1. Looks awesome, by the way about the possible solution for GoPro 9 + Max lens I gave it some tests and thought and I think it's not practical, ask Adrian from Gyroflow perhaps as an expert he can come up with new ideas but I think they're much more on the cinema level stuff so this would be like small time crap, but it looks so good I don't think there's currently a better option than GoPro other than using a big professional video camera instead, I'm using a insta360 x3 camera now but the quality is so crap in reality compared to GoPro 9, now they launched the Insta360 x4 with 8K but unless I see the video quality with my own eyes I wouldn't have much hope with other brands, in fact Adrian from Gyroflow recommended an Insta360 Go 3 only as a gyro data recorder (it's tiny small and easy to attach to a camera) and apparently records super precise gyro data which can later be used with a GoPro 10 or 11 or 12 that have the capacity to disable the internal rolling shutter correction , so the workflow would be something like: mount a GoPro + Max lens with a Insta360 Go3, record in both devices, then join the Gopro video with the Insta360 gyro data in Gyroflow

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