Alsace’s two most Iconic Villages, Riquewihr and Ribeauvillé are hands down two villages you don’t want to miss when visiting the area of Alsace in France.

    Riquewihr: Our third destination is Riquewihr, a village frozen in time. Its well-preserved medieval architecture, colorful façades, and delightful shops offer a glimpse into the past. As you meander through its streets, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a fairytale world.

    Ribeauvillé: Our final stop, Ribeauvillé, is a hidden treasure known for its natural beauty. This small village is embraced by vineyards and surrounded by the Alsace Wine Route. The tranquil ambiance and the storks that call this village home create a unique fairytale atmosphere.

    Thing to do in Riquewihr and Ribeauvillé include wine tasting, cheese tasting, hiking, bicycle rides through the vineyards and walking and wandering the beautiful decorated streets of these beautiful towns.
    They are each home to amazing Christmas markets and are perfect for visiting both during the Christmas and summer holidays

    Join us on this visual adventure as we uncover the magical allure of these five fairytale villages in Alsace, France. From the quaint streets to the delightful local traditions, each village has its own story to tell, and we can’t wait to share them with you. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our travel explorations.

    Thank you for embarking on this journey with us, let’s dive into the captivating charm of Alsace’s fairytale villages together.


    Hip Hop Christmas by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

    法国东部的阿尔萨斯感觉就像身处一个自己的国家。童话般的 村庄之国,与这个法国看起来肯定有很大不同……说到阿尔萨斯旅行,里博维莱和 利克维是每个游客都需要体验的两个基石童话般的村庄。里博维莱 有 4,643 名居民。它的魅力源于蜿蜒的小巷,两旁遍布手工商店 和阿尔萨斯标志性的半木结构房屋。从世界上最好的奶酪到 阿尔萨斯著名的法国葡萄酒,您的肚子将像您的眼睛一样得到满足。该村庄周围环绕 着 850 公顷的葡萄园,这里出产琼瑶浆 (Gewürztraminer) 和黑比诺 (Pinot Noir) 等著名的阿尔萨斯葡萄品种。 里博维莱确实有一颗皇冠上的明珠,那就是圣乌尔里希城堡。城堡遗址坐落 在城镇后面的森林中。步行即可轻松到达这些遗址,而且 为了欣赏这里的景色,这是非常值得的。到了童话般的村庄怎么能 不去城堡呢。这里不收门票,100%免费供您享受。 沿路行驶 4.9 公里,驾车 9 分钟即可到 达利克维 (Riquewihr)。这里有古朴的鹅卵石道路,但人口只有 1,026 人。它的 街道和半木结构的房屋装饰着鲜艳的花朵,维护得非常好, 这里的颜色可以与阿尔萨斯所有其他村庄相媲美。 村庄 周围的 780 公顷葡萄园 只是阿尔萨斯 51 个不同葡萄园的 15,500 公顷葡萄园的沧海一粟。 这两个村庄周围的风景非常适合步行穿过葡萄园 ,并在日落时欣赏阿尔萨斯连绵起伏的丘陵的黄金时段美景。这两个村庄 是传奇圣诞市场的所在地,每年吸引超过 30,000 名游客。 归根结底,这两个城镇的主要吸引力在于 每个角落都有很酷的东西可以看到。这里的建筑都超级独特, 到处都是创意好玩的商店,气氛充满了快乐。这也可以 在欢乐时光和假期期间进行增压。最重要的是, 当法国其他大部分地区看起来像这样时,你肯定会感觉自己身处一个不同的世界……


    1. Wow, this video of the French villages is amazing! It feels just like a fairytale. I'm completely taken by its beauty and charm. Just subscribed👍I'm excited for more wonderful videos like this!

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