Hello my Brothers and Sisters and welcome back to my channel.

    If you’re new here, Hello and Welcome and if your returning, welcome back! This video you will see the Remembrance Ride 2023 in Portsmouth.

    Another year has past and another we remember. We remember those who fought, died and survived war. We honour their memories, their brave sacrifice, and we remember their service.

    At the tolling of the bell, we will remember. 🌹

    We will remember their bravery, we will remember their sacrifice, we will remember that they had hopes and dreams and yet, they laid them down to fight for our freedom, our future. ❤️

    They gave their lives. They sacrificed their future lives for ours. They were scared on the battlefield, they faced death and they did their duty. 🌹
    ❤️ To those who lost their lives. To those who survived. You are honoured, you are appreciated and… you are remembered! ❤️

    With love, respect and pride, I will remember them.




    Thanks again for watching and see you in the next video!

    All the best!



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