hello so it’s Friday so it’s Friday the 19th the 19th it’s Friday the 19th of April and off we are going off we are going away the thing is you can’t edit any of this then keep it all in if you just want it for us so we’re on our way to um the airport Manchester Airport and we’re heading to bordeau for the weekend we’re going to meet um Becca and Becca’s boyfriend what’s his name Ralph I don’t have a clue say Ralph I think he’s one of Ben’s kind from up North so of my kind maybe they’ll get along I think he’s into Cricket as well oh we’ll have a game then for brought you wh so yeah we’re leaving all of this room behind because as we’re driving it’s chucking it down as always it’s been a really grumpy weather year so far this year so leaving it all behind we’re heading to France where it is 20° and sunshine so yeah it should be nice yeah so we’re heading there for wine tasting so tomorrow we’ve booked to hire out some bikes for the day and we’re just going to cycle around all of The Vineyards and drink wine eat food and check out the nice views so it should be a really nice chilled weekend we’re originally supposed to be flying at 7:00 a.m. this morning but then the flight got changed until 7:00 p.m. so that was changed a couple of months ago so we would have already been there now but um yeah we’re on our way and sure we can have a little glass of wine at the airport can’t do you know what I’m looking forward to having that vine you’re looking forward to in the airport yeah how do like an airport Pine yeah hopefully it’s quiet and we can just get through we’ve left quite early so it’s qu to 4: so we’ve got plenty of time our flights at like 700 p.m. 20 7 yeah 20 7 so it leaves us plenty of time just to relax and have a drink before the flight so yeah see you there see you thereat see you over there see you over [Music] there this is England traffic for you terrible absolutely [Music] terrible so yeah for the last hour we’ve been stuck in traffic that hasn’t been moving the time’s kept creeping up and all because of a supposed vehicle fire and we haven’t seen the fire yet have we no but Ben’s desperate to see this fire so that it can at least justify why we’ve been not moving and why we’re Bor a line going and SM our flight so yeah at least the time’s coming down now we’ve now got 12 minutes to go we’ve just called the car place and apparently none of their bus well they the buses are affected by this but they’ve got alternative routes so should be fine we just not go have time to have a drink when we get to the airport we might be a bit rushed we have a drink on the plane you’ll need one won’t you so we’re on the bus now and we should be okay by the time we get to the airport we should have a solid hour to quickly get free security then I’ll have to get I’m going to drink three pins I only drink three pints and get searched then looks suspicious so I feel like they always go after him I’ll be fine though so I’ll just breeze on through and meet him on the flight so we should be okay we’re not sat on the plane though are we no unfortunately but I’m hoping that the plane’s not going to be full and that we can’t actually sit together everybody will be late and not make it anyway what so just be me and you going I’ll see you later then everyone are you happier now youve just stuffed your face and now I’m getting a camera on me look at your I ate mine first I actually finished mine first it’s good what did you go for the Korean chicken Korean chicken burger is it nice it was good do you like it yeah yeah it was good and the current flight time is 8:03 so stay tuned oh what that like saying so we’ve arrived at the other side now and we’re looking to get an Uber 26 EUR 20 yeah that’ll do good morning good morning good morning so this is our budget room ivis budget we went into the nice IIs and then we got sent to the Riff Raff budget actually walked in the IIs budget and said no no we walked in the IIs didn’t we and they’re like now you’re in the budget section so we got pointed to the budget so this is what you get for Budget good the wa for is it three nights yeah it was like under 60 a night yeah it’s not too bad does the job so we’re about to head to get the bus to the train station and we’re heading St amelon we’re getting bikes and cycling around all of the wineries so let’s go [Music] so we’re at the train station train station’s over here just having a tea and coffee what tea did you get a green [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we’re here now in St amelon we’re just walking from the train station to collect our bikes and it is so beautiful surrounded by Vineyards and the weather’s lovely the Sun’s shining and apparently we’re quite lucky with that cuz apparently it has been raining this week so yeah we’re Super Lucky it’s just um the sun’s just come out now and yeah it’s lovely lovely lovely absolutely lovely [Music] so this route is somewhat off track going down this like kind of dry muddy route um which is where the map’s taken is it feels a bit weird we’re hoping it’s right but surrounded by Vineyard so I think we should be on the right track [Music] he [Music] so the first Winery was closed so it’s 5 11 we’re thinking maybe they open at 12 so hopefully at some point one of them will be [Music] open oh hello oh hello oh hello well this is very [Music] pleasant so we’re on to winery number two close I feel like they’re not going to open until 12 yeah but that’s fine we’ll just keep keep cycling around so nice and relaxing get to the next one at 20 11 okay so we’ll see yeah look at these cars the van [Music] so Vineyard number two also closed so now we’re off to Vineyard number three it’s now half1 so hopefully we’re going for that midday opening yeah got to be 12 it You’ think so has to be wrong side M all right yeah you’d like to think he going to be 12:00 but we’re enjoying the cycling and the views so all good I am getting a hungry now though I didn’t really have breakfast so I’m looking forward to some ham and cheese cheese and H some bread yeah some bread nice little [Music] Tapas F chains come off can you just pull down on on here uh no uh on this bit here it should just fall down this Evergreen Oak Tree so Evergreen Oak because the shape of this tree never change all here it is always that green it is age over two centuries wow so how old are these then H the excavation of essential for the vines because above us you have the vines right and the roots of the V are hiding themselves inside this rock you sell them on to like for whiskey Brown alcohols yeah in general yeah and here when you touch the barel you will feel it cool fresh this is perfect because the temperature down here is always that stable around 12° C so the best is really average around 12 for the barrels thank you wow so what what in terms of flavor what do you think we should Al on this one which is a very yum wine and very uh easy drinking wine you feel something like riceberry red cherries Aromas here even though you have some fresh and tight dry tanins on your tongue on your palette it is very fruity so you can give away this sharpness as aity tanins through the decanting so 2011 you can tell it is ready to drink now because this one will be more balanced less acidic less sharp less tanic the tanins will be much more softer it will be much more smoother and you’ll feel the Aromas of black fruit like uh black current black berries one after the other still the last one that’s very and it is very poor itical you see we see call it candles in the vines it is so partical you have light all around to see it you have to go to on the internet because you need otherwise you need to wake up at 3 a.m. but you have it in the internet on YouTube or Daily Motion you can see those oh amazing it sounds really nice I’m surprised they don’t do like TOS you know to drive to come around and see it cuz I reckon that would look amazing too late midle of the night so we finished with the 2002 uh which is the same as the 2011 90% mlo 10% cab Frank so the only difference is the age because this one is now 22 years old so something really really ready to drink you can tell and they are they are first of all the color has changed if you look on on top of this white tissue you see see let me help you see let me help you put the leg on the table you bend it this way you see okay yeah through here W I see what you mean yeah we call it the flame of the wine so getting older the wine color or the wine flame will turn that brecky and orangey oh wow yeah the uh the bottle okay we to take the capsule off like this so when you open this type of bottle you when you go with this kind spiral opener you have to go till the end otherwise you can use this this type of uh opener yeah we wouldn’t have been able to do this no no really no way [Music] the you rot it you see oh yeah you take it out but it still crumbles [Applause] [Music] so after cycling around um all of The Vineyards and we weren’t really having a lot of luck but then we came to the last the final one Vineyard number eight and um we cycled past we like oh it doesn’t look open but then we thought oh we may as well go and check and we got really lucky because this is actually the nicest one by far and they let us in we had a really really nice tour and um we tried some wines they’re really nice and she said that we could sit around and have some wine if we bought some so um of course B wanted to get the most expensive and the oldest so we’re now drinking wine from 1983 which was 6 years before I was born 7 years before Ben was born that’s didn’t it to think and it cost us 05 so it’s like syrup like I don’t know if you can pick up on camera we haven’t tried it yet but the color it’s like really orangey she did say the older wines are orangey it’s weird because the cork didn’t come out properly because of the age and she said that’s normal with this age we don’t know if that’s true we don’t know enough about we didn’t there was no effort to he can even no so the cor kind of like crumbled inside so we do have bits of cork floating around but oh well um but we sat with the most really amazing view and we’re going to try it so here we go this is mental like I don’t this is like I’ve never seen a wine like this before it’s like orange syrup swirl it around I want to see both reactions all right smell taste oh yeah this is first time a smell to actually want say okay so it smells smells like a por like said like a p or like a lure trying it yeah myou tastes different just don’t it it tastes it’s very smooth yeah it’s very very easy to drink very weird after bit of a almost barely tastes like wine yeah it doesn’t taste like wine cuz this is supposedly uh 12 and 1 12% 198 just crazy you can’t really tell taste the alcohol I’m glad we got it it’s nice it’s interesting we need to keep the bottle for that price3 I mean more for the year as well I’ve never had a mine this old yeah [Music] B [Music] wa [Music] so we carried on cycling along we were planning to head back to the train station but then we passed another Vineyard and we thought we’d try our luck and we got lucky she welcomed Us in and we sampled some more [Music] wine too easy summer friendy Wily H wine 80 mow 20 up front young Vine only and no old Barrel standless Ste super easy and after we’ll do the the old barrel all the vine and so so that’s just to continue you want me to finish with a little bit of sweet that’s really because because normally this is not on my car my is very very low [Music] [Applause] [Music] no cuz my’s in it am I in it yeah I’m in it oh [Music] Cil this electric biking Malak is a bit crazy so we just had a McDonald’s to build the void should have probably gone to like got some nice French quizy Tapas or something but no we got nice big burger I was absolutely starving I’m still starving think so I’m going to be eating all night now we’re just having a drinky here and we’re eating over there so not far to walk we just had a McDonald’s cuz we were so I wish we like that we should have come here and eaten something from here to me it been gorgeous you cigarette it’s a GoPro it’s not a photo yeah it’s AO good morning good morning good afternoon actually um so yeah we’re a little bit hung over today went a bit mental last night I had a few too many and we now up and we’ve had we’ve had um plate of cheese and tomatoes for breakfast as you do I me it’s it’s a bit more like complex than that it’s full of mozzarella and some Tomatoes it’s really nice so we’re just wandering around today I think we just I think we’ve got an idea yeah we’ve got a bit of a loose plan to just basically explore and stop and try stop and try food here and there it’s a bit of a foodie day and then a bit later when we’re feeling a bit better we will get back on the wine because we have um we bought a bottle of wine yesterday we should do sorry we should um yeah have that bottle of wine oh yeah see how we get on actually but um that place was pretty good we went to yesterday do you know you could like get a card and fill it up yeah that was good actually that was a really nice place yeah so we’ll see how the day goes but we’re just exploring I’ve just went back and just changed into some longer pants cuz it is it’s lovely but it’s still a bit chilly Breezy of a chill in the a [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is the wine that we bought yesterday from um one of the wineries and we didn’t actually talk about that Winery but the woman was like she was so nice but wasn’t she hilarious she was just like completely off a rocker as they say wasn’t she I thought she were drinking as well yeah she seemed drunk but she was so nice so I can’t I can’t remember if we said but um we had about four or five wines there and then we said oh we like can we pay she said oh it’s free it’s tasting and yeah she was just feed in his loads of wine but so we we didn’t want to take it for free so we bought this bottle of wine so little 2019 bottle and now we’re just oh no it’s 2021 just but so oh I thought we went for the 20 ride so did I 202 I don’t like her anymore 2019 and now we’re just satting a park drinking and if you do this in England you’ve got a problem if you do it here then everything’s [Music] fine what number five [Music] [Music] and 56 [Music] 53 is not the number that we want [Music] finally good morning hello how are you so this is the final day SL travel day and at this place for brunch um we actually walked past this yesterday and it was packed there was a massive CU so we B it must be good so we’re here just ordered some pancakes took a bit of nightmare to get in and get served and stuff but we’re here here so yeah just having our branch and then we’ll be making our way to the airport and that’s is done that’s it g bordo tick tick it off it’s been amazing my water so we’re at the airport now and have you ever seen an airport this dead

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