that it… – Trudy it was a spur of the moment thing. – I know, I know you don’t have to explain. I’m sorry, I had no right. It’s just that I love you, Bray and I’ve come to ask for another chance. I know we can be so good together, and for little Brady– – Trudy– – Don’t. Don’t say anything just yet, just think about it. I can wait. (emotional music) – She’s still up there, that Ebony? – Yes, but she’s locked in the cage. – She can’t get out. – No, and somebody’s guarding her all the time. – I’m scared. Where’s Paul? – Sh now, he’ll be all right. There’s nothing to worry about. – She’s frightening, she’s a Loco. – But she’s our prisoner. She’s locked up, and she can’t harm you. – Bob will help guard her, won’t he? (growls) – Come on now, settle down. And I’ll tell you a story. (pleasant music) – I don’t get it, why the guard? Where am I gonna go? – We just feel safer keeping an eye on you. – You’re a strange, frightened little marm aren’t you? You wouldn’t last a minute outside. We’d tear you apart. – And that’s something to be proud of, is it? I pity you. – Me? – You’re so angry, so negative because you’re afraid. – I’m not afraid of anything. – Then you’re a fool. – Yeah? I can go anywhere I want, do anything I want. I’m not holed up in some rotting mall like a frightened mouse. – And what do you do that makes you so special? Hurt people, destroy things. Where is that going to get you? – To the top, sugar. – Of what, a garbage heap, honey? At least we’re looking to the future. Trying to build something better. – Well when you do, I’ll be there to knock it down. – You know, they wanted to kill you but I stopped them. – You might live to regret that. (emotional music) – Hey babe, I just came to see how my little Zan is. – Finished guarding your prisoner have you? – Oh babe, I’ve got a job to do. I’m chief of security, remember? – I think she’s quite secure in there without you gawking at her all the time. – Zan, you can’t be jealous. I was going to marry you today. We should be on our honeymoon right now. – Yeah well we’re not. So don’t go getting any ideas. – I feel like we’re married already. What’s a few little words from Tai-San gonna matter? – A lot. She said we shouldn’t get carried away. We’ve got to wait ’til things calm down. – What’s that got to do with her? Interfering weirdo. – She is not. She’s very intelligent and wise, and I’m going to listen to what she says. Lex, you can’t be angry. When it happens, it’s going to be wonderful. I’m going to make the best wife in the world for you. (emotional music) – Bray? You’re not going again. – I need to look for Paul. He’s not in the mall. – Can I come? – No. It’s dark outside, and dangerous. – I like to look at the stars. They’re so bright now, aren’t they? With no lights from the city, you can see them all. – Strange, all this had to happen before we could see how beautiful it once was. – It will be beautiful again, Bray. Our new world, I know it will. – You really believe that don’t you? – I do, I believe it when I’m with you. I believe anything’s possible. (emotional music) – Yes! – You look happy in your little world. – Don’t talk, Amber said we’re not to talk to you. – Amber? Frightened little mouse. – Amber’s not frightened, she’s very brave. – Yeah yeah, anything you say. So what was going on today, some sort of ceremony? – A wedding. – A wedding? – Lex and Zandra. You spoiled it for her. – She ought to thank me, saving her from him. – Lex is okay. – Really? – Yeah, he was the leader of this lot. – Was? So what happened? – Dunno exactly. He’s chief of security now. – And you’re his deputy, right? – Yeah, s’pose so. – And this Zandra? – She’s great. Lex has been after her for ages. – You mean, they haven’t actually… – Hey, I’m not supposed to be talking to you. – She’s very pretty, Zandra. If you like that sort of thing. – What do you mean? She’s beautiful. – Yeah, ‘course she is. – She is. – I said it, didn’t I? – Well I don’t like the way you said it. – Tough. Not my problem you’ve fallen for the boss’s slag. – Zandra’s not a slag! – Really? Could’ve fooled me. I’m surprised she’s held out so long, looking like that. She ought to be grateful for any man she can get. – Zandra’s a beautiful, lovely girl and if you don’t take that back– – Make me, fat boy. Come and defend your pathetic slag. – Don’t say that again. – What, slaggy Zandra? – Ryan what’s going on? And why have you got the keys out? – Tell him, fat boy. – You shut it. Calm down, she ain’t worth it. You go and get some rest. – I’m on guard. – I’ll take over. Go on. You look like you’ve had it. (emotional music) Naughty naughty. – Bray, any sign? – I’ll look again in the morning. Goodnight. – Night. (emotional music) – Trudy. Are you all right? Trudy please answer me. – Just go away, Bray. Leave me alone, please. (emotional music) – Thank you, kind sir. – My pleasure ma’am. – You’re not scared of me, are you? No one else would come near. – No, I’m not scared. Should I be? – Only if I’m real angry. Otherwise, I’m a pussycat. – I can believe that. – In the right circumstances. – Like not now. – Afraid not. The one thing I really hate is being locked up. – You should get used to it. You could be here a very long time. – I was a fool. – Why didn’t you want the rest of your mob to know about Zoot? – What’s there to know, Lex? – You know he’s dead. – I guessed. How? Not Bray. – Not a chance, it was me. – You? – It was a fair fight. – I don’t believe it. Zoot was the best street fighter I’ve ever seen. – So, he met his match, I’m better. – In your dreams. – I’m telling you. – You must have jumped him. A whole bunch of you. – No. – Honey, even I could take you out and I’m a girl. Don’t worry Lex, I can’t get out. – No, but I can get in. – I’m terrified. Look, I’m shaking. – I ain’t never hit a girl, but I’m going to teach you something you’ll never forget. – Embroidery? (dramatic music) – Satisfied? – No way. (whines) (dramatic music) (upbeat music) (dog whining) (dog barking) – Lex? Lex, Lex what happened? Where’s Ebony? – Get me out of here. – Where is she – Get me out. Amber wait! get me out of here ya snotty cow. (rattling metal) – Wake up. Salene wake up. The prisoners escaped – What happened – Is it Paul – Ebony’s escaped. she might still be in the mall. We have to make sure she doesn’t get out. – Where’s Lex? – Jack, Dal. Come on hurry up. We’ll take the sewers. Go, go. – Trudy you stay with Salene and the little ones. And keep together. – Me and Brady don’t need Salene to look after us. – She might still be up here Tai-San you come with me. – Where is Lex? – He’s guarding the cage. – What for? It’s empty. (owl whooting) (metal scraping) – Yes. – There’s no sign of her up here. – The outside grill was open. She’s gone. (dog whining) – I want to know Lex. Tell me. – Not now. – Ebony knows we’re here. She’ll bring the Locos back. – What are we gonna do? – How did she get out of the cage? – How did you get in? – It’s not what it looks like. – What does it look like? – Look she said she was ill. – And you believed her? – Can it you. What was i suppose to do? – Find some help for one thing. – She said she was in pain. – She said. – So you let her out of the cage. – Smart move, big of you. – You went in there with her? – Yeah, no. Look she jumped out, pushed me in, and locked it. – [Zandra] Oh yeah? – Yeah. What do you think i did? – I don’t know the way you were gawking at her all evening. – Zandra please. – What’s important is Ebony has escaped and she know we’re here. – So what do we do? – Get ready for an attack. – There is an alternative. – What? – We could leave. Leave the mall that way the Locos can’t find us. – [Patsy] Leave the mall? – But it’s our home. – True. But it might not be our home for much longer – I can’t believe your saying this, Amber. If we leave, they’ll trash the place. – I’m not saying that’s what I want. Just that it’s an alternative. – We’re wasting time. Lets put it to the vote. All those who wanna leave, put up your hands. That’s settled then. We stay and defend our home. It’s down to you Lex. I think you owe us – Jack, Dal, we need booby traps. Anything you can think of. – Right chief. (tense music) (dog whimpering) – We’ve seen the Locos in action. If they get in, we won’t stand a chance. – Don’t remind me. – So we need something to keep them out in the first place. – And if they do get in, we’d need an escape route. – What about the market lift shaft? Couldn’t we all hide in there? – Well is the lift big enough? – The little ones could hide in the top and we could jam all the doors. – So we push the kids up through the man hole and the rest of us hide in the lift. That’s a great idea Dal. I’ll go and check it out. – We’ve got to have some proper communications. – We’ve gotta slow the Locos down. We have to have a chance. – A car battery connected to the sewer grill. The first Loco who tries to get in. (buzzing) – Won’t work. It’s only twelve volts. It’s nothing. – Well, what have you got? – Not a lot yet. – Well get on with it then. – Lex. – Zandra, please. I’m trying to run a military operation here. – You’ll need an operation if you don’t tell me the truth. – You got a problem? – Come on. Lets do what head of insecurity says. – We’ll be near the sewers. – I want to know what happened in the cage Lex, now. I saw you eying Ebony. It was gross. – I told you the truth. – It makes you look like such a total idiot, it could just be the truth. – Thank you very much. – But your not a total idiot, are you? So I want the truth. – Zandra, the Locos are coming. – Thanks to you. (crying) – Trudy. It’s not as bad as it seems. We’ll be alright, we’ll defeat the Locos, somehow. – I don’t care about that. I don’t care about anything. None of it matters. Nothing. – I thought you were afraid. – I don’t care what they do to me. – What’s the matter? Try and tell me. – What’s the point of anything? I saw them. – Who, you saw who? – Bray with Salene. Together. They were kissing. And he was kissing her like, like he really loved her. I could stand him kissing her but, I cannot stand him being in love with her. – Maybe it wasn’t how it looked. – I saw them. (somber music) – If we connect these, then the lookouts will be able to talk direct to each other. – You two help Jack and Dal. These wires have to go all over the place. – That’s right, anywhere we can get a cable. – There must be enough here to get to the market lift. – Lets test it and then we’ll run a line down. – Hope it works. – It will if you thought of it. – Yeah well. – To right genius at work – Here, I’ll hold this end. – Roll it out all the way, like you were going to the roof. Here Patsy, you do this one and then join them up together. – Come on Bob. (dog whimpering) – Hang on wait for us. – At least that keeps they’re mind of the Locos. – Yeah, mine to. – Haven’t you got anything to do? – Yes, I have. – Then why don’t you go and do it like right now. – Don’t talk to me like that. What’s the matter with you? – Your wasting time, that’s what the matter is. – No it’s not. What did I do, what? – What did you do? – I don’t know. – CD’s. – What? – CD’s. – Here, will these do? – Hey, those are mine. – We all have to make sacrifices, Zandra. – What are they for anyway? – To confuse the Locos. (screaming) – What the? – How was it? – Was that you? – Yeah, what did you think? – Great action and horror movie effects. Get a load of this. Track one, martian volcanoes erupt. Two, attack of the squealing flesh spiders. Three, alien terror cries. – It’s brilliant. We’ll blast them to death with noise. – I’ll freak you, ya moron, if you do that again. (serene music) – Forget Lex, he’s crazy. – Never mind Jack. A genius is never appreciated in his own home. This is the best place. You can cover the stairs and the ground floor from here. – We’ll wire in to the shops phone lines and right around this floor so we’ll need, – Batteries. – Check. Mics, mic connections, speakers, plugs and duck tape. – Check. Lets get this place wired up. – We’ll stick one in the HQ as a command center. Dal, are you scared? – You know I’ve been to busy to think about that, but yeah, I am, petrified. – But we’ll make it. – Yeah. But if we don’t, it’s been nice knowing you. (tense music) So, me and Jack will be in the art supply store. One in the HQ and one in the market lift. We can talk to each other. – [Lex] And it really works? – Of course it works. (dog groaning) – Has anyone seen Bray? I can’t find him anywhere. – He was down below with us. I haven’t seen him since. – What do you want him for? – Disappeared again? The wonderful Bray. What a hero. And just when he was gonna save us all. – Will you shut up about Bray. Your so stupid. – Not stupid enough to join his fan club like you dumb bunnies. – Where is he? – Looking for Paul, I bet. – What if he let Ebony out? And now he’s gone to join her. You mutts never thought of that, did you? (dog groaning) – But he wasn’t, was he? It was you. – Prove it. – Bray would have never let Ebony escape. He’s worth ten of you. – Yeah, you’ll be glad for one of me when the Locos arrive. – Could we please just all stop squabbling. – What have we got to stop them? Girls, kids, a screaming brat. Apart from me, you all, remember that. Oh and Jack, whose gonna blind them with his science. – Maybe I will. – What’s this, balloons? Are you gonna throw the Locos a party? – Well, sort of. One hot rod radio car in the sewers. A matchbox strip glued on to the wheel pressing against the matches. The matches are under the first balloon which is full of petrol. The rest of the balloons, hanging all the way down the tunnel, start the car. The wheels spin, light the matches. – And boom, boom, boom, fireball. – Heavy. – That’s brilliant. – Jack, that’s really dangerous. – Yeah, well so are the Locos, Amber. – It’ll stop them dead. – That’s the sort of thing they’d do. – No they wouldn’t. They’re not smart enough. – It’s horrible. You can’t set fire to people. – And we can get boards and bang nails through them and put them all over the tunnel floor points up. – Jack. – They want a war, I’ll give them a war. – And what if we have to get out that way? We don’t wanna turn this place in to a booby trap for ourselves. – But we’d still be here. – But we’d be changed. We wouldn’t be us anymore. – Well, maybe we have to change. – No, we have to find our own way. The grass knows it’s weak and so it bends. The tree doesn’t know, it breaks and falls. – And? – The monkey gets locked in the cage. (dramatic music) – [Chloe] What’s gonna happen to us? – Don’t worry, everything will be fine. – [Chloe] What are we gonna do? – I’m scared. – It’s like a game. Your going to climb through the service hatch up there. – That be a really cool place to hide, wouldn’t it? – Yes. – And we’ll get some more cardboard boxes and pillows. – And we’ll make a place for you to hide in. – It’s like hide and seek. – Yes but the rules are different. – Do the Locos play, as well? – Stupid. – No, just us, it’s our game. We don’t want Locos to play. – I bet Paul’s playing hide and seek. – And I stay up there with Patsy? – That’s right, until we say it’s over. – And we all have to be extra quiet. We take the lift up and we jam all the doors shut. – Where will you be? – We’ll be inside the lift. No one will find us. They won’t know where to look. We’ll be safe. (dog groaning) – Come here, you. – What are you doing? Don’t push me about. – Your not getting out of here until you tell me the truth. – What, what about? – About what happened with you and Ebony. – I told you, Zan. – [Zandra] Yeah, well, try the truth, Lex. – [Lex] What do you mean? – [Zandra] I saw the way you were staring at her, hanging around the cage. – [Lex] Oh Zan, would I, I was just about to marry you. – [Zandra] Exactly, and you couldn’t wait, could you? – [Lex] Well, who could blame me, the way you’ve been holding out? – [Zandra] Oh, so you did, did you? – [Lex] No, look she was ill, I told you. – [Zandra] Yeah. – [Lex] She was. Do you think I’d get in the cage with that hellcat? She kicked me in the nuts, Zan. (laughing) – Well, so will I if I find out your lying. – What’s that? What’s that laughter? – Look. (microphone whining) – [Trudy] Where are you Bray? – [Ryan] Nothing. – So, everyone’s got they’re sleeping space sorted out? Then, when the alarm goes, we go straight to the service lift, like we practiced. – Not a sound out there. – There’s a fire about two miles away, but that’s all. – Listen everybody, we’re all tired and we’re all frightened, too. – Speak for yourself. – But remember, we have each other. – Great. – Shut it, Lex. – We need to be strong for each other. We’re at the beginning of something new, here. Not the end. Let us all join hands. – I want Paul, where is he? – When we join together, we’re stronger than any of us can ever be alone. Now, all breath together, slowly, gently. – What a load of bull. – It is not our destiny to be destroyed by Locos. One day, we’ll look back on tonight and remember that. Tomorrow, we’ll be different people. – Oh yeah? Ryan, you’ll still be a plank. – Hey, where’s Bray? – I’m sorry. – Yeah, run. Where’s the wonderful Bray when you need him? – Your day will come, Lex. – Lets carry on. Close your eyes, breath slowly and gently. – It’s gonna be alright, we’re all together. – We’re not. Bray’s not here. – He’ll come back. – He won’t. Not to me. He’ll be coming back for Salene. I hate her. – Listen Trudy, you’ve got to try stop thinking about it. – I can’t. I’m always afraid. I want him so much. You don’t know what it’s like. – We all need someone to lean on sometimes. It’s hard being strong on your own. – You are. – Hey, look, you should try and get some sleep. – I can’t. Not ever. If the Locos come in, what’s gonna happen to me? If they know Brady’s Zoot’s baby? – Brady will be alright and so will you. We all will. Tai-San is right, I feel it. (dramatic music) – [Locos] Ebony, Ebony, Ebony, Ebony, Ebony, Ebony – Power and chaos. – [Locos] Power and chaos. – Dal, you there? Hows everything up there, okay? – [Dal] Nothing to report. – [Ryan] Everything’s quiet down here. Salene? – Fine. – Alright. Ryan? – I’m not a plank. – It’s just that Tai-San. She gets on my nerves. Anything going on? – Hello Jack, Ryan here again, what’s happening? – [Jack] No sign of the Locos. Don’t waste the batteries. – Cool, Ryan out. See? – We should have done that petrol thing with the balloons. What goes on in Jack’s head? – Yeah, these intercom things are brilliant. – Yeah, very funny, Ryan. – I didn’t mean. What did happen, Lex? Did you, you know, what Zandra said about Ebony? – What is this, a trial? Look, I told you what happened. – Yeah, but. – But what, Ryan? – So it’s all off then, you and Zandra, the wedding and that? – I don’t wanna talk about it. – Bummer, Lex. – And don’t get any ideas, Ryan. I haven’t finished with Zandra yet. Or Ebony. (dramatic music) – Amber. Do you know, has Bray come back? – No. – Why did you have a go at me? – You mean, you don’t know? – No. – Trudy saw you and Bray together. – Oh no. – As if we don’t have enough problems. – Amber, he’s sorry for her, that’s all. He doesn’t want her. – And what will happen to Trudy and the baby? – She’ll make it out. – She can hardly look after herself, Salene. She’s not well. – She’s tougher than you think. She wanted to stay here, she got it. She wanted Bray, she got him. She wanted me to look after her baby, she got it. Until she needed it back to blackmail Bray with. – Is that really what you think? – She wanted you fussing all over her, she got it. – Your not being fair. – Fair? Who else gets everything they want? You, me, no. Only Trudy. She’s not so helpless. – That’s ridiculous. I don’t know what she’ll do if you split them up. – There’s nothing to split up. Just her selfishness and his pity. What, you think I’m being cruel? – No, I think your wrong. – Well, I know I’m right. Anyway, I have no choice. – No? – No, I love him. (dramatic music) – Thought you’d come. (wind rushing) (popping) – Would you stop that? – What? – That, biting your nails. It’s like listening to someone eat insects. – Sorry, I didn’t even notice. – Well, we did. – It’s the waiting I can’t stand. The waiting and waiting and waiting. The Locos are going to attack. I just wish they would hurry up and get on with it. – Don’t wish your life away. Get back to your own station, you two. – I see what you’re saying, man, that that’s your talent, making what you want seem like the best thing for everybody. – White man speak with forked tongue? – Always. – Even Zoot? – Especially Zoot. – You don’t trust my word? – And why should I? You put me in a cage, remember? I escaped, you didn’t let me go. Why shouldn’t I have my revenge? – I told you, we mean you no harm. We don’t wanna conquer anybody, and we don’t want an empire. What we want is to be left alone, to do our own thing. – And Zoot? What did you do to him? Did you leave him alone? – Do you think I’m glad he’s dead? He was my brother, I didn’t want that. – How did it happen? – It was a stupid accident. It was a struggle, and he fell. We gave him a warrior funeral. I tried to give him some dignity. – If the Locos found out, they’ll want revenge. – Then don’t tell them. You could use us, I’ve seen your rituals. You’ve got them eating out of your hand. – Pretend he’s still alive? – Pretend what you’d like. As long as you keep the name alive, the legend of Zoot. – Cool, and your religion with me as the high priestess. – And a direct line to God. – How do I know he’s dead? You could be working together to set me up. – Want proof? (somber music) Remember this? – That’s Zoot’s. He never took it off. And in return I leave them all alone. – [Bray] Do we have a deal? (baby crying) – Trudy, what on earth is going on? (baby crying) You have to keep her quiet, we’re expecting an attack. – Don’t tell me what to do, you of all people. – What’s that supposed to mean? – Oh, I’ve seen how you look at Bray, making big eyes at him. – Trudy, your baby is screaming and you’re ignoring it. – Who do you think you are? You come in here, boss me around, accuse me. I don’t have to take that. – Then look after Brady properly. – I will if you get out of my face. (upbeat tribal music) And leave my boyfriend alone! (water dripping) (scream) (scream) – There she blows. Let’s move. (gun shots) (screaming) – Salene, Zandra you come with me. Tai-San, you put the kids on top of the lift. (screams) Come on, let’s go. (birds screeching) (screaming) – Hey, hold it right there. – Relax, it’s me. – So, what? Ryan, take him prisoner. – But, it’s only Bray. – Aren’t you glad I’m home safely? – I said grab him. (dog barks) There could be a dozen Locos back there waiting for a signal. – If they were down there, I don’t think they’d need a signal from me. I think the alarm might’ve alerted them. Okay, officer, I’ll come quietly. (gun shots) Congratulations on the trip wire, guys, nice go. – Thanks. Yep, Dal, turn it off, it’s only Bray. (birds screeching) (screaming) What are you doing? – We’re taking Bray in. I’m going to interrogate him. – But, it’s Bray! – That’s what I said. – Listen, I’m head of security, and I say there’s a few questions we have to ask him. – I think I’m gonna need a good lawyer. (sentimental music) – It’s not funny. (dog groans) – Bray! Bray, thank God you’re all right. I’ll go get the kids. – Where’ve you been? Did you find Paul? – No, he just vanished. – Hey, I’m in charge. It’s a security matter, and I’ll ask the questions. Where’ve you been? – I found Ebony and made a deal. We’re safe from her and the Locos for the time being. – I see, Bray says it’s okay and it’s okay. Anything else you wanna tell us? – See, I knew Ebony from before. I know how to talk to her, and I know what she wants. – Do you trust her? – Well, she’s different from Zoot. Her word is her word, it’s for real. – Isn’t this cozy? You and Ebony, soulmates. You have such a way with the ladies. How do you do it? – Oh, shut up, Lex. – Don’t talk to him like that, that’s my job. Lex, shut up. – What deal did you make? – All you need to know is we’re fine. – You’d better go and see Trudy. She’s in a state. (somber music) – This is unbelievable, just letting him walk off. – Can’t you just be pleased that we’re not in danger anymore? – Honey, we’re always in danger. – Don’t call me honey. (somber music) (baby crying) – Where have you been? (baby crying) – Where are all the clean nappies, she’s soaked. – I asked you a question. – I’ve been with Ebony. She’s promised to leave the tribe alone. – Oh, really? How did you manage that? – Got on her wavelength. I told her about Zoot. – And that was enough for Ebony? Well, she didn’t want anything else? – Like what? – Like you. She’s always fancied you. I’d bet she’d do anything for a night of passion. – That’s nonsense. Trudy, where are all the nappies? – I think they ran out yesterday. – [Bray] I’ll go and see what I can find. You’ll be okay. – How are you all feeling now? – I’m still scared. – Me too. – You shouldn’t be. Where we live is very secure. Our mall is like a great castle. Do you know what a castle is? – Isn’t a castle very old? – Yes. – But, our home’s new, how can it be the same? – Because they both keep out bad people. Would you like to hear a story about an ancient castle? Right, well, this castle was built thousands of years ago on top of a great mountain. A big family like us lived there. – What do you want? If you’ve come to grovel, it’s not gonna work. – Look, Zandra, I was a fool, a total idiot. Ebony led me on, I was powerless. It was like she cast some spell over me. Yeah, that’s it, like she hypnotized me. Used magic or something. – You’re pathetic. – None of this would have happened if you weren’t being so funny. – Funny? If you loved me, you’d be happy to wait. – It’s not fair. We should be on our honeymoon right now. – But we’re not. – Doesn’t mean we can’t practice. – Lex. – Okay, fine, suit yourself. (forlorn music) – (sighs) Lex. (baby coos) – Bray. – Oh, hi. I was just– – It’s okay, I’ll only take a minute of your time. – I’m listening. – It’s about the other night. Well, not just that, the whole thing. – Salene, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have– – Please, hear me out. I know about your loyalty to Trudy. But, I also know that kiss meant something. Bray, I think I’m in love with you. – Don’t say that. – Why not? It’s true. That’s why you have to make up your mind. Choose. Me or Trudy. It can’t go on like this. I have to know, Bray, I have to know. (dramatic music) – Man, I’d have loved to have seen Bray’s face when the alarm went off. – Yeah, it sounded great didn’t it? – Like the end of the world! – If we could get enough power together, we could rig up some security cameras too. – We could do that. We could do anything. – That’s right. First rainwater filter, a triumph! Then the alarm, knockout. Me and you, Dal, we’re the A Team. – I bet you we could even do this battery charger. – It’s plain isn’t it? Start it from scratch, a whole new way of life. And we get to invent it ourselves. – Don’t get too carried away. There’s no one out there anymore who can hand out Nobel Prizes. – Doesn’t matter. Okay, so, when I was a kid I always did want to win the Nobel Prize for Science, but who didn’t? – I didn’t. – Really? Didn’t you ever dream of inventing a machine that would change the world? – It was more of a hobby. You know, messing with cars, fixing things. – Where is she? – Who? – Salene, of course. – Haven’t seen her, why? – I’m going to kill her! (baby coos) – Bray, we need to talk. – About Ebony? – No, about Trudy. About you, Trudy, and Salene. – I see. – What’s going on, Bray? Can’t you see what you are doing to Trudy? And Salene? Are you playing with her, or are you for real? – I don’t know. I don’t know what to feel. – The group can’t afford this sort of disruption. Not if we’re gonna stay together. – This is the last thing I wanted. In the beginning, all’s I cared about was getting her safe and making sure the baby was okay. I hadn’t thought about what might happen if I fell for somebody else. – Look, it might be different if Trudy was more stable or Brady was more grown up. But, you can’t abandon them now. – You don’t need to remind me. But, isn’t it worse to pretend? To live a lie? I mean, what about love, Amber? Doesn’t that count for anything? – Where is Brady? – How should I know? She’s your kid, why isn’t she with you? – Someone’s stolen her. – Are you sure? – She didn’t just get up and walk off by herself, now did she? – You think I stole her. – Why not? First my man, now my baby. – That’s crazy. – Is it? Just give her back and I’ll go. – I haven’t got her, and if you ask me, you’re not fit to look after her. – How dare you? I almost died bringing her into this world, and you accuse me of neglect. – Well, where is she, then? – I don’t know. – Heel Bob, heel. Over here, heel Bob. – I know what’s wrong. You’re missing Paul, aren’t you? (Bob whines) – We all are. We all miss him, Bob. – I wonder where he is. I think it was Lex shouting at him. I hate him, I hate Lex. – [Cloe] Hey, Trudy, we’re training Bob– – I don’t have time for games. (Bob whines) (Bob groans) – Don’t worry, Patsy, you’ve still got me and Bob. (baby coos) – There you are. – [Bray] Where have you been? – Looking for Brady. I thought Salene had taken her. – [Bray] That’s absurd. – Is it? Are you and Salene plotting to take Brady? To label me an unfit mother? – Trudy. – Are you gonna tell me there’s nothing going on between you and her? – I can’t deny I’m attracted to her. – I knew it, I knew it. – It’s not what you think. Yes, we kissed, but… Trudy, I made a mistake. I was weak and selfish. I forgot about my commitment to you and to Brady. And to Zoot’s memory, I let it all slip, and I’m so sorry. – Don’t! I do not want your sympathy. I don’t want you to be with me because you feel it’s your duty. I want some love. (forlorn music) – Please listen. – Don’t! Leave me alone, I don’t wanna see you again ever! – Very impressive. – Thanks. – You make it yourself? – Yeah. Punchbags don’t usually hang up in service areas. That’s no piece of leather from a leather shop. – How resourceful. You must’ve really wanted a punchbag. – Yeah, I did. If I don’t do anything physical, I go nuts. – I see. May I? – Sure. Careful not to hurt yourself. – Hah! Hah! – That was pretty cool. For a girl. – I’m not a girl. – You could’ve fooled me. – Don’t I look more like a woman? In so called primitive societies, a female of the tribe became an adult, a woman, as soon as puberty began. – I can the sense in that. – Another thing they did was to allow warriors to take more than one bride. The greater the warrior, the more wives he had. – What ever happened to the good old days? I would’ve been all right back then. I would’ve had dozens of women. However, here in the 21st century, can’t get any. – Zandra not forgiven you yet? – No. – Maybe if she was giving you what you wanted, you wouldn’t need a punchbag. – Can you just shut up about Zandra? It makes me angry just thinking about her. – That’s unbelievable. – It’s true, Trudy flat out accused me of kidnap. – Do you think she’s got a screw loose? – I don’t know how Bray puts up with her. – He won’t if she carries on behaving like that. He’ll come running to you. – I hope so. I told him I loved him. – You didn’t. – I did. – And what did he say? – Not much, he was a bit shocked. – So am I. It’s a bit quick, isn’t it? – What about love at first sight? – What about it? How well do you really know him? – What do you mean? – Well, what about Ebony? – What about her? – What if she and Bray knew each other better than we thought? After all, Zoot was his brother. – What’re you on about? – All I’m saying is we don’t actually know what kind of relationship Bray had with Ebony. – Don’t be ridiculous! She’s not his type. – How can you be sure? How do you think Bray convinced Ebony to leave us alone? (upbeat tribal music) – Last night, I had a dream, a dream so real, so clear, so true, that it wasn’t a dream at all. It was a vision. (crowd gasps) And you know who came to me in this vision? – Zoot! – Yes, Zoot, our glorious leader. (crowd cheers) – [Crowd] Zoot, Zoot, Zoot, Zoot, Zoot, Zoot, Zoot, Zoot! – And he spoke of a quest. His great quest to find the ultimate power in the universe with which the Locos would be invincible! (cheers) – [Crowd] Locos, Locos, Locos, Locos, Locos, Locos, Locos– – Wait, my people! There is more. I asked Zoot who should lead us while he was gone. "It is you, Ebony, you must lead in my absence." And, I woke to find this on the bed beside me. It is Zoot’s talisman, the talisman that never left him. My vision was true. I, Ebony, must be your queen as Zoot commands! (cheers) – [Crowd] Ebony, Ebony, Ebony, Ebony, Ebony, Ebony! (somber music) – Zandra, may I have a minute? Too formal. Hey, Zandra, how’s it going? Too casual. Zandra, I love you more than Lex ever could. What happened at the wedding was fate. You weren’t meant to be with Lex, you were meant to be with me. It’s never gonna work. (somber music) (Dal groans) – Zandra, baby. – It’s Tai-San. – What are you doing here? – Don’t worry, I’m not gonna force you. – Is this for real? – That depends on you. (sighs) Relax, it’s no big deal. Think of it as therapy. – Why? There’s nothing wrong with me. – Lex, let me explain. You’re deeply frustrated, right? – Well, that’s no big secret. – Well, frustration’s like an illness. Left untreated, it could spill over. – You’re doing this for my health. – And the health of the tribe. If you become unstable, it could be bad for all of us. – This is pretty weird. – You’re not scared, are you? – No. – Not even a little bit? – No, I’m not. – Because, if you are, that’s okay. I understand. – I’m not scared. I’m ready for anything. (somber music) (baby coos) (somber music) (energetic tribal music) (water dripping) (baby crying) (dog whining) – Trudy? (baby crying) Trudy! (baby crying) (peaceful music) (wind rushing) – Morning. – Morning. – Have a good night? – All right, you? – Yeah. Oh yeah. (sighs) – Maybe he’s gone out to find some other deaf children and bring them here. – He hasn’t, it’s that horrible Lex being mean to him. I want my brother. (sobs) – Don’t cry. Tell you what, shall we go see if the hens have laid any eggs? I bet Henrietta has. – And Clara, Clara’s best. – Let’s go see. Come on, Bob. – Hi. – What are you doing? – Trying to feed Brady, poor little mite. – Does Trudy know? – Doesn’t care, does she? – Well, are you sure? – She’s not fit to look after her. – She can’t help it, Salene, she’s not well. – Yeah, sure. All the same, you’re better off with me, aren’t you sweetie? I’d make a much better mother, wouldn’t I? – Where is Trudy? – I don’t know, still asleep I guess. – Henrietta laid us an egg for breakfast. – I don’t think it was Henrietta, I think it was Clara. – Just the one? – Yeah, we thought we might give it to Trudy. – ‘Cause she’s sick. – Yeah, well, I’m not so sure she’ll want it. – Trudy, Trudy, wake up. Trudy. Trudy! (sad music) Oh no! Salene! Salene, come here quick! – Here, you hold her. What is it, what’s up? – I can’t wake her, look. – Sleeping pills? – [Bray] She tried to kill herself, we’ve gotta wake her up. – Right. Come on! Trudy wake up, you stupid girl! – [Bray] Salene! – Well, she is! Pulling a stunt like this! – Trudy, can you hear me? – Is she going to die? – Not if I can help it. Go and get Dal, he might know what to do. – Right. – What on Earth is going on? (sighs) – The battery’s gone all together. – There’s thousands and thousands in cars out there. – All flat as pancakes. If only we had a way of recharging them, we could work wonders with this place. – A car charges its own batteries as it goes along, right? – Yeah, but we can’t start a car with a flat battery. – Maybe we don’t need to. If we can find a way of turning the alternator, that’s what charges the batteries. – [Jack] You’re right. – Dal, Dal, come quick! – What’s up? – It’s Trudy, she swallowed some pills and she won’t wake up. – Dal! – Do you know how many she’s taken? – No, we don’t know if the bottle was full or not. – What do we do, Dal? – Well, wake her up if you can. – What happens if we can’t? – I’m not sure. I think they go into a coma and get brain damage. – Or die. – Oh no! – She’s gonna die! Trudy’s gonna die! – No she’s not, not if we can help it! Look, why don’t you go back to the cafe and help Chloe with Brady. – All right. – She’s not responding. – We’ve gotta get her on her feet. – [Bray] Right, Trudy, come on, up. – [Amber] Wake up Trudy, wake up! – Dal, you take that side. And lift now. – [Dal] Gosh, she’s heavy. – [Bray] Come on Trudy, walk. – Walk Trudy, walk. (sad music) – [Ryan] Lex. – Yes, my man? – What are you doing? – Preparing myself for the day. – (sighs) I’m trying to get some sleep. I’ve been awake all night. – So? I’ve come to the conclusion, you’ve either got it, or ya ain’t. And well, I’ve got it. – [Ryan] Well Ebony didn’t think so, did she? – It doesn’t matter man, what she did. – (sighs) That why Zandra blew you out, big time. (sad music) – Look, she’s walking! Come on Trudy, you can do it! – [Bray] That’s a good girl, well done. Keep it up. Left, right, move your feet. Yes, you can do it! – Can’t hold on. Gotta have a rest. – Okay, put her down. Easy does it. Whoa, she’s going again. – See if you can get her to drink this. – What is it? – Saltwater. – Yuck, what are you trying to do? – Make her throw up. – Good idea, empty her stomach. – [Amber] Come on Trudy, you’ve gotta drink this. – [Trudy] No, don’t wanna. – Just try. – Please, Trudy. – No, leave me alone. – [Amber] Trudy, come on. (dog barking) (Trudy gagging) – [Bray] Well done, Trudy. – Aw, girls, always doing something stupid. – Who? – All of them. Take my advice, Ryan, leave them alone. Be like me, stick to science. (sad music) – Morning. Ah, what’s up with you lot? Somebody died? – Almost. – Eh? – It’s Trudy, she’s OD’d on sleeping pills. – What? Oh, the poor kid. Is she gonna be all right? – [Bray] We think so. – Fat lot you care. You’re the one always wanting to chuck her out. – Hey wait up, I wouldn’t wish her any harm. – Yeah? You could’ve fooled me. – Why’d she want to go do a thing like that? – Why do you think? – I think it was a stupid thing to do. No man’s worth that. – I don’t think she was really trying to kill herself. I think she was just trying it on. – Why would she wanna do that? – To make everyone feel guilty. – Emotional blackmail. – [Salene] Is that what you call it? – I’d rather call it a cry for help, that’s what most attempted suicides are. – And you’d know all about it, would you? – She knows about everything, don’t you Tai-San? – Well I think it was a sneaky thing to do, anyway. Scaring everybody like that. – Yeah, well you would say that, we all know why she did it. – You trying to blame it on me? – No, you can’t help it if you’ve got the hots for Bray. – Hey, Amber, you can’t say things like that. – It’s not her fault, he shouldn’t have lead her on. You’re the one to blame. For messing Trudy around the whole time. – I never promised her anything! Except that I’d look after her and the baby, that’s all. – Oh, don’t give me that! You lead her on. All that, "Look at me, I’m so wonderful and caring, "I’m such a great human being." – I couldn’t have just left her like that, could I? Not in her condition. – You brought her here, you took responsibility for her, and you let her down. You kicked her in the teeth, that’s why she tried to kill herself. (sad music) – Good on ya, Amber, that’s telling the skunk. – How is she now? – The same. – (sighs) Stupid girl. As if we haven’t got enough problems. I planned to go looking for Paul. – You go, I’ll stay here. Keep an eye on her just in case. – We should take turns. – No, I don’t mind, you go. – Hey, Jack. – Oh, hi. Uh, she’s not gonna die, is she? – I don’t think so. Not now. – Oh, that’s good. Dal. – Yeah? – I’ve been thinking, about that idea of mine. – What? – You know, about the batteries. – Not now, Jack. – I just had a thought– – Jack, not now! (sighs) Can’t think about that right now. – All right, I’ll just go and make a start on my own then, shall I? – Yeah, okay, you do that. – Dal, you mustn’t blame yourself for any of this. – I brought the pills didn’t I? – You also brought her antibiotics. You saved her life. – If only I’d locked everything away. My parents were so careful about keeping drugs under lock and key. So careful. – That Bray had it coming to him. You can’t treat a girl like that. – Like what, Lex? – Well, you know, messing her about and all that. – You mean, like going with other women? – Well, yeah. – ‘Course, you’d never do a thing like that, would you, Lex? – I mean, there’s the kid and all. – It’s not his kid. – Well no, but– – And he’d never asked her to marry him, had he? – Well, no. – What do you think, Tai-San? What do you think of a man who’s promised one girl, trying to have it off with someone else. – I think people worry too much, right, Lex? – Yeah, yeah, right. That’s right. – Listen to who’s talking. – You’re the one that made such a thing of it. Look, if you hadn’t been so uptight– – You wouldn’t have wanted to marry me. If you ever really did. – Maybe I’ve changed my mind. Maybe I don’t need to anymore. – No? It’s the only way you’re gonna get what you want. – Says who? – Says me, I mean, look at you. Who’d have you? (sad music) – Bray? – [Bray] Hi. – What are you doing? – Getting my stuff together. – Don’t, please don’t go. I’m as much to blame as you are. – No, no, it’s not your fault, you mustn’t blame yourself. – I can’t help it. I won’t mind if you want to look after Trudy and the baby. Only please don’t go. – Well, I’m only gonna look for Paul, and get some food, so we can all eat. – You’re not leaving? – No! No, I’ll be back, honest. – Take me with you, then. – No, Salene, it’s too dangerous out there. – I could help you. – No, I’m better on my own, really. – You’re gonna meet her, aren’t you? – What, who? – Her, that Ebony. – No! I’m not gonna meet anybody, not if I can help it anyway, okay? – Okay, just be careful. – Don’t worry, I will. – Give me a kiss? (sad music) (dog yelps) – [Jack] Stupid girls. (sighs) – What’s that? – Um, I’m planning to make our own electricity to store in car batteries. – No petrol. – We don’t need cars. The alternator makes electricity when you wiz it around. All we gotta do is find a way of churning it fast enough. – A bike, you could pedal. – (laughs) I’ve thought of it, but we’d never be able to pedal for long enough. – Too hard I suppose. – Yeah, I’ve had some good ideas already, but I’m not sure if all of them would work. – What does Dal think? – Why does everybody think I need Dal all the time? I can do it myself! (dramatic music) – Here. – Ah, you’re back. Thanks. Any luck with Paul? – No. He’s just vanished into thin air. – He’s a bright kid, he’ll be all right. – Why don’t you go and get something to eat? I’ll take over here. – I’m not hungry. – You should be, you’ve been here all day, you must be starving. – It’s okay, really. – Suit yourself. She won’t appreciate it, you know? – [Dal] That’s not why I’m doing it. – I know. All the same. (Trudy groans) – Shh. She’s coming around. – Where am I? – Hi. Welcome back. – What? – How are you feeling? – Terrible. – Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. We’ll look after you. – (groans) No, I don’t wanna be here, I wanna be dead! – No, you don’t. – I do, I do! – Come on, sit up. – Who’s that? Is that Bray? – No, it’s me, Dal. – I want Bray. Why isn’t he here? – You have a good sleep? – No thanks to you. What time is it? – ‘Bout three o’clock. – Yeah? – Yeah. You know you’re never gonna sleep tonight. I can sleep any time, anywhere. – I’ve noticed. – So what gives, how’s things with you and Zandra? – Not good. – You gonna make it up with her? – It’s not easy. Look, can you do me a favor? – What? – Do my guard duty for me tonight. – I was on last night. – Yeah, I know, I mean, you’re used to it. And I’ll make it worth your while. – I don’t know. – And you’ve all that sleep, haven’t ya? – A waterwheel would be best, but the stream’s too far away. – [Ryan] Hmm. – Well, what we need is something that just keeps going round and round under it’s own steam. – Steam! – It’s a bit complicated, steam needs a lot of water. – Wind! (dog whines) – Yes! That’s it! That’s what we need! A windmill! – Henrietta laid us an egg this morning. – Or Clara. – What? – We’ve been saving it especially for you. – We thought you might like it. I hope you like it scrambled. – Oh, yeah. – You should eat it, it’ll do you good. – You sound more like my mom everyday. – Yeah, well, someone’s gotta look after you, I suppose. – Thanks. And thank you both. Has Paul come back yet? (Patsy cries) Sorry. – [Jack] Dal. – Yeah? – [Jack] I’ve got something to show you. – What? – Look. – [Dal] A windmill? – A perfect battery charging machine. We use windpower to turn the alternator, connect it to the battery– – And charge it up, right? Brill. But I don’t reckon this windmill’s gonna work, though. – Uh, I know that, it’s just, it’s the principle. I thought I’d give you a chance to have some input at this stage. – Yeah? – Don’t wanna keep it all to myself, do I? That would be selfish, wouldn’t it? (peaceful music) (Lex sighs) – Tai-San? (sighs) Tai-San, you okay? – What? – I’m sorry. – I was meditating. Achieving inner calm. You should try it sometime. – Yeah, maybe you could teach me. – [Tai-San] If you’re serious. – Oh, I’m serious, all right. We could start tonight. – Tonight? – Yeah, I talked Ryan into doing my guard duty. – Why? – What do you mean, why? So we can have the place to ourselves, like last night. – No, I don’t think so. Not tonight. – But I thought, well, after last night, it was pretty good, wasn’t it? – Quite good, yes, thank you. – Well then– – That was last night, tonight is different. – But why? I mean, you and me– – There is no you and me. I’ll let you know when I’m ready again, okay? (Lex sighs) – It’s gonna be really hard making the sails, and making sure the whole thing doesn’t blow over. – I thought if we could get a bike wheel, we could fix them to that. – Hmm, maybe. Hang on, I’ve got it! – What? – You know those signs they used to have outside shops which went round and round in the breeze? – Yeah, I remember, and you kept on seeing the two sides. – Yeah. They were sort of in an S shape, kinda like this. – So the whole thing keeps turning. – Right, then we use a can to create a– – Hi Trud, feeling better now? – [Jack] Create a what? – Look, here’s Brady, your own little baby. I hope you haven’t been too worried about her. – Zandra, I don’t think Trudy– – You don’t have to worry. She’s been good as gold. Do you want her now? (baby whimpers) (sad music) – Well thank you, Zandra. – What’d I do? – It’s all too much for her, she can’t handle it. – Dal, what about the windmill? – Tomorrow, I’ve gotta go and look after Trudy. (baby whimpers) – You decided to come back, then. – I found some good stuff. – So, you want me to pat you on the head or something? – How’s Trudy? – How do you think? She cried herself to sleep. – I’ll go see her. – She doesn’t need you disturbing her. – I won’t wake her, I’ll just keep an eye on her. – Dal’s been doing that all day. – Yeah, well thanks Dal, I’ll take over now. – I think it would be best if you kept away from her. – What? – Trudy needs somebody she can rely on, not someone who keeps disappearing and letting her down. She doesn’t need you, okay? (upbeat tribal music) – Lex? Where are you going? – Hi, Zan, just the water, just checking the water. – What for? – Well, because it needs checking, right? – What, now? I was gonna go get some breakfast. – Great, get some. (peaceful music) (growling) – He looks very sad. – So would you if there’s someone you care for was ill. – You mean, Trudy? I thought he care for Salene. – It’s complicated. – Where have you been? – Eh, why, what time is it? – Okay, great, we’ll forget all about it, shall we? – Look, I was held up, alright, sorry. What do we have here? Should be a go, when do we start? – How about an hour ago? – Trudy? Trudy, it’s Amber. Are you alright? Are you gonna let me in? – [Trudy] Doesn’t look like it, does it? – And what have I done to you? – If you don’t know. – So tell me. – Don’t you ever get tired of playing God, Amber? When are you gonna get it in your head that not everybody likes decisions made for them. And you can tell the others, too, my life is mine to do what I want with it, got it? – So, you’d rather we left you to die? – What do you think? – I’ll tell you what I think, shall I, Trudy? I think you’ve got a chip on your shoulder the size of a house. None of us can do anything right, according to you. And the way things are right now, we could all do without having to babysit your problems, which is exactly what we’ve had to do since you got here. Now, if you wanna sit there and sulk like a prized prat, you can go ahead. But just don’t expect anyone to understand that. Oh, and another thing, if you think we did it for your sake, you’re not even close. – You are pretty amazing, you know that? – Human beings are amazing, Lex, when they allow their true energies to flow. – Yeah, and that’s the other thing, energy. I feel energized, like I could lift a ton or jump a mountain. That sort of thing, pow. – Your chakras are not fully aligned yet, Lex. – Of course, this takes time. – That depends. – On what? I mean, these chuckras? – Chakras. The seven centers of color contained within the auras surrounding the body. – Right. – They need to be balanced in order that our positive energies can flow. – Right, right. So, how do we do that, then? – There you are. – Zan? – I thought you were checking the water? – I did, I am, I was? – Oh, good. Hi, Tai-San. So, how about some breakfast now then, I’m starved. – Yeah, but. – But you’re wondering why I’m talking to you again. So am I, let’s go. What would you do with him? (solemn music) – Trudy? Trudy, it’s Bray. I brought you something to eat, I thought we might talk. (sniffling) Trudy, I know you can hear me, and I’m sorry, I never meant for things to end up like this. If I had known, Trudy. Trudy, look I feel stupid standing here talking through the screen. Let me in. I need to see you, Trudy. We can sort things, think about the baby. We’ve been through too much together to have things end up like this, Trudy. Don’t do this, Trudy, it doesn’t have to be like this. Just let me explain. – Come on, Bob. – So how long do you think it’ll take then before you’re dead? – Ryan? – Pills. How long, you know before. – Oh, well that depends on how many you take. How many did she take, Sal? – I don’t really, not many. – Well, was the bottle empty or half, or what? – I don’t know. What are you asking me for, I never saw the bottle. – Okay, okay, forget I said anything. Is everybody a Trudy today, or what? – Eh? – Go back to sleep. Hang on, you took the baby from the room in the night, didn’t you notice the pill bottle then? – Why should I, I thought Trudy was asleep. – But, if she was just asleep, then why didn’t the baby wake her? – Look, what is this, an inquisition? You know what happened as well as I did, just get off my back. – Something’s not right, what do you think, Lex? (somber music) – Oh, it’s you. – I need to ask a favor. – Why doesn’t that surprise me? – You don’t have a very high opinion of me right now do you? – Me, and just about everyone else. You were saying, a favor? – Oh, let’s forget it. – Suits me. – I can’t get through to Trudy, I want you to tell her how sorry I am. – You want me to square things up with Trudy? – I didn’t say that. – Knowing how things are with you and Salene. – That’s neither here nor there. – Excuse me, Bray, but it’s both here and there, which come to think of it, just about sums you up, doesn’t it? Spread yourself thinly enough, and we’ll all go to pieces, is that it? – I’m sorry, I came. – Not half as sorry as I am. (subdued piano music) – Call it fate, or whatever, but I reckon we were destined, you and me. – For the last time, Lex, what happened between us, our union, was just a small cog in the greater machine of harmony. – Yeah, like I said. – No, Lex, not like you said. We have to look beyond our own petty needs, and try and create a universe in which everything is shared, spiritually and emotionally. – Right on, now why don’t you put that stick down and come and share some spirit and emotion right now. – Not now, I can see that your energy levels are such that no one would benefit. – You wanna bet? Just joking. – I never joke, Lex. – Good one, you’ll have to show me that some time. – I intend to, some time. – Patsy, Cloe? Has anyone seen Lex anywhere around? – What I have will catch the wind okay, but what worries me is the stability. Unless we strengthen the cross brace, the whole thing could collapse. What do you think? What does that mean, yes or no? Dal, I’m asking you, do you– – Yes, yes, if you like, I suppose it will stop it from falling over. – You suppose? – Well, it might. – Can you think of anything else that might do it? – Not offhand, no. – You don’t think a washing up liquid bottle and a yogurt carton might do it? – Probably not, what? – You’re just not with me, are you, Dal? This is important, can you stop thinking about Trudy, and concentrate? – Sorry. – Instead of being sorry, be positive. – If I hadn’t left the pills there, it wouldn’t have happened. – No, but it did, and it doesn’t help that you have a soft spot for her, either. – Who has? – You have. You can’t keep blaming yourself for it either. You’ve done what you can for her, now let her get herself together. We’ve got work to do here. (squeaking) (upbeat music) – Zandra, how do you get a boyfriend? – If you take my advice, you’d stay away from them for as long as you can. – Perhaps you and I can share one, Cloe. You know, like Salene and Trudy. – Patsy, it’s not polite to talk about things like that. – But you said. – Who wants to help me make the baby’s milk for later? – Trudy could’ve died last night, couldn’t she? – Yes, I suppose she could. – Then poor Brady would’ve had no mommy. – No. – And you wouldn’t have to share Bray with anyone else. – I’ll be done in a sec, how’s it going over there? Dal? There’s no wind in here for soaring. Come on, get a move on. – I’m doing my best. – There being some for Trudy. – Is that all you care about, gadgets, machines? Where’s your soul, Jack? People are more important than things. You know what you are, a robot. You cannot relate to anything which hasn’t got a cog, or a wire sticking out of it. – I’m gonna go get the battery. Let’s hope you’re in a better mood when I get back. (downcast piano music) – Who’s that? Get out. – Just listen to me before you say anything. – Stay away from me. – What I said about Salene, it came out wrong. – I don’t wanna hear it, I want you to go. – No, I’ve been thinking about it, and I realize I said the wrong thing at the wrong time. – Oh, so what would’ve been a good time to tell me you’re in love with someone else? – Those were not the words I used. – I don’t care what words you used, it all adds up to the same. You don’t give a damn about me and you never did. – Not true. – I can see it all now, this place must’ve seemed ideal for what you wanted. – What did I want, except for some place safe for us. – No, Bray, you wanted somewhere where you could be top dog, somewhere there wasn’t much competition so you could rule and order like the selfish pig you are. Of course, take a pregnant girl with you, and it’s like a ticket in. You used me, Bray, to get what you wanted. – You really believe this, don’t you? – You bet I do. The only thing that puzzles me, is why you just didn’t let me die, seeing as I’m no use to you anymore. – Trudy. – You tolerate me, because I’m the mother of your brother’s child. But we all know who you really want to tanker over, don’t you? And wouldn’t that be cozy, you, her, and my baby. – Trudy, Trudy, listen to me, you’ve got this all wrong, it’s all out of proportion. – Get out! Out, out, out! Out! (grunting) Let him go! – I have no quarrels with you, Dal, but I will hurt you if I have to. Now I’m gonna step away, and I don’t expect you to try and stop me. (upbeat music) (birds chirping) – It’s not like I’ve let myself go or anything. I mean, I look after myself, don’t I, Ryan? Then why, tell me that. Why is he acting like I’m invisible? I know, I’ve bawled him out over that Ebony thing. And you don’t suppose he’s still sulking about that, do you? – No. – Of course, he could have something on his mind. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I’m sure that’s what it is. He’s got something going, yeah. – Yeah. – You watch, he’ll be around in his own sweet time. – I knew it was a mistake from the start coming here, but he insisted. "They seem harmless," he said. Harmless, at least with the Locos you know where you stand. I was a threat to them, that’s what it was. "Pregnant, ooh don’t know about that, "that’ll rock our cozy little boat, that will." And they had to vote, vote. Do you know how that makes you feel, people voting if they want you or not. – I’m glad you stayed. – I’ve had enough. Enough, enough of the pettiness and the sniping, and the whispering, and the backstabbing. I’m leaving. – Where will you go? – I don’t know, somewhere. – Dal, Dal, I know you’re in there. Come on. Will you stop thinking about Trudy. – [Dal] Don’t bring Trudy into it, don’t you bring Trudy into this. – [Jack] No, I’m not bringing Trudy into it. – Lex? – Uh, hi? You’ve been anywhere nice today? – I’m not talking to you, you drove my brother away. You’re horrid. – Come on, let’s see what all the noise is about. – [Jack] What do you mean a fool? – [Dal] Who are you calling stupid? – You, am I supposed to be doing all the work around here, or what? – [Dal] At least I was trying. – [Jack] You wanna make a bet on that? – See, I told you he’ll come around. (gentle music) Oh, Lex. – Where did you buy them from, then? – Like I said, Jack, we’re not joined at the hip. – Don’t try and get out of it. – What I do on my time is my business. – No one who leaves me carrying the can is not. – Don’t give me that, you just want someone to hold your hand. – What? – You’re scared you won’t be able to do it by yourself. – [Jack] Rubbish! – Good fight. – Who’s half-baked idea, don’t you mean. – They look really serious about it. – Dal’s not a slave like you, like the rest of them. – What’s going on? – You keep out of this. – And you keep out of it. If it wasn’t for you, none of this would be happening. – Watch your mouth, Jack. – Or else what? – Don’t you think you should stop them, Lex? – This and his carrots, Dal wins. – Alright. – You shouldn’t bet on fights. – Hi, Tai-San. – This is no good for any of us. – Break it up. – Nice flowers, Zandra. – Thank you. – Hang on, I don’t like carrots. – So, what’s all this about? – Her. – Me? – Alright, I think we’ve all got other things to do. Now, are you two gonna sort this out reasonably? (solemn music) – Salene, quite a show outside Trudy’s place, eh? – Aye, I missed most of it. I got there just before you did. – Somebody told me I should have a go at you. I thought, cheek, and you looking after the baby for all that while. – It’s no bother. – Oh, I can tell that. I can tell you really love the baby. And love to even keep it for good if Trudy was out of the way. – What’s that supposed to mean? – You left her to die when she took the pills, right? – No. – Then you took the baby from the room. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice anything was wrong. – I didn’t. I said I didn’t. – Then why didn’t the baby wake her up? – I don’t know, I don’t know. Trudy’s never paid any attention to Brady anyhow. – So you’re saying you didn’t see the pill bottle? There’s no need to cry. I just thought, I’m sorry, Salene. I’m sorry. (sniffling) (solemn music) – So what happens now? – I’ve been thinking. – And? – I’ve never wanted to be here either. I’ve always had this feeling that there must be some place better. Some place where you can grow your own food instead of having to scavenge for it with fresh air and room to move. – That’s a nice thought. But anywhere like that would be miles away. – Miles away sounds great right now. My mom had a saying, "If the world drops a lot of lemons on you, "there’s only one thing to do, make lemonade." Do you like lemonade? – I love it. There is just one problem. (cooing) (peaceful woodwind music) (snorting) – You ready? – Nearly, just give me a minute, please. – Okay, but make it quick. (cooing) (upbeat tribal music) Bye, Brady. (birds chirp) (determined world music) (crying) – [Lex] Shut up, Ryan. – I didn’t say anything. – You’re eating too loud. – You know I’m your best man for the wedding. – Ryan, one. Best. There’s really a lot of choice, is there? Two, man? Debatable. Three, wedding. What wedding? There isn’t gonna be a wedding. – But you and Zandra– – There is no me and Zandra. – [Ryan] But I thought– – (scoffs) Well, don’t. It gets too noisy and you’ll give yourself a headache. – Well, you won’t want a present then. Perhaps I’ll get Zandra one. – [Lex] You do that. – What do you think she’d like? – I don’t care. – Mascara? – She’s got so much mascara, she can hardly open her eyes. – I just thought she’d like some more. – Ryan, one, you don’t know anything about women. Two, I don’t give a damn about Zandra. You can marry her yourself if you like. Her and me are history. And three, you’ll never get a woman. You live in a pigsty, and your feet stink. (baby cries) Oh, great, would somebody shut that baby up? – Well, one, you don’t know everything. And two, why are you giving Zandra flowers if you’ve blown her out? And three, I’m hungry. (crying) – Wow. – Have you seen Bray? – No. – You’re sounding a bit uptight, Salene. You need to relax, – I am relaxed. (baby coos) – Hey, Cloe, what is it? – Trudy’s gone, Amber. – [Amber] Gone? – She left this. – [Amber] It’s to Brady. – Well, she can’t read, can she? (baby coos) – "Dear Brady, you deserve better so I’m going away. "I don’t think I’m a bad person, "but I am a bad mother. "You’re better off without me, ask the others. "I know you’ll be loved and looked after. "Love, Trudy. "PS, this isn’t your fault, it’s mine. "Goodbye." – She left her baby? (baby coos) – Who’s on guard? I just walked straight in. Hello? – [Patsy] Trudy’s gone. – Good. – [Amber] But she’s left Brady with us. – Oh, fantastic. She leaves her brat with us to look after. – You? I never saw you doing much. Uncle Lex, the kiddy’s pal? Yeah, right. Cloe, you should go and get Jack and Dal. We should tell them what’s happened. Some of us haven’t eaten yet, Lex. – The number one male gets to eat until he’s full, Amber. Then the number two males, then the women get a look in. – Where do you get this stuff from? – Is there anything left? – Have mine. I’m not hungry. – So you’ve decided to come back, have you? – Um, Jack? – Oh. It’s you. (chuckles) I thought you were Dal. – Trudy’s gone. – Yeah. Well, if you do see Dal, tell him everything’s just fine. You got that? Just fine. – [Trudy] It’s scary. – Having second thoughts? – No. – About Brady? – She doesn’t need me. – You’re her mother. – I don’t wanna talk about it. – Sorry. – I wanna ditch all that. The past. I want to start a new life. And I’m not gonna stop ’til I find it. They’re gonna miss you. – Not for long. – Amber? – Hey, there are things I don’t wanna talk about either. Deal? – Deal. – You said you wanted a new life. – I do. Look what I got. – A map? – Follow me. (concerning piano music) (birds chirp) – [Amber] Who saw her last? Who was on guard duty last night? – [Ryan] Dal. – Well, why didn’t he see her? And where is he, anyway? – Well, he wasn’t on guard when I came through. (dog whines) – Jack, Dal was supposed to be on guard duty last night, not helping you with the windmill. Look, I know it’s important, but it’s not the only thing that needs doing. – Why are you asking me? I thought he was with you. – No. Oh, no. They’ve gone together. – What? Dal’s gone? – [Young Girl] With Trudy. – Somebody take Brady. – They can’t have got far. – Where would they head for? Did they say anything to anybody? – Let them go. – We can’t just let them go, not like that. – They could be anywhere, Amber. They’ve had hours. – [Lex] Where’re you gonna look? – I don’t know. Bray? – Yeah. You got any brilliant ideas, Mr. Handsome? (sighs) – No. – What’s your problem? None of you want her back anyway, do you? – She was a bit of a pain in the neck. – [Lex] She was trouble from the start. – [Amber] What about Dal? – He’s a big boy now, Amber. He must follow his own path. And so must Trudy. – Follow her own path? – It’s her destiny, and you have been blocking it since she got here. – Follow her own path. She’d be dead now if we’d let her do that. – Maybe she’d be better off. She’d come back in another life with another destiny. Let her go. – She might come back as a chicken. – [Lex] She’d be more use. – [Amber] We can’t just let them walk out. – You can’t make somebody stay if they don’t want to, Amber. – All right, if that’s what the majority feels, but we’ve got lots of work to do. Salene, can you take charge with Brady? – I’ll need help. – We’ll make sure you get it. Jack, can you work on the turbine without Dal? – Of course. (stammers) I don’t need Dal. – Fine. That’s sorted then. I’m on cleaning. – If I ever come back, I want to be really beautiful. Like a peacock. I’d like that. – (chuckles) Peacocks are male. The female’s really boring to look at. – Now me, I fancy myself as a tiger. What do you think, Tai-San? – I think maybe a hamster would be more appropriate. (gentle music) (wind blows) – You all right? – Why shouldn’t I be? – (clears throat) I thought you looked upset. – Well, I’m not, all right? – Fine. If you say so. – Amber, have you seen Patsy and Cloe? – No, I haven’t. I haven’t seen them. – All right, keep your wig on. They’re supposed to be helping me, but they disappeared. – Well, I can’t be everywhere, can I? I can’t take care of everybody. I’m not their mother, all right? – All right. I’ll ask someone else. (somber piano music) – Oh, hell. (soft, gentle music) I didn’t know we’d lost touch, Dal and me. In the first few months, we were like brother and sister. He pulled me through so many times. He didn’t wanna come here, but I made him, and now he’s gone, and I’m gonna miss him. – I know. – He didn’t say goodbye. Didn’t even leave a note. Thought I was so clever. – You and me both. – Hey, I’m sorry. I was forgetting about Trudy. – Oh, it’s not like that with me and Trudy. It’s nothing like it. – But you’re feeling bad. – Yeah. But not because I miss her. – Why then? – ‘Cause I don’t. See, when I heard she’d gone, I felt relief. I was glad. And I don’t feel proud of myself for that. – What a pair, eh? – (chuckles) Yeah. (birds chirp) – Where have you been? You’ve been gone ages. – This place is like a big food store. Look at this. Eggs, mushrooms, potatoes. We can have a fry up. – Where’d you get the eggs from? – [Dal] Ducks. – Can you eat them? – Of course you can. – How do you know all this stuff, Dal? (sighs) Sorry. It’s something you don’t wanna talk about. – No, it’s okay. Camping trips with my folks. Every summer we’d get out of the city. I loved it. – Well, it’s certainly come in useful. – That’s just to start. I can fish, too. I’ll teach you. – Thanks. I’ve got a lot to learn. So where do we start? That little log cabin? – We’re not stopping here, too close to the city. Show me your map. We’re here. – Is that all? My feet are killing me. – We need to push on after eating. This place isn’t safe. – I’ve never felt safe. – Well, you’re more likely to feel it out here than in the city. Somewhere you can grow food, keep animals. Somewhere you don’t always have to watch your back. – Well, where do you think? – [Dal] I don’t know, it’ll be there somewhere. (concerning music) What’re you doing? – Well, if we’re looking for a new world, we don’t really need a map of the old one, do we? – That’s the spirit. Let’s scramble those duck eggs. (rats squeak) (uneasy music) (water running) (dog barking) – So to keep her safe and sound, they sent the little princess away into the woods where she was looked after by a fairy godmother. And she grew up, and in time, she forgot all about her real mother, and she lived happily ever after. We’ll be fine now, won’t we? We’ll be fine. – [Lex] What’re you doing? – Looking for something. – [Lex] Well, can you do it somewhere else? – I don’t want to. It’s a free world, isn’t it? – Yeah, and it’s almost empty. And you have to come and bang around in this little bit of it. – Yeah, well, the thing I’m looking for is in here. – Ryan, what are you looking for? – An earring. – An earring? – To match this one? Sort of. – (grunts) Why? – It’s a present for Zandra. Will she like them? – I don’t know. – I thought you knew about women. – And I don’t care. Hold this up. Over here. (grunts) This place needs sorting out. Tightening up. It’s flabby, and it’s boring. Too much housework, feelings, meetings. Not enough action. – Steady on, Lex. – What’s the matter, Ryan? Can’t take it anymore? Look at you, you’re going soft. Choosing earrings for girls, eh? Eh? Eh? – You wanna be careful, Lex. You won’t have any friends left. (concerning music) – If you’ve come to shout at me as well, Ryan, you can turn around and go. I’ve had enough for one day, thank you. – I brought you a present. They don’t match, I’m afraid. – Oh, Ryan. That’s so sweet. Thank you. – Do you like them? – I love them. (sighs) Why can’t Lex be more like you? Thoughtful and considerate. – Don’t now. – What’s wrong with him? He blows so hot and cold. I never know where I am with him. – No. – I can’t rely on him like I can with you, Ryan. A girl can really lean on you. You’re a rock. – Lex says I’ll never get a girlfriend because I know nothing about women. And my feet smell. – Well, the feet are a bit of a drawback. But if you just smartened yourself up a bit. Tell you what, I’ll do you a makeover. Take your trousers off. – Eh? – Come on, try these on. I got them for Lex, but he doesn’t deserve them. What’s wrong? (concerned music) Don’t be shy, I won’t look. (sighs) Makes a change. Lex can’t wait to get his pants off when I’m around. I wonder what’s wrong with him. Do you think it’s Tai-San? Didn’t think he was her type. He’ll have to try a lot harder than that to make me jealous. How are you doing? – Fine. – You can give me some advice on these perfumes while you’re at it. Sniff that. (sniffs) Nights of Passion. What do you think? – Very nice. – Now this. (sniffs) Forever. And now try this. Come on, Ryan, I’m getting a crick. (sniffs) Bliss. Which one do you like best. – Uh, I’m not sure. – Neither am I. Would it help to smell them again? – Yes. – Okay. By the way, those trousers definitely suit you. Come on, we’ll start with Bliss this time. – Now if I’m doing bedtimes and looking after her during the night, I’m gonna need some help during the day. Cloe’s doing daytime feeds and– – Hi. How’s it going? – Good. – I just came to say thanks. – I’m doing it for Brady. Not for you, Bray. – Yeah, right. Well, I’ll leave you to it then. Anything I can do, just ask. – Where were we? Patsy, will you take her out in the morning, and I’ll take her out in the afternoon? Now Trudy’s gone we all have to work really hard to make sure little Brady feels secure. It’s gonna be strange for her for a while. Isn’t it, my darling? (cooing) Are you hungry? Here’s Auntie Cloe with some milk. – I brought her something special. One of the hens was laying. It’s scrambled eggs. – I think she might be a bit young for that, Cloe. Never mind, in a few months, maybe. Do you want to feed her? – It seems I was wrong. – [Lex] Oh, yeah? I thought you’d come around in the end. – You want to be a hamster in this life, not the next. Pity Dal’s gone. He could have made you an exercise wheel. – [Lex] Very funny. – I thought so. You have too much bad energy, Lex. – Well, we both know why that is, don’t we? – It infects the whole group like a disease. I could help you channel it. – I bet you could. – I was thinking more of yoga. Very relaxing. – No thanks. I think I’ll keep to my running. (soft, gentle music) (whines) – [Tai-San] Feng shui. – What? – The energies in the room. Bad luck flows in, good luck flows out. We must move the furniture. Ryan, help me move this. It’s in the wrong place. Come on. Up, up! And that ones goes back. (whining) – [Lex] Look what I found. (concerning music) (laughing) (rooster crows) – [Trudy] What do you think? – They look okay. But we’d better be careful. – Well, they’re not Locos, that’s for sure. – [Dal] Can’t see any weapons. – And whatever they’re cooking on that fire smells pretty good to me. (bag contents clatter) – Ryan, these are the earrings you gave me. – He must have been in everywhere. – I needed ’em for food. I’m starving! – You could have asked. – And you’d have given me some. – [Amber] We may have. – Be the first I’ve met. – What’s your name? – KC. – Well, KC, we don’t like thieves in our mall. – That must have been the bad feeling I felt. – [Patsy] What should we do with him? – Cut his hand off. – [Amber] Jack! – Put him in the cage. – Throw him out. – [Ryan] And give him a food hiding. – Hang on! How’d you like to join our tribe? – Uh-uh. – What? – [Lex] We’ve got plenty of room now Dal and Trudy have gone. – And Paul. – And the kid’s good. He did over all our rooms, nobody noticing except for me. We need somebody with guts. We got enough wimps here. – How ’bout it, KC? You want to join us? – Amber! – Yeah, that’d be cool. – So how ’bout we vote on this? – (scoffs) He’s just gonna steal from us again and go. – I won’t. – No, he won’t. ‘Cause if he does, I’ll let Ryan break his neck. – So who says he stays? – Oh, I thought all you guys were nice. – Jack? – (scoffs) No way. – Welcome to the Mall Rats, KC. – You’re all crazy! (gentle music) (laughing) – [Boy] Chuck it over here! – Give me a turn. – Throw it over here. (rooster crows) (dog barking) (child screams) – They’ve seen us now! – [Older Boy] I think we’re being spied on. – [Other Boy] Oi, check it out. – Trudy, what are you doing? (determined world music) – I don’t wanna spend my life running away, Dal. This is the safest looking place I’ve ever seen. – Here goes. (murmuring) (rooster crows) (dog barking) – Hello, strangers. Uh, we don’t have much, but what we do have, you’re welcome to share. – [Lex] Aren’t you supposed to be on guard duty? – I’m just going. – Well, hurry up! You’re stinking the place out. It’s starting to smell like a tart’s boudoir. – Oh, you would know, wouldn’t you, being such an exert on women. – What are you wearing anyway? Perfume? – It’s cologne. – Well, it stinks. – I’m just taking pride in my appearance. Good night, sleep tight, mind the bugs don’t bite. (concerning music) – You still haven’t got a woman! And you never will! You’re a loser! Hallelujah. (water dripping) (dog whining) – Zandra, Zandra no. – Hi. – Hi. – I’ve got a nice, smelly fish for you. – Stop it Zandra, no! Ugh, (dog grumbles) you stupid, stinking animal. (dog moans) Get away! – Tai-san? Hey. What are you doing? – I was trying to meditate. – Well I’m awake now, you can get back in. Come on. – I don’t want to. – Why not? You did last night. – That was last night. I don’t want to now. – So what was last night about? Just rearranging my chakras or something? – Chakras? Last night I wanted to, right now I don’t. Do you have a problem with that? – So when are you gonna want to again? – Please, all you want is someone you can snap your fingers for when you’re in the mood. – No! – Yes! And when you don’t get what you want, you’re a cross little boy. Do you know how unattractive that is? – One minute you want me, the next minute you don’t. What am I supposed to think? – When are you going to learn to respect other people’s feelings? Then you can relate to them. When are you going to learn that? – Hi. – [Ryan] Hey. – You didn’t see that, right? (rooster crows) – [Susannah] How’d you sleep? – Really well, thank you. – [Susannah] Breakfast is ready, have the bread while it’s still warm. It’s really nice with honey. – Honey? – And I chopped some apples too. – Don’t be shy, you must be hungry. – There’s tomatoes as well, just help yourself. – Mmm – I’m glad you like it! – Where’d you get all this stuff from? – We trade with the farmers. – There’re farmers? Where? – Up in the mountains, towards the East. – Did any adults survive up there? – No, it’s the same as everywhere else. So, what part of the city did you come from? – Sector 10. We’ve had enough. – [Troy] Don’t blame you. – Hey sweetie, have you come to say hello to Trudy and Dal? This is Misty. Oh why won’t you speak! (Misty giggles) Go and find Raindrop. – What do you trade with the farmers? – Well whatever they need, they tell us what they want and we find it for them. – Have some more bread. – Oh, it’s very kind, but we can’t repay you. – You don’t have to, there’s plenty here for everyone. – We have a little saying in our group, give what you have and you’ll always get it back. – Thank you. (goat bleats) (goat bleats) (laughs) (goat bleats) – Look at that! He usually only goes to Misty. – They’ve got a lot in common you see, they were both abandoned by their mothers, poor things. – [Susannah] The times we live in huh? – Well, if you’re heading up to the mountains you’re going to be in for a long journey. So, why don’t you stay with us for a few days, and get your strength up. – Are you sure? – We’d really like you to. Now let’s see you eat. (ladle clanking) – Give him extra. The kid hasn’t eaten in days. (metal scraping) – That’s way too much! – But with Dal and Trudy gone there’s more for everyone. – So why don’t we try and make it last longer? – [Ryan] Want some help? – [Zandra] Thanks – This is great, you guys are cool – How did you manage to get in here without being seen KC? – It’s easy, I just walked in through the sewers. – Are you listening to this Mr. Head of Security? – Yeah, yeah, yeah. The kids a professional. – So are the Locos Lex, seriously we need to beef up on the guard duty again. – Nag, nag, nag. – We’re gonna do some reading today KC. – [Patsy] Boring. – Thank you for that Patsy. Want to join us? – Reading? I can’t, I’m helping Jack with his wind machine. – Does Jack know? – I’m gonna ask him. – Good luck. – Does he seriously think he’s going to make me jealous by pretending to flirt with her. – I don’t think he’s pretending. – What do you mean? – I mean, he’s not pretending because he’s really doing it. But he’s only doing it to make you jealous. Then he’s pretending. – Ugh, look what he’s doing now. He’d never do that for me. – I will. – I didn’t mean it like that. – I’d like to, really. (dog whines) – Remember what I told you. – I haven’t said anything. – Good. And don’t go getting any ideas about Zandra, I saw you making eyes at her. – I wasn’t. Even if I was, I thought you’d split up with her. – Thinking’s not your strong point Ryan. Anyway, you don’t have a hope. Not a dog’s chance. (dog whines) (dog barks) – Get lost. (wind blows) (brush sweeping) – You’re not on cleaning duty today. – Well I thought you might want some help. – Is this meant to make me change my mind about anything? – Of course not. But I know you don’t like doing this, so I’m respecting your feelings. – Alright. Thank you. – Ugh (Exhales) It’s pathetic. – Then ignore it. – I am ignoring it. – It’s nice to see Lex being helpful for a change. It’s nice to see anyone being helpful. – Maybe I should do something to make him jealous. – You just said it was pathetic. – It’s different, he deserves it. – Wouldn’t you rather he wanted you because he wanted you, not because he was jealous. – You don’t know how boys’ minds work. – Oh, I don’t. – Well you haven’t exactly got them falling over themselves for you, have you? (rag squeaks against glass) I think I know just the person. Ryan. – No fish right? – What? – Nothing. What do you want? – I’ve got a little surprise for you. – This is a restricted area, no thieves allowed. – This looks great, you must be really brainy Jack. Wish I was. Must be cool to make things. – Don’t touch. I’m measuring it up. – Should I hold it for you? – I can manage. – Okay. Sorry I stole your Game Boy Jack. They wouldn’t let me play with them at the home. My dad and me used to play them all the time, before. I miss my dad. – Hey KC, you can give me a hand if you like. (pen cap pops) – Oh that’s lovely. – Good. You deserve a treat. – Why do we have to do it out here though? – Why not? Just you watch. – Watch what? – How nice your hair’s gonna look. – Hey, ready for some reading now? – No. – So, what kind of look are you going for? – Smooth, sophisticated and manly. – Like me eh? – Yeah, like you. – Oh you’ve already done that. – I know, I’m doing it again ’cause you liked it so much. – Mm – Oh, hi. – Hi. – So, what have we here then? – What does it look like? – Yeah. What does it look like? It’ll take more than a head massage to get his brain working. And don’t forget, woof woof. (exhales) – And this little piggy went whee, whee, whee, all the way home. – She’s looking straight into your eyes, I don’t think she misses Trudy at all. I couldn’t ever leave a baby, could you? – Of course not. – Do you think Trudy really wanted to die? – I don’t know. – But she would have, if Bray hadn’t found her in time, wouldn’t she? – Yes, I expect she would have. – We’re playing this little piggy, and I’m sure she smiled at Salene. – Did she? Could you get some fresh water for Brady? – There’s still some in the bottle. – Please. – Okay (baby cooing) – Please Salene, talk to me. For her sake at least. – I don’t think we should see each other. – We can’t avoid each other. It’s not our fault Trudy did what she did. – Did what she did? Why can’t you just say it? She tried to kill herself, and then abandoned her baby. – But it wasn’t our fault. – No? – I know Trudy was jealous about us, but I never told her she and I were going to be an item. It needn’t change things between us. – Us? – Yes. There can still be an us can’t there? – What is it? – Don’t touch me. No. Don’t come near me. – Salene – I don’t want to see you again. Just go away, now. (baby coos) – Here’s the water. (baby gurgles) (rooster crows) – Troy reckons we can all live like this one day, if we try hard enough. I think he’s right. Wonder what they’re doing back at the mall, probably fighting and arguing. – Hey, that’s a great job you’re doing there. Nice, what else do you do? – Carpentry, machines. – How are you with cars? – I love ’em. Do you have one? – No, maybe one day. And how about you Trudy, what do you do? – Oh, not as much as Dal I’m afraid. – I tell you what, you’d make a great mother. His mother rejected him at birth and he’s been hand reared ever since. And he’s certainly taken a liking to you. – Troy how do you avoid trouble with people like the Locos? – Well, we can bring them things that they can’t get from anyone else, so they don’t harm us. – You mean you deal with them? – Not by choice, we try to avoid them. – Still must be dangerous. – Well it’s safer for the moment. The tribal leaders have called a meeting to sort things out. – There’s going to be a big gathering on the coast. That’s where we’re heading. – You should come, it’ll be fun. – No, we’re heading up to the mountains. (whooshing) – Now, gonna stick this in here, and this in here. So we can hang the counterweights and attach the piston. – How do you know all this stuff? – Well, I read books. So, I need you to drill a hole for me in here so I can stick this in there. – No problem. – No that’s way too small. – No, this ones too big. – Oh leave it, I’ll do it. Now look what you made me do! – I told you let me do it. – If it’s all the same to you, I think I’ll do this on my own. – But– – I said, I’ll do it on my own. – As the little white train (dog groaning) puffed away over the hill. – Well done Patsy, see you can do it if you try. – Will we go on a train one day? – Maybe. Could I learn to drive one? – I’m sure you could. – How? (dog grumbles) – There must be a book on it somewhere, which is why you have to be able to read. – So, go and play. And don’t make such a fuss about it next time. – Come on, let’s play trains. I’m the driver. – I’m not disturbing you am I? – I was just gonna read my book for a bit. – It’s about me and Bray, I want to explain. I won’t keep you long. – No problem. (goat bleats) – I shall work for the farmers to begin with, and then once we get our own land we can grow our own things and be self sufficient. I reckon if we leave tomorrow we’ll probably get there in a week. What do you think? Trudy? – Dal I’m not coming. I’m going back. – But why? – Because I have to be with Brady. She’s where I belong. – Then let’s take her with us then. We’ll go back and get her. – No, I couldn’t. – But she’ll love it. It’ll be a great life for her. – Dal, we don’t really know what’s up there. And anyway, I couldn’t take her away from Bray. It’s not about me and Bray, I promise, it’s just that I’ve understood now, my place is with her. – Please say you don’t mean it. – Listen, I have to do this. Not just for Brady but for me. I have to be strong, please try and understand. This was a wonderful idea, Dal, and if I hadn’t come with you, I would have never realized what I really wanted. (goat bleats) – I’ll go back with you then. – No, you have to go on. – I don’t want to. – You must. This is your dream Dal. I don’t want to drag you back. Promise me you will. I’ll leave first thing in the morning. Leave it a while before you tell Troy and Susannah. I don’t want them trying to change my mind. I’ll miss you. – I’ll miss you too. (wind blowing) – I saved it from dinner. – You could have given it to me then. – I wanted to give it to you now. – Thank you, and thank you for being so considerate today. It proves you can, if you want to. It’s about respecting feelings, right? – Yes, it’s good to hear you talking like this. – Yeah. So, where do you want to stay tonight? Here or back at my place? – I said, I wasn’t going to change my mind. – Well you said it, but you didn’t mean it. – I can’t believe I actually started to think you were being genuine today. – I was being genuine. – No, it was so you could sleep with me tonight. – What’s wrong with that? You told me to respect your feelings and I did. What more am I supposed to do? – Sleeping with me is not a reward for being good, and it’s not a permanent treatment for being bad. – Well what is it then? You’ve lost me. – I thought I could help you direct your energy, down more positive channels. But I see now I was wrong, it was a mistake. I’m sorry. – We’re made for each other. – No. We are not made for each other. Do us both a favor and forget it ever happened. – You realize I could– – Don’t even think about it. And take your creamed rice with you. (dog barks) (can bangs) (dog barks) – Lex? – Can I talk to you? – I was just about to go to sleep. – It’s about Salene. – Oh. – Well she’s acting all strange, she won’t even talk to me. – I know, I’ve just had her in here for an hour. – What did she say? – What you want a summary? – Well what did she say about her and me? – In a nutshell, she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend. – Did she say why? (sighs) – Not really. She didn’t make a whole lot of sense. – [Bray] Come on Amber, you can do better than that. – Has it ever occurred to you that I might not want to hear about this? Did you ever think that I might not want you and Salene, and Zandra, and everyone, dumping their stuff on me all the time, did you? – Amber– – Everyone expects me to be their mother, but no-one thinks about what I want. And I’m fed up with it. So just for once, get off my back and leave me alone. – Hiya, want a game? – I’m not in the mood for games. – For a nerd Jack’s got some pretty brilliant ones. – Did he lend that to you? – Not exactly. – You knicked it? Okay then, come on. (Game Boy beeps) – There’s something I’ve got to tell you. I’m really glad you’ve changed your mind about me. I want us to be together, always. Hi. – Oh, hi. – I just want to thank you for doing my hair. – You already have, several times. – [Ryan] Yeah, well it was very nice of you. – My pleasure Ryan. – Zandra, there’s something I’ve got to tell you. – I saw Lex coming from Tai-san’s again today. What’s he doing, messing her about? That poor girl’s gonna be heartbroken when she finds out he’s only doing it to make me jealous. – Zandra I– – Wish he’d stop being so pig-headed. He knows I love him, so why does he go on like this? I don’t suppose, you couldn’t sort of, talk to him? Without letting him know I asked you? – I can try. – Would you? You’re a good friend Ryan, the best. Night. Oh, what was it you were going to tell me? – Oh, nothing important, some other time. (birds chorusing) (rooster crows) – [Susannah] Come and get it. – I hope you’ve got an appetite. What is it? – Trudy’s gone back, she’s changed her mind. – What? Which way did she go? – What? – Which way? – Along the main road, I suppose. Why? – Come on. – Wait. When did she leave? – At dawn. – [Susannah] It’s too late, she’ll be halfway there. – I can’t believe this. Why didn’t you tell us this before? – Troy. – She didn’t want me to tell you. What’s the matter? – Nothing’s the matter, we’re just worried about her safety. Aren’t we? – Yes. Look I’m sorry, it’s just the thought of anything happening to her. – Here, help yourself with the food, we’ve just got a couple of things to do. Calm down, you’re gonna blow it. – One of us should have stayed with them. – It’s done. We’ll just have to keep an eye on this one. (dramatic music) (birds chirping) – Tai San? – What? – Can anyone learn to meditate? – Surely this isn’t your scene. – Correction, it wasn’t. Then I met you. – You used to think I was a space cadet. – Then I got to know you better. – Tuned into my essence. – Right! – Picked up the vibes. – [Lex] That, too! – Found a soul connection. (dog barks) (romantic music) (barking echoes) – Where’s Dal? You have got a lot of explaining to do. – Look, I don’t know about all that soul business. But I do know you’ve got (mumbles). – I have? – And I was wondering if you could be like my spiritual teacher? – If I wasn’t so enlightened, I’d be flattered. – That’s cool the way you handled life and… – And? – Stuff? – Like rituals and chanting and… – Getting it on. – There’s a surprise. – So I thought maybe we could carry on doin’ it. You know, when I teach a pupil go to bases. – Sure. There’s just one problem. – What? – There’s a strict rule. – Anything you say. – Spiritual teachers never get it on with their pupils. – Never? – Ever. (dramatic music) – Are you hungry, sweeting? (baby coos) You are. ‘Course you are. That’s my baby. That’s my little girl. (bird coos) (tribal music) – That’s called making an entrance! – Never been the shy, retiring type. – (chuckles) Heading somewhere? – Looking for you. – Who are you? – A traveler, a friend. – You knew we were here? – I thought you were. Same thing. – Sort of like a sixth sense. – Yeah, we’ve all got it, even you. – If it doesn’t involve a screwdriver, I wouldn’t count on it. – There are lots of skills you don’t make enough use of. Like coordination. (mysterious music) (rooster crows) – Wow! Looks like we’ve got ourselves an entertainer! – How’d you find us, really? – Smell of breakfast. (group laughs) Now, how about three? (group laughs) – Look what the wind’s blown in. – I don’t for a minute imagine you’re thrilled to see me. (dog whines) – You said it. Where’s Dal? – I’m sorry. – He didn’t come with you? – There’s only me. (dog whines) – You’ve got a nerve. (loud clattering) (groans) – Well, what do you want? – I’ve brought you a coffee. Two sugars, isn’t it? – Thanks. – Jack? – Yeah? – Can I borrow your Gameboy? – Yeah, I suppose. Well, I don’t know where it is. – Here it is. – Oh, okay. – Thanks. (soft splash) – Hell! – Didn’t think we’d be seeing you here again. – I expect you didn’t much want to either. – You said it. Where’s Dal if he isn’t with you? – He’s hanging out with a bunch of Nomads we met. – [Amber] Nomads? – He’s in his element, sleeping out under the stars. – We were worried about you. – Speak for yourself, Cloe. I’m furious with her. – I deserve it. – Greasing won’t help! – Waltzing off, dumping your child on us and then crawling back in here when you’ve run out of food! – But there was lots to eat! (baby coos) I wanted to come home. This is where I belong. – Pity you didn’t think of that before you did a bunk. – Why don’t we let her explain? – Who asked you? – I live here, too! – Patsy’s right. It’s only fair to hear her side of the story, too. – And you’re always telling us to be fair, Amber. – Alright. Some of us are interested to know why you’ve come back, Trudy. – I’ve been running away for ages. From Zoot, Bray, you guys. Even my own baby. I don’t wanna run anymore. – Until your next little crisis? (dramatic music) – Go on. – It’s time I grew up. Faced responsibilities. – High time. – And I’ve come to say I’m sorry for everything. And I’m gonna make it up to you all. – We’ve heard it all before. – It’s different this time, truly! I want to stay! (dramatic music) (baby coos) And I want my baby back. – But for how long? – Until she fancies chucking her at Salene again. – Even you’ve been a better mother to the kid than she has! – Thanks for the compliment. I think. – You have to admit. You don’t exactly have a great track record. – You mean you won’t give her back to me? (dramatic music) (baby coos) (soft sobbing) (water gurgles loudly) – Trick is to get your hands at waist level, throw the balls to your eye line. – You make it look like a dawdle. – I’ll have you all experts in no time. Catch! – You’re definitely brightening our day, Sasha! – It was fate that we met. – It’s your feet, more like. Just like you, I’m always moving on. – We enjoy it that way. – Sharing what we’ve got with anyone who has a friendly face. – Well, if you like the look of mine, I can contribute, too. – Anything gratefully received. – No supplies, but I do sketches, acrobatics, juggling. – Essential survival skills? – To survive the boredom, they are. – Sasha, you’re very welcome. – It’ll only be for a few days. – A few days it is, then, while we head to the tribal gathering. – [Sasha] News to me. What’s it all about? – It’s where all the tribes and their leaders meet up. – Chance to get together, talk and have fun! – In that case, I’m your man! – We noticed. – And you’re the new boy in town. – How’d you know? Don’t tell me, sixth sense? (dramatic music) (wind howls) – Welcome home, Trudy. You’re back with your family now. – You treat her with more respect than she’s treated us. – Yeah. I don’t like getting walked over. I say she’s out. (dog whines) – I ran away from home once and they still had me back. – That was your mom and dad, Cloe. This is different. – Why, if we’re family, too? – It just is. – We still need to know we can trust each other. – She can be trusted to open a tin of beans. – She’s in the room and she does have feelings. – Can we stop this negativity? – It’s called honesty, Tai-San. – Yeah, and it’s getting us nowhere. We need to tune into Trudy at a level where we’re all one. – What planet is she on? – Understand she’s been in a long and painful journey. Now, she’s found her inner truth. – What’s one of those? – It means she’s discovered what really matters to her. – Like friends! (baby coos) – Yes, Ryan. Like friends. – And Dal is following his own inner truth. We should celebrate! – How you manage to turn everything on its head, I have no idea. – It’s a sacred art. – Alright. But if you so much as breathe at the wrong time… – A celebration, then? – Can we hold hands? I like it when we hold hands. (dramatic music) – You don’t need all that stuff. – I thought I heard someone talking. Must be my imagination. – I mean it, Zan. You’re a knockout already. – What do you want, Lex? – Does there have to be a reason? – When it’s you, there does. – Hands up, I confess. Guilty of minor neglect. – Major avoidance, more like. – Only ’cause I was embarrassed. – Now, you’re really pushing your luck. (chuckles) You don’t know the meaning of the word. – Honest, Zan. It’s about the Ebony business. – Oh, her. – She set me up! – You mean you fell for her tawdry charms. – I knew however I explained it to you, I’d wind up looking bad. – True. – So I thought the best thing to do would be keep clear. That’s when I realized how much I care about you. – Sounds like a line from a corny movie. I don’t buy it. – What do I have to say to convince you? – It’s what you do that counts. – Alright. (dramatic music) One more thing before you do that. – What? – Anybody ever told you you got great legs? (relaxing music) – Cleaning rotor? Aren’t you gonna be everyone’s favorite person? – We can’t all be hunter-gatherers. Someone’s gotta stay home and Hoover. – You don’t strike me as the type. – Got it in one! – And you expect me to wear a loin cloth and carry a club? – Like all the best hunters. What about ex-boyfriends? What do they do when their girl suddenly reappears on the scene? – Keep your distance. Be polite, but wary. – They don’t start thinking they might give it another go? – No way. – Life moves on so quickly since it happened. – I’ve noticed. – You never know what’s about to take you by surprise. – Or who. – I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… – We were just discussing duties. – And we’ve just finished. – I was coming to see you anyway. Tell me more about Dal. – Oh, he’s well and happy, enjoying the outdoor life and space, being close to the earth. – On his own. Without his friends. – He’s with some great people. He wanted to stay. – Are you sure you didn’t dump him just like you dumped the rest of us? – I’m telling you the truth, Amber. – Then it’s a bit hard to swallow. You took my good mate and then came back without him. – It was his idea to go. – We had the same plans, him and me. Escape to the country. – I’m sorry. – Doesn’t do much good, does it? I’m still stuck in this lump of concrete. – Maybe not. But there is something going on about there worth knowing about. – Other than chaos and destruction, you mean? – There’s a tribal get-together being organized. Leaders hanging out and talking. – What, a sort of gathering? – To talk and trade. The Nomads seemed really keen. It could be a new start for us all. (dramatic music) (water gurgles faintly) (horse neighs) – Stop fidgeting. – I can’t help it. It’s my nature. – Take a deep breath, calm down, and relax. – Easy for you to say. – How come? – You just seem that type. – (chuckles) And what type’s that? – Laid back, taking life as it comes. – It’s just a decision, Dal. – If only it was that easy. – It’s as easy as you make it. – So if you were torn between a way of life and a girl, what would you do? – Which one makes your heart beat faster? – She does. – But? – But my head says, "Stay. "This is what you’ve longed for. "And she doesn’t love you anyway." – Will you be happy if you stay? – How come you always know what questions to ask? – It’s not difficult. I just look in your eyes. – So I should go back? – (chuckles) I ask questions. I don’t give answers. (baby coos) – Sorry, am I disturbing you? – Oh, no it’s fine. – I just came to say I’m pleased you’re back with us. – You are? – Yeah! It’s important to stick together. Show your solidarity but take care of each other. – I agree. – And if there’s anything I can do to help. – Jack, why are you really here? – I just said… – No, I mean the real reason. – Well, I was just wondering. – Yeah? – Dal. Is he ever coming back? – I don’t think so. – Right. (dramatic music) – Is it the right one? – Where’d you get it? I grabbed the last dibs from the pharmacy months ago. – It’s from outside. – You braved the Locos to get me perfume. – It’s what you do that counts. Remember? – I still don’t get it. I mean, one minute I’m invisible, and the next you risk gettin’ beaten up or worse for me. – Let’s just say I’ve seen the light. – (scoffs) You sound like Tai-San. I even thought you fancied her. – Tai-San? Me? – Well, she is quite cute. If you’re into weird women. – You found me out. The fact is I was for a while. After the Ebony thing. – (scoffs) I knew it. – But not in the way you mean. – What other way is there? – I was into her beliefs. Not her body. – Oh, please! – Straight up, Zan! Even tough Lex gets freaked out sometimes the way things are. – Don’t we all? – And for a while I got sucked into being deep and meaningful. I lost the plot a bit. – And now? – Nah. Not my thing. – Could have told you that in the first place. – Besides, I found a… What does Tai-San call it? An inner truth. (romantic music) – You have? – Yeah. There’s nothing that a juicy snog with a girlfriend can’t fix. – Is that right? Any particular girl you got in mind? (relaxing music) – Mind if I come in? – No. – I just wanted to say thank you for giving me my baby back. Again. – It’s alright. I don’t miss the pungy nappies one bit. – But what about Brady? – You do sort of get used to having her around. – You’ve been more of a mother to her than I have till now. – There’s the next umpteen years for you to catch up. – I mean it, Salene. Who knows what would’ve happened without you? – Don’t make me into some sort of superhero. I’m far from it. – If you feel that way, I might as well give up now! – Not as a mum. As a person. – (chuckles) And I thought I beat myself up. (dramatic music) – I’m bored with this game. It’s too easy. If only we had three, then we could play murderer-in-the-dark down in the sewers. – But we haven’t got three, have we? – I was just saying. – No doubt! Why did you have to remind me? I was having fun! – Sorry. Maybe we could ask that new boy, KC? – Him? Don’t be stupid! He’ll probably hit us or steal our toys. – Hiya. Wanna play? – No, thanks. – What’s the game? – Giant Ant Attack, it’s my favorite. There are these huge, giant ants that attack you and they’ve got one big, massive brain that you have to kill. (water gurgles) – Wanna try juggling again? Physical activity can take your mind off things. Get your spirits up! – I don’t think juggling will help things. – You and this, what’s her name? – Trudy. – You said she didn’t love you. – She liked me, though. We looked after Brady together. Her baby daughter. – Then you could pretend the rest. – While she was here I could. – And now you’re driving yourself nuts, wondering how she is and what might have been. – Have you got direct access to my brain? – (chuckles) It’s written all over your face, buddy! – I shouldn’t have let her go on her own. – That’s it. No more talking about this girl. Find her. – I thought you didn’t give answers. – There are exceptions to every rule. Now, go! (dramatic music) – What are you doing? – M-M-O-B. – What? – M-M-O-B. – What’s that mean? – Minding My Own Business. Are you stupid or something? – I was only asking. – Well, don’t! – I’m sorry about your brother. I didn’t hear anything about him or see. What are you really doing? – Remembering. – What was your favorite? – The one with the chocolate flake. – I’ll buy you one! – What? – Two ice cream cones, please, with flakes. Thanks. Here. Mm, brilliant. Watch out, it’s dripping! – (chuckles) You’re nuts! – Yeah, I suppose. What? – You forgot the raspberry sauce. – Raspberry sauce, please! – So why the big pow wow? – It’s Trudy. – Oh, how boring. Can I get back to clipping my toenails? – She’s told me about a tribal gathering. All the tribe leaders are getting together to talk. – It sounds like a set-up. – Hear her out, will you? – Look, you’re so naive! It’s a trap. – And you’re so suspicious! Not everyone’s out to get you! – Speaking from experience, they are. – If we believe that, we’d be holed up here forever. – We need to take a risk and talk. Whoever these guys are. – We’ve gotta more contact with the outside world, Lex. – It could be just what they’re planning. We could play right into their hands! – Were you born cynical? – Look, ask yourselves, why are they doin’ it? – Well, maybe they’re like us, tired of struggling alone. – Or gangs of madmen waiting to do us in. – He’s such a cheery soul, isn’t he? – What will we do without him? – I’m up for sussing it some more. Can’t do any harm. – Let’s make a decision after that. What do you say, Lex? – Does it matter? – Yes. Your vote counts. – And what’s one vote when the other two come from La La Land? (dramatic music) – Men. They warp your brain, don’t they? – If you let them. – I suppose you meditate it all away. – It helps. That and seeing them for the nerds they really are! (chuckles) – You know, I almost let Lex blow our friendship. – How come? – By (chuckles) being a jealous cow. – Nothing to be jealous about! – I know that now. Lex explained it all. – Good. – But for a while I did think there was something going on between you two. – Lex and me? No! – I believe you. – Good. We only slept together twice. Mostly as an aura balancing exercise. – Aura balancing exercise? You– – Ha-yah! – Hey! Cut it out! What on earth is going on? – Ask her! You slag! – It’s just a misunderstanding. Zandra and I are coming from different places. – I know where you come from. The gutter. (thrilling music) (dog barks) – I’ve just come to say thanks. You guys have been really great to me. – It’s a pleasure to be of service. – I loved hanging around with you guys. – And we loved having you around! – But I’ve decided to go and look for Trudy. – Bad decision. – No, I’ve made up my mind. It’s the right thing for me. – He doesn’t seem to understand. Explain, Suze. – You’ve given yourself to us now. You’re a part of our tribe. – You won’t be going anywhere. (dog barking) – What is this, some sort of joke? – Oh, it’s a joke alright. A joke on you. – Well, stop it. I’m getting scared. – There’s no need to be scared, Dal. We won’t hurt you. – No, no, that’s the last thing we’d want. You’re no use to us if you’re bruised and broken. – I don’t understand. Stop talking in riddles. I’m sorry, I’m going now. Hey! – Lock him up. – Let me go! You can’t do this to me! – Who says? (electronic music) (wind whistling) (sirens blaring) (whimpering) – After the meal, I want to talk to everyone, okay? – Where’s Salene? – Sleeping. – [Amber] Sleeping? – She said she didn’t want any dinner. – Oh, so she talks in her sleep, does she? – Maybe she’s sick. – Like the adults. – What? – They stopped eating. – Missing the occasional meal is good for you. We eat far too much anyway. – Speak for yourself. – Has anyone seen Lex? Amber? – How should I know? – Oh, he’s somewhere. – We have Aristotle there. – You what? – Your philosophical deduction. – (signs) You’re whacked. – What do you want him for? – That’s my business. Where’s Ryan, then? – What’s he done? – I just wanna talk to him. – Well he can’t be far off. It’s dinner time. (whines) – In that case, you don’t mind if I take it to him. – Zandra, I need everyone together to talk! Zandra! (whimpers) (easygoing acoustic music) – Did you know about Tai-San? – Tai-San. – Her and Lex. – Her and Lex? – We’re not going to get anywhere if you keep repeating what I say, Ryan. They’ve been sleeping together. You must have known that, you’ve been sleeping here as well. – I was on guard duty. – So you did know. – Well, I- – You knew and you didn’t tell me. – Lex said- – Nevermind what Lex said. I thought you cared about me, Ryan. – I do, I love you Zandra, you know that. – You what? – Well, I, you know, I care about you. – Funny way of showing it. Keeping secrets, making me a laughing stock behind my back. – No one else knows. – How do you know? – They haven’t said anything. – Neither have you, to me. – I didn’t want to hurt you, that’s why. I wanted to tell you, honest. I’d do anything for you, Zan. – Then find Lex for me. – What are you gonna do to him? – I don’t know. I haven’t thought of anything bad enough yet. (ominous music) (wind whistling) – Let’s get down to business. Now, let’s get her. (birds squawking) – Hi. Wonderful spot for fish. – Yeah, we know all the best places. – So, where’s Dal? – (sighs) We caught him stealin’. – What? – Yeah, who’d have known? (handcuffs clink) – Dal! – I thought he was such a good kid. – You never can tell. (fabric whooshes) – I’m scared. (soft music) Salene, K.C.’s brought you some food. You must be hungry. – Thanks K.C., but I’m not. (whimpering) – Could I have everyone in the cafe, please? We need to talk. Salene? – What? – Is everything alright with you? – Don’t start, Amber, I mean it. – So there is something. – It’s Dal. You’re not the only one who misses him. – Are you sure there’s nothing else? – No. – You just, you haven’t seemed yourself, lately. – I thought you said we had a meeting. – I can’t find Lex, and Zandra said, "Get lost." – What is going on with those two? (sad music) – A tribal gathering? Brilliant. – What’s that? – Well, it means all the tribes are getting together for a meeting. – Why? – Trudy knows more about it. – Not a lot. The nomad said it would be like a market, with people trading things. – What things? We haven’t got any things. – We’ve got heaps of stuff in here. – Nothing the others haven’t gotten spades. – We’ll think of something. Try to keep positive, Jack. – Are all the tribes going? – I guess. – Demon dogs. (whimpers) The Locos? – Well, apparently it was Ebony’s idea. She’s organizing it. – Ebony, it’s a trap. – I don’t think so. She’s really taken control of the Locos, set up a new headquarters. She seems to be trying to give them a new direction. Maybe all the tribes. – Rubbish. – Why? – Because it is. – It’s a possibility. What if it’s for real? – It would be wonderful. Think about it. If all the tribes stopped fighting. (scoffs) – As if. – Well why now, Jack? What if the tribes is starting to see sense? – It’s a great opportunity. Imagine being able to walk the streets safely again. – To go home. (somber music) – I can’t. Mine was burnt. I lost all my toys and everything. – Trudy’s right. This is too good an opportunity to give up. – It’s crazy. – Yeah. – Okay, so we sit in here forever, do we? Like real rats, hiding in the sewers? – What do you think, Tai-San? – The signs are good. – What signs? – You wouldn’t understand, Ryan. – I understand quite a lot of things. – Look, nobody knows. Trudy may be right, or Ryan may be right. Why don’t I try and find out what’s going on? – May see Ebony again. – No, there are other people out there who know what’s going down. – That’s a good idea. Then if it’s safe, we’ll go, okay? – We’re going to market, Salene. – We’re going shopping. – That’s nice. (dogs barking) – What’s all this? You were stealing? – It’s a lie! I told them I was going back, and they grabbed me. – Weird, why? (chains clinking) I mean, no offense Dal, you’re hardly ransom material. – What? – You’re not a prince or an emperor or anything, are you? – Stupid. – Hey, any more insults, and I won’t rescue you. – From what? That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. The nomads, they seemed- – Like the good guys? Yeah, I know. – And now they’re the bad guys. So what’s their game? – I don’t know. We shouldn’t stick around to find out. (chains clinking) – Well, what do we have here? (violin music intensifying) (knocking on door) – Lex? – No, sorry. – I brought you some food. – I’m not hungry. – No you as well. – What? – Salene’s not eating either. – I’m too upset to eat. – Oh, do you want to talk about it? – No. – Okay. We had another meeting about that tribal gathering. – He’s such a rat. I hate him. – What’s he done now? – Ebony was bad enough. Make me look like a laughing stock, but her? – Who? – And I thought we’d really made it at last. He’d asked me to marry him and everything. – Who is it, Zandra? What’s happened? It’s not Salene. – No, it’s her. Her and her weird rituals and potions and stuff. She’s a witch. – Tai-San? Lex and Tai-San. (game beeping) – Yes, yes! Oh no. – See, you can’t beat me. – Well you’re brill. – Well, Zandra doesn’t think so. (dog whimpering) – What happened? – I’ll tell you when you’re older. – Lex! There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you. – [Lex] What do you want? – What do you think? – I’m not a mind-reader, Ry. – No, just a rat. And this is the nest down here. Zandra sent me to find you. She’s heartbroken. – What about? – Come off it, Lex. – She and Tai-San had a fight. She just told Zandra straight out, didn’t try to hide it or anything. – What’s the matter with her? – What’s the matter with you, more like it. Most guys would give their right arm to have someone like Zandra. What are you? – You don’t understand. – Well I’m not standing for it anymore, Lex. You’re gonna go to Zandra now, and you’re gonna apologize. Or else. (dramatic music) (paper crinkling) (kicks wood) – Damn you! Damn! (sighs) (dogs barking) – It doesn’t make sense. Why chain up a mechanic and an entertainer? – It’s not as if we’re a double act or anything. I mean, you’re a terrible juggler. – Cut the jokes, Sasha. I’m not in the mood. – First time in my life I get chained up, and it’s next to Mr. Grumpy. – Sasha, this is serious! – Okay, calm down. Anger won’t help. – I should’ve never let the mall. – Ditto to that. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess. – Ah, so you admit it’s a mistake. – It’s a mistake, Dal, it has to be. There’s no reason in the world they’d want to lock us up. I mean, why? Unless- – What? Unless what? – They’re cannibals. (dog barking) (girl screams) (children laughing) – Hey, hey, what on earth is going on? – I’m a Loco. – JC’s pretending to be a Loco. – He’s chasing us. – Will they chase us at that tribe thing? – No, we won’t go if they’re going to. Now would you mind playing more quietly? I’m trying to get Bray to sleep. – Sorry. – Is Salene awake? – Yeah. – But she’s not talking. – Okay. You run along and play quietly. – C’mon, let’s play planet fortress. – I’ll be Commander Stellar. – No, me! Me, me! (calming music) – Hi. Feeling any better? I just brought Bray to say goodnight. – I’m not ill. – You’re not eating. (Bray gurgling) We’re worried. – Oh, you mean the virus. No, it’s not that. I’m getting hungry now. In fact, I’m starving. – Great, do you want to hold her? I’ll fix you something to eat. Salene, I know I’ve been a horrible person. – No. – Especially to you. And I don’t blame you for avoiding me. I know I don’t deserve it, but I’d really like to be your friend, if you let me. I’m so grateful to you for everything you’ve done. If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t be alive now. (somber music) (river running) – Here you are, boys. Suzanne has cooked a lovely meal for you. Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned. Eat up. You two are too scrawny by half. Get some meat on you. – Ryan said you’re looking for me. – Get in here. – Is anything the matter? – You tell me. – If it’s Tai-San you’re worried about- – Worried about? – It was her. – It was all her, Zan, I swear. She knew about you holding off, and about me. I’ve been frustrated. She just slipped into bed. I was sleeping, I thought it was you. – Me? – Well I thought it was too late. It was dark. – And was it dark the second time as well? – I’m sorry Zan. I really am truly sorry. – Setting aside the insult of being compared to that weird maggot, how do you explain the second time? – She was crazy for me. I couldn’t hold her off. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. – Hurt her feelings? – I’m supposed to be engaged to you. And you are, honest. And we’re gonna get married. Please just give me one more chance. I promise it won’t happen again. – First Ebony, then her? What is it with you, Lex? – I am a man, Zan. That’s what you like about me, isn’t it? I’m not a wimp like Ryan. – Don’t let him hear you say that. – Yeah, right. – You should treat him better. You should treat everybody better, Lex. – I will. I will. You’re gonna make a real man out of me, Zan. – Does anyone else know? Apart from Ryan? – No, I swear. Please Zan, it was nothing. Not like you and me. I promise I won’t do it again. I’d do anything to prove it to you. – Alright. – You will? – On one condition. (wind rustling) – Please just one more game. – No, K.C.. K.C.! – It’s too early for bed. – We have rules here, K.C.. You can play again in the morning after your lessons. – I don’t like lessons. – We’ll talk about it again in the morning, okay? – Goodnight, Amber. – Will you read us a story? – Not tonight, I’m busy. – I’m gonna play with Lex. – Lex is busy too. And I’d stay away from him if you know what’s good for you. – Hi. Have you got a moment? – Well, I- – I just wanna say I’m glad you’re taking such a positive lead about the tribal gathering. – Well why wouldn’t I? – Well I doubt Lex would. – Leave Lex to me. – This could be such an opportunity, Amber. We could start living normal lives again. – That’ll never happen, Bray. But thanks for backing me. It makes for a pleasant change. – You know I’ve never opposed you for fun, Amber. But I know I’ve given you a lot of headaches. – I’m a big girl. – Yeah, well I’m sorry for all the hassles I’ve put you though. Whatever happens, I hope we can be friends. (dramatic music) – Tai-San, I wanna work with you. – Not good, I bet. – Now, about Lex. – That’s absolutely none of your business. – Well I’m making it mine, Tai-San. – Who I choose to sleep with is my affair. – Well that’s just it, is it an affair or what? – Don’t be stupid! Me and Lex, his aura was out of balance, that’s all. I tried to balance it for the good of us all. – And what about Zandra’s aura when she found out? – Zandra is to take responsibility for herself. She lets Lex walk all over her. That’s her problem. – I don’t think I’ll ever understand you. – No, I don’t think you will. You’re too uptight. – You might not think about anything excpet yourself, Tai-San, but I’m trying to hold something together here. – That’s your problem, your power trip. – Oh and you’re not on one? Messing with people’s lives? At least mine isn’t clinging to some old, outdated morality. Where do you get off telling people how to live their lives, Amber? That’s what the adults did, and look what happened. – And what do you think would happen, Tai-San, if we all followed your way of doing things? – It’s not my way, it’s the freedom to fulfill our destiny. – Freedom? And what about responsibility? – It’s part of consciousness. You see, your consciousness is now determining your existence, and all your- – This has nothing to do with consciousness, existence, responsibility, or destiny. The only thing responsible is you, Tai-San. I am warning you. – Oh, now we’re coming out with it. Threats. Just remember, Amber, power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. (dramatic music) (metal ringing) – Come on. – Look, it’s gonna be bad enough for her without having an audience there. – I want to hear you say the words. – If you don’t trust me, Zan, what kind of basis is that for a marriage? – A pretty normal one, as I remember. – You’ve been so cynical lately. I blame it on Amber. – I blame it on putting up with men. Anyway, it’s not that I don’t trust you. I want to see her face when you tell her. – What if she’s not there? – She’s there. (piano music) Tai-San. – Yes? – I’ve come to tell you that it’s all over, babe. – All over? – Between us. You and me? I’m sorry. – Well? Haven’t you got anything to say? – Let me get this straight, Lex. You’re dumping me? – Yes, he is, and in the future, keep your hands to yourself. (Tai-San walking away) See, you could do it. (somber piano music) – Power and chaos! (screaming) – Hi. – I’ve just come for Brady’s milk. You don’t have to go on my account. Have you spoken to Salene? – Why? About not eating? – No, I think that’s okay. She said she was hungry earlier. – Good. – I think we should keep an eye on her though. – She won’t speak to me. – You’ve tried? – Yes. I’ve been worried about her. She’s been very miserable. Even before you came back. – Did you dump her too? – Trudy. This is a very crazy world we’re living in. And we all make mistakes. And I’m still trying to make up for mine. – Yeah, well, I guess you do have quite a lot to make up for, don’t you? Bray! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I know I’m just as much more to blame than you. I expected too much, and mended things in my mind, and I put you on the spot. I’m sorry. – I’m glad you came back. For Brady’s sake. – That was the only reason, Bray. (river running) (owls hooting) – What’s this? No appetite? Come on boys, eat up. Suzanne made that specially. – We’d rather starve. – Why? – Call us peculiar if you’d like. But we don’t like the idea of winding up smothered in gravy between two veg and roast potatoes in your plates, savage. – What? – That’s what you’re gonna do, isn’t it? – You think we’re cannibals? – Aren’t you? – Of course not! – Then why are you keeping us locked up? – Because we’re going to sell you. – Sell us? – Yes, we’re slave traders. (dramatic music) (rooster crows) – Morning. – At last, how could you sleep? – Closed my eyes and lie down, didn’t anyone tell you? – Sasha, there’s no time for jokes. – There’s always time, even when things are bad, especially then. – I can’t believe they’re gonna sell us, slaves. (rooster crows) I’ve been thinking of how we could get out while you were asleep. – Well, how are we gonna get out? – If we could lift the pole enough, we could slip the chains from underneath. – The tent would collapse on us. – It might, you got any better ideas? – No, that was the one I thought of too. – Then what are we waiting for? (dramatic music) – Amber, I’m sorry I woke you. It’s about the tribal gathering. – Yeah? – I wasn’t being entirely honest with you yesterday. I’m going to see Ebony. She’s behind it all and I wanna suss her out for myself. – Isn’t that a bit risky? – I know her, it has to be me. – So why tell me? – Well, I wanted you to know so you didn’t think I was going behind you back again like you did before. And just in case I don’t come back. (dramatic music) – Well, good luck, and Bray, be careful. – Salene. – Just leave me alone, Bray. – Salene, we should talk, please. – Don’t worry Bray, I won’t tell anyone. – Ryan, have you seen Lex? He’s with that Tai-San. (sad music) – It’s better than breakfast. – What? – This, Akido, it controls the flow of energy, centers you. You should try it. – My energy flows are just fine, thanks. – You’re still mad of me, Zandra? There’s no need. – You tried to take him away from me. – You can’t take people, Zandra. They’re not possessions. Anyway, he needed the release, that was all. – You’re only saying that now ’cause he’s finished with you. – Zan, I’ve been looking all over the place for you. – And just how long have you been standing there, eyeballing her? – [Seller] Thanks Susanna, I’ll take that to our guests. (rooster crows) – Here comes the guy who believes in peace, love and slavery. – Got you some breakfast. – To fatten us up before you sell us? – Believe me, we don’t enjoy doing this, but it’s a dog eat dog world. – We can use the bowl to dig more earth away from around the pole. I should’ve never left home. – Home? – The mall, it’s the only home I’ve got. – So why’d you leave? – Lots of reasons, they all seemed good at the time. If I go back, do you wanna come with me? – I’m not a home bird, Dal. I don’t stay anywhere for long. Maybe for a few days, we’ll see how it goes. – Either way, we have to get out of here first. – I was looking for you, Zan. I didn’t know she was gonna be prancing around, did I? – She seems very cool about the whole thing, Lex. – Don’t let her fool you. She’s hurt ’cause I dumped her and she’s just trying to hide it, that’s all. – Are you sure it was you that dumped her? – Of course, you heard me. – What about the wedding? – Nothing’s changed, we’ll do it soon. – When? – Soon, we can hardly ask Tai-San to do the ceremony right now, can we? – I don’t want Tai-San to do it at all. – All right, all right, anything you like. – Anything? – Yeah, the whole works. – The whole works, Lex, means a white dress, a nice church, and a reception for at least two hundred people. How you gonna manage that? Haven’t even got a wedding ring. – Yeah, the looters got all that stuff. – Not my problem, think of it as a test. – What? – To prove how much you love me. You find the ring, and you get the princess. (dramatic music) (mysterious music) – [Amber] Jack, you in, hi. Where’s KC? – I don’t know. – He said he was helping you, so I let him off his lessons. – Haven’t seen him. – That kid, how’re things coming along? – Fine, even better without interruptions. – You don’t miss Dal? – Why should I? – I do. – Dal was quite good with his hands in a basic sort of way, but he just doesn’t see the big picture. I can manage fine. – Okay, okay, sorry. I was just letting you know that we’re all counting on you. – What, on me? – This windmill thing, for the tribal gathering. – Why the gathering? – We need something valuable to trade with the other tribes. If we show we can provide power, then we’re in a position of strength. – I never thought of that. – Thing is Jack, will it work? – Yeah, of course it will, trust me. – We do, genius. (shouts) (water splashes) (intense music) – I never quite know whether you’re very brave or just very stupid. Leave him until I say. – I’ve been looking for you. – Well, now you found me. (cans rattle) (mysterious music) – Salene wait, I wanna talk to you. – I’m sort of busy. – Just for a minute, do you wanna sit? – How’s Brady? – Oh, fine, fine. I wanted to ask how you were. – I’m fine, don’t worry about me. – But I do, you weren’t at breakfast this morning. Are you eating? – Of course I am. Why does everyone worry about me? – Salene, you can tell me, whatever it is that’s bothering you. – There’s nothing, all right, nothing. – Okay, okay. – Can I go now? – Of course– – Don’t trust anyone, do you? – Suspicion pays. – Didn’t pay for him, though, did it, in the end? Look Bray, the bad days are over. It’s time for something new. We waste our strength fighting each other. We can’t go on as we have. – And that means? – Cooperation in everyone’s interest. The tribes meet, they talk, they trade. – I thought you just wanted control. – Of what, a band a ragged orphans scratching for food and water? No Bray, we have to move on. That’s what the gathering’s all about. – Well, what guarantee do we have it’s not a trap? – No one’s got a guarantee. We’re all taking a chance here, Bray. Can’t crate a new world without risks. – Hey dude. – [Ryan] Hey. – You know that money stash of yours? – Yeah. – All right, it was a really good scam. You’re the best looter in town. – What do you want, Lex? – I just wondered if you came across any rings? – Rings? – Yeah, for fingers, you know, gold and silver, since you’re gonna be the best man and all. – I don’t think so, Lex. – I don’t think so, is that a yes or a no? – That’s no, Lex, no I don’t have any rings. – Come on, nearly there. – Okay, move left, our left, here you go. (grunts) – Okay, your turn. – Hey. – (mumbles) Sasha! – [Seller] Stop, stop. – [Dal] Under here, Sasha. – [Seller] Stop, you’ll never escape. – Run, dal! – [Woman] They’re getting away! – [Sasha] Come on, Dal, come on. – You can’t get away! – There’s gotta be something in here. (sad music) (sad music) (swelling music) Lex mate, you’re an artist. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dog barks) (dog whimpers) – Hi, how’s it going? – If one more person asks me– – Not so good, huh? – Fine, Lot, Amber’s looking for you. – What for? – I don’t know, check the rotor. – What’s the rotor? – The list of job’s in the cafe. We’ve all got to pitch in. – Can I help you? – We tired that. – I’ll do what you say, honest. – Honest, bet you can’t even spell the word. – I can’t, I can’t write. – Really? – Got kicked out of school. – Why doesn’t that surprise me? – Great alternator. – What do you know? – Used to nick ’em and sell’ em. This is tops, you’d be all right with this. – Actually, I do need a hand putting the windmill up. – Where is it? – On the roof. – Okay. – Come on then. – They can’t have got far with those chains. – Spread out, we’re bound to get them. – What now, we can’t outrun them. – No, but we can outride them. – What? – My horse, you can ride Pinion. – But it’s back at camp. – Yeah, but they’re not, we’ll double back. – Okay, let’s go. – With Ebony, again? Bray, why didn’t you tell us? – He doesn’t tell us a lot of things. – It’s always the same, Bray goes off and does his own thing never mind the consequences for the rest of us. (dog whimpers) – Look, someone had to find out more about the gathering. You’re the one who thought it was a trap, Lex. Anyway, I told Amber where I was going. – Oh, well that makes it all right then. What happened to we’re all in this together, Amber? – Okay I’m sorry. Maybe I should’ve told you all, but we can’t stay in here forever on our own. Needing other tribes means taking risks. But I think we should trust Ebony, at least listen to what I have to say. – Go on, Bray. – All the tribe’s are gonna be there. It’s gonna be part carnival, part trade market. We can meet and exchange things. – You mean get ripped off and beaten up. – Not if we’re careful, Lex. – During the carnival, they’ll be a meeting of the tribe leaders. – Let me guess, Bray, you’ll be there? – They’ll be two representatives from each tribe. – Yeah well, we’ll have to decide how we’re gonna handle that. – Two, right? – Lex, we need a united front on this. – The only united front I can see is between you and lover boy here. – Don’t be ridiculous. Bray is one of the leaders here and so am I, and so are you if you just behaved that way. – But it’ll be you two at the meeting, won’t it? – Lex, it makes more sense if you handle security. We might need protection. We need you Lex, doing what you do best. (dog whimpers) – I still don’t like it and if anything goes wrong, don’t come running to me afterwards. – If anything goes wrong, we won’t be running anywhere. – Right. – There’s something else, a competition. – What kind of competition? – A dance competition with a big prize for the winner. – What prize? – I don’t know, something we can either use or trade. – Tai-San can dance, she can win there for us. – Is there anything she can’t do? – Yeah, but we can talk about that later. – Now comes the big test. When I connect the alternator the battery, that bulb there should light up. – Yeah, electricity. – Which we’re about to rediscover. – Really? – Now, let it go. (gears grind) (gears grind) (invention crashes) – Is it all right? – Yeah, I’ll be able to fix it, just don’t tell the others about it yet, okay? We’ll get there, we just need a bit more time, that’s all. (mysterious music) – Cloe, could you give me and Tai-San a moment? – Come on, Bob. (dog pants) – Is there a problem? – You could say that. – This is about Lex, right? – The problem is you. At first I thought you were a good influence, but now I’m not so sure. – So it is about Lex? – That too. – Amber, I can’t help it if I don’t see things the way you do. – What you did messed a lot of people around. – Oh come on, we don’t have to live with middle age morality anymore, and you’re not my mother. – It is dangerous to play around with people. – I wasn’t playing around. – And now? – I’m practicing for the competition. – And who picked you as our entry anyway? – What, so I need your permission to dance? – We decide things as a group around here. – No Amber, what happens is you decide things for the group. And don’t hassle me about this because of Lex. I’m the best dancer here by a long way. That’s not boasting, it’s a fact. I can use that to do something for everyone, so why do you wanna get in my way? (dramatic music) (birds chirp) – What’s so important? What’s going on? – This is for you. Will you marry me? (gasps) I hope it fits. – Oh, it’s a bit tight, there. Lex, it’s beautiful, thank you. Where’d you get it? – I made it. – What from? – Just some stuff I found. Hey, there’s nobody around. – No. – Zan, I dumped Tai-San, I got you the ring. What more can I do? You gotta give me something back. – Okay, how about I move in with you? – What? – As a sign of my commitment. – Great. – But, no fooling around until we’re married. – Let me get this straight, we sleep in the same place but we don’t– – Yeah, I wanna know you’re mature enough to control yourself, can you do that? – You know (mumbles), earn well. – Well, we’ll see. – What about Ryan? – I’ll tell him, it’ll be better coming from me. (grunts) (coughs) (gasps) – So you’re convinced about Ebony? – As far as you can be. See, my guess is she wants to use the meeting to gain total control, so it’s in her best interest to play by the book. – Yeah well, she’s welcome to the control. – Hey, you look tired. – May I? – Oh yeah, sure. – I don’t know. – What? – I know we’re doing our best here, but if I’m honest, I’m not sure it’s good enough. – Good enough for who? – Bit of both, I suppose. – What’re you worried about? – How long have you got? I worry about the little ones and about the baby. I worry that there’s no one to show us the way anymore. – It’s lonely being the leader, huh? – It sets you apart somehow, isolates you. – And there’s no shoulder to lean on? – Actually, I don’t see how anyone can be lonely with people like Lex and Jack around. Psycho terminator and the nerd. – Amber, you don’t have to carry the whole weight on you own, we’re doing okay, and you, you’re doing just fine. – Thanks. – You and Lex, in here together, but you’re not married yet? – It’s sort of a test to see if he can behave himself. – What, you mean– – Yeah. – Lex? – Well, if he can’t, I’ll marry you instead. – Really? – We’ll see. – I’ll get my things, he’s got no chance. (mysterious music) – Come on. – Those instruments are gonna make a hell of a lot of racket when you get going. – I know, but I’m not leaving them behind. That’s my livelihood you’re looking at. – Hurry up. – [Seller] There they are. – [Dal] They’re coming. – Go! – Move, go! (instruments clang) – [Seller] Come on, let’s get them. – Dal! (shouts) – I told you you’d never get away. – Oh good, you’re awake. I made you some breakfast, scrambled eggs, fresh this morning. – What’s this for, is it my birthday? – You were wonderful last night. – In your dreams, I haven’t even touched you. – That’s what I mean, you respected my feelings. You and I have a real relationship based on trust not lust. That’s something the Tai-Sans of this world will never understand. What’s the matter? – I guess I’m just not hungry after all, thanks anyway. – Lex, it won’t be long, I promise. Maybe Amber will do the ceremony after we get back from the tribal meeting. – If we get back. This isn’t gonna be some meeting or some Sunday school outing. I keep telling you it’s a trap. – But Bray said– – Well Bray’s wrong, like he’s wrong about most things. I didn’t wanna push you last night, maybe I should have. For all we know that could have been our last night together. – Is that all we get? – If you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it. – Dal, whatever you do, don’t leave a tip. – What happened to all that great stuff we had yesterday? – That was yesterday. – Prolonged slavery, couldn’t be any worse than this. – So, Salene, Trudy, and Patsy will stay behind to look after the baby. You should be safe enough. The Locos and The Demon Dogs will all be at the gathering. So is everyone else happy about going? Good, we need a show of strength. What’s funny? – You’re taking Cloe and KC along as a show of strength? – I can fight. – We don’t want any fighting KC. There are different kinds of strengths. – Only one The Locos recognize. – That’s why it’s important that we attend to argue our point of view. Look, we all know that there’s a risk. That’s why we want you and Ryan there as security. If you change your mind, this would be a good time to tell us. – Well Lex, wanna stay behind and look after the baby? – You’re the one that needs looking after Bray. You just don’t know it yet. I’ll come with you, but I ain’t sucking up to no Locos. – Look you two, did you hear me? We are going to this gathering to make peace, not to cause trouble. – Trouble? Me? Would I? – It won’t work! Oh, you can do it, please! – Jack. – Oh, hi. – All set? – Yeah, kind of. – What, something wrong? – It’s a slight problem with the alternator, it’s nothing. – It still works? – Of course. – Good. Listen, I appreciate how hard you’ve worked on this. Can’t have been easy doing it on your own. – Oh, no sweat. – Well come on, I’ll help you load it up. (upbeat exotic music) – Sorry to interrupt. – You’re not, I’m nearly finished. – We have to go. – Okay. Don’t tell me you don’t approve of dancing either. Another bad influence? – No, we just have more important things to think about right now. – And he was wasteful. So the lord struck down on his creation three times. Not once, not twice, but three times with fire and pestilence and plague sparing only the children. – What are they doing? – It’s kind of like a party Cloe. – I don’t like it. – You’re not supposed to like it. – keep smiling, don’t let them know you’re afraid. – I’m not. – Well you should be KC. – You might live longer. – Hey. Hey, you wanna know where your mommy is? I know where she is, I know where all the adults have gone. Come on, I can take you there. – Not today, thanks. – Don’t listen Cloe. – She’s lying. – Get that all the time, can’t cope, running scared. – I think I know how she feels. – Lex, we’re being watched. – I’m not surprised, we look like undertakers at a wedding. – Ready? – I was just beginning to wonder if Lex is right. Are we up to this? – We’ll soon find out? – Where’s the tribe gathering? – Down the far end. You ready? – Ready as I’ll ever be. – Alright, Ryan you stay here with the turbine. The rest of you better stay with Lex. We’ll be as quick as we can, whatever you do stick together. – Just let me worry about them. Oh, and come back with something worth having. No failure in that, just come back in one piece. – Jack – You don’t need me. – Yes, in case they want to know about the turbine. – Just tell ’em that it’s– – Jack, come on. – We’ve come so far, achieved so much in the time of loneliness. But there’s still so much to be done. What’s holding us back? I’ll tell you, laziness, stupidity, inefficiency. These are the old ways, the adult ways, we cannot allow them. – We, you mean The Locos? – I made the tribe leaders, it’s up to us to set an example. – We Jackals stopped trading with The Locos because they were always too efficient and filling their own pockets. – It’s true, there’s been bad blood, but that’s why we’re here, to make amends, to make sure everyone gets a slice of the pie. – We’re willing to trade if The Locos don’t always insist on always taking the light shit. – If we take more it’s because we need more. We look after a lot of kids. Look at the number of strays we’ve liberated, given a home, given work. – Enslaved you mean. – Who are they? This is a closed meeting. – We’re the Mall Rats and we’ve come to trade. – Never heard of you. – What sector? – 10, but don’t come looking, we’re well defended. – You don’t just walk in here friend, you have to be invited. – Ebony will vouch for us, her and I once had a mutual friend. – I know them, how are things? – Fine. – Not you little lady, I was asking the man of the house. What do you have to trade? – Power. – And chaos? – We got plenty of batteries. – But can you recharge them? I mean without having to resort to expensive slaves? Cause we can. Think about it, unlimited power at no cost. We have the technology. – Where’s Tai-San? – Who cares? She went to the breakdancing competition. Can we go and watch her? Why not? – We’re supposed to stick together. – She could be in danger. – Tai-San can take care of herself. Look, I promised Bray the four of us would stick together and that’s exactly what we’re gonna do. – Lex – What? – There’s only three of us. – Where’s KC? – Stay here. – Where are you going? – To find him. – What about us? – Just don’t move, either of you. – What I’m saying is instead of squabbling over food all the time we should be out there growing the stuff. – What’s the point, we got all the food we can eat. – You wanna live on tin meat your whole life? What about vegetables and fruit? – Not a bad idea, if we could get the slaves to grow it. – Why let the slaves have all the fun? We could do the work ourselves, reap the rewards, and set the slaves free. – What are you talking about? – I’m talking about taking pride in something and taking responsibility for looking after ourselves as well as those less able than us. – Behaving like adults you mean? – Well why not? – Because in case you hadn’t noticed, it was the adults who got us into this mess in the first place. – Didn’t you ever look in a history book? Slavery was abolished. – They were strays just wandering the streets, they could have starved, we took them in. – Against their will! – What is this, not content to lead your puny tribe Amber? You want to take over the gathering too? We came here to trade, show us. – We need time to set up. – How long? – In a little while. – Then we’ll reassemble in a little while. Meeting adjourned. – Why can’t people just follow a simple instruction? KC! What’s this, did I forget to renew my library books again? – Lex, good old Lex, remember me? – Hey Glenn, how’s it going? – I’m well, very well, and you? How bout the lovely Zandra, I bet you two finally got it together by now? – Look, Glenn– – Shut up, I have a confession to make, I always fancied my chances with her back in the old days before you betrayed me. – I– – No, it’s okay, you did me a favor, I’ve learned a lot from The Locos. I learned that on day one. Finish him off. – What if they never come back? – Patsy, of course they will. – We’d never survive on our own. – Who says we wouldn’t? We’ve come this far, if it came to it we’d be okay. Tell her Salene. – Not without Bray and Amber. – Of course we would and in no time at all we’d all be even better friends than we are now. We’d be like sisters, the three of us. – Can we change the subject? It’s just so morbid. (baby crying) – Brady needs changing, who wants to help? – I will. – See you later? – Hey, look at that. – Come on, faster you scrawny rats. – Right before your attention! After the second round of the heats, the following go through to the finals. Main Man of The Orphans! T-Bone of The Locos! And Tai-San, Mall Rats! – No contest. – Dal? – Who are you? – Come on, move it, move it. – What do you mean it doesn’t work? Is this some kind of a joke? – Could you speak up? The Demon Dogs didn’t quite hear you. – I can’t believe you let us walk in there, stand up to those psychos talking about unlimited power, and the whole time you had nothing, zero! – Look, I did, I’m sorry! – Sorry? I don’t mind bluffing The Locos, Jack, as long as I know that’s what I’m doing. – Hey, what’s wrong? – Everything. – Slight problem with the alternator. – What? – There’s a piece missing, a coil of copper wire. I thought I could get it going, but I need the wire. – Well, can’t you replace it? – Well, I’ve been trying. I can’t just conjurn a copper wire out of air. – Dal would have. Hey, hey– – Amber! Amber, hey– – What’s up? – It’s Dal, he’s here. – Dal? – What do you mean KC, you don’t know him? – I do, I saw him that night when he and Trudy went away. – Well, why didn’t you say something before? – You never asked. – Well that’s great, but we’ve kind of got a bit of a crisis here. – But he’s a slave and he’s gonna be sold. – A slave? – I’ll take these two. I know you. – I don’t think so. – Don’t lie, you’re Mall Rat. Do your mommy and daddy know you’re out this late? Who’s this? – I’m not a rat, definitely not. Cheese brings me out in a rash. – Never mind the others, I’ll take these two. – Who is she? – Don’t you know? That’s Ebony, leader of The Locos. – This is great, wonderful friends you have Dal. – Dal won’t be a slave, he’ll escape. – He can’t, he’s chained up. – What can we do? We try and bust him out we’ll have the whole gathering come after us. – We’ll just have to buy him back somehow. – I got it! We offer to show them how to make a turbine. Knowledge is power. – No, power is power Jack! And we don’t have power, we have two halves of a barrel! – Arguing won’t get us anywhere. We have to think of something, anything we can trade with. – I have something. – What was that Ryan? – I’ve got something, I just stashed it, I’ll go get it. – We better not hold our breath. – What about Lex? – What about him? – Everyone’s so worried about Dal, Lex disappears and no one says anything. – Are you kidding? He’s probably found a poker game somewhere. – Don’t worry Zandra, Lex is in his element at places like this, he’ll be fine. (coughing) – Patsy! You shouldn’t be down here, it’s not safe. – You were sick. – I’m alright. – Shall I go and get Trudy? – No! Really, there’s no need to tell anyone. I feel much better, thanks anyway. Can this be our little secret? – Amber, over here! – Dal, you okay? Where are they taking you? – We’ve been sold to The Locos. – We? – This is Sasha. – Ever since we met we’ve been inseparable. – Hold on, I’m gonna get you out of there. – If you want slaves you’re too late, these are spoken for. – You know what I want Ebony. – Then trade for it. – I can’t, I’m asking you to give him back. – Why should I? – He’s my friend. – I see, it’s not that you object to slavery then. You don’t mind if I take the others? – I can’t stop you can I? – That’s right you can’t stop me. Now get away from my property. – What’s the problem? – No problem, we’re still setting up. – You promised us power. – Well, unlimited power takes a little longer than the regular kind. – I’ll give you an hour. – Jack, help me. – Why don’t you ask Dal to help you? – Look, I was wrong about what I said, I’m sorry. This place must be getting to me. But you’ve got to fix this thing, you know that. – What happens if we don’t? – Well, if we have nothing to trade, as far as The Locos are concerned, we’re just strays. – Shouldn’t we tell the others we’re going? – We have to find them first. – But why are we going? – Because it’s a madhouse. – I’m staying. – Well, if you see Lex, tell him thanks for nothing. Lex, babe? What happened? Who did this, what happened? – We’ll work for you, not as slaves, but to pay off the debt. We’ll gather food, fetch water, anything. – You’re beginning to annoy me. – Just name your price. – What’s so special about this Dal anyway? Can he break dance? – I told you, he’s my friend. Don’t you have my friends? – Friendship is dead, so just back off or I might decide to take more than one of your sorry outfit. You don’t belong here. Go on, crawl back to your little love nest. It must be time for his back rub. – You mean Bray? You’re not jealous are you Ebony? – If I was, do you think you’d still be alive? – I got something to trade for Dal. – What? What’s that? – That is 10,000 big ones. You can count it if you don’t believe me. – It was a good thought Ryan, but money’s no use anymore. Come on. – Lex? – This is your fault. You wouldn’t listen to me. – What happened, who did this to you? – What does it matter? You’re next. Look, can’t you get it through your thick heads? Any of you! This is it. We’re not getting out of here alive. (birds squawking) – That’s a lot of money. Where’d you get it? – Nobody seemed to want it. I thought we could use it…me and Lex, when things get back to normal. – Hey, come on. Let it go. (beating drums in background) – (sigh) what are we sitting here for? Lex is hurt we need to get him back to the mall. – We will. – Good! When? – Soon as we can, Zandra. Just sit tight. – Sit tight? That’s supposed to reassure me, is it? Lex was right all along. It’s insane to even think of coming here. But oh no! Ray and Amber know best. – We can talk about this after. Right now we couldn’t go if we wanted to. They’re watching us. The wind turbine is our only hope. – Then the game is up. Jack’s not going to fix it and you know it. How long did they give him? An hour? That must be nearly up by now. – If you want to make a run for it Lex, you don’t need my permission…just go. We’ll understand. – [Zandra] How do you even talk to him like this? After what he’s done? He got those bruises protecting us. – So he says. – [Zandra] Oh what’s that supposed to mean? – What’s going on? – Lex has been attacked. – Who by? – The tooth fairy. The Locos, who do you think? – Lex, I warned you. You’ve been stirring trouble. – Amber! Don’t. – [Zandra] Right. That’s it! I’ve had it with you two. Come on Lex. – What did I say? – Forget it. Did you see Ebony? – She won’t give Dal up without a fight. What about the turbine? – Jack? – I found some replacement wire but it’s no good. It’s steel. – Only copper wire will do. – There’s something else though. – [Amber] What? – There’s no way copper wire breaks on its own. – It was cut. Deliberately. – But it was in the mall when things started to go wrong. – Exactly. One of the mall rats is a rat. – When we’re married it’ll be different. They’ll have to show us a bit more respect. – Don’t count on it. – You do still want to marry me, don’t you? – Of course! I told you! – We’ll have our own ceremony. Make it up as we go along. Everyone else seems to. – Yeah…we will. – The prize for the winner of the break dancing competition two barrels of prime diesel. (crowd cheers) And here they are … On stage are the two finest. For the mall rats, Tai-San. (cheers and boos) For the Locos, T-bird! (cheers) – Looks like she’s up against the favorite. – I hope she loses. I mean, what do we want with diesel oil anyway. – I don’t think she’s doing it for the prize. It’d be a good camouflage for (unclear) – Let’s get out of here. – Not yet. – Lex, it’s the perfect time to go. While everyone’s distracted. – I know, but I can’t go yet. I’ve got a score to settle. – Let battle commence! First up is T-bird! (cheers) (techno music) (baby coos) – Hi! – Shhh…I’m trying to get her to sleep. Where’s Salene? – In the cafe. – Oh I hope she’s cooking something, I could eat a horse! Are you okay? – Yeah. – No you’re not. What’s wrong? Well don’t worry about the others, they’ll be fine. – It’s not that. I was just wondering … – Yeah? – What would you do if you’d sworn to keep a secret but then you found out that if you kept that secret the person who’d asked you to keep it would end up being hurt? – Patsy … what are you talking about? (birds squawking) (crowd applause) (techno music) – Bray! Any luck? – Plenty of metal around … Through people’s noses, cheeks, tongues, … And a few other places. – No one want to part with them? – Didn’t ask. He’s good. – Good? He’s brilliant. I think Tai-San’s met her match this time. It’s a real shame. – I didn’t think you care whether she won or lost. – I didn’t … until now. – What are you getting at? – Look at Ebony. If her grin gets any wider her face will crack. – Yeah well, the Locos pride themselves on their break dancing. It’s an obsession with them. – Pride comes before a fall. Ebony! What do you think of our contender? – Good looking girl. Pity she has to lose. – You’re pretty confident of that. Confident enough to put a little wager on it? – We’re happy with the prize on offer. – I’m not talking about some filthy diesel oil. – I know. You’re talking about your slave. No way. – But you just said you couldn’t lose. What do you know Bray? Leader of the Locos … scared of a little bet. – You’ve got a nerve! I’ll give you that. – So is it a bet? – What’s in it for me? We’ve already established you’ve got nothing to trade. – If we lose, you get me. – Amber, no! – I can do the work of three of those four little mites you’ve got trucked up. – You really mean that? – I can’t let you! Not her, me! I’m stronger. – Keep out of it. It’s a bet. Amber here and Dal. Winner take all. – Winner take all. (applause) – It’s strange being here on our own. I can’t get used to it. I’m so nervous without the others around. (dog grunts) You’re very quiet. – Well I suppose I’m nervous too. – You’re a bit pale. Tell you what, why don’t you go and lie down for a bit. – I’m fine. – No really, I can finish these last few. – Why should I go and lie down? I’m alright. – No reason … I just thought. – She’s told you, hasn’t she? Patsy! – Don’t be angry with her. She was worried about you. – She had no reason to be! So I threw up?!?! What do you expect when every meal comes out of a tin? – We’ve all eaten the same thing though. – What are you trying to say? – Nothing. I just don’t see why you have to keep it a big secret, that’s all. – You’re right. Next time I’ll announce it in the local paper, shall I? Salene throws up, read all about it. – Hi, I thought you were going to try to get away. – So did I. Lex had other plans. Can I help? – Not unless you got a piece of copper wire on ya? – What is it with men anyway? I mean, what exactly are you trying to prove? – What’s he done now? – See this? My ring? – Nice. – That’s supposed to mean something … Mark of respect. Means I’m not a piece of luggage to be stowed away until it’s useful. Um, sorry Jack, I forgot. You don’t know much about love do you? Thanks for listening anyway. – I know one thing … You don’t expect commitment from a guy like Lex just because he gives you … … A ring! Zandra!! – Let me get this straight? If I win, we get Dal back? If I lose then they take you and Dal as slaves? – No pressure. – Are you sure Dal wants to be rescued? – What do you think? – He did leave the tribe after all. You’ve had your moments too. – What does that mean? – It means I’ve often thought you might make a break for it. – This is not the sort of break I had in mind. – Just do your best, Tai-San. – I’ll try. But you saw that guy dance. It’s not going to be easy. (drumming) – Zandra give me the ring! I need the ring! – What’s your problem, Jack? – Just give it to me. That’s the missing wire. That’s why the turbine doesn’t work. Don’t you understand? – I don’t care! You’re not having it. – Reality check, Zandra. I’ve got T-19 minutes to get the turbine going or we’re all toast. Just give me the ring! – Alright, one shot! It won’t come off! – Now for our second finalist, for the malls, give it up for Tai-San. – And you thought dancing was a waste of time. Funny how things work out. (crowd cheers) (rhythmic music) – [Chloe] You need butter! – Great … one of us go to the corner shop and get some! – Just a moment. – No there’s no time. You got it on there, it needs to come off! – Well it won’t! (rhythmic music) (crowd cheers and applause) – The winner is … by clear margin – What’s happening? What are they waiting for? – The winner is … T-Bird. (crowd boos) – They can’t do that! – It’s just wire! Can’t you unwind it? – I’m trying! Get off me! – Yeah, what’s up? Let’s see this thing working. – What? Glenn, it’s me, Zandra. What are you doing with the Locos, I thought you were … – Dead? – Yes! – I’m sure you wish I was by the end of the day. The hour’s up nerd. – Just five more minutes please. – You’ve had enough time. – Honestly, you know about electricity don’t you? It takes time for the modules to come (unclear) – Jack, Jack, it’s coming! – It’s okay, I’ve got it. – Good dancer, as I said, pity she had to lose. – Tai-San won! And what’s more everybody knows she won. – Don’t be a sore loser Bray. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll just take my winnings. – Keep your hands off her! – It’s alright Bray, I’ll go with them. – I’m not going to let them get away with this. – We don’t have a choice! And besides, enough people saw what happened. They’ll get wise to the Locos soon enough. – You people should get wise. You shouldn’t even be at the gathering. Your so-called wind turbine is just that … A load of hot air. You try to bluff us and you lost. – Maybe. But we didn’t lose the competition. We had a deal Ebony! – I don’t deal with friends. – Amber! – It’s alright Tai-San … you won. – Oh God, I can’t reach. – Jack, Chloe could. – No she couldn’t … my arms are longer than hers. – But hers are thinner. – Fine … Chloe … Chloe I love you! Give it to me! It’s alright guys … I got it! (metal crashing) – Run! – You get ’em. – Too bad you lost. That diesel oil would’ve come in handy. – Nevermind the diesel. – What’s wrong? – We agreed to take Dal back if we won. But they welched the deal and now they’ve got Amber too. – Didn’t I tell you? – Okay, Lex, spare us the lecture. Now listen to me … – What’s that going to do? – There are many tribes here Lex, they’re not all Locos. – Yeah, I know. Some of them are worse. – [Zandra] Lex! – What happened? – They smashed the turbine and now they’re after us. – When are you going to learn? There’s only one language these people understand. – Yes but if we use violence then we’re no better than them. – There’s got to be a better way. – There is a better way. – Alright, go get Dal and Amber. I’ll create a diversion. – I thought he said … – Just do as I tell you. It’s payback time. – Don’t start anything. – [Lex] Hey you looking for me Glenn? (screams) – Dinner’s at 8 but it’s a casual bring your own bucket of fear … – Don’t worry, you’ll get use to him. – Hey, where do you think you’re going? – Sasha has to come too! Good things come back to you, Troy. – So do bad. – Forget it Bray, it’s too late! – Amber! Dal! Are you okay? – I think so. – We’re running out of time. – Let’s round up the others and get out of here. – Salene? – What? – Don’t be angry with me. I only wanted to help. – I’m not angry with you. Honestly. I’m angry with myself. – Why? Look, about Bray, I really … – It’s not about Bray. – Even so … I want you to know that if you’re carrying his child, it’s okay. – What? – If that’s what you feel bad about, well, don’t. There’s no hard feelings, at least not on my part. – I’m not pregnant, Trudy. Look, this has got to be between us. – I promise. – I never meant it to happen. I don’t understand it. All I know is that I feel terrible all the time. And when I feel terrible, I eat. And when I’m full, I …. – Oh Salene … – If that’s not enough, I feel guilty. I’m betraying all of them because food is so precious. Which makes me feel worse, which makes me eat more. – When did it start? – I don’t know. – But Salene … why do you feel so bad about yourself? Everyone loves you! In fact, it was partly my jealousy of you that made me … (dog barking) – Trudy, Salene, they’re back! Come on, Bob! – I’ll be along later. – Chloe! – How’d it go? Ryan? – [Amber] Kind of a sore point. – Dal! You’re back! Isn’t anyone going to tell me what happened? I take it no one won a goldfish. – Am I missing something? We got away, didn’t we? – This is Sasha. He joined the Nomads too. You were lucky to get away when you did, Trudy. Troy and Susannah weren’t just selling animals. (dog whines) – Look, I don’t know what you guys set out to do, but you ended up saving my neck. And I’m grateful for that. Especially to you Amber. – Well, I didn’t … – You were prepared to sacrifice yourself for a friend. That kind of loyalty is increasingly rare in this world. – That goes double for me. If it’s okay with everyone, I’d like to be a Mall Rat again. That’s if you’ll have me. – Don’t be silly. It’s great to have you back. But we still failed … What we set out to do, Sasha, was to make peace, not to start a riot. We were trying to secure some sort of future for ourselves. – Instead we managed to secure a future for Dal and Sasha. Not to mention you, Amber. – And I’m grateful … it’s just that … – Just what? Zan, I think I cracked a rib. – Come on, let’s get you sorted out. At least I appreciate what he did. – Oh and don’t forget this! – What is it? – Zandra’s ring. It’s pretty expensive too, it, um, nearly cost us our lives. It’s made of copper wire. – Lex? – [Lex] So, I took a bit of the wire. You’re going to blame me for the turbine now? – Maybe we shouldn’t have even been … – It always comes back to you. – The hours I put into that turbine! – What are you talking about? It was Lex that got us out of there. – Quiet, all of you. Let’s be a tribe again, shall we? Like Sasha said, we got away, we’re safe now. – Yeah, till Ebony decides she wants revenge. – Well that’s a good point. What do you think Bray? You think she’ll come after us? – She got what she wanted … power and chaos. – Mostly chaos. – One thing the fighting did prove, a lot of the other tribes hate the Locos as much as we do and I think Ebony will have her hands full for quite awhile. – Wait a minute … where’s KC? – I thought he was with us? – So did I! – Who’s KC? – The kid who helped save you. – Oh no! – What’s wrong? – We thought you were lost. – Me? – Where did you get to? – Anybody fancy a game? (sawing) – So pretty tough out there on your own then? – Nothing I couldn’t cope with. What about you? Big responsibility working on the wind turbine with no help? – [Jack] I managed okay. – Please! Leave me alone! – Everybody’s wondering where you are. – I can’t face them! – You’re not alone … they lost the turbine. And this whole gathering of the tribes thing just turned into a big fight. Too much to hope it wouldn’t, I guess. Come down, we need each other now. – Why are you being so nice to me? After everything that’s happened between us? – But we’ve come through it! We have to look after one another. That’s what I learned when I tried to escape. When I tried to start again. It’s pointless … Because as bad as things get, we do have each other. So far, we’re still here, we’re still alive. – You wouldn’t if I’d had my way. – What do you mean? – I hated you! – It was mutual. – The night you took the pills, I found you lying there … I saw the empty bottle, but I didn’t tell the others. I went back to bed. Do I have to spell it out for you, Trudy? I left you there to die! (relaxing music) (animal squeaking) (relaxing music) (flute music) (footsteps) (water dripping) (footsteps) (flute music) – What’s going on? – Shh. (flute music) (dog whining) (flute music) – Morning. Breakfast anyone? – Please. – What’ve you got? – You can have anything you want, as long as it’s corn flakes. How do you like them, boiled, scrambled, or fried? – He’s silly. – Mad. – Oh, no, cover blown already. Lucky I’m not hanging around, you’d really go off me. – You’re not going are you? – Oh, no, please. – That’s my motto, (mumbles) – You haven’t had a welcome yet. And that’s our food you’re having a party with. – I know, I know. I just wanted to do something to say thanks before moving on. I would have been a slave for the locals if it hadn’t been for you guys. The way you busted us out of there was awesome, Lex. – Oh, thanks. – We thought we were goners, didn’t we babe? – (laughs) He called Amber babe. – We were having peace talks and then Lex starts a riot. Very clever. – You were Ebony’s slave, Amber. – There was no other way we would have got out of there. – Maybe you should have tried charming your way out, babe. – Well, I think this calls for chocolate. – [Kids] Yeah. – For breakfast? – Oh, lighten up, Amber, for once. – Okay, then, well done, Lex. You’re a hero. Chocolate it is then, but if any of you lot chuck up, I’m not cleaning it up this time. – You’re not really leaving are you Sasha? – That’s the plan. – So, where are you heading next? – Out to the coast. I need to get some gear together first though. I lost everything. – What do you need? – Something to play. I can get a tune out of most things. – You don’t have to rush off. Does he guys? – He can stay at my place. – There’s plenty of room. – You could join the tribe. – I don’t know about that. – You heard the guy, he gets itchy feet. – We’d love you to stay. Wouldn’t we, Amber? – Oh, um, well, we’d have to vote on it. It’s just the way we do things. – Fine, who votes he stays? (rustling) – Gee, folks, I’m touched. (kids laugh) – Next business, chocolate. – Well, I could only find two bars. It seems to have gone. (dramatic music) – Gone? – There were at least 10 bars. I put them there. – Don’t look at me. – You were the last at the store. – Hey, is that how’d I say thanks, stealing from you? – Kids. – We didn’t. – Wouldn’t be the first time. – This is serious. It has to be one of us. Look, own up now and we’ll say no more about it. (dramatic music) – Right, we’ll search everybody’s rooms. (dogs moans) (dramatic music) – Are you sure about this Sasha guy? He was the last at the store. – Nah, too obvious, unless it was a double bluff. – Aye? – Well, let’s say he does it, but makes it so obvious that nobody suspects. – Yeah. We don’t know anything about him, do we? Maybe he’s a spy. – A spy? – Yeah and this whole hostage thing was just another double bluff, a way to get in. – Just so he could steal our chocolate. – Yeah, I would. – Would you? – Yeah, but it wasn’t me, Lex. – It was, it was you, wasn’t it? And you sat there like butter wouldn’t melt, so come on, where’d you put them? – It wasn’t me, Lex. I swear. – No, you’re not bright enough to bluff. Well, it must have been someone. Come on. – Where are we going? – Look, I don’t want to seem paranoid, but let’s go check our water stash. (dramatic music) – I can’t believe one of us would steal our food. – Are you sure you counted right, Amber? – Maybe you made a mistake. – They were there. Look for yourself. – Patsy, Chloe, have you got hair combs? – Yep. – Go get them. You too KC. – Did you see that? Didn’t even ask why. Don’t do anything for me. – Sasha’s magical powers. – Do you think the rats could have gotten to the store? – Rats wouldn’t eat the wrappers and tidy up the mess, Bray. – There’s been a lot of them around lately. You know we can eat them. – [Kid] Yuck. – (mumbles) No thanks. – Well, we could tame them. – Or Sasha could charm them with his magical powers. – He could charm the birds out of the trees. What do you think, Amber? (dramatic music) – I think Lex and Ryan have been gone a long time. (dramatic music) – Well, they’re all here. Hey, what’s this? It’s your rucksack, Ryan, and it’s empty. Somebody’s had your money (mumbles). – No, they haven’t, Lex. Prepare for a shock. – What do you mean? – I took it. – You did? – I tried to buy Dal back. I took it to Ebony. Gave her the lot. – What did she do? – She laughed at me. – She laughed? – Lex, I don’t know how to tell you this. It’s not worth anything. – I know. – You know? – I’ve always known. – But you said we were gonna be rich. When everything gets back to normal, we were gonna be millionaires. I got it for us, Lex. – Wake up, Ryan, and money’s worth nothing. This is what counts and I’m a millionaire. (dramatic music) – Lex, Ryan, find anything? – No, clean as a whistle. – Gives me the creeps knowing there’s someone in the tribe you can’t trust. – Yeah, right. – Ryan, you look a bit strange. You all right? – He just saw a rat. – Yeah, I did. (dramatic music) – Ready, two, three, four. ♪ You don’t hang around ♪ ♪ You don’t stay to chat ♪ ♪ You just run away ♪ ♪ When you see a mall rat ♪ ♪ Strong and we’re brave ♪ ♪ You can see that ♪ ♪ So don’t mess with me ♪ ♪ Because I’m a mall rat ♪ ♪ Mall rats, mall rats ♪ ♪ Run, hide, scatter ♪ ♪ Mall rats, mall rats ♪ ♪ We’re the guys who matter ♪ (applauding) – [Bray] Did you find anything? – No, but there’s plenty of places to hide stuff. – That was fun. – Quiet you lot. This is serious. Somebody here has been stealing food. – And when we find them, they’re out. – They’ll get a trial, a fair trial. – And then we’ll kick them out. – Okay, look, maybe someone thought it was fun or maybe they were just greedy, but please no more. We don’t want to be going around constantly watching each other. We need trust here, okay? – So, can we go now? – I guess. (dramatic music) – Come on, Lex, we need to talk. – I’ll clear up. – I’ll help. – I can manage. It’s okay. – I want to help. – Can we play it again, Sasha? – Later, you kids go and tidy your beds. They’re a mess. – Okay, babe. (relaxing music) – Good kids. – Can be. – Will the thief really be thrown out? – Probably. – That’s hard. – That’s living together. No one said it was easy. You sure you want to be in? – I don’t know. I owe you guys my freedom, but I’m not sure I want to give it up again so quickly. – Salene, you don’t have to avoid me. – I haven’t been. – Yes, you have and I understand why, but I’ve got something to say and I need you to listen. When you told me it left me to die, I was shocked I admit. – I’ve got to go. – Wait. I was angry at first, I was, but I’ve slept on it and I need you know to, Salene, just let me finish. You respected my wishes when no one else did. I don’t blame you. Understand? And I’m not gonna tell the others about it. There’s no need to. It’s over, okay? – Thanks. – But you’ve got to tell them about taking the chocolate. – No. – You must. – No, you heard them. They’ll kick me out. – They won’t. You’re not well, Salene. – They’d hate me. They’ll think I’m disgusting. I don’t only steal the food, I waste it. – They’ll understand. – No, I was feeling bad. I won’t do it again, Trudy. Please, help me. – I don’t know. – I respected your wishes, didn’t I? These are mine. Don’t tell, please. I can sort this out. (dramatic music) – Okay. (dramatic music) – This place is Sasha heaven, if I could have a few things. – Help yourself, no one’s going to mind. – Thanks. – Sasha. – That’s me. – About this babe business. – Yeah. – Don’t. – It’s not meant to put you down or anything. – Not around the kids. They look up to me. – So you don’t mind, but not in public. – I didn’t say that. I’ll let you know. – Okay, babe. – Don’t push it. (drumming) – Oh, yes, the old one-man band is back in business. – Have you always been a one-man band? – Could never get anyone to play with me. I’ve always been a loner. That thing you said about trust, never met anyone I could trust, I guess. – [Amber] You’ve got to be able to trust people, Sasha. – Hey, the last person I trusted tried to sell me to slavery, remember? So, I keep moving. – Never had a reason to stay? – Not so far. – I better get on. (relaxing music) – Bray, are you busy? I found this and I didn’t know what to do. It’s just that if Zandra saw any more rats, she’d freak. – So? – So I know what to do about the rat, but I don’t know what to do about Zandra. – What are you trying to say, Ryan? – It’s just that Zandra, I never know what she’s thinking. What would you do, Bray. – About what, the rats or Zandra? – Both. If I take her the rat, she might not freak, if she could only realize that I’m there for her to protect her, but she never seems to notice me, but she might notice the rat. It’s all girls seem to notice. – You know what, Ryan? You’re brilliant. – How come, Bray? – Rat traps. That’s what we need. (relaxing music) – What is this? – A diary. Pick a date. – What for? – Our wedding. You promised after we got back from the gathering, remember? Take your pick. It’s not exactly overflowing. – You choose. – Okay. Then. Great, now vows. – Vows? – Yes, Lex, vows. – Like, I promise to do the tiding up and cook the meals? – Well, that can be on the top of your list, but it’s not gonna be on the top of mine. Now go and make your list. – Me? Why don’t you? – Lex, you have to think about this stuff carefully. You have to do it or it won’t mean anything. (dramatic music) (squeaking) (water dripping) (squeaking) (rattling) – Dal, I need your help, Wonder Boy. – What with? – This, for the one-man band. I need to make it work with my feet when it’s on my back. I’m a juggler, but I’m not a contortionist. – Easy, just some levers. That’s all. Are you leaving? – Have you got a moment? – What’s up? – Rat traps. We need something easy, effective, and plenty of them. – Want to try this? (whistles) – I don’t think so. – You can hit them over the head with it. – Yeah, well, I’ll leave it with you Dal. (footsteps) – What’d I do to him? – He’s a funny guy. No one knows what Bray thinks. – He and Amber, they’re not… – No, why? You like Amber? – What’s not to like, kid? You got a problem with that? – No. Yes, she’s like a big sister to me. I care about her. – Trust me. (relaxing music) – Zandra, I brought you something. – For me? (footsteps) – I found these for you. (squeaking) I can protect you from them. I can protect you from anyone or anything. – Ugh, get them away from me. (relaxing music) – What are you lot doing here? – We’re guarding the food cupboard. – And we’re waiting for Sasha. – We’re gonna be a band. – He’s giving us music lessons. – I thought I was. – Not anymore. – Sasha’s a professional. – Look what I found. Salene, want to join the band? – Oh, no, not me. – Come on. – No, thanks, I’m busy. – Shame. – I have to help with Brady. (cheerful music) (baby cries) – All right, all right, it’s coming. What a hungry girl you are, aren’t you? (relaxing music) There you go. Is that good? – Hi. – Oh, hi. This girl’s hungry again. I don’t know where she puts it all. – Can I do it? – Sure. It’s quite like old times. Well, like old times should have been. (kids chanting) What is that? (kids chanting) – [Salene] Sasha’s got the kids forming a band. (kids chanting) – He’s a strange guy isn’t he? – Mmm? – Sasha, always so happy. I can’t work him out. (dog barking) (kids chanting) (squeaking) – Oh, it’s you. – Sorry. (dog barking) (kids chanting) – What’s going on? (kids chanting) – [Amber] It’s the Pied Piper. – Do you trust him? – No reason not to. Do you? – I’ve been asking around, checking him out. – And? – Nothing. – Nothing bad? – Or good, just nothing. He’s a mystery man, popped up from nowhere. – So he is the Pied Piper then. – You know what the Pied Piper did in the end, he stole all the children. (kids chanting) (relaxing music) – I’ve got a couple of projects, Jack, rats and drums. – So are we training rats to play drums? Oh, yeah, just what the world needs. – So, how’s it been? – Pretty good. The water filter’s still working. – Yeah? – Yeah. – You did a good job. – Thanks, but you made it. – What about the wind turbine? – That’s history. – It would have worked though. – Well, it nearly did. – It wouldn’t be a big problem to build it again, now that you’ve figured it out. – (mumbles) – And improve it. – How? – We could make it more stable by using plastic barrels and making the base heavier. – It’s worth a shot. – Shall we? – If you’re sure you feel like it. – I think I could fit it in. Did you miss me? – No way. I hardly noticed you were gone. (claps) – Zandra and me are getting married, right? The wedding’s on again. – Congratulations. – Yeah, thanks. The thing is, I’ve gotta make these vows, see, and Zandra wants me to write them down, so I thought you’re great with words and you can write and everything. – No, Lex. – Come on, man. Think of all the things I’ve done for you. – Right. I’ve done that. The answer’s still no. – Ryan, please. You know I can’t really write. – You laughed at me, Lex. You were laughing at me all the time. – Yeah, well, I’m sorry, Ryan. – I thought we were friends, Lex. – Yeah, we’re buddies. I wanted to tell you about the money, but, well, it meant so much to you. Ryan, I’m begging you. – These are vows, Lex. Things like, I promise to be honest. – Yeah, I know. That’s why I need your help. – Just tell her you can’t read or write. Start off honest with her. – Get real. This is Zandra we’re talking about. She’ll laugh at me. – Yeah, well, you’ll know how it feels then, won’t you. (relaxing music) (buzzing) – Haven’t you given up on that yet? – There’s people out there, I know. – Sasha’s been everywhere. There are no adults left. (buzzing) – Can you hear me? Hello, can you hear me? – Hello, hello? You were saying to me? What do we say? What do we say? – [Boy] I can hear you, but it’s faint. Where are you? I repeat, where are you? – Careful, Jack. – No. Our coordinates are… – [Boy] I repeat, where are you? – Oh, there you are. (Dal laughs) – You had us going there, Sasha. – Yeah, I did, didn’t I? – You stupid. – Chill, Jack. It was a joke. – Well, it wasn’t very funny. – Oh, it was. You should have seen your face. – Leave it, Sasha. – Sorry. How’s the drum? – Oh, yeah, coming along. – Good. Well, I’d better get going. You guys are busy. (relaxing music) Good night. (relaxing music) (wind blowing) – And into the street the Piper stepped, smiling a little smile as if he knew where magic slept and his quiet pipe the while. – Like Sasha. – I haven’t seen any rats following him. – You lot do. – We’re the mall rats. – Where are you going? – To see Trudy. (relaxing music) – Go on, Bray. (relaxing music) – Then like a musical adept to blow the pipe, his lips he wrinkled. An earthly shrill notes the pipe uttered, you heard as if an army muttered. And the muttering grew into a grumbling and the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling. Then out of the house, the rats came tumbling. Great rats, small rats, lean rats, brawny rats, brown rats, black rats, gray rats, tawny rats, grave old plotters, gay young friskers, fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins, families by the tens and dozens, (flute music) brothers, sisters, husbands, wives followed the Piper for their lives. From street to street he piped advancing and step for step they followed dancing until they came to the river Weser wherein all plunged and perished. – I hate that bit, where they all die. It’s scary. (squeaking) (water dripping) (funky music) (birds chirping) – Hey! (dogs barking) (groaning) (shouting) – It’s not the marriage that’s bugging me, it’s the wedding. – 15 tins of peas. – Check. I mean, we can’t exactly have Tai-San doing it, now now. – Four of fruit salad. – Too creepy. – I doubt that she’s got any problem with it. – Well, I think it’s weird. – Four of fruit salad. – Check. – Two of beef casserole. – She’ll be standing right in front of us, giving Lex the eye, and I won’t be able to say a word. – No, she won’t, she doesn’t want him. Come on, Zandra, shake the confetti out of your hair. The beef, is it right? – Anyway, I’d rather it was you. – Me? Doing the vicar bit? No way. – I’d be really grateful. – No chance. – But you’re one of the leaders. If you think about it, it’s probably one of your official duties. – What, you mean like, opening sports centers and garden parties? Give me a break, Zandra. – Come on! – I said no! Now, come on. The beef casserole. How many should there be? – Seven. – Seven?! – Yes. – But that’s five tins missing. (light music) And where on earth is all the fresh veg? – Amber gives you something to bite on, but deep down, she’s quite sweet. – What’s Salene? – A potato. – Thanks. – Hey, potatoes are one of the staples of life. We tend to you for comfort. – Ooh. – And Zandra’s a stick of celery, very elegant. – Hardly need any dressing for that at all. (chuckling) – What’s Trudy? – I guess broccoli at heart. – [Patsy] How come? – Cooked just right, broccoli is tender and delicious. Even sweet. But overcook it, and it turns to mush. (laughing) – [Trudy] Great. – Sorry, I don’t think we have any. – Can I have a look at that? – Okay, we’ve got the characters. What’s the story? – How the Tribe was formed. – Tell how Amber and Del rescued me from the Locos. – Oh, not again! – That’s how it all started. – A rescue, great! Pass the tomato, they can be Cloe. The orphan child was lost. The sirens were getting closer. It was the horn hooting, belching monster of the street. The Locos! (light music) When Amber, the beautiful warrior queen, appeared as if from nowhere. The trusty prince down at her side. The girl looked up amazed, never before had she seen such splendor. – I don’t wanna be poor. I wanna be a princess. – Okay, Del will just have to be the trusty chief steward then. Any minute, and the siren blaring, horn hooting, belching monster will be on her. All seemed lost. Then the warrior queen swept down on her little lost princess, gathering her into her arms, and swept her to safety. (light music) – What do you think you’re doing? – [Amber] Bray? – I risked my life to get that stuff. – Sorry, I’m just having a bit of fun. – Fun? I got bitten this morning by a Demon Dog. Call that fun? – Bitten? – Poor Bray. – [Amber] You better come and sit down. How’d it happen? – I think I stumbled on their new headquarters. – Hey, Bray, I guess I just wasn’t thinking. – Okay, Sasha, hand over the rest of the food. – Sure. It’s as good as new. Apart from the tomato. Sorry about that. – The tins, where are they? – I didn’t take any tins, just the veg. – Quit fooling. – I’m not. – [Amber] Oh no. (light music) – [Lex] What’s up? – The store’s been raided again. (light music) – Where’d you get it? – I found it in the supermarket on Main Street. – Hey, is that for the windmill? – Yeah, don’t touch it. – I wasn’t going to. Amber wants you. – KC, we’re busy. – But the food’s gone. – What?! KC! What’s the matter with him? – I don’t know, but we better go. – Couldn’t you have made a mistake? Miscounted or something? – If you don’t believe us, look for yourself. – We checked and double checked. Look, there’s no avoiding it. One of us is a thief. So, come on, who is it? – Not me. – Not me. – We haven’t stolen anything. – Look, whoever it is has to own up. – I’ll kill them, whoever it is. – No one’s going to kill anybody. I just want to know who’s doing it. Just own up, it’s all I ask. – I wouldn’t own up, not after Lex threatening to kill. Hey, I never said it was me. – It could be. You’re always saying how hungry you are. – And you’ve always complained about the food rations. – Look, Ryan can’t help it if he has a healthy appetite. Can you, mate? – No. – Anyway. He’s as honest as the day is long. – Okay look, whoever it is is probably feeling pretty ashamed of themselves right now. So, I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you until dusk to come to me in private. We’ll talk about the problem, whatever it is, together. Okay? – Suppose nobody owns up. – They will. – Oh, they’d better. The food situation is getting serious. All the gardens around here are pretty much empty. I’ve had to go further and further to find anything. – The sooner we get the one two by fixed, the better. – It’s the only answer, isn’t it? – Trading power for food. – [Del] Let’s see if we can pick up some batteries. – Can I come? – No, it’s much too dangerous. (light music) – Remember, til dusk. It’ll just be between you and me. (dog groaning) – I’m sorry. – How do you think I felt knowing it was you? – I know. Thanks not for giving me away. – I probably should’ve. You’ve put me on the spot, Salene, it’s not fair. – I won’t do it again, I promise. – You’ve said that before. Salene, what are we gonna do with you? – Oh please, don’t be kind to me. Why don’t you shout at me like I deserve? Tell me I’m rubbish! – You’re not rubbish. You’re ill. – Bray risks his life to get food. And what do I do? I waste it. I disgust myself. – Look, why don’t you own up? – You heard what Lex said, he’d kill me! – Don’t be silly, Amber wouldn’t tell him. Talk to her. You’ll feel better. – No, I can’t, please. – She might be able to help. – I couldn’t tell Amber of all people. After everything she’s done for us. Trudy, please, you said what I needed most was self-respect. I couldn’t have that if Amber knew. – But! – Trudy, you’re helping me. I need you. Give me another chance, please. – [Trudy] Alright, but if there’s just one more time. – Fancy suggesting it was you, Ryan. – Yeah, thanks for sticking up for me, Lex. – Hey, you deserve it. I’m lucky to have a good, honest friend like you. – Thanks. – No, I mean it. And you’re never selfish. And you always think of the fellow first. That’s you, Ryan. – Yeah, it is, isn’t it? – And when I’m in trouble, need a helping hand, who’s the first person I turn to? – Who, Lex? – You, dude. And one, when have you ever let me down? Gum? – Thanks, Lex. (light music) Lex, you know those wedding vows? – Ryan, don’t. Whenever I think of a good line, it just slips out of my head. I wish I could write them down. Zandra’s gonna be so disappointed. – I could do that for you. Write them down. – Really, you would? See what I mean, what did I say? You’re a pal. – What happens if nobody owns up? – Don’t say that. My wedding will be ruined. – Wedding? – Yeah, me and Lex are getting married. It’ll be awful. Everyone will be waiting to see who steals the wedding cake. – Why are you getting married? – We love each other. – Cute. – Cute? – Yeah. I think that’s really neat. Considering the world out there. Someone who’s still trying to hold onto the old values. – See, I told you, Amber. She won’t marry us. – Really, why not? – Zandra, can you go and ask Jack if he’s got padlock for this cupboard. (sighs) – You tell her, Sasha. – What’s the problem? – Sasha, I can’t think about weddings. We’ve got a thief, this could break up the whole Tribe. – A wedding’s just a thing to pull people back together again, Amber. Golden opportunity, go for it. – I don’t believe in marriage. – So what? Soften up, Amber, where’s your romance? – Sasha, I’m the leader. I can’t lose my head just ’cause Zandra’s going all starry-eyed. – Have you never been starry-eyed? – It’s none of your business. – You wouldn’t be losing your head, Amber. You want to hold the Tribe together? Okay, give them a focus. Stand up there in front of them and unite them. – You sound like Tai-San. – You’re the one everybody looks to around here, Amber. It wouldn’t work with anyone else. Anyway, it’s a great excuse for a party. – You would say that. – I’ll help you. I’ll even put in a show, if you like. – Could we stop you? (sighs) – Will this do? – For the food store or Lex? – I promise to love you forever. – Forever’s a long time, Ryan. What else? – I haven’t been to many weddings. I’m trying to remember. I think there’s something like, I don’t know, obey or something. – Obey? – Yeah, but I don’t suppose anybody uses that anymore. – Well, Zandra might. She like all that old traditional stuff. Yeah. Obey. I like it. (light music) (rattling) (fire crackling) – Do we have to go through all this? – Of course, everybody will be looking at you. – Great. – You’ll be dignified, Amber, don’t worry. I won’t make you look like a clown. – You’re looking at me? – Anyway, just get on with it. Someone might wanna see me. – About the theft? Let’s hope so, there’s a lot of bad feeling going around. – [Sasha] Oh, the bride to be. – Tai-San’s making me an outfit. (light chuckles) – That’s it. I’ll go make it up. – Talking of bad feeling. – It’s complicated. – Have you come up with anything, yet? For the ceremony? – Well, what do you want? – I just want it to be really, really special. – Well, there are all kinds of ceremonies. A lot of religions use fire. – Fire? – Yeah, it’s symbolic. – We don’t wanna burn the mall down, do we? – Okay, Miss Clever Clogs, what do you suggest? – Well, how about water? That’s symbolic. Can’t live without it. – Is this girl a genius or what? Of course, the fountain. – That’s got no water in it. – There will be. Believe me, there will be. (light music) – KC, have you seen Salene? – Nope. (gagged vomiting) – I will be your side. (mumbling) When you’re worried, I will share your troubles. When you’re sick, I will nurse you. And when you’re hungry, I will bring you food. Ah, sorry. – Do you come down here often? – What are you doing? – Nothing. I heard you, and that was nice. Who’s the lucky person, Lex? – Don’t be stupid. I’m only helping him write his wedding vows, only don’t tell anyone, alright? – Why not? – Is this a private party or can anyone join? – Can’t anybody get any peace around here? (light music) – I was wondering where you were. – Why? – I just wanted– – Spy on me? What a cheek! – Salene, I’m trying to help. – Harass me, more like. I can’t even move. – So, what were you doing? – Actually, I was helping Ryan with something. – Oh. – Not that it’s any of your business! – Are you sure that’s all you were doing? – I couldn’t have a binge if I wanted. The food store’s got a great padlock on it now. – So, you did go back. – Yes, I went back. – And you meant to raid it? – Yes, I meant to raid it. Satisfied? Nobody could get in there, not even Lex. So, I’m safe now, alright? Happy? So you can stop hounding me, can’t you? (light music) (dog whimpering) – It would’ve worked if Lex hadn’t stolen the copper from the alternator. – To be honest, I never knew you were that practical. – What? – You know, with your hands. – Well, I’m not just a scientific genius, Del. (squeaking) KC? – [Del] You’re did this all by yourself? – Yeah. – All your own work then? – Well, KC did help it. (dog whimpering) – Is this it? – Well, there wasn’t much left. – Alright, I give in. I’ll go out this afternoon. – I could come with you. – No, thanks, Salene. – Why not? I could cover for you and get extra food. – Sometimes I have to move fast, and I’d be worried about you. – So, off you go again, Bray. Risking life and limb. – You should try it sometime. – Oh, I’d come. Only you don’t want anybody discovering your famous little watering holes. Do you, mate? – Has anybody owned up? – Not yet, but I wish whoever it was would hurry up about it. We don’t want the wedding spoiled. – Oh, we’ve got some batteries and I missed down the wind turbine. – You? – Well, KC, actually. – Soon we’ll be trading. We won’t have to forage for food ever again. – I can’t wait. And then maybe I’ll have time to sit around playing games all day. (light music) – You going? – Bray, be careful. (light music) – I’m not hungry. – [Ryan] Can I have yours? – Sure. (skateboard rumbling) (light music) – Just think, soon we’ll be walking down these stairs to get married. – Can’t wait, babe. – How are your vows getting along? – Oh, from the heart, babe, from the heart. How about yours? – Finished. – Actually, when I was writing down all the lovely things I want to say to you, I got thinking about what people used to say in the old days. You know? Honor and obey and all that. Beautiful, isn’t, the old vows? I guess I’m just an old-fashioned kind of guy. – You mean you’re a chauvinist pig. – You wouldn’t marry me if you believed that. Now, aren’t you going to agree to honor and obey me? Just to please me? – Alright. Just so long as you say it as well. – We can’t both obey each other. Someone has to make the rules. – Rules? This isn’t a game of football, Lex. And I’m not gonna be your ball to be kicked around. (rats squeaking) (funky music) – Everyone has an animal spirit. Sometimes they help us. Sometimes they make us do things right. – My spirit’s a cat. I’m cat to the power of nine. – Why nine? – Nine lives, of course. – What’s Amber? – She’s a lioness to the power of 10. – Lex is wolf. – To the power of 100. – And one of us, but no one knows who, is a fox to the power of infinity. (dog whispering) Now, the fox is a sly spirit, a thief who steals at night. But he doesn’t just steal what he needs, oh no, the fox is ruthless. He’ll kill all the chickens and leave nothing for anybody else. Because he’s a waster, a selfish waster. And whoever has the fox spirit mustn’t listen to him when he whispers, "Go on, I dare you. "Steal more food." Because the fox wants to be the boss and take you over. So, whoever has the fox spirit mustn’t listen to him and must go to someone strong, like Amber, who’s lioness to the power of 10, to help them keep the fox at bay. (light music) (birds squawking) (door squeaking) – Oh, it’s you. – You were expecting someone more important, like the thief. – Come in. – I take it nobody’s been. – No. Thanks for your little story, anyway. – Hey, there’s still time Amber. – If anyone was gonna come forward, they would’ve done it by now. I really thought. – If they’re gonna up to anyone, Amber, it’ll be you. – It’s going to eat us away, Sasha, and I can’t stop it. – It’s tough at the top, isn’t it? You’re very brave. I wouldn’t take it on for the world. – Sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it. I mean, I can manage quite well on my own. – We all need someone. – Not you. – Oh yeah, me too. Sometimes. (light music) – Trudy? – Have you seen Salene? – No, not since lunchtime. Is everything alright? – Yeah, yeah. Did you think I? – Sorry. – It’s not me, I’m not your thief. – Isn’t it awful when you no longer know who you can trust? – You need some fun, great leader. Come and watch me make a fool of myself teaching the kids puppets. (funky music) (birds squawking) – Oi! And what sort of a disgusting, slimy, piece of fungus do we have here? (soft music) – Just this once, you know. Next time, Salene, I expect you to bring something to trade. You ought to be more careful, young lady. People are pretty touchy about their space these days. Say nothing of the food. Off you go. (soft music) – Someone’s got to own up soon. Maybe I should call another meeting. – Know what I think? Give yourself a break and forget about it. – How can I do that? – The cupboard’s locked, the food’s safe. Forget it. Think about something else. – Such as? – Weddings. (scoffs) What sort of wedding would you have? – I wouldn’t. – If it was me, I’d have it on a beach under the stars. – You don’t have weddings at night. – Of course you can. You can have whatever you like. I’d have a huge bonfire, with flames roaring up into the inky blackness. And there’d be a warm breeze blowing. – Sounds more like a hairspray commercial. – Where’s your sense of romance? My bride would sit down to a wedding breakfast of the finest delicacies. – Oh please. – Which would be washed down by the best vintage champagne. – Oh yeah? What year? – Now you’re getting it. Afterwards, we’d sail away on our yacht to a tropical island, where we’d live on lobsters and coconuts. You only have to imagine it and you can be there. Shut your eyes. – No. – Go on. Play a little. Now, imagine this is a piece of the juiciest lobster you ever tasted. – You’re so corny. – Open wide. – Mmm, lobster. Yummy yummy yum. – Lobster? (coughs) – I don’t think she’s used to such rich food. – Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. – I’m fine. – You’ve come at the right moment. We’re discussing your wedding banquet. – Oh yeah? Tin beans? – No, there’s no way you’re having your special day without a feast to remember for the rest of your life. That’s a promise. – If you say so, Sasha. Who am I to argue? – Don’t even try. (squeaking) (soft music) – [KC] See, it was easy, there was lots. – I reckon we’re the only ones who have got away with charging these batteries. Oh, hi. Trudy’s looking for you. – I needed some fresh air. I was feeling a bit claustrophobic. – Can you help me with this? Thanks. (soft music) – [Woman] You know, I don’t think the tribal gathering has been a complete failure. – How come? – We came away with Sasha, didn’t we? Do you think he’ll stay with us? Oh come on, Amber. You know you can’t hide your feelings from me. – I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. – Do you think this is gonna work? – Of course it is. This time we made it right. Didn’t we, Jack? – As you keep telling me. – Let’s let her go. – So, why doesn’t it? – Well, it sure will. I mean, it’s been put together by an expert. – Shut up. Come on, work. Yes, it’s working. – Salene, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. – I went for a walk. I wanted to be by myself, okay? – All day. – I had a rest as well. – I looked in your room. – Then it must’ve been while I was out, okay? – Now where are you going? You’re supposed to be on cleaning duty. I’ll give you a hand. – Why? So you can watch over me? The food store’s locked, Trudy. What am I gonna do, break in with a crowbar? – Salene, you asked me to help you. So I’m going to, whether you like it or not. – What do you think of this for the wedding? Ryan chose it. – Does Ryan like it? – He thinks it’s great. – Then why not let him wear it? – Yeah, why not? – Guess who I saw Amber with again? – Mickey Mouse? – No, Sasha. – So? – I think there’s something going on between them. – Good. It’s about time somebody put a smile on that miserable cow’s face. – Can’t you just be glad two people are happy together? – Like us? – Like us. Speaking of us, I’ve decided I want a proper wedding feast. With real food. – You don’t ask for much, do you? – There must be a way. Think. – Hey, we could eat the chickens. – Yeah, we could. (soft music) What’s that? – Music, so? – But, there aren’t any batteries left, are there? (soft music) (barking) – Amber, I worked it. The windmill’s working. – Hey that’s great, well done. (cheers) – Dance? Come on. (cheers) (soft music) – Quiet, please. I want to pull an announcement. We’ve achieved the breakthrough we’ve all been waiting for. Wind powered electricity. (clapping and cheering) – You could do some music for the wedding. Isn’t it gonna be great? – Yeah. I can smell the chickens roasting already. – What chickens? – The chickens. We’re gonna use them for the wedding feast. – You can’t do that. – They’re our pets. – They’re only birds. They’ve got brains about the size of a pea. – Amber, stop him. Don’t let him. – You’re not killing the chickens, Lex. – Says who? – Forget it, I’ll have beans. I don’t care. – Wait a minute, wait a minute. No need to quarrel. The answer is staring us in the face. So we take some batteries to a farm and barter them for fresh food for the wedding. That way, nobody eats chickens. – Cabbage. I’d really like some cabbage. – Apples. – Meat. – Fried onions. – Hey, this isn’t a trip to the supermarket. – Strawberries. – Just a minute, aren’t we forgetting something? – What? – Well, it’s still pretty dangerous outside. Should we be thinking about taking these kind of risks just for a party? – What do you mean, just for a party? – Well, I can get extra things without anybody having to risk themselves. – But you said that there’s no more fresh stuff. So it’ll be the same as always. – It’s all right out there if you know what you’re doing, Bray. – Are you saying I don’t? – No, I just think we’ll be okay, that’s all. – Do you? What if somebody gets hurt? What happens then? I’m out there all the time. I know what I’m talking about. – I’ll go, I’m not scared. – It’s nothing to do with being scared. – Really? – Wait, wait, let’s not fight. Bray has a point. I had the idea. I should be the one to go. And if Lex wants to join me, so much the better. I could do with the extra muscle. – Thanks, Sasha. – There it is then. You happy, Bray? – Sure. Do whatever you like. – No! (squeaking) – Well there certainly isn’t much here for a feast. – Amber, I wasn’t trying to upset Bray back there, you know. – Who said you were? – I’m probably being nosy but is there something between you two? – You are being nosy. And no, there isn’t. – Sometimes I get the feeling that I’m treading on his toes. – That’s his problem. – Toes too big, eh? I’m not treading on yours, am I? – No. – You’re quite sure about that? – Yes. – Only– – I heard voices, I thought I’d come and check. – We were just seeing what we could add to whatever comes back from the farm. – We’re not the mystery food thieves. – Glad to hear it. – Well, I think we’re just about down here. I’ve got a lot to do. – You like playing the hero, don’t you? – So what is it you got against me? – We’ve got enough people to look after here. And I think you’re starting to outstay your welcome. – Do you now? – Yes, I do. So after the wedding, you’re out of here. (soft music) – [Sasha Voiceover] Where’s your sense of romance? Go on, play a little. (soft music) – Come on, Sasha. Life’s too short. (soft music) – [Dal] What are you doing? – [Sasha] I couldn’t sleep. – Great, you can give us a hand on the roof. We’re charging as many as we can while the wind’s still up. – Sure. (soft music) – Why me? – Because someone has to stay behind and look after the place. – Bray’s not going. – Bray’s nerves are shattered. From all the risk attacks. – Supposing Bray’s right though. We don’t know what’s out there and Jack and Dal aren’t gonna be much use if there’s trouble. – Sasha can look after himself though, can’t he? – I seem to have survived up to now. (scoffs) – Seriously, Bray. Do you really think it’s that dangerous? – Of course. It’s terrifying. – Look, what’s your problem? – Don’t have a problem. I’m looking forward to a nice day out. – Listen, I’m sure it’ll be fine, Bray. – Are you? And what are you gonna do when the Locos come along? Play them a song? – Bray. – Possibly, what would you suggest? – Doesn’t matter what he’d suggest. Because he doesn’t want to come. – Wrong, I am coming. – You’re letting him wind you up. – No, I’m not. I know the land, I know the people, and I can negotiate. And we don’t want Lex starting another riot. – Then you can help us make the puppets, Sasha. Like you said you would. – Yeah, for the wedding show. – Then it’s decided. The big boys go. (soft music) Well, we haven’t met anybody dangerous yet. So, better safe than sorry, eh Bray? Did you see how quickly Sasha backed out when he’s given the chance? I reckon he’s scared all along. – Do you think? – Either that or he’s up to something. – Like what? – Dunno. Maybe he just wanted some time with the girls alone. Well, they fancy him. – Yeah yeah, did you see him dancing with Amber yesterday? – Yeah, what do you think, Bray? – I think you’re getting boring. – Oh dear. We’ll have to play some music to cheer you up then. (upbeat music) – Lex! – Turn it off, you fool. – What? Sorry, I can’t hear you. Hey, that’s my favorite CD. – You trying to get us all killed? – Sorry. Keep forgetting how risky it is out here. I’m glad you’re here to remind me. – Listen. – Guys, look. There’s a farm. (soft music) (cow moos) (rooster crows) – What’s this all about? – I don’t know. – It means female. – Oh wow. We’d better go and say hello then. (cow moos) – And the sun rises. And Cloe– – [Cloe] And the flower opens. – Very good. That’s really coming on. Now off you go and make the stars. – [Cloe] Come on, Bob. (whining) – You’re very good with them. – They deserve to be happy. None of us have had much fun lately. – That’s true. – Including you. You do so much for everyone else. You deserve something for yourself. – Thanks. – You’re a very special person, Amber. What is it? – I’m sorry. – What? – It’s crazy. There’s no future in it. You’re leaving soon, aren’t you? – Well, I never said I wasn’t. – So what are you trying to do to me? – I’m trying to make you happy. Me too. It’s in short supply these days. – By getting me to care about you and then leaving? – That’s not quite how I saw it. – So how do you see it, Sasha? Another easy conquest for your magical charms? – I’m sorry I upset you. You’re the least easy person I know, Amber. (soft music) (chickens clucking) – [Lex] Anybody home? (barking) – What do you want? – How about calling your dogs off for a start, sweetheart? – Mind your mouth. Or I’ll set them loose on you. – Really? You want to try your luck? – Lex, cool it. – I ain’t afraid of her. – Tough guy, eh? Alice. (barking) – Oh no. She’s gone to get Alice. I’m really scared now. – What are you playing at? – I ain’t letting no kid speak to me like that. – Do you want to trade with these people or don’t you? – It’s your wedding feast, Lex. The least you can do is be nice. – Yeah, be nice. (whining) Alice. – Okay. I’ll be nice to Alice. – I’m glad to hear it. What do you want? – We’re trading batteries instead of– – I wasn’t talking to you. What’s your name? – Lex. – Don’t let the smell bother you, boys. It’s just manure. So how you gonna be nice to me, Lex? – What do you mean? – You know what I mean. You’re a good looking boy. Don’t you think, Dawn? – You’d have to be desperate. – Dawn’s picky but I’m not. So, what do you say? Not scared, are you? – No. – Well then. – I can’t. I’m getting married. – Aww. He’s getting married. Isn’t that sweet? – Who’d marry a jerk like him? – Some poor soul. Don’t wet yourself. I wouldn’t touch you with a barge pole. Ah ah. (barking) Well, we could do with some music round here, so if you’re wanting to trade, that’s fine by me. But any funny business, I’ll feed you to the pigs. You understand? – Pigs? (hissing) – Hey, what’s happened with those stars? – We’re helping KC. We’ll do them later. – No, do them now. Get them finished, eh? – But the wedding’s not until tomorrow. – I know. But I think it’d be better if we wrap them up today. Really. – Okay. – Dal hasn’t finished with that. – I know, but it’s good enough for me. Come on, action. (soft music) – A pig’s worth more than four batteries. – [Lex] Six. – Six batteries and 20 tapes. – 20? – I’ll throw in 10 more sweet corn. That’s my final offer. – Okay, deal. – Deal. Happy wedding, Lex. I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful husband. Anyone want a drink? – What is it? – Cider. Think you can handle it? – Yeah, sure. – Put hair on your chest. Look like you could use it. – Thank you. Very nice. (chickens clucking) – Not bad. Gonna throw that in? – You haven’t got anything left I want. – There must be something. – Hold still. Hey. Rancid Flame. Why didn’t you show me this before? – It’s not for sale. It’s mine, they’re my favorite. – No kidding, mine too. I’ll give you a gallon of cider for it. – No way. – Two. – Go on, Lex. – Take it or leave it. (cow moos) I’ll go get your pig. – Tell me something. Do you ever get trouble from another gang? – No. – You mean, they don’t come here? – Sure they do, we trade. As long as they behave. – What if they don’t? – Oh, they behave. (pig squealing) – It’s gorgeous. – Do you think Lex will like it? – Of course he will. It needs something at the front though. – Oh, I forgot. – Are they real diamonds? – Yeah, my mother gave it to me. It’s my grandmother’s. – It must have cost a fortune. – Will I be irresistible, I ask myself? – Well, I don’t think you’ll be getting much resistance from Lex. (barking) (cheers) – Shut up, you idiot. Take the booze back to your place and don’t show any of the girls. – What’s wrong with sharing it? – It was my CD. – Lex. I was so worried. Ugh, what’s that smell? – It’s the countryside. That’s what it was like. – [Zandra] Wow. – You should’ve seen me bargaining. They didn’t stand a chance. – You’re so clever. What’s in the sack? – Ryan, hold this. (snorting) – Lex, I love you. (barking) – Hi, how’d it go? – Fine, how was your day? – Amber, check this out. – Hey, that’s brilliant. – Where’s Sasha? He should see this, it was his idea. – I don’t know, I’ll go and find him. (soft music) (clears throat) – Hi. I wasn’t leaving without saying goodbye. – You’re going, so soon? – I think I’ve outstayed my welcome. – Is this because of what I said? – I hurt your feelings. I shouldn’t have done that. – I’ll live. – No. If there’s one thing I’m an expert at, it’s knowing when the moment’s come to move on. – But what about the wedding and the kid’s show? – I sorted the kids out. I’m sure it’ll go on without me. – So is that it? – Say goodbye to the others from me. I hate that stuff. Take care of yourself. You’re a very special person. (soft music) No, you were right the first time. There’s no future in it. – To hell with the future. – I really better get going. – Yeah, I guess. – Crazy, we finally find each other, only to be separated straightaway. – We could meet later. Well, I mean, we don’t have to, I– – It’s okay. I’ll see you after the stag night then. How’s it going? – It’s not gonna work. I’ve had a look at the pump, and it’s hopeless. – But I think we could rig something up, Dal. I mean, look, we could run the hoist down there and trail along there, and then… – We? – Okay, you. I’m the ideas man, I guess. – You’ll still get the fountain to fit from it? – Yeah, it’ll be just like the movies. Niagara Falls. – What’s she doing? – Worshiping at the fountain of life, apparently. – Probably praying it’s gonna work. – Yeah, we’ll need some divine way to get through this. – Oy, Dal, over here. I need a hand. – I’m busy. – It’s important. – What? – The booze. Where’d you stash it? – In the lift. – Right, let’s go. – (screams) Lex, get out of my sight. – What have I done now? – It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride the night before the wedding, remember? – Yeah. – I’m gonna count to 10, then I’m opening my eyes, and you’d better be gone. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. – Hi, Zandra. – I bet you’re feeling sorry for yourself. I’ve got Lex, and you haven’t. And tomorrow, he’ll be mine forever. – I wish you both nothing but joy. – Yeah, right. You’d just better not try anything, that’s all. – I couldn’t eat a thing. My guts are doing somersaults. – [Amber] Try to force yourself. This stuff’s fresh from the farm. – I’ll have a little, but don’t blame me if I throw up. – You should relax. It’s only stage fright. – That’s right. It’s always worse the night before. – Easy for you to say. You’re not getting married. – Are you okay? – I’m fine. – Where’s Tai San? – She’s not coming. – Why? – She did get invited, didn’t she? – No. No, I’m not having it. It’d ruin everything. – Zandra. – It’s my hen’s night, isn’t it? – Are you angry at Tai San? – Zandra, this wedding is supposed to be bringing us together. – All right. – Good. Cloe, go and see if Tai San wants to join us. – Homemade cider from the farm. This stuff is lethal. – [Dal] It’s only cider. – Too right. This stuff should come with a health warning on it. – Excellent. – Sure is. Don’t you think so, Ryan? – It does the job. – So, um, where’s Bray? – In his room, reading. – Reading? On my stag night? No way, he’s not getting off that easy. Bray! Stop reading! This is Lex ordering you to come out and play. Don’t be a total nerd. Come on, man, it’s my stag night. Let’s bury the hatchet, huh? – Whatever, Lex. As long as it’s not in my back. – Tai San. Tai San. – What is it, Cloe? – We’re sat at the hen night. You coming? – I can’t. I’m fasting. – What? – I’m not eating for the next 24 hours. Only water until after the wedding. – Why? – To purify myself. To make my spirit strong, so that my prayers for Lex and Zandra are answered. – I don’t get it. – You know how your body needs exercise to keep healthy? Well, it’s the same for your spirit. Holy men have done it for thousands of years. – Sitting in a room all alone? Not eating? That’s exercise? – Exactly. – Gentlemen. – And KC. – I’d like you to raise your glasses, please. I give you a toast. To Lex and Zandra. – [Boys] To Lex and Zandra. – I’d like to propose a toast. Just to Zandra. – Hang on, I’ve finished mine. – Me too. – I think you’re supposed to sip at toasts, guys. (laughs) – Ready? Good luck to Zandra. Married to Lex, she’s gonna need it. (laughing) To Zandra. – [Boys] To Zandra. – I’d like to propose a toast. To Lex’s last night of freedom. – That’s right, Lex, no more fooling around. – I don’t care. – ‘Course you don’t. If Ebony came and threw herself at you, you’d turn her away, wouldn’t you? – Absolutely. – I’m gonna drink to that. To Ebony. – [Boys] To Ebony. – You finished? – Yeah, do you want it? – I’ve forgotten how good real food tasted. – Me too. – Get used to it. There’ll be plenty more where that came from. – Yeah. Roast pig at my wedding banquet. – Were you worried we’d forgotten about you? – Well, you do seem more interested in the food than my big day. A day I’ve been dreaming about my whole life. – You dreamed about marrying Lex all your life? – Since the first time I saw him. I knew he was the one. – What was he doing? – Fighting. He was so tough and so brave. I had to have him. – Poor Lex. He didn’t stand a chance. – I wonder who’ll be next. – Amber? – Maybe. – So does this mean you and Sasha are official? – Aw, great. I love Sasha. – Yeah, now he’ll have to stay. – I hope so. – Don’t worry. You’re made for each other. – But don’t rush into anything. Take your time. Look at me. I could’ve married Zoot or Bray. Thank goodness I didn’t. – You had a lucky escape. That Bray’s a slippery one. You’d never know where you were with him. Isn’t that right, Salene? – Salene? – Sorry, I was miles away. Everyone had enough? Good, I’ll clear up, then. – Don’t be long. – Now, which one’s the nine of spades? – [Zack] That one. – That one. Brill. Can you teach me that? – It’s only a stupid card trick. No great mystery. – You’re saying there’s no art to it? – None. A monkey could do it. – You’re out of line. The trick is a small part. The real skill is how you deal with the punter. The eye contact, the patter, drawing them in. – You know what, I’ll bet you could figure this out statistically. – All right, I want to play another game. – What? – Salene. – What are you doing? Spying on me again? – No, I was– – No need. I was just coming. – [Boys] Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink! (cheering and applauding) – Who’s next? – [Lex] KC. – [Boys] KC, KC, KC, KC, KC, KC, KC, KC, KC, KC, KC! (cheering and applauding) (dog barking) – [Boys] Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink… – What are they doing? – This is terrible. It sounds like they’re drunk. – Drunk! – Maybe they got some homemade stuff from the farm. – I like it, it’s funny. – No, it’s not. Every time Lex is on the grog, something awful happens. Something really awful. – I’ll go and see what they’re up to. – Come on, have a go, it’s easy. Like that. – I can’t. I’m not good on skateboards. – Really? And I thought you were good at everything. – No way. I’m not risking my neck the night before the honeymoon. I need all my bits in working order. – Okay, I’m ready. Let’s race. – Welcome to the Mallrats Handicap. The drivers are in their grids, engines running. Ready? – Guys, be careful! – Three, Dal! Two, one, KC! Dal’s off to a good lead, but KC is in hot pursuit. Scorching pace. Quite a good lap time. And oh, KC’s coming around fast, and they’re neck and neck around the corner. Dal’s just hanging onto the lead, KC’s making a burst down the home stretch– – Yeah! – [Jack] He’s won! (screams) – Get him off, get him off! I’m injured! – It’s probably just a sprain. – Ryan, can you help him to bed? – Sure. – Is he all right? Be careful. – Zandra, please calm down. – She’s right, be careful. – I knew it, I knew it. If anything else goes wrong, I don’t know what I’ll do. – Why don’t you go to bed? – That’s a good idea. I’ve had enough fun for one night. – I’ll get him a cold water pack, keep the swelling down. – Thanks, Dal. – Be careful! – Zandra, bedtime. You’ve got a big day ahead, and you need all the beauty sleep you can get. Goodnight. You drunk too? – Bit lightheaded, nothing chronic. – What time is it? – Late. We should get some shut-eye. Big day ahead. – We don’t have to. – It all seems a bit of a waste, you know? All this chaos going on. In the morning it’ll be no better. We’re expected to be in charge. We could wait. – You’re right. We’ll probably be interrupted by an hysterical Zandra. – Or demented Lex. – Or Patsy and Cloe looking for advice on wedding decorations. – There’s time. We’ve all the time in the world. ‘Night. (dog panting and whining) (snores) – [Ryan] Wake up, Lex, wake up. – What? – You’re getting married today, remember? – I can’t. Let’s do it tomorrow. What’s your problem? – I’m your best man, and my job is to get you to the altar. And I will, even if I have to drag you there. – I think you’ve made your point. Who rattled your cage? Anybody’d think it was you marrying Zandra, not me. – Morning, Sleeping Beauty. – Sasha. – Sleep well? – Not really. – If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t get a wink either. – Good. What time is it? – Time to get to work. We have a wedding to organize. – Dal? Dal! Dal, get off me! You’re on my leg, you moron. – I can’t eat this stuff. I’m gonna be sick. – You have to try. It’ll help. – She’s right. Give your system time to soak up the alcohol. – It’s your own stupid fault. – I’ve got some herbal remedies that’ll make you feel more human. – Don’t spoil him. Let him learn his lesson. – Tai San, aren’t you eating either? – No, she’s fasting. – Why? – It’s an exercise. – Exercise? – That’s right. Purifying my body for the special day. (vomits) – Well, I guess that’s another way of purifying your body. – You again. After more grub? You know the deal. Last time was a one-off. No more freebies. – I’ve got something for you. – Sorry, I can’t use this. – But they’re diamonds! – They’re fake. Cheap glass. Worthless. – But it’s all I’ve got! – What happened to the other food I gave you? – The rats ate it. – That’s too bad. – Hey, that’s great, kids. What beautiful flowers. – You can have flowers like this when you get married. – Hey Bray, you’re a handyman. Could you spare us your time? – I’m busy. – Is this gonna work or what? Jack seemed pretty confident. – Jack’s a bit better with theory than practice. You’d better leave all the practical stuff to me. – You can still do it, though? – Oh, yeah. It’ll be good. A little surprise for Lex and Zandra. – [Zandra] Are you sure it looks okay? – You look great. – I feel fat. – Don’t be absurd. – And my bum sticks out. – Lex’ll be knocked out. Truly, you’re gorgeous. – It’s not here. My necklace, it’s gone. – Are you sure? – I always keep it here. It belonged to my grandmother. She wore it at her wedding. So did my mother. (cries) – Are you sure you’ve looked everywhere? – It’s an omen, a sign. I can’t get married now. – Maybe someone stole it. Sorry, but it is possible. – [Patsy] Yeah, first the food, and now this. – Come on, it’s no good standing around moaning. We’ll check every inch of the mall till we find it. It can’t have walked off on its own. Dal, Patsy, and I will check the shops upstairs. – Hey, here it is! – Yeah, there’s gonna be a wedding, yes! – Fantastic. Amber, Zandra, we found it! – Let me show Zandra. – How’d it wind up there? – Maybe Zandra dropped it. – Then why’d nobody notice it? – Does it matter? At least it wasn’t stolen. No thief in his right mind would’ve left it like that. – Is everyone settled? Then let’s begin. (drumroll) ("The Dream Must Stay Alive") (dog whining) Does anyone know of any reason why Zandra and Lex shouldn’t be married? – I can think of plenty. – Ryan? – What? Well, I…I… – The ring, Ryan. – Oh yeah. – With this here ring, I… – Vow my… – Undying love. Vow it. I do. – And I vow the same to you. – Finished? Then it’s time for the spirit of life to bless this happy couple. The water of life that, like hope, springs eternal. You may kiss the bride. (cheering and applauding) (baby crying) – Someone doesn’t sound too happy. – Yeah. – Great party last night. – Uh huh. (clicking) (baby crying) (loud chewing) (clanging) – What are you doing here? – I had to see you. I got an idea. – An idea for what? – Something you’ll be absolutely crazy about. – (snorts) You’re nuts, you know that? – Nuts over you would be more precise. Now, what do you say? – To what? – My idea. – Sasha, you haven’t told me what your idea is yet. – I do believe you’re right. – So? – So, why don’t you and I have a day out? If we set off now, we can have the whole day together. I’ve thought about it. You need a break from this place and nobody will be doing much today anyway. And, I know we’ll enjoy ourselves. So, what do you say? – I think I like the idea of it. – So, that’s a yes? – But, where would we go? – I know just the place. (gentle piano music) (snoring) – Hi, big boy. You snore. – No, I don’t. – Yes, you do. – I don’t, you’ve gotta sleep to snore and I don’t remember sleeping. – What do you remember? – Oh, the crackling on the peg, the hooch. – Lex. – And all that singing. – I mean, what do you remember about last night? – Well, I’ve been meaning to tell you actually, Zan. – What? – I got this trouble with my memory. So, you’ll have to remind me. (birds chirping) (dramatic music) – Hey, look in the grass. (girl vomiting) (crying) – What’d you say to the boys? – You’ve gotta be kiddin’. What am I lettin’ myself in for here? (metal clanging) (birds chirping) – I’ve a nice smelly fish for you. (yelling) – What do you two want? – Hi. How you doin’? Fancy a jelly bean? (bird chirping) – So, what would you like then, oh hungry one? Beans with egg, egg with egg, beans with beans, beans, eggs, and beans, or an egg and bean sandwich? – Say it again? Beans– – I’m trying to give my husband a breakfast. – Okay, okay. But, I got a better idea. – Which is? And no jokes. I’m hungry, too. – Right. Well, we’re married, yeah? – Yeah. – And this is the first morning of our honeymoon, right? – Right. – And if this were a real honeymoon, I mean, in normal times, we’d probably be in some posh hotel somewhere being waited on by all kinds of people. – Lex, will you come to the point? – The point is, I don’t want my wife slaving over a hot stove the morning after our wedding. That’s the point. – You mean you’re gonna cook breakfast? – Do me a favor. – Well, what then? (soft piano music) (baby cooing) – Time to sleep, sweetie. Quiet. (baby cooing) Come on. – Ryan! Beans on toast, twice. And quick! (baby crying) – Ryan! Do you hear me? (banging) – Poor Zahlia, fancy having to live with that. (dog eating) – Casey? He doesn’t look well at all. – Serves him right. – It was Lex. – He brought the drink. – But, he didn’t force him to drink it, did he? (dog whining) Don’t take it out on Bob. He’s just being friendly. – Look, just leave me alone, can’t you? I wanna die in peace. – Die? He’s not really? – Course not. Not unless someone strikes a match in his breath. – Is there something we could get you, Casey? – Go away. – A drink of water, some tea? – A greasy sausage? (vomiting) I guess not. (sighing) (bed creaking) – Argh. (thudding) (groaning) Help! Somebody! Help! (baby cooing) (laughing) (rocks thudding) (laughing) – Want a shot? (birds chirping) Do with some practicing on moving target, if you know what I mean. – Oh, yeah. – Cats, dogs, anything. You with a tribe? – No. – You wanna start one? – What for? – Sometimes you need someone to rely on that can watch your back for ya, like me and Mick. We look out for each other. – I’ve done all that looking after people stuff. I look after myself now. (laughing) (slow orchestral music) (laughing) Quick, hide. – Who is it? – Demon Dogs. Don’t do that. (birds chirping) – Thanks. – What are you staring at? – I’m logging you into my memory banks from every angle. – Why? – Oh, just in case. – Are they as mean as they say, Demon Dogs? – Hey, race you to the gate. (birds squawking) – Now, when are you going to tell me where we are going? – When we get there. Not far now, come on. (upbeat music) (dog barking) (baby cooing) (metal clanging) – Celine. – Hi. – Do you need something? – Uh, no. Food, no way. I had enough last night to last me a week. Two weeks. How about you? – It was good. – Good. I think it was the best meal I’ve ever had. How’s Brady? – Oh. Fine. Well, not so fine. She’s had a couple of restless nights. Did you know Jack’s leg’s worse? He’s in real pain. – Huh? Oh, that’s good. If you need someone to babysit, let me know, okay? I’ll see you around. (baby cooing) (papers rustling) (plates clanging) – What did you give him? – (sighs) Pain killers. He can’t have any more yet. – Oh, why not? – You just can’t. – Look, look, where’s Amber? She’ll let me have some more. – Patty hasn’t been able to find her yet. She’s gone off looking again. – It doesn’t matter. She would’ve said the same thing as me. You can only have a certain amount of pain killers at one time. – Yeah, but what good are pain killers if they don’t stop pain? – Have you learned nothing? Remember what happened to Trudy? Yeah. (dog whining) – Still no sign of Amber? – I brought Tizan instead. (sighing) (pained yelping) – Is it just when you move or is there an ache all the time? – All the time and then when I move, wham. – Try to accommodate your pain, Jack. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, slowly. (exhaling) Good. Remember, it is your pain. You are in charge. Don’t let it take over. There. Is that a little better? – No. – Just as I suspected. The leg is broken. We’ll need to construct a splint of some kind. But, first… (cap unscrewing) (dog groaning) (sighing) – Sorry, Jack. (fists bumping) – Comfrey. – What? – Oh, neck balm. – It’s an old herbal remedy used for helping broken bones to heal. – You’re not gonna put that on my leg, are you? I mean, what’s in it? – Comfrey leaves, of course. (slow piano music) We’ll need a sheet for a bandage. Casey, would you? (vomiting) (water trickling) (wrapper crinkling) (gull squawking) (waves splashing) (gulls squawking) (laughing) (dog groaning) – Bray, I’m scared. Things are scary. Nobody’s around. Well, hardly nobody. And everyone seems to be doing what they want, instead of the rules and that. – It’s just the wedding. It’s disrupted the whole routine. – But, there’s a funny feeling about, like it was when all the grownups went. – I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean. – Like, like someone’s died. – Hey, nobody’s died, Chloe. – I know that, but it feels like it. – Is this all because Amber’s not here? – Or Sasha or Ryan. Nobody’s seen Ryan. Or Celine. They’ve all just gone. – Nobody likes change, Chloe. But, things can’t stay the same forever. – What do you mean? – Only… – Do you know something you’re not telling us? – No, no, that just being paranoid. – What’s paranoid? – You know, irrational. Imagining things. – Well, if I am, then everyone is ’cause we’re all feeling the same right now. You wouldn’t leave us, would you, Bray? (gulls squawking) (door creaking) (gulls squawking) – What do you want? – Roanne. – I might be able to help you myself. – No, I wanna see Roanne. – You always this unfriendly? – Look, just tell her I’m here. (girl yelping) (girl kicking) (boy groaning) (door creaking) – Mitch. Celine, how nice to see you. Now, what can I do for you? – I was just wondering if there was anything I could for you. – For me? – I have a fair amount of spare time and I thought, there must be something. Taking messages, cooking? I can cook. – Celine. Are you trying to tell me you’ve nothing to trade? – Well, not this time, no, but I am useful. – Sorry. – What? – Celine, you know the rules. No trade, no food. Now, stop wasting my time. – But, wait, you don’t understand. (door slamming) (flute instrumental music) (hinges squeaking) (door creaking) – I’ve been thinking. It’s not good business to turn clients away. Especially regulars like you. – What are you saying? – I think we can work something out. (gulls squawking) (door creaking) (spray painting) – What do you want? – Bray. – ‘Cause, honestly, Trudy, I’m not in the mood for any of your dramas right now. – When were you ever? (spray painting) Unless you’re playing the hero, of course. – What is it? I’m busy. – I can see that. The thing is, Bray, I need your help. – Oh, well, there’s a surprise. – Not for me. For the little ones. You have to help me, Bray. Everyone else has gone awol today. Ryan, Celine, Lex and Zandra might as well not be here, and Am– (sad music) I know you’re upset about Amber. (can clanging) – Leave me alone, Trudy. I mean it! (dramatic music) (gulls squawking) – Happy? – Mhm. How about you? – Happier than I’ve ever been since, well, since you know when. – Do you think of your family often? – All the time. – Me, too. I wonder what they’d be doing, what I’d be doing, and what they’ll think of me if they could see me now. – I think they’d be very proud. – Oh, no. – Oh, yes. How could they not be? A daughter who’s so beautiful, intelligent, caring. – Sasha! You’ll have me blushing in a minute. (chuckling) (waves splashing) I miss my dad the most. He used to stay with me in the dark. I was always afraid of the dark. What about you? Do you take after your parents? – Dad was a bit of an extrovert. I’m showing off from him. I took after mum in looks. I’ve got a photo here. (gull squawking) Look. – Did you really have your hair that short? – (laughs) If you’re going to mock… – What are you thinking? – That if I could take a day and pin it on the wall, as an example of how every day should be from now on, this would be the one. Did I say something wrong? – No. Just right. I wish today could go on forever. – It can go on as long as you want. – We can’t stay here forever. It’ll be getting dark soon. – Does that still scare you? – Funnily enough, no. – Why not? – Because I know you’ll be here with me. It’s just– – What? – I don’t know if I’m ready for this. – Changed your mind? – No. No, not at all. (gulls squawking) (sighing) – What do you think? – Ideal. You sure she’ll be desperate enough? – She will be. I’ll make sure of it. (slow music) – Ryan! Ryan, if you know what’s good for ya. Ryan! (baby cooing) Ryan! (baby crying) I’ll give you ’til 10. (baby crying) (dog whining) One. Two. – Don’t cry, Chloe. – Three. – There’ll be somewhere else for us. You’ll see. – Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. (baby crying) (seagulls cawing) – Morning. What, what’s wrong? – [Amber] Nothing. – Regrets? – No, no, not at all. I was just thinking about the others back at the mall. – Oh, I’m sure the place is on fire, the kids are having a wild party. And Lex has divorced Zandra. Better get back straightaway, mother hen. – I’ve got a better idea. Let’s stay another day. – You’re learning. (somber music) (birds cawing) (soft piano music) (computer keys clicking) – Great, just great. Dal. KC. (sighing) – What are you doing? – Look, help me up, you idiots. (panting) Okay, this battery’s dead, isn’t it? You have to get me a new one and recharge this one. – Sorry, Jack, there’s a bit of a problem. – What? – There’s no charged ones left. – Oh, wonderful. I’m out of circulation for two days and the place falls apart. I need to get up. – You can’t. – Well I have to, don’t I? I’m chief scientist here, I need to inspect. – What? – The rainwater system, the water filter, the alarms before we all get murdered in our beds. – You’ve got a broken leg, Jack, how are you gonna get about? – You’re gonna make me a vehicle. (somber music) (birds cawing) (door creaking) – Sleep all right? – Yeah, I think so. – You must be starving. Was there not a lot of food back at the mall? – No, not always. – You won’t have that problem here. (somber music) – Guess who’s gonna have to clean that up? That’s right, Mommy. (baby grunting) (rat squeaking) Oh, this is revolting. – Where’s Salene? – I don’t know, but if you see her, can you tell her to give me a hand? Hey, what’s wrong? – Salene didn’t come home last night. We haven’t see her since yesterday. – Will you make us breakfast? – I tell you what, why don’t you give me a hand here first and then we’ll make breakfast. Oh good, Tai-San, can you give me a hand? – Salene didn’t come home. (dog whining) – And Amber’s gone with Sasha somewhere. – We’re having breakfast in a minute. – In here? – Well, when we get it cleared up. Can you give us a hand? – Okay, look, I’ll get these two out of your hair. What do you say, girls? Can we do some energy clearing? – What’s that? – I’ll show you. – Thanks, that’s a big help. – It will be for them. They’re obviously worried and frightened about Salene. I’ll calm them, get rid of their negative energy. – Negative energy, that’s all there ever is in this place. – A sedan chair? – Earliest form of transport, for the rich. – And the chief scientists. (rats squeaking) – Oh, this is good. – You got a problem, Trudy? – Actually, Bray, we’ve got a problem. – Oh yeah? – You and I are the only responsible people left in this place, do you know that? – I do now. – Look, I need you to look after Brady for awhile. Salene’s just disappeared and if someone doesn’t clean up this place, a whole different set of mall rats are gonna be taking over. Did you hear anything I said? – Isn’t Amber back? – No. – Still off with con man Sasha, I suppose. – Bray, I said we have rats. – Good, he should’ve stayed here and then fit right in. – I don’t believe you. You could’ve gotten together with Amber ages ago if you wanted to. – Yeah, well you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, Trude. You know all about that don’t you? – Well maybe I do, but at least I’m not lying around feeling sorry for myself. I’m getting on with things. You’ve missed out on Amber, Bray, get over it. – Well, what should I do? What’s your advice? Should I take some pills? – You’re not gonna watch Brady then? – Nope. – Wonderful. There are two leaders in this place and they’re both totally useless. (somber music) (seagulls cawing) – Now, are you even going to tell me where we’re going? – Can’t. – What do you mean can’t? Well, where are we going? What? – Let it go, Amber, does it matter? – You don’t know do you? We haven’t got a clue where we’re headed, admit it. – Do you care? – No. No, I don’t. – And doesn’t it feel great? (chuckling) (peaceful acoustic music) – What? – I wonder what everyone else is thinking. – About what? – Us, silly. I bet they’re wondering what we’re doing up here all this time. – I don’t think they’re wondering, babe, I think they know. Hey, where are you going? – You’re hungry, baby, remember? What do you fancy? Food, Lex, not me. – Get back into bed. – No, Lex, really, we have to eat something. – I’m not having my wife cooking breakfast on her honeymoon. (romantic music) – Come on, Jack. Your carriage awaits. – Okay, but I need a hand. Ow. Watch it, KC, you don’t want the other one broken. – Don’t tempt me. – KC, take the other shoulder. Jake, use your good leg. (grunting) There, you take the other end. Okay, on three. One. – Ryan. Ryan. Where are you? – Wait. – KC, where are you going? I can’t do this without you. – Looks like you have to think of something else, genius. Or you could lift me on your own. Ah, while we’re waiting, Tai-San says my feet need regular massage. (groaning) – Tai-San can do it then. – Where is he? – I don’t know do I? I haven’t seen anyone since the wedding. – You think Ryan would have at least popped in. You know, see if we need anything. – He’s probably just being considerate. – By letting us starve to death? – At last. Ryan. KC, where’s Ryan? – Gone off somewhere. What do you want, I’ll help. – Never mind. – I said you’re not cooking breakfast on your honeymoon. – I know but, Lex– – I said no. – All right then, what are we gonna eat? – You stay in bed, princess. Your prince will cook you breakfast. Come on, kid, you can be my commis chef. – Your what? – Trust me. (seagulls cawing) (vomiting) – Shouldn’t have had thirds eh? – I’m sorry. – No need to say sorry. It’s not your fault, you can’t help being sick. – But that’s just it though, I can. I should be able to. I mean, I eat and eat and I know I’m doing it. And then I’m sick. – And all you can think about is food? – Yeah. And when I’m eating, all I can think of is how disgusting it is and how I wanna throw it up. – So that’s why need all this food. You’re bulimic aren’t you? Hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. – It’s like I’m obsessed. I can’t help myself. – I’ll help you. We can handle this. Now relax, think of beautiful thoughts and we’ll beat this. I promise. (emotional music) (rats squeaking) – Just a bit longer, Mommy’s almost done. – Shall I take her for you? – Oh, it’s all right, I’m okay. Maybe the girls could help me now? – I’m still working with them. They’re really upset about Amber and Salene. We’re doing some good vibes work. Brady would really help, you know, babies are really pure. – What do you think? Wanna go with Tai-San? See Cloe and Patsy? – You’ll get this finished faster. It’ll be good for Brady to be around some positive energy too. – What’s that supposed to mean? – Nothing, don’t be paranoid. You’re doing a great job. I saw the cafe. Cleaning’s really your thing, you’re a natural. – Patronizing cow. (dog groaning) – Can you find something else for my beautiful wife other than eggs and beans? – What do you want? – What’s left? – This. – What? – I don’t know. – Well, read the label. What? You can’t read can you? – So? – Hey, don’t let it upset you, kid. Can you keep a secret? – Sure. – Neither can I, well not really. – Honest? – So I know how you feel. But hey, we get through it, we’re not stupid. – No. We’re not. – And don’t tell the others. It’s our secret, okay? Well, sling it over. We’ll have whatever it is. – Did you see what Sash taught us? – Cool guy Sasha? (dog whimpering) – Oops. – You know what? You should get him to teach you to juggle next time. (chuckling) (fire crackling) – You’re unbelievable. – Why? – You’re so free. You’re so optimistic. – But you’re an optimist, Amber. – I am? – Sure. Well, why else would you be struggling with those kids at the mall? – I guess I care about the future. – You’ve got to live in the moment as well. How do you feel right now? – Well, happy, concerned. – No. That’s the future. Stay with happy. – What about you, what do you feel? – That’s easy. In this moment, right now, I’m in love with you. (pleasant music) – Breakfast is served. – Oh, Lex, if this is married life, I wish I’d done it sooner. – [Lex] Me too. – You left me sitting here like a lemon. – I came back didn’t I? – Are we gonna stand here arguing all day or are we gonna get on with it? – Come on then. – Ready? One, two, three. (somber music) – Like I said, not such a good idea. – I’m going. Call me when you get your next bright idea. – Now your chakras should be opening up and you should feel the goodness coming in through your hands. – I feel it. I think I feel it. – Me too, I do. (barking) – Excellent, you guys are naturals. Now just keep thinking those good thoughts and good things will follow. – Will good thoughts bring Amber and Salene back, Tai-San? – If it’s the right thing for Amber and Salene, they’ll be back. If not, then we’ll survive. (baby crying) Just look at Brady. She survived while her mommy went away for awhile. – Yes, we all looked after her. – Because we love her. – Exactly. What’s important for babies is to keep them away from negative energy. It makes them sad. And it’s not always their mothers that can make them happy. – I think Brady needs her mother. (somber music) (baby crying) – Wow, Trudy must have really negative energy. – [Jack] Dal. – What’s he want now? – Painkillers. – [Jack] KC, Dal. – Why not just leave him to stew, have another game of poker? – I couldn’t do that. Besides, this was your fault. – I didn’t ask him to stand there like a lemon did I? – He could’ve been killed, you know? – [Jack] Help me, you idiots. – Probably be better off. What about these? – No way, they’re heavy duty sleeping pills. – This is what we need. – I’ll take ’em to him. You’ve done enough. – Are you sure? – Like you said, it’s my fault he’s hurt, isn’t it? (somber music) – There, there. Mommy will get you something to eat in the nice, clean kitchen. (baby crying) (seagulls cawing) – Amber? – Hey, what you got there? – Casters. I’m gonna fix them onto Jack’s chair, that way only one person needs to move him. – Leave him, let’s play cards. – I can’t. I’d never hear the last of it. But if he asks me to plump his pillow one more time, I swear I’d smother him. Did you give him the painkillers? He sounds awfully quiet. – Of course. (peaceful music) Poker? (seagulls cawing) – Amber? What’s the matter? – I wanna go back, Sasha. – Okay. Any particular reason? – I wanna get back to my reality, surviving in the mall with the kids, even Lex. – I can see how that would be more fun. – It isn’t about fun. I’m happy here, happier than I ever thought I would be again. And I love you, Sasha. I wanna get back to reality before it hurts too much to watch you leave. – I understand that, but I love you too, remember? Give me the rest of this day, okay? (pleasant music) (seagulls cawing) (door creaking) – Now, what would a great big boy like you be doing out here all alone? – I’m lost. – Actually, honey, I think you’re found. – Come right on in. We’ve got something all ready for you. Welcome, man. – Hey, thank you, man. (seagulls cawing) – I wish this day could go on forever. – It can. – Yeah right, I’ll just leave the mall and go shall I? – Why not? Live in the moment, Amber, it’s all we’ve got. – What are you saying? – Don’t go back. Come away with me. – Feeling better? – Yeah. How long did I sleep? – Awhile, you needed it. – I know. I’m lucky to have met you. – Hey, you needed help. Anyone would’ve done the same. – No, you’ve been really great, Roanne. Listening and not judging. Telling you the whole truth was a big step for me. – I know. – I better be going before it gets too dark. – You can’t go back, not now. – Yes I can, thanks to you. You’ve given me the strength. – No, I mean you can’t go back. (uptempo tribal music) You’ve had food and board here and you don’t get that for nothing. – But I thought– – If it was just down to me, Salene, but it’s not. This is Dirk’s house, his food, and he wants pay. – Pay with what? – There is a guy outside. – A guy? – Just be nice to him, Salene, really nice and it’ll work out fine. – [Salene] Ryan? (sighing) – Salene. (gulls squawking) – What are you doing here? – I was lost, what are you? – I have to eat. – Huh? – Ryan, I need food and they give it to me. – I don’t understand. – No, you wouldn’t. Well, what are you waiting for, then? – What? – You paid for it, didn’t you? – You’re acting a bit weird. – Don’t you like me? – What’s that got to do with anything? – Come on, close your eyes, pretend I’m Zandra. – Salene! – Ryan, I’m sorry. What am I gonna do? (instrumental music) – Make your mind up? – It’s not fair, asking me here. It’s all so beautiful. We can’t stay here forever. – There’s plenty of other places. Come with me, we’ll find them together. – It’s very tempting. – You keep saying that instead of giving me a straight answer, here. – It’s not as simple as that. – Sure it is. A simple yes or no is all you have to say. – There’s all the kids back at the mall. – Amber, you can’t go on living your life for other people. You’ve got to live for yourself. – I don’t know, it’s a very big decision. – There’s no hurry. You’ll stay here again tonight, take all the time you need. (melancholy music) – I could eat a big fat juicy steak. Maybe with an egg or two on top. Or a burger, a half pounder. No, two half pounders with all the trimmings. And a whole pile of fries, some tomatoes with beans. – So what are you gonna get? – No, it’s what your gonna get. Remember? I cooked yesterday. – Oh yeah. – So now you’re gonna cook something for me. Something real special. – Like what? We don’t have anything special. – Oh yes we do. I’ll get it, you cook it, okay? – Okay. (gulls squawking) – You really don’t understand, do you? – Understand what? – Ryan, what am I gonna do? – What do you wanna do? – I wanna get out of this place. – Alright, so, why don’t you just leave? – I can’t. They won’t let me. I owe them for the food and stuff. It’s like I’m their prisoner. – What about me? – These people, they’re ruthless. I’m not safe here, Ryan. – Come on, I’m gonna get you out of here. (upbeat music) – [Salene] It’s no good! – Here, get the bed across the door. (upbeat music) – Hey, what’s going on in there? (crashing) – Come on, go. (upbeat music) – Grab him! – Hurry, let’s go, let’s go! Catch them! Come on, let’s go! – Catch them! – Run! – Go after him! (upbeat music) – No, I’m hurt. I’m done for. – No you’re not. Come on, get up. – Come on. – There they are! (upbeat music) – They’ve got away. – They’ve gotta be around here somewhere. Mitch, you go down there. Shacko, you take the other side. – Locos! – Coming this way! – Get the hell out of here, now! (upbeat music) – Gone. (game playing) – Oh yuck, what is that stuff? – Spaghetti, chicken soup, and some meat stuff. – Looks disgusting. – Oh, hi Dal. – Hi. – You making breakfast? – Can you do some for us? – Uh, sorry, I don’t have time. – Why not? – Too busy looking after Jack. Can’t get up here with his leg. Can he, KC? – Men. You’re all as bad as each other. Come on Pats, we’re not hanging around here. (melancholy music) – Hi. What’s wrong with you? – We haven’t had any breakfast. – Who wants breakfast? – We do. – Don’t you? – No, I don’t believe in breakfast. – What do you do, then? – Come with me, and I’ll show you. – How you doing? – Not so good. – I’ll help you back to the mall if you’re up to it. – No, I can’t. – I’ll carry you. – Ryan, you’re so sweet, but, I don’t wanna go back there. – Why? – I just can’t, I’m too ashamed. – I won’t tell anybody. – Thanks, but it’s not that. – It’s not? – No. You know the food that went missing? I took it. – You did? But why? – It’s like a sort of madness. I have to eat, and eat, and eat. I can’t help myself. – But you’re not fat. – I know, cuz once I’ve stuffed myself to the gills, I make myself throw it all up again. – You mean like, on purpose? – Yeah. – Why you wanna do that for? – I can’t help it. It’s an illness. It’s call bulimia. – Is it catching? – Ryan, I’m no use to anyone. You go back, leave me here. – No, I don’t wanna go back either. – You don’t? Because of Lex and Zandra? – I’m fed up with Lex treating me as though I’m stupid. I’ve had enough of him. – What are we gonna do, then? – I reckon we’re better off staying here for tonight. I’ll watch out for you. And if you feel that bull mania thing coming on, you just let me know, okay? (gentle music) (baby crying) – Come on, Brady. (shushing) What? What a mess. (baby crying) Bray. Are you okay? – Oh, hi. – What are you doing? – Just having a cup of coffee. – You’re not still moping about Amber, are you? – Amber? Of course not. Why should I care about Amber? – Yeah, well. Anyway, I thought you were supposed to be on guard duty. – I am. – Well you’re not gonna do much good up here, are you? – Does it matter? – Look, Bray. Maybe you don’t give a damn about me or anyone else, but you should care about Brady. (baby fussing) She is your niece, or had you forgotten that? – I don’t need this. I don’t need any of it. – No? Well she needs you, Bray. (baby crying) We all need you. – Yeah, well that’s just too bad, okay? Cuz I might not be around for much longer. (melancholy music) (baby crying) (birds singing) – Ryan? Ryan, where are you? – Hi! How you feeling? – A lot better, thanks. What time is it? – I don’t know. I let you sleep, I thought you needed it. – They didn’t come back, then? – Nah, they’ll all be crashed out now. Beans okay? – Can you spare some? I’m starving. – Yeah? – Yeah. I mean, really starving. Not, you know. – This is for you. – Are you sure? – As long as you don’t go and throw them up again. – I won’t, I promise. – You better not. I’ll be watching you. – Thanks. (gentle music) (waves crashing) – Happy? – Mm-hmm. I wish it could always be like this. – It can be, if you want it to. – I know. – Just you and me, together, always. That’s what I want. – Me too. – Does that mean, you’ve made up your mind? – I love you, Sasha. And I wanna go wherever you go. – So you’ll leave the tribe? – I’ll leave the mall and come with you. (gulls calling) (gentle music) – We could go north to start with, there’s some great country up there. – Ah, it’s gonna be so wonderful. – We could head up the coast. – No, we have to go back to the mall first. – Why? – To get our stuff. – What stuff? – Well, your instruments, unless you’ve given up being a one man band. – I guess I have. – Look, I should go back and tell them where we’re going, so they don’t worry. And I need to say goodbye. (melancholy music) (gulls calling) (game playing) – Dal! Dal! – What do you want? – The battery’s flat, I want a new one. – There are none charged up. – Still? – The belt came off. – Why don’t you put it back on, then? – Cuz we were too busy looking after you. – That’s telling him. – Oh, shut up KC. It it wasn’t for you — – It’s not my fault your stupid chair was in the way. – Not your fault? Of course it’s your fault! – Cool it! What’s gotten into you guys? – It’s this place. It’s all falling apart. – I wish Amber was here. She’d know what to do. – Soon there’ll be nobody left but us. (melancholy music) (humming) (humming) (dog groaning) – You have to concentrate. Close your eyes and concentrate. (melancholy music) Where are you going? – It’s not working, we’re hungry. – Well let’s go look for some eggs. – Sorry, Tai-San, maybe we’ll try again tomorrow. (melancholy music) – Hey Zandra. – Oh, hi. – Are you cooking something? – Uh, yeah. – Mm, smells delicious. What is it? – It’s a secret. – Oh, well, I suppose I’ll find out soon enough. – No, you won’t. It’s only for Lex. It’s a special treat. – What? – Well, it is our honeymoon. – You okay now? – I feel fine, thanks. – You sure? Cuz, I don’t think we should hang about here. – We have to decide where we’re going. – Yeah, right. Where are we going? – I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind getting out of the city. – Right. – Except, remember what happened to Dal and Trudy. – Uh, yeah. – Strikes me there’s nowhere safe out there. – I suppose we could always — – What? – Go back. – What, to the mall? – I mean, now I know, I’d look out for you. – You would? – Sure. I wouldn’t like, let anyone pick on you or anything. – And I wouldn’t let anyone pick on you, either. – We could look out for each other. What’d you say? (gentle music) – Good grief, look at the state of this place. It looks like the Locos have been in here. – It’s not your problem anymore. – Yeah, but all the same. – Amber. – Alright, alright. Let’s go and find the others. (dog whining) Hello, what do we have here? – Amber! You’re back. – We thought you’d left us forever. – Amber (stutters) – Hey, what is it? What’s the matter? – It’s Henrietta. – Henrietta? – One of the hens. – My favorite. – We can’t find her anywhere. – And just a heap of feathers. – Oh dear. – Something awful’s happened to her, I know it has! – Probably a rat. – I wouldn’t be surprised. – No! – Hey, you still got Clara, haven’t you? She’s alright. Tell you what, we’ll go upstairs and make you a drink, and I’ll show you what Sasha and I have brought you, okay? (melancholy music) (dog groaning) There, how’s that? – Oh Amber, it’s brilliant. – Yeah, bril. – We thought you could all do with some fresh seafood. – That’s a real treat. It’s just what you all need, isn’t it, Bray? – Oh yeah. – Seafood, we haven’t had anything like that for yonks. – Plenty more where that came from. – Is that right? – Yeah. Plenty more fish in the sea, Bray. – Oh very funny, I’m sure. – Can we start cooking it now? – Soon. Go and start getting the kitchen cleaned up so we can cook it. Cloe’s a bit upset. It seems that one of her chickens has gone missing. – Oh no. – We think a rat might’ve taken it. – Yeah, very likely. A big rat. – Well, hardly surprising considering the state of this place. Seems like no one’s lifted a finger to clean up since the wedding. – I know, it’s just I’ve been up to my eyes with you and Salene not here. – Salene’s not here? – No, she took off right after the wedding. And Ryan’s gone, and with Brady not being very well. – No wonder. Goodness knows what you could’ve picked up from around here. I mean look at it, it’s filthy. – Amber. – It’s not me. Zandra and Lex have both been cooking things. – Okay, but it’s more than that, isn’t it? I know Trudy’s her hands full, but what about you? What have you been doing? – What do you mean, what have I been doing? – Nothing. That’s what you’ve been doing. What is it with you? I mean, it is so beneath you that you can’t do a bit of cleaning up? – I do my share for this tribe, I do more than my share! Collecting food and stuff for everybody. – Oh yeah, you’re alright. As long as you can go swilling off on your own, having a good time. – Hey, look who’s talking. I risk my life every day keeping everybody fed. Including you and lover boy. – Yeah, well you won’t have to worry about me and Sasha anymore because we won’t be here. – Amber! What do you mean? – I mean Sasha’s leaving, and I’m going with him. We only came back to say goodbye. – Okay. You know, goodbye. Good luck. (dog groaning) Cuz you’re gonna need it. – No Amber, you can’t! You can’t go! – I have to. I wanna be with Sasha. – What about us? Didn’t you wanna be with us anymore? – It’s not that, Sweetheart. – Amber has her own life, kids. – We’ve gotta stop her. Can’t somebody stop her? – Lex, I’m gonna get Lex. (baby fussing) (melancholy music) – Lex, Zandra, you’ve gotta come, Amber’s — (screaming) – Henrietta, they were eating Henrietta. (dog groaning) – [Amber] Lex. – That was the best meal I’ve had in months. – That’s just what I’d expect from you. But Zandra? – It was a special occasion. – That’s right, babe. And I got something to tell you all. My Zandra is a cracking cook. – Amber, you can’t leave! You can’t leave the kids with him! – I’m sorry, Trudy. – But we need you, Amber. – No you don’t. You just gotta get your act together. – Sasha’s right. We need to take responsibility for ourselves, and each other. – Please Amber, please don’t go. – She’s not your mother. She’s entitled to a life of her own. – Yeah, you go for it, Amber. Hit the trail. – Well yeah, well you would say that. – Perhaps when you’ve gone, Bray’ll go, too. – Don’t worry, I’ll still be here for you. – But I want Amber. (baby crying) – See what I mean? – What’s going on? – Ryan! Salene! You’re back! – Where have you been? We thought you’d left us. – We nearly did. Both of us. But we talked about it, and we decided, well, you’re like our family. – That’s nice. That’s really nice. – So, I’d like to stay, if you’ll have me back. – What do you mean, "if we’ll have you"? – I’ve got a confession. (dog groaning) You know the food that went missing? – Yes. – It was me. I took it. – You? (baby fussing) – I couldn’t help it. – Oh great. – Shut up, Lex. – Hey? – Listen, she really couldn’t help herself. She’s ill. – Ill? How? Is that right, Sal? – Yes. – She’s got bumelia. – So that makes it okay for her to steal our food then, eh? – Lex, after what you’ve just done, I’d keep quiet if I were you. – Yeah, well. – How come she knew and not me? (baby crying) – I found out. – Well, I think she’s very brave, facing up to it and confessing like that. – Yeah, very brave. – I agree. She needs our help. – And she’ll be okay. With all your help and support. (gentle music) Take care of the little ones for me, okay? (rising music) (baby fussing) Bye. – So long. (melancholy music) (dog groaning) (birds singing) – Hey, you’re looking back. – I can’t help it. – Amber, it’s time to go. – Just, give me a minute. – No, they’ll survive. – Sasha, they need me. – What about me? – You don’t need anyone, not really. – Don’t I? – Just, go, now. Go on. – Come with me, please. – I can’t. I just can’t. (melancholy music) – I’ll always remember you, Amber. (crying) (melancholy music) (upbeat tribal music) (seagulls chirping) (trash rustling) (wind rushing) – Voila. – [Cloe] It’s perfect, she’ll love it. What a surprise. – If we can keep her away ’til we’re ready. – [Cloe] Salene’s watching in case she wakes. – What on earth? – [KC] Look at that. – I couldn’t find his crutch. – Look, first I have Cloe breaking my door down at the crack of dawn, waking me up. Then, I get dragged out of bed. – It’s all part of the surprise. – Yeah, but to drag me out of bed and get me up here like a baby. – Found it. – Shh! – Great! – [Dal] And you thought you could get away by hiding it. – No, I couldn’t find them, really. Where did you find them? – Under your bed. (somber music) – Oh, yeah, I didn’t look there, I’m sorry. What now? – The present. – But, I, I’m here, I mean, isn’t that enough? – Jack, we agreed, a present from each person. – Oh, yeah, yeah we did. We did, right! I’m still working on mine. It’s a surprise. (somber music) – No present, no entry, no breakfast. – Thanks for the wake-up call, Cloe. – Great! – No present, no entry, no breakfast. – It’s from both of us. – Lex, I saved you a seat. – Where’s Amber? She was already up when I went to wake her. – Probably off sulking, as usual. – Again? – How long is she gonna keep this up? (somber music) – Remember, we’ve got to make today special. So, when Patsy comes in– – Here she is! – Happy Birthday! – Surprise! (applause) (cheers) – [Salene] Sorry, I couldn’t keep her away any longer. She was hungry. – Happy Birthday, Patsy. – Happy Birthday, sweetie. – [Cloe] Look at all your presents. – I didn’t even remember. – What games are we gonna play? – You can choose, Patsy. – Games? – At your party! We decided there’d be no chores today, just fun. – [Salene] You get to choose everything today. – [Zandra] And I can do something pretty with your hair, if you like. – Yeah! – [Trudy] Amber! – Oh, hi. I’m glad you’re all here, I’ve drawn up another roster. Thought this place could do with some cleaning and decorating. – But, it’s Patsy’s birthday. We’re gonna have a party. – Oh, right. Happy Birthday, Pats. – Amber, we said we wouldn’t work today, remember? – Right. – No, no, you go ahead and spoil the fun. Feel free. – Shut it, Lex. – We agreed, no chores on Patsy’s birthday. – Right, I’ll just put this up here. – There she goes again, off to sulk. – Wish she’d snap out of it. I’m sick of having to tiptoe around just ’cause Amber’s feeling unhappy. – You can tiptop on crutches? – You know what I mean. – She should’ve got off with her crazy juggler. – Come on, guys, it’s party time. What’s first, presents, games, or food? – [Zandra] Patsy’s hair. (somber music) – Are you okay? – Yeah. – Are you coming to the party? – I’m not in the mood. – Did Sasha give that to you? You really love him, don’t you? – Loved. I really loved him. – You don’t think he’ll be back? – He won’t be back. – I’m sorry. – I feel like I’ve got this big, empty ball of nothing growing inside me, it’s about to burst through my skin. – It gets easier. Come to the party. You chose to stay with us, remember? – How can I forget? – [Lex] She’s lost her tiny marble if she thinks I’m doing extra cleaning. – I can’t see KC anywhere. I wonder why she left me off. – Well, she probably plans to throw you out. Too much like trouble. – [KC] Do you really think she’d chuck me out? – Why, I won’t let her. Anyway, at the rate she’s going, she’s not gonna be boss here much longer. (baby coos) – Look, I still think we should be using these batteries to get the outside cameras powered up. Not wasting them on some party. – You only get a birthday once a year, Jack. – [Jack] But, you can get a birthday and see us guarding security. – Come on, Jack, get in the party spirit. – [Ryan] Salene, I’ll take those. – Thanks. – Thanks, Ryan. – Congratulate me. – Huh? – 10 days and not one, you know. (baby coos) – Patsy, you look like a princess. – Your hair looks beautiful. – [Patsy And Zandra] Thanks. – Bob, here boy! (dog groans) – Hey, I’m underdressed. (baby coos) – Is Amber coming to the party? – I don’t know, Cloe, she’s got a lot on her mind. – Hey, Pats, here’s your birthday present. That. (upbeat tribal music) Happy Birthday! – Gee, thanks. – That doesn’t count. Only a real present will do. – Let’s play musical chairs. – Yeah. – Jack, you do the music. – No, I’ve done my bit, and I’ve gotta work on the surveillance cameras. – Do the music and we’ll forget about the present, deal? – [Jack] Okay, deal. – Not much of a cake. – Well, it’s all I could manage under the circumstances. It’ll be fine once it’s iced. – I noticed Salene’s bulimia seems to have gone. – Yeah, she’s doing well. – Now she’s got Ryan eating out of her hand. – Hmm. – Maybe I should pretend to have bulimia. He just ignores me now. – Zandra, Salene isn’t pretending. It’s not a game, you know? – Yeah, but it gets guys running after you. – You don’t need guys. You’ve got Lex, how many do you want? What do you think? I couldn’t find any birthday candles. – [Zandra] What’s Salene got that I haven’t? – Good, huh? – Irresistible. – What, you or the cake? (upbeat tribal music) (dog groans) – [Cloe] Hard luck, Patsy. (upbeat tribal music) – And the champion is Jack. – That’s not fair, you cheated. – Hey, you’re never a bad spirit, Dal. – Time to blow out the candle. – [Ryan] Wow, look, Pats. – Make a wish, Patsy. – But, don’t tell anyone or it won’t come true. – Remember, good thoughts only, Patsy. – If you don’t blow it out the first time, it means you’ve got a boyfriend. (somber music) – [Ryan] Blow, Patsy. – [Zandra] Go on, Pats. (balloon pops) – What’s wrong? – Patsy? – I bet it’s Paul. – It’s okay, Patsy, I’m sure he’s safe somewhere. – It’s not that. – What is it then, love? – I don’t wanna get older. I don’t wanna die. I don’t want you all to die. – No one is dying, Patsy, you’re not gonna die. – Don’t lie to me! I’m not a baby anymore. (somber music) (baby coos) – Hey, Dal, you okay? – [Dal] Yeah. – You don’t look it. – Just go back to the party, Jack. – What party? They’re all arguing about the virus. What’s eating you? – Just remembering what it was like. Do you think it could happen to us? – Look, the antidote’s up there, working on a cure. There has to be. – Do you wanna play another game, Patsy? – No, I wanna go home. – Yeah. – This is getting us nowhere. Look, why don’t we start again and treat it as a normal day? – What’s normal anymore? – I’ll get the roster. – I might’ve known, chores. – It’ll keep our minds off things. – We’re only trying to have a bit of fun. – Is this fun? Exactly, so let’s stop moaning and get on with some work. – Bored of sulking in your room, are you? You can mope around, but when we get sad, "Hey, let’s do some work." – Hey, tell your little puppet to shut his mouth, Lex. Before I shut it for him. – You touch him, and it’ll be you that’s shut up. – Oh, look, this is stupid. I’m gonna get the roster. – It’s my birthday party! And, if I wanna be sad, I can. We don’t have to do stupid work on my birthday. You don’t even care! (somber music) – Fine, do what you like, have your party, trash the place again for all I care. And, you know what, Patsy? I don’t care, I wish I never had. Then maybe I wouldn’t be stuck here with a bunch of losers like you. So, go ahead, sit moping in this filth that I came back to and wait for the virus to get you. Because I don’t care! (somber music) – [Trudy] It’s for later. – [KC] But, I’m hungry now. – So, our self-appointed leader has gone off to sulk again. Nothing new there. – Your compassion is moving, Lex. – [Lex] Look, when you’re a leader you have to keep your feelings to yourself. One tiny little upset and she loses it. – And we get it in the neck. – Exactly. – Lex is right. She should at least try to put on a happy face. We’ve all got troubles. – Leave her alone. – For how long? Look, I don’t think she has the guts for this anymore. – Nope. (dog whines) – Come on, we can get through this. – KC, I need help. – You can say that again. – Jack’s ready for us to fix the cameras outside the loading bay. – I’m just gonna help Jack. – Okay. How long has Amber been sulking over Sasha? It’s been ages, and then, typical, she chooses Patsy’s birthday party to pull herself together. And when we complain, bam, she’s back to her room to sulk again. And, for how long this time? (grunts) – [Dal] Hold the ladder steady, KC. – I am, I am. – [Dal] And yell if you see anyone coming. – Sure, don’t mind me, I can do a million things at once. (ladder creaks) – [Dal] Hey! – I can’t help it, I’m shaking in my shoes. Petrified the Locos might come. – Quit it, KC. – Sorry. What are you doing up there, Dal? Hurry up. – So, we are scared, then. – Okay, guys, let’s get to work. – Pardon? – Well, Amber’s right. We can’t just sit around feeling sorry for ourselves. So, let’s see what goodies she’s got cooked up for us. – Did I miss something? Since when have you been in charge of admin? – It’s just until she’s feeling up to it. – Is she ever going to? People who don’t follow their hearts can never really be happy, Bray. We all choose our own destinies, and Amber chose us, but we’re not her first love. So, can she ever really be happy? (somber music) – So, it’s time for a new leader, then. – Look, Amber’s just going through a rough time. – Yeah, and making her problems our problems. – She’ll be okay. – Right, Ryan, go get the others. And, we’ll go through this roster. (television static) – How’s it look? – [Jack] Like a blizzard. – Maybe we should check the wiring. – You guys, Bray wants you. – We’re busy. – He said to fetch you, now. – Some people. (suspenseful music) (water dripping) – [Bray] Next, Jack. – But, I’ve done my bit. And me and Dal have gotta work on the surveillance cameras. – [Bray] Relax, that’s what we want you to carry on doing. – Oh. – KC. – Leave me out. – Are you a part of this tribe or not? – You tell me, Bray. I’m not even on Amber’s stupid roster. – Who said your name’s not there? – I saw for myself. I’ve got eyes, you know, – Yeah, well, maybe you should use them. C-A-S-E-Y spells Casey. – That’s not my name. – Well, how do you spell it? – K-C, KC. – Look, if you’re not willing to pull your weight, KC, you’ve no place here. – It’s not up to you, you’re not the leader. – Well, that’s one less mouth to feed. – You had your little rush now, big boy? You got a kick off this power trip you’re on? Pushing little kids about. KC is my friend. You mess with him, you deal with me. (upbeat tribal music) – Okay, who’s next? – Don’t you turn your back on me, Bray. – Listen, Lex, it’s obvious you don’t wanna have anything to do with us. But, butt out while I talk to the others, okay? – If Amber wants this mall to run like clockwork, let her come down here and run it herself! (upbeat tribal music) – [Bray] Look, Amber could’ve gone with Sasha. – Oh, she should’ve! – No, but she chose to stay with us. And just because she chose to stay doesn’t mean she can just forget him. Look, Amber’s always been there for all of you, so why can’t you be there for her now? – You’d love to be there for her. Tucked up in bed with her! (laughs) Well, I’m sorry, but stepping into her shoes isn’t gonna get you there. And we’re not standing for it. – Leave it, Lex. He’s not worth it. – Get out of here, Bray. You are finished! And take your little dream girl with you. ‘Cause she’s finished as well, the both of you. – Give it up, Lex. I’m bigger than you, and I’m braver than you. And I’m going nowhere. – Lex. – Leave it out, Zan. Leave it out. – Bray. Bray, what’s my chore on the roster? (upbeat tribal music) – I’ve had enough of this. I can’t take him anymore. I should’ve nailed him right there and right then. – Don’t let him get to you, Lex. – He’s lucky you didn’t rearrange his face for him. – Right. – Do it, Lex, you’re tougher than him. – Shut up, KC. Come on, Lex. If you let him wind you up, then he wins. – Now get one thing into your head, Bray’ll never win. And another thing, I don’t need you protecting me, okay? Ever! – Lex. – Look, you worry about your pretty face, and let me worry about Bray’s, okay? Come on, KC. – Zandra, have you seen Salene? – What, you mean she’s not hanging onto your every move? That makes a change. – Why should you care? – ‘Cause I thought we were friends. – We are, but, look, I can’t talk now. See you later, Zandra. (somber music) (retching) – Salene! Salene. Salene. – Go away, Ryan. – No, I’m looking out for you, remember? – Leave me alone. – Tell me what’s wrong, please. I thought you were better. – I’m sorry. I was doing so well. I let you down. – No. What’s put this on again? – All that talk about the virus. I’m so scared. – Shh. – I wish it would come. I wanna get it and end this mess. – No, no you don’t. – I do! – Come on, let’s get out of here. The little ones are asking for you. (somber music) – Thanks for the drink. – Feeling any better? – Hits the spot. (glasses clink) – Tai-San’s gonna bring you some herbs, help you sleep tonight. – Well, I certainly won’t be working on anything for that lot. I gave up everything and they– – They’ll be there for you after today, Amber, you’ll see. – Bray. I drew you and Amber a picture. It’s for the cafe. For Amber’s decoration. – Thanks, Pats. – It’s of my mommy and daddy and our house and Bob. (dog groans) And Paul. – Well, it’s lovely. – You know what my birthday wish was? I wish that my mommy and daddy would come back and tell us what to do. It’ll come true, you’ll see. – Well, I think you should go to bed now. – But, I’m not tired. – Look, Bob is and he needs a good night’s sleep. – Okay. (somber music) – What? What is it? – Nothing, I’ve got it. – What? – How to get rid of Bray. And this time it’s for good. (somber music) (television static) – I knew it! An adult! – Guys! Guys, wake up! Everybody! Get up! Come on! – Is it a raid? – An intruder? – It’s great news. – It better be. – I’ve seen a man, an adult man on video. – Dreamt him more like. – But Lex I’ve seen him and we’ve gotta go and find him. – It’s one o’clock in the morning and pitch black. – But if we don’t go and find him now, we might lose him forever. Guys. Come on. – How about showing us the video tape first just so we know what we’re looking for. – Fine. If it’s real evidence what you guys want, it’s real evidence you guys will get. – Are you all here? – Except Amber. She’s back in bed. – Wise woman. Why didn’t I think of that? – ‘Cause you’ll regret it. – Jack, push the button will you? – Okay, okay. Everyone, get a load of this. One adult man caught on video. – [Male Voice] Is that it? That’s what you dragged us out of our pits for? – The playback’s not working properly. I saw him much clearer than this. – Or you wanted to. – No, I did! You could tell it was a man, quite old, definitely. – Jack, you’ve always wanted to believe. – And always messing around with your radio tuning into planet Zog. – You might even have materialized your fantasy. A sort of ghost? – It wasn’t a fantasy. It was a real, solid, living man. Doesn’t anyone believe me? – I do. – Back to bed then? – Best idea I’ve heard all night. – Guys! Listen. Come on. Patsy, I’m not going nuts. I really did see a man. I did. – [Female Voice] Amber, you should’ve seen it! – What, you saw an adult on the video? – Yes! So the virus didn’t get him and maybe it won’t get us either. – Wait a minute. – And if he’s a nice man, he might wanna come and look after us, be like a sort of dad. – Patsy. – And maybe he’s got a wife. – Hang on. Slow down. Now, just tell me what you saw. – I told you. I saw an older man. Well, the back of him. – The back? – But even though the picture was flickering a bit, you could still tell. Amber, there’s grown ups out there. We’ve got proof. – Not exactly. – You’re just the same as the others. You don’t think it’s true either. – I’d like to. – You’re too busy crying about some stupid boy to even come and look. – I wasn’t. I’m not. – I saw you. It’s alright. You don’t have to believe me and Jack. I know he’s real. – It’s no use. Advancements have been made by the minute. – Towards the loony bin, yeah. – I know what I saw. I’ll fix up the video so we can get a better picture. – But it will always be from a distance. – There’s another bit I’m sure but I just need to find it. – Question is, did you see it or was it in your mind? – Hey, thanks for the support. – Dal’s only asking what the rest of us are thinking. We’re not trashing what you said. – I am. You’re waiting for some superhero to roll up and rescue us? I’m not. – Some of us have already got one. – Yeah, my vote’s with Lex too. – Hey, surprise, surprise. – It could’ve been a proper man. He had an old walk. – Hey thanks Cloe. – And he did have gray hair. – Girlies, girlies. Dream on. – Now Bob, go! – Silence from Mr. Big. You’re keeping worryingly quiet about a mystery man. – Yeah well, I agree with you. – There’s a first. – It’s probably just Jack’s wishful thinking. We should be putting our energies into something real. – I’ll buy that. – Like decorating. Volunteer. – Yeah. Yeah, why not? Lead the way boss. – Right. Trudy, Dal, Tai-San, and Cloe and Lex and KC. You’ve drawn the short straw. You’re in here with me. Grab a paintbrush and a pot of paint each. – What’s all this yes boss stuff? – Because it’s all part of the plan kid. Remember? – So Bray’s behaving like he owns the joint, then where does that put us? – In a better position to drop him right in it. That’s where. With Amber pining and Bray out on his ear, guess he’s gonna take over as big boss. – I’m looking at him. – And who’s gonna be his right hand man? You up for it? – You bet. – Right. Salene, Ryan, Zandra, you’re on home care in the furniture store. – Blooming home care? Blooming Mrs. Mop more like. I don’t even sleep here. – Typical, selfless, thinking about other’s attitude. Why don’t you just get off your butt and help for a change? – I suppose I could make a bed. – I shouldn’t of said that. – It was true. – But I don’t wanna be mean, and I don’t wanna moan, and I don’t wanna feel this depressed. – Maybe there’s something to be happy about. – You mean what Jack saw. – It could be a man. – Imagine an adult from the old world. Maybe someone with a bit more sense than us. – He might be a professor, dead clever and might be able to work on a cure. – Might be a lord or a king. – A footballer or a pop star even. – We could get their autograph. – It’s no nice of you to try and cheer up Salene, but we all know the truth, don’t we? – All I was saying was he might’ve been there and he might’ve not. – In other words, I’m making it up. – No not really. – What then? I’ve got a screw loose? – I’m not saying you’re nuts. – Dal, I saw with my own eyes. We’re mates, aren’t we? – Great mates. – Then why don’t you trust me? – Let’s just get the playback fixed then we can actually see this picture of yours. – If it exists, you mean. – I can’t seem to say the right things. – Was this a bit hard when I’m the only one who believes me? – What about Patsy? – She believes in Father Christmas. Not exactly the greatest comfort. – Dal, you’re supposed to be out there with me. – I promised Jack I’d help fix the playback. – And you’ve already said you were supposed to help us with the painting. Now what’s it gonna be? – Your choice great mate. – Sorry Jack. – Hey don’t be. At least you don’t have to pretend anymore. – Good luck. – I don’t need good luck. What I need is a bit of friends. (baby talking) – Can you give this to Patsy? Tell her happy belated birthday from me. – Why don’t you give it to her? – I’m not her favorite person at the moment. She ran out in a huff. – She came to tell you? – I tried to be tactful Trudy. I didn’t wanna spoil her fantasy. – But that’s what you think it was. – I know I haven’t seen the tape but, you remember what it was like before. – I try not to. – There were no adults left. It isn’t possible that anyone escaped. – When you’re a kid missing her mom and dad, anything is possible. – You think I don’t know that? You think I don’t sometimes wish mine would just walk in through the door? – Me too. Anyway, how about getting yourself covered in paint? – No thanks. – It’s fun. Bray’s doing a brilliant job. He nagged me to come and get you. – He only wants another pair of hands and I’m not in the mood for fun. – Come on. Try it. You might surprise yourself. – Don’t push Trudy. – You want me to go away so you can curl up under your duvet forever? I’ve been there, remember Amber? I thought I’d never climb out of the black hole, but somehow I have. – It’s a bit scary when you’re standing at the bottom staring up. – Didn’t this mean anything to you? – It did. He did. But was it real? – How can you ask that? – Or, did I escape into fantasy like Jack and Patsy? – [Kid] You kept this little talent pretty quiet. – [Male Voice] Yeah well there isn’t much call for it when you don’t know when your next meal’s coming from. – Alright, that’s it. We’re on strike. – [Male Voice] It’s boring Bray. – Boring, boring, boring. – Yeah well life isn’t all a bowl of cherries. – It is for your life. – How come you guys are having all the fun? – Fun? You call this fun? This is serious work. – [Male Voice] Perhaps we should lighten it up a bit. – Oh no. Hey! (kids yelling) – Some of it did get on the walls. – Glad to hear it. – You should be down there and not just as another pair of hands. – Does Trudy repeat everything I say back to you? – Come on, that’s not fair. She only tells us ’cause she cares like we all do. – I’d be fine if everyone just left me in peace. – If people couldn’t see how down you were. – We all have our bad days. – But we haven’t just all given up on someone we have loved. Do you wish you had gone with them? – Sometimes. – I suppose you wonder where he is and what he’s up to? – Most of the time. – I suppose you wonder if he’s missing you as much as you’re missing him. – Alright, who taught you how to read minds? – Come on Amber. You think I haven’t been there and done that? – Hurts, doesn’t it? – I’ve been meaning to say I’m sorry. I was way out of line about Sasha. – You weren’t his greatest fan. – But for reasons I don’t want to admit, even to myself. – We all have our dumb moments. – But some of us are dumber than others. – Do we have to? Painting seems better. – It’s only fair if we each take turns at cleaning. Besides, you’re getting help from super mop. – And I’m super duster. – Okay super duster, dust that counter over there if you’re tall enough to reach. – Bigger than you. You’ll never guess what I found. – An elephant. – Silly. Look. I wonder how they got there. – Either they walked on their little legs or Bray hid them. – You mean Bray stole them? Bray wouldn’t steal. He’s too nice. – Sometimes people aren’t always as nice as they seem. – I’m putting them back. – Is that fair? You know, I know, shouldn’t everyone else know? – You tell them then. – I would but, they’d just say I nicked them and made it all up. – I don’t wanna get Bray into trouble. – What would your mom and dad have said? Honesty’s the best policy. – How did you know? – They all said that. – Does this mean I have to tell everyone? – It’s up to you Clo but, I would if I was in your shoes. – Look everyone. Look what I found in Bray’s room. – Cloe, what are you talking about? – I was dusting under the counter and there they were. – You’ve made a mistake. Must’ve been someone else’s room. – I’m not stupid. I know where I was. – How on earth did they get there? – I didn’t put them there, that’s for sure. – No, Bray wouldn’t steal. It’s not where he’s coming from. – [Female Voice] Why would he take what he helped us to get in the first place? – It doesn’t make sense. – How do we explain the bottles then? – I don’t know but I swear I didn’t do it. – Classic line from a thief. – Watch who you’re calling a thief. – Then they start going ballistic, protesting their innocence. I’ve seen it all before. – Hang on Lex. Bray said he didn’t do it. – Well I didn’t. – Yeah, innocent until proven guilty, at least that’s how it used to be before. – And what about the evidence? It’s staring you right in the face. – Or so it seems. Things aren’t always as they look. – What happens if I was set up like by you? – Damn clever of me then. I have been here all morning. – It’s true. – We have to face a sad fact. Mister good guy here is not only a common thief. – Hey watch it. – But he obviously doesn’t give a stuff about the rest of us. I say he goes. – Yeah let’s kick him out. – Shut up. No one asked you. – Touchy, defending your old sweetheart. He’s stealing our life blood guys. – We don’t know for sure. – Did any of you lad do it? – No. The finger points in one direction and one direction only. – It’s not looking good Bray. – In fact, it’s looking very, very bad. – I need to talk to you. Now! – I can help you with the video now Jack. – No thanks. – Okay, just give me a yell if you need me. – I’ve gotta save my breath. Bray’s in big trouble and he needs your help. – Me help Bray? How? – That water came from Lex’s water stash. He obviously planted it on him. – That’s not right. – No Ryan, it isn’t. That’s why we can’t let Lex get away with it and that’s why you need to tell him where the water came from. – Hang about, you know too. Why don’t you do it? – It’s obvious. Your Lex’s mate, why would you say it if it wasn’t true? – So they’d believe me more than you? – Exactly. Position of power. It’s down to you Ryan. – I can’t believe what Bray’s gone and done. – Not sadly surprising. He didn’t do it. – But, you virtually got him kicked out for it. – It’s all part of the plan. – What’s going on in that little, I mean huge brain of yours? – You’ve seen the guy. It’s not enough to be provisions later. Somebody’s grabbed Amber’s job. – And how long before he grabs yours? – You got it on wind. I had to fix the guy before he fixed me. – So you did plant the water. – Me? No. I got my little pal KC to do it, didn’t I? – But he’s gonna be out on the streets for something he didn’t do. – It’s for the good of the tribe, babe. Mister power hungry wanted everything his way. – I still don’t like it. He’s never done me any harm. – Yet. You’re my misses, remember that. And he’d get to me through you. – You think? – You’re not getting away with this one. – What? – The water. Bray’s done nothing wrong. I’m telling the others the truth. – That’s not such a good idea Ryan. – You ain’t gonna scare me this time. – He means it Lex. It’s gonna be you, me, and the demon dogs. I don’t wanna go out there. – Calm it babe. It’s not gonna go that far. – How can you be sure? – Our secret weapon. You. Now go play up to this guy’s bag and make him change his mind. – I don’t know if I can or if I want to. – It’s your choice but if this gets out, one way or another it’s gonna be you, me, and the demon dogs. – Is you ganging up to drag me off painting then it’s not gonna work. – Hello would be nice. – Sorry but first you and then Bray and now the two of you. I feel like a rabbit being shut out of it’s hole. – It’s not you we’re concerned about now. – Do I say thanks or what? – It’s Bray. He’s been caught stealing water. Lex wants to kick him out. – Bray stealing? Never. – Cloe found some bottles hidden in his room. – The question is, how’d they get there? – Do you think he was set up? – Without you, we’ll never know. – We have to have a trial. If you don’t and sort this out, it’s not going to happen. – Lex is a big enough bully to shut the rest of us down. – I don’t know if I’m up to this. – Please Amber. Without you, Bray does not stand a chance. – 48. 49. 50. He’s asked you to talk me out of it. – I haven’t opened my mouth yet. – Being around Lex long enough to know he gets the rest of us to do his dirty work. – I didn’t come for him Ryan. I came for me. – Bray didn’t do it. Lex ditched him up. How can I watch him being kicked out? – Maybe it’s for the best. He’ll be off on his own anyway. You know what a free spirit Bray is. – Different than him choosing to being pushed out. – Ryan, do you know what will happen if you tell the truth? They’ll kick Lex out instead and me with him. – He wouldn’t do it. – But I’m his wife. He goes, I go. – It’s not fair. – But it’s what will happen. Ryan, I’m terrified of being out there. – I’ve got to tell the truth. – I thought you cared about me! – I did. I do. – We’ve been through so much together. You were the one person I could really rely on. – Zandra, it’s dead hard as it is. – Then don’t do it. Please Ryan, I’m begging you. Don’t say anything. (woman sobbing) – Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt. Amber wants a trial for Bray at three o’clock. – Yeah, right. – Can I help? – No no. We’re fine. – Thinking about being out there again? – Meaning kicked out? You should know me better than that Amber. I’ll only go if I want to. – The evidence is pretty strong Bray. – If everyone believes it, I won’t wanna stay anyway. Not with people who think I’m a thief. – That’s why I’m organizing a trial to find out what really happened. – And you need that to know the truth, do you? – Not for me Bray. It’s for the tribe. (dog barking) (dog growling) (growling) – Why are you following me? (barks) I’m not gonna hurt you. Just tell me what you want. – I want to talk to you. – You sure you’re on your own? – I promise. Are you afraid of me? – Who are you? – My name’s Patsy. We saw you on our video camera. Where are the others? – What others? – The other grown-ups. – I don’t know. Do you have any food? – I’ve got some at home. Will you come with me? – Who’s there? – My friends, please come. – Why? What is it you want from me? – I want you to look after us. (whines) – Yes, three two. – Not for long. Look out! – Are you blind? – Not as blind as you. Watch where you’re going next time. You touch me, I tell Lex. – Yeah, and what’s he gonna do about it? – Help. – Bray, don’t. – Yeah, it’s called witness intimidation. – You just watch yourself. – Says who? You’re history here. – What was that about? – Ask him, it looks like a guilty conscience to me. – Chloe. – I’m not supposed to talk to you. – Please, Chloe, I wanna ask you something. Chloe, look at me. I didn’t hoard that water. And I want you to know that, okay? – But why was it in your room? – I didn’t know it was there. – Chloe. Have you seen Patsy anywhere? – No. – Go find her. Are you mad? If anyone finds out you’re trying to influence her, you’re finished. – Yeah, well what about her trust in people? What happens when she’s allowed to believe that I hoard the water. – Now is not the time. You’re in enough trouble as it is without trying to make it worse for yourself. – If people here are dumb enough to believe Lex, I don’t wanna stay anyway. – Now you’re just being childish. – Am I? Well, maybe I should go now then. – Ah, stop this. Just calm down and stop talking about leaving. – Why? Would that be such a bad thing? – It would, for me. – Hey, Ryan, wait. Wait. Have you worked out what you’re gonna say at the trial? – No. – Well, think about it. If you don’t sound sure of yourself, you’ll get pulled to pieces. – Yeah, right. – You haven’t tasted wine by any chance, have you? You have, haven’t you? Why? – Just because, okay? – Look, but you’ll get thrown out. It’s wrong and you know it is. – So is squealing on your mates. – Lex? I don’t believe this. – What don’t you believe? I don’t like people talking about me behind my back. You have something you wanna say to me? You say it to my face. Well, go on, say it. – You shouldn’t be doing this to Bray. It’s wrong. – I see. And what are you gonna do about it? Look, you listen very carefully. (crash) (thud) You can’t run very fast on one leg. And you say anything about that water, and you’re gonna have to run very fast indeed. You know what I mean? – Yeah. – You breathe a single word, and you’re not gonna need that crutch anymore. You’re gonna need two of them, and for a very, very long time. – Ryan? Why aren’t you talking to me? You’re acting so strangely. – It’s nothing, I’m fine. – No you’re not, I can tell. Have I done something that’s upset you? – No. – Then what is it? One minute we’re friends and we tell each other everything. Next you won’t even speak to me. – I’ve got a few things on my mind. – Then tell me, I can help you. – I can’t. – Why not? It’s about Zandra, isn’t it? – What? – When I saw you two talking, I could see you were upset. – It’s nothing to do with Zandra. – Then what were you talking about? Ryan. – It’s none of your business. Just leave me alone and stop poking your nose in, okay. – Yes. – Salene. What’s wrong, what’s happened? – Nothing. – Would you slow down a minute? – Nothing’s the matter, okay? – Do you think I’m blind? You’ve got an attack coming on. – I haven’t. – Look, come back to my place. You can’t be on your own when you’re like this. – I’m fine, just leave it, okay? – Please Salene. You can help me with Brady. – I’ll be along in awhile, okay? – Promise me you won’t go and binge. – Yes. – Don’t be long. – There’s nothing to worry about. – Supposing someone talks? – No one’s gonna talk. You fixed Ryan, I fixed Jack. He didn’t get ’em. – Gray isn’t worth all this. It’s not too late, just drop it. – Of course it’s too late. And it’s him or me now. Remember that. – Us, Lex. Him or us. – Hi. – Not interrupting anything, am I? – Of course not. What can I do for you? – How about we call off this phony trial? – Excuse me. – You know as well as I do that Bray is innocent. – Is he? – Someone set him up, and to be frank, I wouldn’t mind betting it was you. – Yeah? – You can’t just come in here and say things like that. How dare you. – I’ll give you one chance to call it off. – We all know why you’re defending Bray anyway. – Oh, why’s that? – ‘Cause he’s your last chance of getting a boyfriend. – Oh, grow up, Zandra. – Girls, please. I think that’s probably enough of this, don’t you? – You don’t fool me. Either of you. – See you at the trial. – Why didn’t you tell her to get lost? – One at a time. First Bray, then her. – What? – Do you have any ideas where Patsy could be? – No. – I just thought maybe you saw her on the security camera. – Well, I haven’t. – Jack, do you think Bray was really hoarding the water? – You tell me. You found it. – But suppose someone put it there? Do you think they could’ve, Jack? – How-How should I know? – Because if they did, then Bray would get thrown out for something he didn’t do. Then there’d be nobody to stand up to Lex, and we couldn’t without Bray’s help. – Actually, Chloe. – But if someone did put the water there, who do you think it would be? – Chloe. I can’t concentrate with you in here. – Sorry. – Just go. – Zandra’s still worried. I’m gonna rattle her cage a bit more. – Yeah, well I’ll rattle her cage so hard she falls out. – Just let me do the talking. And whatever you do, just keep your temper, okay? – Hey, Jack, how’s your leg doing? – You okay? – What do you think? We shouldn’t be doing this. – You’re not changing your mind, are you? Ryan, if this goes wrong, I could be out of here. Don’t let me down. I couldn’t bear it if I never saw you again. – Has anyone seen Salene? – No, why? – She was supposed to come up to my room, but she didn’t turn up. – So? – She was upset about something. She wouldn’t tell me what it was. – It doesn’t mean she’s off on another food binge. – She had that look about her. I’ve seen it before. – Where are you going? Ryan. – Well, we’re not waiting for her. – But she could be in trouble. – I can’t find Patsy anywhere. She must’ve gone outside the mall. – Oh, this is hopeless. We’ll have to do this later. – No, we can’t stop everything anytime we don’t know where somebody is. – Does it not bother you that they could be in danger? – Look, Patsy knows the rules, and we’ve given Salene all the help we can. – I don’t suppose the fact that Patsy and Salene are not your closest supporters has anything to do with it. – Maybe you’re just trying to find an excuse to abandon the trial. – Where’s Ryan going? – What are you talking about? – I just saw him going outside. – Still wanna go on, Lex? – Look, we’ll give them an hour and not a moment longer. – Where did you go when the virus came? – I stayed in the country. – Do you know any other grown-ups? – No. – There must be some. If you didn’t get it, there must be others who didn’t. – I really don’t know. (sirens) (screams) – No, leave her. – But she’s hurt. – There’s nothing we can do for her. We better get out of this place. – Why did they do that? – I don’t know, come on. – It’s because she’s a grown-up, isn’t it? – Wait. Salene, wait for me. Don’t go in there. – Go away, leave me alone. – I won’t let you. Ah! (thud) – Ryan, Ryan, wake up. – We said one hour. – Come on, let’s get this pantomime over with. – Of course, I hate to hold you up. Chloe. Could you please tell the court what happened when you went into Bray’s room. – I was dusting like the rules said. And then when I came to the counter, I looked on the shelves, and there were these bottles of water. – Did you see anybody come out before you went in? – No. – Thank you, Chloe. Now, did any of you hear or see about anyone taking bottles of water into Bray’s room? You quite sure? – Of course nobody saw anything. That’s how he fixed it. – That’s a lie. – Stop it, Bray. – Where’s the proof? – That’s his point. – Look, you’re being conned. – Please, can we have some order here. Order. Now could you tell your friend to be quiet. You wanted a proper trial, so let’s have one. – He’ll be quiet. – Thank you. Now I’m glad Bray said what he said. Because that shows us something. Ever since he got here, he’s been trying to convince everyone that he’s Mister Nice Guy. But just then, just then when he tried to accuse me of framing him, you saw the real Bray for a moment. – You. – Sit down. – Because he feels guilty, he tries to blame someone else. Not Mister Nice Guy at all. – It is possible that someone put the water there. – Do you think anyone’s capable of that? Well, do ya? – If they did, they’d pay for it, and so would anyone who knew anything about it. – What do you mean? – If you knew about something like this and said nothing, you’d be as guilty as the person who did it. Sooner or later something very bad would happen to you. – I’m not feeling very well. I need to go lie down. – You can’t leave now. – Sorry. – Ah, this is ridiculous. We can’t possibly go on. – There’s still more than half of us. And anyway, Tai-San’s made it very simple. – I have? – Do you really think anyone here is evil as that? After all we’ve been through together. Personally, I think it’s impossible. – I’m sorry. I’ll never do anything like that again, I promise I won’t. – Ow. – I’m sorry. – Look at that, you’ve got a bite like a horse. – I hate myself when I’m like this. I wish I would get better. I don’t wanna be a mad woman anymore. – You’re not mad, you’re ill, and you will get better. – I won’t. – You came back for me, didn’t you? You could’ve left me. – If you hadn’t come after me, I’d be in there right now. – But you’re not. Let’s get outta here. – We should’ve been at the trial. – Forget the trial. I got a better idea. – Right, I’m going to ask everyone the same question. Lex. Thank you. Did you put the water there? – No. – Casey, did you? – No. – What about you, Zandra? – Of course not. – Do you know who did it? – What is this? Why are you picking on me? – Because I think you know what happened. Now answer the question. And remember what Tai-San said. – Lex. – Leave her alone. – I can ask her whatever I want. Seems strange that she doesn’t seem to want to answer though. – Answer her. – Why should I? She didn’t ask you any of this stuff. – Come on, you can do it. – I don’t know anything about anyone putting water in Bray’s room. – Well done, darling. Any more questions? – Feeling better now? – Yeah, I’m glad we did this. – I shouldn’t have lost my temper with you. That’s what set you off. – I shouldn’t have gone on about Zandra. I thought you didn’t care about me anymore. – Of course I care about you. – I know you do, and you’ve got the scar to prove it. I’ll never forget this, Ryan. (squealing) – [Ryan] Over there. – Be careful. – When Jack was caught hoarding, we gave him the benefit of the doubt. When Salene stole food, we let her stay ’cause she was sick. But Bray, Bray has no excuses. He knows what the rules are, and the evidence speaks for itself. And what do we get out of this? He accuses us, and what’s worse, he’s got Amber to believe him. – Of course I believe him. – Yeah, you do, but I understand that. You’ve been very upset lately. I mean we’ve all seen it. – Oh, please. – And when you’re upset, your judgment can go. Look, it’s quite natural. – You filthy, lying piece of dirt. Can’t you see how he’s trying to manipulate you? – I think they are capable of making up their own minds. And I think you should apologize to the court for your language. – Apologize? This trial is a farce. If you’re wiling to believe a word this guy has to say, I don’t wanna live with you anyway. Stuff this trial, I’m going. – You can’t. – Can’t I? Watch me. And don’t try and follow me. – [Amber] You idiot. – Well, he’s made his choice, because he knows he’s guilty. – Good riddance. – Maybe it was a stray. – Do you get stray piglets? – Why not? Anyway, if we had taken it back, they would’ve killed it. – Such a waste. – Please Ryan. – Okay, okay, I’m sorry. – Let’s just forget it, okay? – Come on then. (oinks) – You’re destroying the tribe. You know that, don’t you? – Rubbish, he never fit in here anyway. – That is a lie. You hated him because he stood up to you. – I hated him ’cause he is an arrogant creep. – So you framed me. – [Lex] You’re still here. – Look, I’ll just say this. If you let him destroy your lives, that’s your fault. You deserve everything you get. – And Brady, does she deserve it? – I’m sorry, Trudy. But I’ve had enough. Goodbye, Amber. Excuse me. – Don’t go. I know where the water came from. Bray’s telling the truth. I know who put it there. – You better have some hard evidence, Jack. – Come on, Jack, tell us who it was. – It was– – Me, I did it. I was angry at Bray because he was throwing his weight around and I wanted to get him into trouble. It was wrong, and I’m really sorry. – You put him up to this, didn’t you? – I didn’t hear him say that. – No, it was all my idea. – Fine. Then let’s vote to see whether we throw Casey out. See what Lex has to say about it. – [Lex] Just wait a minute. – No, you were prepared to throw me out. Now we have a real culprit, and a real crime. So how ’bout it? – Sounds fair enough to me. What do you say, Amber? – Patsy, where on earth have you been? – Before you all get angry with me, there’s someone I’d like you to meet. Come in, it’s alright. Jack was right, he did see a grown-up, and I found him. – Hello, everyone. – Who are you? – Lex? – And how do you know my name? – You don’t recognize me, do you? It’s your old pal, Glen. – Glen? (wind blowing) – Glenn? Oh, that’s not Glenn. – So who is it then? – It’s the grownup Jack saw on his camera. How does he know your name? – This is a windup, isn’t it? I mean look at him. (dog whines) And he’s only as old as I am. – A month younger. – Nobody touch him. – What, what is it? – Seems to me there’s only one thing it can be. – [Zandra] The virus. – Look at it’s little trotters, it knows us. – How do you mean, knows us? – It likes us. – You reckon? – Yeah. Pigs are really intelligent, they pick up on things. – And they also taste great with applesauce. (pig squeals) (serene music) – I’ve told you, I don’t know, it just happens. One day you feel fine, then this. – But, from how you’re talking, what there’s others? – Loads. – So why did you come here? – I was brought here, remember? You try wandering around out there, Lex. No one to talk to, nothing to eat. What would you say to an invite somewhere safe? No thanks? (coughs) – He’s gonna go. (dog whines) (pig oinks) – What? – Ryan, do we have to, you know, kill it? – Well, we can’t eat it unless we kill, Salene. – No, Ryan, I mean do we have to do that, eat it? I mean, look at it, it thinks we’re it’s mom and dad. It’d be like eating your own child. – I hope my child’s a bit better looking than that. – It’s not funny Ryan. It’s a poor helpless little baby animal. We can’t just butcher it. – Well, the others will want to. – Not if they don’t see it. – How do you mean? (pig squeals) – There. Cheer up, Ryan, we may be losing a meal, but you’re gaining a little friend. – [Amber] If what he’s saying is true, then we’d be putting him out to be killed. – What about us? Look at him, he shouldn’t be here. – Well he wouldn’t be if Patsy hadn’t brought him. – That’s enough, Jack. – You saw him, I only went to find him because you saw him, I didn’t know. I didn’t know this would happen. – So what do we do? Do we sling him out or do we let him stay here and risk us all getting it. – Patsy! – No, Chloe, let her go. – She’s my friend. – Chloe, we don’t know how this thing is passed on, we can’t risk you getting it. – I don’t care! – As I was saying. – The cage, we could put him in the cage. – What cage? – We need to isolate you. – Ryan, I was wondering where you’d got to. – Lex, who’s that? – Remember Glenn? – Glenn? – What’s going on? (laughs) (serene music) – Patsy? Patsy? (dog panting) – We have to do something, what if it’s catching? – We don’t know enough about the virus. We can’t speculate. – Tai-San’s right, and even if it is transmittable, we don’t know how. – Does it matter how? – It’d help if we knew. It could be by touch, it could be airborne, I suppose it could even be dormant in all of us. – Don’t say that, don’t say that. – Take it easy Zandra, Dal’s just guessing. – Look, we could be barking up the wrong tree. I mean, after all, the virus we know has only affected adults. – Well, it’s mutated and age groups don’t matter. – We should have done what Lex said, thrown him out, he’s contagious. – Zandra, if he is, well, Lex has been in contact and Patsy, too. Do they get thrown out, as well? – No, you’re wrong, Lex hardly touched him. – But he did touch him. Look, none of us can risk going near Lex now. – Lex will have to be isolated, and Patsy, too. – So what about Chloe? – Chloe, if she’s found Patsy… – I’ll go with her, anybody else? – I’ll come. (crying) – What? (serene music) – I told them you hardly touched Glenn. Just sat him in a chair. – The thing is, we don’t know if this is transmitted by touch. We’re just doing it for the safety of the tribe. Patsy will have to be isolated too. (crying) – No! You’re right, Zan, we can’t take the chance. (crying) Zan. (melancholy music) I’ll just, I’ll sit over there, I need to think things out. – Why is everyone acting like it’s all over? I mean, I mean, come on. – Nobody is, Jack, we’re just being cautious. – Look, there are adults out there, ‘kay? – Jack. – Look, I don’t think Glenn’s the man I saw on the security screen. – Well, me and Salene never saw anybody. – Look, that doesn’t mean a thing. – Just leave it you two. Has anyone seen Casey? (crying) – You should’ve told me, instead of letting me think you were a grownup. You should have said something. – Makes no difference now. – It does to me, I brought you here. Everybody blames me for what’s happened. – You were my last chance. I’d be dead right now if you hadn’t come along. Dead might be better. (melancholy music) – Anything? – She must be around here somewhere. – Patsy! Patsy! – Come on. – Do they have to lock you up in there? – I’d have done the same. – I’m sorry things turned out like this for you. – I’m sorry I got you into trouble. – Patsy! – Chloe, no, no, Chloe you mustn’t touch her. – [Tai-San] It’s just a precaution, that’s all. – It’s okay Patsy, we just have to keep you and Lex apart from the rest of us for a while. – I’ve not only brought it then, I’ve gone and got it. (dog panting) – What about the locks on the doors? If Lex says he’ll stay, he’ll stay, got it. – I just thought– – The only person who needs to be locked up is you for suggesting it. – Zandra, if you think he has everything he needs, why don’t you bring Lex? (scraping sound) (dramatic music) (baby coos) – This place better have five-star waitresses. Attack ac, I said to make sure you have everything you need again, or I’ll run victim. (shouting) (crowd yelling) (man screaming) (baby coos) (dramatic music) (dog whines) (melancholy music) (pig oinking) (pig oinking) – Okay, look everybody, we should have guessed something like this would happen. We knew the virus was around and we ignored it. Well, we can’t ignore it any longer. – It’s a bit late for that, isn’t it? When it’s already here, this time tomorrow we could all have it. – Look, we need to get help. – Look, if we keep rational and talk about it, we may work something out that could help. – This is a very scary time for all of us, but it’s not the first time in our history something like this has happened. – What are you on about? – Our past is full of plagues and diseases threatening to wipe everyone out, but we’re still here, aren’t we? People found the strength to survive and we need to do the same. – Look, that’s rubbish, what we need is to find a cure. – How? The grownups could’t, why should we be able to? What we need– – What we need is a solution, or go under. Now, I don’t know about anybody else but I’m not ready to lie down and die yet. (pig squeals) – So everyone will have a good dinner. – Good dinner nothing, that’s mine. – I found it. – [Salene] Where? – Through there. – And how do you suppose it go there? – It could’ve wandered in? – We found it, Ryan and I, it’s mine. – Hang on, how do we know that? – Casey, that’s my belt around it’s neck. Now, unless you want it around your neck… – Where’s Lex? (pig squeals and wet sound) – Oh, yuck! (everyone laughs) – Okay, everybody, until we decide what has to be done, we need to carry on as normal, that’s important. Right now, it’s time to eat. Casey, get yourself cleaned up and help make some dinner. (everyone laughs) (wind blowing) (pig oinks) – Cute little feller, isn’t he? He needs a name though, what do you think? What should we call him? – Porky. – I don’t believe it. – What? – That’s the name I would’ve given him. (laughs) – It isn’t really, you’re just saying that to take my mind off things. – It doesn’t do to dwell, Chloe. – What’s happened to Patsy shouldn’t happen to anybody. She’s not a bad person. – We all know that, and that’s why we have to try really hard to make it easy for her until, well, until things look a bit more promising. – Do you like this one Chloe? – What’s that for? – A collar. – For Porky? – Yeah, wanna come help me choose a leash? The pet shop’s full of ’em. – Yeah. – And then we can take him round and show him to Patsy. – Cool. – I can’t remember a day like this since the start of the virus. – That’s because there hasn’t been a day like this. Up till now, we’ve bee doing pretty well considering. – Not anymore though, is that what you’re saying? – Well, I don’t know, I thought you did pretty well today. Things could have fallen apart all together. – They still might, you didn’t do too bad yourself though, Finding Chloe, and thanks for the backup. (serene music) – Well, I should be the one thanking you. I mean, the trial, the way you fought my cloner. – I’d forgotten about the trial. Seems like a million years ago. – Yeah, well, thanks anyway. – No problem. We should think about what we’re gonna do from here. – Sure, sure. – What do you think? – Well, I think Tai-San’s right. We need to know more about the virus. You know, where it came from and what went wrong. – Well, why don’t we do that? Why don’t we go out and find that information as a first step? – Maybe we should. – Is there anything else on your mind? (pig oinks) – Hello Porky. (melancholy music) (dog whines) – Come on Jack, grub’s up. – Yeah. – Jack. – Look, I’m coming. – If you don’t come now– – Dal, get off my back, will you? Now go, go inside to eat if you want to, I’ve got more important things to do. You stupid, stupid idiot! Now look, if there’s people out there we gotta be ready to communicate with them. – There’s no one out there, Jack, it’s all up here. – There is, there is and I know it! There’s got to be. – Now listen to me, this is the way things are. This whole place is in a deep, deep stuck, up to the armpits, and you, you’re pretending it’ll all go away. This is the time where everybody needs you. Don’t look surprised, you’re the only scientist we’ve got, ‘member? Get real, Jack, this isn’t a fire practice, it’s the real thing, and the sooner you face up to things, the more use you’ll be to everybody, including yourself. (radio static) (melancholy music) (owls hooting) (fire crackles) – Hey! – It’s me. – So, you’re immune or something? – What? – Zan, you know why I’m in here. – You’ve got to eat. – And you’ve got to stay away. (tray sliding) Especially you. – Well, is here okay? – I suppose. – Are you comfortable? I miss you, and when you get out, we’ll have a party, right? – Yeah. – You know, I keep thinking that, if the Locos hadn’t caught Glenn the day we found this place, none of this would’ve happened. He would’ve been one of us, wouldn’t he? – I suppose, but then you may not have married me. He was sweet on you, was Glenn. – I made my choice, and I don’t regret it. – Truth? – Truth. – Even now? – Especially now. I’m proud of you. – Thanks. Now beat it. (melancholy music) (birds chirping) (pig oinking) – Okay, listen up everybody. We’ve had a idea and we’d like you to hear it out and we’ll decide if it’s the thing to do. – We need information, as much as we can dig up about the virus, where it started, how it started, and why it started. We need names, dates, places. – Where do we get this information? – From libraries, newspaper offices, government buildings, anywhere. The idea is we send out two teams tomorrow, find out as much as we can, what do you say? – Who goes with who? – Well, not decided yet, but we’ll need some people to stay behind to guard the place. – Against what, the biggest threat’s in here already. – She’s right, I mean, we should all go. – Who’s going to look after Lex and Patsy, not to mention Glenn. – I will, I’ll have to stay with the baby anyway. – I’m not leaving Lex. – I’ll volunteer. – All we wanna know is do we think it’s a good idea. We’ll decide who goes later. Good. Speaking of Glenn, he needs feeding, any volunteers? (serene music) – Can I take Patsy’s? (pig oinks) (serene music) – Chloe’s taking her time. – [Ryan] They’re probably talking. (crunching) (pig oinks) – Ryan, where’s your pig? – Right here, I, huh? – What have you done with it Ryan? – Yeah Ryan, where’s Porky? Porky! – [Ryan] Shut it you. (pig oinks) – Hey there it is, it’s eating our crackers. – [Zandra] Get it Ryan, don’t let it get away. (pig squeals) (cheering) (dog whines) – Chloe. What’s going on? – Patsy’s my best friend, and I’ve tried but I can’t manage without her. I love her very much, so if she’s going to be virus, then I’m going to be virus, too. (pig oinks) (serene music) – She’s right, whatever happens, we’re in this together. (serene music) (baby coos) (serene music) – If this thing can be beaten, we can beat it together. (gasping, coughing) – I don’t believe it. Look at him, Bray. – We need to find a solution, now. (coughing) – So where do we go? – Wherever they kept information before the end. Government? – That’s it! The government buildings. There must be files. – [Amber] What about newspapers? They must have stuff on what happened too. – It’s waste of time. – Why is that? – After all that’s happened, you still believe science will solve your problems? – I don’t see what else we have. – Exactly my point, you don’t see. You’re confusing knowledge with wisdom, and they’re different. – Look Tai-San, we already have one very sick person here. Either we go out and find some answers, or we all die in ignorance. (emotional music) (whines) (flames crackle) That’s sorted then. I’ll go with Bray to the health ministry. Dal, you and Lex check out newspaper offices, okay? – I’ll take KC. Could be useful. – That’d be a first. – I think we’ll take KC with us. – Oh yeah, and why is that? – Well he hasn’t exactly won our trust and affection. – Look I can keep an eye on him. – What, after everything you’ve done? I don’t think so, Lex. We’ll keep an eye on KC. – That leaves Ryan on guard here. Ryan? This is earth calling planet Ryan. – What? – You’re on watch here okay? – Yeah sure. – Hey I can check out some stuff on viruses, do some research. – So what are we waiting for? – Nothing, just remember it’s still pretty risky out there. Just be careful. – You all right? (coughs) What’s so funny? – Do I look as if I’m all right? – I’m married now. To Lex. (sighs) – You happy? – Yeah, mostly. – Cool. You know me and Lex, we had our problems but you know I always cared about you. (emotional music) – Are you scared Glen? – Yeah. Yeah I am. But do you know what? Right now I’m just really happy to see you. And I’m very thirsty. – I’ll go and get you a drink. – Can’t we just play with Bob and Porky? – No Cloe, you and Patsy have to learn these things. – I don’t feel very well. – I can see this cookery lesson’s going to be a great success. You’re sure you’re okay with it? – Yeah, it’s a good test for me. Part of getting better. Anyway you’re right, we have to keep lessons going. Keep our minds off things. – Okay, I’m going to put Brady down for his sleep, see you in a mo. – Salene, Glen isn’t really old is he? – No you’re right. Now you two are going to help make some food for lunch. – Is he going to die? – What should we make, a casserole? – I mean, if he’s not really old then he won’t die, will he? – That’s enough Patsy. Hang on, where do you think you’re going? – Come on Patsy, let’s go find Bob and Porky. (emotional music) – Why do you hang out with nerdy then? – He’s got a name. Jack’s okay, just ’cause you’re jealous. – Jealous? Yeah, like I want to be a specky little geek. – Just ’cause he’s not a thug like you. Jack’s got brains, and he uses them to help all of us. – I help you all out, and don’t you ever forget it. – I’d take brain over brawn any day of the week. Remember what happened with the dinosaurs? – What have the dinosaurs got to do with it? (sirens wail) – [Dal] Locos, quick over there! – Still prefer brain over brawn? (emotional music) (coughing) – I brought you another pillow, one of mine. – Thanks. You know I never had you down as Florence Nightingale. – Neither did I really. – Tell me, you really happy with Lex? – Yeah I told you. He’s not perfect. – No he’s not. – No one is, Glen. Lex has good in him, like anyone else. – It just takes a little while to find it eh? – That’s not fair. – Life’s not fair, Zandra. You have to take the best you can get, and you can do better than Lex, a lot better. – I should go. – No no no, listen to me. I’m gonna get better. I’m gonna make a fresh start. – Of course you are. – You don’t believe me, but I will and then it’ll be you and me like it always should have been. – You need your rest. – No no you have to promise me. – What? – You’re too good for Lex. I can see how you really feel about him, but you have to promise me. Give me something to get better for. A reason. – What reason, promise you what? – If I get better, no when I get better, you have to promise you’ll come with me. Don’t tell me you never had any feelings for me. Please Zandra! – All right Glen. I promise. (coughs) – Whoa! – Cut it out KC. – What, no fun anymore. – You’ve had your fun. Now we’re keeping an eye on you. – Come on guys, this way. Go back, go back! (dramatic music) Someone’s gonna get hurt. – You know we’re already dead, don’t you? – You are now. – And so are you if you touch us. – Tough guy. – I’m not, but the virus is. That’s right, you’ve heard the rumors, the talk, well we’ve got it, all three of us. – Just a skanky trick. You look fine to me. (sneezes) – Sneezing’s one of the earliest symptoms, but you’d know that eh? Remember Glen? He was one of you. We found him, looked after him, buried him yesterday. The virus. Touching us, even getting too close, well I wouldn’t do it if I was you, but you might be feeling lucky today. Do you feel lucky, do you? – Maybe he has got it. (dramatic music) – KC I, I don’t believe it. That was amazing. – Yeah that was, that was nice work. – A game of poker’s tougher than that. (baby coos) – Hello. It’s okay. It’s okay. Where’s your mom eh? She’ll be here soon, don’t worry. Your mum’s right around here somewhere, don’t you worry. Everything’s gonna be all right. Ah Trudy, I was just passing and I heard. – It’s okay Ryan. It’s okay. – Really? – Yeah, really. She likes you. (emotional music) – Tai-San? Tai-San wake up. – I wasn’t asleep. – Oh sorry, but look. I just found some stuff on one of these medical CDs about viruses. – You just had to tell someone, right? – Yes! The thing is, they can mutate just like computer viruses. – Am I supposed to be excited now? – Look, it means whatever they were using to fight the virus before, would be useful to us now. That’s if they can find it. – I’ve told you, you’re all looking in the wrong places. – What do you mean? – What I mean, Jack, is that science is what got us into this mess in the first place. – Well, Tai-San, do you think crystals and meditation will rise to the rescue then? – You don’t understand. It’s what’s inside us that counts. Look at Cloe and Patsy hugging each other when everyone was scared of infection. Children have their inner purity, and that’s what we should be looking for. Unless you want to end up like the adults. (emotional music) – Come on Lex, we haven’t got all day. These could be the most recent ones published. Look here, you take those and I’ll take these. (emotional music) (whining, snorting) – Ready? Go Bob! (squeals) (whining) – You’re supposed to fetch the ball, Porky. (snorting, squealing) – Okay okay, you’re right. This is more fun than cookery lessons. (laughs) (barking) (squeals) (barks) (soothing music) (gasps) – Death. (wind whistles) – This is the minister’s office. There has to be something here. – Sorry can’t crack it, it’s too tough. – They must have taken all the important stuff. Or shredded it. – Why would they do that? – Official secrets. The whole place was under martial law in the end, remember? They could have done anything they liked. (emotional music) – You’re looking very chirpy. – Yeah, whatever Tai-San gave me seems to be working. I haven’t felt this good in days. – Just some witch’s brew? – You two really don’t get along, do you? Zan, I’m getting better. – Yeah maybe. – Hi, how are we feeling? – Much better, thanks. – That’s great, isn’t it Zandra? – Glen I’ll be back soon. I have to talk to Trudy. – See you later then lover. – You’re doing a great job in there. Looks like he likes you. – Don’t Trudy. – What’s the matter? (sighs) – Oh what have I done? – Huh? – Look, I felt sorry for him. I thought he was going to die. – So what did you do? – I promised him, he made me. – Promised him what? – Me and Glen, we go back a long way together with Lex and all. – Zandra, what is going on here? – I promised Glen I’d go with him if he got better. Leave Lex. Look I thought it’d make him happy, you know like a last wish. I didn’t know he was gonna get better. – What, so now you want him to die? – Well how am I gonna explain it to Lex? They’ll just fight again and it’ll be awful. – What about this? Might be something. It says they were on the brink of finding the antidote. – Yeah, right. – You’re just pretending aren’t you? – What? – You can’t read. It says time running out, that’s all. – So what? So what if I can’t read? You can, and it won’t get you anywhere when I turn you into mincemeat. – Hey relax. – One word, just one word to the others and I will break every single bone in your body. – Okay okay, you made your point. I won’t tell anybody, I promise! – Good. – We’re getting nowhere. Let’s go have a look at the editor’s stuff. (baby coos) – Some guard duty. I’ve never seen Ryan like this before, Salene. This is your influence? – It’s not what you think. – It’s okay, I’m not giving you a hard time. – It’s just Ryan’s helped me. I mean so have you, but it’s different with him. He makes me feel okay. Better than okay. – It seems you have the same effect on him. So? – What? I don’t know, maybe. I always thought love was supposed to be, you know– – Like being hit by lightning? – Yeah. I don’t know, maybe it’s not. (baby coos) – Hey I think we have something here. It’s a letter from the prime minister’s office. Given the kind of extreme situation, the government’s link with Pandorax, and its anti-aging project must remain classified information. We have no choice but to ban publication of this story under article 4B of the martial law statute. – What does that mean? – Means the story was censored. Must have been true. Pandorax, never heard of them. Have you? – No. – You’re not being fair, Zandra. You have to tell him. If Glen’s really getting better, then you can’t keep lying to him. You have to tell him the truth. It’s wrong, Zandra. It’s just wrong. – Okay. Okay I’ll tell him. (wind whistles) – We’re not getting anywhere. – Yeah we should head back. – There has to be something. Bray, look at this. What’s that all about? – No idea. Hope Island? That’s just out in the bay. Used to be a prison 100 years ago. Prisoners gave it the name. – Convicts with a sense of humor? – Yeah but the place has been strictly off limits since the prison closed. Some sort of research facility. – So what’s Pandorax? – Dunno, never heard of it. – Doesn’t get us very far, does it? You’re right, we should head back before it gets dark. I guess we’ve drawn a blank. – Glen there’s something I have to tell you. Glen I’m really sorry but… Glen, what I said before… Glen. Glen. Glen! (crying) (emotional music) (whines) – Who’s gonna tell them? – [Salene] Do they have to know? – I’ll do it. Someone has to. Okay, who wants to play a special game? – Me. – I do. – Hello! Who died? – What happened, what’s going on? – KC got it right, Glen’s dead. – Oh no. – When? – About an hour ago. We thought he was getting better then… (crying) – Glen’s dead isn’t he? – Lex. – It’s all right Zan. It’s all right. – Did you find anything out? – Zip, how about you? – The same. – We’re gonna die, all of us, aren’t we? (emotional music) (birds chirping) (flames crackling) – Go in peace, Glen. May you cross over safely to be absorbed back into the universal consciousness. – What’s she saying? – It’s a sort of blessing. – May you break the chain of karma and find deliverance from suffering. Amen. – Amen. – Amen. – Amen. – You all right? – We should go back. – Yeah, before somebody sees us. – Patsy? – It’s all my fault. I didn’t know. He looked so old. – Nobody could have known. – I’m so scared, Amber. – Hey, it’s all right sweetheart. We’re all scared. – Lex isn’t scared. – No, Lex isn’t scared. He’s petrified. (flames crackling) – That was it, really. Only it did mention something about a company using anti-aging stuff. Pandorax or something? – Hold on, Pandorax? – That was it, except we don’t know where it is. – Yes we do! We found something in the ministry that mentioned Pandorax and a place called Hope Island, which is right out there in the bay. – But we don’t know if it’s the same experiment. – Well it has to be. – Wait wait, you said this company Pandorax had something to do with an anti-aging project? – That’s right, that’s what the letter said. – Well it’s obvious then. The original virus killed adults, but whatever killed Glen causes rapid aging. It’s a mutation of the same virus! Look it must mean something Pandorax was doing or something there went wrong, and maybe the answer’s on this island. And maybe you have the answer. – But we don’t know what’s out there. It’s been off limits for years, and there’s been some pretty scary stories about the place like germ warfare and animal experiments. – I don’t see what choice we have, now that Glen’s dead. – Amber’s right, we have to go. It just means we’re going to go out there and take a look around. Come on, the place is called Hope Island. With a name like that, how tough can it be? (dramatic music) (aerosol cans hissing) – What is that horrible smell? Lex, what are you doing? – Decontaminating the mall? – What? – Getting rid of Glen’s germs. – With furniture polish? – Yeah well I must have picked that up by accident. It’s powerful stuff. – No, stop it! Are you trying to kill my baby? – No I’m trying to save her. – Lex? – I’m saving everybody! – Hey we could use this against the Locos. Chuck us another can? This one’s empty. – No, KC! – We could use this against Ebony, pow pow pow! (flames crackling) (gulls cawing) – It may be too late already, but we are not gonna hang around smothering ourselves in fly spray, are we? – The answer has to be on Hope Island. – You don’t know that for sure. – We don’t know anything for sure. – We do know the company. – Pandorax. – Right. We do know they were involved in anti-aging research. – And we know they got it wrong. – But they were trying to sort it. Trying to find an antidote. – That is why we’re going to Hope Island. – You can’t go there. – Why not? – It’s haunted. (whines) – Wow, ghosts. Woo! – Can it KC. – Don’t be stupid. Who told you that? – Everybody knows it’s haunted. (whines) It used to be a prison. Lots of people died there in the old days. – Lots of people die everywhere. – Yeah. There’s no such thing as ghosts. – Of course there are. They’re the spirits of people waiting to return. Restless spirits. We should respect them. – Okay, but that’s not going to stop us going to this island. There may be other dangers there worse than ghosts. – Eh? – Well the place might be contaminated. – Oh yeah, sure. – It could be seriously contaminated. – I say we shouldn’t go there. – [KC] Excuse me? – The place could be polluted, spiritually as well as physically. (whines) – We’ve gotta go! Think of Brady. We’ve got to give her a chance. – What’s there anyway? We shouldn’t be looking to science to save us. – Why not? – We should be going back to the old wisdoms. – Oh yeah. Chanting again are we? – Hey hold it, we’re getting nowhere doing this. We’re wasting time. – I say we should go. – Like now. – Who’s coming? – The fewer the better. You, me, and Lex? – I’ll come. – Thanks Ryan, but we need you here to guard the mall. – What about me? There’s bound to be computers and stuff and Jack can’t go with his leg. – Good idea, Dal. Okay then, the four of us. – And Bob, he might be real useful. (barks) (pleasant music) – Hey, we are gonna make it. – Are we? – Yes, we’ve got so much to live for. – I used to think. – Come on guys, do you want to hang around here and let the Locos see you? – This waiting’s gonna drive me crazy. – Take it easy, Zan. They’ve only been gone half an hour. – I know, but I can’t stop thinking about Lex in that awful place with all those horrible things. – He’ll feel right at home then won’t he? – Jack. – I think the stress is getting to all of us. We all have to try and stay calm. – Well that’s okay for you. How could I stay calm when Lex is out there risking his life for us? – I know. – I feel so helpless waiting here. – We all do, Zan, but there’s nothing we can do about it. – We can help them. – How? – If we send out positive energy, we can guide them and guard them. – What? – Come on, join hands, form a circle. – Oh yes I like that. (sighs) – Jack, you going to join us? – No way! – Everybody concentrate, clear your minds. – KC, pack it in! – Whoa! – You’ve broken the circle! – Stupid! – What? – KC! This is bad karma for us all. (barking) – How are we gonna get across? – Let’s see if that thing still floats. – Yeah, let’s check it out. – What? – I don’t know if I’m ready for this. – Change your mind? – No, no not at all. – Still missing him? – No. Just remembering. (emotional music) (gulls cawing) (aerosol can hisses) – KC, what are you doing? – Oh Ryan. – Bray’s mural, you’ve ruined it! – No please, please don’t hit me! My dad was always hitting me. – What are you talking about? – That’s why I keep getting into trouble. I can’t help it, honest. He used to beat me something awful. – I’m not gonna hit you. Just give me the paint. – [Cloe] Ryan! – What? – Bray’s mural, how could you? – Oh no no no, you’ve got it wrong. It was KC. – But the paint can. – I took this off him. – Where is he? – He’s gone. Thought I was gonna thump him, poor kid. – Poor kid, KC? – Yeah, he said his old man used to knock him about. That’s why he’s like he is now. – His old man? – He told me he never knew his mom and dad, and he was brought up in a home. – Listen, have either of you seen Salene? (dramatic music) (gulls cawing) (dog whining) – It’s up there. (rats squeaking) – What do you think you’re doing? – Oh Ryan, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. – Salene you promised. – I know! I’m no use to anyone. – That’s not true. – After what I’ve done? – You mustn’t say that. We’ve all done things we’re ashamed of. – I bet you haven’t. – Yes I have, lots of things. – Like what? – Well, you know that stuff with Bray and the water. – Yeah, what about it? – I knew Lex had planted it. I never said anything. – Why didn’t you? – Zandra made me promise not to. – She did what? And you agreed. – I didn’t want her to leave. I mean, if Lex had been chucked out of the mall she’d have to go too. – That scheming cow. Taking advantage of you. – It wasn’t like that. – I know exactly what it was like, and I’m going to have it out with her. – Salene! (dramatic music) – [Amber] Pretty spooky isn’t it? Do you think that’s an electric fence? – Yeah, it won’t be live though. – Unless they had their own generator and it’s still working. – Who’s gonna find out? – Here. Go on Bob, fetch boy, go on. (whining) (barks) (booming) What the? – Mines, we’re in a mine field! The dog! (whining) – Bob, sit! Sit boy, good boy. Now stay. Good boy. – What are we gonna do? If he moves, he’ll get blown to bits. – Yeah, so could we. – Wait hang on, we’ve got to think about this. – What’s to think about? Let’s get out of here. – We can’t leave Bob. – Why not? – Lex! – Let him take his chance, he got in there okay. (whines) – No Bob stay! (whining) – Maybe he can clear a path for us. – And get himself blown up? – Well better him than us. – Can’t believe I’m hearing this! – Maybe he can sniff ’em out. Come on Bob. – No Bob, stay! (whines) – What are we going to do? – We’ll get him out of there, it’s just a question of finding where the mines are buried. – What are you doing? – Looking to see where the mines are. – Right, some mines have those prong things on top of them. – Hey, you guys want to go play heroes, do it somewhere else. I like my body in one piece. – If you don’t want to do it, step back and shut up! – You calling me chicken? – Lex don’t move! By your feet. (somber music) – Oh no. Salene, look at this. – What? – A gray hair, I found a gray hair! I’m starting to get old like Glen. – Because of one gray hair? – Well it’s gotta start somewhere. – Stop being so stupid, Zandra. – I’m not being stupid, look! – Never mind that, I’ve got to ask you something. Why did you make Ryan lie? – Me? I didn’t make Ryan do anything, how could I? – We’ve all seen how you’ve got him wrapped around your little finger. – I can’t help if he’s crazy about me. Anyway, what am I supposed to have done? – Stopped him telling everybody how Lex planted the water on Bray. – Bray had it coming. – What? – Always playing so high and mighty? – That’s no reason to use Ryan like that. – And the way he treated Trudy, and you. – Zandra, it’s not fair taking advantage of Ryan, so lay off him okay? – Why? What’s it to you? – Ryan’s a sweet guy, and I don’t want to see him getting hurt. That’s all. – Oh, so does he know you fancy him? – Grow up, Zandra. – Don’t say that, I don’t want to grow up! (emotional music) (gulls cawing) (Bob whining) – [Bray] I think that’s about it. – Looks like it. Yeah, can’t see any more. – Good boy Bob, good dog. – Are you gonna bring him back? – No, might as well try and get through the fence here. – Amber, I’ll go first. – Oh that’s brave of you. – Just follow me and watch where I put my feet, okay? (Bob whining) – So how do we know if this fence is live? – It’s easy, I’ll show you. – Lex! – Got you going eh? – Stupid! (emotional music) (whines) Hello, hello is anybody here? – Hello? – Nothing. – The generator, I thought so. – Come on. (door creaks) Something’s stopping it. (door creaks) (screams) – You okay? – Yeah. – What was that? Oh yeah. – What’s that around his neck? – It’ll be his ID. – Looks more like smart card. Maybe an electronic key. – Dal don’t, don’t touch it. – It’s a bit late for that now. – Might be useful. – Come on. (somber music) (panting) So what now then? – Try the card. – [Lex] No good eh? – No power. – So that’s it then? – No, the generator. – Let’s go then. – Look relax Zandra, they’re not going to back for hours yet. – Well that’s easy for you to say. If anything happens to Lex, I’ll be a widow. – Hey don’t worry, you would look great in black. – Jack! – Don’t be so negative, Zandra. Remember, we’ve got to keep sending them positive energy. – Hm yeah, why don’t you just wave a magic wand? – Jack, I’m being serious. – Hey so am I, there’s no scientific basis for that stuff. – You’re just showing your ignorance because you can’t– (sneezes) – Bless you. – Tai-San, you sneezed. That’s the first sign. – No, it’s just the dust in this place. Gives me hay fever. (sneezes) (emotional music) (electricity humming) – Oh yes! – They did it. (whines) – Piece of cake. – KC, KC, where are you? – You can’t hide forever! – Wait ’til we find you. – Cloe, look! – [Cloe] Porky! What’s that horrid KC done to you? – [Patsy] Never mind darling, Cloe and me will wash all that yucky paint off you. Come on, come with us now. Come on Porky. (dinging) – [Dal] Yes! – Cool, let’s go. (suspenseful music) Go for it. (dinging) – [Announcer] Check your biological protection suit before entering. Make sure all fastenings are secure and breathing apparatus is functioning normally. – Hey, what’s going on? – We’re stuck. – It’s only an airlock, just wait. – You think if I drink this I’ll turn into a monster? – Too late, Lex. – Very funny. – Could that be the antidote? – Who knows? V25 untested, it’s worth a try. – Maybe this will tell us. – Stop messing about then, get on with it. – [Salene] I think she got the message. – I don’t want you and Zandra fighting. I mean she’s your friend. – So are you. I like you Ryan. – Thanks, I like you too. – Anyway, I owe you for saving me. – Well that’s okay. I’d have done it for anybody. I mean… I’m glad it was you. No, what I mean is I’m glad I was there so I could, you know. – Oh Ryan, what are we gonna do with you? – I don’t know, what do you want to do? – Look after you I suppose. – Yeah I thought I was supposed to be looking after you. – How about we look after each other? – Yeah, I’d like that. – Just as friends though, eh? – Yeah, just as friends. (emotional music) (keys clacking) – Lex get the others. – Please enter password. (whines) – It’s funny how peaceful it all seems when you can’t see the horrors. – Mm. – What are you thinking? – I was wondering where I’d be now if I’d gone with Sasha. – I suppose you’re sorry you didn’t go. – No. I’m not sure I am now. – Well that’s good. I’m glad you stayed. – You are? – Yeah, I would’ve missed you. Well we all would’ve missed you. – Yeah, good old reliable Amber, the house mother. – Oh it’s not just that. See, Amber I– – Bray, Amber, come on. (emotional music) (gulls cawing) (coughing) – What is it, have you done it? – [Dal] I’m in, I’ve got the files open. – [Amber] What do they say? – [Dal] I don’t know they’re all in code. – [Amber] Uh-oh. – Codes can be cracked. Might take a bit of time, but… – Hey what? – It’s okay. It’s only the door. (alarm blares) – Attention attention. – What’s that? – It’s just a recording Lex. – [Announcer] Failed to confirm security code B. – What does it mean? – [Announcer] Enter password now. – What do we do? – Dal? – I don’t know! – [Announcer] 10 seconds. – What does it mean, Dal what do we do? (alarm blaring) – [Announcer] 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. – Come on! (alarm blaring) It won’t open, we’re trapped. (alarm blaring) (growls) (haunting music) – [Computer] This is a security alert. You have failed to confirm security code B. This is a security alert. You have failed to confirm security code B. (beeping) – [Dal] No! – [Computer] Complete facility shutdown. 11 hours, 59 minutes. Complete facility shutdown. – We’re trapped! – 11 hours, 59 minutes. (whining) – Dal, get up! – Didn’t you hear what she said? – Yeah, but that gives us plenty of time to get out of here. – I don’t see an exit sign. – If they didn’t have an exit, they wouldn’t bother having a countdown, would they? Come on. Keep downloading that stuff. Amber, Bray, we’re gonna find a key. – Key? – Any better ideas? (shouting) – Hold up. Turn around. – Do I look old to you? – [Doorkeeper] Go in. (coughing) – Whaddya got? – Batteries. Only the best. – 200 credits for the lot. – 200? They’re worth double that, easy. – Not to me they’re not. – Okay, okay, 200 it is. – Have fun. – Morning, Zan. – What are you doing up? – Gotta make the most of life. Fancy a feed? – What’s wrong with you? – Me? Nothing, why? – What do you mean, why? Glenn’s dead. Lex and the others haven’t come back. For all we know, the whole tribe could be wiped out, and you stand there cheerfully making breakfast? – They’ll be back. Everything will be all right. – I don’t even think you’ve noticed they’ve gone. You’ve got other people to think about now, haven’t you? – It’s not like that. – He’s gone, Ryan. They’ve all gone. – Zandra. – What’s going on? – She’s upset, you know, about Glennand Lex. Oh, you hungry? – Isn’t that a bit extravagant? We haven’t had any new supplies for a while. – It’s not just for me. – Wouldn’t it be better if we, um– – That smells great. – Salene, KC’s gone. – I’ve told her not to worry. – He’ll be back. As soon as he gets a whiff of this. Now who’s hungry? – [Computer] Complete facility shutdown, one hour 45 minutes. – Just ignore her. – [Computer] Complete facility shutdown, one hour, 45 minutes. – That’s all we’ve got left. – That’s plenty. They’re gonna have food waiting for us when we get back to the mall. – It’s not food we need, it’s air. We’re running out of air. – Rubbish, this place is huge. – What do you think complete shutdown means? (whining) They’re draining the air out. – Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get it done. – Very good, you guys are really starting to feel it. (coughing) We, we need more batteries. – Are you ill, Tai San? – No, I’m fine. Can you go for more, please? (somber music) (coughing) – [Salene] Look at the mess he’s making. – So Ryan’s eating a lot, what’s the big deal? – He’s worried, that’s what. – Bulimia isn’t catching, is it? – Trudy. – Sorry, I just thought– – I’m worried about him. He’s cracking up. – We all are. – Maybe he’s taking it worse than the rest of us. I mean, he knew Glenn, and Lex is his best mate, and well, Zandra– – Oh, hi, Ryan. – Any sign of them? – They’ll be back. I can feel it in my bones. – Let’s hope so. – And when they are… We’d better make sure we’ve got a good lunch waiting for them. – Hang on, those are everyone’s rations. And we’re already running low. – We need new batteries. – Already? You changed them two days ago. Have you two been taking these without asking? – No. – Here. – Thank you. – Jack, what’s the first sign of the grownups’ illness? – Uh, sneezing, coughing fits, bouts of nausea. Loss of appetite. Why? – Tai San’s not well. – She was coughing. – You know, I’m sure it’s just a cold, so, guys, I’ve got some work to do. Yeah. Yeah. (alarm blaring) – [Computer] Complete facility shutdown, zero hours, 59 minutes. Complete facility shutdown, zero hours, 59 minutes. – Bray. – What? – Bob needs some water. – That’s all we’ve got left. – You call yourself a provisions man? – When we get out of here, I’ll give you a feast. – I’ll hold you to that. – Look, I hate to break up the party, but we’ve got less than an hour left. – You’re right, okay. – Amber. I can’t breathe. – Hey, take it easy, deep breaths. – There’s not enough space in here. We’re running out of air. – You’re doing fine, we’re nearly there. – There’s gotta be something in here. Let’s start at that end. Read them out. – What? – Read them out. – I’m doing these? – You’re doing all of them. I can’t read. Our secret, okay? But come on, then. – Um, Advanced Waste Control. – Next. – Central Cooling. Plumbing Station. – So, shrimp, what’s it to be? – Call. What, that’s impossible. I threw away a king three back. – Are you calling me a cheat? – Hey, she’s cheating. – You must have made a mistake. – I didn’t. All right, all right, just give me some more credits. – What have you got? – More batteries. – Where? – I can bring them later. – No way, man. – Hey, come on! Okay, okay, but I’ll be back. – It smells good, eh? – But we’ve only just had breakfast. – That was hours ago. You gotta keep your strength up. – Shouldn’t we wait? – For who? – Amber and the others. – Well, you could be waiting a while. – They’ll get some when they get home. – That’s if they get back. – Jack. – No, he’s right. They should be back by now. – You lot are crazy, they’ll be back. – Has anyone seen Tai San? – She’s in her room. – Do you want to go check if she wants some lunch? Can’t have her wasting away. I mean– – You mean losing her appetite. – I, I… – Jack! – Ryan, help us lift her. – But– – Ryan! – With me, Dal. One, two, three, four. – [Computer] Complete facility shutdown, zero hours, five minutes. – That’s the lot. – It’s gotta be one of these, man. – It’s no good, we’ve tried them all. We must’ve missed one. – No. – Try shorting them. – What? – The wires, hotwire them. – Short the wires. – What? – Hotwire them, blow the system. – Okay, stand back. – Come on, Dal, let’s get our stuff together, ready to go. – Go where? – It’s not gonna get me. No way. I’m not gonna get the virus. There’s no way I’m gonna get it. It’s not gonna get near me. I’m gonna be fine. Nobody’s gonna give it to me. And then everything will be all right. – [Computer] Facility shutdown, zero hours, zero minutes, 51 seconds. – [Announcer] By civil authority, isolation now in effect. To avoid the risk of contamination, stay indoors and await further instructions. – You know the rule, Amber. Look out for number one. – [Computer] Complete facility shutdown, zero hours, zero minutes, 51 seconds. – That’s it, Bray, zap them again! What are you waiting for? – The bag. The vials and disks are in the bag. – Stay there, Amber. No, just help me hold open the door. (barking) – [Computer] Five, four, three, two, one. Complete facility shutdown. – We made it. (Klaxon alarm blaring) – What’s that for? – I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound good. Let’s get out of here. – KC! Where have you been? – Nowhere, where’s Lex? – Don’t know, wanna play? – No. – KC, where were you? – I said nowhere. (pig oinking) – What are you doing with Porky? – Taking it for a walk. – Pigs don’t take walks. – They’ve got legs, haven’t they? – Of course they’ve got legs. – Then they need walks. – I wanna come. – No, it’s too risky outside. – If you’re taking Porky for a walk, I wanna come. I’ll tell Salene. – Okay, but it’s our secret, all right? (somber music) (laughing) – Funny, guys. I’m soaked. – You always were a bit witless. – Watch your mouth. – Well, that was pretty amazing. – Yeah, but I’m glad to be back. (distant explosion) – Whoa! – [Lex] Well, I hope we didn’t forget anything. – It’s them! They’re back, they’re back! – Hey. – What’s the matter? – It’s Tai San. – She’s ill. – She’s got it? We can test the antidote. – We don’t even know what it is, Lex. It could be anything. – Well, there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there? (coughing) We found the cure. – Good. – Go ahead, drink some. – No, not for me. – You’re joking. You’ve gotta have some. (coughing) – Thank you, but I’ve got my own medicines, Lex. – Take it, it’s the cure. – It’s not my cure. – It’s your duty. You could save us all. – Could? – Well, we’re not sure if it works. – So I’m just your guinea pig, then? – We’re not certain, Tai San, but we’re pretty sure. (coughing) – I’m sorry, Amber. I don’t need it. – Well, you’re gonna have some. – Lex, cool it. – [Lex] We have to know, don’t we? – But we’re not gonna make her take anything. – Look at her. She’s dying, and she won’t help us or herself. – Lex, get out. Now. (Tai San coughing) Are you sure about this? – It’s my way, Amber. – I mean, how incredibly selfish? We nearly got killed for that. What do you say, Ryan? Should we force them down her? – We’re not forcing her to do anything, Lex. – Oh, would you like to try it on someone else first, then? Someone who isn’t even ill? – Hey, don’t shout at her. – Lex is right. He was the one who took all the risks while you lot were stuffing your faces. – Watch it, Zandra. – Your greedy boyfriend was gonna eat everything. – Is that true? – Lex, calm down. – Have you seen the state of this place? They were having a party while we were risking our necks. (coughing) – Lex! – [Lex] I’m all right. – Yeah. – Hey, babe, how ya doing? – Who are these people? – Tribe Circus, they run all the cool stuff around here. – Hey man, it’s solid gold. – It’s just another watch to me. That’s more like it. You got something this time. – Not Porky. KC, no, no! – You can afford to lose that? – No problem. – It’s not yours. – 400 credits. – What, is that all? – Doesn’t sound like it’s yours to lose anyway. – It was worth double that. – You make me sick. You can’t do this. I’m gonna tell Salene. – I’ll get it back, now relax. – It’s all right, Zan, it’s just a cold. – You’ve got to eat, Lex. – Nah. – How about some chicken? I could kill another chicken. – No thanks. (coughing) I’ll be all right. – Lex, please. – Lex, Jack tested this one, he says it’s all right. – Tested it? How? – On a rat. – Just a rat? – Yeah, but the rat’s all right. – Lex isn’t a rat, Ryan. – I’m not taking it, Ryan. I’ve only got a cold. – Come on, Lex. – I’m not ill. – Yeah, but you could be. – Ryan, don’t say that. – I mean, come on, Zan, you’ve gotta make him. – Just leave us alone, Ryan. – This is just all routine security stuff. Next disk? Great, worn out. Stay down. – Can I have a sip? – What? Oh, of course. – Mmmm. Mmm, cocoa. – Comfort food. Just like Mom used to make. – We could do with some of that ’round here. – It’s sad, isn’t it? We’ve come such a long way, just to end like this. It offered so much hope, you know, the mall. A new life, a safe home, and now it’s gonna kill us all. – This is how we choose to live. – But not how to die. You must really regret coming back, all those times you went away. We were never sure if you would– – I had plenty of reasons to come back, Amber. But you, you should’ve gone with Sasha. You could’ve been free, of all this. Somewhere else, away from here. – Forget it, Bray, it’s done. – I can’t forget it. I was so incredibly jealous. – Because everyone liked him so much? – No. Because you did. I should’ve told you a long time ago, Amber. – What about Trudy and Salene? – Yeah, but I wasn’t honest with them, and I’m not proud of that. But I just wanted you to know. It was never hard for me, coming back. I hope you’re not thinking about wasting a wish. – Of course not. Let’s see what you can do with it. (upbeat music) – 250 raised. – 250. I’m out. – How about you, kid? – I meet your 250, raise 100. – KC. – It’s under control. – But what if you lose? – I won’t. – How can you be sure? – Hey, who am I playing here, you or your little sister? – Me. – So let’s play. What do you got? – Full house. – Beats me. – Oh yes, come to daddy. – Wow, KC, you won the load! – They don’t call me The Kid for nothing. Hey babe, hit me again. – Great, now we can get Porky. – Are you crazy? I’m just getting started. – But what I you lose it all? Please, for Porky’s sake. – [KC] Relax, Cloe, I’m on a roll. – What do you think, Zan? Are those lines? I think the aging’s started. – No, it can’t be. We only just got married. – I don’t want this. I’m terrified, Zandra. And what’s worse, I don’t know what to do. – Then take the antidote. – No! I’m more scared of what’s in those test tubes. You didn’t see the place they came from. It was creepy. – You can’t give up. Please. Please, Lex. (coughing) – Hi, how are you feeling this morning? – I ache a little, but overall I’m better. – Really? That’s great. – Never underestimate the power of natural healing. – I wish I had your faith. If it was me, I would’ve taken the antidote straight away. – I don’t need it. As you can see, I’m recovering. – Yeah, but what about tomorrow? And the day after that? At least with the antidote you’ve got security. A guarantee. – Perhaps. Perhaps not. – Well then, what about the rest of us? We need to know if the antidote works or not. And Brady, doesn’t she deserve a chance? – It’s against my principles, Trudy. – Yeah, well, they may kill you, Tai San. This could be phase one. It clears, then wham. Phase two kicks in. The antidote could save all our lives. – I can cure myself, and so can the rest of you. – How much you got there, kid? – About 150. – Don’t do it, KC. – 50, 75, 125, 150. What’s it gonna be? – KC! – Look, we haven’t got enough here to buy back Porky. We’re not out of the game, but if we win, if we win, we’ll buy back Porky. Call. – Tough luck, kid. – I don’t believe it. – What are we gonna do now, you idiot? – We’re not completely bust. – You’re gonna keep playing? – What else? – No way, Porky is my pig. It’s up to me. – Don’t be stupid. You can’t play poker. – Not poker. Roulette. – No luck? – Luck has got nothing to do with it. – All right, guys? How’s things going? – Um, not good. I’m kinda stuck. – And what’s taking you so long? Is it the password? – Hey, this is no ordinary stuff we’re trying to hack into here, Lex. I mean, this is top secret stuff. – You feeling worse? – Yeah. Like time’s running out, Jack. You’ve got to help me. – Yeah, but I’ll try my best. – He hasn’t slept all night. – I’ve been trying a whole lot of binary combinations, random word associations, anagrams. Algebraic formula. – Spare me the details. Just tell me if you get a breakthrough. No, when you get a breakthrough. (somber music) – Tai San, hey. – [Bray] Wow, you’re looking a lot better. – So are you two. – Well, I guess you’re over the bug, then. – My vitality has returned, I’m purged of impurity. – That’s great. – As is your coming together, if I’m right in thinking. – You are. – It’s a blessing. Your love will bring powerful medicine to the tribe. – It’s pretty powerful medicine for us, too. – It is number red five. Congratulations. Come on, place your bets, folks, again. Lots of good bets, come on. (coughing) – You wanted to see me? – I’ve got to talk to you. Sit down. I’m going, man. – Where? – To die. – Lex, you can’t die. – Don’t interrupt me. The thing is, you’re my best friend. I’ve known you as long as I can remember. You’re the only family I’ve had. – Lex, it’s okay. – I haven’t finished. I’d hate to go thinking there’s bad blood between us. Is there, man? I have to know. – No, not really. – I can understand if there is. I’ve pulled some pretty dirty tricks on you. Got you into some deep water. Caused you nothing but trouble. – And you’ve bossed me around, that too. – Yeah. And worse. Can you forgive me? – Of course I can. (sighing) – Thanks. – Why not try the antidote? – Until Jack can tell me what’s in it, there’s no hope for me. – There is, Tai San. She was ill too, but now she’s better. – How? – She did it herself. Did all her weird stuff, you know, took some potions and that. She’s good as new. – Tai San? – Salene, I’m worried about Cloe and KC. They’ve been gone all night. – I know, but they’ll be all right. They’re smart kids. – What do you think they’ve been doing? – Well, if KC’s in charge, I’m sure nothing good. – Do you trust him? – Let’s just say I’m glad he’s on our side. – Hold your bets, folks, hold your bets. It’s number black 33. – I won, I won, KC, Porky’s ours, I won! – Am I dreaming? – No, silly, I won! – Fantastic. Let’s get back to the poker table. – Uh-huh, these are mine. I’m taking Porky and going home. – You’re right, sorry. Let me help you. Honest. – I want my pig. – Sorry, no can do. – Why? I’ve got enough. – Too bad, we want the pig. – Yeah, we’re hungry. – But we could let you have a few cats instead. – You stinking rotten cheats! Give me my pig! – Or what? – Careful, boss. Some of these little girls can be real mean. – Cloe? Grab the pig and run! (shouting) – Right, wise guy. Let’s see how tough you really are. – Tai San. – Lex. I’ve been expecting you. – I heard you beat the virus. I’ve got it, you know. I want to do what you did. I will, I’ll do anything. Whatever it takes. – Mine is not an easy cure. It takes courage, determination, and strength of character. – I’m ready. – What you need is a total purification of mind, body, and spirit. A karmic cleansing. – How? – Your search cannot begin without absolute truth in your dealings of others. You must rid yourself of all lies, all deception. – That’s pretty heavy stuff. – You can do it. Face up to those you’ve hurt, and make your peace. Only then can the healing begin. – You know, I used to stand up here for hours, just letting my mind drift. Especially at the beginning. You know, when I didn’t know whether to stay with the tribe. – Don’t you so a Sasha on me. – No fear. Where you are, so am I. – Why did it take us so long to get it together? – There was a lot in the way, with Trudy, and Brady. I mean, it was pretty bad timing. – Maybe we were both a little afraid of our feelings. I know I was. – Really? – I wanted you from the first moment. Did you feel the same way? – Maybe. Okay, okay. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. You’re right, it was scary. I didn’t want to be vulnerable. I couldn’t afford to be, not with the way things were. – Well, the main thing is that we’re together now, and it feels so natural. Like it’s always been this way, and it always will be. – Lex, what are you doing, are you crazy? They’re your clothes, moron, what are you gonna wear? – This isn’t a fashion statement. I’m trying to save my life. I’m destroying the old Lex, the bad Lex. – What, by destroying your clothes? – They were part of who I was. If I’m gonna survive, that has to change. – You’ve been talking to Tai San again, haven’t you? – So? – Oh, I knew it. I knew she was behind this. What’s that witch done to you this time? – She’s just showing me the light, that’s all. Zandra, I believe this is my best chance. – To do what? Make a fool of yourself? – No. But I need you if this is gonna work. I need your support. – Not this time. (coughing) (somber music) – I reckon Tai San had the flu. I don’t think it was the virus. – But what if it was? – Yeah, how do we know the difference? – We’ll just have to wait and see what happens to Lex. – But do we have time? I mean, we might all already have it. – Let’s just hope Jack can crack the code and find out what to do. (whining) – [Trudy] Or maybe someone will be brave enough to try the antidote. – Why Ryan? Why not you? – Cloe! – Where’s KC? Has he shown up yet? – Uh, no, no sign of him. – Why, what’s happened? – We were at this place, and KC traded Porky for chips, and then he lost it all on poker. – Chips? – Lost what? – Porky! – Wait a minute, you’re going to fast. – Anyway, I won Porky back at roulette. – Where was this? – At the gambling den, where KC took me. – So why isn’t he with you? – They wouldn’t give Porky back. There was a fight, I escaped. – Well, at least you’re safe. – But they could have KC prisoner. I feel awful leaving him behind like that. – Don’t worry, knowing him, he’ll have talked his way out of it. Or at least convinced them to let him go on gambling. (grunting) – Okay, you gotta keep trying the sequences I showed you. – I’ll handle it. – And you wake me the moment anything happens. – Get some rest. You’re making yourself ill. – Yeah. Yeah, I’m really shattered. Lex, hi! Just a quick break, and straight back to work. Still no progress here, but we’ll get there. You’ll have the antidote, that’s a promise. – Don’t worry about it, Jack. I’ve come here to set things right between us. Look, I’ve treated you really badly. I’ve been the playground bully, you’ve been the science geek I’ve pushed around. I’m sorry. – You think the virus is affecting his mind? – Look, it’s not like that. I’m following Tai San’s cure, and the first step is total honesty. – Before you say anything, Lex, I think me and you, we’ve been okay. You haven’t mucked me around. – Thanks, Dal. – So am I right in thinking you don’t want the antidote any more? – Yeah. – I see. I’ve been working flat out, no food, no sleep, trying to help you, but you don’t want it any more. You’d rather listen to a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. – It’s not like that. – Hey, science is enough. Here we’ve got the technology, but no, Lex wants potions and spells from the land of goblins and giants. – Why, you little– – Oooh, is the zen master gonna lose control? – Cool it, Jack. – You’re entitled to your own opinion. – You’re kidding me! He thinks he can defeat a highly sophisticated virus by sitting cross-legged and chanting to himself. I mean, has the world gone totally crazy? Is this the 21st century, or the Dark Ages? – Jack, you’re hysterical. Sit down and shut up. – I mean, why not ask Merlin, or have a go at a human sacrifice. – Go get some sleep. That’s an order. – What is it, Lex? I was about to feed Brady. – I won’t take long. I just, I wanted to apologize for trying to get you and Brady expelled from the tribe. I never liked you guys. Especially Brady. I’m not really a baby person. But from now on, I’ll do my bit for her. – Lex, if you really want to do something, then take the antidote, for her sake. – I can’t. – Then I’m not interested in your apologies. They’re meaningless. – Okay. I’ve done what I had to. (somber music) – You’re an idiot, Lex! If it’s the virus, you’re finished. – Hey, you. I thought I told you to leave my husband alone. – I did nothing wrong. He came to me for help, and I gave it. – I bet you did. Look, I’m warning you. If this destroys my marriage, Tai San, then I’ll destroy you. (dog barking) – Hey, kids. – You any better, Lex? – Not yet, but soon. I’m doing what Tai San did. – I hope it works. – It will, it will. Patsy, Cloe, I’ve done some awful things. And one of them was killing your chicken. That was cruel. Look, I was hungry, but that’s no excuse. I’m sorry. – Okay. – You’re forgiven. – Thanks. Where’s KC? – He got into trouble in some seedy gambling den. – But we don’t know where he is now. – Sounds just like KC. He’s just like I was when I was his age. – Do you think he’ll be all right? – Yeah. He’s street-wise, he’ll be fine. (muffled shouting) – If he doesn’t get better, he’ll forget this nonsense anyway. – What if it’s too late? – Salene, can I talk to Zandra alone? – You better go. What is it? – For the cure to work, I need to open my heart to all those who are close to me. – Save it. – Please, hear me out? I need you now more than I ever have. I’m terrified, Zan. (sighing) Your, your tough little Lex is scared to death. – I’m sorry, Lex. It’s just, I’m so worried about losing you. – You won’t if you help me. Please, Zandra. – Of course I’ll help you. If we stick together, I know our love’s strong enough to beat this. – Thanks. It means a lot to me. I’m a weak man, Zandra. I married you for sex. That was the main reason. – Are you saying you don’t love me? – I don’t know. I know I care about you. – Why are you doing this? – To save my life. – What about me? What about my life? You’re destroying it. – I don’t know what to say. – Don’t say anything. I’ve heard enough, just, just get out. Just get out of here. (laughing) – We could sell him. – We wouldn’t get much. I’m more interested in where he came from. What tribe. – What difference? – First time he came in, he had good batteries. Next time, a pig. There could be more. He could be sitting on a whole gold mine, eh? Why don’t you tell us all about it? – I’ve gathered you all here for a judgment. Mine. I’m guilty of a serious crime towards the tribe. A crime worthy of expulsion. Ever since we’ve got here, I’ve had my own secret water stash. Been taking it from the tank and hiding it away. And in the rules of the tribe, I have to go. – You can’t leave, you’re sick. – This is part of the cure. – Where are you gonna go? – Wherever my path leads me. – But you’re weak. You’ll be easy prey out there. – Bray and Amber, thank you for your concern, but I don’t deserve it. I’ve schemed to have you both thrown out. – Yeah, well, that’s okay. You’ve had your uses too. – I was jealous. You’re a good leader, and you’re a girl. And as for you, Bray, I’ve always hated the cool kids. It was me, not KC, that set you up over the water in your room. – I guessed as much. But don’t sweat it. I can’t stand you, either. But seriously, I hope this thing works. – It will. The first stage is nearly complete. – You’ve got the herbs I gave you? – I’m ready. So long, gang. If I recover, I’ll be back. – Zandra, you can’t just let him go. Stop him. – Why should I? Let the moron go, if that’s what he wants. (pop music) (coughing) (squeaking) – What are you doing here? – Resting, what about you? – Hiding. (pop music) – How old are you? – Be 17 next month. That’s if I live that long. You won’t tell anybody I’m here will you? – Don’t worry about it. I’ve got it too. – Really? You could stay here with me if you like. We could protect each other. – I can’t. I’m looking for a gambling den that’s supposed to be around here somewhere. You know it? – No. Wait, don’t go outside. It’s dangerous. – I have to. My friend needs me. Good luck. (footsteps) (footsteps) – Zandra, you alright? – Why should I be? My face is a mess. My life is a mess. I didn’t sleep a wink. – Hang in there. Lex will be back. – Will he? – Sure, he won’t be able to stay away. He loves you. – That’s what you think. – Of course he does. He married you didn’t he? – I was just a play thing. – No. – He told me, Ryan, before he left. Part of his true confessions. Tai-San’s stupid cure. – Lex gets dumb ideas but it won’t last. He may not realize it but, in his own way, he loves you. – We’re not playing games, Ryan. We’re married and I- – What Zan? – Promise you won’t tell anybody. Not a soul. – I promise, you can trust me. (soft music) – I think I’m pregnant. – Get your antidote here. Virus repellent. You sir, how ’bout a bottle of tonic? – No thanks. I’ve got my own cure. – Really? Well, keep it to yourself. I could kinda live without the competition. – Does it work? – You bet. Look at me, a few weeks ago, I was geriatric. – What a mircale. I’m looking for a gambling den near here. You know it? – Maybe. You have anything to trade? – No. – That’s too bad. – Now you’re making me very angry. And that’s bad for two reasons. One, I’m gonna have to beat you up. And two, that will mess with my (mumbles) and that will delay my cure. – Okay, okay. By the railway station. A side alley, you can’t miss it. – Thank you. And as for this garbage- (crashing) – Hey! – Try ripping off these desperate suckers now. (pop music) (dog whining) – Who said you get double rations? – This is for Zandra. She’s real upset. Can’t face anybody. – Not surprising having Lex leave like that. – Yeah, poor Zandra. – Personally, I think Lex is crazy. – Wait til you get the virus. See how you feel. – It must be hard to know what to do. – It’s simple. Take the antidote. – Why don’t you just stop talking about it and do it? Because I’m not sick. – I hope KC’s alright. – He’s still not back yet? – I think something terrible has happened to him. – We don’t know for sure, Cloe. He might have got away. – But what if he didn’t. – And those people at the gambling den sound really bad. – Well, what can we do? We’ve already got enough problems to deal with. – But KC’s our problem too if they did get him. – Why? – What if they wanna know what tribe he’s from and where he lives? (dog whining) – KC wouldn’t tell them would he? – Wouldn’t you if your life depended on it? (soft music) – What do you want? – To make peace. – Grovel if you like, beg. Won’t make any difference. – Lex did only what was in his heart to do. – Heart? What heart? He told me he didn’t love me. How’s that for romantic? – Isn’t it better to know the truth? For both of you? Lex couldn’t pretend forever. – Don’t lecture me, Tai-San. You think you’re so cute, don’t you? With your cute little sayings and meditations. I don’t buy it. – You’ll thank me if my wisdom pays off? – What for? You ruined everything. I was happy before with Lex, even if it was a lie. I believed in Lex. Now I don’t know what to believe. – I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. – I don’t want your sympathy, Tai-San. I want revenge. (soft music) – Where do you think you’re going? – Inside to meet a friend. – Uh uh, not unless you’re going to gamble. – I am. – What with? – Yeah, you can’t bet with nothing. – My man’s got the goods. He’ll lend me some. – What’s he look like? – About yea high. Got spikey, kind of green hair. Cheeky looking. – You got a name? – KC. (rumbling) (pop music) (crashing) – I think maybe it’s time we rejoin the rest of the tribe. – Aw, do we have to? Seems like when I’m with you nothing else exists. – I know but I for one am starving. Aren’t you? – I’d completely forgotten about my stomach as well. – You gotta eat. You can’t live on love alone. – Who says? – Sorry, I, uh, didn’t realize. – Trudy, what’s up? – I just came to tell you that we’re having a council of war. – Why? – KC. We figure he’s the gambling den’s hostage and they’ll get him to tell about the mall. – He’s still missing? – I better change. I’ll see you at the meeting. – So, how long were you planning to keep this one a secret? – It wasn’t intentional, Trudy. It just ended up this way. We haven’t had a chance to- – Obviously. – Does it bother you? – Would it make any difference? Do what you like. You always did. I just hope Amber knows what she’s doing. (soft music) – But you have to come to the meeting. – We need everyone. – I’ve got more important things to do. – More important than defending your home? – Finding the right cure for the virus is pretty essential. – Have you found it yet? – Would I be sitting here if I had? – You’ve been at it for days. – I know. – Meanwhile, another tribe is attacking the mall, destroying everything. – While you sit here. – Getting nowhere. – Alright, I’ll come to the stupid meeting. (soft music) (distant laughter) (rumbling) (cheering) (motorcycle motor) (cheering) (loud laughing) – Okay, before we get down to the main business I’d like to make a quick announcement. Some of you already know, but for those who don’t, me and Amber (dog whining) we’re together. – You mean together like a couple? – Yeah, that’s right. – Cool. – Yeah, congratulations. – You know this is great, but can we get on with it, please? – Right. Cloe, do you remember where the gambling den was that KC took you to? – Not exactly. – If they have got KC, it’s vitally important. – It was the other side of town, behind the train station. – That’s tribe circus territory. – Tribe circus? – I wish I had known sooner. – You were too busy. – Someone could have told us. (dog whining) – We thought KC had come back. – Don’t worry, it’s nobody’s fault. – Hey, why are we getting carried away. It’s all speculation. – Yeah, but if you knew this mob, you’d wanna be prepared. – What are they a bunch of clowns? – Oh, yeah, they wear make up but they’re not the least bit funny. Their leader, Top Hat, real psycho. His bunch make the Locos look sane. – And if they’ve got KC- – We’ve gotta be ready for anything. (soft music) (dog whining) – I told you, I stole the pig. – Where from? – The suburbs. It was running wild. – And all those batteries fell out of a tree did they? What tribe are you with? – No tribe. I’m a loner. – And the little girl, your partner? – She’s just a kid, keeps following me around. – Then you’ve got a problem because I don’t believe you. Do you? – No way, boss. – It’s true. – Don’t insult my intelligence. You can insult theirs but not mine. Let me tell you something about myself. (match lighting) I love fire. Always have. Love dropping a match and watching the show. The colors it makes. That magical glow. I will burn anything to see that glow. Buildings, cars, people. (dramatic music) (zipping) – Got it? – Okay, let go. You think it’s gonna work? – It will at least slow a couple of them down. – Ryan, what if Bray’s right about Top Hat? We won’t stand a chance. – Don’t talk like that. – I’d really like it if we could do guard duty tonight. I’d feel a lot safer with you. – Yeah, but it’s not up to us. – We could ask. – Sorry, Salene, but I should try to be with Zandra if I can. She needs support, especially now she’s- – What? – You know, alone. With Lex gone and everything. Salene, I’ve known her a long time. Lex would want me to look after her. You’ll be fine. You’ve got the rest of the tribe. (sighs) (clinking) – Is that the last of the the fruit? – How should I know, look yourself. – Trudy, what is the matter with you? Every time I speak you bite my head off. – Nothing is, I’m scared, that’s all. – It’s just that you and Bray have a lot of history together and then there’s Brady. – If you think I’m jealous, I’m not. Remember Brady is Zoot’s child, not his. – But Bray is a sort of guardian. – I told you, it’s no big deal. Good luck to you. You’ll need it. (soft music) (cheering) – Which way, boy? – Straight ahead. – Forward ho, to the mall. – Oh, KC. (motorcycle motor) – Showtime! (cheering) (motorcycle motor) (water dripping) – Do you think it will be strong enough to hold? – Of course it will, Dal. It’s all been worked out scientifically. – What if the rats chew through it? – Well, we’ll lay down some poison. – You can’t kill them. It’s cruel. – Cruel? I thought you were worried about Top Hat and his mob? – I am but there’s always more rats anyway. And it’s a waste of time. You can never get rid of them. (clinking) – Hey, how’s it going? – Dal thinks we have a rat problem. – Do we? – Um, it should be okay. – It better be. – Relax guys, I mean, this could all be for nothing. Don’t you think we’re overreacting just a wee bit? – No. – Look, if this Top Hat clown had got KC he would have spilled things straight away anyway. We’d be up to our ears in red noses and baggy trousers by now. – I hope you’re right, Jack, ’cause you will not be joking if tribe Circus do arrive. (pop music) (cheering) – We’ve been here before, KC. – You’re right, I’m sorry, I’m lost. – Don’t get smart with me, boy. My clowns have all kinds of tricks up their sleeves to help you remember. Tricks you’ll never forget. – I’m just scared, disorientated. – Well, get orientated, son. Otherwise, I might have to take my bad temper out on your little friends. (motorcycle motor) (pop music) (yelling) – Tai-San, me and Pasty would like to learn self-defense. – Yeah, so we can be useful, – If there’s fight. – Very good. Okay, let’s start with something simple, a basic move. Cloe, I want you to attack me head on. – For real? (thump) – Wow. – Brill. – It’s not that amazing. It’s about skill and technique over strength. You see what I did, Patsy? – Um, sort of. – You have a go. (thumping) (dog barking) – She won’t fall. – Don’t worry, you’re a little bit too slow. A little bit more practice and you’ll get the hang of it. – But what if they’re bigger than me? – Then there are other things you can do, simple things. – Yeah, like poking them in the eye. – Salene, you might wanna try this. – No thanks, meditation isn’t my scene. – We’re not, we’re learning how to fight. – Could be useful. – What’s the point? – Don’t be so negative. Anyone can become a lethal weapon. – Leave that to the guys. They’re good at hurting people. – I think you’re more scared of making a fool of yourself than Top Hat’s merry men. – I could do this, no problem. – Fine, I’ll demonstrate on you. We’ll go through it slowly. Come at me and try and knock me over. (dog whining) (grunts) (thud) – Like that? – Wow, she’s really mad. (soft music) – Hey, it’s Lex. I thought it was a tramp. – At least I don’t look like I just escaped from a zoo. – What do you want, scumbag? – I want a room. – Are you crazy? – Take me to your leader. (footsteps) – Where are they? – Sorry, I was with Zandra. She’s upset, she’s not coming. – Nevermind, you can fill her in after. She’s hardly the linchpin of the operation. – Okay, everyone ready? – Good, we’ll run through it then. Jack, you’re on security cameras. – Yeah, alright. – Ryan, Dal, and myself, we’ll take the ground floor. Salene, Amber, Zandra, you’ll be on the balcony. Tai-San, booby traps. Trudy, you’ll be barricaded in here with Brady. – If they do get in, it’ll be through the sewer. So, we’ll have time to react before they reach us. – What about me and Cloe? – And the animals? – You’ll be in the lift. No one will find you. – Aw, I wanna fight. I know how, Tai-San showed me. – Me too. – I don’t wanna be stuck in the smelly old lift. – Nor me. – You’ve gotta look after the animals. They won’t be safe on their own. – Think of Bob and Porky. – And the chickens. – You want them to be safe, don’t you? – Kids, we don’t have time to argue about this. I’m sorry. Now let’s get moving. (soft music) (dog whining) (soft music) – Look what we found. (thud) – Lex, nice of you to drop by. – Miss me, have you? – Have you forgotten who I am? (thud) Queen of the Locos. Supreme ruler of this palace, of this city. – Yeah, nice pool. – You may drown in it later. – Look, Ebony, let’s not get nasty. Remember the good times? The fun you had at my expense? – What do you want, Lex? You’re wasting my time. – I need your help. Top Hat and his mob are gonna raid the mall. Without backup, they’ve had it. – And you’re asking me to help that bunch of losers? – For old times sake? – They locked me up, stole my slaves, and caused a riot that nearly lost me my tribe. Those old times? – What about Bray? It’d be a shame if Top Hat messed up his pretty face. – Bray made his choice a long time ago. He’ll have to live with it. – You have to help. They’ll be wiped out. – Take him away and lock him up. – Ebony, please. – I can’t stand beggars. (soft music) (pig snorting) – [Cloe] I’m still not happy about this. – We’re only doing it for them animals. – We know, and we’re very grateful. – Okay. (pig snorting) (chicken clucking) (dog whining) – You’ve got to try and rest. Who knows when you’ll get another chance. – Makes my blood boil. If it hadn’t been for Tai-San, Lexus would be here to protect me. – What do you think I’m doing? – It’s not the same. I’ll get my own back on that witch if it’s the last thing I do. (baby crying) – There, there. It’s gonna be fine. ♪ Go to sleep my baby ♪ ♪ Close your eyes ♪ ♪ Go to sleep my baby ♪ – Do you mind? I could do with a cuddle as well. ♪ Close your eyes ♪ (sigh) – How are you? – I’m okay, you? – Never better. – Bray, is this Top Hat guy really that bad? – Let’s hope we never get to find out. But just in case, I brought you something. A token, in case, well, you know. – The peace symbol. – From when I thought I could change the world, before it changed forever without telling me first. – What are they? – Well, that’s my front door, back door, and padlock to my first bike. (laughs) The keys to my heart. – I haven’t gotten anything for you. Wait, this ring, my dad gave it to me. (bright music) (static) (ominous music) – KC, that little rat. – Take it easy, Jack. They can’t have given him much choice. – It’s okay, they can’t get in. There’s no way they can get in. – Ha. – Who asked you? – Stow it, you two. We’ve got enough problems. – He spotted the camera. – Jack, do something. – What? It’s a camera, Salene, not a catcher for the New York Dodgers. – We all know what to do. Let’s go. – I think it’s a good idea, the animals being somewhere like this, but not us, that makes us animals too. – They don’t even know what’s going on. They couldn’t even help if they wanted to. – Bob could, he could bite ’em. (whimpering) – Getting a bit smelly in here isn’t it? (laughing) – Okay now, quickest way in, hm? (somber music) – We’ve gone through too much together just to stand aside and let someone else take over. So if they want what we’ve got, they’re gonna have to fight us for it. And we’re gonna win, am I right? – Yeah. – [Group] Yeah. – I said, am I right? – Yes. – Yeah. – [Group] Yeah! (alarm blaring) (rats squeaking) (ominous music) – Well, well, looks like we may be giving a performance today after all. Won’t the boys and girls be surprised? (laughing and hollering) (trumpet blaring) – They’re in. – Come on. (creaking) (shouting) – Naughty. Continue on, but be careful where you step. (alarm blaring) Halt. And done. (shouting) Just for that, I’m going to personally, personally give this place my full attention. – Comfortable? – What do you think? (laughing) – You know, the last time I saw you, you had such big ideas, such passion to survive and come out on top. I almost admired you. – Is there a point to all this? – What’s changed, Lex? What made big bad Lex become so concerned, idealistic, stupid? No, that’s not fair, you were always stupid. – Is this all you’ve got to do? Badmouth me? Can’t you put your time to any better use than this? – Doing what? Helping your precious friends? – Why not? They’ve done nobody any harm. – Oh, and that qualifies them for my help does it? – Ebony, listen– – Save it, Lex. – Look, we can make a deal. – A deal? With you? (scoffing) Maybe one time, Lex, but it’s like I say, you’ve changed. (upbeat tribal music) (rumbling) – How many, you reckon? – Too many. – Let’s hope the tripwires have taken some out. (rumbling) (laughing) (whooshing) – Let’s have fun. The circus is in town. (whooping) (whooshing) (shouting) (grunting) (chuckling) – [Cloe] Sounds like a party. – Party noises? Cloe, nobody would be having a party at a time like this. (barking) I think we’ve been in here long enough. (shouting) (grunting) – Another few yards, keep it up. (shouting) – How was that? – Perfect. Dal, you okay? – Yeah. – Ready? Go. (laughing) (baby crying) (shouting) – [Top Hat] Stop. (upbeat tribal music) – Come on. – Come here. – Come get us. – Can’t be too careful. (laughing) (barking) – It’s not fair. – Finish it. (shouting) (whooshing) (shouting) (grunting) (panting) (screaming) – [Tai-San] Hey. (laughing) – The show must go on. (screaming) – [Bray] Gotta hit ’em a little harder. (shouting) (upbeat tribal music) (shouting) – You can’t get them in there, come on. Into the gate. (shouting) – Come here, come on. (grunting) – Zandra. – Okay. – Jack, now. (gears whirring) (grunting) (shouting) – Dal, watch out. (laughing) – Zandra, Salene, with me, come on. (shouting) (whooshing) Get off, get off. – [Zandra] Amber, Amber, it won’t budge. Get off. (screaming) What do I do? – Help Salene up the stairs, just do as I say, we’re losing it here. – There. Told you we could do it. (barking) – [Cloe] Bob, stay there, stay there. (barking) (shouting) (screaming) (laughing) – Bray. (grunting) (somber music) (grunting) – Help. Someone help. – Hey, come here. (whooshing) (shouting) – What are you two doing here? – Helping, what else? (shouting) – [Zandra] Try and get up. – I can’t. (laughing) (screaming) – Ryan, I’m sorry. – Leave me alone. (groaning) – Come on, move. – [Salene] Get off me, please. Please. (grunting) Ryan. (slow rock music) – Carpet. (shouting) (laughing) – You’ve been a wonderful, challenging audience. But now, I’m afraid the show must come to a close. Music, maestro, please. (trumpet music) (baby crying) (grunting) (somber music) (baby crying) – Look what I found. – Ah, so sweet. Repeat after me. Tribe Circus rules. Tribe Circus rules. – Tribe Circus rules. – And we are their slaves. Come on. – [All] And we are their slaves. – For now. – We admire greatly their leader Top Hat and pledge to him everything that is ours. – [All] We admire greatly their leader Top Hat and pledge to him everything that is ours. (scoffing) (shouting) – Top Hat. Food. – Much? – Enough. – Excellent. You. You. And you, to the kitchen, we want a victory feast, a very large victory feast. I’m sure you can manage that. – I wanna go with them. – And me. – The more of us there are, the quicker you get your food. – The baby stays. – No. – Yes. – Let her stay with me. She’ll be safe with me. (somber music) – I’m getting hungry. Not you. You stay with me. (laughing and chanting) Appealing, aren’t they? Doesn’t it just make you want to hug each and every one of them? Me neither. Now, why do you suppose that might be? – I don’t know. – Let me tell you. Take away their need to eat, sleep, fight, and there’s nothing left. Now I ask you, where am I going to find a decent conversation and some quality R and R? – [Amber] Rat droppings? – Only the best. – Pretty baby you’ve got. – Get lost. – Don’t be so unfriendly. (grunting) – Not a good idea. – If you’re trying to annoy me– – If you want annoyed, we’ve got it by the bucketful. If you want food, keep your vermin under control. We’re going as fast as we can. (grunting) (laughing) – I’ll expect a larger portion for that. (chuckling) (somber music) (coughing) (owl hooting) (laughing) – KC? – Listen, I’m sorry. – KC, can you help us? Can you lift this grill? – Can you get to the winding head? – I can’t do anything. There’s too many of them. – No, stop it, leave me alone. Stop it. – Leave her. – Somebody help me. – Leave her. – [Zandra] Please, Ryan. – KC. Come back. – Amber, somebody help me, stop it. Don’t touch me, leave me alone. Stop it, somebody do something. (laughing) (somber music) Stop it, please. Ryan, please. (laughing) Somebody help me, please. Stop it, get off me. (grunting) (laughing) Please, someone do something. Please. Someone, stop it, please, get off me. Please. Somebody help me, please. Do something. (grunting) (pained growling) – You are a very naughty little boy. (panting) Oh, I know we’ve had our differences but I did have plans for you, well, most of you, and now you’ll never know what you missed. – You’re sick. – But all that was before you so thoroughly ricked me off and treated me with such little respect. So I have to punish you. (snapping) (gears whirring) – What are you gonna do? – What, right now? I’m leaving. – What are we supposed to do? – Hm. Hadn’t thought about that, but I’m sure you’ll come up with something. – You can’t leave us in here to starve. – Oh don’t worry. (ominous music) You won’t starve. (flames roaring) (laughing) (maniacal laughter) (mysterious music) (wind howls) (fire crackles loudly) (baby cries) – Help! Somebody help us, get us out of here! – They’ve gone, Salene. – Anybody got any bright ideas? (baby cries) (mysterious music) (glass breaking) (Bob barks) (fire crackles loudly) (group coughs) – That’s Bob! – He’s still in the lift with Porky and the chickens! Please help us get him out, please! – Don’t worry, we will, come on. – We can lift the cage just enough to get someone under those bags! (Bob barks) – Come on, hurry up! – (groans) No good! (roars angrily) – Well, Jack, it seems your trap is escape proof. Long live science and technology. – In that case, it looks like we’re all gonna fry. (birds chirping) (Lex coughs loudly) – Hi, Ebony. – Lex. How did you get out? – Oh, I served my sins. Look how old I am now. – Stay there. – As you can see, I’ve got the virus. That means you and your boys could be feeling a lot older quite soon. (birds chirping) The thing is, I know where the cure is. The antidote. – You’re lying! – Am I? Oh, I suppose you can take that risk. – Where is it? – Where do you think? (dramatic music) (Bob barks) (loud coughing) (baby cries) – Zandra, I’d like us to forget about the past. (loud coughing) You know, about Lex and… (dramatic music) (Bob barks loudly) (police siren wails loudly) (engine growls loudly) (fire crackles loudly) (police siren wails faintly) – Shh! Listen. (baby cries) I thought I heard something. Their siren. – The Locos? I never thought I’d be praying to hear them! (loud rattling) (loud coughing) – [Lex] Hold on! – I knew it. I knew I heard something! – Get up there! Find the pulling mechanism! It’ll open up the cage! (loud whooshing) Come on, pull it up! (dramatic music) Looks like I got here just in time. (baby coos) – Well, Lex, your buddies don’t seem too pleased to see you. – Is Lex gonna die? Like Glenn did? (Porky snorts faintly) (chickens cluck softly) – Nothing worth taking here. What a bunch of losers. Always thought books were a waste of time. Hello, Trudy. How’s the baby? – Why don’t you just leave us alone, Ebony? (baby coos) – I’d quite like a baby. Though, I don’t mean the normal way. Much too messy. Risky, too, these days. I’d just like to have one. You know, find one. Or maybe just take one. (dramatic music) – What worries me is why would the Locos save us? – There’s gotta be something in it for them. She hasn’t changed. – Look around us, Amber. Everything we had is gone. – Yeah, unless… – Unless Lex told her about the antidote. – He can’t have. I mean not even Lex. – He’s gonna die, Amber. He’s got nothing to lose! – Lex brought the Locos here. He saved us. – Both little heroes together, huh? I didn’t see you around when we were fighting Tribe Circus. Where we you hiding? – I wasn’t hiding. I nailed Top Hat when he was after Zandra. Go on, ask her! – It’s alright, Zandra, we’re safe now. – (sobs) What about the baby, Ryan? – You mean Brady? – No. I told you, remember? What if the baby already has the virus? What if Lex gave it to me? This is all your fault! You told Lex he could cure himself and wrecked my marriage! Well, did you see him? Did you? Is that what you call a cure? – Look, get off my back! Who do you think you are, anyway? Miss Perfect? I saw what you were going to do. The (mumbles)? In the battle, you were going to release the net. Let me fall. – Zan! – Stop it, both of you! – Just cool off. – You’re a stupid, mindless little trollop. Lex used you like he uses anyone who’s dumb enough to let him have his way! (dramatic music) – Well, if that’s your people skills, Tai-San, I’d stick to meditation. (loud coughing) – Zan? I was hoping you’d come. – Were you? What, so you could use me again then dump me? – No, look, I’m sorry. – It’s a bit late for that, Lex. – You don’t understand! I was trying to make up for all the bad things I’ve done. But instead, I’ve done something even worse. I’m sorry for what I said. I really am. Look, it was the virus, I couldn’t think straight. And Tai-San, she said– – Shut up about Tai-San! – She said I need to reach an impurity to get better. – I don’t care what she said! – It didn’t work, did it? – Worked long enough to fool you, Lex. Make you tell me the truth about you and me. – Zan. – And now you want pity, don’t you? Well, you can have the pity you showed me. Get out. – But, Zan, we’re married. – I said get out, Lex. This is my room. From now on, consider yourself divorced. (dramatic music) (Locos tribe yells) – Get along! – Hurry up! – Thank you all so much for coming. Looking at you now, I wonder whether it was worth the effort. However, you do have something we want. Your loyal friend, Lex, who begged me to help you will tell you what we agreed. – The answer’s no, Ebony. – No? I can’t remember the last time anyone said no to me. – You can’t have it. – Amber. – Can’t have what? – Anything that belongs to us. – We don’t want anything. We just want the antidote. Payback time. – Lex! – Unfortunately, during our brief search of your disgusting little rat hole, we couldn’t find it. Which means it must be hidden. We’ve wasted enough time. I’ve come here for one thing and I’m warning you. I don’t care what I have to do to get it. – I only did it to help ya. I knew Tribe Circus would come here to trash the place and I had to help! (baby coos) You have to believe me! – They’re so ungrateful, Lex. (snaps softly) (dramatic music) Hello, Dal! Haven’t seen you for a while. You should’ve stayed as my slave while you had the chance. Dal will be first. When my boys have finished with him, and thrown him out on the street, if you still won’t tell me where the antidote is, I’ll pick someone else. One after the other. Get the picture? – We don’t know where it is. – Sorry, I don’t buy that. Alright then, Dal, let’s get down to business. – Look. Stop. Just don’t hurt him, okay. It’s true. No one knows where it is. Except me. (suspenseful music) (Bob barks loudly) (Porky snorts faintly) – [Cloe] Shh, Bob, be quiet! (Bob whines) – Bob, if the Locos hear you, they’ll take Porky and the chickens for food! (Bob whimpers) (Porky snorts) It’s too heavy! What are we going to do? (Bob whimpers) (Porky snorts) – I know! – What’s this? I don’t have time for bedtime stories. – We don’t, we don’t even know if it works or not. – So that’s why you’re hiding it. Don’t try and fool me. You people are so pathetic. (dramatic music) A story with a happy ending. – We can’t just let her take it. – It’ll be tough. – Losing the antidote is tough, Bray. – Okay, okay. Ryan! You in? – Me, too. I’m no chicken. – It’s gotta be quick. A real surprise when she gets back, otherwise, we’re finished. – It’s too risky, Bray! They’ll hurt us all! – The antidote isn’t worth it. If it is the antidote. We’ve done enough fighting already. – Salene’s right. We should quit while we’re behind. – No way. – You still in, Ryan? KC? Then, let’s do it. (dramatic music) (Bob whimpers) (Porky snorts) (faint clicking) – We just need it to get high enough to open the access doors. (Bob whimpers) – Be quiet, Porky! Please, oh please, be quiet! (Bob whimpers) (Porky snorts) (suspenseful music) – Well, I think that concludes our business. (Bob barks loudly) What’s that? – Now! (loud yelling) – Come back here! Now! (Bob growls menacingly) (Bob barks loudly) – Our dog bites so you’d better leave him alone! (Bob barks loudly) (Bray grunts) – One more step and I’ll drop it, I swear. – Careful. – You can leave now, without the antidote. – I can’t do that. – In that case, I might as well drop it and get it over with. – You’re bluffing. (thrilling music) – Try me. – Be reasonable, Amber. There’s enough for everyone! – Then why steal it? – We saved you, remember? You owe us. – You’re not having it, Ebony! This could be our last hope and I’ll destroy it before I let you take that away from us! – Okay. I give up. I can’t convince you but I know someone who could. Bring lover boy up here! (thrilling music) I’m gonna make this very clear, Amber. You hand over the antidote, or I’ll have your fancy man here dropped off the balcony. Might not kill him but then again, it might. – Don’t do it, Amber. Don’t listen to her! – Oh, a hero. Heroes are such pains, don’t you think, Amber? Always pretending they’re better than everybody else? (thrilling music) Sling him over! – [Locos Henchman] Sling him over! (henchmen laugh) – No! – You better believe me, Amber. I never bluff. – Don’t give it to her, Amber. – Give it up, Amber. I’ve won. You let me come all way up here with Bray and you didn’t throw it then. So why would you now? (thrilling music) – Amber. No! – I’m sorry, Bray. I just can’t. (thrilling music) (Locos henchmen laugh evilly) (Bob barks) – Leave us alone! – Forget it, let’s go. – Better bring these two. (Bob barks loudly) (Porky snorts faintly) – You know that phrase, Lex? The proof of the pudding is in the eating? Well, the proof of the antidote is in the drinking. You can’t lose, really, Lex. Just gotta take some of this and you get to live. – I’m not drinkin’ it. – You mean it doesn’t work. – Look, I told you, we didn’t know if it works or not. – Never mind. Either way, we’ll soon find out. Just think of yourself as the world’s most important guinea pig. – Take it, Lex, it’s your only chance! – No, it’s not! Remember, Lex, it’s not the answer! – Ebony, no one knows, it could kill me! – At least we’ll find out, though. (thuds loudly) (antidote pops loudly) Open wide! – No! (Lex coughs loudly) – There! Wasn’t so hard, was it? Time to split. And we’ll be taking Lex with us to keep an eye on our little experiment. (Lex grunts softly) (dramatic music) – Ebony! Please. Leave us some antidote. – You know what, Bray? I don’t think I will. But I might take something else with me. (baby coos) You, Bray. I think I’ll take you. You don’t mind if I borrow him for a while, do you? I do hope you won’t make another fuss. I’m getting real tired of you, Amber. – Bray! – Don’t worry, I’ll be back. – Whatever you steal, Ebony. You can never have what we’ve got. This place might be in ruins but at least we’re decent! You are just a cheap tramp with a load of bully boys running around after you! (baby coos) – [Ryan] Oh, what’s wrong? – [Jack] The lift, it’s jammed. – [Cloe] We can’t get the animals out. – Let me try. – [Dal] Ryan, you’re gonna break it. – Look, Ryan, it needs brains, not muscles. Ryan, if you break it… – Ryan! (loud rumbling) (chickens cluck softly) (Porky snorts) – You were saying? (chickens cluck softly) (Porky snorts) (Bob whines) – Bob! – [Ryan] Here, Porky, come here, you! (relaxing music) – Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Thanks, Jack. – What for? – For rescuing me from the Locos. Even if they did take the antidote. – Oh, that, hey. Hey, don’t mention it. – Okay, I won’t then. But thanks, anyway. – Lock up the old man and this time make sure he can’t get out. (birds chirping) Well, Bray, alone together again. Quite like old times. I don’t think you’re gonna miss them all that much at all, are you? If I remember, you were a great swimmer. Fancy a swim? First? (birds chirping) (dramatic music) – There must be something. I’m starving! – There’s nothing, Salene. Nothing. (plays harmonica softly) – Zandra, where have you been? They took Lex with them. Ebony made him drink the antidote. – So? – Don’t you care? – No, I don’t. (harmonica plays softly) Shut it, will you? – Hey, guys! Come on! (dramatic music) We can’t just give up! – Can’t we? – No, Amber! We can’t! (Bob whines) – Trudy, we are back to where we started. Even worse, we have nothing. Why don’t we all just face facts? It’s over. (dramatic music) (baby coos) (wind blowing) (birds chirping) (footsteps stomping) – Sleep well? – What do you think? – Me, either. Come and join me for a swim maybe. – Why have you brought me here, Ebony? – Because I can and to see the look on Amber’s face. When did you last have a swim. – Long time. – You look as if you could use one. – The answer’s still no thanks. – Suit yourself. You usually do. That’s what I like about you. – I will then. – Not an option, sorry. – Have you ever been sorry? – You’d be surprised, Bray. I’ve got a few regrets and maybe I’ll tell you about them later. (somber music) – Did they take anything, the Locos? – No, just made a mess. – You want some help clearin’ up? – Is it worth it? – Lex always liked you in those. – Nice try, Ryan, Lex hardly noticed what I was wearing and you know it. Ryan, I hope he’s all right. – He’ll be okay. Tai-San got better. – That wasn’t the virus. She just had the flu. – He’ll be fine. You know Lex. – No, Ryan, I just thought I did. (sad music) (door opening) – Time for your medicine. – Stick it. – Now, now, let nursey make you better. – You want a closer look? – Just drink it. – Drink it yourself. I’m not your guinea pig. – I’m afraid that’s exactly what you are, Lex. You want me to prove it? – Take more than those goons. – As many as it takes. – Cheers. (somber music) (gasps) – Put it down. Get him off me! – Even the great Ebony scares just like everybody else. – Keep pushing, Lex. You’ll get yours. (door slamming) (coughs) (chicken clucking) – See, she’s just sitting there. – She went in this morning and now she won’t come out. – What’s going on? – Clara. – Well, leave here there. – We can’t. – Cloe, there are more important things in life than chickens. Where is everybody? – Trudy’s with Brady and I don’t know where everybody else is. – Well, find them. I wanna see everybody here in the cafe. (clanking) What are you doing here? – I want to help. – You can, leave now. You’re the reason we’re in this mess. You brought them here. – Not the Locos, they had nothing to do with me. – I’m supposed to be grateful for that, am I? You are a pathetic little kid playing games in a grown-up world, KC. Just get out of my face! (somber music) (birds chirping) – How’s he doing? – He’s stable. – Never heard Lex called that before. – He’s still his usual charming self. – Can I see him? – You’ve changed. – Say again? – You can’t wait to get away from me, for Lex. You’ve definitely changed. Or don’t you remember? – That was a long time ago. – Not so long. I remember it like it was yesterday. – What are you doing? You would’ve never tried this femme fatale baloney on me in the old days. – Mr. Cool, looks like I chose the wrong brother. But that night, I was tempted. Are you telling me you weren’t? – Would you believe me if I did? – Well, Zoot’s gone. Nothing to stop us now. – Except Amber. – You can’t be serious. – ‘Fraid so. (somber music) (dog whining) – What did they take? – Everything. – Surely not everything. – I checked the water tank and that’s still okay. – Leave it, we’ve gotta find Bray. – Amber, we don’t know where they took him. – So, we look. – Where? (dog whining) – I don’t know, everywhere. – It’s a big city. – And dangerous. – And Bray’s a big boy. – And what does that mean? – Amber, relax, I just mean he can take care of himself. – We can’t leave him. – Even if we did find them, what would we do? – Hey, why don’t we just storm the HQ with broken crockery? (dog whining) – What’s wrong? – Look. – I don’t like it here anymore. – It stinks. – It’s still our home. – It doesn’t feel like it. – If I’ve got a home anywhere in the world, this is it. – It’s not safe anymore. Any one of the tribes could come back at any moment. – They won’t come back. There’s nothing to come back for. All we had is the antidote and they took it. – Speaking of some, that’s not all we’ve got. We’ve still got the discs from the island. I hid them. – Where? – In the magazine shop. I didn’t quite think the tribe Circus would be big readers, somehow. – Jack, you little star. – That’s brilliant. – Of course, there’s no guarantee. – What are you on about? Come on, we’ll skip ’em. – Zandra, great timing. It’s cleanup time. Keep everything you can use and trash the rest. – Ryan, you can help Salene in the furniture shop. – I need Ryan. – When? – Now. Ryan? – Well, perhaps you’ll send him back when you’re finished with him. – With a new collar and leash. (dog whining) – [Jack] Okay, all ready. – I’ve set you up with a re-battery in the place. – Thanks, here goes. – Good luck. Probably find some lab technician’s shopping list. – Look, what’s wrong with you, Dal? What were you on about on the cafe? – Face it, we don’t know what we’re looking for. – Ummm, the formula for the antidote, maybe? – Oh, yeah, and once you crack the code, together we’ll synthesize the antidote with chemistry sets from the hardware store. – Well, have you got any better ideas? – No. – Well, then, shut up and let the genius work. – Anything else you want? – Um, chocolate? – You have as much chance at that as cracking the code. – Sell them. – Yes, Ryan, get what you can for them. They’re designer labels, should raise something. – But why? – I don’t want any of it. I’m having a new start, a new Zandra. – Why? – That Zandra was a fool. I used to get dressed up for Lex and he never loved me. What was I thinking? – But I like that Zandra. – Well, you just have to get used to a new one. I’m gonna be a mother. I don’t want my kid to think her mum’s got fluff where her brains should be. Oh, while you’re at it, take these. Should be able to trade them, too. Get some bread and some milk for the kids. They’re looking pasty. What are you waiting for, Ryan? – Zandra. – What? – I think you’re wonderful, old or new. – Yeah, I am, aren’t I? (door opening) – I’ve brought your friend to see you. – Hi, friend. – Lex? – Medicine time. Give it to him. – You still not taking any chances? – I never do. – Here ya go. – You still playing the hero, Bray? – You’re the hero, Lex. I haven’t had the chance to thank you for saving us all at the mall. – (coughs) I did it to save my own neck. – Yeah, sure. – Bray, do me a favor. I’m dying. Let’s be honest, eh? We never really got on with one another. And it’s not like we’re gonna become blood brothers now, so why don’t you just leave? – Quit yakking and drink it. – You gonna come over here and make me? To your very good health. (spits) Not. (gasps) (somber music) Bray, tell me, are you and her… – Honestly? Not until hell freezes over. – (coughs) – Worrying won’t help bring him back. – Why did Ebony take him? – Hostage. – She’s got Lex. – Yeah, I don’t know. – You knew them both before her, didn’t you? – Sort of. Ebony used to hang around Zoot. Bray and Zoot didn’t get on. – Is there something I should know? – No, no, it’s nothing. – Does Ebony have old scores to settle? – No, Ebony would never hurt Bray. It all just got a bit complicated before we left. – I’ve gotta find him. – There’s only flour. – So we can make bread. – Bread and water, like a prison? – We’ll have to organize a food search party before it gets dark. – I’ll go. – Amber, wait. – Look, you guys stay here and look after the little ones. – Amber! – What was all that about? – Not food, that’s for sure. (somber music) (thumping) – Who’s that? Who’s there? Ah, it’s you, KC. What are you doing up here? Work shagging? You okay? – Everyone’s kicked me out. – What? – Cause I brought the tribe Circus here and they trashed the mall. – Did you have a choice? I’d a done the same thing myself. – Yeah? – Yeah, so would Amber. She’s just lashing out ’cause she’s worried about Bray. Even if she did wanna get rid of you, she couldn’t. We’d have to vote over it. It was her idea anyway. Stuck to her own gum tree. – What? – It’s what my dad used to say. – I never had a dad. – Ever tried flying one of these? Wanna try? – Yeah, but it’s broke. – I can fix it. – Yeah? – Sure, do you wanna? – Yeah. – What’s the magic word? – What? – Say please, you devil. – Oh, yeah, please. (bird cooing) (clanking) – Crisp bread? – It was all I could find. Low in salt, low in fat. You’ll live forever. – Yeah, yeah, great. Hey, hey, I need those. – Chill, Jack, I’ll find you some more. – Where from? Look, put them back, Dal. – You don’t need them for the computer. You’ve got the car batteries. – Well, what do you want them for anyway? – For the helicopter. – What, you’re using my batteries for a toy? – They’re not your batteries. They belong to everyone. – Yeah, for serious purposes. – Lighten up, Jack. – Just ’cause you’ve lost faith. – No, I haven’t. I just don’t like giving people false hope, that’s all. Come on, KC. – How’s it going? – I’m stuck again. These files have got some sort of new password. – What have you tried? – Uh, virus, antidote, formula, apocalypse, Armageddon, everything. I mean it could be anything, like something really simple. – Have you tried saying please? – Yeah, as if. Please. (beeping) – I’m in! – Anything else you want? – Um, chocolate? – Get real. (coughing) (door opening) – Do I ever get something to eat around here? Ebony wouldn’t like it if you let her little pet suffer. I am her guinea pig. Now tell me this. You’re a lot worse off than I am. At least I’m taking the antidote. Now if it works, I don’t think you’ll be getting any. I know I can’t see Ebony lining your lot by the pool to give you each a spoonful. Oh, no, if it works, that girl will be keeping it all to herself. So if you do get it, who knows, you might already have it. You could be breathing it in right now. (breathes out) – (yells) (knock on door) – Ryan, at last, give me a hand with this. Ryan, come on. – I’ve been outside. – For Zandra, I know. – It’s really bad out there. – It’s always bad. – Not like this. Everyone’s going crazy. I’m scared, Salene, it’s like the end of the world. – Then stay in the mall. – I tried to get some food and Zandra gave me these. – Did you get anything? – Nothing, nobody’s trading. They’re just taking and these are worthless. – They’re still beautiful, though. – Would you like them? Zandra doesn’t want them. – No. – Have a necklace, or some earrings. – No! – Go on, they’re pretty, they’d suit you. – I don’t want them, Ryan. – Honest, Zandra won’t mind. – I don’t want Zandra’s cast-offs. Ryan, I’m worth more than that. You may be a doormat, but I’m not. (sirens and motors) – Yes! (water splashing) (coughing) – [Ebony] Guards! – Shout all you like, they won’t come. Not while I’m here. They’re scared, they don’t want what I’ve got. – Guards! – Which part didn’t you understand? They are scared. (coughs) They’re not the only ones, are they? You hide it well, but you’re terrified. Enjoy your empire while you can, ’cause it won’t last long. You’re empress of the world for its last five minutes. – You’re a fool, Lex. You should’ve tried to get away. – To where? I’ve got nowhere to go and no time to get there. Just like you. This guinea pig is resigning. – Don’t be stupid, Lex. Think of the power if it works. We could rule the world. – You want it, you drink it. – Lex, no!!! (liquid pouring) Noooooo!!!! (liquid pouring) – Don’t do it, Salene. You’ve been doing so well. Don’t go back to all that. – It’s all right, I’m fine, really. – What’s all this. – It’s my emergency stash, the very last of it. I had it hidden in the sewers just in case. – You sure? – Yeah, honest. I had a few dodgy moments today, but… – Over Ryan? – He can’t help how he is. But I didn’t go under. I really think I’m getting better. – That’s great. – Thanks, Tai-San. – What for? – I didn’t believe you when you said you’d cured yourself. But I do now. I really think it’s possible to cure yourself if you believe enough. – Thanks. – In fact, I think it’s our only chance of survival: believing. (sirens and motors) (somber music) (flames crackling) – I fixed the helicopter. Save the world yet? Keep going, you’re our last best hope. – Wait, where’d you get this? – From KC. – But where did he– (dog whining) – It’s like the old days when we first came here. – I just thought we’d feel safer if we were all together for a few nights. – Where’ve you been? – Clara laid an egg in the lift. – Oh, that’s great. Whose turn is it for the egg? – Salene’s. – That’s all right, Patsy. You found it, you can have it. – That’s really nice. See how nice it is when people share, Patsy? – You can have some, too, if you like, Cloe. – So, what’s all this then? – Just your average mall care and share night going on. – You’re cheered up. – I know where Bray is. I found the Locos. – Did you get any food? – Oh, sorry. – Tai-San, what are you doing? – Covering the mirror. – Why? – Feng shui. Mirrors in a sleeping place cause bad energy. When you slept here before, was there a conflict. – Uh, yeah, there was a bit. – Well, it’ll be better this time. – Good, well, is everyone ready for a story? – Yes. – Cloe? – Yes, I feel so safe now. (engine revving) – What’s that? (dog whining) – Ryan, Jack, Dal? (whirring sound) – It’s a helicopter. – KC, what do you think you’re doing? – Playing. – Can I try? – And me? (laughter) (bright music) (grunts) – Not going to beg, Lex? – (pants) I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction. – I’ve got that by the bucketful. (intense music) (crowd yelling) (people yelling and screaming) (gentle music) – All yours. Since you won’t share it with me. – What’s the point of keeping me here any longer, Ebony? – What’s the point of leaving? – To be with my friends. – Towel me dry? They might all have the virus. Have you considered that? – So might we. All the more reason to enjoy what we’ve got while we can. Bray, I don’t wanna broadcast this. I just want you to understand, I’ve changed. – Oh? – I know I hurt you when I chose Zoot, but that was a long time ago. Zoot seemed like the guy who could handle it. But I know better now. – Really? – Don’t be fooled by the act I put on for those clowns. I’ve changed, Bray. Give me another chance, please. – Look, it is really not that difficult to understand. Should I go through it again? Okay, you guys dress up like you’re rounding up virus victims and I’ll make out like I’m old and ill, right? – Uh yeah. – You guys chase me right up to the entrance of Ebony’s hotel, and then while the guards are wondering what to do, we overpower them and bust our way in. What do you say? – It sounds a bit risky. – Well, what do you suggest? Great. Two of our people are being held prisoner and neither of you will lift a finger. – Look if you’re thinking about getting Lex out, don’t bother. – [Amber] So, are you in or out? (dog whining) – Well, even if we do get there, how do we know where to find them? – We’ll force one of the guards to tell us. – How? – We just will. I will, okay? – I’m sorry, Amber, it’s just too dodgy. – Great, well thanks for nothing. (gentle music) – Is it me or is she losing it? – I don’t think it’s you. What do you think? – I think that unless we do something, she’ll go it alone and get hurt. – Jack, Jack, Jack. – What, what, how, how long have I been asleep? – Doesn’t matter. How far have you got? – Um, this far. – What about the rest? – Aw, that’s just a bunch of formulas. Don’t know which is the antidote, if, if any. – Well, keep looking. We’re bound to find a clue in there somewhere. – But I mean, even if we do find it, how do we turn into a drug? – We’ll find a way. We’ve got this far, haven’t we? Hey, we will, Jack. We’ll go to the labs, we’ll find the chemicals, we’ll work out a method, and we’ll do it. We have to. (clearing throat) – What? – We’ve thought of a way of spying out Ebony’s place. – [Amber] What? – Well, we attach a video camera and take shots through the window. Maybe we can find where Bray and Lex are. – And then? – It’s a start, isn’t it? – Yeah, yeah, I guess. How long do you guys need to get it ready? – A couple of hours. – Okay, well, step on it. I don’t want to leave Bray in there any longer than I have to. – At least now she won’t go straight to Ebony’s place. How are the files going? – Well, you’ve got as much chance as you have of flying Bray out on that thing. – That good, huh? – Yeah. (gentle music) – Tai San, Tai San, wake up, please, I think I’ve got it. – Got what? – The virus. Look at me, my eyes, my mouth. I’m starting to look like an old lady. – Salene, you’re tired that’s all, tired and scared. You should try to get some sleep. – But I can’t. Let me stay here with you, please. – I’m sorry, I’m busy. – Doing what? – I’m trying to channel my energy towards Jack to help him. – By sitting with your eyes closed? – Salene, I’m doing what I can to help. If you’d trying helping instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you’d feel much better. – Thanks a lot. (upbeat music) – You can’t, leave him. – You’re being stupid. – I’m not. – Please, stop it. – You’re not taking him. – Hey, what’s going on? – Casey wants to take the animals away. – They can’t survive here. – He says we won’t be here to feed them. – One at a time. – Casey wants to take the animals out of the city and let them go. – But what he really wants, is to take them and gamble with them. – I do not. – You do too. – Enough, no one’s going out onto the streets. It’s much too dangerous. – What’s the difference, we’ve had it anyway. – We haven’t. – Jack’s going to find the cure, isn’t he? – Sure he is. – See. – Now look, Casey, you’re not really worried about the animals, are you? You wanna gamble? Here, one sniff for you and one for you. Now take this and go and hide it somewhere. (gentle music) Cover their eyes and let’s see who finds it first. Now don’t let go until I say. One, two, three, now. – I bet it’s Bob. One washing up duty? – Two. – Deal. – I bet it’s Porky. – Deal. – Over there, boy, underneath the teddy. – Don’t help him. (pig snorting) – You win, Cloe. – Whose idea was this? – Mine, why? – Because you’re wasting food rations on pigs, that’s why. – It’s mine from breakfast. – That’s not the point. We’ve got Jack working his guts out, Bray being held prisoner, and all you can do is play stupid games with animals? Look, there are a million things to do around here, find one. (dog whining) – Hey, that was not fair. Okay, so I’m a monster, but someone’s gotta hold this place together. – I know, and Salene was helping by keeping the kids happy. Look, I know you’re upset about Bray, but ease up a bit. – It’s not just Bray. – But fine, whatever it is, you’re not being rational. – I beg your pardon? – Amber, this rescue plan, it’s not realistic. – So, are you just saying I should drop it? – Yes, you’re gonna get yourself killed and anyone who’s helping you. – Okay, so what if Ebony had taken Brady instead? Would you just leave her there? – That’s not the same. – Isn’t it? You’ve got the person you love most in the world right here with you. Mine’s being held prisoner. Don’t tell me there’s something wrong about trying to get him back. (gentle music) – Trip wire’s okay. Are you set? – Yeah. – Let’s go find something to do before Amber bites our head off again. (water dripping) (dog whining) – Salene, can we do some more food hunting with Bob and Porky? – No, Patsy, you heard what Amber said. – Why do we have to listen what Amber says? – She’s upset. We’ll find something else to do with them. – Then she’ll come and spoil that. – No, she won’t. – Where is Porky? – I thought he was with you two. (loud banging) Oh, no, he’s not in the tunnel, is he? – Porky. – Wait. – He might be hurt. – What happened? – We think Porky walked into the tripwire. – Porky’s there. – But if Porky didn’t walk into the wire, then– – Someone else did. – Come on, Dal, let’s take a look. (upbeat music) (dog whining) Come on, it’s down here. – Watch your step, Run. – Yeah, whatever. – It’s a muggle. – Nah. It’s Lex. – Help me. – Please. – Zandra, why can’t you understand that he needs you. – He walked out on me. He told me he never loved me. And now you’re telling me I have to look after him? – You’re his wife. – Was. And why don’t you make her look after him? She’s the one that filled his head with all that rubbish. Yeah, walk away. It’s easy, isn’t it? – So what do you suggest, throw him out? (dog whining) – He’s asking for you, Zan. – Do you want me to go in? – Would you, please? – [Lex] Zandra? – Okay, I’ll go. (dog barking) – Zandra? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. – No, it’s okay, it’s just the light or something. I’ll go get you some water. – No, don’t go. Look, I know you don’t want to do this, and I shouldn’t have come back, but. – Don’t be silly. Where else were you gonna go? – You deserved much better than me. You won’t have to look after me for long, though. – That should hold it. Do you think it’ll take the weight, Jack? – Never mind the weight, have we got enough gas? – Not much. It’ll have to do. We’ll start at the pool. Lex says Bray spends most of his time there. – You really think we’ll find him? – Yeah, well, our problem is, what happens if we do find him? – Great choice, being killed in a fight, or dying from the virus. – Okay, you ready? – As ready as we’ll ever be. – Then let’s go. – [Dal] Um, don’t you think it’d be better if you stayed here, Amber? – Why? – Well, we don’t need three people operating this thing. And maybe someone should stay here to keep things going. – Yeah, definitely. – What do you think, Jack? – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I reckon you should stay here, Amber. – You don’t trust me, huh? – No, it’s not, it’s just. – All right, I want you guys to do the job, not be worrying if I’m gonna go crazy out there, which is exactly what everyone thinks, isn’t it? – No, Amber. – It’s all right, Ryan. I’ll stay here, just find Bray for me. (gentle music) – Where’s Lex? – He’s gone. – What do you mean? Where to? – I’ve really no idea. – He’s sick. What happened? You threw him out, didn’t you? – It was his decision. He threw the antidote away. He was no use anymore. – So you threw him out to die like an animal? – What would you have done? Nursed him tenderly ’til he passed away in your arms? – Yes. – Get real, Bray. Dead meat is dead meat. Forget him. Life is for the living, for me and you. – Don’t touch me. You said you’d changed. You said you’d learned since Zoot. – I have. – Yeah. Wanna know something? You’re even worse than before. Face it, you’ll never change, and you’ll never, ever change me. (dramatic music) – Anything? – Well, I mean I haven’t been through the rest properly, but they’re just stuff like diaries and personal letters, nothing scientific. – Go through them anyway. – But there’s hundreds of separate files. – Please, Jack. – Okay, okay. – Is this close enough? – Any closer and they’ll see us. Come on, turn on the engine. What’s wrong with it? – I don’t know. – Try the choke. – Got it. (engine whirring) (upbeat music) – Supposing it had been the other way around, Lex would never have looked after you. – That’s not the point. – Listen, I hold this place together, because I’m prepared to make tough decisions, not because I like to. Maybe I got that one wrong, I’m sorry. – If you’re trying to prove what a wonderful person you are, let me go. – It’s up to you. (engine whirring) – Hey. Get off. – Not until you’ve had some of this. – I don’t want it. – Just relax. – Come on, Dal. They’re gonna work out where we are in a moment. – Let me go around again. – Oh, no. (engine sputtering) It’s gonna crash. – I’ve got it, okay? (engine whirring) – Aw, jeez. – Make it land. – No, you grab the camera. – Hey, help me. Let me go. – Okay, let’s get outta here. – This is a spiritual crystal. It’ll help you enhance your thoughts. You might find it useful. – Hi. Food delivery for Jack. – Good for you. – Hey, you were right, helping does help, thanks. What’s that? – Oh, this, it’s a thought wave enhancer from Tai San. I didn’t have the heart to refuse. – Maybe this’ll help. – Oh, thanks. – Have you found anything yet? – Yeah, junk. Spins claims, personal letters, memos. Everything except a clue. – You’d think if they knew the end was coming, they would have tried to leave something to help everybody who was left. – That they wouldn’t have coded? – Well, yeah. – Where would they put it? – Can you tell when the files were made? – Yeah, you go into the file manager, why? – Well, if they did leave anything, it would have been one of the last things they did, so it’d be in the files with the latest dates. – Worth a try. I mean, can’t be any worse that Tai San’s crystal. – Maybe that’s what gave me the idea. – Yeah, in your dreams it did. (laughing) – Look, no! – Lex, try and drink. – Was I rambling, crazy? – Just the fever. – I felt bad, Zan, real bad. – Lex? – Yeah. – There’s something I have to tell you. I wasn’t going to at first. But I think I should. Lex, I’m pregnant. I’m gonna have your baby. I thoughy you oughtta know. (gentle music) – A boy? – Yeah, might be. – Yeah, just like me. – Yeah, just like you. – Zan, look out. – Lex, Lex? (Lex snoring) – Well, we didn’t get much. It’ll be potluck, let’s see. – Yeah, we don’t need all this, fast forward. Hey, wait a minute. Rewind it, play it back. (dramatic music) – I’m so sorry. – They risked their lives for him. Supposing something did happen to them? – But it didn’t, they’re fine. – How could he? How could he, Trudy? Trudy? – You oughtta know this. Maybe I should have told you before. – What, told me what? – Bray and Ebony had a thing once. I’m sorry, I honestly didn’t know what to do for the best. – That must be it. That’s it, I cracked it. I cracked it. (crowd yelling) – I’m hungry. – Tough, aren’t we all? – Well, Tribe Circus didn’t exactly leave the cupboards well stocked. – And that’s the last of it. Don’t tell the little ones. – Great, the virus is spreading again, we’re about to starve. Another day in paradise. – Haven’t we been here before? – Can I have a word? – Not going off in corners and having secrets, are we? – Oh, it’s just something I wanted to check out with Dal. Okay, you coming? – Computer nerds. – Amber, those guys could save our lives. – Are they worth saving? – We’ve just been on the roof. – It’s scary out there. – Yeah, well, it serves you right. You know that’s out of bounds now. – Don’t be so hard on them. – There’s lots of wrinklies looking like glen. – Then aren’t we lucky we’re safe in here? Here grub’s up. – Gross. – You hate it so much, you find us some more. – Out there? – Yeah, got it in one. Thanks for volunteering, Ry. – I did? (dog whining) – Don’t even think about it. – But he’s hungry. – We all are. If he starves, he starves. – Amber, will you stop being such a pain just because Bray– – This has nothing to do with Bray. It’s survival time, or hadn’t any of you noticed? (dramatic music) – Look, see? – No. – It’s been staring me in the face, and I didn’t even see it. – I still don’t. – Look, the word eagle and then this code. – Yeah, so? – We know this word eagle crops everywhere in the files. We know it’s a code name for the Interduct. – Could be. – It has to be. I mean, what else could it be? This is the only time the word eagle is followed by this code. Crack this, we’ll have the formula for the antidote. – You make it sound so simple. – Dal, we’re nearly there. Just one more step. – Maybe the others can help. – What? – You know, like a crossword? You can do them faster if everybody pitches in. – Dal, do you have any idea how dangerous this is? Whoever has the antidote has absolute power. – And if Topat knew we had the formula, or Ebony, – Or even Lex if he wasn’t dying. (gentle music) – Something smells good. Shall I go and check what they’re making? – I’m not hungry. – You should try and eat, Lex. Keep your strength up, as my Gran would say. – What for? – How ’bout to please me? – Haven’t done much of that in the past, have I? – You’re not gonna go and get all guilty on me again, are you? – The only person I’ve ever pleased is number one. – You made me really happy, Lex. – When I wasn’t making you miserable. – Best of all, you’ve given me this. – You mean him? – Her. – Lex Junior. – Alexia. – No way. – She’ll have long, blond hair and wear pretty pink dresses. – And be an ace at footing. – Not if I’ve got anything to do with it. – I brought you some food. It’s pretty yucky, I’m afraid. – Thanks for the warning. – But you better have it, there isn’t any more. – I’m sorry, I can’t. – It’s not that yucky. – I have to keep my body pure, uncontaminated to be a channel for universal energy. – But you have to eat. – How can I explain? Imagine there’s a mum and dad looking after the whole world. – Sort of, ginormous and invisible. – You’ve got it. And they want to take care of us and make us better. – Yeah. – But they can only do it if we sit still and let them, like any parents. – So that’s what you’re doing, sitting still. – For all of us. – What about Jack cracking that code thing? Isn’t he going to get the answer? – I’m sure he will, Patsy. I’m just the backup plan, that’s all. (gentle music) – It’s not exactly gourmet, I’m afraid. Well, at least you’re eating. That has to be a good sign. Lex, you okay? Look, talk to me, please. (gentle music) Come on, Lex, it’s not so bad. – I’m ugly. – Lex? – What? – You’re better. – Eh? – You’re better, you’re really better. Come on, we have to show the others. (birds chirping) – That one of hers? – What? – Oh, come on, Bray. I’m not gonna steal your little love token. I’m not that petty. Bet Amber doesn’t think as much about you. – Give it a rest, Ebony. – I’m serious. Where is she? – You know where, back at the mall. – Exactly. – So what’s your point? – The point is, if you were mine, I would’ve taken this place apart to get you back. – That’s suicide. – If you really love someone, wouldn’t you die to save them? I would. – Amber’s not stupid, Ebony. – No, she’s a wimp. A sniveling, scared little wimp. And the sooner she’s– – What? The sooner she’s what? – Spike? – I made it to the mall. It’s crazy out there. The streets are going ballistic. – Inside. (gentle music) – Tell him I’m not making it up. He’s definitely looking better, isn’t he? – Yeah, she’s right, Lex. – Your face doesn’t look like a prune anymore. – It looks more like a turnip. – Thanks, Cloe. – Was it the antidote? – What else could it have been? – Tai san? – Let’s not get into that now. If Lex is getting better, that’s great. But none of us are gonna survive unless we eat. – Trudy’s right, now who’s gonna go out and get food? – I would, you guys, but. – No way, Lex, you’re still week from the virus. – They’re wasting all the wrinklies out there, Lex. – Thanks, pal. – It’s obvious who has to go, me. – Well, you shouldn’t have to go by yourself, Ryan. – Take KC with you. – Me? – Yeah, I don’t see any wrinkles on you. (gentle music) – Okay, let’s try again. Give me another combination. – We’re getting nowhere, Jack. – But we’re so close, I mean, I can feel it in my bones. – Well, mine are telling me I’ve had it. – Dal, scientists often give up just before the breakthrough. – Yeah, and explorers are found dead yards away from the North Pole. North Pole, that’s it. – What’s it? – We’ve been barking up the wrong tree, Jack. This isn’t a code, they’re map coordinates. – Well. – Well, what? – Well, go find some maps, stupid. (gentle music) (snoring) – Salene, you awake? – No, I’m asleep. What? – You know how I’m going out tomorrow to get some food? – I know, I was there, remember? – So, I wondered if you wanted anything special? – It’s a bit late at night to have my own personal shopper, isn’t it? – Well, I wanted to make it up to you, for ignoring you for Zandra. – Forget it, doesn’t matter. – It does to me. – Why? Feeling left out now Lex is feeling better? – No, it’s not that. It’s just I wanted to make sure I said sorry before I go. – What difference does it make? – Well, perhaps it doesn’t. – Baked beans, if you’re asking. Now can I get back to sleep? – ‘Course, take care of yourself. (gentle music) (machine whirring) – Don’t, Amber, you’ll drive yourself crazy. – I already am for trusting him. How could he? – I’ve never understood how Bray’s mind works. – And what about his heart, if he’s got one? – I’m sure he really did care about you. – Yeah? Great way of showing it. – You, me, and men, huh? – Oh, Trudy, I thought it was bad with Sasha. But that was so wild and crazy and sudden. – It was hardly sudden with Bray. – But it was, at first sight. – And you didn’t tell him all this time? – Not until I thought it had grown into something really strong for him, too. – Maybe it has. Maybe Ebony was forcing him. – Does that look like he’s being forced? – Look, we need a smaller scale than this. – Here, got it, that’s what eagle means. – Eagle Mountain. You superstar. (gentle music) (eagle screeching) – This had better be very, very good. – Well, it is, I mean, we cracked the code. – And? – [Zandra] Tell us, what’s the antidote? – It’s not quite like that. – Well, you’ve either found it, or you haven’t. – Well, cracking the code didn’t reveal the antidote. – Well, what did it reveal then, a recipe for soup? – Coordinates. – Of a mountain. – Eagle Mountain. – Eagle Mountain? – That’s miles away. – About 20 or 30. – Well, the computer files kept on coming out with this code name, Eagle, and these coordinates. Except we didn’t know that they were coordinates. I mean, we thought it was a code, but that’s because we weren’t thinking straight. – So what are you saying? – Well, we have to go there. It’s our only hope. – Are you crazy, Jack? – You’re right he is. – Okay, okay, I’m not. – It’s lack of sleep, you’re delirious. – Look, no, it fits exactly. It makes complete sense. – Complete madness, more like. Traveling 30 miles on foot on some crazy hunch? – With all the loonies out there, count me out. – Me, too. Only place I’m going is back to bed. – No, no, look, you’ve gotta trust me on this. Look, we must go to this mountain. Okay, Dal, you tell them. You explain. (gentle music) (eagle screeching) – Map. – I gave it to you. – No, you didn’t, I haven’t seen it. – Well, you’re blind as well as stupid. I gave it to you. – Hey. – Salene. – I thought you might need some company up there. – From a mad woman, no thanks. – Is that a nice welcome for your new guard? – You mean, you want to go food hunting with us? – You’ll be able to collect more if I’m watching out for you. – No we won’t, we’ll be too busy rescuing you. – I’m quick, I’m careful. I won’t need protection. – It’s too dangerous, Salene. – Right. – But I wanna– – We said no. – [Ryan] Sorry. (dramatic music) – Zan, wake up. Look at me, look at me. I’m all better. I’m not gonna die. You’ve got your old Lex back again. – Correction, young Lex. (wind whistling) – [Ebony] Pity, we could have been so good together, you and me. – Could have been? Well, you’ve given up at last? So, what happens to me now? – To you, nothing. – What do you mean? – I’m a really bad loser, Bray. I thought you knew that. – Ebony, you leave Amber alone. – You had your chance to save her, lover boy, and you blew it. – If you touch a hair on her head. – Guards. (dramatic music) – Ebony, no. – She had such a pretty face, if you like that sort of thing. – Ebony, please, you were right. I’ve always wanted you, I just didn’t want to admit it to myself. – Oh, Bray, it’s far too late now, even if you weren’t lying. – I’m telling the truth, I’m crazy about you. I always have been. – No you haven’t, but it’s fun to hear you say that. – Ebony. – Hey. – Salene. – Told you I could hold my own out here. – But. – No buts. I’m coming with you, okay, Ryan? – Okay. – Oh, come on, Jack. – Okay, what is it you guys don’t understand? Eagle Mountain is the key. It wouldn’t have been repeated so many times in the code. – So what’s there then? – I don’t know, do I? That’s why we have to go there, because that’s the whole point. – Well, there’s a problem, too. There isn’t any point, none that I can see. – Okay, why’d they give us all this information if they didn’t want us to follow it up? – What information? It’s just a boring old mountain. – Well, they’re not gonna spell it all out for us, are they? Okay, maybe they don’t want everybody to go. – Suits me. I’m not risking my neck on some wild goose chase. – Me neither. – Or me. – Okay, Dal, back me up here. – Those coordinates do lead to Eagle Mountain, but. – But? – I agree, it’s a bit risky. – Hey, thanks a bunch. – Morning, guys. Lex is back. – Wow, all your wrinkles are gone. – You look great. – Yeah, well, as great as he’ll ever look. – Yeah, and I’m starving. I could eat a pig or a chicken. – No. – Oh, come on. You guys are sitting there with your stomachs hanging out and we got a butcher shop. – They’re pets, you know that. – Imagine, sizzling bacon or munching on some chicken. – No, Lex, no. – No. – Haven’t you learned anything being that close to death? – Yeah, when you get better, you’re ravenous. – Ugh, you’re right, Lex is back. – You all make me sick. I’m trying to save your lives, but all you guys can do is argue about a whole bunch of farmyard animals. (gentle music) – There’s food in there. They wouldn’t have guards otherwise. – There’s a smashed window around the back. I think I can get in. – I’ll come with you. – I’ll keep watch out here. If they go inside, I’ll come and warn you. – Okay, but keep out of sight? – Really? I was thinking of doing a little dance for them, Ryan. – Sorry. – Come on. – Ryan. – What? – Be careful. (upbeat music) – Idiots. (loud crashing) – [Salene] Oh, no. – What’s that, you little thief. – Let me go, let me go. – Oh, KC, please, don’t hurt him. – He with you? – He’s my little brother. I told him not to do it, but we’re really hungry. – Well, why didn’t you come and ask us, sweetie? We woulda given her what she wants, wouldn’t we? – Oh, really? – Come inside, we’ll show you. (grunting) – Nice, Salene. – Come on. – Look, don’t argue with me, Spike. Just bring her back here to me. – You’re joking, aren’t you? – No, Amber has the antidote formula. Get her, and we’ll have it. And total power. – I don’t buy it. – I didn’t ask for your opinion. – I know why you want Amber, it’s to get back at him. Well, if you want her, you get her. – I’m telling you. – And I’m telling you. We know where we can get the antidote, and it’s not in the mall. – Spike? – Wait here, you’ll see. – So much for being cured, just to die of starvation. – They’ll be back, I know it. – What, you going psychic, as well? Like that freak Tai San? – Hello, hello? – We’re back. – We made it. – See? – Mission accomplished. – [Zandra] Boy, am I glad to see you guys. – Lex, you’re better. – Yeah, and I’m starving. – Hey, hey, hey, hold on. I think I should be first. I’ve been working without food for three days. – Yeah, and I’ve been at death’s doorstep. – Hang on, there’s enough for everybody. – Yeah, but go easy. It’s getting harder to find this stuff. – Tai San, are you eating? – Lex, look at you. It worked, my spiritual guidance worked for you, as well. – Spiritual guidance? What spiritual guidance? It was the antidote. – No, Jack, I had a vision last night. – [Amber] Yeah, so what’s new? – I didn’t think it was real at first, but Lex getting better confirms it. – What was the vision? – Pink elephants? A little white rabbit with a waistcoat and watch? – It came to me in a dream. It kept coming back all night about a mountain. – Mountain? What kinda mountain? – I don’t know. It was just a mountain and a bird. – What kinda bird? – A great, big, beautiful eagle. (gentle music) – Look the whole thing is crazy, we’re gonna go waltzing off into the middle of nowhere because of some dream Tai-San had? – Okay, I told you it wasn’t just Tai-San’s dream, I found out about Eagle Mountain from the files you guys brought back. – And if Jack and Tai-San say the same thing, – It’s got to be right. Okay? – We haven’t got enough food for a trek like that, that’s gotta be 30 miles. – We can get stuff along the way. – And what do we do when we get there? – We climb the mountain and find the answer. – Oh, you reckon there’ll be a supermarket at the top, do you? – You’re just finding excuses. Are you a chicken or something? – It’s just another one of Tai-San’s loony ideas. She never thinks anything through. – Amber is right, I’d rather die here than be killed out there. – We can’t stop here, babe. This place is blowin’, it’s not safe anymore. – You can’t go anyway, you’re still not strong enough after, y’know. – What do you mean, not strong enough. – Course he’s strong enough. – Hey you stay out of this, this is nothing to do with you. – How can you say that? I cured him didn’t I? – It was the antidote, he took the antidote. – You don’t even know if it worked or not. I got better too, remember? – You didn’t have the virus. You had the flu. – That’s right, but Lex was really ill. And that’s why he’s not fit enough to go on a journey like that. – Zandra, how many times do I have to tell you. – Anyway, we can’t go yet, what about Bray? – Yeah, we gotta wait til he comes back. – Bray won’t be coming back. Not while he’s off having his fun with Ebony. Right Amber? – There you go, what did I tell you? – What is this? – Antidote. – What? – Cures for the virus? – Where did you get this? – Up there, there’s guys selling stuff on the street. – You bonehead! You actually bought this garbage? – C’mon Ebony, what do you think we are, we didn’t buy anything. – You idiot! You dumb, stupid, idiot! Leave it! You think any of that junk’s gonna help? – We’ll never know if we don’t try it! – It’s a con you dummy! Right Bray? – Right. They’re too stupid to see that. – Hey watch it Rat-face, who you callin’ stupid? – You. You’re dumb enough to believe in that old trick. – Well if you’re so smart, why ain’t you found a cure? – Maybe I did. – What? – Remember Lex? – Lex is a dead man. – Yeah? You been out there? You seen anything of Lex? You found his body? – No. – What are you saying? – Maybe the antidote works. Maybe he got better after you threw ‘im out. – Yeah. – After you let him empty your bottles. – You let him empty the bottle? – In there. You want the antidote, all’s you gotta do is dive in and drink. – This is great, we can ride in it, take turns! – It’s to carry the gear in you dummy, no one’s gonna ride in it. ‘Cept maybe for Zandra, we can’t expect her to walk all that way in her condition. – What condition? – She’s having a baby. – Really? – Yeah. Maybe that’s why she’s been acting so strange lately. – So she’s coming then? – Of course she will, if I tell her to. – But she’s bound to be scared after what Top Hat did to her and all that. – What are you talking about? – Y’know, when the Cirucs lot invaded the mall. – Yeah, but what do you mean? What did he do to Zandra? – Y’know. – No, I don’t. Tell me. – Well, he grabbed her. – Yeah. – And, and she was screaming, and he was trying to kiss her, and all that. – What did he do? – Nothing. But he would have if I hadn’t saved her. – You? How could you save her? – Easy. Kicked him in the nuts. It was great, you should have seen me. – Cannot decide what to take? – No that’s easy, I just can’t decide what to leave. – I’ve got everything I need right here. – That’s alright for you, you’re only a mechanic. Uh, Dal. – [Dal] Yeah. – You know the trip to the mountain? I mean, what if I’ve got it wrong, everybody’s gonna go all that way, just cause I say so. – Well it’s not just you. Tai-San said it as well. – Yeah but that’s what bothers me. Tai-San’s dreams and all that. It’s not very scientific, is it? – No, but you did it scientifically. – Yeah but, of course I did, I mean– – Well then, there’s nothing to worry about. – No but if we all get killed. – Then there will be no one left to blame you, will there? Look on the bright side. – I’ll kill him. – No Lex, just forget it, please. – Nobody does that to my wife and gets away with it. – Nothing happened. He didn’t do anything. – He could’ve though. He could’ve hurt you. He could’ve hurt my baby. I’m gonna get ‘im. – No Lex. Look it’s much too dangerous, you’re well again. We’re together. Please don’t do anything to ruin that. Promise me you won’t do anything. Please, Lex. – Fine. (dramatic music) – (echoing) The main thing is that we’re together now. And it feels so natural. It’s always been this way, and always will be. – Hi. How’re you going? – Fine. I’m doing fine. You? – I meant about the packing. – Oh, I’m not doing any. – There must be something you wanna take. – Only food. I ain’t got nothing else. – Right. Ryan? – Yeah? – Aren’t you nervous about leaving here? I am. – Yeah? – Yeah. Really, really nervous. But you’ll look after me, won’t you? – Sure. Me and Lex. We’ll look after everybody. – Course you will. – I’ll always look after you, Salene. If you want me to. – Always? Can I stay here with you tonight? – Yeah. Yeah I’d like that. – Shhh! I don’t wanna wake those guys. – What do you want? – I need to talk to you. – But it’s the middle of the night. – I couldn’t sleep. – So you thought you’d wake me up. Thanks. – I’ve been thinking. ‘Bout what you said earlier. ‘Bout Lex. – Yeah? – You really think he could’ve made it? – All I know is that the stuff he had was our best shot. From Hope Island, not from some street corner, snake oil salesman. – Can you believe those guys? Fallin’ for that. – They’re startin’ to panic. – Maybe. – No not maybe, for sure. Come on Ebony, how long do you think you’re gonna have control over them. – What do mean? – That’s what’s really bothering you isn’t it? – No way. I’m their leader, and they worship me. – For how long? Get out while you still can. Let me go, and come with me. – To join a bunch of kids in a shopping mall? – No. To find a cure before it’s too late. – Nice try Bray, but I’m staying right here, and so are you. (dramatic keyboard music) (wind gusting) (people snoring) (dog groaning) (dog panting) – (echoing) I wanna go home. – It’s alright, this is your home. For now at least. – We need a safe place to stay. – The baby’s coming, now! (baby crying) – So, what are you called? – We don’t have a name. – We just sort of came together accidentally. – Mall Rats! – More than a name, it’s a future. – Couldn’t sleep. – Me neither. – I’m really gonna miss this place. – Yeah. Remember when we first came here? – We were on our way out to the countryside. To find a nice farm. – Maybe we still can. Whatever. It’s gonna be a big adventure. – Did you ever read Peter Pan? – Saw the movie once. Why? – That’s what he said. It’s going to be an awfully big adventure. Only, he was talking about dying. (dramatic keyboard music) (pot clanging) – Come on everybody, it’s time to go! – No Lex no, I don’t want to. – Well I’m going anyway you stupid cow. – Can’t go all that way in my condition. – Yes you can! That’s my kid you’re carrying, and you’re gonna be with me when you have ‘im. – I’m scared. You’re not gonna leave me, promise? – I promise. Now go and get ready. And don’t take all day! Women, who needs ’em? Hey Ryan, let’s go get the food and water ready. – There’s more of these upstairs. Salene? – Sorry, what? – More blankets? – I’ll go get ’em. – Can somebody give me a hand? I’ve got three more inside. – I will. – What are you doing? You can’t bring all those, they weigh a ton. Well they’re fully charged. – Jack’s right, we may need something to trade with. – So are you gonna bring a crystal ball? (baby cooing) – There you go, snug as a bug. – Oh, it’s wonderful. She’s a bit heavy though. – Hey, that’s okay, we can take it in turns carrying her. She’s got plenty of aunties and uncles. – Thanks. And Amber? – Yeah? – Thanks for everything else you’ve done while we’ve been here. – Hey, that’s okay. C’mon. – Aren’t you going to leave a message for Bray? Just in case? (dramatic violin music) (baby cooing) – Why should I? He cheated on me. He betrayed me. I never wanna set eyes on him again. (keys clinking) Let’s go. (locker clanking) – Say, you with me? – It sounds kinda dangerous, Lex. – Ryan, this is for Zandra. – Okay. – And Ryan? Not a word, okay? – What’s all that? – My clothes. I gotta have a spare change of clothes if we’re going all that way. And makeup and hair stuff. – Oh Zandra. – Come on Zan, you can’t take all of those. – If I can’t take my clothes, I’m not going. – Don’t be such an airhead, Zandra. – Oy, leave her alone. – But Lex. – Get your hands off her stuff. – See? – Nobody messes my Zandra about. – If Lex says I can take them, then. – What is all this junk? – My clothes and stuff. – Well get rid of them! You don’t need them. (chicken squawking) Oh no. (pig squealing) No way. – We’re not leaving them. If they don’t go, we don’t go. – Fine. Suit yourself. – Hey Lex, maybe we should take them. Extra food for the journey? – Spike! What are you doing here, get out! – No Ebony, you get out. – What? – You’ve gone soft since you brought that Bray guy here. You’re out. – Says who? Says me. I’m taking over. – You’ve got me to deal with first. – That’s why we’re here. Get her! (gang members shouting) Ebony! (pig oinking) – Happy now? – Thanks Lex. (kissing) – Get off. – Thanks. (kissing) – Okay everybody. Wagons roll. Jack? (dramatic keyboard music) (baby cooing) – Get her! Give it up Ebony! You can’t beat all three of us. Not on your own. – Yeah, but she’s not on her own. (guitar music) (Spike screaming) (water splashing) – Thanks. – My pleasure. Now will you come with me? – Don’t have much choice do I? – Okay. Let’s go. – Which way? – Right. – Then left at the next corner, and then straight on. – Everybody happy? – Hang on, I think we’re missing somebody. – Trudy. Where’s Trudy? – Oh no. – Has anybody seen her? – Of all the stupid– – There she is! (baby crying) – Trudy, where’ve you been? – Sorry, everyone I’d forgotten something. – Well don’t go wandering off again. In fact, nobody go wandering off. We’ve all gotta stick together. Right? – Right. Everybody stick together. Me and Ryan are just gonna go ahead for a bit. – What? – Lex you can’t! You promised you’d look after me. – I’m going to, babe. We’re just going to scout ahead, make sure everything’s safe. Okay Ryan? – Lex! (techno flute music) (sirens blaring) – Locos! – Quick, find somewhere to hide! – Nobody panic, stay calm! – They’re going away! – Wish Lex was here. – Yeah. Just for once so do I. Sooner we get out of this city, the better. C’mon. (fire roaring) – [Jack] This cart is getting heavier and heavier! – [Zandra] It’s those stupid batteries. – [Jack] Your Lex and Ryan were there to help. – [Dal] Yeah, where are those guys? – [Kid] Why don’t we chuck the animals off? – [Girls] No, we can’t! – That’s enough! Just keep walking. There’s something about this place that gives me the creeps. – [Woman] Amber! – [Boy] Crazies. – Don’t look at them, keep walking. – Don’t look at them? What like if we ignore them they’ll go away? – [Girl] I wanna go home! – I knew we should have never of come here. – This is bad. – You’re telling me. (loud cracking) Hey, Tai-San, how about some spiritual guns now? – Trust Lex not to be here when we need him. – What about Ryan? – What do you want? Leave us alone. – We mean you no harm. Go in peace. (laughing and whooping) (engine roaring) – Look! – Top Hat! Top Hat! Run, take cover! – Lex? – You need a ride, babe? – Anybody here? Amber? Ryan? Salene? Anybody? Dal? Jack? (keys clinking) – What’s up loverboy? She ran out on you? What have we here? Looks like somebody cares after all. – Eagle Mountain? – I guess that’s where they’ve gone. – But why? When? – Only one way to find out. – Could’ve been gone for hours. For days! We’ll never catch up with them. – Sure we will. (keys clinking) – How? – I’ve got a plan. C’mon. I’ll show you. (dramatic keyboard music) – It’s just a worthless heap of junk without gas. (pig oinking) – Well that’s it, we’re clear of the city. – No more Locos, no more Demon Dogz. – Eagle Mountain here we come! – C’mon just keep moving, we still got a long way to go yet. – C’mon Enrick, everything is going to be just fine, I know it. – Yeah, that sounds right. You’re gonna all be fine. (birds chirping) (group chattering) (chicken squawking) (pig oinking) – C’mon. Hold it! Hold it right there. – Hey look, they’ve got a pig! (pig squealing) – What is this? – We don’t want plague-carriers around here. Get back to the city where you belong! – We’re not plague-carriers. – We know about the virus. You’re not coming through. – What is it with you guys? C’mon Ryan. – If you don’t back up and turn around by the time I count to three, you guys are history. – What are you waiting for? Turn back. I’m gonna count to three. – Stand your ground. We’re coming through. – Don’t be stupid, Lex, we’re out numbered. – Okay. (bus horn honking loudly) – Come on everyone, jump on. Come on! – We’re cut off. – It’s not the Locos, it’s Bray. – Come on, hurry up, get on. – Come on! – Get ’em. – Get ’em! (yelling) (loud crashing) (cheering) (water gurgling) – Come on pup. Come on, try again. Come on, jump up. – What do you think? – [Dal] Can’t tell you. Might have to give it a rest for awhile. – Where’d you get this car anyway? – I had it hidden away in case of emergencies. – Won’t the Locos miss it? – Those losers? They never knew about it. – Did I just hear you talking about the Locos then? I mean I had a fever at the time, so I might have imagined it. But aren’t you their leader? Yeah, yeah it’s all coming back to me now. You used me as a guinea pig for that damned antidote. And when it didn’t work, you threw me out on the streets to die like a rabid dog. – And who said it didn’t work? You look almost human. – No thanks to you, sweetheart. – Hey knock it off, Lex. – You defending her now? Why Bray? Something happen between you two? Something the rest of us should know about? – Look, she saved your skin. – We’d have managed okay. – Enough! Now tell me more about this Eagle Mountain. – All the evidence on the computer files points to something big, something important. – Like what? – I mean we don’t know. – Great. You’re telling me we’re risking our lives on some half baked trip up a mountain, and you don’t even know what we’re gonna get out of it. You guys are more loco than the Locos. – It’s not a question about getting something out of it. It’s a spiritual journey. You wouldn’t understand. – Hey guys, I was just gonna get a fire going. Anyone hungry? (somber music) – Amber. What’s wrong? Tell me. – Figure it our for yourself, Bray. – I don’t get it. I thought you’d be glad to see me. What is this something to do with me and Ebony? – Wow, you must be psychic. – But there’s nothing going on. – I saw the two of you together, so don’t bother lying. – When? – By the pool. You were getting a nice tan. Does the word helicopter ring a bell at all? So do me a favor Bray, drop dead. – Ah, look um, try first battery. – Give it up, Jay, the bus isn’t going anywhere, it’s dead. – But we’re so close. – Okay, we get the compass and the map and we walk. – Tai-San knows the way. – Sure. But what does the compass say? Jack? – Okay stop bugging me, I told you it’s taken care of. And besides we don’t have the compass. – No compass? – No compass, no map, okay, I lost them getting on the bus. You said it’s fine. – You’re telling me we’re relying on Tai-San’s dream in a 30 mile journey without a map? – Well if you’ve got any better ideas, let’s hear it. (mystical music) – We um, set off first thing in the morning. Hey Tai-San if you had any more dreams at all? – Just the same one. Stay with me. I know it might be strange for you Jack, but maybe if we’re both receptive a message will reach us. – Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, good idea. (pig squealing) – What’s that stupid pig doing here? – Sleeping. At least he was until you woke him up. – Why can’t the animals sleep outside? – Why don’t you? – At least he smells nicer than you. – You should’ve seen the look on his face. Just reached out and took it off him. I kind of dusted it off, you know. Then I looked down at him and said, not such a big man without your topper, are you? I put it on my head and we walked out of there really calmly. – How many did you lay out before you got his top hat? – I’d say six or seven. – Six or seven. – Each. – Whoa. – I swear, word of honor. You can ask Ryan if you don’t believe me. Right? – Ah yeah, it’s true, every word. – See. – Hi. – Hi. – Amber, I feel terrible. – Why? – About you and Bray. I really didn’t mean to stir things up for you. – It’s alright. I’m glad you told me before things got too complicated. You left a message for him back at the mall, didn’t you? So he could come after us. – I thought I was doing the right thing. – Don’t feel bad about it. – Do you believe in this mountain of Tai-San’s? – Right now I don’t believe in anything. – I want you to talk to Amber, tell her there’s nothing going on between us. She saw us by the pool and she got the wrong idea and now she thinks we’re an item. – Sure, if it means that much to you. – Thanks. – Bray, I’m kinda cold. Could you put your arm around me for awhile? – Well it’s warmer on the bus, why don’t you? – Bray, just for a minute. I said I’d tell her. (somber music) – We make for between those two hills. If I’m right there’ll be a wooded valley which we follow for five or six miles. – Yeah, then what? – Then we stop and get our bearings again. – Our bearings? That’d be our spiritual bearings. – Okay so it’s not scientific, but it’s the best we could do. – Well a spiritual path is better than no path at all. Let’s get going. (upbeat music) – To think I gave up the cozy job as tribe leader for this. – No one forced you to come. – I guess I’m just following my instincts. – I’ve noticed. – By the way, it seems like you’ve got the wrong idea about me and Bray. – Oh? – Yeah. I always kinda liked him from way back. But you know Bray, just when you think you’ve got your claws in him, he slips away again. – Is that right? – Anyway, I thought I’d give it one last try for old time’s sake. Nothing doing, he’s hooked on you. You do believe me, don’t you? What can I do? She didn’t buy it. – Thanks Ebony. (somber music) (baby whimpering) – Ah look that’s it, I can’t go any further. If I take another step, I’ll die. – Just to the top of this ridge, we’ll have a better view. – That’s what you said the last ridge and the one before that. Look we’re lost Tai-San and you know it. – You okay? – When this is over, I’ll be fine. – What’s happening, are we on course or what? – Uh not far now. – Good, ’cause we got no food left. – What about the dried fruit? – I said there’s nothing. – There’s plenty of sheep if you want to catch one. There better be a good restaurant up there. How much further? – That’s um, that’s a good question. – There better be a good answer, Jack. – Yeah well, there’s no easy way to say this. We’re um. – Jack, Jack, Jack, over here, over here! Come on you guys, it’s only a little further. – We’re there. – Let’s go. (dog barking loudly) (dramatic music) – [Amber] What is that? – [Jack] Well it’s an observatory of some kind. – Will there be people there? – Let’s go and find out, shall we? What do we say to them if we meet one? It’s locked? – What about the basement? – Ladies first. (upbeat music) Great. – This is what we risked our lives for, an empty building. What are we supposed to do now? – Ask the oracle. – Hey leave her alone. She brought us here didn’t she? – Oh I’m supposed to be grateful? I suppose it’s as good a place to starve as any. – Good work, Jack. Don’t just stand there, look around see if there’s anything we can use. – Look at them, still taking orders from Bray like good little sheep. – Shut up, Ebony. – What did you say? – You heard me, you’ve caused enough trouble. If you don’t like it here, then go back. No one would miss you. – Hey look. Anybody hungry? – What’s it doing? – [Jack] Um nothing. – Try tapping the coordinates again. – Well what do you suggest, typing them in backwards? – What now? – It’s anybody’s guess. – Well it’s gonna show us a cure for the virus, for sure. And we’ll be heroes, and rich too when we get our hands on that formula. I knew it, I said this trip would be worth the effort. – Why don’t you tell them the rest. – Who asked you? – Go ahead, tell them what happened to the antidote we already had. The one that saved your life. Or are you afraid you won’t seem so heroic anymore? – What’s she talking about, Lex? – Somebody destroyed the antidote in a fit of temper. Somebody so dumb, he couldn’t wind to find out if it worked. – It was me. I did it. I thought it was no good. You happy now? – Thanks. (computer keys clicking) – Hey um guys, I think I got something. – At last. – What is it? – A satellite, what satellite? – That’s what I’d like to know. – You mean like a spaceship with people on it? – Well I mean it could be unmanned, but the point is, it’s up there and this station is used for tracking it. – Well so go on, track it. – Hey give me a chance, I mean this is highly specialized software, you don’t just switch it on and say track the satellite now. (alarm blaring) – It’s voice activated. It’s doing it, it’s searching the skies. (computer beeping) – What does it mean? – It’s going on. – How can there be nothing there? – Easy, the adults put it up there and then it died, like they did. – Looks like we’re going to be joining them. – Pie in the sky, that’s all it was. I mean we didn’t even know what we were looking for. – Well how do you explain Tai-San’s dream? – It was a dream. – Oh Zandra. – Oh well that’s the end, finish, finito, the end. – This probably isn’t the best time for this, but uh look it’s been great being a Mall Rat, good times. But me and Zandra have been thinking, and we’re heading out tomorrow. We’re gonna go see what’s on the other side of the mountain. – Can I come with you, please? – Sure. You can be our butler. – Where did Bray go? – Bray? Bray? So, what, were you just gonna leave without a word? – I thought it’d be easier this way? – Yeah, well you would wouldn’t you. You always found it easier to run. – If you feel that strongly, Amber, why’d you come after me? – Because she’s crazy about ya. Isn’t that obvious? – You just keep out of it, it’s nothing to do with you. – Maybe not. But then again, I’ve never taken your advice, Amber. Why start now? Look I don’t know why you think he’s in love with Ebony, but it’s stupid. You’re wrong. You’re so wrong it’s not even funny. – Oh I get it? Boys in it together. He helped you out in there, so now you’re returning the favor. – Look why don’t we quit messing about now? Look at him. Why is he here? Have you asked yourself that? If he wanted to run off with Ebony, why did he come back and rescue us? ‘Cause he loves you, dummy, and you love him. That’s your cue to kiss her. Do I have to tell you how to do everything? – I’ve never really listened to him before either. – Nor me. (dramatic music) – She’s afraid the tribe will split up and she’ll be on her own again. I told her not to worry and that if it came to it you and I would look after her and Patsy. It would be kind of like starting our own family, but without all the dirty diapers. Did I say the right thing? – I’m staying, Jack, whatever happens. Will you stay and help me operate this thing? – But it’s hopeless. – I’m leaving in the morning. What are you doing, are you staying? – Oh man. Bray, Amber, look! (machinery buzzing) – Hey, have you seen it? – [Jack] Well we don’t know if it’s the satellite. – It’s doing it by itself. – Hey hey quiet, something’s coming through. (speaking in foreign language) – What’s it say? (speaking in foreign language) – What is that? – It sounds like Spanish. – What does that mean? – May God go with you. – Oh no. Please don’t go, don’t leave us! – [Announcer] Attention, this is a pre-recorded message. If you are listening to this, the only hope for humanity lies with you, whoever you are. Listen very carefully to what I have to say next. (dramatic music) ♪ Look into the future, what do you see ♪ ♪ I really need to know now is there a place for me ♪ ♪ Tell me where do we go from here ♪ ♪ Take me as you find me for what I am ♪ ♪ And when I make mistakes please understand ♪ ♪ And as long as I know you’re near ♪ ♪ There is nothing for me to fear ♪ ♪ Out of the darkness a light shines ♪ ♪ Burning through the coldest night ♪ ♪ And we can find our way ♪ ♪ Together we’ll make it ♪ ♪ With every step we take ♪ ♪ We’ll move closer together ♪ ♪ If we’re gonna survive the dream must stay alive ♪ ♪ Alive ♪


    1. Happy anniversary! The episodes look amazing in 1440p. I can't believe it's been 25 years. That is crazy. Keep the dream alive!

    2. 😱 wow! thank you cloud 9! it never crossed my mind to think of doing something like this first, watch it long haul while on board a flight to hawaii i just saw this now. Skip to my favourite episodes the beach gathering and dhal trudy camping out and burning up that map.

    3. Wow awesome, what a great gift to celebrate our 25th Anniversary! 😃🎉🙌🏽🎊💃🏽🙏🏽💖🥰

      I wrote something on the community page, but I also wanted to put it here, so yes — this is pasted from my previous comment — but I'm not a writer, so it took me a while to find the words to try to say how much The Tribe has meant to me all these years.

      Happy Anniversary to my Tribe family!
      I will always be grateful to all of you who helped to bring this series to me, way over here in the US — 🇺🇲❤️🇳🇿 — and when our city went into lockdown in 2020, I rewatched all five seasons, carefully rationing them, because I didn't know how long we'd be locked in.

      You've helped me through some very bleak times, like when my 17-year-old dog crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and you've helped me to keep alive the dream of adopting another dog who needs a home and lots of love.

      Sending love and thanks to all of you! 🥰

    4. Happy 25th anniversary this is probably one of the most loyal fan communities . This is still my all time favourite show since it first aired in the UK. I’ve been showing it to my younger cousin who is almost 12 she is loving it too. Keep the dream alive everyone.

    5. Wow, all of season 1 in one video!! Happy anniversary to The Tribe cast, crew and of course Ray, this show meant everything to me growing up and still does today. Thank you so much for this amazing quality video, and please tribe crew if you’re listing can I please have the mossy coat Trudy wears in season 5 I will pay $1000 for it (I’m serious) 💙💙

    6. This is so awesome! I believe I left a comment on how I got into the tribe around 2021, thanks to a streamer introducing it to me, and it has around found a special place in my heart as a Gen Z(er) lol. I hope to finish the show and get the books asap, I also hope you’ll do the other seasons eventually, but no pressure this is already enough 😊❤️ #KTDA

    7. Is there a 2nd seaosn on youtube? So hard to find. But thank you anyways for this. 😊I watched a episode years ago when i was young but my parents were stupidly strict so never got to see it. For some reason recently i remembered the 1st episode.

    8. I loved watching the tribe I watch it with my grandma when it was on channel 5 then I got it on dvd. I re watch it in lock down it felt so strange as it felt do close to home.

    9. Happy Anniversary to The Tribe! And let the binging begin, again! Is there any chance we can get the rest of the seasons in compilation videos, also?

    10. I absolutely love this. I hope all seasons will be uploaded like this. Please upload them all just like this one is, as one long show. 💖

    11. Back to my yearly watch of the tribe!! When Beth (amber) left at the end of season one, was it always planned behind the scenes for her to come back season 3? Or was it a decision made in pre production to it?

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